ALS3 Final Written Exam

August 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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ALS3 FINAL WRITTEN EXAM Student’s name: ________  Teacher’s name: __________ _______________________________  Course: Advanced Course:  Advanced Listening Listening and Speaking 3 (ALS3)

Site:: ______________  Site

Textbook: Pathways (Listening & Speaking) 4


Units: 7, 8, 9, 10

SECTION I: Elaborating your information (Provide supporting ideas and details)

Provide examples of the following: (3 points each / sub-total = 18 points)

Statements It’s what you do with the money what can promote happiness.

Most illnesses can be attributed to lifestyle-related lifestyle-related causes.

Animals have a variety of mental skills.


Supporting id ideas and ex examples 1.




1. 2.



SECTION II: Communicating (Showing that you are following (Showing following a conversatio conversation, n, digre digressing ssing from the topic, topic, express exp ressing ing uncert uncertain ainty, ty, showin showing g unders understan tandin ding, g, enumer enumerati ating, ng, checki checking ng  background knowledge, confirming understanding, giving recommendations)

Fill in the blanks with the expressions in the box below:

(3 points each / sub-total = 36)


Are Are yo you u wi with th me? me? That That mu must st ha have ve be been en di diffi fficu cult lt… … Th That at remin reminds ds me Really? If it were up to me… Why don’t you Have Ha ve you you ever ever hear heard d of of… … It se seem emss to me th that at… … What What ca can n yo you u te tell ll me Are you following me? That must be… For one thing

1. A: Multiple studies say about about 7 in 10 Americans h have ave at least one one credit card. card. Really? Where did you you read that? that? B: __ R eally? _____. Where 2. A: When yo you u get a loa loan, n, you should should always re read ad the fine p print rint and ask questions. B: __ T hat reminds me __, I have to check the con That contract tract the bank bank sent me. 3. I heard tthat hat cell pho phone ne might increase increase the risk risk of brain ttumors. umors. However, However, _ It It seems to me that __  __ there is not enough proof of that, but I could be wrong. 4. A: Bungee ju jumping mping involves involves a person jumpi jumping ng from a grea greatt height while connected connected to a large large elastic cord. scary. B: ___ That That must be ____ scary. 5. Zoos Zoos shoul shouldn’ dn’tt exist exist __ ffor or one thing _, animals in in captivity suffe sufferr from stress. For another, another, removing them from the wild further endangers the wildlife population. you hear of   ___ iconic memory? memory? 6. A: __ Have   B: Oh! I read in our book today that it refers to immediate visual memories. 7. Genetica Genetically lly modified foods foods are foods pro produced duced from organisms organisms that have had had change changes s introduced into their DNA. Are DNA. Are you following following me? 8. A: I alway always s feel low on en energ ergy y and exh exhaust austed. ed. B: _ Why Why don´t you __ see a doctor? doctor? Tho Those se are common common symptoms symptoms of anemia. anemia. 9. A: _What   can you tell me me ___  ___ about about aromathe aromatherapy? rapy? B: It’s a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and wellbeing.  Are you with me? 10.A: So, you need to follow these steps carefully… _  me? ______  B: Yes, I'm writing them down. Please, continue... 11.A: I read a story about an 80-year-old man who just learned how to play tennis. B: Really? __ That That must be difficult _____  _____ for for him. 12.A: I love imported potatoes that are ready to be fried. They're so practical!  _______ _ importing importing foods that our country country already produces produces would would B: Really? __ If If it were up to me ______ be forbidden. DL_ALS3_FW_May20_SC



SECTION III: Checking your grammar  (Connectors of Concession ; Phrasal Verbs; Present Participle Phrases)

Circle the letter of the correct sentence: (3 points each / sub-total = 18) 1. A. There’s no do doubt ubt that money and and happin happiness ess are linked. In fact, on one e has nothing to do do with the owner. B. My salary has increased over the years, yet my life has certainly become more comfortable. C. Although money cannot buy happiness, the happiest nations are the richest. 2. A. I turne turned d the job job out be because cause I don’t don’t wan wantt to move. B. The case was thrown down of court due to lack of evidence. C. My boyfriend didn’t want to go to the ballet, but he finally gave in. 3. A. A few of th the e anim animals als in th the e zoo ar are e rare. rare. B. Each of the rare species are well-kept. C. None of the visitors are allowed to touch the animals. 4. A. Not getting a good score score,, the mother told the kid tto o study more. more. B. Having a test next week, Paula is studying very hard. C. Being late, the teacher didn’t let the student take the test. 5. A. It’s tim time e to stop d delay elaying ing and and get do down wn wor work. k. B. I made an error in my calculations, but nobody picked up on it. C. The only crime they’ve ever committed is to stand up their rights.  A. It is vital that restaurant owners are always looking for innovation.   B. Farmers insisted that the government grant them a budget for environmental contingencies.  C. After having dinner, the food critic demanded the chef talks to him.

SECTION IV: Developing your vocabulary competence (Identify and use new words, changing word forms) A. Fill in th the e blanks with th the e approp appropriate riate form form of the the word (verb, n noun, oun, adjective) adjective) in parentheses.  (2 points each / sub-total = 24) only credit cards cards in 2019. 2019. (purchase) (purchase) 1. Ab Abou outt 3 in in 1 10 0 U.S. U.S. adu adult lts s __ purchased __ using only 2.

You can make the most out of your c credit redit car cards ds and avoid avoid paying paying a lot of unnecessary unnecessary  _ fees fees __. (fee)

3. A handwr handwritten itten tha thank nk you you note note is a g grea reatt way tto o show show __ appreciation appreciation __. (appreciate) (appreciate) 4.

The organic food movement _ initially initially ___ started started as an alternative alternative to chemical chemical farming. farming. (initial)

5. An Anim imals als use use diff differ eren entt cog cognit nitive ive __ c capacities apacities __ in their daily lives. (capacity) (capacity) 6. Exercise can significantly _ enhance enhance ___ the quality quality of your life. (enhancement) (enhancement) 7. Diane Diane Fo Fossey ssey was was an America American n con conser servatio vationist nist who who __  __ devoted devoted ___ her life life to saving gorillas. (devote) DL_ALS3_FW_May20_SC



policies operated. 8. A commu community nity is the the basic basic u unit nit w wher here e soc social ial __  __ p olicies ___ are specifically operated. (policy) 9.  _______ than in agriculture. agriculture. 10. Nowhere is the effect of g governme overnment nt policy mor more e _ apparent apparent _______ (apparently) 11. It is important to know know that looking down down when using a cellp cellphone hone may be  __ equivalent equivalent _____  _____ to carrying carrying a att least 5 kilos of w weight eight on your your head. (equivalent) (equivalent) impossible to develop develop a 12. Scientists around around the world world have agreed that that it is __ virtually virtually __ impossible vaccine in less than a year. (virtual) coincided downtown, causing causing a huge 13. Las Saturday Saturday two importan importantt cultural events __ c oincided ___ downtown, traffic jam. (coincide)

B. Circ Circle le the appropr appropriate iate meanin meaning g of the phra phrasal sal ver verbs bs below: below: (2 points each / sub-total = 4) 1. We’re We’re movi moving, ng, so we hav have e to get get rid o off a lot o off our furni furniture ture.. a. We are goin going g to live iin n a new ho house, use, s so o we hav have e to move move a lot of furnit furniture ure.. b. We have have to throw throw aw away ay or dona donate te furnitu furniture re that that we won’t won’t use. use. c. We have have to figure figure out how how to se send nd the the fur furnitu niture re to the the new house house.. 2. Tom kept kept back some some of of the money, money, so his his family family still has has some some cash left. left. a. Tom stole stole som some e mon money ey to give some cash to his his family. family. b. Tom withhe withheld ld mo money ney in orde orderr to sa save ve som some e for h his is family. family. c. Tom returne returned d th the e money money tthat hat his famil family y lent lent him. him.




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