All About Guardian Servitors

December 5, 2018 | Author: Ams-deen Rahimi | Category: Magic (Paranormal), Psychological Concepts, Psychology & Cognitive Science, Cognitive Science
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All About Guardian Servitors Last updated: Apr-26-2012

A guardian spirit will guard its owner from hostile ps ychic influences and spirit entities, and will help protect psychic sensitives from sensory s ensory overload. A guardian will be capable of counterattacking hostile entities and persons who have attacked its owner, and can engage in complex defensive actions using a variety of psychic and magickal shields and wards. Stated more simply, these items will be 'haunted' by spirits that will keep their owner safe from the magickal or psychic acts of other people, or aggress ive or evil spirits.

These spirit entities are constructs, also known as a servitors, artificial elementals, energy golems, or thought forms. A construct is an entity that has been created by a person or other entity. Psychic energy is given a form, and 'programmed' with the traits and behaviors that are desired. It can be created in any form, and given any traits or abilities that t hat it is within the  power of the creator to give it. Construct entities can be fully sentient (intelligent and selfaware), and some may even evolve over time into other types of spirits.

Our guardians are real spirit entities e ntities which are intelligent and possess a full emotional range. They have precisely the traits we have given them, so will behave reliably and remain loyal. They are protected against tampering or changes from outside, and all are fully capable of continuing to learn and develop over time, so that they may serve their pri mary purpose (protecting and aiding their owner) better.

These servitors will defend the person who wears or carries these items, and will also obey and defend their owner so long as the item is within 100 feet of the owner. We have set this space limit because there is a chance that eventually these items may be lost, and our intention is that the entity remain with the item itself, so that it can c an more easily be passed on to a new owner when desired. What this means is that so long as the item is within range of the owner, the entity can be sent to any place in the world to serve any purpose, and it will hear and obey its owner. If the item is outside outs ide of that range, the entity will be unable to hear its owner, regardless of where the entity itself is at the time. This rule applies to personal guardians. Picture frame guardians do not have this distance requirement. Propert y and Vehicle guardians can be communicated with when you are within range of the property or vehicle.

If the item is passed to a new owner, the servitor will serve se rve and guard its new owner just as faithfully as it did the first. If the item is stolen, then the entity entit y will do its best to find its way wa y  back to its true owner, and most likely make things things difficult for the thief. If the item is truly lost, then whomever may find it will become the new owner. When it has no 'job' to perform, and no one to guard, the entity will become dormant, 'sleeping' within the item, so it will not

 become bored. If the item is broken, the servitor will remain with the largest piece. If it should  be too badly shattered, then the servitor will remain with its owner. The item contains the entity's power source, so a shattered item may leave the servitor weakened and with fewer resources, as the power source is often damaged or destroyed when the item shatters. The owner may wish to guide it to utilize a different source of energy, if this should happen, or acquire a new item with a power source for it. We will have replacement pendants available, and will aid you in transferring the guardian from a broken pendant into a new pendant if needed. This is fairly easily done when we have the new pendant in our possession.

Owners may notice that after the first few days, the energy of their guardian becomes less noticeable to them--this is deliberate. As some people are highly sensitive to energy patterns, our guardians have been programmed to adapt themselves to their owner's energ y field and  pattern, so that the items will not be annoying or painful to wear or carry. If you wish to be reassured that they are still present, ask them to make themselves more noticeable for you.

These servitors can be directed to carry out many tasks other than simply guarding their owner. They generally have a 'library' of knowledge and abilities to cal l upon when directed, and can perform magickal acts and spells, and other psychic duties. They can even be sent to guard another person. The servitor's function as a guardian will override any other tas ks it has  been given, so if its owner is psychically assaulted, it will return immediately to defend him/her.

Each guardian is an individual with a personality of its own, and its personality, intellect, and knowledge base will continue to grow over time. They are able to telepathical ly speak with those who are capable of speaking with spirit entities, and may sense emotional messages or impressions to those who can sense emotions from others. It is necessary to have some  psychic sensitivity to receive these impressions from these guardians. They will adapt to their owner, and may improve their ability to communicate over time. They will attend to their own energy needs, via the source provided in their item, and nothing special needs to be done to  bond them to their new owner, or maintain them. These are very unique items, which could be  passed down through generations.

These items are not only ideal for 'newbies' and those who are untrained, but should also  provide satisfactory defenses and service for those of intermediate or higher levels in magickal or energy-working paths. The servitors are very high-powered, stable, and well programmed, and have their own extensive 'bag of tricks' to draw on when needed. Their capabilities are far too extensive to list here. The methods they use will be individualized to their form, nature, and personality. Regardless of their personalit y and nature, the guardians will always be obediant, loyal, and helpful to their owner, and will never do them harm.

All of our guardians are capable of providing a wide variet y of psychic and magickal shields and wards, and both active and passive defenses. Unless otherwise specified, they have a variety of means of counter-attacking an aggressor who persists. They will obey their owner's directives to the best of their ability to accomplish any requested task. They will continue to learn from those around them, and from those they defend against, to add to their list of skills over time. The longer you own the item, the more intelligent, powerful, and effective the y will  become.

Be sure to see our FAQ as well, for additional information!

About House Guardian Servitors Last updated: Apr-26-2012

These items should be placed somewhere on the property they will protect, and kept there. The house guardians can guard homes, businesses, and other properties. They will protect everyone and everything that is legitimately within the property lines. (Those who live or work there, but not tresspassers).

A house guardian spirit will guard the property it is placed on, and all of the persons legitmately on that property, from hostile psychic influences and spirit entities, and will help  protect psychic sensitives from sensory overload. A house guardian will be capable of counterattacking hostile entities and persons who have attacked those on t he property, and can engage in complex defensive actions using a variety of psychic and magickal shields and wards. Stated more simply, these items will be 'haunted' by spirits that will keep the people and pets on the property they're placed on safe from the magickal or psychic acts of other  people, or aggressive or evil spirits.

These spirit entities are constructs, also known as a servitors, artificial elementals, energy golems, or thought forms. A construct is an entity that has been created by a person or other entity. Psychic energy is given a form, and 'programmed' with the traits and behaviors that are desired. It can be created in any form, and given any traits or abilities that it is within the  power of the creator to give it. Construct entities can be fully sentient (intelligent and selfaware), and some may even evolve over time into other types of spirits.

Our guardians are real spirit entities which are intelligent and possess a full emotional range. They have precisely the traits we have given them, so will behave reliably and remain loyal. They are protected against tampering or changes from outside, and all are fully capable of continuing to learn and develop over time, so that they may serve their pri mary purpose (protecting and aiding their owner) better.

These servitors will defend the people legitimately on the property they're placed on, and will hear and obey those who are legitimately on the property. What this means is that so long as the item is on the property with its owner or another household owner who is directing it, the entity can be sent to any place in the world to s erve any purpose, and it will hear and obey its owners. If the people are not on the property, the entity will be unable to he ar them, regardless of where the entity itself is at the time. House guardians can only be directed by those on the  property they're guarding.

If the item is moved to a different property, the servitor will serve and guard the people there  just as faithfully as it did the first. If the item is stolen, then the entity will do its best to find its way back to its true owners, and most likely make things difficult for the thief. If the it em is truly lost, then whomever may find it will become the new owner. When it has no 'job' to  perform, and no one to guard, the entity will become dormant, 'sleeping' within the item, so it will not become bored. If the item is broken, the servitor will remain with the largest piece. If it should be too badly shattered, then the servitor will remain with its owner. The item contains the entity's power source, so a shattered item may leave the servitor weakened and with fewer resources, as the power source is often damaged or destroyed when the item shatters. The owner may wish to guide it to utilize a different source of energy, if this should happen, or acquire a new item with a power source for it. We will have replacement stones available, and will aid you in transferring the guardian from a broken item into a new stone if needed. This is fairly easily done when we have the new stone in our possession.

Owners may notice that after the first few days, the energy of their guardian becomes less noticeable to them--this is deliberate. As some people are highly sensitive to energy patterns, our guardians have been programmed to adapt themselves to their owner's energ y field and  pattern, so that the items will not be annoying or painful to wear or carry. House guardians may feel more 'present', as they choose a pattern that clashes least with all household members, but may be more noticeable to some than others. If you wish to be reassured that they are still present, ask them to make themselves more noticeable for you.

These servitors can be directed to carry out many tasks other than simply guarding their owner's property. They generally have a 'library' of knowledge and abilities to call upon when directed, and can perform magickal acts and spel ls, and other psychic duties. They can even  be sent to guard another person. The servitor's function as a house guardian will override any other tasks it has been given, so if anyone on the property (or the property itself) is  psychically assaulted, it will return immediately to defend its home.

Each guardian is an individual with a personality of its own, and its personality, intellect, and knowledge base will continue to grow over time. They are able to telepathical ly speak with those who are capable of speaking with spirit entit ies, and may send emotional messages or

impressions to those who can sense emotions from others. It is necessary to have some  psychic sensitivity to receive these impressions from these guardians. They will adapt to their owner, and may improve their ability to communicate over time. They will attend to their own energy needs, via the source provided in their item, and nothing special needs to be done to  bond them to their new owner, or maintain them. These are very unique items, which could be  passed down through generations.

These items are not only ideal for 'newbies' and those who are untrained, but should also  provide satisfactory defenses and service for those of intermediate or higher levels in magickal or energy-working paths. The servitors are very high-powered, stable, and well programmed, and have their own extensive 'bag of tricks' to draw on when needed. Their capabilities are far too extensive to list here. The methods they use will be individualized to their form, nature, and personality. Regardless of their personalit y and nature, the guardians will always be obediant, loyal, and helpful to their owners, and will never do them harm.

All of our guardians are capable of providing a wide variet y of psychic and magickal shields and wards, and both active and passive defenses. Unless otherwise specified, they have a variety of means of counter-attacking an aggressor who persists. They will obey their owner's directives to the best of their ability to accomplish any requested task. They will continue to learn from those around them, and from those they defend against, to add to their list of skills over time. The longer you own the item, the more intelligent, powerful, and effective the y will  become.

Be sure to see our FAQ as well, for additional information!

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