ALS Programs
Short Description
What are the ALS Programs/projects that you know under the following categories? •
Curriculum and Instructional aterials !e"elopment
Capa#ility $uilding Program
Ad"ocacy and Social o#ili%ation
&esearch and !e"elopment
onitoring and '"aluation
What are the ALS Programs/projects that you know under the following categories? •
Curriculum and Instructional aterials !e"elopment
Capa#ility $uilding Program
Ad"ocacy and Social o#ili%ation
&esearch and !e"elopment
onitoring and '"aluation
CoverPage t i t l e i l l us t r at i ons nameandc ont act
Cont ent s Fe at ur esofALS
Pr ogr ams Di ffer entALSPr ogr ams Fr equent l yas ked
ques t i onsonALS
Major Programs of ALS +) $asic Literacy Program ,$LP-
() Accreditation and '*ui"alency Program
!asic Literacy Program "!LP# It is an intensive community-based training for illiterate out-ofschool youth and adults, who are willing to learn basic literacy skills
!ep'd !eli"ered
$ L P
It refers to the program deli"ery which is directly carried.out #y !ep'! personnel)
ALS o#ile 0eachers ALS !istrict Coordinators
!ep'd Procured It is a deli"ery mechanism which the !ep'! through the !4 enters into a contract with pri"ate groups or other 34s in order to deli"er the $asic Literacy Program ,$LP-)
34s L31s S1Cs S1Cs2 etc)
&egulatory ,on.!ep'!It refers to the program deli"ery #y any pri"ate/go"5t organi%ations using their own funds following the standards
34s2 P4s2 34s2 S1Cs2 etc)
$amily !asic Literacy Project It is a strategy to deliver !LP utili%ing literate family members to hel& nonliterate members develo& their basic literacy skills in reading, writing and numeracy
A./I0A0I(1 A1/ .23I4AL.1) "A5.# P(6AM It is a certi'cation of learning for (S) and Adults aged *+ years and above who are unable to avail of the formal school system, or who have dro&&ed out of formal elementary or secondary education
A 6 ' Program /e&.d /elivered It refers to the &rogram delivery which is directly carried-out by /e&./ &ersonnel
Mobile 0eachers 5 /ist oordinators
/e&.d Procured It is a delivery mechanism which the /e&./ through the /( enters into a contract with &rivate grou&s or other 6(s in order to deliver the !asic Literacy Program "!LP# 16(s, L63s, 6(s, S3s, etc
egulatory "1on/e&./# It refers to the &rogram delivery by any &rivate7 gov8t organi%ations using their own funds following the standards of /e&./ 16(s, P(s, 6(s, S3s, etc
!alik-Paaralan Para Sa (ut-ofschool Adults "!P-(SA# •
It is delivered through /e&./ &rocured which is a su&&ort &rogram of the Accreditation and .9uivalency "A5.# Program im&lemented in &artici&ating secondary schools s&read out nationwide with the school &rinci&als as &rogram coordinators and their own teachers as Instructional Managers
0his &rogram caters to outof-school youth and adults who are high school dro&outs
adio-based Instruction "!I# Program - It is an alternative delivery mode utili%ing the Accreditation and .9uivalency "A5.# Program of the /e&artment of .ducation - 0he use of radio broadcast signals the use of distance learning in the Alternative Learning System
Computer.#ased Instruction - It takes advantage of the &romise of &roviding learning o&&ortunities through ALS that is characteri%ed by se&aration of the learning facilitator from the learner, use of mi:ed media software
AlS Mobile Library 0his is a follow-u& initiative to sustain the literacy gains of the ALS learners after the im&lementation of the ALS Programs using various delivery modes
Indigenous Peoples ,IP'ducation
0his &roject aimed to develo& an IP culturesensitive core curriculum, learning materials, and assessment tools7instruments
Informal .ducation is an educational &rogram that addresses the s&ecial needs and interests of the marginali%ed and other interest grou&s of learners that makes use of life skills a&&roach for &ersonal develo&ment it is learning outside the formal and nonformal education &rogram, that is drawn from life e:&eriences and is ac9uired from reading, media or close observation it is a lifelong learning &rocess for social civic, aesthetic, cultural, s&iritual, recreational and &hysical develo&ment
Areas for Development
GOAL Empower the learners to contine to learn on their own so that the! ma! improve their "alit! of life an# that of their famil! an# commnit!$
%# li'e to reach the star$ r e n r a e L
r s t o n e m e l p m % S L A
%ll help !o$
(bjectives Provide informal lifelong learning o&&ortunities through lifeskills a&&roach in di;erent develo&ment7interest areas such as &hysical, social, civic7&olitical, cultural, s&iritual, environmental, and aesthetic .nhance ca&abilities through various &ersonal develo&ment &rograms ecogni%e learning gains from the di;erent informal learning7education channels
Conceptal (ramewor' n o i t a c # E l a m r o f n %
E#cation for All *E(A+
%/(ORMAL Lifelon) Learnin) *LLL+ Self,%nterest
Life E-periences Empowere#
Adolescent 7riendly Literacy 'nhancement Project ,A7L'P-.A&8 -
It targets out-of-school adolescents
It &rovides the target grou& with knowledge and skills focusing on early marriage and &arenting, family &lanning, drug &revention education, livelihood &rojects, health education and environmental education
It em&owers the out-of-school adolescents with desirable knowledge, attitude, values and skills that will hel& them better &erform their roles as res&onsible and &roductive citi%ens of the country
3sa&an at Aksiyon Para sa ALS 1gayon Supporting "3SAPA1# the professional growth and development of ALS Field Implementors
3sa&an at Aksiyon Para sa ALS 1gayon "3SAPA1# Supporting the professional growth and development of ALS Field Implementors
USAPAN is envisioned as a mechanism in a form of in-service training to provide an avenue for mobile teachers to get together for professional advancement BUREAU OF ALTERNATIE LEARNIN! S"STE# $ %E&ART#ENT OF E%U'ATION
Usapan at Aksiyon Para sa ALS Ngayon (USAPAN) Supporting the professional growth and development of ALS Field implementors
(roaden the perspe)tive of mo(ile tea)hers on the d*nami)s of the ALS implementation and other related )on)erns trigger )reativit* and innovativeness among them foster (est pra)ti)es in program implementation and tr* them out in new situations BUREAU OF ALTERNATIE LEARNIN! S"STE# $ %E&ART#ENT OF E%U'ATION
Usapan at Aksiyon Para sa ALS Ngayon (USAPAN) Supporting the professional growth and development of ALS Field Implementors
instill among the mo(ile tea)hers self+esteem in the performan)e of their duties and responsi(ilities strengthen the lin, (etween and among the mo(ile tea)hers in)ul)ate positive values su)h as hard wor,- )ommitment- and others
o#ile teachers will #e grouped or clustered) 0he term 2CL1S0'& 3 will will #e adapted in the implementation and may refer to any of the following
all mo#ile teachers in one di"ision all mo#ile teachers in one region all mo#ile teachers in ( or 9 neigh#oring di"ision
all mo#ile teachers in ( regions
ALS !istrict and School Coordinators will #e included as cluster mem#ers)
Meetin) Time an# Place
A meeting or gathering of the mo#ile teachers will #e referred to as :ASS'$L;
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