Analyze The Problems Faced by Primary School Teachers of Booni (Chitral) (Saira Gul)

December 27, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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SAIRA GUL Roll No. 3018 M.Ed




SAIRA GUL Roll No. 3018 M.Ed

 A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement requirement of the degree degree of Master in  Education Distance Education University of Peshawar 



Session: 2!"#2!$




This is to certify that this research titled as Analysis Analysis the Problems Faced by “ 

Primary Primar y School Schoolss Teacher eacherss at Booni Booni (Chitr (Chitral) al)” ” has been been comple completed ted under under my guidance and I am fully satisfied with the quality of student’s research work.


______________________________  r!! Arbab "han A#ridi r

$%ternal $%aminer:

 ___________________________  r!! Arshad Ali r A li


 ___________________________  Pro#! r! Ta& 'uharram

Institute of Education & Research ni!ersity of "eshawar 



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 I dedicate this this achievement to to my parents parents Whose guidance and support has been a source of my success


A%NOWLEDGEMENTS (ll the acclamations and appreciations are for almighty (llah who  bestowed the mankind knowledge knowledge and wisdom. I am further deeply grateful to my respected super!isor )r. (rbab (fridi** his continues (fridi continues affection* affection* congenial congenial fa!or* fa!or* well coordinatio coordination* n* guidance* guid ance* most !aluable !aluable kindness* kindness* ad!ice* sincere cooperation cooperation at the ho hour ur of ne need ed an and d he help lp in th thee co comp mplet letio ion n of my satisf satisfac acto tory ry du duty ty embo em bodie died d in th this is task task.. +e alwa always ys will willin ing g to liste listen n to pr prob oble lems ms encoun enc ounter tered ed during during the research research and withou withoutt whom whom complet completing ing it would ha!e been difficult and less en,oyable task. I am also also gr grat atefu efull to my pa pare rent ntss who who supp suppor orted ted me mora morally lly an and d fina financ ncial ially ly th thro roug ugho hout ut my study study an and d in e! e!ery ery walk walk of life life.. I am  ,ustified in saying that ma,or part of my success goes to them. I owe a depth of gratitude to the research participants* who pro!ided me their precious time and information. The study would not ha!e  been possible if the principal of !aries school and parents ha!e not allow allowed ed the the stude student ntss pa parti rticip cipati ation on in th thee resea researc rch* h* so I am re reall ally y grateful to them.




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Bhether the parents and the inhabitants cooperate..............................$9

Table 9.%>

"ercentage of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of primary Teachers towards the attitude of their school head..............................................$< head..............................................$<

Table 9.>

3acility of lea!e when needed.......................................... needed..............................................................$= ....................$=

Table 9.$>

"ersonal interest of school heads in the solution of primary teachers problems.......................................... problems................................................................. .......................................$' ................$'

Table 9.7>

"ercentage of problems of primary teachers in recei!ing their pay... pay.....$? ..$?

Table 9.9>

)ifficulties of primary teachers regarding basic facilities in school....$@

Table 9.

Bater 4ystem in 4chool....................................... 4chool............................................................... ................................ ........7% 7%

Table 9.=>

Bhether flush systems eDist in school........................................... school.................................................7 ......7

Table 9.'>

Bhether electricity eDists in school............................................. school..................................................... ........7$ 7$

Table 9.?>

Bhether the present curriculum is according to the mental le!el of the students......................................................................................77

Table 9.@>

(rrangement for residence in the school.............................................79 school......................................... ....79

Table 9.$%>

6aboratory* 6aboratory* library* library* telephone* newspaper* first aid and a!ailability of staff room................................................ room...................................................................... ......................7< 7<

Table 9.$>

2umber of classes per week of the teacher.......................................... teacher..........................................7= 7=

Table 9.$$>

4tudent teachers ratio............................................. ratio........................................................................... ..............................7' 7'


ABSTRACT Education plays a !ital role in e!ery society through education we can bring desirable changes in the beha!ior of an indi!idual. It is the only phenomena through which any generation genera tion con!eys his culture* tradition and !alues to the neDt generation. generation. The aims of education can be achie!ed only if teacher performs their duties well to the best of  their abilities. "rimary education is the key when it comes educating the people of  one’s country* because it pro!ides the base to higher education. Therefore teachers must ha!e to focus on this le!el of education. In order to educate people go!ernment has to play its role. In de!eloping countries like "akistan the required resources are not sufficient sufficient and the go!ernment go!ernment can’t cater  this task alone. alone. In "akistan pri!ate schools are playing playing !ital role in educating educating people and go!ernment needs to support them in this regard. Teacher ser!ing in pri!ate sectors are lacking in the facilities like health care* insurance and housing facilities. 4o they are unsatisfied with their ,ob. nsatisfied teachers are unable to bring change in teachin teaching g method methodolo ology gy.. "ri!at "ri!atee sectors sectors are not usuall usually y approp appropriat riatee in financ financial ial resources due to lack of funding. Therefore* they are unable to arrange compassionate teaching aids like charts and other audio!isual aids. Bithout teaching aids effecti!e teaching teachin g is not possible. possible. "ri!ate "ri!ate schools schools are usually usually unable unable to arrange arrange trainin training g sessions for the ser!ing staffs. Bithout ha!ing proper training* the teachers are facing lot of problems problems pertaining to their teaching methodology methodology and classroom learning. In this thesis problems related to the primary teachers a case study of pri!ate schools are identified using questionnaire and by !isiting the pri!ate schools of -ooni. The results will help policy makers to de!elop new policies regarding pri!ate primary schools and it also helps the pri!ate school school authorities authorities to focus on the key issues which are faced  by the teachers which are the main hurdle in deli!ering quality education to the students of this backward area.


The researcher took '* schools as a sample from the respecti!e population as the area is composed of for fling and backward where the researcher find himself con!eniently to collect data from the respecti!e schools. The selected schools for data collection ha!e co#education. +ence* the researcher collects the data without gender equality. Auestionnaire is composed of $< items ha!ing close#ended responses. Results were analyFed on frequencies ad simple percentage method* and tables and graphs were recorded for the presentation of data. 3inings* conclusions and recommendations were drawn accordingly. (ll represent data including references and anneDure are here by attached for detail.



!&! !& ! BAC% BAC%GR GROU OUND ND OF TH THE E STU STUD DY  Educ Ed ucat atio ion n is ne neces cessar sary y ag agen ency cy fo forr e! e!er ery y in indi! di!id idua uall in e! e!er ery y socie society ty th thro roug ugh h education we can bring desirable changes in the beha!ior of an indi!idual. It is the only de!ice through which any generation con!eys his culture* tradition and !alues to the neDt generation. (ims of education can only be achie!ed if teachers perform their duties to the best of  their abilities. "rimary education is the base for all higher education. It is ob!ious that a student who is weak in learning in the beginning due to lack of interest of teacher* the students will not perform well in higher education. There may be well#furnished schools and other teaching tools for better education but if the teacher is not mentally  prepared and satisfied* the students will not show good results as desired. "a "aki kist stan an li like ke othe otherr de!e de!elo lopi ping ng coun countr trie iess fa face cess a se seri riou ouss pr prob oble lem m of so soci cial al de!elo de! elopme pment nt like like po!erty po!erty** ignora ignorance nce** disease disease and backwa backwardn rdness. ess. "o!ert "o!erty y and ignorance are the main factors hindering the de!elopment* progress and prosperity of  "akistan. Education can play an important role in this respect G-rown* 2.:. $%%9H. 6iteracy in "akistan is !ery low as compared to the de!eloped countries of the world showin sho wing g hundre hundred d percent percent literacy literacy rates. rates. 2o countr country y can make make progre progress ss withou withoutt educated people. 4cientific and technical knowledge is must for the progress and  prosperity of all the de!eloping countries. ( network of education institutions is needed in this respect. Real progress in education can only be achie!ed with sufficient financial and material resources GIqbal .* 8.* $%%
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