An Opening Repertoire For The Positional Player

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One of the hardest tasks faced by competitive chess players is the development of an opening repertoire suited to their own style of play. As in their companion volume An Opening Repertoire for the Attacking Player (also translated by Ken Neat), the authors provide a refined and thoroughly up-to-date opening program, this time selecting variations of a more positional nature. e Practical repertoire based on 1 e4 as White and the Classical Sicilian and King's Indian Defences as Black e Concentrates on solid and reliable lines of play e Provides an easy-to-learn explanation of the typical plans and ideas Eduard Gufeld is one of the most popular and widely travelled grandmasters, and is known throughout the world as a coach, opening theoretician, journalist and author. Nikolai Kalinichenko, author of more than 30 chess books, holds the International Master title in correspondence chess and enjoys a growing reputation as a specialist in opening theory.


An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player English Translation Copyright © 1997 Ken Neat First published 1997 by Cadogan Books plc, 27-29 Berwick Street, London W1V 3R Distributed in North America by The Globe Pequot Press, 6 Business Park Rd, P.O. Box 833, Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-0833 Al rights reserved No part o f this publication ma y be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission in writing .from the publishers.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A

CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 1 85744 152 4 Cover desig n by Brian Robins Typeset by Ken Neat,· Durham Printed in Great Britain by BPC Wheatons Ltd, Exeter

An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player by Eduard Gufeld and Nikolai ·Kalinichenko Translated and Edited by Ken Neat


CADOGAN CHESS BOOKS Chief Advisor: Garry Kasparov Editor: Murray Chandler Russian Series Editor: Ken Neat Other chess titles from Cadogan include :

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Gabor Kallai Play the Evans Gambit

Hardi ng & Cafferty Lessons in Chess

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Contents Introduction PART 1: WHITE REPERTOIRE 1 2 3 4 Sicilian Defence Scotch Game French Defence Caro-Kan Defence Pirc-U fimtsev Defence 9 27 41 59 5 6 Alekhine Defence 66 73 PART II: BLACK REPERTOIR 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Sicilia Defence King's Indian Defence: Fou r Pawns Atck Samisch Vaation Variations with .i.g2 Classical Variation Deviations by Wte from the Classical Variation A verbakh Variation Torre Attack 84

15 16 17 Trompowsky Attack English Opening Bird Opening 105 114 129 139 154 162 169 174 179 185

Index of Variations List of Illustrative Games 189 192

Introduction Opening strategy is the most difficult aspect in the study of chess. The present book (one of the few in the continual stream of chess literature) is studying opening theory. We offer a universal program, suitable both for novices, and for players of high class.

aimed at helping readers to solve the problem of

A most important problem for a player aiming for competitive success is the development of an opening repertoire. This is a rather complicated and laborious process, through which we will proceed together with the readers. An opening repertoire depends on many factors, notable among which are the style of a player (tactical or positional), his character, his liking for this or that type of position, and finally - his tournament position, and so on. This book gives an opening repertoire for players with a positional style, and, compared with our companion volume An Opening Repertoire f or the Attacking Player, represents a kind of second stage in the mastery of opening theor y (although many variations are closely linked to the other volume, which refined here is very useful from the organisational point of view). More for Black have a high degree of stability. is the battle for the centre, and the systems of defence chosen After 1 of the Scotch Game4 eS we recommend the highly insidious Four Knights Variation without allowing the opponent any serious counterchances. e, which gives White a slight but enduring advantage, Against the Sicilian Defence the Alapin Variatfon 2 c3 has in recent times become a formidable weapon for White. Against the French Defence we recommend the Tarrasch Variation 3 � d2, which for many years was successfully employed by Anatoly Karpov. In the Caro-Kann Defence, Black is set problems by a set-up that ha s been used at the very highest level (for example, the 1995 Candidates Match Gelfand-Karpov): 3 eS and 4 liJf3. Quieter, but n o less dangerous variations for Black, are recommended against the Pirc-Ufimtsev Defence (3 fJ!) and the Alekhine Defence (the classical 4 liJf3). Against l

e4 as Black we

Attack where i t

is not


the line leading to the Rauzer or the Sozin Attack, in which Black has counter-play, but does not hur n all his an advantage.

boats behind him, and

easy for White to gain

And finally, against 1 d4 we suggest the King's Indian Defence - the lavomill' Wl'apon of World Champion Garry Kasparov, as well as one of the Introduction


authors of this book, which has served him faithfully for many a decade. Not without reason is Black's powerl piece at g7 called the 'Gufeld bishop'. It should be mentioned that this book includes the most up-to-date chess material (including important games from the first half of 1997), which often clarifies or refutes existing evaluations. Therefore this work will be useful not only to a wide range of chess enthusiasts taking their first steps in studying theory, but also to experienced players, who after studying the book will be able to look anew at many well-known positions. complicated task of developing The authors are convinced that the given work will help you to solve the a opening repertoire, including the most repertoirimportant thing -e will enable you to raise signthe

problem of the black pieces! After all, a competent ificantly your stdard of play and t improve your tournament results. We are sure that this book will be exceptionally useful to all wishing to improve their mastery of chess. Eduard Gufeld Nikolai Kalinichenko October 1997


An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player

Publisher's Note

The companion volume by the same authors An Opening Repertoire f or the A/lacking Player gives sound methods for White of opposing unusual openings such as the Centre Counter Game, and the Nimzowitsch, Owen and St.George Defences. Also covered there are ways for Black to proceed when faced by early deviations against the Sicilian Defence. Rather than repeat this material here (which would have added nearly· 40 pages to this book) we refer the reader to the companion volume. Conventional signs used in this book !

good move


excellent move


move deserving consideration


dubious move


incorrect move

?? =

blunder equal position

; White has a slight advantage + Black has a slight advantage ± White has a clear advantage + Black has a clear advantage +-

White has a decisive advantage


Black has a decisive advantage


unclear position


with compensation for the material

l with the idea of

GM grandmaster IM international master corr.

correspondence game


Sicilian Defence

1 e4 2 c cS

centre and controls more space, giving him a stable advantage. The lDf 1game continued 9 . .. .te7 10 c 7 1 1 l:!g3 0- 12 l:!g5 i.xg5 13 .txg5 f6 14 exf6 gxf6 15 .te3;(b) 5 ... cxd4 6 cxd4 l:!c6 7 l !;; ; iJe2 e5 (little is promised by 7 .. l:!b4 8 i.b 1 i.a6 9 l:!t3, when White com .

pletes a regrouping typical of this

type of position, and is ready to drive back the black pieces: 9 . . . 1 i'c7 10 l:!c3 e6 1 1 a l:!c6 12 .tg5 l:!h5 13 d5 l:!a5 14 e5 with a great advan tage, Schmittdiei-Grooten, Wijk aa A variation developed by the 19th l Zee 1993) 8 d5 l:!b4 9 .tb 1 i.c5 10 :!c3 0 1 1 a 3 l:!a6 12 0 l:!c7 13 century Russian player Alapin, and .td3 lDfe8 14 liJf 3 1i'e7 1 5 b4 i.d6 one that is very popular today. From 16 i.g5± (Smagin-Milov, Greece the very star t White aims to set up a 1993). strong pawn centre, which demands accurate The



main replies are play on Black's part. 2 eS (1.1), •••



.. .


(1.4) and

2 . .t�f (l.S). .

moves do nothing to hinder



(1.2), 2 ... e6 (1.3), 2 .. dS



3 d4 � b7 4 � d3 (or 4 d5!?, restricting the i.b7) 4 ... l:!f6 5 l:!d2, and now:

(a) 5 ... e6 6 l:!gf 3 d5 7 e5 lDfd7 8 0-0 l:!c6 9 %le I (Tiviakov-Reinhard, Singapore 1990). White has a solid


An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player

White has a considerable advantage in the centre and his hands are free for action on either wing. l easily (an attempt to prevent suppressed) 3 lbf 3 lbc6 4 d4 cxd4 5 b4 "fkc7 6 b5 lbe5 7 lbxe5 "fkxe5 8


'ifaS d2-d4, which, however, is

'ifxd4, maintaining pressure both in the middlegame, and in the endgame (Makropoulus-Ljubojevic, Athens 1981). 2 g6 (more justified than the fianchetto of the d4 cxd4 (after 3 ... •.•

s bishop) 3

An idea of the Russian IM Fili 4 dxc5 "fkxc5 5. penko. Black tries by direct means i.e3 White has a lead in development) 4 cxd4 d5 (if 4 ... .i.g7 5 lbc3 to prevent White from creating a d6 6 .i.e3 lbf6 7 f 3 0- 0 8

'ifd lDc6 pawn pair in the centre. However,

9 0- .i.d7 10 � b1 'ifa5 1 1 lbge2 the weakening of the light square b5 12 lbc1 b4 13 lD3e2 l complex (in particular d5 and fS) :tfc8 14 g4 allows the opponent to develop with a powerful attacking position comfortably. for White: his line of pawns on the 3 cl)f lbc6 kingside has gone into action, 4 .i.c4 wherea s on the queenside Black's The bishop takes up a good post play has come to nothing, Rausis from where it 'eyes' the iA.Sokolov, Moscow 1992) 5 e5 1fc7 pawn.

4 .i.g7 (Black fails to solve his After pressure: 5 d4 cxd4 6 cxd4



.J.e7 White is able to set problems by 5 ... lbc6 6 lbc3 lbh6 7 lbt 3 J.g4 8 J.b5 "ikd7 9 h3 J.xf up strong

3 10 d6 7 dxe5 dxe5 8 1rb3. "fkxf 3 lbf S 1 1 lbe2 a6 12 J.xc6 bxc6



lbf 6 ha

13 g4, when the knight at f S is de too is insuf s been played, but this prived of its post) 6 � c3 lDh6 7 lbxd5 7 "5 g6 8 "ficient: 5 lbg5 d5 6 exd5 fkf 3 J.e6 9 lbxe6 "fkb3!? lbc6 8 .i.e3 lbf S (Rausis fx.e6 10 d3 (Okhotnik-Kapetovic, 'Dybowski, Lublin 1993), and here 9 Romania 1988). White has the two ifxdS!? was possible, retaining the bishops and play against Black's advantage. pawn weaknesses, which gives him the advantage.


1.1 (I e4 cS 2


Note should be made of Smagin 2

Brendel (Dorund 1993), where


Sicilian Def ence 5 ..




was refuted: 6 � gS! (a typical stroke in such positions) 6 . . . .i.xgS 7 'ii' hS dS 8 exdS .

i.f4 9 dxc6

� f6 1 0 't'e2 0 1 1 cxb7 .i.xb7 12 d3 e4 13 .i.xf4 't'xf4 14 dxe4 � xe4 15 'ii' e3, when White retained his extra pawn with a sound position. 6

llel .

i.e7 (1 e4 cS 2 c3) 2 3


d6 � f6

A relatively recent idea. Black attacks the e4 pawn and simul taneously prevents e4-e5.

3 ... cxd4 7 d4!

4 cxd4 � f6 is less accu

rate, since White acquires c3 for his

This active move sets Black knight. After 5 � c3 g6 (if 5 ... a6 6 definite problems.

7 ... cxd4

.i.d3 e6 7 � f 3 .i.e7 8 0 0 9 eS! After

8 cxd4 � xd4 9 dxeS 10 dxe5 � fd7 1 1 'ii' e2 :es 12

� xd4 exd4 10 eS! 'ii' xc4 1 1 exf6 lld1 'ii' c7 13 .gxf6 12 b3 'ii' c6 13 .i.a3 (S.Arkell i.f4, Handoko-RojpraPorsson, Reykjavik 1990) Black has payont, Manila 1992, or 5 ... e6 6 � f 3 .i.e7 7 .i.d3 � c6 8 'ii' e2 0 9 a ver y difficult position. His king eS, Van der Werf-B.German, Gron does not have a secure shelter, and ingen 1990, White stands better -all the open lines are controlled by the pawn at e5 is very unpleasant for the opponent. the opponent) 6 � f 3 a6 7 h3 .

7 . d6!? ..

(Kalinichenko-Vysotsky, .i.d3 0 9 0 bS 10 e5 � e8 1 1

i.g7 8 corr. 1995/6) is more accurate, i.e4 lla7 1 2 .i.e3 .i.b7 13 d5 lla8 agreeing after 8 dS to territorial 14 e6 (Torre-Barcenilla, Bacolod concessions, but retaining a solid 1991) White has the better chances. position, although without any The pawn at e6 cleaves Black's active counterplay. For example: position in two, seriously hindering 8 . � d8 9 .i.bS+ � d7 10 a4 0-0 1 1 the coordination of his forces. aS a6 12 .i.d3 � f6 13 � bd2;!;. . .

4 i.d3

An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player


7 tLlbc3 0 8 0 ttJc6 9 f eS 10 dS tLle7

White to develop harmoniously. The The most popular move, enabling main replies a



cxd4 (1.21),

4 ... tLlc6 (1.22)


4 g6 (1.23). •..

1.21 (1 e4 cS 2 c3 d6 3 d4 tLlf6 4

outweigh Black's counterplay on the White's chances on the queenside i.d3)

e.g. 1 1 i.e3 tLle8 12 'i'b3 f5 13 tLlbS b6 14 a4 tLlf6 15 'i



(Rozentalis-Smirin, Vilnius 1988).

5 cxd4 g6 This variation is simila r in charac 1.22

i.d3) (1 e4 cS 2 c3 d6 3 d4 t

ter to the positions examined in the

tJf 6 4 note to Black's 3rd move.


The attempt to put direct pressure

5 tLlc6 .••


tLlf i.g4 7 d5 tLleS 8

tLlc6 on White's centre is unsuccessful:


'LlxeS! dxe5 (8 ... i.xd1 9 i.b5+) 9 i'b3± (Schmittdiel-Y rjola, Gausdal 1987), while s .. e 6 d5 transposes into lines examined below. .

6 tLle2 The knight is better placed here than at


where it will be attacked by the bishop from g4, but 6 f 3 or 6 t

Llc3 is possible, also assuring White of an opening advantage.




Sicilian Def ence


5 tDf Here too

5 tDe2

is possible, transposing into set-ups examined above.

5 on the centre, which, however, does Continuing the policy of pressur

Jlg4 not produce the desired result. But no better is

5 g6 •..

d5! ?) 6 0 i.g7 7 d5 tDb8 (5 ... e5 6 (Schmittdiel-J.Amason, St. Martin 1993 ), when 8 c4 would have consolidated White's territorial gains.

6 d5 tDb8

After 13 l:te 1 f:lce8 14 Jtf b6 15 Wc2 Jlb7 16 l

6 tDe5 lLlxe5!±, while is met by the simple 7 6 Jlxf 7 Wxf •..


how Black can 'get up of

:tad1 it is not apparent f his knees' tLleS is also inadequate: 8 Jlb5+ (Sveshnikov-Loncar, Bled 1994). tLled7 9 0 g6 10 tLld2 Jlg7 1 1 a4! 1.23 (1 e4 c5 2 c d6 3 d4 f:lf 6 4 (initiating a queenside bind) I 1..



0-0 12 aS tLle8 13 1i'h3 tLldf6

14 a6 b6 15 l:tel f:lc7 16 Jlc6 l:tb8

17 f


g6 :lf3± (Smagin-Borik, Germany

1993). Black is completely deprived of counterplay, whereas White is threatening a typical attack on the kingside (.i.h6, ! :lg5), and (after preparation) the central breakthrough e4-e5.

7 f:lbd2 g6 8 b3 Jlc8 8 Jlxf •.•

somewhat, but also fails to solve simplifies the position Black's problems.

9 a4 10 f Jlg7 :lc4 0 11 .i.f4 tDa6 12 0 f at g7 without removing the pawn An attempt to develop the bishop


tension in the centre. However,

White deploys his pieces in the White now has additional resources optimal way for play in the centre. in the struggle for an advantage.

An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player


After 4 . -c7 queen has its drawbacks: 5 � 0 g6 6 the position of the () -0 � g7 7 � f4 0 8 � bd2 � bd7 � h5 12 a4 b6 13 aS!; (Karpov-J.Polgar, Dos Hermanas 1994). .


:e 1 e5 1 0 dxe5 dxe5 1 I i.g3

dxc5!? dxc5



6 e5 6 .l ..

.i.bS+ i.d7 8 e6! L!g4

is dubious in view of 7



The point of White's play. Black is forced to exchange queens and go

into a slightly inferior ending.



8 •xd8+ h8 1 8 l:.adl.

unable to prevent the exchange of

of the dark-square bishops, has no way opposing the mounting pressure on the e-file opponent's (Karpov-Chen, Hannover 1983).



.i.d7 I S J:.e 1 J

1 S ... h8 16 .

:.ae8 (or

1i'b6 18 lba4t, Balashov-Vaganian, i.g3 .i.xg3 17 hxg3 USSR 1976) 16 l:.c1 � 8 17 .i.b1 � h8 1 8 a 3 .i.f4 19 J:.c2 .

.!Dh6 21 .

!Dg4 20 h3 i.gS, and again White's

positional superiority is evident (Karpov-Ostos, Malt a 1980).



line after 1 S Jg6 tranposes into the main :.c 1 .!DhS.

White's superiority in the centre 15 Jurmala variation, where White's most I 99 1 )

g6 gives




The critical position of the ( Shchckachev-Andrienko,




logical plan is that involving piece pressur e on the queenside:

French Defence


3 . c5! is the only correct reply to 3 � d2, almost enabling him to equalise. However, even here all is not so simple . . . ..

� cS;t) 17 � cS � xd4!? (the point of 16 � a4!? bS (or 16 ... .td7 17 .txc5 19 1Black's previous move) 18 � xd4 i'c2 � f4!? (19 ... 't'f4? is poor in view of 20 � f 3 .tb6 21


� 'ifc6 1i'b8 22 .te7!±, Matulovic

S.Marinkovic, Yugoslavia 1994) 20 .:fd 1 ! � xd3 21 l

gfA dangerous plan, of which

Alekhine was a supporter. Without

1i'e4 23 ' :txd3 'ii' f4 22 .tg3 removing the pawn tension in the easy. His bishop is hanging, and its ifd2! Black's position is not development of his kingside pieces

centre, White aims to complete the exchange by 23 ... .txd4 24 l:txd4

'iffS 25 l:tf4 's 26 l:txf8+! allows as quickJy·as possible. a terribly strong attack - he has not Black's main replies are

4 ... a6 (3.31), 4



(3.32), 4 ... �c6

yet completed his queenside devel





4 cxd4 (3.34). opment, and he has a 'yawning' •••



5 � xe4 cxd4 6

weakness on the dark squares 1i'xd4 1i'xd4 7 � xd4 Black faces (Kalin ichenko-W akolbinger, corr. difficulties, despite the simplifica 1996).

tion (Griinfeld-Tartakower, Debrecen

1925). In the event of

4 ... c4

5 g3 (5

3.3 (1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 �d2)

'5 ... � f6 6 e5 � fd7 7 a4 � ife2!? is an interesting alternative) 6 8 .tg2



.te7 9 0 � b6 10 l:te1 aS 1 1 b3

Exploiting the fact that at d2 the cxb3 12 c3 0 13 1i'xb3 .td7 1 4 knight does not control d5, Black l:tb 1 � c8 15 .ta3 White has the takes immediate action in the centre. better chances (Adams-Korchnoi, In the opinion of GM Sveshnikov, Biel 1993).



An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player lge7

8 0-- 0-9 b4 i.d6 4


In this way Black prevents the not changed by 9 ... Jla7 10 Jlb2 The character of the position is white bishop from going to b5, and tLlg6 1 1 tLlb3; ; (Matanovic-Kupper, in some cases provides a retreat for Opatia 1953). his own bishop at a7.

10 Jlb2 llJg6

S dxcS JlxcS 6 Jld3 llJc6 l3.31


(1 e4 e6 2 d4 dS 3 lbd2 cS 4 gf3)

6 llJf we can recommend •.•

7 0: ending after 8 ... l(a) 7 ... dxe4 8 llJxe4 Jle7 (the lJxe4 9 Jlxe4 'ifxdl 10 l :.xdl is cheerless for Black White controls the d-file and exerts pressure on the opponent's queenside) 9 'ife2 liJbd7 10 c4 0-0 1 1 Jlg5 h6 12 llJxf6+ llJxf6 1 3 Jlh4 Jld7 14 l:ladl± (Gelfand-Dolmatov, Moscow 1989); (b) 7 .. .'ilc7 8 a 3 liJbd7 9

b Jle7

10 Jlb2 dxe4 1 1 llJxe4 0 12 :l.el This position was reached in the game Gufeld-Lutikov a5 13 llJxf6+ Jlxf6 14 i.xf6 l 1978). After 1 1 l:.e1 "ilc7 12 exd5

(Jurmala lJxf6

1 5 c4 l:.d8 16 'ile2 b6 17 llJe5, and exd5 13 c4! dxc4 14 lLlxc4 i.f4 1 5 the dominating position of the g3 i.h6 1 6 lLlfe5! the position was knight at e5 secures White a solid opened u to White's clear advantage (Frolov-Dreev, Helsinki advantage - cf. ll/ustrative Game 1992);


(c) 7 ... llJc6 8 e5 llJd7 9 "ile2 0(9 ... llJd4 10 llJxd4 i.xd4 1 1 llJf3±) l.xf6

3.32 (1 e4 e 2 d4 dS 3 liJd2 cS 4

I 0 liJb3 i.e7 1 1 c3 f6 12. exf6 : 13 tl


Llbd4 with strong piece pressure gf3) in the centre (Hutchensori-Rahman, Manila 1992).

7 a3 The idea of the extended order to transpose into a favourable

Black tries to provoke e4-e5, in version of the 3 ... lLlf6 variation (the lianchctto, together with c2-c4, is lJllitc unpleasant for Black. The placing of White's knights at d2 and f is less haonious). In nltcrnnlivc is the simple 7 0 accordance wit h his chosen strategy, .

French Defence


it is better for White to exchange in the centre.

As usually happens in positions

5 exd5 lDxd5 where Black has an isolated d-pawn, position with an isolated d-pawn by The alternative is to go into a simplification ha s favoured White.


lDb3 lDd7

6 cxd4 ...



7 lDbxd4 transposes into

exd5 6 J.b5+:

(a) 6 ... lDc6 7 0 J.e7 8 dxc5! a favourable position for Wh ite that 0-0 (8 ... J.xc5 9 lDb3 J.e7 10 lDe5 we examine on p.56.

J.e7 J.d7 1 1 lDxd7 1i'xd7 12 1

7 J.g5

i'f3± is 8 J.xe7 'ilxe7 unpleasant for Black - White has 9 J.b5! file) 9 lDb3 lDe4 10 J.e3 J.g4 1 1 two bishops and pressure on the d Practically forcing Black to make concessions in the centre. J.xc6 bxc6 12 c3 l:.e8 13 1 i'd4±



(Pachman-Opocensky, Bmo 1944 ); J.xc5 12 J.g5 favours White) 1 1 lDfd4

10 1i'xd4 0-0-0 J.e7 9 dxc5 lDxc5 10 lDb3 (b) 6 ... .td7 7 J.xd7+ lDbxd7 8 lDce4 (10 .. 0 1 1 lDxc5


(or 1 1...1i'd7 12 'ii' f 3 - the idea of White's previous move was to vacate f 3 - 12 ... 0 13 lDf 5 with the initiative, Keres-Ivkov, Bamberg 1968) 12 lDf 5 l:.e8 13 lDxe7+ ' ilxe7 14 J.e3 (see diagram next column). White ha s an enduring positional advantage (Paa-Puc, Lublin 1969).


An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player

White has the freer game and is � b3 � d6 I 1 � e3, controlling the better mobilised. P.Popovic-P.Niko important c5 square. Iic (Yugoslavia 1991) continued 1 1


0- a6 1 2 � c4 � 5f6 13 :he 1 b5

14 � d5! with strong pressure.


3.331 (1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 �d2 c5 4

� gf �6 5 �b5)


6 �xe4 i.d7 7 �e3 This move is aimed at defending the d4 pawn, and at e3 the bishop is more securely placed than at g5.


'ii' aS+

8 �cl l:.d8 The exchange

8 ... cxd4

favours White: 9 � xd4 � b4 I

0 0 � xc3

1 I bxc3 � ge7 12 ll.b1 0 13


(Stein-Uhlmann, Moscow 1971).

9 d5! exd5 10 �d2 himself of the unpleasant opposition By tactical means White has rid

5 �b5

of his queen and the enemy rook,

Alekhine's recommendation. and he now aims to exploit the White intensifies the piece pressure position of the enemy queen. 10 kingside development. Black must declare his intentions

� 3.33 (1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 �2 c5 4 gfJ)



in the centre with

Other tries: 5 5



."ii' b6

5 dxe4 (3.331) •. •


5 . cxd4 (3.332). ..

. 6 'ii' e2 dxe4 7 � xe4 cxd4 8 0-0 � d7 9 � f4±.



0 ·0 0-0 9 l

6 e5 � b8 7 dxc5 � ge7 8 l.e 1 � g6 I 0 � xc6 bxc6 1 1 h4 f6 12 � b2±. 5 a6 6 exd5 axb5 7 dxc6 bxc6 ...

(7 c4 8 cxb7 � xb7 9 0 � f6 10 ll.c l t) 8 dxc5 � xcS 9 0 � f6 10 ...

�d6 in the centre and concludes his


'ii' e2+ �ce7

French Def ence


White regains his pawn while After 7 bxc6 8 i.d3 ... c7 9 ... e2 maintaining the advantages of his position: 12 i.xd7+ ltxd7 13 lbxd5 0 i.e7 12 c4! dxe4 13 i.xe4 f5 14 i.d6 (or 9 ... lbe7 10 lbf 3 lbg6 1 1 0'out of play) 14 i.c3 f6 15 lifa4 (the black queen is temporarily :.d1 ... c6 i.c2±, Shamkovich-Vaganian, Dub16 lbe3 lbh6 (Black is unable to na 1973) 10 lbf 3 dxe4 1 1 ... xe4 lbf6 12 1Wh4 Black runs into difficulties complete his development, being (Yudasin-Gulko, Biel 1993 ). obliged to keep an eye on the frisky 8 i.xc6+ bxc6 white knight) 17 lbc4 00 18 0-l:.fd8 19 l:.xd6, and Black suffered loss of material (Kengis-K.Petrosian, •.•

Belgorod 1989).

3.332 (1 e4 e 2 d4 d5 3 tDd2 c5 4lbgf 3 lbc6 5 i.b5) 5


The critical position of the variation. In the event of 9 c4 is 9 ... lbf6 10 'ii' a4 ... d7 1 1 e5 lbg8 i.c5! (weaker 12 0- 0 lbe7 13 lbf3;t, 011-Rozenlbxe4 'ii' xd 1+ 1 1 � talis, Antwerp 1993, or 9 ... dxe4 10 d 1 l%d8+ 12 � e2 l%d4 13 lbg5 l:.xc4 14 i.e3 i.c5 15 l:.hc 1 with ver y strong pres

6 lbxd4 i.d7 7 lbxc6

sure, Yemelin-Frolov, St. Petersburg 1994) 10 cxd5 cxd5 1 1 exd5 ... xd5

The most popular continuation. 12 ... a4+ ... d7 Black maintains the White reinforces the opponent's balance (Glek-Yusupov, Germany centre, in order then either to attack 1991). the position in the centre, to transfer it by c2-c4, or else, after stabilising Korchnoi his active aspirations to

(Beer Sheva 1992):






White played more interestingly the in the game Mark Tseitlin-

0 i.d6 10

lbf... e2 lbe7 11 e5 i.c7 12 b3 lbg6 13 3 0- 0 14 Jlb2 lbh4 15 l%adl,

An Opening Repertoire f or the Positional Player

when Black found himself in 0-0-0 White gains



difficulties - White's chances on the kingside a more real than Black's advantage (Adams-Levit , Ireland 1993). counterplay on the queenside.

7 �lf .te7 The exchange of bishops also

3.34 (1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 �dl c5 4 7 .tb4+


.• .

fails to solve Black's problems: �

8 i.d2 .txd2+ 9 ... xd2 0-0 10 .tc4 b6 1 1 0 .tb7 12 l:thel,

and White's centrally placed forces exer t strong pressure (Kengis-Giek, Godesburg 1993). 8


d7 4



0 0


9 .tf 10 •••

:e t

�b 1

1 i.e4 it is difficult for Black to complete his development without making

positional concessions (King-

Dolmatov, Reykjavik 1990).

10 c4

A popular continuation. 5

�xd4 �f6

5 ... �c6

The alternative

transposes after 6 .tbS into variation 3.332.

6 exd5 �xd5 event of The most approved course. In the 6

... 'ifxd5?!

(6 ... exdS leads

set-ups simila r to those after


4 �f6 5 exdS exdS, exam ined ear .. .

lier in section 3.32) 7 � bS 'ild8 (or 7 l'la6 8 .te2 'ilxg2 9 .if 3 •gs 10 ...

White, with his slight territorial superiority and prospects of a ileS+ 1 1 � f l � dS 12 � c4 'ifb8 queenside pawn offensive, has the

a4 '

1 3 Ji.gS h6 14 i.h4 'iff4 15 better chances. For example: Yemelin-S.Ivanov, St.


10 �5f 1 1 .tf4 � h5 12 .te3 g6 •••

Pctcrshurg 1994) 8 � c4 � d5 9 � e3 13 l:tel a6 14 :et l:te8 1 5 .tf l .tflik7 1 0 ii.d2 �xbS 1 1 ii.xb5+ i.d7 16 a3 b6 17 b4 .tb7 18 � b3

1 2 Jlxd7t ... xd7 13 'ilg4 � c6 14 (V.Spasov-Dreev, Moscow 1994). French Defence


Gam Gufeld-Lutikov e 3 (p.52) Jurmala 1978

13 c4 White opens the c-file.



14 tLlxc4 .i.f4 1 e4 e6

Black does not want to allow the

2 d4 d5 3t

unpleasant opposition of his queen Lldl


with a white rook on the c-file, but Llgf

5 dxc5

c5 a6

after the next move his bishop

proves to b e out of play. However,

The alternative is 5 exd5, trans his position is already rather posing into an 'isolani' structure.



unpleasant and it is hard to suggest a

i.xc5 6 .i.d3 t

reasonable plan of counterplay. Llc6

15 g3

6 ... tLlf6

.i.h6 is more usual, as 1 5 ... b5!? is somewhat more examined in the analysis. tLlge7


tenacious, although even here after

16 tLle3 .i.xe3 17 l:.xe3 White's

7 ... tLlf6 transposes into the chances are better.

16 tLlfe5! .i.e6 analysis.

6 ... tLlf6 variation, examined in the

The variation 16 ... tLlgxe5 17 The prophylactic 7 ... .

i.a7 looks to tLlxe5 tLlxe5 1 8 .i.xe5 clearly be well met by 8 0- Q tLlge7 9 exd5 favours White - his bishops exd5 1 0 c4!? (the opening of the dominate the board. position favours White - it is not easy for Black to find a comfortable tpost for his queen) 10 ... dxc4 1 1 Llxc4 0- Q 12 'ii' c2;!;.


0 0

9 b4 ..td6 In Kalinichenko-Rabin (Moscow after 10 .1997) Black played 9 ... ..tb2 tLlg6 1 1 t .ta7, and Llb3 he tried to block the position by 1 1 . . .d4. However, 12 e5! (not allowing Black to suppor12 . . . tLlcxeS 13 tLlxe5 tt his d4 pawn) LlxeS 14 ..txh7+ � xh7 15 W'h5+ � g8 16

17 tLlxc6!

'ii' xe5 gave White the advantage. 10


. bl t A subtle positional decision. With


all his forces White attacks Black's 11


weakness - his b7 pawn.

12 exd5 exd5


An Opening Repertoire f or the Positional Player




:let '

lL!aS 'ii' b6

1 8 'ii' c7 is no better in view of ...

1 9 � cl ! � xc1 20 l:txcl . 19

'ii' t l:ad8

20 lZ.ad1 Black no longer appears to have any good moves. 20 . l:d7 is strongly met by 21 � fS!, while after 20 . � d5 21 � e4 � xe4 22 l:xe4 the b 7 pawn is in danger. 20 l:xd3 .


Desperation, but Black wants to create at least some counterplay. 21

22 ltJxb7 1fc4 23 ltJcS .ih3 24 l:d4 1fa2 25 1fc3 f6 26 lL!b3


lZ.xd3 'ii' bS

The door slams shut.



27 l:al ltJtJ+ 28 �hl 1fxa1+ 29 .ixal ltJxd4 30 �xd4 lZ.c8 31 'ifb3+ Black resigns

Caro-Kann Defence


1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5

1996). Black has two bishops and an active queen, while White has

3 e5 we recommend Short's Variation. Against the Caro-Kann Defence He faces a painstaking task to retained his pawn in a quiet position. For a long time it was considered neutralise the opponent's initiative, but a pawn is a pawn, and his completely harmless, but by the chances are slightly better.


efforts of the strongest English


player it has been transformed into a


5 �e2

formidable weapon for White.



In recent times new tries for Black have appeared in the variation

3 c5. •••

After 4 dxc5 cLlc6 5 � b5 e6 6

� e3 (this move has come to the regain his pawn) 6 ... cfore; it is not easy for Black to � d7 8 .ixc6, and now: Llge7 7 c3 (a) 8 ... � xc6 (this is insufficient for equality) 9 c Llf 3 cLlf5 10 � d4 cLlxd4 1 1 1Wxd4 (1 1 cxd4 b6!? trans poses into variation 'b') 1 l ...a5 12 a4 1We7 13

b axb4 14 cxb4 b6 1 5

In contrast to the 4 c

cxb6! 1Wxb4+ 16 c

Llc3 variation, Llbd2 l:.a6 1 7 %:tb1 White does not chase after the

with a clear advantage to White opponent's light-square bishop, but (Galdunts-K.Arkell, Gelsenkirchen prefers the solid development of his 1994); (b) 8 ... cLlxc6 9 cLlf 3 (9 f4 can be pieces (in particular his kingside) in met by 9 ... g5!? 10 cLlf 3 gxf4 1 1 order to prepare a offensive, based

� d4, Peng Xiaomin-K.Arkell, Hong

on his solid pawn outpost at e5 and Kong 1997, and now 1 1 . .. %

territorial superiority. :tg8!

Sometimes (when Black is would have given Black a good wanting to counterattack in the game) 9 ... 1Wc7! (attacking the e5 and c5 pawns) 10 .id4 c

centre) White opens the position Llxd4 1 1 cxd4 b6!? 12 cxb6 1Wxb6 13 1Wb3 1Wa6 (with c2-c4), which, with his


development, gives him excellent (Kaminsky-Timoshchenko, Yereva chances.


An Opening Repertoire f or the Positional Player

Short's plan is not easily count 6 ... i.g4 7 � bd2 c5 8 c4 cxd4 9 ered, as wa s shown by the Gelfand � xd4 i.xe2 10 •xe2 � e7 1 1 cxd5 Karpov Candidates Match (1995), ... xd5 12 � c4 � ec6 13 � xc6 ... xc6 where Karpov, a major exper t on the Caro-Kann, was unable fully to 14 i.e3, when the position is opened solve Black's problems. files are in his possession, and will to White's advantage - the c- and d

Now Black has a choice:



5 c5 •..

5 ... �e7 (4.2).

5 � d7 can lead after 6

quickly be occupied by his heavy 0 � e7 pieces) 7 � bd2 (7 c4!?) 7 ... i.g6 8

a 3 � h6 9 c i.e7 10 � b3 0 with to positions from variation 4.2. approximate equality. However, the


However, deviations are also move 5 ... a6 has not found favour, possible:

5 h6

6 0 � 7 7 � bd2 c5 8 and Karpov himself has not played c4! � e7 9 � b3 cxd4 10 � bxd4


} again.


5 ...... b6 also does not secure dxc4 1 1 i.xc4 llc8 12 i.b3 i.g4 13 l:te 1 � c6 14 � xc6 llxc6 15 i.a4 Black a satisfactory game (the centre remains under White's l:lc5 16 1i'b3 with strong pressure control) - 6 0 � d7 7 � 3 h6 8 a ·

(Radu-Schulze, Berlin 1994). 5 ... � d7 6 i.e3 c5 7 � c3 h6 8 0-0 i.h7 12 i.d3 i.xd3 1 3 � xd3 h5 14

� e7 9 i.e3 � g6 10 � 1 � e7 1 1 g4 l:tc8 9 dxc5 i.xc5 10 i.xc5 � xc5 h3 g6 15 � g2 i.h6 16 f4 (Tolnai Lutzka, Belgium 1994). 1 1 � b5, invading at d6 (Mounji Eperjesi, Hungary 1992). After


� d7 6 0 it is



4.1 (1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 e5 i.f 4 dangerous for Black to begin play in ) better prepared for the opening of 5 c5

� f e6 5 i.e2the centre with 6 . . . c5. White

... xd5 ... c7 10 i.xc4 i.e6 1 1 ... the position: 7 c4! dxc4 8 d5 exd5 9 ei.xc4 12 •xc4 � b6 13 ... e4 � e7 14 e6± (Tkachiev-Natanbaatar, Moscow 1994 ). Black gained a solid. but passive position in (Tiraspol 1994):

5 ... �a6 Nevednichy-Savon

6 0 � c7 7

•d2 i.g6 1 1 ,.. f4. White's spatial h3 h5 8 c3 � h6 9 i.g5 i.e7 10 superiorit y gives him a minimal advantage. In Anand-Karpov (Tilburg 1991) Black tried

5 ... a6

6 0 � d7 (or

Caro-Kann Defence The alternative is





0 l2Jc6 7 c3. when Black's compensation for the

The text move is aimed at possible queen (well placed pieces, including clashes in the centre and intensifies the excellent square d5 for his the pressure on c5. l knight, and pressure on the



queenside) is not fully equivalent, a

The attempt to attack White's White has prospects of a pawn queenside by 6 1!fb6 is not the best storway of countering the opponent's m on the kingside, and his plan - after 7 l chances are better (Nijboer-Magem, tJc3! Black is seriously behind in development: Linares 1995). •••

(a) 7 ... cxd4 8 .i.xd4±; l2Jxd4 lenduring 2Je7 8

Removing the tension in the centre allows White (b) 7 ... 11fxb2 8 l2Jb5 ltJa6 9 dxc5 pressure:

6 cxd4 •••


.i.xc2 I 0 1i'd4 1i'xd4 1 1 l2Jfxd4 . 12 l2Jd6+ J.. xd6 13 .i.b5+! � ill 14 i.g6 c4! (a typical way of opening the cxd6 with powerful pressure for the lcentre) 8 ... l2Jbc6 9 1' a4 dxc4 10 tJa3 1i'a5+ 1 1 11fxa5 l2Jxa5 12 l 2Jab5 pawn (Kalinichenko-Goldberg, l2Jd5 13 l2Jxf5 exf S 14 .i.d2, and Moscow 1995);

Black was unable to hold this (c) 7 ... l

2Jc6 (Black avoids going ending (Gelfand-Karpov, Sanghi pawn-grabbing) 8 0-good is 9 l2Jh4!? i.e7 6 l

0 c4 9 b3 (also 10 l:tb1 . Nagar 1995).



wt'a5 13 a3

2Je7!? is an interesting set-up a6 14 f4 b5 15 .2Jxg6 hxg6 12 i.O l:td8 16 g4; (the king's knight aims for c6 and !;,

Short-Burrnakin, Moscow

the queen's knight is developed at

9 .. .' 1995) d7, putting strong pressure on the e5 axb3 lifa5 (dubious is 9 ... cxb3?! 10 2Jge7 1 1 l£lb5 l2Jg6 12 c4 . pawn): 7 dxc5 ltJd7 8 l2Ja3!? i.e7 (Khalifrnan-Epishin, Elista 1995, 13 c5, when White has a clear was agreed drawn after 8 c4 dxc4 9 advantage, Iordachescu-S.Guliev, 0--0 , but 9 l2Ja3!? would have been

Nikolaev 1995) 10 .i.d2 .i.b4 1 1 interesting, with 11fe1 b5 12 a3 .i.xc3 13 .i.xc3 1

sharp play) i'b6 8 ... l2Jc6 9 l2Jb5 l2Jxc5 1 0 l2Jfd4 .i.e4

(13 .. .'ifd8 frees White's hands on 1 1 0-the queenside - 14 a4! a6 1 5 l

0 a6 (capturing on e5 is

:ta2 l2Jge7 16 . dangerous in view of the swifi.b4 0- 0 17 .i.c5±, lbragimov-Ivacic, Bled 1995) 14 advance of the white f-pawn, 11fd2 l2Jge7 1 5 l:tab1 (15 .i.b4 l 2Jxb4 lbreaking up Black's centre) 12 2Jd6+ .i.xd6 13 exd6 11fxd6 14 16 axb4 0- 0 gives no advantage, but l2Jxc6 bxc6 15 f 3 .i.g6 16 1i'd4 l2Jd7 interesting is 1 5 l:tfb 1 0- 0 16 bxc4 17 1i'xg7 1i'e5 18 1i'xe5 l2Jxe5 19 dxc4 17 a4, when Black still faces a .i.d4, and White, with his two battle for equality, Granda-Magem, bishops, looks to have the better Paplona 1995/6) 15 .. 0- 0 16 bxc4 dxc4 17 .i.xc4 bxc4 1 8 :Xb6 axb6, chances (Ehlvest-Khalifrnan, Pamu 1996). .


An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player

7 c4 Familia r motifs - White aims to open up the position. Less clear is complicated game (Sho t-Adianto, Moscow 1994 ).


7 0 a6!? 8 c4 dxc4 9 d5 liJe7 I 0

liJc3 b5 1 1 l:.e I exd5 with a


7 .. dxc4

8 liJc3 a6 9 .i.xc4 liJe7


1 0 d5! leads to a sharp game with attacking chances for White Manresa 1995).



8 liJxe5

13 f4!?

is dangerous in view of


is a further

9 liJxf5 exf5 10 cxd5, when White (a) 13 ... .i.b6 14 � f 1 5 � f has a clear advantage. 9


lbb1 .

dxc4 (Black is forced to make con

cessions - b2-b4 was threatened) 16

Now White is obliged to give up .i.xc4. White has the better chances the right to castle, since

10 .i.d2

- the pawn stor m g2-g4 and f4-f 3 is .i.xd2+ and 1 1 ... l

iJe7 relieves Black of any problems. Why did Black not now a reality, further extending the take on e5? In this case the absence influence of his bishops (V asyukov of his light-square bishop tells: Vyzhmanavin, Elista 1995); 9 ..


(b) 13 ... dxc4 14 .i.xc4 0,

tJxe5 ' 10 cxd5 followed by 1 1 i'a4+, and Black is in difficulties. although slightly more accurate,




does not completely solve Black's

tJe7 11 '

problems: 15 b4 (alas, 1 5 l



liJxe5J 16 fxe5 fxe6+ leads only to

White defends his e5 pawn and equality - the e5 pawn is doomed) tries to exploit the insecure position 15 ... .i.b6 16 � e2 .:lac8 17 .t.b3!i of the enemy bishop at b4. Thus the the white bishops area dangerous

ll ... .i.c5

natural retreat l

allows 12

(Kalinichenko-Vefling, corr. 1996) iJxe6!


- cf. Ill ustrative Game No.4.


12 1Wxa5 .i.xa5 The game has gone into a compli

4.2 (1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 e5 .

i.f S 4 liJf e 5

. t.e2)

cated ending with a slight initiative for White (see diagram next



column). Ehlvest-Gulko (Riga 1995) continued

13 b4

.t.c7 (13 ... .

Black aims to keep the position i.b6? 14 c5±) 14 f4 dxc4 15 .

Caro-Kann Def ence

closed, by delaying somewhat the t.xc4i.

attack on the centre


... c6-c5.


7 c5 8 i.g5 f6 (8 'ifb6?! is dangerous in view of 9 i.. xe7 i..xe7 I 0 lilxf5 exf5 I I l ...

. ..

threat of l £lc3, when the 9 exf6 gxf6 I 0 l£Jxd5 is highly unpleasant) £Jxf 5 l£lxf5 1 1 i..h5+ � e 7 12 i.. c I ! , and the insecure pos the advantage (Vozka-Buchnichek, ition of the black king gives White corr. 1992/3 ).


i.. g6 8 ltld2 c5 9 c3 l


9 ... cxd4 10 cxd4 ltlf5 t t l tlc6 (after t2 l

tlxg6 hxg6 ilf l Black runs into difficulties,

0-- l


Anand-Karpov, Brussels t991) tO

tld7 6



l is premature, in view of the i.e7 t2 .

£lxg6 hxg6 1 t lilf l '.te3 a6, Khalifman-Lobron, ifb6 (or t 1 ... familia r 7 c4! l 'ifa4+ 'ifd7 9 'ifxc4 cxd4 10 ltlbc6 (or 7 ... dxc4 8 Munich t992, and here t3 'ifd2, tlxd4 i.g6 1 1 l preventing . . . g6-g5 and ensuring tlc3, and the position is ltlg5, would have enabled White to opened to White's advantage) 8 hope for an advantage) 12 :bt i.. e7 dxc5 dxc4 (8 .. d4 does not solve t3 ..te3 :c8 14 g3 cxd4 t 5 cxd4 .

Black's problems, Bologan-Haba, 'ii' a5 16 a3 a6 I7 h4 b5 t8 :at Germany 1992/3; after 9 i.d3 i.g4 10 i.f4i White retains control over (Lutz-Rogers, Germany t995). e5) 9 'ifa4 ltlg6 10 'ii' xc4 i.e7 1 1 White, who controls more space and 'ii' c3 ( 12 ltla3!, and White is (a3-a4), has the better chances.

more actively placed (Bologan).


ltldl l£11

has good prospects on the queenside

In Kamsky-Karpov (Groningen t995) Black chose the solid


i.g6, vacating the f


This manoeuvre is the point of S square. 9 ltlbfdeveloping his knight at c6: 7 ltlbd2 White, who controls more space,

leaving himself the option of

(7 c3!? is also good) 7 ... c5 8 c4! cxd4 9 ltlxd4 ltlec6 10 l


tl2f 3 dxc4

quite naturally avoids exchanges.


1 1 i.xc4 i.e7 12 i.e3 ( 13 :et a6 (13 ... ltla5 14 'ii' a4! followed by Black has no other play. 10

c3 :fd1 is good for White) t4 a3, and

This position (see diagram next White retained his opening initiative page) wa s reached in Shirov-Adams thanks to his spatial advantage and (Wijk a Zee t996), where after haonious placing of his forces.

7 ltlb4 i.e4

10 ..te7 .. .

the typical manoeuvre



..tx 12 l£Jxf 3 l£lh4 13

Oer possibilities:


� xh

..txh4 14 f4 enabled White to

An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player

exchange two pairs of minor pieces and to gain space for an attack wit pawns and pieces on the kingside.

7 c4 Another possibility is 7 0 ltJe7 8 c4 dxc4 9 i.xc4 (9 d5 is unclea r -see the analysis) 9 ... a6 1 0 l 3 b5 1 1 i.e2 b4 12 lLla4 liJd5 13 i.gS; (sky-Adianto, Amsterda m 1996). But Black


accurately: 10 ... l play more the pressure on e5) 1 1 d5 liJc6!? (intensifying tJcxeS 12 ltJxe5 ltJxeS 13 Wa4+ liJd7 14 dxe6 fxe6 1 5 'ii' b3 Wb6!, when White has to demonstrate that he has compen sation for the pawn.



8 liJxd4 i.xb1 9 lbb1 i.b4+ 10 �n ltJe7 However, even after Shirov's recommendation of 10 1i'b6, Black does not solve completely his opening problems: 1 1 g4! cxd4 12 ltJxe4 dxe4 13 liJxd4 liJxd4 14 'ifxd4 Wxd4 15 cxd4 leaves him with a difficult ending. ..•

ll 'ifa4

Wa 12

13 f4 dxc4

Wxa5 i.x

14 i.xc4 0-- 15 b4 i.b6 16 e4 li)xd4 21 l:txd4 .txd4 22 � xd4 li)f8. l:tc8 (or 22 ... l:td8 23 ci>e4) 23 l:tdl White has a n active king, a strong g5!? (or 24 ... fxe5 25 fxe5 lA precise reaction. After 24 �

24 g3! 6 bishops, and prospects of seizing

18 lbd1

i)g6) control of the d-file.


Black would have gained counter l)f


Black tries to consolidate his grip



25 fxeS l

on d5.

19 lbS


i)g6 xe3

In certain variations the strength

20 �xe3 �S+?! An inaccuracy, which probably 25 ... lof the prophylactic g2-g3 is seen: i)e6 26 li)xa7 d4+ 27 � d3 and loses the game. A tougher defence there is no check at f4. was offered by 20 ... li)fS+ 21 � e4 a6

26 ci>d4 le7 22 li)d6 li)xd6+ 23 :Xd6 l:txd6 24

exd6 li)d7 25 l:td 1, when although Going totally onto the defensive Black's chances are not brilliant (the fails to save the game, but also after strong passed pawn at d6 combined 27 ... li)c6+ 28 � xd5 li)xb4+ 29 � e6

27 li)d6 :d7

with the activity of his other pieces li)xa2 30 l:.a1 White dominates the gives White a clear advantage), board, and the e5 pawn is practically resistance is still possible. 21


unstoppable. 28


b6 It is a pity, of course, to par t with such a bishop, but on the other hand White transforms his dynamic ad Black can move. Little would have There is practically nothing that

29 g4 gS vantage into a stable one (the pawn been changed by 29 ... g6 30 li)e8 at d5 will be a chronic weakness). l:ld8 3 1 li)f6+ ci>g7 32 .r.c7+-.



30 le8! :b7

An attempt to retain as many After 30 ... .r.d8 the same manpieces as possible. After 21 ... :txd5 22 l:.xd5 exd5 23 l

oeuvre as indicated after 29 ... g6 is :.b2! (covering the possible.

invasion square c2) Black's position

32 li)xc7

is again cheerless.



31 l:lc7 l:lxc7 �f

33 e6+!

Exchanging a pair of rooks and A little finesse. After 33 . . . � f6 34 seizing control of the c-file.

lbxd5+ xe6 35 li)xe7 � xe7 36





� e5! the pawn ending is absolutely


hopeless for Black, and so he

Black tenaciously seeks counter-


Pirc-Ufimtsev Defence


1 e4 d6 In the event of the Moder pawn centre:

3 . e5 (5.1) .



3 d5 .••


(5.2). l. .. g6

J.g7 3 l

can be met by either 4 d5 into the Pirc-Ufimtsev Defence, Z)c3 d6 4 0!?, transposing followed by c2-c4 and � 3, seizing

we recommend 2 d4

3 c5 •••

since Black has nothing better than 'space, or 4 dxc5!? dxc5 (if 4 ... i'a5+ 5 � 3 'i'xc5 6 ... e2!? lZ)c6 7 4 ... lZ)f6, which after 5 J.e3 c6 6 J.e3 lZ)d4 8 J.xd4 'i'xd4 9 'i'h5+ 'i'd2 � 7 h4! leads to a favourable lZ)d7 10 lZ)d5;t;) 5 ... xd8+ � xd8 6 position for White from the Comas :San Segunda game considered the endgame: White can quickly i.e3, retaining a slight advantage in below.

occupy the d-file, which in com

2 d4 lZ)f6

bination with lZ)c3-b5 will cause


Black definite problems.


3 g6 •• •

we can recommend the set-up 4 J.e3, and now:

(a) 4 ... c6 (this attempt to begin immediate play on the queenside White is solidly placed in the centre, does not give the desired effect either wing) 5 ... d2 land his king can take shelter on Z)bd7 6 lZ)c3 b5

7 a 3 J.b7 � lZ)h3 J.g7 9 J.e2 � 10

� e5 If :ad I :e8 12 � hi a6 13 lZ)f 2 d5 14 dxe5 lZ)xe5 1 5 J.g5 ... c7 16 f4 with strong pressure (D.Olafs son-Torsson, Reykjavik 1994); A fashionable variation, in which (b) 4 ... .tg7 5 'i'd2 (the play tes White does not aim to extend his a rather different direction after 5 presence in the centre, but concerns lZ)c3 c6 6 ... d2 � 7 h4! h5 8 � 3 himself primarily with supporting b5 9 lZ)g5 lZ)bd7 I 0 a4 b4 1 1 lZ)d 1 e5 his d4+e4 pawn pair, completing his 12 lZ)f 2 exd4 13 .txd4 d5 14 :d I development, and retaining control 'i'e7 15 J.e2, when Black's activity of the centre.

on the queenside and in the cent

Black, in turn, has two ways of has led to the creation of numerous trying to hinder White's haonious pawn weaesses, which in com tll·vclopment and of attacking his bination with the better placing of

Pirc-U fimtsev Def ence


the white pieces gives White an en 1i'c7 I l ltlge2 1i'b7 12 Wd2 .i.d7 I . during advantage, Comas-San Seg Ot, or 5 ... ltlh5 6 .i.e3 g6 7 � c3 f5 unda, Zaragoza 1992) 5 ... e5 (fearing 8 exf5 gxf5 9 .i.d3t, Psakhis) 6 an attack on the kingside, Black l tlc3, and now: goes into an endgame) 6 dxe5 dxe5 i.xe6

i.e7 7 l7 Wxd8+ � xd8 8 .i.c4 .i.e6 9 . followed by .(a) 6 ... .

i.e3 and Wd2) 7 tlge2 (or 7 We2!? . 0 8 .


fxe6 I 0 ltld2 ltlc6 1 1 c3 b6 12 � e2 ltlg3 cxd5 9 ltla4! 1i'c7 10 cxd5

� e7 13 a4. Black faces a difficult .id7 1 1 .i.e3 .:.c8 12 ltlc3 with the battle for a draw (Kasparov better chances for White - he can Bartosik, Katowice 1993).

increase the pressure on the queen

side, whereas Black's counterplay

5.1 (1 e4 d6 2 d4ltlf 6 3 f3) 3


on the kingside is problematic (Kasparov-Wahls, Baden Baden


a4, for where the white knight is (b) 6 ... .i.d7 (Black wants to attack aiming) 7 ltla4 (here too 7 1 i'e2!? is possible) 7 ... Wd8 8 .i.e3 cxd5 9 cxd5 l tlxd5 (a clever attempt to gain counterplay, which is nevertheless insuf ficient to equalise; after 9 ... .i.e7 10 Wb3 White keeps his opening advantage, since IO ... Wa5+ 1 1 .i.d2 .i.xa4 fails to 12 1i'xb7 1 i'b6 13 Wxa8 0 14 ltlc6 15 .:.xc6!) 10 Wxd5 (10 exdS? Wh4+!) IO . .i.xa4 1 1 1i'xb7 .i.c6 12 Wb3. ..

4 dxeS White does not try for too much. Going into an endgame gives him a slight but persistent advantage, thanks primarily to the better placing of his king. may not be to everyone's taste, we Since such early simplification can also suggest the space-gaining

4 dS

c6 5 c4 1i'b6 (hindering the

alternatives are 5 ... .te7 6 ldevelopment of the bishop at c I; tlc3 0 7 .i.e3 a6 8 .td3 cxd5 9 cxd5 b5 I 0 b4

An Opening Repertoire for th e Positional Player


We are following the game The critical position of the Psakhis-Sturua (Biel 1995). White variation, which can b e assessed as has the better chances - he has hin slightly better for White. His pieces dered the freeing advance . . . d6-d5 are more actively and harmoniously (if 1 2 .. d5 13 exd5 .i.xdS 14 'i'bS+! or 13 ... 'ifxd5 14 � c4 'ifaS+ 15 . placed. He is already occupying the i.d2 .

'i'c7 16 l d-file, where the doubling of rooks tle2, and White's lead in is possible, his king stands well at development and harmoniously e3, and Black also has to keep an placed pieces give him the advantage), which puts Black in the eye on the light-square bishop. However, readers who do not like position of the defending side. 4

an early exchange of queens and dxe5

5 'ifxd8+ �xd8 6 �c4 �e8 6


.. referred to the Psakhis-Sturua game prefer more active play caexamined above.

.i.e 6 also leaves White with

the better chances: 7 � xe6 fxe6 8

� e3 (8 ltlh3 followed by l


5.2 (1 e4 d6 l d4ltlf6 3


ltlh3 ltlbd7 1 1 ltlf 2 l:thg8 12 � gS 13 g4! ltaf 8 14 h4 with strong pressure on the kingside (Arkhipov Panchenko, Russia 1993). 7 � e3


8 ltlel �c5 9 �f rt;e7 10 l:td1 �xe3+ 11 �xe

fJ) tlt 2 is also good) 8 ... .i.d6 9 ltld2 � e7 10

n be

An interesting idea, leading to more complicated play than 3 . . . eS. similar to the Steinitz Variation of Black is ready to go in for positions 3 lthe French Defence (1 e4 e6 2 d4 dS tlc3 ltlf6 4 eS lsating for the loss of a tempo ( . . . d6-tlfd7), compenalso takes two moves to go to f4. d5) by the fact that the white f-pawn Pirc-U fimtsev Def ence

4 e5 lbfd7


17 lbfg5 'ii' e8 18 •d3 with a very

With the original, Nimzowitsch strong attack. It is worth noting style



lbg8 Black aims for a White's pretty, although typical blocked position and intends to play actions, enabling him to transfor

ma his knight to f5 via h6 or e7. Even slight initiative into a powerful so, White's powerful central pawn offensive.


wedge and spatial advantage enable him to play actively on the wings: 5 If




e 6 it is best to transpose into c3 (5 .

i.e3 is a good alternative) the Kasparov-Hansen game by 6 c4.


5 . c5 6 f4 cxd4 7 cxd4 lbc6 8 lbc3 ..



7 .i.e3!

lbh6 9 .i.e2 lbf S I 0 lbf 3 e6 1 1 a j.d7 12 b4 l:.c8 13 'ii' d2 .i.e7 14 .

An accurate response. After the i.b2 � (14 ... h5!? is more natural

accurate, but 15 � � 16 lbd I lbc3 .followed by lbe3 still leaves White

7 c3

cxd4 8 cxd4 lbb6 9

i.f5 Black frees his light

with a slight advantage - Black's square bishop and obtains a satiskingside pawns are weakened) 15 factory game (Hoeksema-Hodgson, Leeuwarden 1993).


0-0 a5 16 g4 (Gofstein-Beim, Tel


Aviv 1992). Black is in difficulties - If Black does not wish to his knight ha s to retreat to the edge transpose into the French Defence of the board (h6), since after by



•b16 ... lbh4 17 lbxh4 .

6 8 lbc3 e6, then the text

i.xh4 1 8 g5! move is practically forced. White for a time can shut the bishop However, in the French too things out of the game. The position is ver a not easy for him after 9 lba4 close in structure to the 3 e5 'ii' a5+ 10 c3: variation of the French Defence, (a) 10 ... cxd4 (this variation with a which should undoubtedly facilitate piece sacrifice, which used to b the readers' understanding of it.

fashionable, is not often seen now -

5 f4 This position was interpreted in b4 lbxb4 12 cxb4 . White gains a stable advantage) 1 1 i.xb4+ 13 . i.d2 interesting fashion by Kasparov in .i.xd2+ 14 lbxd2 b6 1 5 '3 g5 16 his game with Cur t Hansen (Den '5 gxf4 17 •xa5 bxa 5 1 8 lbf mark 1990):

5 c4!?

dxc4 6 .i.xc4 e6 :b8 19 :cl ± (Yudasin-Palatnik, 7 f4 c5 8 dxc5! (not allowing the

USSR 1987); against d4) 8 ... j.xc5 9 lbfopponent to initiate counterplay . (b) 10 . . . c4 1 1 b4 'ii' c7 12 .

i.e2 3 a6 10 i.e7 13 a3!? f lbc3 b5 1 1 .i.d3 .i.b7 12 a3 lbc6 13 lbe4 �

14 :g1 (a

interesting plan, but it proves 14 h4! (the black king will effective only due to Black's

not find peace on the kingside) 14 ... .i.e7 1 5 .i.e3 f6 16 .i.c2 fxe5 inaccurate play; after 14 lbb2!? White would have retained an


An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player

opening advantage) 14 . llJf .


i.f(15 h3!?) 1 5 ... fxg4 16 l:xg4 g6 1 7 8 1 5 g4 2 b6 (after 1 7 ... lbd8!? 1 8 lbb2 aS Black would have succeeded in gaining counterplay) 1 8 lbb2 i.d7 19 a4 a6 20 'b 1 , and White has a solid initiative (Short-Psakhis, Moscow 1994 ).




9 i.xd4 lbb8 10 lbc3


Game 5 (p. 70)


Wijk aan Zee 1994

1 d4 d6 2 e4 liJf 3f has transposed into a Pirc-Ufimtsev From an Indian set-up the game of modem chess - the players aim Defence, which is a typical feature for as long as possible to camouflage their opening intentions.



4 eS liJfd7 5 f4 cS 6






8 lbxd4 lbxd4 9 i.xd4 lbb8 10 lbc3 lbc6 11


The resulting 'French-style' plan of maintaining his strong White consistently carries out the position can be assessed as favour bishop at d4. 1 1 i.f

2 e6 12 i.d3; � also quite good.

able to White: he is slightly ahead in development and the e5-f4 pawn



12 a

pair puts pressure on Black's position. After 1 1 i.bS (1 1 i.f2!? is 'ifd2 'As shown by Gelfand, after 12 f aS 13 a 3 i.d7 14 i.xc6 bxc6 also good) l l ...e6 12 a 3 i.d7 13 lS 0 cS 16 b4 'ifc7! or 12 0i.xc6 i.xc6?! 14 W'd2 Black's posi i.d7 13 fS W'h4!? Black would have tion became unpleasant - his slight gained counterplay. square bishop resembles a pawn



13 i.xc6 i.xc6?!

(Gelfand-Adams, Wijk aan Zee 1994) cf. Ill ustrative Game No. 5. -

A serious inaccuracy, after which

l Slightly better was 13 ... bxc6 14 this bishop has no future. .i\a4 'ifaS+ 15 c3 c5 16 lbxc5 i.xcS I 7 h4, hut here too Black faces a W' aS+ 1 5 c3 cS 16 llJxcS i.xcS 17 diflicull defence.

b4, and now 17 . . . i.xd4! (the best

Pi re-U fimtsev Def ence


practical chance) 1 8 bxa5 � xc3+ 19 White has carried out a great deal � f 2 0-0! 20 :et � xa5, when the of preparatory work


two bishops and the pawn give opponent's pieces have moved Black some compensation for the across to the queenside and now was queen (analysis by Gelfand).

the right time to land a tactical blow:

14 0 15 ... d2 g6 ... e7

23 f5! � g5 (23 ... gxf5 24 l




exf5 25 e6±) 24 fxg6 fxg6 25 ... d3

b6 17 l

with an obvious advantage. But he L!dl!

from where it will have an active The knight is transferred to e3 misses this opportunity. 23

a5 �b5!?

24 axb6 a6! influence on both wings.



defence. He is able to consolidate

This move is the point of Black's defence. After 17 ... � c5 1 8 lBlack is condemned to passive his defensive lines on this pa t of the :lc3 J.xd4+ 19 ... xd4 the white knight is board, almost nullifying White's attacking efforts.

Essential was 1 3 ... bxc6! 14 li)a4

a order of magnitude

the � d7.

25 :e3 �d7?

stronger than

Black loses the thread. Correct

18 a4!

was 25 ... :xc3 26 'ifxc3 � d7

A subtle move, beginning an (26 ... 0-0 is bad in view of 27 g4 attack on the b6 pawn.



:c8 28 ... d4 and now 28 ... l

with an attack for White) 27 � c5 :txc5!! 19 l:lc � e7

20 b4! ... b7

(a dif' ficult move to find) 29 bxc5 ifc6 JO c4 J.xc4 3 1 b7 � c7 32 'ifb2

Or 20 ... � xb4 21 :xc6!±.

21 l:lb3 �d7 22



� b5 would enable him to set up a practically impregnable position. 26

l:lc5! :.Xc5

27 bxe5 27 � xc5 with the idea of c2-c4

wa s stronger.



28 c4 dxc4 Or 28 ... � xc4 29 lL!xc4 dxc4 30

� f2+ � e8 3 1 ... b4±.

29 :et �e8 30 lL!xc4 ... d5 31

lL!a5 i.c6

White would have had to act precisely after 3 l ...llxc5 (3 1... � xc5? 32 llxc5! :xc5 33 b7 and

An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player


39 'ii' a'

wins) 32 .:tdl ! (32 b7?! .:txcl+ 33 t'xc l 't'xd4+ 34


't'c8+ .i.d8 36 b8=1 ' 't'xa5� ) 32 . .i.a4 33 b7 .:tb5 34 .:tcl ..

40 't'e4

't'b6! 35


.i.b 35


42 e6!

'iff .xa5 36 l:tc8+ d7 37 b8=1 l:txb8 38 l

After repeating moves to gain :txb8, when he retains an time, White carries out the correct

advantage. 32


winning pla i.e3

black queen he breaks through with

by diverting the

33 ltlxe6

his rook on the a-file.

34 b3


35 'ii' el


43 .:txa5

36 bl


44 .:ta7 't'e4

Now, or on the next move, 36 44 .. .i.d8 is strongly met by 45 'ii' e2! was more accurate, controlling ' .

ifa3!, controlling the a3-f bS.


36 37 38



aS .:tal .:ta8



g5 b4


The rook operates successfully over the whole board.



48 l:tc4 l:lb7 49 l:tc8+ c 50 ltc7 i>g7 51 . gxf4 i.d4 'ii' e4 52

'ii' f3!

Black resigns After 52 'ifxd4 53 l:xb7 ..tc5 ...

54 'f g4+ further resistance is impossible.

6 Alekhine Defence 1 e4 2 e5 3 d4 4 l.)f l.)f li)dS d6

i..g6 9 e6!±, when the threat of i.. bS+, with the idea of denying the is ver y dangerous) 6 exd6 ( 6 black knight the c6 square, is also good) 6 ... cxd6 7 dS li)a6 8 i.. e3 i.. d7 9 li)gS li)b4 10 l f6 12 � e6 i.. xe6 13 dxe6 i.. g7 14 i)c3 g6 1 1 Wfi.. bS+ (Kovalev-Leko, Tilburg 1992). Black stds worse - the e6 pawn splits his position in two, and the white bishops are dangerous).



. c6

of the knight) S c4 l(vacating c7 for the retreat logical S ... li)b6 6 i.. e2 i.. g4 7 li)c7 (the less i)bd2 dxeS 8 � xeS i.. fS 9 � df l e6 1 0

� gS! gave White the advantage in This system of development is Kovalev-Dreev, USSR 1986) 6 h3 considered one of the strongest for (preventing ... i..g4) 6 . . . dxeS 7 White. He does not hur y with c2- � xeS � d7 8 li)f l g6 9 � 3 i..g7 1 0 c4, but first completes the mobilis i.. e2 ( 1 1 i.. f4 li)e6 12 i.. e3 Wc7 ation of his kingside and supports 13 W c 1 cS 14 dxcS li)dxcS 1 S ( very popular, which is explained by his eS pawn. This method of play is (Anand-Suba, Palma de Mallorca the fact that White does not take too White 1989). By simple, natural moves has gained a marked much of a risk - he wants to gain a slight, but enduring advantage. Black's main

4 ... l (6.3) and

advantage: a lead in development,

strong-points for his queen's knight, responses are and the possibility of a pawn i)c6

4 ... i.. g4 (6.4).

(6.1), 4 ... dxe5 (6.2), 4 .. . g6

addition, it is not easy for Black to

Other tries:

4 ... l

develop his queen's bishop. i)b6 S a4 (before Black has

managed to deploy his forces

6.1 (1 e4li)f62 e5li)d5 3 d4 d6 4

comfortably, it is good to harass the li)f3) account of 6 aS � 6d7 7 h3 i..hS 8 knight) S . . . aS (S ... i..g4 is risky on



offensive on the queenside. In

An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player



This move, attacking the central After l:1c4?! 1 1 J.xc4 dxc4 squares, allows a standard pawn 12 •a4 •d7 13 0 White ha s a sacrifice which significantly hinders clea r advantage (Nunn-Vaganian, the opponent's development and London 1986). Nunn suggests secures White an enduring initiative.

5 c4 l:1b6




ld7, but then 1 1 h5 e5 12 h6

..tf6 13 l:1xd5 exd4 14 l:1xf6+ exf6

6 e6! fxe6 15 l:1xd4 leaves White with the two based on the insecure position of the White's attacking possibilities are bishops and the better placed king. black king. The main blow must be


e4l:1f 6 2 e5 l:1d5 3 d4 d6 prepared along the b l-h7 and h5-e8 diagonals, and it is this that explains his subsequent 4 dxe5





The freeing attempt 7

5 l:1xe5 .••


is also insufficient for equality: 8 d5 l:1d4 9 l:1xd4 exd4 10 1ixd4 e5 1 1 dxe6

.i.xe6 12 J.e2! (Vogt-Bohm, Polanica Zdroj 1980)

8 h4 .g7 9 ..te d5 After



l:1d7 10 h5 l:1f 8 1 1 •df(,IJowed by queenside castling,

White retains strong pressure.

10 c5 Black has to decide where to I I IO V l"

his knight.

Ale/chine Def ence


After relieving somewhat the situation in the centre, Black will tto arrange play against the knight at e5 with

5 ... l2Jd7 (6.21)


5 ...

g6 (6.22). After 5 ... e6 8 l2Jc3 l 6 •n •f6 7 • g3 h6 merely strengthens White's centre) 2Jb4 (the exchange on c3 9 .i.b5+ c6 I 0 .i.a4 l2Jd7 1 1 l2Je4 •f5 12 f 3 l2Jxe5 13 dxe5 .i.d7 14 a3 l2Jd5 15 c4 l2Jb6 16 .i.c2 White stands better, according to analysis by Tal - Black is behind in development, and his queen, under 1992) continued l l ...h6 12 .The game Lautier-Shirov (Biel cross-fire, is badly placed in front of i.h4 g5 his other pieces. 13 .i.g3 .i.xg3 14 hxg3 b6 15 d5, and White's advantage became

6.21 (1 e4l2Jf6 2 e5 l2Jd5 3 d4 d6

clear. 4l

2Jf 3 dxe5 5 l2Jxe5)



6.22 (1 e4 l

2Jf6 2 e5 l2Jd5 3 d4 d6 4 l2Jf 3 dxe5 5 l2Jxe5 Black provokes his opponent into

) making the typical sacrifice 6 l2Jxf7.

5 According to current analysis this


gives White the advantage, but we consider it impractical to study long and complicated variations when there is little probability of them being encountered in practice. We therefore recommend another way of fighting for an advantage.




7 c4 liJ5f 8 .i.e2 c5 9 0 .i.d6 10 lc3 0 11 i.g5

Black tries to solve the problem

It is not easy for Black to find a of developing his kingside without successful arrangement of his playing ... e7-e6. pieces.

6 c4

An Opening Repertoire f or the Positional Player


The most practical 'central' with his two active bishops and

arrangement of the forces. t

control of the d-file, has the better 6

6 . tiJf6 also does not promise ..

equality: 7 i.e2 i.g7 8 tc3 c6 1 0

0 9 i.f4

0 tDa6 1 1 'i'd2 i.f5 12 6.3 (1 e4 t

iJf6 2 e5 tiJd5 3 d4 d6 4 tiJf3) I; ; (Dolmatov-Kengis, USSR 1 980).

4 7 tDc3 i.g7




8 i.e3 c5 Black's lack of space tells in the variation

8 i.e6

9 f4 c6 I 0 b3


tiJSd7 1 1 i.e2; ; (Vitolinsh-Kengis,

Riga 1988). 9


White goes into a slightly better ending.



10 l:.xd 1 i.xe5 11 cxb6 i.xc3+ ll ... axb6

12 l:.d2 is no better.

12 bxc3 axb6 13 l:td2 tiJd7 14 i.e2 tDc5

the opponent's centre and prepares

Black intensifies the pressure on

15 � to castle quickly. 5


The most popular continuation, recomme�ded by Keres.



The attempt to suppor t the centralised knight also does not promise equality:

5 c6 ...


0 i.g7

7 exd6 (Black is unable to recapture with the pawn, and now White's pressure on the e-file will have definite significance; the less common 7 h3

0 8 exd6 exd6 is

examined in Ill ustrative Game No.6, Kasparov-Ivanchuk, Las Palmas We


following the game Emst 1996) 7 ... 'i'xd6 8 i.g5 (8 h3 is also

lla� irov (Helsinki 1992). White, good, not allowing ... i.g4) 8 .. i.g4 .

Ale/chine Def ence


9 tLlbd2 tLld7 10 l:.el e6 1 1 h3 i.xf

80 0

12 tLlxf 3 � 13 i.h4 l:.ac8 14 i.g3

9 h3

with the initiative for White, who


10 'e2 d5

has the two bishops (V.Spasov After

6 i.b3 i.g7 7 a4

10 dxe5 ...

1 1 dxeS tLld4 12 Kengis, Manila 1992).

tLlxd4 'i'xd4 13 l:.e I e6 14 tLld2

White stands better.




Before completing the deploy


ment of his forces, White aims to

i.f4 'i'd7 13 l:.ad1

provoke . . . a7-aS, since Black should not allow the cramping advance of the white a-pawn.



In the event of

7 d5 ...

8 aS tLlc4 9 tLlbd2 tt Llxd2 (or 9 ... bS 10 axb6 Llxb6 1 1 � � 12 l:.e1 i.a6 13

Foxboro 198S) 10 i.xd2 � c3 i.bS 14 e6!±, Short-Alburt, 1 1 � i.g4 12 h3 i.xf 3 13 'i'xf l e6 14 i.b4 l:.e8 1 S i.a4 c6 16 c3 White's two powerful bishops give him the advantage (Zapata-Aiburt, New York 1988).

Whit e controls more space, and

Black also fails to solve his his opponent has practically no problems with (Kapfen

7 dxe5 ••.

8 aS tLldS (8 ... t

counterplay. Keres-Kupka

Ll6d7 runs into a combination 9 i.xt7+! � xt 7 10 t berg 1970), the game where this tLle6 'i'e8 1 2 tLlxc7 'LlgS+ � g8 1 1 i'd8 13 t position first occurred, continued Llxa8 13 ... l:.a6 14 'i'd2 tLld8 IS i.h6 c6 16 exd4 14 c3 tLlcS 1S cxd4 i.xd4 16 'i'f4 l:.a8 17 l:.fe 1 f6 18 i.xg7 � xg7

� ±, Christiansen-Albur , USA 19 l 1990) 9 t


:.e2 with advantage to White. LlxeS � 10 � cS 1 1 tLlxt7! (such blows are fairly

e4 tLlf6 2 e5 tLldS 3 d4 d6 common in positions of this type) 1 1

. . 't>xt 7 ( 1 1 ...l:.xtby 12 dxcS! e6 13 c4±, exploiting 7 is strongly met Almost .


i.g4the undefended black queen) 12 The Modem Variation.

'i'f3+ � g8 13 'i'xdS+ 'i'xdS 14 ever y other game played with the i.xdS+ e6 1S i.e4 cxd4 16 i.gS, Alekhine Defence reaches this when White has a clear advantage position - hence the name of the (unn-Stohl, Ankenbrot 1991 ). 7K


An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player

5 .1e2

preferable for White. He exchanges on c6, spoils Black's pawns and gains a slight but advantage (analysis by Bagirov). enduring

4 lbf6.41 (1 e4lbf6 2 e5 lbd5 3 d4 d6 3 .1g4 5 ..te2) 5


6 0 .1xf An idea of Grandmaster Flohr.

6 .. dxe5 Botvinnnik (Moscow 1936), but against

Initially he played


after 7 lbxe5 i.xe2 8 'ii' xe2 lbd7 9 move, after which Black has a The most logical and accurate f4 e6 10 c4 lb5f6 1 1 i.e3 .1e7 12 lbc3 White gained the advantage. choice:

5 .. c6 (6.41) .


5 e6 (6.42). ..•

The exchange on e5 is premature:

5 ... dxe5

7 i.xf dxe5

8 dxe5 e6

6 lbxe5 .1xe2 7 •xe2 c6 8

9 lbd2 lbd7

't'£3! lbf6 9 't'b3!, and Black can The idea of Black exchanging on resign (Golovei-Lemachko, Kalinin f 3 is to attack the e5 pawn. White grad 1970).

5 . lbc6

has found a successful antidote to

is best met by 6 0--0:


(a) 6 ... dxe5 7 lbxe5 .1xe2 8 this plan. 10


'ii'c7 't'xe2 lbxd4, when Black wins a

11 lbc4

pawn but condemns himself to a difficult defence - 9 't'c4 c5 I 0 .1e3! a6 1 1 lbc3 e6 12 .1xd4 lbb6 1 3 't'b3 cxd4 14 lba4! lbxa4 15

't'xb7 with a very strong attack (Gofstein-Hansen, Reykjavik 1985); (b) 6 ... g6 7 e6! fxe6 8 lbg5, and if 8 . .txe2 9 't'xe2 0xd4 10 'ifd3!, .


when the position of the knight at d4, forced to cover e6, is too

msecure; (c) 6 . . . lbb6 7 h3! .tx£ 3 (7 ... ..th5 K c6!) 8 .txf 3 dxe5 9 dxe5 't'xd1 10 ld I c6 I I b3 (or 1 1 i.xc6+!?) l l i l.c7 12 .tb2. This position is game Gufeld-Goh (Penang 1991 ), ...

This position was reached in the Alekhine Defence where ll

.. b5 .


encountered the Knezevic, Vmjacka Banja 1 975) 8

excellent reply 12 � xd5 cxd5 13 exd6 cxd6 9 d5! exd5 10 cxdS �xflbd6+! � xd6 14 'ii' xd5!, winning 1 1 gxf3! (although risky-looking,

material. ll



the doubling of the pawns seriously here too 12 lbd6+ � xd6 13 exd6 was better, although hinders Black's normal develop guarantees White a solid advantage. •d4 •f6 14 :et+ � e7 (according ment) 1 1 .. .ltJe5 12 � b5+ ltJed7 13 to analysis by Boleslavsky, Black

6.42 (1 e4 lf6 2 e5 lLld5 Llf 3 �g4 5 �e2)


d4 d6 4l

ends up in a difficult position after

14 ... � d8 15 •d1 ! •fs 16 ltJc3 ltJe5

l17 f4 'ii' g4+ 1 8 •xg4 ltJxg4 19

� e2 ltJa4!) 1 5 •xf6 gxf6 16 lbc3 a6 17 tJeS 1 8 f4, and the advantage of the two bishops is ver y per ceptible (Vogt-Heidenfeld, Skopje 1972). If

6 ... a6

the most accurate is 7 c4

lbb6 8 exd6 cxd6 9 lbc3;!;; , while

6 ltJb6 . •.

'ii' xe2 ltJd7 9 :dl !±) 7 c4 dxe5 8 (6 ... dxe5 7 lbxe5 � xe2 8 lbxe5 .ixe2 9 'ii' xe2 'ii' xd4 Is risky

5 6 0-e6

in view of 10 lr.dl •cs 1 1 b4! 'ii' e7 (l l ...'ii' xb4 12 'ii' f3) 12 lbc3 g6 13 c5 (Abroz-Neckar, Czechoslo vakia 1978). White's attack is very dangerous - it is difficult for Black The most popular line of the to disentangle his pieces.

7 c4 lLlb6

Alekhine Defence. White gains a strong centre and good prospects of

8 h3

play on the queenside. Black is This modest move is the most cramped and must try to resist the unpleasant for Black. opponent's growing initiative.






8 ... � xf 3 9 ..txf 3 lbc6 1 0

The most topical continuation. � xc6+ bxc6 1 1 lbc3 � 12 b3 aS After

6 lLlc6 •••

White advances his c 13 � e3 ltJd7 14 •hs White gains

and d-pawns and gains the advantage: 7 c4 lbb6 (or 7 ... l the advantage (Vasyukov-Torre, tJde7 8 exd6! 'ii' xd6 9 lbc3 � xf 3 10 � xf Manila 1974).



ltJxd4 1 1 � xb7 l:tb8 12 � e4 with White does not advantage to White, Ciocaltea- but calmly continues his developexchange on d6,



An Opening Repertoire f or the Positional Player

ment, which sets Black obvious Tivyakov-Yermolinsky, New York accurate is 13 11994; if 12 ... � 6d7 the most i'd2;t) 12 g4!? .

problems. \.g6

.llxh4? 14 gS or 13 ... dxe5? 14 h5 13 h4! h5 (bad, of course, is 13 ... .ll b4 1 5 hxg6 . \.xc3 16 gxfi+ :x17 � xeS .ll xa 1 1 8 � xf i � x 19 1Wxal, Doran-Bagirov, Moscow 1989) 14 .ll f 5 1 5 exd6 cxd6 16 d5 e5 17 positional advantage (analysis by g6 1 8 � de4 with a Doran).

11 c5 .ll xf 11 �6d7 ..•

is passive: 12 :et b6

13 c6!±.

9 ... �c6 12 gxf3!? exd6 cxd6 1 1 dS! exdS 12 � xdS, is strongly met by 10 and

9 dxe5 •••

I 0 � xeS .ll xe2 1 1

'ii' xe2 'ii' xd4 12 :dl± is no better.

10 .ll e d5 The recurring theme of Black's play is the dS square. It should be mentioned that IO � c6 is very strongly met by 1 1 •••

exd6 cxd6 12 dS exdS 13 � xdS

� xdS 14 'ii' xdS! In view of his badly placed bishop at hS, Black stands worse. 10 ... dxe5 is also unpromising: White's main continuation in this after 1 1 � xeS i.xe2 12 ¥xe2 � 8d7 variation. The basic idea is that 1 3

:ad l c6 14 � e4 � c8 1S � cS Black cannot play ll .. � c4? on White has a clear pos.itional advan account of 13 i.xc4 dxc4 14 1Wa4, tage (Geller-Vaganian, Leningrad winning a pawn, which means that 197 1 ). he is obliged to retreat virtually his .

IO ... a5 i s often played, although only developed piece, leaving him here too White retains the initiative cramped. with accurate play: 1 1 b3 � a6 (or l l . . . dS 12 cS � c8 13 � el .ll xe2 14 '

9 0--

�c8 ll ... �6d7


can be met by 13 � h 1 iVxe2 h6 15 cxb6 � xb6 16 � d3;t, b6 14 b4 aS 1S

a c6 16 1i'd2 fS 17

Alekhine Defence


.:tab1 .:tf 7 1 8 f4 (Ciocaltea-Pribyl, i.h6 20 cxb6 axb6 21 'ii d3±) 19 Bucharest 1975), when Wh ite exf6; (Sax-Ivanchuk, Tilburg retains the advantage thanks to his 1989). spatial advantage and possibility of play on either flank.

13 f4 lL!c6



g6?! is an indifferent move,

since on the whole it does not prevent f4-f5. The game Levitina Alexandria (Moscow 1975) con (15 ... exftinued 14 � h2 � h8 15 f5! gxf5 .:txg8+ . 5 16 •b3!) 16 J:g1 J:g8 17 to Bagirov, 1 8 'ii b3! b6 19 J:gl '. xg8, and now, according itf20 lL!xd5! exd5 21 'ii xd5 c6 22 'ii g2±.

13 �h4



'ii g4 � h8 16

14 i.d3 g6 15

15 i.g5 16 lL!xd5 f4 17 lLlxf4 ••.

b lL!c6 17 a 3 f 5 1 8 1i'd 1 � g7 19 � h2 Black is seriously

(17 i.c1 'ii d7 18 b4!; ; is also good,

Copie-Pena Gomez, corr. 1989) cramped (Solozhenkin-Bagirov, USSR 1986).


17 ... i.xf4 1 8 i.xf4 'ii xd4 19 i.g3 LI8e7 20 'ii c2; ; (Tseshkovsky b4 b6 1 5 a3 c6 16 � h2 The play is similar after


1 14


:n 17 l Alburt, USSR 1978). Lla4

i.f 8 1 8 .:tcl :

� d3;

Game 6 (p.76) Kparov-lvanchuk

Z.b7 19 � d2 g6 20 ; (R.Byrne-Vukic, Bugojno


Las Palma 1996

13 .. %le8 .

typical l4 f5! exf5 15 'ii b3± (Nobleis well met by the

1 e4 lf6

Briao, corr. 1990/4).

14 f exf 15


occurs at such a high level. The Alekhine Defence rarely

2 eS



The critical position of the



variation (see diagram next column).




White breaks though on d5, which


i.c4 c6

6 0 i.g7

gives him the initiative:

15 ... i.h4?! 16 i.xd5 lLI8e7 17

7 h3

� xc6 bxc6 1 8 � 5± (Lukin The immediate 7 exd6 is more Yuneev, Daugavpils 1979).

15 ... f4

16 i.xf4 i.g5 17 i.g3

usual - see the analysis. The point is that if 7 ... exd6 the check 8 .:te I + is lLI8e7 1 8 i.g4 f (or 18 ... b6 19 f4 unpleasant.

H2 7

An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player 08

exd6 exd6

The alternative was 13 � c3 d5 14 .i.d3 � d6 15 .i.f4 with some 8 'lixd6 would have transposed initiative for White. ...


into familiar set-ups. Now, however, the play takes a n unexplored course,


14 c4

which was evidently par t of A typical way of attacking the centre, but here it involves a 9

lvanchuk's plans.


sacrifice of material.


Of course, the exchange on d5 is

dxc4 unjustified - after 9 .

i.xd5 cxd5 the The alternative was 14 ... .te6!? 15 d5 pawn cannot be approached, and cxd5 cxd5 16 � c3 � c6 with a the two black successfully control the centinfantrymen passive position. On the other hand, ral the .tb3 would not have been freed.

15 .i.xc4





10 .g5

� d6

.i.b3 � f

17 'lid2!

� d7

Black's position looks solid, but After lengthy consideration Black White skilfully increases the decides against winning the d4 pawn: 17 ... � xd4 18 � d4 1i'xd4 19




1i'e1 •e5 20 � c3 .i.f5 2 1 •xe5

11 .i.h6 l%e8 12 :Xe8+ �xe8

.i.xe5 22 g4 .i.e6 23 l:.d 1 � a6 24 .i.xe6 fxe6 25 � e4, or 17 ... .i.xd4 1 8


� xd6 21 l%d 1 .i.g5 •d6 19 � c3 .i.f 8 22 .i.g7 20 •xd6 i.f4 - in both cases with a dangerous initiative for Whi!e (analysis by Dokhoian). 18 � c � xh6

19 •xh6 20




21 d5! Again very strong - White opens up the position, disregarding the possible loss of his b2 pawn.



22 �xd5 l%c8 13 .i.b3!?

Capturing on b2 is risky A critical moment. Kasparov 22 ... .i.xb2 23 •f4 �8 (after

finds a plan for activating his pieces 23 ...• a5 24 � e5 or 23 ... .txd5 24 in almost all variations, involving a l%xd5! White's initiative is very subtle pawn sacrifice.

Alekhine Defence

dangerous) 24 � c7 .i.xb3 25 axb3


lDe6 26 ltJxe6 fxe6 27 'i'e4 'i'e8 28 'i'xf6 3 1 % '

:.fl, and disaster strikes on i'xb7 %:.d8 29 :e 1, and White has f7.

29 'i'e2 tiJh7? But after the text move the

strong pressure.

In terrible time-trouble Black situation is still rather difficult for commits a decisive mistake. Black - White has no real weak nesses, and he retains unpleasant 'i'xa7 :cl (3 l ...tiJd7 can be met by

23 'ile3!

the back rank) 30 'Esssential was 29 ... .:c8! (covering i'a6 � xb2 3 1 pressure on the central files.

32 tiJf4!?) 32 %:.xcl .txcl 33 liJf4!?

A multi-purpose move - the � e3+ 34 � hl 1t'd7 35 tiJhS+ lith8 advance of the b-pawn is provoked, 36 '8 when White ha s the and the queen supports the advance advantage, but it is still possible to of the knight into the centre.



hold on.

30 tiJxf6 'i'xf6

24 ltJe5 l:tc5

31 %:.d7 %:.e5

25 ltJg4 �xg4

32 l:txf7+ 'ii' xf

26 hxg4 �g7

33 'i'xe5+ 1if6

34 'ii' c7+ �h8

27 f4!

Tightening the ring.

35 �hl! 27


27 ... � xb2 is dangerous in view of actively joining the play on the long Preventing the black queen from 28 'ilf 29 'ild4+) 29 gS. 2 (28 gS!?) 28 ... .tf6 (28 ... � a3 diagonal. 35




36 .te6


28 ... � xb2 29 f6+! � xf6 30 lDxf6 The b2 pawn is still poisoned:

Black resigns


Sicilian Defence


1 e4 cS 2


development, but Black, in turn, has

ljf All deviations by White on moves the superior pawn formation. 2 and 3 are examined in detail in our

White must aim to sharpen the companion volume situation with active piece play, Repertoire for the Attacking Player. An Opening while Black should develop while simultaneously trying to suppress By following the course indicated the opponent's activity. there you will obtain a normal game. � gS White's aims are best met by





the Rauzer Attack, and

This move order avoids the rather

.i.c4 (7 .2), the Sozin Attack.

fashionable 2 .. tLlc6 3 � b5, where If .


� e2 or

6 f4

Black's simplest

Black encounters certain problems. is 6 . . . g6, transposing into the


d4 cxd4

4 tLlxd4 t S tLlc

Classical Dragon (cf. our companion Llf6


volume), which gives him a safe

Llc6 6

game 'on his own territory'.

. i.e 3 is occasionally played,

when Black's most critical reply is 6 . . tlJg4!?, e.g. 7 � g5 'ii' b6 8 .i.b5 .

.i.d7 9 0- 0 h6!? (9 ... 'ii' xd4 10 .i.xc6 'ii' xd1 1 1 .i.xd7+ � xd7 12 l:axdl allows Wh 10 .i.e3 t ite a minimal advantage) LldS (or 12 'ii' tLlxe3 1 1 fxe3 g6!? 12 tJ tLleSoo) 12 'ifd8 13 .i.xc6 bxc6 14 'ii' f . ..

3 f6 with a complicated game in which he has sufficient chances (Lugo D.Gurevich, Chicago 1 996).


The introductor moves are w mplctc and the two sides are at the

7.1 (1 e4 cS Llf6


2 tf

3 d6


d4 cxd4 4 tLlxd4 t

tLlc3 t Llc6)

l:rossroads. White has some spatial advantage and a slight lead in

Sicilian Defence




White intends to complete his White's possibilities are: 7 i..xf6 development with the minimum (7.11), 7 i.. el (7.12) and 7 'ifd2 expenditure of time and then begin play in the centre or on the kingside. (7.13), the most popular. Other tries:



7 i.. c4 (after 7 'f d3 l:.c8 8 lDxc6 bxc6!? both sides have chances) 7 ... 'ii' a5 8 .i.xf6 gxf6 9 0- 0 (9 i..b3 l

'ii' g4 12 .:.g8!oo; 9 tiJb3 'ii' gS 10 g3 hS !? 1 1 f4 i.. d3 fx.e4 15 .i.e2 'ii' g6 13 'ii' d2 f5! 14 i.xe4 i.. fS 16 i.. xfS 'ifxfS 17 0 0 0 M.Brodsky ,

Nevednichy, Bucharest 1994; Black has easily solved his opening problems and can face the future with confidence) 9 ... 'ifc5 10 lDxc6 'ii' xc4!? 1 1 lDaS 'ii' c7 12 tiJb3 e6. Chances are roughly equal. Black has a powerful pawn centre and the We recommend that our readers two bishops, while White has the adopt this simple and logical better pawn structure and more continuation, without worrying that space. it occurs much less frequently than 7 f4 'ii' b6 (the alternative 7 ... l:.c8 the popular 6 e6. The move 6 . . . . is more risky - cf Ill ustrative Game i.d7 is positionally No. 7, Damjanovic-Stein, Havana well-founded - Black immediately 1968) 8 tiJb3 ltJg4 9 'ii' e2 (after 9 sets about using his trumps (the c 'ii' d2 'ii' e3+ 10 'ii' xe3 tDxe3= •..

= Black file plays an import role) and seizes the initiative) 9 ... ltJd4 10 'ii' d2 begins play on the queenside. He ( 10 tiJdS? lDxe2 1 1 lDxb6 axb6 12 thereby excludes an enormous � xe2 h6 13 i..h4 gS!+, Matulovicnumber of fashionable variations of Masic, Sombor 1968) 10 ... ltJxb3 1 1 the Rauzer, where memory and axb3 'ii' e3+ 12 'ii' xe3 ltJxe3 13 � d2 knowledge often play a decisive l:Jxfl+ 14 l:.hxfl e6+ (Polupar , and the opponent will not gayevsky-Stein, Riga 1968). This always be prepared for such a side typical Sicilian endgame is favourline, giving Black an additional able for Black - the c-file, his psychological advantage. But all superior pawn structure and the these arguments would be worthless, long-range bishops make White's were it not for the fact that the defence difficult. variation is in itself viable, giving 7 lDb3 l:.c8 8 i..e2 (this allows Black quite adequate chances. Black to begin sharp play on the An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player


kingside, but also after 8 f4 lbg4 9

8 ltjf .i.d3 h6

I 0.


i.h4 g5 1 1 fxg5 hxg5 12 �d After other moves Black quickly i.xg5 J:txh2 13 l:lxh2 'ii' b6! 14

'ii f2+ ..

1 5 'ii' e2 'ii' xe2+ 16 .txe2 carries out the freeing advance .

f7lDxh2 he seizes the initiative, f5 and gets rid of his doubled pawns:

Mosionzhik-Stein, Riga 1968) 8 ...

8 .te2 h6!? 9 .th4 g5 10 i..g3 h5 1 1 h4 g4

I 0 exf5 .txf5 1 1 l'ii b6 (8 ... .tJd5 'ii' d8 12 :lg8!?) 9 lbb3 f5

012 .tf4 lbe5 13 '' d4 lbg6 14 .tg5

.tg7 15

e6, when his chances are not worse 0 a5 16 'iit b 1 0- (Wade-Averbakh, Moscow 1962).

(Damjanovic-Stein, Tallinn 1969).

8 lbb3

f 5 9 exf5 .txf5 10 .td3 Both sides have chances - it is not

easy for White to approach the black (White plays accurately, trying king, and the c-file and the i.. g7 immediately to exchange one of the may cause him serious problems. opponent's bishops; also possible is .tg6 13 h4 h6 14 .td3 e6 1 5 .txg6 1 0 lDd5 .tg7 1 1 c3 0-0 12 lbe3

7.11 (1 e4 c5 2 lbf 3 d6 3 d4 cxd4

fxg6 16 '' e2 a5 17 a4 'iib 6 1 8

l:.a4 lbxd4 lDf6 5 l lbc6 6 .tg5

d5 with a

complicated game, Lob


ron-Cifuentes, Amsterdam 1987) 10 ... 'ii d7 1 1 lbd5 0- 12 .tx

'i'xf5 13 lbe3 'ii g6 14 'i'e2 � b8 1 5 0-0 l:lg8, and Black's chances are not worse (Bagirov-Furman, Tbilisi 1973). 8

'ii' dl

lbxd4 9 'i'xd4 .tg7

1 0

.te2 0- 0 1 1 'i'd3 f5! and Black opens the position to his advantage (Schreiber-Lanka, Cannes 1993).



9 .tb5 White blocks the fifth rank, trying, if only temporarily, to maintain his knight in its active position.

7 i.. xf6 gxf6

A situation fairly typical of the surrenders the initiative: The attempt to exchange queens 9 'i'd5?! Sicilian: White has spoiled the 'ii xd5 10 lbxd5 0 1 1 lDfe3 e6! opponent's kingside pawns, but in 12 lDf4 (12 lDxf6 .tg7 13 lbxd7 return has given Black the .txb2 14 ladvantage of the two bishops and for White) 12 ... .th6 13 g3 lbe5 14 :tb 1 .tc3+ is dangerous the open g-file, factors which .te2 .tc6 15 f 3 f5+ (Fabritsiusroughly balance. Borisenko, corr. 1963), and Black Sicilian Defence


builds up strong pressure on the bishops, solid pawn centre and open opponent's position. After a3

9 il.d3

e6 1 0 tbe3 � 1 1


spatial advantage (Ribli-Ogaard, g5 both sides have chances Athens 1971 ). (Huergo-Vera, Cuba 1989).



In the given situation it is

7.12 (1 e4 cS 2 tbf

3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 tbxd4 tbf6 S tbc3 tbc6 6 il.gS appropriate to force the white bishop


to declare its intentions immediately.

7 ..te2 10 ..txc6 .

.txc6 The alternative

10 ... bxc6,

g-file compensate for White's

to a more complicated game, is also leading adequate.

11 'ii' hS


H also achieves little. After

1 1 . . . 0back the white knight from f5, 0 Black is ready to drive which in combination with the g-file and the advance ... f6-f5 gives him interesting play.






13 l:the1


This move, associated with free development, also does not cause Black any great problems.



The black queen comes into play with gain of time. 8


.txf6 gxf6 The resulting positions are similar to the preceding variation - Black aims for ... f6-f5.

9 lbb3 Other tries by White:

9 f4 tbb3 ifd8 1 1 ifd3 lbb4 12 ifd2 f5!? (the most thematic) 10 The opening can be regarded a ..tg7 and Black easily solves his completed, and its outcome is satisfactor y for Black: his two New Delhi 1984). An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player


9 (t cation) 1 0 'ii' xd4 . :Jxd4 (useful simplifi

ll f ...

:.c8 (not 10 ... the text move is more accurate. has also been played, but 'ii' c5?! 1 1 'ii' xc5 dxc5 12 llJb5!±, Short-Anand, Amsterdam 1992, but


g3 f

13 f4


I O .. ..

g7 :.g8!? comes into consider

14 exf i.xf ation) 1 1 � h1 (if 1 1 t

opening problems (Thipsay-Gufeld,

'ii' c5 is now good, and Black has no :Jd5, then 1 1 ... dam 1991; in Kotronias-Delchev, problems, Timman-Salov, Amster Peristeri 1996, White employed the new idea 12 ' ifd3, and after 12 . . 'ii' xc2 13 "ife3 'ii' c5?! 14 "ifb3! .

Black was in difficulties, but 13 ... f5! would have given him sufficient counterplay) 1 l ... 'ii' c5 12 'ii' d2 (after the exchange on c5 Black ha s an excellent endgame - he has the two bishops, a solid centre and good i.g7 prospects on the queenside) 12 ... 13 .i.d3 f5 with a normal game (Amsterdam 1991 ), which continued 15 .i.f 3 .i.g4 16 c4 (Black is not set

We are following Short-Salov for Black (Chandler-Zaichik, Palma

de Mallorca 1989).



any problems by 16 i.xg4+ 'ii' xg4

10 t:Jd5 10 g3

also promises no '

on the kingside) 16 ... h5 17 .17 'ii' d2 h5, when he begins action ifxg4 18 llJe3 'ii' xd


I 19 .:.axd 1 .i.g7 advantage. After IO . . f5 1 1 f4 't'g6 with a eqpal ending. (the alternative is l l...'ii' h6) 12 . .

i.h5 'e6 13 0 .i.g7 14 e5 0- 0 15 :Jf d6

exd6 .

7.13 (l e4 c5



3 d4 cxd4 i.eS Black's chances are not 4 llJxd4 llJf6 5 llJc3 llJc6 6 i.g5

worse (Balashov-Robatsch, Munich




7 'ifd2

The most popular continuation.

ll (


ll g3

f5 12 exf5 .i.xf5 13 White plans the rapid evacuation of

0�0 e6 White's active pieces are his king to the queenside. However, driven back and with simple, natural in so doing he has to reckon with the moves Black begins fighting for the possible loss of a tempo after initiative (McDonald-Wang Zili, . . . t:Jxd4, 'ifxd4. I ,on don I 997). 11


Black's plan is simple and logical!

enough - rapid counterplay on the

Sicilia n De f ence


c-file, the exchange sacrifice on c3 being fairly typical.

The introductory stage is



complete - White has sheltered his king on the queenside, and Black is


ready for play on the c-file. An


Other possibilities:


lDb3 a6 9

interesting battle with chances for

0 e6 (or 9 ... b5!?) I 0 f4 i..e7 I I 't>b I b5 I2 .

both sides is in prospect. i.xf6 gxf6

10 f4

I3 .i.d3 lDa5, and it is not easy to The most consistent continuation, breach Black's position in the centre aiming for pawn activity in the and on the kingside, while his centre. initiative on the queenside should The alternative is 10 .d2 reinnot be underestimated - both sides forcing c3. After I 0 . . . e5 I I 'ii' d3 have chances. ,

8 f4

lDxd4 9 ._,xd4 'ii' a5 I 0 e5 lhc3 !? (nevertheless; the quiet

(this is the point of 8 f4; I 0


'ii' xa2 I3 fI I ... a6 is also possible) I2 i..xc3 transposes into the main line) .i.c6 I6 ..tb4 d5 17 .3 g6 14 '

t>d2 'ii' e6 I5 't>e I .1xf 8 't>xf 8 1 8 I O ... dxe5 I l fxe5 e6! (the queen comes into play along the fifth rank) exd5 tbxd5 Black gains compenI2 0-0 .i.c6 I3 lbb5 . exchange, sufficient to i.xb5 14 exf6 .i.c6 (or I4 ... .

maintain the balance (Hjartarson

I6 .i.c4 .i.c5 I7 'ii' g4 h5 I S 'ii' g3 0-i.a4! ?) I5 h4 g6 Thorhallsson, Iceland I994 ). 10


0 I9 .i.xe6 ..te4! 20 ..td2 .i.d6 and it is White who has to fight for Determining the position of the white bishop. Gyorkos, Hun possible, transposing after 1 1 e5 is also quite gary I994). dxe5 I2 fxe5 .i.c6 into positions



9 lt'xd4 lt'a5

examined in the note to White's 8th move.

An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player


11 .txf6 The alternative is

11 .i.h4.

I I g5 12 e5 (or 12 . ...

sation for the

After roughly equal: to counter White's

10 e6 equality (Groszpeter...

spatial advantage and more secure i.e 1 lbd5 'ii' xa


gxf4 13 king position, Black has the c- and 14 lbxf6+ exf6 15 .i.c3 g-files, which in combination with :.g8 with chances for both sides, . . . 'ifc5 and the advance of the h

gxh4 13 exf6 e6 14 .Dely-Pietrusiak, Poland 1965) 12 ... i.e2 . defensible, for example: 12 .


pawn makes his position quite i.c6 15 l:.he 1 :lg8 (Black must take control

'i'c5 13 .i.b3 'i'xd4 14

of the g-file; after 15 ... .txg2? 16 :xd4 l:.g8 15 g3 h5+ and Black . i.g4! there is the impending threat of .i.xe6) 16 .i.f 3 .

successfully employs his trumps

i.x %:.g2! 1 8 %:.e5 (after 18 'ii' d3 'ii' a6! 19 17 gxf (Lahende-Wittmann, Moscow 1994).

12 f h5 13 �b1 'ii' cs 14 'ii' d3 h4

'ii' e3 :c5 20 l:.d4 'ii' c6 Black takes 15 .i.e2 .i.h6 16 liJds .tgs 1 7 l:.hf the initiative, Riemersma-Cifuentes, aS! with chances for both sides Amsterdam 1987) 18 ... 'ii' c7 19 l :.e4 (Dolmatov-Dorf 'ii' c5

inan, Tashkent 1980). (Camp-Estevez, Kardenas

12 �b1

'ii' cs 13 'ii' d2 (if 13 'ii' xcS

1988). And here, against the most accurate is 13 ... dxcS!, M.Gurevich's recommendation of retaining the option of . . . e7-e6 20 f5;!;, possible is 20 . . . 'i'xf5!? 21 against f4-f5, while 13 '3 is met 'ii' xa7 ltxh2 22 'ii' xb7 'i'c5 23 l:.a4 %:.c7 24 :as+ � d7 when Black, by the usual 13 . . . f5) 13 ... e6 ( 13 ... f5 is good enough to equalise; the text after sheltering his king in the centre move aims for more complicated behind the pawn barricade, retains play) 14 .i.e2 h5 15 l:.he1 .i.e7 16 suf ficient counter-chances.



.i.f 3 l:.c7 17 fS .i.f 8 18 'i'e2 h4 19

.i.hS 'l;e7 20 liJd5+? (this attempt to

break through to the black king does not succeed; however, passive play Black would have against gradually taken the initiative - his minority attack with the a- and b pawns could have become unpleasant) 20 . . . exd5 21 exd5+

� d8 22 .i.xt 7 .i.b5, and White has (Torres-Ubilava, Linares 1994). nothing to show for his efforts


(1 e4 cS


tbf 3 d6 3 d4 cxd4

4 tbxd4 tbf 6 5 tbc3 tbc6) The critical position of the opening, which can be considered

Sicilian Defence

6 .i.c4


does not have compensation for his material deficit (Vel im irovic-Volvo, Krakow 1964). 1997) White tried to improve with In Dubinsky-Vasyukov (Moscow 9 ..,e2 •as! 10 ...i d2 ..,d8 1 1 lbd5 lbxd5 12 exd5 lbe5 13 ...ib3 a6 14 f4!? It is possible that here he has some compensation for the pawn, but after, say, 14 . . . lbg4!? 15 lbalbf6 it is clear that he has to fight for equality, which indicates that 7 ...i e3 is inadequate.

The strategic basis of this continuation, developed by the

7.21 (1 e4 c5 2 lbf 3 d6 3 d4 cxd4

Soviet master Sozin, is the battle for

4 lbxd4 lbf6 5 lbc3 lbc6 6 ...i c4

the light squares. The drawbacks of


the move are that the position of this

7 lbxc6 bxc6

important bishop is determined early, and that it is rather insecurely placed at c4. 6

.. b6

the white knight, is becoming This move, immediately attacking increasingly popular. In this way Black avoids the main lines of the Sozin Attack, in which, thanks in particular to the efforts of Nigel Short, a great exper t on this variation, a difficult life awaits him. Now White has to decide whether to exchange on c6 - 7

lbxc6 (7.21),

or to move his knight:

7 lbde2


7 lbb3

After strengthening Black's (7.22),

7 lbdb5(7.23)

centre, White wants to restrict its


mobility in order to begin play on

It is not possible to maintain the the kingside. Black in tur n must aim knight in the centre: 49

...i d3

7 ...i e3?! .xb2

'ii' a5 10 ...i d2 it to be fixed .

..,d8 1 1 lbd5 lbxd5 12 exd5 lbe5 13 ...ie2 a6 14 lbd4 'ilc7 and White


to advance his centre and not allow 8 lbdb5 �

8 � e6

9 b3

An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player

Other tries:

9 'tiel

leads to the main variation after 9 . . . lbd7 10 b3 .i.e7.

9 .i.f4

'tic7 I 0 '

White little.

9 .i.g5

tWe2 e5 promises

is met by 9 ... 'tWc5!, when

Black seizes the initiative (Stanciu Mititelu, Romania 1966).



10 .b2 �

11 'tWe2 lbd7 Black has two other alternatives: The blockading ll e5 12 xd2 l:a4 and Black is already are roughly equal. close to a win (Barbero-Giek,

8 ... dl Barcelona 1992);

can be met by the typical

8 . . . cS 9 dS bS!? wit h good play. (b) 9 tDf3!? (an interesting plan the opponent is provoked into



9 't'dl playing ... b5-b4, which would lead

9 tDd5 can b to the fixing of the black pawn chain 9 ... f6, while 9 . met by the simple i.el dxeS I 0 dxeS c6 and a

advantage for White) followed by ... tDc7-e6 gives Black

9 . . . bxc4 10 .txc4 tDbd7 1 1 0--0 , sufficient counterplay (Giek). and here instead of 1 1 . . . l:b8 12 b3!?; t (Yennolinsky-Piket, Wijk a



10 tDd5


Zee 1997), Black should have played 1 1 ... .i.b7!? followed by ... tDb6 and in some cases . . . e7-e6, attacking the white centre, when his chances would not have been worse. 7 1i'd2 consider 7 ... tDbd7 followed c5 (Black can also by exchange of queens) 8 dS?! (as . . . c7-c5, not allowing the possible dxc5 dxcS 9 'shown by Glek, more accurate is 8 ifxd8 l:txd8 I 0 e5 .tDfd7co) 8 ... Wa5! 9 a4 bS!? 10 cxbS .,b4 (Black already has the initiative) I 1 .td3 axbS 12 e5 dxeS 13 .txbS .i.a6 14 .txa6 tDxa6 with

We are following the game Va

der Sterren-Giek (Holland 1994) strong pressure (Lazarev-Giek, where Black easily solved his Oberwar t 1993 ). 7


opening problems: 1 1 exf6 tDexf6 12 tDxf6+ tDxf6 13 .td3 . t fS! 14 8 e5 Quiet play does not cause Black .txfS (or 14

0- tDe4! 1 S .ixe4 .ixe4 16 l:fel .i.xf 3 17 .i.xe7 'W'd7 any particular problems: 8 .tel h6 1 8 .ixf 8 l:xf 8 19 gxf 3 .i.xd4 with (or 8 ... c5!?) 9 .te3 cS 10 0- cxd4 an attack for Black) 14 ... gxf5

IS 1 1 .i.xd4 b6 (Suba-Kr.Georgiev, .i.xf6 .txf6 1 6 dS �h8 1 7 g4 ... h6! Prague 1985). Black develops his and White had to switch to


bishop on the long diagonal and difficult defence.

satisfactorily solves the problem of

1 3 King's Indian Defence: Averbakh Variation 1 d4 2 c4 3 �c3 4 e4 5 .i.e2 6 .i.g5

�f6 g6 .g7 d6 0but this leads to lengthy and 7 . . . dxc5 is more practical) 8 'intricate variations, and the simple ifxd8 lZ.xd8 9 e5 �fd7.

White faces a choice: (a) 10 �f This variation dates from the pawn) l0 .. �c6 1 1 l .

3 (defending the eZ.d1 h6 12 . i.e3 game Averbakh-Panno (Buenos b6 13 e fxe6 14 �b5 rj{f l 15 � Aires 1954). It is directed against .i.b7 16 �4 �f 8 and Black's Black's counterplay with . . . e7-e5 chances are not worse - White still and ... f7-f5, and essentially aims for has to demonstrate that he hapressure over the entire board. for the 6


The most critical continuation, is 1 o ... .i.xc3+!? 1 1 bxc3 fxe6


(Bonsch-Frick, Gra z 1993); (b) 10 e6 (breaking up Black's immediately attacking· the white kingside pawns) 10 ... �f6 (interestcentre.


7 d5 A complicated ending arises after �xfwith a complicated gam7 12 ..te3 (12 �f 3 �c6 13 e) 1 1 exf7+

� 7 dxc5 dxc5 (7 ... 'ifa5 is a good 5 allows Black to complete his time parrying the threat of . . . �xe4, alternative, forcing White to spend development unhindered) 12 ... �c6! (an interesting possibility, involving

King 's Indian De f ence: Averbakh Variation


8 .i.f4 which White aims to hinder The most topical continuation, hy the import move . . . e7-e6. Other possibilities: 8 .i.h4 (this allows Black to begin active play on the queenside) 8 a6 . ..

9 4Jf .i.xb5 lbxe4 also favours Black, b5! 10 'ii c2 (10 cxb5 axb5 1 1 while after I 0 4Jd2 b 1 1 lba4 lbh 7 12 0 lbe5 White has to think of how to 4Jd7 13 'ii c2 g5 14 .i.g3 equalise, Ehlvest-Kasparov, Horgen 4Jd2 e6 12 .1995, by transposition) 1

o . . bxc4 1 1 .

14 lbxd5 lbc6 i.xc4 g5 13 .i.g3 exd5 (Bobotsov-Tal, forces, and has excellent play for the Black has actively deployed his Moscow 1967). Black ha s a clear advantage - the b-file, excellent cen 1992) continued 16 4Jfpawn. H.Olafsson-Istratescu (Debre3 lbxf3+ posts at b4 and d4 for his knight, the 17 .

powerful King's Indian bishop

at i.xf 3 lr.ac8, and now 18 0 (dangerous is 18 lbb5 l

g7, and a lead in development -r.xc4 19 what more could he want? lbxa7 lbe4�) 18 ... .i.xc4 would have

8 .i.d2 (this allows Black to led to complete equality. 7



(or 9 4Jf

tack the white centre) 8 . . . e6 9 h3 3 exd5 10 exd5 . i.f5=) 9 ... b5!? (exploiting the undefended state of the pawn at e4, Black begins play against the opponent's centre) 1 0 cxb5 exd5 1 1 exd5 .i.b7 12 W'b3 lbbd7 13 4Jf 3 lbb6, and White, who is behind in development, has obvious problems (L.Spasov Velimirovic, Yugoslavia 1970). 8 .i.e3 (retaining the possibility of gaining a tempo by attack ing the h6 pawn with 'ii d2) 8 . . . e6, and now: (a) 9 dxe6 .i.xe6 10 W'd2 �h7 1 1 h3 ( 1 1 0- is well met hy This move prevents White from l l . . .'ii a5 12 W'xd6 lba6 U 'iil·1 taking control of the cl-h6 diagonal. 4Jd7 14 J.d2 t'lb4 with the initwiiVt' play against the c4 pawn and sorties by the lbc6 into the centre) 13 .i.xc5 b6 14 .i.a3 lbd4 15 .i.d 1 . i.a6.


An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player

for Black, while 1 1 l:tdl is harmless in view of 1 1 .. . 16 12 b3 l Llc6 13 He has harm Black has a comfortable game. i.f 3 l:tad8 14 l

oniously deployed his Llge2 a6 15 0 lLle5,

when the dynamic resources of squares on the kingside may cause pieces, and the weakened light Black's position compensate for his White problems. In the game after backward d6 pawn, Amason 17 �hI i.xc3! 18 bxc3 lLleS 19 O.Jacobsen, Copenhagen I990) i.e2 fid7 20 �h2 •f5 Black l l...lLlc6 I2 l Llf continuation; I2 ... fla5!? leads to 3 fle7 (a sound completely outplayed his opponent and seized the initiative; more complicated play, as in

(c) 9 ... d2 exdS 10 exdS (with the

Portisch-Nunn, Brussels I988) 13 idea of restricting the opponent as 0 l:tad8 14 l:tad I l:tfe8 15 l:tfe I fit 16 i.f4 l

much as possible; after 10 cxdS l

:te8 Lld4= Gligoric, Amsterdam (Donner Black has adequate play) IO ... �h7 1971 ). 1 1 h3 lLla6 12 lLlf li)f 3 l3 (or 12 i.d3 l:tb8 IS a bS 16

Llc7 M.Gurevich's recommendation of 13 a4 a6 14

16 flc2!; ; can be met by 16 ... i.c8!? axb6 l:txb6 17 0 i.d7 with a 17 b3 b6 with a complicated game;

double-edged game, Deze-Mazic,

(b) 9 h3 (this prophylactic move Sambor 1972) 12 ... i.f5 13 i.d3 allows Black to develop his forces fid7 14 0 l:tfe8 IS .:tfel. harmoniously) 9 . . . exd5 10 exd5 l:te8 I l lLlf 3 i.f 5 12 g4 i.e4 13 ... d2 (or 13 0 i.xf 3 14 i.xf 3 lLlbd7 with a roughly equal game, Averbakh-Geller, USSR 13 ... l


Llbd7 14 0 i.xf 3 IS i.xf 3 hS 16 gS lLlh7 Moscow 1983).


The critical position of the variation, which can b assessed aroughly equal. continued 1 S ... lUhlmann-Fischer (Siegen 1970) Llb4 16 i.xfS flxf 17 a 3 lc2 18 lLlh4 fs 19 flxc2 fixh4 20 b3 leS wit h dynamic equality.

King's Indian De fence: Averbakh Variation

] 65

Also good is the simple 15 . . �e4 the more prom1smg: he has .

I 6 �xe4 i.xe4 17 .i.xe4 l:lxe4= forestalled his opponent's play


( Boleslavsky). It is evident that 8 i.e3 is not the kingside, and is ready for action dangerous for Black, and therefore it on the queenside, where White is rarely occurs in practice. 8


planning to evacuate his king. 9


The white centre has to be attacked.

10 �f exd5 11 exd5 A typical move in this type of position. White tries to restrict as pieces. If Black plays passively, much as possible the opponent's White will gradually develop all his pieces, and then launch a typical attack on the queenside - a2-a and b2-b4. Here he has a spatial advantage, and in many cases the end game is rather difficult for Black. Black wants to avoid the If Black aims for an attack on the problematic pawn sacrifice 8 e6, kingside, White sets up a pawn and with the text move he disrupts barrier - f4, g4, h3, restricting the the hannony of White's set-up, opponent's pieces, at the same time •.•

�forcing him to react to the pin on the trying to increase his spatial 3. 9 i.dl advantage on the queenside. Sometimes in these variations he If 9 'ii' dl Black gains counterplay also crosses the demarcation line on by 9 . . . e5!? (recommended by GM the kingside, by preparing f4-f5. I.Zaitsev ):


.i.fS!? i.xh6 .i.xh6 1 1 'ii' xh6

�(a) 10 . A fresh solution to the problem. e4, and it is only White who may Black usually plays 1 1 .. a6, trying to have problems; (b) 10 dxe6 i.xe6 1 1 .i.xd6 l:d8 oppose White's plans on the .

12 eS �e8, when Black is better queenside. Black's idea is simple - if White developed and the regaining of the does not react to the pawn is merely a question of time; bishop (c) 10 .i.e3 a6 1 1 f 3 �h7 12 h4 manoeuvre, he will comlt>rtnhly advance ... �e4, exchanging a (there are no other active attempts) of knights and gaining pni1 dclimtt· 12


�h5!, when Black's position is counterplay on the kingside.


An Opening Repertoire f or the Positiona/ Player

12 �h4 A quite justified reply, but Black knight's position on the edge of the is able to take advantage of the board.

Game 14 (p.l 66) Kaidanov-Gufeld

USA 1995 1 d4 12

�f .id7

13 1i'c1

2 c4


3 �c3

g6 14 0 1Wd8 .ig7 4 e4


Now White must either retreat his A little finesse - the obvious 5 eS is ineffective: 5 . �e8 6 f4 d6 7

knight from h4 or defend it. 15 g3

. .

�f l cS and the centre cannot be

15 �f would have allowed 15 ... .ifS with the idea mentioned held. White rarely falls for such earlier of . . . �e4.

tricks, but they are useful to know. 5 .ie2 d6

But now Black completes his

6 development naturally - the .id7 is The Averbakh Variation is one of .ig5

occupying practically the only the most effective ways of trying to squar e for the �b8, since to develop 'stifle' Black's initiative in the it via a6 is unpromising. Jlh3

King's India n Defence. However, in

15 16 l:el �bd7 the present game Black successfully opposes this set-up. 6


7 d5


8 .if4


9 .id2


10 �f exd5 11 exd5


An interesting manoeuvre, aiming However, the opening stage of the for control of the e4 square. theoretical section. game is examined in detail in the 12 �h4 White's reaction is perfectly We are following Ill ustrative justified. But note that the knight is Game No. 14 Kaidanov-Gufeld temporarily out of play on the edge (USA 1995).

of the board.

Black has solved his main


opening problems and can face the future with confidence.

.i.d7 13 'Wcl �h7

14 0 'Wd8

King's Indian De fence: Averbakh Variation White has to constantly remember 22 1i'b7 15 g3

1 67

22 cxb5 about his knight at h4 - now he

If22 lDxb5 Black has 22. . .ltJxd5. must either retreat or defend it.


Now Black very naturally Forced. Now Black is unable to

�gl vacated for the lDb8). completes his development ( d7 ts lDxd5? 24 1regain the sacrificed pawn 23 ... i'e4); in order to attack 15


16 :et

he ha

lDbd7 s to bring all his pieces into

17 1i'c2




18 .to



19 :xn In some cases Black hopes to use 1 9 :xe8 followed by 20 �xthe d3 square for his knight. But the main idea is to open the c-file - after would not have changed the all, his queen's rook is not character of the position. lDe5 paicipating in the play.


24 .te3

20 b3



25 :adl cxb3

The black queen indicates its 26 1i'xb3 .:c4! desire to penetrate into the successfully regrouped slightly weakened light squares.

27 .td4

:ec8 opponent's position along the

Black has

21 �g2 and has deployed his forces in the best way possible. He has excellent To parry the opponent's threats compensation for the minimal White has to use his king.

material deficit.

28 b6!?

White senses that the opponent's and with this counter-sacrifice he initiative is becoming threatening, tries to change the course of the game. 28


29 lDb5


30 f4 General considerations fade into the background, and calculating play begins. 30




30 ... 1

Licg4! i'h3 is This traditional counter under fxe5 dxe5 32 :xf6! over-aggressive: 31 .txf6 JJ •n t lines Black's aggressive



31 lDt

An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player

The main alternative that had to 't'd6+ �g8 4 lbf6+ �g7 45 lbe8+ be considered was 3 1 h3 (note that with a draw, or 38 'ifb4 llc2 39 'ife4 the retreat of the lbg4 is cut oft), but 't'c7! 40 'ife8+ �h7 41 lbe4 lbg4 in the given case it would have 42 lle2 'ifc4! 43 lldel �h6! with opened lines for the attk. The unclear consequences. sacrifice his knight is by 3 1 . . .lbe3!, most effective way for Black to Thus the strongest move 34 i.xf6 when if 32 'ifxe3 ' would have maintained approximate ifxb5 he has a equality, whereas 34 lbe6 must at slight but clear positional advantage, least be considered while after 32 i.xe3 ' an inaccuracy, t'xh3 White but an understandable one, in view encounters serious problems. of the seemingly dangerous placing 31


Black decides to secure the fate of of the white queen and black king on the a2-g8 diagonal. his lbg4, but in so doing he weakens position of his king and the 35 dxe6 W'e7 game enters a phase of compli 36 .txf6 i.xf6 cations. 3 l ... lbe4 was objectively 37 lbxd6 .:tc3! better, but understandably the If 38 lbxc8 there follows for exchanges. 38 . . . 11fc5+. 32 l:fe1


33 lbg5+ 'iii>g8 34 lbe6?!



39 'ifxb6 Here too 39 lbxc8 W'c5+ leads to


fxe6 the

38 'i'b1 attacking side is unwilling to go in

White tries to exploit the a win for Black. opponent's time trouble to provoke After 34 .txf6! i.xf6 35 lbe4


l:8c6 a mistake.

40 W'b8+ �h7

41 f

White has two main moves, 3 J.g7 36 lbbxd6 l:c3! 37 lbxc3 llxc3 8 by 41 lbe4 llxe6 42 lbxf6+ W'xf6 43 White also fails to save the game 'ifxb6 and 38 'ifb4, to which Black l1d7+ lbf7, or 4 1 lbe8 l:xe6. replies in identical fashion: 38 'i'xb6 41 l1c2

39 'b8+ i.f8! 40 lieS 'gxfi'h3 4 1 l:xf8+ �g7 42 lbe8+ �xf

White resigns 8 43

1 4 Torre Attack 1 d4 2 ltlf 3 i.g5 ltlf g6

3 i.f4 i.g7, and now: (a) 4 lacceptable position for Black in the tlc3 (this leads to an Pirc-Ufimtsev Defence) 4 . . d6 5 e4 c6 6 1 .

i'd2 b5!? (against White's plan of castling long and attacking on the kingside, Black launches swif counterplay on the queenside) 7 exf6 10 i.e2 i.d3 (or 7 e5 b4 8 exf6 bxc3 9 bxc3 0equality) 7 ... i.g4 8 0-- 0-- 0 lwith approximate tlbd7 9 h3 i.xf 3 1 0 gxf 3 e5 1 1 dxe5 dxe5 12 i.h6 i.xh6 13 1i'xh6 1 i'b6 14 1i'e3 ltlh5 15 ltle2 0-, and after evacuating his king Black can face the future with confidence (Van A method of play proposed by the Parreren-W. Watson, Brocco 1991 ); Mexican GM Carlos Torre in the mid-1920s. This was how (although second bishop gives Black a com (b) 4 e3 b6 (the fianchetto of the lbf6 2 lbtin the Queen's Pawn Game 1 d4 3 e6 3 i.g5) the famous fortable game) 5 c3 i..b7 6 lDbd2 c5 7 h3 0--0 8 i.e2 d6 9 0-- 0 lbc6 I 0 Torre-Lasker game began, in which i.h2 l:le8 1 1 1i'b3 1i'c7 12 ltlg5 e5 the great champion not only suffered and the initiative is already with a defeat, but also fell victim to a Black (Smyslov-Geller, Moscow famous 'windmill' combination. Then the method of play with i.g5 1961 ). 3 g3 (with this move White and the erection of the solid central retains the option of transposing into pawn triangle c3/d4/e3 began also to normal lines with g2-g3) 3 . i.g7 4 . .

be employed against the King's i.g2 0--0 5 0- d6, and now: Indian Defence.

(a) 6 b3 (this attempt to fianchcllo

Alekhine called this move 'an the second bishop favours Blad, , attempt to oppose Indian tricks with since he has already occupied lhl· free piece development'. 7 dxc� dM·' We will also consider other 8 i.b2 e4 9 1i'xd8 l::.xdH I 0 l i '"

- ''

a1-h8 diagonal) 6 . . . e5

attempts by White to manage i.f5 1 1 g4 (Black's posi11o11 is without c2-c4: 170

already slightly more pkasaut. since

An Opening Repertoire f or the Positional Player

White cannot attack once more the e4 pawn by 1 1 l h6!, exploiting the undefended .

Szeged 1994) S ... cS (here too the £lc3 in view of 1 1 . . . transposition into a Grtinfeld

1 1 .. . .i.xg4 12 l£lxe4 l£lxe4 13 . ltb2) structure is possible: S ... dS!? 6 .i.g2 i.xg7 cS 7 0 cxd4 8 l£Jxd4 eS 9 l£Jf 3 e4

�xg7 14 .i.xe4 l£lc6 1 S l£lc3 l£Jd4+ 1 0 l£Jd4 l:.e8 1 1 l£la3 e3, and Black (Filip-Geller, Amsterdam 19S8); (b) 6 l£lc3 l£Jbd7 7 e4 eS 8 .:et b6 actively fights for the initiative, 9 a4 aS 10 b3 .i.b7 1 1 .i.b2 .:e8 12 Secula-Smyslov, GermdxcS 'W'aS+ 7 'W'd2 'W'xcS 8 lany 1991) 6 £lc3 dS! 'the white centre) 13 lW'd2 exd4 (beginning play against £Jxd4 lDcS 14 with good chances for Black (Yudovich-Khf 3 .:e7 1S .:ad1 'W'd7 16 'W'c1 .:ae8. olmov, Moscow 1966). 3 4 l

Jtg7 £Jbd2

Black handled the position successfully in the game Sorokin Sakaev (St Petersburg 1993) where the rare move 4 c After 4 . . . cS!? S dxcS lwas played. £la6 6 'W'd4 l£lc7 7 l£Jbd2 l£le6 8 'W'c4 b6 9 cxb6 'W'xb6 10 'W'b3 'flc7 1 1 . 'flc4 ' 4

lth4 (1 1 flb6=) l l . . l:.b8 12 'flc2 he could have gained good play for the pawn by 12 . . . 'W'b7 (Sakaev). .


Black has comfortably deployed his forces and his chances look slightly better - White has to think in terms of defence and watch for Black's possible pawn thrusts (G.Mainka-Stohl, Germany 1994). 3 b3 before the black bishop has taken up (with this move order, its post at g6, the doul;)le fianchetto is possible) 3 . . . .i.g7 4 .i.b2 0-0 S g3 (after S e3 it is advisable for Black to transpose into a good version of a Grtinfeld structure - S . . . dS 6 c4 c6 7 l£lc3 aS 8 a4 l£la6 9 .i.d3 l£lb4 1 0 White's set-up. Black immediately An energetic way of countering 0-0 .i.g4 1 1 .i.e2 .i.fS, when he has attacks the d4 pawn, at the same no problems, Strome-A.Grigorian, time opening a convenient route for

Torre Attack


his queen to the queenside. White the centre. In general the position is can choose 5 �xf6 (14.1) or 5 e one of dynamic balance. (14.2); in this second section we will also consider 5 c3.

9 c4

If 9 �c 3 Black achieves a

5 dxc5 ca n be met by s ... �a6 6 comforble game by 9 ... �c6 1 0

�b3 �xcS 7 �xcS 1i'a5+ with 1i'd2 1i'b6! (attacking the b2 and f equality.

pawns) 1 1 l:bl (1 1 h4 1i'xb2 12 l:tbl 1

Gulko) 1 1 ...1i'a3 13 hS leads to unclear play -i'd4 12 l:tdl 'ifxd2+ 13 .14.1 (1 d4 �f6 2 �f*.g7 4 �bd2 c5)

3 g6 3 .*.g5

l:txd2 d6 14 �d5 b5!, creating

pressure on the queenside (Miles 5 �xf6

Gulko, USA 1987).

9 0- �c6 10 1 the tactical idea of �e4. This leads to lively play involving pawn sacrifice for the sake of i'd2 dS!? (a



5 exf 6 �4!? looks unpleasant •••

activity), and now: (a) 1 1 �g3 i.e6 12 e3 l

for Black. :tc8 13

�b 1 1i'b6 14 � 6 �e4


d4! 15 exd4 .*.xa2+ 16 �xa2 �b4+

2 (better 14 �d3 7 �xd4 cxd4 8 'ifxd4 0-

17 �bl 1i'a5 18 c3 'ifa2+ 19 �cl 'ifal+ 20 �bl �a2+ 21 �c2 �b4+

with a draw by perpetual check) 14 ... d4! 1 5 �cl �b4 16 �d3 �d5! with advantage to Black (V .Ag z (b) 1 1 1ov-Loginov, Tashkent 1986); i'xd5 1i'c7 12 1i'c5 (after 12 'ifg5 �f5 13 �c3 �b4 Black has compensation for the pawn) 12 ... b6 13 1i'c3 (13 1i'e3 �b4) 13 ... 1i'f4+ 14 1i'e3 1i'xe3+ 15 fxe3 �eS (Kova cevic-Stean, Zagreb 1972). Despite being a pawn down, Black's chances are not worse - White is

assessment of the variation. White is An important pos1t1on for the behind in development, and his c3 pawn is also weak. 9

� c6 d6

slightly ahead in development and

10 1i'd2

has control of the half-open d-file.

11 �c � e6

However, Black can regain a tempo ifd4

12 e4

'ifb6 thanks to the position of the '

The critical position of llw

and can obtain a pawn superiority in variation.


An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player

.i.e2 (after 8 .i.d3 d6 9 0- .i.d7 1 0 h3 l:tc8 1 1 a3 a6 12 'iFe2 lbd5 13 e4 lbc7 14 dS lbd4 15 lbxd4 .i.xd4 16 l:lc4 .i.bS 17 l:tad 1 .i.xc4 1 8 .i.xc4 .i.g7 Black has a nonnal position, Manor-V.Spasov, Tunja 1989) 8 ... d6 9 010 . h6 (9 ... .i.fS is also good) i.h4 (Balashov-Lanka, Russia 1988), and here the standard 10 . . . eS would have led to a roughly equal game. In the game Spiridonov-Kasparov (Skara 1980) White chose 13 l::t d1 ?!, 'eternal' square for the knight at eS) and after 13 ... lbe5! (creating an 14 b3 fS 15 .i.e2 (or 1 5 exfS :xf 16 lbe4 8 1 7 .i.e2 l:.f4 with a clear advantage - Kasparov) 15 ... f4 16 lbdS .i.xdS 1 7 'iVxdS+ 9ilg7 Black's chances proved better - the lbeS dominates the play. 13 .i.e2 1i'd4 14 l:td1 1i'xd2+ 15

l:.xd2 was more accurate, when



ending look slightly preferable, although Black's chances in the relieving·'the tension in the centThe most rational plan. After , White c hold the position. 14.2 (1 d4 lbf 6 2 lbf tS)

Black is ready for a counter-attack against the d4 pawn by ... e7-e5. 6 exd4

0-.i.g7 4 lbbd2

J g6 3 .i.gS

7 i.. d3

After 7 i.. e2 Black again obtains s e White aims for the set-up with the counterplay by standard methods: 7 . . . l:lc6 8 c3 d6 9 0- h6 1 0 i.. h4 familiar pawn triangle in the centre. 1i'c7 If he begins with S d (planning e2- l:lhS 12 lbe 1 . . . e7-e5) 1 1 .i.ge4), the difference is that the e-file is dS l:lb8 15 g4 l:ld7 16 l::t c 1 13 hxg3 eS 14 lb f6 17 opened instead of the c-file in the c4 aS 18 lbc2 .i.d7 (Ba-Lankaevent of the exchange on d4: Paris 1990), and with . . f7-f 5 he .

5 . . . cxd4 6 cxd4 0- 7 e3 lbc6 8 gains attacking chances.

Torre Attack

1 73

After 7 .i.c4 ltlc6 8 c3 d6 9 0- b3 ltlf l 20 hxg6 hxg6 21 J:tad I %:tfe8 h6 10 .i.h4 (Malanyuk-Tkachiev, with not at all a bad game for Black Cappelle la Grande 1995) Black - he was able later to advance his should have played IO ..

. eS!? With 'trump' e- and f-pawns and win. an acceptable game. 7


8 c d6 9 0- ... c7 Here too 9 ... h6 is possible, but Black is aiming for ... e7-e5. 10 J:tel e5 11 d:x.e5 12 ltlc4

d:x.e5 ltle8

13 ... el f6 14 .i.dl .i.e6 We are following the game Vyzhmanavin-Lanka (Novosibirsk 1986) which (see diagram next column) continued 15 b4 l However, after 15 ld1 J:td8 16 tle7 16 hS ltle7 (or 16 ... ltld6!?) his J:td8 1 7 ltle3 ltld6 18 .i.c2 ' 19 position is again sufficiently sound.

1 5 Trompowsky Attack 1 d4


2 i..g5

i.. e2 i.. e6 10 0


Calcutta 1993, I 0 . . . 'Wc7!?, or 8 Malanyuk-Ravi, i.. c4 �c6 9 0 �S I 0 i..e2 i.. e6 1 1 lte1 a6 12 W'c2 bS, Malanyuk Marin, Salimanesti 1992 in both Black) 8 ... �c6 9 cases with an acceptable game for 0 W'c7 10 •c2 l:ld8 1 1 l:lfe 1 h6 12 i..h4 �hS (Black carries out a regrouping of his minor pieces that is typical of the ... �eS, and given set-up: ... i..e6, . . . �f4, easily solves his opening problems) 13 �c4 i..e6 14 -

� 3 �f4 1S i.. f l �eS


Kasparov, Riga 199S). (Yusupov after the Brazilian master Octavio This original opening, named Trompowsky, is the favourite independent significance, but is a 2 g3 (this move is not usually of way of transposing to known varia weapon of the English GM Julian tions) 2 . . . cS!? (exploiting White's Hodgson.

rather slow play, Black immediately

We will also consider other rar begins activity on the queenside; moves for White after l . . .�f6:

2 .. g6 is also possible, transposing .

2 c g6 (2 ... dS is a good into famiUar King's Indian lines) 3 alternative, transposing into a sound dS (if 3 lLJf 3 there follows 3 . •as+ Queen's Pawn Opening set-up) 3 4 �3 cxd4 S �xd4 �e4 6 i..d2 . .

i.gS i.g7 4 �d2 0-0 S e4 d6 6 �xd2 7 'ii' xd2 �c6 with equality �gf -

i.. c4 �c6 9 �gf3 (after 6 f4 cS 7 dxcS dxcS 8 3 �aS I 0 i.e2 �g4 Adorjan) 3 ... bS 4 i..g2 d6 (or 1 1 �f l 'Wb6 Black begins active 4 ... i.b7!?) S �finteresting is 6 ... i..g7 7 cxbS a6!?, 3 g6 6 c4 a6 (also play, Klaric-Kasparov, Graz 1981) transposing into a Benko Gambit, 6 ... cS (commencing the usual play but that is another story . . . ) 7 a4 b4 8 against the white centre) 7 dxcS b3 i.g7 9 i.. b2 0 10 �bd2 lta7!? (little is promised by 7 i.. e2 h6!? 8 i.h4 cxd4 9 �xd4 �c6

0 Black has a flexible position (he I 0

dS!=, Rossetto-Parma, Mar del Plata plans . . . e7-e6) with sufficient 1962) 7 ... dxcS 8 i..e2 (8 'Wc2 �c6 9 counterplay (Csom-Adorjan, Hungary 1989).

Trompowsk Attack

1 75

2 tt::l c3 d5! - the most accurate, hindering White's pawn operations in the centre: (a) 3 e4?! (this, the Blackmar Diemer Gambit, is inadequate)

3 .. dxe4 4 f exD 5 tt::l xD i.g4 (the .

'alternative is 5 ... g6) 6 h3 i.xD 7 t'xD c6 8 i.e3 e6 9 i.d3 tt::l bd7 10 0- i.e7 1 1 g4 (an attempt to create pressure on the f-file) 1 1 .. .h6. White has the two bishops and slightly more space. Black has held

on to the gambit paw with a sound position, and his chances are better; (b) 3 tt::l n t

This, the Veresov Opening, is the

ting idea ofi.Zaitsev) 4 tt::l e4!? (a very interes most popular continuation. White t::l xe4 (there defers the clash in the centre until does not appear to be any other sen later, and continues his develop sible move - Black was threatening ment. 3 . . . tt::l bd7 (retaining the to spoil White's queenside pawn4 . . . dxe4 5 tt::l g5 i.f 5 (5 . . . tt::l c6 is s) option of recapturing on f6 with the also possible) 6 f exD 7 exD t knight), and now: lc6.

(d1) 4 f (this move, intending

Black has good piece play; (c) 3 f (at the cost of a certain (sounder than the more usual 4 . . . c5 e2-e4, is not ver y promising) 4 . . . e6! delay with his development, White - Black reinforces his central aims to set up a strong pawn centre) bulwark, the d5 pawn, in order to 3 ... c5!? (the most thematic reply, play the thematic . . . c7-c5 at the immediately striking at the centre) 4 required moment; White's centre, by e3 (if 4 dxc5 the simplest is 4 ... e6; also after 4 i.g5 there is no need to 6 i.h4 dxe4 7 fxe4 i.b4 8 'contrast, is not very secure) 5 e4 h6 t'D c5 9 go in for complications by 4 . . . cxd4, 0- cxd4 10 :xd4 1' a5 with an the simple 4 . . . e6 being better, when it is difficult for Wh ite to set up a

excellent game for Black (Sahovic

Tseshkovsky, Bled 1979);

paw cent, and without this the

(d2) 4 tt::l D h6 (it is useful to force

pawn at f looks rather ridiculous) the white bishop to declare its 4 . . . e6 5 i.b5+ tt::l c6 6 tt::l ge2 ' t'c7 7 e4 dxe4 8 fxe4 cxd4 9 1i'xd4 i.d7:f. intentions - at h4 it may be attacked by ... g7-g5; also satisfactory is 4

. . .

Of White's centre only a 'isolani' e6 5 e3 i.e7 6 i.e2 c5 7 0-0 0 0 M remains, and Black has no problems a4 b6 9 a5 bxa5!? 1 0 tt::l d2 cxd4 1 1 (Schouten-Sziva, Belgium 1997);

exd4 i.b7 12 tt::l b3 i.b4, when it is (d) 3 i.g5.

not easy for White to rc�uin hi'


An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player

pawn, Dydyshko-Sadler, Pula 1997) S j_h4 e6 6

(f3+e4). The drawbacks to this

e (White also gains no st advantage by 6 e3 J.. e7 7 �eS �xeS

tegy are that it deprives the king's knight of its best devel

8 dxeS �d7 9 J..g3 J.. b4 1 0 1i'g4 opment square (f3) and that it is i.xc3+ 1 1 bxc3 •ss, Hort-Smetan, Biel 1982) 6 ... gS 7 i.g3 �xe4 8 rather slow. Black must play ener

�xe4 dxe4 9 �eS (after 9 �d2 i.g7 getically, immediately provoking a

clash in the centre. 10 h4 j_xd4 1 1 c3 j_es 12 �xe4 j_xg3 13 fxg3 gxh4 14 l:lxh4 •e7 Volzhin, 13 •s4 •e7 14

White's other possibilities: 3 j_h4 cS 4 fBlack gains the advantage, Galkin 1

3 (if 4 dS �6 S i'c1 there follows

S . . . gS 6 j_gJ Per 1997) 9 ... j_g7 10 h4 i.g7 7 c3 �6! and Black seizes the �xeS 1 1 j_xeS j_xeS 12 dxeS j_d7 initiative, O.Rodriguez-Hort, Las 0 0-0-0 Palmas 197S) 4 ... gS!? (the basic

(Reynolds-Nunn, London 1987). In idea of Black's counterplay, 'latch this complicated position Black's ing on' to the j_h4) S fxe4 gxh4 6 chances are better - his bishop goes e3 (weaker is 6 �c3 cxd4! 7 •xd4 to c6 where it will exer t pressure on l:lg8 8 eS �c6 9 •e4 •as 10 �f White's position.



d6 1 1 0 i.e6 when White is

forced onto the defensive, Kunc

O.Moiseev, corr. (taking aim at the e3 pawn) 1970) 6 ... j_h6 7 �f (after •xgS j_xgS 7 i.c4 e6 8 •hs •sS!? 9 White Bellon-Schmidt, Biel 1990) has problems, 7 . cxd4 ..

8 exd4 eS (exploiting the idea of 9 dxeS? 1 the centre) 9 �fi'b6+, Black strikes a blow in 3 �c6 1 0 c3 d6.

The most critical reaction to the j_gs has to declare Trompowsky-Hodgson Attack. The its ihtentions. 3 .tf4 A flexible continuation. With f2f 3 White will drive the �e4 from its active position and tr y to set up a solid pawn chain in the centre

Trompowsk y Attack


Black's chances are not worse -his two bishops and the exposed position of the opponent's king fully compensate for the spoiling of his Alushta 1993). kingside pawns (Voloshin-Golubev, 3 h4 (an eccentric continuation; White counts on creating pressure in the event of the exchange on g5, on the h-file) 3 . . . d5 (the alternative is 3 ... c5) 4 �d2 �xg5 (now this exchange is appropriate, since Black .can play his bishop to fS) 5 hxg5 i.f (8 ... �d7!?) 9 �gfS 6 e3 e6 7 g4 .i.g6 8 f4 c5 9 1Vf

The most popula r and logical 3 (Black's chan continuation

White's central pawn, at the same 'ird7!?) 9 ... �c6 10 c3 1Vb6. the queenside. The alternative Js time opening a way for his queen to 3 d5. •.•

4 f Other continuations for White: 4 c3 1Vb6 5 f 3 �f6 (5 . .. 'irxb2 6

Black attacks ces are also preferable after

fxe4!? is unclear) 6 b3 (after Hort's recommendation of 6 . i.c 1 cxd4 7 1rxd4 1rxd4 8 cxd4 d5 Black again has nothing to complain of ) 6 . . . cxd4 7 1rxd4 1Vxd4 8 cxd4 �c6 9 .ic3 d5 and Black's position is already preferable (Bohm-Geller, Moscow

1975). We are following the game

4 dS 'irb6 (reminding White that

Hodgson-Gufeld (Hastings 1986/7, which continued 1 1 �h4?! '

his b2 pawn is unprotected) 5 lild2

irxb2 12 (after 5 'ircl c4! 6 e3 'iraS+ 7 lild

�xg6 (12 f5 exf5 13 gxf S .i.h5+) �xc3 8 'ifd2 e6! 9 bxc3 exdS White 12 ... fxg6 13 l:[b1 1rxc3 14 l:[b3 1Va5 has problems - Rotshtein; or 5 iLc I 15 .:xb7 c4!, when Black had an 'iraS+!? undisputed advantage. However, away the natural square forcing White to take fi.u the even after 1 1 'irb3 1Vxb3 White faces a gruelling battle for equality.

development of his �b

I - 6 cl li)f�, 7 .i.gS 1Vb6, and Black s dumn·� '



are not worse) 5 . . . lilxd2 ( . i.xtl.'

I 7M

An Opening Repertoire f or the Positional Player

' W'xh2 7 c4 e6!? (attacking the white � .entre


at just the right time) 8 .i.d3

(or 8 l 9


Black prepares to attack the white i)IJ exd5 9 exd5 d6=F) 8 ... exd5 centre.

cxd5 'ii'd4! ? and it is not easy for

9 e4

White to demonstrate that he has Or 9 d5 e5! compensation for the pawn.


eS! 4

'ii' aS+

A familiar idea - the c-pawn is invited to occupy the lawful square of the lLlb 1 . 5 c ll)f 6 ldl Sharp play results from 6 dS 'ii' b6!? 7 b3 e6 8 e4 exdS 9 exdS .i.d6 10 lLlh3 0 1 1 'ii' d2 l1e8+ 12 .i.e2 c4! 13 . .i.c5 the white king risks having to i.xd6 (after 13 bxc4 remain in the centre) 13 ... 'ii' xd6 14 bxc4 bS!? (a typical way of undermining the dS pawn) 15 cxbS Putting into effect the main idea (I.Sokolov-Smirin, Wijk a Zee 1993 ), and now 1 5 . . . l of Black's counterplay. After 10 iJxd5 (16 c4 dxe5 .i.b4+ 11 �e2 (if 1 1'ii' e5!) would have given Black lLlxe5 12 .i.xb4 'ii' xb4+ 13 'ii' d2 sufficient play for the pawn. 'ii' xd2+ 14 liJxd2 d5! or 1 1 liJd 6


7 lLlb3


'ii' b6

1 I ...l

LlhS with an excellent game) LlxeS 12 'ii' d4 l Llg6 he achieved 8 cxd4 8 'ii' xd4 lLlc6!? 9 'ii' xb6 axb6 10 a promising position - White has to .i.e3 bS 1 1 liJd4 lLlxd4 12 .i.xd4 e6 solve the problem of his 'developed' leads to equality.

king (Hodgson-Gelfand, Groningen 1996).

1 6 English Opening 1 c4

King's Indian) 3 leads to the basic position of the

... d6 4 g3 �f6 5 i..g2 0 variation. transposing into the main ,

2 �f The same position arises if White tries to play the Reti Opening: 1 �f 3 �f6 2 c4. With 2 �c White can retain the with e2-e4 and �ge2: 2 . .option of transposing into the plan . g6 3 g3 i.. g7 4 i..g2 0 and now: (a) 5 �f 3 d6 6 0 ,

�bd7 transposes into the King's eS 7 d3 (7 d4 This popular opening, developed Indian Defence) 7 ... �6 8 %lbl aS 9 by the 19t century English a3 %1e8 (preparing to counter Champion Howard Staunton, has White's queenside activity with play been adopted by many well-know in the centre) 10 i..gS ( 10 b4 axb4 modem grandmasters, including 1 1 axb


World Champions Garand Anatoly Karpov and the young Kasparov 1 1 i..xf6 i.. xf6 12 b4 axb4 13 axb4 is met by

1 1 . . .e4! ) I O ... i.. g7 14 bS �e7 (14 ... �d4 IS �d2 super-star Vladimir Kramnik.

%1a3 is also satisfactory, Krivo

The attraction of White's first nogov-Yutaev, Kstovo 1997) I S move is that it gives him a wide W'c2 c6 16 �d2 i.. e6 17 bxc6 bxc6 choice of subsequent plans and 18 %1b7 dS and Black has a good allows him, for the time being, to game - a powerful centre and play true King's Indian player will not be camouflage his intentions. But the with ... eS-e4 (Andersson-Shirov, surprised by such a move. The Monaco 1997); (b) S e4 d6 6 �ge2 �c6!? 7 dJ c5 attraction of this opening is its 8 0-0 i.. e6 9 %1bl aS 10 a3 'ii' d7 1 1 universality - after practically any b4 axb4 12 axb4 �g4!? and Black 's move order he can achieve his chances are not worse - he has har favourite set-up. 1


moniously developed pieces,


sol id

pawn chain, and chances of A good alternative is 1 ... g6 2 e4 over the entire board plny i..g7 3 �c3 (3 d4 d6 4 �c3 �f6


(< il'lllll Kalinichenko, Moscow 1 991).

An Opening Repertoire for the Positional Player

e3 i.xg2 13 ltlxg2 ltle6 14 d c6 15 a4 dS with a good game for Black, Polugayevsky-Van Wely, Gronin-gen I993) 7 ... ltlbd7 8 d3 ' possible is 8 ... ltlh5 !? 9 like7 (also tlc3 f5co, Plachetka-Tal, Kapfenberg I970) 9 ltlbd2 c6 I 0 ' ifb3 aS 1 1 a a4 I2 'ikc2 dS 13 e3 bS!? 14 cxbS cxb5 15 l:tac I i.a6 16 'ikb I ltle8 (Stein Tseshkovsky, Sochi 1970). Black has halted White's play on the queenside and covere d the invasion squares on the c-file. Given the opportunity, he will begin advancing his kingside pawns. The chances are White carries out the 'extende roughly equal. fianchetto', aiming to expand his



territorial gains on the queenside.

For the alternative 5 b6!? cf. We also consider the norm ...

al Ill ustrative Game No. 15 fianchetto: and now:

(Smyslov3 b3 i.g7 4 i.b2 0-


Gufeld, Moscow 1967). 6 i.e2

(a) 5 e3 d6 6 i.e2 eS 7 0- l:te8

7 d3


l:te(or 7 ... ltlbd7) 8 d3 ltlc6 9 l

tlc3 dS 10 cxdS lLlxdS 11 l:tc1 a 12 '

Black prepares ... e5-e4. ifc2

ltlcb 4 13 'ifb 1 ltlxc3 14 i.xc3 cS 1 5 l:tfd1 b6 with equality (Niklasson

9 b5


8 0- a5

Vaganian, Skara 1980); (b) 5 g3 d6 6 i.g2 eS (or 6 ... a5!?) 7 0- l:te8 8 l3 c6 9 e3 (9 e4 leads to a King's Indian set-up) 9 ... ltlbd7. The chances are roughly equal. Black meets I 0 d4 with 10 . . . e4 I 1 ltld2 dS, seizing space in the centre. 3 4 i.

i.g7 b2


2 3 b4


5 e i.g2 is encountered: In this position too the plan with 5 eS 7 0- (or 7 ltlc3 ltlc6 8 bS lg3 d6 6 i.g2 tld4 9 0- i.g4 10 ltle1 'ifc8 1 1 f 3 i.h3 12 centre and achieves an equal gamBlack forces exchanges in the e.

English Opening


Korchnoi-Glek (Budapest 1996)

6 d4 continued 1 0 dxe4 l£lxe4 1 1 l£ld4 l£Jd7 12 l£lc3 l£lxc3 13 .i.xc3 l An aggressive idea, after which

£lc5 Black faces a difficult choice - he is 14 l:lcl l£le4 (14 ... .i.d7!?) 15 .i.a1 threatened with 'suffocation' in the .i.d7 16 .i.f 3 b6 17 'ifc2 'fle7 18 centre. l:lfd 1 l:lac8 19 l£lc6 .i.xc6 20 bxc6



.i.xal 21 l:lxal f5!? with a very The correct plan. With the opposlight initiative for Black, although nent not yet castled, the opening of the position is still close t equal. lines, even where he looks stronger, gives Black counterchances. 7 dxcS bxcS Smyslov-Gufeld Game 1 5 (p.l80) Moscow 1967

8 bS


9 a4

By drawing White into a conflict 1 c4 3

l£lf g6 b4

on the queenside, Black has diverted l ll)f

his attention from the normal

mobilisation of his forces, and in

Curiously, this wa s the exact compensation for the seemingly course taken by the classic game dangerous white pawn wedge he ca Reti-Capablanca (New York 1924), operate successfully on other parts in which the World Champion of the board. Now 9 ... .i.b7 is good, suffered a sensational defeat after with comfortable development, but being undefeated for eight whole the shar p continuation chosen is also years! 3



possible - it is based on the unsettled state of the white king.



s e In the Reti-Capablanca game fascinating tactical complications. The game enters a phase of Black easily equalised after 5 g3 b6 6 .i.g2 .

10 .


�g7 i.b7 7 0 d6, and only lost

11 'ifdS!

as a result of a mistake in the

White is obliged to accept the

middlegame. s



Quiet development by 1 1 12 l£Jbd2 l£Jxd2 13

Black chooses the same set-up a 'flxd2 axb5 14 cxb5 d5 allows Black Capablanca. 5 ... d6 is also good - cf. an excellent game. the analysis.


'flaS+ 1l �el!

In general it has to be said that the

system of play chosen by White l£Jbd2 lThis too is necessary. After 1 2 gives him few chances of gaining an advantage.

£Jxd2 13 l£Jxd2 axb5! Black

already has the advantage.


1 82

An Opening Repertoire f or the Positional Player

This reply is clearly forced. 13


A second 'wild' move. The positional basis for the two successive piece sacrifices is the undeveloped state of White's pieces, the exposed position of his king, and also the possibility of pursuing his queen. 14 �fd2 14 bxc6 l:.ab8 15 �fd2 would have transposed into the game, but intending 12 ... lDc3+ 13 �xc3 •xc3 It would appear that Black is have cost White dearly: 15 ... l excessive greed (15 •xd7) would :.fd8! 14 ... xa8 'i'xal, and 15 1 and, despite his great material adi'xb8 is dangerous in view of 15 ... d6!, when vantage, his position is indefensible. 14 l:.a7 he can count on at least perpetual 15 bxc6! check. But in reply Smyslov had Much worse is 15 ... xa7 �xa7 16 prepared the subtle move 14 l �xe4 axb5 17 cxb5 �xbS with and after 14 ... 1 7 15 1 :.d1 !, i'xc5 and 16 ... d4+ White has a clear advantage. advantage to Black . 15 The impression is that Black has material advan12 �b7!! 13 ... xb7


16 cxb7 miscalculated, but there follows the

tage, but Black has the initiative. 16

certain Black decides to play with a degree of risk. After 16 ... �d6 17 g3 �xb7 18 �g �d6 19 l:.c 1 l :.b8 attack and defence balance one another, which testifies to the correctness of his entire play. 17 �xe4?! Smyslov decides to give up the exchange, but to retain his b7 pawn. 17 l

... b4

The stor ha s died down somestunning:

what. White has a

:.a2! was stronger, when Black would have had to reconcile himself to 17 . . . f5 or 17 ... �f6 wit h a complicated game (after 17 . . . Wxb7

English Opening

1 83

1 8 �xe4 •xe4 19 �d2 or 1 8 ...• xb1 19 �c3 'ifc1 20 �d3! protected passed c-pawn, White with active play can count on a White would have consolidated his draw. position and repulsed the attack). 17

But it turns out that there is one


18 �bd2 ' further important factor in the ifxa1 19 �xc5 position - the vulnerabilit y of the �d7. White still has a material 24 l:tb2 advantage: three minor pieces and a 25 lld1 e6 pawn for the queen. But the whole 26 c6 the position of his king or his problem is that he has not improved knight could still have escaped from At the cost of two pawns the kingside pieces. 19

lthe trap: 26 �b6 'ii' xc5 27 aS 'ii' xa5 b8

20 g3

'ii' a3!

28 �bc4, but here Black has the advantage. After the 'natural' 20 ... d6? 21



�d7! l:txb7 22 .i.g �2 23 l:tb1

27 �el 'ii' d3!

White would have won. Black moves his queen of e3. pick up the 21 �xd7?!

28 .i.n

The c-pawn will not run away; for f the back rank the moment Black cjust in time.

one at


29 .i.e2 suddenly feels the ground slipping This often happens, when a player under his feet. Not long ago it seemed to Smyslov that he stood better, and suddenly after the logical 21 �d3 l :txb7 22 .i.g l:tb8 he is also faced with the loss of his a4 pawn. He therefore seeks chances in more lively play. 21


22 .i.h3 23 c5

'ii' d6 'ifd5

24 f The threat of 24 ... 'Everything seems to be in order. ifh5+ has been parri ed, the kingside has been �d7 from returning to an active Black's problem is to prevent the mobilised, and the a4 pawn retained. position. This is achieved by the In the event of 24 ... l:txd7 25 .i.xd7 following move, one that was

'ifxd7 26 l:tcl, with rook, knight and difficult to find ...


An Opening Repertoire f or the Positional Player



This accelerates the end. After 33

the white king, while the rook is The queen remains on guard by l t)f included in the trapping of the 3 �f7! the king would have been ring around the lsent to deal with the c-pawn. The knight. i)d7 tightens. 30 f4


31 c7


32 �0



34 .ixc4 35 �el

33 l White resigns i)c4

1 7 Bird Opening 1 f4


can count on an opening initiative. The text move prevents this plan and allows Black smoothly to fianchetto his king's bishop - the best counter to the Dutch set-up. White now has a choice between 3 g3 (17.1) and 3 e (17.2). (1 f4 d5 2 l£lf g6) 3 g3 White develops as in the Lenin grad Dutch; the extra tempo gives him additional From Gambit (l...e5!?), Black is A voiding the sharp play of the possibilities, of course, but these are normally suf ficient only for achieving approxi Defence by the first player. ready to play against the Dutch mate equality, and not an advantage. 3 2 l

4 .t

g7 £lf



The attempt to prevent the fian

5 0chetto of Black's king's bishop is If


5 d3 the most thematic is unsuccessful: 2 b3 .tg4! (hindering 5 ... l the development of White's king 6 l£lc3 £lbd7 (5 ... b6 is also satisfactory) 0 7 e4 dxe4 8 dxe4 e5! side) 3 .tb2 l l

£lc6 4 g3?! (better is 4 (Savon-Gufeld, Gori 1971 ). After 9 £lf 3 .txf 3 5 exf 3 with only a mini fxe5 l£lg4 10 .tg5 'ife8 1 1 l£Jd5

mal advantage for Black) 4 ... e5!? 5 l£Jdxe5 12 h3 (12 l£lxc7 l£lxf3+ and fxe5 f6! with an attack for Black. 13 ... 'ife5) 12 ... l£lxf3+ 13 'ff xf 3 'ff e5! Kupreichik-Yusupov 1982) continued 6 .th3 .txh3 7 (Yerevan l14 .te7 :e8! 15 hxg4 :xe7 16 £lxe7+ 'ff xe7 17 0- 0 J.e6 18 exf6 l£lxf6 8 l£lxh3 J.c5 9 e3 d4 I 0 �b1 1i'b4 19 't'a3 'ifxa3 20 bxa3 e4 0 1 1 d3 .tb4+ 12 l£ld2 l£ld5 13 J.xg4 White ended up in a difficult 'ff h5 l£le3 14 �e2 g6, when it was situation. hard to offer White any good advice. 2


6 d3




The most precise move order. After 2 l

of the light-square bis


In this set-up too the development £lf 6 3 e3 g6 4 b4! White


hop on the

An Opening Repertoire f or the Positional Player

long diagonal is the most bishop at e2, while the dark-square acceptable. 7 Wet


bishop is developed on the long 8 h3


remains in its initial position. In this diagonal or for the time being

The alternative is 8 ... cS!? 9 g4


10 lDc3

set-up too it is best for Black to


fianchetto his king's bishop. cS


� g7

The two sides have completed their development and the outcome

4 �el White can switch to a 'stonewall'

of the opening can be considered set-up with 4 d4 lDf6 5 �d3 0- 6 satisfactory for Black - he has 0- c5 7 c3 b6 (also good is 7 ... 1i'b6 hindered White's e2-e4 and is ready 8 lDbd2 �f5, exchanging the �d3 in some cases to play . . . e7-e5 and strengthening Black's control of


Savchenko-Hoeksema the

(Groningen 1991) continued 1 1 'ifg3 Makogonov, USSR 1940) 8 lDbd2 key e4 square, Ragozin Wd6 12 lDb5 1i'd7 13 lDbd4 lDe6 14 �a6 9 �xa6 lDxa6 10 1i'a4 lDc7 lDxe6 'ifxe6 15 f5 1i'd6 16 1i'f 2 e5 (Hicki-Kindermann, Munich 17 fxe6 fxe6 1 8 Wh4 e5 19 �h6 The two sides' chances are 1989). 1i'f 8 and Black's chances were not equal, only Black must watch roughly for the worse.

of White playing b2-b4-

b5 and

seizing control of c6

(1 f4 dS

2lDf g6)

3 e

and building up an attack on the queenside.

4 c4 has also been played:

Here White bases his play on the 4 ... lDf6 5 l3 c6 6 .i.e2 0- 0 7 0classical ideas of the Dutch Defence lDbd7 8 d4 dxc4!? (aiming, in the - he develops his light-squa event of the captur e on c4, to gain

Bird Opening


time by ... �b6) 9 a4 aS 10 e4 �b6 1 1 .txg7 �xg7=) 8 d4! (a good ...

hanging) 12 .te3 �d6 with a solid 1 1 �e5 �e8 (now the d4 pawn is move, hindering White in his battle for the e5 square and creating position for Black - White still has tension in the centre at the right to regain the c4 pawn (HUbner time) 9 �a 3 �d5 10 .tc4 e6 1 1

�g5 b6 12 c3 .tb7 13 exd4 �xf4

Witbnann, Manila 1992).

It should be mentioned that, 14 �e4 e5!? 15 dxe5 �d3 16 .txd3 thanks to the precise move order, 1i'xd3 17 l:f 3 1i'd8 18 �f6+ .txf6 White is denied the possibility of 4 19 exf 6 l:e8 20 1i'h4 l:e2. Black has b3 - one of the popula 1 f4 d5 2 �f 3 �f6. 4

r set-ups after a strong initiative for the pawn


(Sale-Wells, Budapest 1993 ). 6


Entering the main line. Also


7 1i'e1

possible is 4 e5 5 0 �h6!?,

8 e

hindering the development of

After 8 1i'h4 b6 9 �bd2 .ta6 10


White's queenside. 5 0 0

nothing to fear (Larsen-Benko,

6 d3 8

�e5 �xe5 11 fxe5 �d7 Black has

Portoroz 1958). b6

9 �a .ta6 10 e4


The point of Black's 9 move becomes clear - he is able to provoke a clash in the centre. 11 dxe4 12 �e5


13 �xe6 1i'xe6


Other possibilities: 6 �e5 �bd7 7 .tf 3 �xe5 8 fxe5 �e4 9 c4 .txe5 10 cxd5 �g5, and Black's chances are not worse - he exchanges the opponent's lightsquare bishop and remains with the two bishops. 6 b3 c5 7 .tb2 �6 8 1

�5 .td7 9 d3 �e8 10 �xc6 .txc6 i'e1 (or 8

An Opening Repertoire f or the Positional Player


opening problems: he Black has successfully solved his is well accurately to avoid ending up in an inferior outpost in Mirkovic, Yugoslavia 1991 ) .

the centre. White must play

Index of Variations PART 1: WTE REPERTOIRE 1 Sicilian Defence 1 e4 cS 2 c3 9 1 . 1 2 ... eS 10 1 .2 2 ... d6 3 d4 lLlf6 4 .i.d3 11 1 .21 4 ... cxd4 12 1.22 4 ... �6 12 1.3 1 .23 4 . . . g6 13 2 ... e6 14 1 .4 2 ... dS 3 exdS 1i'xdS 4 d4 15 1 .41 4 ... lLlc6 S lLlf 16 1 .41 1 s . . . .i.g4 17 1 .412 s


cxd4 18

1 .413 s . lLlf6 19 .


1 .42 4 ... lLlf6 20 1.5 2 ... lLlf6 23 l Scotch Game 1 e4 eS 2 �3 27 2.1 2 ... �6 3 lLlf 27 2.2 2 . . . lLlf6 3 lLlf 3 �6 4 d4 29 2.21 4 .. .i.b 30 .

2.22 4 ... exd4 S �d4 i.b4 6 lLlxc6 bxc6 7 i.d3 dS 8 exdS 32 2.221 8 ... 1i'e7+ 34 2.222 8 ... cxdS 36 3 French Defence 1 e4 e6 2 d4 dS 3 �2 41 3.1 3 . . . lLlc6 43 3.2 3 ... lLlf6 4 eS lLlfd7 5 .i.d3 cS 6 c3 �6 7 �2 cxd4 8 exd4 45 3.21 8 a5 47 ...


(Ridovicmobilised and has a pawn

3.22 8 .. 1i'b6 48 .

3.23 8 ... f6 49 3.3 3 ... c5 4 lLlg 51 1 90

An Opening Repertoire f or the Positional Player

3.3 1 4 . . . a6 52 3.32 4 . . . �f6 52 3.33 4 ... �c6 5 i.b5 54 3.33 1 5 . . . dxe4 54 3.332 5 ... cxd4 55 3.34 4 . . . cxd4 56 4 Caro-Kann Defence 1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 e5 .tf S 4 �f 3 e6 5 .te2 59 4. 1 5 . . . c5 60 4.2 5 . . . �e7 62 5 Pirc-Ufimtsev Defence 1 e4 d6 2 d4 �f6 3 f 66 5.1 3 ... e5 67 5.2 3 ... d5 68 6 Alekhine Defence I e4 �f6 2 e5 �d5 3 d4 d6 4 �f 7 3 6.1 4 . . . �c6 73 6.2 4 . . . dxe5 5 �xe5 74 6.21 5 . . . �d7 75 6.22 5 . . . g6 75 6.3 4 . . . g6 76 6.4 4 . . . .tg4 4 i.e2 77 6.41 5 . . . c6 78 6.42 5 . . . e6 79 PART 11: BLACK REPERTOIRE 7 Sicilian Defence I e4 c5 2 �f d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 �xd4 �f6 5 l:\c3 �c6 84 7.1 6 i.g5 .td7 84 7. 1 1 7 i.xf6 86 7. 1 2 7 .te2 87 7. 1 3 7 'ii' d2 88 7.2 6 i.c4 'ii' b6 90 7.2 1 7 �xc6 91 7.22 7 �de2 92 Index o f Variations


7.23 7 ltJdb5 94 7.24 7 ltJb3 e6 95 7.24I 8 i.e3 96 7.242 8 0 97 7.243 8 i.f4 98 King's Indian Defence: 8 Four Pawns Attack I d4 ltJf6 2 c4 g6 3 ltJc3 i.g7 4 e4 d6 5 f4 0 105 8. I 6 ltJf 105

8.2 6 i.e2 c5 107 8.2I 7 d5 108 8.22 7 ltJf 110 9 Samisch Variation I d4 liJf6 2 c4 g6 3 ltJc3 i.g7 4 e4 d6 5 f 0 114 9. 1 6 i.e3 ltJc6 114 9.2 6 i.g5 ltJc6 123 10 I d4 lVariations with i.g2 iJf6 2 c4 g6 3 g3 i.g7 4 i.g2 d6 5 lOO 0 6 0 liJbd7 129 11 Classical Variation I d4 liJf6 2 c4 g6 3 ltJc3 i.g7 4 e4 d6 5 lOO 0 6 i.e2 e5 139 I l .l 7 d5 141 I 1 .2 7 i.e3 144 1 1 .3 7 0-0 145 12 I d4 lDeviations by White from the Classical Variation tJf6 2 c4 g6 3 ltJc3 i.g7 4 e4 d6 154 12.1 5 ltJge2 156 I2.2 5 i.d3 157 I2.3 5 h3 0-0 158 I2.3 I 6 ltJf 158 12.32 6 i.e3 159 12.33 6 i.g5 160 13 A verbakh Variation 1 d4 ltJf6 2 c4 g6 3 ltJc3 i.g7 4 e4 d6 5 i.e2 0 6 i.g5 162 192

An Opening Repertoire f or the Positional Player

14 Torre Attack 1 d4 ltlf6 2 ltlf l g6 3 .tg5 .tg7 4 ltlbd2 c5 169 14.1 5 .txf6 1 71 14.2 5 e3 1 72 15 Trompowsk Attack 1 d4 ltlf6 2 .tg5 1 7 4 16 English Opening 1 c4 ltlf6 2 l tlf 3 g6 3 b 1 79 17 Bird Opening 1 f4 d5 2 ltlf 3 g6 185 17.1 3 g3 185 17.2 3 e3 186

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIVE GAMES 1 Deep Blue-Kasparov 25 2 Rublevsky-Onischuk 38 3 Gufeld-Lutikov 57 4 Kalinichenko-Vefling 64 5 Gelfand-Adams 70 6 Kasparov-Ivanchuk 81 7 Damjanovic-Stein 99 8 Topalov-Kramnik 101 9 Stahlberg-Stein 111

10 Mestei-Gufe1d 126 1 1 Timman-Kasparov 13 7 12 Gelfand-Topalov 149 13 Van der Sterren-Giek 151 14 Kaidanov-Gufeld 166 1 5 Smyslov-Gufeld 181

One of the hardest tasks faced by competitive chess players is the development of an opening repertoire suited to their own style of play. As in their companion volume An Opening Repertoire for the Attacking Player (also translated by Ken Neat), the authors provide a refined and thoroughly up-to-date opening program, this time selecting variations of a more positional nature. e Practical repertoire based on 1 e4 as White and the Classical Sicilian and King's Indian Defences as Black e Concentrates on solid and reliable lines of play e Provides an easy-to-learn explanation of the typical plans and ideas Eduard Gufeld is one of the most popular and widely travelled grandmasters, and is known throughout the world as a coach, opening theoretician, journalist and author. Nikolai Kalinichenko, author of more than 30 chess books, holds the International Master title in correspondence chess and enjoys a growing reputation as a specialist in opening theory.

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