Amazing Math Race Rules and Mechanics

September 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 Jajzige Ajto [jnf [udfs jgc Afnojgins :. Sofrf wmudc kf :3 tfjas. Fjno tfja widd kf nmapmsfc ml 3 afakfrs (: lrma fjno yfjr dfvfd). ;. Sfjas aust pfrlmra jgc nmapdftf tof tjsbs mg fjno stjtimg tm mktjig tofir gfxt nduf. >. Fjno typf ml nduf njrc ojs its ugiquf cfsnriptimg jgc lugntimg0 j. [mutf Iglm „ it tfdds tof tfja wofrf tof gfxt nduf is. k. [mjckdmnb „ j tjsb tojt kdmnbs tof wjy jgc gffcs tm kf ligisofc tm ojvf tofir gfxt nduf. n. Cftmur „ tfjas wmudc nommsf jgc ligiso mgf ml twm tjsbs eivfg tm ojvf tofir gfxt nduf. c. Igtfrsfntimg „ twm tfjas widd ofdp mr lieot fjno mtofr (jgc wig) tm ojvf tofir gfxt nduf. f. Ljst Lmrwjrc „ jgy tfja ajy/ajy gmt try tois tjsb kut mgdy tof lirst tfja tm ligiso tois tjsb widd sbip tofir gfxt > tjsbs. Sof tfjas ajy rfjc lirst wojt tois tjsb is jkmut kflmrf cfnicige woftofr tm nommsf it mr gmt. 3. Sfjas ajy jsb lrma mtofrs, fxnfpt Ajto^mn mllinfrs, ig jgy eivfg tjsb. 6. Ig njsf smaftoige efts wrmge, jsb lmr jssistjgnf lrma Ajto^mn mllinfrs. . Sof rjnf sojdd stjrt jt fxjntdy 5088 ja mg Jprid :3, ;8:< (Sourscjy). Djtf nmafrs sojdd kf cisqujdilifc. 3. Njdnudjtmrs sojdd gmt kf jddmwfc ig tof rjnf. Vsige jgy ejcefts suno js nfddpomgfs sojdd kf lmrkiccfg curige tof rjnf. Jgy lmra ml trjgspmrtjtimg sojdd kf prmoikitfc curige tof rjnf. Jgy lmra ml nmaauginjtimg wito tof mtofr tfjas curige tof rjnf sojdd kf nmgsicfrfc nofjtige. Jgy tfja njueot NOFJSIGE mr gmt lmddmwige tof rudfs widd kf cisqujdilifc. 6. NJVSIMG0 X[FEGJGS ^SVCFGS^ mr ^tucfgts tojt jrf GMS XOY^INJDDY LIS jrf gmt jddmwfc tm `mig tof rjnf. . [feistrjtimg lff is :;8pop pfr tfja.  Jkmut tof [jnf :. Sofrf sojdd kf :8 stjtimgs snjttfrfc jdd mvfr tof ugivfrsity. ;. Fjno tfja qujdilifr lrma tof lirst stjtimg widd kf eivfg jg igcfx njrc wito tofir tfja guakfr writtfg mg it. Sois widd sfrvf js tofir pjss lmr fvfry sunnffcige stjtimg. >. Ig mrcfr tm ndfjr j stjtimg, tof tfja somudc jnnmapdiso tof eivfg cjrf jgc jgswfr tof eivfg prmkdfa mr smdvf tof eivfg puzzdf nmrrfntdy.


3.: Ig fvfry stjtimg, tof tfja sojdd eivf tof nduf woino tofy rfnfivfc lrma tof prfvimus stjtimg tm tof ljnudty afakfr. Ig njsf tof nduf ojgcfc is gmt lmr tojt nmrrfspmgcige stjtimg, tof tfja’s igcfx njrc widd kf nmddfntfc jgc tofy widd kf fdiaigjtfc lrma tof ajig rjnf. 3.; Il tof nduf ojgcfc is nmrrfnt, tof K^ AJSO stucfgts widd tofg eivf tof cjrf woino tofy gffc tm jnnmapdiso. Gmt jnnmapdisoige tof cjrf dfjcs tm fdiaigjtimg. 3.> Jltfr tof tfja jnnmapdisofc tof cjrf, tof K^ AJSO stucfgts widd eivf tofa tof Ajto Zufstimgs jgc tof jgswfr sofft. 3.3 Sof tfja’s jgswfr sojdd kf ojgcfc tm tof Ejaf Ajstfr (LJNVDSY) ml tof stjtimg tm cftfraigf woftofr tofir jgswfr is nmrrfnt mr gmt. MGDY : nojgnf widd kf eivfg lmr fjno tfja tm jgswfr tof qufstimg. 3.6 Il tof tfja’s jgswfr is nmrrfnt, tofir igcfx njrc widd kf siegfc jgc tofy widd kf eivfg tof gfxt nduf lmr tof gfxt stjtimg. 3.< Ig njsf tojt tof tfja’s jgswfr lmr tof Ajto Zufstimg is ignmrrfnt, tof tfja’s igcfx njrc widd kf nmddfntfc jgc tofy widd kf fdiaigjtfc lrma tof rjnf. 6. Sof :st tfja wom ndfjrs jdd tof :8 stjtimgs sojdd kf cfndjrfc tof wiggfr. Sof sfnmgc jgc tof toirc tm nmapdftf tof rjnf widd kf tof ;gc jgc tof >rc pdjnfr, rfspfntivfdy. wiggfrs ojvf kffg cfndjrfc. 5. Sof wiggfrs widd rfnfivf tof lmddmwige prizfs0 ₺ ,888.88 lmr tof >rc pdjnf. [feistrjtimg is gmw mpfg.

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