Anatomy Samplex 1st Year

November 9, 2017 | Author: Von Patrick Dela Rosa | Category: Common Carotid Artery, Neck, Arm, Elbow, Shoulder
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UST FMS - Department of Anatomy FIRST SHIFTING EXAMINATION October 13, 2015 I. A if statement is correct B if statement is incorrect True of the SCALP A 1. Cutaneous innervation comes from the branches of the cervical plexus and trigeminal nerve A 2.Muscles are inserted to the skin and galea aponeurotica B 3. Wounds bleed profusely because of the rich elastic fibers surrounding blood vessels A 4. Infection of the skin would spread to the meninges via the emissary vein What anatomical terms can be used in transverse planes A 5. Anterior and posterior B 7. Distal and proximal A 6. Shoulder A 8. Ipsilateral and contralateral Synovial joints are exemplified by the following joints A 9. Intercarpal A 10. Shoulder

B 11. Sutures B 12. Symphysis

The following terms are used to describe the veins B 13. Branches A 14. Origin

A 15. Termination A 16. Sinusoid

Structures innervated by the autonomic nervous system A 17. Cardiac muscles B 19. Skeletal muscles A 18. Glands A 20. Smooth muscles Structures that are enclosed by carotid sheath B 21. Phrenic nerve artery B 22. External carotid artery

A 23. Internal carotid A 24. Internal jugular vein

Both Common Carotid arteries B 25. Have the same commencement, origin, and termination A 26. Are related to the internal jugular vein medially in the neck A 27. Gave no branches except in the termination

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A 28. Enclosed by the carotid sheath from its commencement to its termination

True of the salivary glands A 29. The parotid gland is covered by the investing layer of the deep cervical fascia A 30. The submandibular duct terminates at the floor of the mouth B 31. The mylohyoid divides the parotid gland into superficial and deep part B 32. All are innervated by nerves carrying sympathetic fibers True of the cervical plexus A 33. The cutaneous branches are distributed to the scalp, face, and neck B 34. It is formed by the posterior rami of cervical spines 1-4 A 35. Has branches that supply the deep muscles of the neck B 36. Conveys motor, sensory, and parasympathetic fibers True of the thyroid gland A 37. The isthmus lies anterior to the tracheal rings of 2-4 B 38. It is supplied by 3 pairs of the thyroid veins B 39. It is covered by the suprahyoid muscles B 40. It secretes hormones conveyed by the thyroid arteries to systemic circulation The internal jugular vein A 41. Is a continuation of the sigmoid sinus A 42. Joins the subclavian vein to form the brachiocephalic vein A 43. Drains the deeper veins of the head, the face and the thyroid gland B 44. It is located deep to the internal carotid artery Standard anatomical position B 45. Body erect, head flexed A 46. Arms on the side with thumbs directed laterally A 47. Palms facing anteriorly B 48. Toes directed medially True of the shoulder joint A 49. Type: ball and socket B 50. Nerve supply: axillary and subscapular nerve A 51. Stabilizing muscles: Teres major and minor B 52. Articulating bones: humerus, scapula, clavicle

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True of the veins of the upper limb A 53. The deep veins comprise the vena comitantes B 54. The cephalic vein enters the deep fascia at the mid arm B 55. The basilica vein drains the lateral end of the dorsal venous arch A 56. Both basilic and cephalic veins drain into the axillary vein Muscles that move the scapula B 57. Deltoid A 59. Rhomboid muscles B 58. Pectoralis minor B 60. Teres major II. Multiple choice 61. Carotid sinus is A. located at the origin of the external carotid artery B. innervated by the facial nerve C. a chemoreceptor D. stimulated by changes in blood pressure 62. True of the mammary gland A. it lies beneath the deep pectoral fascia B. it is divided into lobes by the suspensory ligament of Spence C. its blood supply comes from the penetrating branches of external… D. All of the above 63. Forms a fibrous covering that protects the apex of the lungs A. Apex Endothoracic fascia B. Cupola Sibson’s fascia

C. D.

64. Endothelial lined tubes/spaces capable of containing blood EXCEPT: A. Dural sinuses C. Paranasal sinuses B. Liver sinusoids D. Penile cavernous sinus 65. Muscle pierced by the parotid duct A. Buccinator Risorius

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B. Masseter Zygomaticus major


66. Part of the vertebral artery that enters the transverse foramen A. 1st part part B. 2nd part 4th part

C. 3 rd D.

67. Which laryngeal nerve pierces the thyrohyoid membrane? A. Superior laryngeal Internal laryngeal B. External laryngeal Inferior laryngeal

C. D.

68. This part of the nervous system is formed when one or more spinal nerve joins one another A. rami communicantes C. sympathetic ganglion B. plexus D. cauda equina 69. The parasympathetic fibers are formed from the fibers coming from the spinal nerves of the A. Cervical C. Lumbar B. Thoracic D. Sacral 70. The following are irregular bones: A. Vertebra Phalanges B. Talus

C. D. Frontal

71. The posterior axillary fold is formed by the A. lower border of the pectoralis major B. lower border of the pectoralis minor C. tendon of the latissimus dorsi and teres major D. tendon of the latissimus dorsi and teres minor 72. The triangular space contain/s: A. Axillary nerve circumflex humeral a.

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C. Anterior

B. Circumflex scapular artery circumflex humeral a.

D. Posterior

73. The pulsation of the facial artery is felt at this part of the mandible: A. Angle of the mandible C. Superior margin of the body B. Inferior margin of the body D. Upper border of the thyroid cartilage 74. Cranial nerve that passes thru the jugular foramen EXCEPT: A. Glossopharyngeal accessory B. Vagus Hypoglossal

C. Spinal D.

75. True of the anterior scalene muscle EXCEPT: A. Phrenic nerve descends on its anterior surface B. Thyrocervical trunk is lateral to the muscle C. Subclavian vein passes anteriorly D. is considered as an accessory muscle of respiration 76. The lateral border of the cubital fossa A. Brachialis muscle radialis longus B. Brachioradialis muscle teres muscle

C. Extensor carpi D. Pronator

77. This nerve becomes superficial as it passes behind the medial epicondyle on its way to the forearm A. Axillary nerve C. Radial nerve B. Musculocutaneous nerve D. Ulnar nerve 78. A structure that can easily be injured during ligation of the superior thyroid artery is the A. External branch of the superior laryngeal nerve B. Superior parathyroid gland C. Internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve D. Carotid sinus 79. When standing in the anatomical position the palms of the hands face

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A. anteriorly laterally B. medially

C. D. superiorly

80. The branch of the vagus nerve that loops around the subclavian artery to form the A. Left recurrent laryngeal nerve C. Inferior laryngeal nerve B. Right recurrent laryngeal nerve D. Superior laryngeal nerve 81. The layer of encircling cervical sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscle A. Superficial fascia fascia B. Superficial layer of the deep fascia fascia






C. Paravertebral D. Pretracheal

82. Which of the following hyoid muscles is an important landmark in the anterior and posterior angle of the neck? A. geniohyoid C. mylohyoid B. omohyoid D. stylohyoid 83. Difference between the left and right subclavian vein A. Commencement B. Length

C. Tributaries D. Termination

84. Characteristics of the elbow joint A. innervated by the median nerve and ulnar nerve B. It is a gliding joint C. Articulation occurs between trochlea and capitulum of humerus and trochlea of radial Head of the ulna D. The ligaments impose strict limitations on abduction, adduction and axial rotation rotation of shoulder 85. The most important of the glenohumeral ligament because it prevents extreme range of motion A. superior C. inferior B. middle D. posterior

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86. Movement of the joint around an axis A. Circumduction B. Rotation 87. Borders of the dangerous area of the face A. Base – Ala of the nose border of parotid gland B. Apex – Glabella above

C. Abduction D. Adduction

C. Lateral – anterior D. All of the

88. Which of the following tendon is continuous with the glenoid labrum? A. long head of the biceps C. short head of the triceps B. long head of the triceps D. short head of the biceps III. MATCHING TYPE Match the following structures in Column B to the area in the humerus A 89. Radial groove A. Profunda Brachii Artery tendon B 90. Surgical neck B. Posterior circumflex humeral artery C 91. Intertubercular sulcus C. Long head biceps D 92. Medial epicondyle D. Ulnar nerve Which of the following nerve in Column B would be involve if the following action in Column A becomes affected? A 93. Abductor of the arm A. Axillary nerve B 94. Adductor of the arm B. Medial and Lateral pectoral nerve C 95. Extension of the elbow C. Radial nerve D 96. Flexion of the elbow D. Musculocutaneous nerve Classification of synovial joint C 97. Shoulder joint B 98. Elbow joint A 99. Allantoaxial joint D 100. Sternoclavicular

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A. Pivot B. Hinge C. Ball and socket D. Plane

UST FMS - Department of Anatomy LONG QUIZ 1 September 1, 2015 I. A if statement is correct B if statement is incorrect True of the nervous system: B 1. Cranial nerves VII, IX and X carries sympathetic fibers A 2. Sympathetic fibers are distributed to the sweat glands, blood vessel and erector pili of the skin A 3. The spinal cord terminates between LV1 to LV2 B 4. The spinal nerve exits thru the spinal canal True of the scalp: B 5. Sensory innervation is provided by both cranial nerves V and VII A 6. Blood supply originates from branches of the external carotid artery and ophthalmic artery A 7. The loose areolar layer contains the emissary veins B 8. The pericranium is loosely attached to the sutural lines Route of the parotid duct A 9. Passes anterior to the masseter B 10. Crosses the facial vessels molar tooth

A 11. Pierces the buccinators B 12. Opens in the second

The muscles of facial expressions: A 13. Has bony origin and dermal insertion B 14. Is innervated by the facial nerve including its overlying skin A 15. Is grouped according to the orifices found in the face B 16. Is covered by deep fascia True of the parotid gland: A 17. The secreto-motor innervation is thru the otic ganglion A 18. Covered by the parotidomasseteric fascia A 19. Located in the ramus of the mandible, infraauricular area and anterior to the sternocleidomastoid A 20. The terminal branches of the facial nerve is found within its substance The common carotid arteries: B 21. Have the same commencement, origin and termination

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B 22. Give off branches within the carotid sheath A 23. Has its carotid sinus at its terminal end A 24. Are medial to both the vagus nerve and internal jugular vein in the neck

The nerves that are closely related to the thyroid gland and can be damaged during surgery: B 25. Internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve A 26. External branch of the superior laryngeal nerve A 27. Recurrent laryngeal nerve B 28. Ansa cervicalis True of the ansa cervicalis B 29. Innervates the omohyoid, sternohyoid and thyrohyoid A 30. Lies anterior to the carotid sheath B 31. It is formed by the hypoglossal nerve and branches from C1 to C3 cervical plexus A 32. Carries motor fibers II. Choose the best answer 33. What vein connects the facial vein to the superior ophthalmic vein? A. superior temporal C. angular B. supraorbital D. lateral nasal 34. What branches of the facial nerve is given off as it exits from the stylohyoid foramen? A. posterior auricular C. lesser occipital B. cervical nerve D. nerve to the anterior belly of digastric 35. The muscle used when smiling is the A. Buccinator superioris B. Procerus major 36. In the anatomical position A. arms are pronated forward B. feet everted position

C. Depressor labi D. Zygomaticus

C. face looking D. body in supine

37. The term used for the movement of a joint away from midline is A. Circumduction C. Abduction

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B. Pronation

D. Retraction

38. The term for the landmark used to connote the beginning of an artery A. Commencement C. Formation B. Origin D. Branches 39. The facial bones are classified as: A. short B. sessamoid

C. irregular D. flat

40. The distal and movable part of the muscle is the A. origin B. belly

C. insertion D. ligament

41. The right lymphatic duct drains which of the following regions A. Abdomen extremity B. Thorax extremity 42. What cranial never carries purely sensory fibers A. optic B. facial 43. an example of a pivolt joint is the A. hip the thumb B. elbow

C. Right upper D. Right lower

C. occulomotor D. trigeminal

C. carpometacarpal of D. allanto-axial

44. What is the anterior boundary of the middle cranial fossa? A. orbital plate C. cruciate eminence B. lesser wing of the sphenoid D. cerebellar fossa 45. Which of the following is an unpaired bone of the viscerocranium A. inferior nasal conchae C. mandible B. lacrimal bone D. zygomatic bone 46. True of the retromandibular vein A. lies parallel to the parotid duct B. drains into the internal and external jugular veins C. divides the parotid gland into superficial nad deep lobes D. formed by the posterior auricular and occipital veins 47. The secretions of the thyroid gland are conveyed by the? A. carotid body C. thyroid arteries

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B. thyroid veins

D. lymphatic vessels

48. What superficial lymph nodes lies along the external jugular vein? A. superficial cervical C. submental B. anterior cervical D. submandibular 49. Which structure divides the submandibular gland into superficial and deep lobe? A. digastric muscle C. mylohyoid B. hyoglossus D. stylohyoid

50. The derivative of the pretracheal fascia that attaches the thyroid gland to the cricoid and upper tracheal rings is the A. buccopharyngeal fascia C. Ligament of Berry B. cricothyroid ligament D. prethyroid lamina

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UST FMS - Department of Anatomy LONG QUIZ 2 September 29, 2015 I. A if statement is correct B if statement is incorrect Areas of distribution of the branches of the cervical plexus A 1. Skin of scalp behind ear Infrahyoid muscles A 2. Respiratory diaphragm Pericardium

A 3. A 4.

True of the muscles of the back A 5. Superficial muscles like the trapezius muscles are connected to the shoulder girdle A 6. intermediate muscles like the serratus posterior are associated with movements of the thoracic cage and respiration B 7. The spinalis muscle is the most lateral component of the erector spinae A 8. The deep muscles are innervated by the dorsal rami of the spinal nerves True of cubital fossa: A 9. The roof is formed by skin and fascia and reinforced by bicipital aponeurosis A 10. The median nerve is medial to the brachial vessels A 11. The brachial artery divides into its terminal branches B 12. The medial boundary is the supinator muscle True of the mammary gland A 13. Retromammary space separates the breast from the fascia of the pectoralis major B 14. Innervated by the 1st to 7th iontercostal nerves B 15. Located in the deep fascia A 16. Lymph drainage: lateral quadrant into axillary nodes and the medial quadrant into the parasternal nodes

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The brachial plexus A 17. Is formed by the anterior rami of C5 C6 C7 C8 and T1 B 18. Conveys motor, sensory, and parasympathetic fibers A 19. Innervates the upper extremities B 20. Has roots, trunks, cords, related to the lower posterior triangle of the neck True of the cervical sympathetic trunk B 21. Located behind the carotid sheath and enclosed by the pretracheal fascia A 22. Contains the preganglionic and postganglionic sympathetic fibers and cell bodies of postganglionic sympathetic fibers A 23. Innervates the heart, pharynx, thyroid, and parathyroid gland including the blood vessels in the head and neck B 24. Receives both gray and white rami communicantes in the cervical region Contents of the axillary sheath A 25. Subclavian artery artery B 26. Subclavian vein vein

A 27. Axillary A 28. Axillary

True of the scalene muscles B 29. Brachial plexus and subclavian artery pass anterior to the scalene anterior A 30. Covered by the prevertebral fascia A 31. Accessory muscles of respiration A 32. Originate in the transverse process of cervical vertebrae The following muscles stabilize/s the shoulder joint A 33. Supraspinatus Subclavius B 34. Teres major Subscapularis

B 35. A 36.

True of the structures in the posterior triangle of the neck B 37. The apex of the lung projects posterior to trunks of the brachial plexus A 38. The phrenic nerve has motor and sensory fibers distributed to the respiratory diaphragm A 39. The vertebral artery supplies the posterior part of the brain A 40. The subclavian vein receives the major lymphatic vessels II. Choose the best answer 41. True of the boundaries of the axilla A. Medial – serratus anterior Anterior – biceps brachii

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B. laterally – head of the humerus trapezius 42. Which of the following muscles abduct the shoulder joint? A. Deltoid, supraspinatus Serratus anterior, pectoralis minor B. Pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi Subscapularis, teres minor

D. Posterior –

C. D.

43. Which of the following neurovascular structure maybe injured in a fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus? A. Profunda brachii artery/Radial artery B. Circumflex scapular artery/Dorsal scapular nerve C. Anterior circumflex humeral artery/Thoracodorsal nerve D. Posterior circumflex humeral artery/Axillary nerve 44. Which of the following arteries would supply blood to the profunda brachii artery if it is ligated at its origin? A. Lateral thoracic C. Posterior humeral circumflex B. Subscapular D. Superior ulnar collateral 45. Which of the following muscles is innervated by a nerve that arises from the brachial plexus? A. Biceps brachii C. Serratus anterior B. Latissimus dorsi D. Triceps brachii 46. The following vessels directly supply the mammary gland EXCEPT A. Perforating branches of the internal thoracic B. Intercostal arteries of the superior epigastric C. Lateral thoracic D. Medial pectoral 47. Which of the following muscles does NOT move the elbow joint? A. Biceps brachii, long head Corachobrachialis B. Brachialis brachii, long head

C. D. Triceps

48. The anterior bundle of the sympathetic trunk connecting the middle cervical ganglion to the inferior cervical ganglion:

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A. ansa subclavia stellate ganglion B. ansa cervicalis trunk

C. D. stellate

49. The brachial artery A. begins at the lower border of the teres minor B. branches into radial and ulnar artery C. terminates opposite the olecranon D. at its commencement is bounded medially by the median nerve 50. Which of the following muscle is innervated by both the radial and musculocutaneous nerve? A. Biceps muscles C. Brachioradialis B. Brachialis D. Triceps muscle 51. The radial nerve enters the anterior compartment of the forearm: A. just above the lateral epicondyle C. as it leaves the axilla B. at the radial groove D. at the mid arm 52. Which of the following best describes the quadrangular space? A. Bounded above by the supraspinatus muscle B. Bounded below by the teres minor muscle C. Bounded laterally by the humeral shaft D. Axillary nerve passes through it 53. Which of the following is true of the scapular anatomy A. Lies between T2 and T7 B. The lateral end of the scapular spine froms the coracoid process C. Lateral to the base of the coracoid process is the suprascapular notch D. The acromion projects upward and forward above the glenoid fossa 54. Which statement is/are true of the humerus A. The epicondyles serves as the inferior boundary of the cubital fossa B. The radial nerve and profunda brachii artery winds around the surgical neck C. The humeral head articulates with the coracoid process D. The capitulum, trochlea, and olecranon fossa forms part of the elbow joint 55. Which of these superficial veins perforates the deep fascia of the arm? A. Cephalic C. Basilic

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B. Median cubital of the Brachial artery III. DRAWING (10 points)

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D. Vena comites

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