
September 19, 2017 | Author: Cássia Marcelo | Category: N/A
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ALLERGY If you’re allergic, it takes just a tiny particle of the right allergen to put your panicky immune system on the defensive. your body strikes back by releasing a rush of histamine, the chemical that causes that familiar swelling and running in your nose, eyes and sinuses. Allergy shots and antihistamines can control your symptoms, but there are other things you can do as well. The natural remedies in this chapter—in conjunction with medical care and used with your doctor’s approval—may help prevent or relieve allergic problems, according to some health professionals.

SU JOK Treat lungs, large intestine, and appendix Point No: 130, 120, 121

Stimulate these points

Yoga Daily yoga and pranayam can help bring allergies under control,

Acupressure To relieve hay fever and allergic sneezing and itching, press point LI 4, situated in the webbing between your thumb and index finger, close to the bone at the base of the index. Hold this point with your thumb on top of the webbing and your index finger underneath, then squeeze into the webbing, angling the pressure toward the bone that connects the index finger to the hand. Work

on one hand, then on the other. Hold firmly for about one minute per hand while breathing slowly and deeply. This is not recommended for pregnant women, because pressing this point can cause contractions of the uterus,

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