All of The Questions

March 18, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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?6 Do`uory4 Desá G. Oivorgz, (:223). ’A`tgr`otae`oi o`h @ew.‛ Xfg Okgralo` Deur`oi ec Deur`oi A`tgr A`tgr`otae `otae`oi `oi Iow, Erno`azotae`s4 Sei. ?22, @e.:,Xfg` pp. 7.  


?. @okg o`h gxpioa` tfg ceur koder peiataloi cela os ahg`tacagh a` sfacts ec tfg pfg` pf g`ek ekg` g`e` e` ec a`tg a`tgr` r`ot otae ae`o `oii ne nevg vgr` r`o` o`lg lg.. As tfgr tfgrg g o` o`y y cela cela tfot tfot sf sfeu euih ih jg le`sahgrgh prgheka`o`t5 Cerkoi a`statutae`s4 A`tgr`otae`oi nevgr`o`lg as wfotgvgr AEs he o`h tfg cerkoi ottatuhgs ec a`tgr`otae`oi erno`azotae`s olleu`t cer wfot tfgy he. A`statutae` A`sta tutae`oi oi prel prelgssg gssgs4 s4 Le`l Le`lgr` gr` tfg oltu oltuoi oi hglas hglasae`-k ae`-koma`n oma`n prel prelgssg gssgs s watfa` a`tgr`otae`oi erno`azotae`s. Erno`azotae`oi reig4 Oltuoi o`h petg`taoi reigs ec AEs a` o kerg jreohiy le`lgavgh prelgss ec a`tgr`otae`oi nevgr`o`lg. Xfas pgrspgltavg fos < liustgrs4 o. AEs org ollu ollusgh sgh ec ell ellosae` osae`oiiy oiiy gxo gxolgrj lgrjota`n ota`n tfg pre prejigks jigks tf tfgy gy org hgs hgsan`gh an`gh te fgip rgseivg. j. Ie Ie`n `n-tg -tgrk rk a`st a`statu atuta tae` e`oi oi le le`s `sgq gqug ug`l `lgs gs ec tfg tfg coai coaiur urg g te se seiv ivg g su sujs jsto to`t `tav avg g prejigks tfreunf ovoaiojig a`statutae`oi kgo`s. l. Fe Few w AE AEs s rgci rgcigl gltt o` o`h h ko kon` n`ac acy y er ke keha hacy cy tfg tfg lf lfor orol oltg tgras rastal tal cgo cgotu turg rgs s ec tfg tfg A`tgr`otae`oi \ystgk. A`tgr`otae`oi Zgnakgs4 Qgs. Xfg ceurtf cela sfeuih jg le`sahgrgh prgheka`o`t os at le`toa`s tfg etfgr < cela rgprgsg`ta`n tfg lurrg`t a`tgr`otae`oi occoars o`h few stotgs o`h `e`-stotg olters jgfovg u`hgr navg` trgotags, iows o`h ruigs prepesgh jy gxasta`n AEs. :. Gxpio Gxpioa` a` tfg lrataq lrataqugs ugs ec tfg prgsg prgsg`t `t gpas gpastgkei tgkeienalo enaloii prol proltalgs talgs a` rgnak rgnakg g o`oi o` oiys ysas as,, os stot stotgh gh a` tfg tfg rgoh rgoha` a`n. n. Oh Ohha hata tae` e`oi oiiy iy,, gx gxpi pioa oa` ` ye yeur ur ew ew` ` pe pesa sata tae` e` rgnorha`n tfg tepal ot fo`h. E`g ec tfg koder lratalasks kohg ec tfg rgnakgs le`lgpt as ats ’weeia`gss‛ o`h ’akprglasae`‛. ^falf kgo`s tfot tfgrg org `e ligor jeu`horags stotgh jgtwgg` rgnakgs4 `e erana` `er g`h ec golf ec tfgk te havahg e`g rgnakg crek etfgr. At e`iy spglacags tfg assug rgnakgs wo`t te ottg`h o`h g`hersg jut tfgy he `et navg o se seiu iuta tae` e`.. A` ky ep epa` a`ae ae`, `, rgna rgnakg kgs s or org g le le`l `lgp gptu tuoi oi lrgo lrgota tae` e`s s tfot tfot rgci rgcigl gltt lekke` lek ke`sg sg`sg `sg u`h u`hgrs grsto` to`ha` ha`n n ec tfg a`t a`tgr` gr`ota otae`o e`oii sys systgk tgk cu` cu`lta ltae`a e`a`n. `n. Gvg Gvg` ` tfeunf rgnakgs org `et le`lrgtg g`tatags, tfgy rgprgsg`t o woy u`hgr kest `otae` stotgs leepgrotg jgtwgg` golf etfgr te, ot igost, trgot ahgos o`h prepesois te rgolf lekke` neois o`h jg`gcats.
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