An Insiders Guide To Ace System Design in - Maurice Jayson

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An Insider’s Guide to Ace

System Design Interviews A Quick Guide to Answer System Design Interview Questions

Maurice Jayson


Copyright Maurice Jayson ChurchGate Publishing House USA | UK | Canada © Churchgate Publishing House 2020 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, and scanning without permission in writing by the author. author. While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication, neither the authors nor the editors nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein. Printed on acid-free paper. Printed in the United States of America © 2020 by Maurice Jayson


Table of Contents Copyright



CHAPTER CHAPTE R THREE MORE UNDERSTANDING ON API What is an API? What are are APIs used for? for? Why are APIs are APIs important? Concretee API examples Concret Are APIs APIs secure? How APIs APIs Drive Innovation Innovation APIs History History Remote APIs API improvements SOAP and REST SOA and Micro Services Architectures


How is the API of Google Calendar different from the API of all other remote servers?

CHAPTER FOUR  BUILDING A WEB CRAWLER Basic solution Scale issue Crawl frequency Deduplication Parsing

CHAPTER FIVE CREATING A SHORT URL SYSTEM Performance vs. flexibility Overhead Multiple machines

CHAPTER SIX HOW TO DESIGN GOOGLE DOCS Divided into components Storage and formatting Concurrent Access control

CHAPTER SEVEN DESIGNING YOUTUBE Storage and data model Video and image storage Popular VS Long Tail Video Extended database Cache Safety


Web Server

CHAPTER EIGHT RATE LIMITING STRATEGIES AND METHODS Reasons for using rate limiting Prevent resource exhaustion Manage policies and quotas Control flow Avoid overcharge Strategy No rate limits Enforce rate limit Delayed response Client policy Ways to enforce en force rate limits Rate limiting feature in Google Cloud Quota and cap Cloud Tasks Cloud Functions Pub/Sub: flow control Cloud Run Istio Cloud Endpoints Apigee Google Cloud Armor Project Shield Other ways to increase flexibility



Information flow ranking Image optimization



CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEM DESIGN INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Systems design interviews are becoming a standard part of the hiring process. The effectiveness in system design interviews reflects your ability to work with complex systems. Solving system design interview questions can get you into your desired job position with a high salary and other companies' incentives. Most engineers fear System Design Interviews (SDIs) partly because of their lack of experience designing large scalable systems and partly because of the unstructured nature of SDIs. Even engineers who are experienced in building such systems are not very comfortable with these interviews. The main reason for this is that the systems design interview does not have standard answers and is open-ended.

WHAT IS SYSTEM DESIGN? System design is a set of rules and tools for visual and technical execution that reflects a product's philosophy and is constantly evolving. This definition may not be clear now, but it will become clearer as we progress in this e-book.

SCALING FROM ZERO TO MILLIONS OF USERS The systems design phenomenon has gained popularity over the last decades, and it is no surprise to job seekers anymore to come across questions of sort. When the system design interview started, those who partook in such an interview had nothing to focus on. But in this e-book, I will show you how to answer most questions from the interviewer.



1. If you are faced with a system design question, you don't need to panic or hurry. 2. You don't need to reveal or explain in many details; just provide the pivotal point. 3. Ignore unnecessary necessities and set your mind on the architectural aspect. 4. In the system interview interview,, you must keep it simple and clear. 5. Most people fail system design questions because they forget to look at the big picture. 6. Avoid too many hacks when solving any mathematical complication. 7. Endeavor to justify any points highlighted in your defense. Don't use buzz words or incomplete knowledge in your design. 8. Before attempting any question, be aware of the recent outcomes and technological practices. NOTE:  System design interviews are not that difficult to answer if you have accustomed yourself with the requested knowledge from books like this. Lastly, you should be able to argue for a custom implementation with its pros and cons.

POINT OF EVALUATION FROM SYSTEM DESIGN INTERVIEW 1. The clarity of answer or thought Interviewers want to see how you can express your thoughts correctly and confidently. You should also be able to justify any decision you are taking. This is because, in the system design interview, there is enough room to argue your point and clear doubts. If your interviewer asks you a difficult question, you must use standard approaches to tackle it. For instance, let's say the interviewer asked you to create APIs. It would be best if you start by stating some replication, as this will help increase availability in general. It is quite easy to present the solution to the answer. NOTE: As I said earlier, never state any points without understanding the concept properly. You are likely going to get half or no mark for half answer answer..

2. Level of Knowledge and Terminology


Your level of knowledge is seen in using the right terminology. Therefore, you have to be abreast of relevant and current facts in the market. This comes with attempting several products and design practices. You should know when to point out the solution clearly and when to build custom around it. After you have named a product, for example, endeavor to give the product's relevant feature. Design practices allow you to confront certain custom requirements. Examples of such are decoupling systems, load balancing, sticky sessions, etc.

3. Your Flexibility and Response You should be able to quickly shift your from one domain to another without confusing your interviewer. This is because your interviewer is interested in your level of expertise, i.e., how well you know about the system's different parts. It is wise not to have a particular architecture in mind. In the System design interview, we all try to fit requirements to a system, but only after the initial ones have shaped it. A rigid or sentimental behavior builds a brittle architecture that will likely not work properly or fail. Before procuring any answer, think about the question clearly and understand it properly to the smallest unit. Afterward, focus on a specific aspect to start from and proceed to the next. Just endeavor to take it one step at a time. Certain areas can be extracted out and explained properly to clarify doubt in the system.


CHAPTER TWO UNMASKING THE SECRET BEHIND SYSTEM DESIGN INTERVIEW WHAT IS A SYSTEM DESIGN INTERVIEW? For newbies on this topic, I will briefly explain. For most top companies such as Google, Facebook, and Uber, at least one of the on-site interviews is a system design d esign interview. In this interview, you will be asked to design a specific system and have a heated discussion on all the details with the interviewer. However However,, since this question is quite open, the interviewer can decide the direction of the discussion. With this in mind, even for the same question, you may have completely different discussions with different interviewers. This is why I never worry about whether the interviewer has ever seen this problem. Let's take the problem of "designing a web crawler" as an example. As an interviewer, I can focus the interview on the entire crawler infrastructure. I can specifically discuss how to remove URLs. I can also ask how to detect whether the page has been updated. You may also be asked to write some code in the system design interview. But I don't see much difference from the general gene ral programming interview.

HOW TO EVALUATE THE SYSTEM DESIGN INTERVIEW. I firmly believe that if you can't evaluate a thing, you can't improve it. Most people don't know how to evaluate the system design interview; how do they prepare? It's like you are playing a game without knowing the rules. Unlike programming interviews, there are no standard answers to system design questions, so the evaluation process is more subjective. However, as an interviewer, I still have something. First, I will assess whether the design is effective. Although there is no implementation to verify, based on work experience and some common


sense, if this question is given, I will ask myself if I will try the proposed method. In most cases, it is obvious to judge whether there is a problem with the design. I just use some examples to challenge the candidates. For example, if I ask him to check whether a certain URL has been crawled before, I will see if the solution handles such short URLs or URLs with UTM Thisit,isorthe minimum requirement. If the candidate can't do this,parameters. I won't go into I may ask another question. Secondly, I will check the feasibility. Some candidates will propose solutions that are only effective in theory. It may require unlimited memory or the system is not very complicated. In any case, I will ask him to solve this problem. A good way to verify it is to ask yourself how much time and how many engineers it will implement the design. I prefer a relaxed and simple design. If you can't make a prototype within a week or two, I might ask you to simplify it. Sometimes, most candidates will develop a complex solution requiring much data and some ML components and pipelines. It is difficult to achieve in reality because it is very risky. You don't want to spend a year on this unproven idea; it may just not work. Third, I hope the candidate knows what he is talking about. More specifically, I want to make sure he knows why the system should be designed specifically, the constraints, and other solutions. Often, design issues are vaguely described. A good candidate can tell you what the hypothesis is and how to compare the design with others. To make it clearer, ask yourself an alternative solution and why the system was built in this way instead of other solutions. In the following sections, we will focus on some practical tips and use them to get started.

HOW TO PREPARE FOR SYSTEM DESIGN INTERVIEW We have to admit that experience trumps everything. This is why some experienced engineers do not need preparation at all. However, there are many things you can do to make major changes.



If you are still some time away from your interview (at least six months), building something is worth it. Everyone can participate in the macro design, but only those who work on the details can consider everything. If you are a student, you can take an internship, and you can also work on projects that interest you. It is also a good idea to contribute to some opensource projects. The important thing is not which project to work on, but something to work on. This is very important because you don’t know whether your design is effective without actual work. With some practical experience, you will quickly realize that many things are difficult to achieve, but at first glance, they seem reasonable. For example, if you want to check whether the web page's content has been updated since the last crawl and rely on whether the HTML remains the same, you will find that many web pages have the same content, but the comments, sidebars, etc. have been changed. This is a design that I think is not applicable, although it sounds reasonable.

Curiosity It is usually very important to be curious about everything. A good practice is to choose any product you use every day, such as YouTube, and think about how you will design the system from scratch. Sometimes the product may be very complicated; you can also design a feature like Facebook friend recommendation. If you have time, writing some code to implement a prototype is a plus. But the important thing is that you should try to go into the details. Although there are no standard answers to system design questions, you can still search for implementing these products/functions. Compare it with your design to understand the difference. High Scalability is highly recommended, but don't spend too much time on specific tools. Note: A trick is that many interviewers like to ask company-related design questions. For example, you are more likely to design Google products/features in a Google interview. This is not always the case, but the company’s products or similar products should be valued.



Similar to coding problems, you also need to practice system design interviews. There are several ways. You can do some Google searches to see how others will deal with the same problem and compare it with your design. For example, the system design interview question set is a very detailed analysis of common problems. A better way is to practice with more If you have friends in the industry for a experienced while, that people. would be great. Ask themwho for have help.been I think interactive exercises are always better because the whole interview process is more like a discussion than exams.

What is not important? A common mistake is that many people place too much emphasis on specific technologies. For example, they spent a lot of time using AWS, configuring the Google cloud platform, and using a specific web framework. I'm not saying these are useless, but they are good things. However, perspective system design interviews, I think interviewersfrom are the more concernedofwith understanding knowledge than specific techniques. For example, when discussing big processing data, as an interviewer, I want to discuss how to distribute data to multiple machines, aggregate them together, and distribute the load evenly. If someone tells me he will use Hadoop on AWS, I will ask for more details, and he will eventually answer all the questions above. The thumb rule focuses more on how each tool is designed, rather than what tools to use.

CONCLUSION All the tips for the system design interview are difficult to complete in one chapter.. We chapter We will discuss some live strategies in the next chapter.



What is an API? An API is a set of protocols that facilitate the creation and integration of application software. API is an acronym that stands for "Application Programming Interface."

What are APIs used for? APIs allow your product or service to communicate with other products and services without knowing their implementation details. They simplify application development, saving you time and money. When you design new tools and products or manage existing ones, APIs give you more flexibility, simplify design, administration, use, and empower you to innovate. APIs are sometimes seen as contracts, with documentation that constitutes an agreement between the parties. If part 1 sends a remote request according to a particular structure, the software in part 2 will respond according to the defined conditions.

Why are APIs important? Because APIs simplify the way developers integrate new application components into existing architecture, they facilitate collaboration between


IT and business teams. Often, business needs to change rapidly in the face of ever-changing digital markets, where new competitors can turn an entire industry upside down with a new application. To maintain their competitiveness, these companies need to support the rapid development and deployment of innovative services. Developing cloud-native applications is an obvious way to increase development speed. It is based on the connection of a micro services type application architecture via APIs. APIs are a simplified way to connect your infrastructure through cloudnative application development. They also allow you to share your data with your customers and other external users. Public APIs offer unique business value because they can simplify and grow your relationships with your partners, and potentially monetize your data (the Google Maps API is a perfect example).

Concrete API examples

Imagine a book distributor. This distributor could provide its client bookstores with an application that allows them to check the availability of books with the supplier. But the development of this application may be expensive and take a long time, while the final application may be limited by the platform and require continuous maintenance. The distributor can also provide an API to check stock availability. This approach has several advantages. By accessing data through an API, customers can centralize information about their inventory. The distributor can modify its internal systems without impacting its customers' experience, as long as its API's behavior does not change. With a public API, developers who work for the distributor, bookstores, or other businesses can develop an application that helps customers find the books they want to buy. Thus, distributors can increase their sales or seize new business opportunities.

Are APIs secure? APIs allow you to open up access to your resources without sacrificing control and security. You choose which resources you want to share and with whom. The security of APIs depends, above all, on their good management. Connecting APIs and building applications that use the data


or functionality exposed by APIs can be done through a distributed integration platform that connects everything, including legacy systems and the Internet of Things. There are three approaches to accessing APIs;

1. Private APIs The API can only be used internally. This approach allows you to keep full control over the API.

2. Partner APIs The API is shared with some business partners. This approach can generate new revenue streams without compromising security.

3. Public APIs The API is accessible to everyone. This approach allows third parties to develop applications that interact with your API and become a source of innovation.

How APIs Drive Innovation By making your APIs accessible to your partners as well as to third parties, you can: 1. Generate new revenue channels or expand existing ones 2. Extend the reach of your brand 3. Stimulate open source innovation or improve efficiency through external development and collaboration.

What is the role of APIs in all of this? Imagine a business partner developing an app that allows customers to locate the books they are looking for on the shelves. By improving the customer experience, this application will attract other customers to the bookstore, itself a customer of the distributor, who will ultimately have extended its revenue channel. A third-party company can also use a public API to develop an application so that customers can purchase books directly from the distributor, without going through the bookstore. In this case, the distributor will have opened a new revenue channel.


A business can benefit from sharing its APIs with some of its partners or with the world. Each partnership allows you to expand your brand awareness alongside your marketing campaigns. By making your technologies public, with a public API, you encourage developers to create an ecosystem of applications around your API. The more people use your technology, the more likely they are to do business with you. You can thus obtain results that are as unexpected as they are interesting by opening up access to your technologies, and these results can sometimes upset an entire sector. In our book distributor, new businesses, such as a book rental service, can cause a fundamental change in how it operates. Public and partner APIs let you take advantage of innovations from a larger developer community. Innovative ideas can sprout anywhere. Businesses need to stay abreast of changes in their marketplace and prepare for them. This is where APIs come in.

APIs History APIs appeared at the dawn of computing, even before personal computers. At that time, they were mostly used as libraries for operating systems. Almost all of them resided locally on the systems they ran on, although they occasionally transferred messages between mainframes. Almost 30 years later, APIs have left their local environments. In the early 2000s, they became important for remote data integration.

Remote APIs Remote APIs are designed to interact with a communications network. Here, “remote” means that the API's resources are not located on the computer that formulates the request. As the most frequently used communication network is the Internet, most APIs are designed based on web standards. Not all remote APIs are web APIs, but it can be assumed that all web APIs are remote. Web APIs typically use the HTTP protocol for their request messages and define the structure of response messages. Most of the time, response messages are in the form of an XML or JSON file. These two formats are


the most common because their data is easy to manipulate for other applications.

API improvements APIs have continued to grow in the now ubiquitous web, and several initiatives have attempted to simplify their design and increase their usefulness.


To standardize information exchange between the increasingly numerous APIs, it was necessary to develop a protocol: the “Simple Object Access Protocol” or SOAP. APIs designed after the SOAP protocol use XML format for their messages and receive requests via HTTP or SMTP SMTP.. SOAP aims to simplify information exchange between applications that run in different environments or are written in different languages. Representational State Transfer, or REST, is another attempt at standardization. Web APIs that respect the constraints of the REST architecture are called RESTful APIs. These two elements differ on one fundamental point: SOAP is a protocol, while REST is an architecture style. This means that there is no official standard that governs REST web APIs. According to the definition proposed by Roy Fielding in his thesis “Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures," APIs are RESTful as long as they respect the six design constraints of a RESTful system. A client-server architecture: a REST architecture comprises clients, servers, and resources, and it processes requests via the HTTP protocol.


A stateless server:  Client content is never stored on the server between requests. Information about the session state is stored on the client. Cache memory:  caching eliminates the need for certain interactions between the client and the server. A layered system: additional layers can mediate interactions between client and server. These layers can perform additional functions, such as load balancing, cache sharing, or security. security. Code on demand:  A server can extend a client's functionality by transferring executable code to it. Uniform interface:  This constraint is essential for the design of RESTful APIs and covers four different aspects: Identification of resources in requests:  Resources are identified in requests and are separated from representations returned to the client. Manipulation of resources by representations:  Clients receive files that represent the resources. These representations must contain enough information to be modified or deleted. Self-describing messages:  All messages returned to the client to contain enough information to describe how they should handle the information. Hypermedia as the engine for changing application states:  after accessing a resource, the REST client must discover all the other actions available through hyperlinks. These constraints may seem difficult to enforce, but they are less so than a protocol in reality. It is for this reason that RESTful APIs are taking precedence over SOAP APIs. In recent years, the Open API specification has established itself as the common standard for defining REST APIs. The OpenAPI standard allows developers to build REST API interfaces in a way that users can understand them with a minimum of guesswork.

SOA and Micro Services Architectures The two architectural approaches that use remote APIs the most are Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Microservices Architecture. SOA is the oldest approach. It was originally aimed at improving monolithic applications. By definition, a monolithic application does it all. However,


some functions can be provided by other loosely coupled applications via an integration model, such as an ESB (Enterprise Service Bus). While SOA is simpler than a monolithic architecture in many ways, it can potentially cause cascading changes within the environment if the interactions between the different components are not fully understood. The SOA architecture reintroduces some of the problems it sought to solve by making the environment more complex. Microservice architectures work in a very similar way, in that they use loosely coupled services. On the other hand, they push the destructuring of classical architecture even further. The services that make up the microservices architecture use a common messaging framework, such as RESTful APIs. They use RESTful APIs to communicate with each other easily, without converting their data or resorting to additional layers of integration. RESTful APIs enable and even promote the acceleration of the distribution of new features and updates. Each service is distinct. You can replace, improve, or remove any of them without affecting the other architecture services.

Businesses grow with APIs The potential of a business can be expanded when it offers an API. Having an API available, with developers willing to build on it, can extend their offerings to as many people as possible.

How is the API of Google Calendar different from the API of all other remote servers? In technical terms, the difference is the format of the request and the response. To render the whole page web, your browser would wait for an HTML response, which contains presentation code, while calling the Google Calendar API would return the data - probably in a format like JSON. If your website's server is making the API request, your website's server is the client (similar to your browser being the client when you use it to access a website). From your users' perspective, APIs allow them to act without leaving your site. Most modern websites use at least some third-party APIs. Many already a third-party whether of a libraryproblems or a service. It ishave often easier andsolution, more reliable to in usethe anform existing


solution. It is not uncommon for development teams to divide their application into several servers that talk to each other through APIs.


CHAPTER FOUR  BUILDING A WEB CRAWLER Let's talk about this popular system design interview question-how to build a web crawler? Web crawlers are one of the most commonly used systems today. The most popular example is Google's use of crawlers to collect information from all websites. In addition to search engines, news sites also need crawlers to aggregate data sources. It seems that as long as you want to aggregate a lot of information, you can consider using crawlers. There are many factors in building a web crawler, especially when you want to expand the system. This is why this has become one of the most popular system design interview questions. This chapter will discuss topics ranging from basic crawlers to large crawlers and discuss various interview problems.

Basic solution Before the system design interview, we have already talked about some important things to know before the system design interview," one of them is to start with simple things. Let's focus on building a basic web crawler that runs on a single thread. With this simple solution, we can continue to optimize. To crawl a single web page, we only need to make an HTTP GET request to the corresponding URL and parse the response data, the crawler's core. With this in mind, a basic web crawler can work like this: Start with the URL pool that contains all the sites we want to crawl. For each URL, issue an HTTP GET request to get the content of the web page. Parse the content (usually HTML) and extract the potential URLs we want to crawl. Add new URLs to the pool and keep crawling. Depending on the specific problem, sometimes, we may have a separate system to generate crawl URLs. For example, a program can continuously monitor RSS subscriptions, and for each new article, the URL can be added to the crawl pool.

Scale issue


As we all know, any system will face a series of problems after expansion. In a web crawler, when the system is extended to multiple machines, many things can go wrong. Please take a few minutes to think about distributed web crawlers' bottleneck before jumping into details and how to solve this problem.

Crawl frequency How often do you crawl the website? This may not sound like a big deal unless the system reaches a certain scale, and you need very fresh content. For example, if you want to get the latest news from the last hour, the crawler may need to crawl news sites every hour continuously. continuously. But what's the problem? For some small websites, their servers may not be able to handle such frequent requests. One way is to follow each site robot.txt. For those who don't know robot.txt. This is the standard for communication between websites and web crawlers. It can specify what files should not be crawled, and most web crawlers follow the configuration. Besides, you can set different crawl frequencies for different websites. Usually, only a few websites need to be crawled multiple times a day d ay..

Deduplication On a machine, you can keep the URL pool in memory and delete duplicate entries. However, things in distributed systems become more complicated. Multiple crawlers can extract the same URL from different web pages, and they all want to add this URL to the URL pool. Of course, it doesn't make sense to crawl the same page multiple times. A commonly used method is to use Bloom Filter. In short, Bloom filter is a space-saving system that allows you to test whether an element is in a collection. However, it may have false positives. In other words, if the Bloom filter can tell you that a URL is not in the pool, or possibly in the pool. To briefly explain how the bloom filter works, the empty bloom filter is an array of mbits (full 0). There hash function, mapping each element into ma bits. So, when we add a new element (URL) to the Bloom filter, we will get the kbits from the hash function and set them all to 1.


Therefore, when we check an element's existence, we first get kBit; if any of them is not 1, we immediately know that the element does not exist. However, if all the kbits are 1, this may come from a combination of several other elements. Bloom filter is a commonly used technique, and it is a perfect solution for removing duplicate URLs in web crawlers.

Parsing After getting the website's response data, the next step is to parse the data (usually HTML) to extract the information we care about. This sounds like a simple thing, but it may be difficult to make it robust. The challenge we face is that you will always find strange tags, URLs, etc. in the HTML code, and it is difficult to cover all boundary conditions. For example, when HTML contains non-Unicode characters, you may need to deal with encoding and decoding issues. Also, when the web page contains pictures, videos, or even PDF, it can cause strange behavior. Besides, some web pages are rendered with Javascript like AngularJS, and your crawler may not be able to get any content. I would say that without a silver bullet, a perfect and robust crawler cannot be made for all web pages. You need a lot of robustness testing to make sure it works as expected.

Conclusion There are many interesting topics that I haven't touched yet, but I want to mention some of them so that you can think about. One thing is to detect loops. Many websites contain links. For example, A->B->C->A, your crawler may run forever. forever.



If you have started preparing for system design interviews, you must have heard of one of the most popular questions-creating a short URL system. If you are not familiar with short URLs, I will briefly explain them in this chapter. A short URL is a URL shortening service, a web service that provides short aliases to redirect long URLs. There are many other similar services, such as Google URL Shortener, Bitly Bitly,, etc. For example, URL you-need -to-know-before-system-design-interviews/  -to-know-before-system-design-interviews/ veryalias long and to remember. The short URL can create isan for hard it If you click on the alias, it will redirect you to the original URL. So, if you design this system to allow people to enter URLs and generate shorter alias URLs, what would you do?


Outline Let's start with basic and summary solutions, and then continue to optimize. At first glance, each long URL and the corresponding alias form a keyvalue pair. I hope you can immediately think about things related to hashing. Therefore, the problem problem can can   be simplified this way-given a URL, how do we find a hash function that maps the URL to a short alias: F(URL) = alias And meet the following conditions: Each URL can only be mapped to a unique alias. Each alias can be easily mapped back to a unique URL. The second condition is to run the actual core; the system should search through aliases and quickly redirect to the corresponding URL.

Basic solution

For convenience, we can assume alias, alias_hasha string of fixed length. If the length is 7, and contains [A-Z, a-z, 0-9], you can provide 62 ^ 7 ~= 3500


 a URL.

First, we store all the mappings in a database. A simple method is to use alias_hashas, the ID of each mapping, to generate a random string of length 7. So, we can store it first . When the user enters a long URL, the system creates a random 7-character string, such abcd123as an ID, and inserts the entry into the database. During operation, when someone visits, we abcd123find and redirect to the corresponding URL by ID http://www . http://www . , 

Performance vs. flexibility


There are many follow-up questions to this question. I want to discuss here further that by using GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) as the item ID, in this question, what are the pros and cons compared to self-incrementing ID? If you understand the insertion/query process in-depth, you will notice that using a random string as an ID may sacrifice a little performance. More specifically, when you already have millions of records, inserting can be expensive. Since the ID is not continuous, the database needs to check the ID's correct page every time a new record is inserted. However, when using incremental IDs, insertion can be easier-just going to the last page. So, one way to optimize this is to use incremental IDs. Every time a new URL is inserted, we will add 1 to the new entry. We also need a hash function to map each integer ID to a 7-character string. If we treat each string as a 62-base number, the mapping should be easy (of course, there are other methods). On the other usingifincremental willusers maketothe inflexible. Forhand, example, the system IDs allows setmapping custom more short URLs, the GUID solution is easier because, for any custom short URL, we can calculate the corresponding hash as the entry ID. Note: In this case, we may not use randomly generated keys, but use a better hash function to map any short URL to ID, for example, some traditional hash functions, such as CRC32, SHA-1, etc.

Overhead I rarely ask how to evaluate the overhead of the system. For the insert/query, we have already discussed it above. So, I will pay more attention to storage overhead.   URL>, where ID is a 7-character string. Each entry is stored as
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