Amorc Folder 5
December 11, 2016 | Author: sauron385 | Category: N/A
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AMORC FOLDER 5 (1940-1943)
The Gazette and Daily York, Pennsylvania Tuesday, February 6,1940 Page 4
WILL CONTRIBUTE TO CRYPT OF CIVILIZATION The Rosicrucians, according to a report from Mrs. K. E. Rockhold, 863 South G eorge street, local com m iesioner of the philosophical order, have been asked to make a contribution to a project begun by O glethorpe u ni versity, G eorgia, for preserving to day's know ledge for the civilization of the year A. P. 1833. The Rosicru* eian Order, Aniorc, has sent from San Jose. C alifornia, upon the reque*t of Dr. T. K. Peters, A rch ivist of O g le thorpe university, manuscripts co n taining the essence o f its p hiloso phical d o ctrin es to be Included with other chosen works of music, art and sciences to be Interred in the specially constructed vau lt and to be kept in v io la te for o ver six ty centuries. T h e Crypt o f C ivilization began at O glethorpe u n iversity several years ago, is made o f stone in w hich is set a door of stainless steel 50 inches w ide and 15u inches high. The in terio r walls, floor and ceiling are lined with vitreou s porcelain enam el w hich will have fiu»ed on them culored designs depicting today's life much in the m anner of the tom bs of E gyp t. E v e ry resource of m odern science is being em ployed to insure that mankind o f 8113 A. D. w ill find and be able to know of today's a c complishments.
M rs. Rockhold fu rther relates the Roslcrucian m anuscripts are being m iscrofllm ed. T h e films w ill be placed in the T im e C rypt and they w ill contain 320,Out) pages of k n o w l edge in m icrofilm , which can be p ro jected to the origin a l size or larger. C ecil A. Poole, supreme secretary o f the Roeicrucian order said that the requ est for the Rosierucian m an u scripts was m ade because they re p re sent a contem porary philosophy h aving its roots in the systems o f thou ght which began centuries b efore the prejent era. T h e crypt w ill be officia lly sealed in M ay of 1940 a c cord in g to an announcem ent by Dr. P eters.
R O SICR UCIAN ORDER The Rose-Croix Institute and Clinic, established by the Amore, Rosicrucian Order o f San Jose, Calif., w ill consider, in an inves tigation of the causes and treat ment of malignant growths, the
psychological effects
of colorful
bedrooms, special music, and mo tion pictures which produce cer tain emotional reactions upon the patient. The institute’s founder, Dr. H. Spencer Lewis states, “An environment that does not sug gest constantly to the patient that he is abnormal or that he is iso lated from the enjoyment and pleasures of others, has a stimu lating effect upon the mental at titude o f the patient. The patient must be made to feel that he or she is a guest in a private home, having an enjoyable vacation, with the very best foods, the priv ilege of resting in a patio filled with flowers and or enjoying other elements that contribute to psychological, beneficial effects.” William Lauson of 416 North Maple w ill supply further infor mation concerning the organiza tion, ------------- * -------------.
Oak Park Oak Leaves Oak Park, Illinois Thursday, February 29, 1940 Page 36
Rosicrucian Philosophy Buried in Crypt Until Year A . D . 8113 — — —
A rchaeologists o f 6000 years in the fu ture w ill have made the most sta rt ling discovery in the history o f man when they force their w ay into the C ryp t o f C ivilization in Georgia. The Rosicrucians, according to Mrs. | C. N . A sh o f Franklin, a member o f the philosophical Order, have been asked to make an im portant— and one o f the fin a l— contribution to a project begun by O glethorpe U n iversity, G eorgia, fo r preserving today’s know ledge fo r the civilization o f the yea r A , D., 8J13, The Rosicrucian j Order, A M O R C , has sent from its j archives at San Jose, C alifornia, upon» the request of Dr. T . K . Peters, A r - j ch ivist of O glethrope U niversity, j manuscripts containing the essence o f j its philosophical doctrines to be in- * eluded w ith other chosen works o f music, a rt ,and the sciences, to be interred in the specially constructed vau lt and kept inviolate fo r over s ix ty centuries. The C ryp t o f C iviliza t ion, states Mrs. Ash, begun at O g le thorpe U n ive rs ity several years ago, is made o f stone in which is set a door' o f stainless steel 50 inches wide and 150 inches high. The in terior walls, flo o r and ceilin g are lined with v itr e ous porcelain enamel which w ill have j fused on them colored designs depict ing tod a y’s life much in the manner * o f tombs o f E g y p t. E v ery resource o f |modern science is being em ployed to t
insure that mankind o f 8113 A. D. \ w ill find and be able to know o f to-1 days, accomplishments. The problem o f location was met by taking a tria n g u -! lation from Stone Mountain and from 1 Kennesnw Mountain. This was p re pared by the United States Coast Geodetic Survey, Plaques o f m old ed ; cellulose acetate g iv in g a description | o f this location are being sent to li- * braries o f the gi^ at institutions! throughout the world and even to re- ' m ote and strange monasteries high in ’ the Him alayas.
Mrs. Ash fu rth er relates that the Rosicrucian manuscripts are being m icrofilm ed; la rg e pages o f tln P tex t are being reduced to fram es o f a 35 m illim eter film . By this process each page will be an im age o f but 1x14 inches. The rolls o f film are then placed in vitreous ami asbestos-lined stainless steed capsules which, a fte r they have been sealed and evacuated, have inert gas pumped into them. F if ty such capsules w ill be placed in the Tim e Crypt and they w ill contain 320,000 pages o f knowledge in m icro film which can be projected to the original size, or larger.
The Heame Democrat (Heame, Texas) Friday, March 15, 1940, page 7
Miami Daily News Miami, Florida Thursday, March 21,1940 Page IB
Rosicrucians Meet f o r Ancient Rites A group of about 60 Miamians w ill re-enact a ceremony tonight which began more than 40 cen turies ago in ancient Egypt, Th ey are members of iMiami c h a p t e r , Roscicruclans—Ancient M ystical Order Rosae Crucis. T h ey w ill gather secretly tonight in their guarded temple room in the basement of the Berni hotel, Biscayne blvd., to conduct a cere mony marking the beginning of the R o s i c r u c i a n New Year. Charles M errick is master of the M iam i group. The Rosicrucian order, which maintains its traditional origin occurred during* the reign of Araenhotep IV in 1350 B. C-, is not j a religious movement or sect. It includes persons of every c r e e d clergymen, rabis and priests are among its members—but the order is free of religious alliances. Its ethics adhere to the principles o f Christianity.
Noted Handwriting Expert Dies at Carmel SAN JOSE, May 23.—>—A. R. Lewis, 84, handwriting expert who participated in the Lindbergh kid naping and Harry Thaw slaying cases, died last night in a hospital near Carmel, it was announced here today. The Amos Williams parlor of San Jose took charge of funeral arrange ments, which have not been com pleted. Lewis was the father of the late Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, former imperator of tho Rosicrucian order 1which has headquarters here, and of Earl Lewis, treasurer of the Metro politan Opera Company of New York City.
Oakland tribune Oakland, California Thursday, May 23,1940 Page D9
AMORC OPENS CONVENTION TOMORROW Sun Jose's annual international con* volition, the big gathering of the An cient Mystic Order of Rosicrucians, will open one week of instructive ses sions here tomorrow night at the Hosicrusian park, One thousand visitors arc expected, The convention will be tho first held in many years at which the la to imperntor, Di*. H. Spencer Lewis, has not played an aciivc part. Dr. Lewis Is buried beneath the Egyptian Shrine in the central portion of* Roslcrucian Park. A musical program will open ill'' ronvonilon a t 7 :*ttO p. m., followed bv greetings from the imperator, Ralph M. Lewis, and the supreme secretary. Cedi A, Poole. The convention chairman wMI fee elected, and rules adopted. San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Saturday, July 6,1940 Page 16
CONVENTION IS CONTINUED '----- 1----— « With fiftO Visitors here, the Ancient Mvsllc Order of RosJcrucfnns today continued Its nnnunl international convention sessions nt Roslcrucian Park. A center of interest was the RosicrUclan sanitarium find research insti tute. Dr. Robert Herdoela, chief phy sician, spoke in the Francis Bacon auditorium on "Work of the Research Department on Cnncer and Abdominal Disorders." Impcralor Ralph Lewis will speak tonight on "Immortality and Reincar nation." Demonstrations were given during the afternoon in the Rosc-Orolx sci ence building laboratories and in the planetarium. DELEGATES WELCOMED Delegates were welcomed last night by Impcrator Lewis and Cecil A. Poole, supremo secretary, J. Duane Freeman of New York City was named chairman of the res olutions committee; O. Hughes, T o peka, administration committee; G. N. Holloway, Los Angeles, adjustment committee; C. R. Cleaver, Seattle, rules committee. Two delegates from London arc at tending the convention. They are J. A. Cnlano, attached to the Venezuelan legation, and Mrs. Calnno.
San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Monday, July 8,1940 Page 2
Demonstrations In Light Are Given For AMORC Confab Continuing their studies In science and philosophy, members of the Ancient Mystic Order of Rosicrucians today witnessed demonstrations in light and color at international con vention sessions. An outstanding pianist, R. Nathaniel Dett, who is a member of the Roslcrucian order, presented a concert this afternoon. Dett has appeared in concerts in leading cities of the en tire world. He is director of music at Bennett College in Greensboro, N. C., and is listed in “ Who's Who.” Class instruction was given members of the seventh, eighth and ninth de grees during the morning. An astronomical demonstration in the planetarium was followed by an address by Kendall Brower, curator of the Rosicrucian Museum, on “Tombs and Temples." An initiation of 150 temple builders will be held tonight in the Egyptian Temple. San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Thursday, July 11,1940 Page 3
The Fresno Bee Fresno, California Saturday, July 27,1940 Page 3A ......«» •*..... rnatmmmmttb
Rosecrucians Show Effect Of Light, Color On-Living Organisms Calor, at veil as music, ‘ hath ehacmt to loot he the n v « f bnrastT and alio has the rower 10 excite normal persons into a stale ( where even their best friends would be enured. This advene* prediction of *iem* perarr.cnts made to order" through (he harmonizing of color and music was given in Fresno by Ed C. Beaumcr.t ef Route 9, Box 2lt. Ftcarno. who returned recently from a wcrld eonetave of the Hoslcrucian Order* AMOftC, held in San Jose, ■ Ueaument raid he and TOO other delegates witnessed demonstrations In the light and physics liberal cry of lhe order'# school of the effect of light and rclor on living matter, Simple organlim*. he raid, have been found in become enlivened and stimulated under the Influence of certain colors. Red, he declared, agitates and blue has a quiescent effeet. The discovery made. Reaument declares. Is that certain roir.hlna tions affected alt alike on differ* erst occasions during the experi ments on several hundred persons throughout the duration cf the con* ventlon.
Newlyweds Here 'M r . and Mrs. Gilbert Newton Hol loway Jr., who have been honeymoon ing at Lake Tahoe since their mar riage September 24, are being greeted by a wide circle of friends who are regretting this interesting couple are to .leave shortly. They are leaving in a few days for Palm Springs and Mexico, planning to return to Sftn Jose in time for the Thanksgiving holiday, and to remain here until January, when Mr, Hollo way •will take his bride with’ him on an extended lecture tour, to be away six months or so. The bride was Miss Colombo Made leine Lewis before I he recent wedding which took place m Nevada, In Car son City, She is the only daughter of Mrs. H. spencer Lewis and the late Mr. Lewis. She is an exceptionally talented young woman and has been studying art in Southern California. Mr. Holloway is the son o f the Gil bert Newton Holloways of Redondo Beach. t
San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Monday, October 7,1940 Page 11
The Post-Register Idaho Falls, Idaho Sunday, October 13,1940 Page 6
Rosicruoian Secret Teachings are offered to those who seek to use them solely for the perfection of their inner faculties, and in the master ing of the daily obstacles of life; the International Or ganization of Boslcruciana will be happy to receive the requests of those who be lieve* that worthiness and sin cerity determine the right for one to have such wis dom; to them, a copy of “The Secret Heritage,” a fascinat ing book, will be given with out price; let this book guide you to the conservative plan whereby you may widen your scope of Personal Power. Simply address your letter to Scribe S, E. C, AMORC Temple, Kosierucian Park, San Jose, California.
The Modesto Bee And News-Herald Modesto, California Monday, November 25,1940 Page 4
R0S1CRUCIAN MYSTERIES All sincere seekers for the great truth and mystical power known to the Ancients, write for the free book *
‘•The Secret Merita^” It Is mailed without obliga tion to students of the higher laws of nature and mental
Scribe 111 Amorc Temple San Jose, California
Gilbert Holloways To Be Incentive For December Party Just returned from a month in the southlands, during which time visits were made to both Palm Springs and Mexico, are the charmnewlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Newton Holloway Jr, Madeleine Lewis), who arc now cozliy estab lished at the Randall Apartments. The marriage o f the young cou ple in Into September fulminated a romance begun two years *ago in New York City, The bride Is the daughter of Mrs. H. Spencer Lewis and the late Dr. Lewis, she re ceived her education in the local schools and In a year of private study in the South, after which she made several extended trips abroad in the company of her parents. The bridegroom is the elder son of Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Newton Holloway of Redondo Bench, He is a graduate of stanjord University, where he was honored with mem bership in Phi Beta Kappa, and has spent the past four years in grad uate study and teaching at Colum bia University in New York City. W hile visiting Redondo Beach the newlyweds were honored nt a tea given by his parents. 150 guests greeting the pair. They were feted at numerous parties throughout the southern part of the State. On December 8, upon her return from a several months* visit in Man hattan. Mrs. H. Spencer Lewis, mother of the bride, will present the newlyweds to San Jose friends at an evening reception nt her Naglee Avenue home. Two hundred guests have been invited to meet them. #
San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Saturday, November 30,1940 Page 4
Gilbert Holloways To Be Incentive For December Party Just returned from ft month in the southlands, during which time visits were mode to both Palm Sprintrs and Mexico, are the charmnewlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Newton Holloway Jr, (Madeleine Lewis), who arc now cosily estab lished at the Randall Apartments. The mnrrlnge of the young cou ple In late September rulmimilcd a romnnre begun two years ago In New York City. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. H. Spencer Lewis and the late Dr. Lewis, she re ceived her education in the local schools and In a year of private study In the South, after which she made several extended trips abroad in the company of her parents. The bridegroom Is the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Newton Holloway of Redondo Beach. He Is a graduate of Stanford University, where he was honored with mem bership in phi Beta Kappa, and has spent the past four years In grad uate stuefy and teaching at Colum bia University in New York city. While visiting Redondo Bench the newlyweds were honored at a tea given by his parents, 150 guests greeting the pair. They were feted at numerous parties throughout the southern part of the Stnte. On December 8, upon her return from a several months’ visit in Man hattan. Mrs. H. Spencer Lewis, mother of the bride, will present the newlyweds to San Jose friends at an evening reception at her Nnglec Avenue home. Two hundred guests have been Invited to meet them. * sfc # San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Saturday, November 30,1940 Page 4
The Salt Lake Tribune Salt Lake City, Utah Saturday, December 7,1940 Page 11
Writer Talks Sunday “ Cycles of L ife” w ill be the sub* ject of an address by Herman R. Bangerter, well-known writer and lecturer, at a meeting of the Salt Lake chapter of the Rosicrucian Order (AM O RC) Sunday at 2:30 p. m. In the public library, 15 South State street. •
Brooklyn Eagle Brooklyn, New York Saturday, December 14,1940 Page 10
ARE truths are o ffe re d to those who seek to use them solely fo r the per fection o f th eir Inner facu lties and In the m astering o f the d aily obstacles o f life Th e In tern a tio n a l O rgan iza tion o f Rostcrucians w ill be happy to receive the requests of those who believe th at worthiness and sin cerity determ ine the righ t for one to have such w isdom . T o them a copy o f "T h e Secret H e rita g e ." a fa scin atin g book, w ill be given w ith out price L e f N i i i s book guide you to the con servative plan whereby you m av widen vour scope \o>f personal power. Sim ply address your r k te r to;
SCRIBE q N ^ Z .
AMORC Strn Jot*
T EMP L E California
The Register-Guard Eugene, Oregon Sunday, December 8,1940 Page 10
ROSECRUCLAN M YSTE R IE S Call sincere seekers for the great truth and pow er known to the ancients. W rite for the free book “ Light of Egypt,” mailed w ith out obligation to students of higher laws o f nature. Librarian 111, Am orc Tem ple, San Jose. Cal _____________ _
San Bernardino Daily Sun San Bernardino, California Sunday, January 5,1941 Page 18
ROSICRUCIAN Seem Teachings are offered to those who seek to use them solely for the perfection of their inner faculties, and in the mas tering of the daily obstacles of life: the International Organization of Rosicrucians will be happy to receive the requests of those who believe that worthiness and sincerity deter mine the right for one to have such wisdom: to them, a copy of "The Secret Heritage.” a fascinating book, will be given without price: let this book guide you 1j the conservative plan whereby you may widen yonr scope of Personal Power. Simply address your letter to Scribe S. E, C., AMORC Temple. Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California.
San Bernardino Daily Sun San Bernardino, California Sunday, January 5, 1941 Page 18
ROSICRUCIAX S*Lret TVarhiRps are offered to those who seek to use them solely for the perfection of their inner faculties, and in the m as tering: of the daily obstacles of life: the International Organization of Rosicrucinns will be happy to receive the requests of those who believe that worthiness and sincerity deter mine the ri g h t for one to have such wisdom: to them, a copy of “ The Secret H e r it a g e ," a fascinating book, will be given without price: let this book guide you t> the conservative plan w hereby you may widen yoflr scope of Personal Tower. dimply address y o u r letter to Scribe >. E. 0., AMORC Temple. Rosicrucian Park, , San Jos*, California.
The Fresno Bee Fresno, California Sunday, January 12,1941 Page 3B
Rosicrucian Lecturer W ill Speak In Fresno *rl N . H allw ay* t m ember of thr national lecture board of the Rn^lcrudan Order. AMOHC. w ith headquarter* in Sad Jo1 b n picture entitled Alone Civil Iration't Tiail* w hich' ihovvi a n cirri temple* and *Hrs of fn im H en civilization!, m any of u h irh m t believed to he film ed for the fit*t tljxir in this picture. In h li nddres* the apc.vkrr w ill describe t-ome of the ancient •‘my** lery echoo!*."' Scientific a«pect* of h ii talk will hr dem onstrated Ihrouch n j|reclally equipped car and trailer.
Arizona Republic Phoenix, Arizona Wednesday, January 22,1941 Page 6
to r
P u ttin g th e M ind to W tr k Are the tale* of aextent miracle* l e g e n d t or fa c t s ? Did man once po**es* a heritage of power ilia! ha* been lost through the age*? Let Gilbert N. Holloway, forceful Roiicrucran lecturer, explain these thing*. Learn the truth about the a n c i e n t m y s t e r y s c h o o ls , s u s fie n J e d a n im a ti o n . m e n ta l c r e a tin g and methods o f h e a lin g h r t h e fi o n 'e r o f T h o u g h t .
FR EE LEC TU R E M^ON^NCnmtS Alw *ee aod hear the motion picture, "Along Civil*, ration'* Trail.” See ancient temple* filmed for the fine time, and the ttrangc ptychic power* of Sheikh Mount d Hcwi of Egypt. There arc no ioaa or coHceaiaaa.
6 P . M.
PH O E N IX W OMAN'S C L liK 603 N . F1HST A V EN U E (M ain A udltortom )
W ed tie* day Ja a u a ry 22
Itrilisli ro u i'ii^ o iis llntlor i\axi Ilomliiii!* Reporting (lie people of KiiKlnml weathering (lie storm of N'arl iilr raids u Itil murage niul confidence In event* mil victory, llolicrl Forrer, rcprehenla* live of Spink and Son, Ltd., of lamdon, was here Saturday afiernonn for an Inspection of Iho rtoslrrurinn Ori ental musum on Nnglcc Avenue, Forrer, representative of the world’s largest dealers in Egyptian, Roman and Greek antiquities, established in 1772, pronounced tho local rtosicrucian museum one of tho finest of Us type In tho country, according to Ralph howls. Impcralor of iho order. Arriving here earlier this month from England. Forrer Is on nn Inspection tour of tho country’s museums, carry ing on business despite problems of fered by tho war. He expects to re turn to London |u about two weeks by boat or rlipper Lewis said. ART H t o m T h n , The museums have been able to preserve practically nil of their valua ble pieces, largo and small, Forrer I said, despite bombing raids which Jhave left many of London’s museums n shambles and severely damaged the I balance. Smaller museum pieces have been deposited In underground vaults In Iho country while iho larger objects I of art have been heavily sondbagged. he said. The people of Loudon, he said, have
becomo so used to the bombing raid; Hint sonic two-thirds of them whe during enrher periods ran to shelter; with th« sound of tho warning siren: never go near them now. Forrer said that while his family had moved to the country, tho condi tion of the people In London was ex cellent, with adequate food and othei necessities, and sanitary conditions in subway and other bomb shelters. One of the most interesting results of tho air raids, according to Forrer, Is tho effect they have had on the sleeping habits of the people. SI.I'.KF TAISMIS Many jxiople, he svid, no longer sleep In regulation beds, but place mattresses on the floor and pull large tables over themselves at night for protection against possible falling debris. People also nro forced to slvcp in bomb shelters on occasion, in three tier bunks recently erected by tho government, he reports. Factories have been damaged to some extent according to the Britisher, but no slow down of work or produc tion ns n result of the raids has been evidenced as yet. Forrer credits Anthony Eden ns principally responsible for the present Insistence of Jugoslavia which he characterized as Hitler s major diplo matic setback of the war.
San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Monday, March 31,1941 Page 1
Brooklyn eagle Brooklyn, New York Sunday, April 20, 1941 Page 2 A
Lecturer Speaks Tonight On 'Mastery of Life' Gilbert N. Holloway, natio nal lec turer of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, will give a free public lec ture tonight at 8 o ’clock in the ball room of the P y t h i a n building on 70th Street, east of Broadway, M a n h a tta n . The subject of the lecture will ‘ A Secret Method for the Mastery of Life.” Topics to be con sidered include the teaching of a n cient mystery schools, the develop ment of intuition, the technique of mental creating and healing by the power of thought. Mr. Holloway a nnounces t h a t fol lowing the lecture there will be shown a travel film entitled “Along Civilization’s Trail,” which shows monuments, temples, shrines and other places of the Near East, E n g land and Egypt associated with m a n ’s historic quest for u n d e r s t a n d ing of himself and the laws govern ing his inner nature.
Woman Sues For Damages, Saying She Was Sterilized Los Angeles, April 30—IP—Suit for 51,000,000 damages has been filed against Ralph Maxwell Lewis and others by Jeanette Scott Sey mour Young, 27-year-old concert pianist, who charged they had her confined in a state insane hospital and forced her to undergo a sterili zation operation. Miss Young’s complaint asserted she became engaged to Lewi*, whom it identified as president of the Rosicrucian order, after he rep resented he was unmarried and a member of the Caucasian race. When she learned he was already married and was not a Caucasian, and threatened legal action, the complaint charged, Lewis conspired with Mrs. Lee Sackman Holmes, Herschel H. Holmes, Mrs. Gertrude Hand and other defendants, to have her placed in the Norwalk State hospital on a "perjured affidavit." Through bribery of state officers and attaches of the hospital, it al leged, the sterilization operation was performed there without her consent Jan. 12, 1935. The Evening Independent St. Petersburg, Florida Wednesday, April 30, 1941 Page 2
JE A N E T T E SCOTT SEYMOUR YOUNG (above), 27-year.old con c e rt pianist, filed a $1,000,000 dam age auit a ga inst Ralph Maxwell Lewis and others a t Los Angeles, charging th e y had h e r confined in an insane hospital and forced her to undergo a sterilization operation. Miss Young said she w a s th e d aughter of th e late Rob e rt Seym our Young, pioneer Se attle legislator.
Sarasota Herald-Tribune Sarasota, Florida Thursday, May 1,1941 Page 7
Seeks Million in Damage Suit
Suit for SI .000.00(1 d a m a g e s ha s been filed a g a i n s t Ralph Maxwell Lew is and o t h e r s by Jean n ette Scott Seymour Young, above, 27-yenr-old con-, cert pianist. She c harged in Los Angeles (hey had her con fined in an insa ne hospital and forced h e r to unde rgo a s t e r i lization operation. Miss Young said sh e is th e d a u g h te r of the late Robert S e y m o u r Young, pioneer S e a tt l e legislato r.
Prescott Evening Courier Prescott, Arizona Friday, May 2,1941 Page 8
Arizona Republic Phoenix, Arizona Friday, M ay 2,1941 Page 7
| Suit Charges r Sterilization i i i f
LOS ANGELES. May 1—(UP>—1 ta e tte Scott Seymour Young, con-! cert pianist who traces her linei|e to the S tuarts of Scotland, toity tiled a $1,000,000 damage suit lz alleged sterilization. She charged th at she w u esmmittcd to Norwalk State Hospital for the Insane in 1935 on "bribed” evidence and forc ibly ane*thewred for the oper ation which rendered her a ■aamelets neuter."
, Her suit in superior court named ’ I «aong others, Ralph Maxwell ! Lewis, Imperator of the Eosicrucian order, to whom she said she had I been engaged to be married. Lewis, at San Jose, said she had ( requested an interview with him h 1934 and later he heard she had been committed to an institution, but said her charges were untrue. “She somehow gained an Impresi sion I had proposed m arriage to \ her,” he said. "It w'as not true, *. but the wrote many letters therej liter. I had nothing to do with I that commitment" I Miss Young named in her tuit Lee Sackman Holmes, Herschei M. i Holmes, Gertrude Hand and sevi e^l John Does. She said her health had been impaired and she ' hid lost earnings of 53,000 to S5.00Q i yearly from concert appearances.
Min* Young said she ii the feoghter of the late Robert Seymour Young, one-time councfiinan of the City of 8e«tt!e, W®hu and the niece of the kic Nathan Bay Scott, sena tor from Went Virginia.
t 8b« was commitled to the NorL nlk State Hospital, she said, on f the complaint of Mrs. Holmes. Mia Young said she voluntarily entered the state hospital for a 19-day period to prove she was normal, but claimed she was kept there lor nearly a year and during • thert time, she charges, she underI went the sterilization operatlon. --------------- o -----------------
Rosicrucian Lecturer , Addresses 4 0 0 H e r e Ancient schools of Egypt, Greece and the Levant were discussed by IGilbert N. Holloway, F. R. C., M. IA., a member of the national lecture' board of the Rosicrucian Order,! AMORC, in an address before 400 persons last night in the ballroom of the Berkshire Hotel. H o ll o way declared that the “mystery schools*’ began a “great tradition of philosophy and wisdom which has been carried down to the present day, now finding ex pression through the Rosicrucian Order. The subject of the address was “Ancient Secrets lor Putting the Mind to Work.” “Ancient peoples,” Holloway said, “had among them those who pos-l sessed an unusual understanding of the mind in both its objective Iand subjective — or subconscious— aspects, and who were able to use this profound understanding in treatment and healing work, in creating by the power of thought, and in mastering themselves and the conditions of their environ ment” A sound motion picture, “Along Civilization’s Trail." was shown after the lecture. Holloway is on a 9.000-mile tour which will take him to all parts of the United States.
Suit* A g a i n s t Ra l ph L e w i s Is Dismissed LOS -----A
su it
fo r
M ay
31 (UP).
f i l e d f i v e y e a r s a g o a g a in s t Ralph M a x w e l l L e w i s , t h e n le a d e r of the K o s ic r u c ia n order b y Jeannette S c o tt o n c h a r g e s s h e w a s steril i z e d w a s d i s m i s s e d to d a y . JV iiss S c o tt c la im e d L e w is had h e r c o m m i t t e d t o JNJorwalk Mental H o s p i t a l , w h e r e t h e a lle g e d opera tio n t o o k p la c e . L e w i s d en ied the charge, d e c la r in g he m et Miss S c o t t o n l y o n c e a t a R osicruclan c o n v e n ttio n . S u p e r i o r J u d g e C a r y l M. Shel d o n d i s m i s s e d t h e s u i t b ecau se no a t t e m p t w a s m a d e t o p r o se c u te it. San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Friday, May 31,1946 Page 1
Rosicrucian Head . Denies Charges In Sterilization Suit o Los Angeles, June 3— I P —Answer ing a $1,000,000 damage suit brought by Jeanette Scott Seymour Young. 27, concert pianist, Ralph Maxwell Lewis, San Jose, Calif., has filed in court a general denial of all charges. Miss Young's suit stated she be came engaged to Lewis, president of the Rosicrucian order, Amorc branch; that he and others had her placed in the Norwalk State Hospital for the Insane, and that she was forced to undergo a steri lization operation there. The Independent St. Petersburg, Florida Tuesday, June 3,1941 Page 12
Rosicrucian Head Denies Charges In Sterilization Suit e Los Angeles, June 3—IP—Answer ing a $1,000,000 damage suit brought by Jeanette Scott Seymour Young, 27, concert pianist, Ralph Maxwell Lewis, San Jose, Calif,, has filed in court a general denial of all charges. Miss Young’s suit stated she be came engaged to Lewis, president of the Rosicrucian order, Amorc branch; that he and others had her placed in the Norwalk State Hospital for the Insane, and that she was forced to undergo a steri lization operation there.
The Evening Independent St. Petersburg, Florida Tuesday, June 3, 1941 Page 12
DENIES DAMAGE SUIT CHARGES LOS ANGELES. June 3—UP)— Answering a $1,000,000 damage suit broi^ht by Jeanette Scott Seymour Young, 27, concert pian ist, Ralph Maxwell Lewis of San Jose, Calif., has filed in court a general denial of all charges. Miss Young’s suit stated she became engaged to Lewds, presi dent of the Rosicrucian order, AMORC branch; that he and oth ers had her placed in the Nor walk State Hospital for the In sane, and that she was forced to undergo a sterilization operation there. Lewis denied they were engaged and said the only time he could recall having seen Miss Young was during a five minute inter view at the Rosicrucian convention at San Jose, July 12, 1934. Sarasota Herald-Tribune Sarasota, Florida Tuesday, June 3,1941 Page 5
Alton Evening Telegraph Alton, Illinois Saturday, June 7, 1941 Page 2
Alton Hosicrucians
To Attend Conclave Roslcrudans within a 50-mlle area will attend a series of ad dresses to bo given by Gilbert N. Holloway, national lecturer of the Roalcruclan Order, beginning to day In St. Louis. Tho. C. Sheppard of 3619 Coro nado drive, local Rosicrucian, states that these conclaves are traditional with the Order. One of the lectures is entitled “Ancient Secrets for Putting the Mind to Work.” In conjunction with this discourse will be a sound motion picture entitled "Along Civilization’s Trail.” It is expected local Rosicruclans will attend.
The Kansas City Star Kansas City, Missouri Thursday, June 12, 1941 Page 16
c /l Secret cMetk&xi fa r the
M A S T E R Y OF LIF1 I* your life all you with it to be? Do you want to in crease your p o w e r o f a c c o m p lis k m t n i? U im the secret laws of life—the cherished w is d o m o f th e am ciem is. Come and discover what made their strange miracles pos sible—ami how you can b r in g s ta r tlin g r h a r tg rs in to v » n r li fe . Hear Hilbert N. Holloway, forceful Hnsicrucian lecturer, explain this useful knowledge.
Also see and hear the motion picture. “Along Civil*, ration’s Trail.” See ancient temples filmed for the firs! time, and the strange psychic powers of Sheikh Mous&a el How* o i Lgypi. There arc no fees or cojlccuooa-
Tomorrow Kansas City Athenaeum Friday 8 P. M. Linwood and Campbell Sts. June 13th 'V % /V t
LOS ANGELES, June 21. UP)— Jeannette Scott Seymour Young, 33, who filed a $1,OOU.UOO damage suit against Ralph Maxwell Lewis, disserted at a deposition hearing that he was not the man she ac cuses of having had her sterilized in 1935. Miss Young looked at Lewis, imperator of the Rosicrucian order, and declared yesterday: “That is not Mr. Lewis. That is not Mr. Lewis’ nose, nor his hair, nor his voice. Let me look at his hands. No, those are not his hands either.'1 At one point, she stopped her testimony and said she believed some sort of impersonation hoax was being perpetrated. Lewis, in a counter deposition, denied Miss Young's charges. Spokane Daily Chronicle Spokane, Washington Saturday, June 21, 1941 Page 11
Plaintiff Says Lewis Not Man Who Victimized Her • Los Angeles, June 21 -— J P ■ — Jeannette Scott Seymour Young, 33, "who filed a $1,000,000 damage suit against Ralph Maxwell Lewis, asserted at a deposition hearing that he was not the man accuses of having had her sterilized in 1035. Miss Young looked-at Lewis, imperator of the Rosicrucian order, and declared yesterday: “That Is not Mr. Lewis. 'That is not Mr. Lewis’ nose, nor his hair, nor his voice. Let me look at his hands. No, those are not his hands either.’’ At one point, she stopped her testimony and said she believed some sort of impersonation hoax was being perpetrated. Questioning proceeded. A ruling in the superior court suit will be made later. ' Lewis, in a counter-deposition, denied Miss Young's charges. The Evening Independent St. Petersburg, Florida Saturday, June 21,1941 Page 12
for the
M A S T E R Y OF L IF }s sour life all vmt wish it to be? Do \nu want to iocrease sour f i o t r r r n ( n e r n m fi li s li n s r n t ? Learn the secret laws of life—the cherished «*»tr ln m n> t h r n n c i r n t r . Come and discover what made thrir strange miracles pos sible—and bow you can b r i n g s t a r t l i n g r h n n g r t in tn y n n r /i7r. Hear Gilbert N. Holloway, forceful Rosjcnteian lecturer, explain this useful knowledge.
Also see and hear the motion picture. "Along C.ivilia-afion's Trail." See ancient temples filmed for the first time, and the strange psvchic powers of Sheikh Moussa el Howi nf Kgvpt. There are no fees or collections Tonight ft o'clock
City Auditorium 201 Sixth Street
FrH ar. .lim e T?
- ROSICRUCIANS (amorci nnr * eciKvotts
The Bismarck Tribune Bismarck North Dakota Friday, June 27, 1941 Page 6
Brooklyn Eagle Brooklyn, New York Monday, June 30,1941 Page 21
Boro Library Gets New Rosicrucian Volumes Additional volumes treating on the subject of Rosicrucianism have been added to the collection of Rosicruciar. philosophy at the local public library. Jo hn of 153 Cooper 6 t , local Rosicrucian member, an nounced that he has been informed by the grand secretary of the order •ha* following a large demand for works on ’he subject, it was found necessary to donate further copies to *he Brook! vn library. Mr, Napier a r o added that* since the Rosi e r ; ;ar. Order, known as AMORC. is r.o a religious organization, all of publications are treatises on ph:losoph> metaphysics, th« a m ar.d sciences.
Spokane Daily Chronicle Spokane, Washington Wednesday, July 9,1941 Page 3
Holloway to Lead Rosicrucian Meet G ilbert N . H ollow ay, n a tio n a l lec tu r er of th e R osicru cian Order, AMORC, is a S p ok an e v isito r th is w e e k on a lou r o f the n o rth w est. T on igh t and tom orrow n igh t he w ill lead a d istrict co n clave of R osicru eian s of S p ok an e and v i cin ity a t th e M asonic tem p le. T h e session s w ill Include p h ilo sop h ical lectu res and th e p r esen ta tion o f variou s s c ie n tific d em on stration s. | Mr. H o llo w a y w ill close h is v i s i t ; w ith a free public lectu re a t 8 o'clock F rid ay e v e n in g in th e C om m andery room o f th e tem p le. H is su b ject w ill be "A S e c r e t M ethod for the M a stery of L ife.” | H e an n o u n ces th a t som e of the topics to be considered in th e le c tu re in clu d e th e tea ch in g s o f th e a n c ien t w isdom sch ools of E g y p t \ and G reece; th e tech n iq u e of m en - | tal crea tin g ; th e d ev elo p m en t of in tu ition and o th er h ig h er m en ta l fa cu ltie s; h e a lin g by th e pow er of th ou gh t: and th e s tr e n g th e n in g of p erson ality th rou gh th e g r e a te r exp ression o f m en ta l pow er. A fte r the lec tu r e w ill be s h o w n 1 a sound m o tio n picture e n titled "A long C iv iliza tio n ’s T r a il.” T h ej en tir e program is open to the pub l i c , w ith o u t ch arge.
1Rosicrncian Heard by 450 at Temple Gilbert N. Holloway, F. R. C., M. A., member of the national lecture board of the Rosicrucian order, AMORC, addressed an audience of more than 450 last evening In the Masonic temple on the subject, •■Ancient Secrets for Putting the Mind to Work." In his address Mr. Holloway dis cussed the ancient schools of Egypt, Greece and the Levant devoted to the study and application of the •higher principles of life as found expressed in man and nature, and stated that the secret "mystery schools" began a great tradition of philosophy and wisdom which has been carried down to the present day. Following the lecture there was exhibited a sound motion picture, “Along Civilization's Trail," an un usual travel film which opened with views of the mysterious ruins of Stonehenge, England, then car ried one to Egypt with Its ancient monuments, temples and mystic shrines, and finally to Rosicrucian park in San Jose, Calif. Mr. Holloway Is on a 9000-mile lecture tour in a specially equipped car and trailer. Spokane Daily Chronicle Spokane, Washington Saturday, July 12,1941 Page 3
Pan-American Friendship
Today was peak day tot the Roslcruclan conclav.e when more than seven hundred delegates registered lor the Temple Builders' Initiation, which took place from 8 to lo this morning and wilt continue tonight from 7 to 0:30. This Initiation ts conducted by a full complement of grand lodge ritualistic officers In Egyptian robes and regalia. The convention day began with a continuance of demonstrations In light and color In the Rose-Omix University science building, followed by an addres by Ben Sweetland. author and radio lecturer. In the auditorium, con cerning Spanish-Amcrlcan Roslcrucian activities. Miss Mary Gurrola, of the Spanish department, explained the Roslcruelan | mailing system, Latin-Amerlcan cor respondence and the duties of the Spanish department staff, of which there are 10 members, t Y o t r m TR AIN ING A special session was held In the : auditorium this afternoon, with a n ' address by Thelma Robertson, past • matron, in charge of the Junior order, entitled "Proper Training of Youth." In this Ircture. Miss Robertson ex plained how Roslcruelan teachings can apply to children nnd adolescents as well ns adults in teaching them the best way of life. An address by Kendal Brower, cura tor of the museum, followed, with the topic of "The Search for God In An cient Egvpt," In which Brower dis cussed Egyptian methods o f seeking the truth and how their cultural life paralleled this search. SEE DOCUMENTS Later, delegates gathered In the Planetarium Building lo sec an ex hibition of original documents and charters of authority conveyed to the late Imperator, Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, by foreign officers and Jurisdictions of AMORC and affiliated bodies. While the special Initiation Is be ing conducted In the temple, a ses sion will be held this evening In the Francis Bacon Auditorium for alt of those not participating In the Initia tion. Ellis B. Moody will speak on "Misconceptions of AMORC Admin istration.” Daphne Daniels will follow up with a lecture entitled "The Challenge of the Crisis.” in which she will point out how life Is merely a series of crises In which the individual must con stantly adjust himself.
before the statue of Augustus Caesar in Rosicrucian Park, Mrs. Sultana deLerach, from San Pedro Sula, Honduras, and Miss Mary Gurrola, head of the Spanish-American department of the Rosicrucian Order, shake hands and pledge, friendship. Mrs. Lerach traveled miles to attend the Rosicrucian convention now in session.—Lomar Service photo.
San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Thursday, July 17,1941 Page 8
R05ICRUCIAN CONVENTION IS CLOSING The 13tli annual convention of the Roslcrucian order Will come to a close tonight with the annual ban quet at 0 o’clock in the Municipal Auditorium. A* dance nt 0 o’clock in Dunne Hall will follow the dinner, Ralph M. Lewis will be master of ceremonies a t the banquet. A- variety of instrumental and vocal numbers by delegates to the convention will be presented. Students of the RoseCrolx University, which attended classes before the convention, will also present a skit. Featured on the program will be colored movies from coast-to-coast taken by Earl Bragga of Los Angeles. Starting near Monterey, where the first Roslcruclans, members of Sir Francis Drake's crew, reached the new world in the 1500's, the pictures take delegates to Fairmont Park In Philadelphia where the first lodge was started. Banjam in Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were members of the first lodge. Pictures of the local park and order will conclude the col ored movies. The dance tonight sponsored by the Kcphcr-Ra Club, will be seml-formal. ELECT COUNSELORS At the last business session delegates heard a talk by Harvey Miles, grand secretary of the order, and elected a board of nine counselors. They were: Dr, Louis Blass, New York City; J. A. Calcano, Venezuela; Thomas Blackwell, Chicago; James Blaydes, Dallas, Tex.; Oliver Hughes, Topeka, Kas .
AMORC Wedding Ritual Performed For Two Delegates A ritualistic wedding ceremony of the Roslcrucian Order was a feature of the 13th annual convention here to day with two Los Angeles members as the principles. The ritualistic rites, conducted by Alfred A. Williams, chaplain of the su preme temple here, and his assistant, Ben Wilson, followed a clvij ceremony in Carson City. Ncv., two days ngo. The ceremony united Louise P a tricia Burghart and Robert F. McLain, both 35. They met two months ago ' and came to the convention last Sun day. Deciding to wed at the conven tion, they went to Nevada ns a pre liminary to today’s rites. An Inter ested spclalor today was Glsbert Boss- . ard of Dayton, Ohio, who conducted a similar ceremony there recently. The McLains will make thetr home In Los Angeles, where the bridegroom is employed in the United States en gineers’ office. Mrs. McLain was for merly with the Dougins Aircraft Com pany at Santa Monica. Following tonight’s closing banquet | they will leave on a wedding trip.
San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Saturday, July 19, 1941 Page 1
Heir Is Greeted Mr. and Mrs. G ilbert N ew ton H ollo way Jr. have a young son, who has been nam ed G ilbert New ton III. Ho w as born th is past T h ursday evening nt the S an Jose H ospital. T h e n ew com er Is th eir fir st born and his m other is th e form er M adeleine Lewis. H is grandparents are Mrs. G. Spencer Lewis and the late Dr. Lewis, and the Senior G ilbert N ew ton H ollow ays of Southern C alifornia. • # •
San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Monday, July 28,1941 Page 5
Heir Is Greeted Mr. and Airs. Gilbert Newlon Hollo way Jr. have a young son, who has boon named Gilbert Newton III. Ho was born this past Thursday evening at the Snn Jose Hospital. The new comer Is their first born and his mother is the former Madeleine Lewis. His grandparents are Mrs. G. Spencer Lewis and the late Dr. Lewis, and the Senior Gilbert Newton Holloways of Southern California.
San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Monday, July 28, 1941 Page 5
San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Wednesday, August 13,1941 Page 2
To Study Ancient Ruins
Ralph Lewis, imperator of the Rosicrtician Order, prepares to take motion pictures of ruins of ancient Peruvian civilization, hiprh in the Andes. He leaves Monday for Peru.—Lomar Service photo.
San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Wednesday, August 13,1941 Page 2
RALPH LEWIS WILL FLY 10 ANCIENT PERU Ralph Lewis, lmperator of the Roslrruclan Order, will leave Monday with Mrs. Lewis on a J2.f>00-mllo Journey, Into remote Interior of Peru, Lewis will travel by air. rail and pack train to Cuzco, ancient center of the Peruvian Inca civilization, high In the Andes Mountains. There Lewis will study remains of the old civilization and also present living conditions in the oldest con tinuously Inhabited city in North or South America, dating back 2500 years. Lewis' trip is sponsored Jointly by the Rosicrucian Order and the Indian Association of America, of which he Js a national councilor. WILL TAKE PICTURES Cuzco, situated at an altitude of 12.000 feet, is regarded as the ar cheological center of the Americas. The railroad which runs part of the way to it Is the highest in the world, going through a pass at the elevation of 14.000 feet. The visible m ins at Cuzco are built on prehistoric ruins, exact date of which is unknown. Lewis Is expected to remain away one month. He will take considerable camera equipment with him, to take both stills and motion pictures. En route to Cuzco, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lewis will make brief stops at Los Angelas. Panama, Mexico c ity , Guate m ala City, Quito, Colombia and Lima.
The Kansas City Star Kansas city, Missouri Saturday, January 31,1942 Page 4
mnt h e
m astery
came the knowledge uuu mint the Pyramids? Where did the first builders in the Nile Valley acquire their astounding wisdom that started man on his upward climb? Did their knowledge come from a race now submerged .beneath the sea? From what concealed source came the wisj dom that produced such characters a* Amenhotep IV, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and a host of others? Today it if ktwn ri that they discov* erecl and used certain Secret Methods for the development of their inner power of mind. They truly learned to •master life. This secret art of living has been preserved and handed down throughout the ages and today is ex tended to those who dare use its pro*
The Kansas City Star Kansas city, Missouri Saturday, January 31,1942 Page 4
found principles to meet and solve the problems of life in these complex times.
This Sealed Book — FREE The Rosicrucians (not a religious organization) have prepared an un* usual book, which will he sent free to sincere inquirers, in which the method of receiving these principles and nat ural laws is explained. Write today for your copy of this sealed book. Possibly it will he the Hrst step whereby you can accomplish many of 'Y, your secret ambitions and the | building ofpersonal achieve ments. Addrcssyourinquiry toi Scribe X. Z. R,
The Rosicrucians { AMORC) S.V3 Josr, California
Santa Cruz Sentinel-News Santa Cruz, California Thursday, February 5,1942 Page 3
Interesting Volume Is Given Library Readers in Santa Cruz will be interested in knowing that at the public library a new revised edilion of the history of the Rosicruchin Order has just been made available. Willis Williams of this city, local member of the Rosicrueian Order. AMORC, has just re ceived notification from the sec retary of the organization in San Jose, that this hook has been do nated to the public library. In view of the interest in the subject of Rusicrucianism today, and in fact, in response to local requests, the organization is able to provide this book to the public library. O O O
The Winnipeg Tribune Winnipeg, Canada Saturday, March 21,1942 Page 15
Rosicrucians To Celebrate Ancient Rite He-enartment of a ceremony thHi. hrgnn in ancient Egypt more t hnn 40 centuries ago vs ill bn the highlight of a Hoslcrueian conclave to hr* held Sunday afternoon at headquarters of the lornl chapter nt the Phoenix building. According to A. N. Wirdnam, master of the local Rosicruriar chapter, the anolrnt Egyptians, from lh» lime nf Memphis In the Ptolemaic Period, began their New Y e a r.always on or nhnut the lime nf the vernal equinox, when the sun on Its journey crosses the eel* esiial equator nnd enters the Zodi acal sign of Aries, which always occurs on or about March 21, This Vi as considered the begin ning of the New Year, bemuse spring is symbolic of new life — emphasized the awakening of na ture from the dormant period of winter, the bursting forth of bios* s mu. and the growth of living things The occasion of the Now Year was celebrated, states A N Wlrdnam, by a symbolic feast in which the participants partake of simple foods, corresponding to certain haste elements of nature, such as: salt, corn Hnd unfermented grape jjuices.
As the Rosicrurian Order, A.M j O p t ' , a non-religious, hut phtlouphiml fraternity, maintains that its traditional origin occurred dur ing the reign of Arnenhotep IV in 1.150 B C „ tiie Order commemor ates this ancient New Year begin ning with a ceremony, though nonreligious. that embraces the alle gorical significance of the age-old Egyptian rite. ' March 21 is also the beginning of the fiscal period of all Hostcru* clan lodges and chapters through out the world, and the dale Is marked by the Installation of new ritualistic and administrative offic ers. New officers of the local chapter to be Installed are; W. M Gianville. master: MIm Alida VanDerlek. secretary: Mrs O Wirdnam. chaplain: and J. G. M e a r a. guardian.
The Kansas City star Kansas City, Missouri Saturday, April 25,1942 Page 14
R E the tales of strange human powen false? h an the mysterious feats per formed by the mystics of ihe Orient be explained away as only illusion*? is there an intangible l»ond with the universe be yond which draws mankind on? Does a mighty Cosmic intelligence from the readies of spate ebb nnd How through the d eep 'm etses of ihe mind, forming a river of wisdom which can carry men and women to tile freights o! persona! achieve ment?
Have You Had These Experiences? . , . that unmistakable feeling that you have token the wrong course of action, that you have violated some inner, unex pressed, belter Judgment? Ih e sudden realization that the silrnt whisperings of self are^caulioning you to keep your own counsel — not to speak words on the tip of your longii'- in the preseme of another, rhat something which pushes you forward when vou hesitate, or restrain* you when you arr spl to make a wrong move. These urges are the subtle indnenea which when understood and directed has made thousands of men and women mas ters of their liv*s. There IS a sourer of intelligence within you as natural a* vnur sen** of light and hearing, and more dependable, which you are NOT Bring
now! Challenge this statement! D are the Rosicrudans to reveal the functions of this Cosmic mind and its great possibili ties to you.
Let This Free Book Explain Take this infinite power into your part nership. You can use it in a rational aod practical way without interference with your religious beliefs or personal affairs. 1 lie RosicrMcinni. a world-wide philo sophical movement, indie you to use the coupon below, now. today, and obtain a free copy of the fascinating book, ""The Mastery of Life,” which explains further.
Scribe T. I. B. T he Rosicricians. A M O R C San Jose, California 1 am sincerely interested in knowing more about this unseen, vital power which can he used in acquiring ihr fullness and happiness of life Flense send me, w ithout cost, the hook. "T he Mastery of l ife." which tell* how to res eive tki* information.
___________ —— ——
Fitchburg Sentinel Fitchburg, Massachusetts Saturday, April 18, 1942 Page 3
, “ M A STER YO U R L IF E ! It Gan Be Done the Rosicrucian Way NEW FREE BOOK TELLS YOU HOW YOU MAY DO IT! i
THE ROSICRUCIANS KNOW HOW! S For ages they have demonstrated a great: er knowledge and a superior power over all obstacles in life. Let them solve your problems. Their guidance will reveal psychic laws and mystical principles which will make you mighty and successful in attaining H EALTH , HAPPINESS and SELF-MAS' TERSHIP. The New, free book, 'T H E MAS TER Y OF LIFE," will tell you how you may receive, in the privacy of your home, the rational, simple, Rosicrucian teach ings for Self-Unfoldment. Write a letter asking for it today. Address: SCRIBE 111 — ROSICRUVCIA N BROTHERHOOD (AMORC) San ' Jose, California, U .S. A ."
The Kansas City star Kansas City, Missouri Sunday, June 21, 1942 Page 10 A
A FREE BOOK D E v i - x b r your personal, creit* ti\c power! Awaken the silent sleeping forces in your own con* sciotisncss. Become Master of your own life. Push aside all obstacles with a new* energy sou have o\cr* looked. T h e R osicruciana know how. and will help you apply the greatest of all powers in man's con trol. Create health and abundance for yourself. Write for H ii .K booh, “The Masters of Life.' It tells how you may r c c c i s e these teachin gs for study and use. It m ean s the dawn of a ness das for sou. Address:
Scribf U. C. C.
95ir R osicrucians
The Evening Independent Massillon, Ohio Saturday, June 27,1942 Page 2
ROSICRUCIAN Secret Teach ings are offered to those who seek to use them solely lor the perfection of their inner facul ties, and in the mastering of the daily obstacles of life; the Inter national Organization of Rosicru cians will be happy to receive the requests of those who believe that worthiness and sincerity determ ine the right for one to hare such wisdom; to them, a copy of “The Secret Heritage,” a fascin ating book, will be given without price; let this book guide you to the conservative plan whereby you may widen your sbope of Personal Power. Simply address your letter to Scribe S. E. On AMORC Temple, Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California,
The Salt Lake Tribune Salt Lake City, Utah Sunday, July 12, 1942 Page B 11
M onaster/ Secrets
. . . THE FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE OF TIBET W h it of nature are locked within the mountain f a it' n o * of T ibet? W hat control o ver the force* of the U nivene do the*e d o 'lie rrd »*«c» cacrci*t? For c o tune * the world b«* »ou*ht to know the »ourc« of their power—to learn AWr mjjiirry o fItfe. and ihr !r fa cu ity Jot p roeltm t With Which . the m u ic i of m ankind tuU itrugjfe. H ive they *clr* fiahly deprived hum anity of Lhrao rar# teach fax*? WKlTt POI Trill MIES KOOK Like the »Ucarn» th a t trickle from the HUa■layon height* to tfca p'.otcau* below ,th» (real trutn* oftheac brotherhood* have doacended thro u g h th e axe*. One of the p r t* a v ei» of the tyl*dom a! the Orient!* thcR otieruciari Brotherhood (not a rcflgiou* orcanuotioo). They trwtte you to writ* today for the;r FR E E Sealed Book, U 'rihiu arniim g revela* lion* about there m y v terieioflifc. Addrca*: Scribc X . 5 . O . 1 J ] x lOitCKUClANS aaontf [ 5on Joia, Calil. 11,5. A.
"Tho Inmalt A. M. O. K. C. !*, a philo sophical fra tern ity w ith in tern a tional head q u arters a t San Jose, Cal. T he prediction s arc not founded upon an y fa n ta stic s y s tem of divin ation , but upon an an a ly sis of th e trends of the present, and a logical projection o f them into the future. F u rth er prediction s are th a t the present d ecen tralization of ind ustry w ill contin ue a fter the w ar, resu ltin g in the esta b lish m en t of m any new , m odern-sized c ities in form erly str ic tly ag ricu l tural areas. T h is w ill encourage th e you th to rem ain on th e fRrm and enjoy the fa c ilities of an ad jacen t city, ch eck in g the ex o dus of farm labor. Jap an , it is claim ed, w ill not lose all of the area she had gain ed through a g gression prior to the p resen t w ar, as th e victoriou s A llied n ations w ill see th e dan ger in fu rther com p ressin g her dense popula
tion. T he global w ar w ill w eak en the in ten se sp irit of the inten se n a tio n a lism th a t now prevails. T he retu rn in g w arriors w ill have such a thorough u n d ersta n d in g of the problem s of. oth er peoples th orou gh ou t th e w orld as not to to lera te th eir econ om ic and po, litica l opp ression u n d e r an y guise. T hey w ill be sk ep tica l of the th eory of a suprem e pow er or preferred nation. The R osicru cian s, in annual book lets of prophecy issued by th em previously, predicted the abd ication of K in g Edw ard and thnt w ith P resid en t R oosevelt th ere w ould end the traditional term s o f A m erican presidents, each of the prophecies, a t the tim e, ca u sin g considerable con troversy. M RS. W A R R E N V A N P E R P O O L
SMITH. Miami.
The Salt Lake Tribune Salt Lake City, Utah Monday, February 8, 1943 Page 4
9*umAaJpU Gawnxul DO PAST PERSONALITIES INFLUENCE OUR LIVES? T S THPRE a rongregation of th r gTfat mind* chat once dwelt upon earth? Does their intelligence linger on to inspire those who remain—like the scent of flower# removed? Has there ever flashed into your consciousness an amazingly clear plan or purpose— accompanied by a strange, inaudible com m and to act upon it? Have you, like many other*, found success in obeying such im pulses—and failure, if you scoffed and disregarded them? Do such experiences indicate that, like a musical note, we each have our harmonic—some guiding pasr intelligence—with wliich ou r personal consciousness is attuned? There has ever persisted the doctrine that the eminent characters who have departed arc Cos* m*cal!y ordained to peipcfuate their work and ai na through new living personal lies in each age. Perhaps you, too, have observed an inexplicable similantv between y o u r ideals and inclination* and those of a prominent personage o f some ocher century or time.
Accept This Q*j£ Book T h u if nor a religious problem. 2c u not one concernrd with spiritualistic phenom ena, ie is a fa a a n tn n g con federation of rbe survival of human co-ucioutnm after death, and how inteJli£en« ra may shape the destiny o f mankind. Every liber.i! philosopher and •OWWlvt has at one time or a io th e r been chal lenged by th r reality of these irrefutable expert* encrs. The Ron crucians, rhe « !J r< existing fra* trrm ty dr voted to rhe study of m ythe'nm ami meta/>/iv»»c», invrte you to inveftiga * this fascinating •ubjeei. W rite today for the iree book entitled " T h e Afatterr o f Life.** It it sitr pJy and forcefully written. It is «n open portal to a aatisfactocy e«* planatioa of thr«e and ocher mysteries of life. Be not com me jua* to live. Know what icfli>rnpt more than 40 r e n t unes ago will to n highlight of » Ro.*irruriiin Conclave at 7 tfi p m Wr In-sday at lo al headquarter* of the organization, room 172 Phoenix block, Horn 1 .• ! Ac. to Wm M the man who fights the war want the world of tomor row to he" How do the soldier j the defense worker, the wife, mother and sweetheart ] the terms “democracy" and “inter I nationalism?” Delegates attending i the international Rosicrueian con vention in San Jose recently had these questions propounded to them, according to T P Townsend. 57 Coulson avenue, toeai delegate. The dominant theme, he said, was a need for the peoples of each nation to better understand the geopolitical circumstances of their j neighbors. The Rosicrucians intend to con duct further “people's peace con ferences,” Townsend said, in the U. S and Canada and submit (ind mgs to the statesmen of these countries every cate in the union were rep Six foreign countries and almost resented at the conventiun
Tucson Daily Citizen Tucson, Arizona Wednesday, September 22, 1943 Page 4
ROSICRUCIANS TO OBSERVE PROGRAM Building of the great pyramid of Cheops will be- commemorated locally for Rosicrucians Friday evening when an outdoor fete and ceremony Is enacted at Wotmnro amusement park at 6:45 p. m. Dr. j Charles L. Tomlin, master of the Tucson AMORCf announced. According to Rosicrucian tradi tions, the great pyramid at Glzch was begun about 4000 B, C. on the occasion of the fall equinox. Conitructlon of the pyramid required a knowledge of al! known sciences of the period, it Is said. Since Rosierueians claim iradtional ori gin back to Amenhctep ]V, Phar aoh of 1305 B. C., they commem orate their ancient origin bv Jthe ritualistic construction of a minia ture pyramid. The laying of each stone represents to them the cul tural accomplishments of the o r-: der during each year of It* exist* , ence,
Tucson Daily Citizen Tucson, Arizona Monday, November 8, 1943 Page 9
TRANSFORM. YOUR PERSONALITY. . . imecmm cm o tU il pm U xm f
H a v e you ever envied the personal magnetism of others? Would it be an asset to you— in busineee or socially—if per sons respected you. immedi ately? Certainly it would be an advantage if your very pres ence inspired the confidence of others. Do your unconscious moods repel others? Merely trying to act like another never really deceives anyone. Within you, however, are personality centers, glands which control your emotions and mental
z Tucson Daily Citizen Tucson, Arizona Monday, November 8, 1943 Page 9
powers. You can learn how they may be directed and con trolled to transform your per sonality. The Rosicruciana can * tell you how. W rite for the fascin atin g FREE book, “ The M astery o f L if t ” A ddress: Scribe
y G J
SAN J Ol l
( AMO ftC )
The Bakersfield Californian Bakersfield, California Friday, November 12,1943 Page 14
K O SiCH UCIAN Secret T eachings are offered to those w ho seek to use them so lely for the perfection of their Inner faculties, and In the m as tering of the d aily obstacles nf life : the International Organization of K osicrucians wilt be happy to receive the requests of those who believe th a t w orthiness and sincerity deter m ine the right for one to have such w is d o w ; to them a copy of “The Secret H eritage,” a fascinating book, w ill be given w ithout price: let this book guide you to the conservative plan w hereby you m ay widen your scope of Personal Power. Simply address your letter to Scribe S. 1C. C., AAIORC Temple, R osierueian Park, San Jose, C alif.___________________ SD
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