Alice in Wonderland script

January 11, 2019 | Author: AmmLawlier | Category: Lewis Carroll, English Children's Novels, English Fantasy Novels, Works, Literary Motifs
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Short Description

full script for 20 to 30 minutes play. about 9 people in the play...


Alice in Wonderland

Introduction: Two Two narrators will start the play pla y by introducing on the character of Alice and the White Rabbit.  Narrator 1

: Alice Alice is about to discover that Wonderland Wonderland is nothing nothing like she epected!

 Narrator "

: It#s a land filled with racing $obsters% caterpillar% painting cards% and even a &heshire &at% that#s 'e!

 Narrator 1

: (ou (ou 'ean us.. )ut I..

 Narrator "

: *eaning 'e.

 Narrator 1

: That is we!

 Narrator "

: Alice Alice 'eets a pallid% long+eared% carrot+'unching ,uadruped known only only as...

)oth narrators

: The White Rabbit!! -crickets chirping sound . The &heshire &ats look at each other and throw a huge smile to audience).

 Narrator 1

: Ahe'% Ahe'% I said% first she 'eets..

)oth narrators narrators : The White White Rabbit!! Rabbit!!  Narraror "

: /h!! 0e is always late.

 Narrator 1

: (o% (o% White Rabbit% (ou (oure re on! &alling for White Rabbit while shouting2. shouting2.

Scene 1

(The White Rabbit runs on while carrying a big pocket watch. Alice wakes up and sees him).

White Rabbit: I am late! I am late! I am late! Alice

: 0ow cool is that! I wonder what is the right thing to say to a talking rabbit.

White Rabbit : /h 3ear% dear% dear! Alice

: What#s up% doc4 No% huh4 5h'% I 'ean... hi% 'y na'e is6 

White Rabbit : 7ing the song2 h no! h no! h no! h no!  I"m late I"m late #or a $ery important date  %o time to say &hello" and &goodbye"   I"m late I"m late I"m late I"m late (narrators sing: he"s o$erdue '. e"s in a rabbit stew) an"t e$en say goodbye (All sing : ello)  I"m late I"m late I"m late  I run and then I hop hop hop  I wish that I could #ly There"s a danger i# I stop stop stop  And here"s the reason why! Ill never 'ake it! I' late. Talk to audience and 8u'p into the hole2.  Narrator "

: Alice followed the White Rabbit to the edge of the hole and she stopped2.


: 7hould I or shouldn#t I4 (ou know what they say: 9If you don#t eplore% you#ll never

discover.9 )ut 'y sister *athilda always says% 9$ook before

you leap.9 Well% I#'

looking and it looks deep and dark and I can#t see the

 botto' and 'aybe it goes all the

way to the center of the earth and I#ll be

 burnt to a crisp in the 'olten core like the bad 'arsh'allow we#ve all heard so 'uch about! (pause) /r not. (pause) /k% I looked. Now it#s ti'e to leap!  Narrator "

: Alice 8u'ped into the rabbit hole. 7he fell and fell and fell2.

Scene 2

 Narrator "

: Alice then looked around and realied that she has landed inside a s'all house with 'any doors2.


: /uchh!! Thats hurt. $ooking around2. Where is this place4 0eyyy!! There is a key on the table. It 'ust be for one of the doors here. $ets see;. /h% it works.. but I cant fit through this little door.

Alice looks around and find a bottle of drink2. Alice

: 0'';drink 'e44 3rinks2 (u''s delicious..3urian and a bit of at that once only while throwing a cookie to Alice2. Alice

: /hh.. a cookie. *aybe if I eat this it will help. Nco''' nco'''. >'''..this tastes good. I want eat 'ore. Nco''''';/hhhh!! I have  beco'e too s'all.

 Narrator " :

Alice beca'e s'aller than her nor'al sie. 7uddenly% she saw a blue caterpillar2.

Scene 4

&aterpillar: A e i o u a e i o u a e i o u o u e i o a u e i a a e i o u'  Who are you4


: I+ I+ I hardly know% sir! I changed so 'any ti'es since this 'orning% you see;


: I do not see. >plain yourself.


: Why% I' afraid I cant eplain 'yself% sir% because I' not 'yself% you know;


: I do not know.


: Well% I cant put it any'ore clearly for it isnt clear to 'e!


: (ou4 Who are you4


: Well% dont you think you ought to tell 'e+ cough+cough% cough+cough% who you are first4


: Why4


: /h dear. >verything is so confusing.


: It is not.


: Well% it is to 'e.


: Why4


: Well% I cant re'e'ber things as I used to% and;


: Well% cough+cough+couch% if you ask 'e;


: (ou4 0uh% who are you4


: &ough+cough% cough+cough% A+choo! /h!


: (ou there! =irl! Wait! &o'e back! I have so'ething i'portant to say!


: /h dear. I wonder what he wants now. Well;4


: ?eep your te'per!


: Is that all4


: No. >acitically% what is your proble'4


: Well% its eacitici+% eaciti+% well% its precisely this: I should like to be a little larger% sir.


: Why4


: Well% after all% three inches is such a wretched height% and;


: I a' eacitically three inches high% and it is a very good height indeed!


: )ut I' not used to it. And you neednt shout! /h dear!


: )y the way% I have a few 'ore helpful hints. /ne side will 'ake you grow taller;


: /ne side of what4


: ;and the other side will 'ake you grow shorter.


: The other side of what4


: The 'ushroo'% of course!!


: 0''. /ne side will 'ake 'e grow; but which is which4 0''. After all thats happened% I+ I wonder if I; I dont care. I' tired of being only three inches high +yi +yi +yi +yi +yi!

Scene 5


: =oodness. If the people here are like that% I+ I 'ust try not to upset the'. 0ow very curious!

*arch 0are

: 'to us. I# there are no ob*ections let it be unanimous!

*ad 0atter

: A $ery merry unbirthday'

*arch 0are

: A $ery merry unbirthday'

*ad 0atter @ *arch 0are: A $ery merry unbirthday to us! ;

*arch 0are

: A $ery merry unbirthday to me.

*ad 0atter

: To who+

*arch 0are

: To me.

*ad 0atter

: h you!

*arch 0are

: A $ery merry unbirthday to you.

*ad 0atter

: Who me+

*arch 0are

: ,es you.

*ad 0atter

: h me!

Alice wants to 8oin the' in a tea party2

*arch 0are @ *ad 0atter: No roo'% no roo'% no roo'% no roo'% no roo'.


: )ut I thought there was plenty of roo'!

*arch 0are

: Ah% but its very rude to sit down without being invited!

*ad 0atter

: Indeed. ery very rude!


: /h% I' very sorry% but I did en8oy your singing and I wondered if you could tell 'e;

*arch 0are

: (ou en8oyed our singing4

*ad 0atter

: /h% what a delightful child! 0ah! I' so ecited% we never get co'pli'ents! (ou 'ust have a cup of tea!


: That would be very nice. I' sorry I interrupted your birthday party; uh% thank you.

*arch 0are

: )irthday4 0ahaha! *y dear child% this is not a birthday party!

*ad 0atter

: /f course not! 0ehehe! This is an unbirthday party!


: 5nbirthday4 Why% I' sorry% but I dont ,uite understand.

*arch 0are

: Its very si'ple. Now% thirty days have sept+ no% when; an unbirthday% if you have a birthday then you; haha; she doesnt know what an unbirthday is!

*ad 0atter

: 0ow silly! 0a ha ha ha! Ah+hu'; I shall elucidate! Now statistics prove%  prove that youve one birthday.

*arch 0are

: I'agine% 8ust one birthday every year.

*ad 0atter

: Ahhh% but there are BCD unbirthdays!

*arch 0are

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