
December 29, 2018 | Author: Andreea Jicmon | Category: Data Model, Computer Programming, Databases, Areas Of Computer Science, Scientific Modeling
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Section 6

(Answer all questions in this section) 1.

What is the rule of Second Normal Form?

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No non!"#$ attri%utes can %e de&endent on an' &art of the "#$ Some non!"#$ attri%utes can %e de&endent on the entire "#$ All non!"#$ attri%utes must %e de&endent u&on the entire "#$ () None of the a%ove *orrect 2.

+,amine the followin- entit' and decide how to make it conform to the rule of .nd Normal Form/ +N0#0/ R+*+#0 A00R#2"0+S/ 3*"S04M+R #$ 3S04R+ #$ S04R+ 54*A0#4N $A0+

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Move the attri%ute S04R+ 54*A0#4N to a new entit'6 S04R+6 with a "#$ of S04R+ #$6 and create a relationshi& to the ori-inal entit' () $elete the attri%ute S04R+ #$ Move the attri%ute S04R+ 54*A0#4N to a new entit'6 S04R+6 with a "#$ of S04R+ 54*A0#4N6 and create a relationshi& to the ori-inal entit' $o nothin-6 it is alread' in .nd Normal Form *orrect 3. 0  0o o

resolve a .nd .nd Normal Normal Form Form violation6 we/ we/

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Move the attri%ute that violates .nd Normal Form to a new entit' with a relationshi& to the ori-inal entit' () $elete the attri%ute that was causin- the violation $o nothin-6 an entit' does not need to %e in .nd Normal Form Move the attri%ute that violates .nd Normal Form to a new +R$ *orrect


When an' attri%ute in an entit' is de&endent on an' other non!"#$ attri%ute in that entit'6 this is known as/

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Non!de&endenc' $e&endenc'  0ransitive de&endenc' () Functional de&endenc' *orrect 5.

+,amine the followin- +ntit' and decide which rule of Normal Form is %einviolated/ +N0#0/ *5#+N0 A00R#2"0+S/ 3 *5#+N0 #$ F#RS0 NAM+ 5AS0 NAM+ 4R$+R #$ S0R++0 7# *4$+

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1st Normal Form () .nd Normal Form 8rd Normal Form None of the a%ove6 the entit' is full' normalised #ncorrect Refer to Section 9 5esson : Section 6

(Answer all questions in this section) 6.

+,amine the followin- +ntit' and decide which rule of Normal Form is %einviolated/ +N0#0/ *5#+N0 A00R#2"0+S/ 3 *5#+N0 #$ F#RS0 NAM+ 5AS0 NAM+ S0R++0 *#0 7# *4$+

1st Normal Form .nd Normal Form

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8rd Normal Form None of the a%ove6 the entit' is full' normalised () *orrect 7.

+,amine the followin- +ntit' and decide which sets of attri%utes %reak the 8rd Normal Form rule/ +N0#0/ 0RA#N A00R#2"0+S/  0RA#N #$ MA;+ $R#
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