Amazon Marketing Strategy Plan

February 18, 2019 | Author: megan | Category: Amazon.Com, Strategic Management, Brand, E Commerce, Performance Indicator
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Executive Summary The report is a marketing strategy plan of Amazon, one of the top online retailing brands acknowledged by many people around the world. obsessed with the inspiring vision statement to be “Earth’s most customercentric company while the mission of Amazon which consistent with the vision statement, “To leverage leverage technology and the e!pertise of our  invaluable employees to provide our customer with the best shopping e!perience on the "nternet "nternet## $%ladim $%ladimir, ir, &'('). *uccess *uccessful fully ly positio positioning ning as a +local +local $+o global global Act Act local) local) e commerce giant, Amazon has become a reliable company where one can purchase anything and get it shipped to any distant locations. +oing beyond the * market, Amazon currently has its subsidiaries in different countries such as Europe, Australia, -razil, apan, /hina, and "ndia. /urrently, Amazon is chasing the chance of fostering its business in /hina because it has invested a huge amount of money in this market. -esides, the company is also aware of  the potential development of entering the new market in %ietnam due to its rapid growth of  economy and "nternet users in *outheast Asia area. As a result, the report will offer an ob0ective evaluation of both opportunities, thus focus on the one appropriated with Amazon’s */A, strengths and capabilities. According to the previous marketing audit, Amazon has applied successfully two integrated generi genericc strat strategi egies es inclu includin ding g innov innovati ation on and relat relation ionshi ship p strat strateg egies ies over over two two decade decades. s.  1otwithstanding, the firm currently perceives the more essential of relationship generic strategy over time while developing its brand to increase the recognition of customers toward Amazon, Amazon, thus brand brand strategy strategy eventually eventually becomes becomes a strong strong feature feature as well. well. To entering entering %ietnam market, the company should use the combo branding-channel generic

strate strategie gies s with with the major major brand branding ing strate strategy gy.. The fundam fundament ental al of the branding strategy is the spread of branding in every facet of the company including its advertising (Cravens et al, 2000. !eanwhile, the nature of  channel"relationship strategy concentrates on the control of distribution channels li#e suppliers and customers as the essence of the company$s mar#eting strategy. strategy. %tanding at the number one in the &% mar#et as the leader of the online retai retailin ling g compan company, y, 'mao 'maon n will will becom become e a chall challeng enger er in )ietn )ietnam am if it decide decides s to enter enter this this new mar# mar#et. et. There Therefor fore, e, brandi branding ng strate strategy gy is the

domination in the combo branding-channel strategies because the company needs to position in the minds of targeted customers as the leader of innovation of product as well as e!cellent customer service. 2urthermore, Amazon can establish relationships with its stakeholders through channel strategy to obtain an advantage cost in delivering and trading goods, thus Amazon customers can buy lowprice and high3uality products. Even high appreciated in several attributes including customer  services, innovation, and branding, the company still have to improve features comprising reliability, price and ordering, packing 4 delivering process to catch up with local entrants. The company has ade3uate inherent capacities including good leadership, strong +

investment, and mar#eting resources to utilie the combo brandingchannel strategies for developing in the %ietnamese market. 5egarding to 6romotion in the marketing mi! of the pro0ect, the company can take advantage of social media in stimulating its brand. Amazon should generate new mobile purchase app as well as a website that fit with locally targeted market and the 3uality of network system. "n addition, using 7anbo $Amazon brand mascot) could be a creative way to strengthen brand image and brand personality of the firm. 8hen it comes to 6lace9distribution, Amazon can use new shipping method to compete with its competitors and to ensure the 3uality of  delivery in rural areas as well as big cities. To assist this ob0ective, the company can apply alliance strategy to cooperate with suppliers and delivery companies, thus both sides can achieve a winwin situation. Among broad product line provided to %ietnamese customers, Amazon should focus on new :indle version for children and young customers with special features. ;eanwhile, the firm may offer different online payment methods with strong  benefits to gradually affect the habit of customers in using / 6 9 5 4 2 * 0




(B. The diagram above reveals that Amazon is rank highest for customer service, innovation and  branding attributes. Amazon has built strongly customer relationship through customer  service and invested on technology to leverage their inhouse products for meeting customers’ e!pectation. ;eanwhile, %ietnamese people could recognize Amazon through the logo “from A to # and lovely 7anbo $Amazon bo! robot) as brand mascots. Fowever, those attribute that Amazon does not achieve high score include reliability, price, and ordering,  packing 4 delivering process. 7ue to late entering into %ietnamese market, it will take time for Amazon to catch up with two competitors and gain attention from customers. -esides, the diagram also shows three remaining attributes of Amazon including variety, trust, and price.


1&. S'! and value proposition *:.

@irst of all, the customer relationship is the most prior sustainable

competitive advantage of 'maon which has made its reputation in the world. Compared with two rivals considered as clones of 'maon, the company could maintain and even constantly improve the eAcellent customer services in every country having its branch. n particular, the company has diBerent customer channel comprising telephone, e-mail, and chat to address all in/uiries and complaints immediately. 'maon also oBers a convenient interface to customers for registering their complaint and leaving feedbac# on products and pac#ing. (G. %econdly, the company continuingly stimulate itself to be innovative

through creating a new design of
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