Anatomy Moore flashcards

April 13, 2018 | Author: Wade Bullock | Category: Knee, Anatomical Terms Of Motion, Hip, Thumb, Pelvis
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Clinically Oriented Anatomy Muscle Packet Study online









Abductor Pollicis PA: Fl exor retinaculum and tubercles of Brevis ( Moore 776) scaphoid and trapezium. DA: Lateral side of base of the proximal phalanx of 1st digit. A: CMC abduction and opposition of 1st digit. N: Median (recurrent branch) (C8, T1).


Diaphragm PA: Upper lumbar vertebrae, lower 6 ribs (Moore 306-309) and costal cartilages, xiphoid process. DA: Central tendon of diaphragm. N: Phrenic n. (C3, C4, C5) A: Flattens central tendon, increasing vertical diameter of thoracic ca vity in inspiration.


Dorsal Interossei PA: Adjacent sides of 2 metacarpals.

Abductor Pollicis

PA: Posterior surface of proximal ha lves

Longus (Moore 752)

of ulna, radius, and interosseous membrane. DA: Base of 1st metacarpal. A: CMC abduction and extension of 1st digit. N: Radial (posterior interosseous) (C7, C8).

Anterior Deltoid (Moore 704)

PA: Lateral third of clavicle. DA: Deltoid tuberosity of humerus. N: Axillary n. (C5, C6). A: Flexes, medially rotates humerus.

Biceps Brachii (Moore 734)

PA: Short head: coracoid process. Long h ead: supraglenoid tubercle and superior labrum. DA: Radial tuberosity (and fascia of the forearm via bicipital aponeurosis). A: Forearm supination, elbow flexion, shoulder flexion. N: Musculocutaneous (C5,C6,C7).

Biceps Femoris PA: Isch ial tuberosity. Long Head (Moore DA: Head of fibula. 570) A: Hip extension, knee flexion, tibial external rotation. N: Tibial (L5, S1, S2). Biceps Femoris Short Head (Moore 570)

Brachioradialis (Moore 751)

Coracobrachialis (Moore 734)

PA: Lateral lip of linea aspera, lateral supracondylar line. DA: Head of fibula. A: Knee flexion, tibial external rotation. N: Common fibular (peroneal) (L5, S1, S2). PA: Proximal 2/3 of lateral supraepicondylar ridge of humerus. DA: Lateral surface of distal end of radius proximal to styloid process. A: Elbow flexion (maximal in midpronated position). N: Radial (C5, C6, C7). PA: Tip of coracoid process of scapula. DA: Middle 1/3 of medial surface of the humerus. A: Shoulder flexion a nd adduction. N: Musculocutaneous (C5,C6,C7).

(1-4) (Moore 777) (bipennate) DA: Base of proximal phalanx and extensor expansions and of digits 2-4. 1 & 2: radial s ide of digits 2 & 3. 3 & 4: ulnar side of digits 3 & 4. A: Abduction of digits 2,3,4 from axial line and ass ists lumbricals with MP flexion, PIP, DIP extension. N: Ulnar (deep branch) (C8, T1). 11.

Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (Moore 751)

PA: La teral epicondyle of humerus (common extensor srcin). DA: Dorsal aspect of base of 3rd metacarpal. A: Wrist extension, radial deviation.


Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus (Moore 751)


Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (Moore 751)


Extensor Hallucis Longus (Moore 591)


Extensor Pollicis PA: Posterior surface of distal 1/3rd of Brevis (Moore radius and interosseous membrane. 752) DA: Dorsal aspect of base of proximal phalanx of 1st digit. A: CMC, MP extension of 1st digit. N: Radial (posterior interosseous) (C7, C8)

N: Radial (deep branch) (C7, C8). PA: La teral supraepicondylar ridge of humerus. DA: Dorsal aspect of base of 2nd metacarpal. A: Wrist extension, radial deviation. N: Radial (C6, C7). PA: La teral epicondyle of humerus, posterior border of the ulna via a sha red aponeurosis. DA: Dorsal aspect of base of 5th metacarpal. A: Wrist extension, ulna r deviation. N: Radial (posterior interosseous) (C7, C8). PA: Middle surface of an terior fibula, interosseous membrane. DA: Distal phalanx of hallux. A: MP and IP extension of hallux, ankle dorsiflexion. N: Deep fibular (peroneal) (L5).


Extensor PA: Pos terior surface of middle 1/3rd of Pollicis Longus ulna a nd interosseous membrane. (Moore 752) DA: Dorsal aspect of base of distal phalanx of 1st digit. A: CMC, MP, IP extension of 1st digit. N: Radial (posterior interosseous) (C7, C8).


External Oblique (Moore 188)

O: External surfaces of 5th-12th ribs. I: Linea a lba, pubic tubercle, and a nterior half of ilia c crest. N: Thoracoabdominal nerves (AR T7-T11) and subcostal nerve. A: Flex trunk, laterally flex trunk to ipsilateral s ide, rotate trunk to contralateral side (with opposite internal oblique). Compresses/supports abdominal viscera.


Fibularis (Peroneus) Brevis (Moore 591)

PA: Inferior lateral surface of fibula. DA: Tuberosity of base of 5 th metatarsal . A: Foot eversion, an kle plantarflexion. N: Superficial fibular (peroneal) (L5, S1, S2).


Fibularis (Peroneus) Longus (Moore 591)

PA: Head an d superior lateral surface of fibula. DA: Base of 1st metatarsal, medial cuneiform. A: Foot eversion, an kle plantarflexion. N: Superficial fibular (peroneal) (L5, S1, S2).

Flexor Carpi Radialis (Moore 748)

PA: Medial epicondyle (common flexor srcin). DA: Base of 2nd metacarpal. A: Wrist flexion, radia l deviation. N: Median (C6,C7).



Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (Moore 748)

PA: Humeral head: medial epicondyle of humerus (common flexor srci n). Ulnar h ead: olecranon a nd posterior border of ulna (via aponeurosis). DA: Pisiform, hook of hamate, 5th metacarpal. A: Wrist flexion, ulna r deviation. N: Ulnar (C7,C8).


Gastrocnemius PA: Medial h ead: popliteal surface of femur (Moore 597) superior to medial condyle. Lateral head: lateral femoral condyle. DA: Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon. A: Ankle plantarflexion , knee flexion. N: Tibial (S1, S2).


Gluteus Maximus (Moore 564)

PA: Ilium posterior to posterior gluteal lin e, dorsal surface of sacrum and coccyx, and sacrotuberous lig ament. DA: ITB and gluteal tuberosity of femur. N: Inferior gluteal n. (L5, S1, S2). A: Extends and externally rotates hip.


Gluteus Medius (Moore 564 / Kendall 433)

PA: External surface of ilium between anterior and posterior gluteal lin es. DA: La teral s urface of g reater trochanter of femur. N: Superior gluteal n. (L5, S1). A: Anterior fibers: abduct, flex, and internally rotate the hip. Posterior fibers: abduct, ex tend, a nd externally rotate the hip.


Gluteus Mini mus PA: External surface of ilium between (Moore 564) anterior and inferior gluteal lines. DA: A nterior surface of g reater trochanter of femur. N: Superior gluteal n . (L5, S1). A: Abducts and internally rotates hip.


Iliacus (Moore 312)


Inferior Gemellus PA: Isch ial tuberosity. (Moore 564) DA: Medial surface of greater trochanter (trochanteric fossa ) of femur. N: Nerve to quadratus femoris and inferior gemellus (L5, S1). A: Externally rotates extended hip and abducts flexed hi p; stabilizes femoral head in acetabulum.


Infraspinatus (Moore 705)

SA: Superior 2/3rds of Iliac fossa, ala of sacrum, and anterior sacroiliac ligaments. IA: Lesser trochan ter of femur (joins psoas major) and shaft inferior to it. A: Flexes hip. N: Femoral n. (L2-4).

PA: Infraspinous fossa of scapula. DA: Middle facet of greater tubercle of humerus. N: Suprascapular n. (C5, C6). A: Externally rotates humerus; depresses and compresses humeral h ead in glenoid.


Intercostals SA: Inferior border of (Internal/External/Innermost)ribs. (Moore 88) IA: Superior border of ribs below. N: AR T1-T11 and Subcostal nerve (T12) A: Approximate ribs.


Internal Oblique (Moore 188) O: Thoracolumbar fascia, anterior two thirds of iliac crest and connective tissue deep to the lateral third of inguinal ligament. I: Inferior borders of 10th-12th ribs, linea alba, and pecten pubis via conjoin t tendon. N: Thoracoabdominal nerves (AR T6-T12) and first lumbar nerves. A: Flex trunk, laterally flex trunk to ipsila teral side, and rotate trunk to ipsilateral side. Compresses/supports abdominal viscera.


Latissimus Dorsi (Moore 700) PA: SP T7-T12, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, and inferior 4 ribs. DA: Floor of intertubercular groove of humerus. Posterior surface of inferior angle of scapula. N: Thoracodorsal n. (C6, C7, C8). A: Extends, a dducts, and


Levator Scapulae (Moore 701)


Lower Trapezius PA: SP T6-T12. (Moore DA: Spine of scapula. 700/Kendall 330) N: Motor: Spinal accessory nerve (CN XI), Pain and proprioception: AR C3, C4. A: Depresses, adducts, upwardly rotates scapula.


Middle Deltoid (Moore 704)


Middle Trapezius PA: SP T1-5. (Moore DA: Medial margin of acromion and 700/Kendall 329) superior lip of spine of scapula. N: Motor: Spinal accessory nerve (CN XI), Pain and proprioception: AR C3, C4. A: Adducts the scapula.


Obliqus Capitus Inferior (Moore 493, 494)

O: Pos terior tubercle of posterior arch of C2. I: TP C1. N: PR C1 (Suboccipital n.). A: Rotates atlas, turning head ipsilaterally.


Obliqus Capitus Superior (Moore 493,494)

O: TP C1. I: Between superior an d inferior nuchal lines. N: PR C1 (Suboccipital n.). A: Extension and lateral flexion of h ead.


Obturator Externus (Moore

PA: Margins of obturator foramen and obturator membrane.


DA: Medial surface of greater trochanter (trochanteric fossa) of femur. N: Obturator n. (L3, L4). A: Externally rotates hip; stabilizes femoral head in acetabulum.

Obturator Internus (Moore 564)

PA: Pelvic surface of obturator membrane an d surrounding bones. DA: Medial surface of greater trochanter (trochanteric fossa ) of femur. N: Nerve to obturator internus and superior gemellus (L5, S1). A: Externally rotates extended hip and abducts flexed h ip; stabilizes femoral head in acetabulum.

internally humerus. rotates 32.

Levator Costorum (Moore 88 / SA: TP C7-T11. Kendall 238) IA: Subjacent ribs between tubercle and angle. N: PR C8-T11. A: Elevate ribs.


PA: Posterior tubercles of TPs C1-4. DA: Medial border of sca pula superior to root of scapular spine. N: Dorsal scapular n. (C5) and C3, C4. A: Elevates and downwa rdly rotates scapula.

PA: Acromion. DA: Deltoid tuberosity of humerus. N: Axillary n. (C5, C6). A: Abducts humerus.


Pectoralis Major (Moore 698)

PA: Clavicular h ead: Anterior surface of medial half of cla vicle. Sternocostal head: A nterior surface of s ternum, superior 6 costal cartilages, and aponeurosis of external oblique muscle. DA: La teral lip of intertubercular groove of humerus. N: Lateral and medial pectoral n.'s Clavicular head: (C5, C6, C7) Sternal head: (C8, T1).


Quadratus Femoris (Moore 564)

PA: Lateral border of ischial tuberosity. DA: Quadrate tubercle on intertrochanteric crest of femur and area in ferior to it. N: Nerve of quadratus femoris and inferior gemellus (L5, S1). A: Externall y rotates extended hip; stabilizes femoral head in acetabulum.

A: Clavicular head: Flexes, adducts, and internally rotates h umerus. Sternal h ead: Extends, a dducts, an d internally rotates humerus.


Quadratus Lumborum (Moore 312)

SA: Medial ha lf of inferior border of 12th ribs an d lumbar TP. IA: Iliolumbar ligament and internal lip of iliac crest. N: AR T12-L4. A: Extends and laterally flexes vertebral column. Flexes 12th rib during inspiration.


Rectus Abdominis (Moore 188)

O: Pubic symphysis and pubic crest. I: Xiphoid process and costal cartilages of 5th-7th ribs. N: Thoracoabdominal nerves (AR T6-T12) A: Flexes trunk (lumbar vertebrae)


Pectoralis Minor (Moore 698)

PA: 3rd to 5th ribs near their costal cartilages. DA: Coracoid process of scapula. N: Medial pectoral n. (C8, T1). A: Stabilizes scapula by drawing it inferiorly and anteriorly against the thoracic wall.


Piriformis PA: Anterior surface of sacrum and (Moore 564) sacrotuberous ligament. DA: Superior border of greater trochanter of femur. N: Branches of anterior rami (S1, S2). A: Externally rotates hip below 60 degrees flexion; internally rotates hip a bove 90 degrees flexion. Stabilizes femoral head in acetabulum.


Posterior PA: Spine of scapula. Deltoid DA: Deltoid tuberosity of humerus. (Moore 704) N: Axillary n. (C5, C6). A: Extends, la terally rotates humerus.


Pronator PA: Distal 1/4 of anterior surface of ulna. quadratus DA: Distal 1/4 of anterior surface of radius. (Moore 749) A: Forearm pronation. D eep fibers bind radius and ulna together. N: Median (anterior interosseous) (C8, T1)



and compresses/supports abdominal viscera. 52.

Rectus Capitus Posterior Major (Moore 493, 494)

O: SP C2. I: Lateral aspect of the inferior nuchal line. N: PR C1 (Suboccipital n.). A: Extends head, ipsil ateral rotation.


Rectus Capitus Posterior Minor (Moore 493, 494)

O: Posterior tubercle of C1. I: Medial aspect of inferior nuchal line. N: PR C1 (Suboccipital n.). A: Extends head, ipsil ateral rotation.


Rectus Femoris (Moore 547)

PA: AIlS and ili um superior to acetabulum. DA: Quadriceps tendon; Patella, tibial tubercle via patellar liga ment. A: Hip flexion, kn ee extension. N: Femoral (L2, L3, L4).

PA: Ulnar head: coronoid process of ulna.

Teres Humeral head: medial epicondyle of humerus (Moore 748) (common flexor srcin). DA: Middle of convexity of lateral surface of the radius. A: Forearm pronation, elbow flexi on. N: Median (C6, C7). 47.

Psoas SA: Sides of T12-L5 and IV discs, TP of all Major lumbar vertebrae. (Moore 312) IA: Lesser trochanter of femur. A: Flexes hip. N: AR L1, L2, L3.


Pyramidalis PA: Linea alba (Moore 192) DA: pubic tubercle N: AR T12-L1 A: Tenses the linea alba


Rhomboid Maj or PA: Major: SP T2-5. and Minor (Moore Minor: Nuchal ligament and SP C7, 701/Kendall 326) T1. DA: Maj or: Medial border of scapula from level of spine to inferior an gle. Minor: Medial border at root of spine of scapula. N: Dorsal scapular n. (C4, C5). A: Adducts, elevates, and downwardly rotates scapula.


Sartorius (Moore 546)


PA: ASIS an d superior part of notch inferior to it. DA: Superior surface of medial tibia (pes anserine). A: Hip flexion, a bduction, an d external rotation, knee flexion, and tibial internal rotation. N: Femoral (L2, L3).

Semimembranosus PA: Isch ial tuberosity. (Moore 570) DA: Posterior surface of medial tibial condyle, medial meniscus, oblique popliteal liga ment to la teral femoral condyle. A: Hip extension, knee flexion, tibial internal rotation. Retracts medial meniscus. N: Tibial (L5, S1, S2).


Semitendinosus (Moore 570)

PA: Isch ial tuberosity. DA: Superior surface of medial tibia (pes anserine). A: Hip extension, knee flexion a nd tibial internal rotation. N: Tibial (L5, S1, S2).


Serratus Anterior (Moore 698)

PA: External surfaces of lateral parts of 1st to 8th ribs. DA: A nterior surface of medial border of scapula. N: Long thoracic n. (C5, C6, C7). A: Abducts and upwardly rotates scapula; stabilizes the medial border of the scapula ag ainst thoracic wall.


Soleus (Moore 597) PA: Head an d superior surface of posterior fibula, soleal line and medial border of tibia, tendinous arch between bony attach ments. DA: Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon. A: Ankle plantarflexion . N: Tibial (S1, S2).


Sternocleidomastoid PA: Mastoid process and lateral half (Moore 991) of superior nuchal line. DA: Sternal head: Anterior surface of manubrium of sternum. Clavicular hea d: Superior surface of medial third of clavicle. N: Spinal accessory n. (CN XI, motor); AR C2, C3 (pain a nd proprioception). A: Bilaterally: Flexes the neck. Unilaterally: Ipsilateral lateral neck flexion and contralateral rotation.


Subclavius (Moore 698)

PA: Junction o f1st rib and its costal cartilage. DA: In ferior surface of middle third of clavicle. N: Nerve to subclavius (C5, C6). A: Anchors and depresses clavicle.


Subscapularis (Moore 705)

PA: Subscapular fossa. DA: Lesser tubercle of humerus. N: Upper and Lower subsca pular n.'s (C5, C6, C7). A: Internally rotates humerus; depresses and compresses humeral


Superior Gemellus (Moore 564)

PA: Ischial s pine. DA: Medial s urface of greater trochanter (trochanteric fossa) of femur. N: Nerve to obturator internus and superior gemellus (L5, S1). A: Externally rotates extended hip and abducts flexed hip; stabilizes femoral head in acetabulum.


Supinator (Moore 751)

PA: La teral epicondyle of humerus, radial collateral and anular ligament, supinator fossa, crest of ulna. DA: Lateral, posterior, and anterior surfaces of the proximal 1/3rd of radius. A: Forearm supination . N: Radial (deep branch) (C7, C8).


Supraspinatus (Moore 704)

PA: Supraspinous fossa of scapula. DA: Superior facet of greater tubercle of humerus. N: Suprascapular n. (C4, C5, C6). A: Abducts humerus; depresses a nd compresses humeral head in glenoid.

head in glenoid.


Tensor Fascia Lata (Moore 564/Kendall 425)

PA: ASIS and a nterior part of ilia c crest. DA: Iliotibial band. N: Superior gluteal n . (L5, S1). A: Abducts, in ternally rotates, and flexes hip. Can assist with knee flexion/extension (via its insertion into ITB).


Teres Major (Moore 705)

PA: Posterior surface of inferior angle of scapula. DA: Medial lip of intertubercular g roove of humerus. N: Lower Subscapular n. (C5, C6). A: Extends, a dducts, and internally rotates humerus.


Teres Minor (Moore 705)

PA: Middle part of lateral border of scapula. DA: Inferior facet of greater tubercle of humerus. N: Axillary n. (C5, C6). A: Externally rotates humerus; depresses a nd compresses humeral head in glenoid.


Tibialis Anterior (Moore 591)

PA: Lateral con dyle and superior lateral tibia, interosseous membrane. DA: Medial and inferior surfaces of medial cuneiform and base of 1st metatarsal. A: Ankle dorsiflexion , foot inversion. N: Deep fibular (peroneal) (L4, L5) .


Transversus Abdominis (Moore 188)

O: Internal surfaces 7th-12th costal cartilages, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, and con nective tissue deep to lateral third of inguinal ligament. I: Linea alba with the aponeurosis of the internal oblique, pubic crest, a nd pecten pubis via the conjoint tendon. N: Thoracoabdominal nerves (AR T6-T12) and first lumbar n erves. A: Compresses/supports abdominal viscera.


Triceps Brachii

PA: Long head: infraglenoid tubercle. Lateral hea d: posterior surface of the

(Moore 735)

humerus superior to spiral (radial) groove. Medial head: posterior surface of the humerus inferior to spiral (radial) g roove. DA: Olecranon proc ess and fascia of forearm. A: Elbow extension. N: Radial (C7, C8).

Upper Trapezius (Moore 700/Kendall 331)

PA: Medial third of superior nuchal lin e, external occipital protuberance, nucha l ligament, SP C7. DA: Lateral third of clavicle and acromion. N: Motor: Spinal a ccessory nerve (CN XI), Pain and proprioception: AR C3, C4. A: Elevates, adducts, a nd upwardly rotates




Vastus Intermedius (Moore 547)

PA: A nterior and la teral femur. DA: Quadriceps tendon; Patella, tibial tubercle via patellar liga ment. A: Knee extension. N: Femoral (L2, L3, L4).


Vastus Lateralis (Moore 547)

PA: Linea aspera (lateral lip), greater trochanter. DA: Quadriceps tendon; Patella, tibial tubercle via patellar liga ment. A: Knee extension. N: Femoral (L2, L3, L4).


Vastus Medialis (Moore 547)

PA: Linea aspera (medial lip), intertrochanteric li ne. DA: Quadriceps tendon; Patella, tibial tubercle via patellar liga ment. A: Knee extension. N: Femoral (L2, L3, L4).

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