AMORC - Constitution of the AMORC 1917

December 13, 2016 | Author: sauron385 | Category: N/A
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The Constitution of the AMORC of North America was adopted and ratified by all Lodges of this Order, represented at the ...



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A d o p te d and R a tifie d by all L o d g e s of this Order, Represented at the First National Convention, Held in Pittsburgh, Pa., July 31-Aug. 4, 1917 T O W H IC H



V 1.. 7


With Introductory pages, containg the First American Charter, the Fir^t American Pronunziamento, a Chart of the Official Symbols and Seals, Record Blanks of Initiation, Advancement and Membership, also a Li£t of the Supreme Executive Officers for the year 3270 R. C. P R IN T E D IN T H E P R IN T S H O P O F T H E S U P R E M E G R A N D L O D G E , W IT H T H E A P P R O V A L O F T H E D E P A R T M E N T O F P U B L IC A T IO N




Emirfc of Jmttatum l' it U11nut 11 by this person al M em orandum that I,

with the Divine privilege of our G o d , and at the invitation of w as duly Initiated into the Ifftot 0 e g w o f tip A *.

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C rossed the T hreshold of the L o d ge , in Copyright, 1917, by Department of Publication Supreme Grand Lodge A Y M Y O Y R Y C Y of North America

on the evening of in the year A n d, by virtue of a decree by the M aster of the L o d ge, I w as duly Initiated into the Drrtrrr of in

L o d ge on

and into the SJtjirft Urrjrrr of in

Lodge on

at which time I received the official Latin nam e of

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IS e ro rh

T h is is to recall the p leasan t occurrence of my Initiation into the 3 F n u rtli

Initiated into the Fifth D egree L o d ge Location

of our Order, at which time I received the O fficial Certificate of M em bership sealed and signed by the O fficers w hose n am es are given below :

Initiated into the Sixth D egree

D ate of 4th D egree Initiation

Initiated into the Seventh D egree

L o d ge Location Lodge

N am e of L o d g e

Location Initiated into the Eighth D egree



M aster’s N am e

Location Initiated into the Ninth D egree

Secretary’s N am e

Lodge Location

C h ap lain ’s N am e 1

N am es of som e Brothers and Sifters p re se n t:

Initiated into the T enth D egree Lodge Location Initiated into the Eleventh D egree


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L o d ge Location Initiated into the Tw elfth D egree Lodge Location

Jfit iltettttg lith j KBmmhhb We, the undersigned Men and Women, of New York City, were formally constituted members of the

S U P R E M E A M E R IC A N C O U N C IL of the

A N C IE N T A N D M Y S T IC A L O R D E R of the

f R iw (Urnsa in accordance with the Ancient Rites and Cere­ monies, under the direction and approval of the MOST W ORSHIPFUL GRAND MASTER GENERAL OF AM ERICA

bt tt ktt0tttu tfyat: we hereby proclaim the establishment of the

iRnstrntriatt ix

Section 4 A com plete L od ge shall con­ sist o f not more than 144 ac­ tiv e members and 14 Officers, m aking a to ta l o f 158 a ctive members.

M E M B E R S H IP . Section 1 M em bership to the O rder shall be stric tly lim ited to men and women, 21 years o f age or over, who are o f good m oral habits, w ho meet the necessary requirem ents as to character and occupation, w ho openly profess and declare th eir be­ lie f in Cod, w ho submit to in ­ vestigation a fte r in v ita tio n to

Section 5 Mem bers may become nona ctiv e by non-attendance to the regu lar convocations and lectures or degree work, and by not paying dues regu larly.


In such case they sh all re­ main non-active u n til re-ad­ m itted to such degree, in any L odge, as th ey la st attended and u n til they pay regu lar dues and a tten d a ll w ork again, provided there is a va cancy in the L od ge to which they a pply fo r admission. Section 6 Mem bers m ay be tra n sferred to oth er Lod ges upon the w r it ­ ten recom m endation o f th eir M aster, and provided th ere is a vacancy in the a c tiv e m em ­ bership lis t o f the L o d ge to w hich they desire to be tra n s­ ferred. Such tra n sferred m em ­ bers shall take precedence o v er a ll applican ts in being a d ­ m itted. Section 7 A ll m embers shall be classed as eith er a c tiv e or non-active, and in eith er class must be o f good rep ort and record, o th er­ w ise th ey can not rem ain as members. Section 8 Each Grand L o d ge shall have a Council consisting o f 14 officers and 11 oth er m em ­ bers appointed bv the M aster, to serve one year, and m ay be reappointed. Each Subordi­ nate L o d ge shall have a Coun­ cil consisting only o f the a c­ tiv e officers. Such Councilors shall be selected by the M a s­ ters o f the Lodges.

WW A rtirir l& m tn L O D G E O F F IC E R S Section 1 E v ery L o d ge o f this O rder shall have the cu stom ary 14

Officers as outlined In “ S ecret M andam uses."


Section 2 T h e Officers o f each L od ge shall consist o f M aster, D epu­ ty M aster, S ecretary, T r e a s ­ urer, and ten oth er R itu a lis tic Officers. T h e D eputy and the ten R itu a lis tic Officers o f each L od ge shall be appointed or- re­ appointed by the M a ster a t the Annual E lection. (A ll the fo re g o in g Officers, except ‘ *Ma tre ” and “ C olom be” m ay be filled by eith er B roth ers or Sisters o f the O rder.) Section 3 T h e M aster, S ecretary and T reasu rer o f a ll L od ges shall be elected, in the case o f a L odge, a t the ex p iration o f th eir term s, or w henever an official vacancy occurs. In the case o f a M aster, he shall be re-elected or a nother elected a t the ex p iration o f such term as is decreed in his C harter. No M a ster m ay be elected and in stalled in an y L od ge w ith ­ out the a pproval of th at L o d g e ’s su perior Council. Section 4 Officers fo r new L od ges m ay be elected by the Foundation Com m ittee. In such case the election m ust be approved by the new Lodge’s superior Council. Section 5 Officers in the Suprem e Grand L o d ge shall be titled w ith the w ords “ Supreme G ran d” preceding th eir office title. In Grand L od ges by the w ord “ G ran d,” and in Subor­ din ate L od ges by the w ord “ W o rth y .” Section 0 T h e duties o f M asters, Depu-

(Cnnstitutinn nf tlj* (Writer

ties, S ecretaries and T re a s ­ urers in each Lodge, shall be, aside from R itu a lis tic work, those which, usually pertain to the Offices o f Presidents, VicePresidents, Secretaries, and Treasu rers in oth er org a n iza ­ tions. Section 7 R itu a lis tic Officers fo r each Lodge, including the Supreme (ira n d Lodge, shall be a ppoin t­ ed by the M a ster o f the Lodge. Each officer shall be appointed fo r a term o f one year from the d a te o f such appointm ent except in the case o f an ap­ pointm ent to fill a vacancy, when the term shall be fo r the unexpired pa rt o f the term o f the Office vacant. A ll Officers m ay be reappointed fo r suc­ cessive terms.


Artirir lEtgljt C O N V O C A T IO N S Section 1 Th e regu lar R itu a lis tic Con­ vocation s o f the O rder shall be held by each L od ge a t least tw ic e a month, in some T e m ­ ple especially arranged or adapted to the R itu a lis tic w ork and h avin g the O fficial equipment. Section 2 Such C onvocations shall be conducted by the M aster and Officers in accordance w ith the “ Secret Mandam uses” and the dictates o f the Am erican Su­ preme Council as issued by the Im p era to r o f the O rder in N orth Am erica. Section 3 Th e “ w ork ” in the Lodges, consisting o f lectures, teach­ ings' ceremonies, in itiation s, exam inations, tests, ex p eri­ ments, etc., shall likew ise be in accordance w ith the “ Secret Mandam uses” or as modified or im proved by the decrees o f the Am erican Supreme Council and issued by the Im p era to r o f the O rder in N orth America. Special M eetings, Assem ­ blies, or Convocations o f a N a ­ tion a l nature m ay be called by the Im p era to r and the M a ster o f each L od ge may call sim ilar m eetings o f a local nature at any tim e w ith due notice to all members o f his Lodge.

Section 8 T h e titles, conditions o f ap­ pointm ent, duties, etc., o f all R itu a lis tic Officers shall be as defined in the “ S ecret M a n ­ damuses*’ o f the O rder as ob­ tain in all Lod ges o f this Order. Section 9 A ll R itu a lis tic Officers, in ­ cluding the Deputy M aster, S ecretary and Treasurer, shall sign an Official “ Officer’s O ath ” in the presence o f the M a ster pledging th eir a lle g i­ ance to the O rder and the Im perator. Section .10 ' T h e T reasu rer o f each op­ era tin g L od ge shall be bonded in an amount specified by the Council o f each L od ge and the Rond is to. be made payable to the Supreme Grand Lodge.

W Arttrlr Ntttr A N N U A L B U S IN E S S M E E T IN G . Section 1 Th e A nnu al Business Meet-

d n n atitu tu m n f tlje ODrfcer

in g o f the Supreme Grand L od ge shall be held on the first Th ursday o f M arch of each year, in the Tem ple o f the Suprem e G rand Lodge. I t shall be presided over by the Suprem e Grand M a ster and he m ay summon to this m eeting such officers or members o f the O rder in N orth Am erica or in­ v ite others from the O rder in other C ountries, as he m ay find advisable, necessary or fitting. Section 2 T h e Annual Business M e et­ ings o f a ll grand and subordi­ nate Lod ges shall be held on or about the date o f the A n ­ nual Business M eetin g o f the Supreme Grand L od ge, p re fer­ ably p rior thereto, in order th a t its rep ort m ay be sent to the A nnu al Business M eetin g o f the Supreme Grand Lodge. Such m eetings shall be pre­ sided ov er by the M a ster o f the L od ge, who shall have the p riv ile g e o f in v itin g others from oth er Lod ges to attend.


A r t t r l r Q tru A N N U A L E L E C T IO N S . Section 1 An annual election day shall be established by each L od ge in accordance w ith the date o f the election and a p p o in t­ m ent o f its first Officers. Such annual election shall be held by the Council o f each Lodge. N om ination s shall be offered on the same evenin g as elec­ tion, and the in s ta llation o f new Officers m ay be held the same even in g as the election, o r a t a special m eeting o f the

en tire L od ge on a nother night, or ju st preceding the C onvoca­ tion at the next regu lar C on­ vocation o f the L od ge or any degree thereof. Section 2 T h e D eputy M aster and R it ­ u alistic Officers shall be ap­ pointed by the M a ster at such election. Section 3 T h e Council o f each L od ge shall em body in its B .-L a w s, rules and regu lations reg a rd ­ in g the nom ination, election and in sta lla tion o f new Offir eers, consistent w ith this C on­ stitution.

W W A r t i r i r E lr n r n A N N U A L C E L E B R A T IO N D AYS. Section 1 T h ere shall be held cial Assem blies each N orth Am erica. One the N ew Y e a r F east other shall be the F ete. These shall be a ll Lodges.

tw o Spe­ yea r in shall be and the O u tdoor held by

Section 2 T h e N ew Y ea r F ea st w ill oc­ cur about the 21st o f each M arch the exact date being proclaim ed by a Pronunziam ento issued by the Im p era to r ev ery F ebru ary. I t is to cele­ brate the N ew Rosaecrucian Y ea r w hich begins on the m in­ ute when the sign “ A rie s ” rises on the horizon on that day in M arch when the “ Sun’ ’ ju st enters the sign o f “ A rie s .” (T h e yea r 1910 A. D. corre­ sponds to the Rosaecrucian

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11iTnintiHnr mm

r (Simatitutum uf tlyp ODrfter

(CnitHtitution n f li|r (Writer

Section 6 Th is Annual Outdoor F e te should be held by each L od ge independently, to celebrate the la y in g o f the foundation stones o f the G reat P y ra m id in Am erica. Each L od ge shall arrange to go on this day (o r the fo llo w in g one, should it rain or be storm y ) to an open space in the suburbs o f such Lodge, and w ith pra yer and addresses, have each member o f the L od ge deposit in one small pile a sim ple little stone or pebble, sym bolical o f “ plac­ ing a stone fo r the foundation of the G reat Pyra m id in A m erica.” F u ll regalia and insignia must be worn by a ll officers and members. Se­ crecy o f the . F e te need not be m aintained, but the public or the u nitiated must not be given, in the prayers or a d­ dresses, any o f the secret “ w ork,” signs or symbols o f the Order. Such a F ete m ay 1)0 hold at sundown i f desired.

year o f 3260, w hich begins on M arch 21, 1916, a t 1 :06 A. M. Eastern T im e .) Such N ew Y ea r C elebrations shall be held in the Tem ples o f the Lodges and attended by the Council, Officers and members o f the L od ge and by such es­ pecially in v ite d guests as are v is itin g members o f the O rder and w hose presence th e M a s­ te r desires fo r reasons good and sufficient unto him self. T h ere shall he a sym bolical feast consisting p rin c ip a lly o f corn, or its products, s a lt, or th at w hich tastes m ost stron gly o f it, and w ine, in the form o f unferm ented grape juice, and any oth er delicacies or refreshm ents suitable to the occasion. A ll Officers shall w ear th eir fu ll rega lia and a ll others th eir aprons or oth er in ­ signia. Th ere shall be only sacred m u s ic ,. sym bolical ad­ dresses and sincere rejoic in g fo r the N ew Year. Section 3 A t th is N ew Y e a r F ea st it has been custom ary fo r the M aster to bestow such hon or­ a ry title s on his m embers as he m av contem plate, to make new appointm ents to fill vacan ­ cies, etc. Section 4 A ll oth er regu lar or special C onvocations or m eetings o f oach L o d ge are to be post­ poned in order th a t the N ew Yea*' F east m ay be held on the day decreed by the Im p er­ ator. Section 5 Th e Annual Outdoor F ete m ay be held by th e discretion o f the M a ster o f each Lodge, on or about the 23rd day o f Septem ber o f each year, the oxact day being decreed by the Tm perator. I t shall be that day when the Sun enters the sign o f Libra.

Article STntrlttr TH E



Section 1 Lodges m ay be established in any city, tow n, or lo c a lity o f N orth A m erica under the fo llo w in g conditions : G R A N D LO D G ES. Section 2 These m ay be form ed by 48 (fo rty -e ig h t) sincere seekers fo r lig h t and tru th subm itting to the Supreme Grand L od ge through the Supreme Secre­ tary General, signed official application blanks w ith the re-


quest th at the 48 applicants, desiring to organ ize or found a Grand Lodge, be gran ted a Charter. Section 3 Such G rand Lod ges m ay ho founded in any ju risd iction o f N orth A m erica, h a vin g no Grand L od ge a t the tim e the applications are subm itted, or w here an ex istin g Grand L od ge is about to disband, d is­ solve or be w ithd raw n ; pro­ vided such proposed Grand L od ge is to be located in one o f the principal cities o f an es­ tablished ju risdiction .

Section 6 T h e said F o u n d a tion C om ­ m itte e shall then subm it th eir names and references to the Suprem e G rand S ecretaryG eneral w ho may, at the d is­ cretion of the Im pera tor, issue to such C om m ittee com ­ p lete “ In stru ction s fo r O rgan ­ izin g a L o d g e .” Such C om ­ m ittee shall have a u th o rity to organ ize under the direction o f the L od ge in charge o f the Ju risdiction in which the p ro ­ posed L od ge is situated. Section 7 C h a rter w ill he gran ted to such mem ber o f the Fou nda­ tion C om m ittee ( a ft e r eith er 36 or 38 a pplication s a re se­ cured as indicated in Section 2 or 4 o f this A r t ic le ) as m ay seem proper and fitted fo r the Office o f M a s te r o f said p ro­ posed Lodge. Section 8 C h arters fo r Subordinate L od ges w ill be granted to the selected M a s te r fo r a “ period o f one year, renew able each y ea r th e re a fte r fo r three suc­ cessive years, and tra n sfera b le or revokable upon six ty days n otice” by the su perior C oun­ cil under whose Ju risdiction the proposed L od ge shall exist. Special D ispensation m ay be g r a n t ed fo r Subordinate L odges fo r a lim ited period of o rgan iza tio n w ork p rio r to the g ra n tin g o f a C harter. Section 9 G rand L od ges shall receive a C h a rter gran ted to the se­ lected M a ste r o f each L od ge fo r a “ P e riod o f one year, re­ newable each yea r fo r fo u r a d ­ d ition a l successive years, tra n sfera b le o r revokable upon 60 (s ix t y ) days notice,” from the A m erican Supremo Council o r by the Im pera tor.

Section 4 S U B O R D IN A T E L O D G E S . I t shall require 36 (th ir ty s ix ) signed O fficial A p p lic a ­ tion Blanks accom panied by a request to fo rm a Subordinate Lodge. Such request is to be d irected to the S ecretary o f the G rand L od ge o f the J u ris­ diction in which such proposed Subordinate L od ge is to be s it­ uated. Section 5 Th ose desirin g to organ ize or found L od ges in th eir cities or tow ns m ay secure permission and in stru ction from the Su­ preme Grand S ecretary-G en­ eral a t the Supreme Grand L od ge in N ew Y ork C ity, by m ail or in person, a fte r sub­ m ittin g to such in v estig ation as the Suprem e Grand Secre­ tary-G eneral and the Im p er­ a tor desire. W hen permission is granted, the person to whom it is granted is to form in his or her city o r tow n a Foundation C om m ittee o f 5 (fiv e ) men and women, w ith a F ou ndation President, F ou n da­ tion S ecretary and F ou ndation Treasu rer included in the C om m ittee.


(HmtntUutum o f Ilf? (Writer

(EmtBittittUm of \-------—

Section 10 A ll necessary “ w o rk ” and in ­ structions w ill be given to each L od ge a fte r the C h arter or Special D ispensation is granted by the Superior body g ra n tin g the C h a rter or Spe­ cial Dispenastions.

Section 4 Officers m ay be exem pt from paying regu lar m onthly:, dues du ring th eir term o f Office ; or i f the Council o f any L od ge so decrees by unanimous vote, O f­ ficers o f th at L od ge m ay pay the same dues as the members fo r such period as decreed by the Council. Section 5 In itia tio n Fees shall be charged by a ll Lodges. The fee fo r the F ir s t D egree shall be not less than $5.00 (fiv e d o lla rs) payable a t the tim e o f In itia tio n or p rior thereto. I t m ay be raised to any higher amount as membership in the L od ge increases. Such in ­ crease in In itia tio n F ee ( fo r F irst D eg ree) must be by unanimous vo te o f the L o d g e ’s Council. Section 6 Each L o d ge may, by decree o f the Council, charge In it ia ­ tion Fees a t the tim e members pass from F ir s t D egree to the Second, and from the Second D egree to the T h ird , etc. N o t less than $1.00 (one d o lla r ) shall be so charged, and not over $50.00 (fif t y d o lla rs) fo r the last or T w e lfth Degree.

Arttrlr Slrirtrrn F E E S A N D DU ES. Section 1 A ll Lod ges o f the O rder shall establish a standard o f In itia tio n Fees and Dues. T h e minimum In itia tio n F ee shall i>e $5,00. A ll members shall pay the regu lar dues in order to m aintain the Lod ge, and when such dues a re not paid the members in arrears shall be deemed “ non -active.” (S ee Section 5 o f A rtic le 6.) Such members m ay not attend lec­ tures o r C onvocations o f any kind. A ssociate members dues shall be fixed by the M a ster o f the Lod ge w ith w hich the mem ber is associated. Section 2 Each Lod ge shall establish in its B y-Law s certain la w s re^ga rd in g the period during which members m ay have th eir dues in arrears w ith o u t losing p rivileges of a ctive m em bersh ip; but in no case shall a longer period than 6 (s ix i months be p erm itted fo r a rrears o f dues. W hen the a rrears exceed this period the member shall be suspended from a ll m embership standing. Section 3 M o n th ly dues shall n ot be less than 50 ( f if t y ) cents and r io t 'o v e r $5.00 (fiv e d o llars.)

Arttrlr 3Fo«rtrr« ROYAL


Section 1 Each L od ge o f the Order holding a tru e and leg itim ate patent or C h arter in the name o f its M a ster under this Con­ stitution, sh all contribute to the R o ya l Support o f th is O r­ der, as fo llo w s :






Section 2 Subordinate L od ges shall re­ m it m onthly to the Grand L od ge of its ju risd iction , through the Treasurer, o f the Qrand Lodge, a R o ya l Support o f 25% o f a ll In itia tio n Fees and Dues received du ring the month. Section 3 G rand Lod ges shall rem it to the Supreme Grand L od ge o f N orth A m erica through the Supreme Grand Treasurer, the R o ya l Support o f 25% o f all In itia tio n Fees and Dues re­ ceived du ring the m onth from Grand L od ge members and also shall rem it the Supreme G rand T reasu rer 25% o f the G rand L od ge R o ya l Support from its Subordinate Lod ges received du ring the month.

Section 4 N o mem ber shall use fo r trade purposes any title , honor, degrees, or emblems o f the Order.

Ariirli* §>bet??tt P U B L IC IT Y


P U B L IC A ­

Section 1 The general propaganda w ork o f the O rder shall be O f­ fic ia lly conducted by the Su­ preme G rand Lodge, its Coun­ cil and its O ffic e rs ; assisted by a N a tion a l Progagan d a Com m ittee. Section 2 L o c a l propaganda Work m a y 1 be conducted by any Lodge, Foundation C om m ittee or Of-: ficer on ly by fo llo w in g the general m ethods o f the Su­ prem e Grand Lodge. A ll l i t ­ eratu re or oth er m a tter used in this w a v must be subm itted to the Pu blication C om m ittee o f the Suprem e Grand L od ge and be a pproved by the said Com m ittee. Section 3 A ll books, pam phlets, tre a ­ tises, lectures, expositions, and in terp re ta tio n s issued by any Lod ge, L o d ge Com m ittee, O f­ ficer or in d ividu a l, pu rporting to be tru ly “ R osaecru cian” or to contain the ideals, p rin ­ ciples or la w s o f this O rder, shall be firs t subm itted to the said N a tio n a l Pu blication C om ­ m ittee fo r a pproval, and i f ap­ proved or deleted, w ill receive the O fficial Im p rin t o f said C om m ittee, vouching fo r its Official C orrectness.

Artirir 3Fiftmt R E G A L I A A N D E Q U IP M E N T . Section 1 E v ery L od ge shall have the proper and O fficial R e g a lia and Equipm ent fo r its Officers and Tem ple as decreed by the Su­ preme G rand L od ge in its “ Se­ cret M andam uses.” Section 2 N o change shall be made in R egalia or Tem ple Equipm ent by any L od ge except by per­ mission o f the Im perator. Section 3 R eg a lia and In sign ia, as w e ll as a ll Emblems, fo r any use w h atever, shall be o f an O fficial design and make, and shall be purchased only from official Rosaecrucian Supply Bureaus,


(Cnmititutum u f tlj* O&rtor

^ p e rin m t Arttrlr g>rtmttrrn

vention o f the O rder fo r N orth Am erica.


(Such Am endm ents as are h ereafter adopted w ill be p rin t­ ed in such fo rm th at they can be attached to this book in this section. Such printed slips w ill be furnished by the Supreme G rand Secretary.

A m endm ents to th is C onsti­ tution shall be made only by a tw o-th irds vo te o f the O f­ ficial D elegates o f a ll Lodges represented at a N ation a l Con­

Ig - IC a ittB

Th is form o f B y-Law s, w ith necessary m odifications and a d­ ditions, shall be adopted by all Lod ges in the N orth Am erican Jurisdiction. Th e Im pera tor.

J U R IS D IC T IO N . T h e Ju risdiction in which the powers o f this L od ge and its Officers are to be exercised is th a t w hich is stated in our C h a r t e r ; and such pow ers shall be those defined by said C h a rter and by the C on stitu ­ tion o f the O rder and its Am endm ents.

N A M E A N D SEAL. T h e name o f this L od ge shall be ...................................... Lod ge o f the A. M. O. R. C. o f N orth Am erica. Its Official Seal shall be as im pressed h erew ith and filed w ith the Supreme A rc h iv is t o f the Suprem e G rand Lodge.

AttmtJimrnt Nn. 2 I t has been so decreed by A m erican Supreme Council th at a ll Grand Lodges in N orth A m erica shall w ith in one y ea r from the tim e th eir C h a rter is granted make ap­ plication to the proper legal a u th orities w ith in th eir ju ris ­ diction fo r the in corp ora tin g o f said Lod ges as religiou s or­ gan ization s founded and oper­ a tin g according to this Con­ stitu tion o f this Order.

M E E T IN G S . T h e regu lar m eetings or le c ­ tures o f this L od ge shall be those decreed by the Council o f this Lodge. Special m eet­ ings or convocations shall be called by the M a ster o f this L od ge a t his reasonable discre­ tion or by ou r S u perior Lodge.

PU RPO SES. Th e purposes shall be to conduct regu lar and official convocations, rituals, lectures and m eetings o f the A. M. O. R. C. in our own Ju risdiction and w ith in the term s and lim ­ itation s o f the C h a rter under w hich this L od ge exists.

M E M B E R S H IP . M em bership in this L od ge shall be lim ited to 144 a ctive members in addition to the fou rteen Officers. C onditions o f M em bership shall be acco rd ­ in g to the C onstitution o f the Order. (M eth ods o f passing upon a pplication s and v o tin g upon C andidates shall be fu lly set fo rth in th is S ection.)

A L L E G IA N C E . Because w e are duly C har­ tered by our superior L od ge o f the A. M. O. R. C., and be­ cause w e exist, as a L o d ge by virtu e o f such C harter, w e are pledged by its conditions to obey and adhere to the Con­ stitu tion o f the A. M. O. It. C. o f N orth A m erica, and also bound by Oaths and sacred prom ises to heed, obey, respect and prom u lgate the decrees, rules, pronunziam entos and de­ cisions o f our Superior Lodge, the Suprem e Grand M aster, the A m erican Supreme Council and the Im p era to r o f the O r­ der, o f w hich O rder w e a re a part, and to the au tocra tic governm ent o f w hich we, as a Lodge, subscribe and declare our allegian ce.



O F O F F IC E R S .

N ew Officers fo r this L od ge fo r any reg u lar term , or to fill any vacancy, shall be elected o r appointed in accordance with the C onstitu tion o f the Order. T h e regu lar election o f O f­ ficers fo r th is L o d ge shall be held each yea r on : (a n n iv e r ­ sary o f the date o f the L o d g e ’s C h a rte r). (L a w s fo r the nom ination o f officers, c a llin g o f m eeting fo r election, and m ethod o f v o tin g shall be fu lly set fo rth in this section.)





mous decision o f the Council, said Council m ay appeal to the M a ster o f its Superior Lodge. In the m a tter o f issuing excom m unications, pronunziam entos and decrees, the M as­ te r o f the L od ge shall have a u tocra tic pow er consistent w ith the C onstitution o f the Order.

T h e Officers o f th is L od ge shall be a M aster, D eputy M as­ ter, S ecretary and T reasu rer as execu tive officers, and the necessary ritu a listic officers as stated in the C onstitu tion o f the Order. T h e ir term s o f o f­ fice shall be as fo llo w s : (s ta te fu lly here, a fte r consu ltin g the C on s titu tio n ). TH E


(A d d itio n a l a rticles m ay be added to the B y-L aw s adopted by the Lod ge, and these should be as specific and com plete as possible. I t is recommended th at each L od ge adhere, in its w ork o f the Council, to the p a rliam en ta ry law s set fo rth in R o b ert’s Rules or some sim ­ ila r guide. T h e adoption o f the B y L a w s should be a m at­ te r fo r an even in g’s session o f the L od ge Council, and each A rtic le should be fu lly dis­ cussed and voted upon. Ad­ ditions to the B y Law s, or Amendm ents, should be voted upon by the L od ge Council in like m anner.)

C O U N C IL .

Th e a d visory Council o f this Lod ge shall consist o f : (24 members fo r a Grand L od ge and 14 members fo r a sub­ ordin ate L o d g e ), inclu d ing a ll execu tive and ritu a listic o f­ ficers. T h e Council shall ad­ vise the M aster in the per­ form ance o f his duties or the so lvin g o f any problem when he seeks or requires its as­ sistance. Its unanimous vo te on any rule, la w , order o f decree o f the M a ster shall be duly considered by him, and i f he shall veto such unani­

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