Analysis of Toyota Motor Corporation.docx
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Environmental scanning is one of the essential component of the global environmental analysis . Environmental monitoring, monitoring , environmental forecasting forecasting and and environmental assessment complete the global environmental analysis. It consist of external, internal environments: Internal environment o Toyota An internal environmental analysis is an extensive review of all aspects of a company's operations, internal guidance and mission. Aspects of operations typically reviewed are marketing strategy, strategy , production capacity, and the company's vision and leadership. All All of these things are examined with a critical eye to uncover those aspects that may be problematic, problematic, yet go unnoticed in daily operations. onprofit organi!ations organi!ations may also conduct a similar analysis S!" o Toyota
Strengt#s ". Innovative c$lt$re% #oyota #oyota is one of the most innovative auto companies and has a strong culture that is focused on constant innovation. #he company was the first to introduce $ai!en, $anban and #otal %uality &anagement systems widely in their organi!ation. #he company was the first to massproduce and sell hybrid vehicles too. (. &ran' re($tation val$e' at )*+ billion% #oyota)s brand is the most valued automotive brand in the world. #he business is known for its environmentally friendly, friendly, safe and durable cars that are sold in more than "*+ countries. . In'$stry lea'er in (ro'$ction an' sales% #oyota #oyota was the first company to introduce lean manufacturing and total %uality management practices in manufacturing process. -or some time, the company was the only practitioner of these practices and had the lowest manufacturing and production costs worldwide. worldwide. Although Although many manufacturers manufacturers were able to replicate #oyota) #oyota)ss lean manufacturing system, the company is still one of the most profitable manufacturers in the world. . Strong bran' (ortolio% #oyota #oyota currently sells about *+ different models of cars under its namesake brand. #his does not only increase brands awareness but also satisfies nearly every consumer group needs. #oyota)s #oyota)s flagship models are /orolla and 0rius. 1. T#e lea'er in ,green- cars 'evelo(ment% #oyota #oyota understands that environmental friendly cars are the necessity nowadays. /onsumers are more selective in ter ms of /2( emissions and fuel efficiency of the cars they buy and #oyota)s #oyota)s early move towards selling hybrid and efficient cars is the strength few competitors can match.
"ea.nesses ". Large/scale recalls% #oyota #oyota had %uite a few largescale vehicle recalls over the past few years. #he business recalled 3 million vehicles in (++3(+"+ and *. million cars in (+"(. 4uch recalls does not only hurt the firm financially but significantly damages firm)s brand. (. "ea. (resence in t#e emerging mar.ets% #oyota)s main markets are 5apan, 64 and Europe, while such emerging economies as /hina or India make only a small percentage of all #oyota)s #oyota)s
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sales. 7ue to poor presence in the largest automobile market 8/hina9, #oyota #oyota will find it hard to compete with & that has huge market share there.
Internal scanning o Toyota
". ;esources (. /ulture . 4tructure
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Tangible Reso$rces 1#ysical Assets
0hysical assets are among #oyota)s #oyota)s essential resources. #he company owns physical resources in the form of manufacturing plants, offices, e%uipment)s, vehicles and many others. In (+"", #oyota the value of #oyota)s e%uipment and property plants stood at *B billion
. Financial reso$rces
-inance is another essential resource for all organi!ation. #oyota has enCoyed a healthy financial growth of a number of years marked by growth in revenues and profitability. In (+"", #oyota)s #oyota)s revenues revenues amounted to ((D billion, making it the eleventh largest company in i n terms of revenue 8#oyota 8#oyota Annual ;eport, (+""9. #he company recorded a net income of .1 billion in (+"". A healthy financial position has an impact on the company)s li%uidity status.
. 2$man reso$rces
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Intangible Reso$rces Intellect$al Reso$rces
#oyota #oyota has a number of intellectual resources.
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