Ambers Agreement Submissive Summer Book 1

April 8, 2017 | Author: Priya Arora | Category: N/A
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Amber's Agreement Submissive Summer, Book 1 Copyright 2013 Cherry Allen Amber hated Greg while he was briefly her mom's boyfriend. But short on college funds, Amber decides he's the only one left she can turn to for a loan. In exchange for the money, Greg wants her submission and a summer of sex. And Amber really wants to go to college . . . (NOTE: This story, and the entire trilogy, is a mirror edition. This story is almost the same as in Worship Your Master, but with the taboo relationship removed. If you've read that story or that trilogy, don't purchase this one!) Smashwords Edition, License Notes This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. All rights reserved. No part of this ebook may be reproduced in whole or in part without express permission from the author. This story contains sexually explicit situations suitable for a mature audience only. All characters depicted in those types of situations in this short story are 18 years of age or older. This is a work of fiction. All characters are the product of the author's imagination, and any similarity to persons living or dead is merely a coincidence. Thank you for reading Amber's Agreement! Look for the entire trilogy in one ebook: Submissive Summer: The Complete Amber Trilogy It contains all three stores: Amber's Agreement Amber's Education Testing Amber Also, look for these stories by Cherry Allen: Stand-Alone Stories Hot Teen Next Door: An Erotic Voyeurism and Menage Story With Sal Cooley My Girlfriend's Horse Dildo Fantasy Horse Dildos for Both My Girlfriends (sequel, coming soon)

The Rape Fantasies Series Alice Loves Anal: An Ass-Play Wonderland Annie Loves Authority: Strip-Search Submission Mona Loves Monsters: A Halloween Gangbang Brittany Loves Bikers: Motorcycle Gang Gangbang Debbie Loves Doctors: Medical Fetish BDSM Sex Exam Mona Loves Monsters 2: Werewolf Sex Curse Coming Soon Debbie Loves Doctors 2 Betty Loves Bondage: Forced BDSM Torment Brittany Loves Bikers 2 The Neighbor Spanked Me More Titles Available and Coming Soon Find out more at and sign up for Cherry's update newsletter!

Amber's Agreement Submissive Summer, Book 1 by Cherry Allen Amber was my girlfriend's daughter. She was a junior in high school by the time things started to get serious between her mom and me. I'd spend the occasional night there, or go out with them, stay for dinner, that kind of thing. Amber immediately hated me, or at least the idea of me, so much that she spent a lot more time with her dad and managed to avoid me and her mother as much as possible. When she did have to speak to me, she did it in a smart-assed little tone. I never expected her to treat me like anybody special--I was just her mom's boyfriend, probably one in a string of too many, as it turns out. But it would have been nice if, just once, she didn't say my name with a snarl as if it tasted bad in her mouth, making it two syllables instead of one: Gray-egg. I wanted to grab her and say, "It's Greg. Just fucking Greg!" But that would have only caused more problems, and her mother and I had enough problems from day one without me adding to them. Two years after we started dating, I found out she'd cheated on me with Amber's dad shortly after she'd started hinting to me about letting her move in--how rich was that, fucking the man she'd divorced right after trying to convince me to take the next step? I ended it right away--I don't need that kind of drama. Amber was overjoyed, both that her parents had gotten closer again and that I was out of the picture. In fact, she gleefully pointed out to me how she'd done everything she could to get them back together, even telling her mother that I'd been looking at her "funny," like I wanted to rip her clothes off. Don't get me wrong. Amber was a pretty girl, but she was a high school student when I met her. Sixteen. My girlfriend's kid. I never looked at her in the way she claimed. In fact, I was disappointed that I didn't have time to win Amber over and make her see I wasn't the bastard she thought I was. I didn't break up her parents, and I wasn't trying to ruin her family. I'll admit I thought of her as a little bitch more than once, and that was probably immature of me, especially since I was more than twice her age, but I'm only human. Amber called me up several months after her mom and I broke things off. Shocked doesn't begin to describe how I felt. She had nothing but spite for me for two years, but now that her mom and I were truly finished she wanted to see me about something? Of course I agreed, if only out of curiosity. Her mom had squandered her college savings, and she was having trouble covering the tuition for her freshman year at the university because apparently her father wasn't responsible with money either. That's really a shame. Every kid should get to go to college, and each kid's parents should do what they can to see to that. But I'm not her parent, and she did everything she could to make sure I never would be, apparently. Her screwed up parents and money problems have nothing to do with me. Can you believe the nerve of her to come and ask me for money after the way she'd treated me? And the way she was dressed--black high-heels, super short skirt, a tight white T-shirt without a bra beneath it. Amber was 18 now, and very much a beautiful woman. A fucking hot woman. I felt guilty for thinking that at first, but she was 18, and we'd never been close. As I said, I'm human.

I had no doubt she knew exactly what she was doing. She was hoping I'd see tits and ass and write a check spotted with my own drool. I'll be honest with you. That might have happened if she'd come to see me on a different day. As it was, I'd just gotten a call from her mother who couldn't seem to let go of the idea that I hadn't wanted anything to do with her for months. The ex apparently grew tired of her, too. So she thought she'd win me back. Ha! I also hadn't had a good date in a while. Then Amber showed up, all supple and curvy and big-tittied, flipping her long, thick hair and batting her pretty hazel eyes and acting nice for the first time ever. Here’s how good she was--she looked down after she asked me for the money she needed, then look up at me with her head still tilted down, all seductive and sultry. And then, I swear to God, she sucked her thick, pink bottom lip into her mouth, biting it as if nervous, in a way that made me want to feel those lips somewhere on me right fucking now. "Amber . . . I'll be frank. You've been nothing but a little bitch to me. Why--?" "Look, I'm sorry about that," she said, and she was almost convincing. "I was a little . . . jealous and intimidated that my mom was with someone so completely . . . sexy and together. You were always a little too good for her. Anyway, if I hadn't found you so attractive, we'd have probably had a great relationship. It's completely my fault, and I'm sorry." I'm sure it was the seductive way she was acting that made me even think such a thing could be possible. I didn't believe her flattery, but it was still hot to hear it. When I was dating her mom I just wanted her to be nice. Now she was trying to say she'd been a bitch because she thought I was attractive? In the list of things in my life that are probably too good to be true, that one ranks pretty high. But when she chewed her lip and looked up at me, the only thing I could think of was her looking up at me like that with my cock right in her face. God, she was sexy--and she knew it. I could have just given her the money. I probably should have, or I should have told her no and been done with it. But I'm a red-blooded man, and there was an 18-year-old temptress in my living room asking me for a huge favor after treating me like shit for two years. I decided I'd give her the money, but I was going to get something out of it, too. "Sure, I'll help you out," I said. Her whole head lifted then, and she smiled. I could tell she was surprised. "Thank you, Greg. You have no idea how much I appreciate it." That was the first time she'd said my name in anything but a hateful sing-song. "I expect you to show me how much you appreciate it." Her smile shifted a little. "I . . . don't know what you mean." "I mean that if I give you the money, I expect you to show your appreciation in return. By doing whatever I want you to do. Payback for my generosity." "Oh, I could . . . clean your house once a week, or do your laundry or something?" I laughed, though I couldn't tell if she was playing innocent or really hadn't figured it out yet. "I don't need help with those things. But I do need someone to suck my cock and spread her legs when I'm horny." I'd said it as casually as if I'd been dictating a grocery list. I felt excited and like a sleazeball at the same time. Her smile disappeared. "You've got to be joking." I just kept looking at her. "How badly do you want to go to college?" "I could sell my car and have enough, probably." "So why didn't you do that before you came here? Thought I'd be a pushover, didn't you? Go ahead and sell your car, and deal with walking and public transportation, and relying on your

mother to take you back and forth when you need to come home for holidays or breaks or something. You know how reliable she is. Or . . . do what I ask." She thought for a few minutes, and then asked, "For how long?" "Until you go to college--the full two months between now and then." Her lips trembled just enough for me to see it. Is it completely wrong of me to think she looked even sexier vulnerable that way? "And . . . what exactly would I have to do? Just suck your dick now and then, or . . . or let you fuck me?" "That," I said, "but not exactly. I want you to be my slave--at my complete mercy when you're with me. I've always thought that was a hot idea. You can fulfill my fantasy of having a submissive little slut to give me pleasure, while I help you with your dream of going to college." "I am not a slut!" She stood up as if she were going to storm out. "You look sort of like one today. I can almost taste your nipples through that T-shirt." I really had no idea I could be such a bastard, but I was enjoying her discomfort after the two years she was a complete bitch to me. She bit her lip again, clearly considering it. Just the idea that it could be possible--I swear to God my cock hardened instantly, 0 to 60 in a second flat. "You thought it was all right to look like a little tart to get me to give you money. It's not that much different to go ahead and be one, is it?" "You're a bastard," she said. I laughed. "Maybe. Or maybe I'm a hell of a nice guy you never gave a chance. Now you're grown up and you need a favor. I should have told you to fuck off before hanging up the phone, but I was good enough to see you. Now all I'm asking for is a little quid pro quo--you submit to me for two months, I'll pay your college fees. You never know--you might even enjoy it. You said you found me attractive, after all." She didn't say anything, but I figured she probably regretted saying that now. I decided to, as they say, shit or get off the pot. "Sit back down and let me explain what I want, so we can see if this is going to work out or not." She looked toward the door, then at me, then plopped back down into the chair. "Stand up." "But you just--" "You threw yourself down in spite. You will stand up and sit down properly. If you can't obey such a simple command as that, you might as well kiss my money goodbye, honey." She stood up in a huff, but remembered herself and sat slowly. "Good," I said, loving it already. "What I want from you is this: complete obedience. If I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it, without question or protest. Just obey. Whether it's to take your shoes off or to suck my cock--you simply do it as I tell you. Do you think you're capable of that for two months?" "I--I don't know." "Better figure it out." She swallowed hard. "You won't hurt me or anything, will you?" I smiled then, thinking of her perfectly rounded little ass with my rosy pink handprints on it. "Not much." Her eyes looked a little wet when she nodded her head. I refused to feel guilty, though it wasn't easy. She could have sold her car if she had been so against it, after all. I wasn't her only

option. She could have told me to fuck right off. But since she had chosen the sex option behind Door #2, I was going to make the most of it. "When does it start?" she asked. "Now." I could have waited, but I was already rock hard and eager, and frankly I wanted a taste of her in case she changed her mind. She nodded again and sighed, sounding exasperated. I let her have that much. "There are a few dishes in the sink," I said. "Go and wash them." Amber hesitated, probably having expected me to order her to suck my cock or something. I tried not to laugh at the odd look on her face when she stood up and headed into the kitchen. I stayed where I was, listening to her wash the dishes, thinking of all the fun I was going to have over the next couple of months. Any guilt I should have felt disappeared when I pictured her young, naked body as mine for the taking. And finally being able to stop her from saying my name in that bitchy little way she'd always done. The idea of a submissive to obey my every whim, that was an idea that had turned me on for a while. I was honest when I'd told her I'd thought of it. I'd just never been brave enough to experiment with that lifestyle. And here a submissive--one I'd no doubt have to train and perhaps discipline a bit--had fallen into my lap. It was better than Christmas. "I'm finished," she said. She stood in the kitchen doorway and didn't come any farther into the room. "Good," I said. "Come here and kneel." When she hesitated, I turned my head. "If you refuse to hold up your end of the bargain, this isn't going to work. You're either going to do what I tell you to do when I tell you to do it, or you'll have to find another way to pay your tuition. I'm not going to remind you of that again." She stomped across the room and stopped in front of me, then dropped to her knees so fast it had to smart when they hit the floor. Amber sat back on her heels. "Stand up." With a huff of exasperation, she stood and put her hands on her shapely hips. God, it was going to be fun teaching her to behave. "Take off the skirt." After a few tense seconds where I thought she might actually change her mind and leave, she shinnied the skirt down her legs. She stepped out of it and stood there in front of me in only black high-heels, a too-tight white T-shirt and a black, barely-there G-string. Perfect. "On your knees again--this time without attitude or you'll be standing and kneeling a hundred times until you do it right." She lowered herself to her knees carefully. "Stay upright on your knees, and spread them apart. That's right. Now you look . . . eager. Put your hands behind your back, and lower your chin so you're looking down a little. Very good. This is a position you need to remember, because this is how I want you to always present yourself to me when we're alone. Understand?" She nodded. "Say it out loud." Amber kept her teeth clenched together. "Yes, I understand." I laughed a little and shook my head. "Oh, sweetie, you're going to be fun. This time, say it nicely and address me."

She said it a little more normally. "Yes, I understand, Greg." "Nice. But while you're my little slut, I don't want you to call me by my name." "What do you want me to call you, then? Master?" She looked directly at me, clearly angry. "Lower your eyes," I instructed, raising my finger. "Master has a lovely ring to it. You can call me that, and Sir. Use them both off and on." Her eyes actually got wet then, and part of me almost just gave in. Maybe if she'd ever made an effort to be nice to me or give me a chance, I'd have stopped. But I really did have a point to prove to the girl. And God, I wanted her, with the idea of this young thing called me Master hardening me instantly. She lowered her chin again and whispered, "Yes, I understand. Master." "That's a start." I leaned forward and traced the bottom of her T-shirt with my finger before taking it and lifting it up. Amber tensed when I'd lifted it as far as the bottom of her round breasts, so I paused for just a moment. Then I lifted it the rest of the way, enough to expose her tits without taking it off. "You're beautiful," I said, meaning it. She didn't reply, but I didn't care. I cupped one firm tit in the palm of my hand, supporting it and feeling its weight, then I let my thumb brush over the nipple. It was so soft, but tightened instantly. She sucked in a little breath, so I rubbed over the nipple again, a little more firmly, teasing it with my thumb. Amber tried not to be bothered by it, I could tell, but she squirmed a little. I cupped her other breast in the same way, and brought that nipple to life, too. I rubbed them both with my thumbs, then pinched them lightly between thumb and fingers. She squirmed a little more. "Come up here. Straddle my lap." I sat back in the easy chair and patted my thighs. "Keep your arms behind your back." As soon as she was in position, I licked one nipple and tweaked the other before glancing up at her face. She was a little flushed, maybe from embarrassment or excitement, or both. I sucked a nipple into my mouth and worked it with my tongue, while lightly pinching the other. She gasped, and her body tensed, probably from trying not to react. So I teased her nipple for a while longer, and then sucked like a baby desperate for milk. She made a soft sound, her back arching as if she might try to pull away. But she didn't. I switched sides, teasing the other nipple before sucking hard, fully intending to make her sweet little titties tender. My fingers toyed with the other one, hard and still wet from my mouth. I pinched the one I was sucking on lightly with my teeth, and she gasped again. My free hand went to her crotch, where I slid a finger under the small patch of fabric to slip between her lips. Her pussy was soaked. Amber cried out, her body jerking enough that her nipple popped out of my mouth. "I--I don't think I can do this." I held my finger up, slick with her excitement. "Really? Because your pussy seems raring to go." "I--I--" I slipped my finger back into her panties and her slit, my fingertip brushing over her clit. She made a wordless sound, and her back arched a little again. "At heart, you're really just a little slut, aren't you?" "No!" I rubbed her clit in circles. She swallowed hard. "But I'm not a slut. I--I haven't really done all that much."

My hand stopped. "Surely you're not a virgin." "No, but . . . I've only been with a couple of guys . . . a couple of times." I rubbed again. Her gasp made me believe her. A couple of teenaged guys probably didn't spend much time on foreplay. This might be something fairly new to her. "So, you're not a slut. But you can be one at heart. Wanting to get fucked six ways to Sunday. Needing it." She shook her head and bit her lip, but her hips were starting to move a little as I massaged her clit. "Tell me this feels good, because I know it does." "It . . . it feels good." "It feels good what." "It feels good . . . Sir." I rewarded her by flicking her clit with my fingertip a few times before rubbing it gently again. "Good girl." Then I pushed my index and middle finger together against her pussy. She tensed up. "Just take a deep breath, relax, and let me do this." She took a shaky breath and relaxed so I pushed my fingers in. God, she was so wet and tight that I groaned. Amber whimpered, so I thrust them deep, rubbing her clit with my thumb at the same time. I leaned forward and caught a nipple, sucking it hard. "Oh!" she cried out. I fucked her with my fingers, rubbing and flicking my thumb over her clit while I sucked one tit, then the other. She was supposed to be my sex slave, so I should have made her suck my dick or bend over to be fucked instead of giving her this pleasure first. But maybe this would help her see it wouldn't be so bad after all? "Ride my fingers, Amber. Say 'yes, Sir.'" "Yes, Sir," she groaned, and wasted no time in pumping her hips up and down to meet the thrusts of my fingers. "What a little slut you are," I said, looking up at her pretty, flushed face. "What a good little girl. Ask for permission before you come, and I might allow it. Ask nicely and say please. And don't forget to say Sir or Master." I sucked her nipple hard again, using my teeth, and caught the other between my fingers, twisting a little. My other hand was busy finger-fucking her and flicking her clit. Every movement of my hand and arm rubbed against the hard cock trapped in my pants, tempting me to just toss her down on the floor and fuck her. But she was beautiful this way, and completely at my mercy. I couldn't wait to feel her come. "Oh, oh . . . I'm going to--I--may I come . . . ?" I shook my head and nipped at her swollen little bud. "Again. Do it right." "May I please come, Sir?" Her voice was tense, rising in pitch, and I honestly doubted she could stop herself from coming even if I said no. "Yes. Come for Your Master," I groaned, sucking the other nipple between my teeth, my thumb beating out a rhythm on her throbbing clit. I slipped my other hand round to her back, and it's a good thing I did. She cried out wordlessly, her body arching forward, her head tossed back, so much so that without my hand behind her she might have tipped backwards. Her pussy muscles clenched around my fingers making my cock throb. She ground down against my hand hard enough that my wrist protested with a little ache at the angle. Her pussy kept squeezing around my fingers, her orgasm drawn-out and fucking gorgeous.

When she was done, she leaned forward, her body trembling a little. With my hand wetter than ever, fingers still in her pussy, I said, "Thank me." "Thank you, Sir," she breathed, panting and licking her lips. I smiled, genuinely pleased. "You're welcome. Get up, and go down the hall, first door on the right. Undress and get on the bed, in the correct position. You're going to show me just how grateful you are." She rose on slightly unsteady legs. Her high-heels clicked down the hallway as I rubbed my cock through my pants. "Easy, boy. It's your turn in a minute." I waited, just to give her time to kneel there on the bed and think, before I rose and made my way down the hall. Amber was in the right position on the bed--kneeling, her knees spread, her arms behind her back. Her tits were so pert and round, her nipples still sticking out enticingly. A little strip of hair pointed to her pussy. "You're a natural at this, Amber. Who knew?" I peeled my shirt off and lay on my back on the bed next to her. I took one of her hands and placed it on the hard mound in the front of my trousers. "You caused that. Rub it. And tell me exactly what kinds of slutty little things you did with those boys you've been with." Amber rubbed my cock through my pants a little awkwardly, almost as if she really hadn't done it much. "Um, they played with my tits, and . . . fingered me a little. Fucked me, and--" "How many times have you been fucked, Amber?" "Four--four times. Sir." "Four times. Jesus Christ," I said. She wasn't a virgin, and you'd have thought she was Miss Hotpants USA by the way she dressed, but she'd only had sex four times. My cock jumped under her hand. "How many times have you sucked cock?" "Once, Sir." "I have a lot to teach you, don't I?" "Yes, Sir." I put another pillow behind my head so I could see easier, then laced my hands there, ready to watch her pretty mouth on my cock. "Get between my legs, undo my pants, and show me what you can do." "Yes, Sir." She knelt between my legs and undid the button with slightly shaking hands. Maybe she was still shaking from her orgasm or the embarrassment of it all, or maybe she was shaking because she was nervous. Either way, it turned me the fuck on. She unzipped my fly and spread the fabric open, then pulled the waistband of my briefs down below my cock, which sprang up when it was freed. "Oh," she gasped and looked up at me as if she'd never seen a hard cock before. Maybe my eight inches was more than either of the boys she'd been with were packing. She opened her mouth and took my head in, her tongue just resting there, and sucked lightly. Then Amber bobbed her head up and down a little, taking another inch or two in before sucking and sliding her lips up to the head again. "Sweetheart," I said, touched in a strange way by her inexperience--touched in a way that surprised me and made me a little uncomfortable. "Pretend my cock is the biggest, tastiest lollipop you've ever seen. Lick every inch of it, all the way from the base to the tip, like you just can't get enough. Long licks, little ones, suck sometimes, not just on the head--all before you

really take any into your mouth. Make it an experience for the man, not just the act of sucking. Understand?" She nodded, but looked a little bothered. "Yes, Sir." Her wet, pink tongue slipped out of her mouth and touched the head of my cock as she gave her first lick, looking up at me, I guess to see if I wanted to offer anymore instruction. She licked again, then held my cock in her hand as she licked up the side, stopping to kiss a spot and suck lightly at it just like I'd told her. "Oh, that's a good girl. You're a fast learner. Make love to it with your mouth and tongue . . . mmm, yeah. Worship my cock with your mouth." God, it was sexy watching her pink lips and tongue move all over my cock. "That's it. Oh, yeah," I groaned as she licked the sensitive spot just beneath the crown. "Suck a little, right there. That's my good girl." She lapped all over my dick, and sucked that sensitive spot a few more times--she really was a fast learner--before she sucked my head into her mouth again. "Now use your tongue as you suck--oh, good girl." She was figuring it out. I really would have liked it with her wrists behind her back, using only her mouth on me, almost gagging as she took me in deep. But she'd done this only once, so I made it easier on her. "Suck me in as much as you can, and put your hand around me to stroke as you suck. You should be stroking or sucking every inch of my cock. And don't forget your tongue." She did as she was told. Her technique still left a little something to be desired, but watching her struggling to take in more and more of my cock was the hottest thing I'd seen in a long time. I was ready to blow. "Did you swallow his come when you sucked his cock?" She shook her head. "You're going to swallow mine, every time." She pulled her head up, letting my wet cock bob free. "No, I can't!" I leaned up and grabbed her chin. "You can, and you will. Now that you have to give a little something you're forgetting why you're here. You don't talk back--you obey, remember? I'm going to punish you for that to teach you not to tell me no. But first, finish what you've started." Amber shook her head. "But, I'll gag. I'm sorry . . . Master, but I know I will." I took a deep breath in through my nose. "I promise you'll learn to swallow without gagging. Like anything else it takes practice. Now you need to practice being a better obedient slut--this whole time you've stopped stroking me." I grabbed her head and guided her mouth back down to my cock, and like a good girl she began stroking and sucking again. My fingers were tight in her hair, enough to pinch a little just to make my point. "That's my good baby girl. Suck your Master's big cock . . . " Just saying things like that to her and knowing she was reluctant but doing it anyway turned me on even more than I thought it would. The only thing better would have been her crawling to me on her hands and knees and begging to worship my cock with a genuine desire to do so. I could and probably would make her pretend, and that would be something, but I knew she'd never really want me in any meaningful way. Her obedience was the best I'd get--and God damn if I didn't want it more than anything else at that moment. I groaned, then took a little mercy on her. "Almost there--breathe through your nose when it starts and wait a bit before you swallow. It'll be easier." My hand in her hair held her in place, but I could feel and see her shaking her head. The stubborn little-"Don't shake your head at me . . . oh, oh, here it comes, baby--"

"Mmmm!" she moaned, trying to turn her head and pull away, but I held her mouth on my cock and even pushed down so she took more in just as I came. Her hand squeezed around me from trying to keep more of me out of her mouth, and the tightness made it even better for me. I bucked, pulsing into her mouth again and again. When I was satisfied, I released her hair and she pulled away, rolling back onto the bed, coughing. Much of it had run out of her mouth down the sides of my cock. Her lips were shiny with my come. I panted, recovering from a fucking awesome orgasm, even despite the interruption and her resistance to it all. Maybe because of it. "Apologize to me for not trying to swallow, and you'd better do it good." I'd always thought phrases like "her eyes flashed fire" or "her eyes burned holes in me" were bullshit clichés. I promise you they're not, not after seeing the way she looked at me. But good sense apparently won out, good sense and a serious need for cash, because she wiped the back of her hand over her mouth and whispered, "I'm sorry . . . Master." I licked my lips. "More. Show me that you're sorry. Clean up the mess you left." I gestured at my still firm cock and the come coating it. I wiggled my tongue at her after I noticed her looking at the tissue box on the nightstand. She frowned, but didn't protest this time. As she leaned forward and her pink tongue touched the side of my cock, I wondered if my hard-on would even have time to go down before I got excited again. Her face showed exactly how distasteful she thought it was, but she still licked up and around the sides of my cock, cleaning my come away as I'd asked her to. "Good girl." I sighed with contentment and watched her lap at my cock until it was cleaned. Then she sat up. "Tomorrow I want you to look online to find out the things a submissive should do and say. You'll study on your own so you can please me better without having to be told everything to say. Do you understand?" God, I was really getting off on the power I had. It was almost scary. "Yes, Sir." I patted the bed next to me and sat up. "Lie on your back." She looked nervous. "Don't worry. This isn't your punishment. Not yet." Once she was on her back, I put my hands under her knees and pushed them up, spreading her wide at the same time. There was some resistance, but she didn't really fight it. "Look at that wet pussy," I breathed. "And it's mine to eat, fuck, and tease for the next two months." I could barely believe it, but there it was, wet and pink and sweet. I leaned down and licked over the slightly puffy lips, then let the tip of my tongue dip inside at the top to touch her swollen clit. I sucked lightly, and her whole body spasmed, a soft little noise catching in her throat. "Either of those boys do this to you?" "Both, Sir." "Were they good? Did you come?" She shook her head. "No, Mas--" I was already sucking her clit again, in disbelief that I'd be the first to do this to her and make her come. I wondered just how many orgasms she'd ever had. Amber acted like having her pussy finger-fucked earlier, a thumb on her clit, was the most incredible thing ever. I licked circles around her clit and sucked lightly, all the while pushing against her thighs to keep her legs up and spread.

"Oh my--oh, God!" Amber's clit pulsated against my tongue as she flexed and relaxed, building quickly toward another orgasm. I slowed my movements, not wanting her to get there too quickly. "Hold your legs up. And don't forget to ask for permission." I let go of her thighs and used two fingers to glide up and down over her hole while I sucked her clit. My fingers plunged inside her as I began flicking my tongue quickly over her clit, buzzing it good. "Oh, may I--may I come, Sir?" Her legs trembled and her pussy rocked up against my mouth. "No," I said, withdrawing my fingers and tongue at the same time, intending to make her wait for the orgasm until after I'd punished her. But her pussy had other plans. I could see her muscles tensing and her pussy quivering as her body pushed itself into release. "I can't--ah!" Her body arched and her glistening pussy quivered as she came without my permission, but I couldn't resist her. I clamped my mouth over her slick, pink center and lapped over her clit, loving the way everything twitched and fluttered under my tongue. When it was over and she lay there panting and shaking, I sat up but kept rubbing her pussy with the palm of my hand, keeping her warm. "I'm sorry, Sir." "I know." I slid my fingers between her lips, sliding them up and down her slit. "You've only had young, inexperienced boys with their little dicks in their hands. They don't know what they're doing yet. I do. Wait until I mean to make you come with my tongue, little girl." "Th-thank you, Sir." A little spasm of pleasure made her stutter. That pleased me. "Hands and knees, my little slut." I could still tell she didn't like being called that, but she did as she was told. "Now put your head down so your ass is high in the air. Knees far apart like the eager little cock slut you are, that's right. I want to have access to every inch of this sweet ass." I put a hand on each perfect cheek and squeezed, spreading her apart to reveal a tiny puckered asshole. An asshole I couldn't wait to sample, frankly. But this was all so new to her, I didn't want to push her too far. I had two months to play with every bit of her, after all. I moved to her side and put a hand on her upper back, as if to hold her still. Then I drew back my hand and swatted her ass cheek with a blow designed to sting. "Ahw!" she squeaked, in a cross between a gasp and oww! "This is for protesting and telling me no. You're supposed to be my slave, sweetheart. You don't get the privilege of no." I smacked her again on the other cheek. "Do you understand me?" "Yes, Sir," she said, her voice a little tighter than it had been before. Several more smacks landed on her ass cheeks, which were turning a lovely shade of pink. She whimpered with the last one, so I stopped and gently rubbed her bottom instead. My fingertips made their way to her wet crease. I rubbed up and down her slit, finally making little circles around her clit, noting that she was wetter and hotter than ever. "Oh, sweetheart, this is supposed to be punishment." I smiled, unable to help feeling extremely pleased that even though she did not want to do this and would have preferred I just handed her the money in exchange for an IOU, she was clearly getting something out of it. I kept smacking her bottom, a couple of blows on each side at a time, then I fingered her clit between the strikes to give her a moment to recover. Her cheeks turned hot pink, close to red, and her pussy only seemed to keep getting wetter. Amber's breathing changed, as well, and I knew that she was going to get off again soon. "These are for coming without permission. But you like the pain, don't you?"

"No, Sir, I--" I smacked her ass, hard. "I--I mean yes, Sir." "That's what I thought." A few more blows and my hand was starting to sting, so I slicked my thumb between her pussy lips and rubbed it over her puckered little asshole. Her whole body jerked, and she made a noise--she'd meant to say no but caught herself. Good girl. I rubbed her hole, imagining how tight it would be around my cock. That would have to wait, however. As much as I'd like to bury myself deep in her ass, there was only so much it was fair to make her do right at first. But I was going to enjoy when I finally did it. Instead, I just stroked over it, from soft to firm movements, and sometimes pressed as if I was going to pop my thumb inside. I didn't try to, though. I just wanted her to feel that spot more than ever before and get used to being touched there. Get used to the idea that her asshole, like all her holes, were now mine. My fingertips flicked over her clit, faster and faster, only stopping occasionally for an odd smack, just to keep her off-guard. I'd fully recovered, my cock starting to harden again at the sight of her spanked little ass up in the air. "Oh," she moaned, her thighs starting to twitch. "Master, may I--" I withdrew my hand. "No. You've already come twice, my little slut. I've given you a lot of pleasure already. Now I'm going to give you something else." I moved behind her, grabbed her hips tightly, and pressed my cockhead against her warm, wet pussy. I groaned at just the feel of pressing against her--it was going to be so good! "Oh, Master . . . I . . . I've never done it like this." "Good. All you have to do is take it," I said, pulling her hips back at the same time I pushed mine slowly forward. I wanted to bang her hard--fill her with one fast stroke and keep fucking her. Soon. Today, though, was about her understanding her place in this. Really hurting her wouldn't accomplish anything. Not until she wanted to be hurt, at least. She made a high-pitched moan as my cock slowly filled her up, despite her muscles sometimes tightening as if to stop me. When that happened, I slapped the side of her ass and pushed forward with a little more force, showing her that I would take what was mine in the way I wanted. "Oh yeah, baby, take my cock just like that." When I was completely inside her I slapped her ass again. You're mine now. I rocked my hips back, withdrawing just a touch before pushing in faster, a hard little thrust designed to establish my ownership. She cried out, but not in pain, at least not as far as I could tell. I did it again, withdrawing a little further before thrusting harder back in, my body slapping against hers. "You've got a tight little pussy, don't you?" "Yes, Master." "That's a good girl. Master's gonna fuck you so good." I started fucking her slowly, pushing in faster than I withdrew, then varying it so she'd never know what to expect. I let my fingertips slip between her cheeks to brush over her tight little pucker, just because I loved the way she tried to withdraw from the touch. You'll beg me to touch you there eventually. I didn't know if that were true, but I made the silent vow anyway. She might still hate me after two months--God knows this little bargain would be enough to make anyone hate me--but I was going to do everything to make sure she'd really want my cock by the time this was all over. She might revert back to calling me Gray-egg

when she went back to school, but I wanted her to get wet every time she remembered the things I did to her. Because God knew I was going to get hard every time I thought about her from now on. She made sweet little gasps as I sped up, pumping into her until our bodies slapped together, then pausing before pulling out even faster. Each time we met, her little ah, ah sent a thrill from the center of my stomach out to my chest and my cock. Amber had clearly taken me at my word that all she had to do was take it, because she merely stayed in place and let me fuck her. That was fine for now, but I looked forward to lying on my back and having her ride my cock, doing all the work, too. As it was, she was so tight and hot I was on the edge before I knew it, and pumping into her hard, her little ah coming louder with each thrust. "Fuck yeah, baby." I tilted my pelvis up so that every time our bodies slammed together I touched more of her pussy, letting her clit get in the on the action a little more directly. I slapped the side of her ass. "Oh, yeah." "Ah, oh, Master . . . can I . . . come, can I . . . please, ah." "Such an eager little slut . . . yeah." I slapped her again, then said, "Come hard on Master's cock, right now." She squealed and her pussy tightened around me as she came hard, her body bucking back against me. "Fuck!" I pounded into her and shot my load, unable to hold back with the feel of her tight, teenaged muscles milking my cock as she got off. "Oh, yeah, yeah . . . mmm." I slammed into her a few more times until I was spent, then just stayed deep inside, catching my breath and stroking her hips and back. God, she really was lovely, and she was just built to be fucked. I let myself slip out and plopped onto the bed next her, pushing against her hip gently to let her know she could lie down. She let her body drop so that she was on her belly, her face turned toward me. "Amber, what should you say to me?" "Thank you, Sir," she whispered. I nodded my head, thinking that was enough for now. Her face was flushed with arousal, and her eyelids were droopy. "You probably had other things to do today, didn't you? For after you left here? You may leave whenever you need to. Make a schedule of the places you have to be and the times for at least the next couple of weeks, and bring it to me tomorrow. Then I'll tell you when I want you to be here." "Yes, Sir." "One more thing. Those little teenaged boys you see? Don't. You're mine for now. If I find out you let anyone else have you for the next two months, the deal's off." She suddenly looked less sleepy and more angry, which made me want to smile. "You can nap, if you wish, take a shower now or when you wake up. I'll leave that up to you." I reached over and brushed hair off her forehead, then pulled my hand back, surprised at myself. "Tomorrow, bring me the payment schedule, and I'll make sure it's taken care of. Are you free at six o'clock? And for the whole night?" "Yes. Thank you, Sir." She had a slight edge back in her voice. I didn't know if it was anger or something else. I had the urge to lean over and taste her mouth, an urge that shocked me. Maybe it was just that she was so beautiful and young, her lips pink and moist and temping. I had to remind myself that her outside didn't match her inside, not if the way she'd always treated

me was any indication. But even after thinking about what a little bitch she'd always been to me, I still wanted to kiss her. I touched those pretty lips with my fingertip, but then got up from the bed to go clean up in the guest bathroom, leaving my shower for her. She didn't move or say anything else. When I got to the doorway, I turned. "Thank you, Amber," I said softly, another surprise in a day of surprising myself. Then I went to clean up, or the smell of her fresh young body wafting up from mine would have me back in there in no time. Before I even got into the shower, I heard my front door slam. She revved her engine before she pulled away. I felt so disappointed that she'd dressed and left so quickly. Somehow I'd hoped she'd feel differently now. It dawned on me then what a fucker I was, taking advantage of an 18year-old whose parents were irresponsible, and demanding sex and obedience for cash. Was my cock really more important than my conscience? The little devil on my shoulder said if it wasn't me, it'd be some horny teenager who didn't know a thing about a woman's body. At least I'd be giving her pleasure . . . . Maybe I'd do something else nice for her, just to show her I wasn't the fucker that I was starting to believe I might be. A nice dress, or a dinner and a movie or something. Is it awful that my mind went right to what she could do to me in a dark movie theater? I managed to get in a shower before the phone rang. A supplier hadn't come through in time, so I had to head in to put out some fires. It was just as well. I needed some distraction or I'd have a hard-on until she got back the next day--if she came back. At least if she decided college wasn't worth fucking me for, I'd always have the memory of her sweet, young pussy around me and hearing her little whimpers of pleasure. Before I came home that evening, I did a little shopping. I was surprised that I remembered some of her favorite foods from the short snippets of time I was around her when I dated her mom. I stocked up on her favorite cookies and chips, her favorite veggies and the kind of tea I thought she liked. I also bought her a box of expensive chocolates. If she was going to be spending time with me, I thought she might as well feel as welcome as possible. I also picked up a few supplies at an adult store and a couple of DVDs to help her along. I wanted to be ready. If that beautiful little girl did come back, she was going to come--again and again, in every way imaginable, every time her Master demanded it.


Thank you for reading Amber's Agreement! Look for the entire trilogy in one ebook: Submissive Summer: The Complete Amber Trilogy It contains all three stores: Amber's Agreement Amber's Education Testing Amber Also, look for these stories by Cherry Allen: Stand-Alone Stories Hot Teen Next Door: An Erotic Voyeurism and Menage Story With Sal Cooley My Girlfriend's Horse Dildo Fantasy Horse Dildos for Both My Girlfriends (sequel, coming soon) The Rape Fantasies Series Alice Loves Anal: An Ass-Play Wonderland Annie Loves Authority: Strip-Search Submission Mona Loves Monsters: A Halloween Gangbang Brittany Loves Bikers: Motorcycle Gang Gangbang Debbie Loves Doctors: Medical Fetish BDSM Sex Exam Mona Loves Monsters 2: Werewolf Sex Curse Coming Soon Debbie Loves Doctors 2 Betty Loves Bondage: Forced BDSM Torment Brittany Loves Bikers 2 The Neighbor Spanked Me More Titles Available and Coming Soon Find out more at and sign up for Cherry's update newsletter!

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