Revision of MORD Specifications for Rural Roads (BOS), 2004 and Standard Data Book (SDB) for analysis of Rates for Rural Roads
Suggestion/ Questionnaire prepared by the Expert Group of IRC for the revision of BOS & SDB A. Specification 1. Would you like to make any suggestions for further improvements/ additions/modifications in the MORD Specifications? If so, please mention Clause no. and give your suggestions and reasons. These may include: Materials, Physical requirements, Grading Construction operations, Equipment, Compaction level, Surface finish, Quality Control, Tests and Standards of Acceptance Rates, Measurement, Maintenance of roads, culverts and bridges, Gravel roads, any other aspects 2. Do you think that there is a need to increase the level of mechanization in various items of road and bridge works; if so please specify areas, techniques and equipment? Or, do you recommend the intermediate technology and use of simple agricultural tools and machines, and essential equipment like static rollers and small to medium size mixing and laying equipment? 3. Do you consider that any item of work or specification is not relevant to rural roads and you suggest removing them? If so please indicate the same. 4. Would you recommend any emerging new materials and specifications that are relevant to rural roads? If so please give details of such items, and also mention source for further reference and details. 5. Would you like to suggest any locally available materials which can be gainfully used in road/bridge construction? If so please give details of such materials along with their test results and performance reports, if any. 6. What are the difficulties in using stabilisation technique in the field? How can we overcome those difficulties? 7. Do you have experience on performance based maintenance contracts on state roads? What lessons from that experience can be utilized in revising the section on maintenance?
8. Please give your suggestions if you think other forms of structures need to be included for minor bridges and cross drainage works. 9. Any other suggestion. B. DATA BOOK 1. Have you used the standard data book for analysis of rates for rural roads published by the IRC? If so, please give your comments and suggestions on (i) labour productivity/output, and (ii) Machinery output norms (iii) Material input adopted for various items of work in the Standard Data Book of MORD 2. In the schedule of rates, should the item on transport of materials be included as part of complete item or should it figure as a separate item? 3. Do you find that for any item of work the rate worked out using data book is high/low as compared to market rate? If so please give details of such items. Also give suggestions, if any for improvement. 4. Do you find that the standard data book does not give rate analysis of some item(s) which is included in the specification? If so, please give details of such items. 5. How much is the average running hours per day of various equipments used in PMGSY works? 6. Any other suggestion. Details of the person giving above suggestions/ answers; Category: Contractor/ DPR Consultant/Supervision Consultant/ Department/Quality Control Monitor/any other Name: Designation Name of Company/Department Contact details: Address Phone number E‐mail address PS. The suggestions may be mailed electronically at:
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