Amazon Seller

June 4, 2016 | Author: nohel01 | Category: N/A
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amazon seller panel...


1. Can you sell used/ refurbished items ?

2. What are the different ways by which you could update Price and Quantity ?

3. How will you find out whether you have listed the same product multiple times ?

4. Within how many hours should you respond to customer queries ?

5. If a message in your Buyer Seller Messaging tool doesn't require any response. What should you do?

6. How can you check for new orders?

7. What is the default Lead Time To Ship/Handling Time/Fulfilment Latency ?

1 2

Yes No

3 From manage your inventory 4 Using Price and Quantity file (Excel Loader) 5 Partial update 6 All of the above 7 8 9

Inventory report Sold listings report Not possible to find out

10 11 12 13

32 hours 64 hours 24 hours 48 hours

14 No need to respond 15 I should mark it as 'NOT REQUIRING RESPONSE' by checking the 'MARK AS NO RESPONSE NEEDED' box 16 Contact seller support 17 Order notification email/SMS 18 Manage order section in Seller Central 19 Order reports section in Seller Central 20 All of the above 21 22 23 24

1-2 Business days 4 Business days 3 Business days 7 Business days

Option 2

Option 4

Option 1

Option 3

Option 2

Option 4

Option 1

8. If you have listed your products on other online or offline sales channels then the price of that product on Amazon should be ?

9. Who will bear the OCTROI charges, if any, for a merchant fulfilled order?

10. How often can you expect the payment from Amazon for all shipment confirmed orders ?

11. How can you view all transactions that occurred during a settlement period?

12. How can you take feedback from customers ?

13. What are the methods by which you can contact the buyer?

25 Less than other sales channels 26 Less than or equal to other sales channels 27 Greater than other sales channels 28 Customer will have to pay before receiving the shipment 29 Seller will pay 30 Amazon will pay 31 30 days from order confirmation 32 Same day 33 7-14 days from order confirmation 34 Reports -> Payments -> Transaction View 35 Reports -> Payments -> Statement View -> Sub Total Link 36 Option a and b 37 I don't have an option to take feedback 38 Add a note in the invoice 39 Shipment confirmation email 40 Option b and c 41 Use buyer's encrypted email id 42 Use Seller Central Contact buyer form 43 Sellers are not allowed to contact the buyer

Option 2

Option 2

Option 3

Option 3

Option 4

Option 5

44 Call the buyer 45 Option a,b and d

14. If a buyer provides negative feedback, what are the ways in which you can react ?

15. Buyers can claim the A2Z Guarantee in which of the following scenarios?

16. Within how many days should you respond to an A-to-Z claim notification from Amazon?

17. While issuing a full refund, what percentage of the referral amount will be held back by Amazon?

46 Resolve the issue by contacting the buyer through Amazon and request the removal of the feedback 47 Nothing, it cannot be changed Option 48 You can post a response on 5 the negative feedback on the website 49 Contact seller support to contest the feedback 50 Option a,c and d 51 Seller fails to deliver the products within 3 days from the maximum estimated deliver date 52 If the buyer received defective, damaged or not the item depicted in the seller's description 53 If the seller has not provided the refund or replacement as per the policy 54 All of the above 55 30 calendar days 56 7 calendar days 57 Not mandatory to respond 58 10% OR Rs. 300/(whichever is lesser) 59 20% OR Rs. 300/(whichever is lesser) 60 30% OR Rs. 300/(whichever is lesser)

Option 4

Option 2

Option 2

18. Amazon will automatically cancel your order if you do not confirm your shipment after ______ days of Estimated Ship Date ?

19. An order is in pending state for more than 2 days. What should I do?

20. When is the cancellation charge of 2.5% of an order value applicable ?

21.What should you do when a customer contacts you and requests you to cancel his order on his behalf?

22. To avoid your account from being suspended from the platform, what are the

61 7 62 4 63 2

64 Contact seller support 65 I don't need to do anything until the order appears in the un-shipped order's page 66 Ship the item and confirm the order 67 All seller cancelled orders (Except buyer requested cancellation) 68 Amazon auto-cancelled orders (Because seller has not shipped the order and confirmed shipment within 48 hours of the last date of Estimated Ship Date) 69 Amazon will not auto cancel an order 70 Options a and b

Option 3

Option 1

Option 4

71 Ask customer to cancel the order on his own if it is within 30 minutes 72 If customer insists, cancel the order using ‘Buyer Requested Cancellation' option Option after getting a message from 4 customer with the reason code as 'cancel order' 73 Don’t cancel the order and contact Seller Support 74 Option a and b 75 1%, 2.5%, 4% respectively Option 76 2%, 2.5%, 3% respectively 1 77 3%, 2%, 2.5% respectively

performance target you should maintain for the following metrics: Order defect rate, Pre-fulfillment cancel rate, Late ship rate ?

23.What happens when you do not meet the Seller Performance Targets?

24. When you upload any excel template (flat file, price and quantity template, etc) to the seller central platform, which format should the template be in? 25. How can you recover your selling privileges if your account is suspended or blocked by Amazon ?

26. How do you find new product opportunities that are popular on but are currently unavailable ?

27. How will we notify you regarding new selling opportunities?

78 There is no action taken but you are expected to improve your performance 79 You receive a warning notification by the Amazon Seller Performance team to improve your performance on priority 80 Your account might get suspended immediately, if you miss your performance target by a large margin 81 Both option b and c 82 83 84 85

Excel Workbook CSV Text tab delimited Excel Template

86 Create a plan of action and appeal to Amazon for reactivating your account 87 Nothing can be done 88 Create a new account

Option 4

Option 3

Option 1

89 Product opportunities under selling coach on the home page 90 Popular out of stock Option products report under Business 3 reports 91 Option a and b 92 Amazon Selling Coach feature 93 Email Notification

Option 3

94 Option a and b

28.If you need support after your launch on, what are your options ?

29. How can you temporarily remove your active listings from Amazon website ?

30. What are the steps involved in creating a promotion?

95 Use Amazon Seller Central Help pages 96 Contact Seller Support Option team via email/ phone 3 97 Option a and b 98 Temporarily inactivate listings from Account Info section 99 Update Quantity as 0 100 Not possible 101 Option a and b

Option 4

102 Create Product List 103 Select appropriate promotion type - Free Shipping / Money Off / Buy One Get One / External Benefits 104 Mention start & end date Option of promotion and decide up on 4 claim code requirement 105 Verify “Detail Page Display Text” and Create promotion 106 All of the above

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