Am I wrong.pdf

April 30, 2017 | Author: fazriyahputri | Category: N/A
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Am I wrong?

"Past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited or erased; it can only be accepted"

You held on but I didn't. Why? Just because I was scared of what people might say. I was scared being disown by my family. But you... you only cared about me and you and our love. You were willing to fight for me with your parents when they learned about us. But I... just let you go. Even worse I made you go.

"Are you sure about this?" asked her best friend. "Yes I am." She looked at the tall woman, expecting another question coming. "Is it because of...?" "No..." she cut her off. She didn't want to remember her selfishness and insecurities. She hurt someone she loved and the one who loved her so much. "I want a new setting. Besides it has always been my dream to go there." she smiled halfheartedly. "Fine." Although she wanted her best friend to move on and forget the past, seeing the smile, the tall woman decided to just support her. She knew that the older girl has another purpose besides working as a nurse abroad. "Yuri-ah, thank you for always understanding and being there when I really needed someone" She hugged her best friend before boarding.

"Yah Pabo yah! Learn to be happy. okay? I will always miss you and don't forget me." Yuri yelled to the older girl almost on the verge of crying. The older girl only smiled before disappearing at the entrance.

[Pardon any spelling and grammar errors] and Enjoy.

The Arrival

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to John F Kennedy Airport..." Taeyeon stared at the window ignoring the pilot's announcement. She inhaled deeply, lost in her thoughts. A taxi was waiting for her outside the airport, it was provided by the company that she would work for. A tall woman was standing beside the car. "Hi Taeyeon, welcome to New York." Before Taeyeon could reply the tall woman spoke again. "By the way I'm Seohyun. I am also a nurse working at the hospital you would be working at and they asked me to help you since we live in the same building. Different units though. And it's nice to meet you." Taeyeon waited for Seohyun to finish before she could reply. She was glad that the company sent someone to help her because honestly she was nervous. New place meant adjustments. "Thank you and nice to meet you too" she said with a shy smile because of her accent. Seohyun only smiled in reply.

"Oh..I hope you don't mind me asking, are you Korean too?" Although Taeyeon had sensed that the other girl was Korean, she wanted to make sure first because they were nonetheless in the melting pot. "Dae..." Seohyun replied; smiling again at Taeyeon. "You looked really young, you must be smart to graduate early and work here." The tall girl continued speaking in Korean. After Taeyeon heard the girl beside her she couldn't help but let out a genuine laugh but nevertheless made Seohyun look at her questioningly. After they told her the offer, she agreed right away without even thinking. The hospital she worked at in Seoul recommended her to their sister company. It was the first time they sent a nurse to the U.S. They knew Taeyeon deserved it. She was the best after all. "I'm sorry"She didn't want Seohyun to be offended so she apologized. "Actually, I'm 26 years old and I have worked in Seoul for 2 years and I got lucky they sent me here." "Really?! You're older?...and here I thought you're like 20 or even younger." Seohyun was shocked. "Since you're older, can I call you Unnie then?" Taeyeon looked at her and smiled again..."Dae, of course" She couldn't believe that she had already made a friend on her first stay. After Seohyun showed Taeyeon her unit, she bid goodbye because she had to work the next day. Taeyeon thanked her before she closed the door.

She lied on the bed and thought about someone before she fell asleep.

-------After getting dressed, Taeyeon thought of what she would do for the two weeks they gave her before she started to work. She stayed in the apartment and decided to contact her employer asking more about the job. She wanted to know as much information since she didn't want to look bad on the first day. The lady she talked to on the phone explained her almost every detail she needed. Also learning Seohyun would show her around the hospital they were working at. ------Seohyun and Taeyeon were walking around town when Taeyeon suddenly stopped and looked at an Asian (girlxgirl) couple who were holding hands and smiling brightly at each other. She was lost with her thoughts. "Unnie? Are you okay?" Seohyun looked at where the older girl was staring at. "O-oh yeah" she replied, coming back to reality. "Are you uncomfortable seeing couples like them? Don't worry you'll get use to it" Taeyeon just smiled in reply. She didn't want to open her mouth. She might say something about her past. --------

"Good morning Seohyun! she Taeyeon unnie?" Yoona looked at Taeyeon. Indeed Seohyun was right. She looked really young for her age. "Taeyeon-unnie this Yoona my coworker and my friend" The youngest introduced each other. The two shook hands. "Unnie...Would you like to come with us after work..there's this newly opened restaurant we'd like to try. And please don't say no? Seohyun and I talked about it and we wanna show you around" Yoona said looking at Taeyeon expectantly. Taeyeon wasn't expecting that invitation but she agreed anyways. She didn't want the two feel bad. After that they parted ways. Taeyeon followed another nurse for her orientation. She was assigned at the receiving area. Her job was to take vital signs, ask the patients necessary information’s and record them on the computer and she did it for the whole day. "Good job Taeyeon. Again you'll be doing the same thing but don't worry you'll move on to another department after tomorrow." said by the nurse who helped her. -------The three ladies took their seats. It was a really a nice restaurant. The ambiance was great. Meanwhile in L.A "Hey hon, what would you like to order?"

The blond hit the send button before looking up at the man at the other side of the table. "Oppa, what were you saying?.. sorry I was replying Yoona. She said she's excited to see us." She smiled at her boyfriend. Repeating what he said earlier. The man chuckled a little understanding her girlfriend. He knew that she was also excited to see her friend. Back in N.Y "So.. how was your first day unnie?" Yoona started the conversation. "It was great and I liked it." Hearing a beep from her phone Yoona took her phone out and read her message. She smiled and typed in another message for her friend. "Yoong! stop flirting on the phone..." Seohyun joked looking at Yoona teasingly. "What?! I'm texting my friend... Tiffany-unnie." Yoona said while she shrugged her shoulders. Taeyeon's breath hitched. She was not expecting to hear the name. All memories from the past came rushing back. Everytime she heard the name she couldn't help but hate herself. "Unnie...Unnie? are you okay?" for the second time Seohyun witnessed Taeyeon lost in her thoughts.

"U-uh I'm sorry..I..I just remembered someone back home since Yoona mentioned friend." She lied. "Oh Sorry about that Unnie. You must be missing them" Yoona said. "Okay. Change topic....I actually volunteered with your orientation today but Nurse Lee said it'd be better if you work with someone who doesn't speak Korean." "Oh Seohyun thank you. I appreciate that but i think Nurse lee was right." Seohyun nodded in response. "Oh by the way who's Nurse Lee?" Taeyeon curiously asked smiling shyly. "She's the nurse Manager. Her name is Sunny. By the way she's shorter than you" yoona answered laughing and grinning at the same time. "Yoongie.. you know Sunny Unnie hates it when you call her short" came in reply by Seohyun "It's true though" argued Yoona Taeyeon looked at the two somewhat forgetting what she had earlier in mind. "Oh I'm sorry unnie" Seohyun and Yoona apologized for their little funny argument.


Taeyeon was ready to go to work when her doorbell rang. "Hey Seohyun! How can I help you? Come in first." she said looking at Seohyun "Hi Unnie. No it's fine here because I just wanna let you know that someone was looking for you. I was about to go in my unit but she approached me and asked about you." "Oh thanks Seohyun-ah... and did she happen to give her name?" "that.. no.. I was about to ask her but she just left" "Oh that's pretty weird. Thank you again" "No problem Unnie... I need to go coz I'm meeting my friend. Bye" "Bye"


"So hon when are you planning to visit Yoona and Sunny?" "After a week probably. Anyway I'm planning to surprise them."

"Most of your friends are nurses.. now I wonder why didn't you become one?" The man smiled at Tiffany. "First of all I'm scared of blood... so no." "That makes sense. Let's go? We don't wanna be late for the musical." Tiffany's boyfriend stood up and held Tiffany's hand leaving the cafe. The couple continued to hold hands as they walked. Tiffany noticed a woman in the way so she slightly walked to the side to not bump into her. "You're the most beautiful" he randomly blurted out causing her to laugh at the sudden compliment. "Why thank you" ----Aishh I need coffee before going to work or else I'm going to fall asleep Taeyeon was mentally talking to herself. She had two hours before work so she decided to spend it at the cafe she had been going since their coffee was so great. She noticed her shoelace was off the hook and decided to stop and fix it. She knew she was blocking the way but she couldn't help it. Almost done she saw two people holding hands walking her way and passing her. She was too busy staring at her shoes to look up. Her breath stopped when she heard a familiar laugh. She fastly looked backed at where the sound came from. Too late the couple hard turned in a corner.

Taeyeon wake up..not again. Stop hoping. She's gone from your life. You pushed her away. She mentally scolded herself. -----After watching the musical, Tiffany and her boyfriend were invited by Jessica, one of Tiffany's besfriends. Tiffany's boyfriend decided to stay at the apartment they were staying at to give time to Jessica and TIffany. "Congrats Jess! You were amazing on the stage!" Tiffany and Jessica were catching up on each other's lives. It had been long since they really talked to each other because they were busy with their own. "Thanks Tiff. So how are you and Kevin oppa? Hope you guys are doing well.." Jessica wanted to say something more but chose not to. She knew about Tiffany's past. She thought Tiffany had move on judging on how gorgeous her aura was. "Indeed we are doing well.. he's nice and understanding that's what I really like about him" Smiled Tiffany "How about you Jess? Not answering that guy yet who had been asking you out?" "No. I don't have time for love right now. Well I wish I had one but he's not the one." Tiffany chuckled by Jessica's reply. She felt her phone vibrated in her pocket so she picked up and read the message. "Anyways, it's late Tiff...we should be taking rests, especially you. You gotta do some errands remember?"

"Yeah. Ok Jess night" "Night Tiff" Sunny: Yah Tiff! You're already here in New York and you didn't even tell me! :( Are you even visiting us? Tiffany: Wait how'd you know!? I was actually planning on surprising you and Yoona at work. Sunny: Awww no more surprise then ☺

I got the news from Yoona well she said

Jess told her so yeah. Tiffany: I will be seeing you guys after a week. Gotta do something first. :) Sunny: Oh ok sounds great. See you Tiffy. Tiffany: Ok Sunny Bunny -------Taeyeon and Yoona were having their dinner at the break room when Sunny entered. "Hello girls" Smiled Sunny "Hi" both girls replied in unison. "Hey Yoong... I texted Tiff she said she'll visit us." Taeyeon heard the name again, she just ignored it thinking that it was just a coincidence.

"Unnie! We should throw a party.. I'll invite our other Taeyeon Unnie here, Seohyun etc etc." "That sounds great.. ok then next week. Taeyeon you heard Yoong? you're going ok?" Sunny said while smiling. "Ok Manager." Taeyeon replied playfully. Sunny once told her that she didn't need to be so formal and that they were already friends. "Good."


At a cafe, two women were talking. One was being asked and the other was obviously curious. "Yul what are you exactly doing here?" Asked Soooyoung. Yuri's cousin. She was very surprised when the tall woman appeared at her doorstep late at night. She wasn't expecting her at all. "I don't know. Umma sent me here. She didn't tell me why... But she told me to wait for further instructions." Yuri explained. "Ok. maybe Auntie wants you to study here?" " What?! I just mastered in my architectural degree. No way I'm studying again" She grimaced. "Alright Alright. Just wait then. Anyway, my boss's daughter is on her way. It's ok if you want to stay here with since she only has to sign these papers." "Ok, I'll just busy myself browsing then." "Alright." Sooyoung was busy arranging the paper that she didn't notice the woman standing in front of them. "Hello. Sooyoung?" Sooyoung looked up, a little bit surprised of the sudden calling of her name.

"Oh Hi Ms. Hwang... sorry didn't notice you I was busy with the papers." Sooyoung extended her hand for a handshake. "Have a seat." Yuri was so absorbed with the video she was watching and didn't notice the woman at all. Her head was down looking at her phone with her headphones on. "Uhmm who is that?" Asked Tiffany curiously. "Oh my cousin from Korea." Sooyoung nudged Yuri to acknowledge her boss's daughter. "Soo, what's up? I'm watc..." She looked up and finally noticed Tiffany. "I'm sorry" Then she looked carefully at the woman.. wth? am I hallucinating? She mentally asked herself. Before she could say anything else. She heard her name from the woman seating across the table. "Yuri??" Tiffany had to look carefully at the woman to make sure. But she knew it really was Yuri in front of her. "Ti..Tiffany?!" was all Yuri could say. "Yeah it's me. How are you? I'm surprised to meet you here." "I'm ok. y-yeah me too I'm surprised. How are you?" "I'm fine." Smiled Tiffany, not asking another question. Yuri was expecting Tiffany to at least ask about Taeyeon but she didn't. Mhhh..maybe she has moved on? She looks happy.. "Oh you guys knew each other? " This time it was Sooyoung's turned to speak

"Yeah, we met in Korea" Tiffany shortly answered "Yeah that's right" Added Yuri.


After a day of going to a theme park and shopping with Sunny, Yoona, Seohyun; Taeyeon was exhausted from the long walks which caused her to fall asleep early. "Aishh Taeyeonnah! open up! It's only 7:00 pm and you are already sleeping? The girl outside Taeyeon's door. "Yul, I think she's not opening. Let's come back tomorrow." "Soo, no. I've been coming here but she's always out. She should be here. It's her day off." "Fine... ring the doorbell more." Said Sooyoung, a little bit annoyed Finally Taeyeon was awakened by the sudden banging of her door. It scared her. "Huh, I’m pretty sure she's awake now." smirked Sooyoung "Yah! why did you do that?! someone might call the police!" Argued Yuri "We've ringing the doorbell and you don't wanna leave." "Whatever!"

Taeyeon walked slowly to the door and looked at the peephole. She saw two tall women. She looked carefully but she couldn't exactly tell who they were since it was a blurry. The other one looked so familiar. She thought it was Seohyun so she opened but wondered why Seohyun would be banging at her door. Click. Yuri felt the door opening and saw Taeyeon behind. "Taeyeon-ah!!! Finally!" She hopped inside and hugged her bestfriend. "Yu-Yul?! Whoa! What are you doing here?!" She couldn't believe it. She saw the other woman outside the door. "Come in come in" Taeyeon said. "Oh thank you but I gotta go. Yuri-ah just call me when you're going home. ok?" "Sooyoung wait. Taeyeon by the way that's my cousin and Sooyoung this Taeyeon my bestfriend." The two exchanged hi and hello and bowed to each other before Sooyoung bid her goodbye. "Yuri-ah! do you miss me that much?" Taeyeon was still trying to digest what was happening and who was in front of her. "Yeah right!" Yuri said "Then why are you here?" "Umma sent me here.. don't ask me why because I don't know either. But she told me to wait for further instruction."

"Why'd you agree then?" Playfully smirked Taeyeon. "Aish Taeyeon-ah.. fine fine you're one of the reasons for me agreeing but I can't really say no to Umma yet. I still depend on her." Yuri clicked her tongue. "Yuri-ah, that's so sweet of you. And oh how's your stay here so far?" "Uhhm it's fine. I like it here." Yuri suddenly remembered her unexpected meeting with Tiffany. Now she wanted to tell Taeyeon but she chose not to since Tiffany looked like she has moved on. She didn't want Taeyeon to be sad since the latter still harbored feelings for her. "That's good. Oh I remember something.. so were you the one looking for me last week?" "Yeah. Not only last week.. I've been coming here but you're always out. And thanks for giving me your address when I was still in Korea." Yuri pouted remembering how she kept on coming back to get hold of Taeyeon. Taeyeon chuckled at Yuri's gesture. "Sorry Yul, why don't you stay over tonight?.. And oh tomorrow there will be a party at my friend's house and she said I could bring friends. Why don't you come with me?" "Really? Are you sure? I mean I don't even know them. and I need to go home tomorrow... I have to fix some papers with my cousin." "Just do it the day after tomorrow. Please~ We can take your cousin with us. I wanna introduce my bestfriend to them who've traveled thousands of miles just to see me." Taeyeon teased but she was really glad to see her bestfriend again.

"Ayy, fine!" Yuri just smiled she was also happy to see her friend again.


A car was going around the street looking for a particular house. "Taeyeon, Are you sure you got the right address?" Asked Sooyoung, whiled she drove the car. "Look. It's so quiet here and we can't find the house number." "Taeyeon-ah, I think you got it wrong." Added Yuri Taeyeon was about to call Yoona when her phone rang. She answered it right away. "Hey Yoong." "Unnie, Where are you? the party started. Are you lost?" "I think so. Thank God I'm with my friends. I think I got the wrong address. What is it again?" Taeyeon looked again outside the car, making sure. "It's 09 ave. New York. House number is 27" "Ok. yeah we're definitely in the wrong place. We'll be on our way. Bye and Thanks" Sooyoung put the address on her navigator and drove away. ------

Three people rang the doorbell a couple of times because of the loud music. "Hey Unnie! I think someone is ringing the doorbell." Seohyun told Sunny. "Oh, Ok I'll get it. Thanks Seohyun, Maybe I should lower down the music." She grinned. "Aiii Sunny is taking too long." Jessica was running out patience. "Jess, you look funny with that face." The couple chuckled at Jessica's expression. "Whatever." She said nonchalantly. When the door finally opened they were greeted by Sunny who had all smile on her face. "You took long." Jessica commented "Jess! I'm so used to that face. Hey Kevin. what's up? Fany ah! Oh my God we need to catch up on things" Commented Sunny hugging the three in the process. "Yeah you know me well" Jessica said as she hugged Sunny back. "Come in come in.. anyway we've also invited our friends." Seeing Seohyun and Hyoyeon in the living room they introduced them. "By the way, my friend and coworker Seohyun and that's her friend Seohyun." Sunny introduced. Both parties exchange hi and hellos and Jessica's group decided to stay at the bar meeting Yoona and other people on their way.

----The three woman got out of the car when they finally found the house. Taeyeon texted Sunny to tell her that they are outside the house. Before they could ring the doorbell the door opened surprising them a little. "Hi Unnie!" Yoona and Seohyun welcomed the trio "Hi.. by the way these are my friends. Sooyoung and Yuri... And these are Seohyun and Yoona" "Hi" The four said in unison making the group laugh. "Come in. Come in" Said Yoona, She almost forgot that they were outside. "So unnie, where do you wanna stay? the pool? the bar? Sunny unnie and our friends are there and the food are also there... Let me first introduce you guys... or you can also stay here at Seohyun's living room." Yoona chuckled teasing Seohyun since she hadn't moved from the living room. "Yah! I was watching something ok? By the way Unnie, this is my friend Hyoyeon." Hyoyeon smiled and bowed at the newly arrived group. "Hi Hyoyeon." Greeted Taeyeon. "Hello." Hyoyeon greeted back. "Seohyun, Hyoyeon... wanna join us at the bar?" Asked Taeyeon. "Ok Unnie." Said Seohyun

"Let's go then" Yoona didn't know why but she was excited to gather her friends altogether.

"You're friend's house is beautiful" Yuri whispered to Taeyeon as they walked over to the bar. "I know right" Added Sooyoung "Whoa... you got sensitive ears" Yuri then replied. "Ok here we are!" Yoona loudly announced causing the group of Sunny except for Tiffany to look at Yoona. Taeyeon looked at where Sunny was with her friends. She noticed that there were only three girls and one guy. "Come come. Let me introduce you guys." Sunny approached the newly arrived group. "Hi Sunny.. By the way this is my bestfriend Yuri and that's her cousin Sooyoung." The girls said hi to one another and then Sunny proceeded to Jessica's "Hey guys! Tiffany and Kevin looked at Sunny while Jessica focused on the group not so far from them. Then she noticed someone so familiar then it sinked into her. Taeyeon? She was shocked. By then she couldn't help but give a cold stare. Taeyeon caused her best friend pain. Now she was wondering why the woman had to show up again. I want you to meet another friend of mine slash coworker...This is Tae.."

"Tiffany?!" Sunny was cut off when Taeyeon mumbled Tiffany's name a bit loudly. The way she said her name was longing and regret was written all over her face. Taeyeon's world stopped when the blond haired girl faced her direction. All of the people in the room kept looking back and forth Taeyeon and Tiffany. Tiffany was shocked. Right infront of her was Taeyeon. The one she loved so much but so much and who pushed her away. She couldn't believe it. Was fate Playing with them?

Secret Admirers

"Hey Tiff, I opened the door this morning and found these bouquet of flowers plus chocolate and they're again for you...You've been getting a lot. I didn't know you have many secret admirers." Jessica said as she gave the set to Tiffany. Tiffany had no idea who was giving her those. Her ex boyfriend who she had broke up with just last week ago hadn't showed up since and he was too mad at her. "It might just be one person you know?" Tiffany said nonchalantly. "Oh I have an idea! We'll try catch him!" Jessica suggested, sounding so confident. "And how are we gonna do that?" "Well....tell me how?" The shorter girl replied back not knowing how. "Never mind Jess. I mean if it's really an admirer, that person will eventually show up" Tiffany confidently said and smiled sheepishly. ------"Tae! So did you leave the flowers?" Asked Yuri.

"Yeah... Why can't he do it himself? I mean he's my brother but come on." Taeyeon heavily sighed. She didn't like helping her brother. "Then tell her that it was your brother. And how did your brother know her?" Yuri looked at Taeyeon waiting for a reply. "Aish... When they visited me at my apartment, he saw her there and he said it was love at first sight" Taeyeon heaved another sigh. "He's your brother... You should just support him." "I don't know...Yuri-ah, can I tell you something? And please don't hate me for this." Taeyeon examined Yuri's expression. "Yeah go ahead, what is it? And I promised not to hate you whatever it is... Like're my best friend I will accept you no matter what." Taeyeon wondered why the tall girl didn't have any confused look on her and even said the word "accept" when she hadn't said anything. "Actually... I-I-I like her too." She said shyly and felt embarrassed after. "I knew it!" Yuri laughed. "I was just waiting for you to tell me...anyways no matter what your feelings are... Or who you are.. It will not affect our friendship... So Taeyeon-ah don't feel bad about it.. Ok?" Yuri turned a little serious on the matter. She wanted Taeyeon to know that she didn't need to worry. "Thank you Yuri-ah for understanding. But how'd you know?" "Oh come on you were so obvious when I go to your apartment... You keep your blinds open and keep looking out the window. And there was even a time when she

was coming to her apartment... Uhm you ran and hid behind the door. Now I wonder why she hadn't notice you." Yuri teasingly laughed. Having some of her feelings out Taeyeon felt a little better at least Yuri understood her. She was not criticized and frowned upon. "Buy Yul...what should I do?...what if she finds about my brother's feelings for her... And decides to date him?" Taeyeon had the sad face on. "Well... Taeyeon-ah...maybe this time you have to do something? I mean if you really like her that much then tell your brother to do it himself and do yours." "What?! You mean... I go after her? Court her?" As much as she liked the idea, she never had the guts to do it. She was scared. "Yep." Yuri replied. "I don't even know if she swings that way and basically we are neighbors, I don't wanna scare her. And oh I almost forgot I think she has a boyfriend." "You will never know until you try, right? Boyfriend? Mhhh they are not married yet. But it's really up to you Tae... But again...lose her without trying or lose her for her trying... Either way you lose her" joked Yuri trying to lighten up the mood "Yah! You're not helping. You're making me feel bad." Taeyeon scrunched her brows. "I'm just kidding... What I mean is at least you tried right? And you'll never know...she might like you back. Oh God I'm just repeating my words."

"Ok I get you...actually I've been leaving stuffs at her door even before Oppa asked me to do that for him.." Taeyeon turned like tomato red and covered her face. Yuri laughed at short girl..."You really are siblings. Same way of getting someone you like." "No, it was my idea since I've been doing it... He asked me for help and I was stupid on telling him that and he liked it. Pabo me!" "Lighten up Tae. And step up."

-----"Oppa! I can't leave those flowers anymore... If you like her I think you need to do it yourself." Taeyeon said seriously. "Aish Taeyeon-ah, what has gotten into you? Alright but I think you are right. It's time for me to do the moves." He said smiling. "Anyway thanks for your help sis" he added patting Taeyeon's head in the process. Taeyeon mentally scolded herself. Great just great. ----A woman was waiting anxiously for her friend. She had news for her. She had taken in another set of flowers and this time they were pink. When she heard the door being opened and she couldn't help it anymore but say the news. Tiffany was listening to Jessica carefully since only when she was so hyped like that her news was actually intriguing.

"Oh my God Tiff! I know..." Jessica's sentence was cut off when the doorbell rang and Tiffany barely even closed the door. Jessica thought it was going to be the person whom she saw leaving the set of flowers. Tiffany pulled the door and there stand a man with a set of red roses.

First Kiss

"Hi" the man standing at the door smiled politely still holding the flowers. The two girls looked at him wonderingly. They didn't know who the man was but they both said hi not wanting to be rude. They waited for the man to continue to talk. "My name is Siwon" "You're Tiffany right? This might sound funny but do you believe love at first sight?" Taeyeon's brother asked shyly. When he didn't get a reply from Tiffany he continued to talk. "Uhm actually, my sister lives next door and when we visited her, I saw you and I-I think it's love at first sight."..."and I've asked my sister for the two sets of flowers to leave at your doorstep since I didn't wanna creep you if I ever get caught"

Now Tiffany looked at the man in front of him. Jessica on the other had left them for their privacy. She thought Tiffany knew him. "Uhm I'm sorry. Actually, I don't believe in love at first sight. And thanks for the flowers" She said looking at the man. She was hoping that he got the idea that she was not interested.

"O-oh Mhhh anyway... Can I at least try?" He said with a little sad frown on his face. He was scared of rejection. "I'm sorry ...but I already like someone and I hope you understand" she bowed politely. After hearing Tiffany, he looked so dejected. "I'm sorry for troubling you." He said apologetically. "It's ok..I'm sorry too. You know there are still many girls out there." She tried to cheer him up because she felt bad seeing someone dejected especially when she was the reason. "Ok. Thank you bye." He then left without waiting another reply from Tiffany. -----"What?! You rejected him..aww he was cute you know?" Jessica said. When she heard the front door closing she hurriedly ran to the living room to ask Tiffany how it went. "Yes I did. He's not my type." She argued. "Whoa Tiff, sorry to tell you this but he looked so much better than your ex." Jessica teased and she clapped her hands. "Hey that's not true." She threw a pillow at her best friend.

"Oh I almost forgot.... I was wondering... One of your admirers had already showed up." She looked at Tiffany she thought about telling her about seeing the girl next door also leaving flowers. "Jess what's up?" Tiffany saw Jessica staring at her like she wanted to tell something. "Shoot!" "I know one of your admirers Tiff... I-I caught...HER!" When she didn't get an answer from Tiffany she continued to talk. "SHE left pink flowers this morning when you were at your dad's house." "Really?! Where are the flowers Jess!?" Tiffany asked excitedly with smiles on her face. "In the sink but What the?..." Jessica was left dumbfounded. "Tiff, don't tell me you know?"The older woman thought her best friend would be shocked but it turned out the other way around. Tiffany rushed in to the kitchen and took the flower from the sink. She smiled widely going back to where Jessica was. "Tiff, like seriously... Did you hear what I said... It's a SHE who gave you those." Jessica had her eyes wide on Tiffany "Actually Jess, I-I broke up with my boyfriend because of HER. Uhm please don't be weirded out be-because I actually like her." Jessica became silent trying to digest what her friend had said.

"Jess? You won't leave me for this, right?" Tiffany expected her best friend to be shocked but she was hoping that she would understand her.

Hearing Tiffany's statement made her go back to reality. "Wha-what!? Leave you? No! we're best friends you know... It's just that... I wasn't expecting that from you. But if you really feel that way then I'll support you." Tiffany then smiled and hugged her friend. She was glad for it. "Thank you Jess" ------It was Friday morning and as expected Taeyeon knew that Her neighbor/crush would be out of the apartment. She opened her apartment door and peeked outside looking if it was clear then she hurriedly walk to the other door. She was about to put the pink gift bag down when the door suddenly opened. Scaring the life out of her. She looked up and was a little relieved when it was not Tiffany. "Hi there" Jessica greeted but a smirk appeared on her face. "Tiff! You're secret admirer is here! Oh no longer a secret though." Jessica yelled. The smirk still plastered on her face. Taeyeon turned so red and felt so embarrassed. Oh shit! She mentally cursed. Taeyeon was about to run to her unit when she heard a voice she always liked to hear. "Wait! Don't go!" Tiffany approached the other girl.

"Ok Tiff I'll leave you two. Enjoy~" Jessica smiled and left.

Taeyeon couldn't help it but she needed to face the girl she had been dreaming to talk to. The older girl saw her crush approached her and she thought she would faint. "Hi!" Tiffany greeted showing her eye smile. "Err Hi?" Taeyeon answered nervously. She was nervous and didn't know what to do. "Wanna come in?" Tiffany offered "U-Uhm I-I.." Taeyeon mentally cursed herself for stuttering big time Tiffany chuckled at Taeyeon's cuteness. "Oh my God you're so cute!" Tiffany stopped herself from pinching the other girl's cheek. Taeyeon's heart skipped a beat when she heard the sudden compliment. Because of that she felt a sudden confidence surged into her. "You're beautiful you know?" Taeyeon smiled a little. Tiffany blushed so hard she didn't expect Taeyeon would be saying that since she was so shy and was standing robotically.

"You know what let's talk inside... We need to talk right?..and you have to explain that" Tiffany pointed at the pink gift bag lying on ground. She smirked then playfully wiggled her eyebrows. Taeyeon agreed since she was already caught and she thought about Yuri had told her. Maybe she really should at least try. "So uhh, do you like me?" Tiffany blatantly asked since Taeyeon hadn't spoken since they came in. "Oh shoot! By the way I'm Taeyeon." Taeyeon almost forgot introducing herself. She covered her face as she blushed madly. Way to go Taeyeon. "I'm Tiffany." Tiffany said in reply "but you haven't answered my question yet, do you like me?" she pouted Taeyeon couldn't help but admire the girl more. She was swelling in joy inside. Oh my is this a trap? What should I tell her? "I-I do actually. I-I mean since I saw you I couldn't help but get curious and started having feelings for you and I-I think you're go-gorgeous and hope you don't find it weird" for the second time Taeyeon covered her face in embarrassment. You fool stop babbling! "I-I like you too, you know?!" Tiffany blushed hard at her confession. "You what?! How, why and when!?" Taeyeon was shocked. She thought she was going to die from all the emotions she was feeling.

Tiffany chuckled "I started to notice you actually hid and ran back to your door when you saw me and I started to like you every time you looked out your window waiting for me to walk by." Tiffany scooted over by Taeyeon closing the gap between them. "Ah so are you gonna ask me out?" She couldn't help but tease the other girl. Taeyeon's nervousness hiked up to a new level. She thought she was dreaming and pinched herself which made Tiffany laughed while clapping her hands. "You're not dreaming ok!" Taeyeon chuckled nervously. "So can I really ask you out?" "Aish didn't I say like you too? Yeah I'd love to go out with you" she smiled wholeheartedly. Taeyeon noticed the genuine smile and there she was in euphoria. "I still couldn't believe this." She smiled back. Tiffany thought of something that would make Taeyeon believe that it was really real. She looked at the girl who was kinda lost in thoughts and decided to kiss her on the cheek.


The couple were at a cafe having coffee. It was their little date. It had been two months since Tiffany answered 'yes' when Taeyeon asked her to be her girlfriend. Almost everything was perfect except the fact that they were hiding their relationship carefully as to Taeyeon's wish. The older girl was head over heels for Tiffany but at the same time she didn't want to be labeled by the society.

"You look so cute Taeyeon-ah" Tiffany loved fluttering her girlfriend. She held the older girl's hand and she felt that Taeyeon was slowly pulling her hand away from her. She knew the reason, it wasn't because she didn't like the gesture but she was scared of the people around them.

"I-I'm sorry" Taeyeon apologized when she saw the frown on Tiffany's face she knew she was disappointed.

"It's alright." Tiffany shrugged. She didn't want to worsen the situation. "Um Tae, there's a party at my parents' house I was hoping that you'd go with me?" Tiffany looked at Taeyeon with a smile.

"O-ok" When Taeyeon saw the smile she didn't have the heart to say no but the thought of the party kind of scared her. She wouldn't know what to do when Tiffany introduced her as her girlfriend.

Tiffany sensed that Taeyeon was unsure. "Don't worry...I'll introduce you as one of my close friends" She simply said although it was hurting her deep inside. She thought so many times of why can't Taeyeon fight for them or fight for her but she loved her so she tried to understand her instead. She just thought about the time they were only together and Taeyeon wouldn't think twice of showing her how much she loved her too.

"T-thank you Fany-ah"


"Hey Jess, can you keep Taeyeon company after we met them. I'm sure they'd introduce me to their friends, business partners and what not". Tiffany knew that her father would want her to meet his business partners' sons in cased Tiffany might liked one of them.

"Ok no problem. Heard that Taeyeon? You'll be staying with me for a while." Jessica chuckled and smirked at Taeyeon.

When Taeyeon saw the smirk it only meant two things. Jessica would be asking about her best friend's progress with her and second would be lecturing her that if she hurt Tiffany's feelings she would surely get it from hellsica. Taeyeon swallowed hard. Jessica always didn't fail to make her nervous.

"Jess don't scare her." Tiffany saw that Taeyeon was uneasy. She held her hands and kissed her on the cheek "Don't worry Tae. I'll be with you two, asap. And oh we are almost there."

Taeyeon blushed real hard at Tiffany's sudden gesture. She felt thousands of butterflies fluttering in her stomach to actually even care that Jessica was there. She gladly returned the gesture and pecked Tiffany's lips. "Thank you Fany-ah"

"I know. I'm the driver, ok and you two stop making out...I really feel like a chauffeur now" Jessica complained which made Tiffany laugh.

"Driver for only one night Jess. Stop complaining and we're not making out!" Tiffany retorted back


Tiffany was about to go back to Taeyeon and Jessica when she heard her father call her.

Damn! She mentally cursed.

"I would like you to meet Kevin. He's father is a good friend of mine"

"Hi. Nice to meet you" Tiffany greeted but she couldn't wait to leave.

"Hi Tiffany, it's nice to finally meet you. You know my father talks about you and he was right, you looked wonderful" Kevin replied and looked at Tiffany like she was the only one there.

"Oh thank you" she said nonchalantly. She was not interested at all.

"You two look good together."

She couldn't help the urge to see girlfriend already. "Um please e-excuse me I have to see my friends" she bowed slightly without waiting for an approval from his father.


When she saw the girl seating with Jessica and quietly drinking from her glass of wine she felt guilty. She rushedly walked up to her.

Taeyeon was bored but she waited patiently for Tiffany. She knew how higher class socialized. She thought that Tiffany was still being introduced with the people who were important. She never thought that Tiffany would be this rich. When she analyzed their status she was nothing compared to her girlfriend. She was nothing. Not only that but in other people's perception their relationship was very wrong. She was about to drink from her wine when she felt a hand grabbed her and was being dragged by non other than Tiffany.

Jessica looked at them questioningly when she saw what was happening.

"Fany-ah? What's wrong?" Taeyeon was so confused at the sudden behavior.

"I'm sorry Taeyeon-ah, you had to wait for me while I was being a socialite downstairs.

"It's ok" Taeyeon just let Tiffany dragged her, she thought they were going home but she noticed they were in a room. Tiffany kissed her fervently like there was no tomorrow. "I'm sorry Taeyeon-ah"

Taeyeon for the second time got shocked but having her girlfriends lips on hers, She almost forgot everything. She gladly kissed back. She left the younger girl's lips to kiss her neck. Her hands roamed down to Tiffany's dress. She massaged her thighs which caused a moan from Tiffany. The alcohol that she had been drinking was already taking effect.

"Mhhh uuhh Taeyeon-ah" Taeyeon was about to kiss her lips when the door suddenly opened.

"I Love You" Pt.1

"Tell me you're just experimenting with her!" Tiffany's father yelled.

Tiffany looked at her father. He had never been mad at her like that but hearing his words she couldn't help but be mad as he was.

"No! Don't say that! She's my girlfriend and I love her!" She yelled back at her father. Although they hadn't said 'I love you' to each other she knew and felt they were in love.

"No Miyoung! You are going to break up with her wether you like it or not" Mr. Hwang said sternly.

"And what? You're gonna disown me? Fine do it!" Tiffany couldn't believe she would say those words but when she couldn't think about breaking up with Taeyeon. Before her father could say another hurtful word she ran to her mother upstairs who hadn't said a word. She decided to ask if she was also against her

relationship with Taeyeon. She wanted to make it clear to anyone that her girlfriend was not just an experiment.

When she reached a certain room, her mother just looked at her but didn't really say anything. She then decided to break the silence. "Umma? Are you mad too? Do you also think I'm just experimenting?"

Her mother inhaled deeply. "Fany-ah, although I was shocked I think the most important is your happiness. I was just trying to understand everything that's why I was silent. For me, if you're happy with her then I'll accept you entirely." Mrs. Hwang stand up from the bed and hugged her crying daughter.

"Miyoung-ah, please don't cry. It hurts me to see you cry. I know your father is against your relationship but don't worry I'll support you"

Her mother's words made her cry even more. She wasn't expecting it, she thought she would also yell and lecture her.

"Thank you Umma"


After what happened last night, Taeyeon hadn't heard a single word from Tiffany. She was kicked out of the Hwang's house immediately and being a soft soul she was, she didn't even dare say a word and she was crying on her way out.

"Pabo Taeyeon! Pabo! You should've atleast defended your relationship" She scolded herself. She stand up and was about to go to her room when the doorbell rang. She immediately ran to open her door thinking it was Tiffany.

When she opened the door her body stiffened. "M-Mr. Hwang? Come in" She slightly bowed.

"No it's fine..I'll cut the chase... I want you to break up with my daughter." Mr. Hwang's voice was calm but it was so serious that it sent shiver to Taeyeon's body.

"B-but with all due respect sir.. I-I love your daughter and don't you think you're being u-unfair?" Taeyeon didn't know where her courage came from but she felt the urge to say that.

"Unfair you said? I'm her father I know what's best for her and I don't think you can give that. You can't give her kids and are you financially stable to support her? Well that's all and hope you think about what I said"

Hearing Mr. Hwang's statement silenced Taeyeon and when he left, she immediately fell on the floor and cried her heart out. His words were very hurtful but Taeyeon thought they were true.

"Taeyeon?! What the hell?!" Yuri was about to surprise Taeyeon for dinner but she saw her on the floor and her door opened she rushed to her best friend and helped her up.

"Taeyeon-ah, why are you crying? Hey what happened?" Yuri haven't seen this girl so dejected before and she didn't know what to do except to hug her.

"Yuri-ah! T-Tiffany's father..came he-here and he wants me to br-break up with Fany!" Taeyeon burst more into tears.

"Taeyeon-ah shh shh" Yuri soothed the older girl down. "Everything's gonna be alright"


Tiffany had a big frown on her face when she entered her apartment.

"Tiff, you ok? Um have you talk to Taeyeon yet?"

"No. I was calling her but she won't pick up and I've been ringing her door but she wouldn't open either." She covered her face and tears were about to fall.

"Um Tiff... I-I have something to tell your father kinda force me to tell him where Taeyeon lived and I-I think he talked to her." Jessica was scared she would be mad at her.

"He what?! Damn it! Why can't he just leave me and Taeyeon alone" Tiffany's sad face turned into angry one. "I'm done with him"

"Tiff, he's your dad"

"Yeah, shouldn't fathers think about their children's happiness." She scoffed


"Taeyeon-ah, stop drinking. You've had too much" Yuri tried stopping Taeyeon but the older girl was persistent.

"Fany-ah...fany-ah." She kept mumbling. Since Tiffany's father had talked to her she avoided Tiffany.


It was late at night when Jessica and Tiffany's doorbell rang. Tiffany hurriedly went to peek at the hole. She hoped it was Taeyeon but she saw Taeyeon's friend instead and opened it for her.

"Hi Yuri."

"Hi Fany, can you look for Taeyeon? She's drunk" she said straightforwardly. "She needs you"

"Ok ok." She hurriedly went in Taeyeon's apartment while Yuri bid her goodbye


Tiffany watched Taeyeon silently in her sleep. Although it was only two days they have not seen each other, Tiffany had missed her so much. She tucked the lose fringe of the older girl and she slowly touched her face not to wake the her up. "Taetae... I love you" she whispered and kissed her on the cheek before she went to sleep.

"I Love You" Pt.2

The next morning Taeyeon woke up from a very bad headache, she stirred on her bed only to feel someone was beside her. She thought it was Yuri but when she took a peek, it was Tiffany.

How did she get here? Aiish Yuri. Not that she didn't want Tiffany being there but she reminded her of the talk she had with Mr. Hwang. No matter how she analyzed what he said, she thought he was right. "Fany-ah, no matter what happens, I hope you won't forget every memories we had. I love you" she whispered; she didn't want to wake her up.


It was 10:00 am and Tiffany just woke up, she reached her hands to hug her girlfriend whom she thought was beside her. When she looked, Taeyeon was gone.

Mhh where'd she go? She took her phone and dialed Yuri's number. "Hello?" "Yuri? Does Taeyeon happen to be at your place?" "Oh Tiffany! No, Taeyeon isn't here. Wait Isn't she with you? Didn't I call you last night?" "Yeah but when I woke up she's not here." She frowned and wondered why Taeyeon would leave when she was there. "Don't worry Tiffany, I'll call her" Yuri assured the other girl even though she knew what really was happening. "Ok. Thanks Yuri-ah" "No problem Fany" ~ Yuri was about to call Taeyeon when her doorbell rang. She looked at the peephole and it was non-other than Taeyeon.

"Yah! Why'd you leave Tiffany? She called and she seemed worried." She lectured her bestfriend "You know it Yuri-ah" Taeyeon was talking about her conversation with Mr. Hwang "Fine... come in" The two sat on the couch. "Tae, aren't you even going to explain to her rather than avoiding her? You might be hurting her.." The tall girl curiously asked while she said her opinion. Taeyeon shook her head. "I think I'm gonna hurt her even further if we continue our relationship...Her family might disown her.. I-I don't think I can give her a good future and a kid" she sighed while Yuri remained silent. "Um Yuri-ah, no matter what, please don't tell anything to Tiffany...I-I'm planning something so she'll leave me" She covered her face. She decided it was the right thing to do even if she loved the girl so much. Deep inside, she wanted to vanish because someone important to her would be gone from her. Someone who completed her. Tears then again found their way out her eyes. "I promise but I don't get why you have to go this way" Yuri said as she soothingly patted the older girl's back. ~ At an ice cream shop, a girl was begging a guy.

"Key-ah, please do it for me... what are we friends for?" "I know I know, but do we really have to kiss? Oh my gosh! I've never kissed a girl before eew" he fanned himself. "You know I'm gay"

Taeyeon couldn't help but chuckle a little at her friend's silliness. "I know, and that, we are friends for... come on it's only once." "Ok ok but...why don't you just tell her that you don't like her! Saves me!" He fanned himself again with his hands.

"She won't, even if I tell her" Taeyeon sighed and frowned. She told Key that a girl who she doesn't like kept going after her. She didn't tell him the truth since he would refuse to help her. He was too nice to hurt someone's heart especially when it was someone important to his friends. ~ Tiffany hoped Taeyeon would already be home as she ordered Chinese food. When the food was delivered, she noticed that Taeyeon's apartment door was open. She decided to step in and eat with her girlfriend as she planned to. To her surprise, Taeyeon was kissing someone and it was a guy. Tears instantly fell from her eyes. She wanted to scream at the other girl but no sound came out.

"Wh-why?" Was all she could say and it came out as a whisper. ~ Taeyeon let her door opened, it was part of her plan. She waited while Key watched TV. Suddenly she felt someone was going to enter her apartment and there she hurriedly sat down on Key's lap. She inhaled deeply before faking a smile and kissed her friend on the lips. Key knew what he had to do. Although it was against his will, she kissed Taeyeon back. "Key-ah... don't touch me there... it tickles" Taeyeon faked a giggle while Key was dumbfounded since he wasn't touching Taeyeon anywhere. He knew someone was watching them and he wanted to stop what they were doing but he had promise her to keep up with the act no matter what happens. When Taeyeon heard Tiffany, she had to fake another act but in fact she wanted to vanish for doing it. "Fa-fany?...I-I-I'm sorry" "Why? Am I not good enough? Am I?" Tifany sobbed. "No, it's not like that F-Fany-ah, I-I...forgive me. And let's just forget what we had" Taeyeon swallowed hard. She wanted to punch the wall for being a coward. Tiffany sobbed even more, Taeyeon wanted to hug her and tell her that it was not real but she chose not to. "If that's what you want and you're happy with him"

Key looked at the two women. He finally realized what he had gotten himself into. He wanted to tell Tiffany the truth but she remembered the promise she made with Taeyeon. Tiffany looked at the guy and Taeyeon before she made her way out. Key dashed to close the door and confront Taeyeon but she was already on the floor crying. He sat on the floor as well to comfort her friend. "Taeyeon-ah, why'd you do that? You didn't tell me she's your girlfriend." He said as he rubbed her back. "Not anymore." Taeyeon cried even more.


"Soo! why don't you greet your boss? That'll make a good impression since you'll be working with her!" As a smart girl, Yuri already had something in mind when she saw Tiffany at the bar. She knew Taeyeon would do something awkward with the situation. She was right because Taeyeon just said her ex's name a bit loudly and longingly.

"Ooh yeah. You're right" Sooyoung noodded and smiled.

"Hi Ms. Hwang!" Being a loud mouth she was, the little awkward silence was instantly forgotten and everyone was staring at her except for Taeyeon who was still looking at Tiffany.

"Oh Sooyoung. Hi" she replied back

"Ok guys, let's continue with the party" Sunny announced. Although the awkward atmosphere lasted only few seconds she knew there was something wrong between her two friends. She made a mental note to ask a few questions later from Tiffany.

"I know right!" Yoona agreed right away.


"Hey Taeyeon-ah, are you ok?" Yuri asked. Taeyeon decided to stay by the pool and Yuri wanted to make sure her bestfriend was fine.

"Is it ok if I answer no?" She said. Sadness was totally visible on her face.

"Of course, I understand" Yuri patted her shoulder, encouraging her to speak her heart.

"Yuri-ah, I wanna talk to her... I wanna apologize, for everything, for hurting her, for making her g-go away" she said as she drank the glass of wine in one go.

"Taeyeon-ah, don't be so hard on wasn't all your fault you know" Yuri shook her head.

Taeyeon didn't say anything back instead she poured herself another glass of wine.

"Aish Tae.. you know you're so bad on alcohol"


Sunny noticed Tiffany was silent most of the time with their conversation. She was also spacing out.

Kevin was talking to Jessica so Sunny took the time to ask Tiffany. She didn't want to be nosy but her curiosity got the best of her.


"Um, yes? Sorry I was out of it." Tiffany apologized.

"Yeah I noticed. Why? I mean you don't have to you know, but I'll be your ear if you need one"

"It's a long story but past is past" She said , she didn't want to open up yet. Taeyeon showing up was too sudden. She thought she wouldn't see her again but there she was at the party, and even said her name.

"Ok...mhh but does it have something to do with Taeyeon?" She asked carefully


"Hey guys! What are you talking about? You guys seemed serious!" Jessica suddenly barged in.

"Oh we're talking about father's business" Tiffany suddenly answered. She knew Jessica disliked Taeyeon ever since the latter cheated on her but for her she couldn't bring herself to dislike or hate Taeyeon.

"Oh ok" Jessica smiled and nodded "But are you ok?" She wanted to know how Tiffany was since her ex just showed up unexpectedly.

"I-I'm ok." Tiffany shortly answered.

"Alright" she answered back. She didn't wanna pry. It wasn't the right time.

"Hey ladies" Kevin greeted.

"Hey" Sunny and Jessica replied back

"Hey hon, You ok?" He asked since she was a little quiet. Kevin didn't know about Tiffany's past. Although he was at the party back then, The Hwangs had kept the incident to themselves.

"Yeah, of course" she smiled a little before she excused herself to the restroom.


"Excuse me Yuri-ah, I need to go restroom" Taeyeon's face was red from the alcohol. She needed to freshen up.

"Can you go by yourself?" Yuri asked worriedly

"Um yeah, I'm ok" she said before she left.


Taeyeon went inside since Sunny's restroom had two cubicles. She turned the faucet on and splashed cold water on her face and sighed deeply. She sensed someone came out of cubicle she took a moment to look at her from the mirror, her breath almost stopped instantly seeing the other person.

Tiffany too was surprised.

Taeyeon gathered all courage. She wanted to atleast apologize. "Ti-ffany-ah," she called, she thanked the alcohol since it was kind of helping her. She faced the younger girl. "I-I'm sorry...please fo-forgive me"

"I-I'm sorry I hurt you" she repeated and but this time she had her head down. She was embarrassed for what she did in the past.

Tiffany didn't know what to say. She was indeed hurt in the past. Their relationship was something she had hoped to last forever.

She decided it was in the past and they had their own lives now. She inhaled deeply "It was in the past, let's forget about it. You should move on Taeyeon...I already forgave you long time ago" she extended her hand, to finished everything they had.

Taeyeon heard everything clearly and instead of feeling glad that Tiffany had forgiven her, she felt a pang in her heart. She couldn't quite believe that Tiffany had really moved on. She saw Tiffany's hand hanging but instead of shaking it, she grabbed Tiffany and hugged her. "Forgive me for this..."

Tiffany just let Taeyeon hugged her, she didn't want to admit but she felt like the missing puzzle piece just completed her again. Although she wanted to hug the woman back, she couldn't when she already had someone. She already forgave Taeyeon and she hoped that she would see Taeyeon and explained herself that what happened in the past was just all lies. But she remembered her boyfriend that having Taeyeon back was very unfair to him.

"Taeyeon, let's forget everything" She tried her hardest to stop tears from falling.

"O-ok, I-I'm happy for you." Taeyeon finally let go of her. She thought that Tiffany was right, she had to move on and she didn't want to bother Tiffany again with her happy life.

Tiffany smiled a little at her before leaving.

When Tiffany was out. Taeyeon instantly collapsed on the floor and cried her heart out.

The Truth

"Sunny-ah, can I-I get Tiffany's address?" It had been a month and Taeyeon finally had the courage to formally talk and apologize to Tiffany. She wanted to be at least friends with her.

The two girls were in the break room.

"Um.... wait actually you just reminded me of the party, seemed so weird to me. I don't know what happened with you and Tiffany... um hope you don't mind me asking and since you're asking her address, can you tell me why?"

Taeyeon had thought about it and she was right, Sunny would be asking her questions.

"Actually something happened in the past and it wasn't really good. I'm sorry I can't tell you everything but if you really want to know you can ask Tiffany." Taeyeon explained; leaving what exactly happened, she wasn't afraid anymore to reveal who she really was but she respected Tiffany's privacy.

"And I'm asking for her address because I want to formally apologize to her, I-I think I've caused her too much pain." She added Sunny was speechless, instead of having a clear mind, she even had more questions.

"Sunny?" Taeyeon called

"O-oh, sorry. Ok Tiffany's address is 09 sone ave. Apt. 27"

"Thank you Sunny-ah" Taeyeon sincerely thanked the younger girl.

"Um you're welcome.. and I hope you solve whatever problem you have with her" Sunny answered. "Um one last question...sorry" added. "Does your problem with her involve a guy?"

"Uh no it's not like that. Sorry Sunny-ah as much as I wanna tell you I can't because I think it's Tiffany's right to do so." Taeyeon knew that Sunny was clueless about Tiffany's past; telling her that she had a relationship with Tiffany might shock her so chose not tell her.

"Ok. Sorry for prying. Aish you two are mysterious" Sunny joked.

Taeyeon just smiled a little in response.


"Hon you take care, ok? I'll be back in a week."

The couple were in Tiffany's apartment. Kevin had to leave for L.A because his father summoned him to.

"Take care"

"Ok I will. You too take care."

Kevin waved at Tiffany as the taxi drove away.

"Um, what to do now? He is gone for a week." She mumbled as she closed her door to her apartment. She was about to sit down and turn on the television when her doorbell rang. She thought that her boyfriend had forgotten something and came back.

She opened the door without looking. "You left something?" Tiffany looked up only to see a bowing Taeyeon.

"Um Good evening, I-I'm sorry to bother you but, can we talk?" Taeyeon said.

"Ok. Come in" Tiffany let Taeyeon enter her apartment.

It was silent for a while but Tiffany finally spoke. "What is it you wanna talk about?" She was very surprised with Taeyeon's visit.

"Actually, a lot. But most of all, I formally wanna apologize. What I did to you back then was cruel." Taeyeon had her head down as she spoke. She also came because she wanted to see Tiffany. Even though two years had passed, she still loved the younger girl so much

"I told you, I've forgiven you." Tiffany said calmly. "But...why?" She added, she couldn't help but remember what Taeyeon had done to her and she wondered why. She didn't want to tell Taeyeon that she was still hurt and she still loved her. She loved her boyfriend too but that was because he was always there for her.

"I-i don't know" she lied, she didn't want to explain anymore since there was no use that Tiffany had already moved on and had a happy life.

"Ah, I guess I did something wrong, maybe I wasn't really good enough." Tiffany smiled bitterly. She didn't like Taeyeon's answer. Her emotions suddenly came surging.

"No, it's not like that.."

"Then what? That's what you said to me when I caught you. So similar." She frowned.

Taeyeon couldn't control her emotions and tears found their way again to her cheeks.

"A-after your father talked to me... I-I thought about what he said and thought he was right... he talked to me about giving you a good life... I was determined to prove him wrong...but when he said about giving you kids...that's when I quivered. I thought about it again and decided you better be off with a man...who can give you perfect life, kids, that, I can't" she smiled sadly.

Tiffany heard it well and somehow she understood. She still wondered why Taeyeon would cheat on her. Although she already heard the reasons from someone, she wouldn't still believed it unless it came from Taeyeon.

"I still don't get it why you cheated on me"

"I-I didn't" Taeyeon decided to come clean. She thought Tiffany had moved on and telling her what she did in the past would not really affect anything except she'd be free from guilt and she wouldn't look so bad in Tiffany's eyes.

"Tss" Tiffany scoffed. "I caught you"

Taeyeon looked at Tiffany with red eyes.

"Believe it or not, I planned the whole thing...the guy was my friend, I asked him that favor to make it looked like we had something going on. It was against his will....he was gay after all... like me." She smiled bitterly. Since she thought about how other people would looked down at her ever since she came out.

Tiffany was lost in her thoughts for a moment. She was trying to digest everything.

"Why say these now?"

"I-I want everything to be fixed. Since you've already moved on, I-I think it's time for me to do as well. It's been two years, but I never forget about you. For me saying these, wouldn't really change anything but I just want you to know the truth." She said and stand up, ready to leave.

"Sorry for the trouble" she apologized once more and made her way to the door. She was about to open the door when she felt hands wrapped around her waist.

"Pabo!!! I-I hate you for making me feel this way" Tiffany sobbed. "Taetae...I still love you"

Taeyeon's tears came running back. She was shocked at the sudden confession and hearing again that name but she knew that she couldn't be with her anymore. Tiffany already had someone.

She faced the younger girl and hugged her back.

"I still love you too Fany-ah..." she broke the hug and looked at Tiffany. She leaned in and kissed her on the forehead.

"I hope you're happy with him" she smiled sadly.

"I-I..." didn't know what to say.

"It's okay. Just know that I'll always be here for you no matter what happens." Taeyeon hugged her again.

Tiffany missed the older girl's warm embrace a lot. She wanted them to stay like that but she suddenly felt dizzy and nauseas. She broke the hug and ran to the bathroom to throw up.

Taeyeon worriedly followed her. "Are you okay?"

Tiffany took a deep breath and thought about the test she had in the morning. "Tae...I-I'm pregnant."

The Promise


"Yuri??" Tiffany had to look carefully at the woman to make sure. But she knew it really was Yuri infront of her.

"Ti..Tiffany?!" was all Yuri could say.

"Yeah it's me. How are you? I'm surprised to meet you here."

"I'm ok. y-yeah me too I'm surprised. How are you?"

"I'm fine." Smiled Tiffany, not asking another question.

Yuri was expecting Tiffany to atleast ask about Taeyeon but she didn't.

Mhhh..maybe she has moved on? She looks happy..

"Oh you know each other? " This time it was Sooyoung's turned to speak

"Yeah, we met in Korea" Tiffany shortly answered

"Yeah that's right" Added Yuri.

After Tiffany had signed every paper. Sooyoung excused herself to the restroom .

"I'm sorry to ask you this but have you move on?" Yuri immediately asked right after Sooyoung left. She knew her cousin would absolutely asked her if she heard their conversation.

"I..yeah I have. Why do you ask? I know she's your friend but please don't take her side." Tiffany answered more than she had intended to.

"I'm not taking her side, I'm sure it's in the past but Taeyeon hasn't move on... And most of all, she didn't cheat on you. I can guarantee you that. After your father talked to her, that's when she planned everything, to make you leave her." Yuri kind of bursted it all out because seeing what happened to her best friend hurt her too. They were like sisters after all.

Tiffany was speechless for a moment and looked at the serious girl across her. "Sh-she didn't even fight for us, for me" she argued back.

"That's true... But right after you left, she decided to come out to almost everyone she knew and who knew her. Her family didn't take it so well and disowned her. I shouldn't be telling you these but seeing her suffer I think she deserves to move on like you have. So I'm asking you one thing, whenever fate let you two meet, forgive her...that's all she'd been telling me all along."

"I..I've already forgiven her." Tiffany managed to say before Sooyoung came back.

The serious atmosphere didn't go unnoticed by Sooyoung but she decided to ask her cousin later on.


"Hey Yul, what just happened between you and Ms. Hwang? You two were serious. I saw the frown on her face" Sooyoung looked at Yuri expectantly.

"Oh that, I was telling about her back in Seoul, you know how there are so many changes. She told me it's been a while since she visited and she couldn't quite believe the changes over there" Yuri didn't how she managed to say those lies.

"Oh I see" Sooyoung bought her cousin's statement and didn't ask anymore questions.


It was already night when Tiffany arrived back at her apartment. She bought chicken and alcohol on her way.

"Aish what the heck Kim Taeyeon! Why?" She spoke as she opened the alcohol and poured herself a glass. She drank in one go. "I've moved on, didn't I? yes I have...but why do I still think of you. And here you're best friend just showed up telling me what you did!" She drank another glass. "Taeyeon-ah, why'd you do that!?...If...ever I meet you again, I won't let you go...ah. I would lock you up!" She drank another glass. "But there's Oppa..Aish!" She covered her face. "Do I even love him? I do...but not like how I loved that Pabo! Taeyeon-ah...where the heck are you?" By her forth glass she was already drunk.

Not long, she heard her doorbell rang. She hurriedly went to door, hoping it was Taeyeon. With her current state. "Tae...Oppa! You're he-re?!" She slurred. Her hopes instantly crash. She went back to the living room and continued drinking.

"Tiff.. Stop drinking, do you have a problem?" He worriedly grabbed the glass from the girl but she was able to pull back.

"Oppa, no I don't have a problem." She giggled masking the sadness she was feeling.

"Ok then, but enough of the drink, you're drunk." He shook his head. He tried to grab the glass again and he was able to but this time lips started kissing him. He knew it was wrong but he was just a man and he got carried away.

"Taetae..." She kissed him harder.

Kevin heard Tiffany and he assumed that it was just her expression and she was drunk. They continued to kiss and he decided to take Tiffany to the bedroom.



"Hello Kevin, have a seat"

"Hi Sir" Kevin greeted the man . "What is it you wanna talk about?.

"You know I only want the best for my daughter, and for you too. So how are you two doing so far?" Mr. Hwang asked while twisting the pen in his hand.

"We're doing well sir, sometimes we get into arguments but I think that's normal. So, so far so good." Kevin explained, although he was curious what was their talk for.

"Good to hear. Any plans of settlement?" He asked again.

"Ahh...actually, I have thought of that and I'm planning to propose to her." He thought about the night, he felt guilty, he felt like he took advantage of her and he was willing to take responsibility for it.

"Oh" Mr. Hwang nodded. "That's good to hear."

"Thank you sir"

"As I said I only the best for you two. But if only she agrees. That is."

"Sir, I'm confused though..." He frowned a bit.

"Um why is that?" Mr. Hwang looked at Kevin questioningly

"Who is Tae-taeyeon? I came to Tiffany's apartment drank and she kept on saying that name." He said and didn't go anymore into details of what else happened that night.

Mr. Hwang looked at the man and saw the confused look. He too was surprised at what Kevin told him. So she hasn't moved on? he thought. He contemplated first whether to tell about Tiffany's past.

"Well, Miyoung had a relationship with a girl back in Korea. I did something to separate them. Her name is Taeyeon. Tiffany should be telling you this but I don't think she will." He decided to tell the truth. If Kevin really loved his daughter then he should accept her whole.

Kevin's eyes widened from shock. Now it made sense to him.

"So can you still accept her?" He looked at him carefully.

"I'm shocked about this sir, about her past, but I-I think Tiffany still loves her." Kevin sighed.

Mr. Hwang's expression didn't change. "Oh that I don't know. But will you still accept her?"

"I-I love her but...I don't know about how she feels about me now." Although he wanted to continue with the proposal, the sudden revelation made him think otherwise.

"...sorry" was all Mr. Hwang could tell him. I inflicted this on her. I should've just let her back then and maybe see her real happy. Mr. Hwang thought about the times when his daughter avoided almost everyone, how he would see her masking the loneliness and most of all, how his daughter only interacted with him about work.


"Um so when are you planning to tell him?" Taeyeon asked, although it hurt her, she knew it was the best for Tiffany to end up with him.

"Sorry." Tiffany replied. "If Appa didn't talk to you..."

"Fany-ah, please don't apologize. Non of these were your fault." She tried to consul the girl as they walk in the quiet park. She took Tiffany's hands. "Fany-ah, no matter what happens, even if you get married, just remember that I will be always here for you" she smiled and tried to stop the tears from falling. She hugged the younger girl.

"Taeyeon-ah, I-I... Don't leave me." Tiffany broke the hug and kissed Taeyeon.

Taeyeon froze for a second as she felt the soft lips on hers, all the happy memories from the came back and she started kissing back.

Taeyeon broke the kiss and spoke "Just remember Fany-ah, I never stop loving you." She smiled sadly.

Tiffany's tears kept falling. "Sorry, Taetae. I still love you too. Promise to never push me away anymore." "Sorry, I won't. I promise" Taeyeon kissed Tiffany's forehead and hugged her.


"Promise to never push me away anymore"

"Sorry, I wont. I promise." Their conversation kept replaying to her mind. She hoped that she could really fulfill that promise but they were in a very complicated situation.

Yuri looked at her best friend who had been quiet since she met her for lunch.

"Taeyeon-ah, you ok?" Taeyeon looked up from her food.

She realized she had been quiet for the entire time. "Oh-yeah, sorry, I was just thinking about work" she lied. "So.. have Omoni told you about why she sent you here?" Yuri's mother has insisted to be called omoni by Taeyeon since she was already a family to them.

"Um yeah, she wanted me to manage that restaurant she bought months ago before she sent me here. Aish anyway hopefully I'll really be able to manage it." Yuri explained but she was still bothered by Taeyeon's quietness.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" Taeyeon knew Yuri was right, she was her only outlet for every complicated problem she had.

"What do I do?" She sighed and covered her face with her hands.

"Why, what happened? Um did you finally talk to Tiffany?"

"Yeah I did"

"What happened then?"

"....she said sh-she still loves me. She made me promise not to push her away again. I'm confused Yul. How am I gonna do that when she-she's pregnant."

"What?! Taeng no! How could she make you do that? And how could she say, she still loves you when she's pregnant... I'm sorry Taeng, I'm just concern... I don't want you to go through that again." Yuri explained worriedly.

"I know Yul, I know you mean well... I just don't know what to do... can I just be selfish for once and just keep her to me?" She smiled sadly.

"..." Yuri didn't know what to say so she just patted her bestfriend's back comfortingly.


Four ladies were having their usual get together at their favorite restaurant. The oldest of the four noticed that something was off, the usually energetic and talkative among them was quiet.

"Tiff, are you okay?" Jessica asked worriedly.

"Um yeah" she replied shortly.

"Come on, I know you better than that"

"I'm just... I don't know" She didn't know how to say it.

"Um, Tiff...have Taeyeon talked to you already?" Sunny had a feeling that Taeyeon had something to do with it.

"H-how do you know?" Tiffany raised her brows in surprise.

"Well she got your address from me. I don't want to pry but I got this feeling that you two had a big problem in the past." Sunny said calmly.

Tiffany was speechless. Yoona was shock at what Sunny said.

"What?! She talked to you? And what did she tell you? Is this why you are feeling so down? Urg when I see that babo, I'm sure she won't dare see you again" Jessica frowned and looked at Tiffany.

"Jess, stop hating her. And please stop calling her that. You don't know what she had to go through... I never should've left her. She only wanted what's best for me." No matter how she stopped the tears, she couldn't.

"I don't hate her ok, it's just what she did back then was very unfair."

"No jess, she just made that all up...she didn't cheat on me, she explained to me everything. I know she was sincere. I still love her Jess, I thought I love him all along, I was wrong... I made a huge mistake." Tiffany knew that Sunny and Yoona heard her but she couldn't care less. It was what she felt and she won't hide it anymore.

Jessica comforted her friend. She couldn't believed that her bestfriend still loved Taeyeon. She thought it was just phase for Tiffany. Going through a failed relationship was normal to be sad but Tiffany went though long period of sadness. Taeyeon and Tiffany's relationship was only two months, she believed that that short period of time, Tiffany could easily get over Taeyeon but witnessing everything her friend had to go through, she thought maybe the two really loved each other.

Sunny and Yoona was shocked at what they heard.

"Unnie, yo-you and Taeyeon unnie...?" Yoona thought she heard wrong.

"Yeah Yoong, she was my girlfriend" she smiled sadly.

The two had their mouths hanging at the revelation but since both Taeyeon and Tiffany their friends, they decided to just accept them.

"Jess, I don't wanna hurt him but I can't do it anymore." She sobbed even more. She didn't care if the people restaurant was looking at her.

"Shhh, let's talk this at your place?" Jessica comforted.


Tiffany kept herself locked up in the apartment hoping Taeyeon would visit her since she hadn't come back after their walk in the park. It hurt her knowing Taeyeon was hurt too. She couldn't believe the lack of judgement she had that

night and she shouldn't have done it and she wouldn't have been pregnant. But what done is done. She thought. She had made her decision and would stick to it no matter what. She didn't want to hurt more people. She was about to go to sleep when she heard her doorbell rang.

She looked at the peephole and inhaled deeply as she saw who it was.

Kevin was finally back in New York. Learning Tiffany's past, he decided to accept it and proceed with his plan. He loved Tiffany and he would fight for it to win her forever. He wasn't sure if Tiffany felt the same love for him but he was determine to marry her.

"Hi hon! I'm back" he hugged her. Tiffany smiled a little although she wished she was hugging the one she loved so much instead.

"Oppa, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" He sensed the seriousness with her tone.

"I...I'm pregnant..remember that night?" She frowned.

"Really?! I'm becoming a father?!" Kevin smiled widely. It was a great news for him and it also made him even more determine to keep her.

"I...also have to tell you something." He knelt down and took something out of his pocket.

When Tiffany saw what he was doing, she backed up a little. Kevin noticed it and proceeded anyway. "Tiff, I love you...will you marry me?" He said it in plea.

Tiffany was silent, she knew what the answer the to his question but she couldn't say it.


"Oppa, I-I'm sorry... I can't." Tiffany didn't know how to explain it.

"Don't worry, you are probably not ready yet" he smiled and stood up.

"No Oppa, I will not marry you." She finally had the courage to say it.

"What?! But you're pregnant and I'm the father! Is it because of that girl, Taeyeon?" He said angrily.

" but ho-how do you know about her?" She was very surprised to hear that from him. She wasn't expecting it.

"That's not important, is it? Because you're dumping me just because of her! For crying out loud Tiff! She's a woman!" He yelled

"It's not because of her. Don't drag her into this! This is all my decision... I don't wanna hurt you more in the future so I'm breaking things up. What happened to us that night, it was a mistake. I'm sorry" She felt bad for him but she wasn't going to lie to him and to herself anymore. She wanted to fix everything, even sacrificing her happiness.

"No, you're just confused... you will realize that I'm the right one for you" He said and left.

Tiffany didn't want to cry anymore, she didn't want to pity herself because she knew it was her fault.


"Aren't you gonna talk to her? What about the promise?" Yuri asked, they were at Taeyeon's apartment.

"I will Yul, I'm just scared...what if the next time I talk her, will be the last?" Taeyeon was scared that should Tiffany's boyfriend know that she was pregnant, the possibility of them getting married was high.

'Taeyeon-ah, she wont make you promise if she's going to stop talking or seeing you" Yuri encouragingly reminded her.

"I hope so" but deep down she felt something strange that a deja vu was about to happen but she thought she was just being paranoid.

"Everything's gonna be alright" Yuri patted her best friend's head.


"What?!" Jessica was very surprised when she heard the news from her bestfriend. "He proposed and you turned him down? What about your baby?" She frowned

"What was I supposed to do? Marry him? Jess, I'm not happy, I thought I am but I was just masking the pain I was feeling all over the years and I feel really bad that this is all happening." She closed her in eyes and inhaled loudly.

"So are you going to get back with Taeyeon? You know what happened in the past, how your father reacted... and will she accept you, fully?" Jessica's statement was blunt but she was just concerned for Tiffany.

"I know... but can't we really be happy together? Now I found her again. Can't we make it right this time? Doesn't everyone get a second chance?" She told herself not to cry anymore but everytime she remembered the person couldn't have, she couldn't help but sobbed.

Jessica felt bad seeing her bestfriend cry. "Sorry Tiff" she hugged her.

All the bad and good memories in the past came flashing back in her mind. That point she had made her decision.


Taeyeon just came home from work, she was about to go to the bathroom when her doorbell rang.

She looked at the peephole and immediately opened the door.


"Hi" Taeyeon saw the sadness behind her visitor's eyes.

"Come in, want something to..." Taeyeon couldn't continue her words when Tiffany came in and hugged her tight. She hugged her back but she felt something strange.

"Taeyeon-ah, I miss you" she whispered and fought the brim of tears that was about to flow.

"I miss you too" Taeyeon realised that she shouldn't have held herself from seeing Tiffany. Now that she had her back in her arms, she decided to be really selfish for that time.

"Fany-ah" she broke the hug and drag Tiffany for them to sit on the couch. "Do you trust me? I will be very selfish this time" she looked at Tiffany and kissed her.

Tiffany kissed her back, letting all the emotions flow. She knew that it was going to hurt them both but she was savoring every moment they had. The two broke the kiss gasping for air.

"Fany-ah, I know I've pushed you once... and I was very scared back then, but now I am willing to sacrifice everything, just come back to me?" The way she said was so fragile. She was almost begging, she loved Tiffany so much and she couldn't go through the pain again, without her.

Tiffany saw the sadness and hurt in Taeyeon's eyes. She was more hurt to see her like that.

She took a deep breath and gathered all the courage she could get. "Yo-you deserve someone much better Taeyeon-ah. I'm sorry I don't deserve you. I hurt you and I'm afraid doing that again" She cried. She knew she wouldn't hurt Taeyeon but when she thought about what Jessica said, she couldn't help but think about how her father would try and do everything to break them off, especially when Kevin was still after her. She didn't want Taeyeon to go through that again.

"Bu-but Fany-ah, please give me one more chance, I am willing to go through all the pain as long as I am with you... you said you love me, right?..But why are you doing this?" Tears came flowing out, she was hurt to hear those words from Tiffany.

"Taeyeon-ah, I love you and that fact never change but... I don't wanna hurt you again, I really don't deserve you...we can stay as friends, only if you want. The promise you made to not push me away, you can forget about that. If you don't want to see me anymore because of this, I-I will understand" She cried even more. She wanted to have the second chance but she thought that she was bound to be by herself forever and she didn't deserve anyone anymore.

"Are you going to-to marry him?" Taeyeon asked shakily.

"Yes, I will.... I'm sorry." She lied to make it easier for Taeyeon to move on. She stood up, she was about to open the door when Taeyeon hugged her.

"Do-don't be sorry Fany-ah... I-I understand. I hope you happiness. And remember that I-I will always love you." She took a deep breath and finally released Tiffany.

Tiffany felt the hands loosened. She grabbed the door and ran out. She had to stop herself from taking back her words and running back and in Taeyeon's arms. She didn't want to be selfish and decided to face everything on her own.

Taeyeon cried her out when Tiffany ran out. She knew and felt Tiffany loved her too but she couldn't understand why they couldn't have that second chance.

"Why?" She whispered and cried even more.


It's been years that last talk she had with Tiffany. Taeyeon never heard of her or she was reluctant to ask about her. She decided to continue her life in Korea knowing that her purpose at the other side of the world was done. Although she was moving on slowly, there was still that what ifs in her mind.

"Yul, Am I wrong?" Taeyeon asked her bestfriend. Yuri on other hand, still went back and forth to U.S. because of the restaurants they had in New York and San Francisco.

"Um for what?" Yuri was confused about the sudden question.

"If I didn't push Fany away in the very you think.. I'd still be with her now?" She smiled a little although there was still a glint of regret.

"Regrets? Taeyeon-ah at least you did something to win her back, just maybe you two are not meant to be. Do you regret having Miyoung?" Yuri asked, she wanted to remind her bestfriend what was making her happy and who kept her moving.

"No not all, she's the best thing that happened to me so far after working in the U.S... she's a gift, a precious one" Taeyeon had to smile at the thought of her daughter.

"Well that's exactly my thought, if things turned well for you and Tiff, maybe... Miyoung wouldn't have been in this world." Yuri smiled.

"I know... but I kinda feel bad that things between me and him, didn't work out. It was my fault, I thought I love him but..." Taeyeon frowned, she felt guilty.

"It's ok Taeyeon-ah, he's ok now and happy" Yuri cheered Taeyeon up.

"Yeah, I'm happy for him"


"Hi!" An eight year old girl greeted another girl who was accompanied by her father at school. "Wanna play?" She tried to say in Korean cutely.

"...I... Umma told me not to talk strangers." The other girl pouted. "Appa, can I play?" The little girl asked.

"Of course" the man chuckled. "We still have time before your Umma picks you up."

"Hello sir!" The girl greeted the man in English.

"Hello there, are you waiting for your mom?" He greeted back in Korean.

"Yes sir." She smiled. "Can I play with your daughter?" Again she tried speak Korean miserably.


"Hello" greeted the man when he saw Taeyeon arrived.

"Hi Oppa!" She smiled "Where is Youngie?"

The man pointed at the two girls.

The schoolmate played happily until the other girl heard her name being called.

"Umma!" She yelled, running to her mother.

"Umma, I have a new friend!" She said excitedly. She pointed at the at the other girl.

"Hello" Taeyeon greeted the cute girl. She unconsciously thought of the woman she had always loved but she shook the thought off.

"Hi ma'am!" She again greeted in English because she didn't know how to address older people in Korean.

"What's your name? Are you waiting for your mom?" She replied back in English.

"I'm Taeyeon and yes I'm waiting for my Mommy!" She smiled and her eyes disappeared.

"Oh" Taeyeon chuckled but she was a little shock and didn't know why.

"You have the same name" the man smiled at the two before looking at his daughter.

"Youngie, Appa is leaving." He said

"Bye Appa" the girl hugged her father.

"Bye" he said and took his leave.

"Taeyeon-ah, you and youngie can play while you wait for your mom" she said but found it to be awkward saying the name. "And just call me Aunt" she added.

"Ok Auntie!" The little girl hugged Taeyeon.

"Youngie, be good ok?" She told her daughter before she let them play.

Not long a woman approached the two girls playing.

"Mommy!" She hugged her mom. "Mommy, this my friend Youngie" She said cheerfully.

"Hello Youngie, you waiting for your umma?" She asked the little girl.

"Hello Unnie!" She greeted "No Umma is over there" she pointed at Taeyeon who was busy typing on her laptop.

"Let's go to her then, it's getting late."

"Hi" Tiffany greeted the woman who had her head down typing.

Taeyeon almost forgot about the children when she heard the voice and she cursed herself for being careless. She looked up from the laptop and the person who had just greeted her. Her breath stopped but managed to compose herself nonetheless.

"H-hi," she smiled although it faltered. Is fate playing with me? Taeyeon thought.

"Ta-Taeyeon?" Tiffany said a bit loudly, she too was shocked.

"Yes Mommy?" Her daughter answered.

Taeyeon looked at the girl and she chuckled. Tiffany blushed when she knew why Taeyeon laughed.

"Ahh I name her after you" she said, a bit embarrassed. "Taeyeon-ah, that's auntie Taeyeon... you have the same name she explained. She was blushing hard.

Tiffany's shyness didn't go unnoticed by Taeyeon. She smiled.

"So Yoongie's your daughter?" Tiffany asked. She was a little surprised because she expected Taeyeon ending up with a woman. She even hoped that she was that woman. She shook the thought off.

"Yeah, I met her father when I came back here in Korea. Actually, her name is Miyoung" She smiled.

"O-oh" she was surprised. She couldn't believe that they both named daughters after them. Maybe this a sign? Tiffany thought.

"It's getting late, I-I think we should go." Taeyeon said as she saw the little girls yawning.

"Ye-yeah. Bye"


The pairs walked to their respective cars and before Taeyeon could closed her car door she heard her name being called. "Yes?" She asked.

"Uhhm... Can we talk sometime?" Tiffany said, she wanted to see Taeyeon again. She had missed her so much.

Taeyeon was surprised at the invitation, she wasn't expecting it.

"I-it's Ok to say no" Tiffany was saddened at Taeyeon's quietness but she couldn't blame her.

"Oh, sorry was just thinking if I have something to do tomorrow." She lied, although she knew she also wanted to eagerly talk to Tiffany. "I'm free tomorrow, is it ok?" She smiled.

"Ye-yeah" Tiffany smiled back. She was happy.

Together (The End)

Tiffany was too overwhelmed to invite Taeyeon for coffee that she had forgotten to get her number. She thought of a way to meet her that day. Then an idea popped in her mind.

"Taeyeon-ah! Hurry we're going!" She thought that she might see Taeyeon at the school so she decided to be extra early.

"But Mommy, it's still too early" her daughter pouted.

"We're gonna grab breakfast along the way" she tried to coax her.

"Oh okay"


Taeyeon drove her daughter to school, she too wondered how she was going to meet Tiffany when she forgot to get her number. She just hoped that she meets her along the way.

By the time she arrived at the parking lot she noticed two people at the entrance. She smiled when she realized who they were.

"Miyoung-ah, we're here." She patted the little girl's shoulder who had fallen asleep on their way.

"Umma, I'm still sleepy" she whined which made Taeyeon chuckle at the cute sight. She came out of the car and went for the passenger door to carry her daughter.

"Hi!" Taeyeon greeted the two.

"Hi" she greeted back, she was thankful to meet her again.

"Hi Auntie! Youngie, still sleeping?" She asked, smiling.

"Yes" she grinned. "Youngie, wake up, Taeyeon is here"

Hearing her playmate's name she instantly woke up.

"Hi Taeyeon-Unnie!" She exclaimed, she was no longer sleepy.

Taeyeon had to chuckle. "Well, well, well.. I guess you enjoyed playing too much yesterday" Taeyeon said still laughing.

"Yes Umma, I wanna play with Taeyeon-unnie again"

Tiffany had to smile and mother-daughter interaction. She then remembered Miyoung's father. Maybe she's living happily with her husband now. She thought.

"Fany-ah, let's get them in?" Taeyeon said when she noticed that Tiffany was spacing out.

"Oh right" Tiffany came out of her trance. But the way Taeyeon called her didn't go unnoticed. She felt flutter in her heart but she couldn't hope so much when she thought Taeyeon already had someone.


"How are you?" Taeyeon broke off the awkward silence.

"I-I'm ok" I missed you so much Taeyeon-ah. I thought I wouldn't be able to talk to you again. Why are you so nice to me? Despite everything that had happened?

Tiffany smiled a little although the guilt had returned in an instant. "You?"

"I'm ok too" Taeyeon smiled back. "Where is he, I haven't seen him." Taeyeon couldn't contain her curiosity anymore.

"Wh-who?" Tiffany was confused by the question. But after racking her brain, she knew who Taeyeon was talking about.

"Your husband... I mean, shouldn't he be with you? Sorry I was just curious" Taeyeon shakily smiled.

"Taeyeon-ah" Tiffany decided to be brave and took her chance. She didn't want to regret all over again. She reached for Taeyeon's hand. "I didn't marry him. There was no marriage"

Taeyeon felt her heart beating faster when Tiffany held her hand but what she heard just surprised her so much.

"But I-I thought..." She was confused.

"No, I lied... I thought it was very unfair to have kept you beside me when all I did was to hurt you. I think I also made the right decision, you have Miyoung and your husband. I'm happy for you." She smiled although she was hurting.

"Fany-ah, don't blame yourself... It was also my fault. You are right about Miyoung, I'm happy to have her. But I have a question..."

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon teary eyed.

"Do you still li-like me?" Taeyeon blushed really hard but she wanted to take that chance to fix everything, especially after hearing Tiffany's statement.

"I-I do" Tiffany looked down and blushed real hard. It felt like they were Teenagers again.

"Well then, from now on you're mine. I will not have you gone again.." Taeyeon chuckled and smiled. She felt so happy again.

When Tiffany heard it, she had her eyes wide open.

"No? You don't want to?" Taeyeon's expression to a sad one when she saw Tiffany's reaction.

"What?! Of course Taeyeon-ah... I-I just can't believe that we're back together but you're husband?" tears finally flowed out. She felt happy again.

Taeyeon stood up and comforted Tiffany. She hugged her. "It's real Fany-ah, and no we divorced one year after the marriage. It didn't work because I only love a certain one who I thought I couldn't have anymore" She smiled "But now she's back"

"Sorry Taeyeon-ah, I won't leave you anymore, I promise. I love you" Tiffany let go of the hug and kissed Taeyeon passionately. "I missed you so much. I love you" She smiled

Taeyeon knew of the public eyes watching them but she didn't care and couldn't care less. She was happy and she won't let that happiness vanish just because of those insecurities. "I love you too Fany-ah."

The end.

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