American English File Flashcards

March 29, 2017 | Author: bngiarola7212 | Category: N/A
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ENGLISH FILE Sound Bank Flashcards:

Get everyone talking. In class. Everywhere. Print out and practice these flashcards with your students to build confident speaking.

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Vowel Sounds

tree vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

usual spelling

! but a

ee ea e

people key ni





meet three speak eat me we


his this ! but also ! butwin also six big swim people police key niece eer cheer engineer ere here we’re ear year hear English women busy a thanks dance English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz

© Copyright Oxford University Press

Englis busy

tree Vowel Sounds

fish vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press



ea speak eat e spelling me we usual i

his this ! butwin also six big swim people police eh key niece eer cheer engineer ! but also ere here we’re ear year hear English women r busy a thanks dance black Japan have stamp tneer English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz


© Copyright Oxford University Press

yes help

key ni

Englis busy


fish Vowel Sounds

ear vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press

! butwin also six big swim usual spelling people police eh key niece eer cheer engineer ere here we’re ear year hear English women r busy a thanks dance ! but also black Japan have stamp tneer

nce g n p


yes help ten pet red very

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz

air airport stairs

© Copyright Oxford University Press


friend breakf said

their t

ear Vowel Sounds

cat vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press


ere here we’re ear spelling year hear usual


nce g n p


English women busy a thanks dance black Japan have stamp


friend breakf said

air airport stairs

their t wearco

yes help ! but also ten pet red very

fair hair square careful are friend bread breakfast any hot stop o said

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press


cat Vowel Sounds

egg vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press

black Japan have stamp usual spelling tneer


yes help ten pet red very

nce g n airport stairs airalso p ! but fair hair square careful are friend bread ir breakfast any hot stop o said doctor job not box their there irs ck wear al talk walk eful English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz

© Copyright Oxford University Press

friend breakf said

their t wearco

father want


egg egg

Vowel Sounds

chair chair vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press

nce g n p


ten pet red very usual spelling

air airport stairs fair hair square careful are friend bread

breakfast any hot stop o said ! but also doctor job not box their there irs ck wear al talk walk eful aw saw draw

w b

father watch want or sport door

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

breakf said

their t wearco

father want

water bought

four b


Vowel Sounds

clock vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press


fair hair square careful are usual spelling friend bread

breakfast any hot stop o said doctor job not box their there irs ck wear al talk walk eful ! but also aw saw draw

w b


father watch want or sport door short water wrong bought oo school food

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press


father want

water bought

four b

do fru

clock Vowel Sounds

saw vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press

doctor job not box usual spelling their there irs ck wear al talk walk eful aw saw draw

w b



father watch want or sport door ! but also short water wrong bought oo school food u* June use ew new fl ew four board English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press


water bought

four b

do fru shoe

saw Vowel Sounds

horse vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press


w b

aw saw draw usual spelling father watch want or sport door short

water wrong se bought oo school food ! but also u* June use ew new fl ew four board ot


do fruit juice shoe

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press


four b

do fru shoe


Vowel Sounds

boot vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press


usual spelling water wrong se bought oo school food u* June use new fl ew ew four board ot


! but also

do fruit juice shoe

* especially before consonant + e English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

do fru shoe

Vowel Sounds

bull vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

usual spelling

! but a

could u full put SOUND BANK woman oo good book look room

A very unusual sound. ! but also euro Europe sure ! but also plural could would ist woman come u bus lunch son do ugly run young lucky cut ound. p sure Many different spellings. English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz

© Copyright Oxford University Press

bull bull Vowel Sounds

tourist tourist vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press


good book look room usual spelling


A very unusual sound. euro Europe sure plural



come son do young

Many different spellings. is always unstressed. umbrella America famous second ago



u also bus lunch ! but ugly run lucky cut

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz


© Copyright Oxford University Press

her verb


tourist Vowel Sounds

up vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press

Europe sure !euro but also

plural usual spelling could would ist woman come u bus lunch son do ugly run young lucky cut ound. p sure Many different spellings. ! but also is always unstressed. umbrella America famous come brother uter second ago son does learn er her verb young world ir first third ur nurse turn pellings. d ressed. ou out thousand ca famous \e\

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz

© Copyright Oxford University Press

up Vowel Sounds

computer vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press



son does young

Many different spellings. is always unstressed. umbrella America famous second ago



ugly run lucky cut usual spelling

er her verb ir also first third ! but ur nurse turn

learn wo world wo

ou out thousand house count ow how brown


home close old don’t

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

slow low

computer Vowel Sounds

bird vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press

is always unstressed. umbrella America famous usual spelling come brother uter second ago son does learn er her verb young world ir first third ur nurse turn pellings. d ressed. ou out thousand ca famous ! but also house count ow how brown learn work wl world word slow l o* home close old don’t oa road toast nd ne nt ar are party n /e/

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz

© Copyright Oxford University Press

bird Vowel Sounds

owl vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press

ir first third ur nurse turn pellings. usual spelling


d ressed. ca famous ou out thousand house count ow how learn workbrown wl world word


home close ! but also old don’t oa road toast nd ne nt ar are party n start far


slow l

slow low English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz


© Copyright Oxford University Press

name make


owl Vowel Sounds

phone vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press


house count ow how brown usual spelling learn work world word o* home close old don’t oa road toast

slow l

nd ne nt ar are party n ! but also start far



slow low

a* ai ay

name make rain paint play day gray

* especially before consonant + e English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz


© Copyright Oxford University Press

coin noise

break great they


Vowel Sounds

car vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press

old don’t oa road toast usual spelling nd ne nt ar are party n start far



e y


slow low

a* name make ! but also ai rain paint ay play day gray

break great they


coin noise toilet break steak oy toy enjoy great eight they i* nine twice

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press


car Vowel Sounds

train vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press





start far usual spelling slow low

a* ai ay

name make rain paint play day gray

oi coin noise ! but also toilet oy toy enjoy break steak

great eight i* nine twice they gray my why y igh before highconsonant night + e * especially e


break great they


English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

vowels followed by /r/


Vowel Sounds

boy vowels vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press


ai ay

rain paint play day gray usual spelling

great they


coin noise toilet oy toy enjoy break steak e y great eight they gray i* nine twice ! but also my why y igh high night e



vowels followed by /r/ buy English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

boy Vowel Sounds

bike vowels


vowels followed by /r/ diphthongs © Copyright Oxford University Press

toilet oy toy enjoy usual spelling break steak ye great eight i* nine twice they gray my why y igh high night e



vowels followed by /r/ ! but also buy

* especially before consonant + e

wed by /r/


English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

Consonant Sounds

voiced unvoiced © Copyright Oxford University Press

usual spelling

! but also

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart based on an original idea and design by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz © Copyright Oxford University Press

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