Amity National Moot Court Competition, 2016: Winners and Best Memorial: Respondents
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Amity National Moot Court Competition, 2016: Winners and Best Memorial: Respondents - NLSIU...
1537 R
The Supreme Court of India New Delhi, India The 2015 Amit !oot Court Competition
Ci"il Appeal No# $$$$2015 %Se&tion 135 of the Trademar'( A&t, 1))) read with Se&tion 3* of the Spe&ifi& Relief A&t, 1)+3
Arno- !ur.wala
"# Arna- !ur.awala and /oole m
Ci"il Appeal No# $$$$2015 (Se&tion 53T of the Competition A&t, 2002
Arno- !ur.wala
"# /oole m
!emorial for the re(pondent(, 2015#
Table of Contents Inde of Authoritie(################################## Authoritie(######################################################### ############################################## ############################################## ####################################3 #############3 Statement of 6uri(di&tion###################### 6uri(di&tion############################################# ############################################## ############################################################### ######################################## + Statement of a&t(############################################# a&t(#################################################################### ############################################## ################################################## ########################### 7 I((ue( In"ol"ed#################################### In"ol"ed########################################################### ############################################## ############################################## #######################################10 ################10 Summar of Ar.ument(#################### Ar.ument(########################################### ############################################## ############################################### ##########################################11 ##################11 Ar.ument( Ad"an&ed########################### Ad"an&ed################################################## ############################################## #############################################################18 ######################################18 I#
9(e of the the impu.ned d 'ewor 'eword( d( doe( doe( not amount amount to the the tort of pa((in pa((in. . off### off###### ###### ####### ######## ########1 ####18 8 A#
Arna-: Arna-:(( u(e u(e of the the 'ewor 'eword( d( wa( wa( not done done with with an an intent intent to to de&ei" de&ei"e### e###### ###### ####### ######## ######## ######18 ##18
The The defend defendant ant i( not not tri trin. n. to to o-tain o-tain an undue undue e&on e&onomi omi&& -enef -enefit## it###### ######## ######## ######## ######## ########15 ####15
No mi(r mi(rep epre re(en (enta tati tion on ha( ha( -ee -een n made made - the the re(po re(pond nden entt to pro pro(p (pe&t e&ti" i"ee &u(tomer(##15
D# 9(e of the AdVerba AdVerba (&heme doe( not dama.e the -u(ine(( or .oodwill of the appellant############################################ appellant################################################################### ############################################## ############################################################1+ #####################################1+ II#
There i( no infrin.ement infrin.ement of trademar'## trademar'####### ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ##########17 #####17 A#
The The u(e wa( not in the &our(e &our(e of trade### trade###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ####### ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## #######17 ###17
;"en ;"en if the u(e u(e wa( wa( in the the &our &our(e (e of trade, trade, Se&ti Se&tion on 30 30 i( appl appli&ai&a-le## le##### ####### ######## ######## ######## ########1 ####1* *
ArnaArna- onl u(ed part( part( of the trademar'# trademar'#### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ####### ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## #######20 ###20 a
ArnaArna- i( onl u(in. u(in. a part of the tradem trademar' ar'### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### #####20 ##20
;"en if ArnaArna- i( not u(in. onl a part of the trademar', it i( (till not a "iolation# 21
The The de(&rip de(&riptio tion n doe( not refer refer to !C## !C##### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ####### ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## #######22 ###22
& The de(&rip de(&riptio tion n wa( wa( onl onl a trad tradee mar' mar' parod parod,, not drawin drawin. . an an &onne& &onne&tio tion n -etween the re(pondent and the appellant################################## appellant######################################################### ######################################22 ###############22 d The u(e of the the de(&r de(&ript iption ion i( in in &onfo &onformi rmit t with with the pro"i( pro"i(ion ion(( of the Tradem Trademar' ar' A&t, 1)))################################### 1)))########################################################## ############################################## ############################################## ######################################### ################## 25 A#
The The impu.n impu.ned ed 'ewor 'eword( d( on a&&o a&&ount unt of of -ein. -ein. de(&ri de(&ripti" pti"e, e, .eneri .eneri&& and### and###### ###### ###### ###### ####### #####25 #25 a The indi"i indi"idua duall part part(( of the appella appellant: nt:(( trad tradee mar' mar' are in "iolati "iolation on of (e&ti (e&tion on ) when read alon. with (e&tion( 15 and 17 of the Trade !ar'( A&t,1)))#########################25
- The re(pondent i( entitled to the u(e of (u&h impu.ned impu.ned 'eword( under (e&tion 35 of the Trade !ar'( A&t,1)))####################### A&t,1)))############################################## ############################################## ##############################################2* #######################2* & Se&tio Se&tion( n( 31%2 31%2, , 32 and the pro"i( pro"i(o o &onta &ontaine ined d in Se&tio Se&tion n ) doe( doe( not not appl appl to to the the appellant########################################### appellant################################################################## ############################################## ######################################################### ################################## 30 d ;#
The re.i(te re.i(tered red trade trade mar' mar' of the appella appellant nt doe(n: doe(n:tt &ont &ontain ain an in"ent in"ented ed word####31 word####31 /oole /oole i( not lia-le lia-le for trademar' trademar' infrin. infrin.eme ement## nt##### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ####### ######## #####32 #32
/oole /oole i( an intermediar intermediar##### ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ############## ################## ################### #############32 ###32
/oole ha( not "oided an intermediar:( intermediar:( eemption from lia-ilit#######################33
# ;9RS; C>9RS; > > TRAD;, TRAD;, IT ?I@@ N>T CA9S; C>N9SI>N >R CA9S; T; C>NS9!;R T> ;@I;CIATI> ASS>CIATI>N N ?IT T; R;IST;R;D TRAD;!AR=################### 35 III# An a.reem a.reement ent entere entered d into unde underr the Ad< Ad!4 C>!4 E!8731 E!8731oo oo.le .leEDo EDouu-le le Cli&' Cli&' %200*# 13# Con(im Info 4"t @td# "# "# oo.le India India 4"t @td#, %2012 Indlaw 2+21## 2+21## 18# ilipino Gellow Gellow 4a.e(, In "# A(ian A(ian Journal 4u-li&ation(, In, 1)* #3d #3d 1183 15# Google Inc. v# Australian Competition and Consumer Commission %2013 Commission %2013 28) C@R 835# 1+# arrod( @td "# arrodian S&hool @td, B1))+ B1))+ R4C +)7 17# aw'in( Coo'er( @imited "# "# ! ;nterpri(e(, %200* 3+ 4TC 2)0 1*# In !ari&o @imited "# Te&h Te&h ood( @imited, %2010 88 4TC 73+ 73+ 1)# J# F 4# 4# Coat( @td " Chadha Chadha F Co#, A#I#R# 1)+7 1)+7 Del 81 20# J#R# =apoor "# "# !i&roni India, %1))8 %1))8 Supp %3 SCC 215 215 21# Jupiter amin. Solution( 4ri"ate @imited "# o"ernment of oa and Another, Another, %2011 %2011 Indlaw 22# 22# =apoor =apoor la(( 4ri"ate 4ri"ate @imited "# S&hott S&hott la(( India 4ri"ate @imited, %2010 %2010 Indlaw 22# 23# Laugh 23# Laugh it Off Promotions Promotions CC v. v. Freedom Freedom of Epression Epression In(titute 200+ %1 SA %CC 188 %S# Afr# 28# @oui( ther( " Commi((ioner of Sale( Ta and >ther(, %200* SC 1283 Indlaw @e.i(lation 1# The Compet Competiti ition on A&t, A&t, No# No# 12 of 2003 2003 2# The The Indian Indian 4en 4enal al Code Code,, 1*+0 1*+0## 3# The Informat Information ion Te&h Te&hnolo nolo. . %Amendmen %Amendment t A&t, A&t, 200*# 200*# 8# The The Trad Tradee !ar'( !ar'( A&t, 1)) 1)))# )#
oo'( 1# A NANT 4AD!ANAAN , I NT;@@;CT9A@ 4R>4;RTG R ITS ITSL I NRIN;!;NT AND R ;!;DI;S ;!;DI;S %1(t ed# 200+ 2# 4# NARAGANAN, @A? > TRAD; !AR=S AND 4ASSIN > %+th ed# 2008 3# la&': la&':(( @aw @aw Di&tion Di&tionar ar 352 352 %+th %+th ed# ed# 1))0 1))0 8# J# !&CA !&CAR RTG, G, TRAD;!AR=S AND 9 NAIR NAIR C C>!4;TITI>N 1)23, %Clar' oardman Calla.han %1)** %8 th ;dn# 1)** 5# !erriam? !erriam?ee-(ter (ter Di&tion Di&tionar ar 7*2 7*2 %11 %11th th ed# ed# 2003 2003
I. Civil Appeal No. ____2015 ____ 2015
The Appellant has approached this Honourable Court under Section 135 of the Trademarks Act, 1999 read with Section 38 of the Specific Relief Act, 1963. The Respondents humbly submit to the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court. II. Civil Appeal No. ____/2015
The Appellant has approached this Honourable Court under Section 53T of the Competition Act, 2002. The Respondents Respondents humbly submit to the jurisdiction of this Honourable Honourable Court.
/>>/@; ! /oole m i( a multinational &ompan headKuartered in erlin that operate( an internet (ear&h en.ine MhttpLEEwww#oole#&om# The we-(ite i( u(ed - more than *0O of Indian internet u(er( on a dail -a(i(, and i( a&&e((ed - +0O of internet u(er( worldwide# The we-(ite wor'( - automati&all .eneratin. an or.ani& (ear&h li(t on the -a(i( of Kuerie( entered into the (ear&h tool-o - u(er(# There i( no human interfa&e in the .eneration of the(e (ear&h re(ult(, whi&h are arran.ed in order of rele"an&e -a(ed on an al.orithm# T; R ;STA9RANTS ;STA9RANTS !ur.wala:( e(t utter Chi&'en %!C wa( e(ta-li(hed - !r# Ar"ind =e6ru !ur.wala in Delhi in 1)5)# In 1)**, !r# Ar"ind =e6ru !ur.wala pa((ed awa and left all hi( propert to hi( (on( !r# Arno- !ur.wala and !r# Arna- !ur.wala# The ami&a-le di"i(ion of propert (aw !r# !r# ArnoArno- !ur.wala !ur.wala ta'in. ta'in. &ontro &ontroll of the re(taura re(taurant nt -u(ine -u(ine((# ((# It( tradema trademar' r' wa( re.i(tered in 1))3, althou.h it had -een in u(e (in&e 1)5)# !r# Arno- al(o &reated a we-(ite for !C Mwww#-e(t-utter&hi&'en#&om whi&h allowed pro(pe&ti"e &on(umer( to pla&e online order( for home deli"er# !r# Arna- !ur.wala founded the re(taurant MArna-:( utter Chi&'en
Mwww#ar Mwww#arna--u na--utter&hi tter&hi&'en#& &'en#&om# om# It too allow( allow( &u(tomer( &u(tomer( to pla&e order( for home deli"er# deli"er# !r# Arna- opened an outlet of AC in Delhi in 2007# e re.i(tered the trademar' u(ed - AC in the ear 2000# THE DISPUTE
AD!INANT 4>SITI>N IN T; R;@;ther( " Commi((ioner of Sale( Ta and >ther(, %200* SC 1283 Indlaw Da(hrath Rup(in.h Rathod " State of !ahara(htra and another, %2018 SC 8)8 Indlaw 4t& India @td# " Central ;le&tri&it Re.ulator Commi((ion, Thr# It( Se&retar, %200) SC 308 Indlaw# 18 | 4 a . e
Therefore the &our(e of trade &an now -e defined a( Qwhat i( &u(tomaril or ordinaril done in the mana.ement of trade or -u(ine((: 28# It i( the re(pondent:( (u-mi((ion that thi( definition implie( that the pur&ha(e of 'eword( doe( not &on(titute &our(e of trade# The rationale -ehind thi( i( (imple for (omethin. to -e in the &our(e of trade, it mu(t -e ordinaril done in the mana.ement of trade# ?hat thi( mean( i( that it mu(t -e a part of the main(tream, an epe&ted, ne&e((ar and o-"iou( part of runnin. a -u(ine((# It i( not the re(pondent:( &ontention that ad"erti(in. i( not a part of the &our(e of trade# In(tead, the &ontention i( that online ad"erti(in. (pe&ifi&all i( not et a part of the &our(e of trade a( it i( not (omethin. whi&h i( a( of now &u(tomaril done in the &our(e of trade# A (tud (tud done done - o(ton 9ni"er(it 9ni"er(it ha( (hown that onl three per &ent of the total ad"e ad"erti rti(in (in. . epe epend nditu iture re &arri &arried ed out out - (mal (malll -u(i -u(ine ne((e ((e(( i( -ein -ein. . u(ed u(ed onli online ne25# Thi( Thi( per&enta.e i( (o low a( to -e almo(t !oreo"er, thi( i( loo'in. at online ad"erti(in. in totalit# If one were to eamine in i(olation the the -u(in -u(ine(( e(( epe epend ndit itur uree of an a"er a"era. enter enterpr pri(e i(e on the the pur&h pur&ha(e a(e of 'ew 'ewor ord( d( a( a per&enta.e of total ad"erti(in. ependiture, it would -e a fra&tion of thi( three per &ent# It i( the re(pondent:( (u-mi((ion that online ad"erti(in. throu.h 'eword( doe( not et &on(titute (omethin. &ommon or &u(tomar enou.h to -e &on(idered to -e in the &our(e of trade# B. EVEN IF THE IF THE USE WAS IN THE IN THE COURSE OF TRADE OF TRADE, SECTION 30 IS APPLICABLE
It i( the (u-mi((ion of the re(pondent that thi( doe( not &on(titute the &our(e of trade# In(tead of -ein. u(ed in the &our(e of trade, the u(e of the(e word( wa( merel in a de(&ripti"e (en(e# It i( imperati"e here that the Court al(o &on(ider the fa&t that the onl wa Arna-:( utter Chi&'en &an ad"erti(e at all would -e to de(&ri-e the nature of the (er"i&e( it render( or the nature of the &ommodit it (ell(# A&&ordin. to Se&tion 30%2%a 2+, trademar' infrin.ement 28 la&':( @aw Di&tionar 352 %+th ed# 1))0# 25 9 N@>C=IN T; DIITA@!AR=;TIN 4>T;NTIA@ > S!A@@ 9SIN;SS;S, http(LEEwww#-&.per(pe&ti"e(#&omE&ontentEarti&le(Edi.ital$e&onom$mar'etin.$(ale($unlo&'i n.$di.ital$mar'etin.$(mall$-u(ine((e(E %la(t "i(ited Jan# 21, 2015# 2+ The Trade !ar'( A&t, No# 87 of 1))), 30%2%a %1)))# 19 | 4 a . e
&annot -e (aid to ha"e o&&urred when the u(e in relation to .ood( or (er"i&e( indi&ate( the 'ind, Kualit, Kuantit, Kuantit, intended purpo(e, "alue, .eo.raphi&al, the time of produ&tion of .ood( or of renderin. of (er"i&e( or other &hara&teri(ti&( of .ood( or (er"i&e(# In thi( &a(e, the word( -ein. u(ed are word( li'e -e(t, -utter, and &hi&'en# It i( therefore the re(pondent:( (u-mi((ion that the(e word( indi&ate the 'ind and the Kualit of the .ood( in Kue(tion# !oreo"er, it mu(t al(o -e &on(idered that there i( no alternati"e wa of di(&u((in. the(e (er"i&e( and their nature# Therefore, if the Court were to rule in the fa"our of the appellant, it would -e &ripplin. the plaintiff immea(ura-l and en(urin. that he &annot in all fairne(( ad"erti(e hi( produ&t# It wa( held in the &a(e of !ari&o @td# "# Te&h ood 27, where the &lau(e of &ontention wa( Qlow a-(or- te&hnolo.: that Qnot onl the plaintiff ha( no e&lu(i"e what(oe"er to the trademar'( trademar'( -e&au(e the are (u&h whi&h fall within within the mi(&hief mi(&hief of Se&tion Se&tion 30%2%a, the re(pondentEdefendant i( alwa( full 6u(tified and entitled to u(e the de(&ripti"e word( in an and e"er manner that it (o &hoo(e( and plea(e( to do# If there are no of the plaintiff to e&lu(i"e u(er of the trademar' then where doe( ari(e the Kue(tion of di(entitlement of a defendant to u(e the trademar' of the appellant ina(mu&h a( an per(on who adopt( a de(&ripti"e word mar' doe( (o at it( own peril in that an other per(on will al(o -e full entitled to u(e the (ame in "iew of a (pe&ifi& (tatutor thereto, and there are "ariou( other (tatutor in&ludin. that under Se&tion 30%2 %a#: In the &a(e of Sto'el ther( 30, the Court e"en held that the word lu&o(e D &ould not -e prote&ted prote&ted de(pite it( fairl di(tin&ti"e di(tin&ti"e &hara&ter a( lu&o(e D i( a .eneti& mar' and the re(pondent ha( le.itimate and (tatutor to u(e thereof permitted - Se&tion 30%2%a# In &ompari(on, word( li'e -e(t, -utter, and &hi&'en are (o .eneri& that the idea of .i"in. them prote&tion i( "er nearl lau.ha-le# Due to thi( rea(on, the fall (Kuarel within the am-it of Se&tion 30%2%a, and hen&e &annot -e (aid to &on(titute infrin.ement# C. ARNAB ONLY USED PARTS OF THE OF THE TRADEMA TRADEMARK RK a) Ara! Ara! "# $%& '#"( a ar* ar* $+ *- *ra-/ar *ra-/ar
A&&ordin. to Se&tion 17%1 31, when a trade mar' &on(i(t( of (e"eral matter(, it( re.i(tration (hall &onfer on the proprietor e&lu(i"e to the u(e of the trade mar' ta'en a( a whole# Su-(e&tion 232 of the (ame (e&tion epound( on that - (ain. that when a trademar' &ontain( an part whi&h i( not the (u-6e&t of a (eparate appli&ation - the proprietor for re.i(tration a( a trade mar' or whi&h i( not (eparatel re.i(tered - the proprietor a( a trade mar' or whi&h 2) ilipino Gellow 4a.e(, In "# A(ian Journal 4u-li&ation( In, 1)* #3d 1183, 118+87 %)th Cir# 1)))# 30 ein Italia S#R#@# and Another Another " Da-ur India @imited and >ther(, % 200* CA@ 51 Indlaw# 31 The Trade !ar'( A&t, No# 87 of 1))), 17%1 %1)))# 32 The Trade !ar'( A&t, No# 87 of 1))), 17%2 %1)))# 21 | 4 a . e
&ontain( an matter whi&h i( &ommon to the trade or i( otherwi(e of a non di(tin&ti"e &hara&ter %a &ontain( an part %i whi&h i( not the (u-6e&t of a (eparate appli&ation - the proprietor for re.i(tration a( a trade mar'L or %ii whi&h i( not (eparatel re.i(tered - the proprietor a( a trade mar' or %- Contain an matter whi&h i( &ommon to the trade or i( otherwi(e of a non di(tin&ti"e &hara&ter the re.i(tration thereof (hall not &onfer an e&lu(i"e in the matter formin. onl a part of the whole of the trade mar' (o re.i(tered# The re(pondent (u-mit( that -e&au(e of the followin. &ondition(, he &annot -e held for infrin.ement a( the appellant ha( no e&lu(i"e o"er u(e of part of hi( trademar'# The re(pondent ha( at no point u(ed the trademar' a( a whole# e onl pur&ha(ed fift indi"idual word( a( 'eword( 33# The(e 'eword( in&luded .eneri& 'eword( (u&h a( -e(t, -utter, and &hi&'en# In fa&t, the onl non.eneri& 'eword( that thi( li(t of fift word( &ontain &ontained ed %-e(id %-e(ide( e( mi((pe mi((pellin llin.( .( of .eneri .eneri&& word( word( were were the word( word( ArnaArna- %and %and it( mi( mi( (pellin. Arno- and !ur.wala# It i( (tated in the Trademar' A&t it(elf that nothin. in the A&t (hall entitle the proprietor or a re.i(tered u(er of a re.i(tered trade mar' to interfa&e with an -ona fide u(e - a per(on of hi( own name 38# If he were to -e re(trained from u(in. u(in. hi( own name, that would .o a.ain(t (tatute -latantl# Therefore, that &annot -e done# !oreo" !oreo"er, er, the pro-le pro-lem m onl onl (pea'( (pea'( of the po((i-ilit po((i-ilit of Man three of the(e the(e word( word( in &om-ination into the /oole (ear&h -ar, the (ear&h re(ult pa.e would &ontain a (u..e(ted po(t35# The trademar' &on(i(t( of a total of four word( the pro-lem onl (pea'( of pur&ha(ed re(ult( when a &om-ination of an three of the fift word( are tped in &om-in &om-inatio ation# n# It doe( doe( not mention mention at all that a &om-in &om-inatio ation n of four four word( word( &ould &au(e infrin.ement# The re(pondent re(pondent (u-mit( that (in&e there ei(t( no prote&tion for a partial trademar', trademar', and the (pon(ored re(ult( in Kue(tion onl (how up in &a(e( of three word( -ein. entered %there i( no rea(on what(oe"er to -elie"e that that enterin. all four word( i#e# !ur.awala:( e(t utter 33 a&t(heet + line 2# 38 The Trade !ar'( A&t, No# 87 of 1))), 35 %1)))# 35 a&t(heet + line +# 22 | 4 a . e
Chi&'en would .i"e a re(ult for Arna-:( &ompan, thi( render( impo((i-le the &han&e of the trademar' -ein. infrin.ed# !) E1- E1- "+ Ara! Ara! "# $* '#"( '#"( $%& $%& a ar* ar* $+ *- *ra-/ar, *ra-/ar, "* "# #*"%% #*"%% $* a 1"$%a*"$
An ar.ument ar.ument &an -e made that the appellant appellant po((e((e( an e&lu(i"e o"er the part( of a trademar' a( well# Thi( i( a&&ordin. to (u-(e&tion 2 of (e&tion 17 3+ (a( that when a trade tradema mar' r' &ont &ontai ain( n( an an part part whi&h whi&h i( not not the the (u-6 (u-6e& e&tt of a (epara (eparate te appl appli&a i&ati tion on - the the proprietor for re.i(tration a( a trade mar' or whi&h i( not (eparatel re.i(tered - the proprietor a( a trade mar' or whi&h &ontain( an matter matte r whi&h i( &ommon to the trade or i( otherwi(e of a non di(tin&ti"e &hara&ter then that the trademar' holder doe( not po((e(( an 'ind of e&lu(i"e o"er that part of a trademar'# Thi( implie( dire&tl the fa&t that if the part( of a trademar' are of a di(tin&ti"e &hara&ter, &hara& ter, then in that &a(e the trademar' holder doe( po((e(( o"er them (pe&ifi&all a( well# owe"er, that doe( not hold true in our &a(e# The trademar' in Kue(tion i( Q!ur.wala:( e(t utter Chi&'en:# ?ith the e&eption of the word !ur.wala, the other three word( are .eneri The &annot -e (aid to hold an 'ind of di(tin&ti"e &hara&ter# &hara&te r# D. THE DESCRIPTION DOES NOT REFER TO REFER TO MBBC
The re(pondent i( a proprietor of a re(taurant whi&h al(o offer( home deli"er (er"i&e(# ein. a new entrant into the .eo.raphi&al mar'et of Delhi the re(pondent ( to ad"erti(e thi( throu. throu.h h the u(e of /oole: /oole:(( AdVerba AdVerba ad"erti(in. (&heme whi&h offer( the option to the ad"erti rti(er (er
to add a
(hort de(&r (&ripti ption alon. with the
lin' to hi(
we-(it (ite# 37
ein. a new "endor and needin. to &reate a ni&he for him(elf in a flooded mar'et, it i( Kuite natu natural ral for for Arnarna- to re(or re(ortt to a..r e((i" (i"ee mar' mar'eti etin. n. and and a tar.e tar.ete ted d (ale( (ale( (trate (trate. .## To a&&ompli(h thi(, he re(orted to puffer, whi&h i( defined a( a term freKuentl u(ed to denote the ea..eration( rea(ona-l to -e epe&ted of a (eller a( to the de.ree of Kualit of hi( produ&t# 4uffer i(*
3+ The Trade !ar'( A&t, No# 87 of 1))), 17%2 %1)))# 37a&t(heet 2 line 12# 23 | 4 a . e
The -e(t -utter &hi&'en i( a (uperlati"e phra(e it i( .rammati&all impo((i-le for anthin. to -e M-etter than the -e(t -utter &hi&'en# Thu( the fa&t remain( that thi( wa( an a n ea..eration e a..eration rea(ona-l to -e epe&ted a( to the de.ree of Kualit of hi( produ&t# There i( no proof a( to the fa&t that Arna- intended for the phra(e to -e u(ed a( a &omparati"e in an wa, and a-(olutel no proof a( to (how that Arna- wa( trin. to pa(( off hi( produ&t a( that of Arno-:(# 2) T- -#2r -#2r" "*" *"$ $ a# a# $%& $%& a *ra *ra- /ar /ar ar ar$& $&, $* $* ra ra" "( ( a& a& 2$-2*"$ !-*-- *- r-#$-* a *- a-%%a*
The re(pondent (u-mit( that e"en if we were to a((ume for a moment that the Court i( to hold Arna Arna-: -:(( prod produ& u&t: t:(( de(&r de(&rip ipti tion on to -e refer referrin rin. . to !C !C,, it woul would d (till (till not not &on( &on(ti titu tute te infrin.ement, -e&au(e thi( i( a trademar' parod# Trade !ar' parodie(, (u&h a( the one u(ed - the re(pondent do not &on(titute Qu(e in the &our(e of trade:3) a( i( reKuired - (e&tion 2) of the Trademar' A&t A&t 1)))# Thi( i( -e&au(e in a trade mar' parod the mar' of the plaintiff i( not u(ed in order to draw an trade &onne&tion -etween the plaintiff and the defendant,80 -ut for Kuite the oppo(ite rea(on, i.e. to di(tin.ui(h -etween them# It i( u(ed to draw a &lear (eparation ( eparation -etween the plaintiff:( .ood( or (er"i&e( ( er"i&e( and tho(e of the defendant# In the &a(e of trade mar' parodie( there i( a referen&e made to the &ompetitor:( trade mar', howe howe"e "err it i( done done to &on" &on"in in&e &e &u(t &u(tom omer( er( that that their their prod produ& u&tt or (er"i (er"i&e &e ha( ha( "ari "ariou ou(( &omparati"e ad"anta.e( o"er the produ&t( or (er"i&e( of their ri"al(# It i( o-"iou( that (u&h &ompari(on &annot o&&ur without drawin. in a referen&e to the ri"al:( produ&t or -rand name#81 The referen&e to the plaintiff:( mar' i( onl nominati"e in &hara&ter, i.e. to identif the plaintiff:( mar' a( it i(, without (ee'in. to deri"e an &onne&tion -etween thi( mar' and the defendant#
3*etter 3*etter @i"in., In et al#, 58 #T#C# +8* %1)57, affd, 25) #2d 271 %3rd Cir# 1)5*# 3)4admana-han, supra 3)4admana-han, supra note 1, at 71# 804admana-han, supra 804admana-han, supra note 1, at 71# 814admana-han, supra 814admana-han, supra note 1, at 72# 24 | 4 a . e
In 4ep(i Co#, In "# indu(tan Co&a Cola @td 82 the Delhi i.h Court Court held that u(a.e of the plaintiff:( mar' - the defendant in the &our(e of trade ha( to -e in relation to the .ood( of the appellant and in (u&h manner renderin. (u&h u(e li'el to -e &on(trued a( -ein. u(ed a( a trade mar' - the re(pondent# The &ourt (aid that if a trader were to &ompare hi( .ood( with the .ood( of a ri"al without in an wa ad"erti(in. that the ri"al:( trade mar' wa( u(ed in relation to hi( .ood(, there wa( prima fa&ie no infrin.ement# The &ourt &on&luded that the u(e of the phra(e in the defendant:( ad"erti(ement &ould at -e(t -e &on(trued a( mo&'in. or parodin. in the &ontet in whi&h it i( u(ed and would not amount to infrin.ement of the plaintiff:( trade mar'# Similarl, the de(&ription Metter than the e(t utter Chi&'en ha( -een added - the re(pondent onl for the purpo(e( of ad"erti(in. hi( own (er"i&e( and it( u(e &annot -e &on(trued to -e u(ed a( a trademar'# The re(pondent wa( (impl &omparin. hi( (er"i&e( to tho(e of the plaintiff without, in an wa, ad"erti(in. that Arno-:( trademar' wa( -ein. u(ed in relation to hi( (er"i&e(# The u(e wa( onl nominati"e in &hara&ter, to identif the re(pondent:( (er"i&e( in a more po(iti"e without (ee'in. to deri"e an &onne&tion with the appellant: appellant:(( -u(ine((# A( oppo(ed to the aforementioned aforementioned Delhi i.h &ourt &a(e, the u(e of (u&h a de(&ription - the re(pondent doe(n:t e"en amount to Qparodin. or mo&'in.: of the appellant:( trade mar', (in&e the re(pondent i( (impl ma'in. an ad"erti(in. &laim that hi( (er"i&e( (er"i&e( are -etter -etter than than tho(e tho(e of the plaint plaintiff iff## In Tata ata Son( Son( @imite @imited d "# reenp reenpea&e ea&e International83 the the &our &ourtt o-(er o-(er"e "ed d that that Mthe Mthe defen defenda dant nt::( ar.u ar.ume ment nt that that the the &an &an ma'e ma'e rea(ona-le &omment, ridi&ule, and parod of the re.i(tered trade mar'(, i( per(ua(i"e# In @oui( S>R wa( not entitled to an prote&tion a( it wa( -a(i&all a minor "ariation of the de(&ription epre((ion M@>? AS>R whi&h i( not an unu(ual 6utapo(ition of the two word( M@>? M@>? and MAS>R# Similarl Similarl the &om-ination &om-ination of the two word( word( M!ur.: and M?ala: M?ala: i( not an unu(ual one (in&e to.ether the form a .rammati&all .rammati&a ll &orre&t word# The defendant( are in the (ame line of -u(ine(( a( that of the plaintiff, and therefore ha"e no alternati"e -ut to ad"erti(e their (er"i&e( in a manner de(&ripti"e of (u&h (er"i&e(# or in(tan&e, if a proprietor i( trin. to ad"erti(e hi( re(taurant whi&h (ell( -utter &hi&'en, he would ha"e no other alternati"e -ut to u(e the(e word(# Thou.h there are a few word( (non (nonmou mou(( with with &hi&'en &hi&'en,, he &annot &annot -e epe&te epe&ted d to u(e the word word Qpoult Qpoultr: r: in(tea in(tead d of &hi&'en, or Qmar.arine: in(tead of -utter# If we let, for eample, that an in6un&tion -e .ranted pre"entin. the re(pondent from u(in. (u&h word( in &om-ination, it would lead to the &on(eKuen&e &on(eKuen&e of redu&in. the &hoi&e of word( word( a"aila-le to the &ompetitor( &ompetitor( to a "er few and re(ultin. in the appellant monopoliin. (u&h word(, whi&h will -e "er di(a(trou(# Su&h a "iew wa( al(o upheld in Con(im Info 4"t @td " oo.le India 4"t @td# 73 !ani(h nl a moron in a hurr would .et &onfu(ed# en&e, there i( no .eneral li'elihood of &onfu(ion# In the &a(e of Neel ;le&tro Te&hniKue( and other( " Neel'anth 4ower Solution and another 102, the plaintiff ( an in6un&tion a.ain(t the defendant( from in an manner u(in., dire&tl or indire&tl, the mar' Neel or Neel'anth or an other mar', domain name, de"i&e, lo.o, la-el et whi&h wa( (imilarEde&epti"el (imilar to the re.i(tered mar' of the 4laintiff(, namel, Neel# owe"er, there wa( no relief .i"en, a( the two mar'( were not de&epti"el de&epti"e l (imilar, and therefore therefore the Court ruled a.ain(t a.ain(t the plaintiff# plaintiff# In thi( &a(e, there i( mu&h le(( (imilarit than in the Neel ;le&tro Te&hniKue( &a(e# Ta'in. into a&&ount the pre&eden&e e(ta-li(hed - that &a(e, it i( the re(pondent:( (u-mi((ion that the Court (hould hold that there i( no li'elihood of &onfu(ion and therefore there i( no trademar' infrin.ement in thi( parti&ular &a(e# It i( al(o the re(pondent:( (u-mi((ion that the do&trine of initial intere(t &onfu(ion mu(t not -e &on(idered - the Court# Initial intere(t &onfu(ion i( a Q-ait and (wit&h: ta&ti& that permit( per mit( a &ompetitor to lure &on(umer( awa from a (er"i&e pro"ider - pa((in. off (er"i&e( a( tho(e of the pro"id pro"ider, er, notwith notwith(tan (tandin din. . that that the &onfu(i &onfu(ion on i( di(pel di(pelled led - the time time of (ale103# owe"er, thi( do&trine ma'e( the -urden on the plaintiff too, a( pro"in. a mere po((i-ilit of initial &onfu(ion i( not what i( reKuired under Indian law, -ut the li'elihood of a &on(umer -ein. .enuinel mi(led# or thi( rea(on, the do&trine of initial intere(t &onfu(ion ha( -een re6e&ted repeatedl - Indian &ourt( and hen&e ha( no (tandin. in Indian law# Thi( do&trine ha( -een re6e&ted in the &a(e Con(im Info 4ri"ate @imited, Repre(ented - it( Dire&tor and Chief ;e&uti"e " oo.le India 4ri"ate @imited and other( 108 and in the &a(e of ?arner ro(# ;ntertainment In& and Another " arinder =ohli and >ther( 105# Therefore, the re(pondent (u-mit( that thi( do&trine -e wholl re6e&ted# 101 a&t(heet Anneure I Anneure II# 102 Neel ;le&tro Te&hniKue( and other( " Neel'anth 4ower Solution and a nother, %2018 !9! +87 Indlaw# 103 8 J# J # !&CARTG !&CA RTG,, TRAD;!AR=S AND 9 NAIR C>!4;TITI>N 1)23, %Clar' oardman NAIR C Calla.han %1)** %8 th ;dn# 1)**# 108 Con(im Info 4ri"ate @imited, Repre(ented - it( Dire&tor and Chief ;e&uti"e " oo.le India 4ri"ate @imited and other(, %2010 !AD 288) Indlaw# 4" | 4 a . e
The The re(po re(pond nden entt (u-m (u-mit it(( that that /oo /oole le doe( doe( not not enter enter into into a.ree a.reeme ment nt(( that that ha"e ha"e an appre&ia-le ad"er(e effe&t on &ompetition under it( Adther(, %2010 Indlaw 2*# 41 | 4 a . e
(er"i&e(#111 Con(umer( of the Ad
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