AMPreVA 5.0 Reference Manual

April 25, 2017 | Author: Hassan Helmy | Category: N/A
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AMPreVA 5.0

AMPreVA 5.0 Reference Manual TECHNOSOFT INC.

Copyrights TechnoSoft Inc. 11180 Reed Hartman Hwy Cincinnati, OH 45242 1


AMPreVA 5.0

AMPreVA Version 5.0 Reference Manual

TECHNOSOFT INC. 11180 Reed Hartman Highway Cincinnati, OH 45242 Copyright © 2014 by TechnoSoft Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of TechnoSoft Inc. Information contained herein is solely for your information and is not offered or to be construed as a warranty or contractual obligation. Questions and comments: [email protected]

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Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 6


Modeling Environment ........................................................................................................... 7 2.1

Tank Geometry Layout and Component Model Organization......................................... 7


GUI Layout ...................................................................................................................... 8


GUI Menu Bar .................................................................................................................. 8


GUI Toolbar ..................................................................................................................... 8


Model Tree ....................................................................................................................... 9


Canvas ............................................................................................................................ 10


Starting a New Pressure Vessel Model ................................................................................. 12


Adding and Editing Tank Components................................................................................. 15 4.1

Tank General Properties ................................................................................................. 18


Project Tab .............................................................................................................. 19


Design Conditions Tab ........................................................................................... 22


Datum Planes Tab ................................................................................................... 24


Drawings ................................................................................................................. 25


Manufacturing ......................................................................................................... 25


Common Tabs ................................................................................................................ 25


Bevel Tab - Common Tab....................................................................................... 26


Insulation Tab - Common Tab ................................................................................ 28


Lining Tab - Common Tab ..................................................................................... 29


Conditions Tab - Common Tab .............................................................................. 30


Shell................................................................................................................................ 33


Cylinder Shell ......................................................................................................... 34


Transition Shell ....................................................................................................... 36


Eccentric Transition ................................................................................................ 38


Head ........................................................................................................................ 40


Body Flange ............................................................................................................ 48


Tray Supports .......................................................................................................... 51


Packed Bed.............................................................................................................. 54

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Support ........................................................................................................................... 55


Legs ......................................................................................................................... 56


Skirt ......................................................................................................................... 67


Support Lugs ........................................................................................................... 73


Saddle...................................................................................................................... 80


Nozzle............................................................................................................................. 89


Rings............................................................................................................................. 100


Appurtenances .............................................................................................................. 103


Lift Lug ................................................................................................................. 106


+ Clip Type 1 ........................................................................................................ 109


+ Clip Type 2 ........................................................................................................ 113


+ Vibrator Mount C-Channel ................................................................................ 117


+ Vibrator Mount T-Beam .................................................................................... 119


+ Shell Rung ......................................................................................................... 120


+ Head Rung ......................................................................................................... 122


+ Triangular Baffle ............................................................................................... 123


+ Tube Steel Baffle ............................................................................................... 125


Strainer Basket ...................................................................................................... 127

Access........................................................................................................................... 129


+Manway .............................................................................................................. 129


+Access ................................................................................................................. 138


+Elliptical Ring ..................................................................................................... 143


Ladder & Platform ....................................................................................................... 147


Ladder ................................................................................................................... 148


+Cage .................................................................................................................... 153


Radial Platform ..................................................................................................... 155

Generating Drawings .......................................................................................................... 164 5.1


+Nozzle ................................................................................................................... 89




AMPreVA 5.0

Editing a drawing ......................................................................................................... 165

Generating Reports ............................................................................................................. 172

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AMPreVA 5.0

Generating a Bill of Material ....................................................................................... 172

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AMPreVA 5.0

1 Introduction AMPreVA is an application software for Pressure Vessels and Heat Exchangers layout and fabrication detailing. AMPreVA incorporates a feature-based modeling environment enabling the rapid layout and configuration of tanks. AMPreVA automates the creation of the 3D solid models, fabrication details, drawing, bill of material along many other details required to design and fabricate a tank. For the purpose of simplifying the terminology as used in this document we will refer to a Pressure Vessel or a Heat Exchanger as tank.

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AMPreVA 5.0

2 Modeling Environment The AMPreVA modeling environment supports a graphical user interface (GUI) incorporating a set of toolbars, menus, a graphic canvas, a message pane, and a model tree. This GUI facilitates the rapid creation of the tank model. This model can be created either from imported design data or interactively through the GUI by selecting the features and setting the appropriate properties and dimensions.

2.1 Tank Geometry Layout and Component Model Organization The tank geometry as created in AMPreVA is organized in a hierarchical model tree. Each component is represented by an object depicted in the model tree as a node. All components are represented using solid model geometry. The tank has a global coordinate system. Each of the components has a different local coordinate system. Components can be attached to other components. AMPreVA automatically manages the cross referencing of all coordinate systems. In general, vertical tanks are arranged such as the global coordinate system is oriented with the Z-axis up. Horizontal tanks are arranged with the Z-axis parallel to the ground and the X-axis pointing upwards. In all cases the Z-axis is always parallel to the cylindrical shell axis. Drawings in AMPreVA are fully associative with the tank geometry. A Dimension Datum Plane can be specified to set the start reference of the elevation dimensions.

Figure 1 AMPreVA GUI Layout

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AMPreVA 5.0

2.2 GUI Layout The AMPreVA GUI employs a set of menus used for creating and editing the geometry features. The features of a component can be edited through selecting the component either from the graphic canvas or the model tree. The message pane located under the canvas is used to inform the user of the appropriate action required when certain activities are being executed. Tool tips are used throughout AMPreVA GUI to assist the user navigate thru the various menus.

2.3 GUI Menu Bar Figure 2 AMPreVA GUI Menu Bar

The menu bar provides the user various options including: 1. Model. From this menu a user can start a new Pressure Vessel or Heat Exchanger, save a model, select one of the current active models, close a model, retrieve a saved model, or exit the application. 2. Import. From this menu the user can start a new model by importing the design data using Compress XML, PVElite MDB, or TEAMS EDR files. The other buttons under the menu bar are not directly relevant to the initial use of AMPreVA.

2.4 GUI Toolbar Figure 3 AMPreVA GUI Toolbar

The GUI toolbar provides similar options to the menu toolbar. Only the marked buttons shown in the Figure 3 are critical to the initial use of AMPreVA. The first marked button is used to create a new model. The second marked button is used to save a model. The third marked button is used to retrieve a saved model. The other buttons under the Menu Bar as well as the GUI Toolbar that this manual does not cover provide various functionalities. These functionalities are in general used by advanced users to support the creation of 1D, 2D, and 3D geometry entities, geometry operations, dimensions in a similar fashion to a CAD system. This limited general purpose feature based modeler should not be used for replacing the CAD system. For the purpose of building and detailing tanks a user should not focus on the use of any of the capabilities provided in the Menu Bar or the GUI Toolbar that have not been introduced in this manual.

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AMPreVA 5.0

2.5 Model Tree

Figure 4 AMPreVA Model Tree

The model tree area includes the model tree and a menu located below it. The menu enables the specification of the action of the mouse left button and the mouse right button. The action can be set pushing the correct icon. The left button action selection includes many options. The most critical ones that any user should be familiar with are: 1. Edit. Used to set the left action button to invoke the edit menu on the selected object. 2. Draw. Used to set the left action button to draw the selected object. 3. Undraw. Used to set the left action button to undraw the selected object. The model tree depicts the hierarchy of the tank design components. The mouse buttons can be used to invoke the appropriate action by selecting the object in the model tree.

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2.6 Canvas

Figure 5 AMPreVA Canvas

The canvas area includes a toolbar located at the top to enable the graphic manipulation of the geometry, a message pane located at the bottom, and a geometry display at the center.

Figure 6 AMPreVA Canvas Toolbar

The graphic toolbar includes a set of buttons organized to facilitate the manipulation of the tank components displayed in the canvas. The functions of the most common used buttons are listed below in the order from left to right as shown in the above picture. 1. Edit. Mouse left-click button will enable the interactive selection of a component from the canvas. Once selected the edit menu is updated 2. Rotate. Mouse left-button click will set the interactive mouse left-button click operations in the canvas area in rotation mode. Holding the mouse left-button and dragging in the canvas area will enable the interactive rotation of the view of the components drawn

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AMPreVA 5.0

3. Pan. Mouse left-button click will set the interactive mouse left-button click operations in the canvas area in pan mode. Holding the mouse left-button and dragging in the canvas area will enable the interactive pan of the view of the components drawn 4. Zoom. Mouse left-button click for zoom in, right-button click for zoom out 5. Zoom window. Mouse left click and drag in the canvas for zooming the view about the window selected area 6. Fit. Mouse left-button click to view all the drawn objects in the canvas 7. XY and –XY view 8. YX and –YX view 9. ZY and –ZY view 10. YZ and –YZ view 11. XZ and –XZ view 12. ZX and –ZX view 13. Isometric view. A list of different isometric view can be selected 14. User defined views 15. Editing lights sources 16. Undraw. Mouse left-button click will enable the interactive undrawn of the components in the canvas. When done with selecting the components to undrawn a right-click will pop up a menu with the appropriate action to end the operation. A mouse –right-button click will clear the canvas i.e. undrawn all components 17. Object Grouping. Grouping of the drawn object can be organized to enable the redrawing to components as needed 18. Shade. Mouse left-button click will enable the interactive shading of the components in the canvas. When done with selecting the components to shade a mouse right-click is required. A mouse right-button click will enable other shading options 19. Shade. Mouse left-button click will enable the interactive un-shading of the components in the canvas. When done with selecting the components to un-shade a mouse right-click is required 20. Transparency. Mouse left-button click will enable the interactive setting of the transparency of the components in the canvas. When done with selecting the components to shade a mouse right-click is required 21. Regenerate 22. The use of the remaining buttons above the canvas is in conjunction with other optional modules and will not be covered in this section

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AMPreVA 5.0

3 Starting a New Pressure Vessel Model A new model can be started by selecting the model button from the menu bar, and then new, followed by Pressure Vessel or Heat Exchanger of the customary and orientation desired, as shown in Figure 7. This section will focus on the Pressure Vessel creation.

Figure 7 Create new Pressure Vessel / Heat Exchanger model

Once a Pressure Vessel has been initiated a model is created in the model tree as shown in Figure 8. Initially only the geometry node is shown under the top node labeled as “Pressure-Vessel0001” in Figure 8. The top node should be selected using the mouse right button and the expand option should be selected from the popup menu. The model tree is updated to include the nodes “Geometry” and “Drawings” as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8 Model Tree

The geometry node in the model tree should be selected using the mouse left button. A menu will pop up as shown in Figure 9. This is the general menu that is used for creating or editing the components and the features of the Pressure Vessel. At any stage if this menu is closed it can be reopened by editing (using the mouse left button. Note that the left button action is set to the edit mode) the geometry node from the model tree.

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Figure 9 Component Layout and Editing Form

This form is organized in two areas. A two-row toolbar and a work area with a number of tabs are highlighted in Figure 9. The toolbar second row buttons may change based on the selected button from the first row. The work area and tabs may change based on the selected button in the second row or the selected

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component from the graphic area to edit. Figure 10 toolbar shows in the second row the various buttons available when the “Shell” button is selected in the first row. The work area shows the tab options available when editing the features of a “Cylinder” component.

Figure 10 Cylinder Menu Features

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4 Adding and Editing Tank Components The following sections describe the buttons and option available under the menu for creation and editing of the components and features used for Pressure Vessel.

Figure 11 Component Layout and Editing Form

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The general form for layout and editing of the tank components is organized to enable setting the general project information and operating condition data for the tank, adding new components, and editing component features and properties. As illustrated in the previous section, to display this “Component Layout and Editing Form” edit the geometry object (node) from the model-tree. The Edit options should be selected from the pull down menu next to the left button action label below the model tree pane. If certain component is already drawn in the canvas the “Component Layout and Editing Form” can be invoked by editing the component from the canvas. The first button above the canvas is used for interactive editing. As illustrated Figure 11 the “Component Layout and Editing” form includes a two row toolbar at the top (highlighted in red), a general editing form with tabs each containing various buttons or type in fields (highlighted in blue) used for setting the properties of the component being edited, and a set of action buttons at the bottom (highlighted in green).

Figure 12 AMPreVA Popup Menu Action Buttons

The action buttons at the bottom of the form provide the functionality listed by button as they appear from left to right in the following table. Icon

Left Click Action

Right Click Action

Draws into the graphic area (canvas) the Draws into the graphic area the component component being edited, and when it is a being edited, and all the subcomponents components container (such as support legs, under it. support saddles, etc.) draws all the subcomponents. Erases from the graphic area the component Erases from the graphic area the being edited, and when it is a components component being edited, and all the container (such as support legs, support subcomponents under it. saddles, etc.) undraws all the subcomponents. The system expects choosing an object from There’s not action available. the graphic area by doing a left click on the component in red, to be selected for edition. The current interface form will be updated with the properties of the selected component. Shows only the boundaries from the Shows the boundaries from the component component being edited. being edited, and all the subcomponents under it.

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Shows as a solid object the component being Shows as a solid object the component edited. being edited, and all the subcomponents under it. Shows the component being edited as a solid Shows the component being edited and all object remarking their edges. the subcomponents under it as solid objects remarking their edges. Fits the canvas view to the component being Fits the canvas view to all the drawn edited and all the subcomponents under it. objects. Recalculates the geometries for the drawn Redraws the valid geometries for the object when they have changed. drawn objects. Clears the canvas and draws into it the cross Clears the canvas and draws into it the sections of the component being edited. cross sections of the model main components. Erases from the canvas the cross sections of Erases from the canvas the cross sections the component being edited. Useful only of the model main components. Useful when the previous icon was selected. only when the previous icon was selected. Draws into the canvas the internal Draws into the canvas the internal coordinate system of the component being coordinate systems of the model main edited. components. Erases from the canvas the internal Erases from the canvas the internal coordinate system of the component being coordinate systems of the model main edited. components. Opens the “Print Active Graphic Display” Same action as left click. pop up form where some options need to be selected before saving the canvas contents into a .PNG, .BMP, .JPG, .TIFF among others file types. For editing the properties, dimension, styles and other attributes of the component’s features as provided in the tab forms, different style of GUI widgets are used. These include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Radio buttons Check boxes Pull down menus Action buttons Type in fields Computed fields

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AMPreVA 5.0

4.1 Tank General Properties The general button provides the options to input the general properties of a design as shown in Figure 13. When the general button is selected the second row of the toolbar will update to show the various aspects of the tank available for editing.

Figure 13 Pressure Vessel General Option

The available options to add are: Project Conditions Datum Drawings Manufacturing

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4.1.1 Project Tab

Figure 14 Pressure Vessel Project tab

Description. Specifies the tank description. Service. Specifies the tank service. Tag Number. Specifies the tank tag number. Design Code. Specifies the design code used. Design Code Edition. Specifies the design code edition used. Orientation. Specifies the tank orientation, either Horizontal or Vertical.

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Support Type. There are 6 types of supports in the system: Legs, Lugs, Skirt, Saddles, Legs & Lugs, and None. Contract/Job Number. Specifies the tank contract or job number. Project Number. Specifies the project number. Purchaser Order. Specifies the purchaser order. Purchaser. Specifies the purchaser name. Location. Specifies the customer location. Default Density. Specifies a default density. Company Name. Specifies the company name. Company Short Name. Specifies a company short name. Company Address. Specifies the company address. Company Location. Specifies the company location. Company Phone Number. Specifies the company phone number. Company Fax Number. Specifies the company fax number. Company Logo. Specifies a company logo. Title Block. There are various styles. View Styles. Displays the various title block styles. Drawn by. Specifies the name of the drawing creator. Only available when Title Block is not None. Drawing Date. Specifies the drawing creation date. Only available when Title Block is not None. Checked by. Specifies the name of the drawing reviser. Only available when Title Block is not None. Checked Date. Specifies the drawing revision date. Only available when Title Block is not None. Approved by. Specifies the name of the drawing approver. Only available when Title Block is not None. Approved by Date. Specifies the drawing approval date. Only available when Title Block is not None. Number of Sheets. Specifies the number of sheets. Availability depends on the title block style. Show Equipment No. / Show Q.C. Info. Option to display in the drawings either the equipment number or the quality control data. Available only when Title Block of type 2.

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Equipment Number. Specifies the equipment number. Availability depends on the title block style. Q.C. Initials. Specifies the initials of the quality control reviewer. Available only when “Show Q.C. Info” is selected and Title Block is not None. Q.C. Date. Specifies the date of the quality control review. Available only when “Show Q.C. Info” is selected and Title Block is not None. Revision Data. Action button that displays a form to fill up the revision data to be displayed in all the drawings. Only available when Title Block is not None. Status. Specifies the status to be displayed in all the drawings. Only available when Title Block is not None. Display/Hide. Option to display or hide the drawings status previously selected. Only available when Title Block is not None. Save Project Data as Default. Action button that allows saving most of the entries, after being applied, of this tab as default for the new models to be created. Reset Default Project Data. Action button that retrieves the saved entries of the Project tab.

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4.1.2 Design Conditions Tab

Figure 15 Pressure Vessel Conditions tab

Internal Pressure. Specifies the design internal pressure. Internal Temperature. Specifies the design internal temperature. External Pressure. Specifies the design external pressure. External Temperature. Specifies the design external temperature. Inner Corrosion. Specifies the inner corrosion. Outer Corrosion. Specifies the outer corrosion. Liquid Height in Operation from Datum. Specifies the height of the liquid from the datum plane.

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Design MDMT. Specifies the minimum design metal temperature. MDMT. Specifies the rated minimum design metal temperature. Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Temperature. Specifies the temperature corresponding to the entered maximum allowable working pressure Maximum Allowable Pressure. Specifies the maximum allowable pressure. Maximum Allowable Pressure Temperature. Specifies the temperature corresponding to the maximum allowable pressure. Maximum Allowable External Pressure. Specifies the maximum allowable external pressure. Maximum Allowable External Pressure Temperature. Specifies the temperature corresponding to the maximum allowable external pressure. Weight and Capacity Capacity from Import. Specifies the capacity of the tank when the design was imported. Capacity Corroded from Import. Specifies the corroded capacity of the tank when the design was imported. Capacity New. Specifies the capacity of the tank computed from the model. Ship Weight. Specified the ship weight of the tank. Weight Test. Specifies the test weight. Results Hydrostatic Test Pressure. Specifies the hydrostatic test pressure. Liquid Specific Gravity. Specifies the specific gravity of the tank content liquid. Liquid Density. Specifies the liquid density. Overall Width. Specifies the tank overall width. Overall Height. Specifies the tank overall height. Only available when vertical orientation. Overall Length. Specifies the tank overall length. Only available when horizontal orientation. Note. Specifies some notes regarding the tank.

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4.1.3 Datum Planes Tab

Figure 16 Pressure Vessel Datum Planes tab

CS Label Size. Specifies the text size of the coordinate system. Global CS. Allows drawing and undrawing the global coordinate system. Datum Z Offset from CS. Specifies an offset from the global coordinate system. Draw/Undraw. Action buttons to draw/undraw in the canvas the datum plane. Dim Datum Plane. Specifies an offset for the dimensions datum plane. Draw/Undraw. Action buttons to draw/undraw in the canvas the dimensions datum plane. Platforms Datum Plane. Specifies an offset for the platforms datum plane. Draw/Undraw. Action buttons to draw/undraw in the canvas the platforms datum plane. Draw Liquid Level Plane. Action button to draw in the canvas the Liquid Level plane. Undraw Liquid Level Plane. Action button to undraw from the canvas the Liquid Level plane. Draw Center of Gravity. Action button to draw in the canvas the Vessel’s center of gravity coordinate system. Undraw Center of Gravity. Action button to undraw from the canvas the Vessel’s center of gravity coordinate system. Display Main Components Relation. Action button to show the components relation. Render Type. Specifies the graphics rendering method. Tag Text Height. Specifies the component tag text size. Display Component Tag. If selected, the component tag will be display in the Canvas.

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Display All Insulation Geometry. If selected, the insulation geometry will be drawn when it exists. Display All Lining Geometry. If selected, the lining geometry will be drawn when it exists. 4.1.4 Drawings See Generating Drawings. 4.1.5 Manufacturing See Generating Reports.

4.2 Common Tabs The Bevel, Insulation, Lining, and Conditions tabs are common tabs used in most shell components and will be referred throughout the manual and therefore will not be detailed for each components.

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4.2.1 Bevel Tab - Common Tab

Figure 17 Bevel Common Tab. End-0, End-1, Axial, and Circumferential Intermediate Bevel Details

This menu is commonly used through the application. Some component such as the head may have only one bevel-end setting and other may have four such in the case of cylinder shells. Type. There are 12 types of bevel supported by the system: A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5. Land Length. Specifies the contact distance with the Attach to Component. Outer Bevel Angle 1. The outer bevel angle. Only valid for types B2, B3, C2, C3, C4, and C5. Outer Bevel Angle 2. The outer tap angle.

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Inner Bevel Angle 1. The inner bevel angle. Only valid for types B5, B6, C1, C3, C4, and C5. Inner Bevel Angle 2. The inner tap angle. Outside Bevel Thickness. Specifies the thickness from the land length outer point to the outer thickness. Only valid for types B3, B4, and C5. Inside Bevel Thickness. Specifies the thickness from the land length inner point to the inner thickness. Only valid for types B6, C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5. Minimum Required Distance. Specifies the minimum required distance. View Bevel Types

Figure 18 Bevel Types

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4.2.2 Insulation Tab - Common Tab

Figure 19 Insulation tab

Insulation. If selected, indicates insulation must be considered. Display. If selected, the insulation will be drawn as geometry. Inner Diameter. Specifies the inner diameter of the insulation. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the insulation. Start Elevation. Specifies the start elevation of the insulation. Availability depends on the component type. End Elevation. Specifies the end elevation of the insulation. Availability depends on the component type. Material. Specifies the material of the insulation. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Weight. Specifies the weight of the insulation. Weight from XML Import. Specifies the weight of the insulation when the model was imported from a XML file. Present when Empty. If selected, insulation will be present when tank is empty. Present for Hydrotest. If selected, insulation will be present for hydrotest. Include in Lift Weight. If selected, insulation will be included in lift weight.

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4.2.3 Lining Tab - Common Tab

Figure 20 Lining tab

Lining. If selected, indicates lining must be considered. Display. If selected, the lining will be drawn as geometry. Outer Diameter. Specifies the outer diameter of the lining. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the lining. Start Elevation. component type.

Specifies the start elevation of the lining.

Availability depends on the

End Elevation. Specifies the end elevation of the lining. Availability depends on the component type. Material. Specifies the material of the lining. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Weight. Specifies the weight of the lining. Weight from XML Import. Specifies the weight of the lining when the model was imported from a XML file. Present when Empty. If selected, lining will be present when tank is empty. Present for Hydrotest. If selected, lining will be present for hydrotest. Include in Lift Weight. If selected, lining will be included in lift weight.

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4.2.4 Conditions Tab - Common Tab

Figure 21 Conditions Common tab

This menu is commonly used through the application and provides the various properties used for setting the tank design parameters. Most of these values are often imported from the design software, such in the case of Codeware Compress or PVElite. All fields are appropriately labeled. Operating Conditions Vessel Pressure. Specifies the design pressure. Vessel Temperature. Specifies the design temperature. External Pressure. Specifies the external pressure. External Temperature. Specifies the external temperature. Inner Corrosion. Specifies the inner corrosion. Outer Corrosion. Specifies the outer corrosion.

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Design Minimum Design Metal Temperature. Specifies the minimum design metal temperature. Maximum Allowable Working Pressure. Specifies the maximum allowable working pressure. Maximum Allowable Pressure. Specifies the maximum allowable pressure. Maximum Allowable External Pressure. Specifies the maximum allowable external pressure. Minimum Design Metal Temperature. Specifies the rated minimum design metal temperature. Pipe NPS & Schedule. Specifies the NP Sand Schedule pipes. Governing Load Condition. Specifies the governing load condition. Diameter Increase for Wind Loading. Specifies the tank diameter increase for wind. Required Thickness. Specifies the tank minimum required thickness. Required Thickness Internal Pressure. Specifies the required thickness for internal pressure. Required Thickness External Pressure. Specifies the required thickness for external pressure. Weight and Capacity Weight New. Specifies the weight. Weight Corroded. Specifies the tank corroded weight. Capacity New. Specifies the capacity. Capacity Corroded. Specifies the tank capacity corroded. Capacity New (Computed). Specifies the tank capacity computed by the system. Positions and Dimensions Start Elevation. Specifies the start elevation from Datum Plane. End Elevation. Specifies the tank end elevation from Datum Plane. Start Elevation from Import. Specifies the start elevation coming from the imported model, if applies. End Elevation from Import. Specifies the end elevation coming from the imported model, if applies. Radiography Radiography Long Seam. Specifies the radiography process for long seams. Radiography Circ Seam. Specifies the radiography process for circumferential seams. Radiography Long Seam Joint Efficiency. Specifies the joint efficiency percentage for long seams. Radiography Circ Seam Joint Efficiency. circumferential seams.

Specifies the joint efficiency percentage for

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Post Weld Heat Treatment. If selected, indicates that the tank must have a post weld head treatment. Impact Tested. If selected, indicates that the tank must be impact tested. Normalized. If selected, indicates that the tank must be normalized.

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4.3 Shell

Figure 22 Pressure Vessel Shell Option

When the shell button is selected the second row of the toolbar will update to show the various components available for adding. Each of these components can be added by selecting the appropriate button from the second row of the toolbar. Once a button is selected the component is added and the work area in the menu is updated to enable editing and detailing the component features and properties.

The available components to add are: Cylinder Transition Eccentric Transition Head Body Flange Tray Supports Packed Bed

This section describes the various properties than can be edited from the menus that can also be invoked from the model tree by editing the appropriate component. Each component may have various properties but only a subset is provided to be modified by the end user in the menu.

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4.3.1 Cylinder Shell The component edit form has a number of tabs as illustrated Figure 23. The edit area includes the following tabs Design, Bevel, Insulation, Lining, and Conditions. Design Tab

Figure 23 Cylindrical Shell Design tab

Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the cylinder in the BOM. Attach to Component. Component to which the cylinder is attached to. Attach to Component End. Selects component end to attach the cylinder. End to Attach Datum. Selects the cylinder end to the Attach to Component. Material. Specifies the material of the cylinder. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Diameter Mode. Enables the selection between OD Design, ID Design and Mid Diameter Design. Pipe. If selected, the cylinder will be considered a seamless pipe. If not selected, the cylinder will be considered as a rolled plate. Nominal Size. Specifies the cylinder pipe nominal size. Only available when Pipe is selected. Schedule. Specifies the cylinder pipe schedule. Only available when Pipe is selected. Inner Diameter. The inner diameter of the cylinder.

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Outer Diameter. The outer diameter of the cylinder. Length (Axial Direction). Specifies the length of the cylinder. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the cylinder. Clad Material. If selected, indicates that the cylinder will have clad material. Clad Material Thickness. The thickness of the material at the inner side of the plate. This is only valid when Clad Material is selected. Number of Courses. Specifies the quantity of the cylinder courses. Courses Axial Typical Width. Specifies a typical axial length for all the courses, except the last one, which is calculated. Courses Axial Width. Specifies the axial length for each course, except the last one, which is calculated. Courses Width [1 to n]. Shows the axial length for all the courses. Select the Course to Edit. Allows the end user to navigate between each course and edit their properties, when there is more than one course. Number of Circumferential Sections. Specifies the quantity of circumferential sections for the selected course to edit. Sections Typical Length. Specifies a typical circumferential length for all the sections of the selected course, except the last section, which is calculated. Sections Length. Specifies the circumferential length for each circumferential section of the selected course, except the last section, which is calculated. Sections Length [1 to n]. Shows the circumferential length for all the sections in the selected course. Vertical Seam Offset Type. Allows to determinate the entry for the offset whether Distance or Angle. Offset. Specifies the starting arc length from zero degrees for the selected course to edit. Copy Parameters. dimensions from.

Action button that allows the selection of other cylinder to take the Bevel Tab See Bevel Common Tab specifications as in Figure 17. Insulation Tab See Insulation Common Tab specifications as in Figure 19. Lining Tab See Lining Common tab specifications as seen in Figure 20.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Conditions Tab See Conditions Common Tab specifications as in Figure 21. 4.3.2 Transition Shell The component edit form has a number of tabs as illustrated Figure 24. The edit area includes the following tabs Design, Bevel, Insulation, Lining, and Conditions. Design Tab

Figure 24 Transition Design tab

Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the cone in the BOM.

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Attach to Component. Component to which the cone is attached to. Attach to Component End. Selects component end to attach the cone. End to Attach Datum. Selects the cone end to the Attach to Component. Material. Specifies the material of the cone. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Diameter Mode. Enables the selection between OD Design, ID Design and Mid Diameter Design. Inner Diameter from Component. The inner diameter of the cone Attach to Component. Outer Diameter from Component. The outer diameter of the cone Attach to Component. End-1 Inner Diameter. The inner diameter of the cone at top edge. End-1 Outer Diameter. The outer diameter of the cone at top edge. End-0 Inner Diameter. The inner diameter of the cone at bottom edge. End-0 Outer Diameter. The outer diameter of the cone at bottom edge. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the cone. Length. Specifies the length of the cone. Cone Angle. Specifies the angle of the cone. Knuckle. If selected, the cone will have a knuckle in its largest End. Only available when Reverse Knuckle is not selected. Knuckle Straight Length. Specifies the straight length of the cone knuckle. Only available when Knuckle is selected. Knuckle Radius. Specifies the radius of the cone knuckle. Only available when Knuckle is selected. Knuckle Apex Angle. selected.

Specifies the knuckle apex angle.

Only available when Knuckle is

Flare. If selected, the cone will have a flare in its smallest End. Only available when Reverse Knuckle is not selected. Flare Straight Length. Specifies the straight length of the cone flare. Only available when Flare is selected. Flare Radius. Specifies the radius of the cone flare. Only valid when Flare is selected. Flare Apex Angle. Specifies the flare apex angle. Only available when Flare is selected. Reverse Knuckle. If selected the cone will be created with a reverse knuckle. Only available when Knuckle and Flare are not selected.

Copyrights TechnoSoft Inc. 11180 Reed Hartman Hwy Cincinnati, OH 45242 37

TECHNOSOFT INC. Copy Parameters. dimensions from.

AMPreVA 5.0

Action button that allows the selection of other cylinder to take the

Manufacture Type. Specifies how the Cone is about to be manufactured. Two options are available: Single Piece, and Multipieces. Number of Courses. Specifies the number of courses to manufacture the cone. Only available when Manufacture Type Multipieces is selected. Courses Radius List [1 to (n-1)]. Specifies the radius of each course, except the last one. The entry must be in list format. Only available when Manufacture Type Multipieces is selected. Number of Sections List [1 to n]. Specifies the number of sections for each course. The entry must be in list format. Only available when Manufacture Type Multipieces is selected. Initial Angle List [1 to n]. Defines the initial angle of each course. The entry must be in list format. Only available when Manufacture Type Multipieces is selected. Segmented Arc-Length List. Shows the arc length of each course. Manufacture Type Multipieces is selected.

Only available when

Draw/Undraw Cone Solid Sections. Action button that with a left click draws in the canvas the cone sections; right click undraws the cone sections from the canvas. Draw/Undraw Cone Outer Surfaces Sections. Action button that with a left click draws in the canvas the cone outer surfaces sections; right click undraws the cone outer surfaces sections from the canvas. General Arrangement Drawing. Action button that demands the cone segmentation’s General Arrangement Drawing. Bevel Tab See Bevel Common Tab specifications as in Figure 17. Insulation Tab See Insulation Common Tab specifications as in Figure 19. Lining Tab See Lining Common tab specifications as seen in Figure 20. Conditions Tab See Conditions Common Tab specifications as in Figure 21. Flat Pattern and Nesting Tab See Head’s Flat Pattern and Nesting Tab specifications as in Figure 38. 4.3.3 Eccentric Transition The component edit form has a number of tabs as illustrated Figure 25. The edit area includes the following Design tab.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Design tab

Figure 25 Eccentric Transition Design tab

The eccentric shell will be updated and enhanced in future releases.

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4.3.4 Head The component edit form has a number of tabs as illustrated Figure 26. The edit area includes the following tabs Design, Bevel, Insulation, Lining, and NC Program.

Figure 26 Head Design tab Design Tab Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the head in the BOM. Attach to Component. Component to which the head is attached to. Attach to Component End. Selects component end to attach the head.

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End to Attach Datum. Selects the head end to the Attach to Component. Material. Specifies material of the head. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Type. There are 10 types of heads supported by the system: Ellipsoidal, F&D, Hemi, Toriconal, Conical, Welded, Bolted, Dished, Torispherical, and Flat. Enabled. If selected, the head is included in the 3D geometry, BOM, drawings, and any other report created by AMPreVA. If deselected it is not included. Pipe Cap. Defines the head as pipe cap. Diameter Mode. Enables the selection between OD Design, ID Design and Mid Diameter Design. NPS. The diameter nominal size of the head. If custom is selected, user will type in OD or ID. Sch. The schedule of the head. If custom is selected the user will type in thickness. Inner Diameter. The straight flange inner diameter of the head. Outer Diameter. The straight flange outer diameter of the head. Thickness. The thickness of straight flange area of the head. Length. The straight flange length of the head. Crown Radius. The crown radius of the head. Knuckle Radius. The knuckle radius of the head. Outer Radius at Knuckle. Specifies the head outer radius at the knuckle. Knuckle Crown Thickness. Specifies the knuckle thickness, by default is equal to Thickness. Knuckle ID Offset. Specifies the offset for the knuckle at the head inner diameter. Valid only when Thickness and Knuckle Crown Thickness are not equal. Clad Material. If selected, indicates that the head will have clad material. Clad Material Thickness. The thickness of the material at the inner side of the plate. This is only valid when Clad Material is selected. Copy Parameters. Action button that allows the selection of other head to take the dimensions from. Manufacture Type. Specifies how the Head is about to be manufactured. Two options are available: Single Piece, and Multipieces. Only available when Thickness and Knuckle Crown Thickness are equal, and only for heads of type Ellipsoidal, F&D, Hemi, Torispherical, and Flat. Number of Courses. Specifies the number of courses to manufacture the head. Only available when Manufacture Type Multipieces is selected.

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Courses Radius List [1 to (n-1)]. Specifies the radius of each course, except the last one. The entry must be in list format. Only available when Manufacture Type Multipieces is selected. Number of Sections List [1 to n]. Specifies the number of sections for each course. The entry must be in list format. Only available when Manufacture Type Multipieces is selected. Initial Angle List [1 to n]. Defines the initial angle of each course. The entry must be in list format. Only available when Manufacture Type Multipieces is selected. Segmented Arc-Length List. Shows the arc length of each course. Manufacture Type Multipieces is selected.

Only available when

Draw/Undraw Head Solid Sections. Action button that with a left click draws in the canvas the head sections; right click undraws the head sections from the canvas. Draw/Undraw Head Outer Surfaces Sections. Action button that with a left click draws in the canvas the head outer surfaces sections; right click undraws the head outer surfaces sections from the canvas. General Arrangement Drawing. Action button to demand the head segmentation’s General Arrangement Drawing.

Figure 27 through Figure 36 shows the various dimension and data input for the different head types. For some type of heads the form includes additional data associated with the flange area. For example in the case of ellipsoidal head type additional input are needed and the diameter as well as the thickness are defined for he flange area of the head.

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Figure 27 Ellipsoidal Head Data

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Figure 28 FD Head Data

Figure 29 Hemispherical Head Data

Figure 30 Toriconal Head Data

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Figure 31 Conical Head Data Figure 32 Welded Cover Head Data

Figure 34 Dished Cover Head Data

Figure 33 Bolter Cover Head Data

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Figure 36 Flat Head Data Figure 35Torispherical Head Data Bevel Tab See Bevel Common Tab specifications as in Figure 17. Insulation Tab See Insulation Common Tab specifications as in Figure 19. Lining Tab See Lining Common tab specifications as seen in Figure 20. NC Program Tab

Figure 37 NC Program tab

Arc Length Spacing. Specifies the spacing in arc length. Chamfer Axis-1 Length. Specifies the length of the chamfer at axis-1. Chamfer Axis-2 Length. Specifies the length of the chamfer at axis-2. Conditions Tab See Conditions Common Tab specifications as in Figure 21.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Flat Pattern and Nesting Tab

Figure 38 Flat Pattern and Nesting tab

Course to Edit. Allows the end user to navigate between each course and edit their properties. 3D Section Weight. Specifies the weight of one head’s section for the selected course. OD Surface Area. Specifies the surface area of one head’s section for the selected course. OD Surface Inner Radial Edge. Specifies the length of the inner radial edge of one head’s section for the selected course. OD Surface Outer Radial Edge. Specifies the length of the outer radial edge of one head’s section for the selected course.

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OD Surface Side Edge. Specifies the length of the side edge of one head’s section for the selected course. 3D Section Min|Max Box Dims Depth. Specifies the depth of one head’s section of the selected course. Height. Specifies the height of one head’s section of the selected course. Width. Specifies the width of one head’s section of the selected course. Flat Pattern Control Params Num. of Points Along Profile. Specifies the number of points along the profile to add more precision. Num. of Points Along Sweep. Specifies the number of points along the sweep to add more precision. Display Section OD Surface. Action button to display on the canvas the outer surface of one head’s section for the selected course. Display Section Solid. Action button to display on the canvas one head’s section for the selected course. Display Min|Max Box. Action button to display on the canvas a box with the OD surface dimensions. Flat Pattern Section Weight (no Offset). Specifies the weight of one head’s section in flat without offset for the selected course. Flat Pattern Area (no Offset). Specifies the surface area of one head’s section in flat for the selected course. Flat Pattern Inner Radial Edge. Specifies the length of the inner radial edge of one head’s section in flat without offset for the selected course. Flat Pattern Outer Radial Edge. Specifies the length of the outer radial edge of one head’s section in flat without offset for the selected course. Flat Pattern Side Edge. Specifies the length of the side edge of one head’s section in flat without offset for the selected course. Edge Offset. Specifies an extra length to be added to the flat pattern segment. Weight (with Offset). Specifies the weight of one head’s section in flat including the offset for the selected course. Nested Pattern Type. There are seven nesting types available for selection. Sections per Plate Qty. Specifies the number of section to accommodate on each plate. Only available when Nested Pattern Type is 6 or 8.

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AMPreVA 5.0

Pattern to Plate Edge Clearance. Specifies the clearance between the flat pattern and the edge of the plate. Pattern to Pattern Clearance. Specifies the clearance between each flat pattern. Nested Patterns per Plate Area. Specifies the area of the sections for the bounding plate. Nested Patterns Bounding Width. Specifies the width for the bounding plate. Nested Patterns Bounding Length. Specifies the length for the bounding plate. Nested Patterns Bounding Scrap Area. Specifies the scrap area for the bounding plate. Nested Patterns Bounding Scrap Rate (%). Specifies the scrap rate in percentage for bounding plate. Stock Plate Plate Width. Specifies the width for the stock plate. Plate Length. Specifies the length for the stock plate. Scrap Area. Specifies the scrap area for the stock plate. Scrap Rate (%). Specifies the scrap rate in percentage for the stock plate. Display Nested Pattern Types. Action button to display the available nesting patterns. Display Scrap Data. Action button to display a comparative table with the scrap data between the available nesting pattern types. Display Flat Pattern. Action button to display on the canvas the flat pattern of one segment for the selected course. Export Flat Pattern DXF. Action button to send into DXF the flat pattern of one segment for the selected course. Display Nested Flat Pattern. Action button to display on the canvas one nested pattern for the selected course. Export Nested Flat Pattern DXF. Action button to send into DXF one nested pattern for the selected course. Flat Pattern Drawing. Action button to demand the flat pattern drawing for the selected course. 4.3.5 Body Flange The component edit form has a number of tabs as illustrated Figure 39. The edit area includes the following tabs Design, Welding Neck, Blind, Features Manager, Insulation and Conditions.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Design Tab

Figure 39 Flange Design tab

Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the flange in the BOM. Remarks. Optional information or notes regarding the flange, to be display in reports and tables. Attach to Component. Component to which the flange is attached to. Attach to Component End. Selects component end to attach the flange. End to Attach Datum. Selects the flange end to the Attach to Component. Material. Specifies the material of the flange. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Type. There are 8 types of flanges supported by the system: Welding Neck, Slip On, Ring, Threaded, Socket Welded, Lap Joint, Long Weld Neck, and Heavy Barrel. Code. Specifies the flange code. Nominal Size. Specifies the nominal size of the flange. Rating. Specifies the flange class. Bore Schedule. Specifies the schedule of the flange. Available only when Type Welding Neck is selected.

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AMPreVA 5.0

Face Type. There are 6 types of flanges faces supported by the system: Large Raised Face, Large Lower Face, Small Tongue, Large Tongue, Small Groove, and Large Grove. Available only when Type Slip-On is selected. Offset Z Direction. Specifies an offset in the Z axis. Copy Parameters. Action button that allows the selection of other body flange to take the dimensions from. Welding Neck Tab See Nozzle Flange Welding Neck Tab. Slip On Tab See Nozzle Flange Slip On Tab. Ring Tab See Nozzle Flange Ring Tab. Threaded Tab See Nozzle Flange Threaded Tab. Socket Welded Tab See Nozzle Flange Socket Welded Tab. Lap Joint Tab See Nozzle Flange Lap Joint Tab. Heavy Barrel Tab See Nozzle Flange Heavy Barrel Tab. Blind Tab See Nozzle Flange Blind Tab.

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AMPreVA 5.0

4.3.6 Tray Supports The component edit form has a number of tabs as illustrated Figure 40. The edit area includes the following tabs Tray Assembly, Odd Trays Downcomer, and Even Trays Downcomer. Design Tab

Figure 40 Tray Supports Design tab

Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the tray assembly in the BOM. Attach to Component. Component to which the tray assembly is attached to. Start at Top. If selected, the tray assembly will be set at the Attach to Component top edge. If not selected, it will be set at the bottom edge.

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AMPreVA 5.0

Start Elevation. Specifies the start elevation of the tray assembly. Orientation Angle. Specifies the angle position of the tray assembly. Pattern Style. There are 3 patterns of tray assembly supported by the system: 1-1, 1-2, and 2-3. Start Pattern. Indicates the pattern of the tray assembly first level. Number of Trays. Specifies the number of levels of the tray assembly. Space Between Levels. Specifies the distance from level to level. Trays Properties Centered Tray. If selected, the tray assembly will be prepared to have a tray at the center of the tank. If not selected, the tray assembly expects a lateral tray. Only available when Pattern Style 1-1 is selected. Outer Tray Distance from Shell. Specifies the distance from shell to the outer tray. Only available when either Pattern Style 1-2 or 2-3 selected. Outer Tray Distance from Center. Specifies the distance to the outer tray from shell center. Only available when either Pattern Style 1-1 or 1-2 is selected. Central Tray Width. Specifies the width of the central tray. Only available when Pattern Style 1-2 is selected. Offset Between Trays. Specifies the distance from tray to tray. Only available when Pattern Style 2-3 is selected. Copy Parameters. Action button that allows the selection of other tray support to take the dimensions from. Supports Properties Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the support tray. Width. Specifies the width of the support tray. Material. Specifies the material of the support tray. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Supports Properties (Outer Tray) Number of Segments. Specifies the number of segments for the outer tray supports. Fabrication Type. Specifies the fabrication type for the outer tray supports. It could be Cut from Plate, or Rolled Flat Bar. Supports Properties (Inner Tray) Number of Segments. Specifies the number of segments for the outer tray supports. Only available when either Pattern Style 1-2 or 2-3 is selected.

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AMPreVA 5.0

Fabrication Type. Specifies the fabrication type for the outer tray supports. It could be Cut from Plate, or Rolled Flat Bar. Only available when either Pattern Style 1-2 or 2-3 is selected. Downcomers Properties Similar Downcomers Between both Styles. If selected, downcomers from second pattern will be similar to the ones form first pattern. If not selected, both patterns could have different downcomers. Only available when either Pattern Style 1-2 or 2-3 is selected. Odd Trays Downcomer Tab

Figure 41 Tray Supports Odd Trays Downcomer tab

Width. Specifies the width of the downcomer plates. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the downcomer plates. Total Height. Specifies the height of the downcomer plates. Inclination Angle. Specifies the inclination angle of the downcomer plates. Distance from Top to Inclination. Specifies the straight length of the downcomer plates. Length in Flat. Indicates the total length of the downcomer plates. Distance from Top to Support. Specifies the distance from downcomer top edge to tray support. Holes Position List. Specifies the downcomer holes position list. Holes diameter. The hole diameter of the downcomer plates. Slotted Hole Length. The slotted length of the downcomer plates hole. Inner Edge to Hole Center Distance. Distance from downcomer hole center to downcomer inner edge. Downcomer Material. Specifies the material of the downcomer plates.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Even Trays Downcomer Tab See Odd Trays Downcomer Tab. 4.3.7 Packed Bed The component edit form has the tab as illustrated in Figure 42. Design Tab

Figure 42 Packed Bed Design tab

Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the packed bed in the BOM. Start Elevation. Specifies the start elevation of the packed bed. Length. Specifies the length of the packed bed. Diameter. Specifies the outer diameter of the packed bed. Material. Specifies the material of the packed bed. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Present when Empty. If selected, insulation will be present when tank is empty. Present for Hydrotest. If selected, insulation will be present for hydrotest. Include in Lift Weight. If selected, insulation will be included in lift weight. Liquid Hold Up Percent. The liquid holdup percent for the packed bed. Weight Empty. Specifies the packed bed weight when empty. Weight Operating. Specifies the packet bed weight when operating.

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AMPreVA 5.0

4.4 Support The type of support to be used for the tank should be appropriately selected from the first tab under the General menu. The General menu was introduced in the previous section as shown in Figure 13. Based on the selected type of support from the General menu, the content of the second row when the Support button is selected may change. It could show lugs and skirt, saddles, or legs as shown in Figure 43 thru Figure 47.

Figure 43 Support options available when Lugs is selected from the General menu

Figure 44 Support options available when Saddle is selected from the General menu

Figure 45 Support options available when Legs is selected from the General menu

Figure 46 Support options available when Skirt is selected from the General menu

Figure 47 Support options available when Lugs & Legs is selected from the General menu

This section describes the various properties than can be edited from the menus that can also be invoked from the model tree by editing the appropriate component. Each component may have various properties but only a subset is provided to be modified by the end user in the menu.

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AMPreVA 5.0

4.4.1 Legs The component edit form has a number of tabs as illustrates Figure 48. The edit area includes the following tabs Design, Pad, Base Plate, Grounding Lug, Brace, and Knee Brace. The various leg types are shown in Figure 49 thru Figure 56. Design Tab

Figure 48 Support Leg Design tab

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AMPreVA 5.0

Figure 49 Leg type Equal Angle In

Figure 50 Leg type Equal Angle Out

Figure 51 Legs type Wide Flange In

Figure 52 Legs type Wide Flange Out

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AMPreVA 5.0

Figure 53 Legs type T Wide Flange In

Figure 54 Legs type T Wide Flange Out

Figure 55 Legs type Square Tubes

Figure 56 Legs type C-Channel

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Figure 57 Legs type Pipe

AMPreVA 5.0

Figure 58 Legs type Pipe with reinforcing pad

Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the legs in the BOM. Attach to Component. Component to which the legs are attached to. Leg Type. There are 7 types of legs supported by the system: Equal Angle (Leg In), Equal Angle (Leg Out), Wide Flange (Flange In), Wide Flange (Flange Out), T Wide Flange (Flange In), T Wide Flange (Flange Out), Square Tube, C-Channel, and Pipe. Pipe Nominal Size. Specifies the nominal size of the leg pipe. Only valid when Leg Type Pipe is selected. Special Pipe Outer Diameter. Specifies the non-standard outer diameter of the leg pipe. Only valid when Leg Type Pipe is selected. Pipe Schedule. Specifies the schedule of the leg pipe. Only valid when Leg Type Pipe is selected. Special Pipe Thickness. Specifies the non-standard thickness of the leg pipe. Only available when Leg Type Pipe is selected. I Beam Size. Specifies the beam size. Only valid when Leg Type Wide Flange is selected. T Beam Size. Specifies the beam size. Only valid when Leg Type T Wide Flange is selected. Angle Size. Specifies the angle size. Only valid when Leg Type Angle is selected.

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AMPreVA 5.0

Square Tube Size. Specifies the channel size. Only valid when Leg Type Square Tube is selected. C-Channel Size. Specifies the channel size. Only valid when Leg Type C-Channel is selected. Size. Describes the leg size. Material. Specifies the material of the legs. Density. Specifies the density of the selected material. Number of Legs. Specifies the number of legs. Leg Overall Length. Specifies the total length of the legs. Top to Girth. Specifies the distance from the top of the legs to girth. Pattern Start Angle. Specifies the start angle of the legs. Leg Fillet Weld. Specifies the fillet weld of the legs. Cut at Center or Out of Shell. Specifies the location of the legs regarding the shell. Aligned to Shell OD or Aligned to Shell ID. Specifies the alignment of the leg’s cut. Only available when Cut at Center. Cut Angle. If selected it will be possible to specify the cut angle of the legs. Cover Plate Properties Cover Plate. If selected, the legs will include a cover plate. At Shell. If selected, cove plate will be created coming right out the Attach to Component outer diameter. If not selected, cover plate will start over the leg. Thickness. Specifies the cover plate thickness of the leg pipe. Only available when Cover Plate is selected. Material. Specifies the material of the legs cover plate. Only available when Cover Plate is selected. Density. Specifies the density of the selected material.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Pad Tab

Figure 59 Support Legs Pad tab

Material. Specifies the material of the legs pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Length (Longitudinal). Specifies the longitudinal length of the legs pads. Only available when Pad is selected. Width (Circumferential). Specifies the circumferential width of the legs pads. Only available when Pad is selected. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the legs pads. Only available when Pad is selected. Corner Radius. Specifies the corner radius of the legs pads. Only available when Pad is selected. Offset from Leg. Specifies the legs pads extension out of the leg top edge. Only available when Pad is selected. Fillet Weld. Specifies the fillet weld of the legs pads. Only available when Pad is selected. Segmented. If selected, the legs pads will be segmented. Only available when Pad is selected. Division Info. Specifies the position and spacing information of each legs pad segment. Only available when Segmented is selected. Pad. If selected, the legs will include reinforcing pads.

Copyrights TechnoSoft Inc. 11180 Reed Hartman Hwy Cincinnati, OH 45242 61


AMPreVA 5.0 Base Plate Tab

Figure 60 Support Legs Base Plate tab

Radial Base Plate. If selected, the legs base plate will be radial to the tank. If not selected they will be tangential to the tank. Only available when Leg Type Pipe is selected. Material. Specifies the material of the legs bolts. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Length. Specifies the length of the leg base plates. Width. Specifies the width of the leg base plates. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the leg base plates. Bolt Holes. If selected, the legs base plates will have hole. Bolt Diameter. The legs base plates bolt diameter. Only available when Bolt Holes is selected. Bolt Clearance. The bolts hole clearance. Only available when Bolt Holes is selected. Bolt Circle. If selected it will allow specifying the bolt circle of the hole. Only available when Bolt Holes is selected. Bolt Holes Positions from Center. Specifies the list of positions for each legs base plate hole. Only available when Bolt Holes is selected and Bolt Circle is not selected.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Grounding Lug Tab

Figure 61 Support Legs Grounding Lug tab

Grounding Lug. If selected, the legs will include grounding lugs. Material. Specifies the material of the legs grounding lugs. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Type. There are 2 types of grounding lugs supported by the system: Lug and Angle. Only available when Grounding Lug is selected. Orientation. Specifies the orientation of the grounding lug, either Horizontal or Vertical. Only valid when Grounding Lug is selected. Position. Specifies the grounding lug position. Only valid when Grounding Lug is selected. Elevation. Specifies the elevation of the grounding lug. Only valid when Grounding Lug is selected. Distance from Center. Specifies the grounding lugs distance from center. Only valid when Grounding Lug is selected. Width. Specifies the width of the grounding lugs. Only valid when Grounding Lug is selected. Height. Specifies the height of the grounding lugs. Only valid when Grounding Lug is selected. Depth. Specifies the depth of the grounding lugs. grounding lug Type Angle are selected.

Only valid when Grounding Lug and

Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the grounding lugs. Only valid when Grounding Lug is selected.

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Corner Radius. Specifies the corner radius of the grounding lugs. Only valid when Grounding Lug and grounding lug Type Lug are selected. Hole Elevation. Specifies the elevation of the grounding lugs hole. Only valid when Grounding Lug is selected. Hole Diameter. Specifies the diameter of the grounding lugs hole. Only valid when Grounding Lug is selected. Grounding Hole Type. Specifies the type of the leg grounding hole. Only valid when either Leg Type Wide Flange or T Wide Flange is selected. Radius. Specifies the radius of the leg grounding hole. Only valid when grounding hole Type None is not selected. Distance from Ground. Specifies the leg grounding hole distance from ground. Only valid when grounding hole Type None is not selected. Distance from Web Center. Specifies the leg grounding hole distance web center. Only valid when grounding hole Type None is not selected. Brace Tab

Figure 62 Support Legs Brace tab

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Brace Supports. If selected, the legs will include braces. Only available when Leg Type Pipe is selected. Type. There are two types of legs brace supports available in the system: Flat Bar and Angle. Only available when Brace Supports is selected. Material. Specifies the material of the legs braces. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Start Elevation. Specifies the start elevation of the legs braces. Only available when Brace Supports is selected. Length. Specifies the length of the leg braces. Only available when Brace Supports is selected. Width. Specifies the width of the leg braces. Only available when Brace Supports is selected and Type Flat Bar is selected. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the leg braces. Only available when Brace Supports is selected and Type Flat Bar is selected. Size. The size of the angle plate. Only available when Brace Supports is selected and Type Angle is selected. Gusset Type. Specifies the type of gusset for the legs braces. Only available when Brace Supports is selected. Material. Specifies the material of the legs braces. Width. Specifies the width of the gusset for the leg braces. Length. Specifies the length of the gusset for the leg braces. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the gusset for the leg braces. Brace Weld Length. Specifies the distance of the leg to be weld in the gusset. Fillet Weld. Specifies the fillet weld for the gussets. Knee Brace Tab

Figure 63 Support Legs Knee Brace tab

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Knee Braces. If selected, the legs will include knee braces. Only available when either Leg Type Wide Flange Out or T Wide Flange Out is selected. Material. Specifies the material of the legs knee braces. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Nominal Size. Specifies the size of the knee braces. Only available when Knee Braces is selected. Length. Specifies the length of the knee braces. Only available when Knee Braces is selected. Elevation. Specifies the elevation of the knee braces. Only available when Knee Braces is selected. Eye Bolt Nominal Size. Specifies the size of the knee braces eye bolt. Only available when Knee Braces is selected. Eye Bolt Distance from Edge. Specifies the legs knee braces eye bolt distance from edge. Only available when Knee Braces is selected.

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4.4.2 Skirt The component edit form has a number of tabs as illustrated Figure 64. The edit area includes the following tabs Design, Bevel, Base Ring, Insulation, Lining, and Conditions. Various skirt configurations are shown in Figure 65 thru Figure 70. Design Tab

Figure 64 Skirt Design tab

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Figure 65 Skirt with Single Base Ring

Figure 66 Skirt with External Chairs

Figure 67 Skirt with Double Base Ring

Figure 68 Skirt with Centered Bolt Chair

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Figure 69 Conical Skirt with Single Base Ring

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Figure 70 Skirt attached to other Skirt

Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the skirt in the BOM. Attach to Component. Component to which the skirt is attached to. Attach to Component End. Selects component end to attach the skirt. End to Attach Datum. Selects the skirt end to the Attach to Component. Inner Diameter from Component. The inner diameter of skirt Attach to Component. Outer Diameter from Component. The outer diameter of skirt Attach to Component. End 1 Inner Diameter. The inner diameter of the skirt at top edge. End 1 Outer Diameter. The outer diameter of the skirt at top edge. End 0 Inner Diameter. The inner diameter of the skirt at bottom edge. End 0 Outer Diameter. The outer diameter of the skirt at bottom edge. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the skirt. Length. Specifies the length of the skirt. Cone Angle. Shows the angle of the conical skirt. Number of Sections. Specifies the number of sections of the skirt. Material. Specifies the material of the skirt. Copy Parameters. Action button that allows the selection of other skirt to take the dimensions from.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Bevel Tab See Bevel Common Tab specifications as in Figure 17. Base Ring Tab

Figure 71 Support Skirt Base Skirt tab

Base Configuration. There are 4 types of configuration supported by the system for skirt base rings: Single Base Plate, External Chairs, Double Base Plate, and Centered Bolt Chair. Types External Chair and Centered Bolt Chair are only available when Gussets is selected. Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the head in the BOM. Material. Specifies the material of the skirt base ring. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Base Ring Properties Inner Diameter. The inner diameter of the base ring. Outer Diameter. The outer diameter of the base ring. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the skirt base ring.

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Segmented Base Ring. If selected, the skirt base ring will be segmented. If not selected, the skirt base ring will be one single piece. Number of Segments. Specifies the number of segments of the skirt base ring. Only available when Segmented Base Ring is selected. Segment Angle Length. Indicates the segments angle length for skirt base ring. Compression Ring Properties Match Base Ring OD. If selected the compression ring width will be adjusted to match the base ring outer diameter. Width. Specifies the width of the skirt top ring. Only available when either Base Configuration External Chairs or Double Base Plate is selected, and Match Base Ring OD is not selected. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the skirt top ring. Segmented Compression Ring. If selected, the skirt top ring will be segmented. If not selected, it will be one single piece. Only available when Base Configuration Double Base Plate is selected. Number of Segments. Specifies the number of segments of the skirt top ring. Only available when Segmented Compression Ring is selected. Segment Angle Length. Indicates the segments angle length for skirt top ring. Bolt Properties Quantity. Specifies the number of bolts of the skirt. Orientation Angle. Specifies the pattern start angle for the bolts on the skirt base ring. Type. Specifies the skirt bolts type. Diameter. Specifies the diameter of the skirt bolts. Bolt Circle. Specifies the bolt circle of the skirt. Clearance Base Ring. Specifies the bolts root opening of the skirt at base ring. Clearance Compression Ring. Specifies the bolts root opening of the skirt at top ring. Material. Specifies the material of the skirt bolts. Gusset Properties Type. Specifies the type of gussets for the skirt base ring. Material. Specifies the material of the gussets. Only available when Gussets is selected. Height. Specifies the height of the gussets. Only available when Gussets is selected. Separation. Specifies the spacing between skirt gussets. Availability depends on the gusset type. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the gussets. Only available when Gussets is selected.

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Chamfer Length. Specifies the chamfer length of the gussets. Only available when Gussets is selected. Offset from Rings. Specifies the gussets distance from skirt base ring outer diameter. Only available when Gussets is selected. Conditions Tab See Conditions Common Tab specifications as in Figure 21.

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4.4.3 Support Lugs The component edit form has a number of tabs as illustrates Figure 76. The edit area includes the following tabs Design, Top and Base Ring, Top and Base Plate, Pad, Gusset, Grounding Lug Bolt. Some Support Lugs configurations are shown in Figure 72 thru Figure 75.

Figure 72 Lugs with continuous ring

Figure 73 Lugs with reinforcing pad

Figure 74 Lugs with belly band

Figure 75 Lugs without plates

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AMPreVA 5.0 Design Tab

Figure 76 Support Lugs Design tab

Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the lugs in the BOM. Attach to Component. Component to which the lugs are attached to. Material. Specifies the material of the lugs. Number of Lugs. Specifies the number of lugs. Start Elevation. Specifies the elevation of the lugs support from Attach to Component. Orientation Angle. Specifies the orientation angle of the lugs support. Invert Direction. If selected, the lugs supports will be created upside-down. Plates. If selected, the support lugs will include either base and compression rings, or base and compression plates. Compression Plate. If selected, the lugs support will have a top ring. Continuous Top and Base Rings. If selected, lugs will have continuous top and base rings. If is not selected, lugs will have plates under each pair of gusset. Segmented Base Ring. If selected, the lugs base ring will be segmented. If not selected, the skirt base ring will be one single piece. Segmented Base Rings and Plates. If selected and Continuous Top and Base Rings is also selected, the lugs base ring will be made of segments and plates under the gussets. Design Factor. Specifies the design factor of the lugs support. Distance to Load. Specifies the distance to load of the lugs support. Weld Size. Specifies the weld size of the lugs support.

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Weld Size Pad. Specifies the weld size of the lugs support pad. Only applicable when Pad is selected. Base Moment. Specifies the base moment of the support lugs. Base Shear. Specifies the base shear of the support lugs. Weight. Specifies the weight of the lugs support. Top and Base Ring Tab

Figure 77 Support Lugs Top and Base Rings tab

Compression Plate. If selected, the lugs support will have a top ring. Continuous Top and Base Rings. If selected, lugs will have continuous top and base rings. If is not selected, lugs will have plates under each pair of gusset. Segmented Base Ring. If selected, the lugs base ring will be segmented. If not selected, the skirt base ring will be one single piece. Segmented Base Rings and Plates. If selected and Continuous Top and Base Rings is selected, the lugs base ring will be made of segments and plates under the gussets. Only available when Segmented Base Ring is selected. Number of Base Ring Segments. Specifies the number of segments for lugs base ring. Only available when Segmented Base Ring is selected and Segmented Base Rings and Plates is not selected. Base Ring Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the lugs base ring. Only available when Segmented Base Ring is selected. Base Ring Width. Specifies the width of the lugs base ring.

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Segmented Top Ring. If selected, lugs top ring will be segmented. Compression Plate is selected.

Only available when

Number of Top Ring Segments. Specifies the number of segments for lugs top ring. Only available when Segmented Top Ring is selected. Top Ring Segment Angle Length. Shows the angle of the ring segments. Only available when Segmented Top Ring is selected. Top and Base Plate Tab

Figure 78 Support Lugs Top and Base Plate tab

Compression Plate. If selected, the lugs support will have a top ring. Continuous Top and Base Rings. If selected, lugs will have continuous top and base rings. If is not selected, lugs will have plates under each pair of gusset. Base Plate Circumferential Width. Specifies the width of the lugs base plate. Base Plate Radial Length. Shows the distance from the shell outer diameter to the base plate outer edge. Base Plate Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the lugs base plates. Top Plate Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the lugs top plates. Top Plate Width. Specifies the width of the lugs top plates.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Pad Tab

Figure 79 Support Lugs Pad tab

Pate Type. Drop down menu with the following options: None, Pad, and Belly Band. If None is selected, the support lugs won’t have reinforcing pad; if Pad is selected, each support lug will have its own pad; if Belly Band is selected, a rolled plate will be used as a common pad for all the support lugs. Only available when Continuous Top and Base Rings is not selected. Longitudinal Length. Specifies the longitudinal length of the lugs pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Circumferential Length. Specifies the circumferential length of the lugs pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Only available when Plate Type Pad is selected. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the lugs pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Gusset Tab

Figure 80 Support Lugs Gusset tab

Material. Specifies the material of the support lugs’ gussets. Height. Specifies the height of the gussets. Number of Gussets. The available options are 1 and 2. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the gussets.

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Separation. Specifies the spacing between lugs gussets. Bottom Edge Length. Specifies the length of the gussets at bottom edge. Top Edge Length. Specifies the length of the gussets at top edge. Bottom and Top Length Offset. Specifies the gusset offset from top and bottom outer edges. Bottom and Top Chamfer Length. Specifies the gusset top and bottom chamfer length. Grounding Lug Tab

Figure 81 Support Lugs Grounding Lug tab

Grounding Lug in Gusset 1. If selected, lugs gusset 1 will have a grounding lug. Grounding Lug in Gusset 2. If selected, lugs gusset 2 will have a grounding lug. Type. There are 2 types of grounding lugs supported by the system: Lug and Angle. Only available when either Grounding Lug in Gusset 1 or Grounding Lug in Gusset 2 is selected. Orientation. Specifies the orientation of the lug plates in the gussets. Only available when either Grounding Lug in Gusset 1 or Grounding Lug in Gusset 2 is selected. Elevation. Specifies the elevation of the lug plates from gusset bottom edge. Only available when either Grounding Lug in Gusset 1 or Grounding Lug in Gusset 2 is selected. Distance from Edge. Specifies the lug plate distance from gusset inner edge. Only available when either Grounding Lug in Gusset 1 or Grounding Lug in Gusset 2 is selected. Width. Specifies the width of the grounding lugs. Only available when either Grounding Lug in Gusset 1 or Grounding Lug in Gusset 2 is selected. Height. Specifies the height of the grounding lugs. Only available when either Grounding Lug in Gusset 1 or Grounding Lug in Gusset 2 is selected.

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Depth. Specifies the depth of the grounding lugs. Only available when either Grounding Lug in Gusset 1 or Grounding Lug in Gusset 2 is selected. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the grounding lugs. Only available when either Grounding Lug in Gusset 1 or Grounding Lug in Gusset 2 is selected. Corner Radius. Specifies the corner radius of the grounding lugs. grounding lug Type Lug is selected.

Only available when

Hole Elevation. Specifies the elevation of the grounding lugs hole. Only available when either Grounding Lug in Gusset 1 or Grounding Lug in Gusset 2 is selected. Hole Diameter. The hole diameter of the grounding lugs. Only available when either Grounding Lug in Gusset 1 or Grounding Lug in Gusset 2 is selected. Bolt Tab

Figure 82 Support Lugs Bolt tab

Diameter. The diameter of the lugs bolts. Hole Root Opening. Specifies the root opening of the lugs bolt holes. Hole Diameter. The hole diameter of the lugs bolts. Hole Slotted Length. Specifies the slotted length of the lugs bolt holes. Set Bolt Circle. If selected, allows specifying the bolt circle. If not selected, allows to specify the bolt hole distance from shell. Bolt Circle. Specifies the lugs bolt circle. Only available when Set Bolt Circle is selected. Bolt Hole Distance to Shell. Specifies the lugs bolt hole distance from shell. Only available when Set Bolt Circle is not selected. Material. Specifies the material of the lugs bolts.

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4.4.4 Saddle The component edit form has a number of tabs as illustrates Figure 90. The edit area includes the following tabs Design, Saddles, Additional Floor, Grounding Lug, and Conditions. Various saddles configurations are shown in Figure 83 thru Figure 89.

Figure 83 Saddles type 1 with web plate type 1

Figure 84 Straight Saddles type 1 with Grounding Lug

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Figure 85 Saddles type 1 with web plate type 2

Figure 86 Saddles type 2

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Figure 87 Saddles type 3 Structural Angle

Figure 88 Saddles type 3 Structural T

Figure 89 Saddle type 4 standard Pipe

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AMPreVA 5.0 Design Tab

Figure 90 Saddle Design tab

Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the saddles in the BOM. Type. There are 3 types of saddles supported by the system. Material. Specifies the material of the saddle. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Elevation List. Specifies the elevation for each saddle. Height List. Specifies the height of each saddle.

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Contact Angle Based on. Allows to determinate the contact angle measurement points, whether Inside Rib Edge or Outside Rib Edge. Contact Angle List. Specifies the contact angle of the saddles. Base Plate Properties Type. There are three types of base plate supported by the system: None, Single, Double. When None is selected, there won’t be any base plate; when Single is selected, one plate per saddle will be used as base plate; when Double is selected, the base plate will be split in two sections per saddle. Availability depends on saddle type. Length. Specifies the length of the saddles base plate. Width. Specifies the width of the saddles base plate. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the saddles base plate. Extends. Specifies the saddles base plate extension out of the saddle lateral ribs. Rib Properties Lateral Ribs. If selected, saddle will include lateral ribs. Only available when Saddle Type 1 is selected. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the saddles rib plates. Rib Quantity List. Specifies the number of rib plates per the saddle. Lateral Ribs Width List. Specifies the width of the rib plates of each saddle. Intermediate Ribs Style List. Specifies the ribs style per saddle. The options are: DS (double side), NS (negative side), and PS (positive side). Available only for saddle type 1. Intermediate Ribs Spacing List. Specifies the spacing between the rib plates of each saddle. Set Equal Intermediate Ribs Spacing. Action button to equal the spacing between the saddles intermediate ribs. Web Type. There are three types supported by the system. Availability depends on the saddle type. Material. Specifies the material of the saddles web plate. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Web Plate Offset List. Specifies a distance to locate the web plate from the center of each saddle. Only available when Saddle Type 1 is selected. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the saddles web plate. Wear Plate. If selected, the saddles will include a wear plate. If not selected, the saddles will not include a wear plate. Material. Specifies the material of the saddle wear plate. Only available when Wear Plate is selected.

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Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Only available when Wear Plate is selected. Width. Specifies the width of the saddles wear plate. Only available when Wear Plate is selected. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the saddles wear plate. Only available when Wear Plate is selected. Contact Angle. Specifies the contact angle of the saddles wear plate. Only available when Wear Plate is selected. Corner Radius. Specifies the corner radius of the saddles wear plate. Only available when Wear Plate is selected. NPT Hole. If selected, the wear plate will have a NPT hole. Only available when Wear Plate is selected. Diameter. Specifies the diameter of the wear plate NPT hole. Only available when Wear Plate and NPT Hole are selected. Offset from Edge. Specifies the distance of the NPT hole from the edge of the wear plate. Only available when Wear Plate is selected. Offset from Center. Specifies the distance of the NPT hole from the center of the wear plate. Only available when Wear Plate is selected. Bolts Properties Type. Specifies the type of bolt to use. Quantity. Specifies the number of bolts for each saddle. Diameter. The diameter of the saddle bolts. Hole Root Length. Specifies the root opening of the saddle bolts hole. Hole Slotted Length. Specifies the slotted length of the saddle bolts hole. X-Y Position List. Specifies the (X, Y) bolt holes positions from base plate center. Only available when bolts Quantity greater than zero. Slotted Holes. The saddle selected will have slotted bolt holes. The not selected will have circular bolt holes. Material. Specifies the material of the saddle bolts.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Saddles Tab

Figure 91 Saddle Saddles tab

Shell Outer Diameter. Shows the saddle mounting outer diameter. Shell Thickness. Shows the saddle mounting thickness. Grounding Lug Tab

Figure 92 Saddle Grounding Lug tab

Quantity. Specifies the number of grounding lugs for the saddles. Width. Specifies the width of the saddles grounding lug. Length. Specifies the length of the saddles grounding lug. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the saddles grounding lug. Fillet Radius. Specifies the fillet radius of the saddles grounding lug.

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Elevation. Specifies the elevation of the saddles grounding lug. Only available when Same Configuration is selected. Spacing Between Lugs. Specifies the spacing between saddles grounding lugs. Only available when Same Configuration is selected. Configuration Info. Allows specifying the position for each grounding lug separately. Only available when Same Configuration is not selected. At Front Side. If selected, the grounding lugs will located at saddle front side. If not selected, they will be located in the saddle back side. Only available when either both At Web and Same Configuration are selected, or both are not selected. At Web. If selected, the grounding lugs will located in the saddle web plate. If not selected, they will be located in the lateral plates. Same Configuration. If selected, all the grounding lugs in the same saddle will have the same Elevation. Only available when At Web is selected. Holes Properties Radius. Specifies the radius of the saddles grounding lug hole. Elevation. Specifies the elevation of the saddles grounding lug hole. Foundation Tab

Figure 93 Saddle Foundation tab

Additional Floor. If selected, the saddle will include an additional floor. Type. There are 2 types of additional floors: Single and Multiple. Only available when Additional Floor is selected. Height. Specifies the height of the additional floor. Only available when Additional Floor is selected. Width Offset. Specifies the width offset of the additional floor. Only available when Additional Floor is selected. Length Offset. Specifies the length offset of the additional floor. Additional Floor is selected.

Only available when

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AMPreVA 5.0 Tubing Square Tab

Figure 94 Support Saddle Tubing Square tab

Size. Specifies the size of the saddles tube. Only available when Saddle Type 2 is selected. Vertical Tubes Spacing. Specifies the spacing between vertical tubes. Only available when Saddle Type 2 is selected. Horizontal Tube Elevation. Specifies the elevation for the horizontal tube. Only available when Saddle Type 2 is selected. Conditions Tab

Figure 95 Saddle Conditions tab

Wind Pressure. Specifies the wind pressure of the saddle. Friction Coefficient. Specifies the friction coefficient of the saddle. Weight. Specifies the weight of the saddle. Foundation Properties Weight Operation (Left). Specifies the foundation weight operation of the left saddle. Weight Operation (Right). Specifies the foundation weight operation of the right saddle. Weight Test (Left). Specifies the foundation weight test of the left saddle. Weight Test (Right). Specifies the foundation weight test of the right saddle.

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4.5 Nozzle

Figure 96 Pressure Vessel Nozzle Option

When selecting the “+Nozzle” from the toolbar, as shown in Figure 96, a component must be selected from the canvas to attach the nozzle to. 4.5.1 +Nozzle The component edit form has a number of tabs as illustrated Figure 97. The edit area includes the following tabs Design, Pad, Bevel, Connections, Flange, Flange Inside, Closure, Closure Inside, Weld, Steiner Clips, and Conditions.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Design Tab

Figure 97 Nozzle Design tab

Drawing Mark. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the nozzle in the BOM and the drawings. Service. Specifies the service of the nozzle. Remarks. Specifies some comments about the nozzle. Material. Specifies the material of the nozzle. Pipe. If selected, the nozzle pipe will be considered a seamless pipe. If not selected, the pipe will be considered as a rolled plate.

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Manway. If selected, the nozzle will be considered as manway. If not selected, it will be considered as nozzle. Attachment Type. There are 2 types of attachment types for the nozzles supported by the system: Stick Thru and Set On. Fitting Type. There are 6 types of fittings supported by the system: Nozzle, Studding Outlet, Half Coupling, Full Coupling, Half Socket Welded, and Full Socket Welded. NPS. The diameter nominal size of the nozzle. If custom is selected, user will type in OD or ID. Sch. The schedule of the nozzle. If custom is selected the user will type in thickness. Outer Diameter. The outer diameter of the nozzle pipe. Inner Diameter. The inner diameter of the nozzle pipe. Thickness. The thickness of the nozzle pipe. Orientation. For nozzles in head, there are 3 types of orientation: Radial, Perpendicular and Hillside. For nozzles in Shell, Cone, and Skirt, there are 2 types of orientation: Radial, and Offset. Orientation Angle. Specifies the angle position of the nozzles. Start Elevation. Specifies the start elevation of the nozzle. Only available for nozzles in the Shell, Transition, or skirts. Radial Distance. Specifies the distance from the center of the head to the center of the nozzle. Only available for nozzles in the Head. Offset. Specifies the nozzle offset from cylinder center line. Only available when Orientation Offset is selected. Tipping Angle Horizontal. Specifies a horizontal inclination angle for the nozzle. Only available for nozzles in Shell. Tipping Angle Vertical. Specifies a vertical inclination angle for the nozzle. Only available for nozzles in Shell. Projection Distance Mode. There are two ways to specify the nozzle projection: Projection and Outside Projection. Only available for nozzles in Shell.


Radial Projection Distance. Specifies the nozzle radial distance from tank center. available when Projection Distance Mode Radial Projection is selected.


Outside Projection Distance. Specifies the nozzle outside length from Attach to Component outer diameter. Only available when Projection Distance Mode Outside Projection is selected. Inside Projection Distance. Specifies the nozzle inside length from Attach to Component inner diameter. Length from Head Tangent Line. Specifies the distance from the tangent line of the head to the raised face of the nozzle. Only available for nozzles in Head.

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Root Opening Clearance. Specifies the root opening of the nozzle. Minimum Trim Flush Radius. Specifies the minimum radius to trim the nozzle pipe. Cut Nozzle to Attached Object Curvature. If selected, the nozzle will be cut following the Attach to Component curvature. If not selected, the nozzle will have a straight cut. Only available when Inside Projection Distance is zero. It is not available for all fitting types. Copy Parameters. Action button that allows the selection of other nozzle to take the dimensions from. Pad Tab

Figure 98 Nozzle Pad Tab

Pad. If selected, the nozzle will include a reinforcing pad. Only available when Fitting Type Studding Outlet is not selected. Material. Specifies the material of the nozzle pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the nozzle pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Width. Specifies the width of the nozzle pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Root Opening. Specifies the root opening of the nozzle pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Fine Grain. If selected, specifies a pad material fine grain. Only available when Pad is selected. Impact Tested. If selected, the pad will be impact tested. Only available when Pad is selected. Normalized. If selected, the pad will be normalized. Only available when Pad is selected. NPT Hole Properties Diameter. Specifies the diameter of the nozzle’s NPT hole. Bevel Tab See Bevel Common Tab as described in Figure 17.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Connections Tab

Figure 99 Nozzle Connections tab

Outside Connection Type. There are 3 types of outside connectors supported by the system: Elbow, Nozzle Inside, and Reducer. Inside Connection Type. There are 6 types of inside connectors supported by the system: Elbow, Vortex Breaker Type 1, Vortex Breaker Type 2, Vortex Breaker Type 3, Vortex Breaker Type 4, and Vortex Breaker Type 5. All vortex breakers are alpha release features. Gusset Type. There are 4 gusset types supported by the system: Plate at Pipe, Plate at Flange, Flat Bar at Pipe, and Flat Bar at Extension. Chordal Baffle. If selected, the nozzle will include an internal chordal baffle.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Outside Flange Tab

Figure 100 Nozzle Outside Flange tab

Base on. Defines if a flange is Standard, Custom from Standard, or Custom. Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the flange in the BOM. Remarks. Optional information or notes regarding the flange, to be display in reports and tables. Material. Specifies the material of the flange. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Nominal Size. Shows the flange nominal size.

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Rating. Specifies the flange rating (class). Face Properties Length. Specifies the length of the flange without the Raised Face Thickness. Flange OD. Specifies the outer diameter of the flange’s face. Flange Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the flange. Raised Face OD. Specifies the outer diameter of the flange’s raised face. Raised Face Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the flange’s raised face. Bolt Properties Number of Bolts. Specifies the number of bolts. Circle. Specifies the bolts circle. Hole Diameter. Specifies the bolts hole diameter. Two Hole Natural. If selected, avoids having holes in the flange vertical/horizontal reference lines. Neck Properties Neck End-1 OD. Specifies the outer diameter at the End-1 of the flange’s neck. Neck End-0 OD. Specifies the outer diameter at the End-0 of the flange’s neck. Bore Diam - ID. Specifies the inner diameter of the flange’s neck. Gasket Properties Gasket. If selected, the flange will include a gasket. Material. Specifies the material of the gasket. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Attach to Component End. Selects component end to attach the gasket. Inner Diameter. The inner diameter of the flange gasket. Only available when Gasket is selected. Outer Diameter. The outer diameter of the flange gasket. Only available when Gasket is selected. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the flange gasket. Only available when Gasket is selected. Offset Z Direction. Specifies an offset in the Z axis. Description. Comments about the flange gasket. Only available when Gasket is selected. Cover Properties

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Type. There are two cover types supported by the system: Blind and Gauge Hatch. The last type is only available for flanges not greater than size 10”. The Gauge Hatch option is an alpha release feature. Blind Weight. Specifies the weight of the flange blind. Only available when Cover Type None is not selected. Inside Flange Tab See Nozzle Outside Flange Tab. Outside Closure Tab Closure. If selected, the nozzle will include an outer cap. Only available when Flange is not selected.

Figure 101 Nozzle Outside Closure tab

Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the flange in the BOM. Material. Specifies material of the pipe cap. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Outer Diameter. Specifies the outer diameter of the pipe cap. Inner Diameter. Specifies the inner diameter of the pipe cap. Straight Section Thickness. Specifies the straight flange thickness of the pipe cap. available for Head Type Ellipsoidal, F&D, Hemi, and Torispherical.


Straight Section Length. The straight flange length of the pipe cap. Only available for Head Type Ellipsoidal, F&D, Hemi, and Torispherical. Inside Closure See Nozzle Outside Closure Tab.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Steiner Clips Tab

Figure 102 Nozzle Steiner Clips tab

Angle Clockwise Direction. If selected, steiner clip orientation will be applied following the hands of a clock rotate. If not selected, steiner clip orientation will be applied counterclockwise. Quantity. The number of steiner clips in the nozzle. Type. There are 2 types of steiner clips supported by the system: Plate and Angle. Orientation Angle List. Specifies the angle position for each steiner clip. Only available when Quantity is greater than zero. Offset from Nozzle Top Edge. Specifies the steiner clip offset from nozzle top edge. Steiner Properties Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the steiner clip. Height. Specifies the height of the steiner clip. Width. Specifies the width of the steiner clip. Holes Properties Diameter. The steiner clips hole diameter. Offset from Inner Edge. The offset from steiner clip inner edge to hole center line. Offset from Top Edge. The offset from steiner clip top edge to hole center line.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Weld and Edge Preparation Tab

Figure 103 Nozzle Weld and Edge Preparation tab

Type. There are several attachment types for nozzles. Upper Groove Weld Pad. Specifies the groove weld for pad to the Attach to Component. Only applies when Pad is selected. Lower Groove Weld Shell. Specifies the groove weld for Attach to Component to the nozzle. Inner Fillet Weld A41. Specifies the outside fillet weld for nozzle to the Attach to Component, it could be the pad. Outer Fillet Weld A42. Specifies the fillet weld for pad to the Attach to Component. Only applies when Pad is selected. Lower Fillet Weld A43. Specifies the inside fillet weld for nozzle to the Attach to Component.

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Edge Preparation Chamfer Angle. Specifies the angle for the chamfer. Chamfer Land Length. Specifies the land length for the chamfer. Flange Weld Type. Specifies the type of attachment for the flange. Upper Fillet. Specifies the upper fillet size. Lower Fillet. Specifies the lower fillet size. Conditions Tab See Conditions Common Tab specifications as in Figure 21.

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4.6 Rings When the “Rings” button is selected the second row will show the various rings options that can be added. Once a button is selected from the second row, the system will expect the user to select a component from the canvas area for attaching the ring. The tabs in the work area provide the user the various options for setting the ring features and properties. The various ring types are shown in Figure 105 thru Figure 111.

Figure 104 Pressure Vessel Rings Option

+Ring 1. Various styles can be selected including Flat Bar, Angle, I-beam, T-beam, C-beam, and Y-beam. Options are provided to allow the specification of the attachment at the outside or the inside of the component. Ring 1 can be attached to a cylinder, a head, a transition, or a skirt. Not all shapes may be available for attaching on the different components. +Insulation 1. Available only for heads. This is commonly used for insulation support. +Insulation 2. Available only for heads. This can be used for insulation support or structural stiffener. +Insulation 3. Available only for heads. This is commonly used for insulation support. +Insulation 4. Available for cylinders, skirts, and heads. This is commonly used for insulation support. +Insulation 5. Available only for heads. This is commonly used for insulation support.

Figure 105 Ring 1 Angle type attached to a cylinder

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Figure 106 Ring 1 Y Beam type attached to a head

Figure 107 Insulation 1 attached to a head

Figure 108 Insulation 2 attached to a head

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Figure 109 Insulation 3 attached to a head

Figure 110 Insulation 4 attached to a cylinder

Figure 111 Insulation 5 attached to a head

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4.7 Appurtenances When the appurtenances button is selected the second row of the toolbar will update to show the various components available for adding. Once a button is selected from the second row, a component should be selected from the canvas to attach to. The tabs in the work area are updated to provide setting the features and properties of component being added.

Figure 112 Pressure Vessel Appurtenances Option

The available components to add are: Lift Lug +Clip Type 1 +Clip Type 2 +Vibrator Mount C-Channel +Vibrator Mount T-Beam +Shell Rung +Head Rung +Baffle Type 1 +Baffle Type 2 Strainer Basket

Some of these components are in test version. They will be updated and enhanced in future releases. The GUI details will be updated in future releases. The attachment of these components is shown in Figure 113 thru Figure 120.

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Figure 113 Clip 1 examples on Cylinders and Heads

Figure 114 Clip 2 examples on Cylinders and Heads

Figure 115 Clip 3 on Cylinder

Figure 116 Lifting Lug on a head

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Figure 117 Mount on a shell Cylinder

Figure 118 Shell Rungs on the Inside & Outside of Cylinder

Figure 119 Rung type 1 inside a head

Figure 120 Rung type 2 inside a head

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4.7.1 Lift Lug Design Tab

Figure 121 Lift Lug Design tab

Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the lift lug in the BOM. Attach to Component. Component to which the lift lug is attached to. Lug Type. There are five types of lift lug: Tail, Ear Simple, Ear, Fixed Trunnion, and Trunnion Trunnion. The availability of the types depends on the component it is attached to. Elevation from. Specifies the side of the component to be attached.

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Offset. The distance of the lift lug edge till the selected side on Elevation from. Position Angle. Specifies the angle position of the lift lug. Lug Properties Material. Specifies the material of the lift lug. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Length. Specifies the length of the lug from the weld till the center of the hole. Availability depends on the lift lug type selected. Straight Height. Specifies the length of the straight section without the weld. Availability depends on the lift lug type selected. Weld Length. Specifies the length of the lug to be welded. Availability depends on the lift lug type selected. Width. Specifies the width of the lug. Availability depends on the lift lug type selected. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the thickness. Weld Size. Specifies the size of the weld. Lower Corner Radius. Specifies the radius of the lug lower corner. Availability depends on the lift lug type selected. Upper Corner Radius. Specifies the radius of the lug upper corner. Availability depends on the lift lug type selected. View Lifting Lug Types. Action button to display the different lift lug types. Copy Parameters. Action button that allows the selection of other lift lug to take the dimensions from. Hole Properties Diameter. Specifies the diameter of the lift lug hole. Availability depends on the lift lug type selected. Height from Base. Specifies the distance from the lug base till the center of the hole. Availability depends on the lift lug type selected. Offset from Center Line. Specifies the distance from the center of the lug till the center of the hole. Availability depends on the lift lug type selected. NPT Hole Properties NPT Hole. If selected, the lift lug will have a NPT hole. Availability depends on the lift lug type selected. Diameter. Specifies the diameter of the lift lug NPT hole. Only available when NPT Hole is selected.

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Offset from Bottom Lug. Specifies the distance of the NPT hole from the bottom of the lift lug. Only available when NPT Hole is selected. Offset from Center Lug. Specifies the distance of the NPT hole from the center of the lift lug. Only available when NPT Hole is selected. Pad Tab

Figure 122 Lift Lug Pad tab

Pad. If selected, the lift lug will have a reinforcing pad. Material. Specifies the material of the lift lug pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Only available when Pad is selected. Length (Longitudinal). Specifies the longitudinal length of the lift lug. Only available when Pad is selected. Width (Circumferential). Specifies the circumferential length of the lift lug. Only available when Pad is selected. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the reinforcing pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Lower Offset from Lug. Specifies the reinforcing pad offset out from the bottom edge of the lift lug. Only available when Pad is selected. Weld Size. Specifies the weld size for the reinforcing pad. Only available when Pad is selected. NPT Hole Properties NPT Hole. If selected, the lift lug pad will have a NPT hole. Only available when Pad is selected. Diameter. Specifies the diameter of the pad NPT hole. Only available when Pad and NPT Hole are selected. Offset from Bottom Pad. Specifies the distance of the NPT hole from the bottom of the reinforcing pad. Only available when Pad is selected and NPT Hole are selected.

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Offset from Center Pad. Specifies the distance of the NPT hole from the bottom of the reinforcing pad. Only available when Pad is selected and NPT Hole are selected. 4.7.2 + Clip Type 1 Design Tab

Figure 123 Clip Type 1 Design tab

Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the clip type 1 in the BOM. Angle Clockwise Direction. If selected, clip type 1 orientation will be applied following the hands of a clock rotate. If not selected, clip type 1orientation will be applied counterclockwise. Position Angle. Specifies the angle position of the clip type 1.

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Radial Distance. Specifies the distance from the center of the head to the center of the clip type 1. Only available when clip is attached to the Head. Start Elevation. Specifies the start elevation of the clip type 1. Only available when clip is not attached to the Head. Direction. It can be defined whether as Parallel to Axis or Ortho to Axis. Material. Specifies the material of the clip type 1. Density. Specifies the density of the selected material. Style. It can be defined whether as Single or Double. Spacing. Specifies the distance between clips of type 1 when Style is Double. Direction Normal to Head. If selected, the clip type 1 will be pointing perpendicularly to the head; if not selected, the clip type 1 will follow the curvature of the head. Start Elevation in Straight Flange. Takes the elevation of the clip type 1 in reference of the edge of the head at the straight flange. Only available when attached to a head, and Radial Distance is equal to half of the head’s outer diameter. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the clip type 1. Height to Center Hole. Specifies the height of the clip type 1 from the bottom edge till the center of the hole. Nose Radius. Specifies the radius of the nose for the clip type 1. Left Width. Specifies the width on the left side for the clip type 1. Right Width. Specifies the width of the right side for the clip type 1. Left Chamfer. Specifies the length of the chamfer on its left side for the clip type 1. Right Chamfer. Specifies the length of the chamfer on its right side for the clip type 1. Weld Size. Specifies the size of the weld for the clip type 1. Left Chamfer Cut. If selected, the clip type 1 could have a cut in its left side. Left Angle. Specifies the chamfer angle to be cut in its left side. Only available when Left Chamfer Cut is selected. Right Chamfer Cut. If selected, the clip type 1 could have a cut in its right side. Right Angle. Specifies the chamfer angle to be cut in its right side. Only available when Right Chamfer Cut is selected. Round Edge. If selected the nose of the clip type 1 will be round; if not selected, the nose of the clip type will be straight. Upper Width. Specifies the length of the straight nose for the clip type 1. Only available when Round Edge is not selected.

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Copy Parameters. Action button that allows the selection of other clip of type 1 to take the dimensions from. Holes Properties Type. Specifies the type of hole for the clip type 1. Options are: None, Circular, and Slotted. Quantity. Specifies the number of holes in the clip type 1; options are 1 and two. Only available when Type is not None. Spacing. Specifies the distance between the holes, from outer diameter to outer diameter. Only available when Type is not None and Quantity is 2. Arrangement Orientation. Specifies the way to locate the clip type 1 holes; the options are Vertical and Horizontal. Only available when Type is not None and Quantity is 2, or when Type is Slotted. Radius. Specifies the radius of the hole. Only available when Type is not None. Slotted Length. Specifies the slotted length of the hole. Only available when Type is Slotted. Pad and Support Tab

Figure 124 Clip Type 1 Pad and Support tab

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Pad. If selected, the clip type 1 will have a reinforcing pad. Material. Specifies the material of the clip type 1. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Width Offset. Specifies the extra length the reinforcing pad will have on each side along the clip type 1. Length Offset. Specifies the extra length the reinforcing pad will have on each side across the clip type 1. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the reinforcing pad. Fillet Radius. Specifies the fillet radius of the reinforcing pad. Weld Size. Specifies the weld size of the reinforcing pad. NPT Hole Properties NPT Hole. If selected, the reinforcing pad will include a NPT hole. Diameter. Specifies the diameter of the NPT hole of the reinforcing pad. Only available when NPT Hole is selected. Support Plates Properties Support Plate. There are 6 types of Support Plate supported for the clip type 1: None, Left, Right, Double, Double Left, and Double Right. Material. Specifies the material of the support plate. Only available when Support Plate is not None. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Only available when Support Plate is not None. Offset. Specifies the distance the support plate will be located out of the center of the clip type 1. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the support plate. Only available when Support Plate is not None. Length. Specifies the length of the support plate. Only available when Support Plate is not None. Up Width. Specifies the width of the support plate in the upper part of the plate. Only available when Support Plate is not None. Width. Specifies the width of the support plate in the lower part of the plate. Only available when Support Plate is not None.

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4.7.3 + Clip Type 2 Design Tab

Figure 125 Clip Type 2 Design tab

Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the clip type 2 in the BOM. Angle Clockwise Direction. If selected, clip type 2 orientation will be applied following the hands of a clock rotate. If not selected, clip type 1orientation will be applied counterclockwise. Position Angle. Specifies the angle position of the clip type 2.

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Radial Distance. Specifies the distance from the center of the head to the center of the clip type 2. Only available when clip is attached to the Head. Start Elevation. Specifies the start elevation of the clip type 2. Only available when clip is not attached to the Head. Direction. It can be defined whether as Parallel to Axis or Ortho to Axis. Shape. There are three shapes available for the clip type 2. Material. Specifies the material for the clip type 2. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Style. Specifies the style of the clip type 2, whether Single or Double. Spacing. Specifies the spacing between lugs. Only available when Style Double is selected. Direction Normal to Head. If selected, the clip type 2 will be pointing perpendicularly to the head; if not selected, the clip type 2 will follow the curvature of the head. Start Elevation in Straight Flange. Takes the elevation of the clip type 2 in reference of the edge of the head at the straight flange. Only available when attached to a head, and Radial Distance is equal to half of the head’s outer diameter. Radial Left Top. Specifies the length of the clip type 2 at the upper left side. Left Down. Specifies the length of the clip type 2 at the lower left side. Width Down. Specifies the width of the clip type 2 at lower edge. Width Top. Specifies the width of the clip type 2 at upper edge. Right Top. Specifies the length of the clip type 2 at the upper right side. Right Down. Specifies the length of the clip type 2 at the lower right side. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the clip type 2. Weld Size. Specifies the weld size of the clip type 2. Copy Parameters. Action button that allows the selection of other clip of type 2 to take the dimensions from. Holes Properties Type. Specifies the type of hole, either None or Circular or Slotted. Horizontal Displacement. Specifies the distance from the center of the hole to the center of the clip type 2. Only available when Type is not None. Vertical Displacement. Specifies the distance from the center of the hole to the bottom edge of the clip type 2. Only available when Type is not None. Info. Specifies the required information to locate the holes in the clip type 2. Only available when Type is not None.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Pad and Support Tab

Figure 126 Clip Type 2 Pad and Support tab

Pad. If selected, the clip type 2 will have a reinforcing pad. Material. Specifies the material of the clip type 2. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Width Offset. Specifies the extra length the reinforcing pad will have on each side along the clip type 2. Length Offset. Specifies the extra length the reinforcing pad will have on each side across the clip type 2. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the reinforcing pad. Fillet Radius. Specifies the fillet radius of the reinforcing pad. Weld Size. Specifies the weld size of the reinforcing pad. NPT Hole Properties NPT Hole. If selected, the reinforcing pad will include a NPT hole.

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Diameter. Specifies the diameter of the NPT hole of the reinforcing pad. Only available when NPT Hole is selected. Support Plates Properties Support Plate. There are 6 types of Support Plate supported for the clip type 2: None, Left, Right, Double, Double Left, and Double Right. Material. Specifies the material of the support plate. Only available when Support Plate is not None. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Only available when Support Plate is not None. Offset. Specifies the distance the support plate will be located out of the center of the clip type 2. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the support plate. Only available when Support Plate is not None. Length. Specifies the length of the support plate. Only available when Support Plate is not None. Up Width. Specifies the width of the support plate in the upper part of the plate. Only available when Support Plate is not None. Width. Specifies the width of the support plate in the lower part of the plate. Only available when Support Plate is not None.

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4.7.4 + Vibrator Mount C-Channel Design Tab

Figure 127 Vibrator Mount C-Channel Design Tab

Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the vibrator mount in the BOM. Material. Specifies the material of the vibrator mount. Density. Specifies the density of the selected material. Position Angle. Specifies the angle position of the vibrator mount. Radial Distance. Specifies the distance from the center of the head to the center of the vibrator mount. Available only when it is attached to a Head.

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Start Elevation. Specifies the start elevation of the vibrator mount. Available only when it is not attached to a Head. Rotation Type. Specifies the way to orient the c-channel beam. There are three styles. Available only when it is attached to a Head. Position Type. Specifies the way to attach the c-channel beam. There are four styles. Description. Specifies the size of the c-channel beam. Radius Arc. Specifies the radius arc of the c-channel beam. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the c-channel beam. Length. Specifies the length of the c-channel beam. Location. Specifies the location of the t-beam, it could be either internal or external. Only available when it is not attached to a Head. Copy Parameters. Action button that allows the selection of other vibrator mount of type cchannel to take the dimensions from. Hole Properties Type. Specifies the type of hole, there are three options: None, Circular and Slotted. Diameter. Specifies the diameter of the c-channel beam. Available only when Type None is not selected. Slotted Length. Specifies the length of the slotted hole. Available only when Type Slotted is selected. Elevation List. Specifies the elevation for each hole in the beam. Available only when Type None is not selected.

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4.7.5 + Vibrator Mount T-Beam Design Tab

Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the vibrator mount in the BOM. Material. Specifies the material of the vibrator mount. Density. Specifies the density of the vibrator mount. Position Angle. Specifies the angle position of the vibrator mount. Start Elevation. Specifies the start elevation of the vibrator mount. Available only when it is not attached to a Head. Position Type. Specifies the way to attach the t-beam. There are four styles. Description. Specifies the size of the t-beam. Location. Specifies the location of the t-beam, it could be either internal or external. Length. Specifies the length of the t-beam.

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4.7.6 + Shell Rung Design Tab

Figure 128 Shell Rung Design tab

Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the shell rung in the BOM. Material. Specifies the material of the shell rung. Density. Specifies the density of the selected material. Quantity. Specifies the number of shell rungs for the group. Rung to Rung Distance. Specifies the spacing in distance between rungs, from center to center. Only available when Group Orientation is Longitudinal.

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Rung to Rung Distance (Angle). Specifies the spacing in angle between rings, from center to center. Only available when Group Orientation is Circumferential. Elevation from. Specifies the side of the component to start counting the elevation. Offset. Specifies the distance from the edge selected in Elevation from till the center of the first rung in the group. Position Angle. Specifies the angle location of the group of shell rungs. Location. Specifies the location of the group of shell rungs, it could be either internal or external. Type. There are two type of shell rungs supported: Type I, and Type II. Group Orientation. There are two orientation supported for the shell rungs: Longitudinal, and Circumferential. Angle Clockwise Direction. If selected, shell rungs group orientation will be applied following the hands of a clock rotate. If not selected, shell rungs group orientation will be applied counterclockwise. Copy Parameters. dimensions from.

Action button that allows the selection of other shell rung to take the

Rung Properties Width. Specifies the width of the shell rung. Height. Specifies the height of the shell rung. Depth. Specifies the depth of the shell rung. Only available when Type II. Diameter. Specifies the diameter of the shell rung. Corner Radius. Specifies the corner radius of the shell rung.

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4.7.7 + Head Rung Design Tab

Figure 129 Head Rung Design tab

Material. Specifies the material of the head rung. Density. Specifies the density of the selected material. Type. There are two types of head rung supported: Type I, and Type II. Orientation. There are three types of orientation available for the head rung: Perpendicular, and Hillside.


Position Angle. Specifies the angle location of the head rung. Location. Specifies the location of the head rung, it could be either internal or external.

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Diameter. Specifies the diameter of the head rung. Corner Radius. Specifies the corner radius of the head rung. Width. Specifies the width of the head rung. Height. Specifies the height of the head l rung. Depth. Specifies the depth of the head rung. Only available when Type II. Copy Parameters. dimensions from.

Action button that allows the selection of other head rung to take the

4.7.8 + Triangular Baffle Design Tab

Figure 130 Triangular Baffle Design tab

Description. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the baffle in the BOM. Orientation Angle. Specifies the angle position of the baffle. Baffle properties Type. There are 2 types of triangular baffles supported by the system: Triangular and Simple. Start Distance from Top. Specifies the baffle start distance from cylinder top edge. Start Distance from Bottom. Specifies the baffle start distance from cylinder bottom edge.

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Width. Specifies the width of the baffle. Only available when Baffle Type Triangular is selected. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the baffle. Distance from Shell. Specifies the baffle distance from shell inner diameter. Only available when Baffle Type Simple is selected. Distance from Support Plate. Specifies the baffle distance from support plate. Only available when Baffle Type Simple is selected. Material. Specifies the material of the baffle. Triangular Plates Properties Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the baffle triangular plates. Only available when Baffle Type Triangular is selected. Material. Specifies the material of the baffle triangular plates. Only available when Baffle Type Triangular is selected. Support Plates Properties Supports. When selected the baffle is supported to plates; when it’s not selected, the baffle is directly attached to the shell. Only available when Baffle Type Simple is selected. Quantity. Specifies the number of baffle support plates. Length. Specifies the length of the baffle support plates. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the support plates. External Width. Specifies the external width of the baffle support plates. Internal Width. Specifies the internal width of the baffle support plates. Material. Specifies the material of the baffle support plates. Top and Bottom Dist from Baffle. Specifies the distance from baffle to top and bottom. Internal Plates Properties Quantity. Specifies the number of baffle internal plates. Only available when Baffle Type Triangular is selected. Width. Specifies the width of the baffle internal plates. Only available when Baffle Type Triangular is selected. Height. Specifies the height of the baffle internal plates. Only available when Baffle Type Triangular is selected. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the baffle internal plates. Only available when Baffle Type Triangular is selected. Material. Specifies the material of the baffle internal plates. Only available when Baffle Type Triangular is selected.

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4.7.9 + Tube Steel Baffle Design Tab

Figure 131 Tube Steel Baffle Design tab

Type. There are 2 types of steel baffles supported by the system: Tube Simple and Tube Triangular. Description. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the baffle in the BOM. Orientation Angle. Specifies the angle position of the baffle. Base Tube Properties Type. There are 2 types of steel baffle bases supported by the system: Tube Steel and Square Steel. Nominal Size. Specifies the nominal size of the base tube. Quantity. Specifies the number of base tubes. Length. Specifies the length of the base tube. Offset from Bottom Base Plate. Specifies the tube offset from bottom base plate. Offset from Top Base Plate. Specifies the tube offset from top base plate.

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Material. Specifies the material of the base tube. Bracing Tube Properties Inclination Angle. Specifies the inclination angle of the bracing tube. Only available when Type Tube Triangular is selected. Offset from Base Tube. Specifies the bracing tube offset from base tube. Only available when Type Tube Triangular is selected. Base Plate Properties Bottom Elevation. Specifies the bottom elevation of the base plate. Distance from Top. Specifies the base plate distance from top edge. Start Offset form Tube. Specifies the base plate offset from tube. End Offset from Tube. Specifies the base plate offset from tube. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the base plate. Material. Specifies the material of the base plate. Plate Lateral Properties Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the lateral plate. Material. Specifies the material of the lateral plate.

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4.7.10 Strainer Basket Design Tab

Figure 132 Strainer Basket Design tab

Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the strainer basket in the BOM. Start Elevation. Specifies the start elevation of the strainer basket. Orientation Angle. Specifies the angle position of the strainer basket. Type. There are three types of strainer basket supported by the system: Style 1, Style 2, and Style 3.

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Basket Properties Material. Specifies the material of the strainer basket. Density. Specifies the density of the selected material. Outer Diameter 1. Specifies the outer diameter of the strainer basket. Outer Diameter 2. Specifies the outer diameter for the lower section of the strainer basket. Only available when Type is Style 2. Height 1. Specifies the height of the strainer basket. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the strainer basket. Base Plate Properties Material. Specifies the material of the strainer basket base plate. Density. Specifies the density of the selected material. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the strainer basket base plate. Cover Plate Properties Center Hole. If selected, the strainer basket cover plate will have a hole. Material. Specifies the material of the strainer basket cover plate. Density. Specifies the density of the selected material. Outer Diameter. Specifies the outer diameter of the strainer basket cover plate. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the strainer basket cover plate. Bolt Holes. If selected, the strainer basket cover plate will have bolt holes. Quantity. Specifies the number of holes for the strainer basket cover plate. Diameter. Specifies the diameter of the holes for the strainer basket cover plate. Bolt Circle. Specifies the bolt circle of the holes for the strainer basket cover plate. Staggered Holes Properties Diameter. Specifies the diameter of the staggered holes for the strainer basket. Center to Center Distance. Specifies the distance between the staggered holes from center to center. Holes at Base Plate. If selected, it will indicate the strainer basket base plate will include staggered holes.

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4.8 Access When the access button is selected the second row of the toolbar will update to show the various components available for adding. Once a button is selected from the second row, a component should be selected from the canvas to attach to. The tabs in the work area are updated to provide setting the features and properties of component being added.

Figure 133 Pressure Vessel Access Option

The available components to add are: +Manway +Access +Elliptical Ring 4.8.1 +Manway They are added through the same procedure as adding nozzles. The edit area includes the following tabs Design, Pad, Bevel, Cover Plate/Flange, Rod, Weld, and Conditions.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Design Tab

Figure 134 Manway Design tab

Drawing Mark. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the manway in the BOM and the drawings. Service. Description of the manway service. Remarks. Comments about the manway. Material. Specifies the material of the manway. Pipe. If selected, the nozzle pipe will be considered a seamless pipe. If not selected, the pipe will be considered as a rolled plate.

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Manway. If selected, the nozzle will be considered as manway. If not selected, it will be considered as nozzle. Attachment Type. There are 2 types of attachment types for the manway supported by the system: Stick Thru and Set On. NPS & SCH. Specifies the nominal pipe size and the schedule of the manway. Outer Diameter. The outer diameter of the manway. Inner Diameter. The inner diameter of the nozzle pipe. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the manway. Orientation. For manways in head, there are 3 types of orientation: Radial, Perpendicular and Hillside. For manways in Shell, there are 2 types of orientation: Radial, and Offset. Orientation Angle. Specifies the angle position of the manway. Start Elevation. Specifies the start elevation of the manway. Offset. Specifies the manway offset from cylinder center line. Only available when Orientation Offset is selected. Pad. If selected, the manway will include a reinforcing pad. Projection Distance Mode. There are two ways to specify the manway projection: Radial Projection and Outside Projection. Only available for nozzles in Shell. Radial Projection Distance. Specifies the manway radial distance from tank center. Outside Projection Distance. Specifies the manway outside length from Attach to Component outer diameter. Inside Projection Distance. Specifies the manway inside length from Attach to Component inner diameter. Root Opening Clearance. Specifies the root opening of the manway. Minimum Trim Flush Radius. Specifies the minimum radius to trim the manway. Cut Nozzle to Attached Object Curvature. If selected, the manway will be cut following the Attach to Component curvature. If not selected, the manway will have a straight cut. Pad Tab See Nozzles Pad Tab. Bevel Tab See Bevel Common Tab specifications as in Figure 17.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Cover Plate / Flange Tab

Figure 135 Manway Cover Plate / Flange tab

Cover Plate Properties Material. Specifies the material of the manway cover plate. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the manway cover plate. Outer Diameter. The outer diameter of the cover plate. Bolting Flange Properties Material. Specifies the material of the flange or hinge of the manway. Thickness. Shows the thickness of the manway flange. Type. Specifies the flange type. Only available when Hinge Type Davit is selected. Code. Specifies the flange code. Only available when Hinge Type Davit is selected. Class. Specifies the flange class. Only available when Hinge Type Davit is selected. Hinge Type. There are 3 types of hinges for the manway available in the system: Davit, Hinge, and Wing. Type of Wing is only available for sizes greater than 20”. Position Angle. The hinge orientation angle. Pipe Nominal Size. The hinge pipe nominal size. Only available when Hinge Type Wing.

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Pipe Schedule. The hinge pipe schedule. Only available when Hinge Type Wing. Special Pipe Thickness. The hinge pipe special thickness. Only available when Hinge Type Wing. Center Pipe to Edge Pipes Gap. The gap distance from the center pipe. Only available when Hinge Type Wing. Length. Specifies the length of the hinge. Only available when either Hinge Type Hinge or Davit. Height. Specifies the height of the hinge. Only available when either Hinge Type Hinge or Davit. Pipe Thickness. Specifies the pipe thickness of the hinge. Only available when either Hinge Type Hinge or Davit. Pipe Diameter. The diameter of the hinge pipe. Only available when Hinge Type Hinge. Pipe Root Opening. The root opening for the davit pipe of the manway. Gasket Properties Material. Specifies the material of the manway gasket. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the manway gasket. Outer Diameter. Specifies the outer diameter of the gasket. Inner Diameter. Specifies the inner diameter of the gasket. Bolts Properties Two Holes Natural. If selected, avoids having holes in the flange vertical/horizontal reference lines. Double Nut. If selected, the bolting type will consist in a stud and two nuts, if not selected, the bolting will consist in one bolt and one nut. Material. Specifies the material of the manway bolt. Circle Diameter. Specifies the bolt circle diameter of the manway. Diameter. The diameter of the manway bolt. Length. Specifies the length of the manway bolt. Nut Length. Specifies the length of the manway nut.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Handles / Rod Tab

Figure 136 Manway Rod tab

Rod Properties Rod. When selected, Manway cover will have rod(s). Diameter. The diameter of the rod. Height. Specifies the height of the rod. Length. Specifies the length of the rod. Corner Radius. Specifies the corner radius of the rod. Hanger Info. Specifies the position and angle information of the rod. Lug Properties Lug. When selected Manway cover will have a lug plate. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the lug. Width. Specifies the width of the lug. Height. Specifies the height of the lug. Corner Radius. Specifies the corner radius of the lug. Hole Center Elevation. Specifies the elevation of the lug hole at center line. Hole Diameter. The diameter of the lug hole. Position Info. Specifies the angle position of the lug. Socket Properties Material. Specifies the material of the socket plate. Height. Specifies the height of the socket plate. Width. Specifies the width socket plate. Length. Specifies the length of the socket plate. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the socket plate.

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Offset from Center. Specifies the socket plate offset. Only available when Davit Type Bend Corner with Hole is selected. Hole Root Opening. The root opening for the socket hole. Washer Properties (only available when Davit Type Wing) Material. Specifies the material of the washer. Outer Diameter. The outer diameter of the washer. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the washer. Offset from Round Bar. Specifies the washer offset from the round bar. Davit Arm Tab

Figure 137 Manway Davit Angle tab

Brace Bar. If selected, the davit will include a brace. Davit Type. There are 4 types of davit supported by the system: Bend Corner, Square Corner, Bend Corner with Hole, and Bend Corner with Pad. Davit Angle Material. Specifies the material of the davit angle. Davit Inclination Angle. Specifies the inclination angle of the davit angle.

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Angle Length. Specifies the length of the davit angle. Angle Height. Specifies the height of the davit angle. Davit Angle Pad Length. Specifies the pad length of the davit angle. Only available when Davit Type Bend Corner with Pad is selected. Davit Angle Cut Length. Specifies the cut length of the davit angle. Only available when Davit Type Bend Corner with Hole is selected. Brace Bar Material. Specifies the material of the brace bar. Only available when either Davit Type Bend Corner or Square Corner is selected, and Brace Bar is selected. Brace Bar Width. Specifies the width of the brace bar. Only available when either Davit Type Bend Corner or Square Corner is selected, and Brace Bar is selected. Pipe Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the pipe. Shackle Material. Specifies the material of the shackle. Only available when either Davit Type Bend Corner or Square Corner is selected. Eye-Bolt Material. Specifies the material of the eye bolt. Cap Plate Material. Specifies the material of the cap plate. Only available when either Davit Type Bend Corner or Square Corner is selected. Grease Fitting Material. Specifies the material of the grease fitting. Only available when either Davit Type Bend Corner, Square Corner or Bend Corner with Hole is selected. Sleeve Extra Height Offset. Specifies the extra height offset of the sleeve. Only available when either Davit Type Bend Corner or Square Corner is selected. Stop Plate / Pipe Material. Specifies the material of the stop plate/pipe. Stop Plate Root Opening. Specifies the root opening of the stop plate. Only available when Stop Plate Type of Plate is selected. Stop Plate Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the stop plate. Only available when Stop Plate Type of Plate is selected. Stop Pipe Cap Nominal Size. Specifies the nominal size of the stop pipe cap. Only available when Stop Plate Type Pipe Cap is selected. Stop Plate Washer Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the stop plate washer. Only available when either Davit Type Bend Corner with Hole or Bend Corner with Pad is selected. Pipe Nominal Size. Specifies the nominal size of the pipe. Only available when either Davit Type Bend Corner or Square Corner is selected. Elbow Radius. Specifies the elbow radius. Angle Extra Length. Specifies the extra length of the angle.

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Angle Extra Height. Specifies the extra height of the angle. Only available when either Davit Type Bend Corner with Hole or Bend Corner with Pad is selected. Davit Angle Pad Thickness. Specifies the pad thickness of the davit angle. Only available when Davit Type Bend Corner with Pad is selected. Davit Angle Cut Height. Specifies the cut height of the davit angle. Only available when Davit Type Bend Corner with Hole is selected. Distance from Corner. Specifies the brace bar distance from corner. Only available when either Davit Type Bend Corner or Square Corner is selected, and Brace Bar is selected. Brace Bar Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the brace bar. Only available when either Davit Type Bend Corner or Square Corner is selected, and Brace Bar is selected. Pipe Schedule. Specifies the pipe schedule. Shackle Nominal Size. Specifies the nominal size of the shackle. Only available when either Davit Type Bend Corner or Square Corner is selected. Eye-Bolt Nominal Size. Specifies the nominal size of the eye bolt. Cap Plate Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the cap plate. Only available when either Davit Type Bend Corner or Square Corner is selected. Grease Fitting Nominal Size. Specifies the nominal size of the grease fitting. Only available when either Davit Type Bend Corner or Square Corner is selected. Stop Plate Type. Specifies the stop plate type, either Plate or Pipe Cap. Only available when either Davit Type Bend Corner or Square Corner is selected. Stop Plate Outer Diameter. The stop plate outer diameter. Only available when Stop Plate Type of Plate is selected. Stop Pipe Cap Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the stop pipe cap. Only available when Stop Plate Type Pipe Cap is selected. Stop Plate Washer Material. Specifies the material of the stop plate washer. Only available when either Davit Type Bend Corner, Square Corner or Bend Corner with Pad is selected. Weld and Edge Preparation Tab See Nozzle Weld and Edge Preparation Tab. Conditions Tab See Conditions Common Tab specifications as in Figure 21.

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4.8.2 +Access Access can be added to Skirts, Transition Shells, Cylinders, and Heads. Various Access styles are shown in thru. Design Tab

Figure 138 Access Design tab

Drawing Mark. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the access in the BOM and the drawings. Description. Description of the cone access service. Orientation. There are 3 types of orientation: Radial, Perpendicular and Hillside. Availability depends on the component where the access is attached to. Position Angle. Specifies the angle position of the access. Radial Distance. Specifies the radial distance of the access. Only available for access in heads.

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Select Nozzle for Start Elevation. Button action that allow the selection of a nozzle to calculate automatically the elevation for the access. It is also a type in entry to specify a particular elevation. Not available for access on heads. Offset. Specifies the access offset from center line. Only available when Orientation Offset is selected. Tipping Angle Horizontal. Specifies a horizontal inclination angle for the access. Tipping Angle Vertical. Specifies a vertical inclination angle for the access. Root Opening. Specifies the root opening of the access. Not available when Plate Around Hole is not selected. Straight Height. Specifies the straight height of the access. Not available when Circular Access is selected. Width. Specifies the width of the access. Not available when Circular Access is selected. Upper Radius. Specifies the upper radius of the access. Not available when Circular Access is selected. Lower Radius. Specifies the lower radius of the access. Not available when Circular Access is selected. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the access. Only available when Plate Around is selected and Circular Access is not selected. Outside Projection Distance. Specifies the outside projection of the access. Only available when Plate Around Hole is selected. Inside Projection Distance. Specifies the inside projection of the access. Only available when Plate Around Hole is selected. Material. Specifies the material of the access. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Plate Around. If selected, the access will have plates. If not, the access will not include plates. Circular Access. If selected, the access will be a circle. Pipe. When Plate Around is selected and Pipe is selected, the access plate will be considered a seamless pipe. If not selected, the access will be considered as a rolled plate. When Plate Around is not selected the access dimensions can be specified as a pipe. Only available when Circular Access is selected. Nominal Size. Specifies the access nominal size. Only available when Pipe is selected. Special Outer Diameter. Specifies the access special outer diameter. Only available when Pipe is selected. Schedule. Specifies the access plate schedule. Only available when Pipe and Plate Around are selected.

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Special Thickness. Specifies the access special thickness. Only available when Pipe and Plate Around are selected. Outer Diameter. The outer diameter of the access. Valid only when Plate Around is selected. Nominal Thickness. The thickness of the access. Valid only when Plate Around is selected. Pad. If selected an external pad will be added. Only available when Plate Around and Circular Access are selected. Material. Specifies the material of the access external pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Only available when Pad is selected. Width. Specifies the width of the access external pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the access external pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Root Opening. Specifies the opening of the access external pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Fine Grain. If selected, specifies an external pad material fine grain. Only available when Pad is selected. Impact Tested. If selected, the external pad will be impact tested. Only available when Pad is selected. Normalized. If selected, the external pad will be normalized. Only available when Pad is selected. Internal Pad. If selected an internal pad will be added. Only available when Plate Around and Circular Access are selected. Material. Specifies the material of the access internal pad. Only available when Internal Pad is selected. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Only available when Internal Pad is selected. Width. Specifies the width of the access internal pad. Only available when Internal Pad is selected. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the access internal pad. Only available when Internal Pad is selected. Root Opening. Specifies the opening of the access internal pad. Only available when Internal Pad is selected. Fine Grain. If selected, specifies an internal pad material fine grain. Only available when Internal Pad is selected. Impact Tested. If selected, the internal pad will be impact tested. Only available when Internal Pad is selected.

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Normalized. If selected, the internal pad will be normalized. Only available when Internal Pad is selected.

Figure 139 Circular Access on Skirt

Figure 140 Straight bottom section Access on Skirt

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AMPreVA 5.0 Weld Preparation Tab

Figure 141 Access Weld Preparation tab

External Weld Type. There are several attachment types for access. Upper Groove Weld Pad. Specifies the groove weld for the external pad to the Attach to Component. Only applies when Pad is selected. Lower Groove Weld Shell. Specifies the groove weld for Attach to Component to the access. Inner Fillet Weld A41. Specifies the outside fillet weld for access to the Attach to Component, it could be the external pad. Only applies when Pad is selected. Outer Fillet Weld A42. Specifies the fillet weld for the external pad to the Attach to Component. Only applies when Pad is selected. Lower Fillet Weld A43. Specifies the inside fillet weld for access to the Attach to Component. Internal Weld Type. There are several attachment types for access. Only available when Internal Pad is selected. Upper Groove Weld Pad. Specifies the groove weld for the internal pad to the Attach to Component. Only available when Internal Pad is selected.

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Inner Fillet Weld A41. Specifies the outside fillet weld for the internal pad to the Attach to Component. Only available when Internal Pad is selected. Outer Fillet Weld A42. Specifies the fillet weld for the internal pad to the Attach to Component. Only available when Internal Pad is selected. Weld Ext. Preparation Types. Action button to display the available weld preparations for external pad. Weld Int. Preparation Types. Action button to display the available weld preparation for internal pad. 4.8.3 +Elliptical Ring Design Tab

Figure 142 Elliptical Ring Design tab

Drawing Mark. It is the label that is shown in the model tree as well as in the description for the elliptical ring in the BOM and the drawings. Service. Specifies the service of the elliptical ring. Remarks. Specifies some comments about the elliptical ring.

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Material. Specifies the material of the elliptical ring. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Attachment Type. There are two types of attachments supported for the elliptical rings: Stick Thru, and Set On. Only available when Inside Projection Distance is greater than zero. Thickness Mode. There are three thickness modes supported by the system for the elliptical rings: Inner, Outer, and Center. Width. Specifies the width of the elliptical ring. Height. Specifies the height of the elliptical ring. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the elliptical ring. Orientation. There are two orientations supported by the system for the elliptical ring when it is attached to a head: Radial, and Hillside. When it is attached to a shell, there are two types supported: Radial, and Offset. Position Angle. Specifies the angle position of the elliptical ring. Radial Distance. Specifies the distance from the center of the head to the center of the elliptical ring. Only available when attached to a Head. Start Elevation. Specifies the start elevation of the elliptical ring. Offset. Specifies the offset for the elliptical ring from cylinder center line. Only available when Orientation Offset is selected and the elliptical ring is attached to a shell. Outside Projection Distance. Component outer diameter.

Specifies the elliptical ring outside length from Attach to

Inside Projection Distance. Specifies the elliptical ring inside length from Attach to Component inner diameter. Root Opening Clearance. Specifies the root opening of the elliptical ring. Cut Ring to Attached Object Curvature. If selected, the elliptical ring will be cut following the Attach to Component curvature. If not selected, the elliptical ring will have a straight cut. Only available when Inside Projection Distance is zero. Copy Parameters. Action button that allows the selection of other elliptical ring to take the dimensions from. Bolting Plate. If selected, the elliptical ring will include a bolting plate and cover plate.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Bolting Flange

Figure 143 Elliptical Ring Bolting Flange tab

Cover Plate Properties Material. Specifies the material of the elliptical ring cover plate. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the elliptical ring cover plate. Width. Specifies the width of the elliptical ring cover plate. Height. Specifies the height of the elliptical ring cover plate. Bolting Flange Properties Material. Specifies the material of the elliptical ring bolting flange.

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Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the elliptical ring bolting flange. Width. Specifies the width of the elliptical ring bolting flange. Height. Specifies the height of the elliptical ring bolting flange. Locking Lug Properties Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the elliptical ring locking lug. Width. Specifies the width of the elliptical ring locking lug. Height. Specifies the height of the elliptical ring locking lug. Corner Radius. Specifies the corner radius of the elliptical ring locking lug. Center Hole Elevation. Specifies the distance of the locking lug hole from the outer edge of the cover plate. Hole Diameter. Specifies the diameter of the locking lug hole. Handles Properties Diameter. Specifies the diameter of the elliptical ring handles. Height. Specifies the height of the elliptical ring handles. Length. Specifies the length of the elliptical ring handles. Gasket Properties Material. Specifies the material of the elliptical ring gasket. Density. Specifies the density for the selected material. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the of the elliptical ring gasket. Width. Specifies the thickness of the elliptical ring gasket. Height. Specifies the height of the elliptical ring gasket. Bolts Properties Material. Specifies the material of the elliptical ring bolts. Number of Bolts. Specifies the number of bolts for the elliptical ring bolting flange. Diameter. Specifies the diameter of the bolts. Length. Specifies the length of the bolts. Nut Length. Specifies the length of the nuts. Offset from Edge. Specifies the distance from the outer edge to the bolt center hole.

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4.9 Ladder & Platform When the “Ladder&Platform” button is selected the second row of the toolbar will update to show the various components available for adding, as shown in Figure 144. Each of these components can be added by selecting the appropriate button from the second row of the toolbar.

Figure 144 Ladder & Platform Option

Once a button is selected the component is added and the work area in the menu is updated to enable editing and detailing the component features and properties. The available components to add are: Ladder +Cage Radial Platform This section describes the various properties than can be edited from the menus that can also be invoked from the model tree by editing the appropriate component. Each component may have various properties but only a subset is provided to be modified by the end user in the menu.

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4.9.1 Ladder Ladder Tab

Figure 145 Ladder Design tab

Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree for the ladder. Position Angle. Specifies the angle location for the ladder. Mounting Surface Radius. The ladder mounting surface radius. The action button allows selecting a cylinder already drawn in the canvas to take it outer radius. Mounting Surface Clearance. The mounting surface OD to rung center distance along clip. Ladder Width. Specifies the width of the ladder from the inner face of both stringers.

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Start Elevation. Specifies the start elevation from datum till the center of the first ladder’s rung. End Elevation. Specifies the end elevation from datum till the center of the last ladder’s rung. Stringer Plates Properties Bottom Extension. Specifies the extension distance from the center of the first ladder’s rung till the bottom edge of the stringer. Top Extension. Specifies the extension distance from the center of the last ladder’s rung till the top edge of the stringer. Width. Specifies the width of the stringer. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the stringer. Material. Specifies the material of the stringer. Rung Bar Properties Rung Bar at Start Elevation. If selected, a rung bar will exist at the indicated Start Elevation. Rung Bar at End Elevation. If selected, a rung bar will exist at the indicated End Elevation. Top Rung Center at End Elevation. If selected, the last rung bar will be centered at the indicated End Elevation; if not selected, the last rung will be aligned in the outer line with the End Elevation. Available only when Rung Bar at End Elevation is selected. Rung Bar Min Spacing. Specifies the minimum space between rungs. Rung Bar Diameter. Specifies the diameter or the rungs. Mounting Hole Radial Clearance. Specifies the clearance for the rung in the stringer. Insertion Distance. Specifies the distance of the rung that is inserted inside the stringer. Material. Specifies the material of the rung. Exit at Top Front. If selected, the ladder will have an extra length that will allow to exit from the ladder towards the front. Exit Extension. Specifies the length of the extension. Only available when Exit at Top Front is selected. Ladder Exit Width. Specifies the opening of the extension. Only available when Exit at Top Front is selected. Exit Transition Angle. Specifies the angle for the transition between the stringer and the extension. Only available when Exit at Top Front is selected.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Clips and Repads Tab

Figure 146 Ladder Clips and Repads tab

Clip Properties Type. Specifies the type of clip. Position. Specifies the position of the clip, either inside or outside of the stringer. Width. Specifies the width of the clip. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the clip. Material. Specifies the material of the clip. Clip Clearance from Stringer Edge. Specifies the distance to the clip from the stringer’s edge.

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Ladder Clip Offset from Shell. Specifies the distance from the ladder clip to the shell. Ladder Clip to Vessel Clip Overlap. Specifies the overlapping distance between the ladder clip and the vessel clip. Rung Bars Before First Clip. Specifies the number of rungs before the first clip. Rung Bars After Last Clip. Specifies the number of rungs after the last clip. Rung Bars Between Clips. Specifies the number of rungs between two clips. Bolt Size. Specifies the size of the bolt. Bolt to Clip Distance. Specifies the distance from the clip edge to the center of the bolt. Bolt to Bolt Distance. Specifies the distance between to bolts. Pads Properties Pads. If selected, the ladder will have reinforcing pads between the clips and the vessel. Material. Specifies the material of the pad. Only available when Pads is selected. Length. Specifies the length of the pad. Only available when Pads is selected. Width. Specifies the width of the pad. Only available when Pads is selected. Corner Radius. Specifies the corner radius of the pad. Only available when Pads is selected. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the pad. Only available when Pads is selected.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Angle Supports Tab

Figure 147 Ladder Angle Supports tab

Type. Specifies the type of support. If None is selected, no support will be added; if Angle is selected it will exist a support of type angle. Material. Specifies the material of the support angle. Angle Height. Specifies the height of the support angle. Base Length. Specifies the length of the support angle. Thickness. Specifies the thickness of the support angle. Distance from Stringer. Specifies the distance from the stringer’s edge to the support’s edge. Holes Diameter. Specifies the diameter of the holes. Upper Hole Distance from Edge. Specifies the distance from the angle’s top edge to the center of the highest hole. Lower Hole Distance from Edge. Specifies the distance from the angle’s outer edge to the center of the lowest hole

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4.9.2 +Cage Cage Tab

Figure 148 Ladder Cage tab

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AMPreVA 5.0 Hoops Tab

Figure 149 Ladder Cage Hoops tab

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AMPreVA 5.0 Gate Tab

Figure 150 Ladder Cage Gate tab

4.9.3 Radial Platform The component edit form has a number of tabs as illustrated Figure 151. The edit area includes the following tabs Design, Bevel, Insulation, Lining, and Conditions.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Design Tab

Figure 151 Platform Design tab

Angle Clockwise. If selected, platform orientation will be applied following the hands of a clock rotate. If not selected, platform orientation will be applied counterclockwise. Identifier. It is the label that is shown in the model tree for the platform. Start Cage. Specifies the cage at the start side of the platform. Top of Grating. Specifies the top grating for the platform. Start Angle. The start angle of the platform. Offset at Start Angle. The offset at the start side of the platform. Rolled Plates Dist from Mounting Surf. The distance of the rolled plates from the mounting surface. Platform Width. Specifies the width of the platform. End Cage. The end angle of the platform. Radial Distance. The radial mounting distance for the platform. End Angle. The end angle of the platform. Offset at End Angle. The offset at the end side of the platform. Gap from Rolled Plates to Deck. The space between the rolled plates and the deck.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Structure Tab

Figure 152 Platform Structure tab

Deck Type. There are 2 types of deck supported in the system: Grating and Checkered. Checkered Plate Gauge. The plate gauge. Only available when Deck Type Checkered. Grating Size. The size of the grating. Only available when Deck Type Grating. Vertical Bars Spacing. The spacing between vertical bars. Only available when Deck Type Grating. Horizontal Bars Spacing. The spacing between horizontal bars. Only available when Deck Type Grating. Radial Angles Properties Start Radial Angle Size. The angle beam size for the platform at start side. External Rolled Type. There are 2 types for the external rolled plates in the system: Angle, and Plates. Size. The size of the external rolled angle. Only available when External Rolled Type Angle.

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Internal Rolled Type. There are 2 types for the internal rolled plates in the system: Angle, and Plates. Only available when External Rolled Type Angle. Size. The size of the external rolled angle. Only available when Internal Rolled Type Angle. Only available when External Rolled Type Angle. Thickness. The thickness of the external rolled plate. Only available when External Rolled Type Plates. Height. The height of the external rolled plate. Only available when External Rolled Type Plates. Depth. The depth of the external rolled plate. Only available when External Rolled Type Plates. Posts and Handrails Tab

Figure 153 Platform Posts and Handrails tab

Posts and Handrails Type. There are 2 types of posts and handrails supported in the system: Angle, and Pipe. Top Handrail Elevation. The elevation for the top handrails. Posts Distance from Top Handrail. The distance between posts and top handrails. Middle Handrail Elevation. The elevation for the middle handrails. Posts Spacing (Straight Distance). The straight spacing for the posts. Posts Spacing (Start and End Sides). The spacing between posts at the start and end sides of the platform. Bolt Holes Info. The bolt holes data for the platform handrails.

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Post Size. The posts size. Only available when Posts and Handrails Type Angle. Material. Specifies the material of the posts. Handrail Size. The handrails size. Only available when Posts and Handrails Type Angle. Material. Specifies the material of the handrails. Posts Nominal Size. The nominal size for the posts. Only available when Posts and Handrails Type Angle. Posts Schedule. The schedule for the posts. Only available when Posts and Handrails Type Angle. Handrail Nominal Size. The nominal size for the handrails. Only available when Posts and Handrails Type Angle. Handrail Schedule. The schedule for the handrails. Only available when Posts and Handrails Type Angle. Supports Tab

Figure 154 Platform Supports tab

Support Type. There are 2 types of platform supports in the system: Bent and With Arm.

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Pattern Offset Angle a Start. The offset for the first support at the start side of the platform. Pattern First Member Angle from Baseline. The opening angle for the first support at the start side of the platform. Pattern Offset Angle at End. The offset for the last support at the end side of the platform. Pattern Last Member Angle from Baseline. The opening angle for the last support at the end side of the platform. Max Distance Between Supports. The maximum spacing between supports. Bent Plate Properties Inner Height. The height at the inner side of the plate. Outer Height. The height at the outer side of the plate. Length List. The length arrangement for the support plates. Depth. The depth for the support plates. Thickness. The thickness for the support plates. Offset from Shell OD. The offset for the support plates from the shell OD. Clip Properties Length. The length of the platform clip. Width. The width of the platform clip. Thickness. The thickness of the platform clip. Pad Properties Pad. If selected the platforms clips will include a reinforcing pads. Length. The length of the clips pad. Width. The width of the clips pad. Thickness. The thickness of the clips pad. Fillet Radius. The fillet radius of the clips pad. Bolts Pattern Holes Properties Diameter. The diameter of the bolt holes for the support plates. Spacing. The spacing between the bolt holes for the support plates.

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AMPreVA 5.0 Support Clips Tab

Figure 155 Platform Support Clips tab

Upper Clips Properties Distance from Support Top Edge. The distance from the top edge of the support to the top edge of the clip. Width. The width of the top clips. Internal Height. The internal height of the upper clips. External Height. The external height of the upper clips. Thickness. The thickness of the upper clips. Upper Clips Holes Properties Diameter. The hole diameter on the support upper clips. Distance from Top. The distance from the top edge of the upper clip to the center of the hole. Distance from Edge. The distance from the external edge of the upper clip to the center of the hole. Vertical Separation. The vertical spacing between clip holes. First Horizontal Separation. The horizontal spacing for the external clip holes. Second Horizontal Separation. The horizontal spacing for the internal clip holes. Lower Clips Properties

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Lug In. If selected, the platform supports will include lugs. Top Width. The top width for the support clips. Thickness. The thickness for the support clips. Offset from Arm. The offset for the support clips from the arm. Connection Clips Properties Plate Connection. If selected, the platform supports will include a plate connection. Thickness. The thickness for the platform plate connection. Total Width. The total width for the platform plate connection. Offset Width. The offset width for the platform plate connection. Holes Diameter. The holes diameter for the platform plate connection. Holes Spacing. The holes spacing for the platform plate connection. Support Pad Tab

Figure 156 Platform Support Pad tab

Pad. If selected, the platform supports will include reinforcing pads. Material. Specifies the material for the pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Upper Pads Width. The width of the horizontal pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Height. The height of the horizontal pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Thickness. The thickness of the horizontal pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Fillet Radius. The fillet radius of the horizontal pad. Only available when Pad is selected.

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Lower Pads Width. The width of the arm pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Height. The height of the arm pad. Only available when Pad is selected. Thickness. The thickness of the arm pad. Only available when Pad is selected.

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5 Generating Drawings Editing the top level “Drawings” object will pop a menu that is used to set the drawing general attributes and organization. Figure 157 illustrates the top level “Drawings” menu.

Figure 157 Drawings Edit Menu

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The Drawings branch of the model tree includes a set of drawings that are dynamically created at run time once they are selected from the tree model. Figure 158 illustrates some of the drawings that are included in the application. To demand a drawing the user should select the appropriate sub-object from the model tree. All drawing sub-objects have an icon at the start of the name in the model tree. These drawing are organized under various sub-object with the appropriate titles.

Figure 158 AMPreVA Drawings branch

5.1 Editing a drawing Once a drawing object is selected from the model tree the system generate the appropriate drawing presented within the drawing layout editor as shown in Figure 159.

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Figure 159 Drawing Layout Editor

Most drawings are created following common standards and practices as provided by the various users. Yet AMPreVA provides advanced capacities to manually create additional dimensions, notes, data within the drawings as shown in Figure 160 and Figure 161.

Figure 160 Drawing Layout Editor Top Toolbar

Figure 161 Drawing Toolbar Editor Submenus

At the top of the layout editor a toolbar with various buttons is provided. The first 11 buttons are used for manual creation of additional drawings entities. The button before the last is used to setup the drawing individual properties, and the last button is used for regenerating the drawing with the updates created. Selecting the button label “SETUP”, as highlighted in Figure 159 and Figure 160 of the toolbar at the top of the drawing layout editor, will provide a menu to set each

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drawing individual attributes as shown Figure 162. Once updated the second button highlighted in Figure 160 will update the drawing.

Figure 162 Layout Work Area Form

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At the bottom of the drawing layout, another tool bar is presented to enable the inspecting, editing, and modifying of the drawing including notes, dimension, viewport position, etc., as shown in Figure 163.

Figure 163 Toolbar for Editing Drawings Entities and Viewing

The following table explains the functionality of each button. Icon

Left Click

Right Click

Allows the selection of a drawing entities No action is defined. (notes/dimensions) and dragging them to a new position. Once the entity is repositioned, the system will allow the selection of another entity to continue in the same process until right button of the mouse is clicked. Allows for selection and repositioning one No action is defined. viewport. Allows the selection of a drawing entity; it will No action is defined. pop up a menu, as shown in Figure 164, to customize its properties. Allows the selection of a viewport; will pop up a No action is defined. menu, as shown in Figure 165, to customize its properties. Will enable the selection of a drawing entity to be No action is defined. deleted. The system will allow the selection of more entities until right button of the mouse is clicked. Will enable the selection of a drawing entity No action is defined. previously deleted. The system will allow the selection of more entities until right button of the mouse is clicked. Will enable the selection of a drawing an object to No action is defined. be undrawn. Will enable the selection of a drawing an object No action is defined. previously undrawn to be shown again. Will enable panning within the drawing.

No action is defined.

Will enable zooming in.

Will enable zooming out.

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Will enable to do a zoom window.

No action is defined.

Will fit the drawing.

No action is defined.

Will regenerate the drawing.

No action is defined.

Allows the selection of a drawing entity to get Allows the selection of a drawing info from it. object to get info from it. Calls a pop up menu to select the printer and set No action is defined. the appropriate attributes to print the drawing. Allows the selection of the appropriate format for Same as the left click. saving. PDF, DXF, and DWG are among the commonly use format. DWG is often used if the drawing is used for further editing in a CAD package. Advanced functionality not to be used by new Advanced functionality not to be users. used by new users. Advanced functionality not to be used by new No action is defined. users. Will close the drawing layout.

No action is defined.

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Figure 164 Dimension Editing Form

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Figure 165 Viewport Editing Form

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6 Generating Reports 6.1 Generating a Bill of Material Editing the top level object “Drawings” from the model tree will pop up a menu as shown in Figure 157. In the second column the second button from the bottom is label “Display BOM Report” is used to create the complete bill of material (BOM). This BOM can be viewed in any file browser of in MS Excel as shown in Figure 166. This bill of material will include the listing of all component needed to purchase or fabricate for the final assembly of the tank. All the columns are appropriately labeled and each component makes reference to a drawing for details.

Figure 166 BOM in Viewed in Excel

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