Andrew Wright S Creating Stories With Children Book Review - Compress

February 5, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Nkmr`w Zrfjht‖s Or`ntfkj _tcrf`s wfth Ohfamr`k Bcce r`vf`w By Jcrmnkn _tcecvfĊ, ]`noh`r ]rnfkfkj Gnouaty, Pkfv`rsfty cg B`ajrnm`

E`y wcrms<  stcrf`s, notfvftf`s, jrcups, t`nohfkj @kjafsh, or`ntfv` wcre


]h` bcce ‑Or`ntfkj ‑Or`ntfkj stcrf`s wfth ohfamr`k’ ohfamr`k’ shcuam b` ck` cg prfinry r`scuro` bcces kct lust gcr t`noh`rs whc t`noh @kjafsh ns n gcr`fjk ankjunj`, but gcr naa p`cpa` thnt wcre wfth ohfamr`k. Ft jfv`s mfr`otfcks ck e`y nsp`ots cg ankjunj` t`nohfkj, suppaf`s `xnipa`s nkm icm`as, ns w`aa ns notuna oanssrcci int`rfnas nkm i`thcms. ]h` notfvftf`s fk th` bcce nr` `xpanfk`m oa`nray nkm sfipay, wfth nfis nkm nj` rnkj`. ]h` nuthc nuthcrr cg th` bcce, bcce, Nkmr`w Nkmr`w Zrfjht Zrfjht,, fs nk nuthc nuthcr, r, faaust faaustrnt rntcr, cr, t`noh` t`noh`rr trnfk` trnfk`rr nkm stcr stcryt yt`a `aa` a`r. r. H` hn hns s wrft wrftt` t`k k inky inky bc bcce ces s gc gcrr t`no t`noh` h`rs rs,,

suoh suoh ns ‑Jni` Jni`s s gcr Ankjunj` Ankjunj`

A`nrkf A`n rkfkj kj’, ’, ‑>444+ ‑>444+ Tfotur Tfotur`s `s gcr ]`noh` ]`noh`rs rs tc Ocpy’, Ocpy’, ‑Gfv`‑Gfv`-ifk ifkut` ut` Notfvf Notfvftf` tf`s’  s’ , nkm th` ocipnkfck bcce tc thfs ck`, ‑_tcryt`aafkj ‑ _tcryt`aafkj wfth Ohfamr`k’, Ohfamr`k’, nasc fk th` s`rf`s. H` hns nasc wrftt`k   _p`aabfkm`r , n s`rf`s cg sfx bcces gcr ohfamr`k nt thr`` a`v`as. H` hns wcre`m fk inky ocuktrf`s ns n t`noh`r trnfk`r, ockstnktay gcousfkj ck th` us` cg ockstruotfv` nkm pa`nsnkt notfvftf`s fk th` oanssrcci. R`o`ktay, h` hns wcre`m wfth n act cg stum`kts ns n stcryt`aa`r nkm stcry-ine`r. Fk th` bcce, h` ocksfm`rs thnt ft‖s k`o`ssnry gcr ohfamr`k tc ine` stcrf`s ns w`aa ns tc h`nr  nkm r`spckm tc stcrf`s tcam by t`noh`rs, pnr`kts, cr cth`rs. ]h` nuthcr `xpanfks thnt wh`k ohfamr`k or`nt` stcrf`s, th`y tne` th`fr `xp`rf`ko` nkm ine` ft fipcrtnkt gcr th`is`av`s.  Nkm wh`k n ohfam ine`s n stcry fk n gcr`fjk ankjunj`, th` ankjunj` b`oci`s hfs cwk. ]h` gfrst bcce grci thfs s`rf`s, ‑_tcryt`aafkj ‑ _tcryt`aafkj wfth Ohfamr`k’, Ohfamr`k’, ocktnfks notfvftf`s nkm nmvfo` ck h`apfkj ohfamr`k tc r`spckm notfv`ay tc th` stcry. ]hfs bcce tne`s th`i `v`k gurth`r, h`apfkj th`i tc or`nt` th`fr cwk stcrf`s. Ft nasc faaustrnt`s hcw tc nssfst pupfas tc ine` up th`fr cwk tna`s. Ft suppcrts crfjfknafty, s`ag-ockgfm`ko`, gau`koy nkm noournoy fk spce`k nkm wrftt`k @kjafsh. Fk shcrt, th` bcce fktrcmuo`s or`ntfv` wrftfkj sefaas by pr`s`ktfkj ohfamr`k hcw tc crjnkfz` stcrf`s. ‑Or`ntfkj stcrf`s wfth ohfamr`k’ ohfamr`k’ fs mfvfm`m fktc `fjht ohnpt`rs, whfoh gcaacw `noh cth`r fk n acjfon acj fonaa pntt`r pntt`rk. k. ]h` gfrst gfrst ohnpt` ohnpt`rr fs   _tcry wnri`rs wnri`rs,, nkm ft pr`s`kts inky wnys hcw tc ictfvnt` ohfamr`k ck or`ntfkj nkm t`aafkj stcrf`s. ]h`r` nr` nasc s`a`otfcks ck m`sorfptfv` ankjunj`, t`xt ockstruotfcks,  R`t`aafkj ,  ]h` orngt cg stcryt`aafkj ,   B`jfkkfkjs nkm `kmfkjs, >


Gfaafkj fk nkm gfaafkj cut, _tnrtfkj wfth ck` thfkj  ns thfkj  ns w`aa ns _crtfkj ns  _crtfkj nkm s`qu`kofkj.  s`qu`kofkj.   Tupfas nr` `kocurnj`m tc pubafsh nkm shcw th`fr stcrf`s thrcujh n s`otfck   Inefkj bcces  nt th` `km cg thfs bcce.

@xo`pt th` sfipa`, but w`aa wrftt`k t`xt, th` bcce fs guaa cg jr`nt faaustrntfcks, mrnwk by th` nuthcr nut hcr hfis`a hfis`ag. g. ]h` bcce bcce nasc nasc fkoaum fkoaum`s `s phctc phctcocp ocpfnb fnba` a` wcresh wcresh``t ``ts s nkm nkm `nsy-t `nsy-tc-m c-mrnw rnw pfotur`s.

Bcce crjnkfzntfck crjnkfzntfck

_tcry wnri`rs fs th` gfrst ohnpt`r fk th` bcce. Fk thfs ohnpt`r, th` nuthcr pr`s`kts kfk`t``k notfvftf`s thnt onk h`ap th` ohfamr`k tc j`t th`i fktc n stcry inefkj iccm. ]h` notfvftf`s nr` scrt`m fk gfv` jrcups0 tc =4 ifkut`s. Naa th` fm`ns nr` fkv`ktfv` nkm crfjfkna, nkm th`r` fs n act cg spno` a`gt gcr th` t`noh`r tc fiprcvfs` fk hfs cwk oanssrcci. Zh`k tnaefkj nbcut Gfaafkj nbcut  Gfaafkj fk nkm gfaafkj cut , th` pupfas hnv` n s`rf`s cg pnrts cg fkgcrintfck whfoh ou` th`fr stcry-inefkj. ]h` bfts cg fkgcrintfck onk b` nkythfkj< n sfkja` wcrm cr n ackj`r t`xts tc ocpy5 pfotur`s mrnwk by ohfamr`k cr grci injnzfk`s5 nbstrnot pfotur`s5 inps5 ?


iusfo5 kck-v`rbna scukms5 cbl`ot tc g``a...- nkythfkj! ]h` s`rf`s onk b` rnkmci cr struotur`m. ]h` s`qu`ko` cg fkgcrintfck h`aps th` ohfamr`k tc ockstruot th`fr stcrf`s fk nk crm`r`m wny. Ft onk b` pr`s`kt`m ns `noh bft cg fkgcrintfck fk crm`r tc `xpanfk whnt ft r`pr`s`kts. Fg th` bfts cg fkgcrintfck nr` pr`s`kt`m wfth kc pnrtfouanr  fm`n cg n s`qu`ko`, th` ohfam fs fk ohnrj` cg or`ntfkj ck` gcr hfis`ag. Fk th` notfvf notfvftf` tf`s s   _crtfkj _crtfkj nkm s`qu`kof s`qu`kofkj, kj,   pupfas pupfas hnv` hnv` s`v`rn s`v`rnaa pnrts pnrts cg fkgcr fkgcrin intfc tfck k fk kc pnrtfouanr crm`r. ]h`fr lcb fs tc us` sci` cr naa cg th` fkgcrintfck tc ine` th`fr cwk stcrf`s. ]h` bfts iny oci` grci th` t`noh`r, grci th` ohfam, nkm ft onk b` pr`s`kt`m thrcujh nky s`ks`. ]h` ]h ` pc pcfk fktt cg no notf tfvf vftf tf`s `s fk th th` ` jrcu jrcup p   _tnrtfk _tnrtfkj j wfth wfth ck` ck` thfkj  thfkj    fs tc st stnr nrtt cg cggg wfth wfth n sfkj sfkja` a` stfiua stfiuaus, us, whfoh whfoh onk b` nk fkt fkt`r` `r`stf stfkj kj pfotur pfotur`, `, n ohfam‖ ohfam‖s s mrnwfk mrnwfkj, j, n iusfo iusfo ocipcs ocipcsftf ftfck, ck, n s`kt`ko`, n wcrm, nk cbl`ot... ]h` nmvnktnj` cg stnrtfkj wfth ck` thfkj fs thnt th` pupfa onk r`naay ocko`ktrnt` ck ft nkm s`nroh cut fts sp`ofna m`tnfas nkm fts sp`ofna nsscofntfcks gcr  hfi. ]h` nuthcr pcfkts cut thnt th` t`ohkfqu` cg bubbafkj nkm oaust`rfkj mfsouss`m fk th` s`ockm ohnpt`r onk b` v`ry h`apgua gcr stfrrfkj up nsscofntfcks, i`icrf`s, ockk`otfcks, nkm r`ant`m wcrms cr phrns`s afke`m tc th` gfrst stfiuaus. Fk th` ohnpt`r  Inefkj  Inefkj bcces, th` bcces,  th` nuthcr wrft`s nbcut twc wnys cg inefkj stcrf`s nkm bcces< or`ntfkj th` stcry nkm th`k th` bcce nkm or`ntfkj th` bcce nk th`k th` stcry. H` nasc `xpanfks thnt n ockv`ktfckna bcce h`aps ohfamr`k tc ine` th`fr stcrf`s icr` wfm`ay nvnfanba` nkm icr` prcg`ssfckna accefkj. Ck th` cth`r hnkm, or`ntfv`ay nkm ukockv`ktfcknaay m`sfjk`m bcces nr` kct lust us`m tc put stcrf`s fk, but tc fkspfr` th` stcrf`s th`is`av`s by th`fr sp`ofna ohnrnot`r. ]hfs ]hf s ohnpt` ohnpt`rr fs prcbn prcbnbay bay th` icst icst fkt fkt`r` `r`stf stfkj kj fk th` bcce, bcce, sfko` sfko` ft hns sci` sci` fkt`r` fkt`r`stf stfkj kj nrtfstfo fm`ns ck inefkj n or`ntfv` pubafontfck. ]h`r` nr` n act cg faaustrntfcks nkm `nsy tc gcaacw jufm`s ck hcw tc ine` ockv`ktfckna bcces, hcw tc gcam th` bcce‖s sh``ts, hcw tc sfm` stnpa` n bcce, cr hcw tc tf` n bcce. N sp`ofna pnrt cg thfs ohnpt`r fs m`mfont`m tc tfps ck m`sfjkfkj th` tfta` cg th` bcce nkm th` ocv`r. ]h`r`‖s nasc n pnrt nbcut inefkj ukockv`ktfckna bcces, afe` zfjznj bcces, ganp bcces, sorcaa bcces bcc es gcr ca cam m a`j`km a`j`kms, s, a`t a`tt`r t`r bcces, bcces, icbfus icbfus strfp strfp gcr `v`ran `v`ranstf stfkj kj stcrf` stcrf`s, s, pcp-up pcp-up bcces, bcces, shnp` bcces... ]h` fm`ns str`toh str`toh grci ockv`ktfckn ockv`ktfcknaa `v`rymny `v`rymny scautfcks scautfcks gcr pubafshfk pubafshfkj j n stcry, stcry, tc nrtfstfo, nrtfstfo, ukusuna, nat`rkntfv`, gukky fm`ns. _ci` cg th` bcces inm` afe` thfs onk `v`k b` fkt`rpr`t`m icr` afe` n jni`, th`k n bcce.  Nt th` `km cg th` bcce, th`r` fs nk `xtrn ohnpt`r onaa`m Gurth`r r`nmfkj. Ft ocktnfks n brf`g  afst cg =? bcces nkm cth`r pubafontfcks thnt ifjht b` fkt`r`stfkj tc t`noh`r-r`nm`rs. Naa th` ft`is ck th` afst nr` sfifanr tc th` bcce tcpfo, nkm k`xt tc `v`ry tfta` fs n shcrt m`sorfptfck cg  =


thnt pubafontfck.


Ocksfm Ock sfm`rf `rfkj kj `v`ryt `v`rythfk hfkj j wrftt` wrftt`k k fk thf thfs s nknays nknaysfs, fs, ft iny b` snfm snfm thnt thnt th` bcce ‑Or`ntfkj  stcrf`s wfth ohfamr`k’ ohfamr`k’ ocuam b` v`ry us`gua gcr thcs` t`noh @kjafsh ns n gcr`fjk ankjunj`, ns w`aa ns gcr naa p`cpa` thnt wcre wfth ohfamr`k. Ft jfv`s jccm fm`ns ck hcw tc ictfvnt` ohfa ohfamr mr`k `k tc wcre wcre,, supp suppaf af`s `s `n `nsy sy-t -tcc-gc gcaa aacw cw `x `xni nipa pa`s `s nk nkm m icm` icm`as as,, ns w`aa w`aa ns no notu tuna na oanssrcci int`rfnas nkm i`thcms. ]h`r` nr` pa`kty cg notfvftf`s fk th` bcce grci thcs` cam gnshfck`m nkm ockv`ktfckna, naa th` wny tc thcs` thnt nr` ukusuna, ntypfona, ukociick, gukky... ]h` crjnkfzntfck cg th` bcce fs oa`nr nkm `nsy tc gcaacw. @v`rythfkj fs w`aa `xpanfk`m nkm th`r` nr` n act cg faaustrntfcks thnt h`ap th` r`nm`r tc ukm`rstnkm th` t`xt. ]h` ohnpt`rs nr` acjfonaay mfvfm`m, nkm gcaacw `noh cth`r fk n rntfckna crm`r. @v`ry ohnpt`r hns n th`cr`tfona fktrcmuotfck, n ocupa` cg jufmnko` fktrcmuotfcks ck hcw tc r`nm th` ohnpt`r, nkm n ocupa` cg oanss so`knrfcs thnt th` r`nm`r onk `nsfay put fk notfck wfth hfs cwk pupfas. R`jnrmfkj n oanss so`knrfc by fts`ag, th` usuna struotur` fs `nsfay vfsfba`. ]h` gfrst thfkj thnt fs pcfkt`m cut fs th` a`v`a cg th` ankjunj` ekcwa`mj` thnt th` stum`kts k``m tc mc th` `x `x`r `rof ofs` s`.. Ocks Ocksfm fm`r `rfk fkj j th thfs fs,, th th`r `r` ` nr` nr` th thr` r`` ` a`v` a`v`as as jfv` jfv`k k fk th thfs fs bc bcce ce. ]urk`r, ]urk`r, L. (>6::.), Tsyohcac Tsyohcacjy jy gcr th` oanssrcci, oanssrcci, I`thu`k, I`thu`k, Ackmck Ackmck 2. Zrfjht, N. 2442, 2442, Or`ntfkj stcrf`s wfth ohfamr`k, Cxgcrm Cxgcrm Pkfv`rsfty Pkfv`rsfty Tr`ss, Cxgcrm ?. Zrfjht, N. (>660.), (>660.), _tcryt`aafkj _tcryt`aafkj wfth ohfamr`k, ohfamr`k, Cxgcrm Pkfv`rsfty Tr`ss, Tr`ss, Cxgcrm

***** hns jrnm jrnmun unt` t`m m grci grci th th` ` ]`no ]`noh` h`rr ]r ]rnf nfkf kfkj kj Gnou Gnouat aty, y, Pkfv Pkfv`r `rsf sfty ty cg  Jcrmnkn Jcrmn kn _tcecvfĊ _tcecvfĊ   hns B`ajrnm`. _h` wns wcrefkj ns n prfinry sohcca oanssrcci t`noh`r fk s`v`rna pubafo nkm prfvnt` fkt`rkntfckna prfinry sohccas. Ourr`ktay sh` fs n t`noh`r nsscofnt` nt th` ]`noh`r  ]r ]rnf nfkf kfkj kj Gnou Gnouat aty, y, Pkfv Pkfv`r `rsf sfty ty cg B`aj B`ajrn rnm` m` ck th th` ` subl subl`o `ott T`mn T`mnjc jcjf jfon onaa fkgc fkgcri rint ntfo fos. s.

 SstcecvfoDynhcc.oci jcrmnkn SstcecvfoDynhcc.oci


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