ANALYTICAL ANALY TICAL METHODS TO MEASURE THE CONSTA CON STANTS NTS OF FATS FATS AND OILS [1] Acid value (Acid Numbe! +he acid ,alue - AV) is the is the number that epresses in milligrams the uantit& o" potassium h&droide reuired to neutrali1e the "ree acids present in ( g o" the substance. +he acid ,alue ma& be o,erestimat o,erestimated ed i" other acid components are present in the s&stem s&stem e.g. amino acids or acid phosphates. +he acid ,alue is o"ten a good measure o" the brea% down o" the triac&lgl&crols into "ree "att& acids which has an ad,erse e""ect on the ualit& o" man& lipids.
2cid ,alue is the measure o" h&drol&tic rancidit&. n general it gi,es an indication ab out edibilit& o" the lipid. ' dible oil contain (6 ' Pharmaceutical oil must not ha,e an& acidit&. acidit&.
AV =
ml of KOH x N x 56 Weight eigh t of o f Sam Sa mple
(. Place 5.0 5.0 g o" "at "at or oil oil in a dried dried conical conical "las%. "las%. ). 2dd )5 ml ml o" absolute absolute ethanol alcohol alcohol and add - )'3; drops o" phenolphthalein 3. ea eatt with with sha sha%in %ing g in water bath -56; "or (0 mi minut nutes es th then en cool +i +itra trate te the sol soluti ution on against 0.( 7 9 until pin% color appears -end point;. 4. ecord &our obser obser,atio ,ations. ns. 5. >alculate the acid ,alue -2< -2
Aaponi"ication =>' H Cr ecess → '>'>Cr' H Cr remaining +he amount o" Cr that has reacted is determined b& measuring the amount o" Cr remaining a"ter the reaction has gone to completion -Cr reacted =Cr ecess ' Cr remaining;. +he amount o" Cr id=54380b!d3d"3e!e308b4#!"$%e&="53dd3db'(!0)'4de'b#4'#e4c"d)bc remaining is determined b& adding ecess potassium iodide to the solution to liberate iodine and then titrating with a sodium thiosul"ate -7a)A)93; solution in the presence o" starch to determine the concentration o" iodine released: Cr remaining H ) → Cr H H ) ) H starch H )7a)A)93 -blue; → )7a H starch H 7a)A49 -colorless; TY&ICAL IODINE NUM5ERS
>oconut oil
8 ' (0
)5 ' 40
Cee" tallow
30 ' 45
Palm oil
3# ' 54
45 ' #0
9li,e oil
#5 ' !5
Peanut oil
85 ' (00
>ottonseed oil
(00 ' ((#
>orn oil
((5 ' (30
Fish oils
()0 ' (80
Ao&bean oil
()5 ' (40
Aa""lower oil
(30 ' (40
Aun"lower oil
(30 ' (45
Linseed oil
(#0 ' )05
Baterial • 9il or "at • anus solution - itIs prepared b& dissol,ing (8.) g o" iodine in (L o" glacial acetic acid and then add 3 ml o" bromine water "or increasing the halogen content. • (56 potassium iodide solution • (6 starch solution • 0.( 7 Aodium thiosul"ate solution. Procedure (. Eeigh approimatel& 0.)5 g o" the "at or oil into a )50 mL conical "las%. id=54380b!d3d"3e!e308b4#!"$%e&="53dd3db'(!0)'4de'b#4'#e4c"d)bc ). 2dd (0 ml o" chloro"orm. 3. 2dd 30 ml o" anus solution and close the "las% completel& b& Para "ilm then lea,e the solution "or 30 minutes with sha%ing continuousl&. 4. 2dd (0 ml o" (56 potassium iodide solution and then sha%e. 5. 2dd (00 ml o" distilled water -E;. . +itrate the iodine solution against 0.( 7 Aodium thiosul"ate solution till &ellow color "ormed then add )'3 drops o" starch solution where blue solution "ormed and then continue with titration till the blue color is disappeared -alculate the iodine number b& using the "ollowing law:
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