Mobile Attendance management System using android...
Atendance management System
The The proj roject ect Attendanc been develo developed ped for Attendancee Managem Management ent System System has been World World User for android market and college user. The Application Application is mainly focused on College Administration in mobile application. It helps the users to maintain theirs various details. The main advantage of using this application is it reduces the time of generating time table to all over the classes and staffs details are maintained. The process in this project is to be organi!ed to College College Staff and Subject" Class batch #ise" And And Also Also $aintained by Student Attendance details organi!ed by staff directly %esponsibility of the vision of my captur captured ed Studen Studentt detail details" s" Class Class based based Attenda ttendance nce hour hour #ise #ise orga organi! ni!ed ed mobile application. The &roject Coding is based Several Tools is used to develop the this mobile application 'java jdk ( are so #ell connected that the protect resembles to the computeri!ation of the Web services operation of the firm. The database design and coding techni)ues has highly enhanced and optimi!ed. This makes the application an overall user friendly and easy for naive users. The tools tools constitut constitutes es Android Android S*+ mobile mobile application applicationss
developmen development" t" ,ava ,ava ,dk ,dk "-clip "-clipse se
#hich #hich #ill be displayed displayed #hen authori!e authori!ed d person uses the
soft#are soft#are and developed developed on inu/ environmen environmentt #hich is platform dependen dependentt in mobility application. The back end tool constitutes S)l lite database and developed on #indo#s environment #hich is platform independent. It helps the clients to keep up theirs different points of interest. The principle favorable position of utili!ing this application is it decreases the season of producing time table to every#here throughout throughout the classes and staff0s staff0s subtle elements are kept up. The procedure in this undertaking is to be sorted out to
College Staff and Subject Subject and Class cluster savvy "And "And Also Also $aintained by by Student Attendance Attendance subtle elements composed by staff specifically %esponsibility of the vision of my caught Student points of interest "Class based Attendance Attendance hour #ise" Staff login maintained maintained Timetable Timetable vision 1or Staff #ise 2enerated %eport displayed and Class "*epartment Wise %eports are displayed based on User ogin &references composed versatile application
Features Fea tures of the system: •
Admin o!in: Admin has an account in the system from where he administers all the information and dierent faculty accounts. Student Lo!in: Students can view class timetable online and even holidays and events. Fa"uty information: The system contains all the updated information of the faculty like their personal details, salary details, lectures details and so on. S"heduin! "asses: The system also maintains timetable of all the lectures being conducted every day. student account Student#s detais: The system contains a student where it maintains the student details and even student batch timings Subject Details are are Su$%e"t detais: The system contains a Subject aintained with Sta integrated with and subject hour allocation included u ser Attendan"e :this module is only accessable for sta user only to attendance for students ,hourly based attendance generate Re&ort: o Timetable Timetable
o o o
Student Details Sta details Attendance details
e!isting system
provide the
convenient that the proposed system provides. The Sta has to not maintain portable Student attendance System in smart phone application based. based. There is no user "reference "reference login based Time Table Table Displayed in class wise and Sta wise Time table generate in android obile Application . DEMERITS OF T*E E(ISTIN) S'STEM
The most important dra#back of the e/isting system is that Staff has
to totally depend on the Student Attendance Attendance 3ook at the time of need. Anot Anothe herr deme demeri ritt of the the e/is e/isti ting ng syst system em is that that the the proc proces esss of obtaining the Time Table is not an easy task.
PROPOSED SYSTEM The system system #ill #ill overcom overcomee all the ambigu ambiguity ity.. The The projec projectt provid provides es the
fle/ible" reliable" simple and most po#erful system to get the list of Time Table from Staff #ise and *epartment #ith Class Wise %eport 2enerated. The project consists of three users namely admin" Staff" Student" This applications organi!ed
based user login &references can register their details and through mobile application the users can find the easily and re)uest for their help. FEATURES OF PROPOSED SYSTEM The
most important feature of the proposed proposed system is that
the the sta sta can can acce access ss time time tabl table e hour hour wise wise repor eportt with with subject The
feature of the proposed system is that the system
provides a list of Student of that particular Attendance speci#ed class for which the user has re$uested present or Absent.
Another important feature of proposed system is that it is easy and e%cient to use.
e!ecution e!ecution
development environment and tools that are needed to develop and implement tools used
(S)("*S)+D(+ -)/, 0)0/
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' 1niversal obile Telecommunications System
' 2ircuit Switched Data
' 3igh4Speed Downlink "acket Access
' 3igh4Speed 1plink "acket Access
2up 5367 cup chipset
' 809 3:
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The con#guration given below is the 3ardware 3ardware handled for the system development. 5Windo#s " Ubuntu inu/ server"$ac.
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