Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons

November 16, 2018 | Author: Vanessa Pearl M. Bautista | Category: N/A
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Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons I.

Objective To learn about aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons by observing their chemical and physical properties.


Glassware Round bottom flask (500mL) Erlenmeyer flask



separatory funnel

micro test tubes

Schematic Diagram of Procedure A. Isolation of Limonene

Prepare steam distillation set-up. Cut citrus sample into small piecs & collect an amt. enough to fill a half of a 500mL flask.

Weigh and add 250mL water into the flask. Steam distill the mixture rapidly until you have about 100mL of the distillate.

Add 3-5mL saturated  NaCl soln. to distillate and let stand. Pipette out all the limonene that will float on the surface.

Add more drying agent, if necessary, to increase the limonene yield.

The mixture is dry if  there are no visible signs of water and he drying agent flows freely in the container.

Dry mixture by adding a spatula-full of  anydrous Na2SO4. Swirl the mixture.

B. Physical Properties of Hydrocarbons

 Note the physical state, color, solubility in water  and the density compared to water of  hexane, limonene and  benzene.

C. Chemical Properties of Hydrocarbons

Record your  observations.

Place a drop each of  hexane, limonene and bemzene into separate micro test tubes.


Table of Reagents


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