CÆ\HLHZ LG NBNEFZFZ LG GZ\N@FEFLNL LG \NEWLGZ En ch chlg lgen enjf jfúb úb cn cntg tgcî cîtf tfjn jn lg eh ehss tneu tneulg lgs s gs pnrtg lg en prîjtfjn lg en fbogbfgrãn oghtæjbfjn, jh jhb b ge h` h`aalg gt gth hehs lgtneulgs nb nbne nefz fzn nr ens jhbl jhyblfj fhbg bgs s lg gstn`feflnl bnturnegs enfjfh sgourflnl y iubjfhbneflnl lge lfsgþh gb ehs tneulgs nrtfifjfnegs.. nrtfifjfnegs
CÆ\HLHZ LG NBÎEFZF NBÎEFZFZZ LG GZ\N@FEFLNL GZ\N@FEFLNL LG \NEWLGZ \NEWLGZ Ehs h`agtfvhs prfbjfpnegs lge nbîefsfs cntgcîtfjh lg ehs tneulgs shb ehs sfoufgbtgs1 ❞ Lgtgrcfbnr
ens jhblfjfhbgs lg gstn`feflnl lge tneul (sf gs gstn`eg h fbgstn`eg y ge cnrogb lg gstn`feflnl). Fbvg vgst stfo fonr nr eh ehss cg cgjn jnbf bfsc schs hs ph phtg tgbj bjfn fneg egss lg in ineeeen n (n (nbn bnefefzn znrr jú júch ch ❞ Fb hjurrg en ineen). ❞ Lg Lgtg tgrc rcfb fbnr nr |en |en sg sgbs bsft ftfv fvfl flnl nl h su susj sjgp gptf tf`f `fefefln lnl l lg eh ehss tn tneu eulg lgs s n lfigrgbtgs cgjnbfschs lg njtfvnjfúb (Gigjth lg ens eeuvfns, sfschs, gtj.). ❞ Jhcpnrnr en gigjtfvflnl lg ens lfigrgbtgs hpjfhbgs lg rgcglfnjfúb h gstn`fefznjfúb y su gigjth sh`rg en gstn`feflnl lge tneul. ❞ Lfsgþnr ehs tneulgs úptfchs gb tær tærcfbh cfbh lg sgourflnl, jhbifn`feflnl y gjhbhcãn.
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