Amagram May Jun 2013

October 7, 2017 | Author: kamar | Category: Business
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Amagram May-June 2013...


Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

May - June 2013

Executive Diamonds

Sumeet & Tanya


r u d Baha

Founder Diamonds

Amit & Arti Sondhi

REACH HIGHER The Amway business is coming off another strong year. While our strength is the result of many things, it mostly comes from your commitment and dedication. You work hard to sell, recruit, and build strong businesses. You let good values and core principles guide your decisions. And you mentor others to do the same. While we have achieved unbelievable success, we want an even stronger future. So like you, we are not going to stop. We are the best business opportunity in the world – but we must continue to work to be even better. We do this because we see one another as partners committed to your success. As partners, we rely on you to build on our culture, values and reputation. And we encourage you to continue to build strong, sustainable and balanced businesses. Stay focused on developing your leadership and the legacy you want to leave for all those who come after you. It is sometimes tempting to sit back and rest after achieving success. But we challenge you instead to join us in continuing to strive for new goals and continued growth. One of the wonderful things about this business is that it’s limitless. When goals are reached, new ones can be made. So continue to reach even higher and we’ll commit to do the same. Together, we will continue to build a future that doesn’t just make our lives better, but of those all around us.

Steve Van Andel Chairman


• May - June 2013

Doug DeVos President





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May - June, 2013


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Levels of Recognition

Founders Crown Ambassador*

Founders Executive Diamond *


Crown Ambassador

Executive Diamond

Founders Ruby

A Founders Crown Ambassador is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 20 legs, each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for all 12 months of the performance year or is a Diamond Bonus Recipient who has achieved 30 FAA Points.

A Crown Ambassador is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 20 legs, each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year or is a Diamond Bonus Recipient who has achieved 27 FAA Points.

A Founders Executive Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 9 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance Bonus level for all 12 months of the performance year or is a Diamond Bonus Recipient who has achieved 12 FAA Points.

An Executive Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 9 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year or is a Diamond Bonus Recipient who has achieved 10 FAA Points.

Founders Crown*

Founders Diamond *



A Founders crown is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 18 legs, each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for all 12 months of the performance year or is a Diamond bonus Recipient who has achieved 25 FAA Points.

A Crown is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 18 legs, each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year or is a Diamond bonus Recipient who has achieved 22 FAA Points.

Founders Triple Diamond *

A Founders Triple Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 15 legs, each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for all 12 months of the performance year or is a Diamond bonus Recipient who has achieved 20 FAA Points.

A Founders Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 6 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance bonus level for all 12 months of the performance year or is a Diamond bonus Recipient who has achieved 8 FAA Points.

A Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 6 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance Bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year.

Founders Emerald *

A Founders Emerald is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 3 legs, each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for all 12 months of the performance year.

Triple Diamond


Founders Double Diamond *

Founders Sapphire

A Triple Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 15 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year or is a Diamond bonus Recipient who has achieved 18 FAA Points.

A Founders Double Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 12 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance Bonus level for all 12 months of the performance year or is a Diamond Bonus Recipient who has achieved 16 FAA Points.

Double Diamond

A Double Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 12 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance Bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year or is a Diamond Bonus Recipient who has achieved 14 FAA Points.

An Emerald is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 3 legs, each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year.

A Sapphire is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 2 domestic 21% legs in the same month, for 6 months in a performance year, whilst maintaining 4000 personal Group PV or has a third 21% leg in the absence of 4000 GPV in any month.

A Founders Ruby is a qualified Platinum who has maintained 20,000 Personal Group PV for all 12 months in a performance year in market.

Founders Platinum*

A Founders Platinum has attained 12 qualifying months at the Silver Producer Level as defined in the Amway Business manual for all 12 months in a performance year in market.


A Ruby is a qualified Platinum who has attained at least 20,000 Personal Group PV in any one month during the performance year in market.


A Platinum has attained 6 qualifying months at that Silver Producer Level as defined in the Amway Business manual, at least 3 of which are consecutive.

Gold Producer

A Gold Producer has attained three qualifying months at the Silver Producer Level as defined in the Amway Business Manual.

Silver Producer

A Silver Producer has attained a qualifying month at 21% as defined in the Amway Business Manual.

A Founders Sapphire is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 2 domestic 21% legs in the same month, for all 12 months in a performance year, whilst maintaining 4000 personal Group PV or has a third 21% leg in the absence of 4000 GPV in any month.

* Volume equivalency is also applicable to these Founders levels.

Amagram is published bimonthly for all Amway Business Owners by Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd., First Floor, Elegance Tower, Plot No. 8, Non Hierarchical Commercial Centre, Jasola, New Delhi - 110 025 India. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner prohibited. Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. is a member of Indian Direct Selling Association. Throughout this publication * indicates trademark of Alticor Inc., U.S.A.


Executive Diamond

An Executive Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 9 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year or is a Diamond Bonus Recipient who has achieved 10 FAA Points.

Sumeet & Tanya Bahadur

Authorised epresentatives o o ware ro essional

T anya & S u m eet B ahadu r b oth had good high- tec h job s when they dec ided to b u ild an A m way b u siness in U S A . Y ou ng as they were, they c ou ld sense the long- term im p ac t this b u siness will have on their fu tu re, and k new they wou ld regret it if they let this op p ortu nity slip throu h their fin ers. T oday, they see that this c om m itm ent has m ade, an inc redib le difference in their lives! P roviding them not only the financial advantages of a su c c essfu l b u siness, b u t m ore importantly, ivin them the valuable i o time and the joy of help ing other p eop le. L ik e so m any you ng c ou p les today, T anya & S u m eet B ahadu r also b elieved that good job s were the k ey to a ood uture, and always ocused on their education. Tanya raduated rom ational Technical niversity o raine ran ed first nationally , and came to A on a sc holarship , for her M aster' s degree. S im ilarly, umeet raduated rom presti ious T elhi ndia s hi hest ran in institute , with a de ree in computer sc ienc e & engineering. T hey m et while stu dents at Oregon S tate U niversity and m ajored in c om p u ter

Amway has helped us discover a real sense of self- worth

T AA T . . & lectrical n ineer O 21 1 AO

sc ienc e. T hey also shared a c om m on love of learning foreign langu ages, tak ing c lasses together and also wor ed in ewle ac ard. ventually Tanya too up a position as a systems en ineer in a well nown firm, in A lb any; and S u m eet oined a startup firm in allas, with very a ractive stoc options. Their riends envied them for their du al inc om es. Y et, T anya & S u m eet were b ec om ing inc reasingly fru strated. T hey felt lik e they were ru nning hard on a treadm ill and couldn t et off At that time, it loo ed li e a reat career, says S u m eet, " ex c ep t that there wasn' t enou gh m oney a er payin ta es, and we always had to be there. " T o b e there" m eant leaving their hom e early in the mornin and wor in wee ends, stayin in different cities due to obs, and or umeet constant travelling, living ou t of a su itc ase, m anaging p rojec ts in different cities, and one sometimes or a month away from hom e. T hey started their A m way b u siness in U S A , driven b y their dream o a be er li e, and their belie in the A m way op p ortu nity. " N u trilite gave m e m irac u lou s

resu lts" , says T anya, " and help ed m e restore m y health. They reached latinum level very uic ly, and decided to come bac to ndia to ive ull a ention to growing their A m way b u siness here. S inc e they had ew riends when they came bac to ndia, they had to ap p roac h strangers, start talk ing to them and b u ild relationships. The only thin that s oin to motivate you to do som ething you ' ve never done b efore is a b ig dream ." says S u m eet. " W hen we were new in this b u siness we had rec eived a p ostc ard from ou r u p line with a uotation rom Amway s ounder ich e os " T he only thing that stands b etween a p erson and what they want from life is m erely the will to try it and the faith to b elieve that it is p ossib le" H is words had a deep im p ac t on u s and we have always k ep t t h a t p ostc ard with u s."

trip s. " A m way has help ed u s disc over a real sense of sel worth. e wanted to be able to positively impact other people, but couldn t do that si n behind a des . Amway ave us a vehicle. t s a priceless feeling." T heir goal now is " to see how m any p eop le we can help in ndia throu h this business. e ve cau ht the vision o unlimited potential in our personal development, in our oals as an or ani ation to help ou r downlines ac hieve their dream s. W e always thank A m way' s F ou nders for giving u s this op p ortu nity to tou c h so m any hearts."

" Y ou have to p u t you r whole heart into it, " says T a n y a . " W hen you walk into p eop le' s hom es they c an feel your thou hts be ore you u er a word. ou have to be ab le to look them in the fac e and say " this b u siness wor s . ou have to be totally commi ed to your b u siness and you r p rodu c ts otherwise aren' t going to believe you t is this complete belie in the Amway op p ortu nity and the p rodu c ts that m ak es them m aintain a p ac k ed sc hedu le every m onth traveling to variou s p arts of the c ou ntry. Today they have a lar e or ani ation touchin all corners o ndia. They ve had wonder ul times on their m any foreign travel trip s throu ghou t the world on Amway s leadership seminars and iamond Club



• May - June 2013


• May - June 2013



Founders Diamond

A Founders Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 6 legs, each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for all 12 months of the performance year or is a Diamond bonus Recipient who has achieved 8 FAA Points.

Amit & Arti Sondhi C om p u ter P rofessional A m it had a very su c c essfu l c areer as a c om p u ter p rofessional p rior to oinin this business and Arti had a bac round in the travel indu stry and I T . A m it had c om p leted his B .E in C om p u ter S c ienc e in 19 9 0 from I ndore and m oved to U .S . to p u rsu e his M asters. A er raduatin rom the niversity in he started wor in as a so ware en ineer or a ortune company. But within a ew months o startin wor , technolo y and mar et chan es orced the company to eliminate a lot o obs includin his. That is when he reali ed the ormula o et a ood education and et a ood J ob ” c ou ld give a good livin , but not a reat lifestyle. Alon with a ew friends he tried his hands at startin a so ware consultancy that was not success ul, because unli e the Amway business, a traditional business ta es a lot o time and money to succeed. oon a er that he started wor in with Oracle, which is when a ood riend rom colle e showed him the business. A s A m it says “ I did not u nderstand the b u siness op p ortu nity initially because was trained to loo at ow to do thin s, not hy to do thin s. had a lot o rowin up to do personally and the only reason survived the first ew years was because o the love and uidance of m y sp onsor.“ n1 when Amway started operations in ndia, he elt very stron ly that ndia would become one o the bi est mar ets or Amway. o in arch o the same year, he resi ned rom his ob in to come bac and start the Amway business here. At the time, people did uestion my decision, but had an incredible belie in Amway and my upline. new this would wor in ndia, i wor it.


& T ravel I ndu stry and T D O 1 1 R G A O

hen Arti first met Amit, he was already buildin the business success ully at the merald level, which made it easier or her to believe in the time and money e ibility that one could achieve rom the Amway b u siness.



A Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 6 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance Bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year.

Name P rofession O


T ex t

Arti says A er marria e one of the things I ap p rec iated most about Amway was that Amit and could wor together and not lead separate lives, as is usually the case in a traditional b u siness or in a job .” One o Arti s passions is to travel and p rior to c om ing to this b u siness she had traveled to lot o countries, but what they love about their travel now is, not only do they travel in style but also et to en oy incredible riendships across the world. One o the reatest rewards they ot rom the business was the reedom it allowed them to be ull time parents to their ei ht year old dau ghter A rp ita and six year old son A niru dh. They say As pro essionals in obs we mi ht have en oyed a lot o pro essional success and maybe financial success, but we are confident that that would have come at a hu e cost. One thin b oth of u s are very su re of today - no am ou nt of p rofessional success is worth compromisin with amily time. Amit and Arti believe anyone who has a stron desire and a willin ness to ollow directions is a candidate or the Amway b u siness. Amway provides the products and the product trainin , the ine o sponsorship provides the in ormation re uired to build the business, now all one needs to do is to have a dream and success is inevitable. e are ever so rate ul to Amway and our line o sponsorship or ivin us this i .


• May - June 2013


• May - June 2013




An Emerald is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 3 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance Bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year.

Ramakrishna Puvvadi & Prachi Velumuri

R Srinivasan & Vimala Srinivasan

Sukhjinder Singh Sandhu & Jaswinder Kaur

Jaswant Katara & Kalpana Meena

IT Consultant (H) & Ex IT Professional (W)

Software Consultant (Both)

Engineer (H) & Microbiologist (W)

Ex Teacher (H) & Teacher (W)

DOJ: 27/01/2000 | HYDERABAD

DOJ: 19/10/2005 | CHENNAI

DOJ: 6/04/2001 | AMRITSAR

DOJ: 28/07/2000 | DUNGARPUR

We both come from IT background with degrees from premier institutes. 15 years of IT experience and senior management positions in corporate world has shown us money and success but could not match the sense of fulfilment and accomplishment that Amway business offered. We are thankful to our loving parents and our two amazing sons Sahaj & Rohan for their constant support. This is an absolute team effort and we thank our mentors and team for being part of our successful journey.

We are both Software Consultants who were busy making and running behind money. We always dreamt of becoming free from job without compromising upon our lifestyle and comfort. The dream came true through Amway, which opened a new story in our lives and we are thoroughly enjoying it with our children, S V Divyaa and S V Hetesh Aditiyaa. We are thankful to God, our parents, uplines and our team, who made this possible.

We both are heading our respective departments in professional college. We are blessed with two sons Atinderpal Singh and Rowan Singh. It was the blessings of Almighty that Amway business entered our lives through our nephew. Once we understood the true potential of this business, there was no looking back. Its world class products and fundamentals motivated us to build this business passionately. Today all our dreams have come true and we are leading a great lifestyle. We owe our success to God, our family, uplines and downlines.

We both are executives and are blessed with two children, Shashank and Shivangi. Amway has transformed our lives and we are building this great business for good health, foreign tours and income flexibility. We are very much thankful to God, our parents, dynamic upline leaders and lovable downline teammates for our success.

“Go for it and you will thank yourself!”

“If you want money to chase you, Amway is the best opportunity!”

“Set priorities right to get success!”

“Consistent efforts and persistence hard work along with focus on our dreams has brought us to this level today!”

Dilip Aswale & Rohini D Aswale

Geeta Sooryah & Sooryah Prakasam Pokkali

S Munwar Basha

Manjit Singh & Ranjit Kaur

Ex Govt. Officer (H) & Teacher (W)

Business owner (W) & Vice President (H)


Ex Insurance Sector (H) & Ex Teacher (W)

DOJ: 30/05/2000 | BELGAUM

DOJ: 26/05/2003 | BANGALORE

DOJ: 14/07/2006 | VENKATAGIRI

DOJ: 30/08/2002 | KAHNUWAN

I was searching for an opportunity to earn extra income when Amway entered our lives. We started building Amway business in our spare time with persistent and consistent efforts. Amway opportunity has today transformed our lives by bringing all our dreams and desires true. We are thankful to God, our son Sourabh and daughter Snehal, our mentors, uplines and dynamic downlines for their understanding and support throughout this journey.

My wife is a Master in Technology and I am a Master in Business Administration from Symbiosis, Pune. We are glad that we got a chance to see Amway opportunity very early in our career. Amway became a decision of life time involvement when we saw the commitment of our uplines and other leaders towards this business. Thanks to this wonderful opportunity, my wife today is an accomplished businesswoman while being a full time mom to our daughter Aditi.

I was pursuing my MBA prior to joining Amway.It took a little time for me to understand this wonderful concept which has today provided me with financial growth, strong moral values, a great association of like-minded people and wonderful international trip. By God's grace and my hard work, I never took a job and was my own boss. I am grateful to my mother, uplines, entire team and dynamic downlines, whose love and support has always inspired me to build this business.

Prior to joining Amway opportunity, I was a Teacher and my husband was in Insurance Sector. We are proud parents of two children, Simran and Amritpal Singh. Amway has enabled us to enjoy freedom of time, financial security and lots of rewards and recognition like world tours. Today we enjoy complete peace of mind thanks to this wonderful business. We are thankful to our upline and dynamic team for their unstinted support.

“Amway made us taste the sweet nectar of success!”

“Amway isn’t only a business; it is a way of life!”

“There is no strength without unity!”

“Hard work always pays in the end!”

AMAGRAM • May - June 2013




A Ruby is a qualified Platinum who has attained at least 20,000 personal group PV in any one month during the performance year in-market.

R Karthikeyan & Vishnudevi Samy

Najmuddin & Anita Vadsariya

Vijay Kumar & Kelasho Devi

Dharmendar & Manju Saharan

Subrata & Sipra Biswas

Software Engineer (Both)

Business (H) & Beautician (W)

Medical Professional (H) & Employee (W)

Businessman (H) & Homemaker (W)

Homemaker (W) Businessman (H)

DOJ: 24/04/2007 | KANCHIPURAM

DOJ: 05/09/2006 | SECUNDERABAD

DOJ: 17/02/1999 | GHAGWAL

DOJ: 14/04/1999 | SRI GANGANAGAR

DOJ: 25/11/1999 | THAKURNAGAR

Benu Das

K Durai Raj & Indumathy D


Businessmen (H) & Businesswomen (W)

DOJ: 07/06/2000 | KOLKATA

DOJ: 29/10/1999 | TIRUPPUR



A Platinum has attained 6 qualifying months at Silver Producer level as defined in the Amway Business Manual, at least 3 of which are consecutive.

T Gananathan & G Sangeetha

R Mahalakshmi

S Kalavathi & K Samuthirarajan

R M Geetha & R S Mohan

Ashwanth Reddy Kowkuntla

Employee (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 23/11/2007 | CHENNAI

Businesswomen DOJ: 16/03/2010 | TIRUPUR

Homemaker (W) & Real Estate Business (H) DOJ: 22/04/2009 | CHENNAI

Homemaker (W) & Businessman (H) DOJ: 20/12/2005 | SALEM

Student DOJ: 10/01/2011 | HYDERABAD

Surendra Babu Chintalapudi & Anupama Ratnam Ravi Kumar

Usha Rani Meruva

K Prasanna

R Karthick & G Mahalakshmi

Ved Ram & Vidhya Sharma

Employee (H) & Assistant Professor (W) DOJ: 10/12/2009 | KANDUKUR

Homemaker DOJ: 12/04/2006 | TIRUPATI

HR Professional DOJ: 31/05/2007 | CHENNAI

Teamleader in MNC (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 27/7/2010 | CHENNAI

Ex Defence Officer (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 28/04/2001 | GHAZIABAD

K Muthukavitha & N Thirupathi

S Pathirakali & S Sivakumar

Srinivasa Chary & Gayatri Guntoju

Pavan & M S Thakur

Sreenivas Reddy Maddi & Premalatha Sampathi

Homemaker (W) & Engineer (H) DOJ: 22/09/2005 | TUTICORIN

Homemaker (W) & Mechanical Engineer (H) DOJ: 08/09/2004 | RAJAPALAYAM

Businessman (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 6/04/2009 | NALGONDA

Employee (Both) DOJ: 06/04/2000 | BHOPAL

Software Engineer (Both) DOJ: 16/12/2010 | HYDERABAD

Panduranga Reddy Nagula

Venkata Prasad & Peddanna Adimulam

Sumathy & P Nirmal

D Lakshmi & P Dhanasekar

P Ramesh Babu & B Sarala

Advocate DOJ: 24/08/1999 | HYDERABAD

Farmer (Father) & Businessman (Son) DOJ: 11/04/2007 | KANIGIRI

Software Consultant (Both) DOJ: 06/09/2006 | CHENNAI

Homemaker (W) Businessman (H) DOJ: 16/09/2008 | TIRUVANNAMALAI

Businessman (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 29/11/2003 | VELLORE



• May - June 2013



A Platinum has attained 6 qualifying months at Silver Producer level as defined in the Amway Business Manual, at least 3 of which are consecutive.

J Ramalingam & R Rajalakshmi

M Rani & P Muthuraman

V Robert Bellarmine & R Stella Mary

K Sasikumar & V N Kumarasamy

Vasantrao & Prabhavati Thorat

Manager (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 24/12/2007 | NEYVELI

Homemaker (W) & Textile Employee (H) DOJ: 28/07/2009 | DHARMAPURI

Homemaker (W) & Businessman (H) DOJ: 11/05/2007 | TRICHY

Physical Education Teacher (Both) DOJ: 18/07/2007 | TRICHY

Service (H) & Teacher (W) DOJ: 09/02/2000 | PUNE

Prabhakar Narayan & P Sharda Tale

Ganesh Vitthalrao & Indumati Ganesh Gujar

Rahul & Shweta Vira

Rahmat Khan & Haseena Begum

Sangita Somabhai Kotaria

Farmer (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 17/02/2003 | SENGAON

Service- DM in Insurance Co. (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 16/08/2000 | AURANGABAD

Fashion Designer (H) Businessman (W) DOJ: 17/09/2008 | RAIPUR

Ex Army (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 24/11/2006 | BHOPAL

Businesswoman DOJ: 31/08/2006 | AHMEDABAD

Ramadevi Ramadas

M K Ismail & Shamla Ismail

Kalpna Shrivastav

Raj Kumar & Rita Tripathi

Anil Jaiswal & Sabitri Devi

Homemaker (W) DOJ: 19/03/2001 | OTTAPALAM

Amway Business Owner (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 26/06/2003 | NEDUMKANDAM

Homemaker DOJ: 30/09/1999 | SURAT

Businessman (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 23/09/2002 | GORAKHPUR

Businessman (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 28/07/2006 | KUSHINAGAR

Nitin & Natasha Sachdeva

Vishal & Vinnita Garg

Harjinder Singh & Satinderjit Kaur Kahlon

Praveen & Lalita Kataria

Jitendra Bahadur & Preeti Sonkar

Chemist (H) & Accountant (W) DOJ: 29/11/2010 | ALLAHABAD

Factory Owner (H) & Principal (W) DOJ: 31/03/2009 | ROORKEE

Businessman (H) Homemaker (W) DOJ: 24/02/2009 | MALERKOTLA

Ex Airforce (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 18/12/2006 | NEW DELHI

Tech Manager (H) & Sr. Merchandiser (W) DOJ: 30/03/2009 | GHAZIABAD

Brahmpal & Meena Singh

Harbhajan Singh & Manjeet Kaur

Rajendra Singh & Pushpa Sayana

Pradeep & Pooja Gupta

Prasanna Kumar & Susama Sahoo

Ex Teacher (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 22/08/2000 | ATRAULI

Doctor (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 20/10/2003 | NADALA

Engineer (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 05/03/2010 | DEHRADUN

Manager (H) & Teaching Profession (W) DOJ: 05/12/2009 | GURGAON

Ex Banker (H) & Teacher (W) DOJ: 31/07/2001 | CUTTACK

Ruma Sadhukhan

Satyapriya & Devendra Dash

Kakali Ghosh

Ajay Kumar Bej

Satinath & Sangita Majumder

Homemaker DOJ: 16/07/2007 | CHITTARANJAN

Executive (F) & Operation Executive IBM (S) DOJ: 24/01/2004 | BALANGIR

School Teacher DOJ: 29/03/2005 | KOLKATA

Secretary at Maa Tarini Temple DOJ: 23/06/2009 | KEONJHAR

Pharmacist (H) & Executive (W) DOJ: 18/11/2000 | BIRBHUM

Sarat Singh Maisnam & Tampha Devi Maisnam Ongbi

Chandan & Samapti Chatterjee

Sukhminder Singh & Amarjit Kaur

Lakshmi Pathy Raju & Anjamma Pulakaram

Neelavathi Konduru

Dog Trainer (H) & Businesswoman (W) DOJ: 18/07/2007 | IMPHAL

Businessman (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 30/08/2007 | MURSHIDABAD

Advocate (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 09/04/2009 | SIDHWANBET

Homemaker (W) Ex Tailor (H) DOJ: 29/09/2005 | PUNGANUR

Homemaker DOJ: 24/07/2002 | KODUR


• May - June 2013




A Platinum has attained 6 qualifying months at Silver Producer level as defined in the Amway Business Manual, at least 3 of which are consecutive.

Venkatachalam & Devika Arimani

Sarat Kumar & Lavanya Kothapalli

Satyanarayana & Vijaya Lakshmi Kirlampalli

T V Govardhan

Sudhakar Chintalapudi & Padmaja Pakala

Amway Business Owner (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 19/02/2009 | PAKALA

Homemaker (W) & Softwear Employee (H) DOJ: 7/05/1998 | VISHAKHAPATNAM

Doctor (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 28/12/2005 | TUNI

Marketing Executive DOJ: 30/06/2001 | NELLORE

RMP Doctor (H) & BC Welfare Employe (W) DOJ: 18/12/2009 | KANDUKUR

Venkatreddy & Kavitha Katta

Vamsi Mohan Bommakanti

Ashwini Kumar & Sheetal Sharma

Nalini Viswambaran

L Esakkiraj & D Thiruthuva Latha

Agriculturalist (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 30/09/2007 | NALGONDA

Ex Teacher DOJ: 20/02/2004 | SECUNDERABAD

Businessman (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 20/02/2001 | HYDERABAD

Homemaker DOJ: 12/07/1999 | MAVELIKARA

Insurance Advisor (H) & Teacher (W) DOJ: 25/04/2008 | ALANGULAM

S Padmavathi & K Venkatachalam

V Amutha & L Venkidusamy

R Kalaichselvi

I Indradevi Ilango & S Ilango

R Chandrasekaran & C Yogeshwari

Homemaker (W) & Blue Metals (H) DOJ: 11/06/2010 | SALEM

Homemaker (W) & Lorry Business (H) DOJ: 15/12/2005 | NAMAKKAL

Homemaker DOJ: 21/04/2005 | NAMAKKAL

Homemaker (W) & Businessman (H) DOJ: 25/11/1998 | ERODE

Businessman (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 4/12/2002 | ERODE

A Ponnan & P Nagammal

S Nagavalli & K Senthil Kumar

Sunil Kumar B & Enitha S

N Krishna Kumar & R Dhanalakshmi

Meda Sreenivasulu & Rinitha Meda

Homemaker (W) & Ex Police Man (H) DOJ:20/08/2007 | KARUR

Homemaker (W) & Businessman (H) DOJ: 5/09/2001 | TIRUCHENGODE

Businessman (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 19/11/2001 | ARALVAYMOLI

Engineer (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 27/05/2006 | TUTICORIN

Businessman (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 30/04/2008 | KALYAN DURG

Sudhakara Reddy Kadapa

K Muniyasamy & M Murugavalli

M Sudha & A Mohanasundaram

Manju Bai & Goutham Chand

G Manimekalai

Student DOJ: 18/02/2009 | UPPARA PALLE

LIC Agent (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 30/04/2003 | ARANTHANGI

Homemaker (W) & Businessman (H) DOJ: 08/05/2003 | TIRUPPUR

Homemaker (W) & Businessman (H) DOJ: 24/07/2006 | CHENNAI

Homemaker DOJ: 10/02/2010 | CHENNAI

D Pushpa & P Devan

Neeraja & Balasubramanyam Kalloor

Eswara Prasad Kasiralla

Nagarjuna Rayulu Bandi

Omprakash & Haritha Putta

Homemaker (W) & Medical LabTechnician (H) DOJ: 22/02/2010 | HOSUR

Homemaker (W) & Engineer (H) DOJ: 22/08/2009 | HOSUR

Student DOJ: 27/02/2004 | CHITTOOR

Softskills Trainer DOJ: 16/10/2006 | NANDALUR

Bank Employee (H) & Homemaker (W) DOJ: 31/10/2002 | KADAPA

Usha Madhavan

P M Kumar & S Shobhana M Kumar

Md Ezhil

Chandra Kanti & Satish Kumar

Tomba Meitei & Nanao Leima Longjam

Businesswomen DOJ: 10/05/1998 | COIMBATORE

Civil Engineer (H) & Asst. Professor (W) DOJ: 31/12/2000 | NAGERCOIL

Homemaker DOJ: 25/11/2005 | NAGERCOIL

Homemaker (W) & Businessman (H) DOJ: 03/07/2009 | NALANDA

Businessman (H) & Businesswoman (W) DOJ: 11/09/2010 | TAMENGLONG


AMAGRAM • May - June 2013


GOLD PRODUCER A Gold Producer has attained three qualifying months at the Silver Producer level as defined in the Amway Business Manual.

A, Shiny Abujam Indira, Chanu Bajwa, Monika Vinod & Vinod Puranchand Banoth, Nethaji & Dharavathi, Swarooparani Basak, Gokul Bhandari, Monika D & Dipesh Biru, Jyothi & Panjala, Venkatesh Buch, Tarak & Krupa C, Latha & M, Nandakumar Chahal, Chanchal & Rajeev Chawla, Samunder Singh Chhabra, Vijay Kumar Chopra, Teena & Samit Chowdhury, Anita D, Thangamathi & R, Dhanasekar Das, Abhijit Kumar & Patit Paban Das, Sandip & Kamana Dash, Dipti & Dr. Mrinalkanti Dixit, Avadesh & Manju G, Senthamil Selvan & S, Mohana Priya Gaddam, Malakondamma Gautam, Anand & Gupta, Swati Gautam, Ankush Kumar Gupta, Dhanesh B & Suryawati D Gupta, Megha Hsu, Hsu-sheng & Hsieh, Shu-fen Huang, Kuan Pin I, Narayanaswamy & V, Manjula Irom, Dhanabir Jabeen, Bismil & Ahmed, Akeel Jadav, Sandhya Manoj & Manoj D Jannabhatla, Venkata Ramani Jayakrishna, Munnaluri & Munnaluri, RA Jayam, Sujana & S Chandrasekhar Jha, Pushpa & Chandra, Vikash Joshi, Renu & Vinod Kumar Kamarapu, Jaya Laxmi Kamath, K Ashok Kamath, Manjunath Damodar & Vandana MA Kannan, Sadhana & Raghupathy, Kannan Kaur, Satwinder & Singh, Avtar Keserwani, Seema Khade, Babita Subhash & Subhash Dewaji Kongi, Sukumara Chinna Rao & Jyothi Kothare, Madhav B. & Yamuna Madhav M, Dharmarajan M, Praveen Kumar & Radha M, Sugavaneswaran & R, Vanitha Mandal, Nepal Chandra & Sulekha Mankal, Lakshmi & Hari Babu Marla, Obul Reddy & Thota, Sandhya Rani Mittal, Neema & Pawan


Trichur Noida Navi Mumbai Vengannapalem Tufanganj Ambegaon Hyderabad Thane Bangalore Hasanpur Jaipur Delhi Jalandhar Samastipur Chennai Gopiballavpur Athpur Bhubaneswar Lucknow Tiruvallur Baddevalu Bangalore Maihar Palsana Panchkula Gurgaon Gurgaon Bangalore Imphal Jammu Surat Visakhapatnam Hyderabad Kalyan Durg Ghaziabad Jhansi Hasanparthi Udupi Bangalore Navi Mumbai New Delhi New Delhi Karad Tuni Rahatani Chennai Bangalore Coimbatore Kolkata Hyderabad Rayachoti Gurgaon

Mohite, Anjana More, Jaymala Gopinathrao & Gopinathrao Madhav Mukherjee, Papia & Goutam N, Swarnalakshmi & D, Murali Krishnan Neurgaonkar, Purushottam & Meenal Oza, Monica Chirag & Chirag P Senthil Kumar & S Kamatchi Pakalapati, Venkata Satyavathi Pandanaboina, Naveen Chandu Patel, Arjun & Geeta Bai Patel, Ashokbhai Hirabhai & Heenaben Ashokbhai Patel, Minaxi R & Rakesh T Patel, Mukundbhai G Patel, Shanti Bai Patra, Dolly Prava & Mohapatra, Manoj Kumar Pradhan, Kanjanakhi & Mohanty, Uttam Kumar Praveen, Rehana & Ansari, Mohhamed FIR Prusty, Radharani & Sushil Kumar R, Gopi & G, Bharathi R, Mahendran & M, Jayanthi Rai, Satya Prakash & Ragini Raj, Rajnish Kumar & Burma Mani, Sunita Rajput, Narendra & Mahendra Rajput, Vandana & Gajandra Singh Ramadasu, Adinarayana Rao & Vasanta LA Rana, Kumud S, Bhuvaneswari & M, Senthil S, Narayanan & B, Kavitha Sadanshiv, Vinod Namdev & Asha V Saha, Somanath & Ragini Seervi, Poonam & Arvind Seshagiri, J Shah, Arti Atul & Atul Sharma, Manoj & Ritu Manoj Shetty, Mamatha & Nagaraj Shivpuje, Jaishri & Devidas Singh, Kanchan & Anand Singh, Pishora Singh, Tejwant & Kaur, Sukhvinder Sinha, Manisha & Mukund Soni, Jayshree & Rakesh Sreenivasulu, Kulapala Srivastawa, Pinky & Kumar, Brajesh Subbaiah, K Sunnam, Murali Kumar & Radha T Tarakaram & K Sailaja T, Sarguna Devi & S, Thiyagarajan Tripathi, Arvind Kumar & Devi, Geeta Tyagi, Sweety Verma, Ramladaiti & Keshav Prasad Yama, Shakuntala & Ramreddy

Pune Latur Kolkata Chennai Pune Ahmedabad Pondicherry Gopannapalem Kurnool Jabalpur Amroli Navsari Godhra Jabalpur Jajpur Jajpur Ambikapur Udala Paramakudi Kolar Varanasi Patna Itarsi Raipur Hyderabad Noida Sivagiri Chennai Akola Mayurbhanj Jodhpur Chennai Sangli Mumbai Udupi Khopoli Mira Road Ludhiana Rampur Gurgaon Bhavnagar Chittoor Patna Chennai Hyderabad Nellore Chennai Mirzapur Noida Lucknow Hyderabad

SILVER PRODUCER A Silver Producer has attained a qualifying month at 21% as defined in the Amway Business Manual

A, Nandeepa & S K, Venugopal A, Shiny A, Venkatesan & L, Vanitha Abraham, V G & John, Joslin B Achary, Bharati Adhav, Sopan Malhari Agrawal, Renu Akala, Chandrasekara Reddy & A, Usha Al, Indrani & M, Alaguraj Alam, Md Mahfuz & Kadir, Md Abdul Allampalli, Lakshmeswari & Sreekanth Ankireddy, Gopinath Reddy & Rama Sravani Anthwal, Jai Krishan & Pravha Archana & Kumar, Shailesh B S, Rukmani & S, Sridevi Bagde, Pramod Liladhar & Snehal Baghel, Jathoo Ram Banothu, Hunya Naik Barik, Rajendra Kumar Basha A, Mukkaram & M, Fathima Basumatary, Chandrabati & Manoj Bhadouria, Rahul Singh & Kusum Bharathi, Mahanti & Moyya, Raja Gopala Rao Biswas, Atanu Boyapalli, Manjuvani & Mallepalli, Muralidhar Reddy Budek, Priyadarsini Barsa & Lokanath C V, Raajavativel AMAGR

• May - June 2013

Hosur Trichur Rayasandra Indore Sambalpur Mumbai Noida Hyderabad Karaikkudi Sahibganj Gadwal Hyderabad Ghansali Bokaro Chennai Pune Bhanpuri Hanamkonda Chaibasa Chennai Kokrajhar Gwalior Amadalavalasa Chhote Kapasi Mahabubnager Bargarh Bangalore

C, Gunasekar & G, Sandhya Chandra, Deep & Kanoujia, Ankita Charak, Seema D & Dilip Chauhan, Satendra Singh & Rosha Chen, Fang Chen, Hsiang YI Chhabra, Vijay Kumar Cholin, Sharanabasappa S & Manjula Chopra, Teena & Samit D A, Chandra Shekar & Shivamma D S, Mukunda & N, Kavitha D, Kumaravelu D, Manjubashini & K, Vinodkumar D, Saroja D, Senthilkumar & S, Umashanthi Danodia, Babu Lal & Uma Devi Dash, Akshaya Kumar & Pranati Dave, Maulik Rajeshkumar & Ushaben Debnath Paul, Papiya & Paul, Gobinda Deshpande, Madhura & Prashant Devi, Amrawati & Singh, Vijay Pratap Devi, Bishakha Devi, Suman & Kumar, Ashish Dey, Sudeb Mahendra Dhurka, Meenu & Anubhav Dr. Varghese Wilson Fushimi, Kaori

Kanchipuram Allahabad Mumbai Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Delhi Dharwad Jalandhar Bangalore Bangalore Cuddalore Chennai Hyderabad Theni Bishrampur Cuttack Gandhinagar Jalapiguri Pune Bhatani Katihar Daltonganj Sonapur Mumbai Tripunithura Gurgaon



SILVER PRODUCER A Silver Producer has attained a qualifying month at 21% as defined in the Amway Business Manual

G, Jeeva Raj & D, Vaila G, Jeyanthi & T, Pallavan G, Munisamy & V, Baby Gabriel, John Joseph & Pushpa Gadi, Lakshmi Devi Gahlawat, Rajesh Kumar & Ghalawat, Chitrklan Gayam, Vijayalakshmi & Thirupathaiah Ghosh, Subhra & Sukanya Giri, Sukriti Gogulamoodi, Nagaiah Gondu, Sri Ramulu Gopalakrishnan, Retnamma Gouni, Venkata Ramana & Biksham GS, Deepak GU, Zheng Yan GU, Zongyao Gulati, Priyanka Gupta, Shyam Gurjar, Rajkumari & Sohan Singh Haldar, Indrojit Anil Halder, Tapas Haokip, Nengpie & Letminthang Hrishikesh & Singh, Poonam Hsieh, Hsiu Chi Huang, Tung Chia Islam, Nurul & Begum, Nasima Itazu, Sachiko Iwata, Takaomi J, Nirmala Devi & V, Sudhakar J, Ranga Swamy Jivanani, Mukesh & Arati Jyoti K S, Radhika & K G, Sathyanarayanan K Vijayalakshmi & K Ravishankar K, Sudesh Kannan K & K, Dhanalakshmi Kannan, Prasanna Karu, Ramarao & Danteswari Katariya, Alpa Dinesh & Dinesh Pancha Kaulgud, Shraddha M & Mahendra S Keserwani, Seema Khade, Murlidhar Dewaji & Anita Murlidhar Khemka, Jyoti & Prakash Kishore, Rekha Kochhar, Jyoti Kumar, Savan & C Suvarna, Suma Kushwaha, Sweta & Singh, Shakti Laha, Bakul & Saktikumar Lata Prabhakar & Prabhakar R Lata, Pushp Layek, Bandana & Samanta Lee, Chih Kuei M A, Khajamohideen & K, Shamshad Begum M L, Somashekaraiah M, Rafeeq Sulaiman & R, Jamin Nilobar M, Sagitha Rani M, Thamaraiselvi M, Uma Maheswari & P, Ravi Mahapatra, Om Prakash Maharana, Sulata & Parsuram Majumder, Himadri & Bhaumik, Prasenjit Manorey, Anita Masavarapu, Appala Naidu Mehra, Kamal & Kailash Meshram, Vijay Rupchand & Sujata Vijay Mishra, Atanu & Guru, Santosini Mishra, Nrushingha Charan & Subhadra Mishra, Rohini & Manoj Kumar Mitkari, Chandrakant & Shweta Mohanta, Subhadra Mohanty, Sagarika & Das, Sibabrata Mohod, Mamta B & Bhaiyya V MS, Divya & S, Praneeth Kumar Mukherji, Pusparani N, Karthikeyan & J, Thilagavathi N, Umairabegum & A, Nizammohideen Nagapuri, Muralidhar Nguyen, Thi Diep Okada, Keiichi OU, Li-Hsueh P K, Gowri P Vijayakumar & V, Abirami P, Mithra & M, Balasubramaniam Padhi, Anjali & Panigrahi, Uma Charan Padigila, Ravi & Sathenapalli, Vanisree Pal, Ramkumar & Maya Devi Panchabakesan, Chandrasekaran & Rajeshwari Panda, Sanjay & Manoroma


Mulagumoodu Srivilliputhur Vellore Jamshedpur Hyderabad Rohtak Hyderabad Hooghly Kolkata Hyderabad Srikakulam Perumbavoor Hyderabad Tanjore Gurgaon Gurgaon Jamshedpur Guna Neemuch Pakhanjur North 24 Pgns Churchandpur Bokaro Gurgaon Gurgaon Deucha Gurgaon Gurgaon Tirupati Racherla Surat Patna Hyderabad Chennai Uppinangady Coimbatore Bangalore Vizianagaram Surat Dharwad New Delhi Rajura Manik Garh Bhawani Patna Patna New Delhi Udupi Bangalore Rampurhat Bangalore Ghaziabad Purulia Gurgaon Chennai Mandya Eruvadi Chennai Sivagangai Old Pallavaram Bhubaneswar Semiliguda New Delhi Indore Ntpc Simhadri Dharuhera Narayangaon Bolangir Bhadrak Shahjahanpur Pune Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar Amravati Bangalore Hooghly Chennai Ariyalur Yellandu Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Chennai Dindigul Bangalore Umerkote Penu Balli Allahabad Kumbakonam Bhubaneswar

Patel, Laxman Ravjibhai & Jasoliya, MA Patel, Nilam A Pathan, Khudratbegum Ahemedh & Ahemedhussain Patidar, Arvind Kumar & Manjubala Patra, Nilakantha & Barik, Sujata Patra, Udaya Narayan Pattanayak, Prajatna & Deepa Peng, Ping Chang Perumal, Keerthana Prabhu, Sarojini & Ravindra Prajapati, Rekhaben J & Jagdishkumar R Prasad, Damodar & Tiwari, Anita Prasad, Kishori R, Gayathri & J, Ramachandran R, Jayalakshmi & B, Rengarajan R, Muthuprema & S, Sritharan R, Priyabala & Vanchi Nathan R, Venkatachalam & V, Shanthi Rai, Satya Prakash & Ragini Raikwar, Sarita Rajpoot, Ashok Singh Roy, Issac & Maghezhaas RV, Sethuraman & S, Kalaiyarasi S Anandhi & B Inbanathan S, Mythili & A G, Senthil Kumar S, Prasanna S, Rajan S, Thangalakshmi Sahu, Debasmita & Sahoo, Pradeepta Kumar Sakhare, Komal Omprakash & Omprakash Sukharaji Santosh, Rita & Kumar, Santosh Satdeve, Jyotsna Shrikant Satija, Deepika & Gulshan Saxena, Ramit & Versha Sen Ishore, Sarojini & Bimal Sharma, Sangita & Prakash, Om Sharma, Sunita & Naresh Kumar Sharma, Vikrant R & Bharti Shelar, Swapnil Shetty, Shakunthala & Sudhakar Shinde, Raichand Tulshiram & Smita Raichand Shingavi, Reena Mahendra & Mahendra Silpa, Rayala Sindhu, Surender Kumar & Rani Singh, Darvinder Singh, Narinder & Kaur, Balwinder Singh, Nisha Lata Singh, Rajinder & Kaur, Gagandeep Singh, Shanti & Lochan, Sanjeev Sojitra, Jaya Suresh & Suresh Magan Soneshwary, Pradeep & Nishi Soni, Kamlesh & Suresh Sowmya, Lenin Sunkara, Ravi Kumar Swaminathan, Kalyani & Subrananian, Ramanathan T S, Kumar & K, Bhavani T, Chellakani & C, Veeralakshmi Takimoto, Takashi Thakare, Durgadas Sheshrao & Shilpa DU Thakor, Narottambhai Subaji & Jasmaben Thigale, Manisha S Tiwari, Shashi Kala & Vinod Kumar Tiyer, Trupti Shivanand & Tiyar, Shivanand Tolani, Meghal & Anil Tripathi, Raj Kumar Tsai Wang, Chu TU, Yun Hsing Tukkar, Dr. Ujwala & Dr. Mallappa Tung, Damayanti V H Daya & D Sandhya V, Karunakaran V, Mariammal Vadapalli, Radhikadevi & Subrahmanyam, V S M V V Veeramreddy, Venkata Sireesha & Mule, Vema, Puhpalata & Chenna Reddy Venkatesh, N & Sudha, V Verma, Shilpi & Pankaj Kumar Vijaya Mohan, A & Siddamreddy, Jyothirmayi Vijayapuram, Hema Vinnakota, Anudeep Vyas, Arun K & Anamika Wada, Takahiro Wang, Yen Hsieh Wong, Chia-sheng WU, Qinghua & Wang, Haifeng Yadav, Akhilesh Prasad & Kumari, Bidya Yadav, Nisha & Suprem

Bhavnagar Ahmedabad Nanded Kachnara Flag Baripada Bhubaneswar Keonjhar Gurgaon B Mutlur Village Udupi Anand Banglore Hazaribagh Dharmapuri Kumbakonam Dharapuram Chennai Coimbatore Varanasi Bhopal Gwalior Chennai Gummidipundi Chennai Chennai Chennai Coimbatore Sankarankoil Bangalore Chamorshi Indirapuram Mumbai Panchkula Ghaziabad Tufanganj Delhi Akhnoor Nagpur Pune Mumbai Junnar Ashti Sathupally Rohtak Ludhiana Kapurthala Saran Bhadaur Allahabad Surat Rajnandgaon Khargone Chennai Nellore Chennai Chennai Tirunelveli Gurgaon Nasik Vav Pune Veraval Indore Bangalore Panagar Gurgaon Gurgaon Belgaum Thakurmunda Chennai Tirunelveli Sankarankoil Surat Bangalore Asthinapuram Tiruppur Bangalore Tada Hanamkonda Amaravathi Kolkata Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Daltonganj Ranikhet

AMAGRAM • May - June 2013

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OFFER 2 Buy products worth 100 PV* in a single invoice within 60 days of joining & Get Discount of Rs.1000/- on the order value. * Offer 1 is valid within 30 days of joining. Offer 2 is valid within 60 days of joining. * Only one offer will be allowed with one invoice. To avail Offer 2, ABO must avail Offer 1 first.

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Amway India received recognition for its commitment to the community, with the prestigious Global CSR sincerely thank to all its volunteers & partner NGOs for their continuing help and support for advancing the cause of AOF.

AOF celebrated World Braille Day along with its 12 partner NGOs working for visually challenged - Chandigarh, Jaipur, Ludhiana, Kolkata, Narendrapur, Patna, Mumbai, Pune, Raipur, Madurai, Hyderabad & Trivandrum. Volunteers made the day more special day for all visually challenged students by engaging them in a variety of interactive programs such as debates, Braille and prizes.

In Kolkata, AOF released the braille version of books on soft skills workshop and presented the books to visually challenged students of was developed by Amway India’s Human Resource Team with an objective to help visually challenged children succeed in job interviews and secure suitable jobs.

AOF along with its project partner, Andh Kanya Prakash Gruh (AKPG), set up a new venture. Christened as Swashrey, AOF assisted in setting up a shop at AKPG, which will sell items that visually challenged girls make and procure – everything from jewelry to handicrafts to sweets in Ahmedabad.

AOF along with its Sunrise partner, SAARTHAK, approached the Department of Information Technology, National Informatics Centre, Kurukshetra, who developed the Special Software for children with Special Needs. This software will make teaching as well as learning an easy, uniform and a continuous process for the children who cannot hear or speak. Along with special software, AOF donated computers, LCD projector and screen to enable SAARTHAK to service many students concurrently.









excellence family recognition people

reward team hope





E Learning Orienatation Program

Invitation to the Opportunity

Product Overview Beauty

Product Overview Home Care

Product Overview Nutrilite

Product Overview Personal Care




May 8 ;Jun 10 - 11:00AM

May 8 ;Jun 10 - 3:00PM


Jun 28 - 2:00PM

Jun 28 - 2:00PM

May 9 ;Jun 11 - 11:00AM

May 10 ;Jun 12 - 11:00AM

May 9 ;Jun 11 - 3:00PM

May 29 - 2:00PM

May 29 - 4:00PM

May 10 ;Jun 12 - 3:00PM Guwahati PUC, Rukmini Gaon, Dispur, Zip-781022 Pensioners Bhawan Kushal Nagar Road, Dhalarsatra Near Jail Road Club, Zip-785001


May 8 ;Jun 12 - 12:00PM

May 15 ;Jun 19 - 12:00PM

May 7 ;Jun 11 - 12:00PM

May 15 ;Jun 19 - 1:00PM Amway India Enterprises JB-12, Sector 4


May 20 ;Jun 24 - 5:00PM

Jun 24 - 6:00PM

May 20 ;Jun 24 - 4:00PM

May 20 - 6:00PM

May 13 ;Jun 17 - 12:00PM

May 27 ;Jun 24 - 12:00PM

May 6 ;Jun 6 - 12:00PM

May 27 ;Jun 24 - 1:00PM Amway India Enterprises Pvt Ltd Opp Gopal Maidan, Bistupur

May 21 ;Jun 12 - 11:00AM

May 18 ;Jun 15 - 11:00AM

May 25 - 11:00AM Jun 22 12:00PM

May 11 ;Jun 8 - 11:00AM

Jun 22 - 11:00AM May 25 - 12:00PM

Amway India Enterprises Commerce House Sharda Babu Street

May 14 ;Jun 6 - 10:00AM

May 18 - 10:00AM

May 18 - 2:00PM

May 14 ;Jun 6 - 2:00PM

Jun 13 - 2:00PM

Imphal PUC M.G Avenue Road, Zip-795001

May 6 ;Jun 4 - 5:30PM

May 20 - 5:30PM

May 6, 20 ;Jun 4, 24 - 4:00PM

Jun 24 - 5:30PM

Hotel Radha, Opposite Old Bus Stand, Zip-760001

May 3 ;Jun 7 - 5:30PM

May 3, 10, 17 ;Jun 7, 14, 21 4:00PM

India Ent. Pvt. Ltd. Capital Plaza 323, Dist. Centre May 17 ;Jun 21 - 5:30PM Amway Chandrasekharpur, Zip-751007


May 23 ;Jun 26 - 12:00PM May 2, 9, 16, 23 ;Jun 6, May 15 ;Jun 26 - 11:00AM 13, 20, 27 - 11:00AM

May 18 ;Jun 10 - 12:00PM

Amway India Enterprises 215,Shri Ram Plaza, Bank More, Zip-826001


Jun 13 - 10:00AM


May 9, 16, 23 ;Jun 6, 13, 20, 27 - 5:30PM

May 24 ;Jun 28 - 5:30PM

May 24 ;Jun 28 - 4:00PM

May 10 ;Jun 14 - 5:30PM


Jun 11 - 5:30PM

Jun 11 - 4:00PM


Jun 17 - 4:00PM

May 15 - 5:30PM

May 15 - 4:00PM

ATP Jyepore Arabindo Nagar Parabeda Jun 17 - 5:30PM

Hotel Deepti Ring Road Near Konark Cinema, Zip-769001


May 14 ;Jun 11 - 11:00AM

May 14 ;Jun 11 - 12:00PM

May 15 ;Jun 12 - 3:30PM

May 14 ;Jun 11 - 3:30PM

May 15 ;Jun 12 - 11:00AM

Asansol Asansol PUC, Rambandhutalaw Near PC Chatterjee Market, Zip-713301


May 14 ;Jun 11 - 11:00AM

May 14 ;Jun 11 - 12:00PM

May 15 ;Jun 12 - 3:00PM

May 14 ;Jun 11 - 3:30PM

May 15 ;Jun 12 - 12:00PM

Kolkata ADC, 25 A Shakespeare Sarani, Zip-700017


May 17 ;Jun 14 - 11:00AM

May 17 ;Jun 14 - 12:00PM

May 17 ;Jun 14 - 3:30PM

North Kolkata ADC 339 Canal Street Vip Road, Lake Town Crossing, Zip-700048

May 8, 9 ;Jun 4, 5 - 1:00PM

May 7 ;Jun 3 - 12:30PM

May 7 ;Jun 3 - 11:00AM

May 9 ;Jun 5 - 11:00AM

May 8 ;Jun 4 - 11:00AM

May 9 ;Jun 5 - 12:30PM

Imperial Marketing Services, S.C.O. 31, Sec 26 Chandigarh, Zip-160019


May 8, 15, 22, 29 ;Jun 5, 12, 19, 26 - 10:30AM May 10, 17, 24 ;Jun 7, 14, 21 - 4:00PM Jun 5, 12, 19, 26 - 10:30AM

May 9, 16, 23 ;Jun 6, 13, 20 - 10:30AM

May 3, 10, 17, 24 ;Jun 7, 14, 21, 28 - 4:00PM

May 16 ;Jun 13 - 11:00AM

May 23 ;Jun 20 - 11:00AM

May 9 ;Jun 6 - 11:00AM

May 23 ;Jun 20 12:30PM

ADC-Delhi Ground Floor, Elegance Tower, Plot No.8, Jasola , Zip-110025

May 10, 17, 24 ;Jun 7, 14, 21 - 10:30AM

May 7, 14, 21, 28 ;Jun 4, 11, 18, 25 - 4:00PM

May 17 ;Jun 14 - 11:00AM

May 24 ;Jun 21 - 11:00AM

May 10 ;Jun 7 - 11:00AM

May 24 ;Jun 21 12:30PM

Rohini PUC F 101-102, Ring Road Mall, Mangalam Place, Rohini Sec 3, Zip-110085

May 6, 13, 20 ;Jun 3, 10, 24 - 10:30AM

May 7, 14, 21 ;Jun 4, 11, 25 - 10:30AM

May 4, 11, 18 ;Jun 8, 15, 22 - 11:00AM

May 14 ;Jun 11 - 11:00AM

May 21 ;Jun 25 - 11:00AM

May 7 ;Jun 4 - 11:00AM

May 21 ;Jun 25 12:30PM

Gurgaon ADC MGF Megacity Mall MG Road

May 14, 15 ;Jun 11, 12 1:00PM

May 13 ;Jun 10 - 12:30PM

May 13 ;Jun 10 - 11:00AM

May 15 ;Jun 12 - 11:00AM

May 14 ;Jun 11 - 11:00AM

May 15 ;Jun 12 12:30PM

Amway India Enterprises, Moon International Hotel, Chota Shimla



May 8, 15, 22, 29 ;Jun 5, 12, 19, 26 - 5:30PM

Call us for more details : 080-39416600




E Learning Orienatation Program

Invitation to the Opportunity

Product Overview Beauty

Product Overview Home Care

Product Overview Nutrilite

Product Overview Personal Care



May 8 ;Jun 5 - 6:00PM

May 9 ;Jun 6 - 6:00PM

May 9 ;Jun 6 - 7:45PM

May 10 ;Jun 7 - 6:00PM

May 8 ;Jun 5 - 6:45PM

May 10 ;Jun 7 - 7:45PM

May 15 ;Jun 19 - 5:45PM

May 15 ;Jun 19 - 4:00PM

May 23 ;Jun 20 - 11:30AM

May 9 ;Jun 6 - 11:30AM

May 16 ;Jun 13 - 11:30AM

May 9 ;Jun 6 - 1:30PM

Welcare Agency C/o Amway India A-7 Mezzanine Floor, KC Plaza Residency Road


May 9, 16, 23, 30 ;Jun 6, 13, 20, 27 - 5:00PM


May 3, 10, 17, 24 ;Jun 7, 14, 21, 28 - 5:00PM

Amway PUC SCO55, Ranjit Avenue, B Block District Shopping Complex, Zip-143001

May 8 ;Jun 12 - 5:45PM

May 8 ;Jun 12 - 4:00PM


May 9, 16, 23, 30 ;Jun 6, 13, 20, 27 - 5:00PM

May 20 ;Jun 17 - 5:45PM

May 20 ;Jun 17 - 4:00PM

May 24 ;Jun 21 - 11:00AM

May 10 ;Jun 7 - 11:00AM

May 17 ;Jun 14 - 11:00AM

May 10 ;Jun 7 - 1:00PM

Jalandhar PUC 186,187, White Chambers Ranjit Nagar,Near Bustand


May 3, 10, 17, 24 ;Jun 7, 14, 21, 28 - 5:00PM

May 13 ;Jun 10 - 5:45PM

May 13 ;Jun 10 - 4:00PM

May 21 ;Jun 18 - 11:00AM

May 7 ;Jun 4 - 11:00AM

May 14 ;Jun 11 - 11:00AM

May 7 ;Jun 4 - 1:00PM

Ludhiana PUC SCF-42 G BRS Nagar Opp Sarabha NGR Police Stn, Zip-141012

May 11 ;Jun 8 - 12:00PM

May 14 ;Jun 11 - 3:00PM

May 21 ;Jun 18 - 3:00PM

May 7 ;Jun 4 - 3:00PM

PUC Landmark, S-16(A), Mahaveer Marg, C- Scheme, May 21 ;Jun 18 - 4:00PM Jaipur Zip-302001

May 23 ;Jun 20 - 3:00PM

May 16 ;Jun 13 - 3:00PM

May 9 ;Jun 6 - 3:00PM

May 16 ;Jun 13 - 4:00PM PUC Jodhpur 117/4 PWD Colony

Bhatinda PUC Imperial Marketing Services Tinkoni Chowk, Near Sepal Hot

May 8 ;Jun 12 - 11:30AM




May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 ;Jun 7, 14, 21, 28 7, 14, 21 ;Jun 4, 11, 4:00PM May 7, 14, 21, May 18 - 5:00PM 28 ;Jun 4, 11, 18, 25 - 12:00PM May 9, 16, 23 ;Jun 6, 13, 20 - 5:00PM


May 10 ;Jun 14 - 7:00PM

Jun 14 - 5:00PM

May 10 - 5:00PM

Jaipur PUC


May 17 ;Jun 21 - 7:00PM

Jun 21 - 5:00PM

May 17 - 5:00PM

Jaipur PUC


May 7, 14, 21, 28 ;Jun May 8, 15, 22 ;Jun 5, 12, 4, 11, 18, 25 - 10:30AM 19 - 1:00PM


May 9, 16, 23 ;Jun 6, 13, 20, 27 - 5:00PM

May 21, 22 ;Jun 18, 19 11:00AM

May 20 ;Jun 17 - 4:00PM

May 21 ;Jun 18 - 11:30AM


May 3, 10, 17, 24 ;Jun 7, 14, 21, 28 - 5:00PM

May 14, 15 ;Jun 11, 12 3:00PM

May 13 ;Jun 10 - 3:00PM


May 3, 10, 17, 24 ;Jun 7, 14, 21, 28 - 5:00PM

May 6, 7, 8 ;Jun 3, 4, 5 3:00PM

May 11 ;Jun 8 - 11:30AM


May 9, 16, 23 ;Jun 6, 13, 20, 27 - 6:30PM

May 3 ;Jun 7 - 6:30PM

May 5 ;Jun 9 - 11:00AM

May 4 ;Jun 8 - 1:30PM

May 3 ;Jun 7 - 6:30PM

May 7, 14, 21, 28 ;Jun 4, 11, 18, 25 - 4:00PM

May 8, 9, 10 ;Jun 12, 13, 14 - 1:30PM

May 8 ;Jun 13 - 5:30PM

May 9 ;Jun 13 - 11:30AM

May 4 ;Jun 8 - 10:30AM

May 8 ;Jun 5 - 10:30AM

May 22 ;Jun 19 12:00PM

PUC GHZ J-3, J-4, Pushpanjali Complex Rakesh Marg, Nehru Nagar

May 22 ;Jun 19 - 11:30AM

May 20 ;Jun 17 - 11:00AM

May 22 ;Jun 19 12:30PM

Gorakhpur PUC Kamla Niwas, Kasia Road Paidley Ganj

May 14 ;Jun 11 - 12:30PM

May 15 ;Jun 12 - 12:30PM

May 13 ;Jun 10 - 12:30PM

May 15 ;Jun 12 - 1:30PM Kanpur ULOC Amway India Enterprises G F117/N/96 A1 Market

May 7 ;Jun 4 - 5:00PM

May 8 ;Jun 5 - 5:00PM

May 6 ;Jun 3 - 5:00PM

May 8 ;Jun 5 - 6:00PM

Amway India Enterprises Raja Ram Kumar, Plaza, 75-Hazratganj

May 5 ;Jun 9 - 12:30PM

May 3 ;Jun 7 - 7:30PM

Amway India Ent. Pvt. Ltd. First Floor D 63/10 B-1, Mahmorganj, Zip-221010

May 10 ;Jun 14 - 11:30AM

May 8 ;Jun 12 - 11:30AM

May 10 ;Jun 14 12:30PM

PUC Dehradun, C-1/103,110&111 Indira Nagar S Near Vaibhaw Sweets, Zip-248006

May 15 ;Jun 19 - 10:00AM

May 1 ;Jun 5 - 10:00AM

May 15 ;Jun 19 12:00PM

Amway India Enterprises "The Belvedere", 1st Floor, Raj Bhavan Road, Somajiguda, Zip-500082

May 15 ;Jun 12 - 10:30AM

May 22 ;Jun 19 - 10:30AM


May 22 ;Jun 26 - 11:30AM

May 22 ;Jun 26 - 10:00AM

May 8 ;Jun 12 - 10:00AM


May 9, 23 ;Jun 13, 27 3:00PM

May 23 ;Jun 27 - 4:30PM

May 9 ;Jun 13 - 4:30PM

Hotel S.V. Regency No : 40 - 581, S.V. Complex Railway Station Road, Zip-518004


May 4, 18 ;Jun 1, 15 10:00AM

May 18 ;Jun 15 - 11:30AM

May 4 ;Jun 1 - 11:30AM

Hotel PLR Grand Near RTC Bus Station, Zip-517502

May 6, 20 ;Jun 3, 17 5:30PM


VIZAG MPUC Office 1st Floor, Opp Sundaram Motors Industrial Estate, Zip-530012

May 6, 20 ;Jun 3, 17 - 4:00PM


May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 ;Jun 6, 13, 27 - 5:00PM

HUBLI Call us for more details : 080-39416600

May 14, 28 ;Jun 11, 25 4:00PM

May 20 ;Jun 17 - 3:00PM

May 9, 23 ;Jun 6, 20 - 5:00PM Jun 5 - 5:00PM

May 6 ;Jun 3 - 3:00PM

May 13, 27 ;Jun 10, 24 - 3:00PM May 6 ;Jun 3 - 3:00PM

Amway India Enterprises ADC No.243, 80 Feet Road, Defence Colony, Indiranagar, Zip-560008

May 8 - 5:00PM

May 22 ;Jun 19 - 5:00PM

Hotel Mayura Marata Mandal Near Court Circle, Zip-580029

May 8 - 6:00PM




E Learning Orienatation Program

Invitation to the Opportunity

Product Overview Beauty

Product Overview Home Care

Product Overview Nutrilite

Product Overview Personal Care



May 8 - 1:00PM

May 8 - 10:30AM

Pondicherry Reena Mahal Moolakulam, Zip-605010


May 14, 28 ;Jun 11, 25 6:00PM

May 14, 28 ;Jun 11, 25 4:00PM

May 28 ;Jun 25 - 10:30AM

May 14 ;Jun 11 - 10:30AM

May 21 ;Jun 18 - 10:30AM

May 14 ;Jun 11 12:30PM

Chennai Amway India Enterprises Pvt Ltd 32&46, SIE, Guindy, Zip-600032


May 6, 20 ;Jun 10, 24 4:30PM

May 6, 20 ;Jun 10, 24 4:30PM

May 20 ;Jun 24 - 10:30AM

May 6 ;Jun 10 - 10:30AM

May 13 ;Jun 17 - 10:30AM

Amway India Enterprises Cheran Nagar, Near Employement May 6 ;Jun 10 - 12:00PM Koundampalayam


May 9 ;Jun 6 - 5:30PM

May 9 ;Jun 6 - 4:00PM

May 23 ;Jun 20 - 10:30AM

May 9 ;Jun 6 - 10:30AM

May 16 ;Jun 13 - 4:00PM May 16 May 9 ;Jun 6 - 12:00PM ;Jun 13 - 10:30AM

Erode Amway India Enterprises Perundurai Road, Zip-638001


May 8, 15, 22 ;Jun 5, 12, 19, 26 - 4:30PM

May 14, 21 ;Jun 11, 18 12:30PM

May 10, 17 ;Jun 7, 14 4:30PM

May 21 ;Jun 18 - 10:30AM

May 7 ;Jun 4 - 10:30AM

May 14 ;Jun 11 - 5:00PM May 14 May 7 ;Jun 4 - 12:45PM ;Jun 11 - 10:30AM

Madurai Amway India Enterprises, A 2 SIDCO Industrial Estate, Zip-625007


May 9, 16, 23 ;Jun 6, 13, 20, 27 - 5:30PM

May 8, 22 ;Jun 5, 19 5:30PM

May 8, 22 ;Jun 5, 19 - 4:30PM May 22 ;Jun 19 - 10:30AM

May 8 ;Jun 5 - 10:30AM

May 15 ;Jun 12 - 10:30AM

May 8 ;Jun 5 - 12:00PM

Salem Amway India Enterprises 36/07 Seelanayankan Patti, Zip-636201

Jun 18 - 12:00PM

May 20 - 2:00PM



May 20 - 12:00PM


May 16 ;Jun 20 - 7:30PM

Jun 20 - 5:00PM

Jun 20 - 6:30PM

May 16 - 5:00PM

May 16 - 6:30PM

BMG Hall Near Sai Mandir Sector 6, Zip-490006


May 12 ;Jun 9 - 1:30PM

Jun 9 - 11:00AM

Jun 9 - 12:30PM

May 12 - 11:00AM

May 12 - 12:30PM

Amway India Enterprises 159, Mahalakshmi Cloth Market Pandari, Zip-492001


May 23 ;Jun 20 - 3:00PM May 27 - 7:00PM

Jun 24 - 7:00PM

Rosary School

May 27 - 7:00PM

Jun 24 - 7:00PM



May 16 - 2:00PM

Jun 13 - 2:00PM

May 16 - 4:00PM

Chandwani Hall


Jun 11 - 12:00PM

May 14 - 12:00PM

Jun 11 - 2:00PM

Patrakar Bhawan Near Panchshil Talkies Dhantoli


Jun 20 - 12:00PM

May 23 - 12:00PM

May 23 - 2:00PM

Hotel Ramkrishna Near Bus Stand NR DRS Lane

May 24 ;Jun 28 - 1:00PM

May 3 ;Jun 7 - 11:00AM

PUC Plot No. 711 / C, Multi Appt 7 Love Bridge, Shankarsheth May 24 ;Jun 28 - 3:00PM Pune Rd, Zip-411 04

Jun 3 - 3:30PM

May 13 ;Jun 3 - 2:00PM

May 13 - 4:00PM

Hirachand Nemchand Vachnalaya Hirachand Nemchand Vachnalaya Opp Hotel City Park


May 24 ;Jun 28 - 5:00PM


Jun 20 - 2:00PM


May 12 ;Jun 16 - 1:00PM

Jun 16 - 12:00PM

Jun 16 - 10:30AM

May 12 - 10:30AM

May 12 - 12:00PM

Regional Science Centre Banganga Road, Shyamla Hills, Near Polytechnic Square, Zip-462002


May 5 ;Jun 9 - 1:30PM

Jun 9 - 12:30PM

Jun 9 - 11:00AM

May 5 - 11:00AM

May 5 - 12:30PM

PUC Amway India Enterprises, Behind C21 & Malhar Mall, AB Road, Zip-452010


May 18 ;Jun 15 - 6:30PM

Jun 15 - 4:00PM

Jun 15 - 5:30PM

May 18 - 4:00PM

May 18 - 5:30PM

Caravs Guest House 15, Civil Lines, P.B. No 48 Near Main Rly Station, Zip-482001


May 10 ;Jun 14 - 6:30PM

Jun 14 - 4:00PM

Jun 14 - 5:30PM

May 10 - 4:00PM

May 10 - 5:30PM

Hotel Surya Park Near Bus Stand, Rewa Road, Zip-485001

Call us for more details : 080-39416600

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