governmentt of India’s India’s recognised recognised export export house house is an an ISO Ambika Overseas a governmen -900 -9001 1 Registered company & a prestigious part of Ambika Group of Industries.
The company is engaged in the production of wide range of hand toos! such as spanne spanners! rs! piers piers!! pincer pincerss and wrench wrenches es etc.! etc.! confor conformin ming g to the intern internati ationa ona standards and safet norms. Ambika Overseas is headed by a team of persons having vast technica know how
and wordwide experience in customer reationship and has a modern research and deveopment wing to deveop new items to cope with the changing items. The company has an exceent infrastructure! incuding a modern too room and a we e"uipped testing ab. exported througho throughout ut the word and the company company is Ambika Ambika Hand T!s are exported aways ooking for the new markets. #ompete dedication to "uaity system has bough this co. Internationa recognition! which is now fuy accredited to use $G% Test Test ark on its spanners. Ambika Overseas is committed committed to maintain its "uaity system and woud ike to
estab estabish ish a ong ong astin asting g busine business ss reati reations onship hip with with a its custom customers ers and wi wi wecome a vaued en"uiries for the compete range of hand toos.
=. a2or . Is there a feedback mechanismJ %o in this way a thirteen eements are set and then the "uestions are set regarding it.
III" RE4ISTRATION AN CERTIFICATION( Registration is the act of being recorded as having achieved the I% 6///
system! whereas certification is the procedure and action a duy authori;ed body of determining! verifying and attesting in writing to the "uaification of "uaity system in accordance with the appicabe I% 6/// standard. In Ambica verseas after estabishing and operating the "uaity system then it to be verified and certified by an independent certification body that is by an outsider body. There are fours steps in reation to registration and certification are(, S$e&1.( A&&!' #r Reis$ra$in(
0very country has one or more recogni;ed certification agencies. In India bureau of Indian standards is a "uaified process starts with the submission of an appication aong with the foowing documents. •
A&&!ia$in Per#rma( It is suppied by certification body. In this the
company fied up it’s ocation! product detais! type of certification needed! the existing standards appicabe to company! the name and
designation of mgt. representative! organi;ation structure! si;e of •
compant etc. 3/es$innaire( ,
In this they ask more information the "uaity mgt.
practices of the company. 3/a!i$' S's$em /men$a$in( These are "uaity manua and "uaity
procedures bring set up in the company. Reis$ra$in Fee( it is prescribed amount of fee to be deposited at time of registration by company.
S$e& 12( Ade7/a' a/di$ b' er$i#ia$in bd'(
Then the audit is done in the company at reguar intervas. It is made by the certification agency’s auditor to get to know the appicant organi;ation! thrie physica ocation! verification of "uaity system and to make the assessment of audit content for audit preparations and panning. In Ambika verseas auditing is done by outside certification body after the interna of six months. S$e& 1rkers &ar$ii&a$in in Manaemen$B
N" # Res&nden$
D # Em&!'ee
INTERPRETATION( Above data reveas that 9/N of empoyees participate in management decision
through may be through their representatives. )owever 8/N do not participate. %ome worker do not participate in the management it may be because they are casua workers. Has s/es$in made b' '/ an' &ra$ia! im&a$ n 7/a!i$' !eve!B
Bo. of Respondent
Nage of empoyees
Can$ Sa'
INTERPRETATION(ata coected ceary shows that 9/N of empoyee beieved that the
suggestions made by them have practica impact whie '/N disagree with this fact. )owever -/N has no knowedge regarding it. %uggestion made by ower eve mgt. have practica impact. It may be due to the reason that the production process is actuay carried or by them and they have more knowedge regarding the "uaity improvement. %a$ >ae s's$em is #!!>ed in $%e rani?a$inB
Bo. of Respondent
N of empoyees
aes s's$em is #!!>ed in $%e rani?a$inB
QQQQ. a; rkers a!sB aD Oes QQQQ.. bD Bo QQQQQ 3"9 4ive '/r va!/ab!e s/es$in $%a$ an be e##e$ive $ inrease '/r n$rib/$in #r 7/a!i$' en%anemen$""
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