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The Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution: Private Justice in the Philippines (Book Summary and Cases)
5ur +rimitive anestors ere a!ead of t!eir times6 #rob #roble lems ms of 0u 0udi dii ial al dela delay y aor aordi ding ng to Maros (1748):
by: Marian Jane Alumbro
1) $!e $!e misus misuse e of t!e due due +roes +roess s and
University of Cebu College of La
t!e abuse of legal te!nialities9 ) $!e intervention of t!e +olitial +ressure in t!e ourt ases9
Based on t!e book of Jim Lopez Caveat: This is merely a summary of the book. You should read the book at least once. This reviewer does not contain some essential definitions because such are already defined in the law, RA 92!. "o co#yri$ht infrin$ement is intended. C"A#$%& 1 $!e La's delay: An introdution "istory of A& #r #re* e*!i !is+ s+an ani i er era* a*Jo Jose se &i,a &i,all note noted d t! t!e e ustom of t!e in!abitants in!abitants of t!e #!ili++ines #!ili++ines before bef ore t!e S+ania S+aniards rds rea!e rea!ed d its s!ores s!ores-$!ey submitted t!e deision of t!eir elders. !i! t!ey res+eted and arried outAording to Jose &i,al. it as better t!at t!e /--Judges ere +ersons of t!e loality. forming a 0ury. eleted by bot! +arties !o kne kne t! t!e e ase ase.. t! t!e e ust ustom oms s and usages usages bett be tter er t! t!an an t! t!e e gon goned ed 0udg 0udge e fr from om t! t!e e outside to make !is fortune. to 0udge t!e ase !e does not kno and !o does not kno t!e usage ustoms and language of t!e loality- 2t is easy to surmise t!at our anestors +ratied A&"is+ani "is+ani %ra*i %ra*ison sonten tented ted +artie +arties s !ad to resort to going to t!e SC of s+ain !i! as a 34*day tri+- #roedure for ivil ation. akt!oug! akt!ou g! similar to t!e riminal ases. as definitely more ostly and dran*out- $!e !ig! ost and unarranted delays ensured t!at !at only only t!e %ur %uro+ea o+eans ns and and t!e ri i! ! mer me r!a !ant nts s in t!e t!e i ity ty and and t!e t!e eal ealt! t!y y landoners in t!e rural areas ould afford t!e +roseution of t!e ivil suit-
3) S!ee S!eerr eig eig!t !t of t! t!e e our ourtt li liti tigat gatio ions ns arising from devel elo+ o+m ment and grot!9 ;) ilato ilatory ry tat tatis is of of lay layers9 ers9 it la>ity y on t!e +art +art of t!e t!e 0udges$!e /La's delay aording to ?lorentino #- ?eliiano: 1) An effi effiien ientt and and mi mism sman anag aged ed ourt ourt system t!at fails to at +rom+tly on legal issues 9 ) $!e $!e di diso sorg rgan ani, i,ed ed state state of t!e ourt* ourt* onneted agenies9 3) $!e lak lak of +re+ar +re+arati ation on on t!e t!e +art +art of t!e litigants and layers9 ;) $! $!e e trig igge ger* r*!a !a++ ++y y mind mind fram frame e of la lay yers ers to engag en e in lo long ng* *in inded ded e>aminations ofgage itnesses9 and +er +ertt fo forr advi advie e in maki making ng !oiesLitigation is !at many ?ili+ino Layers do best- Students of la are trained to t!ink like layers. but t!ey are not +re+ared to deal it! t!ey s!ould do best: solve t!eir lient +roblems and resolve t!eir dis+utes it! t!e least amount a mount of time and e>+ense$!e $! e ke key y to deo deonge ngest st t! t!e e our ourts ts is t! t!at at students s!ould be trained to be sensitive to t!eir lient's is!es to settle t!eir onflit or dis+ute siftly and it!out e>+ense to ourt trials?ili+ino Conflit Management System
But. +ositive as+ets of ?ili+ino ulture
t!at !at may may tend end to mit mitig igat ate e t! t!e e ?i ?illi+ i+in ino o +ro+ensity to litigate dis+utes: 1) Iama Iamag* g*an anak ak net netor ork k (lo (lose se fa fami mily ly ties) ) $ulu $ulung ngan an (mu (mutu tual al aid aid)) 3) Bi Biga gaya yan n (give (give and and take take)) ;) #alabr #alabra a de "onor "onor (Dord (Dord of "onor "onor)) !austive +re+aration. utter larity. !eartfelt ommuniation. and a sin siner ere. e. demon emonst stra ratted desi desirre to fully ully understand not 0ust your on needs but t!e needs of ot!er +arty->>> Jesus and Sorates ere to of t!e best nego ne goti tiat ator ors s of !i !ist story ory-- 5ne 5ne is a fo form rm of syllogism. t!e ot!er in t!e form of +arables&ok and a "ar ard d #lae* $!e rok is litigation. !i! as a means of resolving a dis+ dis+ut ute e is frust frustra rati ting ng.. ti time me omsu omsuim imin ing. g. e> e>+e +ensi nsive ve and and fu full ll of fr fri iti tion on-- $!e $!e !ard !ard +lae is negotiation. !i! an often +rove unavailing as a means of rea!ing aord betee bet een n to dis+uta dis+utants nts.. ea! ea! of !ome !ome !as !a s stro strong ng fe feel elin ings gs abou aboutt t! t!e e mat matte terr(?reund. Smart =egotiating. 177) L2$2*@5$A$25= (Mar einer) Litigation is often used for leveraging- A lasuit is filed and +us!ed to t!e limit to fore a favorable settlement agreement-
=egotiation is a +roblem solving o+eration(&om (& oman ane e Lan Langu guag ages es mean means s /to /to do business) Layers !ave a role to +lay in at least to ruial negotiation s!emes: 1) is+ut is+ute e or litiga litigatio tion n settlem settlement ent ) $rans $ransa ati tion on*+ *+la lanni nning ng to +r +rev even enti tive ve la negotiations Basi =egotiation $atis 1) $!e i ine Dell*timed flin! n! at t!e moment !en t!e ot!er announes !is terms-
e>at +arty
) Silene Staying absolutely uiet after making your your of offe ferr or !en !en t! t!e e ot ot!er !er +arty +arty says somet!ing t!at you find disagreeable 3) @ood @ood guyGb guyGbad* ad*gu guy y Dorking Dorki ng i it! t! an a atu tual al +art +artner ner to make it a++ear to t!e ot!er +arty t!at ae+ting ae+t ing t!e offer of t!e /good guy is a mu! mu! bett better er al alte tern rnat ativ ive e t! t!an an giving in t!e !ars!er terms /bad guy ;) Li Limi mite ted d aut aut!o !ori rity ty Buying Buyin g time to obtain obtain more aut!ority aut!ority from an imaginary +rini+al or a real +erson it! greater disretion +lore all avenues of satisfying t!e needs and interests of t!e ot!er side of t!e t!e leas leastt +oss +ossib ible le ost ost and and at t!e t!e s!ortest +ossible timeLeonard Ioren and #eter @oodman's dead*lok breaking te!niues (1771) 1) Be +osi +ositi tive ve and and don don't 't be +u +utt off b by y t!e good ord /no ) Agr Agree ee on easi easier er terms terms firs firstt and ski+ ski+ o over ver t!e +oints +oints t!a t!att are boggin bogging g yo you u do don n and ome bak to t!em late 3) %m %m+! +!as asi, i,e e s! s!ar ared ed goal goals. s. get get bak bak to ommon om mon ground ground and sta start rt buildi building ng u+ again ;) &edue om+le>ity. break don om+li om +liat ated ed neg negoti otiati ations ons int into o +iees +iees and solve ea! +iee one at a time +ense of t!e ot!er and em+loy !ard line tatis. su! as e>aggerating laims or ev even en t!re t!reat aten enin ing g to ab aban ando don n t! t!e e disussion if !e does not get !is ay) Conil Coniliat iatory ory neg negoti otiato ator* r*!o !o ill assume assume t!e role of a /+roblem solver rat!er t!an an intimidatorClass of negotiations
H) Cal Callin ling g a time time out !en !en t! t!ing ings s get roug! roug! and not going your ay-
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