Amul Project on paneer

May 6, 2019 | Author: Anil Choudhary | Category: Food Industry, Sampling (Statistics), Foods, Food And Drink, Food & Wine
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(MMM 2009-2011)



ACKNO"LEDEMENT With immense pleasure, I would like to present this project report for  #$%&%' C*&%'+,* M+. M%&.*'+/ F**&%'+/ L'3 A/%/ (AMUL)   on the

topic “MARKET SURVEY TO UNDERSTAND PERCEPTION ABOUT AMUL PANEER” It has has been been an enri enrich chin ing g expe experi rien ence ce for for me to un unde derg rgo o my summ summer er

training at AMU, which would not ha!e possible without the goodwill and support of  the people around" As a student of SINHAD INSTITUTE OF MANAEMENT3 PUNE I would like to express my sincere thanks too all those who helped me during

my practical training program" Words are insufficient to express my gratitude toward M& ASHOK MATHUR , the branch manager AMUL3 JAIPUR " I would like to gi!e

my heartily gratitude to the organi#ation guide, M& PERSHANNT KUMAR , $epot Manger Manger,, A4# I/+% L'3 JAIPUR for ha!ing gi!en me the opportunity to do my  project work in the the organi#ation" organi#ation" and lighted my my way of progress with with his guidance " My sincere and deepest thanks to PROF MILIND MARATHE %aculty Member, SINHA SINHAD D INSTIT INSTITUTE UTE OF MANA MANAEME EMENT3 NT3 PUNE PUNE

for for ha!i ha!ing ng spar spared ed his his

!aluable time with me and for all the guidance gi!en in executing the project as per  re&uirements " 'owe!er, I accept the sole responsibility for any possible error of omission and would  be extremely grateful to the readers of this project report if they bring such mistakes to my notice"

A(A($ )A$A*


INDE5 OF CONTENTS r" (o" 1" +" 7"


5" 6" :" 9" ;" > ?uestionnaires were distributed to different customer in Mal!iya nagar and @agtpura area of @aipur city" /he .esult indicated that customer mainly like to purchase the saras brand due to less a!ailability of the amul paneer and lack of awareness awareness for brand" " In this we studied studied that how the differen differentt factor factor like price, price, a!ai a!aila labi bili lity, ty, sh shel elff life life of pane paneer er affe affect ct the the pu purc rcha hasi sing ng beha beha!i !ior or of the the customer" In that we found that due to less a!ailability the market share of amul paneer is lesser then his competitor saras" /he shelf life of amul which is six month is not ha!ing any effect on the demand of product customer doesnBt gi!e consideration to that point at time of purchasing" We also find out the effect of different different media on purchasing of paneer and amount generally consumed customer per month" /hat shows cust custom omer er main mainly ly infl influe uenc nced ed thro throug ugh h the the sh shop opke keep eper er at the the tim time of  purchasing of paneer" /hen the a!ailability and schemes matter at that time to increase the market share and sell of the amul paneer"



/he food industry is the complex, global collecti!e of di!erse businesses that /ogether supply much of the food energy consumed by the world population" 3nly subsistence farmers, those who sur!i!e on what they grow, can be considered outside of the scope of the modern food industry" /he food industry includes C R*#%'+/C local, regional, national and international rules and regulations

%or food production and sale, including food &uality and food safety, and Industry lobbying acti!ities E#6%'+/C academic, !ocational, consultancy R*7*%&68 %/ *,*4*/' *,*4*/'C food technology F+/%/6+% 7*&,+6*7 insurance, credit M%/#:%6'#&+/C agrichemicals, seed, farm machinery and supplies,

Agricultural construction, etc" A&+6#'#&*C raising of crops and li!estock, seafood F &6*77+/C preparation of fresh products for market, manufacture of 

-repared food products M%&.*'+/C promotion of generic products De"g" milk boardE, new products, 6

-ublic opinion, through ad!ertising, packaging, public relations, etc "8*7%* %/ +7'&+;#'+/C warehousing, transportation, logistics R*'%+C supermarket chains and independent food stores, directFto consumer,

.estaurant, food ser!ices


-roducts which ha!e a &uick turno!er, and relati!ely low cost are known as %ast Mo!ing 0onsumer oods D%M0E" %M0 products are those that get replaced within a year" 2xamples of %M0 generally include a wide range of fre&uently  purchased consumer products such as toiletries, soap, cosmetics, tooth cleaning  products, sha!ing products and detergents, as well as other nonFdurables such as glassware, bulbs, batteries, paper products, and plastic goods" %M0 may also include  pharmaceuticals, consumer electronics, packaged food products, soft drinks, tissue  paper, and chocolate bars" A subset of %M0s are %ast Mo!ing 0onsumer 2lectronics which include inno!ati!e electronic products such as mobile phones, M-7 players, digital cameras, - ystems and aptops" /hese are replaced more fre&uently than other electronic products" White goods in %M0 refer to household electronic items such as .efrigerators, /"*s, Music ystems, etc"

I/+%/ FMC S*6'&-

/he Indian %M0 sector is the fourth largest in the economy and has a market si#e of UG17"1 billion" WellFestablished distribution networks, as well as intense competition  between the organi#ed and unorgani#ed segments are the characteristics of this sector" %M0 in India has a strong and competiti!e M(0 presence across the entire !alue chain" It has been predicted that the %M0 market will reach to UG 77"5 billion in +>16 from U G billion 11": in +>>7" /he middle class and the rural segments of the :

Indian populations are the most promising market for %M0, and gi!e brand makers the opportunity to con!ert them to branded products" Most of the product categories like jams, toothpaste, skin care, shampoos, etc, in India, ha!e low per capita consumption as well as low penetration le!el, but the potential for growth is huge" /he Indian 2conomy is surging ahead by leaps and bounds, keeping pace with rapid urbani#ation, increased literacy le!els, and rising per capita income" /he big firms are growing bigger and smallFtime companies are catching up as well" According to the study conducted by A0 (ielsen, :+ of the top 1>> brands are owned  by M(0s, and the balance by Indian companies" %ifteen companies own these :+  brands, and +9 of these are owned by 'industan e!er" -epsi is at number three followed by /hums Up" 4ritannia takes the fifth place, followed by 0olgate D:E, (irma D9E, 0ocaF0ola D;E and -arle D" Marico Industries 9

INTRODUCTION OF ORANI>:, Amul plans to launch Indias first sports drink tamina, which will be competing with 0oca 0olas  PowerAde and -epsi0os Gatorade " Amul is the largest food brand in India and worlds argest -ouched Milk

4rand with an annual turno!er of U G1>6> million D+>>:F>9E" 0urrently Amul has +": million producer members with milk collection a!erage of  1>"1: million liters per day" 4esides India, Amul has entered o!erseas markets such as Mauritius, UA2, UA, 4angladesh, Australia, 0hina, ingapore, 'ong Jong and a few outh African countries" Its bid to enter @apanese market in 1>"

COMPANY PROFILETHE TASTE OF INDIA3 AMUL comes from the anskrit word Amoolya, means

 priceless" It was suggested by a &uality control expert in Anand and it was chosen  because it was a perfect acronym for A/%/ M+. U/+/ L+4+'* " AMU was formed under the dairy cooperati!e mo!ement in India in 1> standard for its farmers coFoperati!es" eE %irst to produce milk from powder from surplus milk"

Amul is the li!e example of how coFoperation amongst the poor marginal farmers can  pro!ide means for the socioFeconomic de!elopment of the under pri!ileged marginal farmers"


As AMU products are old and is a!ailable at almost e!ery place in I($IA specially 4utter but (o! +9 +>>9 ujarat 0oFoperati!e Milk Marketing %ederation td D0MM%E has launched Amul %resh Milk in @aipur" Which was another add up in the  path of white re!olution" /hey touched se!eral area of @aipur though aras was the leader of the market still this company ne!er let down" /hey are going to introduce curd which was a big failure when they earliar introduced it in pouch" o ultimately they stopped the supply" (ow in the summer curd is hot item to sell off and people are asking for the stuff, so now they will further introduce it" Amul in @aipur is at nascent stage so we can say that particularly milk and curd of AMU is under cash stage of BC MATRI5 U/*&


U/*& '8+7 BC MATRI5 I: I =+ '%.* '= &#6' *&:&4%/6* +/ J%+#&-

1 A4# %/**&

It is under nascent stage so it will be in #*7'+/ 4%&. stage which says that the product is at the growth stage of product life cycle  2 A4# 4+. 

It is under growth stage but with low market share so it will come under  #*7'+/ 4%&. though it is now two years of its launch but its taking

time to come out of this stage because of competitor aras which is gi!ing a good fight "



/he main objecti!e of the tudy can be listed as follows

A PRIMARY OBJECTIVE 1" /o find si#e of retail network of Amul -aneer in specific area of @aipur city" +" /o collect the information about the competitors 7" /o find customer beha!ior about Amul -aneer"


1" /o organi#e sale promotional acti!ities to impro!e -aneer sales" +" /o generate and secure consumer awareness"


SCOPE OF PROJECT /he study carried out in @aipur city so its scope is mainly limited to @aipur city" 

It gi!es information about the si#e of the retail network"

 It gi!es information about the ser!ices gi!en by distributor to their retailer"

It gi!es information about the competitorsB products"

It will ser!e consumer in better manner"

It pro!ides suggestions to the company to impro!e their products sales"

It gi!es information about the sales promotion acti!ities to impro!e the -aneer sale"


?uestions of this type offer the respondents an alternati!e to choose the right answer among others" It is faster, time sa!ing and less biased" It also simplifies the tabulating process"

OPEN END UESTIONSIn this type respondents are free to answer in their own words and express the ideas they think are rele!ant, such &uestions are good as first &uestions or opening &uestions" /hey introduce the subject and obtain general reaction"

DICTHOMUS/hese are the &uestions which are 4oolean in nature" /hese answers are straightforward and respondents ha!e to answer them in a straight way" /hat means the answer can only be either R)esS or TnoS"

RESEARCH DESIN FOLLO"ED$escripti!e .esearch is the research method used because descripti!e studies embrace a large  proportion of market research" /he purpose is to pro!ide an accurate snapshot of some aspect of the market en!ironment" D*76&+'+,* &*7*%&68  is more rigid than exploratory research and seeks to describe users of a product, determine the proportion of the population that uses a product, or predict future demand for a product" As opposed to exploratory research, descripti!e research should define &uestions, people sur!eyed, and the method of analysis prior to beginning data collection" In other words, who, what, where, when, why, and how aspects of the research should be defined"

SAMPLIN TECHNIUE USED  SAMPLE SI> respondents DAge ranging  between 1 yrs to >0 yrsE

5" Method

C $irect inter!iew through &uestionnaire"

6" $ata analysis method

C raphical method"

:" Area of sur!ey

C @aipur $istrict"

9" /iming of sur!ey

C pm and 5">> pm to 9">> pm


?uestionnaire was prepared keeping the objecti!e of research in mind"

?uestions were asked to respondents as regards to their willingness to purchase -aneer"

/he help of &uestionnaires conducted direct inter!iews, in order to get accurate information"

In order to get correct information I had to approach consumers ranging from 1> ?&7 ' >0 ?&7

I !isited as many respondents as I can and asked them their real likings about paneer and also got an idea, 8= % P%/**& 78# ;*G

It is really a H*&6#*%/  task to understand 0onsumer 4eha!ior, as the definition suggest, “Consumer behavior is a physical activity as well as decision process individual engaged in when evaluating, acquiring, using and disposing goods and services”.

In order to collect accurate information I !isited to 84*3 7'&*73 S87 " 2ach and e!ery &uestion was filled personally by the respondents and checked properly"

-eople were not willing to answer, when they were contacted between 1">> pm to 6">> pm, the time when most of the people take rest during the scorching heat"


1 "8+68 : '8* :=+/ P%/**& B&%/7 C4*7 ' ?#& 4+/ :+&7' (P*%7* &%/. T8*4 / % 76%* : 1->31 ;*+/ 8+8 &*6% %/ > ;*+/ '8* =*7' &*6%)

iE Amul iiE aras iiiE .eliance pure i!E otus !E (on 4randedDlossely soldE


/he abo!e graph shows aras -aneer stand at 1 rank in @aipur, saras is an coFoperati!e  brand and more popular in .ajasthan in comparison to other dairy product" Amul -aneer tand at + .ank, itBs an growing brand of paneer in .ajasthan"


2 D ?# #&68%7* A4# P%/**&-






/he abo!e graph shows that ;*+/ '8* %7' &%/.)

iE (ewspaper iiE Maga#ines iiiE .adio i!E -amphlets !E hop keeperBs


/hat graph shows the influence of different media on the purchasing beha!ior of customer" In this shopkeeper mainly help the customer to choose the paneer" -amphlet and other ad!ertisement material also persuade the customer to purchase the specific  brand but customer mainly belie!e on shopkeeper, so to push the product through the shopkeeper help is main factor to get good market share"


> P#' R+8' 4%&. +/ :&/' : :*%'#&*7 : +::*&*/' %/**& %66&+/?-









/A/2 -A0JAI( A*AIA4II/) '2% I%2


%) S%&%7-


/hat graph is showing the effect of different parameter on the sale of saras paneer" ItBs on 1 rank in a!ailability and price" aras is main competitor brand of amul paneer and by a!ailability and reasonable price itBs on 1 rank gi!ing good fight to amul paneer" /aste and packaging of saras paneer not so good thatBs why these points came at last rank" 7>

;) A4#


/aste of amul paneer liked by customer mainy and gi!ing that factor 1 rank" -ackaging of amul paneer also satisfactory" A!ailabilty of amul paner is less thatBs why it gi!es as 5 rank , packaging of amul paneer is an a!erage and + rank gi!en by that point of !iew" /aste of amul paneer is main factor it gi!e 1 rank, more protein and fat in comparison to compititer paneer brnad make it more rank" 71

helf life of amul paneer which is : month is not considered by customer, customer not prefer more then 1 month old paneer"

6) R*+%/6* P#&*


-ackaging of reliance paneer is good in comparison to other brnad paneer" It get 1 rank in  packaging and the taste and price factor also similar in reliance paneer" A!ailabilty of reliance paneer also low" $ue to a!ailabilty it not in condition to gi!e copetetion to amul paneer" 7+

) L'#7


otus is an local pri!ate brand so itBs gi!ing competetion to amul by ha!ing lesser price in copmarison to other competitor" 77

A!ailabilty is also a!ergae in lotus paneer, thatBs why it is gi!ing good copetition,  packaging of lotus paneer is not too attracti!e" /aste of lotus paneer also not too good"

*) L7* %6.+/


oose packing paneer generally a!ailable at sweet shops, at the time of festi!al season the demand of paneer goes high at that time they are the main player in market to supply paneer"


4y a!ialabilty point of !iew lose pack paneer get 1 rank because itBs easily a!ailable near by sweet shopBs" price of that paneer also low in comparison to other branded paneer because there less expenditure"

 (o packaging or improper packaging gi!e it 6 rank in packaging, shelf life of loose pack  paneer is a!erage thatBs not gi!en more consideration by consumer"

 F&4 =8*&*  ?# P#&68%7* P%/**&G (P*%7* &%/. '8*4 / % 76%* : 1->3 1 ;*+/ 8+8 &*6% %/ > ;*+/ '8* =*7' &*6%)


rocery shop


Amul -arlor


Milk booth


3ther place



-eople like to purchse paneer from milk booth and grocery shop"

Milk booth get 1 rank, less number of people goes to amul parlor to purchase paneer"

3ther place to purchase paneer also less preferred by the customer"

 H= 4#68 #%/'+'? : P%/**&  ?# 6/7#4* *& 4/'8G

iE ess than 1 kg

iiE 1 kgF6 kg

iiiE 6kgF1> kg

i!E More than 1> kg


-urchase of paneer per month is 1kgF6kg mainly, itBs 5+ of total"

3nly +9 customer likes to buy less than 1 kg paneer paneer per month" 7:

3nly 1> customer like to buy more than 1> kg per month"

 "8+68 :&4 : P%/**& ?# +.* 4%+/?G


4lock -aneer


-eaces -aneer



Amul is gi!ing the peaces paneer for differentiate the product from competitor, but customer not ready to change their beha!ior"

3nly 7+ customer like peaces paneer, that shows more ad!ertisement is needed to aware the customer about a!ailability of peaces paneer in amul"

9 D*7 / 78*: +:* : A4# P%/**& &4'7 ?# ' ;#? 4&* #%/'+'? : &#6'G







ix months long shelf life also a product differentiation factor of amul p aneer, but customer mind is set to purchase only fresh paneer"

ong shelf life is an beneficial factor for shopkeeper to store paneer for long time with risk of obsolete the product

0ustomer always wants to buy fresh product so long shelf life doesnBt matter for customer"

10Y# &*:*& ' ;#? '8* &#6' =+'8+/ 8= 4%/? %?7 :&4 '8* 4%/#:%6'#&+/ %'*


1 months

iiiE 7 months

iiE + months i!E More than 7 months



/hat shows the customer like and dislikes purchasing the long shelf life product, but customer like to  purchase only fresh product"

arge number of customer only like to buy the product 1 month old product, !ery less number of customer like to purchase paneer more than 7 month old"

11 P*%7* P#' R+8' 4%&. (%66&+/ ' ?#& +/+/ ;*= +,*/ 7%6* (A- A&**3 DA- D+7%&**3 SA- S'&/? A&**3 SDA- S'&/? D+7%&**)

%) #%+'? : A4# P%/**& +7 7%'+7:%6'&?-



Amul is an brand which is mainly known for its better &uality, in this sur!ey the customer also agree with that thing"  (early :6 customers find &uality of amul paneer satisfactory" *ery less number customer is disagree with that amul paneer &uality not good"

;) B&%/ +4%* : A4# P%/**& +7 ;*''*& '8%/ '8*& ;&%/-



/hat thing well known that amul is a good brand and its brand image better than other player in market"  (early 96 customers in between 1;5 agree with that point of !iew" Amul ha!e a good image in its other product thatBs why it ha!e better brand image in comparison to its competitor"

6) A4# P%/**& P%6.%+/ +7 -



Amul paneer a!ailable in plastic tetra pack which is not mainly like by customer, amul ha!e fro#en paneer so this packging is necessary but customer not like that type of packaging" Amul paneer packaging not able to attract large number of customer"  (early :> customer in between 1;5 not like that type of packaging"

) S+ 4/'87 / #&%;++'? A4# P%/**& 4%.* +' #/+#* &#6' +/ '8+7 +/*



ong shelf life is an differentiating factor for amul paneer, no other paneer brand is able to gi!e six months long shelf life" Amul gi!ing fro#en paneer so it can possible to gi!e six months long shelf life"

*) M&* F%' %/ P&'*+/ +/ A4# P%/**& +,* ?# 6#7'4*& *+8'-



Amul is gi!ing more fat containing paneer in comparison to itBs competitor, more amount of  paneer make it more tasty in comparison to other paneer brand" -aneer is good source for protein, more amount of fat and protein gi!e more customer delight toitBs customer"

12 A/? '8*& 7#*7'+/7 :& +4&,+/ '8* #%+'? : A4# P%/**&-


AnsF /he main suggestion gi!en by customer about &uality of paneer is that it remain !ery tight at time of use, the reason of that complaint is due to fro#en paneer" Its nature of fro#en paneer to remain !ery tight till the +F7 hr of kept it in open area" Amul make a!ailable fro#en paneer for long shelf life but due to lack of product education in customer it not used n proper manner" It is necessary to keep the amul paneer in open are before +F7 hr of using then it will come in normal condition"

3ther main complaint about the a!ailability of amul paneer a!ailable at limited shops so some time customer ha!e to purchase some other brand of paneer"



/he sur!ey is limited only for two areas of jaipur city"

/ime period of the project was ; weeks, which may not be enough to understand the whole market"

ample si#e D+>>E of project was too small as compare to total area co!ered" .  (onFcooperati!e approach and rude beha!ior of the respondents"


$uring the sur!ey it was found that still there are  people who ha!e not used A4# P%/**&

L%.* : A=%&*/*77 in consumers" Many people are not known about A4# P%/**&

When I inter!iewed people then many of the people cannot recall A4# P%/**& ad!ertisement" It shows L%.* : A,*&'+7*4*/' or  %,*&'+7*4*/' +7 /' '+4*? +,*/  or %,*&'+7*4*/' +7 /' +,*/ / &+8' '+4* In its ad!ertisement is /' #7+/ %/? ;&%/ %4;%77%&  which attracts all age group people like S%&%7 /here is lack of S%*7 P&4'+/% A6'+,+'+*7  i"e" free tattoo, extra weight, toys, &ui# contest etc" aras is main competitor and strategically better performer then Amul" I find the main thing is that “A4#” brand name has !ery good image in consumerBs mind and they consider it as P#&*   P&#6' -eople who ha!e used A4# P%/**&  are not ready to purchase the same again"



In order to maintain and increase the sales in the city of  $%+#&3 the following recommendations regarding Amul paneer particularly regarding ad!ertisement, distribution,  promotional policies, etc, are hereby suggestedC

%irst and foremost Amul should take proper action in order to impro!e ser!ice, because although being on a ' 7' in 4utter and chocolate supplies it does not get the sales in  paneer, which it should get" 0ompany should use brand ambassador which attracts each age segment i"e" ushil kumar, Jhali, *ijendar kumar, $ara singh etc"

Amul should gi!e local ad!ertisements apart from the ad!ertisements gi!en at the national le!el" ocal ad!ertisement must mention the exclusi!e Amul shops of the city" /ry and change the perception of the people through =& : 4#'8 about Amul in ad!ertisements, because they are the best source to reach 0ustomer" /hough Amul -aneer ad!ertisements are rarely shown on tele!ision yet many people could recall it as per the data of research" It shows that there is only need to gi!e ad!ertisement only to rememori#e customers" 4ecause Amul is !ery strong brand name" 0ompany should launch -aneer in new %''&%6'+,* ::*&7  to change image of Amul -aneer in consumers mind"

0ompany should introduce 7%*7 &4'+/ 768*4*7  like free powder, pour, tattoo, contest, free gifts etc"


 CONCLUSIONAs we know that A4# is !ery big organi#ation and market leader in dairy products" It has maximum market share in Milk, 4utter and 0heese, which are its mainKcore products" As we know Amul is a coFoperati!e organisaion but chocolate industry is a profitable industry we canBt ignore it" With the help of research, company can find out its week points in paneer product and can increase its market share through rectify mistakes" -eople ha!e belie!ed in A4#7 &#6'  and they will accept its  paneer also if effecti!e actions were taken"

T8* 7#&,*? &*7#'* +/' :=+/ 6/6#7+/7  •

Amul must come up with /*= &4'+/% %6'+,+'+*7  such that people become aware about A4# paneer like SARAS3 LOTUS3 RELIANCE

?uality is the dominating aspect which +/:#*/6*7 6/7#4*&  to purchase Amul product, but &4' %,%+%;++'?  of other chocolate brands and %&*77+,* &4'+/% %6'+,+'+*7  by

others influences the consumer towards them and also leads to increase sales"

In comparison to Amul -aneer, the other players such as SARAS pro!ide a ;*''*& %,%+%;++'?  and gi!e competition to the hilt"

-eople are mostly 7%'+7:+*  with the o!erall &uality of Amul -aneer, but for the existence in the local market Amul must use aggressi!e selling techni&ues"

-roper customer education is needed because amul paneer is fro#en paneer so it remain !ery tight if it kept out of free#er just before using, so customer must be educated to use it in right manner  A!ailability of amul paneer is too low, !ery less customer wants to buy amul paneer but it a!ailable only on limited shop so thatBs an lack of distribution"


 BIBLORAPHYiE httpCKKen"wikipedia"orgKwikiK%oodindustry iiE







AE F

VVVVV Middle



P*%7* #' &+8' 4%&. %66&+/? F


Male 'ousewife tudent

%emale -rofessional 3ther

?1" Which of the following -aneer 4rands 0omes to your mind first D-lease rank /hem on a scale of 1F6,1 being high recall and 6 being the lowest recallE iE Amul iiE aras iiiE .eliance pure i!E otus !E (on 4randedDlossely soldE

?+" $o you purchase Amul -aneerF iiiE




?7" If (o, then which other -aneer 4rand you prefer to buy D-lease rank them on a scale of 1F5,1 being first rank and 5 being the last rankE iE


iiE .eliance pure iiiE



oose packed paneer 61

?5" %rom which one media you got the information about the Amul -aneer mainlyH D-lease rank them on a scale of 1F6,1 being first rank and 6 being the last rankE iE (ewspaper iiE Maga#ines iiiE .adio i!E -amphlets !E hop keeperBs

?6" -ut .ight mark in front of featureBs of different -aneer brands accordinglyCF










/A/2 -A0JAI( A*AIA4II/)

'2% I%2

?:" %rom where do you -urchase -aneerH D-lease rank them on a scale of 1F6, 1 being high recall and 6 being the lowest recallE


rocery shop


Amul -arlor


Milk booth

i!E 3ther place ?9" 'ow much ?uantity of -aneer do you consume per monthH 6+

iE ess than 1 kg

iiE 1 kgF6 kg

iiiE 6kgF1> kg

i!E More than 1> kg

?;" Which form of -aneer you like mainlyH iiE

4lock -aneer


-eaces -aneer

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