ambika forging

May 21, 2019 | Author: verdict7us | Category: Iso 9000, Quality Management System, Audit, Quality Management, Quality (Business)
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ambika forging project...



governmentt of India’s India’s recognised recognised export export house house is an an ISO Ambika Overseas  a governmen -900 -9001 1 Registered company & a prestigious part of Ambika Group of Industries.

The company is engaged in the production of wide range of hand toos! such as spanne spanners! rs! piers piers!! pincer pincerss and wrench wrenches es etc.! etc.! confor conformin ming g to the intern internati ationa ona standards and safet norms. Ambika Overseas is headed by a team of persons having vast technica know how

and wordwide experience in customer reationship and has a modern research and deveopment wing to deveop new items to cope with the changing items. The company has an exceent infrastructure! incuding a modern too room and a we e"uipped testing ab. exported througho throughout ut the word and the company company is Ambika Ambika Hand T!s are exported aways ooking for the new markets. #ompete dedication to "uaity system has  bough this co. Internationa recognition! which is now fuy accredited to use $G% Test Test ark on its spanners. Ambika Overseas is committed committed to maintain its "uaity system and woud ike to

estab estabish ish a ong ong astin asting g busine business ss reati reations onship hip with with a its custom customers ers and wi wi wecome a vaued en"uiries for the compete range of hand toos.


1" Name # $%e Cm&an' '. Ad A ddress

( (

Ambika Overseas ode )ouse Road! *asti %heikh! +aandhar, -//' 0,mai ( ambika12a.vsn 3ebsite (

4ax( 56-,-7-,''8'879: '8'-'9

8. Type of organi;ation . %c %cope

( (

=. a2or . Is there a feedback mechanismJ %o in this way a thirteen eements are set and then the "uestions are set regarding it.

III" RE4ISTRATION AN CERTIFICATION( Registration is the act of being recorded as having achieved the I% 6///

system! whereas certification is the procedure and action a duy authori;ed  body of determining! verifying and attesting in writing to the "uaification of  "uaity system in accordance with the appicabe I% 6/// standard. In Ambica verseas after estabishing and operating the "uaity system then it to be verified and certified by an independent certification body that is by an outsider body. There are fours steps in reation to registration and certification are(, S$e&1.( A&&!' #r Reis$ra$in(

0very country has one or more recogni;ed certification agencies. In India  bureau of Indian standards is a "uaified process starts with the submission of  an appication aong with the foowing documents. •

A&&!ia$in Per#rma( It is suppied by certification body. In this the

company fied up it’s ocation! product detais! type of certification needed! the existing standards appicabe to company! the name and


designation of mgt. representative! organi;ation structure! si;e of  •

compant etc. 3/es$innaire( ,

In this they ask more information the "uaity mgt.

 practices of the company. 3/a!i$' S's$em /men$a$in(  These are "uaity manua and "uaity

 procedures bring set up in the company. Reis$ra$in Fee( it is prescribed amount of fee to be deposited at time of registration by company.

S$e& 12( Ade7/a' a/di$ b' er$i#ia$in bd'(

Then the audit is done in the company at reguar intervas. It is made by the certification agency’s auditor to get to know the appicant organi;ation! thrie  physica ocation! verification of "uaity system and to make the assessment of  audit content for audit preparations and panning. In Ambika verseas auditing is done by outside certification body after the interna of six months. S$e& 1rkers &ar$ii&a$in in Manaemen$B


N" # Res&nden$

D # Em&!'ee








INTERPRETATION( Above data reveas that 9/N of empoyees participate in management decision

through may be through their representatives. )owever 8/N do not participate. %ome worker do not participate in the management it may be because they are casua workers. Has s/es$in made b' '/ an' &ra$ia! im&a$ n 7/a!i$' !eve!B


Bo. of Respondent

Nage of empoyees







Can$ Sa'




INTERPRETATION(ata coected ceary shows that 9/N of empoyee beieved that the

suggestions made by them have practica impact whie '/N disagree with this fact. )owever -/N has no knowedge regarding it. %uggestion made by ower eve mgt. have practica impact. It may be due to the reason that the production process is actuay carried or by them and they have more knowedge regarding the "uaity improvement. %a$ >ae s's$em is #!!>ed in $%e rani?a$inB


Bo. of Respondent

N of empoyees

aes s's$em is #!!>ed in $%e rani?a$inB

QQQQ. a; rkers a!sB aD Oes QQQQ..  bD Bo QQQQQ 3"9 4ive '/r va!/ab!e s/es$in $%a$ an be e##e$ive $ inrease '/r n$rib/$in #r 7/a!i$' en%anemen$""


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