Anchoring Script

July 16, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Anchoring Script Intro.

[A] With your permission owing dignity to the protocol let’s make humble beginning.

[B] Quotations/Illustration Quotations/Illustration solutions!  "wo  "wo roads di#ert in a wood wood I ha#e chosen one $et’s tra#el by  "hat’s make all the di%erence $adies and gentleman challenges become opportunity when we take them as pri#ilege.  "oday&&&&  "oday&&&&&.. &.. ['] (or the ground o) sa)ety precaution precaution lets know the e*it and entry o) the building. We are at third +our with se#en doors and two ele#ators. ,nsuring your com)ort you can a#ail rest room at my right/le)t I would like to re-uest to keep your mobile on silent mode )or smooth )unctioning o) meet today.

! $ighting $ighting o) the lamp lamp $ight )ade away darkness. $ight symbolie knowledge and wisdom )ree will. "o solemnie the special in#itation I would like to entreat&&&&&. "o illuminate this lamp lighting.

 0! Bou-uets presentation12 presentation12 3ome away 3ome away home home is per percept ceptio ion n to welc welcom ome e so some me sp spec ecia iall we don’ don’tt poss posses ess s ade-uate hospitality to bestow our lo#e. But we ha#e a set o) aesthetic +owers with that adorability may I re-uest to greet our guest with a bou-uets.


4! Welcome song12 5usic is uni#ersal language spoken out o) heart6 which needs only emotion sentiment and strong )eeling to understand. 3ere at your ser#ice a welcome song put your hands together )or the chorus.

7! 8ance item12 It’s natural to )eel about the rhythm o) music. "his music emerges )rom the depth o)  truth it becomes celebration. It’s time to tap your )eet with the musical beat. At your ser#ice we ha#e got a )antastic dance item. 3elp me welcome&&&&&&&.onto welcome&&&&&&&.onto the stage.

9!"alk/ 9!" alk/ :peech Words can mo#e the mountain. "here is synergic power in e#ery sense o) the word. Words moti#ate people to take action and make di%erence in li)e. We ha#e now an opportunity to )uel our thoughts. 5ay I re-uest &&&.. to bless us with your ideas and inspire our eal.

;!(elicitation1 2 An award moti#ates us to do better ne*t time. Winning doesn’ doesn’tt count much but a )air play matters. "oday we ha#e got talent to moti#ate with awards and certi
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