Anant Ekka, Sec-A, Roll No. 26, DPC

February 19, 2019 | Author: AnantHimanshuEkka | Category: Bail, Criminal Procedure In South Africa, Arrest, Legal Action
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Draft a bail application of accuse a ccuse under the charge of  section 147 of Cr.P Cr.P.C. .C. Submitted By: Anant Ekka Section- A Roll no: 26 Semester-VIII  (B.A.L.L.B. ons.! Submitted "o: "o: #r. S$reyas S$rey as Vyas Vyas (%aculty (% aculty &.'..! &.'..!

&ate o) Submission- *+t$ %ebruary, 2* idayatulla$ /ational La0 1niersity

Ackno0led3ements %irst 4 )oremost, I take t$is o55ortunity to t$ank #r. S$reyas Vyas, %aculty, &.'.., /L1, )or allottin3 me t$is c$allen3in3 to5ic to 0ork on. e $as been ery kind in 5roidin3 in5uts )or t$is 0ork, by 0ay o) su33estions and by 3iin3 $is ery 5recious time )or some discussion and 5roidin3 me resource o) $is ast kno0led3e o) t$e subect 0$ic$ $el5ed me to look at t$e to5ic in its ery broad sense also to look at some o) t$e ery narro0 conce5ts by e75ertise ie0. "$ere)ore s$e 5roed to be a database in makin3 t$is 5roect. ence I 0ould like to t$ank $im.  I 0ould also like to t$ank my dear collea3ues and )riends in t$e 1niersity, 0$o $ae $el5ed me 0it$ ideas about t$is 0ork and also a source )or constant motiation and $ence t$ey 0ere a 3uidin3 )orce to me in makin3 o) t$is 5roect. Last, but not t$e least I t$ank t$e 1niersity Administration )or e8ui55in3 t$e 1niersity 0it$ suc$ 3ood library and I" lab. #y s5ecial t$anks to library sta)) and I" sta)) )or e8ui55in3 me 0it$ t$e necessary books and data )rom t$e 0ebsite. I 0ould also like to t$ank t$e $ostel sta)) )or 5roidin3 me a $ealt$y and clean enironment t$at 5roided me a 3reat concentration leel.

Anant Ekka Roll /o. 9 26 Semester- VIII  (B.A.L.L.B. ons.!

ontents Ackno0led3ments 2 2

;becties ... < Introduction .... + Bail under ode o) riminal 'rocedure, *=>6 &is5ute concernin3 ri3$t o) use o) land or 0ater? Voluntarily causin3 $urt by dan3erous 0ea5ons or means ............................................... =  Bail a55lication under Section  o) r.'.. ..* Biblio3ra5$y..... *<

;becties •

"o Study about t$e conce5t o) Bail under t$e ode o) riminal 'rocedure, *=>. 3

"o &ra)t a bail a55lication o) accuse under t$e c$ar3e o) section *2 (2nd Ed. 2*+!. 2  Ibid at >2?. 3 Govind Prasad  . State of W.B., *=+ ri LF *22< o) Indian 'enal ode. *. "$us based on t$e %.I.R. )iled by #r. #a$endra Lal, #r. Aay S$ukla 0as arrested by  5olice and t$en #r. Aay S$ukla )iled )or bail under section  o) r.'..

In t$e ourt o)  Mr. Omprakash aidu! &istrict and Sessions ud3e, Bilas5ur (..! "n the Matter of#


$tate of Chhattisgarh %. &'a( $hukla ! $)o *akesh $hukla! &ge- +, (ears Criminal Misc. M o. >>@2* F"* no. - *6@2* /nder $ection 0 >2< o) Indian 'enal ode, *?6 Police $tation - 1sla5ur 'olice Station, Bilas5ur, .. &ccused under custod( since 0 2
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