Economizer in Power plant oftentimes maintained for cleaning so its not reffer to maintenance schedule that its recomende by vendor.However, it will increase maintenance cost and economizer performance’s dropped. Perform evaluation to economizer it had proceed in industrial grade for 5 months with time interval 4 hours !" days#. Economizer performance’s dropped occured its caused fouling factor incresed for long time. $hatever, fouling factor was time function, actually it had thermal resistance with assymptot curve about %.%&'(!m" )#*, and cleaning interval was 5 months its real time for maintenance process, reduce lose time for paper production and reduce maintenance cost. Economizer on Power Plants often have maintenance or cleaning of the supposed (not in accordance with the specifications of the device) this results in decreased performance and increased maintenance costs. Evaluation of the performance of the appliance has been done with testing on an industrial scale is carried out for 5 months with intervals of 48 hours (2 das). !here was a decline in the performance of the device as a result of the increase in factor fouling which are a function of time" with a thermal resistance asmptotic actual result of factors fouling b #.#$%8& (m 2') and the cleaning intervals for nearl five months for the maintenance operation" reducing lost time on the production of paper" and pressing maintenance cost significantl. Keyw!" $ Economizer, performance evaluation, fouling factor, cleaning interval
*+!,-/0!*-+ !his research was conducted departing from the motivation to see1 a solution to an industr problem" namel the problems faced b the industrial installation of gassteam power plants" particularl in the economiser tool mounted on the components of the 3, (3eat ,ecover team enerator). !he main problems faced b the energ generating plant is economiser tools that e6ist in the installation section more often have to undergo maintenance to cleaning than the should. 7ccording to the specifications of the instrument cleaning should be done once per ear. 3owever" in practice the cleaning operation performed" on average" more than twice per ear. *t is certainl cause the tool maintenance costs become ver high" is more than two fold higher than e6pected. 7t the same time" the freuenc of maintenance resulted in the installation also e6perience a loss of production which affects the greater loss overall. Economizer tool whose primar function is to ensure the flow of water level changes state from a state level sub cooler after coming out of the pump into a saturated liuid state level before then evaporated in the evaporator tool. Pressurized steam is then generated b the sstem economizerevaporatorsuperheater contained in the 3, is used to generate electric power generator and propulsion turbine is used for heating in the paperma1ing process. ,ole tool economizer is vital" because if performance economizer impaired so that its performance decreases" it can lead to the power generated b the turbine will be lower because of the pressure and temperature of the vapor stream turbine inlet is lower than it should be" then the heating process in the paperma1ing process be disrupted as well" all of which would result in huge losses. !he decline in the performance of the economiser" beond the noise problem in the mechanical sstem" mainl due to a decrease in the effectiveness of heat transfer that occurs in the device due to the fouling of surfaces. eposit growth on both sides of the surface due to the surface fouling of course ta1e place graduall. !hermal resistance due to deposits on the surface causes the rate of energ e6change of heat between the hot gas with the flow of water is lowered so that the effectiveness of heat transfer in the pipeline economiser lower than it should. !he main problem facing tool economizer the research ob9ect is a solution that can enable the device include how long cleaning intervals" so that the maintenance schedule can be estimated and predicted that paper manufacturing operations are not disturbed" nor maintenance cost can be reduced significantl.
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