American English File 4

September 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden

n   �    l


0 >  > uj �   o 1 . I J 4  b 9 u �  g     t 9  ,!1 9 c� . 0sL  u• jl   P Sso d Clv Oxd  th ol co-hos of English Fle 1 d Englsh ile 2









 Questons and answes

qs frma

fgrg  mg frm cx

frily , shg rs


B Do ou beeve n t?

axry vrs; the the. .the the. . + m mravs

cmp jcvs mfrs

  sc rhyhm


1 COLLOUIAL ENGLISH  Talking about ntervews, On the street


 Ca e doto?

s f s a s

llsss  rs

 f  I  /  , l d'  t      /k r srss


B de and wse?

sg avs as s s av r a

clhs  fsh

vl ss


REVIEW a CHECK & 1 hr mv  he hstory of srery


A Te u about a tave

aav ss ash f ns s I such such h

ar rvl

gar  rglr ps frms sc rhyhm


B nedb sot stoes

h s f avrs a avrra as av

vrs  avral phrss

 sss  


COLLOQUIAL L ENGLISH 2&3 akng about books On the street l COLLOQUIA


 o-ut

fr  a f s

h vrm h hr

vl ss


B e ou a s ae?

z a fs  s s f m ass

xprsss h take

sc srss a rhyhm


EVEW a CHECK  l hr mv he Weatherman


 Te suvvos' ub

ra als


r srss srss  3 r 4syll jcvs


B t dves e a!

srs af sh

xpssg flgs h vrs r -ed I -ng jcvs

s rhyhm  


l COLLOQUIAL NGLISH 4& akng about s On the street






A Music and emotion

geruns an nntves


wors tht o fro othr lnguges


B Seepin Beauty

used o o,, be used o  get used o


sentn strss n nkng


REVIEW & CHECK 5& 9 hort ove The Sleep Unit


A Don Don''t aue!

ast mols: mols:   m  ght /may shoud,  shou  cou coudn dn''t+ have etc etc..; woud rather

vrbs oftn onus

wek for o hae


B ctos actin

verbs o the senses

the bo

slnt ttrs


9 COLLOQUIL ENGLSH &7 Takng about actng On the steet


A Beat te t e oes .•

the passve ( om; t s sad that . he s thought o o   et et have somethng done

r n unshent

the lettr u

eortng verbs

the 

wor strss

and te uas 78

B Beain nes


REVEW & CHECK & 9 hort ov The Speed of Nes


A Tut and ies

auses o ontast and pupose pupose  whateve wheneve et et

avrtsng busness

hngng strss on nouns n vrbs


 Meacites

unountble n ua nouns

wor bulng xes n suxs

wor stress wth exs an suxs


9 COLLOQUL ENGLSH & Takng about advertsin On the street


A e da sde o te moon

quanties   eve o o et et


strss n wor mls


B e poe o ods


oloton wor rs

usng n sntn sntne e strss


REVEW & CHECK & 9 hort ov 3 pintng



12 Gamma Ban


eua es



12 Vocabulary Bank


Sound Bank



164 ppend - gruns n nntvs



2 GRAMMAR question formaton  w read the questins i  aain an answer the questis elw el w wih a parer Wi questions ae exampes o. o. ? • a subt subt questin were w ere tee is no auiia  ver • a quesion quesion tat ends ends wit a preps prepsiti itin n • a question question tat uses a neative neative axiar axiar veb  Wat apens to e wrd wrd order in te question question What wouldhat chanBe ? we  wenn u ad addd do yo think ae yo chanBe?

1 1 Gramma Bank   Lear mre aut    questin rmati and pratie i.

 ctr Elsat Moss  born n frn n 982   bn n r r ucsfu US V drms ncudng The st Wing nd Mad M, r wc s won n mm wrd


Gog ou o  ck ckrd rd o m om  A d rdg o buld  gbl gr w ck d rock I mu h  . W    u t admi? Th  kd o ch, u m mo.

3 Which living livi ng person do u u most despie, ad why

I wo   m.

No gg ough l Jm. I rw u  o Al, Al, n h ll, d r  w lw jm growg 6 �              

To  rll god rnd who I lo oc wh wh I w lll l.. I would o o  r g 7 I you could go bck i time re ould you yo u go

To  30 muc club  Nw York  I lo h r co rod -  jwr  clo, h mc.

I   bg n o ttng  bo bo    wcg  nr how  wo or r . I wchg h Sops  h om b I d  w  r m ou.  I w ll, I w on  k  h S d go cuh udrnh  rowg o h w r cr

 Do yo E E      yo Eo    y  3  & � yo   Do yo  yo E   s   yo    1 >) isn a repea te quesins wit ied ionatin. ionati n. Fu F u n sentene senten e stess stess and and iin

j  R      

5 Wht is yur fvor fvorte te smell

9 Wht hs ee you mot ightening experie experiece ce

3 PRONUNCIATION fiendly itonation, showing interest questins  1 4>) Listen t sme pepe asin questins 5 W sunds iedlier and mre in interested terested ea time  r?

Glossar cajaking the me f the dve     t e yu ewhee  v yu the  E  wd  t the O. but  TV  informal  e     y h  e, e  heey heey ve  Apte fo The Gardin

 yo  oo  o  y    o o o  y y  Really? o How interesting!   y oo o y   o

 1 6>)  listen  the questins in a versati. Cmpete the xpress xpressios ios r quesis hat the man r wman use t reat to the aswes Wo ! at's a ue mi.  ? Wat's wron wit te?  ! We oud pa a ae ne da  ! Hw on have o been a vean? vean? ?  ant tin    anti antin n wose 5  1 7>) Lie and rep repat at the respn respnses ses Cp te intnati.    aswer he questis witta ur part nr partnr se ie inain a reat partners swers Online Practi Practice



4 READING & VOCABULARY a Look t the photo photo wth the the tcle. Wht do you tin is nng? D yu thnk the qeto  oe tht omeoe mht relly k  th tt? Why (ot)?

Guessing the meaning of new words and phases p When you are reading and ind a word or phrase you don't know:

1 Try to guess the meaning rom the cotext (e.g., the other words un ) nk l bu wht p f p h unknwn w is (eg a verb an adjective etc) whehe wheherr t is simiar to anothe Engish word you know or whether it i smiar to a word in yur anguage 2 I you sti can't gure out what the wrd or phrase means means either ignore it and continue readng or use  ditionary (or ( or gossary i there is one) to hep you

b Red the tcle tcle oce oce d d d ot How wold you we the qeto?


Extreme inteviews 1nnosaurus aurus rex, then the bad nes is that WHAT kind of dinosaur dinosaur are you? If you answered answere d 1nnos  you probably wo't get the job youre appyi appying ng r. • C � Print 

Wlcom o h n wold of m nvwn h l nd n whch nvw how z qon  cndd o o    how  c

s It may eem like a game, game, bu exreme nvwn  ddl o. Th d  o  how qc jo  hn on   nd   m whn m whn 25 pcn of cn d  nmplod nmplod  o mplo 0  nw  of pn h lln cndd om h m v ood Th nw ppoc o lcn cndd com om Slcon Vl n Cln  wh ? Gool o   dmndn 15 nvw poc d  cn cndd: "Yo  ndd on  d lnd o hv 60 cond o choo popl of l O pofon o com wh o Wh o o choo o! n of h l pon of m nvwn w SvJo cond of Appl who cold  2 mol cl wh jo    Fcd onc wh  cndd h condd onJo ddnl pndd o   chcn ppn h m nd mn clcn no ond h nn pplcn  wn o  h h old do n c h c o m vwn  nh n h on no h nw.   n h ndd' con. 25

Dvd Mol  hdhn wh h cmn nc Em Gop who dm o n h dno qon whn lcn cndd d "nll " nll h nd of nvwn  d  d   o v omon n oppon o how h  m nd no l d d "Mo cndd cl  omhn o of   no o n o c hm W  n o v hm n oppon  ho h ponl h n j hon how h pm n n nv  co n n h jo  j h .     ld vv vv  dpn on h nd


Gossay Sco Vaey h ml m   g  h C w m f h wd' g g hg p  bd eaue  p wh jb   to fd ppl w h  kll to w   p d  pd hm  j h m 

f    

Adapte from The Sunday Times




c Read the arte agan arely.  arely. Wth Wth a partner try to gure out what the highlghted wors and phrases mght mea mea and how you thnk they are prooun proouned. ed.  Now math the the words and phrases with 1-1. adj needg a t  t f efrt and


skll 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

ervuss ad sed, se d, adj ervu espeially beause yu have been gven a lt t d r are i a hurry adj very strange r uusual m t be abe t thk and reat t thgs th gs very qukly withut any preparat noun a way f dng r thkg abut smeth smethg g phrase instead f verb t destry sebdy's dee noun a spealst pay that ds ad interviews andates t l jb vaaes  ther paes noun pepe wh are lkg

b verb vng sethng 1 r a b qukly up ad dwn e.g wgs 

 way D you thnk extreme ntervews are good o hosng anddates Whih Whi h oa the questons beow (used in real ntervews) do you thnk would work we Why?

   

I         

          _ - 

        

- 

 sing your ow wors answer answ er the questins wth a partner partner  hat are ar e extree ntervews?  hat knd f paes rst stare staredd usng the?  hy d se pepe thnk that that they are better than nra ntervews?

C     G 

   > sten to ve pe peple ple talk talkg g about a strange questi they were asked n b iterviews. omplete the questos in the rst olum.

         -   

 B> Lsten Lsten ad hek. Uderne the stressedd sylables. stresse sylables.

 O         0    TV            

t o a ob iterview What kd o questios questios did  Have you ever bee to they ask you? Dd you get the ob

                A        ste aga ad take otes i the rest o the hart  Whih o o the questions dd you thk were good goo d or bad to ask at an ntervew 6 SPEAKING

> Communication Extreme intevews

 p.104  p.108 sk your

partner extree interview questions  Write three extreme tervew questions o your w that you thk might te you somethig nterestg about aother a other perso.  sk your questons to as may other studets as possible and aswer theirs.  Whh questos did you thik were the most teresting Wh Online Practice

  -   



G auxilary verbs; verbs; the the. .the the  + comparat omparat ves  ves V compound ajectives, modiies P intonaion and senence hyhm


For tose wo beleve no poo pooff s eessa. or tose wo o't beleve o roo s posbe

1 READING & LISTENING a Lok t the beginning of of two tre stories. Wht Wh t do you tnk they might hve h ve in common? b > Comunicaton

ok in pis A nd B n ed two stoies stoies  ed Noises i the NiBht on p.104. B go to p09 n ed Te StranB StranBee Object o te Hill.

HARD TO BELIEVE? BUT IT APPENED T ME... ME... Have you ever experienced a paranormal happening? Write and tell us about it.




bou six mons ago, my husband Russ and  mved nto a oue n te country. Our oue  te mddle one of tree row oue and t more tan a undred year old A young couple lve n te oue on our rgt ut te oue on our eft wa empty and for ale

 Now ed the beginning of nother te stoy Wold yo hve been hppy  Ftos to ed you coee cp Why (not)

hs hapned when  was 16 and  an a n s emembe  vvdly It wa a clear mornng unny u wt a reeze  wa gong to meet a cool frend to go walkng n te ll were tere were ome wonderful wond erful vew 'd agreed to meet m at te top of one of te ll


E COFFEE CUP EADING  went to Turkey a few year ago w a colleague named Cr We een een ent tere to tran econdary cool teacer n a cool on te t e outkrt of tanu Wle  wa tere  decded to go and ee an old frend of mne a young Turk  woman named Fato wo  adnt een for everal everal year  called er and we we agreed agreed to meet n a otel n te enter of tanul Cr came too and te tree of u ad a very nce dnner togeter After dnner we ordered Turk coffee and we takd for a  wle untl Fato uddenly aked aked me me Woud you lke lke me to read your coffee cup?"  refued potely ecaue ecaue to t o e onet  dont really eleve n carvoyant and fortune-tellng Bu Cr mmedately ad ad he


 would  woul d be ay ay for her to read s oee u



Listen agan agan and answer the questons. b Listen Wat's te ggest mstake that jo canddate cand datess make durng an ntervew?  Wats the most mportant thng r them to communcate n the ntervew 3 Wy does e menton peole o ee "slouched ack and don 4 at do do you need to try t communcate t your tone of voce 5 hat "extreme ueston dd dd Je once ask 6 Wat possl answers does e suggest? Why 2 LOOKING AT LANGUAGE



Jef uses several expressions with make and do. These verbs are very comon in expressins reated to work, and are sometimes confused by earners of Engish oten beause they just have one verb n their L

1 26>) Com Comete ete the extracts o the terew tere w wth the rght r  o make r do. sten an check " so so some o the t he ggest mstakes mstakes that, that Ive seen that eople o ther rsum s they ncude everythng 2 " as as an emloyer, emloyer,  ont care hat you _ 0 years ago or 30 years ago ago a Google  "Y al at at t search on your own name  " and and to take a egt and a hal sheet o paper and three columns    "ou want to sure your cell phone s turne of 6 "Theyre a lot o eye contact drectly t me b Now colet coletee soe ore sentences relate 

t the word  work They are gong to l a decson aout who gets the jo y te end o the eek 2 an I a suggeston aout ho to re-organze te HR eartment muc ore market 3 We must researc ere e develo the ne roduct  A the ne employees are gong to  to   a tranng course next month a 5 Eeryone n the company has g efort ts year 6 George s a great jo and  thnk he eserves to earn a hger hger salary a w one calls ere 7  need to the meetng starts

! 


1 27>) atch or lste to ve eole talkg aout jo eew  eew ow an o o  the sa the entel ot the 

eanne o South African Englsh

Ivan American

Yasuko Amercan

oost Dutc

b atch or lste agan  ho (,  , , or )  D nt get the jo ecause o hs/ her age hs/ her nterew the most recently  a hs/ he she O eare  the erew  assessng ho sutale he as r the jo  took some mece to hel make h/ her ee less nervus  tred to fnd out wat te company eleved n 

1 28) atch or lste a colete the hlte ollual Eglsh hrases ht o ou thnk they ean 1 " just ractced ractced evey queston queston tat tat they coul ask me n my _ _   "  and and then tred to m exerence to the varos derent onts on he jo nterew nterew  3 " thnk t went el ecause they     " ter ter hlosophy te hstory and the the   comany  "n the en they sa  was too young, so they nt  me SPEAKING

nswer the questons wth a artner  ave you eer een nterv nterv ewe ewedd r a jo or a pace n a scool scool What was t r o  you reare r  r t o d t go  Hae you eer nterewe another erson What r 3 at do do you tnk s te most mortant adce to gve to to someone o s gong r a jo ntervew

Online Proctice

G present perfect sple an contnuous V illnesses an njries P /JI, d:, lt an kl; wor stress


My otor gave me sx onths to ve, bt when when I oln't pay the bll he gave e sx onths ore.

1 VOCABULAR ilnesses and njures c > Communaton First aid quz A p.105 B p109

a Look t t the six quiz qestions. With  prtner, decde wht theo hig highlighted hlighted pictres help yo words might men. Use the

Rednd the nswers hlf o o the qiz nd the resons why tel ech to other. d > p.152 Vocabulary Bank Illnesses and injures injures..

b No k h q wh  



•ves' l•ves'

The Red Cross first aid quiz • www.redcross www.redcrossorg

Wold y kno wha o do in hese common medical emergencies?


1 2

If someone s hokng, you should... ) h he he on he k  ) en en he  he kw  kw ) e he he on her her e


f someone has a u ha s beedng badly you should fs. ) pre on he wond ) ov over er he wo won n ) w wh h he won won er rnnn wer wer

Wha is he bes hg o pu on a bun a a  frs? ) wr rnnn rnnn wer ) o rnnn rnnn wer ) p p   wrp wrp

4 5


Whh of hese hese s he bes way o ea a nosebleed? ) en yor he he orwr orwr n pn pn he o pr o he noe ) en yor he he orwr orwr n pn pn he hr pr o he noe ) en yor he kwr kwr n pnh pnh he o pr o he noe If you fnd someone ollapsed on he ground wha should you do frs? ) p yor ke over over he o kee kee he wr ) hek  hey re rehn ) rn o o n n oeone oeone ee ee o hp hp If someone has fallen and you hnk hey may have broken her eg you should.. should.. ) ry o ove her her e no no  rh rh poon poon ) ke re he e  ppoe o preven nee nee oveen ) p  ne on her her e where where yo hnk he rek rek 


2 PRO NUNCIATI NUNCIATI ON & SPEAKING I   f    I d? lt    and /k word stress

 How do do you pronounce sounds -4 abve? ritee the words om the list in the correc rit corre ct

3 GRAMMAR present perfect simple and contuous

  35 > Listen to a conversation between a doctor and patient hat hat smptoms smpto ms does the patent have? hat does the doctor sugget?  Listen again and ll i the blanks with with a verb in the presen perct simple or presnt perct continuous. Doctor G , M. B    Patient 1   f  f f . I   c    ,  A I     PD Y, c. B B   f  c .          c c c c   f  f    .. . D     4  f  P I     D A        5  f  x  P Y I I  D   . ,        fc fc   . 6  _______; ; P I      . .   _______  f    . D , M. B,   I       f  f        C C     1



  

 

column c c             c      c c        cc c c  33> Listen and ceck. racti ractice ce saying the the words.  167 S   Look at the typial  f  spellings r /  l l,, I d?/  t       and /k  . Look Lo ok at some more words related to illness and injury. hich ones are similar in our laguage?? o you know what the laguage the othe ones mean? �� c    c  c ;  !� J  ' F        '   c : c  CAT c c '   3> Listen and underline the stresed sllable. ractice saying te words sk and answer the questions with a partner par tner

W     )        )      )                         2       W  W W            W              W  W         )                       )          


 and  , 36> Listen to whax the doctor nurse nurse say aer r. laine has let. let. hat do they think o him?  Look atat the senten sentences ces and andthe the correct verb rm. hec heck k  you you tink both bot h r rs s are poss po ssbe. be.  Have y been takin / taken anyting r  r the headaches? headaches? 2 Ho many tabets ve you been takinB  taken so r tday?   1       Learn more about the present perct simple and cotinuous and practice them.  n pairs use the prompts to ask and answer the questions. he irst question shuld be simple present or continuous and the second soul be pesent perect simple or continous.  / en Bet clds? Hw many many colds / havein the last tree mnts?  / take any vitamins or suppements right right nw? Hw lng / take them?  / drnk a lt  water? Hw many glasses  rn tday 4 / play any sports? at? Hw long/ play tem?  / alt a ltui uitt a vegetab vegetables les?? H many ser serving vings/s/ have today?  / walk t schol (r wrk? Hw r/ walk tday?  Hw many hur hurs/s/ sleep a night?/ leep well recently? 8 / allerc anyting?/ ever have a serius allergic reactin? 

4 WR WRII TING informal email.

 eplaining  W Wtat youhavent been welland ritesaying an emailwhat t o ayove to iendbeen doing recently o r




c Wih a par parer, er, look a the 1hlighed 1hlighed word  wordss ad phrases a guess wha hey he y mea. The mah hem h em wih eiios -.


More medical vocabulary  j somehig very serious ha ould il you 1 _ ad  2

 noun a smal bliser bliser n he mouh ha a be very anu bu is no serious


 o  ways of urng ilnesses ha are no raional mediine eg herba meiine

4 5



 no feeling very wel  nou a serious less in whih maignan ells rm n he body an il norma boy es   u an lness ha is ause by baeria or a vus

u he seed a whih your hear beas


 non he meial reamen of an illess illess or injury ha ivolves an operaio operaionn


 noun he mber of imes your hear beas i a minue


 noun a grou of es ha are growing i a lae  where hey shou no be


 non suessul reames r ilesses ha were hogh o be impossibe o ure

  40>) Lise ad he ar euy Choose a, b or   Read he arie agai areuy  he frs hig he jourais did aer aer eaving her GP was. was. a go ad see a seiais b go o he heE E  d ou wha he odiio odiio was was aled 2 Aer realizig ha she was was a yberhodria she.. she.. a soed worryi worryigg b worried js as mh as bere bere

  ) Lse o  d w wh  door abou abou yb  yberhodria erhodria Whas Whas her geera opiio o paes usig healh  websies?

 Lise agai he aswer he quesios quesios  wh a parer. par er. ha i a aie she saw reely hin h in he had Wha did e really have 2 ha ur hngs does she say say ha agosis deeds o aar om symos 3 ha in of websie rums oes she she reommed  ompee he ee is she gives o yberhonrias: i Oly lok onie . i Mak ure th the webse you are usiB i..  iii Remeber ht common mpoms usu   c Wih a parer o i smal smal groups, aswer he qesos s r a give as muh irmaio as pssib pssible le Whih of he doors hree ips o you hn s he mos imoran

 soed visiig heahreaed websi websies es 3 One robem wih eahreaed websies o he Inere is ha . a hey ae ae nusa iesses seem mo morre ommo ha hey reay are b hey oe esrbe odiios ha o' really really exis  hey give ore iraio abo rare inesses ha abou omo oes  Aoher roblem ih ih hese websies is ha. a hey eorage eoe o go o he door ore ofen b hey ae eoe beieve i mirale mirale ures  he iraio may may o be righ

 abou How oe yoillness oo u inrmaio  healhoa oinrmaio he erne Wha websies do yo usally usall y go o How useul is he inrmaio 3 Do you now ayoe who you you hin is a hyerhoria hyerhor ia or yberhondria  Do yo hin eole i your ounry worry a o abou . . a her boo prssur b heir holes holesero ero level  heir eyesig Do hey worry wo rry abou ayhig else reaed reaed o heah 7

1 4 >) SONG Just Lke a Pill � Online Practice



G usin adjecti adject ives as ouns, ouns, adectve order V oh ohss and fashion P owe sounds

Wd den't autatay e ith ld ae Nthn de  exept rn e. Nthn



a Look t some djectives tht tht re comonly

a ook t the photos o o Nick Sydney nd Krolie Bell Wt do

used to descrie teengers or elderly people. With  prtner, prtner, write them in the coln where yo think think they elong el ong Are the t he jority of te dectvs positve positve or negtive

yo think hs een done to them nd why b Red the rst prgph prgph o o the rticle once nd check yor nswer ook t the ighlighted phrses relted to the ody With  prtner sy ht yo think they th ey men

absentminded adenturous bad-tepered uy kind lazy dy nandd se-centered stubbon unentusiasic unerabe ea ise  tnages



 pop

 ?

Old and elderly mean te sae tin ut elderly is ony used or peope and is e poite.

b In p pirs irs or sll sll grops discss the qestions 1 Do yo tink the djecties in in a try descrie ost teengers nd edery people or do yo ti tese re stereoty stereotypes pes 2 n w wtt y y co tese stereotypes e dging 3 Do yo yo no peope i tese two e grops wo ) conr to te stereoty pes  ) don' don'tt cor to the stereotyp stereotypes es Ho

KAROLINE BEU and 32-yearold NCK SYDNEY experienced what i was like o be old . t took ve hours evey mornlnf to •ke Koine and Nick ook ke edery peope I teir evetie. They were fve ytheti wrined kin e teeth teeth d fry wif wif  Tey o wore body bod y it to ke ke the ook tter nd ontt ee to ke teir eye ook oder The dioot dio ot o te kep, the hevy it d te ott ee (whih de their eyeft wore) fve te   tte o the phyi probe probe  o od fe. Tey were wer e o oed to wk d pek ike peope I their eventie. Then they hd to ive eh dy dy o  ont   od pero wit  video diry to o thi xi  ide ide  er er to reord ow other peope reted to the.



 You ar gog o ra aou wa app app  urg  progra. r ou ra al o a parr  wa wa o ou  popl ra   rl au  appar o o   ol popl? 2 Wa o o ou   lar aou wa ol ag  rall l? 3 How o o ou ou   l ar ag ag  progra?  ow ra  r o  arcl a cc. fted, bth f them desibed the  invisibiity" f ben ben d Kine s tnhed t e ed y e ken h ny hs befe hd been histin  he  hen she hd been n tttive yn yn n. Nik 1 sid, I ened tht h ee te y deends  n ht y k ike." On ne sn  bs dve teted him vey dey hen he ted t y his fe ith  e bi I s mzed. e dnt hve tked ke tht t my yn sef." Nik s s ney bbed hen he s tkin mney mne y t f n ATM.






. 3

hee is  int n the dmenty hen Kine K ine 2 beks dn nd ies It mes t the end f  dy t ith he t ne seni itizen fends, Betty nd Syv, Syv , h he he met t  mmnty ente. en te. t is ty bese she fees ity tht she s tikin them th em,, bt mny bese she eizes tht hey e ndivds, nd nt Jst membes f  f ht she hd evisy thht f s the ede." They ee tkin bt e thins nd I fet nifed  didnt hve tht tht fe exeiene. They hd 3 been thh s mh. It mde me eize h nnt   s. s. It s s if I s seein the n ee nsde them. Befe I d hve st seen the inkes." inkes."


t the stt f the dmenty Kine K ine hd sid tht d ee sed he, nd tht n site f vn he 86-yed ndmte ndm te,, h h es   etiement hme, she hd fnd t hd t vsit he.


th she nd Nik fnd mkn the m ie hnin Nik sid, I'd I 'd neve thht thht t ettin d bee" Kine sd, The he exeiene f vn s n d esn heed me t ndestnd them f bette nd s t ndestnd myse One f the thins tht sised me mst s h imtnt etnshis sti ee t ede ee I s shked by the ft tht de ee d sti hve thei hets bken A fte  hie  fet ike ° ne f them. I fet in  y tht they ee st yn ee in n d bdy tyn t 4de ith the 3s


bems dI e. nt sedfke s."  m nt edy t be 7, bt 'm Adapted from The Times

 Ra  arcl aga aga a awr awr  quo w (arol)  (c or  (o o  Who.. Who .. ?

1 D u  p pcal cal prparao r / / r rol r  ucoral 2   wa g cla cla   ow o o l a lrl pro o g g oc  popl wo a  D  wa urpr a o proul ra o / / r 4  oc a popl wr l pol o olr popl 5  u a plag  rol o a olr pro a / / r or ooal  D ral a ol popl wr r r o wa / /  a proul ag  D  u o  g o ol popl   a r worr aou wa  woul  l o  ol 9 D a pc l a p o  o pora o pora o ol popl  ow loo a  glg  r pra a ac  w  r ag

D   prpar prpar   a owar owar ou ou  pr

 l orol o / r lg D ol a prol or o a a

 ow uc uc coac o ou uuall a w lrl l rl popl Do  ou  a  ar a a  w ll  our cour co ur? ? 3 GRAMMAR

using adjectves as nons, adjectve order  Loo a  c c    a  low a c  ou    ar rg() or wrog w rog {X). opar w a par par rr a a  w ou     o w X ar wrog. wrog .  a   ol a a arr l a    oug     ol popl a a arr l a  oug popl.   l popl a a arr arr l a oug popl p opl 2 a   a wa w a lo all Caaa woa.   a wa wa w w aa all all lo Caaa lo woa. woa.     a Caaa   p.135 G   ar or aou ug ajc a ou a ajc orr a pracc .  wr  qu quo o  par or all group. o ou agr? (o)  (o) •               • Pc      0              c     • c    c           .  • c    c    •      c         .                   . Online Practi Practice




a Look t the photos. How old do you think these people re? Do you like he wy he re dressed? Why (no)? b

1 45  Listen to  rdio progrm where two ornlists re tlking bout "dressing yor ge. Do they gree tht men nd women should dress their ge? Complete their their two shon rues Liza Adrian

and Wear whatever you think makes you _ _ , not for   Dress for

c mention Listen gn nd tke tke notes Why Why do the journlists the llowing? La


• • • • •

• men n ther 20s who wea blazers and khakis or suits • men in their 30s

a warm sweater and slppers a leather leather minskirt minski rt teenagers women who are 30+ very short shorts

 Who do yo gree gree wth wth most, Liz or Adrin?

5 VOCABULARY clothes and fashion

a In two mnutes write down s mny items of lothng or jewelry s you n tht you n wer  • n our hn n r • oun you ne • n you e • n ur he

b > p.153 Vocaulary Bank Clothes andfahio.

c Tke the qu wth  prtner.




6 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds

Tk   p  A      k   OK        ??

f Vowel sounds

Some English vowel sounds are fairly similar and ight be confusing Practice distingushng them

gray or white ha an earring in one ear

very ong hair a iercing

in steaed har

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I think pnk streaked �  ar) (    ·t ae  think it looks looks great at any a  ulous unless you'r under 20. 2 I         ! O     red denim eans a basebal ca ca worn bacward very short shorts large sungasses a minisirt no shirt 3 D            

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ess. dre hey dr  th ay t  way e w  te y t  by er people b the dge oth Jud "t  Ju dn"t uldn oul  sho You sh You It's better to buy cheap clothes that don·t lst because then you cn buy new ones more oe

I s risky t buy clothes onne. Ony sheep f  fo oow a ash shiion Good d  dre res ssers rs    ve t  th heir ir o  ow wn s syl yle e.

B k   pc  > 66  B p     cc   p • • • • • •

a loose linen sut pnk slk slipper a pale gray suede jacket a geen sleeveless T-shirt a teny enim vest blue suee shoes

Fur coats should be banned Woen but not en re alays expected to dress attractvely for wor or on TV


   c              ' k. Y  c       W W   cp, cp, k  k      c  p p    pc

Blt -never uenever and whiworn! te! striSizpeedsix. cotton ski r worn Wou with white Tshirt.t . Perfectd oorok thegreatsummer.

I For sale! sale! 

$99 1 bid



7 days lef ._ Thuoay Apr Apr 24 24 :38

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 Complete Complete the sentenes wth one word 1 Wat ere you and Sara talkig __? __? 2 You My ter did'tloves like eroperalatest latead st ovel, ovsoel,__ yyou? oter. 4  Ivebeentoniatie B You __?I __?Idlvtog 5 Wat ave ave you __ doig doig sinceI last saw you? @abor 1 ould you tel e hat tme _? _? a te bus lees b lees lees t bus  does  bus leave o an eole __ tis outer? a do use b use  does use 3 You're ot eatig u ke the od? a You dot b Don't you  Aret you 4  Wy didt you a e? aB doIsloer __ all byou but but didwork your alled __you' poe didas  __ you'allo ll nis The a later b te later  te later ta 6 __ tree ups of oee already tis orig orig a I've been aving b Ive ad  ave 7 Tat as probably te orst ovie __ a Ive ever see b I've ever see  Ive ever bee seeig 8 I et __i m language lass tod  a a Japanese b te Japanese  a Japanese gir Soe people tik t ik tat __ don't pay eoug tax a te ri b te ri people  ri agotbeautil a __Italia leater bag leater Italia y bithday b Italian leater beautiul 3

2 I

 Wrte words r te dent dentons ons verb to lose blood, om a ound or injuy 2 sw_ a bigger than oral espeially beause of an iury or infinfetio etio noun aofpiee of loth to tieurt arou a part te body tatused as bee __ noun a pai in one of your teet area of red spots spot s aused by a illness ill ness  __  __ noun oraallergy @ the orret verb or verb phrase 1 I have /feel a little dizzy I need to sit don Se burned / prined  prined er ankle en se as ogging 3 It was so ot i te roo thatI earlfanted / choked. 4 Tis skirt doesntft / suit e It's too big a go i jeans? I dont el like Betting dreed/ 1

bl_ bl _

3 b 4 5



 8ettin8 chan8ed

 stripedte word tat dottedis derent plain

patterned 2 silk otto r eat ollar sleevless ooded logsleeved sarf   vest ardiga Lyra  sionable sruy stylish tredy Completee wt one word word  Complet My moter ad a very bad ase of te  last eekbut eekbut ses beginning begi nning o get __ it o. 2 Please lie on th ou over tere 3 I feeling sik  tik I goig to __ up __ up Do e reall need to dress  r e party tonigt?  Please __ u your lotes i te loset PRONUNCIATION a the word wt a derent soun soundd VOCABULAY oke age atteses age a � ae  omplete the ompound adjetives. adjetives. My boss is very bad-__ bad-__ We tigs go ong e io s uede  uede 2   unonssious ious rarass ssio    unon startsts souting at everyone star strstrped silk blster ury 2 I very  bak bak Notig reall boters me 3 ; ik Paul tig_ tig_.  s  s  e  v vll e  e d    l e oey ulessis everyabsolutely as to.. He ever spends 4.  1 4 Sylia won wont ave ay probles at te interv intervie ie se  ses f u u s ut  ut loooosese  o u uggh  ver sel sel  at tigdress my gradma is very old_ ould ear It looks like the kid of  1 in re di bly 2 big ea ded 3 a ti bi o tis 4 si sui 5  sio a ble 5









10 

3 


 Underline the main stressed s yllale.




NDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Re Redd the rtcle oce. Wht do s s do? b

ed the rtle g d coose , , o c Accordg to the rtcle rt cle shmn help people peop le t .  commucte wth ded reltves b solve ther helth problems c eter  prllel relity 2 Sms hel people by   curg their depres depresso so

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smal bags and suitcases h storae area above your seat pt on you s b phones, tablet e g  ou of h ln the doors wh you n g

quikly f he is  oble 6 h thn you s you have to t o put on f h ln s gong o ln on w 7 o blow ar inse soehng travel. p.154 Voabulary Bank Air travel. c : p.


 Red he c cve      vel Cn yu uess he nses  ny  he uesns?  Nw e he exc  A Byo. Wh e he nswes  he esins, ccdin o he ex  Now ed he exc in n m he sntences T (ue  F (se U n  h pr of he ex h ve ou he nswe nswe 1 Mos ln ssenes elev h he he lfe j oul s h lf  h ssngs ho nfl h lf es oo  n' suvv  o usos n see huh huh h n os usos. 4 Pssngs  ofn uh y usos os eus e us o h he oy lnu 5 Sll bs  oe nou nouss  lns hn bg s  ssns  onus us h hey n sll s no on he nu. 7 h  nuh hs   h l h n h 8 O f lgh nn so sos s s ss ons on s bou ssngs ho on lly l ly nee  helh          suisin? sui sin? Which? Do ou eieve   ?




irregular past rms, sentence hythm  Write the simple past ofthe llowing llow ing verbs ver bs in te chart according to the pronunciation ofthe ofthe vowel sound. E  cut drive fal fly hea hide fgh hold h keep eave le read ride say sleep el hnk throw wte B A



; �




Read a newspa newspaper per stor. Then T hen imagine ou were were a passenger on the plane, and tell our partner the stor b


c caught



> Communicton Flght stories A p.105 B p110


You are going to tell a anecdote The stor can eite be true tr ue or invented. l fit's invented invented tr to tell it in suc a convining wa that that our partner thinks th inks its true Choose on ofthe ofthe topics belo and plan what oure going to sa Use the language lang uage in the Telling a anecdote bo to help ou and ask our teacer r a other words u need       ..


had a frighteng expeience when yo were traveng o o vacation


�-,J got sck o had an accdent whe taveng

 Look at the verbs in a again. Which W hich ones have a past participle that is dierent om the siple past rm? Write these past participles in the chat c hat and repeat  2 0>) Listen and check Then listen and  2  >) Listen to an extract fom a nar narrative rative Notice Notice ic are the stressed and unstressed words words 

arved home from a p and had a spise


   S  

This hapnd to m whn I  .. I was.-g -g whn /caus caus I hadhadn'    I dcd to.caus  thn  to. Suddnly  At that momnt      

In th d  Evntual. We wee on a f  f  o L6. and we' been f fo abo fv

o 1 was d and my wf was w a ov when dd we d a v od o o I odd a f an  had xodd The o dd'  s wha had d n f an o 

 Pti di th tt wit th iht hytm

I ft

 In pairs A tel B our stor B show interest and ask r more detils Then decide whether ou think the stor is true or not Then change roles

Ths happd to m a fw ars ago whn th ocan on da whn I saw a shak

 was on vaaton n Florda   swmmng n

�a? How g was t? 9

  )  G The Airplane Song J  1  )  Online Practice

G te pos post on on of adverbs and advebal advebal prases V adverbs and advebial phrases P word stess and ntonation ntonation


 u t  appy endng, tt depends, o course on ere you stop you story.

1 GRAMMAR th the e position of adverbs and adverbial adverbial pases

a Red the ur ifty-wor stories, using the glossry to help you. Mtch ech one to ts tte.

The story of my li

Generation gap

In the cards

Good intetions word Fiftywordstoies.cm Fiftywordsto ies.cm       m        -   E Glossary A beg verb k md v tn  nxiu  thn c

frac adj  wid D


S rz rz  r     T r  r   r         r      r r r    r  j   N Yrk S          r  Titanic.


H  rr  rr U U       r   x    r 2:00     rrn  r  N   3:30  r r      r r  "D   r "   Yr  



M  k          S S  I rr  rz I    k Key o Organizing You L 1   r     k F      '        k     



S :      L    B   S       k Lk  N    S r   k  ( r t AN ) N t t t  O    Bk   

fl   ae noun th munt  d nd din din tht u t int u d sooe noun  din d  ut  uit ju mxd with i  i  m

 Look Loo k at the highlght highlghteed adverbs or adverbial phrases in the stories. Think about what they mean and notice ther pos p ostion tion in the sentence. rite rite them n the correct place in the chart

2 VOCABULARY adverbs and advebial phases

 Read another fity fity-word -word story. Who is it about?

Exam nerves            eys                .                    "OK;    "Y    

    (    .. shortly) M (     ..  D (c I     jc jc   .. ve  (       ucki  Wth a partner, decde where the  adverbss shoud go in these sentences. adverb He speaks Chinese and Spanish.    I use public transportation   3 I thought Id lost my phone but it was in my bag.  4 It's important that you arrive arrive on time.   5 As soon as I know, Ill tell you.    

7 Grammar Bank 8 8 Lear more about adverbs and adverbal phrases, and practice them. >

  2 1)   Lsten to some sound eecs and short dialogues Then use the  adverb to complete the sentence hen she got to the bus stop the th e bus... bus... s  hey were having a party when.. when..  3 He thought he lost his boardi boarding ng ass but...   4 he woman thought Andrea and and om were iends, but in ct...  

 Look at the hghlighted adverb adverbs. s. Whats the dierence between ... ... a hard and hardly b ner and nearly c  p.155 Voabulay Ban Adverbs and adverbial and adverbial phrase phrasess.

3 PRONUNCIATION wod stess ad tonato

2 17>)   U the stressed sylables in these adverbs. adve rbs. Listen and check. c   c                    c c c      

 intonation 2 1>)   Lste Lsten andadverbs repebs repeat at the sentences, copyng cop yng the stress and ofnthe adver here was a lot otrac o trac and unortaely unort aely we arrived etremely late.  We denitely want to g abroad this summer ideall ideall somewhere somewhere hot. 3 It's incredib incrediby y easy  een a child child could could do t! 4 ark gradually began to realize that Lily didnt love him anymore. anymore. 5 I thought thought oberto was was Portuguese but actually he's he's Brazilian. Brazilian. 6 Apparen Apparently tly Jack has been oered a promotion promotio n at work but it will mean moing to New ork.  I absoutely absoutely love love Italian od especially especi ally pasta 4 WRITING

 ou are not going to wri write te the a fyword t must be 0 exactly including tite and story. you must include atwords least two adverbs. Contracted rms eg, I') count as one wor. w or. First, First, in pars, choose two of the titles bel below ow

A summer romance The lie

A day to forget Never again

 rainstorm ideas r the two plots and each write a irst draf withoutt worrying withou worryi ng about the number numb er of words.

5 The driver driver coudn't see where he was going because.. 

 Exchange Exchange your yo ur dras. he n edit the stores, makin makingg sure they are exactly 0 words.

6 Juan couldn't understand the man because.. 

  Read two other oth er pars' stories. Wh Whch ch do you like best? A

     Witing sh s Wrie a 20-80 word short sory sory Online Practi Practice


-   





 Ak d d  t to  t RB RB  qtonn t  tn.


 o l l  o  d d  t

                     f

 f         j

f  f                    

• Whch o th abov do you ad ow oten • Do yo ver rad any o thm in Eglsh? • • •

Do you radd anyth ra anythng ng spcically o mpov yo English Do you prr prr eadng eadng on pap pap o on scn scn??  yu ead e   le han yu ued  (r about the same)?

• • •  •

What was th lat book yo a? hy dd you choose to read t? What ar yo adn adngg rigt no Do yo hav  avoite aho o o atho? atho? What's What 's th th best book yove yove a a rcently NO

• Wold you you ad o o  yo yo had ore tm tm • d you s to rad mor wn o w yonger When dd yo stop? Dd yo have a avort chldns book? • Wat do yo do to pass t tm when yo ar travlng? D yu ee  • listn to a song and read the lyrcs at the sam tm •  watch movs o o  TV in Englsh wh Englsh subttls • re read ad boo books ks and listn to them on audo at te s te e Gded G ded edes


19> d d ltn to Part  o  ot to Ane t qton t  tn  Ho dd ll v t on doll d t-ven cnt 2 t dtl bout t tet tll  o oo ll nd e hbnd  3  do o tk t to to  B t t n n te td td  4 o ll ll v nouh  b  hbnd te scl t 5  te n o t h hlt ltd d 

The Gift of the Mag Magii BY 0. HENRY PART!

ne dollar and eighty-sevn cnts That was all nd sixty cnts o i

O was in pennis. pennis. Pennies saved one and tw a a tim by ba barrga gaii nin ningg

 with th grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until her cheeks urned with embarrassment embarrassment Thre times Dlla conted t One dolar and eighysven nd the next day would be Christmas. Tre was clearly nothig to do b st on the shabby ttle couch and cr So S o Dlla did it. Della lived with her husband in a urnshed apartent at $8that a  wek. t theworked ont door, door there  was there was empt mail bo and a doorbell no loger and, under the an broken doorbe, there was a ca ith the name "Mr James Dilingham Young u  whenever Mr Mr James Dillgham came home and reached hs apartmen he was called "Jim and reatly loved by Mrs. ames Dillingha, aready introduced o you as Dll Which is all vry good. Dlla stopped cryng ad xed r makeup makeup She stood by the window the window and lookd ot at a gray a walking a gray ence in a gray backyard Tomorrow would b Chistmas Da, and se had only $87 to buy Ji a pesnt Se hd been sving every penny she could r months with months  with this result. Twenty dollar a week doesnt go ar xpenses had been ore than she calculated Thy always are Only $.87 to buy a present r Ji Her Jim She had spent any happy hours ho urs planning soething nice r m Somthing n and rae. Somethg Jm deservd. deservd. Glssary pennies /z noun ud to

emphasize a smal amount of moey

grcer /r noun  o who wok   to  od sabby /'f adj  oo dto u t v  ud  ot


.1 L a gu age. com


Talking about books books � THE INTERIE INTERIEW Part 1

3 Her on read ainly fition thee day. 4 he and her huand oth read to their on. on.  arion doen't ike the t that hidren author author today rite about real ife. G      D F                 

� at2  Read the biograp biographial hial inrmation about Marion Pomeran. In what way way are the two part of her areer onneted? Marion Pomeanc s th g f ty pgs t  -pt gzt gzt   Nw Yk Cty lld lld Lg Lds. Th pgs vv ugg hld hld  t d by pvdg bs b s  hld wh 't hv h ss t th, d gttg dts t    d d t th d dsss th bs Sh s ls th uth uth  th hd's bs, e Hand Me Down Hoe, Hoe,  American American Wei d The Can Do anksgiving. Sh blvs  dlg wth ss tps  h bs sh s hg d gt, bt   wy tht hld  lt t

b 2 23>) Wath or liten to Part 1 of an inter view view with  with her. Why doe he ention the ur book?

wath or liten to Part . What doe a 2 24 Now wath or Marion ay i important r getting a teenager to read ore b young  youngr r hidren hidre n to read?

b Wath or lite again Chek () the thig th ig that he ay are goo d r enouragig teeager and hidren to read  O ot initig on the fnihing a ook. D Gettng the to buy ebook. O uggeting that they read in bed at night. Aepting hat they dont jut have to read book to  beoe good reader.  erie of book where the ae harater reour.  O Having a ot ot of book in the houe.  oig to vit ibrarie or publiher  Alay uing the ook a irthday preent. O Hearing author tak aout their book. O Book whee hidren have a ore ative ativ e roe than the adut.  Book ith eautil iutration.

c No iten again and mark the sentee sentee T (true) (true) or F (e). Say hy the F entene are e I Ran the Circs



 What arion lov loved ed about I wa the piture. 2 he heped her parent to to ee ee reader.

G        

� Part3


27>) th  iten t thee pepe tking ut n    eke (J,  nd R with the bk tite tit e they the y entin entin

Jill, American

a 2 25>) Nw wtch  ten t Par 3.  Mn ptive  negtve but but new technogy nd the tue f bk?  Listen gin nd nwe nwe the quetin Why de he pee t ed n n e-ed e-ede thee dy  Why de de he thn   chden hu he n e-ed e- ede e   n ht y de he thnk c med cn be ptve  d 4 H ten ten de he ed  peue Whee, hen, nd hy


I p Ways Waysofof giving yourself time to thik

Marion often gives hersel time to think when she is ansering questions by repeatng the question or stoppng and startng again. She aso uses fle sounds such as "um and e and certain ords  phrases eg., you no etc. that don't add meaning bt hich are used o ths purpose.

a 2 6>) Cmpete the extct m the ntevew with the ming wd Liten nd check 1 I Wht  t tht yu ed but but D Seu _ __ _  but D Seu i hi ue f nuge   _the mdeup d,  d, the t he y the wd f tgethe nd und " "      yu cn ed the de   cee x_ x _  _ tht'  edng" _ 4 And  thn f yu'd yu'd l cey t  tht d d ey ie, t' the ne hee, hee yuth dnte And  ue the d    tte bt"  I D yu yu thn c c med h deceed  nceed pepe tecy    thn c med h hd  ptve eect n chiden

D   

Sean Englsh

Rache, Aa

Coraline Wr th Wild Tings Ar T Lio, T Witc and  Wardrob The Trixie Belden b eie

 tch  ien gin gin  h (J S   ??  ed n uth b epecy becue it didt hve   f text in t  hed te vte bk bee eding it O identf identfie ie wth  chcte h h  gued gu ed ut tutn tht e cut cu t t expin ith bdy t' behved ed chcte chden nw gene gene O  dentifie ked  b becue tbehv ' min gi O enjyed  bk becue t cntined mgintve

tutn tht ee unikey t hppen   8   in d    Cqui Eng Enghh phe ph e  ht d yu think they men?  Txie Beden  t   teenge     mytey pen pen""   ememe ememe we hd  teche t ch wh e t      t u. .   eze h much yu cud ge _     b  thn" 4 of    heneve w  by wh t t t _  thee w   dented wth ine becue  tend t be uu uu but 

4 SPEAKING nwe the qutin with  tne ctice uin fie t giv giv yuef yu ef time t think 1 Wht w yu te b hen yu wee  cid cid Why dd u ike t  much  W thee  chcte in  chiden bk tht yu idente wth hen yu ee  chd idente  Did yu pent ued t ed t yu When nd whee whee 4 D yu ed me pnt b  me e-b Wy O I"





2 GRAMMAR future perfect and future continuous a Red some predictions predictions tht hve been mde bout bout the next 20  yers. Whch ons do yo thnk  ? 1 re lredy hppe hppeig ig  re key to hppe 3 proy wo't hppe

How we wil be ivng in 20 years . ( wil we?) At home Most people wil have intalled olar panels o wind tubines on thei houses o o apatment building to geneate thei electcty. People will be ecycling almost 100% of thei wate (and those who don't will have to pay a fine)

Transportation Cas that use a lot of gas (eg, SUV) will have been banned and many peope will be dvng elect cas Low-cot ailines will have disappeaed and and flghts  flghts wll be much moe expensive

The environment Pape books will no longe be poduced to save tees fo beng cut down willout be in eletonic Fesh wateand wilallbebooks unning any pats o the wold and we will be getti getting much of ou wat fom the ocean (though desalnation plants)

The weather Tempeatues woldwide wll have sen even uthe Many ki eots wil have cloedbecause cloed because of  lack of winte snowand snow and some beaches and vacation esots wil hve disappeaed completely We w be having even moe extee weathe and heat waves huicanes loods etc, wll be feqent occuen occuences ces

 ed the predctio predctioss g. Wh Whch ch to oud you most nd est ike to come tr?

 Look t the hhhtd erbs  the predctons Whch oes refer to .. ?  n co or sitto tht wll e shed shed i the tre b n cto or sittion tht will be i progress i the tr  : p.138 G B 4A 4A Lern more out e ture perct d th cotous, nd prtce the  Tk to  pr prtner tner nd sy f yo thnk the og hy (t).redctos  hpe Ex

IN TWENTY YES. YES . •  ee in ice j wi e win wi n  e • A iae win win s  s an  cue wi ave een anne. •  ee wi e uin uic anan  i  e  w. • e w e ain e vacains in ei wn couny an ewe aa • e wi e ein a 7    even ae ae • e acn  anwin wi ave ia iaeae eae  e ecaue suen w c ny ecuicuu wiin n ae o a

p definitely, probabl,  lkel I unlkel

e en ue definitely, probably an likel I unlike wen ain au e uue eecay wen we ae an eicn  thin it'l definitel definitel happen I it deinitel won' happen. itl probabl happen I it probabl wont happen its (ver) likel (to happen) I it's (ver) unlikel (to happen) happen)

Online Practice


Can the Weather Driv e You Crazy?

3 READING & VOCABULARY the weather

a Look t the rtoon. Wht does does it sy sy bout Amerin wether? Would Would it be true bout  your ountry? ount ry?

"There was a deset wind blowing blowing  it was one of those hot dry Santa  Anas that come down down through the mountain passes and curl curl your hair and make your nerves jump and you skin itch. On nights like that every party ends in a fght Raymond Chandler's 1938 short story Red  Wind captures the infmous "devil winds of Los Angeles that at times seem to drive people a little nuts But if you think thts just a lot of hot ai, think again "Human responses to the Santa Anas have been shown 1


tR  :  0 � 

 Red the rtile one Where do the Snt An winds blow? Wht et do the Snt n winds hve on people?


c Red the rtil gn gn nd mrk the sentenes T (true) or F (lse) Ud the sentene or prt of the rtie tht gives you the nswer Professor Plins is sure tht the mount of tie sent n ol temertures hs hs the iggest eet on  erson's 2 Peoples hormones re esilymoo ete by the wether 3 In 2008,  numer of Cnns who who ommtted rmes blmed them on the hug€ ount of snow snow tht ll ll  4 he number number of serous res dereses dereses urng  pero of extreme het 5 ome exerts exerts ret tht tht globl globl wrmng wll inrese the numer of serous rmes ommtte n the  6 pring wether n n negtvel et  persons retivity  Look t the highlighted phrse phrsess relted r elted to the wether With  prt prtner ner sy wht yo1 think they men e > p.156 Vocabulary Bank

Weather  .

 Does wether et peoples moo moods ds in your ountry? How?


to be generally unforable - r example people tend to become irritable, says Dennis Driscoll, a professor at exas A&M University "We dont know why It may have something to do wth the electr e lectriical charges and an increase in positive ions At least, thats the theory What else can the weather do to your mood? Heres a foecast: Cold Snap: awrence Palinkas professor at the University of Southern Calirnia Calirnia has studied the impact of extremely cold temperatures on Antarctic researchers "Weve noticed an increase in anger and irritability after proonged exposure, he says athough he believes isolation and confnement play a part In addtion, thyro hyrod hormones are particulary susceptible to changes n tempe temperrature ture People sometimes exhibit symptoms of depresson, shortterm memory oss, and anxiety

 And t y  ndin nwppr d ing  m snow rage. "At the end of March 2008 wed had over 16 et o snow says Catherine Viel with the Qubec City Police "During that month we had several incidents  9 calls a guy punching a neighbor over a  few shovelfuls of snow a man who threatened his neighbor because someone had blown snow onto his awn



Hot-headed Heat waves really can make tempers boil In fact from 950 to 1995, rates of serious assaults were higher during hotter years according to research in the Jounal  Personalit Personalityy and Socia Psychoogy in 1997 The authos suggest that uncomrtably high temperatures increase annoyanceprovoked crimes, in which the primary goal is to hurt someone (Crmes like buglary where the incentive is money, did not increase) They predicted at east 115,000 addition additional al serious and atal assaults a year n te United States due to goba waming wam ing

 F We stdied about 00 people and und that in springtme, sunny days and warm weather seem to boost mood and have a broadening effect on cognition basically opening the mind to new ideas says Matthew Keller assistant professor at the niversity of Colorado at Boulder "You just have to get outside

Glossary dive someone nuts  k   g  cz eetia hae   f   xp xp    f cc  b  bjc ositive I neatve ion     gp f      cc cg hot ai    p b    g   susetie    b c,   c b   g sovveu so eus s (o snow)       c  make tempers        onition  pc b c  g  g  p  g 


G zeo a first oi o itoals oals,, fut ure time time lauses

I a o a  o that's hagg ea quk he o stateg sta teg that s guaatee to a s ot ot takg sk sks. s.

V expressios with take P setece stress ad ad rhythm


a Tk to  prtner prtner.. Imge tht you  dremWht wheesort youof wer were e wkg o hd tghtrope dre woud t be r you?   exctng oe b  nghtmre  n nterest nteresting ing oe tht you mgt try to  to  terpret 2 Wht do you thk your swer ss bot your yo ur tttude to rsk? peoe nsweri   38l) Lste to sx peoe  nsweri te qesto Are you a isk taker? How ny o te te spekers onser teseves rsk rs k tkers?  sten n  n Wo . ? ejoybee  ss tht some ctivtes re ejoyb becuse they re  tte bit rsky hs/ her tttude to rs s O thnks tht hs/ dferet fo wht t ws bere  thks tht tkng tkng rsks mes osg cotro D hd to py py some money becuse ohs/ o hs/ her rsky behvor  worres bout his/ his/ her perso perso sfety os t peope tnk of  does sometng tht ost s very rsk, but whch he/ se ss s not

ave o evesos e a angeous o avtes? D ou ej e? Wou ou o te aga?

D ou oss theusua steet at a ta ght o ossak o ust hee? h ee? Do ou e ou be  ou to to o

Do you   wa k by   wa

cit ?  ?  Ho w  w  sa f e  do you f ee ?   l? 

ouse ate at ght o get ate ght tas

Have ou eve oe soethg aata eet to ou aeaae eg ha a v e eet haste haste o a oo oo a tatto o a eg? Ho  ou ee eate eate  ate at ea? a? D ou eget t ate?

Do ou ve a a  a o e a otoe? Do ou eve go ea ast a beak the see t?

 sten n n r r ore et et. . Wt epes o rsks o te spekers s tey t ey wo wo tke or ve tken? Wt tngs woun' tey o? Do o ent wth n o te spe spekers? kers? W?  Work Work wt  prtner. A ntervew B wt te qestons n te re res. res.For For e re re wrte R if you tk t k tt n tt re re Bs prepre to tke rsks Ten Bntervew Bntervew A wt te b e res.  ook t wht yo ve wrtten n te cres.  wc res of s er s er fe wo o s yor prtner ws  rsk tker? Do D o es e / se s e ree W    te er rk tke?

Do ou have a habts that ou ko ae ot goo fo ou heath? Have ou eve te to gve u the habts? Do ou o about the?

Do ou bu othes oe? Ae thee a ks o othes ou out e bu



H u rave    w wu   w    c?

 u   u w, uu        w        u?

 u  u uwu w. w. ?        cu      u u   

 u   wu  u w  w w uc   uc u ·  u?

Wu u      j w  w  cc  E- cu,, ...  cu US  u? H u  c   ? W u w u  c? Wu u  c     ?    uu  uu u   x   ,   u w u   u?

2 GRAMMAR conditionals and future time causes

 Match the setece halves A yo yoll have lost te tenn pods po ds by 1 D f my dad ns ot I've bee the hodays hitchhikig he'll 'll be rios. rios. 2  hen hen yore  yore crossing the street in the  he C  gong o by  . us, re yo look le 3 D As soon as ve passedmy passed my drivers test D make re yo ad right.   If its still raining this aeroo  she shell have rgotten she 5 D he ve booked the fight borroed it. D 67  If  II yo  yo 'm not 'm on'teeling on't ask her better to pay tomorro yo back F e ca startlooking start looking r hotel G e ere re ostpon ostponi ing the gae. 8  I yo contine ith the diet  I o onn't be going to ork  Look at the highlighte highlighte verb  verbss n irst irs t conitional etences a tre t re time claes hat rms or tenses can yo se a) aer i when, etc (8) b) in the main clae (A)  No look at to t o more coitional coitiona l entences. o the main cases reer to a) something that might be a conseqenc conseqencee o the clase clase or b) something that is alays a coneqence o the clase If people drive he they are tired they ote have accients. If rads are et or icy the nmber o accidet goes p  > 9   4 Learn more abot conitionals an tre time claes a practice them. e n pairs complete each setence setence in yor on ors. Dot let chldre play ear ear a immig pool nl nless ess.  2 ever leave leave a dog dog locked p i a car if.. if.. 3 Keep a irst aid kit in yr hse in case   hild hildren ren shold't be left left aoe i the hoe til... 5 Alays nplg electrica electrica appliaces (e (e.g. .g.,, a hair drye) dr ye) a oo as... as... 6 Alays keep medicies in a safe place i case .... 7 Dot alo strangers ito yor hose less .. 8 f yo are yig something and the oil oil catches catches re  3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress and hythm

  4> Liten an rite si sentences in the ialoges. ialog es.    w    u   u, w u c  w u? Hw uc  u   c? B 1


B  2  B  B A



W    cc    . O,u �Hw w   u   ? 4������  ?    w u :00.  w  u u 0,        3


  4  Listen to bo both th ialog ialoges es an  the stressed ords yo have ritten  n pair practice the ialoges Try to ay the etence soothly ith a natra rhythm. Online Practice




a Hve you ever trveld very st in  cr or on  motorcycle? Do you know how st s t you were we re going? ow di you fee? fee ? b Look t the rticl rticle. e. Cn you expin the tite? Red the rticl once o nce nd nswer the questions Wht two tentves tentves e oee o ee to seehos f te e ught 2 ht's the n thng tht rtints en ung the ourse 3 o o thn the ouse wme w me John Er go oe Er o e sow?  nks  Red the rtice gi nd l in the nks with A-

 he seeders seeders are asked o exlain exlain why hey were were soed and o give deails of any accidens heyve had  so before leavng eah of hem is given a meal key ring engraved wh a crosssecion of a head inside a helme  rograms used o rea addicion D alhough oher eole ge inured and even die s no going o haen o me  he class class o o wrie don her wors exerience on he road heir oena oena risk areas and wha hey need o remember o kee ke e hemselves alive  ook t the ilig ed phrses. ith  prtner, use your own words to sy wht they men

ohn Earl is 25 and addiced o speed - an inoxicaing combinaion of highpowered engines, esoserone, ad youh. yo uh. "I's no he speed exacly he says Is he adrenaline Its he bu you ge when you go fas


Bu if you regularly drive a 120 mh (190 kh] kh ] on a public road, sooner or laer youre going o ge g e caugh and oday Jhn is one of o f a dozen seeders aending a new rogram designed o  o cure em of heir need for seed I is _ A he beginning of he couse, he paricipan par icipanss are asked o similar o _ inroduce hemselves and admi ha hey have a roblem "Hello, my names John, and Im a speedaholic The for serious andliense habiual"Ioe enders nderson and is oered as anspeedaholics alernaive ocourse geingisoins on your is based research ino he aiudes of young drivers and bikers• says Chris Burgess, a sychology lecurer a Exeer Universiy who creaed he rogram There are courses for boh car drivers and moorcycliss here her e is an elemen of addicion in his sor of behavior says Burgess I's sesaionseeking, is aking risks looking for ha bu, bu ignoring he oenially faal consequences consequences They all 2 have he feeling ha _" Todays course, which is for moorcycliss i led by Robin Oerges, a police

 hich of the two punishments r speeding oicer who is a senior invesigaor of road dahs and an avid biker himself himself (tking the course o getting points on o n your 3 Afer inroducing hemselves, _ hey range in age from 18 o midfoies midf oies cense) do you think thi nk woud e more and mos were caugh doing a leas 20 mp 6 kph] over he spe speed ed limi .        eectie n you coutry? hy? Oerges ges sraigh o he oin Moorycliss make u jus 1% of all he

vehicles on he road bu    of all deahs and serious injuries hapen o moorcycliss Unless somehing chages, if we mee up here in a year one of you will be dead Says Oerges, We wan o give gi ve hem a sense of her own vulneab lneabiliy iliy,, heir human limiaions and o hel hem make a realisic assess assessm men of he risks involved Is no abou oping people from enjoying riding, is abou prevening deah ward he end of he day he asks 4_ he problem is h people ge on heir bikes and suddenly hink heyre Valenino ossi says John Glossary speed noun th t t whh mthg mv  tv tv  poins on you License  th US ( m t t)) f  mmt  vg  t    m g  t   . If  gt m th 1  t  8 m ( xm,  Nw Yk Stt)   b b fm v.

Sanding in he parking lo a he end of he course, he bikers seem o have aken everyhing hey hae heard very seriously John admis s cerainly made me more aware  know  someimes behave like an idio Bu ha's no o say  won forge all abou i in a few weeks Burgess knows his, _  is o remind hem of a par of he courseha course ha exlained wha can hapen o he brain in a ollision

  P W Chm

he idea is ha hey will see he key ring wen hey are riding and i will make hem hink wice; says Burgess

eio oi       


Apted  T  T


6 VOCABULARY expressions with take

a You re going to listen to n expert tlking bout the riskss o driving. Bere you listen, risk listen, choose which you thinkk is the correct option thin option  b, or c Compre with  prtner nd give resons r your hoce The ost ngerous thing to be on the rod is    eesrin b  rive riverr c  otorcyclist 2 Most tl ccients hpen becuse rivers   re distrcte b re run c rive too fst 3 Driving t night night is  s dngerous s riving uring  uring the y.  three ties b ur ties c ten times 4 ou're ost iely to hve n ccient on    Mony orning b Sturd ternoon c Suny night 5 Most ccients ccients hen hen   on long-istnce trips b in owntown city city res c very close to your house 6 The worst rods r tl ccidents re  eewys b urbn ros c country rods 7 ile r ile ile woen hve ore thn thn en

a Look Loo k t thre threee setence setencess o the lesson lesson ht ht do the highlighted phrses with take en hich one is  phrsl verb

b inor seriousccients ccients c tl ccidents 8 he ge t t which  river is t ost risk is .  over 25 b between bet ween 21 n 2 c uner 25   >) Listen once nd check yor nswers  Listen r more detils r ech qestion in a  Tlk to  prt prtner ner Woul these sttistics robbly be siilr in your country? 2 Do you thin the ge liit r hving  river's license shoul be rise? 3 shoul Do yoube thin r dngerous driving oreunishents severe? 4 Wht else o you think think would hel to reduce ccidents ccidents in your country? 5 Do you or oes nyboy you knw oen drive too st?

Do you usualy take � mrnc when you tavel? It's sensation-seeng, ts tng  s s. . we  we need to tae the ss nvolved n dvng v• P :

 tch soe oe expressi expressions ons nd phr phrsl sl verbs with take to their enings Expressions  wth

A  look er B D begin  new ctivit  te cre o  rtici rticite te in 2 tke dvntge o D hen 3 tke rt in E   (or plane) eve the 4 tke plce ground; 2 o clohes 5 tke (your tie reove 6 tke into ccont F  o soethi soething ng slowly not in  hurry Phrasal verbs G be siil to omebod w take H  ke use o n 7 tke er opportunity 8 tke o  think bout soebo/ 9 tke u soething soeth ing when you re kingg  ecison kin  Compete the qestions with  phrsl verb verb or exression o  Then sk nd nswer  nswer with  prtner prtn er ive i ve exples exples to eplin our nswer  ho do you tke ore your ther or your other? 2 Do you worry worry bout our helth? Do you you tke _ yorel? 3 Do you get get u very uickly in the orning or o you ? te 4 ve you ever not ten   goo oportunit oportuni t (n regrette it?  eonstrtion? 5 ve you ever tken tken 6 ve you tken  ne sort or hobby rece recent? nt? in 7 s ny ny big sorting sorting event ever tken your (nerest big city? 8 I you were thnking o buying  new new comuter or cell cell ? hone wht ctors would you tke

f G xp

We often use for example o fo instance to gve eaes I take afte  othe   I   we both have the e sense of humo.

7 WRITING >  Writng For and Against.

rite  blog post

Online Practice

�·  



 @the wod wth a deent sound. I � pour  dldl y y  w wararmm ourg g st , ,)  rm h  the h   ar pl sant 2 j  w weaeathe Cld sed 3     unge sn hnde nde humd  r l ggage  fl fl d th 5 se sylabe ately de de  vved nerthema stessed staiaise essed b Udel �ne I ej e tuajjl   2 gra gradua dual y y 3 esesjjpe peaally  etua  pa pa jjg  5 hu hu   ce  ce








Tey believe they can fy




 Read the ate ate one. one. Is wngsu wngsutt ng a oua oua hobb?  Read ththee ate agan and omlete t wth hases A-F T hee s one sentee sentee ou do ot need.  But the the spot tuy took o 1997 B Soe wgsut flyes attah attah ameas to the helet heletss  D Wth o meprat the az s't ontug soethg wgsutes a staytodothet a  oe tha hee mue E Th Thee aoym stads  the potetal ump opots  But wgsutes e ot easly detered  hoose e wods o hases om the text he  he th meanng and ponnaton ponnaton and t to ean them the m _ CAN YOU UNDRSTAND THIS MOV? VIDEO

 45 >) ath o sten to a shot mo mo  on M G and omlete ete the sentenes wth one o two t wo wods  ad 1   s the meteorologst meteorologst  hael _   ad 2  NYo t has ee sowg  d rag 3 He says tha thatt people dont wat to hea about aothe possl    He thks New okers okers are a       goup People tak aout the weathe when they want to   people o whe hey wat to    6 Whe Whe  started thee we oy  hour reasts 7 Tod eeyoe sees a  a east east 8  the dstant dstant ue thee wll e  easts 9 Today apart apart o o TV people et weathe ecasts o the ad o   10 get Howeer stthe wathweathe  the ews %foeast ofoecas T ad om 5



G unreal conditionas

ome people just won' be satised until they can y is primal urge has give rise to wingsui irs, hrill seekers who leap o clis or ut of airplanes wearing wingd jumpsuis. 1  and hit speeds of over 00 miles an hour achieving what they say is the closest hing to engineless ight that humns ha eer experienced


"It's a weird risky thing to d, said Tanya Weiss 35 a professional pilot, thesomething dream of light is ancien and wingsuit some of us feelut lke its we were born with In addition to the dozen or s prossionals like Ms Weiss, who spend heir workdays ling ads and doing movie stunts, there are only a handl of people p eople who have ever ever actually tried it Most are elite skydivers also known as - uildi uildings ngs ntennas, ntennas, pans BASE jumpers 2 (bridges), and Earth (eg hills and clis ere have have been many attempts at wingsuit lying throughout hisory dating om the t he German engineer Otto Lilienthal who in the late 800s designed winged winged gliderss that allowed him o y up to 000 fee without glider , when the Frnch skydiver Patrick an engine 3 de Gayardon successully juped o a plane wearing nog bu a modied umsuit Wingsuit ying as a spectator sport derives much of is thrill om people peop le putting heir lives at risk and at extremely extremely high speds Both Oto iliethal and Patrick de Gayardon died rying to achieve igh with winged outs, as did Eric Stephenson, Stephenson, anya Weiss mentor mentor and anc 4

Despite the death of the man she planned t marry Ms Weiss who recetly led th successul eort to se a world record r the largest wingsuit skydive rmation wih 99 ohers in Calirnia sill pursues her her drea of lying .

I thought about quiting she said But we're pushing the boundaries of what huans can do   e crazy thng woul  o wal away om h thng that has brought me together wih some o the mos incredible people in he world Adapted from The New York imes

Online Practice

V feegs P word st ress i i 3- or 4syabe 4syabe adjectves adjectves

To sre, t s ote eessa eessar r to ht, a to  o ae tot tot ose.

1 SPEAKING & READING a Answer the questions with  prtner. Gve resons r your nswer.

1 How do you think you would react in a life or death emergency situation? a I I pac and beome hysterial.   "feeze a wul' e ae   ang.   a l l an alm. 2 If you caught a plane tomor tomorrow row and the fliht attendant began giving the afety information, information, would you . : ? a en, u  ake  ve ve eul

 Red the rticle How to eat an lephant nd nswer the questions Wht s the ke to svvg sv vg   lfe o deth crss? 2 Wht s the 10-8010rinciple? 3 Wht s the other mp mport orttt ctor sde sde om keepg clm hihihtedd words d phrses  Look t the hihihte nd try to gure out their eig. Then tch the to 1-8 vrwhlmd adj ble to rect becse te emoto s too strong 2

adj so soced tht o cot c ot th cler cler or ct

 nnue magaeeag u k   pa aeo a a ea e afe fman  e ea pe

3 nun  ew or dfcult thg tht tests or bilties 4

3 What wuld you do if you were hiking alone in the mountains and you and  you got completely lost (without phone coverage)? a '  wee  wa a w w  e eue   keep wakg a a   f m w  m an.

adj ver cosed

5 adj bsed on reso nd ot emoto

6 verb to scceed  delg w or controlligg  problem controlli 7 -

to ot get excted or ervos, to ot pc

  t  fnd m w ak  wee  ae fm

4 What woud you do if you woke up in the middle of the night an thought that you coud hear an intrude in your home? If you would do omething different say what a  nf e nue.  ' kep   que an an hpe  e nue wu g aw  ' lk ef  a m a   


8  peces of wor tht re ossle to del wth or cotrol d

Work in in roups of o f three.: Commun Communiicati atin n It's an emergency!  0 B 0  p.112 ed out wht to t o do in thre dierent eerency situtions Then tke turs to s wht you shoud nd shoudn' do.

 Now ook ck t the questions i a Did you choose the riht nswers


a Answer the quest questions ions in pirs. 1 Imgine you ere gong to go bckpcking bckpcking n the zon rin rinrest rest Wht Wh t do you thnk ould be the min probles you would need to overcoe, eg the het insects the od, etc? 2 Wht would would you be ost id o?  Red the the beinnin of  tre su suri ri stor stor nd then nswer the questions below 1 Wht s the the three ends' ends' orgnl pln? How dd this chnge? 2 Wht cused tensons between between  ??  te three en nd the guide b Kevn nd Mrcus 3 Why did they nll seprte? 4 Which pir would you hv hvee chosen to t o go ith? Wh? 5 How would you hv hvee elt i you hd been in Mrcuss situton?

tNTTHE LStN Four young men went into the jungle on the adventure of a lfetime. Only wo of them would come out lve••• lve ••• The Amazon rainfoest  ugy    Eup  ul.          pl d l pc kw  , y  wc   In 198,  d w bckpckg      Blv: Y Gbg, 22 d  w d Kv Wlc 2 d Mcu S 2 y d  xpcd gud  u d Kl w pd   cud k  dp       udcv udcvd d d vllg  y wud  ly 25 l bck dw v Kl d   juy   vg wud k  bu v dy B y d  jug   d d  p  y wuld "g  g d c u g

 You re re oin to is isten ten to prt of  docu docuent entry ry nd nd out wt hppened to te ur en Afer ech prt nswer te questons with  pr tner tner

 6 1 Wt ppeed to Kev nd Yoss o the ? 2 Wt pece o luck d oss oss ve ve?? Whose situto oud ou the hve been in in evi evis or ossis? W?

 7>)  Ho ere Kevn nd oss eling? 4 Wht hppened to ossi on his st g one  te jungl? if

Wht old ou he done  ou hd been n ossi's situto

 8 5 Why did Yossis spirits cnge o espe espete te o optmstc d then to espete gi? Ho oud you ve et et t ths pot? Wt do you do you k  ppened to evi?

 •9   Wh hd evin bee ong   tis te?  Wht id Kevn decide to do?  Wy s he cred credbly bly ucky? I you hd bee evin evin wht oud you hve do doee o?


JUNG NGL LE         r  r te tw  p ad  te ad ft ciat far beid. Bt ater wakig fr mre ta a week tere wa  ig f te iage ad tei bega t appear  te grp Te tree fried tarted t pect tat ar, te gde dd't rea re a kw were te dia iage wa i ad Kei bega t get ed p wit ter fried Marc becae e wa mpaiig abt eertig epeca epec a i feet, wc w c ad bece ifected ad were rtig E te decided t abad te earc fr te iage ad jt t ike ikewa backri t Ap itead raftigtat teit wa ad cme Bt Kei becae eftgt wa te Marc fat ta te ad ad t ct r teir adetr adetre e S e decded tat e wd rat dw te rer ad e perade i t ji im, bt e didt wat Marc t cme wit tem. Mac ad Kar decded  g back t Ap  ft. Te tree fred agreed t meet i a e i te capta a Pa i a week E  E   x  te tw par f traeer aid gdbe ad et ff  teir differet jre..

5 GRAMMAR unreal conditionals

Ho  vn s y o  hl? Wy s  unsusl? 1 Wh s hs ls  o n s n?

 Loo  u u  sns sns n  n  ns   vs n n h  ns 1 Wh oul you o you () ( ) n h ounns ounns ( lo)? n you 2 II houh h sooy s n y housI (ll) h ol nI nI (no onon) h nu 3 Wh oul you hv on  you ( ) n Yos Yoss ss suo? 4 I vn hn' loo  hs n Yoss Yoss _  _ ()  Loo  ss  n.  o  o  o suon n  s? h  h o  t  yl on n  sn o uu Gramma Bank Bank  c ) p.140 Gramma

Ln o ou un onons    

 Co  o snns n you on os   osv[ osv[ n v us G.  I v n n h y y   -------- G -

   12 Ho lon  Yoss n on hs on n h unl? o s h? 3 Wh  h hn  uzzn nos s? W s ? Wh o  o you hn h hv n to us n l?  Do ou   ou ou v v suvv  you  on n  oss's suon oss's su on ou ou vn n n   you

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p     

 f   f    ff ff  : 1     , annoy) That noise  starting to annoy me.     · j (, nnyin That noise  really annoying     ·ed j (, nnoyed) I' gettng eally annoyed by tat nose R    f oc -ed  c annyed  =f , ; ,  , rrtated=  depressed=  

 Complete the sentences with he corre correctct rm o the word in  It reay reay me me when people drve cose  behn me.  2 I get very when somethng goes wrong with my Internet conecton co necton and I don't know how to  it.  3 It's so so _when I can't remember someones name but they can remember mne 4 I used to ove shopping shopping uring a bg sale bt now  it  Aer an hour I st want toI nd go home wth y brthay presents  5 Im oen My expectatons are obviosly obv iosly too hgh! z 6 It me that some peope stl on't by thngs ike books b ooks and usc onne.  7 I ind speakng in public aboutely _ _.. I hate ong t. by readng about how  8 Ive oen been some sccessl people have overcome diiculties d iiculties 9 I never nd nst nstructons ructons  eectronc devices  me helpu in ct usuay the ust helpu  When l trave Im always i manage  to communcate somethng n a regn language.    >) Listen and check Then with a partner say i the sentences are tre r yo or not Give xamples xamples or reasons f F     ed       -   f -ed c c f f     ng f   pressed  ipressve NO   Complete the sentences belo with a rm o the adective in .  We are are extremely  by your rsum. Your rsum is extremey imressive. 2 I'm very  by my o My ob s very _ _  3 I was realy  uring the movie. he ening was was especialy especialy 45 I was really  to meetby Jae. s a you sad was person  whatShe yourealy sa. What realy  In pairs choose choose three circle circle to talk abot.           f   c              f   the Aresame thereway any asthings any thinyor gs that make yo el exactly partnr?

   f    E         f

Online Practice


4 GRAMMAR wish+ simple

5  PRONUNCIATIN sentence hythm and

past or past pefct

a Now red ur ommets tht tht peo people ple psted o te espper ebste fer redg te rtle. Do ou gree t  of them? Wh (ot)? Im almost 23 and saving incredibly hard to travl around the wol! ' hate to reach my 30s and then look back at my 0s and say, "I wis I traveled more when  had the time M D I do't regret anything. There's nothing that I wis was ifferent about my life Everything Ie don however however stupd it seems now seemed lie the ight thing at the time time Of course I've mae mistakes but I don't regret anything And yes tha includes includes saving money bad fiends all the usual things things  see them as pure mstakes soethng soeth ng to learn from something that maks me he person I am today! I never think ·1 wis I' stayed i colege  I wish I'd married my ex  If I ad done these things then I wouldnt be who  am today C C Regrets?  try not to think think about them Whats the point? Its Its no use crying over spiled milk mil k But  have a few Not buying te house  was rening for haf the price I eventually paid for it and smoking smoki ng I realy wish I hadn't wasted all tha money on cigarettes What a fool fool  Still I maaged to give it up which Im proud of   I wih there was a song called Je  Je regrette tou* That would be my phiosophy of ife! M P

intonaton a 3 19> Lste d rt do sx setees h wsh.  Mth eh setee m a wth  setee setee below  D Do ou t e to ll  ll d e  xuse   ell, do' s e! I've ever bee ere ere C D Well t s't too lte. You're ol 22. D D Well t's ot  ult You v o sel-otrol D E W do't ou o  o  to te store d see  te stll hve hve the F D orr orr, , ut t s. d I'm ett ugr ugr c



ste d mt speers 5  te regre regre  Thre s s oe setee ou do't eed to use    A D ses e/ se hd lloed soeod's soeo d's dve  D s't old eoug to do soet soet  he/ se o rerets C D elt ver smed out t e/ se d d doe  D ses e/ se d  or rtel r evert e/ e / she hd. E D ses e/ se hd ee  lttle rver F  reretted t e/ s d doe edtl e do t

 Lste g Wh do the spe spers rs meto or s the llog: rell led t'stht tooou lte lte   do't ve to do 2 "I "oeoe "o eoe hsher; hs to s"No to ou reJ reJ do s. "I set te ext  yers tr tr to et out o t  the Russ Revoluo old ltte ltters rs  "It s  rz de d d totll out o rter " te lo ru t s prol  good tg  " prets ere rell eer r e to e "ut I s s totll st te de

• Je regette tout Fnch  f reret everythin. Th is a vy wl-knn Edih Piasn Piasn ad /e ne erette en (= I d'  ayhin).

 Unin the sx setees  te omets th wish. Wht tese s the verb ter ish? Ae the wshes bout the preset or bout the pst? c > 141 G Bk SB Ler moe out wish+ smp smple le pst or pst pere d prte t.

3 0> Lste d he  prs prte prte the dlogue dlogues s pg the rtm d too

c Wor  smll groups. ell the other stude studets ts bout  • to ths ou s ou ould do but ou 't • to ts ou o u sh sh ou d tt ould prove our le • to ts t s ou s ou d doe   ou er ouer • to tgs ou s ou o u hd't doe e ou ere ouger 7

3 22 >)

SONG Same Mstake 1 Online Practice



Talking about waste 1



n! :  :. . 

TPiASHED .:-;·

a Red the bigrphicl inrmtin bou boutt Cdid Brdy. Hve yu seen ashed r ny her dcumentry flm flm but the envirment? Candida Brady s  tsh joulst  flmmke. She fou he flm comp, lehem Flms  1996  hs poue  ecte sevel ocumetes o  vet of topcs, clug clu g outh cultue musc  bllet I 2012,  complete he fst ocumet fetue flm Tshed, whch follows the cto Jeem Ios ou the wol s he scoves the gowg evoetl  helth poblms cuse cuse b wste - the bllos of os of gbge tht e geete eve   the w w el wth t The soutck fo the flm ws compose comp ose  the Geek compose Vgels, who wote the wg soutck to Chariot of Fi. The flm h  specl sceeg t the lm Festvl  hs wo sevel ws t flm 202 es lm festvls, clug the Toko Toko Itetol Flm Festvl


Pa 2

a  24>) Nw wtch r lsten t Pa 2 Answer the qustns qustns.. 1 Whch ws ws the bigge prble r ndid: king the l visully ttrctive, ttrctiv e, r trying t t ke ke it t epressig?  Wht kid f pllutin des she she thi is is the st wrying ir, lnd r wter?  Lste g g.. mpete the sentenc sentences es th ne wr. 1 ndid hd  DOP (Directr f Phgrphy  She wted t i in beutil plces plces tht hd bee  __ by de grbge. 3 She wuld hve preferred t e  re _ _  dcuentry 4 She thiks they were very uch wre tht tey t the ed f the . wnted t er 5 She sys yu hve t dig dw ver  t deep   bech t d sd tht dest hve ny i it. 6 She ss the the pieces f plstic i the wter bece s s geed h hee he e ize  he lkt which is i the chi lo S (o So)   n Lebnn, i id e i zoot m nm  ve n w 1m ftl !



interview with 23 >) Wtch r listen t Part 1 f  interview her Mrk the seteces T (true r F (lse. I did de the   Tre becuse she wted peple t kw re but the prbe f wste  Jere rs is  pers wh lves buyig ew thigs. 3 did ws ws surprised tht he ie ieditely ditely lved the  prpsl. 4 Vngelis is is  gd iend f did's did's 5 Vngelis hd previus experiece f rjects rjects relted t the evirnet 6 She ddt eed t d uc reserc ere kig te  becuse she ws lredy  expert  the subject.

 Nw liste gi nd sy why the  senteces re lse Glossary oughp cutee been / kA e fi vein f  fm e  den ene ve Jcqu Coutu  we-knwn Fen ne vn nd fmmke w dd e en nd  m e n we



� Part3 a


3 25>) Nw atc  listen t Part 3. Anse te qestns. 1 Wo dos s m r  pble f waste?  Wy des San Fancsc fe a stve nte at te end  te f?  Has te  canged e n ats?


  2) Watc  isten t  e e takng at ecycng ic ic esn sees t ave te st sitve atttde at ecycing?

 Lsten Lsten agan Wat des d es se say at ? 1 tels in an an ancsc  e e gandaen gandaents ts cycle Glossary zeo waste h ccing d ug f  pu bs  h p h h 

2 LOOKING  LANGUAGE O C 

 u    c  (, unfortunately)   c c  h h  u h h  

 26 ) Lsten t se extact extactss   te ntevie ntevie  an wite n te ising adves  "We endd  fng in eleven cnte    " t te stes tat I've csen ae nvesal and   ske t t ele e le n cntes  n e cntes  tan we actally led l ed in ." ."

 " and and s  sent  te teatent teaten t and __ __ e  e lved t 4 t  agan e was vey sd m y tee l nd eally anted t get nvlved t  ". .yes yes and n eng Ovi Ovisly sly  ad a wndel DP Diect  Ptgay P tgay s e can c anytng l k eat   tngs  etty " dd a ltc fake eseac and slk  tese  ee eeatale and and n evey cnty and te wld   7 " wats aened t te way tat s lastc degaes degaes n ate s tat  te eces ece s agented 









 Watc  listen agan      r). ? D tnks te gvenent sld e ney  ecyclng and dcng less gaage ts  t el elee teselves t ealize tat ts D nks ts  t ecyclng  nks te gvenent sld vde e cntanes  ecyclng  tnks te gvenent sld d e  sw ele y ecyclng is gd  te envinent 

28) atc  listen an cete te igigte qal Engs ases at at d y tnk tey ean?  " wel welll aye tey cld e e a ncentie   ecycling  "  tnk we stll ave a t g g   netay  "Besdes and incentves st incentves t te y kn enets t t te envinent envinent  4 ". .lng lng t  wt cans and ttles tt les nesaes an  _   _ all   and and s f eveyne cd st ge n     tat te sallest cange tey can ake n te lves akes a g dfeence


Anse te qesti qestins ns t a atn atne e Ty t se cent adves t s  y ee at at e saying  w c ecyclng  ee n y cnty d? d?  Hw c ecycing d d y   esally?  Wat d y tnk te gvenent  ndvdals ndvdals cl d t ake ele e le ecycle e 4 Wat  y tnk tat canes and stes cld d t edce te a ant nt f aste?  Ae y tstc tst c  essstic at te te f te envinent?

Online Practice

 �-  �- -- --      - -     

G gerunds and nn nntt ves V music

Mussc wth dnne s an nsul oth Mu

to the cook and the nst

P words that come rom other languages L


music, words fom othe langages a 3 29 >) Listen nd mtch wht you er with  word in the list.


Ask nd nswer the questions with  prtner

D a bass guta D a cell D a chor Da conductor  dus Dan QChestra saxophone hone D a soprano D a lute D a voln  a �board D a saxop

other words b 3 30) Listen nd check Prctice sying the words. Wht other do you know r instruments nd musicins?  Red the the inrmtion inrmtion ox elow Then, in pirs, ook t B  a   nd try to pronounce them s they re pronounced in Egis. Underine the stressed sylle

p F      E

nglsh has "borrowed many words ro othe languages or eample n the eld o usc o Italan, reek and ench. The nglsh pronuncaton s oten smlar to ther pronuncaton n ther orgnal language langua ge eg ch n words

Do you have a favorite favorite. .? • knd o musc  song  pece o classca musc (syph (syp hny  sonata etc)  and  solo ast  coposer  conducto Do you play a musical instruent?


hat come rom reek s s /  e.g. Borrowed words reatd reatd to musc rom Italan

celllloo J J;; conc con ceto to:' ezz e zzoo-ss op opra rano no  

rom reek

orchesta orch esta / /   ch chor or 1 1 ch chorus orus  cop p hone f  hy hyth th   syph syphony ony  co

ro rench

ballet ball et  encoe   ge genr nree 3

 3 31 3 1  Listen nd check How re the pink etters pronounced  Wt  prtner prtner try to gure out which nguge these thes e words come om, nd put tem i te te right columns Do you know wt they l men archtecture barsta bouquet cappuccno chaueu che chc crossant anc grat hypochondrac acchato papara phlosophy photograph psychc psychologst vlla ro talia o re ro h

f  32  Listen nd check Prctice sying the words



YES  What nstument or nstuments, do you play?  How long have you been playng t?  Hae you had or ae you takng lessons?  an you read musc?  Hae you ever played n a and I orchesta? NO

 Have you ever tred to learn to play an nstruent? Why dd you stop learnng?  s there an nstrument you woul lke to en o py?

Have you ever ever?  sung n a cho  peormed n ront o a lot o pepe  taken part n a muscal talent contest Concerts  Have you been to a good concert ecently?  Whch artst or band would you ost lke to see n concert?  Whats the best le concert youe ever been to?


a Think of  song or ice ice of music tht you rmmbr hring nd ling whn you wr  chd. Whr did you first hr t? How od wr you? Why did you i it?  Look t th tit tit of  nws nwsr r rtic Thn rd th rtic onc hy did th wr itr choos ths tt?  Rd th th irst rgrph rgrph gin Find words or hrss mnng: I 2

coty hv n  y ht ks otr o t ou  stud sttd cryng cus of  3 stong oto 4 not tnng tt ntng ostv od n   xtur ofoud d 5 snt sounds  Wht knd of sounds o you thnk whir, hum nd clackinB (in 10) r?  Rd th rst of th ric gn Wth  rtnr, nd n your own ow n words sy why th rtc ntons th owng cs of musc or rtsts  t Larmosa o Mozrt's Rqu  t Rog tons Sgu Sgu R6s, Rdo od d nd Pn od  3 s scc o t s 4 Gu d chts Aus De 5 cot sc  Qu's ohema Rhapsody 7 Btov's Nnt Nnt yon nd ntr ntr's 's F Me to he oo. 8 t Bts 9 sc  Tk to  r rtnr tnr

• Why do you hink he journals $ays a Ausin's experience may elp us undersand oe abou usical tase? • Iagne you were gong o recoend usc  o Ausin. Wic... Wic... song o pece o usc decade copose would you sugges band snger

can hear music for the first tie eve," wrote Austin Chapman a 23-yearold filmmaker from California. What should I listen to?" "I

1 ,  ee,    ef F  e e,   ee  e "  ee ee e    eeve,   v   e ee , e  "   ee eeve   , e  5   e e e e T e, Te,     e ee , ee e  e ee  e    v      e  He e  e    e ee B e e  e  e e , e e  e "   e  e, ze      e e Te   e e, e   e -, e   e e, e    e ve   e   e  e eve e     e       e    ee   : e    e    Le  , e e     ee, M e  Lacrimosa (  Reqe), n  e  He e S  eve ee  e  Te eeee, e ,  "e e  e   ee  H e e     e R Se, S S  R, Re,  P F B B   e  ee   v vee vee 10

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Dei, ee e Ge ee, M e eAgus   ee, e 4e e   Ce, e e    ve      Bee e  eve e  ee,   ee   , 3 via e ee, e  e     eve e Ceqe,  eeee  e   e e   e S   e ee e   ee   e ee e ( e  e e e e e      ee) ee ) H ve ee ee       Qee Qee Bohemia Rhapsody. 3 He  e Beeve N     Fy Me to the Moo B   e   ee  e  eee , e Bee "    e , e     e   e e e e   e  e H , H , e   e   e ee  v e   e   e   e e e    will e  e   e e  

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Online Practice





a 3 33>) Listen to some short pieces of music. How do they ke you feel? Woud you e to contnue cont nue stening b 3 34) sten  sten to John Sod,  musc psychooist tn ot why we lsten to musc Try to complete the the notes elow y writin w ritin ey ey wors wor s or phrses hen with  prt prtner ner try tr y to rememer s much s ou cn of wht he si

 3 35 ) Now listen to John expnin how musc musc cn ect the wy we e Compete th notes elow y vin exmpes. Then Th en compre comp re wih  prtner nd try to rememer wht he sd

  "    �   1   " 1


j          j   -  Af     _  I  1




 -

M      ! !      /                        -· 3

   - E;   (U       #7 -1 M  (  J , ,  e. !  !·,   r �,  !  !   


 .j, 3  - e j r1'�eJ  p  p e   e , i  "  " efUt  efUt . .;;· ·- ·- 


GRAMMAR gerunds and infinitives

 Loo at some extracts fom the istening. Put the verbs in parente parenteses ses in the ininitie (with ), the base rm (without ) or the gerun (-B rm) Fsty we ste to usic to ake us _ otat moets  te ast ( (  2 We we ea a ceta cetan n pece pece of usc usc we eebe  t   t  te fist te .  3 f we wat o one activty to aote we oe use musc to ep us  te cage    6> sten an chec. d Talk to a parter. Ask r more etais where possibe po ssibe On a typical day, when and where do you listen to musc? Do you Listen to diferent knds of musc at dferent times of day? What musc would you play. play.? if you were feeling sad and you wanted to feel happier if you were feelng down and you wanted to

 oo at two sentences wth the verb remember. hic oe is about remembering the past? hich one is about emeberig something r the ture? 1 I eebe eetg    te te fst te. 2 ease eebe to meet  at at te ta stato stato 6 in out more about d > 4 G  6 geruns a infnities a practice tem.  e your partne one thing that ..  you'l never forget seeing for the rst tme

feel even worse • if you were feeling furous about some someth thiing or somebody f you were feeling stressed or nervous about something and wanted to calm down if you wanted to create a romantic atmosphee for a special dnner • if you were feeing excited and were gettng ready to go out for the evenng • f you were fallng in love

 you sometimes forget to do before you eave the house n the mornngs  you remember dong when you were under ve years od  you have to remember to do today or ths wee  needs to be done n your house I apartment (e.g (e.g the tchen ceiling needs repaintng)  you need to do this evenng  you tred to learn but couldnt  you have tred doing when ou cant sleep at nght


 9> SON Sing J

Online Practice


bi used tn g"t ••sed to

V sleep P sentene stress and nking

ag and e orl lgs  o a soe an o seep s eep aone




used to, be used to, get used to

 Do you hv o om m ? Why (o)? b who 3 40,hv 41 o 42> You  ooh.  L o h o o    o o wh h o   wh h u . Co w      h   'o o you o. Speaker!



c Aw A w h quo wh   . .  Do o o   wh o o o  o wh h u o  o Do you hv o    f   oo uh o o  o o   o  H yo v wo   D yu v y o  h x y h o) Do o  o wo   o wo  h        o o v ow ow  o o h h o D o  j  ow o    o o  ov 

 oo  o  o h . M h hh  o h m m - h m  h v v    )  o ) / B  o? D   w u wS  o   o . D I  o   to  w    o  o w o D A ju w    o     o fy hom        h  h h     o  o   u    ow  h    o     h o  h  b > 1 G Ba 68 68 F ou o ou  o,   o  B  o   hm 3  PRONUNCIATION

sentnce sress and linkng 

 h . No  3 45 L   hyh hy h  how  wo     1

2 3

usedJo wrking team. , can't get usedJo driving driving h left 1 uedJo gep  six ccky cck y da. I'm

ow h o  b 3 4 ow   w ow c  y h  quy  h  h   y y  o  h wo.  T        m . .  h ou w  h  ou ou  o o... ... • h  oo w  oh o    v   w  v   h o  Do o hv hv o  yo v o      you   o   .   ho)  Do ou h h o wo   u o   o o.. ..     : .. v   oy   o   x ho  h h  o hv   h o




Tree thing you {probably)

didn't know about

 Read th trdct ry pararaph pararaph f fThree Three thinBs you you (pobably) didn't know about a bout see. D y nw the aswrs t ay f the qesti? b Read Lvg ou m and ark the sentences T (tr) r F (le). Undere the part f the text that ae a e y th wr 1 W  a a cd" dra  w w tat 'r dra. 2 In a cd" drea drea th prs h h s drean drean can ner chae cha e what    appn 3 Gar a  a a t ctr tr dra ca dra ar sar t cptr as. 4 he reas w hae nhtars a e  prepare s r certa daner tatn 5 Vd ars ae r htar tan nn-ars ca t dn't prec dar thraten tats 6 Vd ar ar raer   ter drea tha ar. c

E  it.   t. N        W              RM*             q             Hw  v m     m?   Sn B S?            m    ( w n')

Three things you (robably) didn't know about sleepn A Sleeping Beauty p.106 B How our ancestrs used  sleep p111 l yr partn part ner se r ntrestn

� Communiation

cts at slep   par par see f y can reeer e f the wrds ad phrases phra ses  the th e artcle y hae read r heard heard

Living your dreams

Vocabulary Quiz

Aw  v     o o   

   C   

a medcal conditon, ften an unusual e: a _ an adjectve meanng stayng fathfu to somebody and supportng them  


a adectve adectve often used wth seep. A person who s  a - slep s dfcult to wake: _ a huded yeas eg e g fom 1900 to 2000 a _ the tme n the evenng whe t becomes dak  


the ve meanng to speak to God _ _ 7

Dm D m  v v  m    "   m       

the wod fo a pesn who pays a lo of vdeo games a vdeo an adectve meang cear especaly after a perod of confson


to change poston so as to face the other way  

 nswr th qstns n pars.


  pa d a?  y t t ha a a ct  ct  th way  dra? D  t t ha an pte r atee ect at ect   ?  Wat d   t d  t rt t r  t Sp at ydre?   y th lee n tw hrter hrter perds s a ettr ay f ep?  y th t t d t  ad r st?

  w m J         v   m            x x "   o        we    we   I       m             m  vr           v m


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