Alkaline Cook Book by Dr. Annie Guillet

November 23, 2016 | Author: okaig9058 | Category: N/A
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Short Description

A four week plan to revitalise your body to 100% health. Includes recipes and meal plans for four weeks of eating the al...



Dr. Annie Guillet DC, Bs. Sc.

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First published in 2008 by Dr. Annie Guillet DC Natural Vibe Pty Ltd Suite 36, level 3 12 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Tel. 03 96508488 Art and Styling Director: Michelle Predavec Web production: Paulo Freitag - Naswell Corp. Graphic design: Leanne Mostajo - Naswell Corp. Text Copyright ©2008 Dr. Annie Guillet DC Photography Copyright 2008 Dr. Annie Guillet DC All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or

otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author. National Library of Australia ISBN: 978-0-9805164-0-1

Conversion Guide: You may find that cooking times vary depending on the oven you may be using. For fan-forced ovens, as a general rule, set the oven temperature to 20°c (35°f) lower then indicated in the recipe.

* Important Disclaimer: Your results will vary, as your physiology and living conditions vary. The information in this book is for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. All matters concerning physical and mental health should be supervised by a health practitioner knowledgeable in treating that particular condition. Never begin a new diet or exercise regiment without the supervision of a qualified health practitioner. Neither the publisher nor author directly or indirectly dispense medical advice, nor do they prescribe any remedies or assume any responsibility for those who choose to treat themselves. Alkaline Cook Book |


INTRODUCTION LIVING IN A FISH BOWL Our body maintains a delicate PH balance. Our blood PH should be around 7.365 You can help balance your PH by diet.

There are many who believe that nearly all diseases are related to being too acidic. It has been found that yeast, bacteria, viruses, cancer and other diseases thrive in acidic, anaerobic (lacking oxygen) environments and can't live in an alkaline environment. Being too acidic is also associated with arthritis and inflammation. Our bodies are like a fish bowl If you take a fish bowl, add water and put a fish in the bowl, as long as you take care of the water in the fish bowl this will remain a healthy system. What will happen to the fish in the fish bowl if you do not take care of its water? The fish gets unwell and dies. The water in the fish bowl is like the water inside our body. Water is the most abundant compound in the human body. Our body water percentage is 70-80% consisting mostly of our skin, muscle mass, blood and lymph. Your entire body is soaked in lymph and there is a whole lymph system that is just as complex as your blood vessels where our organs live and function. If we do not take care of our body fluids, our cells will get “unwell” and will create malfunctions- a state of dis-ease - Then we will become sick, resulting in illness, disease, and premature death. This foul fish bowl water in our body is also known as "Acidosis" or "Toxicity". Just like in your fish tank…all filters need to be thoroughly cleaned or replaced on a regular basis to function at its optimum potential and that will result in optimal health for you! Humanly, we cannot replace our own body filters. You may always buy another fish, however we only get one chance to keep our lungs, liver, kidneys and our lymphatic system working for us in a life time .This is why no matter what you have been eating, breathing or bathing in the past, to get your optimum health back and slow down ageing you need to consistently change and balance your human bowl water! We absorb toxins in our body through our respiratory system, our digestive system and our cutaneous system. Since it may be somewhat challenging to focus on all of these at once, in this book we will target the food we eat. This book shows you how to change the dirty, acidic, toxic water in your body allowing life into your cells through food. This new increased life flow into your cells creates the ideal and optimal environment to allow your body to heal, regenerate, rejuvenate and vibrate of energy from the inside out!

THROUGHOUT THIS BOOK 80/20 The recipes in this cookbook are based upon an 80/20 alkaline/acid ratio. We have combined the ingredients in each recipe to keep as much alkalinity possible in giving you a wide variety of dishes. Some recipes will be more alkaline then others and should you prefer a very alkaline diet follow the 4 week planner. Steam-fry!??! When asked to steam-fry I mean to cook the ingredients in a hot pan with a little bit of water. This will ensure that the ingredients keep from burning in the hot pan and allow them to cook rapidly without using cooking oils. Variety is healthy Please vary your diet… if you solely eat alkaline dessert foods your cells won’t be getting the nourishment they need to keep you healthy! Fresh, lively foods give life to your body and cells! Water foods For a healthy eating life style you should remember that water based food is very important; as you know our bodies are constituted of 70% water. The food we put in our body should respect a similar ratio. Your common water foods are fruits and vegetables and the non-water food are beans, pasta, rice, meat etc. Some of our recipes are non water based foods dominant and should be accompanied by aliments which would be richer in water content for example salads or soups. Quantity and Portions is left to the reader’s discretion. What we care to emphasize in this book is the food alkalinity. Just remember that your stomach is as big as your two fist combined so don’t exceed in the one meal. Eat smaller meals more often! Enjoy!

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TABLE OF CONTENT WEEKLY PLANNER .....................................................................................................................................8 Week One ..................................................................................................................................................9 Week Two ................................................................................................................................................10 Week Three .............................................................................................................................................11 Week Four ...............................................................................................................................................12 DRINKS.......................................................................................................................................................13 How do we know which food Alkalize our body? .....................................................................................27 BREAKFAST ...............................................................................................................................................33 SALADS ......................................................................................................................................................51 SOUPS AND MORE ...................................................................................................................................83 MAINS .......................................................................................................................................................109 DESSERTS ...............................................................................................................................................147 INDEX .......................................................................................................................................................159 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .........................................................................................................................160 MUST HAVE ALKALINE KITCHEN ..........................................................................................................161 ALKALINE TO ACID FOOD CHART .........................................................................................................162 CONVERSION TABLE ..............................................................................................................................164

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WEEKLY PLANNER Let’s get started! Alkalize and Energize Step by Step information to get your body towards optimal health 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

WAKE UP…IT’S A BEAUTIFUL DAY! Grab the glass of alkaline water by your bed and drink it straight away. Make your way to the kitchen and Juice up! Break-your-fast with a drink and get your body started. Prep your breakfast and go and get ready for your day (shower, get dressed, get kids ready, lunch bags, work bag etc.) 6. Before you leave, allow time to sit down and have your breakfast…if time is running out…make sure to plan to sit down at work to eat or after the morning rush is over. 7. You should be eating your breakfast within 2 hours of juicing up. 8. Coffee addiction? Keep it social with others by ordering a mint tea! 9. Before lunch make sure to drink 1 ½ litre of water...alkaline water. In your water you may add chlorophyll, bicarbonate soda, barley grass, fresh pressed lemon juice. 10. Eat your lunch 3-4 hours later in a relaxed environment….breathe! 11. Allow at least 45 minutes after you have eaten your lunch to drink liquids again. This will ensure better digestion. 12. From now until dinner time you can nibble on your snack and make sure to drink another litre of water. 13. Have your dinner seated and in a happy mood…you are alkalizing well! 14. Between dinner and bed time you may choose to have a warm mint tea which helps with digestion and you must drink ½ litre of water. 15. Go for a brisk walk in the evening for 45 minutes. Aerobic activities, such as brisk walking, swimming, and cycling will help your body get towards your optimal health. As one of the primary needs to an optimal functioning cell and body - is oxygen! 16. You must remember that you should allow at least 3 hours before your bed time and your last food intake. 17. If you have cravings… be strong, drink more water or go to bed early! 18. Prepare your foods for the next day and have it ready to take with you… this will encourage you to stay strong in your eating plan…. Less temptation! 19. Prepare your alkaline water for your awakening. 20. Have a great night sleep!

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Week One This week will be the most difficult as you will most likely go under a detox status. The absence of processed foods, caffeine and refined sugars may initially make you feel weak and low in energy. Your body will be working hard to push toxins out in doing a major clean up. Since you will be drinking at least 3 litres of water you will be helping this process flush all these toxins out, and urinating frequently. Instead of being annoyed be happy that you are eliminating the old dirty water and replenishing with the new fresh fish bowl water.

Week 1




Chlorophyll Thrill

Chlorophyll Thrill

Hot Lemon Water


Grapefruit Salad

Steamed Greens


Chokoes and Fennel



Wednesday Thursday




Chlorophyll Thrill

Chlorophyll Thrill

Watermelon Juice

Chlorophyll Thrill

Grapefruit Salad

Stuffed Avocado

Steamed Greens

Grapefruit Salad

Grapefruit Salad

Artichoke salad

Carrot and Mint Salad

Swede Soup

Broccoli Salad

Alkaline Tabouli

Chokoes and Fennel

Celery Sticks

Cucumber Slices

Cherry Tomatoes

Cucumber Slices

Green Capsicum

Snow Peas

Celery Sticks

Almond Ginger Stir-fry

Truss tomato Salad

Almond Ginger Stir-fry

Artichoke Salad

Steamed Greens

Green curry No rice

Almond Ginger Stir-fry

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Week Two Week 2 Juices












Home Made Lemonade

Chlorophyll Thrill

Hot Lemon Water

Go Green

Chlorophyll Thrill

Apple Celery and Carrot juice

Chlorophyll Thrill

Grapefruit Salad

Steamed Greens


Broccoli Salad

Grapefruit Salad

Green Bean salad

Scrambled Tofu on Spelt Toast

Red Cabbage, Carrot Almond and Spinach Salad

Rice Paper Roll

Asparagus Pine Nut Salad

Cauliflower Soup

Chokoes and Fennel

Rainbow Salad

Grilled Kebabs With Home Made Lemonade

Raw Almond Nuts

Cucumber Slices

Celery Sticks

Spelt Toast with Fresh Tomatoes

Celery Sticks

Steamed Green Beans and Roasted Almonds

Bloody Mary and Celery

Alkaline Coleslaw With Rainbow Trout

Fish Florentine

Green Curry on Rice

Rainbow Salad

Almond Ginger Stir-fry

Broccoli Quiche And Roasted Fennel

Almond Ginger Stir-fry

Breakfast At a first glance you may look at this planner and be shocked and think...STEAMED GREENS?! What an odd thing to eat for breakfast. You must think outside the box; the most common diet is an acidic one. This planner is designed so that you will alkalize your body one meal at the time. For most, broccoli and asparagus is not a breakfast food…but why not!??! We must eat to replenish and energize our body with foods that taste great as well as feel great. You will learn to love your greens in the morning and forget what others have to say or think…in a few weeks when your energy shoots through the roof…they will be doing it too!

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Week Three Eat as much as you would like as long as it fits onto the one plate…do not go for seconds! Over eating will put strain on your digestive system. Remember your stomach is only as big as your two fists joined together.

Week 3







Grapefruit Juice

Carrot Zinger

Hot Lemon Water

Chlorophyll Thrill

Bloody Carrot Juice

Chlorophyll Thrill

Beetroot Juice

Grapefruit Salad

Steamed Green Beans and Roasted Almonds

Grapefruit Salad

Fresh Tomatoes on Spelt Toast with Basil and Lemon Juice

Grated Apple and Sprouts with Soy Milk

Scrambled Tofu on a bed of baby spinach

Grated Apple and Sprouts with Soy Milk

Chokoes and Fennel With Soya Beans

Roasted Fennel with Basmati Rice

Tomato salad

Laksa Soup

Falafel Wrap

Alkaline Tabouli in Pita Bread

Chokoes and Fennel

Celery Sticks

Cucumber With guacamole

Celery Sticks With garlic mayo

Celery Sticks

Brazil Nuts

Celery Sticks With white bean dip

Celery Sticks

Asparagus Pine Nut Beet Salad

Almond Ginger Stir-fry

Falafel Balls and alkaline tabouli salad

Grilled Kebabs With Bloody Mary

Mung Beans Crunchy Salad

Broccoli Quiche and alkaline coleslaw

Fish Florentine With alkaline coleslaw





Wednesday Thursday

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Week Four Week 4




Pear and Fennel Juice

Carrot Celery Apple Juice

Go Green

Carrot and Mint Salad

Steamed Green Beans and Roasted Almonds



Lunch Snacks Dinner

Wednesday Thursday




Avocado Shake

Bloody Carrot

Chlorophyll Thrill

Beetroot Juice

Grapefruit Salad

Fresh tomatoes on Spelt Toast with Basil and Lemon Juice

Grated Apple and Sprouts with Soy Milk

Spelt Toast with Almond Spread

Buckwheat Pancakes Carrot and Mint salad

Mung Beans Crunchy Salad

Zucchini Loaf

Caldo Verde

Spinach and Eggplant Lasagne

Fish Burrito

Grilled Kebabs

Celery Sticks

Date Shake

Celery Sticks

Cherry Tomatoes

Brazil Nuts

Celery Sticks

Date Shake

Fish Tacos

Almond Ginger Stir-fry

Fish Florentine

Greek Salad

Cucumber Salad


Rainbow Trout with Mash

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DRINKS Almond Milk INGREDIENTS 2 cups fresh Raw Almonds 1 cup Pine Nuts Calico Cloth (for straining)

METHOD Soak 2 cups of fresh raw almonds and 1 cup of pine nuts overnight in a bowl of pure water (The water should be 1-2cm above the nuts to allow for swelling). In the morning drain the water and fill your blender with the almonds and pine nuts to about a 1/3 full, then add 2 cups of fresh water to fill the blender up. Blend on high speed until the mixture begins to spin and you have white creamy looking milk. Put the calico cloth over a large glass bowl or container (I prefer to wet the cloth with water first) and then pour some of the mixture on top, wrap the cloth around the mixture and twist the top then squeeze the mixture through with your hands

for a nutty spread (Please see Spelt toast) or for a great body scrub. You will have approximately one litre of silky raw almond milk ready to use for drinking, shakes or jelly. This almond milk will keep for about three days in the refrigerator.

(The meal and skins left in the cloth can be used Alkaline Cook Book | 13

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Apple Celery and Carrot Juice INGREDIENTS 1 Apple 3 Carrots 4 Celery sticks

METHOD 1. Place all ingredients into juicer and pour into glass.

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Bare Pear Juice INGREDIENTS 1 Pear 3 Celery sticks ½ Cucumber Ice cubes

METHOD 1. Place the ice cubes in a glass. 2. Juice all ingredients and pour over ice. 3. Drink away!

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Beetroot Juice INGREDIENTS 1 Beetroot 1 Cucumber 3 Celery sticks

METHOD 1. Juice all ingredients and enjoy! 2. Add a splash of lime juice if too sweet!

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Bloody Carrot Juice INGREDIENTS 1 Beetroot 3 Carrots ½ Lime, peeled Ice cubes METHOD 1. Place all ingredients into juicer then pour over ice. 2. Make sure your carrots and beetroot are refrigerated before juicing…it will ensure a better taste…This drink can be very sweet!

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Bloody Mary INGREDIENTS 2 Tomatoes, peeled 4 Pale Green Celery sticks 1 teaspoon Braggs Amino Celtic Salt Fresh Water Ice cubes

METHOD 1. Cut the tomatoes into wedges and puree the tomatoes with a fork and hand remove the peel. 2. Put the tomatoes in a blender along with 3 juiced celery sticks add braggs amino and salt to taste and blend until smooth. Dress the drink with a Celtic salt edge, lemon ring and celery!

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Carrot Zinger INGREDIENTS 4 Carrots 1 Cucumber 1 small piece Ginger Root

METHOD 1. Juice all and love it! This makes a perfect cocktail!

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Chlorophyll thrill

INGREDIENTS ½ Lime 1 teaspoon Chlorophyll Pure Water Ice cubes

METHOD 1. Place the ice cubes in a glass. 2. Press the lime for its juice and pour over ice together with the chlorophyll. 3. Add water to fill the glass. 4. Drink away! If you like the taste of chlorophyll, add a teaspoon or more into your daily drinking water. It’s alkaline and refreshing and different from the sodium bicarbonate taste!

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Date Shake INGREDIENTS 2 fresh Dates, pitted 1 cup fresh Coconut Milk Freshly grated Cinnamon to taste

METHOD 1. Refrigerate coconut milk before use to allow for better taste. 2. Use a hand electric blender to mix the ingredients. 3. Blend at high speed until the drink turns more into a chocolate colour or until the dates are completely chopped into very small pieces (2 minutes).

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Go Green Juice INGREDIENTS 2 Celery sticks ½ Cucumber 1 teaspoon Barley Grass Powder 1 small piece of Lime, peeled ½ ripe Avocado Ice cubes

METHOD 1. Place the ice cubes in a glass. 2. Juice the celery, lime and cucumber and pour over ice to chill the juice. 3. Blend avocado, juice (leave out the ice) and barley grass powder until smooth. Serve with a wedge of lime… You may Drink a la TEQUILA STYLE. Lick celtic salt, drink and bite the lime!

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Grapefruit Delight Juice INGREDIENTS 1 Pink grapefruit, peeled 1 Cucumber 1 Celery Stick

METHOD 1. Place all ingredients into juicer then pour over ice.

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Home-Made Lemonade INGREDIENTS 2 Yellow Apples 5 Lemons, cut into circles 3 cups Fresh Water Ice cubes

METHOD 1. Pass the apples through a juicer. 2. Pour juice into a large jug and add lemons and water. 3. Stir well until you can see the lemon particles in the water. 4. Refrigerate for 1 hour. 5. Pour over ice when serving.

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Hot Lemonade Just boil some water and add fresh lemon slices. You may choose the amount of lemon you put in your water. Lemon will make your drink very alkaline!

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How do we know which food Alkalize our body? The food you eat will be broken down for absorption into your body. Some foods may get you to think twice before you trust it to be alkaline…..lemon is one of them! Is lemon acidic or alkaline? When we drink lemon juice, the body oxidize it, to form water, carbon dioxide and an inorganic compound. The alkaline or acidic nature of the inorganic compound formed determines whether the food is an alkaline or acid. If it contains more sodium, potassium or calcium, it'll become an alkaline food. If it contains more sulphur, phosphate or chloride, it forms an acid food. That's how we classified lemon as an alkaline food. You might have seen the ph paper turning red in the experiment when we put lemon juice on blue litmus paper; we know that lemon juice is indeed acidic. However the effect it has once taken through a series of complex chemical reaction in your digestive system is alkaline.

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Mohito Fresh INGREDIENTS Mint leaves 3 Lime wedges Splash of Water Ice cubes

METHOD 1. Place the ice cubes in the glass. 2. Squeeze the wedges over the ice and drop the wedges into the glass. 3. Between your hands tap the mint leaves to allow the flavour to come through and drop into the glass. 4. Add a splash of water and a straw. 5. Drink away!

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Pear and Fennel juice INGREDIENTS 1 Pear ½ small Fennel Root 5 Celery sticks Ice cubes

METHOD 1. Place the ice cubes in the glass. 2. Juice all ingredients and pour in the glass to chill the juice.

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Peppermint Tea Use some fresh mint leaves and tap them between your hands before you drop them into your hot water – this will release the flavour. You should refrigerate a jug of peppermint tea and drink the next day. The flavour will definitely come out more. For a stronger tea, finely chop leaves and place in a tea bag holder.

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Spicy Avocado Shake INGREDIENTS ½ Avocado ½ small Green Chili ½ cup Silken Tofu, cold 3 Celery sticks Celtic Salt to taste

METHOD 1. Juice the celery, and then add juice and other ingredients into a blender. 2. Blend until smooth.

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Watermelon Juice INGREDIENTS 2 cups seedless Watermelon, cubed 3 Celery sticks

METHOD 1. Juice all ingredients and pour over ice!

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Buckwheat Crepes with Cinnamon Cream INGREDIENTS


1 cup Buckwheat flour 2 Eggs * *1 egg = 1 tablespoon ground flax seed simmered in 3 tablespoons of water. 1 tablespoon Olive Oil ½ teaspoon Celtic Salt ½ litre Water 1 tablespoons Coconut Butter

1. Blend or whisk all ingredients for 1 minute. Slowly add the water. Mix until texture is smooth. 2. Let it stand for 2 hours, with a cloth over the top of the bowl. 3. Butter up your pan at medium heat with coconut butter and add enough mixture to give you the size crepes you desire. 4. In a blender, add all ingredients to make the cream. Blend until smooth. 5. You may add stevia to taste to sweeten it more.

CREAM: ½ cup Almond Meal ½ teaspoon cinnamon ½ cup Soy Milk ¼ teaspoon Vanilla Essence Buckwheat is mostly neutral so this recipe must be accompanied by alkaline ailment to keep it alkaline.

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Grapefruit and Radicchio Salad



5 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar 1 teaspoon Fennel Seeds, crushed ½ cup Olive Oil Celtic Salt and Pepper to taste 2 White Grapefruit 1 Radicchio, tear into pieces 2 cups Baby Spinach leaves ½ cup black non-pitted Olives

1. Combine the vinegar, fennel seeds, oil, salt and pepper together. 2. Peel the grapefruits and remove the skin on each quarter. 3. Marinate the grapefruits into the vinaigrette for 1 hour or overnight. 4. Add the mixture to the spinach and raddichio leaves and the olives.

Makes a delicious breakfast!

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Grated Spiced Apple and Ginger Muesli



1 cup Almond Meal 1 Apple, grated 1 cup Buckwheat Sprouts ½ teaspoon Cinnamon ½ teaspoon Nutmeg ½ cup Soy Milk Grated Ginger to taste

1. Combine apple, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and buckwheat sprouts in a bowl. 2. Incorporate the almond meal. 3. Pour soy milk for a moist breakfast. Also enjoyed with almond milk.

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Earthly Muesli INGREDIENTS


½ cup Pepitas ( Pumpkin Seeds) 3 cups Spelt Oats Handful Goji Berries ½ cup LSA mix 1 cup Raw Almonds ¼ cup bitter 100% Cocoa Chips

1. Measure all ingredients and mix in a container. 2. Serve with hot water, almond milk, soy milk, fresh pressed apple juice, grapefruit juice or carrot juice. Dare to try it with different toppings! Topping must be alkaline to keep 80/20 ratio.

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Scrambled Tofu on Spelt Toast INGREDIENTS


300 grams firm Tofu ¼ teaspoon Turmeric 1 Onion, diced 1 red Capsicum, diced 2 Spring Onions, finely chopped Celtic Salt to taste

1. In a hot pan, steam-fry your onion and capsicum for 2 minutes. 2. Break tofu into pieces and add to pan with turmeric, spring onion and salt. 3. Steam fry for 7 minutes 4. In the meantime toast your spelt toast 5. Serve scrambled tofu on top of spelt toast. Yum!

Spelt Bread

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¾ cup Spelt Oats 1 ½ cups hot Water 3 Lemon juice

1. For warm porridge mix all ingredients in a pan and simmer to the consistency desired. 2. For cold oats, place flakes in a bowl and pour over almond milk or soy milk. 3. Try it mixed in with a carrot zinger juice and a little cinnamon! Spelt is neutral so all you add to it must be alkaline otherwise you will have an acidic breakfast.

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Spelt Toast Almond Spread



1 slice Spelt Bread ½ cup Nut Grain left from your Almond Milk 3 tablespoons Tahini 1 pinch Celtic Salt

1. Combine the almond nut and pine nut mix left over from your almond milk, in a bowl with tahini and the salt. Mix until smooth. 2. Add a little hot water if the mix isn’t as smooth as you would like. 3. Spread evenly on spelt toast.

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Steamed Greens The name says it all! Select any green veggies you can find and steam them lightly.

Asparagus Broccoli Broccolini Bok Choy Chinese Broccoli

Kale Green beans Snow peas Brussels sprouts Zucchini etc

Eat and devour bare or with some Celtic salt Mix flax seed vinaigrette or simply squeeze lemon juice onto it! That’s a real alkaline brekkie!

Flax Seed Vinaigrette INGREDIENTS


¼ cup Flax Seed Oil 1 teaspoon fresh Chives 1 fresh Lemon 1 fresh Roma Tomato 1 Garlic clove Celtic Salt to taste

1. Blend all and mix with your veggies

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Stuffed Avocado Slice INGREDIENTS


¼ cup Pine Nuts 1 Avocado ½ Lemon for juice 1 teaspoon Flaxseed Oil ¼ cup Parsley, finely chopped 1 Celery stick, diced 1 Garlic clove Celtic Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Slice the avocado in half. 2. In a bowl combine the parsley, celery, garlic, oil, salt and pepper and mix until all ingredients are well incorporated together. 3. With a spoon, place mixture into the avocado and squeeze lemon juice over it. Yummy brekkie!

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Alkaline Coleslaw INGREDIENTS


1 cup Red Cabbage, shredded 2 cups Green Cabbage, shredded 3 Carrots, shredded ¼ cup fresh Parsley, chopped ½ Lemon juiced ¼ cup Flax Seed Oil Celtic Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Combine cabbage and carrot in a large bowl. 2. Blend oil, salt and pepper, lemon juice and parsley 3. Combine all ingredients and refrigerate for 1 hour.

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Alkaline Tabouli INGREDIENTS


2 cups Parsley, chopped 2 large Tomatoes, diced 1 Red Onion, diced 1 Cucumber, peeled and diced 2 Lemon juice 1 tablespoon Sesame Seeds 2 tablespoons chopped Mint 1 tablespoon Olive Oil

1. Combine and mix well all the ingredients in a bowl and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. 2. Eat as a side accompaniment to falafel balls, or into a wrap with some tahini sauce.

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Asparagus Beet and Pine Nut Salad INGREDIENTS


1 bunch Baby Beetroot 1 bunch Asparagus, trimmed 2 cups Baby Spinach leaves 8 Radicchio leaves 2 tablespoons Pine Nuts, toasted

1. Preheat oven to 200°c. 2. Bake beetroot in foil for 25 minutes or until tender. 3. Wash under cold running water to remove skin and cut in half. 4. Cook asparagus in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then plunge into cold water. 5. For the dressing, place ingredients in a bowl and whisk. 6. Arrange spinach and radicchio leaves on a platter, and top with beetroot and asparagus. 7. Sprinkle with pine nuts and spoon over the dressing.

DRESSING: 1 teaspoon Dijon Mustard 1 tablespoon Balsamic Vinegar 2 tablespoons Olive Oil

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Brazilian Tomato Salad INGREDIENTS


5 Tomatoes, cut in wedges 1 Onion, sliced thin 2 tablespoons Olive Oil 1 Garlic clove Celtic Salt, to taste May be eaten with fresh Basil

1. Place the cut tomatoes and onion in a bowl and pour Celtic salt over it. Let the tomatoes sweat for 10 minutes at room temperature. Add the oil and the fresh basil before serving.

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Broccoli Salad INGREDIENTS


1 Broccoli 1 large Red Onion, chopped ½ cup Parsley, chopped 1 cup Celery, diced 4 Spring Onions, chopped 1/3 cup Flax Oil Dressing see steamed greens

1. Cut Broccoli into small pieces. 2. Mix ingredients and chill for 1 hour.

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Carrot and Mint Salad INGREDIENTS


5 big Carrots, grated ½ cup Mint leaves, chopped 2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar 2 tablespoons Flax Seed Oil or Garlic Mayo

1. Mix and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

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Creamy Artichoke Salad INGREDIENTS


SALAD: 1 large Lemon, juiced 4 large whole Artichoke bottoms 2 heads Butter Lettuce

Bring a medium pot of salted water to boil over high heat and add the lemon juice and the artichoke. Simmer until you can easily peel the leaves from the heart of the artichokes about 20 minutes.

DRESSING: 1/2 Lemon Juice 1 large Spring Onion, minced 1 tablespoons Dijon Mustard ¼ cup Olive Oil 2 teaspoons fresh Tarragon, minced Celtic Salt and Pepper

1. Halve each artichoke bottom and cut each half into wedges. 2. Whisk together the lemon juice, spring onions, and mustard then gradually whisk in the olive oil. 3. Add the tarragon; season to taste with celtic salt and pepper. 4. Put the artichoke wedges in a salad bowl and add 2 tablespoons of the dressing. Mix well. 5. Add the lettuce and the remaining dressing and toss gently.

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Cucumber Salad INGREDIENTS


2 cups Cucumbers, sliced long 2 tablespoons Parsley, chopped 1/3 cup Peppermint, finely chopped ½ Lemon Juice 1 tablespoons Olive Oil or Flax Seed Oil

1. Combine the cucumbers, parsley, mint, lemon juice, oil in small bowl. Toss together. 2. Chill for several hours or overnight. Toss before serving.

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Fennel and Chokoes INGREDIENTS


3 Chokoes 1 big Fennel Root, sliced 1 teaspoon Fennel Seeds 3 tablespoon Lemon Grass, chopped Chili powder to taste 1 teaspoon Olive Oil

1. Peel the chokoes under a constant stream of water. Cut pieces long way and put in boiling water with the fennel root until chokoes are soft but firm. 2. Drain the water out and put the veggies warm into a bowl where you will mix in the rest of the ingredients Add some bean shoots for more volume!

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2 Cucumbers, cubed 3 Tomatoes, sliced in quarters 1 clove Garlic, minced 10 Black Olives 300 grams Hard Tofu 1 Oak leaf Lettuce 1 Red Onion, finely chopped 1 teaspoon Lemon juice 1 teaspoon Oregano ¼ cup Olive Oil

1. Blend the garlic, olive oil oregano, lemon juice. 2. Add the tofu and leave to marinate at least 1 hour. 3. Add the tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, onions and stir all ingredients together 4. Tear the lettuce into eatable pieces and place in a bowl. 5. Pour the vinaigrette mixture onto the lettuce.

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Green Beans and Almonds INGREDIENTS


2 cups fresh Green Beans, trimmed 4 cloves Garlic, minced 6 fresh Ginger, thin slices 3 tablespoons Sesame Oil 2 pinch Salt 1 teaspoon Curry Powder 2 teaspoons Raw Honey ¼ cup Water – steam fry

1. Bring a pot of water to a boil and add beans for 3 minutes. 2. Remove from pot and immediately plunge into a bowl of cold water. Allow to sit for a minute or two, then drain and set aside. 3. In a bowl whisk sesame oil, garlic, ginger, raw honey, curry and salt. 4. Mix Green Beans to dressing and steam fry until beans are at desired firmness.

Garnish with toasted almonds.

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Mung Sprouts Crunchy Salad INGREDIENTS


½ Red Cabbage, finely sliced 2 cups Baby Spinach ½ cup Mung Sprouts 1 big pinch Alfalfa Sprouts 4 Green Onions, chopped 1 cup crunchy Noodles 2 teaspoons Sesame Oil 3 teaspoons Olive Oil 1 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar

1. In a small bowl, whisk together the oils and the vinegar. 2. Mix all ingredients together except the noodles if you like them very crunchy. 3. Cool for 1 hour. 4. Add crunchy noodles. Sprinkle with sesame seeds before serving.

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Rainbow Salad INGREDIENTS 1 Yellow Capsicum, sliced long 1 Red Capsicum, sliced long 1 Orange Capsicum, sliced long 1 cup Red Cabbage, sliced 1 cup Snow Peas queued 6 Baby corn, boiled 8 Yellow Squash, halves 1 teaspoon Sesame Seeds 2 Garlic clove, minced Celtic salts to taste ¼ cup Olive Oil

METHOD 1. In a wok, steam fry the yellow squash, salt and garlic until squash is at desired firmness. 2. Add snow peas and corn steam for 3 minutes. 3. Put the veggies in a bowl and add the capsicums, sesame seeds and oil. Mix well. 4. Lay the cabbage on the plate and pour veggies on top. Add salt to taste.

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Red Cabbage Carrot and Sesame Salad INGREDIENTS


½ Red Cabbage, shredded 3 Carrots, sliced ½ cup Almonds Sesame Seeds 2 cups Spinach Leaves ½ Lemon juice 2 tablespoons Olive Oil Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Put all ingredients in a bowl and squeeze the lemon over the salad. 2. Let it sit in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Serve and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

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Roasted Fennel and Mint INGREDIENTS


2 Fennel Root ,cut long 1 White Onion, chopped 3 Celery sticks, cut wide Sesame Seeds ½ cup Mint, chopped 2 teaspoons Olive Oil 2 pinch Celtic Salt

1. Mix all ingredients together and put in the oven for 20 minutes at 180°c.

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White Bean and Mint Salad INGREDIENTS


2 cups White Beans Cannelloni, cooked 1 cup fresh Mint, chopped 1 cup Celery, chopped 1 teaspoon Sesame Oil ½ Lemon juice Celtic Salt to taste

1. Put all ingredients into a small bowl and mix until the oil and the lemon juice is well spread. 2. Refrigerate overnight for a better texture and a fresh minty taste.

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3 Big Beetroot , 5cm diameter 1 Swede 1 bunch Arrugula ¼ cup Olive Oil ¼ cup Hazelnut Oil ¼ cup Hazelnuts, crushed 2 tablespoon, Apple Cider Vinegar ¼ cup Spring Onions, chopped 2 tablespoons Raw Honey Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Cut the beet and swede in slices of 5cm x 5cm and 1cm thick and oven baked at 180°c for 30 minutes. 2. Peel the skin off the edges and let the slices cool in the refrigerator. 3. Arrange the slices one on top of the other, alternating between the beet and the swede. Stack of 5. 4. Blend the oils, vinegar, spring onions, honey and salt pepper to taste. 5. Last, place the "tower" in the centre of the plate and pour the vinaigrette. 6. Pour the toasted hazelnuts and place a small amount of arrugula on top of the tower. Serve cool, do not heat.

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6 slices Spelt Bread 2 tablespoons Olive Oil 2 cloves of Garlic, peeled and halved 5 Tomatoes 1 Red Onions, finely chopped 2 tablespoons fresh Basil leaves, chopped 1 tablespoon Olive Oil for drizzling Celtic Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Place the slices of bread on a grill plate and brush both sides with olive oil. 2. Grill until browned and then turn them over, apply more olive oil and brown this side. 3. Take the bread out of the grill and rub one side with garlic cloves. 4. Cut and deseed the tomatoes, combine with onion basil, olive oil and chopped garlic cloves. 5. Drizzle olive oil and season to taste.

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Butternut Pumpkin Soup INGREDIENTS


2 Butternut Squash 1 Onion, chopped 3-4 cups Water with Celtic Salt to taste 1 can Coconut Milk 1 tablespoon Ground Cinnamon 1 tablespoon Ground Nutmeg

1. Cut squash in half and remove seeds remove skin and cut flesh in small pieces. 2. Bring water to boil with the salt and add squash, onion, coconut milk, cinnamon and nutmeg. 3. When the squash is soft, blend all with an electric mixer. 4. Serve in a bowl or a cup.

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Caldo Verde Soup INGREDIENTS


12 Chinese Broccoli Leaves ¼ cup Olive Oil 2 Garlic cloves, minced 2 White Potatoes, finely cubed 2 teaspoons Celtic Salt 5cm thick Hot Salami

1. Finely chop the Broccoli leaves. 2. Boil 6 cups of water add finely cubed potatoes and salt and cook until puree into the water. 3. Steam-fry leaves and garlic for 2 minutes until bright green. 4. Steam-fry the salami into the pan until crunchy. 5. Pour white broth in soup bowl, add a cup of greens over the top and sprinkle salami. 6. Add olive oil over the top for taste.

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Carrot and Avocado Terrine INGREDIENTS


CARROT LAYER: 1 ½ cup chopped Carrots 1 1/3 Almond Meal 1 teaspoon chopped fresh Mint 1 tablespoon chopped Chives Salt and Pepper to taste ¼ teaspoon Agar Agar

1. Steam fry carrots until tender bright orange. 2 minutes. Do NOT overcook or else you will have a caramelized carrot and it will turn acidic. Drain and cool. 2. Make sure agar agar is dissolved in ¼ cup of boiling water and cool. 3. Place the carrots, the agar agar mix, the mint, the almond meal, the basil and chives, in the blender until smooth like a puree. 4. Layer half of the mix in the bottom of a loaf tin and keep the second half for later. 5. Place the avocado, almond meal, lemon juice, chili and salt in the blender until it turns into a smooth mixture. 6. Place on top of the carrot layer and lay the second half of carrot mixtures. 7. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour. 8. Turn the terrine onto a plate.

AVOCADO LAYER: 1 large Avocado 1 cup Almond Meal 2 teaspoon Lemon juice Celtic Salt to taste ¼ teaspoon Chili Powder

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Cauliflower Soup INGREDIENTS


1 White Leek, sliced 1 Cauliflower 1 teaspoon Flax Seed, grounded 1 Garlic clove, chopped ½ teaspoon Nutmeg 1 teaspoon Celtic Salt 3 cups Water

1. Steam - fry the leek with the garlic in boiling water - incorporate leek mixture cauliflower, flax seed powder, nutmeg and salt. 2. Boil for 5 minutes before blending with an electric mixer

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Chili Chickpea Dip INGREDIENTS


1 cup Chick Peas, cooked ½ Lemon juice 1 Garlic clove ½ Green Chili 1 tablespoon Flax Seed Oil Celtic Salt to taste

1. Blend until smooth. 2. Enjoy with spelt or buckwheat baked crackers or simply with raw celery, cucumbers and broccoli florets.

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Creamy Guacamole INGREDIENTS


1 Spring Onion, chopped 1 tablespoon fresh Parsley, chopped 2 Garlic cloves, minced 300 grams Silken Tofu ½ fresh Lemon juice 1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar ½ teaspoon Celery Salt 1 large ripe Avocado, pitted and peeled Salt and Chili Powder to taste

1. Blend all ingredients until texture is smooth.



1 cup White Lima Beans, cooked 1 tablespoon fresh Rosemary ½ Lime juice 2 teaspoons Flax Seed Oil Celtic Salt to taste

1. Blend until smooth.

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Finger Limes

Australian Native Finger Limes come in various colours, both inside and out - with pulp colours ranging from white to pink, lime green and lemon. The pulp of this native citrus which is about the size and shape of an adult finger consists of large individual vesicles of juice, like salmon caviar in size and texture. Try to impress friends with this delicious hors d’oeuvre You will need: 1 Cucumber, sliced 1 small piece Smoked Trout Alkaline Garlic Mayo 1 Finger Lime of your choice Place a sliced piece of fresh cucumber with smoked trout a dollop of alkaline mayo and caviar-Lime to dress it up! Yummy!

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2-3 Garlic cloves 300 grams Silken Tofu ¾ cup Olive Oil ½ Lemon juice Celtic Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Crush the garlic cloves and blend with tofu until smooth. 2. Gradually add the oil into the tofu at maximum speed until the ingredients are well incorporated and the texture is light and fluffy. You can also manually beat the oil into the tofu mixture until the mayo is smooth. 3. Season to taste.

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Rice Paper Rolls INGREDIENTS


Iceberg Lettuce, thinly sliced Carrots, sliced long and thin Cucumbers, sliced long and thin Coriander leaves Rice Paper Rolls

1. Bathe the rice paper in a plate filled with hot water until the paper soften and turn transparent. 2. Put out of the water and lay in a wet plate. 3. Layer the coriander leaves, the carrots and cucumbers with the desired quantity and fill with iceberg lettuce. 4. Close sides onto content and roll the rice paper tight onto the vegetables. 5. Refrigerate for at least 20 minutes to allow the paper to become firm again 6. Blend almond spread tahini and sesame oil and use to dip your rice paper rolls.

DIPPING SAUCE: 1/3 cup Raw Almond spread 2 tablespoons Tahini 1 tablespoons Sesame Oil

You may coat the rice paper with the dipping sauce if you are not a dipper!

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½ cup cooled Snow Peas, lightly steamed 1 tablespoon fresh Mint 1 tablespoon Silken Tofu Pinch Celtic Salt

1. Blend all ingredients together, cover and freeze. 2. Blend the frozen mixture and freeze. 3. Repeat 2 to 3 cycles. 4. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. 5. Can be eaten between meals or as a Hors d’oeuvre in a savoury cone.

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Swede and Fennel Soup INGREDIENTS


1 Swede, peeled and cubed 1 Fennel, finely chopped 1 pinch Celtic Salt 4 cups Water ½ cup Red Cabbage, grated 1 tablespoon LSA mix Chili powder to taste

1. Bring to boil the water and salt. 2. Add the fennel, chili and Swede and cook until soft. 3. Add the LSA mix and blend the mixture until smooth. 4. Serve and add cabbage on top.

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Almond and Ginger Stir Fry INGREDIENTS


1 1/3 cup slivered Almonds 5cm piece fresh Ginger, thinly sliced 2 Garlic cloves 1 can drained rinsed Water Chestnuts 1 bunch Spring Onion, finely chopped 1 Red Capsicum, sliced long 1 cup Zucchini, cubed 1 cup Broccoli florets 1 pack Smoked Tofu, cubed 1 cup tailed Snow Peas 1 teaspoon Olive Oil 1 teaspoon Sesame Oil 1 ¼ cup water + 1 teaspoon Celtic Salt 1 teaspoon fresh Basil, chopped 1 teaspoon fresh Coriander, chopped

1. Toast the almond in the oven 180°c for 10 minutes until golden. 2. In the wok gently heat up a little water and add the garlic and the ginger and leave in for 1 minute. 3. Add the vegetables, first with the broccoli as it is the toughest to cook. 4. When the veggies are beginning to soften add the chestnuts and the tofu. 5. Add the salty water and the herbs, bring to boil and simmer for 5 minutes. 6. Bring the whole wok content in a bowl and add the oil and toss. 7. Add almonds and serving on a plate.

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Asparagus Crepes with Hollandaise Sauce INGREDIENTS


3 bunches Asparagus ¾ cup Soft Tofu 2 tablespoons Lemon juice 1 tablespoon Olive Oil ½ teaspoon Celtic Salt Pinch Turmeric Pinch Paprika Pinch Cayenne Pepper

1. See buckwheat pancakes recipe. 2. Break foot off the asparagus and steam fry with celtic salt in a pan until asparagus are vivid green and a touch soft. Drain. 3. Open crepes onto a plate and lay 5 asparagus onto it and roll. 4. Blend all other ingredients together and pour over pancakes. Very good for breakfast as well.

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Char Grilled Calamari INGREDIENTS


2 Calamari Garlic mayo to taste 4 cups Rocket leaves 2 tablespoons Balsamic Vinegar 2 tablespoons Flax Seed Oil 3 tablespoons Lemon Grass 2 Garlic cloves, minced Celtic Salt 1 cup Spelt Bread Crumbs 3 tablespoons Olive Oil

1. Slice your calamari and dip it in a mix of bread crumbs, garlic and lemon grass. 2. Put your olive oil in a pan and heat up gently. Fry the calamari for 3 minute and add ¼ cup water, cover and simmer until calamari are tender. 3. In a bowl mix rocket flax oil and vinegar, add salt to taste. Mix calamari into the bowl and add rest of the crumbs mix too.

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1 Onion, chopped 5 Tomatoes, cubed 1 Green Capsicum, chopped 1 Red Capsicum, chopped 1 cup cooked Lima Beans or Red Kidney Beans Chili Powder to taste 2 tablespoons Olive Oil 1 pinch of Salt

1. Place in a hot pan the cubed tomatoes, salt and chili powder with 1 cup of water. 2. Stew for 5 minutes and add the onion, the capsicums and the beans. 3. Let it simmer for 5 minutes. 4. Serve in a bowl and add the olive oil before serving. Make sure vegetables stay a little crunchy to preserve their maximum alkalinity.

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Chili Prawn Salad INGREDIENTS


½ Red Onion, chopped 1 Avocado, pitted cubed 1 Red Chili, chopped 1 Sweet Chili, chopped 1 teaspoon Coconut Oil 1 pinch Celtic Salt 2 cups Baby Spinach leaves 250 grams cooked Prawns

1. Place in a hot pan the sweet chili and red chili with the coconut oil. 2. Add salt, ¼ cup of water and prawns. 3. Simmer for 5 minutes or until the water is almost all evaporated. 4. Put avocado and red onion together with the spinach and toss until the avocado creams the leaves. 5. Add the prawn mix in the salad and mix.

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Falafel Wrap with salsa and Tahini Sauce INGREDIENTS


¼ cup fresh Coriander ¼ cup fresh Parsley 1 cup Black-Eyed Peas, soaked overnight and cooked 1 ½ cups canned Chickpeas 1 teaspoon Garlic, minced 1 teaspoon Celtic Salt 1 teaspoon Cumin 1 Red Hot Chili Pepper ¼ cup Red Onion ½ cup of Olive Oil 1 teaspoon Turmeric 1 tablespoons fresh Lime juice 3 tablespoons Millet Flour ½ Iceberg Lettuce, leaves separated, tear big ones in half 1 small Tomato, finely chopped ½ cup Tahini 1 tablespoon toasted or raw Sesame Seeds Lemon wedges

1. In the food processor bowl, process the coriander and parsley until fine. 2. Add the next nine ingredients. 3. Blend until the mixture forms a very thick, fairly smooth paste. 4. Add the flour and smooth the mix. 5. Put 1 tablespoon of the mix at a time on a nonstick mini muffin tray. 6. Bake at 180°c degrees for 10-12 minutes. 7. Use the remaining onions, tomatoes, Tahini, lemon juice salt and pepper to taste, blend together.

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Fish Florentine INGREDIENTS


3 cups Baby Spinach leaves 2 fresh water Basa Filets 300 grams Silken Tofu 1 teaspoon Celtic Salt 1 clove Garlic, minced 1 teaspoon freshly Grounded Pepper Almond flakes Lemon wedges Olive oil

1. Blend tofu, salt and pepper and garlic until creamy. 2. Place the fish filets on an oiled oven tray. Pour sauce over fish and cover with raw almond flakes. 3. Bake at 200°c for 15 minutes. 4. In a plate lay baby spinach and drizzle olive oil, squeeze a lemon and salt to taste then put the florentine filet on top.

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1 Filet Sole Fish 1 teaspoon fresh Coriander 1 clove Garlic 2 sticks Celery, finely chopped 1 pinch Chili Powder 1 teaspoon Turmeric 1 teaspoon Curry Powder 1 pinch Celtic Salt 3 large Sweet Chili

1. Steam fry the fish in a hot pan with all the ingredients except the sweet chili when the fish is cooked bring all the ingredients into a bowl and mash together until it is like dough. 2. Cut the top of the sweet chili and remove all seeds. 3. Fill the poppers with the mixture. 4. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 180°c. 5. Mix the tomatoes, onion salt and cayenne pepper to taste for topping salsa. Also delicious with alkaline garlic mayo. And spring onion and chives.

Salsa 5 Tomatoes, diced 1 Onion, chopped 1 pinch Celtic Salt

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½ Iceberg Lettuce, shredded Creamy Guacamole 1 Lime juice 2 tablespoon Parsley, chopped ½ Onion 1 White Fish Filet Taco Spice mix Taco Shells

1. Place taco shells in the oven, just to let them warm up and be crunchy. 2. Mix tomatoes parsley, onion and lime juice, add chili powder for a hotter salsa or fresh green chili’s. 3. Steam fry the white fish filet with the taco spice mix until fish is cooked. 4. Dress up your taco shell with a bottom of fish mixture ¼ full and fill the rest with salsa and iceberg lettuce. 5. Dip in guacamole and bite into a Mexican fiesta!

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1 long cut Onion 1 Broccoli head, in florets ½ Cauliflower, in florets ½ cup Coconut Milk ¼ cup fresh Coriander leaves 2cm Radius Ginger piece 10cm Lemon Grass stick 1 Green Chili, minced 1 Lime juiced 1 Bok Choy ½ teaspoon Green Curry Paste

1. In a wok steam fry the onion, broccoli, cauliflower, ginger, lemon grass and chili in ¼ cup of water. 2. After 4 minutes squeeze lime juice and stir into the ingredients. 3. Pour the coconut milk and add the green curry paste and the coriander leaves. 4. Simmer and cover for 5 minutes. Delicious over steamed rice…20% rice! Even if basmati rice is meant to be neutral keep your water foods in majority.

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Grilled Kebabs INGREDIENTS


MARINADE: ½ Lemon juiced ½ Grapefruit juiced ½ tsp Lemon Grind 1 tsp fresh grated Ginger 1 crushed Garlic clove ½ teaspoon Chili Powder 1 teaspoon Sesame Oil 2 tablespoons Olive Oil

1. Mix all marinade ingredients and soak the tofu in marinade for 3 hours. 2. Drain the tofu cubes and coat tofu with sesame seeds. 3. Place tofu and vegetables on the skewers. 4. Place the kebabs on a tray and brush it with the marinade. 5. Bake in the oven at 200°c for 25 minutes or until the vegetables are cooked. 6. Meanwhile, seed the chili and combine pesto ingredients in the food processor along with the rest of the marinade.

KEBABS: 300 grams firm Tofu, 16 cubes 3 tablespoons Sesame Seeds 2 Zucchini, widely chopped 8 pieces 1 Red Capsicum, 8 square pieces 1 Yellow Capsicum, 8 square pieces 16 Cherry Tomatoes 8 Kebab Skewers Pesto 1 small Green Chili 2 tablespoons fresh Basil, chopped 2 tablespoons Coriander, chopped 2 tablespoons fresh Mint, chopped 1 tablespoons fresh Parsley, chopped Celtic Salt to taste

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Nutty Zucchini Loaf INGREDIENTS


1 Red Onion, finely chopped 1 Garlic clove, thinly sliced ¼ cup Olive Oil 2 cups Carrots, grated 1 1/3 cup Almond Meal 2 Tomatoes, cubed ¼ cup Red Capsicum, diced 1 cup of Celery, grated 2 cups of Zucchini, grated 1 1/3 cup Raw Almonds 2 teaspoons dried Rosemary 1 teaspoon dried Thyme Celtic Salt and Ground Pepper to taste

1. Combine all ingredients and place in an oiled loaf tin. 2. Bake at 180°c for 45-60 minutes. 3. Enjoy with a fresh green salad to increase the alkalinity ration towards 80/20 of water food.

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PASTRY: 1/3 cup Almond Meal ½ cup Buckwheat Flour 2 teaspoon Water 1 tablespoon Olive Oil 2 tablespoons Tahini 1 teaspoon Celtic Salt 1 teaspoon Chilli Powder

1. Mix pastry ingredient together until the mix becomes doughy. 2. Lay in an aluminium foil pie crust plate. 3. In a bowl, blend garlic, mustard, chili, tofu parsley and salt. 4. Stir in the broccoli and the onions 5. Pour mix into the pie shell. 6. Bake in the oven 35-40 minutes at 180°c.

FILLING: 1 Onion, sliced 1 teaspoon Garlic, crushed 2 cups floret Broccoli, steamed 1 teaspoon Dijon Mustard ½ cup Parsley ½ teaspoon Ground Chilli 1 teaspoon Salt 300 grams firm Tofu

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Rainbow Trout over Veggie Mash INGREDIENTS


¼ cup Coconut milk 1 Broccoli 1 Cauliflower 1 Swede 1 Parsnip 1 Garlic clove, minced Celtic Salt to taste 1 pinch Aniseed Olive Oil ½ Rainbow Trout, per serving 3 Lemon slices 1 cup Fresh Basil, chopped 4 Sundried Tomatoes, chopped fine

1. Wash the fish and dress the skin with a light coat of olive oil, sundried tomatoes and basil. 2. Lay lemon slices inside the fish and wrap in foil. 3. Bake until you can slice the back of the fish over the spine and the fish meat separates easily. Bake for 25 minutes at 180°c. 4. Steam fry veggies in garlic and salt water until soft but firm and add aniseeds then mash. Add coconut milk to smooth the mixture.

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Romano Spelt Pasta INGREDIENTS


1 cup Spelt Pasta 3 Spring Onion, chopped ½ cup fresh Basil leaves, chopped ¼ cup Olive Oil 1 pinch Celtic Salt 2 Garlic Clove, minced 8 Roma Tomatoes, cubed

1. Steam fry spring onion and garlic until soft. 2. Mix in a bowl with olive oil and cubed tomatoes add salt to taste. 3. Cook your pasta al dente and drain. 4. In a bigger bowl incorporate your pasta the tomato mix and the fresh basil leaves. 5. Enjoy cold or warm.

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Sesame Tuna Steak with Brussels Sprouts INGREDIENTS


4 cups Brussels Sprouts 1 Garlic clove, minced 1 tablespoon Olive Oil ¼ teaspoon Celery Salt Sesame Seed, toasted 1 tablespoon Sesame Oil 1 small Tuna Steak Filet

1. Steam fry Brussels sprout, drain and mix in bowl with olive oil garlic and celery salt. 2. In a shallow bowl spread the sesame seeds. 3. Coat the tuna pieces in sesame oil and bathe the pieces into the grilled sesame seeds. 4. Make sure the pan is hot. Lay the tuna slices onto the pan for 30 seconds and flip over for 30 seconds. Your tuna is ready! Make sure to have an 80% Brussels sprouts and 20 % steak!

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Smoked Tofu Laksa INGREDIENTS


2 Bok Choy 300 grams Smoked Firm Tofu 2 cups Bean Shoots 1 cup Snow Peas, tailed ½ Red Chili 1 can Coconut Milk 1 teaspoon Celtic Salt 1 teaspoon Turmeric 2 teaspoons fresh Coriander 2 teaspoons Lemon Grass 4 cups Water 1 Onion, sliced long 1 Garlic clove, chopped 1 small piece Ginger ½ teaspoon Green Curry Paste

1. In a pan steam-fry red chili, coriander, lemon grass, onion, garlic and ginger. 2. Lightly grill tofu onto the pan with the mixture. 3. In a small pot add the coconut milk, water, bok choy and snow peas. Bring to boil. 4. Add the herbal mix and the tofu to the laksa broth and let it simmer for 4 minutes. 5. Add the bean shoot only seconds before serving to ensure they keep nice and crunchy.

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Spinach and Grilled Eggplant Lasagne INGREDIENTS


Spelt Lasagne 3 cup Raw Spinach leaves 600 grams soft Tofu ½ teaspoon Garlic Powder ½ Lemon juice 3 teaspoons fresh Basil, minced 2 teaspoons Celtic Salt 1 medium size Eggplant, sliced

1. Roast red capsicum in a small grill. 2. In the meantime blend tofu, garlic, lemon juice until smooth. 3. Put the red capsicum on a plate and cover while hot under gladwrap. The skin will lift. So that you can peel it off. 4. Chop spinach leaves and mix together with tofu mixture. 5. Grill your eggplant slices and put to rest and sprinkle salt on them and let the slices sweat for 5 minutes. 6. Layer your spelt sheet and spread the spinach mix across tray, cover with lasagne and cover with eggplant slices. Continue until desired height. 7. Steam fry tomatoes enough to be able to separate skin from guts. Blend skinned capsicum, tomatoes and basil together and spread on top of your lasagne. 8. Allow baking time of 40 minutes at 180°c. 9. Eat with fresh baby leaves spinach to increase water food content and alkalinity.

SAUCE: 4 cups Tomatoes, chopped 1 teaspoon Braggs Aminos 1 Red Capsicum

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White Bean Burrito INGREDIENTS


4 Tortilla 2 Lime juice 4 cups White Beans, cooked 1 Green Chili, minced 1 teaspoon burrito spices 1 Garlic clove, crushed Celtic Salt 5 Tomatoes, finely chopped ½ Red Onion, finely chopped Guacamole Basmati Rice, steamed

1. Refried cooked white beans with green chill garlic, burrito spices and 1 lime juice. 2. In a bowl, mix tomatoes, onion, a pinch of salt and 1 lime juice for your salsa. 3. Warm up the tortilla in the pan or the oven. 4. Fill tortilla with bean mix, roll it up on the plate and top up with guacamole and tomato salsa. 5. Serve with basmati rice.

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3 cups Almond Milk 5 Dates 2 teaspoons Agar-Agar Powder (or 2 tablespoons Agar Flakes) ½ teaspoon Almond extract (may use Coconut or other extracts for different flavour)

1. Put one cup of almond milk in a saucepan, and stir the dates into it until dissolved. 2. Sprinkle the agar powder over the surface of the almond milk and stir. 3. Bring the mixture to a slow boil and cook, stirring constantly, until the agar is completely dissolved. 4. Add the remaining two cups of almond milk, stir well, and pour into small dessert bowl or a single large mould 5. Cover and refrigerate until set, about a 1 hour.

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Chocolate Mousse INGREDIENTS


300 grams pack Silken Tofu 2 teaspoons Cocoa Powder unsweetened 1 teaspoon Raw Honey Cocoa Chips

1. Mix ingredient except coco chips in a blender. 2. Refrigerate until serving time then sprinkle cocoa chips on top. 3. * Add more honey to taste. *JUST REMEMBER honey is acid!

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Lime and Coconut tart INGREDIENTS


PASTRY: 1/3 cup Almond Meal 2/3 cup Buckwheat Flour, scanted ¼ teaspoon Cinnamon 1 pinch Ground Clove 5 teaspoons Water 3 tablespoons Olive Oil 2 tablespoons Tahini

1. Place all pastry ingredients in a food processor until the mix forms crumbs. 2. Press the crumbs into the base of a 20cm foil pie plate. 3. Bake in preheated oven 200°c/400°f oven for 15 minute or until lightly browned. 4. Place filling ingredients in a food processor mix all ingredients. 5. Pour mixture into a pan and bring to boil at low heat. 6. Boil for 3 minutes, simmer for 5 minutes.

FILLING: 1 can Coconut Milk ½ cup Coconut, shredded ½ cup LSA mix 2 Lime juice 2 Dates, minced

Pour over crust and refrigerate for 2 hours.

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Nutty Ice Cream INGREDIENTS 3 tablespoons LSA mix 2 cups Soya Milk ½ cup Dates, chopped 1 teaspoon Vanilla extract ¾ cup Pine Nuts 1 cup Coconut Milk ¼ cup Pecan Nuts

METHOD COCONUT ICE CREAM: 1. In a saucepan combine the LSA Mix with the soya milk, dates and the vanilla extract, mix well. 2. Bring to boil, stirring constantly and simmer for 2 minutes. 3. Cover with a lid and allow to cool. 4. Place mixture in ice cube trays and freeze.

NUTTY ICE CREAM: 1. Place the nuts in a food processor until fine. 2. Add 1/3 cup coconut milk and process again. 3. Place mixture in ice cube trays and freeze. 4. Combine the two ice cream cubes and the remaining coconut milk and blend until desired texture.

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Vanilla and Raspberry Muffin INGREDIENTS


5 cups White Beans, cooked ½ cup Raw Honey ½ cup Almond Meal ½ cup Buckwheat Flour ½ cup fresh Raspberries 2 teaspoons Vanilla Essence

1. Blend beans until smooth then add the honey and mix. 2. Add the dry ingredients and mix well. 3. Lastly, add the berries. 4. Oven at 180°c for 25 minutes for medium size muffins.

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Vanilla Custard Cream and Berries INGREDIENTS


4 Fresh Dates, pitted finely chopped ¼ cup Water 2 tablespoons LSA mix 2 ½ cups Soy Milk or Almond Milk ½ teaspoon Vanilla Extract

1. Bring water to a boil and add the dates and turn off the fire. Let it rest for 10 minutes 2. In the same pot, add the milk the LSA mix and the vanilla. 3. Bring the mixed ingredients to boil and simmer for 5 minutes. 4. Let the mixture cool and pour into dessert cups. 5. Serve with fresh berries...they are very healthy... full of anti oxidants.

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INDEX A  Alkaline Coleslaw, 51 Alkaline Tabouli, 53 Almond and Ginger Stir Fry, 109 Almond Jelly, 147 Almond milk, 13 Apple Celery and Carrot, 15 Asparagus Beet and Pine Nut Salad, 55 Asparagus Crepes with Hollandaise Sauce, 111

Char Grilled Calamari, 113 Chili Bowl, 115 Chili Chickpea Dip, 95 Chili Prawn Salad, 117 Chlorophyll thrill, 21 Chocolate Mousse, 149 Creamy Artichoke Salad, 63 Creamy Guacamole, 97 Cucumber Salad, 65

D  E 

Bare Pear juice, 16 Beetroot Juice, 17 Beetroot Stack, 83 Bloody Carrot Juice, 18 Bloody Mary, 19 Brazilian Tomato Salad, 57 Broccoli Salad, 59 Bruschetta, 85 Buckwheat Crepes with Alkaline Syrup, 33 Butternut Pumpkin Soup, 87

Earthly Muesli, 39

Caldo Verde Soup, 89 Carrot and Avocado Terrine, 91 Carrot and Mint Salad, 61 Carrot Zinger, 20 Cauliflower Soup, 93

H  Home-Made Lemonade, 25 Hot Lemonade, 26

F  Falafel Wrap with salsa and Tahini Sauce, 119 Fennel and Chokoes, 67 Finger Limes, 99 Fish Florentine, 121 Fish Poppers, 123 Fish Taco, 125 Flax Seed Vinaigrette, 47

Red Cabbage Carrot and Sesame Salad, 77 Rice Paper Rolls, 103 Roasted Fennel and Mint, 79 Romano Spelt Pasta, 137

Nutty Ice Cream, 153 Nutty Zucchini Loaf, 131

Scrambled Tofu on Spelt Toast, 41 Sesame Tuna Steak with Brussel Sprouts, 139 Smoked Tofu Laksa, 141 Snow Pea Sorbet, 105 Spelt Oats, 43 Spelt Toast Almond Spread, 45 Spicy Avocado Shake, 31 Spinach and Grilled Eggplant Lasagne, 143 Steamed Greens, 47 Stuffed Avocado Slice, 49 Swede and Fennel Soup, 107

Pear and Fennel juice, 29 Peppermint Tea, 30

Vanilla and Raspberry Muffin, 155 Vanilla Custard Cream and Berries, 157

L  Lime and Coconut tart, 151

Date Shake, 22

Green Beans and Almonds, 71 Green Curry, 127 Grilled Kebabs, 129

M  Mohito Fresh, 28 Mung Sprouts Crunchy Salad, 73

Garlic Mayo, 101 Go Green Juice, 23 Grapefruit and Radicchio Salad, 35 Grapefruit Juice, 24 Grated Apple and Sprouts, 37 Greek Salad, 69

Quiche, 133

R  Rainbow Salad, 75 Rainbow Trout over Veggie Mash, 135

W  Watermelon Juice, 32 White Bean and Mint Salad, 81 White Bean Burrito, 145 White Bean Dip, 97

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS By Dr. Annie Guillet DC My passion for living at an optimal health level is constantly driving my life into many projects and adventures. This ALKALINE COOKBOOK turned out to be one of the most challenging and exciting so far! The time spent in creating this book, has been special to me, because of the moments filled with emotions and the great time spent with the people who helped and supported me through the process. Everyone on the ALKALINE COOKBOOK project has worked as a team to create the most beautiful book. We should be proud of what we have achieved and to have created the gift of optimal health for you to appreciate. It is when we come together that we are most powerful; there is a perfect synchronicity in which events takes place. When we get together ... magic happens! ...and for that I would like to thank Michelle, Paulo and Leanne. You are the best!

It is with courage and dedication that I present to you this gift of health as you may be buzzing to enjoy what your body can really give you once it is functioning at its optimal level.

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MUST HAVE ALKALINE KITCHEN You should always have in your refrigerator: Avocados Baby Spinach Leaves Broccoli Celery Cucumber Fresh Herbs Garlic Lemons

Lettuce Limes Rocket Leaves Sprouts Soy milk Tofu-silken and firm Tomatoes

In the food pantry: Almonds Almond Meal Apple Cider Vinegar Barley Grass Powder Celtic Salts Chlorophyll liquid Coconut Butter

Coconut Milk Flax Seed Oil Ph Drop Pine Nuts Sodium Bicarbonate Stevia White Beans

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ALKALINE TO ACID FOOD CHART Alkaline Foods – Eat More! Alfalfa Alfalfa Grass Avocado Baking Soda Barley Barley Grass Cabbage Lettuce, fresh

Cayenne Pepper Cucumber, fresh Dandelion Endive, fresh Fresh Red Beet Garlic Ginger

Granulated Soy (cooked, ground) Kale Kamut Grass Oregano Red Radish Soy Lecithin, pure

Soy Nuts (soaked soy beans, then dried) Soy Sprouts Sprouted Seeds (all kinds) Wheat Grass White Beans

Very Alkaline Foods – Eat Lots! Artichokes Almond Almond Butter (raw) Asparagus Aubergine/Egg Plant Banana (unripe) Basil Bee Pollen Bok Choy Borage Oil Broccoli Celery Cherry, Sour Chives Evening Primrose Oil

Fennel Seeds Flax Seed Oil Ginseng Capsicums Caraway Seeds Carrot Cauliflower Green Beans Green Cabbage Horse Radish Kohlrabi Leeks (bulbs) Lemons (fresh) Lettuce Lima Beans

Limes Onion Parsnips Peas, fresh Pine Nuts (raw) Potatoes Pumpkins (raw) Raw Onions Red Cabbage Rhubarb Stalks Rutabaga Sesame Oil Sorrel Soybeans, fresh Soy Flour

Soy flour Spinach Squash (all kinds, raw) Tea (herbal, green) Thyme Tofu Tomatoes Turnip Water (Fiji) Watercress White Cabbage White Radish Yams Zucchini

Neutral Foods – Maintain! Acai Berry Agave Nectar Apple Cider Vinegar Basmati Rice Brazil Nuts Brussels Sprouts Buckwheat

Bulgar Wheat Coconut, fresh Coconut Oil (raw) Coconut Oil (raw) Cumin Seeds Flax Seeds Goji Berries

Homogenized Milk Lentils Olive Oil Peas, ripe Rice Milk Sesame Seeds Spelt

Sweet Potatoes Tempeh Water Watermelon Whey Protein Powder

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Acid Foods – Eat Less! Alcohol Sugars (xylitol and the other saccharides) Apricots Banana (ripe) Barley Malt Syrup Beet Sugar Black Currant Blackberries Blueberry Brown Rice Brown Rice Syrup Butter Buttermilk Canned Food Canned Vegetables Cantaloupe Cashews Cereals (Most boxed) Cherry, sweet Cheese (all varieties, from all milks) Chicken Cod Liver Oil

Corn Oil Corn Tortillas Couscous Cranberry Cream Dates Dried Sugar Can Juice Duck Eggs (Whites, Yolk, Whole) Fig Juice Figs Fresh Water Fish Frozen Vegetables Fructose Fruit Juice (Natural) Gooseberry, ripe Grapefruit Grapes (ripe) Hazelnut Honey Italian Plum

Ketchup Liver Macadamia nuts (raw) Mandarine orange Margarine Mayonnaise Milk sugar Molasses Mushrooms Mustard Nectarine Oats Orange Organ meats Oysters Papaya Peach Peanuts Peanut butter (raw, organic) Pear Pineapple Pistachios Pomegranate Pumpkin seeds Quark

Raspberry Rose hips Rye bread Soda/Pop Sourdough bread Sauerkraut Soy sauce Strawberries Sugar (white) Sugarcane Sunflower oil Sunflower seeds Tangerine Walnuts Water (sparkling) Wheat Wheat Kernel Whole-grain Bread Whole-meal Bread Yellow Plum Yoghurt (sweetened) Yoghurt (unsweetened) Tomatoes (canned puree)

Very Acid Foods – Don’t Eat It - You Will Die!!! – Just Kidding! Artificial Sweeteners Beef Beer Chocolates

Coffee Fruit juice (sweetened) Liquor Ocean Fish

Pickled vegetables Pork Sardines (canned) Tea (black)

Tuna (canned) Veal Wine

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Metric to U.S.

Capacity 1/5 teaspoon = 1 millilitre 1 teaspoon = 5 millilitre 1 tablespoon = 15 millilitre 1 fluid ounce = 30 millilitre 1/5 cup = 50 millilitre 1 cup = 240 millilitre 2 cups (1 pint) = 470 millilitre 4 cups (1 quart) = .95 litres 4 quarts (1 gal.) = 3.8 litres Weight 1 ounce = 28 grams 1 pound = 454 grams

Capacity 1 millilitre= 1/5 teaspoon 5 millilitre = 1 teaspoon 15 millilitre = 1 tablespoon 30 millilitre = 1 fluid oz. 100 millilitre = 3.4 fluid oz. 1 litre = 34 fluid oz. 1 litre = 4.2 cups 1 litre = 2.1 pints 1 litre = 1.06 quarts 1 litre = .26 gallon Weight 1 gram = .035 ounce 100 grams = 3.5 ounces 500 grams = 1.10 pounds 1 kilogram = 2.205 pounds 1 kilogram = 35 ounce

Cooking Measurement Equivalents 16 tablespoons = 1 cup 12 tablespoons = 3/4 cup 10 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons = 2/3 cup 8 tablespoons = 1/2 cup 6 tablespoons = 3/8 cup 5 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon = 1/3 cup 4 tablespoons = 1/4 cup 2 tablespoons = 1/8 cup 2 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons = 1/6 cup 1 tablespoon = 1/16 cup 2 cups = 1 pint 2 pints = 1 quart 3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon 48 teaspoons = 1 cup

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REFERENCES Dr. Robert O Young - ph Miracle Anthony Robbins Unleash the Power Within The World Wide Web

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