Ametank Model Example 2 API 650 Calculation Report

April 25, 2017 | Author: sipil123 | Category: N/A
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Warnings!! Initial Data 1.- Design internal pressure is greater than maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP). 2.- Design external pressure is greater than maximum allowable working vacuum (MAWV). Shell Course Data 1.- Please revise the shell thk, 3 courses have problems. 2.- The required minimum thickness based on external pressure is greater than the available thickness and the shell must be stiffened. Top Member Data 1.- Design pressure is greater that maximum allowable pressure 2.- Reinforcement needed due to insufficient cross sectional area. 3.- Reinforcement needed due to insufficient combined stiffener shell moment of inertia. Intermediate Stiffener Data 1.- Number of intermediate stiffeners is less than required. Revise shell thicknesses or add stiffeners. Structure Data 1.- Please revise the Structure, there is a problem in the sizes. Shell Clean Outs Clean-Out-0001 1.- Please revise the bottom plate thickness, has problem. Shell Pipe Overflows Pipe-Overflow-0001 1.- Re Pad thickness is less than min req'd.

SUMMARY OF DESIGN DATA AND REMARKS Back Job : 2014-6-20-9-46 Date of Calcs. : 8/11/11 Mfg. or Insp. Date : Designer : TCB Project : Tag Number : Plant : PURCHASER DESCRIPTION CITY AND STATE Plant Location : Site : Design Basis : API-650 12th Edition, March 2013 TANK NAMEPLATE INFORMATION

Pressure Combination Factor


Design Standard API-650 12th Edition, March 2013 Appendices Used

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A36 : 0.1875 in

Shell (1)

A36 : 0.75 in

Shell (2)

A36 : 0.5625 in

Shell (3)

A36 : 0.3125 in

Shell (4)

A36 : 0.3125 in

Shell (5)

A36 : 0.3125 in


A36 : 0.25 in

Design Internal Pressure = 0.1 psi or 2.7682 inh2o Design External Pressure = -0.06 psi or -1.6609 inh2o MAWP = 0.0764 psi or 2.1165 inh2o MAWV = -0.0575 psi or -1.5915 inh2o D of Tank = 150 ft OD of Tank = 150.125 ft ID of Tank = 150 ft CL of Tank = 150.0625 ft Shell Height = 40 ft S.G of Contents = 1 Max Liq. Level = 40 ft Min Liq. Level = 2 ft Design Temperature = 120 ºF Tank Joint Efficiency = 1 Ground Snow Load = 0 psf Roof Live Load = 20 psf Additional Roof Dead Load = 0 psf Basic Wind Velocity = 125 mph Wind Importance Factor = 1 Using Seismic Method: API-650 - ASCE7 Mapped(Ss & S1)


She ll #

C Min Widt Tensile Materi A J Yield h Strengt al (in E Strengt (in) h (psi) ) h (psi)

Sd (psi)

St Weigh (psi) t (Lbf)

Weigh t-min t-Des t CA Erectio (in) (Lbf) n (in)

t- t-min Test Seismi (in) c (in)

t-min tExt- t-min Actu Statu Pe (in) al s (in) (in)




0 1 36,000 58,000

23,20 24,90 115,29 115,29 0.655 0.610 0.435 0.655 0.3125 0.5087 0 0 7 7 6 8 9 6






0 1 36,000 58,000

23,20 24,90 0.521 0.485 0.435 0.521 0.562 86,482 86,482 0.3125 0.4062 0 0 1 5 9 1 5





0 1 36,000 58,000

23,20 24,90 0.386 0.360 0.435 0.435 0.312 48,052 48,052 0.3125 0.3029 0 0 6 2 9 9 5





0 1 36,000 58,000

23,20 24,90 0.252 0.234 48,052 48,052 0.3125 0 0 2 9

0.435 0.435 0.312 9 9 5





0 1 36,000 58,000

23,20 24,90 0.117 0.109 0.435 0.435 0.312 46,550 46,550 0.3125 0.0948 0 0 7 6 9 9 5


Total Weight of Shell = 344,435.3686 lbf


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Plates Material = A36 Structural Material = A36 t.required = 0.1875 in t.actual = 0.1875 in Roof corrosion allowance = 0 in Roof Joint Efficiency = 1 Plates Overlap Weight = 2,136.0223 lbf Plates Weight = 135,679.1475 lbf RAFTERS:

Qty At Radius (ft)

Size Length (ft) W (lbf/ft) Ind. Weight (lbf) Total Weight (lbf)


37.5 W10X12






74.9052 W10X22





Rafters Total Weight = 88,962.6649 lbf GIRDERS:

Qty At Radius (ft) 8

Size Length (ft) W (lbf/ft) Ind. Weight (lbf) Total Weight (lbf)

37.5 W12X50





Girders Total Weight = 11,480.5029 lbf COLUMNS:

Qty At Radius (ft)

Size Length (ft) W (lbf/ft) Ind. Weight (lbf) Total Weight (lbf)


0 10" SCH STD

43.6853 40.5207




37.5 10" SCH STD

40.4587 40.5207



Columns Total Weight = 14,891.4425 lbf Bottom Type : Flat Bottom Annular Bottom Material = A36 t.required = 0.236 in t.actual = 0.25 in Bottom corrosion allowance = 0 in Bottom Joint Efficiency = 1 Total Weight of Bottom = 175,797.7572 lbf TOP END STIFFENER : Detail D Size = l3x3x3/8 Material = A36 Weight = 3,385.0672 lbf

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STRUCTURALLY SUPPORTED CONICAL ROOF Back A = Actual Part. Area of Roof-to-shell Juncture per API-650 (in^2) A-min = Minimum participating area (in^2) per API-650 a-min-A = Minimum participating area due to full design pressure per API-650 F.5.1 (in^2) a-min-Roof = Minimum participating area per API-650 App. F.5.2 (in^2) Add-DL = Added Dead load (psf) Alpha = 1/2 the included apex angle of cone (degrees) Aroof = Contributing Area due to roof plates (in^2) Ashell = Contributing Area due to shell plates (in^2) CA = Roof corrosion allowance (in) D = Tank Nominal Diameter per API-650 Note 1 (ft) density = Density of roof (lbf/in3) DL = Dead load (psf) e.1b = Gravity Roof Load (1) - Balanced (psf) e.1u = Gravity Roof Load (1) - Unbalanced (psf) e.2b = Gravity Roof Load (2) - Balanced (psf) e.2u = Gravity Roof Load (2) - Unbalanced (psf) Fp = Pressure Combination Factor Fy = smallest of the yield strength (psi) Fy-roof = Minimum yield strength for shell material (Table 5-2b) (psi) Fy-shell = Minimum yield strength for shell material (Table 5-2b) (psi) Fy-stiff = Minimum yield strength for stiffener material (Table 5-2b) (psi) hr = Roof height (ft) ID = Tank Inner Diameter (ft) Insulation = Roof Insulation (ft) JEr = Roof joint efficiency Lr = Entered Roof Live Load (psf) Lr-1 = Computed Roof Live Load, including External Pressure Max-p = Max Roof Load due to participating Area (psf) Net-Uplift = Uplift due to internal pressure minus nominal weight of shell, roof and attached framing (lbf), per API-650 F.1.2 P = Minimum participating area (psf) P-ext-2 = Max external pressure due to roof shell joint area (psi) P-F41 = Max design pressure limited by the roof-to-shell joint (inH2O) P-F42 = Max design pressure due to Uplift per API-650 F.4.2 (inH2O) P-F51 = Max design pressure reversing a-min-A calculation (psf) P-max-ext-T = Total max external pressure due to roof actual thickness and roof participating area (psi) P-max-internal = Maximum design pressure and test procedure per API-650 F.4, F.5. (psf) P-Std = Max pressure pressure allowed per API-650 App. F.1 & F.7 (psi) P-Uplift = Uplift case per API-650 1.1.1 (lbf) P-weight = Dead load of roof plate (Psf) Pe = External Pressure (psf) pt = Roof cone pitch (in) rise per 12 (in) Pv = Internal Pressure (psf) R = Roof horizontal radius (ft) Ra = Roof surface area (in^2) Roof-wc = Weight corroded of roof plates (lbf) S = Ground Snow Load per ASCE 7-05 Fig 7-1 (psf) Sb = Balanced Design Snow Load per API-650 Section 5.2.1.h.1 (psf) Shell-wc = Weight corroded of shell (lbf) Su = Unbalanced Design Snow Load per API-650 Section 5.2.1.h.2 (psf) T = Balanced Roof Design Load per API-650 Appendix R (psf) t-calc = Minimum nominal roof plates thickness per API-650 Section (in) t-Ins = thickness of Roof Insulation (ft) Theta = Angle of cone to the horizontal (degrees) U = Unbalanced Roof Design Load per API-650 Appendix R (psf) Wc = Maximum width of participating shell per API-650 Fig. F-2 (in) Wh = Maximum width of participating roof per API-650 Fig. F-2 (in)

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Roof Design Per API-650 Note: Tank Pressure Combination Factor Fp = 0.4 D = 150 ft ID = 150 ft CA = 0 in R = 75.0677 ft Fp = 0.4 JEr = 1 JEs = 1 JEst = 1 Insulation = 0 ft Add-DL = 0 psf Lr = 20 psf S = 0 psf Sb = 0 psf Su = 0 psf density = 0.2833 lbf/in3 P-weight = 7.6779 Psf Pe = 8.64 psf pt = 0.75 in rise per 12 in t-actual = 0.1875 in Fy-roof = 36,000 psi Fy-shell = 36,000 psi Fy-stiff = 36,000 psi Shell-wc = 344,435.3686 lbf Roof-wc = 135,679.1475 lbf P-Std = 2.5 psi, Per API-650 F.1.3 t-1 = 0.3125 in CA-1 = 0 in Sd = 23200 psi Theta = TAN^-1 (pt/12) Theta = TAN^-1 (0.75/12) Theta = 3.5763 degrees Alpha = 90 - Theta Alpha = 90 - 3.5763 Alpha = 86.4237 degrees Ap-Vert = D^2 * TAN(Theta)/4 Ap-Vert = 150^2 * TAN(3.5763)/4 Ap-Vert = 351.5625 ft^2 Horizontal Projected Area of Roof per API-650 5.2.1.f Xw = D * 0.5 Xw = 150 * 0.5 Xw = 75 ft Ap = PI * (D/2)^2 Ap = PI * (150/2)^2 Ap = 17,671.4586 ft^2 DL = Insulation + P-weight + Add-DL DL = 0 + 7.6779 + 0

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DL = 7.6779 psf Roof Loads per API-650 5.2.2 e.1b = DL + MAX(Sb , Lr) + (0.4 * Pe) e.1b = 7.6779 + MAX(0 , 20) + (0.4 * 8.64) e.1b = 31.1339 psf e.2b = DL + Pe + (0.4 * MAX(Sb , Lr)) e.2b = 7.6779 + 8.64 + (0.4 * MAX(0 , 20)) e.2b = 24.3179 psf T = MAX(e.1b , e.2b) T = MAX(31.1339 , 24.3179) T = 31.1339 psf e.1u = DL + MAX(Su , Lr) + (0.4 * Pe) e.1u = 7.6779 + MAX(0 , 20) + (0.4 * 8.64) e.1u = 31.1339 psf e.2u = DL + Pe + (0.4 * MAX(Su , Lr)) e.2u = 7.6779 + 8.64 + (0.4 * MAX(0 , 20)) e.2u = 24.3179 psf U = MAX(e.1u , e.2u) U = MAX(31.1339 , 24.3179) U = 31.1339 psf Lr-1 = MAX(T , U) Lr-1 = MAX(31.1339 , 31.1339) Lr-1 = 31.1339 psf Ra = PI * R * SQRT(R^2 + hr^2) Ra = PI * 75.0677 * SQRT(75.0677^2 + 4.6917^2) Ra = 2,554,260.9252 in^2 or 17738 ft^2 Roof Plates Weight = density * Ra * t-actual Roof Plates Weight = 0.2833 * 2,554,260.9252 * 0.1875 Roof plates Weight = 135,679.1475 lbf BAY 2 DETAILS MINIMUM # OF RAFTERS l = Maximum rafter spacing per API-650 (in) l-actual-2 = Actual rafter spacing (in) Max-T1-2 = Due to roof thickness (psf) N-actual-2 = Actual number of rafter N-min-2 = Minimum number of rafter P = Uniform pressure as determined from load combinations described in Appendix R (psi) P-ext-1-2 = Due to roof thickness vacuum limited by actual rafter spacing (psf) R-2 = Outer radius (in) RLoad-Max-2 = Maximun roof load based on actual rafter spacing (psf) t-calc-2 = Minimum roof thickness based on actual rafter spacing (in) FOR OUTER SHELL RING

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P = Lr-1 P = 0.2162 psi R-2 = 898.8625 in l = MIN(((t-Roof - CA-Roof) * SQRT((1.5 * Fy-Roof)/P)) , 84) l = MIN(((0.1875 - 0) * SQRT((1.5 * 36,000) / 0.2162)) , 84) l = MIN(93.705 , 84) l = 84 in N-min-2 = (2 * PI * R-2)/l N-min-2 = (2 * PI * 898.8625)/84 N-min-2 = 68 N-min-2 must be a multiple of 8, therefore N-min-2 = 72. N-actual-2 = 80 l-actual-2 = (2 * PI * R-2)/N-actual-2 l-actual-2 = (2 * PI * 898.8625)/80 l-actual-2 = 70.5965 in Minimum roof thickness based on actual rafter spacing t-calc-2 = l-actual-2/SQRT((1.5 * Fy-Roof)/P) + CA-Roof t-calc-2 = 70.5965/SQRT((1.5 * 36,000)/0.2162) + 0 t-calc-2 = 0.1413 in NOTE: Governs for roof plate thickness. RLoad-Max-2 = (1.5 * Fy-Roof)/(l-actual-2/(t-Roof - CA-Roof))^2 RLoad-Max-2 = (1.5 * 36,000)/(70.5965/(0.1875 - 0))^2 RLoad-Max-2 = 54.852 psf Max-T1-2 = RLoad-Max-2 Max-T1-2 = 54.852 psf P-ext-1-2 = Max-T1-2 - DL - (0.4 * MAX(Sb , Lr)) P-ext-1-2 = 54.852 - 7.6779 - (0.4 * MAX(0 , 20)) P-ext-1-2 = -39.1741 psf Pa-rafter-3-2 = P-ext-1-2 Pa-rafter-3-2 = -39.1741 psf t-required-2 = MAX(0.1413 , (0.1875 + 0)) t-required-2 = 0.1875 in RAFTER DESIGN Average-p-width-2 = Average plate width (ft) Average-r-s-inner-2 = Average rafter spacing on inner girder (ft) Average-r-s-shell-2 = Average rafter spacing on shell (ft) Max-P-2 = Load allowed for each rafter in ring (psi) Max-r-span-2 = Maximum rafter span (ft) Max-T1-rafter-2 = Due to roof thickness (psf) Mmax-rafter-2 = Maximum moment bending (in-lbf) P = Uniform pressure as determined from load combinations described in Appendix R (psi)

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P-ext-2-2 = Vacuum limited by rafter type (psf) R-2 = Outer radius (in) R-Inner-2 = Inner radius (ft) Rafter-Weight-2 = (lb/ft) Sx-rafter-actual-2 = Actual elastic section modulus about the x axis (in^3) Sx-rafter-Req'd-2 = Required elastic section modulus about the x axis (in^3) Theta = Angle of cone to the horizontal (degrees) W-Max-rafter-2 = Maximum stress allowed for each rafter in ring (lbf/in) W-rafter-2 = (lbf/in) SPAN TO SHELL P = 0.2162 psi Rafter-Weight-2 = 22 lbf/ft Theta = 3.5763 degrees R-2 = 903 in R-Inner2 = 447 in Max-r-span-2 = (R-2 - R-Inner-2)/COS(Theta) Max-r-span-2 = (903 - 447)/COS(3.5763) Max-r-span-2 = 40.9261 ft Average-r-s-inner-2 = (2 * PI * R-Inner-2)/N-actual-2 Average-r-s-inner-2 = (2 * PI * 447)/80 Average-r-s-inner-2 = 2.9256 ft Average-r-s-shell-2 = (2 * PI * R-2)/N-actual-2 Average-r-s-shell-2 = (2 * PI * 903)/80 Average-r-s-shell-2 = 5.9101 ft Average-p-width-2 = (Average-r-s-inner-2 + Average-r-s-shell-2)/2 Average-p-width-2 = (2.9256 + 5.9101)/2 Average-p-width-2 = 4.4179 ft W-rafter-2 = (P * Average-p-width-2) + Rafter-Weight-2 W-rafter-2 = (0.2162 * 53.0148) + 1.8333 W-rafter-2 = 13.2954 lbf/in Mmax-rafter-2 = (W-rafter-2 * Max-r-span-2^2)/8 Mmax-rafter-2 = (13.2954 * 491.1132^2)/8 Mmax-rafter-2 = 400,844 in-lbf Sx-rafter-Req'd-2 = Mmax-rafter-2/Sd Sx-rafter-Req'd-2 = 400,844/23,200 Sx-rafter-Req'd-2 = 17.2778 in^3 Sx-actual-2 = 23.2 in^3 W-Max-rafter-2 = (Sx-rafter-actual-2 * Sd * 8)/Max-r-span-2^2) W-Max-rafter-2 = (23.2 * 23,200 * 8)/491.1132^2) W-Max-rafter-2 = 17.8526 lbf/in Max-P-2 = (W-Max-rafter-2 - Rafter-Weight-2)/Average-p-width-2 Max-P-2 = 0.3022 psi Max-T1-rafter-2 = Max-P-2 Max-T1-rafter-2 = 43.5168 psf

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P-ext-2-2 = Max-T1-rafter-2 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr)) P-ext-2-2 = 43.5168 - 7.6779 - (0.4 * MAX(0 , 20)) P-ext-2-2 = -27.8345 psf P2-rafter-3-2 = P-ext-2-2 P2-rafter-3-2 = -27.8345 psf Limited by rafter type GIRDER DESIGN Average-p-width-previous-2 = Average plate width (ft) C1-2 = (in) C2-2 = (in) F-Max-girder-2 = Maximum load allowed for each girder in ring (lbf) Girder-Length-2 = Girder length (ft) Girder-W-2 = Girder weight (lb) Girder-W-previous-2 = Girder weight (lb) Max-P-girder-2 = Load allowed for each rafter in ring (psi) Max-r-span/2-actual-2 = Average maximum rafter span (ft) Max-r-span/2-previous-2 = Average maximum rafter span previous (ft) Max-T1-girder-2 = Due to roof thickness (psf) Mmax-girder-2 = Maximum moment bending (in-lbf) N-columns-actual-2 = Actual number of columns N-columns-previous-2 = Previous number of columns N-previous-2 = Previous number of rafter Num-Gird-actual-2 = Actual Number of girders Num-Gird-Req-actual-2 = Required Number of girders Num-Gird-Req-previous-2 = Required Number of girders previous P-ext-4-2 = Vacuum limited by girder type (psi) Pa-girder-2-2 = Vacuum limited by girder type (psi) R-Inner-previous-2 = Inner radius (ft) R-previous-2 = Outer radius (ft) Sx-girder-actual-2 = Actual elastic section modulus about the x axis (in^3) Sx-girder-Req'd-2 = Required elastic section modulus about the x axis (in^3) W-girder-2 = Total load including weight of girder (lbf/in) W-Max-girder-2 = Maximum stress allowed for each girder in ring (lbf/in) W-rafter-actual-2 = (lbf/in) W-rafter-previous-2 = (lbf/in) W1-2 = Total rafter and roof load per girder length (lbf/in) Wi-2 = Load due to inner rafters and roof (lbf) Wo-2 = Load due to outer rafters and roof (lbf) Num-Gird-actual-2 = 8 N-columns-actual-2 = 8 Girder-Length-2 = 344.4151 ft Girder-W-2 = 50 lbf/ft Wi-2 = W-rafter-previous-2 * Max-r-span/2-previous-2 * (Num-of-Rafters-Previous-2 / Number-ofcolumns) Wi-2 = 9.2357 * 226.5 * (40 / 8) Wi-2 = 10,390.1988 lbf C2-2 = [(Radial-distance-next - Radial-distance-actual) / 2] * Num-Gird-Req-actual-2 C2-2 = [(900.0 - 450.0) / 2] * 10 C2-2 = 2250 in Wo-2 = W-rafter-actual-2 * C2-2 Wo-2 = 13.2954 * 2250

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Wo-2 = 29,914.7288 lbf W1-2 = (Wi-2 + Wo-2)/Girder-Length-2 W1-2 = (10,390.1988 + 29,914.7288)/344.4151 W1-2 = 117.0242 lbf/in W-girder-2 = W1-2 + Girder-W-2 W-girder-2 = 117.0242 + 4.1666 W-girder-2 = 121.1909 lbf/in Mmax-girder-2 = (W-girder-2 * Girder-Length-2^2)/8 Mmax-girder-2 = (121.1909 * 344.4151^2)/8 Mmax-girder-2 = 1,796,985 in-lbf Sx-girder-Req'd-2 = Mmax-girder-2/Sd Sx-girder-Req'd-2 = 1,796,985/23,200 Sx-girder-Req'd-2 = 77.4563 in^3 Sx-girder-actual-2 = 64.2 in^3 W-Max-girder-2 = (Sx-girder-actual-2 * Sd * 8)/Girder-Length-2^2 W-Max-girder-2 = (64.2 * 23,200 * 8)/344.4151^2 W-Max-girder-2 = 100.4497 lbf/in Let C1-2 = Max-r-span/2-previous-2 * Num-Gird-Req-previous-2 C1-2 = 226.5 * 5 C1-2 = 1125 in Let C2-2 = [(Radial-distance-next - Radial-distance-actual) / 2] * Num-Gird-Req-actual-2 C2-2 = [(900.0 - 450.0) / 2] * 10 C2-2 = 2250 in F-Max-girder-2 = (W-Max-girder-2 - Girder-W-2) * Girder-Length-2 F-Max-girder-2 = (100.4497 - 4.1666) * 344.4151 F-Max-girder-2 = 33,161.3307 lbf Solve for Max-P: Max-P-girder-2 = (F-Max-girder-2 - (Girder-W-2 * Girder-W-previous-2) - (C1-2 * Girder-W-2))/((C2-2 * Average-p-width-previous-2) + (C1-2 * Average-p-width-2)) Max-P-girder-2 = (33,161.3307 - (50 * 0) - (1125 * 50))/((2250 * 38.0918) + (1125 * 4.4179)) Max-P-girder-2 = 0.1664 psi COLUMN DESIGN A-actual-2 = Actual area of column (in^2) A-req-2 = Required area of column (in^2) C-length-2 = Column length (in) E-c = Modulus of elasticity of the column material (psi) Fa-2 = Allowable compressive stress per API-650 (psi) Fy-c = Allowable design stress (psi) Max-P-column-2 = Maximum Load allowed for each column in ring (psi) Max-T1-column-2 = Due to roof thickness (psf) P-c-2 = Total roof load supported by each column (lbf) P-ext-3-2 = Vacuum limited by column type (psf) Pa-column-3-2 = Vacuum limited by column type (psi) Pa-column-3-2 = Vacuum limited by column type (psi) R-c-2 = Per API-650

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Radius-Gyr-2 = Radius of gyration Radius-Gyr-req-2 = Radius of gyration required W-column-2 = Total weight of column (lbf) W-Max-column-2 = Maximum weight allowed for each column in ring (lbf) Wi-2 = Load due to inner rafters and roof (lbf) Wo-2 = Load due to outer rafters and roof (lbf) W1-2 = Total rafter and roof load per girder length (lbf/in) W-girder-2 = Total load including weight of girder (lbf/in) AT GIRDER RING OUTER Radius = 75.25 ft W-column-2 = 1,640.1602 lbf Fy-c = 35,000 psi E-c = 28,600,000.38 psi A-actual-2 = 11.9083 in^2 C-length-2 = 40.4587 ft Radius-Gyr-2 = 3.6717 in If C-length-2/Radius-Gyr-2 must be less than 180, then Radius-Gyr-req-2 = C-length-2/180 Radius-Gyr-req-2 = 40.4587/180 Radius-Gyr-req-2 = 2.6972 in Per API-650 R-c-2 = C-length-2/Radius-Gyr-2 R-c-2 = 40.4587/3.6717 R-c-2 = 132.2306 Rafter-L-2 = (- R-2 - R-Inner2)/COS(Theta) Rafter-L-2 = (- 898.8625 - 408.7058)/COS(3.5763) Rafter-L-2 = 491.1131 in Wi-2 = W-rafter-previous-2 * Max-r-span/2-previous-2 * (Num-of-Rafters-Previous-2 / Number-ofcolumns) Wi-2 = 9.2357 * 226.5 * (40 / 8) Wi-2 = 10,390.1988 lbf C2-2 = [(Radial-distance-next - Radial-distance-actual) / 2] * Num-Gird-Req-actual-2 C2-2 = [(900.0 - 450.0) / 2] * 10 C2-2 = 2250 in Wo-2 = W-rafter-actual-2 * C2-2 Wo-2 = 13.2954 * 2250 Wo-2 = 29,914.7288 lbf W1-2 = (Wi-2 + Wo-2)/Girder-Length-2 W1-2 = (10,390.1988 + 29,914.7288)/344.4151 W1-2 = 117.0242 lbf/in W-girder-2 = W1-2 + Girder-W-2 W-girder-2 = 117.0242 + 4.1666 W-girder-2 = 121.1909 lbf/in P-c-2 = W-column-2 + (W-girder-2 * Girder-Length-2) P-c-2 = 1,640.1602 + (121.1909 * 344.4151) P-c-2 = 43,380.1508 lbf

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Since R-c-2 > 120, using API-650 Formulas in Fa-2 = (/ (* 12 (EXPT PI 2) E-c) (* 23 (EXPT R-c-2 2))) Fa-2 = (/ (* 12 (EXPT PI 2) 28,600,000.38) (* 23 (EXPT 132.2306 2))) Per API-650 M.3.5 Fa is not modified Since Design Temp. 120, using API-650 Formulas in Fa-1 = (/ (* 12 (EXPT PI 2) E-c) (* 23 (EXPT R-c-1 2))) Fa-1 = (/ (* 12 (EXPT PI 2) 28,600,000.38) (* 23 (EXPT 142.776 2))) Per API-650 M.3.5 Fa is not modified Since Design Temp. = 0.19, otherwise must use ASME section VIII Div 1.) EFC = (D / tsmin)^0.75 * [(HtS / D) * (Fy-shell / E)^0.5] EFC = (150 / 0.3125)^0.75 * [(26.7369 / 150) * (36,000 / 28,799,999)^0.5] EFC = 0.6463 Since EFC >= 0.19 using App. V method. Condition 1: Wind plus specified external (Vacuum) pressure Since Pe > 5.2 & Pe F-wind Anchorage Requirement Tank does not require anchorage

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Back SITE GROUND MOTION CALCULATIONS Anchorage_System (Anchorage System) = self anchored D (Nominal Tank Diameter) = 150 ft Fa (Site Acceleration Coefficient) = 1.6 Fv (Site Velocity Coefficient) = 2.4 H (Maximum Design Product Level) = 40 ft I (Importance Factor) = 1.0 K (Spectral Acceleration Adjustment Coefficient) = 1.5 Q (MCE to Design Level Scale Factor) = 0.6667 Rwc (Convective Force Reduction Factor) = 2 Rwi (Impulsive Force Reduction Factor) = 3.5 S1 (Spectral Response Acceleration at a Period of One Second) = 0.05 Seismic_Site_Class (Seismic Site Class) = seismic site class d Seismic_Use_Group (Seismic Use Group) = seismic use group i Ss (Spectral Response Acceleration Short Period) = 0.1 TL (Regional Dependent Transistion Period for Longer Period Ground Motion) = 12 sec Design Spectral Response Acceleration at Short Period API 650 Sections E.4.6.1 and E.2.2 SDS = Q * Fa * Ss = 0.6667 * 1.6 * 0.1 = 0.1067 Design Spectral Response Acceleration at a Period of One Second API 650 Sections E.4.6.1 and E.2.2 SD1 = Q * Fv * S1 = 0.6667 * 2.4 * 0.05 = 0.08 Sloshing Coefficient API 650 Section E.4.5.2 Ks = 0.578 / SQRT(TANH(((3.68 * Liq_max) / D))) = 0.578 / SQRT(TANH(((3.68 * 40) / 150))) = 0.6658 Convective Natural Period API 650 Section E.4.5.2 Tc = Ks * SQRT(D) = 0.6658 * SQRT(150) = 8.1544 sec Impulsive Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient API 650 Sections E.4.6.1 Ai = SDS * (I / Rwi) = 0.1067 * (1.0 / 3.5) = 0.0305 API 650 Sections E.4.6.1 Ai = MAX(Ai , 0.007) = MAX(0.0305 , 0.007) = 0.0305 Tc Ac = Convective spectral acceleration parameter Ai = Impulsive spectral acceleration parameter Av = Vertical Earthquake Acceleration Coefficient Ci = Coefficient for impulsive period of tank system (Fig. E-1) D/H = Ratio of Tank Diameter to Design Liquid Level Density = Density of tank product (SG * 62.42786) Fc = Allowable longitudinal shell-membrane compressive stress Fty = Minimum specified yield strength of shell course Fy = Minimum yield strength of bottom annulus Ge = Effective specific gravity including vertical seismic effects I = Importance factor defined by Seismic Use Group k = Coefficient to adjust spectral acceleration from 5% - 0.5% damping L = Required Annular Ring Width Ls = Actual Annular Plate Width Mrw = Ringwall moment-portion of the total overturning moment that acts at the base of the tank shell perimeter Ms = Slab moment (used for slab and pile cap design) Pa = Anchorage chair design load Pab = Anchor seismic design load Q = Scaling factor from the MCE to design level spectral accelerations RCG = Height from Top of Shell to Roof Center of Gravity Rwc = Force reduction factor for the convective mode using allowable stress design methods (Table E-4) Rwi = Force reduction factor for the impulsive mode using allowable stress design methods (Table E4) S0 = Design Spectral Response Param. (5% damped) for 0-second Periods (T = 0.0 sec) Sd1 = The design spectral response acceleration param. (5% damped) at 1 second based on ASCE7 methods per API 650 E.2.2 Sds = The design spectral response acceleration param. (5% damped) at short periods (T = 0.2 sec) based on ASCE7 methods per API 650 E.2.2 SigC = Maximum longitudinal shell compression stress SigC-anchored = Maximum longitudinal shell compression stress SUG = Seismic Use Group (Importance factors depends on SUG) T-L = Regional Dependent Transition Period for Long Period Ground Motion (Per ASCE 7-05, fig. 2215) ta = Actual Annular Plate Thickness less C.A. ts1 = Thickness of bottom Shell course minus C.A. tu = Equivalent uniform thickness of tank shell V = Total design base shear Vc = Design base shear due to convective component from effective sloshing weight Vi = Design base shear due to impulsive component from effective weight of tank and contents wa = Force resisting uplift in annular region Wab = Design uplift load on anchor per unit circumferential length Wc = Effective Convective (Sloshing) Portion of the Liquid Weight Weff = Effective Weight Contributing to Seismic Response Wf = Weight of Floor (Incl. Annular Ring) Wi = Effective Impulsive Portion of the Liquid Weight wint = Uplift load due to design pressure acting at base of shell Wp = Total weight of Tank Contents based on S.G. Wr = Weight Fixed Roof, framing and 10 % of Design Snow Load & Insul. Wrs = Roof Load Acting on Shell, Including 10% of Snow Load Ws = Weight of Shell (Incl. Shell Stiffeners & Insul.) wt = Shell and roof weight acting at base of shell Xc = Height to center of action of the lateral seismic force related to the convective liquid force for ringwall moment Xcs = Height to center of action of the lateral seismic force related to the convective liquid force for the slab moment

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Xi = Height to center of action of the lateral seismic force related to the impulsive liquid force for ringwall moment Xis = Height to center of action of the lateral seismic force related to the impulsive liquid force for the slab moment Xr = Height from Bottom of Shell to Roof Center of Gravity Xs = Height from Bottom to the Shell's Center of Gravity WEIGHTS Ws = 347,769 lb Wf = 175,798 lb Wr = 135,679 lb EFFECTIVE WEIGHT OF PRODUCT D/H = 3.75 Wp = 44,127,682 lbf Wi = TANH (0.866 * D/H) / (0.866 * D/H) * Wp Wi = TANH (0.866 * 3.75) / (0.866 * 3.75) * 44,127,682 Wi = 13,547,200 lbf Wc = 0.23 * D/H * TANH (3.67 * H/D) * Wp Wc = 0.23 * 3.75 * TANH (3.67 * 0.2667) * 44,127,682 Wc = 28,639,793 lbf Weff = Wi + Wc Weff = 13,547,200 + 28,639,793 Weff = 42,186,992.9182 lbf Wrs = 59,253 lbf DESIGN LOADS Vi = Ai * (Ws + Wr + Wf + Wi) Vi = 0.0305 * (347,769 + 135,679 + 175,798 + 13,547,200) Vi = 433,297 lbf Vc = Ac * Wc Vc = 0.0074 * 28,639,793 Vc = 211,934 lbf V = SQRT (Vi^2 + Vc^2) V = SQRT (433,297^2 + 211,934^2) V = 482,350.6725 lbf CENTER OF ACTION FOR EFFECTIVE LATERAL FORCES Xs = 20 ft RCG = 1/3 * R * (TAND (Theta)) RCG = 1/3 * 900.8125 * (TAND (3.5763)) RCG = 18.7669 in or 1.5639 ft Xr = Shell Height + RCG Xr = 40 + 1.5639 Xr = 41.5639 ft

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CENTER OF ACTION FOR RINGWALL OVERTURNING MOMENT Xi = 0.375 * H Xi = 0.375 * 40 Xi = 15 ft Xc = (1 - (COSH (3.67 * H/D) - 1) / ((3.67 * H/D) * SINH (3.67 * H/D))) * H Xc = (1 - (COSH (3.67 * 0.2667) - 1) / ((3.67 * 0.2667) * SINH (3.67 * 0.2667))) * 40 Xc = 21.4569 ft CENTER OF ACTION FOR SLAB OVERTURNING MOMENT Xis = 0.375 * [1 + 1.333 * [(0.866 * D/H) / TANH (0.866 * D/H) - 1]] * H) Xis = 0.375 * [1 + 1.333 * [(0.866 * 3.75) / TANH (0.866 * 3.75) - 1]] * 40) Xis = 60.1353 ft Xcs = (1 - (COSH (3.67 * H/D) - 1.937) / ((3.67 * H/D) * SINH(3.67 * H/D))) * H Xcs = (1 - (COSH (3.67 * 0.2667) - 1.937) / ((3.67 * 0.2667) * SINH(3.67 * 0.2667))) * 40 Xcs = 54.9759 ft Dynamic Liquid Hoop Forces


Width Y (ft) (ft)

Ni (lb/in) = 4.5 * Ai * G * D * H * [(Y / H) - (0.5 * (Y / H)^2)] * (TANH (0.866 * (D / H)))


Nc (lb/in)

Nh (lb/in)

= 0.98 * Ac * G * D^2 * (COSH (3.68 * (H - Y)) / = 2.6 * Y D) / (COSH (3.68 * H / * D * G D))

SigT+ (lbf/in^2)

SigT- (lbf/in^2)

= (+ Nh (SQRT (Ni^2 = (- Nh (SQRT (Ni^2 + + Nc^2 + (Av * Nh / Nc^2 + (Av * Nh / 2.5)^2))) / t-n 2.5)^2))) / t-n

Shell 1

8 39






Shell 2

8 31






Shell 3

8 23






Shell 4

8 15











Shell 5



Overturning Moment Mrw = ((Ai * (Wi * Xi + Ws * Xs + Wr * Xr))^2 + (Ac * Wc * Xc)^2)^0.5 Mrw = ((0.0305 * (13,547,200 * 15 + 347,769 * 20 + 135,679 * 41.5639))^2 + (0.0074 * 28,639,793 * 21.4569)^2)^0.5 Mrw = 8,000,120.4084 lbf-ft Ms = ((Ai * (Wi * Xis + Ws * Xs + Wr * Xr))^2 + (Ac * Wc * Xcs)^2)^0.5 Ms = ((0.0305 * (13,547,200 * 60.1353 + 347,769 * 20 + 135,679 * 41.5639))^2 + (0.0074 * 28,639,793 * 54.9759)^2)^0.5 Ms = 27,791,667.4683 lbf-ft RESISTANCE TO DESIGN LOADS Fy = 36,000 psi Ge = S.G. * (1- 0.4 * Av) Ge = 1 * (1- 0.4 * 0.0498) Ge = 0.9801 wa = MIN (7.9 * ta * (Fy * H * Ge)^0.5 , 1.28 * H * D * Ge)

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wa = MIN (7.9 * 0.375 * (36,000 * 40 * 0.9801)^0.5) , 1.28 * 40 * 150 * 0.9801) wa = MIN ( 3,519.414 , 7,527.0144) wa = 3,519.414 lbf/ft wt = (Wrs + Ws) / (Pi * D) wt = (59,253 + 347,769) / (3.1416 * 150) wt = 863.7276 lbf/ft wint = P * 144 * (Pi * D^2 / 4) / (Pi * D) wint = 0.1 * 144 * (3.1416 * 150^2 / 4) / (3.1416 * 150) wint = 540 lbf/ft Annular Ring Requirements L = MIN (0.035 * D , MAX (1.5 , 0.216 * ta * (Fy / (H * Ge))^0.5)) L = MIN (0.035 * 150 , MAX (1.5 , 0.216 * 0.375 * (36,000 / (40 * 0.9801))^0.5)) L = MIN (5.25 , MAX (1.5 , 2.4546)) L = 2.4546 ft Ls = 2.5 ft Since Ls > L.

Anchorage Ratio J = Mrw / (D^2 * [wt * (1 - 0.4 * Av)] + wa - 0.4 * wint J = 8,000,120.4084 / (150^2 * [863.7276 * (1 - 0.4 * 0.0498)] + 3,519.414 - 0.4 * 540 J = 0.0857 Since J = 1,000,000 Since [1 * 40 * 150^2 / 0.75^2] >= 1,000,000 Since 1.6E6 >= 1,000,000 Then Fc = 10^6 * ts1 / D Fc = 10^6 * ts1 / D Fc = 10^6 * 0.75 / 150 Fc = 5,000 lbf/in^2 SigC
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