Andrew Wommack the True Nature of God
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The True True Nature Of God Recently the Lord woke me up at 3:30 a.m. with the words, “I have raised you up to change people’s opinion o !e. "hat will change their lives, and then they will change the world.# $ow% "hat pretty much sums it up. I people knew how good &od is, they would love 'im and live or 'im. "hat in turn would solve all the pro(lems o the world. )ut &od has (een so slandered that most people don’t know 'im as the good &od 'e really is. $hy is that* +ne o the (iggest pro(lems is religion’s misuse o the Law. "his has done tremendous damage to &od’s image. "he Law came (y !oses, (ut grace and truth came (y esus -hrist ohn /:/1. "he Law wasn’t inaccurate (ut incomplete. 2nd 2nd i it is not properly applied, it gives a wrong representation o &od. esus was the perect representation o &od 'e(. /:31. 'e said i we have seen 'im, then we have seen the ather ohn /4:51. 'e did e6actly what 'e saw 'is ather do ohn 7:/51. esus showed us that &od is love / ohn 4:81. 9et 'e was constantly accused o (reaking the Law. + course, esus didn’t (reak the Law. 'e’s the only +ne who ever truly kept the Law. )ut the mercy and grace esus e6tended toward people was radically dierent rom the “eye or eye# and “tooth or tooth# o the +ld "estament Law. esus orgave a woman whom the Law condemned to death ohn 8:///1. esus ate and ellowshipped with pu(licans and sinners, which the legalistic ews o 'is day wouldn’t do !att. 5://1. esus touched the untoucha(le !att. 8:31 and loved the unlova(le Luke 8:;1. 'e showed us grace and mercy, which the +ld "estament Law didn’t do. 2 wrong understanding understanding o the the purpose o the +ld "e "estament Law leads to a misunderstanding misunderstandin g o the nature o &od. !ost people (elieve &od gave the Law to show us what we needed to do to o(tain relationship with 'im. )ut the Law was never intended to (ring us into i nto relationship with our heavenly ather. ather. It was intended to show us our sin and our need or &od. It was given to show us how unholy we were so we would despair o trying to earn salvation and "he Law strengthened sin / -or. /7:7?1. > "he Law was a ministry o death and condemnation ; -or. 3: and 51. > "he Law gave guilt and knowledge o sin, not salvation Rom. 3:/5;01. > "he Law made sin come alive, and killed us Rom. :51. > "he Law magniied sin and produced hopelessness Rom. :/3;71. $hy would &od give us something with all these negative eects* eects* It was (ecause we were already (eaten (y sin and didn’t know it. )eore we could (e motivated to receive &od’s git o salvation (y grace through aith in a =avior, we needed to (e convinced that we couldn’t save ourselves. =o, the Lord revealed 'is standard o holiness the Law1, which was ininitely higher than any o us could ever attain. $e had to come to the end o ourselves (eore we could (egin to ind &od. "he Law was perectly suited to do that. It shut us up to aith so the only way we could look was up &al. 3:;31. $hen the Law is used or that purpose, then it is good / "im. /:81. )ut when people are taught that &od’s (lessings are dependent upon our perormance, that kills aith in what esus did or us. Religion has taught that we have to ulill the demands o the Law in order or &od to love us or use us. "hat’s totally wrong% or ;,000 years, ater 2dam’s all, &od dealt with mankind through mercy and grace, which wasn’t evident when the Law came. or instance, &od protected the irst murderer &en. 4:/71 instead o killing him as the Law later prescri(ed Lev. ;4:/1. 2(raham married his halsister, which the Law said was punisha(le (y death Lev. /8:51. aco( married two women who were sisters, which the Law condemned to death Lev. /8:/81. 9et 2(raham and aco( (ecame two great patriarchs o the +ld "estament (ecause &od wasn’t imputing man’s sins unto him at that time Rom. 7:/31. )ut when the Law came, &od’s wrath was released against sin Rom. 4:/71, and we got caught in the middle. &od smote people with leprosy @um. /;:/0 and ; -hr. ;?:/5 ;01 and all manner o plagues Aeut. ;8:/7?81 (ecause (ecause o sin. 9et this wasn’t &od’s original reaction to sin, as can (e seen (y the act that it was ;,000 years ater 2dam’s 2dam’s sin when 'e gave the Law and released 'is wrath. 'e wasn’t imputing man’s sin unto him until the Law was given.
'owever, the Law made sin come alive, and it killed us Rom. :51. "he Law released &od’s wrath Rom. 4:/71. "his served two main purposes. irst, &od’s display o 'is wrath against sin orever changed the way man thought o sin. @ow he had graphic evidence o how much &od hated sin, so this served as a deterrent to sin. =econd, and more importantly, the Law gave such a perect standard o perormance that those who understood understood it clearly saw that they could never (e good enough to receive anything rom &od. It took away any deception that &od owed us anything, and it made us throw ourselves on &od or mercy. "hat’s )I&, and that’s what the Law was intended to do. 2 proper use o the Law drives drives us to &od or or mercy and not not away rom &od &od in guilt and condemnation. +nce we come to esus and receive salvation as a git Rom. ?:;31, we are no longer under the Law (ut under grace Rom. ?:/41. &od always wanted to relate to us (y grace, (ut 'e couldn’t
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