Setup & Access Success %R8C;#@ to save radio resources for ot'er services/ C'ec, tilt of site/ Fine tune addition +indo+ and drop +indo+ siJetime to reduce S5 over'ead/ H/ C'ec, RRC *C mappin. +it' SRB 2it rates to >/$ ,2ps and 1>/H ,2ps/ G/ C'ec, 9aNBitRate7LPS8R4 and InitialBitRate7L/ 9aN 2itrate used s'ould not eNceed 1"M K2ps and initial 2it rate can 2e do+n.raded to M ,2ps/ Also 9inAllo+edBitRate7L s'ould 2e M K2ps/ M/ C'ec, 7ylo- 4B implementation for 2etter PS 8R4 2itrate optimiJation/ =/ C'ec, ot'er carrier load and 2alance t'e traffic if re(uired 2y 7RRC- Cell reselection criteria- AJimut' plannin. and also c'ec, compressed mode/ 1#/ Implement A9R 7irected retry feature/ 11/ C'ec, maN and min po+er of radio lin,/ 1aimum &adio 3in4 Po.er5 &6 Ser7ice Ptma&36 9inof% % cpic' po+er cpic'torefra2offset SF;Adustment%ptNtotalmaN: ptNdpc'maN and PS 9 multi&ab5 5 Ptma&369in of %% cpic'po+er: cpic'refra2offsetSF;Adustment- %PtNtotalmaN: ptNdpc'maNptNa2smaN 1inimum &adio 3in4 Po.er5 9aN% %ptN;maN;RL Pcran.e7L- % PtNmaN:PtNdpc'min for every service/
8ote 6 Increase PA po+er if possi2le or Plan for anot'er carrier/
:ffects of CPIC; modification Less Po+er Availa2le for traffic Increased soft 'andover over'ead 4oo muc' po+er
&educed system capacity capacity
Late cell reselection 'andout 'andover too late
8on: ideal traffic distri2ution
CPIC5 covera.e 'oles
&educed system co7era/ C'ec, S5 over'ead value- it s'ould 2e 2elo+ >/ C'ec, 8odeB 2e'avior- sometimes 'i.' num2er of B4S fails o2served if RRC setup fails/
$/ C'ec, 9aNBitRatePS8R4 and InitialBitRate/ 9aN 2itrate used s'ould not eNceed 1"M K2ps and
initial 2it rate can 2e do+n.raded to M ,2ps/ Also 9inAllo+edBitRate s'ould 2e M K2ps/
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