Altered Marks-Andrew York

March 18, 2017 | Author: AndrewYork | Category: N/A
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Lowell Caspian Marks had a heart. As you are reading this I am almost 100% sure you are thinking, “Well duh! Of course he has a heart, without one he would die!” What I mean by this is that he cared for people living on the street. Since he lived in a big city, there were many living out there – and there were many he saw. Every night he would go out to jog, and then come back saddened. He was 17 at the time and in so many ways still “boyish”. He had a sense of adventure, he read teen fiction, and loved YouTube! He had brown, shaggy hair and a muscular frame. Regardless for his obvious love of action and sports he still loved learning, reading, and writing. He made a personal goal to read and write everyday after finishing his homework and his jog. Sometimes he would jog but sometimes he would simply run. On the night this story takes place Lowell was going to his room after his jog and daily shower. Lowell looked for his book in his messy room and found it under a pile of dirty clothes. He brushed of the worn cover and sat down. “The Return of the King by J.R.R Tolkien, “he read aloud. His English teacher, Professor Peter Welch had let him barrow it because Lowell had thoroughly enjoyed the first two and couldn’t wait to start it. He turned the page and read what was written on the bottom of the page with a red pen, “So The Abrupt Book Bending, Is Now Gone.” Lowell furrowed his brow and thought, Perhaps Professor Welch wrote it when he was young. Then he started chapter one. “Pippin looked out from the shelter of Gandalf’s cloak…” *** The girl huddled deeper into her cardboard box home. She silently listened to the conversation of the two men in her alley. “I know you know!” said a deep, gruff voice. “Great!” said an Irish man. “And what are you going to do about it?” said the deep voice. “Go home!” said the Irishman. The girl, whose name was Jaz and she was 16, heard a low growl and she peeked through a hole in her box. A man, who had a dark green trench coat on, pushed a man into the corner and threw the trench coat over him. The other man pushed it off as he walked away. Jaz gasped for the man’s hands were clutching something in his belly. Blood was dripping though his hands and he croaked out in a raspy voice, “Help!” *** The next day Lowell got up, brushed his teeth, grabbed his lunch bag, and ran out the door. He ate a sandwich with cheese and bacon as his got into his car and drove to school. His car was an old Ford that didn’t have air conditioner yet. It was his father’s old car and since Lowell didn’t mind what kind of car he would have, he gladly took it. He ran up beside his best friend, Riggins, whose real name was Jack. Riggins was a punklike dude. He wore a hoody almost everyday and wore baggy pants. Lowell didn’t really mind this though because Riggins was a good guy, and a good friend. First period was Math with Ms. Becky Roberts, then Chemistry with Alvin Blackfield. Then they had Geography with Julius Ray, then History with Mr. Bens. Then came lunch! Riggins and Lowell sat with the other boys in their class, mainly Aaron Levit and David Jenson. Aaron was a Jewish boy who was kind of rich and spoiled. He was an A+ student and had a Mustang Convertible. Anyway after lunch they had English with Professor Peter Welch. Prof. Welch was a very cool guy, regardless of his age! He was Irish and had a

cool accent but h also knew Gaelic. He would let them free read sometimes and would always encourage discussions! Riggins and Lowell rushed toward Room 42. “Good Day!” sang out a joyful Englishman. The boys looked up to see a thin man with a bright smile. “I am Professor Gilbert Rosenwald! What a pleasure it is to be able to meet you! I will explain later why I am here and Professor Welch isn’t…”his voice trailed off and he took a seat. When the whole class was in the room he stood up and addressed the class, “Hi! My name is Professor Gilbert Rosenwald. The reason that Professor Welch, a dear friend of mine, isn’t here is because he was… w-was-s stabbed.” A gasp rang throughout the room and Lowell sighed. *** Lowell walked briskly with Riggins to the hospital. They wanted to visit Prof. Welch. When they arrived they asked the lady at the front desk if they could see him. “I’m sorry,” she said, “He just…fell asleep a matter of hours ago…”Lowell nodded and said, “I’ll come back later.” “NO! I don’t think you understand. He’s…d-d-d-ead.” *** Lowell started to jog after dinner that day. As he was turning a corner his cell-phone rang. He answered it, “Hello?” he said. “Yo! Lowell! What Up? Meet me beside the pond in the park, follow?” “Yes I do, who is this?” Lowell replied. “Uh… Rigg Man! Catch ya’ later!” Rigg Man (Riggins) replied. Lowell sighed and kept on jogging. Then he stepped on something. CRACK! He looked down… and nearly collapsed! *** Jaz crawled out of her alley. She had to go! She couldn’t stay! The man might come back and hut her. She remembered the scene. She remembered the dying face of the man as he was rushed out of her alley, the man had pointed at her. And had croaked again, “Help! Justice! Sun,” or was it “son”? Jaz stuck her hand out of her alley and as about to stand up when, CRACK! Something stepped on her hand. She muffled a cry and drew her hand close to her body. She curled up on the ground and she felt a hand tap her lightly. “Ma’am? Are you ok? Sorry I didn’t mean to step on you like that!” said a male voice. Jaz looked up at a friendly face. It was a boy, a young man, who was smiling at her. She furrowed her brow as he held out his arm. She tentatively took it and stood up. “ My name is Lowell. Lowell Marks. Yours? “Uh… Jaz…Jaz…oh Jaz…”Jaz looked down, “I don’t have a last name…” “No biggy! How’d you learn to speak so well?” “Me?” she said, pointing to herself, “Oh, well I just heard people talking, I guess.” She shrugged and said, “You happen to have any food?” Lowell nodded and lead to his house. When they arrived at Lowell’s house Mrs. Marks immediately realized who she was and why she had come. She took her to the bathroom where she took a bath, the first one she had ever had. Well, at least the first she could remember! Then she gave the girl

milk and some food. Jaz gobbled it down ravenously and thanked Mrs. Marks. Mrs. Marks beamed and decided right there and then that she liked this girl, a lot! *** After school Lowell ran to the park and spotted Riggins easily and he ran over to him. Riggins handed Lowell a folder and Lowell took it. Riggins then ran away. Lowell called after him, and asked him to wait, but to no avail. He shrugged read the title on the folder: CASE FILES. Lowell sat down on a bench and opened the folder and read what was written on a piece of paper: Lowell: How long have we been friends? Years! I it wasn’t until last year that I started acting punk-like. That was a disguise. I found my passion of investigating when I started summer-school with Mr. Blackfield. Alvindon’t worry he allowed me to call him this- told me a secret. Now I pass it on to you. He told me that he had a detective license. He worked undercover at our school for some secret organization. I really don’t know why he told m but he did and I trust you – just like he trusted me – not to tell anyone about it. Now, it is up to you and me to find out who killed the Professor. Are you with me? I’ll call you at four o’clock, whether you’ve made you decision or not. ~Riggins, or Inspector Jack (heheheh:) Lowell nodded and looked at his watch. It was 3:45. He read the rest of the folder’s contents. Teachers Becky Roberts Teaches: Math Married: No, engaged to Mr. Robert Smith Allergies: Tomatoes, its juice, seeds… gets a rash when exposed. Crimes Committed: None police are aware of! Alvin Blackfield Teaches: Chemistry Married: He was, wife died Allergies: Baby Powder Criminal: NO!!

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