Alexander Kalinin - Vishy Anand - Great Chess Combinations

April 15, 2017 | Author: eumihai10 | Category: N/A
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Great Chess Combinations

Vish)' Anand MOCKBA 2011

AneKWt.tIp KAJIHHHH dhlllUl AlIAlI,R. J/yrI",,,e IlUlJCMtUllllwe ICOMtJutll4""'. 2011, 24Oc. AJeksauder KALININ ANAND. GreIIt Chess CombintltlollS». 2011,240,.


© .RUSSIAN CHESS HOUSE., 2011 Tel/fax: (495) 963-80-17 e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] ISBN 978-5-94693-172-4 4IopM1II" 70-100'/64. THpalK 2500 31t1.

311CB3 He


OrneoIaTaHO C''''''I0I'0 apR"'....•........ I OAO dlnrl«npaua C........ . 163002, r. A....ROU"".. np. HOII1lpQllCKHR, 32. Ten}"'"" (1112) 64-14-54. [email protected]

Introduction In this book, devcted to \1shyAnand, the examples are arranged in chronological order. All the diagrams are give an additional mark - a number from 1 to 4. This classification allows the book to be .used as an aid, both for trainers and teachers in lessons with their pupils, and for




.m. DpHMeplaI pICIIOJ10lIa11d B xpoHOJI)nPleCI()M nopJl,ll;lH «1»,


3al'eM, B03MO>KHO,

nonpo60aa1D CBOH CHJ1Y B peIIIeHHH no3H~ C nOMeTKOH

rating 2000-2200) and those marked «3» for candidate masters (Elo rating above 2200). Grouped with the mark «4» are positions illustrating intuitive combinations (in which it is impossible to calculate the variations with «mathematical accuracy» and at some point it is necessary to rely

«2». ~ c noMenOR «2» peKJMeHJ1YIOI'C'I.lmJIpemeIIWl l113XM31HCI'aM I pa3p~

a c nOMermH

3CX'DmlI1> C 6++-] [1:0] 182

N!!69. Anand - Topalov Dortmund 1996 33. 16 h6 34. A:b6! [34.ll):h6 gh 35. A:h6! A:1ti36. ~f6+.~g837.g7~:g2+38. W:g2 l::g7+ 39. Whlll):a4±] 3S. g7+! A:g7 [35 ...l::g7 36. 'iV:h6+ ~g8 37. ll) f6++-] 36. ll) :h6 (L1 ®f7 +-) 36....:g2+ 'ST. tI:g2 A:b6 38. -'16 [1:0] N!!10. Anand - Ivanchuk Dos Hermanas 1996 36.l:d'7! ll)¥ [36...gf37. ~g3+ll)hg5 (37. .. ~ 38. f!i:e5+) 38 . .t:g5 ~:e4 39.Af6+~f840.A:e5~.td640...~e8 /83

41.l:ta7+-] 37. A:gS 1fel+ [ 38. ~e3!+-] 38. Wh2li):g5 39. 1Ifg3 li):e4 [39...l:tc140. ~:g5 ~ gl + 41. Wg3 l:c3+ 42. f3 ~el+ 43. ~h2+-] 40. li)h6+ Wh7 41. l::f7+ W:h6 42. 1!I:eS 1Ifen [42...l:cl 43. ~h8+ ~g5 44. h4+ W:h4 45. ~d8+ g5 46. l:f4#; 42..:.c3 43. ~:e4+-; 42 ...:l:g8 43. ~f4+ g5 (43 ... 0g5 44. h4) 44. ~f5 J:tg6 (44... 11g745. 1118 13g6 (45... l!h7 46. iWe6+ ~g7 47. ,=g8#) 46. mzB+ ~g7 47. 'I!Ij8#) 45. ~e5! J:tg8 (45... iWc3 46. ~e4) 46. ~e6+:1g6 47. ~e7+-] 43. 1IfgT+ Wgs 44. h4+ W:h4 45. 1If:g6 184

:!:d [45 ...~d6+ 46. g3++-; 45 46. g3+ Wg447. ~f5#] 46. 'If:e4+ [1:0] . N!!71. Anand - Gelfand Dos Hermanas 1996 42.l.Defti+! [42... gf 43. :!:g4++-] [1:0] N!!72. Anand - Speelman Geneva 1996 20. :!:gS! ~e8 21 • • eS Wf8 22. :!::g7! ~:g7 23. e:g7+ We8 24. :!:e1± 0 0 - 24....16 [24 ... ~:c4 25 . .th3!] 25. eeS "'f8 26. bS! :!:ac8 [26 ... cb 27. 'iih8+ We7 28 . .tb4+Wd7 /85

29. l:dl+ ~c7 30. 1We5+ ~c8 31. "c5++-] 27. be be 28. h4 J:(e8 29. 'itlh2 f6 30. "d6+ ~f7 31. : :e6! l::e6 32. 'ifd7+ l:e7 33• • :c8 [1:0] N!!73. Anand - Ivanchuk Las Palmas 1996 14. ::h4! 111:114 [14...tD:h4 15. .igS f6 16. .i:h4 cd 17 . .ic2 g6 18. 'ti':d5+ ~g7 19. .ig3±] IS. e:h4iD:h4 16.iDb6 l:lbS [16....ie6 17. d5 cd 18. cd.irs 19. ti):a8 l::a8;;!;] 17• .if4 iDrs 18. dS! ±ootO (dc8,IlbB) 18..':e819.~! h6 [l9... 20. l:el! ::el+ 21. ~:el ~



g4. b. c5±] 20. b3 ]:e4 21. Ab2 cd 22. g4 ::c4?! [22 ...dc 23. Ac2! ]:d4 24. l:el!±] 23. ~:c4 de 24. lieU .te625. gf A:tS 26. A:d6.t:b3+ rI. ~g1 l:td8 28. ]::e8 29• .t :e8+-


N!74. Anand - Karpov Las Palmas 1996

21• .t:h7+! ~:h7 22••hS+ ~g8 23. l:tb3 A:eS [23 ... .tc8 24. J:g3 ~c6 (24.. /6 25. q]g6+-) 25. l:t:g7+! ~:g7 26. .th6+ ~f6 27. .tg5+ ~e6 28. ~h3+ f5 29. 'iVh6+:f6 30. ~:f6#] 24. :b3! m25. de .e7 [25 ....t:f126. e6+-] 26. 187

lIh7+ WrT 27. l:g3 We8 [27 ...:g8 28. ~g6+ ~f8 (28... We6 29. ef fI:~ 30. J1e3+ 'ild731. fIIg4++-) 29. ef 'iV:f6 30. .itd6++-] 28. l::g7+- 1fe6 29. ef 1llc6 30. :tal ~d8 31. h4 .itb7 32. l:c1 .ita6 33. l:al .t b7 34. l:tdl .ita6 35. 1fb1! (L1 36. rtIb6 We8 37. l1e7!+-) 3S•••l::ft) 36• .tgS [1:0] N2'15. Anand - Xie J.

Monte Carlo 1996 29.lllts! [29. ~:h5! gh30. 'iVg3+ ~h7 31. l:tfS - 29.~f5] 29_1fcr [29...gf30. 'iVs'+ ~h7 31. l::15 l:a6 32. l:t:e5 h4 33. 'iif4 188


34. d6!+-] 30. d6 Vb6 31.
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