Submitted to: S.M Ashraful Alam Leturer Dept. of Business Administration !ault" of Business # $onomis Daffodil %nternational &ni'ersit"
Submitted B": “YES GROUP’’ Serial
1. 1.
Md. Abir Hossain
Md. Rubel Chokder
Md. Tarequr Rahman
Monira Pervin
Rima Khatun
4able of Contents
$5$C&4%6$ S&MM$R7 8ith a rapid gro9th of tehnolog" e,ommere is booming to gain more produti'it" effiien" and effeti'eness from the business. ;eople al9a"s 9ant to sa'e their time and mone" and e,ommere offers a platform 9here both the most important things an be sa'ed. Moreo'er online is no9 onsidered as a marimus %nte> 8athes 8orld 4he Bod" Shop are ?ust a fe9 popular brands 9hih ha'e alread" set up e,stores 9ith 9ith e>ellent sales re'ie9s. 8ith a 'ision to establish a redible platform for online bu"ers ensuring a hassle,free and fun shopping e>periene its 9ebsite is full" optimized to ater to the ountr"s internet subsribers and the fast, gro9ing and emerging demograph" of mobile apps and internet users. DARAZ.BD.COM
8ith a long standing international suess rate in the Online Shopping 8orld a ompan" of Asia ;aifi %nternet roup @A;AC% 9as first established in ;ahange and distribution of information. 8ith the rise in e,ommere ati'ities o'er the %nternet and the subseEuent deline in de'elopment aid o'er the past fi'e "ears de'elopment organizations ma" be able to tap into this ne9 business modalit" to offset their operating osts. $>ponential gro9th of internet population and utilization of its potentials in 'arious setors indue Bangladesh to be onneted 9ith information super high9a" thus performing business and transations o'er internet has beome easier partiularl" for B+B setor. Although h"pe is e>isted among different statensi'e sur'e" in'estigating e,business opportunities through a strutured researh instrument the stud" 9ill report Lo9er ommuniation ost $as" global reah %nrease ustomer base %nrease sales enhane. DARAZ.BD.COM
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