Analysis of Symbols and Figurative Language to Reveal the Theme in Do Not Go Gentle by Dylan Thomas

July 3, 2018 | Author: Shantie Ramdhani | Category: Paradox, Poetry, Metaphor, Word, Symbols
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Analysis of Symbols and Figurative Language in Thomas's poem...



Submit to fulfill one of an assignment of Survey of Modern British Literary  that guided by Mr. Danny Purwanto

 Analyzed by: Santi Ramdhani




is the main thing that we should know first when we want to analyze a

poet. One of the aims of the author will flash into the theme.  Theme always becomes a major question from literary works.  The major advantage if we analyze a theme is we will know whole the content of the works.  Though, to analyze it is not easy. We need great understanding in poet as an intrinsic and extrinsic side.  Theme included in intrinsic side in description about poet. Finding the main theme, we must have clearly meaning about theme itself.  Theme

is general main idea that sustains a literary work in the text as a

semantic structure and related the equation and the difference (Hartoko & Rahmanto, 1986: 142).  Theme must be concluding on whole story, not only a part of the story but also all of it.  Though it is difficult to reveal, theme is not a ¶hidden· meaning, even though it is not necessarily explicitly describe (Nurgiyantoro, 2010: 2010: 63). 63) .  Theme

as a main meaning literary work is not ¶intentionally· hidden; actually 

this is the one which is offered to reader. But, theme is a whole that is supported by a story; by itself it will be hidden behind the story which supports it.  Theme is divided into two part, those are main theme and adding 

theme. Main theme is a main idea of whole story. While adding theme just found in particular parts (Nurgiyantoro, 2010: 83) One of ways to analyze theme in a poet easily is we have to know or we have to find the key words. Key word sometime became a gate to open the secret meaning of what truly the poet tells about.  Traditionally theme means a recurrent element of subject matter, but the modern insistence on simultaneous reference to form and content emphasizes the formal dimension of the term. A theme is always subject, but a subject is not always a theme: a theme is not usually thought of as the occasion of a work of art, but rather a branch of the subject which is indirectly expressed through the recurrence of  certain events, images or symbols (Peter Childs & Roger Fawler, 1973: 239). From this statement we know that theme also have to reveal by symbols. As I said before that if we want to know theme of story we have to get a key word of it. Key word and symbols could be correlated each others.  According to Abrams, symbol is anything which signifies something; in this sense all words are symbols. In discussing literature, however, the term "symbol" is applied only to a word or phrase that signifies an object or event which in its turn signifies something, or has a range of reference, beyond it. Some symbols are "conventional" or "public": thus "the Cross," "the Red, White, and Blue," and "the Good Shepherd" are terms that refer to symbolic objects of which the further significance is determinate within a particular culture. Poets, like all of us, use such conventional symbols; symbols; many 

poets, however, also use "private" or "personal symbols." (M.H. Abrams, 1999: 311)

 Abrams reflects the use of symbols in literature, one of which is poetry. He said that most of author use private or personal symbol to share their feeling. Some poets, however, repeatedly use symbols whose significance they largely  generate themselves, and these pose a more difficult problem in interpretation.  As well as in Dylan  Thomas·s poet ¶Do not Go Gentle into that Good Night·,  we can analyze theme from its symbols and figurative language.  The first we can start with analysis of symbols to know the meaning. What this poet is talking about? From viewpoint of the symbol, the words ¶ gentle ·,·,  ¶ good night ·, ¶close of day ·,·, ¶rage ·,·, ¶ light ·,·, ¶wise man ·,·, ¶ dying ·,·,  good  ¶ good man ·, ¶ frail   frail ·,·, ¶ green  green bay·, ¶wild man ·,·,  ¶ grave man   ¶pray · could categorize as key  ·, ¶blinding sight ·,·, ¶ meteors ·,·, ¶ curse ·,·, and  pray 

 words to understanding Dylan·s poet.  After read the title and the first stanza of the poet, we can see the words ¶ gentle · and  good  ¶ good night · in ¶Do not go gentle into that good night·. What does it means?   What the meaning of those words?  That sentence is repeated four times. It means that the author want to emphasize something from that sentence. He emphasizes to fight death as much as possible and keep live.  The word ¶ gentle   gentle · in ¶ Do not go gentle · means that do not accept such resignedly by.  This is what Dylan wants to his father that people must be struggle in every side of life included of death. And a word which becomes a key word of all is ¶ good night ·.·. Good night in this sentence is not real meaning. It is not mean happiness or

joyful but it is mean ¶death· itself. Dylan describes the death with euphemism style. As if, he describes that death must be something which is so beautiful. But he emphasize that all of it has to live with struggle. Sometimes we must fight the death as a way to survive.  Then ¶close of day · has meaning as day of  death is getting closer. Supported in sentence ¶ Old age should burn and rage at close  of day · that Dylan was mad to his father because of he is too submissive facing 

death. It is also described clearly with word ¶ rage · that means anger. In this case, Dylan wants us have same feeling and same action with him. ¶ Rage, Rage  against the dying of the light ·. Rage shows us how Dylan so mad of the condition

at that time.  Then ¶light · in that sentence means as if   Thomas·s father is in  verge of dying.  Then, Dylan·s father describes as ¶ wise men ·.·.  The word ¶ wise men · in ¶though w ise men  at their end know dark are right· show the character of his father in which any wise man would undergo the death. Whatever it shape, style, and character, all of it will burn in one word that is ¶the death·.  Then,   word ¶dying · is a representation of his father who was death. From that word  we know that the process of death is not easy. In which we know the word ¶dying · in truly meaning is a reflection of ¶pain·. May be that is which Dylan·s father felt, so he gave up to the death. And it makes Dylan so mad.  The next is ¶Good men , the last wave by, crying how bright·.  There is word ¶ good  good man ·.·. What is the meaning of it? After before we had explained ¶ wise man · and now, Dylan make us thinking to guess what the purpose is. Actually in this poetry, Dylan used four words that can be compared each other in the meaning.  Those are ¶wise man ·,·,  good  ¶ good man ·,·, ¶ wild man · and  grave  ¶ grave man ·.·. From those words, Dylan seems

to want to ask us to look the death from different differ ent point of view. And he asked us to compare between wise man, good man , wild man, and grave man.  Actually this comparison is not important. It is because if look it from general perspective that all of them will die though they fight the death as strong as they can. And  good  ¶ good man · is one of the comparisons. It is also the depiction of Dylan·s father

character. In addition ¶ Their  frail deeds might have danced in a  green bay·  means that if someone trapped in this condition ¶the death· they deed is  frail  same  with nothing flash anything. We can not change it because we did not have a power. And from this meaning also I conclude that in other side, Dylan  Thomas

believe in God. And the place ¶ green   green bay · may be it representative of 

the place where somebody will undergo after the death. Next is word ¶ wild man · that also can be categorized as key symbol. Why?  The word, ¶wild man · representative of strong man or strong people but they also do not have power to destroy the death attack. It is proven with they just could sing a song  underneath the sun. And for the forth word  grave ¶  grave man · that means as a man  grave   who really close with the death or may be can call it the dead.  The word ¶ grave  man · becomes a proof that Dylan·s father was already dead. Or it is the final

fight of a man. Anybody in the world will be a   grave man . Furthermore it is complete with ¶ grave   grave man, near death, who sees with blinding sight ·.·. ¶ Blinding sight · means that he was no longer concerned portrayed with word ¶ blinding sight· . He could not see anything without the death. While the word ¶ meteors · is a symbol of power. It is emphasizing of previous word, ¶ blind eyes·  which means as powerlessness of something which is finally surrender to the fate. And here

clearly illustrated that Dylan wants make his father to have a spirit to face the death like a meteors which is hurtling full of strength. And the word ¶ curse · in ¶Curse , bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray· means that once again Dylan show his unhappiness of father·s death. For the last is symbol of word  pray   ¶pray ·.·. What the meaning of it? If we consider the sentence, we look on the

previous word ¶curse · opposite meaning or opposite interpretation with ¶ pray ·.·.  This

word ¶ pray   pray · here means as a symbol of religiosity.

 After we analyze the symbols in this poet, at least we have known what this poet is talking about. We can guess the theme and we know the purpose of  making this poetry. We can not conclude it now because there is still one point that we should have to analyze. From the second point, ¶figurative language·, our understanding supposed to be more increases about this case in this poet.  We will classify the forms of figurative language that is available in this poet.  According to Abrams, figurative language is a conspicuous departure from what users of a language apprehend as the standard meaning of   words, or else the standard order of words, in order to achieve some special meaning or effect. Figures are sometimes described as primarily poetic, but they are integral to the functioning of language and indispensable to all modes of discourse (M.H. Abrams, 1999: 96). Figurative language is used to use in writing a poem.  The goal is to make it more interesting and it is not easy to guess the contents. In addition using  figurative language is intended to make it more attractive. It is also often used

to hide the meaning inside. An author is impossible if he or she write their purpose directly. What is the aim of writing that poet?  The author did not explain it directly in body poem.  That·s why analysis of figurative language is also considered as one of the way to reveal the theme or the meaning  generally. In Dylan·s ¶Do not Go Gentle into that Good Night·, there are some figurative languages that could we analyze. We started from the first stanza, Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rage at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. In the first line ¶  good night · is a symbol of  metaphor. Metaphor  is a word or a phrase which establishes a comparison or analogy between one object or idea and another (Adrian Bread, 2003: 88). It is clear that the word ¶  good night  ·· called as metaphor because it is a comparison or analogy of ¶ the death · as I said before in symbol·s analysis. If we examine deeply, we will get the connection between symbols and metaphor. Both of it have a connection to support each other. Metaphor has known as style of comparison indirectly.  To explain indirectness of it, metaphor needs symbols. Not like simile which is direct to compare something to object, just put words ¶like, as same as, such as, etc·. Dylan compares  good  ¶good night · with ¶the death ·.·. It is aimed to show how the death is so special with the word ¶ good   good night ·.·. It is also aimed to hide the real meaning.  The

author did not want their poet is classified easily. ´ Old age should burn and 

rage µ in line two is a combination of  metonymy  and personification .  Metonymy 

involves replacing the name of something with something that is connected to it, without being the whole thing. For example the President of the United States, his government and advisors are sometimes replaced by the much simpler term ¶ T  The White House·, which is the presidential residence and administrative centre (Adrian Bread, 2003: 88). So it is with the word ¶ Old age · is a metonymy from the old man or Dylan·s father. Personification contained in ¶Old age should burn and rage ·.·. ¶Old age · is a real meaning as a noun. But in that sentence it as if alive like human, they burn and rage.  That is the point of  personification. ´ Close of day µ is a metaphor  also. Same with ¶ good   good night·, ¶close of  ´. So, the meaning of second line becomes ¶He day · also means as ¶ the death ´. (Dylan·s expect to his father) must be fought to against the death. ¶ Burn · in that same line is used metaphorically , as is ´dark µ in line four. Metaphorically means as a way to compare something or a way to reflect a metaphor. And also ¶ Rage, rage against the dying of the light·  is a metaphor.  The comparison is situated in

¶dying of the light ·.·.  This metaphor means as ¶the moments of death·. And Dylan asked to against it with rage.  The death should not be waited but it must be fought. In the second stanza, hough T hough

wise men at their end know dark is right,

because their words had forked no lightning they  do not go gentle into that good night 


words ¶ their words had forked no lightning · means as metaphorically.  The sign of 

it contained in word ¶ had forked· .  That sentence signifies as the people who face the death can not speak anything.  Their words become nothing. And in the next line, sentence ¶Do ¶ Do not go gentle into that good night¶  always repeated almost stanza.  This is the emphasizing of rejection to the death. In third stanza,


men, the last wave by, crying how bright 

their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light 

In line three, ¶ T heir heir frail deeds might have danced in a green bay·  is the combination of  personification  ontological metaphor in which  personification  and metaphor. Personification  Personification  is an ontological a thing or abstraction is represented as a person (Wikipedia).  This is marked by  the word ¶danced·. Dancing is an attractive activity that can not do by frail deeds. So, it is so impossible and that·s why it involved as personification. And in metaphor is signed by ¶ a green bay ·.·.  ¶ A green bay· means as a place where somebody will undergo after the death. It has been explained in symbols in   which ¶a green bay · describes as beautiful and peaceful place. May be this sentence means powerlessness of person in facing a death and in his mind he  was just expecting a beautiful ending.  The next stanza,

ild W ild

men who caught and sang the sun in flight 

and learn, too late, they grieved it on its way  do not go gentle into that good night 

In the first line, ¶ wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight·  there are exaggeration  and metaphor . ¶Sang the sun in flight · is a sign of  exaggeration  figurative language.  This

means that Dylan really has concern of this case. One of the reasons why 

he put this figurative language is may be he want to show us (the reader) that   what the people feel if they are in that condition (moments of death). And that·s also felt by his father. Surrender, powerless, and only could waiting.  That·s

something which wants Dylan·s show to us. And actually he is so hate

to that condition. And ¶ wild men·  in that sentence is a metaphor. As I said before that ¶wild men · also becomes a symbol of strong people. Symbols and metaphor have a mutuality relationship. So, they can not dispread each other. Symbols always in metaphor, and metaphor always use a symbols.  Then the second line, ¶... they grieved it on its way·  is also exaggerating  and metaphor  style. Dylan use the word to show mourning with the word ¶grieved· which is so exaggerating. May be it is really his true exaggerating feeling. And the word  grieved·   ¶grieved· itself is a metaphor from ¶ mourning·.

In the next stanza, there are also exaggerating and metaphor . Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight  Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light 

In the first line, there is words ¶ grave·   grave·  and ¶blinding sight ·.·. First, ¶ grave·   grave·  is a  pun. Refer to Oxford Concise Dictionary;  pun  is a joke exploiting the different meanings of a word or the fact that there are words of the same sound and different meanings. In this part, the word ¶ grave   grave · has different meaning from the truth. ¶ Grave ·,·, we can called is as a joke, or may be can classified as satire. Satire can be described as the literary liter ary art of diminishing or derogating a subject by making it ridiculous and evoking toward it attitudes of amusement, contempt, scorn, or indignation (Abrams, 1999: 275).  The word ¶ grave· in ¶grave  men·  also has a meaning of person who really wants to die. Dylan may be

 wanted to mock that person as an expression of displeasure. Second, the word ¶blinding sight · is an oxymoron. Based on Oxford Concise Dictionary, oxymoron is a figure of speech or expressed idea in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction. It means that ¶ blinding sight · is not a truth meaning that somebody can not see with their eyes or someone who just can see with one eye. It is not. ¶ Blinding sight · means a sign that the people already have not a spirit to face the problems. In this case, it is a death. And second line, ¶ Blind  eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay·  there is a simile  style. While metaphor is a

dramatic, absolute and intuited identification of two phenomena, simile is a comparison, discursive, tentative, in which the ¶like· or ¶as . . . as· suggests, from the viewpoint of reason, separateness of the compared items (Peter Child and Roger Fowler, 1973: 218). It is clearly seen from that sentence.  The characteristic of simile is always using words ¶like, such as, as same as, etc·.  And here you can see that Dylan put the words ¶ blind eyes could blaze like meteors ·.

  And the meaning is Dylan want to tell us that how weak us, we must keep struggling and trying as a power of meteor. Finally in the last stanza,

 And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

For the last figurative language, in the last stanza line two, there is a paradox  style which is used by Dylan. ¶ Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray·  is real paradox. According to Abrams, paradox is a statement which seems on its face to be logically contradictory or absurd, yet turns out to be interpretable in a   way that makes good sense (Abrams, 1999: 201). We can see it clearly that there are two words that contradict each other.  Those are ¶curse · and  pray   ¶ pray ·.·.  Those

words have contradictory meaning. As explained by Peter and Fowler,

 paradox  is an apparently self-contradictory statement, though one which is

essentially true.  T wo examples of paradox may help to demonstrate its special significance in modern thought thought (Peter Child and Roger Fowler, 1973: 166). 166). As a simple, an author reflects the contradictory feeling. In one side, he felt so upset with all the condition that happen to his father. And the other side, he also give a pray to his father. Because whatever Dylan wants and he does, he can not change the destiny. It was truly happen.

 After all explanation about symbols and figurative language that contained in ¶Do not Go Gentle into that Good Night·, we can guess what the truly theme of it.  The general theme is about ¶ the death· . But the adding theme is ¶a fighting to the death ·.·. It is clear enough from the symbols and metaphor style explanation.

 And also the others that support this message of the poem. Finally, we can say  that this poetry is a form of resistance of the death. In this case is his father ¶Dylan·s father ·.·.

Reference: erm . United States of America: M.H. Abrams. 1999.   A Glossary of Literary  T erm 

Heinle & Heinle Child, Peter & Roger Fawler. 1973.  The Routledge Dictionary of Literary  T erms. erms. United States of America: Routldge Bread, Andrian. 2003.

he T he

Language of Literature . United States of America:

Routledge Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 2010.

T eori eori

Pengkajian Fiksi . Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada

University Press Linda Sue Grimes. Published in November 20, 2006 _ Linda

http: //dylan thomas_villanelle.htm _  Adam Alonzi in November 30, 2009

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