Amorc Folder 6
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AMORC FOLDER 6 (revised 02/02/15)...
The News- Herald Franklin, Pennsylvania Wednesday, March 8,1944 Page 7
to iv it if y that Mr. and M r s Garry W. Hay. of J 1TK+ 4A*OftC)
a s tvma
Tucson Daily Citizen Tucson, Arizona Saturday, A pril 29,1944 Page 7
R O S IC R U C IA N , Secret Teachings arS offered to those w ho seek to us?> them solely for the perfection o f their inner faculties, and in the m astering of the dally obstacles of life; the I n ternational Organization of R oslcruclam w ill be happy to receive the requests o f those who believe t h a t . worthiness and sincerity determine the right fo r one to have such wisdom; to them, a ‘copy of “The Secrct Heritage*'* a fasci nating bobk. w ill be Riven w ith o u t price; lot this book guide you to the conservative plan whereby you m ay widen your scope of Personal Power. Sim ply address your letter to Scribo S. E. C., A M O R C Temple, Rosicrucian Park. San Jo sc. California.
The Ogden Standard Examiner Ogden, Utah Saturday, M ay 27,1944 Page 8
i • earthly limitations--can be thrown off and man’s mind can be attuned to the Infinite Wisdom for a flash of second. During this brief interval intuitive knowledge, great inspira tion, and a new vision of our life's mission are had. Some call this great experience a psychic pbcnomeooa, But the ancients knew it and taught it as Cosmic Consciousness-*-!he merging of man’s mind with the Universal Intelligence.
Let This Free Book Explain This is
z religious doctrine, bat A t
application of sim p le , aaturii laws, ‘which
The Ancients Colled It COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS Must man die to release his inner consciousness? Can wc experience momentary flights of the soul— that is, becoaic one toilh the universe and receive an influx of great under standing? The shackles of the body— its
. gjve man an iaiichc into die great Cosmjc giao- They make possible a source of gr>*»£ joy, strength, and a regeneration of man's personal powers, w r ite to the Rostcrurians, an age-old brotherhood of understanding, for a free copy of the book '"The Mascery of Life.” It w ill cell yon how, in the privacy of your own home, r ou may indulge ia these mysteries of ife known to the ancients. Address* Scribe T.
J. F.
< &Jh %o s i crucians SAN JOSE IAMORCJ CALIF, U. S. A.
AMORC OPENS CONVENTION ON SUNDAY Ralph Lewis, grand Im perator of the Itoslcruclan order, A M O R C , w ill welcome delegates to its an nual convention starling here S un day. Allhough the annual conclave attracts approxim ately 1000 dele gates In norm al times, atlendance Is expected to be less this year, Cecil A. Poole, supreme secretary, said. The convention w ill be In session six days, beginning Sunday and closing Friday. Headquarters w ill be at the Ilosl cruclnn grounds at Park and Naylee avenues. The convention w ill choose a chairm an at Sunday night's opening session.
San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Wednesday, July 5,1944 Page 4
AMORC CONFAB TO BE OPENED Delegates to the annual grand convention of the Rosicrucian order, AMORC, to be held In San , Jose Sunday through Friday, are arriving for the opening session to morrow night at Rosicrucian park, headquarters for the confab. Ralph Lewis, lmperator of the grand lodge, will deliver the open ing address tomorrow night, speak ing on “ What Is Rosicrucianism?” Gilbert N. Holloway Sr., of Rodondo Beach, will be temporary chairman and will conduct the business session and election of a permanent convention chairman at 'the opening session. The program throughout the week will Include class sessions, special discussions, talks by local and national AMORC officers, and programs in the evening. Tuesday afternoon a forum will be conduct ed to discuss "what constitutes a good society and post-war rehabili tation," Cecil A. Poole, supreme secretary, said today. San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Saturday, Ju ly 8,1944 Page 2
The Rosicrucian c o n v e n t i o n •which will continue throughout the week at Hosiemeian park, cen tered around n talk this afternoon by Dr. Arvis Talley of the RoscCrolx institute and sanitarium staff, who s p o l t c oil '‘Applying Rosicrucian Healing Principles/* Approximately 600 d e l e g a t e s will near the close of the fourth day of the session at 8:05 tonight, when they hear an address on “The Eternal Question” by IheJ sovereign grand m a s t e r , Thor Kiimalchto. At the conclusion of the talk, an informal dance will bo held in the gymnasium of Her bert Hoover school. Other activities today included a two-hour relaxation period, from 10 a,m, to 12 noon, in which mem bers took part in table games on the grounds, The daily demon strations in the science building and planetarium were also held. International Day At last night’s meeting, it was tional radio hook-ups to exchange decided to have an “international national ideas were proposed as day,1’ with March 21 as the pro part of the program. Tomorrow, Jay K. McCullough, posed date. Exhibits of things pe culiar to other nations, ranging museum curator, will speak on from art to economics, from cus the “ Egyptian Christians" at • 3 toms to geography, and interna o’clock in the Rosicrucian museum. San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Wednesday, Ju ly 12,1944 Page 2
San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Thursday, July 13,1944 Page 3
in it ia t io n s IS v Id B y tto s ic r n c ia n C o n fa b Main features of today's iculon of llic itoslcruelan convention now being helil In HnslcrurUn park n t two honorary Initiations for Tem ple ltulhlers. the first nt which took place this morning from 8 to 10. the second planned for tonight from 7 lo 6 30, Ceremonies are being cnndurleil by a filtl complement of grand Indue ritualistic offlceri In BByi'tlnn robes. For the benefit of thono who are not taking part In Ihls evening’* Initiation, a special session will be held In the auditorium, with Grand Seerelory Harvey Miles speaking on "Myillral Transmutation." Grand Master Speaks Yesterday’s activities dosed fol lowing an address by Tlior Kllinalehto, grand me»ler, who spoke on the subject of ‘The Eternal Ques tion." lie defined truth a* Infinite, transcending all possibilities of exact formulation, and said tlml all men are constantly seeking truth In some form or other. Asldo from tho demonstrations
Shown above are three mem bers of the Grand Council of AMORC, dlsousslnr the current Rosicrucian convention in Rosi crucian pork. They arc, left to
rlghl, seated! Chairman Thor Kllmalehto of San Jose and Or lando Hughes, Topeka, Kans.; standing, C. R. Cleaver, Seattle, Wash.; Robert IV. Wentworth,
P e a b o d y , Mass., and J a m e s Diaydes. Dallas, Texas. The con vention will close Saturday nlglit with a dance at the Hotel Sainto Claire.—San Jose News photo.
and lectures in Hie science build ing and plonlelorlum Ihts aflernoon, an Informal discussion of Ihc activities and plans of tho Hmrieni' ptun Sunshine Circle* was held a! 3 iS in the auditorium tinder the direction of Cecil A. Toole, suprenie seereiary. "The Egyptian Chrlsllan*" »w tiie subject of an address by Jay H. McCullough, museum curator, ir tlto museum at 3 o'clock,
San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Thursday, July 13,1944 Page 3
In itia tio n s tto s ic r n c ia n
Shown above arc three m em bers of the Grand Council of A M O R C , discussing: the current Rosicrucian convention in R osi crucian park. They are, le ft to
Itc lil
t lt j
(Jo n tu b
right, seated: Chairm an Thor Kiim alchto of San Jose and Or lando Hughes, Topclca, Kans.; standing, C. R. Cleaver, Seattle, Wash.; Robert W . Wentworth,
+-— --------------------
P e a b o d y , Mass., and J a m e s Blaydes, Dallas, Texas. The convcntlon w ill close Saturday night with a dance at the Hotel Salnto Claire.— San Jose News photo.
San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Thursday, Ju ly 13,1944 Page 3
in it ia t io n s itiv ld iU j H o s ic r u c ia n £ on fa b Main features of today's session of Hie Rosicrucian convention now being hold In Rosicrucian park arc two honorary initiations for Tem ple Builders, ihe first of which took place this morning from 8 to 10. tho second planned for tonight from 7 to 9:30. Ceremonies are being conducted by n full complement of grand lodge ritualistic officers in Egyp tian robes. For the benefit of those who are not taking part in ibis evening’s Initiation, n special session will be held in the auditorium, with Grand Secretary Harvey Miles speaking on "Mystical Transmutation." Grand Master Sneaks Yesterday’s activities closed fol lowing an address by Thor Kllmalehto, grand master, who spoke on the subject of "The Eternal Ques tion." lie defined truth as infinite, transcending nil possibilities of exact formulation, and said that all men arc constantly seeking truth in some form or other. Aside from the demonstrations
and lectures in tho science build ing and planletarium this after noon, an informal discussion of the activities and plans of the Hnsieructnn Sunshine Circles was held at 3-15 in the auditorium under the direction of Cecil A, Poole, su preme secretary. "The Egyptian Christians" was the subject of an address by Jay R. McCullough, museum curator, in tho museum at 3 o'clock.
The Bakersfield Californian Bakersfield, California Monday, July 24,1944 Page 7
"International Day" Set by Rosicrucians “Inteinational Day,” a day which would be observed throughout the world when, through international radio hookups and through consuls of various countries, there would be an exchange of ideas of the coun tries, exhibits of their work, their native pursuits, their industries and other characteristics, was proposed at the recently concluded interna tional Rosicrucian convention, at tended In San Jose by more than 700 delegates from Mexico, Canada, South America and tho United States. William* C. LaCrolx, district com missioner, who recently returned from the convention, said that Ralph M. Lrewls, imperator of the philo sophic order, remarked in his ad dress: " It ', generally agreed that the peace of the world will depend upon a mutunl understanding of the problems and unintentional oppres sion through unreasonable tariffs and economic measures which tend to work hardship upon some nations." Mr. LaCroix said that It was fur ther proposed that the Ideal time for such a day would be March 21, tho date of the vernal equinox, the symbolic beginning of tho new year, the time of tho rebirth of nature, the springtime. It was suggested that it be immediately brought to the consideration of the legislative bodies of the various countries which favor a unity of peoples upon a sound foundation of peace, he added.
The Bakersfield Californian Bakersfield, California Saturday, Ju ly 29,1944 Page 12
T L e
e a tile rs’ V i e w p o m tf.
EUITOII S NOTE— Urlltrj ib stild lw ilfulltd to ISO worrti; m «r t t l i r k Id c u but tint p trio rj; m m t not b* t t m i i e *m t ibo uid lw written Irslbly *n leltrn. U i m t muM b*»r in *uifafn'k *d d i*i» nod t lw u iu i,, »ittu>ugh the** will be withheld If dnlrvd.
A. M. 0 . R . C . T H A N K S Editor The Californian: Please accept the thanks of the Rosicrucian Order (AMORC), Its members of this city, as well my self for the kindness shown us by the publication of a news item pre sented by me Monday, Juty 24, 1944,. to one of the members of your staff in regards to “International Day**' Very sincerely, W IL L IA M C. I a C R O IX , District Commander, 328 H street, ■' Bakersfield, Ju ly 25, 1144,
San Mateo Times San Mateo, California Tuesday, August 1,1944 Page 10
International Day
j! 1 1 ;
Fete Suggested
A day, to be kr.own as "Jnterj national day,*1 which uould i* ob|served throughout the world by international radio hookups and by international exhibits, was proposed at the recently concluded Inter national Rosicrucian convention "in San Jose. R. W. Stauffer of 1434 Jasmine stfeet, San Jose, who was present as a delegate, said that Ralph M. I Lewis, imperator of the philosophic order, supported the international day idea. March 21 was suggested for the day tccausc it isarks the "pfninir of spring. The convention, attend ed by 700 delegates, including those of Mexico, Canada and South America, was in favor of the plan. Josephine Bor.necaze of Belmont was also a delegate.____
The Fredericksburg News Fredericksburg, Iowa Thursday, August 10,1944 Page 1
ROSICRUCIAN CONVENTION ASKS INTERNATIONAL DAY A day, to be designated ‘‘Interaalional Day,” which would be observed throughout the world, when, through international hookups and through the consuls of various countries, there would be an exchange of ideas of the people of the various countries, exhibitr, of their work, their native pur suits, their industries and other char acteristics, was proposed at the re cently concluded International R oficrucian convention in San Jose, Calif. Dr. A, R. Winter who just returned ay a delegate from the convention, •aid that Ralph M. Lewi*, jmperator of tha Philosophic Order, in his address: “It is generally agreed that the peacc of the world will de pend upon a mutual understanding of the problems of the peoples of the nations. Such understanding w ill elim inate suspicion, hatred and uninten tional oppression through unreason able tariffs and economic measures *fhich tend to work hardship upon some nations/*
The Fredericksburg News Fredericksburg, Iowa Thursday, August 10,1944 Page 1
Dr. Winter said that it was further proposed that tho ideal time for such a day would be March 21, the occasion of the vernal equinox, the symbolic beginning of the new year, the time of tho rebirth of nature, the spring time, the time of hope and juvenation of life. The convention, attended by 700 delegates, including those of Mex- ' ico, Canada and South America, was! m favor of the plan. It was suggested that it be immediately brought to the consideration of the legislative bodies of the various countries which favor a unity of peoples upon a sound founda tion of peace. i
Nevada State Journal Reno, Nevada Thursday, August 10,1944 Page 5
R OSICRUCIAN secrei teachings are offerd to those who seek the use of them solely for the perfection of their inner faculties, and m the mastering of the daily obstacles of life, the International Organization of Rosicrucian will be happy io receive the requests o^ those who believe that worthiness and sincerity determine the right for one to have such wis dom; to them a copy of "The Secret Heritage," a fascinating book, will be given without price,- let -his book guide you to the corservative plan whereby you may widen your scope of Personal Power. Simply address your letter to Scribe S. E. C. AMORC Temple Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California.
The Bakersfield Californian Bakersfield, California Friday, August 11,1944 Page 14
T L e R e a d e rs’ V new pom f E U IT O lt'S N O T t- U M tr * abould be llm lied to 150 w otdt; attack tdeaa but not persona; muat not he abusive and should be wriftan hrnlbly and on ona aide of the paper. I’ne Californian la not traponhlhla lot the eantlinrni* routalned therein and reaenrae fha right to reject any latter*. C/ettm muat bear an authentic addrma and algnature, allhouah these w ill be withheld If detlred.
FRO M AM ORC Editor The Californian: May we take this opportunity to express the thanks of the local Rosicrucian group for publishing the articlc ''International Day.” We want you to know that we will appreciate the further publish* ing of any articles pertaining to the Rosicrucian order (AMORC) of San Jose, CoJif, Very truly yours, D. U. PA RISH , D. C. Chairman.
The W innipeg Tribune W innipeg, M anitoba, Canada Saturday, August 12,1944
International Day Suggested By Rosicrucians
A proposal to inaugural#* a da> m be designated International Day viat endorsed at the interna tional convention of the Roficrur a n Order. A M O R C , recent y held at San Jose, Calif Program for th* dav viojid in~lude an exchange of id#aa of i!*e ffnpl** of various countries by **»erna’ 'ona! hookups e x h b of • h u r u Ark, and other method* of pron'rit ng u n d e *■.«* a nd ng and coodvul] The relebrat n w>uld ie frei* of m ilitary p^mp. without a display ^ f a rmsrcents and would -v d^\o*ed to m utua! ro-operation a r i hum ar ’ arian concern* Da*#* mggefrted for th*» day was M rreh 21 the o^rasion of the \rrna‘ equinox, sym bolic beginr, nj: r»f s p n n g ’ irne In hU addre«« to tb/» s*\#*n hundre I d c l^ g a ^ s . in lu d in g tho*e of Mex -o C anada and South Amera R alp h M Lewis Im p e ra to r of • h# p h lonophjr order, said that it > .* jr^r^ra llv a e re M tH«* tb*» of th*» w orld would depend on a m u tu a l un der«tan dm g of the problem of the peoples of the r af ions S u f'h u n d e rstan d in g he *a d wrut’d e lim in a te suspicion* hatred and u n in te n tio n a l n p p r * * « s i o n ♦br^ugh unreasonable tariff* and econom ic measure* w h rh tended to work hardsh.p on *oyr.#* nations
The Sunday Times-Signal Zanesville, Ohio Sunday, August 20,1944 Page 8
Rosicrucians Urge International Day A day to be disignated '•Interna tional Day," which would be obaerved throughout th e world, when, through International radio lookups and through the consuls of various countries, there would he an exchange of Ideas of the people of the various countries, exhibits of their work, their native pursuits their industries and other char acteristics, was proposed at the recently concluded International Roslcruclan convention in San Jose, Calif. Mrs. Corabel! Boles of 1123 Wheeling avenue, who jufct return ed as a delegate from the conven tion, aald that Ralph M. Lewis, lmperator of the Philosophic Order, remarked In an address: “It Is gen erally agreed that the peace of the world will depend upon a mutual Understanding of the problems of the peoples of the nations. Such understanding will eliminate sus picion, hatred and unintentional oppression through unreasonable tralffs and economic measures which tend to work hardship upon aome nations.” Mr*. Boles said that It was fur ther proposed that the ideal time for auch a day would be March 21, the occasion of the vernal equinox, the aymbolic beginning of the new year; The convention, attended by 700 delegates, including those Of Mexico, Canada and South America, was in favor of the plan. It was suggested that is be im mediately brought to the consid eration of the legislative bodies of the various countries which favor • unity of peoples upon a sound foundation of peace.
The Zanesville Signal Zanesville, Ohio Monday, August 21,1944 Page 7
International Day Proposed by Group Mrs. CorabeU Boles of 1123 Wheeling avenue, has returned home after attending the Interna tional Roslcruclan convention is San Jose, Calif. The convention delegates favored the observance of a day to bo designated as "Inter national Day," when through in ternational radio hookups and through the consuls of various countries, there v/ould be an ex change of work, and their native pursuits, industries and other char acteristic,. Mrs. Boles reported that it was further proposed that the ideal time for such a day would would be March 21, the oc casion of the vernal equinox. The convention attended by 700 delegates, including those from Mexico, Canada and South Ameri ca, suggested that the proposal be immediately brought to the con sideration of the legislative bodies of various countries.
Santa Cruz Sentinel-News Santa Cruz, California Wednesday, August 23,1944 Page 5
International Day Proposed At Convention An “International Day” which would be observed throughout the world when there could be, through internalional radio and through the consuls of various countries, an exchange of ideas, exhibits of work, industries and other charac teristics. was proposed at the re cently concluded International Rosicrucian convention in San Jose. Mrs. Ruby F. Marian, 511 Bay street, who just returned as a delegate from the convention, told of the speech of Ralph M. Lewis, imperator of the philosophic order, in which he explained that such an understanding would help to elim mate suspicion, hatred and unin tentional oppression through un reasonable tariffs and economic measures. March 21, date of the vernal equi nox. was chosen as the ideal day as it is a symbol of the beginning of a new >ear. The convention was attended by 7(H) delegates including those from Mexico, Canada and South Amer ica.
The M orning Herald Uniontown, Pennsylvania Thursday, September 7,1944 Page 4
Toward A Better Understanding Most quarrels, be they individual or international, would be avoided were there complete understanding by both sides of the prob lem involved ond the historial and aspirational background of the in dividuals or the nations through which the problem has arisen. The difficult thing is to bring about that understanding or even a willing ness to seek it or adm it its possibilities. In an address at the annual convention of the Rosicrucian O r der in July, Imperator Ralph M Lewis remarked: ' It is generally c greed that the peace of the world will depend upon o m utual under standing of the problems of the peoples of the nations Such an under standing will elim inate suspicion, hatred, and unintentional oppression through unreasonable tariffs and other economic measures which tend ro work hardships upon some nations." He suggested that in order to work toward this m utual under standing a day, possibly designated as "International D a y /' be ob served throughout the world when, through international radio hook ups and through the consuls of various countries, there w ill be an ex change of ideas of the people of the various countrips, exhibits of their work, their native pursuits, their industries and other characteristics. The idea is a good one It would take many days and many n ghts of close study and deep thought and learned, open discussion to bring about effective understanding, but this one day m ight at least serve to stim ulate a search for m c e complete understanding. From understanding comes tolerance; from tolerance, friendship; from f- endship. peace and the good things of life. Lewis suggests that the idea* time for such a day would be M arch *-1, the occasion of the vernal equinox, the symbolic beginning of c r e w year, the time of rebirth of nature, the springtime, the time of hope end rejuvenation of life. Th at, too is a good suggestion, for the spirit man partakes of the spirit of nature as painted in expanding fields of green. ^ No great thing is accom plished except by a sm all beginning W orld opinion can be made up only by the combination and adjustment C' seprate national opinions made up in turn by com m unities and thev by individuals The process, of course, does not apply to the dictator countries where all "opinions" are those of one man, but a properly conducted "International Day" m ight eventually reach a sufficient number of individuals in those nations to bring a change in the process.
The M orning Herald Uniontown, Pennsylvania Thursday, September 7,1944 Page 4
But cside from the international aspects and world peace, such on observance as that proposed would be of great com m unity benefit. Fayette county, for instonce, has a large number of racial groups all striving to become good Am ericans. How m uch easier and surer would their efforts become if there were more of m utual understanding ol the background against w hich they ore constructing their A m erican ism. Our schools have done much to promote this understanding but they reach only relatively few. Perhaps a larger number could be in terested by on international fete in one of the county's stadium s with the racial groups all represented, not as harking bock to the old coun try, but presentirg the background and the foundation of the greatest Country on earth.
The Bakersfield Californian Bakersfield, California Tuesday, September 26, 1944 Page 6
Rosicrucian Order Will Hold Forum Local members ot the Kosicrucian ; Order, A. M. O. FI. C., arc sponsor ing a forum tu be held tonight at 8 p. ni. at 15L’3 I*1 street. , Speakers will trace the origin and history of this ancient order aurl; will also describe the activities of; the Rose Croix University in San Jose at the present time. Admis sion will be by invitation only. William Lit Croix, district com*' missioner, states that this is a chance for those interested to have ques tions answered. There will be a dis- < play of photographs and books pub lished by this fraternity.
The Abilene Reporter - News Abilene, Texas Thursday, October 5,1944 Page 13
PERSONALS SHOTGUNS for rent, with or without shells. Ideal Loan 106? S. 1st. KOSICRUCIAN MYSTERIES—All sincere seekers for the great truth and mythi cal power known to the ancients. Write for free book, “Mastery of Life.*’ It is mailed without obligation to students of the higher laws of na ture and mental science. Scribe 111, AMORC Temple. San Jose Calif. MEN. WOMEN. OLD AT 40, 50. 60! WANT to feel peppy, years younger? Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron: also contain vitamin B l calcium. Trial size 35c. At all drug gists in Abilene, at Ward’s Hilton Pharmacy and Walgreen’s.
Nevada State Journal Reno, Nevada Thursday, December 14,1944 Page 9
ROSICRUCIAN Secret Teachings Are offered to those who seek the use of them solely for the perfection of their inner faculties, and in the mastering of the daily obstacles of life, the International Organization of Rosicrucian will be happy to receive the requests of those who believe that worthiness and sincerity determine the right for one to have such wisdom: to them a copy of "THE SECRET HERITAGE,” a fascinating book, ?.ill be given without price; ’.et this book guide you to the conservative plan whereby you may widen your scope of Personal Power Simply Address Your Letter to SCRIBE S. E. C. AMORC TEMPLE ROSICRUCIAN PARK, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA
San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Monday, January 8,1945 Page 3
AMORC May Place Ashes Of Its Dead In Order's Park
The Rosicrucian Order may tnkc charge of Interment of the ashes of Its dead. n section of the Park reserved for that purpose, A. Cecil Poole, Secretary, said today, ex plaining the filing of articles of Incorporation of the Hose Croix Interment Association. The Order also wished to have legal requirements complied with, should it at some future date de cide to have its own cemetery. Poole said. The articles were filed with Secretary of State Frank Jor dan at Sacramento yesterday. It proposes to provide burial and cre mation facilities. “We have discussed the matter of having our own facilities from time to time,” Poole said, “hut the incorporation is merely a matter of clearing legal requirements, as we have no plans for a cemetery in the immediate future," Ralph M. Lewis. Ctladis Lewis and Poole are directors. Attorneys in the transaction arc Uohnctt, Hill and Cottrell.
The Modesto Bee Modesto, California Thursday, M arch 1,1945 Page 5
Rosicrucian Spookor Is To Give Talk Sunday
In m o r u
t h a n (15 rj , l ntil>]|c locltit•; A f t e r I h o A m e r f c c n f l o v o l u l lo n . to he j'lvcn by Cillbort N. Iloilo* sviiy, M. A., l»n. It. C., nntionnl lulc nasties
Santa Cruz Sentinel-News Santa Cruz, California Friday, November 9,1945 Page 3
V IS IT P L A N E T A R IO I M e m b e r s of tho civil a ir patrol, s t u d e n l > { f h i ‘ e v e m n u iiit»h s c h o o l a s t r o n o m y class, a n d t h e i r qu es ts Thursda\ ni.uht v i s i t e d t h e Kosi c r u c i a n p l a n e t a r i u m al S a n .lose M i s s A l i c e K v e r e i t i> t h e a . s t r o n o m y i n s t r u c t o r a n d S a m K e e d i.s c o m m a n d e r o f t h e C \ I* 0
The Independent Long Beach, California Friday, November 23,1945 Page 12
FREE PUBLIC LECTUtt T u o c ta y , Nov, 27 — 8 P, M*'i
•’PSYCHIC PHENOMENA" B y O II jRRK T n . h o l l o w at, .
F .R .C .
' %
The startling truth ubout Spir« Jtuatism, life after clcnth, telep. athy cmd clairvoyance, dream stutcs, psychic projection, levi tation nml materialization. Do not miss this revenllnn, power, ful discourse. Come curly, wd bring tt tv le n il
No F«es — All Wtic cunt
MASONIC TEMPLE 835 Locust Avemir
The Kansas City Star Kansas City, Missouri Saturday, November 24,1945 Page 4
The Dark Continents of Your Mind
D O VO LI struggle for balance? Are you forever try mg to maintain energy, enthusiasm, and the will to do? D o your personality and power of ac complishment ebb and flow-—like a stream controlled by some unseen valve? Deep within you are minute organism s. From their function spring your emorions. They govern your i n .m ie *ideas and moods —yes. i •r even your enjoyment of life. Once they were thought to be rhe mvsrerious seat of the soul—and to be left unexplored N ow cast aside supersti*
valve? Deep within you are minute organism s. From their function spring your emorions. They govern your creatire ideas and moods—', t s, even your enjoyment o f life. Once they were thought to be the mvsrerious seat o f the soul—and to be left unexplored N ow cast aside supersti tion and learn to direct intelligently these ipouers ofstlf J J Accept this *?%ee Book Lf* the F ji _
th:ni r.t r r n t-.c : ,.\ r■ » fr.j* !; r .n t
'•! !
*. ta a«e o!
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