Alcplus2 Idu Manager (1)
April 7, 2017 | Author: berroteranj | Category: N/A
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ALCplus2 IDU Manager Application of the NMS5UX, NMS5UX-B or NMS5LX system for the management of equipment of series ALS with ALCplus2 IDU
User manual
MN.00223.E - 004 Volume 1/1
The information contained in this handbook is subject to change without notice. Property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA. All rights reserved according to the law and according to the international regulations. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from SIAE MICROELETTRONICA. Unless otherwise specified, reference to a Company, name, data and address produced on the screen displayed is purely indicative aiming at illustrating the use of the product. MS-DOS®, MS Windows® are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. HP®, HP OpenView NNM and HP–UX are Hewlett Packard Company registered trademarks. UNIX is a UNIX System Laboratories registered trademark. Oracle® is a Oracle Corporation registered trademark. Linux term is a trademark registered by Linus Torvalds, the original author of the Linux operating system. Linux is freely distributed according the GNU General Public License (GPL). Other products cited here in are constructor registered trademarks.
RELEASE ................................................................................................................................ 14 FUNCTIONS............................................................................................................................ 15
ALCPLUS2: EQUIPMENT WINDOW.......................................................................................... 17 Title bar ............................................................................................................................ 18 Menu bar........................................................................................................................... 18 Push-button bar ................................................................................................................. 19 Status bar ......................................................................................................................... 19 Equipment view area .......................................................................................................... 21 Equipment status area ........................................................................................................ 23 ALCPLUS2: SUBRACK WINDOW.............................................................................................. 24 ALCPLUS2: UNIT WINDOW .................................................................................................... 26 Set operation ..................................................................................................................... 28 Get operation..................................................................................................................... 28 Get and Set operations for the virtual equipment .................................................................... 28
OPENING/CLOSING OF ALCPLUS2: EQUIPMENT WINDOW..................................................... 29 Opening of ALCplus2: Equipment window .............................................................................. 29 Messages displayed at the window opening ...................................................................... 30 Messages displayed when the window is open .................................................................. 31 Update of the information present in the window .............................................................. 31
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
Opening of more ALCplus2: Equipment windows ............................................................... 31 User profile (Superuser, Privileged, Advanced, etc.) .......................................................... 32 Closing of ALCplus2: Equipment window ................................................................................ 32 Automatic closing of the window ..................................................................................... 32 ALCPLUS2 IDU VIRTUAL OBJECT............................................................................................ 33 To configure an ALCplus2 IDU virtual equipment..................................................................... 33
FILE (MENU) .......................................................................................................................... 34 File > Close ....................................................................................................................... 34 File > Exit ......................................................................................................................... 34 COMMAND (MENU)................................................................................................................. 35 Command > Reset Equipment Controller ............................................................................... 35 To reset the equipment software .................................................................................... 35 Command > Line Test......................................................................................................... 35 To verify the capacity to reach the equipment .................................................................. 36 Command > Alarm Realignment ........................................................................................... 36 To force the equipment to forward its current alarms......................................................... 36 Command > View/Modify PM Status...................................................................................... 36 Command > Configuration Download .................................................................................... 36 Command > NE SW/FW Release........................................................................................... 37 Command > Modify LCT Config mode.................................................................................... 37 To enable the LCT user to connect to the equipment by means of the LCT program, in Configuration mode .......................................................................................................................... 37 To disable the LCT user to connect himself to the equipment by means of the LCT program, in Configuration mode ...................................................................................................... 37 ALARM (MENU) ...................................................................................................................... 38 Alarm > Current Alarms ...................................................................................................... 38 Alarm > Alarm History ........................................................................................................ 39 Alarm > Equipment Severity Code ........................................................................................ 39 OPTION (MENU) .................................................................................................................... 40 Option > LCT Equipment Users............................................................................................. 40 Option > LCT Logged Users ................................................................................................. 40 Option > View Acknowledge Status ....................................................................................... 41 To verify the acknowledge status of the alarms, LCT presence and Configuration Upload failed 41 Option > View Active Manual Operation ................................................................................. 42
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To verify the manual operations currently active ............................................................... 42 To set the timeout of the manual operations .................................................................... 43 MAINTENANCE (MENU) .......................................................................................................... 44 Maintenance > Radio Switch A ............................................................................................. 44 To verify/modify the WTR period of the switch .................................................................. 44 To force the switch on the preferential branch without waiting the expiry of the switch .......... 45 To verify/modify the management of the switch in reception .............................................. 45 To verify/modify the management of the switch in transmission.......................................... 45 To verify/modify the management of the preferential radio branch in transmission ................ 46 Radio switch (more information) ..................................................................................... 46 Maintenance > Radio Branch Loop ................................................................. 47 To verify the status of the loop ....................................................................................... 47 To activate a loop ......................................................................................................... 48 To deactivate a loop...................................................................................................... 48 To execute the test (RF Loop) for the ALCplus2 equipment with ODU ASN ............................ 49 Radio loop (more information)........................................................................................ 50 Test (RF Loop) for ALCplus2 equipment with ODU ASN (more information) ........................... 51 Maintenance > Nodal Switch ................................................................................................ 51 To verify/modify the management of the nodal switch ....................................................... 52 To verify/modify the value of the Wait Time To Restore parameter ...................................... 52 To force the switch on the preferential NBUS connection without waiting for the expiry of Wait Time 52 Nodal switch (more information)..................................................................................... 53 Maintenance > Switch STM1 LIM A ....................................................................................... 53 To verify the primary service stream ............................................................................... 54 To verify/modify the MSP protection................................................................................ 54 To verify/modify the protection mode .............................................................................. 54 To verify/modify the value of the Wtr Time parameter ....................................................... 55 To restore the switch on the primary STM-1 without waiting for the expiry of Wtr time .......... 55 To verify/modify the direction of the STM-1 stream ........................................................... 55 To verify the status of the STM-1 switch .......................................................................... 56 STM-1 switch (more information).................................................................................... 56 CROSS CONNECT (MENU)....................................................................................................... 58 Cross Connect > Matrix ....................................................................................................... 58 To display the equipment connections ............................................................................. 58 To execute a tributary-radio connection ........................................................................... 62 To execute a tributary - tributary connection .................................................................... 63 To delete one or more connections.................................................................................. 64 To enable an auto loop .................................................................................................. 64 To disable an auto loop ................................................................................................. 64 To verify/modify the label of a connection ........................................................................ 64 Cross Connect > List........................................................................................................... 65 To display the list of the connections ............................................................................... 65 To save the list of the connections .................................................................................. 66 To delete one or more connections.................................................................................. 66 Cross connection matrix (more information)..................................................................... 66
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DIRECTION LABELS (MENU) .................................................................................................. 70 Direction Labels > Direction Label .................................................................. 70 To verify/modify the label of a radio direction ................................................................... 70 CONFIGURATOR (MENU)........................................................................................................ 71 Configurator > Configurator................................................................................................. 71 To verify/modify the radio configuration .......................................................................... 71 To verify/modify the status of the local/remote synchronisation protocol .............................. 72 To verify/modify the management of STM-1 streams......................................................... 72 To verify/modify the belonging of the equipment to a node ................................................ 72 To verify/modify the number of elements of ALCplus2 node interconnected by Ethernet nodal Bus 74 To verify/modify the number of elements of ALCplus2 node interconnected by TDM nodal Bus 75 To verify/modify the identifier of the equipment in the ALCplus2 node ................................. 75 To enable/disable the Spanning Tree protocol at level of ALCplus2 node............................... 76 To verify/modify the protection of TDM nodal Bus in ALCplus2 node .................................... 76 Local/remote synchronisation protocol (more information) ................................................. 76 HELP (MENU) ......................................................................................................................... 78 Help > On Usage ................................................................................................................ 78 RADIO EQUIPMENT (PUSH-BUTTON) ..................................................................................... 79 To verify/modify the alarm threshold of the signal in reception ................................................. 79 To verify/modify the resolution of the received power.............................................................. 80 To verify/modify the resolution of the transmitted power ......................................................... 80 To enable/disable the switch in transmission .......................................................................... 80 To verify/modify the check interval for the switch in transmission ............................................. 81 To verify/modify the threshold (number of alarmed seconds) for the switch in transmission.......... 81 To reset the alarm that notifies the switch in transmission ....................................................... 82 RADIO (PUSH-BUTTON) ......................................................................................................... 83 To verify/modify the priority of the dynamic E1 streams .......................................................... 84 To verify/modify the link identification number ....................................................................... 86 To display the radio transport summary table......................................................................... 86 To verify/modify the operating status of the adaptive modulation.............................................. 87 To verify/modify the power profile of RF transmitter................................................................ 88 To verify the current status of the power profile of RF transmitter ............................................. 88 To verify/modify the reference band/modulation ..................................................................... 89 To verify/modify the lower and upper thresholds of the modulation ........................................... 89 To verify/modify the number of E1 streams permanently allocated (high priority streams) ........... 89 To enable/disable the intermediate profiles of the adaptive modulation ...................................... 90 To verify/modify the number of E1 streams assigned to an ACM profile (low priority streams)....... 92 To verify/modify the tributary used for the PM measures ......................................................... 92
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Adaptive modulation (more information)................................................................................ 93 NODE LINK (PUSH-BUTTON).................................................................................................. 94 To verify the alarm status on the nodal connection.................................................................. 94 PRBS (PUSH-BUTTON) ........................................................................................................... 95 To verify the PRBS measure status ....................................................................................... 95 To activate/reset the PRBS measure ..................................................................................... 97 To deactivate the PRBS measure .......................................................................................... 97 To enable/disable the signal used for the measure .................................................................. 97 To verify/modify the type of PRBS pattern used for the measure............................................... 98 USER INPUT (PUSH-BUTTON) ................................................................................................ 99 To verify the User Input status (local/remote) ........................................................................ 99 To verify/modify the name of the User Input (local/remote) ....................................................100 To verify/modify the active condition of the local User Input....................................................101 To enable/disable the User Input (local/remote) alarm or the forwarding of the trap to the supervisory system and define the severity level of a User Input (local/remote)..........................................101 Enabling the user input alarms (more information).................................................................102 USER OUTPUT (PUSH-BUTTON) ........................................................................................... 103 To verify the User Output status ..........................................................................................103 To verify/modify the name of the User Output .......................................................................104 To verify/modify the operating mode of the User Output relay contacts ....................................105 To associate a signal (alarms or User Input) to the User Output...............................................105 To enable the forced activation of the relay contacts from operator ..........................................107 To force the activation of the relay contacts relevant to a User Output ......................................107 To remove the forced activation of the relay contacts relevant to a User Output.........................108 PERFORMANCE MONITORING (PUSH-BUTTON).................................................................... 109 Measures available for the ALCplus2 equipment.....................................................................109 Description of the quality parameters ...................................................................................110 To verify the status of the PM measures and of the relevant alarms of threshold exceeding .........112 Measure G828 Radio .............................................................................112 Measure G828 ACM Radio A ..........................................................................................114 Measure Rx Power Radio ........................................................................114 Measure Tx Power Radio ........................................................................114 Measure G829 RstB1 STM-1 ................................................................114 Measure G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 ...........................................................116 Measure G828 STM-1 VC-12 ...............................116 Measure G828 E1 Line Side...........................................................................................117 Measure G828 E1 Radio Side.........................................................................................118 To activate a PM measure...................................................................................................119
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Measure G828 Radio .............................................................................119 Measure G828 ACM Radio A ..........................................................................................119 Measure Rx Power Radio ........................................................................120 Measure Tx Power Radio ........................................................................120 Measure G829 RstB1 STM-1 ................................................................120 Measure G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 ...........................................................121 Measure G828 STM-1 VC-12 ...............................121 Measure G828 E1 Line Side...........................................................................................122 Measure G828 E1 Radio Side.........................................................................................122 To deactivate a PM measure ...............................................................................................122 Measure G828 Radio .............................................................................123 Measure G828 ACM Radio A ..........................................................................................123 Measure Rx Power Radio ........................................................................123 Measure Tx Power Radio ........................................................................124 Measure G829 RstB1 STM-1 ................................................................124 Measure G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 ...........................................................125 Measure G828 STM-1 VC-12 ...............................125 Measure G828 E1 Line Side...........................................................................................125 Measure G828 E1 Radio Side.........................................................................................126 To set the alarm intervention thresholds (PM) .......................................................................126 Measure G828 Radio .............................................................................127 Measure G828 ACM Radio A ..........................................................................................127 Measure Rx Power Radio ........................................................................129 Measure Tx Power Radio ........................................................................129 Measure G829 RstB1 STM-1 ................................................................130 Measure G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 ...........................................................131 Measure G828 STM-1 VC-12 ...............................132 Measure G828 E1 Line Side...........................................................................................133 Measure G828 E1 Radio Side.........................................................................................133 To reset the threshold exceeding alarms (PM) .......................................................................134 Measure G828 Radio .............................................................................134 Measure G828 ACM Radio A ..........................................................................................135 Measure Rx Power Radio ........................................................................135 Measure Tx Power Radio ........................................................................135 Measure G829 RstB1 STM-1 ................................................................135 Measure G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 ...........................................................135 Measure G828 STM-1 VC-12 ...............................136 Measure G828 E1 Line Side...........................................................................................136 Measure G828 E1 Radio Side.........................................................................................136 To reset the performance counters (PM) ...............................................................................137 Measure G828 Radio .............................................................................137 Measure G828 ACM Radio A ..........................................................................................137 Measure Rx Power Radio ........................................................................137 Measure Tx Power Radio ........................................................................138 Measure G829 RstB1 STM-1 ................................................................138 Measure G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 ...........................................................138 Measure G828 STM-1 VC-12 ...............................138 Measure G828 E1 Line Side...........................................................................................139 Measure G828 E1 Radio Side.........................................................................................139
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PM measures (more information).........................................................................................139 SYNCHRONIZATION INFORMATION (PUSH-BUTTON) .......................................................... 141 To verify the status of the synchronism sources in input .........................................................141 To enable/disable the use of a synchronism source in input .....................................................143 To verify/modify the priority of a synchronism source in input .................................................144 To force the use of a synchronism source in input ..................................................................144 To set a synchronism source in input as preferential...............................................................145 To verify the type of interface of tributary A used as synchronism source in input for T2/T3 1 ......145 To select the E1 tributary used as synchronism source in input for T2/T3 2 and/or the relevant interface type ................................................................................................................................146 To set the type of source used as synchronism source in input for STM-1/NODAL A (T0) or STM-1/ NODAL B (T0) ...................................................................................................................146 To verify the status of the alarms of a synchronism source in input ..........................................147 To force the status of T0 synchronization ..............................................................................147 To verify the status of the alarms of T0 synchronism ..............................................................148 To manage the output of the synchronism on the tributary A and/or B and define the (output/input) interface of tributary A/B ....................................................................................................148 To re-time the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation ..................149 Synchronism management (more information) ......................................................................149 Synchronism sources in input ..................................................................................150 Internal synchronism T0 .........................................................................................152 Synchronism in output T12 .....................................................................................153 Re-timing of the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation..........153 ALCPLUS2 (CONTEXTUAL AREA) .......................................................................................... 156 Functional scheme .............................................................................................................156 To display the functional diagram of the equipment..........................................................156 STM-1..............................................................................................................................158 To verify/modify the status of the STM1 stream ...............................................................158 To verify the type of STM1 interface ...............................................................................160 To verify/modify the enabling status of the J0 Trace Identifier byte ....................................160 To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted/expected/received as J0 Trace Identifier (STM-1) .....................................................................................................................161 To verify/modify the enabling status of the STM1 loop (line side) .......................................161 To verify/modify the enabling status of the STM1 loop (internal side) .................................162 To verify/modify the intervention threshold of the B2 Signal Degraded alarm.......................162 To verify/modify the intervention threshold of the B2 Excessive BER alarm..........................163 To verify the current status of the laser ..........................................................................163 To verify the type of laser module..................................................................................164 To verify/modify the enabling status of the laser..............................................................164 To verify/modify the transmission mode of the laser.........................................................165 To enable manually the laser transmission ......................................................................165 To execute the test laser operating status.......................................................................166 To execute the manual restart of the laser ......................................................................167
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VC4 .................................................................................................................................167 To verify/modify the enabling status of the byte J1 Trace Identifier ....................................167 To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted/expected/received as J1 Trace Identifier 168 To verify the configuration of TUG-3...............................................................................168 To verify/modify the intervention threshold of the B3 Signal Degraded alarm.......................169 To verify/modify the intervention threshold of the B3 Excessive BER alarm..........................169 To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted/expected/received as Signal Label ..170 VC12 ...............................................................................................................................170 To verify/modify the enabling status of the byte J2 Trace Identifier ....................................171 To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted/expected/received as J2 Trace Identifier 171 To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted/expected/received as Signal Label ..172 To verify/modify the intervention threshold of the VC12 Signal Degraded alarm ...................172 To verify/modify the intervention threshold of the VC12 Excessive BER alarm ......................173 IDU .................................................................................................................................173 To verify the inventory data of IDU unit ..........................................................................173 Ethernet...........................................................................................................................174 To verify the status of the ports of Ethernet switch...........................................................174 To verify the Ethernet capacity of the internal port (Port A) ...............................................176 Ethernet Switch...........................................................................................................176 To verify/modify the aging time of the MAC addresses stored in the specific table...........177 To verify/modify the maximum size of the accepted packet .........................................177 To verify/modify the time interval (Hysteresis) after which the Link Loss Forwarding modality is activated ...........................................................................................................177 To verify/modify the value of QinQ in Service Tag field ...............................................178 To verify/modify the emptying algorithm of the packets present in the output queue ......178 To verify/assign the output queue to a packet, in input to any Ethernet port, according to its priority Tag 802.1p ................................................................................................179 To verify/assign which output queue a packet, in input from the Ethernet ports, must be assigned to depending on its PTOS/DSCP field (level 3)..................................................180 LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4 ..............................................................................................181 To verify/modify the interface type of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) .........183 To verify/modify the enabling status of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) .......183 To verify/modify the enabling status of the flow control of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) ..................................................................................................................184 To verify/modify the enabling status of the auto negotiation and, if the auto negotiation is inactive, the operation modality and the transmission speed used by an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) ................................................................................................185 To restart the autonegotiation procedure for an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) 185 To verify/modify the enabling status of the automatic learning of MAC Address in the specific table (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4)..............................................................................186 To verify/modify the activation status of the autonegotiation between the roles of the line synchronism (LAN1, LAN2 and LAN3, LAN4 with electrical interface) ..................................186 To verify/modify the operating modality of the line synchronism (role) (LAN1, LAN2 and LAN3, LAN4 with electrical interface) .................................................................................187 To verify/modify the inversion status of the Tx and Rx lines of an external port (LAN1, LAN2 and LAN3, LAN4 with electrical interface) ..................................................................187 To verify/modify the enabling status of the Link Loss Forwarding modality of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4)......................................................................................188 To enable/disable the ports through which the packets in input from an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) can pass ...................................................................................188 To verify/modify the control of Tag Vlan Id on the messages in input from an external port
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(LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4)......................................................................................189 To verify/modify the behaviour of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) towards the packets in output...................................................................................................189 To verify/modify the default Vid of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4)..............190 To force the value of Vid of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) to the default value . 191 To verify/modify the priority criterion used to associate the packets in input from an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) to the output queues .................................................191 To verify/modify the value to insert in the field 802.1p of the packets in input from an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) which, in output, the Tag is added to ...........................192 To verify/modify the mapping of the priority (802.1p) in the Tag VLan (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) ..................................................................................................................192 To enable/disable the Spanning Tree protocol for the external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) 192 To verify/modify the operating status of the external port in the Spanning Tree protocol (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4)......................................................................................193 To verify/modify the priority of the external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (STP/ELP)...194 To verify/modify the type of external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) in Spanning Tree protocol .......................................................................................................................195 To verify/modify the connection cost of the external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (STP/ELP) 195 To enable/disable the Ethernet Line protection on an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) 196 To verify the status of the external port in relation to the Trunking mode (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) ..................................................................................................................196 To enable/disable the Trunking mode for the external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) ....197 To activate/deactivate the loop on line side of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) ... 198 To verify the laser module equipped on an external port (LAN3, LAN4 with optical interface). 198 To verify the operating status of the laser an external port (LAN3, LAN4 with optical interface) 199 To verify/modify the enabling status of the laser an external port (LAN3, LAN4 with optical interface) .............................................................................................................199 To verify/modify the laser transmission modality on an external port (LAN3, LAN4 with optical interface) .............................................................................................................199 To enable manually the laser transmission on an external port (LAN3, LAN4 with optical interface) ....................................................................................................................200 To execute the test on the laser operating status on an external port (LAN3, LAN4 with optical interface) .............................................................................................................201 To execute the manual restart of the laser on an external port (LAN3, LAN4 with optical interface) ....................................................................................................................201 Spanning Tree protocol (more information) ...............................................................201 Ethernet Line Protection (more information) ..............................................................202 Trunking mode (more information) ..........................................................................205 Port A ........................................................................................................................205 To verify/modify the enabling status of the internal port (Port A)..................................206 To verify/modify the enabling status of the automatic learning of MAC Address in the specific table (Port A) ........................................................................................................207 To enable/disable the ports through which the packets in input from the internal port (Port A) can transit ............................................................................................................207 To verify/modify the control of Tag Vlan Id on the messages in input from the internal port (Port A) ................................................................................................................208 To verify/modify the behaviour of the internal port (Port A) towards the packets in output.... 208 To verify/modify the default Vid value of the internal port (Port A) ...............................209 To force the Vid value of the internal port (Port A) to default value ...............................209 To verify/modify the priority criterion used to associate the packets in input from the internal
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port (Port A) to the output queues ...........................................................................210 To verify/modify the value to insert in the field 802.1p of the packets in input from the internal port (Port A) which, in output, the Tag is added to .....................................................210 To verify/modify the mapping of the priority (802.1p) in the Tag VLan (Port A) ..............211 To verify the status of the internal port (Port A) in the Spanning Tree protocol ...............211 To enable/disable the Spanning Tree protocol for the internal port (Port A)....................212 To verify/modify the priority of the internal port (Port A) (Spanning Tree) .....................212 To verify/modify the type of internal port (Port A) (Spanning Tree) ..............................213 To verify/modify the connection cost of the internal port (Port A) in the Spanning Tree protocol 213 To verify the status of the internal port (Port A) in relation to the Trunking mode ...........214 To enable/disable the Trunking mode for the internal port (Port A) ...............................214 LAN per Port ...............................................................................................................215 To verify/modify the enabling status of the transit of the packets through the ports of the local Ethernet switch .....................................................................................................215 VLAN Management ......................................................................................................216 To verify the existing virtual Lan’s............................................................................216 To create a virtual Lan............................................................................................218 To modify a virtual Lan ...........................................................................................220 To delete a virtual Lan............................................................................................220 To filter the list of virtual LANs ................................................................................220 Domain ......................................................................................................................221 To verify the characteristics of the OAM-FM of an equipment .......................................222 To define an OAM-FM Domain for an equipment .........................................................223 To remove the OAM-FM Domain for an equipment ......................................................224 OAM ..........................................................................................................................224 To verify the status of the VLANs in relation to OAM-FM Ethernet functionality ...............225 To associate a MA to a VLAN ...................................................................................227 To associate a MEP to a VLAN..................................................................................228 To remove a MA/MEP from a VLAN ...........................................................................229 To enable/disable the transmission of CCM messages for a MEP ...................................229 To verify the table of the remote MEPs (RMep table)...................................................229 To insert a remote MEP in the RMep table .................................................................231 To enable a remote MEP of the RMep table ................................................................231 To disable a remote MEP of the RMep table ...............................................................232 To delete a remote MEP from the RMep table.............................................................232 To send one or more LoopBack messages (LBM) to a remote MEP/MIP ..........................233 To trace the path between locel MEP and remote MEP of the same VLAN by means of the LTM messages .............................................................................................................234 OAM-FM Ethernet functionality implemented in the equipment managed by NMS5UX-NMS5LX .... 235 OAM-FM Domain....................................................................................................236 MA.......................................................................................................................237 MEP .....................................................................................................................237 MIP......................................................................................................................238 Remote MEPs ........................................................................................................238 CCM.....................................................................................................................240 LBM .....................................................................................................................241 LTM .....................................................................................................................242 Example of configuration of a OAM-FM maintenance Domain for a set of ALCplus2 equipment 242 LAN Statistics..............................................................................................................243 To verify the counters of the packets/bytes in input/output from the Ethernet port .........244 To reset the counters’ results ..................................................................................245
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Spanning Tree.............................................................................................................245 To verify the status of the Ethernet ports in relation to the Spanning Tree protocol .........246 To verify/modify the version of the Spanning Tree protocol .........................................247 To verify/modify the transmission interval of the BPDU packets ...................................247 To verify/modify the Forward Delay interval ..............................................................248 To verify/modify the maximum lifetime of the BPDU packets .......................................248 To verify the MAC Address of a bridge ......................................................................249 To verify/modify the priority of a bridge ....................................................................249 To verify the status of the external ports in relation to the Ethernet line protection .........249 E1 tributaries ....................................................................................................................251 To verify/modify the enabling status of the E1 tributaries..................................................251 To enable/disable the use of an E1 tributary....................................................................253 To activate/deactivate the LOS Inversion criterion on an E1 tributary .................................253 To verify/modify the label of an E1 tributary....................................................................254 To verify/modify the status of the loop on an E1 (line and/or radio) tributary.......................254 To specialize the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation .........255 LIM .................................................................................................................................255 To verify the alarm status of LIM unit .............................................................................255 RIM .................................................................................................................................256 To verify the alarm status of RIM unit.............................................................................256 RT (CONTEXTUAL AREA) ...................................................................................................... 257 To display the functional diagram of the equipment................................................................257 To verify/modify the radio parameters..................................................................................257 To verify/modify the RF channel of the equipment............................................................257 To verify/modify the operation of the transmitter .............................................................258 To verify/modify the operation of the RT power supply .....................................................259 To verify/modify the modulation status of the RF carrier ...................................................259 To verify/modify the operating status of ATPC .................................................................260 To verify/modify the output power value at the transmitter ...............................................260 To verify/modify the intervention thresholds (High/Low) of the ATPC device ........................261 To verify/modify the value of maximum attenuation for ATPC function ................................261 To verify the table summarizing the minimum/maximum power in transmission/reception for every ACM profile .............................................................................................................262 To verify the configuration parameters of the radio units ........................................................262
AVAILABILITY OF THE COMMANDS/PUSH-BUTTONS ........................................................... 263 ALARM LIST ......................................................................................................................... 266 LOCAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (LCT)................................................................................. 270 Types of LCT-Equipment connection (Monitoring, Configuration) ..............................................270 FIGURES INDEX ................................................................................................................... 271 TABLES INDEX ..................................................................................................................... 273
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OPERATIONS INDEX ............................................................................................................ 274 INDEX OF PARAMETERS ....................................................................................................... 281 ASSISTANCE SERVICE.......................................................................................................... 284
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In this manual the wording NMS5UX identifies the supervision system/graphic interface NMS5UX (Network Management System 5 UniX), NMS5UX-B (Network Management System 5 UniX-B) and NMS5LX (Network Management System 5 LinUx). NMS5UX is a very versatile system thanks to its modular structure. It is composed by a group of main application programs which, depending on the type of the equipment to manage, a further application is added to. The group of the main application programs manages the NMS5UX graphical interface at general level that allows the user graphically displaying the whole network, activating/deactivating the connection with the equipment, checking the operating status (current alarms and alarm history), the results of the Performance Monitoring measurements, etc. At this level, the equipment is considered as a whole element. The additional application program has the task to provide to the NMS5UX graphical interface the commands and the specific functions relevant to the type of the equipment to manage. Each additional application program manages a specific equipment graphical interface (Equipment window), through which the user can, besides controlling the operating status of the equipment, directly manage it verifying/modifying the configuration parameters. In order to control and manage the equipment of series ALS with ALCplus2 IDU by means of the NMS5UX supervisory system, the application program ALCplus2 IDU Manager has been developed that manages the ALCplus2: Equipment window (Fig.1). The access to the graphical interface at general level takes place with the start of the NMS5UX graphical interface. The access to the graphical interface at equipment level (for the equipment of series ALS with ALCplus2 IDU) is executed at the opening of the ALCplus2: Equipment window. The access to the graphical interface at equipment level is subjected to the access to the graphical interface at general level. This user manual has the purpose to describe the use of ALCplus2 IDU Manager application program and of the relevant graphical interface. The use of the NMS5UX graphical interface at general level and all the functions available for the system administrator are reported in the relevant documentation.
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
The information contained in this manual refers to ALCplus2 IDU Manager program (ALCplus2: Equipment window) relevant to the graphical interface: •
NMS5UX release 6.4.5 and higher.
NMS5UX-B release 6.4.5 and higher.
NMS5LX release 6.4.5 and higher.
The release currently in use can be checked selecting the Help > About Application option, present into the ALCplus2: Equipment window.
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
Besides the applications available in the NMS5UX graphical interface at general level, the ALCplus2 IDU Manager application program allows, by means of the commands present in the ALCplus2: Equipment window, executing the following operations: •
To verify/modify the equipment configuration parameters. The list of the operation that can be executed is reported into the Operations Index (pag. 274).
To display the equipment status and the equipment alarms (current (pag. 38)/history (pag. 39)).
To transfer the equipment configuration (pag. 36) to another NE (real or virtual one) of the same type.
To update the equipment software/firmware (pag. 37). This operation can be immediately executed or scheduled to be executed later in background by the system.
To create virtual ALCplus2 equipment (pag. 33), that is equipment that have not any correspondent equipment in the network. For this equipment, it is possible to download the configuration, to open the relevant ALCplus2: Equipment window, to change the parameters, to execute the setting operations and then to transfer the new configuration (pag. 36) to other real or virtual equipment of the same type.
To activate/deactivate more Performance Monitoring measurements (pag. 36) at the same time.
To execute the software reset of the equipment main controller (pag. 35).
To enable/disable the LCT user to be connected to the equipment in Configuration mode (pag. 37).
To manage and to change the local severity level associated to each equipment alarm (pag. 39).
To manage the user list stored into the equipment controller (pag. 40).
To force the disconnection (logout) of a user connected with the equipment.
To check the active manual operations (loop, switching, etc.) (pag. 42)and define a timeout (pag. 43) after which the active manual operations are automatically removed.
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A double click with the left button of the mouse on a NE object of ALCplus2 IDU type opens the relevant Equipment window which characterizes the use of the graphic interface at equipment level for ALCplus2 equipment: the ALCplus2: Equipment window. The ALCplus2: Equipment window contains elements (commands, push-buttons, contextual areas) that represent physical or logical parts of the equipment and allow the user controlling and managing the equipment. The selection of one of these elements can: •
execute an operation
display a window showing alarms/parameters relevant to the selected part (windows of type ALCplus2: Unit)
display a window which shows a more detailed part of the equipment (window of type ALCplus2: Subrack). In this type of window, the user can select other elements to display windows of type ALCplus2: Unit where the parameters/alarms of the selected element are listed.
Here below, there is the description and the use procedure of the ALCplus2: Equipment (Fig.1), ALCplus2: Subrack (Fig.4) and ALCplus2: Unit (Fig.5) windows.
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A double click with the left button of the mouse on a NE object of ALCplus2 IDU type opens the ALCplus2: Equipment (pag. 29) window. Fig.1 shows an example. The ALCplus2: Equipment window is composed by the following parts: •
Title bar
Menu bar
Push-button bar
Status bar
Equipment view area
Equipment status area Fig.1 ALCplus2: Equipment window
MENU bar
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IDU temperature display
Title bar Horizontal bar which points out the equipment type. The wording ALCplus2: Equipment points out the equipment of series ALS with ALCplus2 IDU.
Menu bar Horizontal bar containing the menus and the commands available in the ALCplus2: Equipment window. The selection of a menu displays a list of commands. When a command is displayed grey, and not white, it is not available. In detail: •
File menu (pag. 34), contains the commands to close the ALCplus2: Equipment window and/or the ALCplus2 IDU Manager application program.
Command menu (pag. 35), contains the commands:
To manage the connection between the equipment and the supervisory system.
To execute the software reset of the equipment.
To activate/deactivate more Performance Monitoring measurements at the same time.
To transfer the equipment configuration to another Network Element (real or virtual).
To update the equipment software/firmware.
To enable/disable the LCT user for the connection to the equipment in Configuration mode.
Alarm menu (pag. 38), contains the commands: •
To display the equipment current alarms.
To display the equipment alarm history.
To verify/modify the local severity level of the equipment alarms.
Option menu (pag. 40), contains the commands: •
To verify/modify the LCT user list stored into the equipment controller.
To verify the users (LCT, NMS5UX) connected to the equipment and eventually to force their disconnection.
To verify the acknowledge status of the alarms, of the LCT presence in Configuration mode, and of the failed Configuration Upload operations.
To verify the active manual operations (loop, switching) and to set their timeout.
Maintenance menu (pag. 44), contains the commands to activate/deactivate the loops, force the switching of the radio part and manage the switch on the nodal connection.
Cross Connect menu (pag. 58), contains the commands for the creation and the management of the cross-connections on the radio equipment. This menu is displayed only for ALCplus2 equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1 o IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1.
Direction Labels menu (pag. 70), contains the commands for the assignment of a label to the radio directions.
Configurator menu (pag. 71), contains the command to control the equipment configuration.
Help menu (pag. 78), contains the commands to open the help on-line.
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Push-button bar This horizontal bar contains the push-buttons available in the ALCplus2: Equipment window. The selection of a push-button opens a window, where the parameters relevant to the physical or logical part represented by the push-button are pointed out. In detail, the: •
Radio Equipment push-button (pag. 79), displays and allows to change the configuration parameters of the equipment. The summarized alarm status is pointed out by the colour of the led in the push-button.
Radio push-button (pag. 83), displays and allows to change the parameters relevant to the modem and radio part of the equipment. The summarized status of the modem/radio alarms is pointed out by the colour of the led in the push-button.
PRBS push-button (pag. 95), displays and allows to change the configuration parameters of PRBS (Pseudo Random Binary Sequence) functionality. The summarized status of the PRBS alarms is pointed out by the colour of the led in the push-button.
User Input push-button (pag. 99), displays and allows to change the configuration of the user inputs (UI) of the equipment. The summarized alarm status associated to the user inputs is pointed out by the colour of the led in the push-button.
User Output push-button (pag. 103), displays and allows to change the configuration of the user outputs (UO) of the equipment.
Performance Monitoring push-button (pag. 109), allows to activate/deactivate the PM measurements and to modify the threshold levels of the control parameters. The summarized status of the PM alarms is pointed out by the colour of the led in the push-button.
For equipment in protected configuration, the areas relevant to the management of the redundant parts of the modem and of the radio section are subdivided according to the branches managed by the equipment. Generally, the characters A, 1A, 2A, after the name of an option point out that the relevant parameters respectively refer to branch A, 1A, 2A. The push-button label can be read even selecting the push-button itself by means of the right pushbutton of the mouse. In detail the colour: •
Green, points out that no alarm is active.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue, points out that at least one alarm is active and the highest severity of the active alarms is respectively Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
If the ALCplus2: Equipment window refers to a virtual equipment, the summarized status of the alarms is not meaningful (the colour of the led is white).
Status bar This vertical bar contains the status information (Fig.2). If the ALCplus2: Equipment window refers to a virtual equipment, the information present in the status bar is not meaningful.
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Fig.2 Status bar (ALCplus2: Equipment window)
Summary of the activation status of the equipment alarms (subdivided according to their severity level). Each box points out a different level of alarm severity. The status of each level is represented by the color of the relevant led. In detail, the color: – Green points out that no alarm of the specific level is active on the equipment – Associated to the level (Critical–red, Major– orange, Minor–yellow, Warning–light blue, Unknown–blue) points out that at least one alarm of the specific level is present. The number of active alarms is displayed under the name of the level. Warning. The supervision system associates to the Unknown level all the alarms, sent by the equipment, whose severity level (for any reason) is unknown.
Activation status of the manual operations (loop, switch) (3)
Enabling status of the LCT user for the connection to the equipment in Configuration modality (2)
Status of the connection between the LCT program and the equipment (1)
Notes of Fig.2 (1)
The wording: •
Absent, points out that the LCT-equipment connection is not active (pag. 270).
Monitor, points out that the LCT-equipment connection is active in Monitoring mode.
Config, points out that the LCT-equipment connection is active in Configuration mode.
The wording: •
enabled, points out that the LCT user can activate the LCT-equipment connection both in Monitoring mode and in Configuration one.
disabled, points out that the LCT user can activate the LCT-equipment connection in Monitoring mode only.
The setting of the parameter can be changed (pag. 36). Independently from the previous setting, when the equipment is disconnected, the parameter is automatically enabled (enabled value). (3)
The wording: •
absent, points out that no manual operation is active.
present, points out that at least one manual operation is active.
A double click on the box displays the Active Manual Operations window (pag. 42).
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Equipment view area Fig.3 shows the equipment view area and the elements that form it. Fig.3 Equipment view area (ALCplus2: Equipment window) (2)
Notes of Fig.3 (1)
The equipment view is divided in areas representing the units that compose it (the description of the units is reported in the ALCplus2 equipment manual). The name of an area/unit is reported next to or inside the area itself. The name of an area can be verified clicking, with the right button of the mouse, in any point of the area. The equipment view changes according to the equipment type and equipment configuration. The areas/units are contextual. Double click in any point of the area: the system displays a window pointing out the configuration parameters of the unit. In each area/unit, there is a led that points out the status of the unit alarms. In detail, if the led is of colour: •
Green, no unit alarm is active.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue, at least one unit alarm is active and that the most serious active alarm has respectively the Critical, Major, Minor or Warning level.
If the ALCplus2: Equipment window refers to a virtual equipment, the summary status of the alarms is not meaningful (the colour of the led is white). For equipment in protected configuration, the areas relevant to the management of the redundant parts of the modem and of the radio section are subdivided according to the branches managed by the equipment. Generally, the characters A, 1A, 2A, after the name of an option point out that the relevant parameters respectively refer to branch A, 1A, 2A. (2)
The push-button Synchronization Information displays and allows modifying the parameters for the management of the synchronization. The resuming status of the synchronization alarms is pointed out by the colour of the led in the push-button. If the colour of the led in the push-button is. •
Green, no alarm is active.
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Red, orange, yellow or light blue, at least one alarm is active and the highest severity of the active alarms is respectively Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
If the ALCplus2: Equipment window refers to a virtual equipment, the summary status of the alarms is not meaningful (the colour of the led is white). The Synchronization push-button is displayed only if the synchronization function is enabled. (3)
The box: •
Disable Alarms is displayed if the equipment has at least one alarm or the forwarding of a trap disabled. The total number of disabled alarms and/or trap forwarding is pointed out after the Disable Alarms wording.
Incorrect Upload is displayed when the last operation of information acquisition (Configuration Upload) executed by the supervision system is failed.
RMon, displays the enabling status of the monitoring of the performance on the ports of the Ethernet switch. The wording: •
Disabled, points out that the performance monitoring is disabled
Enabled: x, points out that the performance monitoring is enabled on “x” ports of the Ethernet switch.
The information relevant to the enabling/disabling status of the RMON functionality is automatically updated by the system. A double click on the push-button displays the RMon History View window, where the operator can enable/disable the monitoring of the performance. For the detailed description of the window and of the procedures referred to it, refer to the manual of the supervision system NMS5UX. (4)
The Power area reports the following operating parameters for the considered radio branch: •
Tx , operating status and value of the power in output to the transmitter.
Rx , operating status and value of the power in input to the receiver. In the equipment with 1+1 isofrequential configuration, the Standby wording is present in the Tx field related to the stand-by branch. Both the powers are measured at the antenna flange. The boxes Tx2A and Rx2A are present and meaningful only for equipment in protected configuration. The operating status of the radio branch, both for automatic or manual switch, is represented by the colour of the box: •
Green. Branch operating
White. Branch in stand-by
In the equipment with 1+1 heterofrequential configuration, the branches 1A and 2A transmit at the same time. In this case, both the labels Tx1A e Tx2A will be green. (5)
Configuration parameters of the radio branches: •
ACM Prof. Current ACM profile for the branch in transmission (Tx) and in reception (Rx).
TDM. Radio capacity reserved to the TDM tributaries in transmission (Tx) and in reception (Rx).
ETH Cap. Radio capacity (in kbit/s) reserved to the Ethernet tributaries in transmission (Tx) and in reception (Rx).
Channel. RF channel. The wording UNAVAIL. points out that the RF channel is not set.
Tx Freq. Frequency (in MHz) which the transmitter of the considered radio branch is tuned on.
Rx Freq. Frequency (in MHz) which the receiver of the considered radio branch is tuned on.
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Equipment status area In this area there are: •
the symbol that represents the radio equipment of the series ALS with ALCplus2 IDU (ALCPLUS2 symbol). The colour of the symbol border shows the general connection/alarm status of the equipment. The meaning of the colours is described in Tab.1. The presence of the label READ-ONLY in the symbol points out that only reading operations (get) can be executed in the window. For each single equipment, different ALCplus2: Equipment windows can be displayed at the same time. The first user who opens the window can execute get and set operations (Read-Write access), the other users only get operations (Read Only access).
the logical address of the equipment.
the physical (IP) address of the equipment. The Virtual Equipment wording points out that the ALCplus2: Equipment window refers to a virtual NE equipment. Tab.1 Summarized alarm status of the equipment
Edge colour
The equipment is in connected status and no alarm is active.
Red *
The equipment is in connected status and at least one alarm with Critical level is active.
Orange *
The equipment is in connected status and at least one alarm with Major level is active.
Yellow *
The equipment is in connected status and at least one alarm with Minor level is active.
Light blue *
The equipment is in connected status and at least one alarm with Warning level is active.
The equipment is in connected status and the LCT-equipment connection in Configuration mode (pag. 270) is active.
Red with X on the symbol
The equipment is in an unreachable status.
The equipment is in disconnected status or the ALCplus2: Equipment window refers to a virtual equipment (pag. 33).
* By default, the colour of the symbol edge displays always the colour of the most serious alarm present in the equipment.
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A double click on a push-button in the ALCplus2: Equipment window opens an ALCplus2: Subrack window. Fig.4 shows an example. More ALCplus2: Subrack windows can be opened at the same time. Here below, a general description of the window is given: component items, menu and commands. For the detailed description of the functional schemes and of the parameters, refer to the description of the push-button (pag. 34). Fig.4 ALCplus2: Subrack window Menu bar (1)
Logic address (2)
Functional scheme of the equipment (3)
Name of the contextual area selected and highlighted in the functional scheme
List of the units relevant to the highlighted equipment section (4)
Notes of Fig.4 (1)
The menu: •
File, contains the following commands: •
Main Window, brings in foreground or opens the ALCplus2: Equipment window.
Close, closes the considered ALCplus2: Subrack window.
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If there are not other ALCplus2 windows open, the command closes even the ALCplus2 IDU Manager application program. In this second case only, when the command is selected, the system displays a confirmation window. Press Yes to execute the operation. •
Exit, closes all the ALCplus2 windows actually open (included the ALCplus2: Equipment window, if open) and the ALCplus2 IDU Manager application program. When the command is selected, the system displays a confirmation window. Press Yes to execute the operation.
Help contains the commands to access to the help on line.
The Virtual Equipment wording points out that the window refers to a virtual NE object.
The functional scheme is usually displayed by blocks. The highlighted block (blue margin) is the block which the selected contextual area refers to. Double click on a block: the ALCplus2: Unit window (Fig.5) opens, where the parameters and the alarms relevant to the selected block are listed. In some blocks there is a led that points out the status of the alarms relevant to the block. In detail, if the led is:
Green, no alarm relevant to the specific block is active.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue, at least one alarm relevant to the block is active and the highest severity is respectively Critical, Major, Minor o Warning.
Each unit is represented by a rectangle that points out the graphical symbol, the name and the status of the unit alarms. Double click on the unit: the ALCplus2: Unit window (Fig.5) is displayed that lists the unit characteristics (name, version, etc.). The general status of the unit alarms is pointed out by the colour of the led. In detail, if the led is: •
Green, no alarm relevant to the specific block is active.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue, at least one alarm relevant to the block is active and the highest severity is respectively Critical, Major, Minor o Warning.
If the window refers to a virtual equipment, the resuming status of the alarms is not a significant one (the colour of the led is white).
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A double click on a element (push-button, command, contextual area, etc.) in the ALCplus2: Equipment or ALCplus2: Subrack window opens an ALCplus2: Unit window. Fig.5 shows an example. More ALCplus2: Unit windows can be opened at the same time. Here below a general description of the window is given: items, menus and commands. For the detailed description of the parameters, refer to the description of the push-buttons (pag. 34). Fig.5 ALCplu2s: Unit window Logic address
Menu bar (1)
IP address (2)
Name of the button/block which the window refers to
Push-button bar (3)
List of parameters (4) Value of the parameter
Name of the parameter
List of alarms (5)
Notes of Fig.5 (1)
The menu: •
File, contains the following commands: •
Main Window, brings in foreground or re-opens the ALCplus2: Equipment window.
Close, closes the considered window. If no other ALCplus2 windows are open, the command closes even the ALCplus2 IDU Manager application program. In this second case only, when the command is selected, the system displays a confirmation window. Press Yes to execute the operation.
Exit, it closes all the ALCplus2 windows open (included the ALCplus2: Equipment window, if open) and the ALCplus2 IDU Manager application program. When the command
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is selected, the system displays a confirmation window. Press Yes to execute the operation. •
Commands, contains the following commands: •
Refresh, it updates the information present into the window.
Clear, it remove the selection on all the parameters selected for the get or set parameters.
Send GET Request, it executes the Get operation for all the parameters selected for this operation. The command is available only at least a parameter is selected for the get operation. The selection of this command is equal to the selection of the Get push-button.
Send SET Request, it executes the Set operation for all the parameters selected for this operation. The command is available only at least a parameter is selected for the set operation. The selection of this command is equal to the selection of the Set push-button.
Option, contains the following commands: •
Select All (Get), it selects all the parameters of window, for which the get operation can be executed, except the parameters already selected for the set operation.
Help, contains the commands to access to the help on line
The Virtual Equipment wording points out that the window refers to a virtual equipment.
The push-button: •
Set, executes the Set operation for all the parameters selected for this operation. The push-button is available only at least a parameter is selected for the set operation. The selection of this push-button is equal to the selection of the Send SET Request command.
Clear, removes the selection of all the parameters selected for the get or set operation. The push-button is available only at least a parameter is selected for the get or set operation. The selection of this push-button is equal to the selection of the Clear command.
Get, executes the Get operation for all the parameters selected for this operation. The push-button is available only at least a parameter is selected for the get operation. The selection of this push-button is equal to the selection of the Send GET Request command.
Each line represents a parameter. In some windows, the parameters are subdivided into tabs. The activation of a tab shows only the parameters present in it. To display the parameters of a different tab, select the name of the tab itself. When the name of the parameter appears with grey colour, it means that this parameter is not available because not meaningful in the current situation. The values of some parameters can be changed by the NMS5UX user (Set operation), the values of other parameters can be read only (Get operation), other values can be as read as set.
When an attribute is selected for a get operation, it cannot be selected for a set operation and vice versa. (5)
Each alarm is represented by a rectangle that points out the alarm short name. The alarm status is pointed out by the rectangle background colour. In detail, if the colour is: •
Green, the alarm is not active.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue, the alarm is active with severity respectively Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
Grey, the alarm is disabled (pag. 39) or the window refers to a virtual equipment with a not meaningful alarm status. The alarm disabling operation is pointed out also into the ALCplus2: Equipment window by means of a warning box (Fig.3)
Not all the ALCplus2: Unit windows are provided with the alarm list.
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Set operation The set operation is the possibility to change the value of a parameter and to send it to the equipment in such a way to replace the current value of this parameter. The attributes for which a set operation is possible have the relevant value pointed out, for example, into a text box, into a pop-up menu or into every element that allows to change this value (the mode to change the value of a parameter is pointed out in the paragraph that describes the parameter itself). Once a parameter is changed, the system displays an arrow:
next to the name, on the left.
To execute the writing operation, press Set or select the Send SET Request command. At the end of the operation, if the operation has been successful, the arrow disappears; otherwise, if the operation is failed, the arrow is barred by a red cross: More parameters can be written at the same time, changing their values one after the other and then selecting the above mentioned push-button or command. The parameters, whose value is not contained in an element that allows the change, cannot be selected for the set operation.
Get operation The get operation is the possibility to require to the equipment the sending of the current value of a parameter to the supervisory system. The setting of a parameter for the get operation consists in a double click on the parameter name: the system displays an arrow: , on the left, next to the parameter. To execute the reading operation, press Get or select the Send GET Request command. At the end of the operation, if this operation has been successful, the arrow disappears and the system displays the read value; otherwise, if the operation is not successful, the arrow is barred by a red cross: . More parameters can be read at the same time, selecting them one after the other and then selecting the above mentioned push-button or command. Not all the attributes can be selected for the get operation.
Get and Set operations for the virtual equipment If the ALCplus2: Unit window refer to a virtual equipment (pag. 33), the get operation will not be available for any parameter present into the window. The set operation can instead be executed for all the parameters for which it is available, but during a possible transfer operation (pag. 36) of the virtual equipment configuration to another equipment, the system will transfer only the parameters that have the symbol , on the side of the value.
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This chapter describes the modalities to open (pag. 29) and close (pag. 32) the ALCplus2: Equipment window.
Opening of ALCplus2: Equipment window The following procedure assumes that: •
ALCplus2 IDU Manager application program has been installed and enabled to operate. To check the presence of the application program, select the Help > About NMS5… command present in the NMS5UX graphical interface. If the application program is not present, contact the system administrator.
the NMS5UX graphical interface is open. The start-up procedure of the NMS5UX graphical interface is described in the supervision system user manual.
the network that contains the ALCplus2 equipment has been configured and the relevant Network Element object has been created. The procedure to graphically represent the equipment network and to create the NE objects is reported into the supervision system user manual.
the connection between the supervisory system and the equipment has been activated AT LEAST one time. The procedure to connect a NE is reported into the supervision system user manual. What just said is necessary only if the NE object, for which the user wants to open the ALCplus2: Equipment window, is really present into the network.
1. In the UX Map Manager (NMS5UX-B) or LX Map Manager (NMS5LX) window, execute one of the following actions: •
Double click on the object whose graphical interface you wish to open.
Select the object whose graphical interface you wish to open, press the right button of the mouse and select Open.
The ALCplus2: Equipment window opens. If the selected equipment is in:
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connected status (and LCT program is not connected to the equipment in Configuration mode), the operating status (alarms) and the configuration pointed out into the window correspond to the real condition present in the equipment.
disconnected or unreachable status, the operating status and the displayed configuration correspond to the last known configuration.
. If the double click on the NE symbol does not open the ALCplus2: Equipment window but the ALCplus2 Virtual Equipment window, it means that the selected NE object refers to a virtual object (pag. 33). Fig.6 NE object of ALS type with ALCplus2 IDU
Equipment symbol in the map Logic address of the equipment
Messages displayed at the window opening At the opening of the ALCplus2: Equipment window, one of the following messages can be displayed: •
Equipment never connected. The equipment is in disconnected status and it has never been connected from the moment of the creation of the relevant Network Element object. This happens because, when the supervisory system is not connected to an equipment and the user asks to open the relevant ALCplus2: Equipment window, the supervisory system itself takes the information concerning the configuration of its own database. If the equipment has never been connected, the system has not any information concerning the configuration of such an equipment into its own database, then it does not allow the opening of the window. In this case, the system does not open the ALCplus2: Equipment window. To open it, first it is necessary to activate the connection with the equipment at least once. The procedure to connect a NE is described into the supervision system user manual.
Read only mode. Another user has opened equipment. The ALCplus2: Equipment window, relevant to the equipment is actually already opened by another user. For the considered user, the window is opened in Read Only modality (pag. 31). In this modality, only reading operations can be executed. If the profile of the user is superuser, he can then force the closing of the ALCplus2: Equipment window relevant to the other user. The procedure to require/force the closing of the ALCplus2: Equipment window, relevant to another user, is reported into the supervision system user manual.
Equipment . Unreachable. Equipment is in unreachable status. In this case, the system opens the ALCplus2: Equipment window, but the displayed information could not correspond to the real configuration of the equipment.
Equipment in Maintenance mode. Please wait until the operation is completed or press OK button to exit. Equipment is in transient status (maintenance). If you wish to cancel the operation (opening of the ALCplus2: Equipment window) press the OK push-button, otherwise it is necessary to wait for the equipment passing from the transitory status to another status (for example, connected) which allows the opening of the window.
If the system displays other error messages that does not allow the opening of the ALCplus2: Equipment window, as for instance Unable to register to Daemon, contact one’s system administrator.
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Messages displayed when the window is open When the ALCplus2: Equipment window is open, self-explanatory messages are usually displayed about the result of an operation or the impossibility to carry out an action because of the incongruence of the selected parameters. Moreover, one of the following messages can be displayed: •
Equipment in Maintenance mode. Please wait until the operation is completed or press OK button to exit. The equipment is passed to transitory status (maintenance). More detailed information about the equipment status is reported in the supervision system user manual. If you wish to close the ALCplus2: Equipment window press OK, otherwise wait that the equipment passes from the transitory status to another one (for example, connected). In this second, the ALCplus2: Equipment window is closed and automatically opened again.
ALCplus2 IDU Manager : Received a logout request from User press OK to exit your manager session. WARNING!! If you don't acknowledge this dialog in 30 seconds your session will automatically be closed. A NMS5UX user has required the closing of the ALCplus2: Equipment window. Pressing Cancel, the system refuses the request: the window does not close. Pressing OK or no button within 30 seconds from the message displaying, the system accepts the request: the window closes.
WARNING. ALCplus2 IDU Manager : Forced Logout Superuser. NMS5UX user with superuser profile has forced the closing of the ALCplus2: Equipment window. The displaying of this message automatically closes the window.
If the system displays other error messages that automatically close the ALCplus2: Equipment window, such as for instance Daemon is Down. Manager is Closing, contact the involved system administrator.
Update of the information present in the window When the ALCplus2: Equipment is open, the displayed information (alarms, connection status, etc.) is dynamically updated only if the equipment is in connected status, the window access is Read-Write (pag. 31) the LCT in Configuration mode is not connected to the equipment (pag. 270). In this case, the NMS5UX user can check the equipment configuration (that can corresponds to the one really present on the equipment), but cannot change the parameters. When the LCT user disconnects from the equipment, the supervisory system automatically forwards a Configuration Upload command. If the ALCplus2: Equipment window is in Read Only modality (pag. 31), the alarms are not automatically updated. To update the alarms, select the Commands > Alarm Realignment command (pag. 36). If the equipment is in disconnected or unreachable status, the displayed information (with the exception of the equipment status) refers to the last known configuration stored into the database of the supervisory system.
Opening of more ALCplus2: Equipment windows More ALCplus2: Equipment windows relevant to the same equipment can be opened. The first user who opens the window will access in Read-Write and he can execute both reading (get) and writing (set) operations. The other users who open the window will have Read Only access and can execute only reading operations (get). Moreover, more ALCplus2: Equipment windows can be opened, relevant to different ALS equipment with ALCplus2 IDU.
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User profile (Superuser, Privileged, Advanced, etc.) Each NMS5UX user is characterized by a profile that defines the use of the commands available into the NMS5UX graphical interface. The NMS5UX user, who opens the ALCplus2: Equipment window, keeps his profile. For instance, if a user with Advanced profile opens the NMS5UX graphical interface, this profile is kept also into the ALCplus2: Equipment windows that will be opened. The availability of the menus, of the commands and of the push-buttons, present into the ALCplus2: Equipment window according to the different profiles, are pointed in the Availability of the commands/push-buttons paragraph (pag. 263).
Closing of ALCplus2: Equipment window To close the ALCplus2: Equipment window and the ALCplus2 IDU Manager application program, select the File > Exit command (pag. 34). If there are other ALCplus2 windows opened, the user can close the ALCplus2: Equipment window and he cannot close the ALCplus2 IDU Manager application program (File > Close command (pag. 34)). The closing of the ALCplus2: Equipment window and /or of the ALCplus2 IDU Manager application program does not affect in any way the connection status of the equipment.
Automatic closing of the window The ALCplus2: Equipment window is automatically closed when: •
The system displays the message WARNING. ALCplus2 Manager : Forced Logout Superuser or an Error message (pag. 31).
The user closes the NMS5UX graphical interface and/or the operation system.
The user changes the map.
The ALCplus2: Equipment window and the ALCplus2 IDU Manager application program are automatically closed and opened when the system displays the message Equipment in Maintenance mode… (pag. 31).
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With ALCplus2 IDU virtual object we mean a Network Element object of ALCplus2 IDU type, created by the user and without a corresponding ALCplus2 IDU present in the network. When a virtual equipment is created, its configuration database is empty. By means of the Configuration Download application, the operator can copy the configuration of a real equipment (or of another virtual equipment with an already loaded database) to the virtual equipment just created. When the operator executes the download, the copy of the configuration is total: all the parameters are transferred from the source equipment to the virtual equipment just created. For the virtual equipment, after the download of the configuration database, the relevant ALCplus2: Equipment window can be opened (for real equipment, in order to execute this operation, the connection between the system and the equipment must be activated), and the configuration parameters, the user inputs, the user outputs, the control parameters for the Performance Monitoring measurements, etc. can be set. Then, the configuration of the virtual equipment can be transferred (pag. 36), always by means of the Configuration Download application, to any equipment compatible with the considered virtual equipment.
To configure an ALCplus2 IDU virtual equipment 1. In the NMS5UX graphic interface, double click on the wished ALCplus2 IDU virtual object. The first time an ALCplus2 IDU virtual object is selected a message is displayed warning that the equipment has not been configured yet. Configure it using the Configuration Download application. The description of the Configuration Download command is reported in the supervision system user manual. On the next selections of the ALCplus2 IDU virtual equipment, the ALCplus2: Equipment window will be immediately displayed. 2. Configure the equipment using the push-buttons and the contextual areas present in the window. Some parameters, for which the set operation is available (pag. 28), have on the left of their value the symbol . This symbol points out which parameters is possible to transfer to another real equipment during the configuration download (pag. 36).
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The File menu contains the Close (pag. 34) and Exit (pag. 34) commands.
File > Close The Close option closes the ALCplus2: Equipment window. When this option is selected, if: •
there are not other ALCplus2 windows already open, the system displays the message Warning. This is the last Manager window. Do You really want to exit virtual? Pressing Yes the system closes the ALCplus2: Equipment window and the virtual Manager application program (in this case the selection of the option corresponds to the selection of the File > Exit command).
there are other ALCplus2 windows already opened, the system closes the ALCplus2: Equipment window (the other ALCplus2 windows are not closed).
File > Exit The Exit option closes the ALCplus2: Equipment window and the virtual Manager application. When the command is selected, a confirmation window is displayed. Press Yes to execute the operation. Closing the ALCplus2: Equipment window and the virtual Manager application causes the closing of all the possibly opened ALCplus2 windows.
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The Commands menu contains the following options: •
Reset Equipment Controller (pag. 35). It executes the software reset of the equipment.
Line Test (pag. 35). It verifies the real capacity to reach the NE.
Alarm Realignment (pag. 36). It acknowledges the alarm status currently present on the NE.
View/Modify P.M. Status (pag. 36). It displays the status of the PM measures of the equipment and activates/deactivates, at the same time, more types of measures and/or measure points.
Configuration Download (pag. 36). It transfers the equipment configuration to another NE (real or virtual) of the same type.
NE Sw/Fw Release (pag. 37). It displays the version and updates the equipment software/ firmware.
Modify LCT Config mode (pag. 37). It enables/disables LCT program to connect to the equipment in Configuration modality.
Command > Reset Equipment Controller The Reset Equipment Controller command restarts the equipment software (pag. 35). This operation consists in the reset of all the communication channels (for instance, with the supervision system) of the equipment. The execution of this operation causes a temporary disconnection of the equipment from the supervisory system.
To reset the equipment software 1. Select the Command > Reset Equipment Controller option. The system displays a confirmation window. 2. Press Ok. The end of the operation is signalled by a message displaying the result of the operation.
Command > Line Test The Line Test command checks the effective capacity of the supervisory system to reach the equipment (pag. 36). This check consists in the request of the NMS5UX system to the equipment of the value of a given parameter: if the NE answers, the test is successful, otherwise it is considered failed.
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To verify the capacity to reach the equipment 1. Select the Command > Line Test command. The end of the operation is pointed out by means of a message displaying the result of the operation.
Command > Alarm Realignment The Alarm Realignment option forces the equipment to forward its current alarms (pag. 36) to the supervisory system. The realignment procedure causes the deleting of the information concerning the NE present in the current alarms table. Then, the system requires to the NE the status of its alarms and stores them in the current alarms table. The content of the current alarms table can be displayed opening the Current Alarms Browser window. This option does not represent the normal procedure to get the NE operating status. It is advisable to use this command only in case of a possible misalignment between the alarm information known by the NMS5UX system and the real alarm situation present on the NE.
To force the equipment to forward its current alarms 1. Select the Command > Alarm Re-Alignment option. The end of this operation is pointed out by a message.
Command > View/Modify PM Status The View/Modify PM Status option allows to: •
Display the list of the PM measurements that characterize the considered equipment type. For each measurement point, the system points out the operating status of the relevant measurement.
Activate, at the same time, one or more PM measurements for the considered equipment.
Deactivate, at the same time, one or more PM measurements for the considered equipment.
The above described operations are reported into the supervision system user manual.
Command > Configuration Download The Configuration Download option allows to: •
Transfer the configuration of the considered equipment to one or more real NE’s.
Transfer the configuration of the considered equipment to one or more virtual NE’s.
The above described operations are reported into the supervision system user manual.
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Command > NE SW/FW Release The NE Sw/Fw Release option allows to: •
Verify the version of the equipment software/firmware relevant to the NE.
Update the equipment software/firmware.
Switch the operation of the memory banks of the main controller.
The above described operations are reported into the supervision system user manual. The equipment sw/fw is the assembly of all the sw/fw necessary for the management of the entire NE (sw/fw of the main controller and sw/fw of the peripheral units). The equipment sw/fw is present into the main controller that is provided with two memory benches: the first one on service and the other one at rest. Each memory bench can contain a version (also a different one) of the equipment sw/fw. The equipment sw/fw of only one memory bench at a time can be updated.
Command > Modify LCT Config mode The Modify LCT Configuration Mode option allows enabling (pag. 37)/disabling (pag. 37) the LCT user to be able to connect himself to the equipment by means of the LCT program (pag. 266) in Configuration mode. The current setting of this parameter is pointed out in the status bar (pag. 19) of the ALCplus2: Equipment window (config. mode parameter). Independently from the previous setting, when the ALCplus2 object is disconnected and then re-connected, the config. mode parameter results enabled (value of the parameter: enabled).
To enable the LCT user to connect to the equipment by means of the LCT program, in Configuration mode 1. Select the Command > Modify LCT Config mode > Enable option. At the end of this operation, a message is displayed that points out the result of the operation. The value of the config. mode parameter switches from Disabled to Enabled. LCT user can activate the connection with the equipment as in Monitoring mode as in Configuration one.
To disable the LCT user to connect himself to the equipment by means of the LCT program, in Configuration mode 1. Select the Command > Modify LCT Config mode > Disable option. At the end of this operation, the system displays a message that points out the result of the operation itself. The value of the config. mode parameter switches from Enabled to Disabled. LCT user can activate the connection with the equipment in Monitoring mode only.
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The Alarm menu contains the following options: •
Current Alarms (pag. 38). It displays the alarm, status and event signals actually active in the equipment.
Alarm History (pag. 39). It displays the history of the alarm/status/event signals, stored in the database of the NMS5UX system, relevant to the equipment.
Equipment Severity Code (pag. 39). It enables/disables the alarm and the forwarding status of the trap executed by the NE to the system. It changes the local severity level of the NE alarms.
The word “alarm” defines the failure signal created by an error or a malfunctioning of the NE or of every element inside it. The words “status and event” identify the signals that point out a status change, an operation on progress or a functioning condition. The status signals are spontaneously communicated by the NE to the system, such as for instance: •
the activation/deactivation of the connection between the LCT and the NE.
the starting-up/end of the equipment software/firmware.
the activated/stand-by status of doubled equipment parts.
The event signals are created by the supervisory system itself, such as the starting-up of an operation for the alarm re-aligning. The history is the list of the signals acquired and stored by the supervisory system. Into the alarm history, the system stores as the detection signal as the alarm reset one. The trap is the message (in this case the detection message or the alarm reset one) spontaneously forwarded by the NE to the supervisory system.
Alarm > Current Alarms The Current Alarms option allows: •
To display the list of the alarm/event/status signals active on the equipment.
To save/print the signals list.
To mark the signals in such a way that the system memorizes that the user has acknowledged the signals.
To freeze the window so that it will not dynamically updated.
To filter the signals list.
To highlight the NE symbol into the map window.
To verify the time between two different signals.
To open the Equipment Info… window of the NE.
The above described operations are reported in the supervision system user manual.
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Alarm > Alarm History The Alarm History option allows: •
To display the history of the alarm/event/status signals of the equipment.
To save/print the signals list.
To copy the signals list to a text editor.
To delete/mark the signals.
To filter the signals list.
To highlight the NE symbol into the map window.
To verify the time between two different signals.
To open the Equipment Info… window of the NE.
The above described operations are reported into the supervision system user manual. At the command choice, the system displays the Alarm History Browser window. At the window opening, the system can display a warning message that specify that into the database there is a number of signals, relevant to the NE, higher than N. For this reason, the system will display, into the Alarm History Browser window, the records up to N by means of a chronological order from the most recent up to the oldest one. The limit N is not a memory limit, but a limit on the display of the signals. To read the signals beyond N value it is sufficient to delete some records. The N limit can be changed by the user with Superuser profile.
Alarm > Equipment Severity Code The Equipment Severity Code option allows: •
To display the list of the alarm signals relevant to the NE. For each signal, the system points out the alarm status (enabled/disabled) and the forwarding status of the relevant trap from the NE to the NMS5UX system.
To disable the alarms. In this case the detection/reset of the alarm signal is neither stored into the NE controller nor communicated to the supervisory program: as if the alarm has never happened.
To disable the traps forwarding. In this case the detection/reset of the alarm signal is stored into the NE controller but not communicated to the supervisory system.
To enable the alarms and the traps forwarding. In this case the detection/reset of the alarm is stored into the NE controller and communicated to the system (by means of the forwarding of the relevant trap). The system displays it into the current alarms and into the alarm history (default condition).
To change the local severity level associated to the alarm signal (with the exception of the alarms relevant to the user inputs). The change of the severity level, associated to an alarm, is a LOCAL operation and it involves the considered NE only.
To filter the list of the alarm signals.
The above described operations are reported into the supervision system user manual. The local severity level is the level characterizing the alarm when it is stored in the NE controller and displayed by the LCT program. The severity level seen by the NMS5UX system for the same alarm (called network severity level) is defined by means of the Network Severity Code option (refer to the supervision system user manual).
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The Option menu contains the following options: •
LCT Equipment Users (pag. 40). It displays/changes the LCT user list of the equipment.
LCT Logged User (pag. 40). It displays the list of the users (LCT, NMS5UX) connected to the equipment when the option is selected. It forces the disconnection (logout) of one or more users.
View Acknowledge Status (pag. 41). It displays the acknowledge status of the following signals:
Alarms (current and/or into the alarm history).
Presence of the LCT program (pag. 270) in Configuration mode.
Operation of Configuration Upload not correctly executed.
View Active Manual Operation (pag. 42). It checks the manual operations currently active. It sets a time (timeout) after which the active manual operations are automatically deactivated.
Option > LCT Equipment Users The LCT Equipment Users option allows: •
To display the LCT user list of the NE.
To add a new LCT user into the list.
To change the characteristics of the LCT users present into the list.
To remove a LCT user from the list.
The above described operations are reported into the supervision system user manual. Each equipment is provided with a list of users who are allowed to connect with the LCT program. The user list is stored into the main controller of the equipment.
Option > LCT Logged Users The LCT Logged Users option allows: •
To display the list of the users (LCT, NMS5UX) connected with the equipment when the option is selected.
To force the disconnection (logout) of a user present into the list. If the logout of a NMS5UX user is forced, the supervisory system automatically executes the reset of the user connection.
The above described operations are reported in the supervision system user manual.
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Option > View Acknowledge Status The View Acknowledge Status option allows checking the acknowledge status (pag. 41) of the following signals: •
Alarm (current and/or into the alarm history).
Presence of the LCT program in Configuration mode.
Operation of Configuration Upload not correctly executed.
More details about the Configuration Upload option are reported in the supervision system user manual.
To verify the acknowledge status of the alarms, LCT presence and Configuration Upload failed 1. Select the Option > View Acknowledge Status command. The Acknowledge Status window displayed in Fig.7 opens. Fig.7 Acknowledge Status window
(1) (2) (3)
Notes of Fig.7 (1)
If the box is: •
Active ( ), at least a not acknowledged alarm (current and/or into the alarm history) is present for the considered NE. An alarm can be acknowledged by means of the commands present into the Current Alarms Browser (pag. 38) and Alarm History Browser (pag. 39) windows.
• (2)
Inactive, all the possible alarms have been acknowledged.
If the box is: •
Active ( ), LCT has been connected to the NE at least one time in Configuration mode from the last time that the ALCplus2: Equipment window has been opened for the considered NE.
Inactive, LCT program has not been connected to the NE in Configuration mode from the last time that the ALCplus2: Equipment window has been opened.
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If the box is: •
Active (
), the last Configuration Upload operation is failed.
The signal is automatically acknowledged at the first Configuration Upload operation correctly executed. This condition is pointed out also by means of a Warning box into the ALCplus2: Equipment window. •
Inactive, the last Configuration Upload operation has been successfully executed.
Option > View Active Manual Operation The View Active Manual Operation option allows: •
To verify the manual operations (pag. 42) (for instance the activation of a loop, the forcing of a switching) currently active on the selected equipment.
To set a timeout (pag. 43) after which the system automatically deactivates the relevant manual operations. The timeout setting is common for all the manual forcing operations of the equipment.
To verify the manual operations currently active 1. Select the Option > View Active Manual Operation command. The Active Manual Operations window displayed in Fig.8 opens. The user can open the Active Manual Operations window also with a double click with the left button of the mouse on the Man. Op. box present in the status bar of the ALCplus2: Equipment window. Fig.8 Active Manual Operations window
List of active manual operations (1)
Current timeout relevant to the manual operations of the equipment (2)
Select this push-button to close the window (3)
Select this push-button to update the data (4)
Notes of Fig.8 (1)
Each record identifies a single manual operation.
The value 0 points out that the timeout is not active; this means that a manual operation remains active until when the user deactivates it. Remember that the activation of a manual operation (for instance a loop) affects the traffic.
The user can close the window even selecting the File > Close option.
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The information displayed in the window are dynamically refreshed. Use the option only if you suppose a misalignment between the real NE situation and that pointed out by the window.
To set the timeout of the manual operations 1. Select the Option > View Active Manual Operation command. The Active Manual Operations window displayed in Fig.8 opens. 2. Type the wished timeout (value between 1 and 172800 sec.) in the Time Out (sec.) text box. Setting the value 0 corresponds to disabling the timeout (it means that the manual manual operations will not be automatically deactivated, but the user will have to do it). Press Refresh to reset the current value. 3. Press Set Time Out. The system displays a message that points out the result of the operation.
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The Maintenance menu contains the following options: •
Radio Switch A (pag. 44), manages the switch and the function of preferential branch for the systems in 1+1 configuration. This menu item is available only for equipment ALCplus2 equipment equipped with the radio (pag.71).
Radio Branch Loop (pag. 47), verifies/modifies the status of the base band loops for the selected radio branch (line side and internal side). This menu item is available only for equipment ALCplus2 equipment equipped with the radio (pag.71).
Nodal Switch (pag. 51), verifies/modifies the parameters relevant to the switch of the nodal system. This menu item is available only for ALCplus2 equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 when the nodal configuration is active.
Switch STM1 LIM A (pag. 53), verifies/modifies the parameters relevant to the switch of the STM-1 matrix. This menu item is available only for ALCplus2 equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 or IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1 when the protection of STM-1 stream is active.
Maintenance > Radio Switch A This menu item is available only for equipment ALCplus2 equipment equipped with the radio in protected configuration (pag.71). The command Radio Switch A allows: •
To verify/modify the WTR period of the switch (pag. 44)
To force the switch on the preferential branch without waiting the expiry of the Wait Time period (pag. 45).
To verify/modify the management of the switch in reception (pag. 45).
To verify/modify the management of the switch in transmission (pag. 45).
To verify/modify the management of the preferential radio branch in transmission (pag. 46).
For more information about the radio switch, refer to pag. 46.
To verify/modify the WTR period of the switch 1. Select the Maintenance > Radio Switch A command. The ALCplus2: Unit – Radio Switch A window is displayed. The Preferential WTR (0 - 150 sec.) field displays the value of the parameter. 2. To verify the value currently set on the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or the Commands > Send GET Request command. 3. To modify the parameter:
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a. Move the cursor relevant to the parameter to the wished value. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To force the switch on the preferential branch without waiting the expiry of the switch 1. Select the Maintenance > Radio Switch A command. The ALCplus2: Unit – Radio Switch A window is displayed. 2. Select the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the parameter Preferential WTR Reset.
To verify/modify the management of the switch in reception Maintenance operation (MAN. OP.). 1. Select the Maintenance > Radio Switch A command. The ALCplus2: Unit – Radio Switch A window is displayed. The Rx Forced Switch parameters points out the management of the switch in reception: •
auto, the switching is automatically managed according to the presence of the alarms (normal operation of the equipment).
branch-1, the equipment is forced to use the radio branch 1 for the reception service.
branch-2, the equipment is forced to use the radio branch 2 for the reception service.
2. To verify the value currently set on the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 3. To modify the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. Only if you are forcing the switching (selection of the Branch… option) a message is displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of timeout. Forcing the switching activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is turned off and then turned on again, the switch operation is automatic independently from the previous setting.
To verify/modify the management of the switch in transmission Maintenance operation (MAN. OP.). 1. Select the Maintenance > Radio Switch A command. The ALCplus2: Unit – Radio Switch A window is displayed. The Tx Forced Switch parameters points out the management of the switch in transmission: •
auto, the switching is automatically managed according to the presence of the alarms (normal operation of the equipment).
branch-1, the equipment is forced to use the radio branch 1 for the transmission service.
branch-2, the equipment is forced to use the radio branch 2 for the transmission service.
2. To verify the value currently set on the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 3. To modify the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list.
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c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. Only if you are forcing the switching (selection of the Branch… option) a message is displayed warning that you are executing a manual operation and displaying the current setting of timeout. Forcing the switching activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is turned off and then turned on again, the switch operation is automatic independently from the previous setting.
To verify/modify the management of the preferential radio branch in transmission 1. Select the Maintenance > Radio Switch A command. The ALCplus2: Unit – Radio Switch A window is displayed. The Tx Preferential parameter points out the management of the preferential radio branch in transmission: •
auto, without the presence of alarms (that cause the switch), the equipment does not use a branch in a preferential manner with respect to the other.
branch-1, without the presence of alarms (that cause the switch), the equipment use the branch 1.
branch-2, without the presence of alarms (that cause the switch), the equipment use the branch 2.
2. To verify the value currently set on the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 3. To modify the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Radio switch (more information) The radio switches (reception and transmission), for the ALCplus2 equipment in protected configuration, generally operate in automatic mode: the equipment executes a switch when specific alarms raise on the operating radio branch. The user can manage the radio branch executing some forcing operations and enabling the preferential branch.
Forcing a radio branch to operate (switch in reception and switch in transmission) This function foresees the user can force a radio branch to operate independently from alarms which can be active (see pag. 45/pag. 46). This function must not be used for the normal operation of the radio switch in reception and/or transmission. It is a maintenance operation and remains active until when the user deactivates it or the timeout period of the manual operation expires (if set).
Preferential branch (switch in transmission) This feature provides the choice of a branch to be used in a preferential way when there are not alarms that cause the switching (pag. 45). In fact, when the switching is automatically managed by the controller, it executes the switching when on the branch on service there are present some specific alarms.
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When the alarms have been reset, the controller does not execute again the switching. While, if it has been set a preferential branch when the operator resets the alarms, if the branch on service is not the preferential one, the controller executes the switching and it uses for the service the branch set by the operator as the preferential one (naturally if the branch does not have any alarms). Moreover a time period can be defined (Wait Time) during which the service is kept on the non-preferential branch before being restored to the preferential branch, in such a way to avoid the continue switch between the two branches in case of fleeting alarms. For instance, suppose that an alarm occurs causing the switch of the service from the preferential branch to the other branch. When the alarm clears, the preferential branch is not immediately restored to service but postponed by n seconds (Wait Time period), during which the controller verifies that the same alarm has not occurred again on the preferential branch. At the end of the Wait Time period, if the alarm has not occurred again, the service is restored to the preferential branch. Otherwise, the switch is delayed by other n seconds, during which the controller verifies that the same alarm has not occurred again and so on. In any moment the user can force the switch on the preferential branch without waiting for the Wait Time period expiration (see pag. 46).
Maintenance > Radio Branch Loop This menu item is available only for equipment ALCplus2 equipment equipped with the radio (pag.71). The Radio Branch Loop command allows: •
To verify the status of the loop (pag. 47).
To activate loop (pag. 48).
To deactivate loop (pag. 48).
To execute the test (RF Loop) for the ALCplus2 equipment with ODU ASN (pag. 49).
For the equipment in configuration 1+0, the Radio Branch A Loop command is present. For the equipment in configuration 1+1, the Radio Branch 1A Loop (loop on branch 1) and Radio Branch 2A Loop (loop on branch 2) commands are present. For more information about the: •
Radio loops go to pag. 50.
Test (RF Loop) for ALCplus2 equipment with ODU ASN, go to pag. 51.
To verify the status and to activate/deactivate the base band loops go to pag. 156.
To verify the status of the loop The activation of a loop affects the traffic. Before activating a loop, it is suggested to check that the timeout relevant to the equipment, where the loop will be activated, has been set; otherwise, the loop will remain active until when the user will deactivate it or the equipment will be turned off/turned on or reset. 1. Select the Maintenance > Radio Branch Loop command. The ALCplus2: Unit – Radio Branch Loop window (Fig.9) is displayed. The Loop box displays the loop status.
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Fig.9 Radio Branch Loop window
Active Loop
Inactive Loop
Base Band Loop
IDU Loop
RF Loop on - Rem Tx Off
To activate a loop Maintenance operation (MAN. OP). 1. Select the Maintenance > Radio Branch Loop command. The ALCplus2: Unit – Radio Branch Loop window (Fig.9) is displayed. 2. In correspondence of the parameter Loop, right-click on the box and select the loop you wish to activate (rfLoop or ifLoop). The scheme in the lower part of the window changes accordingly. It is not possible to set more than one loop at the same time on the same radio branch, as the choice of an option automatically deactivates the one previously selected. 3. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. Only if you are activating a loop, a message is displayed warning that you are executing a manual operation and showing the current setting of the timeout. The activation of a loop activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and, then, switched on, the loop results inactive, independently from the previous setting.
To deactivate a loop 1. Select the Maintenance > Radio Branch Loop command. The ALCplus2: Unit – Radio Branch Loop window (Fig.9) is displayed. 2. Select the box where the active type of loop os pointed out.
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3. Select the value LoopOff in the list. 4. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To execute the test (RF Loop) for the ALCplus2 equipment with ODU ASN Maintenance operation (MAN. OP). Operation available and meaningful only for equipment equipped with ODU ASN. For more information, go to pag. 51. 1. Select the Maintenance > Radio Branch Loop command. The ALCplus2: Unit – Radio Branch Loop window (Fig.9) is displayed. 2. In correspondence of the parameter Loop, click on the box and select the option RF Loop Limited. The scheme in the lower part of the window changes as in Fig.10. 3. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. A message is displayed warning that you are executing a manual operation and showing the current setting of the timeout. 4. Confirm the operation. The activation of a loop activates the MAN. OP alarm. The contextual area RF Loop Limited shows the progression (box % TEST) and the result (box TEST RESULT) of the test. 5. In correspondence of the parameter Loop, click on the box and select the option Loop OFF. 6. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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Fig.10 Radio Branch - RF Loop Limited window
RF Loop Limited
Test progression (1)
Test result (2)
Notes of Fig.10 (1)
The box % TEST during the execution of the test points out the progression of the operation.
The status of the test is displayed by the box TEST RESULT. In detail: •
Wording None, points out that the test must be executed.
Wording Running, points out that the test is in progress.
Wording Passed, points out that the test has been correctly executed (ODU operating).
Wording Failed, points out that the test is failed (ODU faulted).
Wording Interrupted, points out that the test has been interrupted by the system. Possible cause: the set timeout of MAN OP is lower than the test execution time. It is suggested to set again the timeout to a value greater than that of the test execution.
Radio loop (more information) In the 1+0 systems, the activation of the radio loop affects the traffic. In the 1+1 systems, the activation of the radio loop on the active branch affects the traffic. The activation of the radio loop on the stand-by branch does not affects the traffic. However, in this case, before executing the loop, the receiver must be forced to the active branch (see pag. 44).
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Anyway, before activating a loop, it is suggested to verify that the timeout of the manual operations is set (see pag. 42). If the timeout is not active, the loop will be active until its deactivation by the user, the switch-off/switch-on of the equipment or the equipment reset.
Test (RF Loop) for ALCplus2 equipment with ODU ASN (more information) The ALCplus2 equipment with old-generation ODU ASN had not the RF loop, because they had not been designed to execute a loop in compliance with the specification of emission of spurious signals. The ALCplus2 equipment with new-generation ODU ASN (ODU unit with Part. Number GE8xxx) have an internal diagnostic functionality, based on a loop executed in pre-set operating conditions in sucha way to verify the functionalities of the transceiver. The execution of the test is independent from the type of traffic (TDM, Ethernet, hybrid) and do not need external measurement tools. At the end of the test, the result of the diagnosis is displayed (Fig.10): test correctly executed (ODU operating), test failed (ODU faulted). The test is a manual operation (MAN OP) so that its execution is subjected to the timeout of the manual operations (Fig.8). If the timeout: •
Is enabled, at the end of the test the condition of Loop RF is maintained until the expiry of the MAN OP unless it is removed just after the end of the test, as described in the specific procedure.
Is not enabled, at the end of the test it is necessary to remove the condition of Loop RF as described in the specific procedure.
If the test is interrupted by the system (Fig.10), a possible cause could be that the set timeout was lower than the test execution time. It is suggested to set again the timeout with a value greater than that of the test execution. In case of redundant systems, the activation of the test on the stand-by branch involves the degradation of the or the loss of the connection with the active branch, as the same modulation is set even on this (mandatorily). In detail, with: •
ACM enabled: reduction of the traffic to the test profile.
ACM disabled: loss of traffic.
In case of system configured at constant peak (pag. 88), the rated power of the connection is ensured not to be exceeded during the execution of the test.
Maintenance > Nodal Switch This menu item is available only for ALCplus2 equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 when the protection of the Nodal Bus is active (pag.76). The Nodal Switch commands allows: •
To verify/modify the management of the nodal switch (pag. 52).
To verify/modify the value of the Wait Time To Restore parameter (pag. 52).
To force the switch on the preferential NBUS connection without waiting for the Wait Time expiration (pag. 52).
For more information about the nodal switch go to pag. 53.
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To verify/modify the management of the nodal switch Maintenance operation (MAN. OP). 1. Select the Maintenance > Nodal Switch command. The ALCplus2: Unit - Nodal Switch window is displayed. The Forced Switch box points out the management modality of the nodal switch: •
auto, the switch is automatically managed depending on the presence of alarms (normal equipment operating modality).
NBUS 1, the equipment is forced to use for the service the channel connected to the NBUS1 connected.
NBUS 2, the equipment is forced to use for the service the channel connected to the NBUS2 connector
2. To verify the value currently set on the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or the Commands > Send GET Request command. 3. To modify the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. Only if you are forcing the switch (selection of the value primary or secondary), a message is displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and showing the current setting of the timeout. Forcing the switch activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and, then, switched on, the switch modality is automatic, independently from the previous setting. For each ALCplus2 equipment, a time period (timeout) can be set, elapsed which the relevant active manual operations are automatically deactivated. The value Timeout 0 sec. points out that the timeout is disabled: a manual operation remains active until the user deactivates it.
To verify/modify the value of the Wait Time To Restore parameter 1. Select the Maintenance > Nodal Switch command. The ALCplus2: Unit - Nodal Switch window is displayed. The Wtr Time (min.) box points out the value of the Wait Time parameter (range 0-12 seconds, default: 5 seconds). 2. To verify the value currently set on the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands – Send GET Request command. 3. To modify the parameter: a. Move the Wtr Time (sec.) cursor to the new value. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands – Send SET Request command.
To force the switch on the preferential NBUS connection without waiting for the expiry of Wait Time 1. Select the Maintenance > Nodal Switch command. The ALCplus2: Unit - Nodal Switch window is displayed. The Wait To Restore Clear box points out how to reset the WTR parameter: •
not-active, the parameter is not reset: the system waits for the expiry of the WTR period before restoring the service on the primary flow.
On, the parameter is reset: the system restores the service on the primary flow, as soon as the conditions that have caused the switch are disappeared, without waiting for the expiry of the WTR period.
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2. To execute the command: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Nodal switch (more information) The ALCplus2 equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E can be configured by the user to operate with the Nodal Bus disabled, enabled or protected (see pag. 71). When the user enables the protection of the Nodal Bus even the management of the nodal switch is enabled. The switch generally operates automatically: the equipment executes the switch when specific alarms raise on the operating Nodal Bus.
Forcing of the Nodal Bus to operation This function foresees the possibility for the user to force the primary or secondary Nodal Bus to operate, independently from the alarms which could be active (see pag.52). This operation must not be used for the normal operation of the nodal switch. It is a maintenance operation and remains active until when the user disables it or the Timeout period of the manual operation expires (if set).
Preferential NBUS (Nodal Bus) connection When the user executes a single connection, which involves a protected NBUS channel, the matrix automatically executes the protection connection creating, in fact, a protected connection. In this case, the connection created by the user is the preferential connection (preferential NBUS connection) while the connection created by the matrix is the protection connection (protection NBUS connection). When the switch operates in automatic modality, the equipment executes the switch when specific alarms are present on the working NBUS connection. When the alarms clear, the controller, if the working NBUS connection is not the preferential one, executes the switch and uses the preferential NBUS connection to work (of course if alarms are not present on the connection). In this condition, it is possible to define a time period (Wait Time) during which the service is kept on the not preferential NBUS connection before this returns to the preferential NBUS connection, in such a way to avoid the continue switch between the two connections in case of fluctuating alarms. For example, suppose an alarm occurs causing the switch from the preferential NBUS connection to the protection one. When the alarm clears, the service is not immediately switched to the preferential NBUS connection, but postponed of n seconds (Wait Time period), during which the controller verifies that the alarm on the preferential NBUS connection has not occurred again. At the end of the Wait Time period, if the alarm has not occurred again, the switch takes place. Otherwise, the switch is postponed of other n seconds, during which the system verifies that the alarm has not occurred again and so on. In any moment the operator can force the switch on preferential Nodal Bus without waiting for the Wait Time period expiration (see pag.52).
Maintenance > Switch STM1 LIM A This menu item is available only for ALCplus2 equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 or IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1 when the protection of STM-1 stream is active (pag.72).
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The Switch STM1 LIM A command allows: •
To verify the primary service flow (Primary) (pag. 54).
To verify/modify the MSP Protection (pag. 54).
To verify/modify the Protection Mode (pag. 54).
To verify/modify the value of the Wtr Time parameter (pag. 55).
To restore the switch to primary STM-1 without waiting for the expiry of Wtr period (Wait To Restore Clear) (pag. 55).
To verify/modify the type of STM-1 stream (Stm1 Direction) (pag. 55).
To verify the status of the STM-1 switch (Status) (pag. 56).
For more information about STM-1 switch go to pag. 56.
To verify the primary service stream 1. Select the Maintenance > Switch STM1 LIM A command. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 LIM A Switch window is displayed. The Primary parameter displays the primary STM-1 stream.
To verify/modify the MSP protection Maintenance operation (MAN. OP). 1. Select the Maintenance > Switch STM1 LIM A command. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 LIM A Switch window is displayed. The MSP Protection box displays the type of MSP protection: •
Auto. The switch is automatically managed according to the presence of alarms (normal operation of the switch).
Lock Out. The equipment is forced to use the primary STM-1 stream.
Forced. The equipment is forced to use the secondary STM-1 stream: the switch will be never executed, independently from the type of alarm which can raise.
Manual. The equipment is forced to use the secondary STM-1 stream: the switch is executed only in case of alarms of type Signal Fail or Signal Degrade.
2. To verify the value currently set on the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 3. To modify the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the protection mode 1. Select the Maintenance > Switch STM1 LIM A command. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 LIM A Switch window is displayed. The Protection Mode displays the protection modality of the STM-1 flow: •
Not revertive. The primary STM-1 stream is not preferential: after a switch (primary -> secondary) the secondary STM-1 stream remains active even when the alarms that caused the switch clear.
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Revertive. The primary STM-1 stream is preferential: after a switch (primary -> secondary), when the alarms clear, the primary stream is restored as active STM-1 stream.
2. To verify the value currently set on the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 3. To modify the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the value of the Wtr Time parameter 1. Select the Maintenance > Switch STM1 LIM A command. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 LIM A Switch window is displayed. The Wtr Time (min.) box points out the value of the Wait Time parameter (range 0-12 min). 2. To verify the value currently set on the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 3. To modify the parameter: a. Move the Wtr Time (min.) cursor to the new value. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To restore the switch on the primary STM-1 without waiting for the expiry of Wtr time 1. Select the Maintenance > Switch STM1 LIM A command. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 LIM A Switch window is displayed. 2. Press the Send Request push-button: the system displays a Warning message asking if you really wish to reset the Wtr Time parameter. 3. Press Ok to reset Wtr Time or Cancel to clear the operation.
To verify/modify the direction of the STM-1 stream 1. Select the Maintenance > Switch STM1 LIM A command. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 LIM A Switch window is displayed. The Stm1 Direction box displays the management level of the the MSP protection: •
Unidirectional. The switch logic (MSP protection) is managed at level of local equipment, which commands the switch without notifying this situation to the remote equipment.
Bidirectional. The switch logic is managed at Link level: the local equipment agrees the switch with the remote equipment.
2. To verify the value currently set on the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 3. To modify the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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To verify the status of the STM-1 switch 1. Select the Maintenance > Switch STM1 LIM A command. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 LIM A Switch window is displayed. The Status parameter points out which STM-1 stream is active (Primary or Secondary).
STM-1 switch (more information) The ALCplus2 equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1 or IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 can be configured by the user to operate with the STM-1 stream disabled, enabled or protected (see pag.72). When the user enables the protection of the STM-1 stream (MSP mode - Multiplex Section Protection) even the management of the STM-1 switch is enabled. The switch generally operates automatically: the equipment executes the switch when specific alarms raise on the operating STM-1 stream.
STM-1 switching criteria When the STM-1 switch operates in automatic mode, the user can set one of the following switching logics: •
Unidirectional Logic. Only the local alarms are considered among the criteria which determine the switch.
Bidirectional Logic. The local equipment agrees the switch of the STM-1 stream with the remote equipment: both the local and the remote alarms are considered among the criteria which determine the switch.
Forcing of the STM-1 stream to operation This function foresees the possibility for the user to force the primary or secondary STM-1 stream to operate, independently from the alarms which could be active (see pag.55). This operation must not be used for the normal operation of the STM-1 switch. It is a maintenance operation and remains active until when the user disables it or the Timeout period of the manual operation expires (if set).
Preferential primary STM-1 stream This function foresees the choice of the primary STM-1 stream to use in preferential mode when there are not alarms which determine the switch (see pag.54). In fact, when the switch operates in automatic mode, the equipment executes the switch when specific alarms raises on the STM-1 streams in service. When the alarms clear, the controller does not execute the switch again. If the primary STM-1 stream is set as preferential, when the switch is executed, if the STM-1 stream in service is not the primary, the controller executes the switch and uses the primary STM-1 stream for the service (naturally if the stream is not alarmed). Moreover it is possible to define a time period (Wait Time) during which the service is kept on the not preferential (secondary) STM-1 stream before this returns to the preferential (primary) STM-1 stream, in such a way to avoid the continue switch between the two STM-1 streams in case of fluctuating alarms. For example, suppose an alarm raises which determines the switch of the service from the primary STM1 stream to the secondary. When the alarm clears, the service is not immediately restored on the primary (preferential) STM-1 stream, but this is postponed by n seconds (Wait Time period), during which the controller verifies that the alarms has not raised again on the preferential STM-1 stream. At the end of the Wait Time period, if the alarm has not raised again, the service is restored on the primary STM-1 stream.
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On the contrary, the switch is postponed by other n seconds during which the system verifies the alarm has not raised again and so on. In any moment the operator can force the switch on preferential STM-1 stream without waiting for the Wait Time period expiration (see pag.55).
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The Cross Connect menu is available ONLY for ALCplus2 equipment equipped with expansion IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1 or IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1. The Cross Connect menu contains the following commands: •
Matrix. Allows creating and verifying/modifying the connections present on the equipment (pag. 58).
List. Displays the list of the connections (pag. 65).
Cross Connect > Matrix The Cross Connect > Matrix command allows: •
To display the equipment connections (pag. 58).
To execute a tributary-radio connection (pag. 62).
To execute a tributary-tributary connection (pag. 63).
To delete a connection (pag. 64).
To enable the auto loop of a channel (pag. 64).
To disable the auto loop of a channel (pag. 64).
To verify/modify the label of a connection (pag. 64).
For more information about the cross connection matrix go to pag. 66.
To display the equipment connections Only one connection at a time can be displayed. 1. Select the Cross Connect > Matrix command. The Cross Connection Matrix window (Fig.11) is displayed where the user can display the existing connections. 2. To display a given connection, select one of the channels of the connection you wish to display. Once selected, if: •
all the channels involved by the connection are displayed in the Cross Connection Matrix window, the connections existing among the channels and the connection type are pointed out by lines of different colours (Note 3 in Fig.11);
even only one of the channels involved by the connection is not displayed in the Cross Connection Matrix window, the View area dynamically shows the connections existing among the channels and the connection type (Fig.12).
In both cases, the selection of a channel belonging to a connection displays (in the Cross Connection Matrix window or in the View area): •
A tributary channel (E1 expansion/VC-12 STM-1/E1 NBUS) and an E1 radio connected by a blue line, the connection is of type Tributary-Radio.
Two different tributary channel (E1 expansion/VC-12 STM-1/E1 NBUS) connected by a blue line, the connection is of type Tributary-Tributary.
The same tributary channel (E1 expansion/VC-12 STM-1/E1 NBUS/E1 radio) with a blue line linking the channel itself, the connection is of Auto-Loop type.
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Fig.11 Cross Connection Matrix window VC12/E1 channels area (1)
Radio box
Tributary box
Radio box
Trash icon
Type of streams displayed in the channels area (2)
Legend of channel status (3)
Legend of the connection status (4)
Push-buttons (5)
Notes of Fig.11 (1)
This area displays the radio and tributary channels of the equipment grouped by membership streams. For the E1 channels, the box displays the channel number. For the VC-12 channels (Expansion STM-1), the box displays the TU12 number and the position of the box identifies the TUG3 and the TUG2 of membership of VC-12. The status of use of the channel is represented by the colour of the box (see note 3). The streams displayed in this area change according to the settings made by the user in the Visualization area (see note 2). When an used channel is selected, the connection is displayed represented by a blue line with a yellow rectangle next where the connection name is reported. A connection is named on its creation by means of a default name (DEFAULT). The default name can be modified by the user.
The parameters present in the Visualization Mode area determine the streams displayed in the channels area. If the selected push-button is: •
Tributary – Radio, the channels area contains: •
The radio stream subdivided in the group of high priority E1 channels (Radio Permanent E1 () and the group of low priority E1 channels (Radio Extra E1 (). The order used to display the Extra E1 Radio channels depends on the priority defined by the user (Fig.16).
Only one stream among the available ones. The central part of the channel area displays the push-button used to modify the tributary stream present. Selecting the push-button, the list of the available streams is
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displayed. Selecting a value, the central part of the channels area changes displaying the detail of the channel for the selected tributary. •
Tributary – Tributary, two different tributary streams are present in the channel area. To display a different tributary, press the push-button relevant to the interested tributary and then select the new tributary from the list. All the tributaries present in the equipment are present in the list, but only those not yet set by the other tributary push-button can be selected. The push-buttons of the two tributary streams are displayed in the upper and central part of the channel area when the Tributary-Tributary option push-button in the Visualization Mode area is selected.
If the equipment is not equipped with the radio (pag. 71), in the Visualization Mode area there are not the options Tributary-Radio and Tributary-Tributary because, in absence of the radio, no Radio-Tributary connection can be realized given the unavailability of the E1 Radio channels. In this case, the Visualization Mode area displays only the boxes relevant to the tributary streams. The push-buttons relevant to the tributary streams can display the following values: •
Expansion 16xE1. E1 channels of the expansion (equipment IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1).
Expansion 32xE1. E1 channels of the expansion (equipment IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1).
Expansion STM-1. VC-12 channels of STM-1 streams. If the management of two STM-1 streams is active (see pag. 72), the values Expansion STM1 [1] and Expansion STM-1 [2] are available, which respectively point out the VC12 channels of the first and of the second STM-1.
NBUS.... E1 channels of Nodal Bus. The available NBUS values change according to the equipment nodal configuration.The detail is pointed out in Tab.3.
The availability of the above mentioned values depends on the type of equipment and on the equipped tributary streams. The detail is pointed out in Tab.2. (3)
The legend points out the colours that describe the status of the channels: •
Light grey (Not Used), the channel is not used.
Light purple (Assigned), the channel is used for a connection executed on the equipment (real connection).
Light blue (Maintenance), the channel is used for an auto-loop executed on the equipment (real auto-loop).
Dark grey (Delete Request), the connection that used the considered channel has been deleted. The actuation command has not been transmitted yet to the equipment (connection deletion requested).
Blue (Assign Request), the channel has been selected for a connection. The actuation command has not been transmitted to the equipment yet (connection requested).
Dark green (Auto-Request.), the channel has been selected for an auto-loop. The actuation command has not been transmitted yet to the equipment (auto-loop requested).
Orange (Link To Idu ... Req), the channel has been selected for a connection composed by a protected NBUS channel and another channel. The connection will be sent in preferential mode to the IDU of the first nodal element. The apply command (selection of Apply pushbutton) has not been sent yet to the equipment (requested connection).
Pink (Linked To Idu ...), the channel is used for a connection, composed by a protected NBUS channel and another channel, applied on the equipment (real connection). The connection is sent in preferential mode to the IDU of the first nodal element.
Yellow (Link To Idu ... Req), the channel has been selected for a connection composed by a protected NBUS channel and another channel. The connection will be sent in preferential mode to the IDU of the second nodal element. The apply command (selection of Apply pushbutton) has not been sent yet to the equipment (requested connection).
White (Linked To Idu ...), the channel is used for a connection, composed by a protected NBUS channel and another channel, applied on the equipment (real connection). The connection is sent in preferential mode to the IDU of the second nodal element.
The line of colour: •
Blue (Active Connection), points out the connection currently used.
Pink (Stand-by Connection), points out, for the protected connections, the unused connection.
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• (5)
Orange (Pass-through), points out the radio-radio connection.
This area is available and meaningful only if the equipment ALCplus2 IDU with expansion IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 belongs to a three-elements protected nodal configuration composed by AL IDU plus equipment (parameter Nodal Configuration: AlPlus, Nodal Type: 3 Element, Nodal Protection: Protected). In this condition it is possible to select to which node element transmit in preferential mode the E1 channel (protected NBUS) cross-connected with another channel (E1 expansion/VC-12 STM-1/E1 NBUS protected/E1 radio). To do this, select one of the two option push-buttons: Node Link 1 or Node Link 2.
If changes are made to the connections (addition, deletion, etc.), on the selection of the push-button: •
Apply, all the changes executed on the cross-connection matrix are communicated to the controller.
Refresh, the data present in the window are updated: all the changes made to the connections and not made effective yet (push-button Apply) are lost.
Close, if: •
changes have been made to the connections, a confirmation window is displayed. Selecting Ok, the window is closed and all the changes made to the connections are lost. Selecting Cancel, the operation is not executed.
changes to the connections have not been made, the window is closed. Fig.12 Cross Connection Matrix window (View area)
This is the only channel of the connection to be displayed in the channels area
View area (1)
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Notes of Fig.12 (1)
The content of the View area is generally pointed out in the figure Fig.11 (areas Channel Legend, Link Legend). If a channel used by a connection is displayed and at least one of the (radio/tributary) streams involved by the connection is not displayed in the Cross Connection Matrix window, the View area dynamically shows the connections existing between the channels and the connection type. Fig.13 Cross Connection Matrix window (connection label) Label of the selected connection (1)
Selected connection
Notes of Fig.13 (1)
The connection label is automatically created by the system when the connection is created itself: the default name given by the system DEFAULT. This label can be modified by the operator in any moment (pag.64). The label of a connection is displayed only if the connection itself is selected. In this case, the push-buttons for the selection of the radio/tributary are not displayed.
To execute a tributary-radio connection Operation available only for equipment with the radio (pag. 71). All the connections executed by the user are single connections. The only exceptions are the connections where a protected NBUS channel is involved. In this case, when the user executes a single connection, the matrix automatically executes the protection connections creating, as fact, a protected connection. The protected Nodal Bus is available in ALCplus2 IDU equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 in protected nodal configuration.
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1. Select the Cross Connect > Matrix command. The Cross Connection Matrix window is displayed (Fig.11). 2. Press the Tributary - Radio option push-button in the Visualization Mode area. 3. Set the tributary stream you wish to use for the connection. 4. Select the unused channel on tributary side (E1 expansion/VC-12 STM-1/E1 NBUS) and drag-and-drop it on the unused channel on radio side (Radio Permanent E1/Radio Extra E1) The two channels are linked by a blue line and the name assigned by default to the connection is displayed. The number of E1 channels available for the connections changes depending on the equipment type and on the equipped tributary streams (see Tab.2). 5. To modify immediately the label of the connection: •
click with the left button of the mouse on it: the Cross Connection Label window is displayed
type the new label in the text-field
press Apply.
Otherwise the connection label con be modified later (pag.64). 6. Press Apply. The selection of the Yes push-button makes all the changes executed on the cross-connection matrix effective.
To execute a tributary - tributary connection All the connections executed by the user are single connections. The only exceptions are the connections where a protected NBUS channel is involved. In this case, when the user executes a single connection, the matrix automatically executes the protection connections creating, as fact, a protected connection. The protected Nodal Bus is available in ALCplus2 IDU equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 in protected nodal configuration. 1. Select the Cross Connect > Matrix command. The Cross Connection Matrix window is displayed (Fig.11). 2. Select the Tributary - Tributary push-button in the Visualization Mode area. 3. Set, in the boxes of the tributary streams, the tributaries you wish to use for the connection. The lists contain all the equipped tributaries, those unavailable are displayed greyed out. 4. Select the unused tributary channel and drag-and-drop it over a different unused tributary channel. It is possible to select two channels of two different tributaries or of the same tributary. The two channels are linked by a blue line and the name assigned by default to the connection is displayed. The number of E1 channels available for the connections changes depending on the equipment type and on the equipped tributary streams (Tab.2). 5. To modify immediately the label of the connection: •
click with the left button of the mouse on it: the Cross Connection Label window is displayed
type the new label in the text-field
press Apply.
Otherwise the connection label con be modified later (pag.64). 6. Select Apply. The selection of the Yes push-button makes all the changes executed on the cross-connection matrix effective.
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To delete one or more connections 1. Select the Cross Connect > Matrix command. The Cross Connection Matrix window (Fig.11) is displayed. 2. Select a channel of the Tributary-Tributary and/or Tributary-Radio connection you wish to delete and drag-and-drop it over the trash icon. The connection is deleted. 3. Repeat the step 3 to delete all the wished connections. 4. Press Apply and confirm. The selection of the Yes push-button makes all the changes executed on the cross-connection matrix effective. To delete an Auto-Loop in the Cross Connection Manager window, use the procedure To disable an AutoLoop (pag.64).
To enable an auto loop 1. Select the Cross Connect > Matrix command. The Cross Connection Matrix window (Fig.11) is displayed. 2. Set the radio/tributary stream you wish to use for the connection. 3. Double click on the unused tributary channel (E1 expansion/VC-12 STM-1/E1 NBUS) or radio channel (E1 Permanent/E1 Extra) for which you wish to execute the auto-loop. 4. Select the Options > Auto Loop > Add command. 5. Press Apply. The selection of the push-button makes all the changes executed on the cross-connection matrix effective.
To disable an auto loop 1. Select the Cross Connect > Matrix command. The Cross Connection Matrix window (Fig.11) is displayed. 2. Double click on the on the tributary channel (E1 expansion/VC-12 STM-1/E1 NBUS) or on the radio channel (E1 Permanent/E1 Extra) with auto-loop enabled (light blue box) for which you wish to disable the auto-loop. 3. Select the Options > Auto Loop > Delete command. 4. Press Apply. The selection of the push-button makes all the changes executed on the cross-connection matrix effective.
To verify/modify the label of a connection The label of a connection can be modified even in phase of creation of the connection itself. 1. Select the Cross Connect > Matrix command. The Cross Connection Matrix window (Fig.11) is displayed. 2. Select one of the channels that belongs to the connection. The connection label is displayed.
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3. Click the label with the left button of the mouse. The Cross Connection Label window is displayed, pointing out the string used as label of the connection. 4. Type the name you wish to assign to the connection in the text field. 5. Press Apply and confirm.
Cross Connect > List The Cross Connect > List command allows: •
To display the list of the connections (pag. 65).
To save the list of the connections (pag. 66).
To delete one or more connections (pag. 66).
To display the list of the connections 1. Select the Cross Connect > List command. The Cross Connection List window is displayed (Fig.14), which lists the connections present on the equipment. Fig.14 Cross Connection List window Channels involved by the connection (2)
Connection label (3)
Connection type (4)
Total number of connections
Notes of Fig.14 (1)
Every connection has a row associated, where the involved channels, the label and the type of the connection itself are pointed out. The list does not point out the pre-configured connections.
The columns Channel and Linked Channel point out the channels composing the connection: •
Exp.16xE1 . E1 channel of the expansion (equipment IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1).
Exp.32xE1 . E1 channel of the expansion (equipment IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1).
Exp. STM-1 . VC-12 channel of STM-1 stream. If the management of two STM-1 streams is active, the STM-1 stream which the channel refers to is specified:
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Expansion STM-1 [1] . VC-12 channel of the first STM-1 stream.
Expansion STM-1 [2] . VC-12 channel of the second STM-1 stream.
NBUS... . E1 channel of Nodal Bus. The available NBUS values change according to the equipment nodal configuration. The detail is pointed out in Tab.3.
Radio Permanent E1 . High priority radio E1 channel.
Radio Extra E1 . Low priority radio E1 channel.
Remember that the connection is a bidirectional path. The table considers a possible direction of the connection (Channel -> Linked Ch.) only for clarity of explanation. (3)
The connection label is automatically created by the system when the connection is created itself: the default name given by the system is DEFAULT. This label can be modified by the operator in any moment (pag.64).
The connection type can be: •
Single. Connection of Tributary-Tributary or Tributary-Radio type.
Auto-Loop. Connection of Auto-Loop type.
To save the list of the connections 1. Select the Cross Connect > List command. The Cross Connection List window (Fig.14) is displayed. 2. Select the File > Save command. The window for the saving is displayed. 3. Type the path and the filename where you wish to save the information into the Selection field. 4. Press the Ok push-button. The files are saved in text format and can be opened using any text editor.
To delete one or more connections 1. Select the Cross Connect > List command. The Cross Connection List window (Fig.14) is displayed. 2. Select the connections you wish to delete. 3. Select the Actions > Delete command. A Warning message is displayed. To delete all the connections at the same time, select the Actions > Delete All command.
Cross connection matrix (more information) For ALCplus2 IDU equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1 or IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM1 16E1, a TDM matrix is available for the cross-connection of the E1 channels. The number of E1 channels available for the connections changes depending on the type of equipment and on the equipped tributary streams. The detail is pointed out in Tab.2.
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Connection Type The TDM matrix manages the following types of connection: •
Tributary-Radio. Single connection between a tributary channel (E1 expansion/VC-12 STM-1/ E1 NBUS) and a radio E1 (Radio Permanent E1 or Radio Extra E1).
Tributary-Tributary. Single connection between two different tributary channels (E1 expansion/VC-12 STM-1/E1 NBUS).
Auto-Loop. Loop of a tributary channel (E1 expansion/VC-12 STM-1/E1 NBUS) or of a radio E1 channel (Radio Permanent E1 or Radio Extra E1).
In case of equipment without radio (radio unequipped - pag. 71), the connection of type Tributary-Radio is not available. The TDM matrix can manage single and protected connections. All the connections executed by the user are single connections. Only exceptions are the connections (Tributary-Radio, Tributary-Tributary) involving a protected NBUS channel. In this case, when the user executes a single connection, the matrix automatically executes the protection connections creating, as fact, a protected connection. The protected Nodal Bus is available in ALCplus2 IDU equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 in protected nodal configuration.
Display of the cross-connections The user can display the cross-connections existing in an equipment as graphic or as table. In the first case, the tributary and radio streams are graphically displayed in a window (Cross Connection Manager window). When a channel involved by a connection is selected, a line is displayed representing the connection. The edges of the line point out the channels composing the connection (Fig.13). In the second case, a table is displayed with the list of the existing cross-connections. Each row of the table represents a connection where the name, the edge channels and the connection type are pointed out (Fig.14). Here below the operations which can be performed in the two displays: •
GRAPHICAL display (Cross Connection Manager window): •
To verify the connections of the equipment (one at a time)
To execute a Tributary-Radio connection
To execute a Tributary-Tributary connection
To delete one or more connections
To enable the loop of a channel (Auto-Loop)
To disable an Auto-Loop
To verify/modify the name of a connection
TABLE display (List tab): •
To verify the connections of the equipment
To delete one or more connections at the same time
To verify/modify the name of the connections
Creation of a cross-connection All the cross-connections in the TDM matrix must be created by the user (see pag.62, pag.63, pag.64). It is possible to create a connection only in the graphical display (Cross Connection Manager window Fig.11).
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Manual deletion of the cross-connections It is possible to delete one or more cross-connections from the graphical display of the connections or from the table display (pag.64). In both cases, the connections removed in a type of display are automatically removed even from the other type.
Automatic deletion of the cross-connections The following operations automatically delete the connections where the (tributary or radio) stream, object of the change, is terminated: •
Change of configuration of STM-1 stream (STM-1 Mode parameter - see pag.72). Passage from the: •
1+0, 1+1 MSP, 2x(1+0) MST or 1+1 MSP No ALS option to None option and vice versa.
1+0, 1+1 MSP or 1+1 MSP No ALS option to 2x(1+0) option and vice versa.
Change of configuration of TDM nodal Bus configuration (see pag.72): •
Parameter Node Type. Passage from ALCplus2 node option to No Nodal option.
Parameter Number of TDM Elements. Passage from value 1÷8 to value 0.
Parameter TDM Bus Protection. Passage from Not Protected option to Protected option and vice versa.
Change of radio configuration (Eq RadioA Mode parameter - see pag.71). Passage from 1+0, 1+1 Hot Standby or 1+1 Frequency Diversity option to Unequipped and vice versa.
Change of configuration of E1 Radio - Permanent channels. All those operations, executed in the Modulation & Capacity tab which decrease the number of high priority E1 channels (Permanent TDM Traffic) (pag.89).
Change of configuration of E1 Radio - Extra channels. All those operations, executed in the Modulation & Capacity tab which decrease the maximum number of low priority E1 channels (Extra TDM Capacity) (pag.92). All the operations, executed in the tab Extra TDM Priority which change the order used to discard the dynamic E1 channels (Extra TDM Capacity) from the adaptive modulation (Fig.16). Tab.2 Ports of the cross-connection matrix
Equipment ALCplus2 IDU
Ports of the cross-connection matrix Port
The equipment is not provided with the cross-connection matrix
IduBoard Exp. 16E1
The equipment is not provided with the cross-connection matrix E1 tributaries of 32 E1 channels the expansion
Always available
Expansion STM-1
Port/channels available when the management of STM-1 stream is active (parameter STM-1 MST Mode, values 1+0, 1+1 MSP or 1+1 MSP No ALS)
Radio Permanent E1 (Radio-A)
x E1 Radio (high priority E1 x = Value of the parameter Perchannels) manent TDM Traffic.
Radio Extra E1 (Radio-A)
Radio (low priority E1 channels)
Expansion 32xE1
IduBoard Exp 2xSTM-1 32E1 (1)
63 VC-12 channels
Port/channels available when the value x is greater than 0
y E1
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y = Value of the parameter Extra TDM Cap. relevant to the ACM profile with the highest number of E1 (2).
Port/channels available when the value y is greater than 0
Ports of the cross-connection matrix
Equipment ALCplus2 IDU
E1 tributaries of 16 E1 channels the expansion
Always available
Expansion STM-1
63 VC-12 channels
Port/channels available when the management of STM-1 stream is active (parameter STM-1 MST Mode, values 1+0, 1+1 MSP or 1+1 MSP No ALS)
Nodal Bus
The available NBUS ports change according to the equipment nodal configuration. The detail is pointed out in Tab.3.
Radio Permanent E1 (Radio-A)
x E1 Radio (high priority E1 x = Value of the parameter Perchannels) manent TDM Traffic.
Radio Extra E1 (Radio-A)
Radio (low priority E1 channels)
Expansion 16xE1
IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 (1)
Port/channels available when the value x is greater than 0
y E1
y = Value of the parameter Extra TDM Cap. relevant to the ACM profile with the highest number of E1 (2).
Port/channels available when the value y is greater than 0
The E1 channels of the base board (tributaries A and B) and the A and B channel Radio Extra E1 are not available in matrix for the realization of connections because these channels are already used for the following pre-configured connections: •
Trib. A A Radio Extra E1
Trib. B B Radio Extra E1
The pre-configured connections cannot be modified nor deleted. (2)
The order used to display the Extra E1 Radio channels depends on the priority defined by the user (Fig.16). Tab.3 NBUS ports of the cross-connection matrix
Nodal configuration No Nodal
NBUS ports - Cross-connection matrix NBUS port
NBUS 1 [1..63] Not protected ALCplus2
NBUS 2 [1..63] NBUS 2 [64..126]
NBUS 1 [64..126]
Nodal Bus 1
Nodal Bus 2
63 E1 channels (1÷63) 63 E1 channels (64÷126) 63 E1 channels (1÷63) 63 E1 channels (64÷126)
NBUS 1 [1..63]
Protected Nodal Bus 1
63 protected E1 channels
NBUS 2 [1..63]
Protected Nodal Bus 2
63 protected E1 channels
The first group of 63 E1 channels (1÷63) of the Nodal Bus 1 is protected by the second group of 63 E1 channels (64÷126) of the Nodal Bus 1. The protection is hard-wired: the first channel of the first group (E1-1) is protected by the first channel of the second group (E1-64); the second channel of the first group (E1-2) is protected by the second channel of the second group (E1-65) and so on.
The first group of 63 E1 channels (1÷63) of the Nodal Bus 2 is protected by the second group of 63 E1 channels (64÷126) of the Nodal Bus 2. The protection is hard-wired: the first channel of the first group (E1-1) is protected by the first channel of the second group (E1-64); the second channel of the first group (E1-2) is protected by the second channel of the second group (E1-65) and so on.
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The Direction Labels menu contains the commands: •
Direction Label . It allows the operator assigning a customized label to the radio direction (pag. 70).
The availability of the commands in the menu depends on the number of radios configured on the equipment.
Direction Labels > Direction Label The Direction Label command allows the operator: •
To verify/modify the label of a radio direction (pag. 70)
To verify/modify the label of a radio direction 1. Select the Direction Labels > Direction Label . The Direction Label window relevant to the selected radio direction is displayed. The Radio Branch Label box displays the current label. 2. To verify the bale currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or the Commands > Send GET Request command. 3. To modify the label: a. Type the new label in the Label field. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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The Configurator menu contains the Configurator command, which allows managing the equipment configuration (pag. 71).
Configurator > Configurator The Configurator command allows: •
To verify/modify the radio configuration (pag. 71).
To verify/modify the status of the local/remote synchronisation protocol (pag. 72).
To verify/modify the management of STM-1 streams (pag. 72).
To verify/modify the belonging of the equipment to a node (pag. 72).
To verify/modify the number of elements of ALCplus2 node interconnected by Ethernet nodal Bus (pag. 74).
To verify/modify the number of elements of ALCplus2 node interconnected by TDM nodal Bus (pag. 75).
To verify/modify the identifier of the equipment in the ALCplus2 node (pag. 75).
To enable/disable the Spanning Tree protocol at level of ALCplus2 node (pag. 76).
To verify/modify the protection of TDM nodal Bus in ALCplus2 node (pag. 76).
For more information about the local/remote synchronisation protocol, go to pag. 76.
To verify/modify the radio configuration 1. Select the Configurator > Configurator. The ALCplus2: Unit - Configurator window is displayed. The Eq RadioA Mode parameter points out the radio configuration of the equipment: •
unequipped. Equipment where the radio is not equipped.
1+0. Equipment with radio in unprotected configuration.
1+1 Hot Standby. Equipment with radio in protected configuration in isofrequential type.
1+1 Frequency Diversity. Equipment with radio in protected configuration in heterofrequential type.
2. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or the Commands > Send GET Request command. 3. To modify the parameter: a. Select the box corresponding to the parameter. b. Select the wished value in the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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To verify/modify the status of the local/remote synchronisation protocol 1. Select the Configurator > Configurator. The ALCplus2: Unit - Configurator window is displayed. The Synchronisation Enable parameter points out the enabling status of the synchronisation. The possible values are: •
Disable. The synchronisation protocol is disabled.
Enable. The synchronisation protocol is enabled.
2. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or the Commands > Send GET Request command. 3. To modify the parameter: a. Select the box corresponding to the parameter. b. Select the wished value in the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the management of STM-1 streams Operation available and meaningful only for equipment provided with expansion IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM1 32E1 or IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1. 1. Select the Configurator > Configurator. The ALCplus2: Unit - Configurator window is displayed. The Stm1 Mode parameter points out the modality used to manage the STM-1 streams. The possible values are: •
None. The management of STM-1 streams is not active.
1+0. The management of one unprotected STM-1 stream is active (MST modality).
2x(1+0). The management of two unprotected STM-1 streams is active (MST modality).
1+1 MSP No ALS. The management of one protected STM-1 stream is active (MSP modality). For the STM-1 streams with optical interface, the Automatic Shutdown function is permanently disabled.
1+1 MSP. The management of one protected STM-1 stream is active (MSP modality).
2. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or the Commands > Send GET Request command. 3. To modify the parameter: a. Select the box corresponding to the parameter. b. Select the wished value in the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the belonging of the equipment to a node 1. Select the Configurator > Configurator. The ALCplus2: Unit - Configurator window is displayed. 2. Press the button in correspondence of the Node Configuration parameter. The NODAL CONFIGURATOR window is displayed (Fig.15). The Node Type area points out the nodal configuration of the equipment. The possible values are: •
No Nodal. The equipment does not belong to any nodal configuration.
AlcPlus2. The equipment belongs to a nodal configuration. With ALCplus2 node we mean a set of minimum 2 and maximum 8 ALCplus2 equipment interconnected by a Ethernet nodal Bus and/or TDM nodal Bus.
The selected option push-button points out the value currently set on the equipment.
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3. To modify the parameter: a. Select the option push-button corresponding to the wished configuration. b. Press Apply. Fig.15 NODAL CONFIGURATOR window
Type of node (1)
Spanning Tree configuration (3)
Protection of TDM Bus (2)
Number of Ehernet elements of node (4) Number of TDM elements of node (5) Identifier of equipment in the node (6)
Press this push-button to update the display of the data in the window
Press this push-button to close the window without saving the changes
Notes of Fig.15 (1)
Node Type. Belonging of the equipment to an ALCplus2 node: • •
No Nodal. The equipment does not belong to a nodal configuration. ALCplus2. The equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 nodal configuration. With ALCplus2 node we mean a set of minimum 2 and maximum 8 ALCplus2 equipment interconnected by a Ethernet nodal Bus and/or TDM nodal Bus.
TDM Nodal Bus Protection. Management of protection of TDM nodal Bus in the ALCplus2 node2: •
Not Protected. The TDM nodal Bus is not protected.
Protected. The TDM nodal Bus is protected.
Parameter available only if a value different from zero is set for the option Number of TDM Elements and the considered equipment is an element interconnected by TDM nodal Bus. This means that the value of Node ID must be a number lower than or equal to the number set for the parameter Number of TDM Elements. (3)
STP Mode. Enabling status of the Spanning Tree protocol at level of ALCplus2 node: •
Disable. STP node disabled.
Bridge1-pro. STP node enabled: the equipment belongs to Bridge 1.
Bridge2-pro. STP node enabled: the equipment belongs to Bridge 2.
All-pro. STP node enabled: the equipment belongs both to Bridge 1 and Bridge 2.
Parameter available only if a value different from zero is set for the parameter Number of TDM Elements and the considered equipment is an element interconnected by the Ethernet nodal Bus. This means that the value of Node ID must be a number lower than or equal to the number set for the parameter Number of Ethernet Elements.
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Number of Ethernet Elements. Number of elements of the ALCplus2 node interconnected by Ethernet nodal Bus: •
0. No element of the node is interconnected by the Ethernet nodal Bus.
2, 3, ... 8. The first two, three, ... eight elements of the node are interconnected by the Ethernet nodal Bus. For example, if the value 3 is set means that the equipment occupying the first three logic positions within the ALCplus2 node are interconnected by the Ethernet nodal Bus. The logic position of the equipment is given by its identifying number: the equipment with identifying number 1 will be considered in first position, 2 in second position and so on.
Parameter available only if the value ALCplus2 is set for the option Node Type. (5)
Number of TDM Elements. Number of elements of the ALCplus2 node interconnected by the TDM nodal Bus: •
0. No element of the node is interconnected with the TDM nodal Bus.
2, 3, ... 8. The first two, three, ... eight elements of the node are interconnected by the TDM nodal Bus. For example, if the value 4 is set, this means that the equipment occupying the first four logic positions within the ALCplus2 node are interconnected by the TDM nodal Bus. The logic position of the equipment is given by its identifying number: the equipment with identifying number 1 will be considered in first position, 2 in second position and so on.
Parameter available only if the value ALCplus2 is set for the option Node Type. (6)
Node ID. Number identifying the equipment in the ALCplus2 node: •
1. In ALCplus2 node, the equipment is identified by number 1.
2. In ALCplus2 node, the equipment is identified by number 2.
8. In ALCplus2 node, the equipment is identified by number 8.
... The identifying number represents even the logic position assumed by the equipment in the ALCplus2 node. This position is important in the definition of the equipment interconnected by the Ethernet nodal Bus and/or TDM nodal Bus (see note 5 and 8). Parameter available only if a value different from zero is set for the option Number of Ethernet Elements and/or Number of TDM Elements.
To verify/modify the number of elements of ALCplus2 node interconnected by Ethernet nodal Bus Operation available and meaningful only if the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node. 1. Select the Configurator > Configurator. The ALCplus2: Unit - Configurator window is displayed. 2. Press the button in correspondence of the Node Configuration parameter. The NODAL CONFIGURATOR window is displayed (Fig.15). The Number of Ethernet Elements points out the number of equipment of ALCplus2 node interconnected by Ethernet nodal Bus. 3. To modify the parameter: •
Select, in the Number of Ethernet Elements box, the value: •
0. No element of the node is interconnected by Ethernet nodal Bus.
2, 3, ... 8. The first two, three, ... eight elements of the node are interconnected by the Ethernet nodal Bus. For example, if the value 3 is set, this means that the equipment occupying the first three logic positions within the ALCplus2 node is interconnected by the Ethernet nodal Bus. The logic position of the equipment is given by its identifying number: the equipment with identifying number 1 will be considered in first position, 2 in second position and so on. The value 1 is not available because the nodal interconnection is realized among minimum two and maximum eight equipment.
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Press Apply.
To verify/modify the number of elements of ALCplus2 node interconnected by TDM nodal Bus Operation available and meaningful only for equipment provided with expansion IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 and belonging to an ALCplus2 node. 1. Select the Configurator > Configurator. The ALCplus2: Unit - Configurator window is displayed. 2. Press the button in correspondence of the Node Configuration parameter. The NODAL CONFIGURATOR window is displayed (Fig.15). The Number of TDM Elements points out the number of equipment of ALCplus2 node interconnected by TDM nodal Bus. 3. To modify the parameter: •
Select, in the Number of TDM Elements box, the value: •
0. No element of the node is interconnected by TDM nodal Bus.
2, 3, ... 8. The first two, three, ... eight elements of the node are interconnected by the TDM nodal Bus. For example, if the value 3 is set, this means that the equipment occupying the first three logic positions within the ALCplus2 node is interconnected by TDM nodal Bus. The logic position of the equipment is given by its identifying number: the equipment with identifying number 1 will be considered in first position, 2 in second position and so on. The value 1 is not available because the nodal interconnection is realized among minimum two and maximum eight equipment.
Press Apply.
To verify/modify the identifier of the equipment in the ALCplus2 node Operation available and meaningful only for equipment belonging to an ALCplus2 node and for which the number of elements interconnected by Ethernet nodal Bus or TDM nodal Bus has been already defined. 1. Select the Configurator > Configurator. The ALCplus2: Unit - Configurator window is displayed. 2. Press the button in correspondence of the Node Configuration parameter. The NODAL CONFIGURATOR window is displayed (Fig.15). The Node Id points out the number of equipment of ALCplus2 node interconnected by TDM nodal Bus. This option is available only if a value different from zero is set for the parameter Nbr of Ethernet Elements or the parameter Number of TDM Elements. 3. To modify the value of the parameter: •
Type the numeric identifier you wish to assign to the equipment in the Node Id box. The values available in the list change depending on the maximum number of elements interconnected by Ethernet nodal Bus and/or by the TDM nodal Bus composing the node. For example, if an ALCplus2 node with 4 elements interconnected by Ethernet nodal Bus and 3 elements by TDM nodal Bus has been defined, the values 1, 2, 3 and 4 will be available in the list. The identifying number represents even the logic position assumed by the equipment in the ALCplus2 node. This position is important in the definition of the equipment interconnected by the Ethernet nodal Bus and/or TDM nodal Bus.
Press Apply.
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To enable/disable the Spanning Tree protocol at level of ALCplus2 node Operation available and meaningful only for equipment belonging to an ALCplus2 node, for which the number of elements interconnected by Ethernet nodal Bus has been already defined and the considered equipment is an element interconnected by the Ethernet nodal Bus. 1. Select the Configurator > Configurator. The ALCplus2: Unit - Configurator window is displayed. 2. Press the button in correspondence of the Node Configuration parameter. The NODAL CONFIGURATOR window is displayed (Fig.15). The STP Mode points out the enabling status of Spanning Tree protocol at level of ALCplus2 node: •
Disable. Protocol Spanning Tree at level of ALCplus2 node disabled.
Bridge1-pro. Protocol Spanning Tree at level of ALCplus2 node enabled: the equipment belongs to Bridge 1.
Bridge2-pro. Protocol Spanning Tree at level of ALCplus2 node enabled: the equipment belongs to Bridge 2.
All-pro. Protocol Spanning Tree at level of ALCplus2 node enabled: the equipment belongs both to Bridge 1 and Bridge 2.
This option is available only if a value different from zedro is set for the option Number of Ethernet Elements and the value of the option Node ID is a number lower than or equal to the number set for the option Number of Ethernet Elements. The selected option push-button points out the value currently set in the equipment. 3. To modify the parameter: a. Select the option push-button corresponding to the wished configuration. b. Press Apply.
To verify/modify the protection of TDM nodal Bus in ALCplus2 node Operation available and meaningful only for equipment belonging to an ALCplus2 node, for which the number of elements interconnected by Ethernet nodal Bus has been already defined and the considered equipment is an element interconnected by the Ethernet nodal Bus. 1. Select the Configurator > Configurator. The ALCplus2: Unit - Configurator window is displayed. 2. Press the button in correspondence of the Node Configuration parameter. The NODAL CONFIGURATOR window is displayed (Fig.15). The TDM Bus Protection points out the management of the TDM nodal Bus in ALCplus2 node: •
Not Protected. The TDM nodal Bus is not protected.
Protected. The TDM nodal Bus is protected.
This option is available only if a value different from zero is set for the option Number of TDM Elements and the value of the option Node ID is a number lower than or equal to the number set for the option Number of TDM Elements. The selected option push-button points out the value currently set in the equipment. 3. To modify the parameter: a. Select the option push-button corresponding to the wished configuration. b. Press Apply.
Local/remote synchronisation protocol (more information) The local/remote synchronisation protocol (Synchronization Setup Protocol) is a functionality allowing the management of the change of the radio configuration between two equipment connected in link, in such a
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way to reduce the out-of-service times for every change of the repartition of the available radio bandwidth and to keep the supervision of the remote equipment active. This management takes place in the following way. When the value of a radio parameter is changed in the local (or remote) equipment, the change is not immediately applied, but it is “freezed”. The system raises the RADIO... Local-Remote terminal Setup Mismatch Alarm to signal to the operator that a mismatch exists between the radio configuration of the local equipment and that of the remote equipment. The alarm remains active until the operator executes the same change on the equipment at the other side of the link. When the change is executed in the remote equipment, the same change is applied even on the local equipment becoming then effective on both the equipment of the link. The radio parameters whose change is managed by the local/remote synchronisation protocol, as previously described, are the following: •
Reference modulation (pag.89 - Bandwidth & Modulation).
Profile mask (pag.89 - Upper Modulation, Lower Modulation).
ACM (pag.87 - ACM Engine).
Number of high-priority channels (pag.89 - Permanent TDM Traffic).
Number of low-priority channels of every profile (pag.92 - Extra TDM Cap.).
Priority of Extra TDM channels (pag.84)
The local/remote synchronisation protocol, when active, allows managing (besides the change of the radio parameters) the radio configuration of the equipment in the link in presence of the RADIO... Link Telemetry Fail alarm. This alarm, if is the only radio alarm active, signals an incongruency on the repartition of the bandwidth between the two equipment. In this condition, the modality named Rescue setup is immediately activated forcing the following conditions on both the equipment: •
Modulation: 4QAM (respecting ETSI spectrum masks)
Radio traffic: all Ethernet
The activation of the modality Rescue setup is signalled by the activation of the RADIO... Rescue Setup Active Alarm. The alarm is cleared when the operator aligns the value of the radio parameters in both the equipment in the link. The synchronisation protocol can be enabled and disabled by the operator (see pag.72). By default, the protocol is enabled. If the user disabled it, it remains disabled until the user enables it again. The local/remote synchronisation is implemented by proprietary protocol. It is meaningful and available for the radio equipment of ALCplus2 or ALplus2 type.
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
The Help menu contains the command On Usage (pag. 78), which displays the ALCplus2 IDU Manager user manual.
Help > On Usage The On Usage command displays the present ALCplus2 IDU Manager user manual. The manual is in English and in PDF format. On the selection of the command, the Acrobat Reader browser automatically opens. To browse the manual, use the summary items and the hypertext links.
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
The Radio Equipment push-button is available only for ALCplus2 equipment with the radio equipped (pag.71). The Radio Equipment push-button allows: •
To verify/modify the alarm threshold of the signal in reception (pag. 79).
To verify/modify the resolution of the received power (pag. 80).
To verify/modify the resolution of the transmitted power (pag. 80).
To enable/disable the switch in transmission as consequence of alarms on the signal received from the remote equipment (pag. 80). The parameter is available only for equipment in isofrequential 1+1 configuration. For the heterofrequential 1+1 configuration, the parameter is not available because the two branches (1 and 2) transmit at the same time as the selection of the signal is made in reception.
To verify/modify the check interval for the switch in transmission (pag. 81). When the switch in transmission is active, this switch is executed when the number of alarmed seconds is greater than value of the Alarm Threshold parameter within the time interval Check Period. With number of alarmed seconds we mean the seconds during which an alarm condition occurred at the same time on both the Rx branches of the remote equipment.
To verify/modify the threshold (number of alarmed seconds) for the switch in transmission (pag. 81). When the switch in transmission is active, this switch is executed when the number of alarmed seconds is greater than value of the Tx Switch on rem Alr - Alr Threshold parameter within the time interval Tx switch on rem Alr-Check Period. With number of alarmed seconds we mean the seconds during which an alarm condition occurred at the same time on both the Rx branches of the remote equipment.
To reset the alarm that notifies the switch in transmission (pag. 82). The parameter is available only for equipment in isofrequential 1+1 configuration. For the heterofrequential 1+1 configuration, the parameter is not available because the two branches (1 and 2) transmit at the same time as the selection of the signal is made in reception.
To verify/modify the alarm threshold of the signal in reception 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Radio Equipment push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit Type - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the General tab active. 2. Select the Thresholds tab. The cursor Rx Signal Level Alarm Thresh (dBm) points out the threshold level of the signal in reception under which the relevant alarm is activated. 3. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To modify the parameter: a. Move the cursor to the wished value (allowed range: -99..-40). b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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To verify/modify the resolution of the received power 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Radio Equipment push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit Type - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the General tab active. 2. Select the Thresholds tab. The Prx Measurement Resolution cursor points out the resolution used to communicate to the program the change of the power received by the equipment (Prx). For instance, if the operator sets a resolution of 2 dB and the last communicated PRx value corresponds to -70 dBm, the equipment will communicate to the program the changing of the transmitted power when the PRx gets a value < -72 or > -68. 3. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To modify the parameter: a. Move the cursor to the wished value (allowed range: 1 .. 5). b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the resolution of the transmitted power 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Radio Equipment push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit Type - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the General tab active. 2. Select the Thresholds tab. The Prx Measurement Resolution cursor points out the resolution used to communicate to the program the change of the power received by the equipment (Ptx). For instance, if the operator sets a resolution of 2 dB and the last communicated PTx value corresponds to 10 dBm, the equipment will communicate to the program the changing of the transmitted power when the PRx gets a value < 8 or > 12. 3. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To modify the parameter: a. Move the cursor to the wished value (allowed range: 1 .. 5). b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To enable/disable the switch in transmission Operation available only for the equipment in 1+1 isofrequential configuration. For the 1+1 etherofrequential configuration, the operation is not available because the two branches (1 and 2) transmit at the same time as the selection of the signal is made in reception. 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Radio Equipment push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit Type - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the General tab active. 2. Select the Tx Sw on Remote Alarms tab. The Status box points out the enabling status of the switch in transmission as consequence of alarms in reception on the remote equipment: •
Enable, the switch in transmission is enabled.
Disable, the switch in transmission is disabled.
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3. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To modify the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. 5. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the check interval for the switch in transmission Operation available only for the equipment in 1+1 isofrequential configuration. For the 1+1 etherofrequential configuration, the operation is not available because the two branches (1 and 2) transmit at the same time as the selection of the signal is made in reception. When the switch in transmission is active (parameter Status is Enabled), the switch is executed when the number of alarmed seconds is greater than value of the Alarm Threshold parameter within the time interval Check Period. With “number of alarmed seconds” we mean the seconds when an alarm condition contemporarily occurs on both the Rx branches of the remote equipment. 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Radio Equipment push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit Type - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the General tab active. 2. Select the Tx Sw on Remote Alarms tab. The cursor Check Period points out the time interval (expressed in seconds) when the number of alarmed seconds must be greater than the value of the parameter Alarm Threshold so that the switch in transmission takes place. 3. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To modify the parameter, move the cursor to the wished value. 5. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the threshold (number of alarmed seconds) for the switch in transmission Operation available only for the equipment in 1+1 isofrequential configuration. For the 1+1 etherofrequential configuration, the operation is not available because the two branches (1 and 2) transmit at the same time as the selection of the signal is made in reception. When the switch in transmission is active (parameter Status is Enabled), the switch is executed when the number of alarmed seconds is greater than value of the Alarm Threshold parameter within the time interval Check Period. With “number of alarmed seconds” we mean the seconds when an alarm condition contemporarily occurs on both the Rx branches of the remote equipment. 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Radio Equipment push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit Type - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the General tab active. 2. Select the Tx Sw on Remote Alarms tab. The cursor Alarm Threshold points out the number of alarmed seconds which, if exceeded within the time period Check Period (sec.), causes the switch in transmission takes place. 3. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To modify the parameter, move the cursor to the selected value.
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5. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To reset the alarm that notifies the switch in transmission Operation available only for the equipment in 1+1 isofrequential configuration. For the 1+1 etherofrequential configuration, the operation is not available because the two branches (1 and 2) transmit at the same time as the selection of the signal is made in reception. 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Radio Equipment push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit Type - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the General tab active. 2. Select the Tx Sw on Remote Alarms tab. 3. Press the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the parameter Alarm Reset. A confirmation window is displayed. 4. Press the Ok push-button.
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The Radio push-button is available only for ALCplus2 equipment with the radio equipped (pag.71). The Radio push-button allows managing the parameters relevant to modulation/capacity, to the adaptive modulation and to link identification number. In detail, it is possible: •
To verify/modify the priority of the dynamic E1 streams (Extra TDM Cap.) (pag. 84).
To verify/modify the link identification number of the local equipment (Link ID) (pag. 86).
To verify the radio transport summary table (pag. 86).
To verify/modify the operating status of adaptive modulation (ACM Engine) (pag. 87).
To verify/modify the reference band/modulation (Bandwidth and Modulation) (pag. 89).
To verify/modify the configuration parameters of adaptive modulation. These parameters change depending on the operating status of the adaptive modulation itself. If the adaptive modulation is: •
ACTIVE, it is possible: •
To verify/modify the power profile of RF transmitter (Tx Power Constant Peak Mode) (pag. 88).
To verify the current status of the power profile of RF transmitter (Tx Power Status) (pag. 88).
To verify/modify the lower and upper thresholds of the modulation (Upper Modulation/Lower Modulation) (pag. 89).
To enable/disable the intermediate profiles of the adaptive modulation (pag. 90).
To verify/modify the number of E1 streams permanently allocated (high priority streams) (Permanent TDM Traffic) (pag. 89).
To verify/modify the number of E1 streams assigned to an ACM profile (low priority streams) (Extra TDM Cap.) (pag. 92).
INACTIVE, it is possible: •
To verify/modify the number of E1 streams permanently allocated (high priority streams) (Permanent TDM Traffic) (pag. 89).
To verify/modify the number of E1 streams assigned to an ACM profile (low priority streams) (Extra TDM Cap.) (pag. 92).
To verify/modify the tributary used for the PM measures (pag. 92).
The operation: •
To verify/modify the number of E1 streams permanently allocated (high priority streams) (Permanent TDM Traffic) is NOT available for the ALCplus2 IDU equipment of IduBoard or IduBoard Exp. 16E1 type.
To verify/modify the priority of the E1 stream (Extra TDM Cap.) is NOT available for the ALCplus2 IDU equipment of IduBoard type.
For more information about the adaptive modulation, refer to pag.93.
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To verify/modify the priority of the dynamic E1 streams 1. Double click with the left button if the mouse on the Radio push-button relevant to the radio branch you wish to configure. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the Extra TDM Priority tab active. 2. Press the Press to modify push-button. The Priority Management window (Fig.16) is displayed, showing the E1s listed from that with highest priority (at the top of the list) to that with lowest priority (at the bottom of the list). 3. In order to modify the sequence of E1s, execute one of the following actions: •
Move a single E1 upwards by one place (higher priority)
Move a single E1 downwards by one place (lower priority).
Select the wished tributary and press Select the wished tributary and press
. .
Sort the E1s (from top to bottom) in the following way: A, B, 1, 2, 3, ... n *.
Sort the E1s (from top to bottom) in the following way: 1, 2, 3, ... n*, A, B.
Press A B 1-n. Press 1-n A B. * n = 16 (IduBoard Exp. 16E1 equipment) or 19 (IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1 or IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 equipment). 4. Press Apply and confirm.
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Fig.16 Priority Management window
Arrow keys (2) Tributaries (1)
Buttons for pre-defined sorting (3)
Push-buttons (4)
Notes of Fig.16 (1)
Wording: •
A. Tributary A (first E1 tributary of base board).
B. Tributary B (second E1 tributary of base board).
1...n. E1 radio. n = 16 (equipment with IduBoard Exp. 16E1 expansion) or 19 (equipment with IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1 or IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 expansion).
When an E1 stream is black, this means that this stream is available but is not included within the maximum number of Extra TDM E1 streams carried by the configured radio frame. For example, in the figure the maximum number of Extra TDM streams configured for the radio transport is 10. Then, the first 10 E1s from top to bottom in the list will be displayed green, the others black. The order, as displayed in the window, goes from highest priority (first position in the list) to lowest one (last position in the list). This means that the E1 at the bottom of the list will be the first stream to be discarded by the adaptive modulation, the penultimate E1 in the list will be the second to be discarded and so on until
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reaching the E1 at the top of the list which will be the last stream to be discarded by the adaptive modulation. (2)
Arrow keys: •
, each click on this key moves the selected E1 upwards of one position.
, each click on this key moves the selected E1 downwards of one position
Push-buttons to set a predefined sorting: •
A B 1-n: sorts the E1 tributaries (from top to bottom) in the following way: A, B, 1, 2, 3, ... n *.
1-n A B: sorts the E1 tributaries (from top to bottom) in the following way: 1, 2, 3, ... n*, A, B.
* n = 16 (IduBoard Exp. 16E1 equipment) or 19 (IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1 or IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 equipment). (4)
Push-buttons: •
Apply, applies the changes made to the E1 priority. It does not close the window.
Refresh, updates the data displayed in the window.
Close, closes the Priority Management window.
To verify/modify the link identification number 1. Double click with the left button if the mouse on the Radio push-button relevant to the radio branch you wish to configure. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the Extra TDM Priority tab active. 2. Select the Link ID tab. The Link ID parameter points out the identification number of the local equipment. 3. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To modify the parameter: a. Move the cursor to the wished value (allowed range: 1-255). The selection of the value 0 corresponds to the non selection of the identification number. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To display the radio transport summary table 1. Double click with the left button if the mouse on the Radio push-button relevant to the radio branch you wish to configure. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the Extra TDM Priority tab active. 2. Select the Modulation and Capacity tab. 3. Press the ACM Table push-button in correspondence of the ACM Table box. 4. The ACM Table window is displayed (Fig.18). 5. Press the View Current Config push-button. The ACM Table window is displayed (Fig.17), which shows the summary table of the radio transport and its subdivision between Ethernet and E1, as regards the current reference band.
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Fig.17 ACM Table window (Current Configuration)
Press this push-button to update the display of the parameters value
Press this push-button to close the window
Notes of Fig.17 (1)
Equipment identifier. This field is not present if the user has not assigned an identifier to the equipment.
The column: •
Active Modulation, points out the ACM profile.
Global Capacity, points out the global capacity associated to the ACM profile. The value is given by: Ethernet Capacity + TDM High Priority + TDM Low Priority + Maintenance Channel.
Ethernet Capacity, points out the capacity used by the Ethernet tributaries.
TDM Capacity - High Priority, points out the capacity used by the high priority E1 tributaries (static). The value is given by: Permanent TDM Traffic + Local Remote Telemetry Link. For ALCplus2 IDU equipment of type IDUBoard Exp. 16E1, the value of Permanent TDM Traffic is 0.
TDM Capacity - Low Priority, points out the capacity used by the low priority E1 tributaries (dynamic) (Extra TDM Traffic).
Tx Power, points out the power in output from the transmitter.
To verify/modify the operating status of the adaptive modulation 1. Double click with the left button if the mouse on the Radio push-button relevant to the radio branch you wish to configure. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the Extra TDM Priority tab active. 2. Select the Modulation and Capacity tab. The ACM Engine parameter points out the operating status of the adaptive modulation:
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Disable, the adaptive modulation is not operating
Enable, the adaptive modulation is operating
3. To verify the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To change the parameter: a. Select the box containing the value. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. The message “This new configuration is traffic affecting. Continue anyway?”. d. Press OK.
To verify/modify the power profile of RF transmitter Operation available only if the adaptive modulation is enabled. The profile is used only if a modulation equal to the minimum modulation has been selected as reference. 1. Double click with the left button if the mouse on the Radio push-button relevant to the radio branch you wish to configure. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the Extra TDM Priority tab active. 2. Select the Modulation and Capacity tab. The Tx Pwr Constant Peak Mode parameter points out the power profile of the RF transmitter: •
Enable. Power increasing when the modulation decreases.
Disable. Mean power constant when the modulation changes.
3. To verify the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To change the parameter: a. Select the box containing the value. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify the current status of the power profile of RF transmitter 1. Double click with the left button if the mouse on the Radio push-button relevant to the radio branch you wish to configure. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the Extra TDM Priority tab active. 2. Select the Modulation and Capacity tab. The Tx Power Status parameter points out the power profile of the RF transmitter: •
Average. Mean power constant when the modulation changes.
Peak. Power increasing when the modulation decreases.
3. To verify the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command.
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To verify/modify the reference band/modulation 1. Double click with the left button if the mouse on the Radio push-button relevant to the radio branch you wish to configure. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the Extra TDM Priority tab active. 2. Select the Modulation and Capacity tab. The Bandwidth & Modulation parameter points out the current reference modulation/band. For each one of the radio channels the modulation, and the consequent capacity, can be configured. 3. To verify the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To change the parameter: a. Select the box containing the value. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the lower and upper thresholds of the modulation Operation available only if the adaptive modulation is enabled. 1. Double click with the left button if the mouse on the Radio push-button relevant to the radio branch you wish to configure. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the Extra TDM Priority tab active. 2. Select the Modulation and Capacity tab. The Upper Modulation and Lower Modulation parameters respectively points out the upper threshold and the lower threshold of the modulation. 3. To verify the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To change the parameter: a. Select the box containing the value. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the number of E1 streams permanently allocated (high priority streams) This parameter is available and meaningful only for equipment ALCplus2 IDU with expansion IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1. 1. Double click with the left button if the mouse on the Radio push-button relevant to the radio branch you wish to configure. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the Extra TDM Priority tab active. 2. Select the Modulation and Capacity tab.
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The Permanent TDM Traffic parameter points out the number of E1 streams permanently allocated (high priority streams). These streams can be never discarded by the adaptive modulation. 3. To verify the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To change the parameter: a. Move the cursor in correspondence of the Permanent TDM Traffic parameter on the wished value. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To enable/disable the intermediate profiles of the adaptive modulation Operation available only if the adaptive modulation is enabled. 1. Double click with the left button if the mouse on the Radio push-button relevant to the radio branch you wish to configure. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the Extra TDM Priority tab active. 2. Select the Modulation and Capacity tab. 3. Press the ACM Table push-button in correspondence of the ACM Table box. 4. The ACM Table window is displayed (Fig.18). The column Profile points out the enabling status of the ACM profiles (this parameter is meaningful only for the profiles within the range of values between the maximum modulation and the minimum modulation). If the option push-button is: •
, the corresponding ACM profile is enabled.
, the corresponding ACM profile is disabled.
5. To enable/disable an ACM profile, click with the right button of the mouse on the corresponding option push-button. At each selection, the push-button takes the status complementary to the previous one (if active, it becomes inactive and vice versa). 6. Press the Apply push-button.
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Fig.18 ACM Table window (2)
(1) (6)
Notes of Fig.18 (1)
Upper Modulation. Upper threshold of Tx modulation. This parameter is available and meaningful only if the adaptive modulation is enabled.
Lower Modulation. Lower threshold of Tx modulation. This parameter is available and meaningful only if the adaptive modulation is enabled.
Permanent TDM Traffic. Number of E1 streams permanently allocated (high priority streams). These streams can be never discarded by the adaptive modulation. This parameter is available and meaningful only for equipment ALCplus2 IDU with expansion IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1.
MOD / CAP. Modulation and capacity. For each radio channelling the modulation is displayed and the consequent capacity.
Profile. 8 profiles from 4AQM to 256QAM are available. There is even an additional profile on 4QAM with low-rate FEC (4QAM Strong).
Max TDM Cap (num. E1). Maximum number of (low and high priority) E1 streams which can be assigned to the TDM traffic for each ACM profile.
Extra TDM Cap. Number of (low priority) E1 streams assigned to an ACM profile. These streams will be discarded by the adaptive modulation respecting the order of the numeration downstream the cross-connection unit (lower number, higher priority). The maximum value of this parameter is 2
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for equipment ALCplus2 IDU of type IduBoard, 18 for equipment ALCplus2 IDU of type IduBoard Exp. 16E1. (8)
Press this push-button to display the table summarizing the radio transport and its subdivision between Ethernet and E1, as regards the current band/modulation (Fig.17).
To verify/modify the number of E1 streams assigned to an ACM profile (low priority streams) 1. Double click with the left button if the mouse on the Radio push-button relevant to the radio branch you wish to configure. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the Extra TDM Priority tab active. 2. Select the Modulation and Capacity tab. 3. Press the ACM Table push-button in correspondence of the ACM Table box. 4. The ACM Table window is displayed (Fig.18). The Extra TDM Capacity parameter points out the number of E1 streams which must be kept active for the specific ACM profile. These streams will be discarded by the adaptive modulation respecting the order of the numeration downstream the cross-connection unit (lower number, higher priority). The maximum value of this parameter is 2 for equipment ALCplus2 IDU of type IduBoard, 16 for equipment ALCplus2 IDU of type IduBoard Exp. 16E1. 5. To change the value of the parameter, move the cursor Extra TDM Capacity to the wished value. 6. Press the Apply.
To verify/modify the tributary used for the PM measures The operation is not available when the system uses as supervisory port (EOC) an equipment tributary. In such a case, the system automatically uses for the PM measures, the same tributary used for the supervisory operations. 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Radio push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Equipment window is displayed with the Extra TDM Priority tab active. 2. Select the E1 Selection tab. The E1 Framer parameter points out the tributary used for the PM measurements: •
Not Used, no tributary is set for this function
Trib A, the tributary A is set.
Trib B, the tributary B is set.
If a value is not available, this means that the relevant tributary is used as output of the T12 synchronism (see Fig.27). 3. To check the tributary currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To modify the set tributary: a. Select the E1 Framer box. b. Select the new value of the parameter. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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Adaptive modulation (more information) Ethernet transport ALCplus2 equipment assigns all the capacity not assigned to the TDM transport to the Ethernet interface. Then, in absence of TDM traffic, the Ethernet capacity coincides with the total available capacity. TDM transport (equipment ALCplus2 IDU of type IduBoard or IduBoard Exp. 16E1) The TDM traffic is assigned to every ACM profile selecting the number of E1 streams which must be transported. The rules to respect for the setting of TDM traffic are the following: a. For each ACM profile, the value Extra TDM Cap must be lower than or equal to Max TDM Cap Permanent TDM Traffic and cannot be never greater than 2 (ALCplus2 IDU equipment of IduBoard type) or 18 (ALCplus2 IDU equipment with IduBoard Exp. 16E1 expansion). b. When the user sets a value Extra TDM Cap for an ACM profile, NMS5UX automatically checks and possibly modifies the values Extra TDM Cap of the higher modulation ACM profiles, in such a way they result higher than or, at most, equal to the value Extra TDM Cap set by the user. Key: •
Max TDM Cap. Maximum number of (high and low priority) E1 streams which can be assigned to the TDM traffic for each ACM profile.
Extra TDM Cap. Number of (low priority) E1 streams assigned to each ACM profile.
TDM transport (ALCplus2 IDU with expansion IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1) The TDM band can be subdivided in two parts: one not subjected to ACM, destined to the privileged traffic (high priority) and not shareable with the Ethernet band (Permanent TDM Traffic), and one subjected to ACM and destined to the lower priority traffic, possibly shareable with the Ethernet traffic (Extra TDM Cap). The rules to respect for the setting of TDM traffic are the following: a. The number of high priority E1 traffic channels must be lower than or equal to value displayed next to the Permanent TDM Traffic box. b. The value of Permanent TDM Traffic fixes the minimum allowed modulation as it blocks all the modulations for which Max TDM Cap is lower than Permanent TDM Traffic (WEB LCT highlights the minimum allowed modulation as consequence of the value Permanent TDM Traffic set disabling all the not allowed modulations). c. For each ACM profile, the value Extra TDM Cap must be lower than or equal to Max TDM Cap Permanent TDM Traffic and cannot be never greater than 21 (or 2 or 18 depending on the type of equipped expansion). d. When the user sets a value Extra TDM Cap for an ACM profile, NMS5UX automatically checks and possibly modifies the values Extra TDM Cap of the higher modulation ACM profiles, in such a way they result higher than or, at most, equal to the value Extra TDM Cap set by the user. e. A change of Permanent TDM Traffic can cause a violation of rule c. In this case, NMS5UX only highlights which are the out-of-range values of Max TDM Cap (the wordings of the row of the ACM profile become red) and the restore of the correct values is at user’s charge. Key: •
Max TDM Cap. Maximum number of (high and low priority) E1 streams which can be assigned to the TDM traffic for each ACM profile.
Extra TDM Cap. Number of (low priority) E1 streams assigned to each ACM profile.
Permanent TDM Traffic. Number of E1 streams permanently assigned (high priority streams).
Reference modulation and power profile of the transmitter The choice of the reference modulation and of the power profile depends on the license type owned by the network operator. The reference modulation determines the emission spectrum to be in compliance with the current laws. The power profile increasing when the modulation decreases can be enabled according to the standard ETSI EN 302 217-2-2: the power as function of the modulation can be only lower then or equal to the power of the reference modulation. More information is reported in the equipment manual ALCplus2.
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The Node Link (where x is the number identifying the nodal connection) push-button is available only for ALCplus2 equipment in nodal configuration. The Node Link push-button allows displaying the current alarm status on the considered nodal connection (pag. 94).
To verify the alarm status on the nodal connection 1. Press the Node Link push-button relevant to the interested nodal connection: the Node Link window is displayed, reporting the alarm status of the selected nodal connection. The displayed alarms are: •
Los, points out the loss of signal on the considered nodal connection
Lof, points out the loss of frame on the considered nodal connection
Ms Ais, points out the presence of the Ms Ais alarm on the considered nodal connection
Check Conn, points out that the nodal equipment belonging to the considered link have been connected in wrong way.
The alarm box assumes different colors depending on the alarm severity: •
green, points out that the alarm is not active.
red, orange, yellow or light blue points out that the alarm is active and has severity respectively Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
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The PRBS push-button allows: •
To verify the PRBS measure status (pag. 95)
To activate/reset the PRBS measure (pag. 97)
To deactivate the PRBS measure (pag. 97)
To enable/disable the signal used for the measure (pag. 97)
To verify/modify the type of PRBS pattern used for the measure (pag. 98)
P.R.B.S. (Pseudo Random Binary Sequence). Control functionality, integrated in the base band, that allows inserting a P.R.B.S. data stream on a 2Mbit/s tributary for test operation and measurement of the error rate.
To verify the PRBS measure status 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the PRBS push-button in ALCplus2: Equipment window (Fig.1). The ALCplus2: Unit - PRBS window is displayed (Fig.19). The P.R.B.S. Start area displays the measure status: •
Start-Reset, the P.R.B.S. measure is active.
Stop, the P.R.B.S. measure is inactive.
2. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command.
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Fig.19 PRBS window
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Value of BER dynamically updated during the measure
Number of errors detected from the start of the measure
Time (expressed in day/hour/minute/second) elapsed from the activation of the measure
Status and transitions of the alarm PRBS Fail Alarm (5)
Notes of Fig.19 (1)
Activation status of the measure. The value: •
Start-Reset, points out that the PRBS measure is active.
Stop, points out that the PRBS measure is inactive.
Enabling status of the signal used for the measure. The value: •
Enable, points out that PRBS is connected for the measure to a 2Mbit tributary stream.
Disable, points out that PRBS is not physically connected to any stream.
The enabling of the E1 signal used for the measure determinates also the connector (2Mbit/s tributary), which a measurement instrument can be connected to for the control of the error rate by means of the PRBS functionality. (3)
Type of pattern used for the measure. The value: •
Fixed Word, points out that a preset fixed word is used as pattern for the measure.
base2^15-1, points out that the indicated algorithm is used as pattern for the measure.
base2^23-1, points out that the indicated algorithm is used as pattern for the measure.
The box points out the number of the tributary used for the measure.
Values over 40 millions-1 are to be considered not meaningful.
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The box: •
Link Los Alarm, points out the activation status of the alarm. In detail, the colour: •
green, points out that the alarm is not active.
red, orange, yellow or light blue points out that the alarm is active and has severity respectively Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
PRBS Fail Alarm Counter, indicates the number of times that the Sync Los Alarm activated from the start of the measure.
To activate/reset the PRBS measure 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the PRBS push-button in ALCplus2: Equipment window (Fig.1). The ALCplus2: Unit - PRBS window is displayed (Fig.19). 2. Select the P.R.B.S. Start box. 3. Select the Start-Reset value. 4. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. The measure will be active until the user does not stop it.
To deactivate the PRBS measure 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the PRBS push-button in ALCplus2: Equipment window (Fig.1). The ALCplus2: Unit - PRBS window is displayed (Fig.19). 2. Select the P.R.B.S. Start box. 3. Select the Stop value. 4. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To enable/disable the signal used for the measure Maintenance operation (MAN. OP.). 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the PRBS push-button in ALCplus2: Equipment window (Fig.1). The ALCplus2: Unit - PRBS window is displayed (Fig.19). The E1 Signal box points out the enabling status of the signal used for the measure: •
Enable, PRBS is connected for the measure to a 2Mbit tributary stream.
Disable, PRBS is not physically connected to any stream.
The enabling of the E1 signal used for the measure determinates also the connector (2Mbit/s tributary), which a measurement instrument can be connected to for the control of the error rate by means of the PRBS functionality. 2. ONLY if the enabled the E1 signal, set the tributary stream (A or B) in the 2 Mbit/s Selection box. If a value is not available, this means that the corresponding tributary is used as synchronism source in output T12 (vedi Fig.27).
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3. Press Apply and confirm. Only if the option Enable is selected, a message is displayed informing that the set tributary is immediately enabled to the use and then a message is displayed warning you are executing a manual operation and displaying the current setting of the timeout. 4. Press Yes to continue the operation. Enabling of the E1 signal activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and, then, switched on the forcing is inactive independently from the previous setting. If the message Operation fail! ...Wrong user profile! is displayed, check that the user profile can enable the tributary.
To verify/modify the type of PRBS pattern used for the measure 1. Press the PRBS push-button in ALCplus2: Equipment window (Fig.1). The ALCplus2: Unit - PRBS window is displayed (Fig.19). The Test Pattern box displays the type of PRBS pattern used for the measure: •
Fixed Word (AIS), a preset fixed word is used for the measure.
base2^15-1, the indicated algorithm is used for the measure.
base2^23-1, the indicated algorithm is used for the measure.
2. To verify the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 3. To change the parameter: a. Select the box containing the value. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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The User Input push-button allows verifying/modifying the status and configuration parameters of the local user inputs and the remote user inputs available for the equipment: •
To verify the user input status (local/remote) (pag. 99)
To verify/modify the name of the user input (local/remote) (pag. 100)
To verify/modify the active condition of the local user input (pag. 101)
To enable/disable the user input (local/remote) alarm or the forwarding of the trap to the supervisory system (pag. 101). In detail, it is possible:
To disable the user input alarm; in this case the detection (or the reset) of the alarm is neither stored into the NE controller nor communicated to the supervisory system: as if this alarm has never occurred.
To disable the forwarding of the trap; in this case the detection (or the reset) of the alarm is stored into the NE controller but not communicated to the supervisory system.
To enable the user input alarm and the forwarding of the trap; in this case the detection (or the reset) of the alarm is stored into the NE controller and also communicated to the supervisory system (by means of the forwarding of the relevant trap).
To verify/modify the severity level associated to the user input (local/remote) (pag. 101)
The change of the severity level associated to an user input alarm is a local operation and involves only the considered NE. The severity level of the user input alarm set in this way characterizes the alarm when stored in the NE controller, displayed by the LCT program (pag. 266) and by the NMS5UX supervisory system. For more information on the enabling of the user input alarms go to pag. 102.
To verify the User Input status (local/remote) 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the User Input push-button. The ALCPLUS2 - User Input window is displayed. The window points out the status of the local and remote user (Fig.20).
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Fig.20 User Input window
UI type: local or remote Alarm status of UI (2) UI number (1) UI name
Active condition of UI (3)
Notes of Fig.20 (1)
The number of user input changes according to the equipment configuration.
The wording:
Normally Open, points out that the user input is considered active when its terminal is referred to ground.
Normally Closed, points out that the user input is considered active when its terminal is open.
The status is pointed out by the colour of the led. In detail: •
The green colour points out one of the following conditions: •
User input alarm not activated.
User input alarm disabled.
User input status signal activated.
The red, orange, yellow and light blue colours point out that the user input alarm is active with, respectively, Critical, Major, Minor or Warning severity.
To verify/modify the name of the User Input (local/remote) 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the User Input push-button. The ALCPLUS2 - User Input window is displayed (Fig.20). 2. Double click on the line relevant to the wished user input. The relevant ALCPLUS2: Unit - User Input window is displayed. The Label box shows the user input name. 3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press Get or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To change the parameter:
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a. Type an alphanumeric string into the box (length: minimum 1, maximum 31 characters) b. Press Set or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the active condition of the local User Input The operation is available only for the local input users. 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the User Input push-button. The ALCPLUS2 - User Input window is displayed (Fig.20). 2. Double click on the line relevant to the wished user input. The relevant ALCPLUS2: Unit - User Input window is displayed. The Active State box points out the active condition of the user input: •
Normally Open, the user input is considered active when its terminal is referred to ground.
Normally Closed, the user input is considered active when its terminal is open.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To enable/disable the User Input (local/remote) alarm or the forwarding of the trap to the supervisory system and define the severity level of a User Input (local/remote) 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the User Input push-button. The ALCPLUS2 - User Input window is displayed (Fig.20). 2. Double click on the line relevant to the wished user input. The relevant ALCPLUS2: Unit - User Input window is displayed. The Severity Code box displays the status of the user input alarm (enabled/disabled), status of the forwarding of the relevant trap (enabled/disabled) and severity level of the user input (UI). If the: •
Critical Trap Disable, Major Trap Disable, Minor Trap Disable, Warning Trap Disable is active: •
The alarm created by the activation of the user input is enabled.
The forwarding of the relevant trap is disabled.
The signal at input of the user input is associated to a severity level equivalent to an alarm respectively with Critical, Major, Minor, Warning level.
Status Trap Disable is active: •
The alarm created by the activation of the user input is enabled.
The forwarding of the relevant trap is disabled.
The signal at input of the user input is associated to a severity level equivalent to a status signal.
Critical Trap Enable, Major Trap Enable, Minor Trap Enable, Warning Trap Enable is active: •
The alarm created by the activation of the user input and the forwarding of the relevant trap is enabled.
The signal at input of the user input is associated to a severity level equivalent to an alarm respectively with Critical, Major, Minor, Warning level.
Status Trap Enable is active:
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The alarm created by the activation of the user input and the forwarding of the relevant trap is enabled.
The signal at input of the user input is associated to a severity level equivalent to a status signal.
Disable, value is active, the alarm created by the activation of the user input is disabled.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To change the parameter: a. Select the box containing the value. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Enabling the user input alarms (more information) Disabling an user input alarm means that, on the detection of the alarm, this is not recorded in the equipment controller and, as consequence, is not communicated to a possible management program: as the alarm has never occurred. On the other hand, enabling an user input alarm means that, on the detection of the alarm, this is recorded in the equipment controller and communicated to the management program which displays it in the current alarms and in the alarm history.
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The User Output push-button allows verifying/modifying the status and configuration parameters of the user outputs (UO) of the equipment: •
Verify the user output status (pag. 103)
Verify/modify the name of the user output (pag. 104)
Verify/modify the operating mode of the user output relay contacts (pag. 105)
Associate to the user output one of the following signals (pag. 105): •
Group of alarms, which the same severity level has been assigned to, and/or group of alarms of local and/or remote (IDU/ODU) equipment.
User input (local and/or remote).
Enabled the forced activation of the relays contacts from operator (pag. 107)
Force the activation of the relay contacts relevant to a user output (if previously enabled) (pag. 107)
Remove the force activation of the relay contacts relevant to a user output (pag. 108). This operation consists in downloading the default name of the user outputs from the supervision system to the equipment.
The user output wording identifies a signal that the equipment makes available on rack as relay contact.
To verify the User Output status 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the User Output push-button. The ALCPLUS2 - User Output window is displayed. The window points out the status of the user output (Fig.21). 2. Select the Commands > Refresh User Output Status command to update the information present in the window.
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Fig.21 User Output window
UO name
Signal associated to UO (3)
UO Status (2)
UO number (1)
Notes of Fig.21 (1)
The number of user outputs changes according to the equipment configuration.
The wording:
notActive, the user output is not active.
Active, the user output is active (activated relay contacts)
The wording: •
Forced by Operator, points out a double condition. If the user output is: •
not active (refer to Status column), it means that the user output is enabled for the activation forcing executed by the user.
active (refer to Status column), it means that the user output has been activated after the forcing executed by the user.
Unmapped, points out that no signal is associated to user output.
Mapped, points out that one or more signals are associated to user output (group of alarms and/or user input). In order to verify the detail of the signals, double click the user output.
To verify/modify the name of the User Output 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the User Output push-button. The ALCPLUS2 - User Output window is displayed (Fig.21).
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2. Double click on the line relevant to the wished user output. The ALCPLUS2: Unit - User Output…window is displayed. The Label box shows the user output name. 3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To change the parameter: a. Type into the box an alphanumeric string (length: minimum 1, maximum 31 characters). b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the operating mode of the User Output relay contacts The operation is not available for the ALS compact equipment. 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the User Output push-button. The ALCPLUS2 - User Output window is displayed (Fig.21). 2. Double click on the line relevant to the wished user output. The ALCPLUS2: Unit - User Output…window is displayed. The Active State box shows the operating mode of the user output relay contacts. If active the value: •
Open, in absence of signal (alarm or user input or manual operations), the relays contacts are closed (rest condition), in presence of signal the contacts are open.
Closed, in absence of signal (alarm or user input or manual operations), the relays contacts are open (rest condition), in presence of signal the contacts are closed.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To associate a signal (alarms or User Input) to the User Output 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the User Output push-button. The ALCPLUS2 - User Output window is displayed (Fig.21). 2. Double click on the line relevant to the wished user output. The ALCPLUS2: Unit - User Output…window is displayed. The Internal Status box shows the signal associated to the user output: •
Forced by Operator, the user output is enabled for the manual operation executed by the user.
Unmapped, no signal is associated to the user output.
Mapped, one or more signals are associated to the user output (group of alarms and/or user input).
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To associate a signal (alarms or user input) to the user output:
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a. Select the box that points out the value. The system displays the User Output Properties window. b. Select one of the Linked to Map push-buttons. c. In the areas below (Group/Link), select the group and then the signals you wish to associate to the user output (Fig.22). The selection of a signal in the Link area is pointed out by the X next to the value. Furthermore an X is displayed next to the name of the group which the value belongs to. The user can assign more signals to each user output. Moreover, the user can associate the same signals to different user outputs. d. Press the Ok push-button. e. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. Fig.22 User Output Properties window
Groups which the signals are subdivided into (1)
Signals present in the selected group (1)
The presence of X points out that at least one signal associated or that will be associated to UO is present in the specific group
The content of this area changes depending on the selected group. The presence of X points out that the signal is associated or will be associated to UO
Notes of Fig.22 (1)
Select the: •
Alarm Synthesis group, to associate the group of alarms, which a specific severity level corresponds to, to the user output. Select the wished severity level or the levels: •
Alarm Synthesis Warning, alarms group which the Warning severity corresponds to.
Alarm Synthesis Minor, alarms group which the Minor severity corresponds to.
Alarm Synthesis Major, alarms group which the Major severity corresponds to.
Alarm Synthesis Critical, alarms group which the Critical severity corresponds to.
Radio Branch group, to associate to the user output the group of local or remote equipment alarms (ODU). Select the group or the groups of wished alarms: •
Radio Branch Local Odu , group of alarms relevant to the specific radio branch of ODU (OutDoor Unit) section of the local equipment.
Radio Branch Remote Odu , group of alarms relevant to the specific radio branch of the remote equipment.
Radio Branch Local Rim , group of alarms relevant to the specific radio branch of the RIM (Radio Interface Module) section of the local equipment.
Radio Branch Remote Rim , group of alarms relevant to the specific radio branch of the RIM (Radio Interface Module) section of the remote equipment.
Radio Equipment group, to associate to the user output the group of local or remote equipment alarms (IDU). Select the group or the groups of wished alarms: •
Radio Equipment Local Lim, the group of alarms related to LIM (Line Interface Module) section of the local equipment.
Radio Equipment Remote Lim, the group of LIM alarms of the remote equipment.
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User Input group, to associate to the user output one or more local (User Input …) and/or remote (User Input Rem…) user inputs. Select the wished user inputs.
To enable the forced activation of the relay contacts from operator 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the User Output push-button. The ALCPLUS2 - User Output window (Fig.21) is displayed. 2. Double click on the line relevant to the wished user output. The relevant ALCPLUS2: Unit - User Output window is displayed. The Internal Status box shows the signal associated to the user output: •
Forced by Operator, the user output is enabled for the manual operation executed by the user.
Not mapped, no signal is associated to the user output.
Mapped, one or more signals are associated to the user output (group of alarms and/or user input).
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To enabled the forced activation of the relays contacts from operator: a. Select the box that points out the value. The system displays the User Output Properties window. b. Choose the Forced by Operator push-button. c. Press the Ok push-button. d. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To force the activation of the relay contacts relevant to a User Output 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the User Output push-button. The ALCPLUS2 - User Output window (Fig.21) is displayed. 2. Double click on the line relevant to the wished user output. The relevant ALCPLUS2: Unit - User Output window is displayed. The Forced Operator Status box shows the status of the manual operation executed by the user: •
Forced, the forcing executed by the user is active (then user output active).
Unforced, the forcing executed by the user is not active (then user output inactive).
This parameter is meaning only if the user output has been enabled for the forcing executed by the user (pag. 107). 3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To force the activation of the relay contacts: a. Select the box that points out the value. b. Choose the Forced value. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. The user output will remain activated until the clearing of the forcing.
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To remove the forced activation of the relay contacts relevant to a User Output 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the User Output push-button. The ALCPLUS2 - User Output window (Fig.21) is displayed. 2. Double click on the line relevant to the wished user output. The relevant ALCPLUS2: Unit - User Output window is displayed. The Forced Operator Status box shows the status of the forcing executed by the user: •
Forced, the forcing executed by the user is active (then user output active).
Unforced, the forcing executed by the user is not active (then user output inactive).
This parameter is meaning only if the user output has been enabled for the forcing executed by the user (pag. 107). 3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To remove the force the activation of the relay contacts: a. Select the box that points out the value. b. Choose the Unforced value. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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The Performance Monitoring push-button allows managing the performance monitoring. In detail, it is possible: •
To verify the status of the PM measures and of the relevant alarms of threshold exceeding (pag. 112).
To activate the PM measures (pag. 119).
To deactivate the PM measures (pag. 122).
To set the alarm intervention thresholds (PM) (pag. 126).
To reset the threshold exceeding alarms (PM) (pag. 134).
To reset the performance counters (PM) (pag. 137).
For more information regarding the measures of performance monitoring, refer to pag. 139.
Measures available for the ALCplus2 equipment The measures available for the ALCplu2 IDU equipment are the following (for the description of the single parameters, refer to pag. 109). •
G829 RstB1 STM-1 checks the quality of the received signal at line side (STM1 stream). The check consists of measuring, by means of the B1 byte, the BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS, OOFS quality parameters. The BBE, ES, SES, UAS parameters are implemented according to G.829 ITU-T Rec. The SEP parameter is implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec.
G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 checks the quality of the received signal at line side (STM1-1 stream). The check consists of measuring, by means of the B2 and M1 bytes, the following quality parameters: •
Byte B2 -> BBE, ES, SES, UAS, SEP.
Byte B2 e M1 -> UASBIDI.
The BBE, ES, SES, UAS, BBE FE, ES FE, SES FE, UAS FE, UASBIDI parameters are implemented according to G.829 ITU-T Rec. The SEP, SEP FE parameters are implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec. •
G828 Radio checks the quality of the received signal at radio side. The check consists of measuring the BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS quality parameters. The parameters are implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec.
G828 E1 Line Side checks the quality of the received signal from one of the IDU board E1 tributary (A or B) at line side. The check consists of measuring the BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS quality parameters. The BBE, ES, SES, UAS parameters are implemented according to G.826 ITU-T Rec. The SEP parameter is implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec.
G828 E1 Radio Side checks the quality of the received signal from one of the IDU board E1 tributary (A or B) at radio side.
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The check consists of measuring the BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS quality parameters. The BBE, ES, SES, UAS parameters are implemented according to G.826 ITU-T Rec. The SEP parameter is implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec. •
G828 STM-1 - Vc12 checks the quality of the received VC12 in the STM-1 stream. The check consists of measuring the ES, SES, UAS, ES FE, SES FE, UAS FE, UASBIDI, SEP, SEP FE, BBE, BBE FE quality parameters. The parameters are implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec.
ACM Radio A traces the trend of the ACM profiles in the time. The trend is traced using one counter for each ACM profile and two further counters (UpShift and DownShift).
RxPwr Radio checks the power of the signal in reception. The check consists of measuring the RLTS, RLTM quality parameters specified by the Standard EN 301 129 of the ETSI.
TxPwr Radio checks the power of the signal in transmission. The check consists of measuring the TLTS, TLTM quality parameters, specified by the Standard EN 301 129 of the ETSI.
Description of the quality parameters The description of the quality parameters of the measures listed at pag. 109 is the following: •
BBE (Background Block Errors). Number of blocks where it has been detected at least one errored bit not belonging to SES.
ES (Errored Second). The second when there have been one or more errored blocks.
SES (Severely Errored Seconds). The second when there have been a percentage of errored blocks ≥ N% (the N value can be configured) or the second when it has been activated an alarm equivalent to the interruption of the signal at reception (Loss of Signal Alarm, Loss of Frame Alarm, B2 Excessive Ber Alarm, etc.).
SEP (Severely Errored Period). Number of periods with a number of consecutive SES comprised between 3 and 9. The sequence is ended by a second without SES.
UAS (UnAvailable Seconds). Number of unavailability seconds. The counting of the seconds starts after P consecutive seconds with SES presence and it ends at the beginning of a period of Q consecutive seconds without SES. The P seconds are counted into the unavailability period. The Q and P values can be configured.
OOFS (Out of Frame Seconds). The second that do not belong to UAS but with the Out OF Frame Alarm activated.
BBE FE (Background Block Errors Far End). Number of remote blocks, where it has been detected at least one errored bit, not belonging to SES.
ES FE (Errored Second Far End). The second when there have been one or more errored remote blocks.
SES FE (Severely Errored Seconds Far End). The second when there have been a percentage of errored blocks ≥ N% (the N value can be configured) or the second when it has been activated an alarm equivalent to the interruption of the signal at reception (Ms Rdi Alarm).
SEP FE (Severely Errored Period Far End). Number of periods with a number of consecutive SES FE comprised between 3 and 9. The sequence is ended by a second without SES FE.
UAS FE (UnAvailable Seconds Far End). Number of remote unavailability seconds. The counting of the seconds starts after P consecutive seconds with SES FE presence and it ends at the beginning of a period of Q consecutive seconds without SES FE. The P seconds are counted into the unavailability period. The Q and P values can be configured.
UASBIDI (UnAvailable Seconds Bidirectional). Number of local (UAS) or remote (UAS FE) unavailability seconds.
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The description of the quality parameters of the measure ACM Radio A is the following: •
4QAM Str. Counter relevant to the ACM profile 4QAM Str. The rule used to increase the counter changes according to the active increase mode *.
4QAM. Counter relevant to the ACM profile 4QAM. The rule used to increase the counter changes according to the active increase mode *.
8PSK. Counter relevant to the ACM profile 8PSK. The rule used to increase the counter changes according to the active increase mode *.
16QAM. Counter relevant to the ACM profile 16QAM. The rule used to increase the counter changes according to the active increase mode *.
32QAM. Counter relevant to the ACM profile 32QAM. The rule used to increase the counter changes according to the active increase mode *.
64QAM. Counter relevant to the ACM profile 64QAM. The rule used to increase the counter changes according to the active increase mode *.
128QAM. Counter relevant to the ACM profile 128QAM. The rule used to increase the counter changes according to the active increase mode *.
256QAM. Counter relevant to the ACM profile 256QAM. The rule used to increase the counter changes according to the active increase mode *.
DownShift. Number of times the ACM profile, during the specific observation period, has changed assuming an ACM profile lower than the previous one.
UpShift. Number of times the ACM profile, during the specific observation period, has changed assuming an ACM profile higher than the previous one.
* The counters relevant to the ACM profiles can be increased according to the following modes: •
Active Mod. The counter is increased each second if the corresponding ACM profile is equal to the one currently active.
Not Avail. Mod. The counter is increased each second if the corresponding ACM profile is higher than the current one and lower than or equal to the upper modulation threshold (Upper Modulation).
Example. Suppose the ACM profile 128 QAM has been defined as Upper Modulation and the current modulation is 16 QAM. If the active modality is: •
Active Mod, each second only the counter 16QAM is increased.
Not Avail. Mod, each second the counters 32QAM, 64QAM, 128QAM are increased.
The mode used to increase the counters of the ACM profiles is common to all the counters and must be selected by the user.
The description of the quality parameters of the measure RxPwr Radio... is the following: •
TMMax (Tide Mark Max). Maximum value reached by the power at reception (RL) during the observation period (15 min or 24 hours).
TMMin (Tide Mark Min). Minimum value reached by the power at reception (RL) during the observation period (15 min or 24 hours).
Average Level. Average level of the power at reception (RL) during the observation period (15 min or 24 hours).
Rlts (Received Level Threshold Second). Number of seconds where it has been detected that the value of the power at reception (RL - Received Level) is lower than the preset threshold level. It is possible to define up to a maximum of 5 threshold levels.
The description of the quality parameters of the measure TxPwr Radio... is the following: •
TMMax (Tide Mark Max). Maximum value reached by the power in transmission (TL) during the observation period (15 min or 24 hours).
TMMin (Tide Mark Min). Minimum value reached by the power in transmission (TL) during the observation period (15 min or 24 hours).
Average Level. Average level of the power in transmission (TL) during the observation period (15 min or 24 hours)
Tlts (Transmitted Level Threshold Second). Number of seconds where the value of the power in transmission (TL - Transmitted Level) has been detected higher than the preset threshold level. It is possible to define up to a maximum of 4 threshold levels.
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To verify the status of the PM measures and of the relevant alarms of threshold exceeding The ALCplus2 equipment supports the following performance measures: •
Measure G828 Radio (pag. 112).
Measure G828 ACM Radio A (pag. 114).
Measure Rx Power Radio (pag. 114).
Measure Tx Power Radio (pag. 114).
Measure G829 RstB1 STM-1 (pag. 114).
Measure G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 (pag. 116).
Measure G828 STM-1 VC-12 (pag. 116).
Measure G828 E1 Line Side (pag. 117).
Measure G828 E1 Radio Side (pag. 118).
Measure G828 Radio 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). The RADIO BRANCH G828 - Counters measure verifies the quality of the signal received on radio side. The check consists of measuring the BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS quality parameters. The parameters are implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec.
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Fig.23 Performance Monitoring window Status of the measure (2)
Name of the measure (1)
Measure threshold exceeding (3)
Double click on this push-button to display the PM window relevant to E1 channels
Double click on this push-button to display the PM window relevant to STM1 streams
Notes of Fig.23 (1)
The measure: •
RADIO BRANCH G828 Counters, verifies the quality of the signal received on radio side. The check consists of measuring the BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS quality parameters. The parameters are implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec.
ACM 1A G828 Counters, traces the trend of the ACM profiles in the time. The trend is traced using one counter for each ACM profile and further two counters (UpShift and Downshift).
RADIO BRANCH Rx Power Counters, verifies the power of the signal in reception. The check consists in measuring the quality parameters RLTM and RLTS specified by Standard ETSI EN 301 129.
RADIO BRANCH Tx Power Counters, enables and configures the measure of the power of the signal in transmission. The check consists in measuring the quality parameters TLTM and TLTS specified by Standard ETSI EN 301 129.
The wording points out the operating status of the measure: •
Stopped, the measure is not active.
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• (3)
Started, the measure is active.
The colour of the led in the block points out the status of the threshold exceeding alarms of the specific measure: •
Green, no alarm of threshold exceeding is active.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue, at least one alarm of threshold exceeding is active and the alarm with highest severity has respectively level Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
Measure G828 ACM Radio A 1. Press the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window (Fig.23) is displayed. The measure ACM 1A G828 traces the trend of the ACM profile in time. The trend is traced using a counter for each ACM profile and two further counters (UpShift and DownShift).
Measure Rx Power Radio 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). The measure RADIO BRANCH Rx Power Counters verifies the power of the signal in reception. The check consists in measuring the quality parameters RLTS and RLTM specified by the standard EN 301 129 of ETSI (pag. 110).
Measure Tx Power Radio 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). The measure RADIO BRANCH Tx Power Counters verifies the power of the signal in transmission. The check consists in measuring the quality parameters TLTS and TLTM specified by the standard EN 301 129 of ETSI (pag. 110).
Measure G829 RstB1 STM-1 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window (Fig.24) is displayed. The measure STM1 number B1 G829-Counters Matrix verifies the quality of the signal received on line side (STM1 stream). The check consists of measuring, by means of the B1 byte, the BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS, OOFS quality parameters. The BBE, ES, SES, UAS parameters are implemented according to G.829 ITU-T Rec. The SEP parameter is implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec. (pag. 110).
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Fig.24 ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window Name of the measure (1)
Select this push-button to display the structure of the STM-1 stream
Status of the measure (2) Status of the alarms of measure threshold exceeding (3)
Select these push-buttons to display/set the intervention thresholds of the PM alarms
Notes of Fig.24 (1)
The measure: •
STM1 B1 G829-Counters Matrix, verifies the quality of the signal received on line side (STM1 stream). The check consists of measuring, by means of the B1 byte, the BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS, OOFS quality parameters. The BBE, ES, SES, UAS parameters are implemented according to G.829 ITU-T Rec. The SEP parameter is implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec. (pag. 110).
STM1 B2-M1 G829-Counters Matrix, verifies the quality of the signal received on line side (STM1 stream). The check consists in measuring, using the byte B2 and M1, the following quality parameters: •
Byte B2 -> BBE, ES, SES, UAS, SEP.
Byte B2 and M1 -> UASBIDI.
The BBE, ES, SES, UAS, BBE FE, ES FE, SES FE, UAS FE, UASBIDI parameters are implemented according to G.829 ITU-T Rec. The SEP, SEP FE parameters are implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec. (pag. 110). (2)
The wording points out the operating status of the measure: •
Stopped, the measure is not in progress.
Started, the measure is in progress.
The colour of the led in the block points out the status of the thresholds exceeding alarms of the specific measure: •
Green, no alarm of threshold exceeding is active.
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Red, orange, yellow or light blue, at least one alarm of threshold exceeding is active and the alarm with highest severity has respectively level Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
Measure G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window (Fig.24) is displayed. The measure STM1 number B2-M1 G829-Counters Matrix verifies the quality of the signal received on line side (STM1 stream). The check consists in measuring, using the byte B2 and M1, the following quality parameters: •
Byte B2 -> BBE, ES, SES, UAS, SEP.
Byte B2 and M1 -> UASBIDI.
The BBE, ES, SES, UAS parameters are implemented according to G.829 ITU-T Rec. The SEP parameter is implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec. (pag. 110).
Measure G828 STM-1 VC-12 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window (Fig.24) is displayed. 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Click here to visualize TUG push-button relevant to the STM-1 stream whose performance measures you wish to display. The window displays the structure of the relevant STM-1 (Fig.25) and the push-button label becomes Selected TUG. The measure G828 STM-1 - Vc12 verifies the quality of the VC12 received in the STM-1 stream. The check consists of measuring the ES, SES, UAS, ES FE, SES FE, UAS FE, UASBIDI, SEP, SEP FE, BBE, BBE FE quality parameters. The parameters are implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec. (pag. 110).
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Fig.25 ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window (STM-1 structure) (1)
Select these push-buttons to display/set the intervention thresholds of PM alarms
Notes of Fig.25 (1)
Each block has a label composed by three numbers: A-B-C. The number: •
A identifies the number Tributary Unit Group-3
B identifies the number Tributary Unit Group-2
C identifies the number Tributary Unit Group-12.
The check consists of measuring the ES, SES, UAS, ES FE, SES FE, UAS FE, UASBIDI, SEP, SEP FE, BBE, BBE FE quality parameters. The parameters are implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec. (pag. 110). (2)
The colour of the led in the block points out the status of the thresholds exceeding alarms of the specific measure: •
Green, no alarm of threshold exceeding is active.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue, at least one alarm of threshold exceeding is active and the alarm with highest severity has respectively level Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
Measure G828 E1 Line Side 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the E1 Trib. push-button. The ALCplus2: G828 E1 P.M. window (Fig.26) is displayed. This measure checks the quality of the received signal from one of the IDU board E1 tributary (A or B) at line side.
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Fig.26 ALCplus2: Subrack - G828 E1 P.M. window Name of the measure (1)
Status of the measure (2) Status of the measure threshold exceeding alarms (3)
Notes of Fig.26 (1)
The measure: •
E1 G828-Counters Line Side, verifies the quality of the signal received from one of the E1 tributaries on line side.
E1 G828-Counters Radio Side, verifies the quality of the signal received from one of the E1 tributaries on radio side.
The check consists of measuring the BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS quality parameters. The BBE, ES, SES, UAS parameters are implemented according to G.826 ITU-T Rec. The SEP parameter is implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec. (pag. 110). (2)
The wording points out the operating status of the measure: •
Stopped, the measure is not in progress.
Started, the measure is in progress.
The colour of the led in the block points out the status of the thresholds exceeding alarms of the specific measure: •
Green, no alarm of threshold exceeding is active.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue, at least one alarm of threshold exceeding is active and the alarm with highest severity has respectively level Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
Measure G828 E1 Radio Side 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the E1 Trib. push-button. The ALCplus2: G828 E1 P.M. window (Fig.26) is displayed. The measure E1 G828-Counters Radio Side verifies the quality of the signal received by one of the E1 tributaries on radio side. The check consists of measuring the BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS quality parameters. The BBE, ES, SES, UAS parameters are implemented according to G.826 ITU-T Rec. The SEP parameter is implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec. (pag. 110).
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To activate a PM measure The following performance measures can be activated: •
Measure G828 Radio (pag. 119)
Measure G828 ACM Radio A (pag. 119)
Measure Rx Power Radio (pag. 120)
Measure Tx Power Radio (pag. 120)
Measure G829 RstB1 STM-1 (pag. 120)
Measure G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 (pag. 121)
Measure G828 STM-1 VC-12 (pag. 121)
Measure G828 E1 Line Side (pag. 122)
Measure G828 E1 Radio Side (pag. 122)
Measure G828 Radio 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure G828 Radio . The ALCplus2: Unit - Branch window is displayed. The box Start Stop points out the operating status of the measure. If the displayed value is: •
Start, the measure is active.
Stop, the measure is not active.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. Select the box where the value is pointed out. 5. Select the value Start. 6. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure G828 ACM Radio A 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure G828 ACM Radio A. The ALCplus2: Unit - G828 ACM 1A window is displayed. The box Start Stop points out the operating status of the measure. If the displayed value is: •
Start, the measure is active.
Stop, the measure is not active.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. Select the box where the value is pointed out. 5. Select the value Start. 6. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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Measure Rx Power Radio 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure G828 Radio . The ALCplus2: Unit - Rx Power Branch window is displayed. The box Start Stop points out the operating status of the measure. If the displayed value is: •
Start, the measure is active.
Stop, the measure is not active.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. Select the box where the value is pointed out. 5. Select the value Start. 6. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure Tx Power Radio 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure G828 Radio . The ALCplus2: Unit - Tx Power Branch window is displayed. The box Start Stop points out the operating status of the measure. If the displayed value is: •
Start, the measure is active.
Stop, the measure is not active.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. Select the box where the value is pointed out. 5. Select the value Start. 6. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure G829 RstB1 STM-1 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.24). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the wished STM-1 B1 G829-Counter Matrix measure. The ALCplus2: Unit - G829 STM-1 - B1 window is displayed. The box Start Stop points out the operating status of the measure. If the displayed value is: •
Start, the measure is active.
Stop, the measure is not active.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. Select the box where the value is pointed out.
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6. Select the value Start. 7. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.24). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the wished STM-1 B2-M1 G829Counter Matrix measure. The ALCplus2: Unit - G829 STM-1 - B2-M1 window is displayed. The box Start Stop points out the operating status of the measure. If the displayed value is: •
Start, the measure is active.
Stop, the measure is not active.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. Select the box where the value is pointed out. 6. Select the value Start. 7. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure G828 STM-1 VC-12 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.24). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the push-button Click here to visualize TUG relevant to the wished STM-1 stream. The window shows the structure of the relevant STM-1 (Fig.25). 4. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the box corresponding the the wished VC-12 channel. The ALCplus2: Unit - VC12 (TU --) window is displayed. The box Start Stop points out the operating status of the measure. If the displayed value is: •
Start, the measure is active.
Stop, the measure is not active.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. Select the box where the value is pointed out. 7. Select the value Start. 8. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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Measure G828 E1 Line Side 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the E1 Trib push-button. The ALCplus2: G828 E1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.26). 3. Double click with the left button of the measure G828 Counters Line Side. The ALCplus2: Subrack - G828 Counters Line Side window is displayed. The box Start Stop points out the operating status of the measure. If the displayed value is: •
Start, the measure is active.
Stop, the measure is not active.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. Select the box where the value is pointed out. 6. Select the value Start. 7. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure G828 E1 Radio Side 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the E1 Trib push-button. The ALCplus2: G828 E1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.26). 3. Double click with the left button of the measure G828 Counters Radio Side. The ALCplus2: Subrack - G828 Counters Radio Side window is displayed. The box Start Stop points out the operating status of the measure. If the displayed value is: •
Start, the measure is active.
Stop, the measure is not active.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. Select the box where the value is pointed out. 6. Select the value Start. 7. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To deactivate a PM measure The following performance measures can be deactivated: •
Measure G828 Radio (pag. 123)
Measure G828 ACM Radio A (pag. 123)
Measure Rx Power Radio (pag. 123)
Measure Tx Power Radio (pag. 124)
Measure G829 RstB1 STM-1 (pag. 124)
Measure G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 (pag. 125)
Measure G828 STM-1 VC-12 (pag. 125)
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Measure G828 E1 Line Side (pag. 125)
Measure G828 E1 Radio Side (pag. 126)
Measure G828 Radio 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure G828 Radio . The ALCplus2: Unit - Branch window is displayed. The box Start Stop points out the operating status of the measure. If the displayed value is: •
Start, the measure is active.
Stop, the measure is not active.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. Select the box where the value is pointed out. 5. Select the value Stop. 6. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure G828 ACM Radio A 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure G828 ACM Radio A. The ALCplus2: Unit - G828 ACM 1A window is displayed. The box Start Stop points out the operating status of the measure. If the displayed value is: •
Start, the measure is active.
Stop, the measure is not active.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. Select the box where the value is pointed out. 5. Select the value Stop. 6. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure Rx Power Radio 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure G828 Radio . The ALCplus2: Unit - Rx Power Branch window is displayed. The box Start Stop points out the operating status of the measure. If the displayed value is: •
Start, the measure is active.
Stop, the measure is not active.
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3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. Select the box where the value is pointed out. 5. Select the value Stop. 6. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure Tx Power Radio 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure G828 Radio . The ALCplus2: Unit - Tx Power Branch window is displayed. The box Start Stop points out the operating status of the measure. If the displayed value is: •
Start, the measure is active.
Stop, the measure is not active.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. Select the box where the value is pointed out. 5. Select the value Stop. 6. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure G829 RstB1 STM-1 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.24). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the wished STM-1 B1 G829-Counter Matrix measure. The ALCplus2: Unit - G829 STM-1 - B1 window is displayed. The box Start Stop points out the operating status of the measure. If the displayed value is: •
Start, the measure is active.
Stop, the measure is not active.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. Select the box where the value is pointed out. 6. Select the value Stop. 7. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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Measure G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.24). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the wished STM-1 B2-M1 G829Counter Matrix measure. The ALCplus2: Unit - G829 STM-1 - B2-M1 window is displayed. The box Start Stop points out the operating status of the measure. If the displayed value is: •
Start, the measure is active.
Stop, the measure is not active.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. Select the box where the value is pointed out. 6. Select the value Stop. 7. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure G828 STM-1 VC-12 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.24). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the push-button Click here to visualize TUG relevant to the wished STM-1 stream. The window shows the structure of the relevant STM-1 (Fig.25). 4. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the box corresponding the the wished VC-12 channel. The ALCplus2: Unit - VC12 (TU --) window is displayed. The box Start Stop points out the operating status of the measure. If the displayed value is: •
Start, the measure is active.
Stop, the measure is not active.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. Select the box where the value is pointed out. 7. Select the value Stop. 8. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure G828 E1 Line Side 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the E1 Trib push-button. The ALCplus2: G828 E1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.26). 3. Double click with the left button of the measure G828 Counters Line Side. The ALCplus2: Subrack - G828 Counters Line Side window is displayed. The box Start Stop points out the operating status of the measure. If the displayed value is:
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Start, the measure is active.
Stop, the measure is not active.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. Select the box where the value is pointed out. 6. Select the value Stop. 7. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure G828 E1 Radio Side 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the E1 Trib push-button. The ALCplus2: G828 E1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.26). 3. Double click with the left button of the measure G828 Counters Radio Side. The ALCplus2: Subrack - G828 Counters Radio Side window is displayed. The box Start Stop points out the operating status of the measure. If the displayed value is: •
Start, the measure is active.
Stop, the measure is not active.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. Select the box where the value is pointed out. 6. Select the value Stop. 7. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To set the alarm intervention thresholds (PM) It is possible to set the alarm intervention thresholds for the following performance measures: •
Measure G828 Radio (pag. 127).
Measure G828 ACM Radio A (pag. 127).
Measure Rx Power Radio (pag. 129).
Measure Tx Power Radio (pag. 129).
Measure G829 RstB1 STM-1 (pag. 130).
Measure G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 (pag. 131).
Measure G828 STM-1 VC-12 (pag. 132).
Measure G828 E1 Line Side (pag. 133).
Measure G828 E1 Radio Side (pag. 133).
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Measure G828 Radio 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure G828 Radio . The ALCplus2: Unit - Branch window is displayed. The following alarm thresholds can be set: •
15 Min ES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which ES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
15 Min SES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which SES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
15 Min SEP Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which SEP has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour ES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which ES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour SES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which SES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour SEP Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which SEP has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
Num SES to set UAS. Threshold level - expressed as number of consecutive seconds with SES - over which the UAS unavailability period (P value) starts.
Num SES to reset UAS. Threshold level - expressed as number of consecutive seconds without SES - over which the UAS unavailability period (Q value) ends.
Percent. BBE to set SES. Threshold level - expressed as percentage of number of errored blocks - over which the system declares a SES.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To set the alarm threshold of a parameter, move the cursor to the wished value. 5. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure G828 ACM Radio A 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure G828 ACM Radio A. The ALCplus2: Unit - G828 ACM 1A window is displayed. The following alarm thresholds can be set: •
15M 4QAMS Str Threshold, points out the threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes when the counter 4QAM Str has increased - over which the relevant alarm is activated. To change the value, set a number between 1 and 900 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
15M 4QAM Threshold, points out the threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes, when the counter 4QAM has increased - over which the relevant alarm is activated. To change the value, set a number between 1 and 900 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
15M 8PSK Threshold, points out the threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes, when the counter 8PSK has increased - over which the relevant alarm
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is activated. To change the value, set a number between 1 and 900 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm. •
15M 16QAM Threshold, points out the threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes, when the counter 16QAM has increased - over which the relevant alarm is activated. To change the value, set a number between 1 and 900 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
15M 32QAM Threshold, points out the threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes, when the counter 32QAM has increased - over which the relevant alarm is activated. To change the value, set a number between 1 and 900 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
15M 64QAM Threshold, points out the threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes, when the counter 64QAM has increased - over which the relevant alarm is activated. To change the value, set a number between 1 and 900 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
15M 128QAM Threshold, points out the threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes, when the counter 128QAM has increased - over which the relevant alarm is activated. To change the value, set a number between 1 and 900 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
15M 256QAM Threshold, points out the threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes, when the counter 256QAM has increased - over which the relevant alarm is activated. To change the value, set a number between 1 and 900 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
24H 4QAMS Str Threshold, points out the threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours, when the counter 4QAM Str has increased - over which the relevant alarm is activated. To change the value, set a number between 1 and 86400 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
24H 4QAM Threshold, points out the threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours, when the counter 4QAM has increased - over which the relevant alarm is activated. To change the value, set a number between 1 and 86400 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
24H 8PSK Threshold, points out the threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours, when the counter 8PSK has increased - over which the relevant alarm is activated. To change the value, set a number between 1 and 86400 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
24H 16QAM Threshold, points out the threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours, when the counter 16QAM has increased - over which the relevant alarm is activated. To change the value, set a number between 1 and 86400 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
24H 32QAM Threshold, points out the threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours, when the counter 32QAM has increased - over which the relevant alarm is activated. To change the value, set a number between 1 and 86400 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
24H 64QAM Threshold, points out the threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours, when the counter 64QAM has increased- over which the relevant alarm is activated. To change the value, set a number between 1 and 86400 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
24H 128QAM Threshold, points out the threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours, when the counter 128QAM has increased - over which the relevant alarm is activated. To change the value, set a number between 1 and 86400 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
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24H 256QAM Threshold, points out the threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours, when the counter 256QAM has increased - over which the relevant alarm is activated. To change the value, set a number between 1 and 86400 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To set the alarm threshold of a parameter, move the cursor to the wished value. 5. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure Rx Power Radio 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure Radio Branch Rx Power - Counters. The ALCplus2: Unit - Rx Power Branch window is displayed. The following alarm thresholds can be set: •
15 Min Rlts 1 (Rlts 2, Rlts 3, Rlts 4, Rlts 5) Threshold, point out the threshold levels - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes when the received power is lower respectively than the RLT1, RLT2, RLT3, RLT4, RLT5 threshold levels - over which the system activates the relevant alarms. To change the threshold, set a number between 1 and 900 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
24 Hour Rlts 1 (Rlts 2, Rlts 3, Rlts 4, Rlts 5) Threshold, point out the threshold levels - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours when the received power is lower respectively than the RLT1, RLT2, RLT3, RLT4, RLT5 threshold levels - over which the system activates the relevant alarms. To change the threshold, set a number between 1 and 86400 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
Received Power Level Threshold 1 (2, 3, 4, 5), respectively point out the first, the second, the third, the fourth and the fifth threshold level of the received power. To change a threshold, move the cursor over a value between -80dBm and -20dBm.
Received Power Level Adapt Threshold 5, points out the fifth threshold level of the received power in case of adaptive modulation. To change a threshold, move the cursor over a value between 0dBm and 20dBm.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To set the alarm threshold of a parameter, move the cursor to the wished value. 5. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure Tx Power Radio 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure Radio Branch Tx Power Counters. The ALCplus2: Unit - Tx Power Branch window is displayed. The following alarm thresholds can be set: •
15 Min Tlts 1 (Tlts 2, Tlts 3, Tlts 4) Threshold, point out the threshold levels - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes when the transmitted power is lower re-
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spectively than the TLT1, TLT2, TLT3, TLT4 threshold levels - over which the system activates the relevant alarms. To change the threshold, set a number between 1 and 900 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm. •
24 Hour Rlts 1 (Tlts 2, Tlts 3, Tlts 4) Threshold, point out the threshold levels - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours when the transmitted power is lower respectively than the TLT1, TLT2, TLT3, TLT4 threshold levels - over which the system activates the relevant alarms. To change the threshold, set a number between 1 and 86400 (default value 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
Received Power Level Threshold 1 (2, 3, 4), respectively point out the first, the second, the third, the fourth and the fifth threshold level of the transmitted power. To change a threshold, move the cursor over a value between -80dBm and -20dBm.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To set the alarm threshold of a parameter, move the cursor to the wished value. 5. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure G829 RstB1 STM-1 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.24). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the GLOBAL B1 PARAMETERS. The ALCplus2: Unit - B1 GLOBAL window is displayed. The following alarm thresholds can be set: •
Num SES to set UAS. Threshold level - expressed as number of consecutive seconds with SES - over which the UAS unavailability period (P value) starts.
Num SES to reset UAS. Threshold level - expressed as number of consecutive seconds without SES - over which the UAS unavailability period (Q value) ends.
Percent. BBE to set SES. Threshold level - expressed as percentage of number of errored blocks - over which the system declares a SES.
15 Min ES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which ES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
15 Min SES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which SES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
15 Min SEP Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which SEP has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour ES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which ES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour SES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which SES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour SEP Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which SEP has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To set the alarm threshold of a parameter, move the cursor to the wished value.
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6. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.24). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the GLOBAL B2-M1 PARAMETERS. The ALCplus2: Unit - B2-M1 GLOBAL window is displayed. The following alarm thresholds can be set: •
Num SES to set UAS. Threshold level - expressed as number of consecutive seconds with SES - over which the UAS unavailability period (P value) starts.
Num SES to reset UAS. Threshold level - expressed as number of consecutive seconds without SES - over which the UAS unavailability period (Q value) ends.
Percent. BBE to set SES. Threshold level - expressed as percentage of number of errored blocks - over which the system declares a SES.
15 Min ES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which ES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
15 Min SES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which SES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
15 Min SEP Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which SEP has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
15 Min ES Far End Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which ES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
15 Min SES Far End Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which SES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
15 Min SEP Far End Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which SEP has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour ES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which ES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour SES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which SES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour SEP Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which SEP has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour ES Far End Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which ES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour SES Far End Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which SES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour SEP Far End Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which SEP has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To set the alarm threshold of a parameter, move the cursor to the wished value.
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6. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure G828 STM-1 VC-12 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.24). The following alarm thresholds can be set: •
Num SES to set UAS. Threshold level - expressed as number of consecutive seconds with SES - over which the UAS unavailability period (P value) starts.
Num SES to reset UAS. Threshold level - expressed as number of consecutive seconds without SES - over which the UAS unavailability period (Q value) ends.
Percent. BBE to set SES. Threshold level - expressed as percentage of number of errored blocks - over which the system declares a SES.
15 Min ES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which ES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
15 Min SES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which SES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
15 Min SEP Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which SEP has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
15 Min ES Far End Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which ES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
15 Min SES Far End Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which SES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
15 Min SEP Far End Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which SEP has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour ES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which ES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour SES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which SES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour SEP Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which SEP has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour ES Far End Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which ES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour SES Far End Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which SES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour SEP Far End Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which SEP has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To set the alarm threshold of a parameter, move the cursor to the wished value. 5. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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Measure G828 E1 Line Side 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the E1 Trib push-button. The ALCplus2: G828 E1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.26). 3. Double click with the left button of the E1 - G828 Counters Line Side push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - window is displayed. The following alarm thresholds can be set: •
15 Min ES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which ES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
15 Min SES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which SES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
15 Min SEP Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which SEP has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour ES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which ES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour SES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which SES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour SEP Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which SEP has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
Num SES to set UAS. Threshold level - expressed as number of consecutive seconds with SES - over which the UAS unavailability period (P value) starts.
Num SES to reset UAS. Threshold level - expressed as number of consecutive seconds without SES - over which the UAS unavailability period (Q value) ends.
Percent. BBE to set SES. Threshold level - expressed as percentage of number of errored blocks - over which the system declares a SES.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To set the alarm threshold of a parameter, move the cursor to the wished value. 6. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure G828 E1 Radio Side 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the E1 Trib push-button. The ALCplus2: G828 E1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.26). 3. Double click with the left button of the E1 - G828 Counters Radio Side push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - window is displayed. The following alarm thresholds can be set: •
15 Min ES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which ES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
15 Min SES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which SES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
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15 Min SEP Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 15 minutes during which SEP has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour ES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which ES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour SES Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which SES has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
24 Hour SEP Threshold. Threshold level - expressed as number of seconds within a period of 24 hours during which SEP has occurred - over which the system raises the relevant alarm. The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold.
Num SES to set UAS. Threshold level - expressed as number of consecutive seconds with SES - over which the UAS unavailability period (P value) starts.
Num SES to reset UAS. Threshold level - expressed as number of consecutive seconds without SES - over which the UAS unavailability period (Q value) ends.
Percent. BBE to set SES. Threshold level - expressed as percentage of number of errored blocks - over which the system declares a SES.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To set the alarm threshold of a parameter, move the cursor to the wished value. 6. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To reset the threshold exceeding alarms (PM) The reset of the threshold exceeding alarms can be executed on the following performance measures: •
Measure G828 Radio (pag. 134).
Measure G828 ACM Radio A (pag. 135).
Measure Rx Power Radio (pag. 135).
Measure Tx Power Radio (pag. 135).
Measure G829 RstB1 STM-1 (pag. 135).
Measure G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 (pag. 136).
Measure G828 STM-1 VC-12 (pag. 136).
Measure G828 E1 Line Side (pag. 136).
Measure G828 E1 Radio Side (pag. 136).
Measure G828 Radio 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure G828 Radio . The ALCplus2: Unit - Branch window is displayed. 3. Press the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the Alarm Clear command.
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Measure G828 ACM Radio A 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure G828 ACM Radio A. The ALCplus2: Unit - G828 ACM 1A window is displayed. 3. Press the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the Alarm Clear command.
Measure Rx Power Radio 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure Radio Branch Rx Power - Counters. The ALCplus2: Unit - Rx Power Branch window is displayed. 3. Press the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the Alarm Clear command.
Measure Tx Power Radio 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure Radio Branch Tx Power - Counters. The ALCplus2: Unit - Tx Power Branch window is displayed. 3. Press the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the Alarm Clear command.
Measure G829 RstB1 STM-1 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.24). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the wished measure STM-1 B1 G829-Counter Matrix. The ALCplus2: Unit - G829 STM-1 - B1 window is displayed. 4. Press the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the Alarm Clear command.
Measure G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.24).
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3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the wished measure STM-1 B2-M1 G829-Counter Matrix. The ALCplus2: Unit - G829 RstB1 STM-1 - B1 window is displayed. 4. Press the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the Alarm Clear command.
Measure G828 STM-1 VC-12 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.24). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Click here to visualize TUG push-button relevant to the wished STM-1 stream. The window displays the structure of the relevant STM-1 stream (Fig.25). 4. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the box corresponding to the wished VC-12 channel. The ALCplus2: Unit - VC12 (TU --) window is displayed. 5. Select the box in correspondence of the Alarm Clear command. 6. Choose the value active. 7. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Measure G828 E1 Line Side 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the E1 Trib push-button. The ALCplus2: G828 E1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.26). 3. Double click with the left button of the E1 - G828 Counters Line Side push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - window is displayed. 4. Press the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the Alarm Clear command.
Measure G828 E1 Radio Side 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the E1 Trib push-button. The ALCplus2: G828 E1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.26). 3. Double click with the left button of the E1 - G828 Counters Radio Side push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - window is displayed. 4. Press the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the Alarm Clear command.
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To reset the performance counters (PM) The reset of the performance counters can be executed on the following performance measures: •
Measure G828 Radio (pag. 137).
Measure G828 ACM Radio A (pag. 137).
Measure Rx Power Radio (pag. 137).
Measure Tx Power Radio (pag. 138).
Measure G829 RstB1 STM-1 (pag. 138).
Measure G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 (pag. 138).
Measure G828 STM-1 VC-12 (pag. 138).
Measure G828 E1 Line Side (pag. 139).
Measure G828 E1 Radio Side (pag. 139).
Measure G828 Radio 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure G828 Radio . The ALCplus2: Unit - Branch window is displayed. 3. Press the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the Counter Clear command.
Measure G828 ACM Radio A 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure G828 ACM Radio A. The ALCplus2: Unit - G828 ACM 1A window is displayed. 3. Press the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the Counter Clear command.
Measure Rx Power Radio 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure Radio Branch Rx Power - Counters. The ALCplus2: Unit - Rx Power Branch window is displayed. 3. Press the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the Counter Clear command.
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Measure Tx Power Radio 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the measure Radio Branch Tx Power - Counters. The ALCplus2: Unit - Tx Power Branch window is displayed. 3. Press the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the Counter Clear command.
Measure G829 RstB1 STM-1 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.24). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the wished measure STM-1 B1 G829-Counter Matrix. The ALCplus2: Unit - G829 STM-1 - B1 window is displayed. 4. Press the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the Counter Clear command.
Measure G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.24). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the wished measure STM-1 B2-M1 G829-Counter Matrix. The ALCplus2: Unit - G829 RstB1 STM-1 - B1 window is displayed. 4. Press the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the Counter Clear command.
Measure G828 STM-1 VC-12 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.24). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Click here to visualize TUG push-button relevant to the wished STM-1 stream. The window displays the structure of the relevant STM-1 stream (Fig.25). 4. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the box corresponding to the wished VC-12 channel. The ALCplus2: Unit - VC12 (TU --) window is displayed. 5. Select the box in correspondence of the Counter Clear command. 6. Choose the value active. 7. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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Measure G828 E1 Line Side 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the E1 Trib push-button. The ALCplus2: G828 E1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.26). 3. Double click with the left button of the E1 - G828 Counters Line Side push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - window is displayed. 4. Press the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the Counter Clear command.
Measure G828 E1 Radio Side 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Performance Monitoring push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Performance Monitoring window is displayed (Fig.23). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the E1 Trib push-button. The ALCplus2: G828 E1 P.M. window is displayed (Fig.26). 3. Double click with the left button of the E1 - G828 Counters Radio Side push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - window is displayed. 4. Press the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the Counter Clear command.
PM measures (more information) A PM measure consists of recording, during a preset time range (observation period), the values of specific parameters. Some threshold limits have been assigned to such control parameters (the setting of the thresholds can be changed). The exceeding of the threshold limit points out a more or less serious degradation of the signal. This condition generates an alarm. The alarms relevant to the threshold exceeding are treated by the equipment and by the application as normal alarms. The only exception is that the alarm is not automatically reset at the return into the threshold limit but the user has to execute the reset of this kind of alarms. The control parameters under examination change according to the equipment type and to the measure type supported by that type of equipment. Usually, all the executed measures refer to ITU-T Recommendations (for instance G.828, G.826, etc.).
The activation (and the deactivation) of the PM measures can be executed only after a command forwarded by the user.
When it has been activated a PM measure, the main controller of the equipment starts the storing of the values relevant to the control parameters. The results of the measures are sub-divided into records. Each record contains the values recorded into a specific time range (observation period). If at the end of the observation period, the measure has not yet been deactivated the system starts another observation period and so on until when the operator stops the measure. The equipment group the results of the PM measures into observation period of 15 minutes (primary records) and of 24 hours (daily records).
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The observation periods can not be synchronized with the instant when the measure is activated but such records refer, for the primary records, to the quarter of an hour of the solar day (00.00, 00.15, 00.30, etc.) and, for the daily records, to the time 00.00 of the solar day. For instance, if a measure starts at 11.40, the first primary record will have as observation period the time 11.40...11.45 (corresponding to the time range 11.30...11.45), while the first daily record will have as observation period 11.40...00.00.
When the user requires the display of the results of the PM measures, the daily and primary records relevant to the running PM measures are displayed. For each type of measure, the equipment keeps stored the current records and also the last 16 primary records (corresponding to the last 4 hours) and the last daily one (corresponding to the preceding day). The preceding records are overwritten. When the operator stops a measure, the system stores the uncompleted current record.
If the operator activates and deactivates the measure more times during the same observation period, the system will store the record that contains the results of the last executed measure. For instance if the measure has been activated at 9.02 and deactivated at 9.07, then it has been newly activated at 9.09, the record relevant to the observation period 9.00...9.15 will contain the results of the measures relevant to the period 9.09...9.15, while the ones relevant to the period 9.02...9.07 will not be stored. If an equipment has some PM measures on progress and it is re-started up or turned off, when it will successively restarted or turned on the measures activated before the turning off will be automatically restarted. The records (primary and daily), relevant to the period when measure has been stopped, will result empty and when it has been reached the limit of 16 primary records and 1 daily one, they will overwrite the preceding records.
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This command is available only if the management of the synchronization is enabled (pag.72). The Synchronization Information push-button allows: •
To verify the status of the synchronism sources (pag. 141).
To manage the synchronism sources in input. It is possible:
To enable/disable the use of a synchronism source in input (pag. 143).
To verify/modify the priority of a synchronism source in input (pag. 144).
To force the use of a synchronism source in input (pag. 144).
To set a synchronism source in input as preferential (pag. 145).
To verify the type of interface of tributary A used as synchronism source in input for T2/T3 1 (pag. 145).
To select the E1 tributary used as synchronism source in input for T2/T3 2 and the relevant interface type (pag. 146).
Set the type of source used as synchronism source in input for STM-1/NODAL A (T0) or STM1/NODAL B (T0) (pag. 146).
To verify the status of the alarms of a synchronism source in input (pag. 147).
To manage the internal synchronism of the equipment (T0): •
To force the T0 synchronization status (pag. 147).
To verify the status of the alarms of T0 synchronism (pag. 148).
To manage the output of the synchronism (T12) on the tributary A/B and define the (output/input) interface of tributary A/B (pag. 148).
To re-time the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation (pag. 149).
For more information about the synchronism management, refer to pag. 149.
To verify the status of the synchronism sources in input 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Synchronization Information push-button in the ALCplus2: Equipment window. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Synchronization Information window is displayed, where the status of the synchronization sources is displayed (Fig.27).
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Fig.27 Synchronization Information window
Logic address
IP address (1)
Indication of the source in input from which the equipment takes the T0 synchronism
Synchronism sources in input for T0 (2)
Synchronism source T0 (3)
Synchronism source in output from the equipment
Pulsanti (4)
Notes of Fig.27 (1)
The Virtual Equipment wording points out that the window refers to a virtual NE object.
Each synchronization source in input is represented by a rectangle whose characteristics are illustrated here below. Type of source (a)
Alarm status of the source (c) Priority of the source (b)
a. The wording: •
TE LAN-3, points out the synchronism source extracted from port LAN 3.
TE LAN-4, points out the synchronism source extracted from port LAN 4.
T2/T3 1, points out the synchronism source extracted from tributary A.
T2/T3 2, points out the synchronism source extracted from tributary B or by one of the E1 tributaries of the expansion.
RADIO (T0), points out the synchronism source extracted from the Radio.
STM-1/NODAL A (T0), STM-1/NODAL B (T0) points out the synchronism source extracted from the STM-1 tributary or from the Nodal Bus 2.
Internal Source, points out the synchronism source extracted by an internal reference (12,8 MHz STRATUM 3).
The detail of the signal/configuration relevant to each single synchronism source and the availability of the sources depending on the equipment type/configuration are pointed out in Tab.4. The mouse pointer takes the shape of an hand passing over the boxes representing the synchronism sources in input for which the configuration parameters can be configured. The Internal Source synchronism source has not configuration parameters.
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b. The wording: •
Priority: Disable, points out that the synchronism source is not enabled.
Priority: , points out that the synchronism source is not enabled and its priority level is shown by the number 1 ÷ 9 (1 is the highest priority, 9 is the lowest priority).
c. The colour of the led points out the activation status of the alarms relevant to the source:
Green, no alarm is active.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue, at least one alarm is active and the alarm with highest severity has severity respectively Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
T0: internal equipment synchronism. The source, from which the system gets the T0 internal synchronism, is defined by the equipment controller according the specific criteria of quality and priority. The Status box points out the status of the T0 source. If present the value:
Locked, the input source, set for the creation of the T0 synchronism, is physically present, the relevant signal is valid and used by the equipment for the creation of the synchronism.
Hold-over, all the possible sources in input are degraded; in this case the equipment keeps the estimated frequency of the last used external source.
Free-running, the T0 synchronism is created by equipment inner reference (Internal Source), because the other input synchronism sources are not physically present, their signal is degraded or they are disabled.
The push-button: •
E1 Retiming, opens the window for the re-timing of the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation (pag. 149).
E1 Source Type, opens the window for the management of the output of synchronism on tributary A and/or B and the definition of the interface (output/input) of the tributary A/B (pag. 148).
SETS, opens the window with the display of the alarm status of the source in input (pag. 147).
Refresh, updates the information displayed in the window.
To enable/disable the use of a synchronism source in input The enabling of the synchronism source T2/T3 1 or T2/T3 2 can affect the use respectively of the tributary A or the tributary B as traffic tributary (Tab.4). 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Synchronization Information push-button in the ALCplus2: Equipment window. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Synchronisation information window is displayed (Fig.27), where the status of the synchronism sources is displayed. 2. Double click with the left button of the box that represents the synchronism source in input. The mouse pointer takes the shape of an hand passing over the boxes representing the synchronism sources in input for which the configuration parameters can be configured. The ALCplus2: Unit window is displayed. The Priority box points out the usage status of the source: •
Priority 1… Priority 9, the source is enabled. The priority level goes from 1 (highest priority) to 9 (lowest priority).
Disable, the source is disabled.
3. To verify the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list.
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c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the priority of a synchronism source in input Operation available and meaningful only if the use of the synchronism source is enabled (pag.143). 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Synchronization Information push-button in the ALCplus2: Equipment window. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Synchronisation information window is displayed (Fig.27), where the status of the synchronism sources is displayed. 2. Double click with the left button of the box that represents the synchronism source in input. The mouse pointer takes the shape of an hand passing over the boxes representing the synchronism sources in input for which the configuration parameters can be configured. The ALCplus2: Unit window is displayed. The Priority box points out the priority level of the source: •
Priority 1, highest priority.
Priority 9, lowest priority.
The Disable value points out that the source is disabled. 3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To change the parameter: a. Select the box containing the value. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To force the use of a synchronism source in input Maintenance operation (MAN. OP.). Operation available and meaningful only if the use of the synchronism source is enabled (pag.143). 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Synchronization Information push-button in the ALCplus2: Equipment window. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Synchronisation information window is displayed (Fig.27), where the status of the synchronism sources is displayed. 2. Double click with the left button of the box that represents the synchronism source in input. The mouse pointer takes the shape of an hand passing over the boxes representing the synchronism sources in input for which the configuration parameters can be configured. The ALCplus2: Unit window is displayed. The Forced Switch box points out the forcing status of the source: •
On, the use of the synchronism source for the generation of the internal synchronism is forced
Off, the use of the synchronism source for the generation of the internal synchronism is not forced
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To change the parameter: a. Select the box containing the value.
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b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. Only if the forcing is active (selection of the On push-button), a message is displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and showing the current setting of the timeout. The activation of the forcing activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and, then, switched on, the forcing results inactive independently from the previous setting of the forcing itself. For each ALCplus2 equipment, the user can set a timeout, after which the system automatically deactivates the relevant active manual operations. The value Timeout 0 sec. points out that the timeout is disabled; this means that a manual operation remains active until when the user deactivates it.
To set a synchronism source in input as preferential Operation available and meaningful only if the use of the synchronism source is enabled (pag.143). 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Synchronization Information push-button in the ALCplus2: Equipment window. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Synchronisation information window is displayed (Fig.27), where the status of the synchronism sources is displayed. 2. Double click with the left button of the box that represents the synchronism source in input. The mouse pointer takes the shape of an hand passing over the boxes representing the synchronism sources in input for which the configuration parameters can be configured. The ALCplus2: Unit window is displayed. The Manual Switch (Preferential) box points out the forcing status of the source: •
On, the synchronism source is enabled as preferential. This means that without alarms (that cause the degradation), the considered synchronism source is used as preferential with respect to the others.
Off, the synchronism source is enabled as preferential. This means that without alarms (that cause the degradation), the considered synchronism source is not used as preferential with respect to the others.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To change the parameter: a. Select the box containing the value. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify the type of interface of tributary A used as synchronism source in input for T2/T3 1 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Synchronization Information push-button in the ALCplus2: Equipment window. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Synchronisation information window is displayed (Fig.27), where the status of the synchronism sources is displayed. 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the synchronism source in input T2/T3 1. The ALCplus2: Unit – Synch - T2/T3 1 window is displayed with the General Settings tab active. 3. Select the Source E1 tab.
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The parameter Type points out the interface used for the tributary A: •
T2 (2Mb/s), points out the 2Mbit/s interface.
T3 (2MHz), points out the 2MHz interface.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click with the left button of the mouse on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command.
To select the E1 tributary used as synchronism source in input for T2/ T3 2 and/or the relevant interface type 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Synchronization Information push-button in the ALCplus2: Equipment window. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Synchronisation information window is displayed (Fig.27), where the status of the synchronism sources is displayed. 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the synchronism source in input T2/T3 2. The ALCplus2: Unit – Synch - T2/T3 2 window is displayed with the General Settings tab active. 3. Select the Source E1 tab. The box Unit points out the tributary used as synchronism source and the type of interface. 4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To change the parameter, select in the box Unit the value: •
Trib. B. Tributary B. When this value is selected, the Type box is displayed pointing out the interface used by the tributary B. To modify the parameter, select the option: •
T2 (2Mb/s). 2Mbit/s interface.
T3 (2MHz). 2MHz interface.
The choice of this value compromises the use of the tributary B as traffic tributary when the synchronism source T2/T3 2 is activated. If the management of the synchronism in output is active on tributary B, the type of interface cannot be modified, as the value set in the field Trib. B is automatically set. •
Trib. 1-16/Trib. 1-32. One of the E1 tributary of the expansion. When this value is selected, the cursor PPI is displayed. Move the cursor on the wished tributary number. In this case, the type of interface cannot be modified. The value Trib. 1-16 is available only for ALCplus2 IDU equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. 16E1 or IduBoard Exp. Nod 2xSTM-1 16E1. The value Trib. 1-32 is available only for ALCplus2 IDU equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1.
6. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To set the type of source used as synchronism source in input for STM-1/NODAL A (T0) or STM-1/NODAL B (T0) Operation available only for equipment equipped with expansion IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 and if the management of the STM-1 stream and/or the management of the nodal configuration is active (pag. 71). 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Synchronization Information push-button.
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The ALCplus2: Subrack - Synchronisation information window with the status of the synchronism sources opens (Fig.27). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the synchronism source in input STM-1/NODAL 2 (T0). The system displays the ALCplus2: Unit – Synch - T1 - 1 window with the General Setting tab active. 3. Select the Source tab. The Source box points out the type of source used as synchronism for STM-1/NODAL 2 (T0). •
STM-1 [1] or STM-1 (T0). First STM-1 stream.
STM-1 [2]. Second STM-1 stream.
Nodal 1. First Nodal bus.
Nodal 2. Second Nodal bus.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To change the parameter: a. Select the wished value in the box. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify the status of the alarms of a synchronism source in input 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Synchronization Information push-button in the ALCplus2: Equipment window. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Synchronisation information window is displayed (Fig.27), where the status of the synchronism sources is displayed. 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the push-button SETS in the lower part of the window. The color of the LED on the push-button points out the summarized alarm status relevant to the source in input. The ALCplus2: Unit SETS window is displayed. The Alarms Status area displays the alarm status. The box of colour: •
green, points out that there are not active alarms
red, orange, yellow or light blue, points out that there are active alarms and the highest severity is respectively Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
To force the status of T0 synchronization Maintenance operation (MAN. OP.). 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Synchronization Information push-button in the ALCplus2: Equipment window. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Synchronisation information window is displayed (Fig.27). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the box representing the T0 synchronism. The ALCplus2: Unit - SETS Parameters window is displayed with the General Settings tab active. The T0 Status Control box points out the status of T0 synchronism: •
Freerunning, the T0 synchronism is generated by the internal reference of the equipment (Internal Source)
HoldOver, the HoldOver status is forced
Locked, the locking to an external source is re-enabled.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command.
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4. To change the parameter: a. Select the box containing the value. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. Only if you are activating the forcing (selection of the Freerunning or HoldOver push-button), a message is displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of the timeout. The activation of the forcing activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the user switches off the equipment and then switch it on, independently from the previous setting, the forcing will be inactive.
To verify the status of the alarms of T0 synchronism 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Synchronization Information push-button in the ALCplus2: Equipment window. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Synchronisation information window is displayed (Fig.27). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the box of T0 synchronism. The ALCplus2: Unit - window is displayed. The Alarms Status area displays the alarm status. The box of colour: •
green, points out that there are not active alarms
red, orange, yellow or light blue, points out that there are active alarms and the highest severity is respectively Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
To manage the output of the synchronism on the tributary A and/or B and define the (output/input) interface of tributary A/B The choice of the value T2 (2Mb/s) or T3 (2MHz) compromises the use of the tributary (A or B) as traffic tributary. If the tributary A and/or B is already used as synchronism source in input, the type of interface cannot be modified. 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Synchronization Information push-button in the ALCplus2: Equipment window. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Synchronisation information window is displayed (Fig.27). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the E1 Source type box. The ALCplus2: Unit - E1 Source Type window is displayed. The boxes Trib. A and Trib. B respectively point out the output of the T12 synchronism on tributaries A and B. If the selection option push-button is: •
NORMAL TRAFFIC, the tributary (A or B) is not used as output of T12 synchronism.
T2 (2Mb/s), the corresponding tributary is used as output of T12 synchronism with 2Mbit/s interface.
T3 (2MHz), the corresponding tributary is used as output of T12 synchronism with 2MHz interface.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To change the parameters select: •
in the area relevant to the tributary you wish to use as output of T12 synchronism, the option: •
T2 (2Mb/s). The tributary is used as output of synchronism T12 with 2Mbit/s interface.
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
• •
T3 (2MHz). The tributary is used as output of synchronism T12 with T12 with 2MHz interface.
in the area relevant to the tributary you wish not to use as output of T12 synchronism, the option NORMAL TRAFFIC.
5. Press Apply.
To re-time the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation Here below only the operation of re-timing of the E1s of an equipment (E1 re-timing). For the correct configuration of the functionality for a radio link see . 1. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Synchronization Information push-button in the ALCplus2: Equipment window. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Synchronisation information window is displayed (Fig.27). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the E1 Retiming push-button in the ALCplus2: Subrack - Synchronisation information window. The ALCplus2: Subrack - E1 Retiming window is displayed, which displays all the equipped tributaries. 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the tributary for which you wish to set the re-timing. The ALCplus2: Unit - E1 window is displayed. The parameter E1 Sync Enable displays the current setting of the parameter: •
Disabled. The function E1 re-timing is inactive.
Enabled. The function E1 re-timing is active.
4. To change the parameter: a. Select the box containing the value. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Synchronism management (more information) ALCplus2 IDU equipment can be configured to operate with synchronization enabled or disabled. When the synchronization is disabled, there is no management of synchronization: the clocks are generated starting from the local internal reference. When the synchronization is enabled, the synchronism source in input, enabled and with highest priority (if a forcing or a preferential is not active), is used to synchronize the local IDU. The synchronization in output can be transmitted to the remote terminal using the tributaries A and/or B. The user can enable or disable the management of the synchronization at his wish (pag.143).
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Synchronism sources in input The equipment is provided with more synchronism sources in input. The number/type of synchronism sources in input depends on the type/expansion of equipment (Tab.4).
Enabling of the synchronism sources in input A synchronism source must be enabled by the user to be used (pag.143). The enabling of the synchronism sources which use the tributaries A or B, if configured with 2MHz interface, compromises the use of tributary A or B for the traffic (Tab.4).
Configuration of the synchronism sources in input For some synchronism sources, it is possible to set the type of source and, for the tributaries A and B (E1), even the type of interface (2Mb/s or 2MHz) (Tab.4).
Priority of the synchronism source in input A priority level can be associated to every synchronism source in input (pag.144). The source with the highest priority level, and whose signal is valid, is used to synchronize the equipment (if a forcing or a preferential source is not active). The priority level of the synchronism source is pointed out by a number between 1 and 9, where 1 points out the highest priority and 9 the lowest one. Generally the equipment takes the synchronism from the source with the highest priority level: if this source is missing or is degraded, the synchronism is taken from the source with priority level immediately lower. When the source with highest priority level returns to be valid, the equipment will automatically start to use it to take the synchronism. If all the synchronism sources (set by the user) become unavailable, the equipment automatically takes the synchronism from its own internal reference. The degradation of the signal is caused by the presence of, at least, one of the following conditions: •
The source is not physically present.
The difference between the source frequency and the internal reference source is greater than ± 9,2 ppm.
Forcing of a synchronism source in input This function allows the user forcing a synchronism source in input as source from which the T0 synchronism is taken (pag.144). This forcing is made without considering the status and the priority of the source. This function must not be used for the normal operation of the synchronism. It is a maintenance operation and remains active until the user disables it or the Timeout period of the manual operations expires (if set). Function of synchronism source in preferential input This function allows the user choosing a source to use as preferential among those enabled (pag.145). When the function of preferential source is not active, the internal synchronism is taken from the enabled source with highest priority. When the function of preferential source is active for a source, this source will be used (in absence of alarms causing its degradation or forced sources) to take the internal synchronism independently from its priority level. This condition is maintained until when the user disables the function of preferential source or the source signal becomes degraded.
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Tab.4 Synchronism sources ALCplus2 equipment
IduBoard Exp. 16E1
Synchronism sources in input Name
LAN-3. Source available only if the LAN is configured with electrical interface.
LAN-4. Source available only if the LAN is configured with electrical interface.
T2/T3 1
Tributary A can be configured as: T2 (2Mb/s) or T3 (2MHz)*.
T2/T3 2
Tributary B can be configured as: T2 (2Mb/s) or T3 (2MHz)*.
Synchronism from remote terminal. Source available only when the radio is equipped (pag. 71).
LAN-3. Source available only if the LAN is configured with electrical interface.
LAN-4. Source available only if the LAN is configured with electrical interface.
T2/T3 1
Tributary A can be configured as: T2 (2Mb/s) or T3 (2MHz)*.
T2/T3 2
Source configurable as: • •
IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1
Tributary B can be configured as: T2 (2Mb/s) or T3 (2MHz)*. E1 tributary of the expansion (1 - 16)
Synchronism from remote terminal. Source available only when the radio is equipped (pag. 71).
LAN-3. Source available only if the LAN is configured with electrical interface.
LAN-4. Source available only if the LAN is configured with electrical interface.
T2/T3 1
Tributary A with interface T2 (2Mb/s) or T3 (2MHz)*
T2/T3 2
Source configurable as: • •
Tributary B with interface T2 (2Mb/s) or T3 (2MHz)*. E1 tributary of the expansion (1 - 32) with interface T2 (2Mbit/s)
Synchronism from remote terminal. Source available only when the radio is equipped (pag. 71). STM-1. Source available only if the management of the STM-1 stream is active
IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1
STM-1 [1] (T0)
First STM-1 stream. Source available only if the management of 2 STM-1 streams is active (pag. 72)
STM-1 [2] (T0)
Second STM-1 stream. Source available only if the management of 2 STM-1 streams is active (pag. 72)
LAN-3. Source available only if the LAN is configured with electrical interface.
LAN-4. Source available only if the LAN is configured with electrical interface.
T2/T3 1
Tributary A with interface T2 (2Mb/s) or T3 (2MHz)*. When the source configured as T3 (2MHz) is activated, the tributary A cannot be used anymore as traffic tributary.
T2/T3 2
Source configurable as: • •
Tributary B with interface T2 (2Mb/s) or T3 (2MHz)*. E1 tributary of the expansion (1 - 16)
Synchronism from remote terminal.
The name and the configuration of the sources in input for the STM-1 stream and for the Nodal Bus change depending on the configuration of the equipment and are pointed out in Tab.5. * The type of interface depends on the setting made by the user for the management of the synchronism in output T12 (pag.148).
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Tab.5 Availability of sources in input (ALCplus2 with IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1) Equipment Configuration Nodal Bus Management
STM-1 Management Inactive
Active Active Inactive 1 STM-1 (1) 2 STM-1 (1)
Synchronism sources in input for STM-1/Bus Nodale
Nodal 1 (T0)
Nodal Bus
Nodal Bus 1
Nodal 2 (T0)
Nodal Bus
Nodal Bus 2
STM-1 (T0)
STM-1 stream
STM-1/ STM-1 NODAL A (T0) or Nodal Bus
Source configurable as (2): - STM-1 stream (STM-1) - Nodal Bus 1 (Nodal 1) - Nodal Bus 2 (Nodal 2)
STM-1/ STM-1 NODAL B (T0) or Nodal Bus
Source configurable as (2): - STM-1 stream (STM-1) - Nodal Bus 1 (Nodal 1) - Nodal Bus 2 (Nodal 2)
STM-1 [1] (T0)
First STM-1 stream
STM-1 [2] (T0)
Second STM-1 stream
STM-1/ STM-1 NODAL A (T0) or Nodal Bus
Source configurable as (2): - First STM-1 (STM-1 [1]) - Second STM-1 (STM-1 [2]) - Nodal Bus 1 (Nodal 1) - Nodal Bus 2 (Nodal 2)
STM-1/ STM-1 NODAL B (T0) or Nodal Bus
Source configurable as (2): - First STM-1 (STM-1 [1]) - Second STM-1 (STM-1 [2]) - Nodal Bus 1 (Nodal 1) - Nodal Bus 2 (Nodal 2)
See pag. 72.
If a value is set for the source STM-1/NODAL A (T0) this value will not be available for the source STM1/NODAL B (T0) and vice versa.
Internal synchronism T0 The synchronism source in input, which the internal synchronism T0 is taken from, is determined by the equipment controller according specific criteria: •
Forcing of the source
Status of the source (enabled/disabled)
Preferential source
Priority of the source
Status of the signal (valid/degraded)
The internal synchronism T0 can assume one of the following statuses: •
Locked, the input source, set for the creation of the T0 synchronism, is physically present, the relevant signal is valid and used by the equipment for the creation of the synchronism.
Hold-over, all the possible sources in input are degraded; in this case the equipment keeps the estimated frequency of the last used external source.
Free-running, the T0 synchronism is created by equipment inner reference (Internal Source), because the other input synchronism sources are not physically present, their signal is degraded or they are disabled.
The user can force the status of the internal synchronism T0 (pag.147).
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The forcing of the status Hold Over or Free Running is not the normal operation of the T0 synchronism. This forcing is not the normal operation of the synchronism T0. It is a maintenance operation and remains active until when the use disables it or the Timeout period of the manual operations expires (if set).
Synchronism in output T12 The user can set that the synchronism is provided in output to tributaries A and/or B (pag.148). In this case, however, the use of the tributary (A and/or B) as traffic tributary is compromised. Moreover the use of the tributary A and/or B as output of synchronism T12 determinates the type of the interface of the tributary (A and/or B) used as synchronism source in input (see Tab.6). Tab.6 Synchronism in output (T12) Value set as output of synchronism T12 (parameter Trib. A) NORMAL TRAFFIC
Output of Synchronism T12 on tributary A
Interface of tributary A Use of tributary A as traffic (output/input) tributary
Yes *
T2 (2Mb/s)
T3 (2MHz)
Output of Synchronism T12 on tributary B
Interface of tributary B (output/input)
Utilizzo tributario B come tributario di traffico
Yes *
T2 (2Mb/s)
T3 (2MHz)
Value set as output of synchronism T12 (parameter Trib. B) NORMAL TRAFFIC
* For the contemporary transport of synchronism and traffic see pag.255).
Re-timing of the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation The function called Re-timing of E1s allows re-timing the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation, to increase the requirements of jitter and wander even in case of operation with adaptive modulation (ACM).
Implementation of the function for the E1s of the base board (tributary A and B) The tributaries of the base board can be set for the transport only of the traffic or as output of T12 synchronism. If the user wishes to use the tributary A or B for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation, in any condition of operation of the radio transport (ACM enabled), it is necessary to execute the operations described in the following example. Suppose you want to re-timing the tributary A used for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation between the local equipment and the remote equipment (Fig.28).
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Fig.28 Example of re-timing of tributary A (synchronisation)
LOCAL equipment
REMOTE equipment
SETS management
SETS management
Tributary A
Tributary A
Operations to execute for the LOCAL equipment by means of NMS5UX: a. Activate the management of the synchronisation (Synchronisation Enable - pag.72). b. Activate the use of the tributary A (pag.253) c. Set the source T2/T3 1 (tributary A) as synchronism source in input (Fig.27). d. Set the value NORMAL TRAFFIC as output of synchronism T12 for the parameter Trib. A (pag.148).
Operations to execute for the REMOTE equipment by means of NMS5UX: a. Activate the management of the synchronisation (Synchronisation Enable - pag.72). b. Activate the use of the tributary A (pag.253) c. Set the source RADIO (T0) as synchronism source in input (Fig.27). d. Activate the re-timing of tributary A (E1 Synchronisation Enable - value Enabled - pag.149). e. Set the value NORMAL TRAFFIC as output of synchronism T12 for the parameter Trib. A (pag.148). Implementation of the function for the E1s of the expansion (tributary 1...n) Generally the tributaries of the expansion transport traffic. If the user wants to use their frequency for synchronisation purposes in any condition of operation of the radio transport (ACM enabled), it is necessary to execute the operations described in the following example. Suppose you want to re-timing the tributary 1 used for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation between the local equipment and the remote equipment (Fig.29).
Fig.29 Example of re-timing of tributary 1 (synchronisation)
LOCAL equipment
REMOTE equipment
SETS management
SETS management
Tributary 1
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Tributary 1
Settings to execute for the LOCAL equipment by means of NMS5UX: a. Activate the management of the synchronisation (Synchronisation Enable - pag.72). b. Activate the use of the tributary 1 (pag.253) c. Set the tributary 1 as source T2/T3 2 (pag.146). d. Set the source T2/T3 2 as synchronism source in input (Fig.27).
Settings to execute for the REMOTE equipment by means of NMS5UX: a. Activate the management of the synchronisation (Synchronisation Enable - pag.72). b. Activate the use of the tributary 1 (pag.253) c. Set the source RADIO (T0) as synchronism source in input (Fig.27). d. Activate the re-timing of tributary 1 (E1 Synchronisation Enable - value Enabled - pag.149).
In case you want to use this function (contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation) on more E1 tributaries, all the tributaries must be synchronous, moreover the re-timing must be activated for all the tributaries and not only for the tributary used as synchronous source in input.
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The ALCPLUS2 contextual area allows: •
To display the functional diagram of the equipment (pag. 156).
To verify/modify the configuration parameters of the STM-1 streams (pag. 158).
To verify/modify the configuration parameters of the VC-4 channels (pag. 167).
To verify/modify the configuration parameters of the VC-12 channels (pag. 170).
To verify the inventory data of IDU unit (pag. 173).
To verify/modify the configuration of the Ethernet switch (pag. 174).
To verify/modify the operating parameters of E1 tributaries (pag. 251).
To verify the alarm status of LIM unit (pag. 255).
To verify the alarm status of RIM unit (pag. 256).
The operations of verication/modification of the configuration parameters of the STM-1 streams and of the VC-4 and VC-12 channels are available only for ALCplus2 equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1 or IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 when the management of STM-1 streams is active (pag. 72).
Functional scheme
To display the functional diagram of the equipment 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30).
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Fig.30 ALCPLUS2 window Functional scheme (1)
Double click on this area to display the IDU inventory data
Summarized alarm LED for IDU unit
Notes of Fig.30 (1)
The functional scheme is usually displayed by blocks and can change according to the configuration of the equipment. The blocks relevant to the baseband section have the light blue border. The LED in every block points out the status of the relevant alarms: •
Green colour, no alarm relevant to the specific block is active.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue colour, at least one alarm relevant to the block is active and that the most serious active alarm has severity respectively Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
If the window refers to a virtual equipment, the summary status of the alarms is not meaningful (the colour of the led is white). A double click of the left button of the mouse on the: •
E1 A-B push-button, opens the window for the management of the base E1 tributaries (Fig.50).
E1 Exp. push-button, opens the window for the management of the expansion E1 tributaries (Fig.51).
STM1 push-button, opens the window for the management of the STM-1 streams (Fig.31).
CROSS CONNECTION MANAGEMENT push-button, opens the window for the management of the cross connection matrix (Fig.11).
ETHERNET push-button, opens the window for the management of the Ethernet switch (Fig.32).
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LIM RADIO BRANCH block, opens the window with the alarm status of the corresponding LIM unit (pag.255).
RADIO BRANCH INDOOR UNIT block, opens the window with the alarm status of the corresponding RIM unit (pag.256).
RADIO BRANCH OUTDOOR UNIT block, opens the window for the configuration of the operating parameters of the corresponding radio (pag.257).
The push-button E1 Exp. is available only for ALCplus2 equipment with expansion IduBoard 16E1, IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1 or IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1. The push-button STM1 is available only for ALCplus2 equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1 or IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1. The block CROSS CONNECTION MANAGEMENT is available only for ALCplus2 equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1 or IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1.
STM-1 The following operations are available only for ALCplus2 equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1 or IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 when the management of STM-1 streams is active (pag.72). The commands relevant to the STM-1 B stream is available only if the protection of STM-1 stream (MSP mode) is active or if the management of two unprotected STM-1 streams is active (MSTmode). As regards the STM-1 streams, the ALCPLUS2 contextual area allows: •
To verify/modify the status of the STM1 stream (pag. 158).
To verify the type of STM1 interface (pag. 160).
To verify/modify the enabling status of the J0 Trace Identifier byte (pag. 160).
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted/expected/received as J0 Trace Identifier (pag. 161).
To verify/modify the enabling status of the STM1 loop (line side) (pag. 161).
To verify/modify the enabling status of the STM1 loop (internal side) (pag. 162).
To verify/modify the intervention threshold of the B2 Signal Degraded alarm (pag. 162).
To verify/modify the intervention threshold of the B2 Excessive BER alarm (pag. 163).
The following operations are available only for equipment with STM-1 stream with optical interface. •
To verify the current status of the laser (pag. 163).
To verify the type of laser module (pag. 164).
To verify/modify the enabling status of the laser (pag. 164).
To verify/modify the transmission mode of the laser (pag. 165).
To enable manually the laser transmission (pag. 165).
To execute the test laser operating status (pag. 166).
To execute the manual restart of the laser (pag. 167).
To verify/modify the status of the STM1 stream 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed (Fig.31). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM-1 A (or STM-1 B) push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 TIU-1 window, relevant to the selected STM-1 stream, is displayed with the Settings tab active. The Enable/Disable box points out the status of the considered STM1 stream:
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Disable, the STM1 stream is not active (unused stream). In this condition, the alarms are inhibited and the LOS alarm is raised if, with disabled stream, the STM1 signal is however connected.
Enable, the STM1 stream is active (used stream). In this condition, the controller does not inhibit the alarms.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To change the parameter: a. Select the box containing the value. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. Fig.31 ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window
Stream STM-1 A (1) Channel VC-4 (2)
Stream STM-1 B (1)
Summarized status of TUG (3)
Channel VC-12 (4)
Press this push-button to access the window for the configuration of the alarm thresholds of VC-12’s
Notes of Fig.31 (1)
Double click on this push-button to display the window relevant to the configuration and status parameters of the relevant STM-1 stream. The led in the push-button points out the summarized alarm status for the considered STM-1 stream. If the led is: •
Green, no alarm is active for the considered STM-1 stream.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue, at least one alarm relevant to the considered STM-1 stream is active and the highest alarm severity is respectively Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
Double click on this push-button to display the window relevant to the configuration and status parameters of the relevant VC-4 channel. The led in the push-button points out the summarized alarm status for the considered VC-4 channel. If the led is: •
Green, no alarm is active for the considered VC-4 channel.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue, at least one alarm relevant to the considered VC-4 channel is active and the highest alarm severity is respectively Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
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Double click on Click here to visualize TUG push-button to display all the VC-12 channels composing the considered STM-1 stream: the label of the push-button becomes Selected TUG. The led in the push-button points out the summarized alarm status for the considered VC-12 channel. If the led is: •
Green, no alarm is active on the VC-12 channels.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue, at least one alarm relevant to a VC-12 channel of the considered VC-4 is active and the highest alarm severity is respectively Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
Double click on this push-button to display the window relevant to the configuration and status parameters of the relevant VC-12 channel. The led in the push-button points out the summarized alarm status for the considered VC-12 channel. If the led is: •
Green, no alarm is active for the considered VC-12 channel.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue, at least one alarm relevant to the considered VC-12 channel is active and the highest alarm severity is respectively Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
To verify the type of STM1 interface 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed (Fig.31). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM-1 A (or STM-1 B) push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 TIU-1 window, relevant to the selected STM-1 stream, is displayed with the Settings tab active. The SDH Physical Interface Type points out the type of equipped STM1 interface: •
electrical, the STM-1 electrical interface is equipped.
physical, the STM-1 optical interface is equipped.
To verify/modify the enabling status of the J0 Trace Identifier byte 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed (Fig.31). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM-1 A (or STM-1 B) push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 TIU-1 window, relevant to the selected STM-1 stream, is displayed with the Settings tab active. The J0 Trace Identifier Type box points out the enabling status of the control of the J0 byte on the received STM-1 signal: •
Disable, the control of the J0 byte is disabled.
1 byte ctrl, the control of the J0 byte is enabled and executed on a sequence of 1 byte. The inconsistency between the expected byte and the received one creates an alarm signal (J0 Trace Identifier Mismatch Alarm).
16 bytes ctrl, the control of the J0 byte is enabled and executed on a sequence of 16 bytes. The inconsistency between the expected byte sequence and the received one creates an alarm signal (J0 Trace Identifier Mismatch Alarm)
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed.
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b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. A confirmation message is displayed. d. Press the Ok push-button.
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted/expected/received as J0 Trace Identifier (STM-1) 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed (Fig.31). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM-1 A (or STM-1 B) push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 TIU-1 window, relevant to the selected STM-1 stream, is displayed with the Settings tab active. The J0 Trace Identifier boxes points out the sequence of the transmitted/expected/received characters relevant to J0 byte used for the control of received STM-1 signal. In detail the box: •
J0 Trace Identifier Sent box, points out the transmitted sequence of control characters.
J0 Trace Identifier Expected box, points out the sequence of characters expected in reception.
J0 Trace Identifier Received, points out the sequence of characters in reception.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To change the sequences of the transmitted/expected characters: a. Type, into the specific text box, the new string of ASCII characters. The number of characters that must constitute the sequence depends on the value set in the J0 Trace Identifier Type (pag. 160). b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. A confirmation window is displayed. c. Press the Ok push-button.
To verify/modify the enabling status of the STM1 loop (line side) Maintenance operation (MAN. OP). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed (Fig.31). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM-1 A (or STM-1 B) push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 TIU-1 window, relevant to the selected STM-1 stream, is displayed with the Settings tab active. The STM1 Line Loop box points out the status of the STM1 on line side: •
Loop Off, no loop is active.
Loop On, the STM-1 loop on line side is active.
The STM-1 loops on line side and on internal side cannot be activated at the same time. 4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command.
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5. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the enabling status of the STM1 loop (internal side) Maintenance operation (MAN. OP). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed (Fig.31). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM-1 A (or STM-1 B) push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 TIU-1 window, relevant to the selected STM-1 stream, is displayed with the Settings tab active. The STM1 Internal Loop box points out the status of the STM1 on internal side: •
Loop Off, no loop is active.
Loop On, the STM-1 loop on internal side is active.
The STM-1 loops on line side and on internal side cannot be activated at the same time. 4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the intervention threshold of the B2 Signal Degraded alarm 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed (Fig.31). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM-1 A (or STM-1 B) push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 TIU-1 window, relevant to the selected STM-1 stream, is displayed with the Settings tab active. 4. Select the Thresholds tab. The B2 Signal Degraded Threshold box points out the intervention threshold of the B2 Signal Degraded alarm according to the error rate calculated on the byte B2 of the received STM-1. If the active value is: •
e-5, at the detection of a BER > 10-5 the alarm is activated.
e-6, at the detection of a BER > 10-6 the alarm is activated.
e-7, at the detection of a BER > 10-7 the alarm is activated.
e-8, at the detection of a BER > 10-8 the alarm is activated.
e-9, at the detection of a BER > 10-9 the alarm is activated.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter:
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
a. Select the box containing the value. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands - Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the intervention threshold of the B2 Excessive BER alarm 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed (Fig.31). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM-1 A (or STM-1 B) push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 TIU-1 window, relevant to the selected STM-1 stream, is displayed with the Settings tab active. 4. Select the Thresholds tab. The B2 Excessive BER box points out the intervention threshold of the B2 Excessive BER alarm according to the error rate calculated on the byte B2 of the received STM-1. If the active value is: •
e-3, at the detection of a BER > 10-3 the alarm is activated.
e-4, at the detection of a BER > 10-4 the alarm is activated.
e-5, at the detection of a BER > 10-5 the alarm is activated.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box containing the value. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands - Send SET Request command.
To verify the current status of the laser Operation available only for equipment with STM-1 stream with optical interface. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed (Fig.31). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM-1 A (or STM-1 B) push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 TIU-1 window, relevant to the selected STM-1 stream, is displayed with the Settings tab active. 4. Select the Laser tab. The current status of the laser is displayed in the Laser Status box: •
On, the laser is on transmission.
Off, the laser is not on transmission.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and select the Get push-button or the Commands > Send GET Request command.
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To verify the type of laser module Operation available only for equipment with STM-1 stream with optical interface. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed (Fig.31). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM-1 A (or STM-1 B) push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 TIU-1 window, relevant to the selected STM-1 stream, is displayed with the Settings tab active. 4. Select the Laser tab. The type of laser module is displayed in the Laser Module Type box (classification of the optical interface according to G.957 Specification): •
optical - S11; S type laser module (application: Inter office-Short-haul), 1 (STM level: Stm1), 1 (fiber type: according to Spec. G.652).
optical - L11; L type laser module (application: Inter office-Long-haul), 1 (STM level: Stm1), 1 (fiber type: according to Spec. G.652).
optical - L12; L type laser module (application: Inter office-Long-haul), 1 (STM level: Stm1), 2 (fiber type: according to Spec. G.652, G.654).
optical - I1; I type laser module (application: Intra office), 1 (STM level: Stm-1).
Unknown; the laser module is not one of the above listed modules (possible anomaly of the laser module).
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command.
To verify/modify the enabling status of the laser Operation available only for equipment with STM-1 stream with optical interface. Maintenance operation (MAN. OP). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed (Fig.31). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM-1 A (or STM-1 B) push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 TIU-1 window, relevant to the selected STM-1 stream, is displayed with the Settings tab active. 4. Select the Laser tab. The enabling status of the laser is displayed in the Laser Control box: •
Laser On, the laser is enabled for transmission.
Laser Off, the laser is not enabled for transmission.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box containing the value. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. Only if you are disabling the laser (Off value), a message is displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of the timeout. The laser disabling activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and switched off, the laser is enabled to transmit independently from the previous setting.
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To verify/modify the transmission mode of the laser Operation available only for equipment with STM-1 stream with optical interface. Maintenance operation (MAN. OP). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed (Fig.31). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM-1 A (or STM-1 B) push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 TIU-1 window, relevant to the selected STM-1 stream, is displayed with the Settings tab active. 4. Select the Laser tab. The transmission mode of the laser is displayed in the Automatic Shutdown box: •
Disable, the laser transmission is affected only by its enabling status and not by the real presence of the optical signal.
Enable Auto, the transmission of the laser is affected by the presence of the optical signal: when the signal is present, the laser transmits, when the signal is not present, the laser does not transmit. In this last condition, the controller automatically turns on the laser for 2 seconds every “x” seconds (adjustable in the Auto Restart Time box) to activate the remote transmitter: if the signal in reception is present, the laser will continue to transmit, otherwise, after “x” seconds, the laser will be turned on again for 2 seconds and so on. In order to modify the time interval, move the Auto Restart Time cursor to the wished value (range 60 - 300 sec., default 120 sec.) and press the Set push-button or the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Enable Manual, the laser transmission is manually enabled by the operator.
Enable Test, the laser transmits for “x” seconds where x is the value set in the Manual Test Time box (operation of “laser operating status”).
If the management of STM-1 stream in 1+1 MSP No ALS modality is active (see pag.72), the Automatic Shutdown function is permanently disabled. This means that, in the Automatic Shutdown area, the value Disable (option not modifiable) is automatically set and the other items of the area are not available. 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box containing the value. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. Only if you are setting Disable, Enable Manual or Enable Test as transmission modality for the laser, a message is displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of the timeout. The selection of a modality different from Enable Auto activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the user turns off the equipment and then turns it on again, without taking into any account the preceding setting, the transmission mode of the laser is Enable Auto.
To enable manually the laser transmission Operation available only for equipment with STM-1 stream with optical interface. Maintenance operation (MAN. OP). If the management of STM-1 stream is active in 1+1 MSP No ALS modality (pag.72), the Automatic Shutdown function is permanently disabled. This means that the laser transmission modality is forced to Disable. In this case, this operation is not available.
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1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed (Fig.31). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM-1 A (or STM-1 B) push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 TIU-1 window, relevant to the selected STM-1 stream, is displayed with the Settings tab active. 4. Select the Laser tab. 5. In the Automatic Shutdown box, press the Enable Manual push-button. 6. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. A message is displayed, warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of timeout. 7. Confirm the operation. The setting of the Enable Manual modality, activates the MAN. OP alarm 8. Press the Restart Laser push-button and confirm. The laser transmits for 2 seconds and then stops.
To execute the test laser operating status Operation available only for equipment with STM-1 stream with optical interface. Maintenance operation (MAN. OP). If the management of STM-1 stream is active in 1+1 MSP No ALS modality (pag.72), the Automatic Shutdown function is permanently disabled. This means that the laser transmission modality is forced to Disable. In this case, this operation is not available. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed (Fig.31). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM-1 A (or STM-1 B) push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 TIU-1 window, relevant to the selected STM-1 stream, is displayed with the Settings tab active. 4. Select the Laser tab. 5. Set the number of seconds for which you wish to switch on the laser, moving the Manual Test Time cursor to the selected value. 6. In the Automatic Shutdown box, press the Enable Test push-button. 7. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. A message is displayed, warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of timeout. 8. Confirm the operation. The setting of the Enable Test modality activates the MAN. OP alarm. 9. Press the Restart Laser push-button and confirm. The laser transmits for the number of seconds set into the Manual Test Time box and then it stops.
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To execute the manual restart of the laser Operation available only for equipment with STM-1 stream with optical interface. Maintenance operation (MAN. OP). If the management of STM-1 stream is active in 1+1 MSP No ALS modality (pag.72), the Automatic Shutdown function is permanently disabled. This means that the laser transmission modality is forced to Disable. In this case, this operation is not available. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed (Fig.31). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM-1 contextual area. The ALCplus2: Unit - STM1 TIU-1 window is displayed with the Settings tab active. 4. Select the Laser tab. 5. Set the interval of transmission of the laser beam for test purposes in the following way: a. Select the Manual Test Time (sec.) box. b. Move the cursor to the wished value (range: 2 .. 100 seconds). c. Press the push-button Set or select Commands > Send SET Request. 6. Press the Send push-button in the Manual Restart box.
VC4 The following operations are available only for ALCplus2 equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1 or IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 when the management of STM-1 streams is active (pag.72). The commands relevant to the channel VC-4 [2] is available only if the management of two unprotected STM-1 streams is active (MSTmode). •
To verify/modify the enabling status of the byte J1 Trace Identifier (pag. 167).
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted/expected/received as J1 Trace Identifier (pag. 168).
To verify the configuration of TUG-3 (pag. 168).
To verify/modify the intervention thresholds of the B3 Signal Degraded alarm (pag. 169).
To verify/modify the intervention thresholds of the B3 Excessive BER alarm (pag. 169).
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted/expected/received as Signal Label (pag. 170).
To verify/modify the enabling status of the byte J1 Trace Identifier 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window is displayed (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The AL plus: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed. 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the VC-4 push-button relevant to the VC-4 channel of the interested STM-1 stream. The ALCplus2: Unit - VC-4 TIU-1 window is displayed with the J1 tab active.
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The J1 Trace Identifier Type box points out the enabling status of the control of the byte J1 on the received VC-4 channel: •
Disable, the control of the J1 byte is disabled.
16 byte ctrl, the control of the J1 byte is enabled and executed on a sequence of 16 byte. The inconsistency between the expected byte and the received one creates an alarm signal (J1 Trace Identifier Mismatch Alarm).
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. A confirmation message is displayed. d. Press the Ok push-button.
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted/expected/received as J1 Trace Identifier 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window is displayed (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The AL plus: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed. 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the VC-4 push-button relevant to the VC-4 channel of the interested STM-1 stream. The ALCplus2: Unit - VC-4 TIU-1 window is displayed with the J1 tab active. The J1 Trace Identifier boxes point out the sequence of the transmitted/expected/received characters relevant to J1 byte used for the control of received VC-4 signal. In detail the box: •
J1 Trace Identifier Sent box, points out the transmitted sequence of control characters.
J1 Trace Identifier Expected box, points out the sequence of characters expected in reception.
J1 Trace Identifier Received, points out the sequence of characters in reception.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To change the sequences of the characters at transmission and/or at reception: a. Type the new string of ASCII characters in the specific text box. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. A confirmation window is displayed. c. Press the Ok push-button.
To verify the configuration of TUG-3 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window is displayed (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The AL plus: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed. 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the VC-4 push-button relevant to the VC-4 channel of the interested STM-1 stream. The ALCplus2: Unit - VC-4 TIU-1 window is displayed with the J1 tab active. 4. Select the TUG-3 Settings tab.
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The boxes Tug3-1, Tug3-2, Tug3-3 point out the composition of the TUG-3’s for the considered VC-4.
To verify/modify the intervention threshold of the B3 Signal Degraded alarm 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window is displayed (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The AL plus: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed. 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the VC-4 push-button relevant to the VC-4 channel of the interested STM-1 stream. The ALCplus2: Unit - VC-4 TIU-1 window is displayed with the J1 tab active. 4. Select the B3/Signal Label tab. The B3 Signal Degraded Threshold box shows the intervention threshold of the B3 Signal Degraded alarm according to the error rate calculated on the byte B3 of the received signal. If the active value is: •
e-5, at the detection of a BER > 10-5 the alarm is activated.
e-6, at the detection of a BER > 10-6 the alarm is activated.
e-7, at the detection of a BER > 10-7 the alarm is activated.
e-8, at the detection of a BER > 10-8 the alarm is activated.
e-9, at the detection of a BER > 10-9 the alarm is activated.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box containing the value. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the intervention threshold of the B3 Excessive BER alarm 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window is displayed (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The AL plus: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed. 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the VC-4 push-button relevant to the VC-4 channel of the interested STM-1 stream. The ALCplus2: Unit - VC-4 TIU-1 window is displayed with the J1 tab active. 4. Select the B3/Signal Label tab. The B3 Excessive BER box points out the intervention threshold of the B3 Excessive BER alarm depending on the error rate calculated on the byte B3 of the received signal. If the active value is: •
e-3, at the detection of BER > 10-3 the alarm is activated.
e-4, at the detection of BER > 10-4 the alarm is activated.
e-5, at the detection of BER > 10-5 the alarm is activated.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted/expected/received as Signal Label 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window is displayed (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The AL plus: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed. 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the VC-4 push-button relevant to the VC-4 channel of the interested STM-1 stream. The ALCplus2: Unit - VC-4 TIU-1 window is displayed with the J1 tab active. 4. Select the B3/Signal Label tab. The Signal Label boxes point out the setting of the value of Signal Label used for the control of the received signal. The incongruence between the expected value and the received one generates an alarm signal (Signal Label Mismatch Alarm). In detail the box: •
Signal Label Sent, points out the specification which the value of transmitted byte C2 refers to.
Signal Label Expected, points out the specification which the value of expected byte C2 refers to.
Signal Label Received, points out the specification which the value of received byte C2 refers to.
The specifications which can be set in the Signal Label Sent and Signal Label Expected boxes according to Rec. G.707 ITU-T are: Path UnEquipped, TUG Structure. 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
VC12 The following operations are available only for ALCplus2 equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1 or IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 when the management of STM-1 streams is active (pag.72). The commands relevant to the channels VC-12 of the stream STM-1 [2] are available only if the management of two unprotected STM-1 streams is active (MSTmode). •
To verify/modify the enabling status of the byte J2 Trace Identifier (pag. 171).
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted/expected/received as J2 Trace Identifier (pag. 171).
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted/expected/received as Signal Label (pag. 172).
To verify/modify the intervention threshold of the VC12 Signal Degraded alarm (pag. 172).
To verify/modify the intervention threshold of the VC12 Excessive BER alarm (pag. 173).
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
To verify/modify the enabling status of the byte J2 Trace Identifier 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window is displayed (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed. 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Click here to visualize TUG push-button. The push-button label changes to Selected TUG. The TUG structure is displayed as composed by the different TU’s. Each TU is identified by the three numbers (TUG3 number) – (TUG2 number) – (TU12 number). 4. Double click on the TU push-button relevant to the interested VC-12 channel. The corresponding ALCplus2: Unit - VC12 window is displayed with the SIGNAL LABEL tab active. 5. Select the J2 TRACE IDENTIFIER tab. The J2 Trace Identifier Status box points out the enabling status of the control of the byte J2 on the received VC-12 channel: •
Disabled, the control of the byte J2 is disabled.
Enabled, the control of the byte J2 is enabled and executed on a sequence of 15 bytes.
6. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 7. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. A confirmation message is displayed. d. Press the Ok push-button.
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted/expected/received as J2 Trace Identifier 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window is displayed (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed. 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Click here to visualize TUG push-button. The push-button label changes to Selected TUG. The TUG structure is displayed as composed by the different TU’s. Each TU is identified by the three numbers (TUG3 number) – (TUG2 number) – (TU12 number). 4. Double click on the TU push-button relevant to the interested VC-12 channel. The corresponding ALCplus2: Unit - VC12 window is displayed with the SIGNAL LABEL tab active. 5. Select the J2 TRACE IDENTIFIER tab. The following boxes point out the sequence of transmitted/expected/received characters relevant to the byte J2 used for the control of the received VC-12 channel. In detail, the box: •
J2 Trace Identifier: Trace Sent, points out the transmitted sequence of control characters.
J2 Trace Identifier: Trace Expected, points out the sequence of characters expected in reception.
J2 Path Trace Received, points out the sequence of characters in reception.
6. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 7. To change the sequences of the characters at transmission and/or at reception: a. Type, into the specific text box, the new string of ASCII characters.
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
The number of characters that must constitute the sequence depends on the value set in the J2 Trace Identifier Type (pag. 171). b. Press the Set push-button or the Commands > Send SET Request command. A confirmation window is displayed. c. Press the Ok push-button.
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted/expected/received as Signal Label 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window is displayed (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed. 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Click here to visualize TUG push-button. The push-button label changes to Selected TUG. The TUG structure is displayed as composed by the different TU’s. Each TU is identified by the three numbers (TUG3 number) – (TUG2 number) – (TU12 number). 4. Double click on the TU push-button relevant to the interested VC-12 channel. The corresponding ALCplus2: Unit - VC12 window is displayed with the SIGNAL LABEL tab active. The Signal Label boxes point out the setting of the value of Signal Label used for the control of the received signal. The incongruence between the expected value and the received value generates an alarm signal (Signal Label Mismatch Alarm). In detail the box: •
Signal Label: Trace Sent, points out the specification which the value of transmitted byte C2 refers to.
Signal Label: Trace Received, points out the specification which the value of received byte C2 refers to.
Signal Label: Trace Expected, points out the specification which the value of expected byte C2 refers to.
The specifications which can be set in the Trace Sent and Trace Expected boxes according to Rec. G.707 ITU-T are: Path UnEquipped, Asynchronous. 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the intervention threshold of the VC12 Signal Degraded alarm 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window is displayed (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the STM1 push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window is displayed. 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the VC12 THRESHOLDS push-button. The VC-12 GLOBAL window is displayed. The VC12 Signal Degraded Threshold box points out the intervention threshold of the VC12 Signal Degraded alarm depending on the error rate calculated on the received signal. If the active value is: •
e-5, at the detection of a BER > 10-5 the alarm is activated.
e-6, at the detection of a BER > 10-6 the alarm is activated.
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e-7, at the detection of a BER > 10-7 the alarm is activated.
e-8, at the detection of a BER > 10-8 the alarm is activated.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the intervention threshold of the VC12 Excessive BER alarm 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the AL plus: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the VC12 THRESHOLDS push-button. The VC-12 GLOBAL window is displayed. The VC12 Excessive BER box points out the intervention threshold of the VC12 Excessive BER alarm depending on the error rate calculated on the received signal. If the active value is: •
e-3, at the detection of a BER > 10-3 the alarm is activated.
e-4, at the detection of a BER > 10-4 the alarm is activated.
e-5, at the detection of a BER > 10-5 the alarm is activated.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify the inventory data of IDU unit 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. In the Unit List area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the ALCPLUS2 area. The ALCplus2: Unit - ALCPLUS2 window is displayed, displaying the following data: •
Expected Type. Expected unit type. Each equipment has an expected configuration memorized in his own controller. A difference between the really present unit (Real Type parameter) and the expected one activates an alarm (Unit Hw Mismatch Alarm). The Unequipped wording points out that the unit is not equipped.
Actual Type. Unit type really present into the equipment. The Unequipped wording points out that the unit is not physically present into the equipment.
Label. Label identifying the unit.
Hardware Edition. Unit version.
Part Number. Unit Part Number.
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Parent Part Number. Part number of the group that contains the unit. Usually the group represents the part of the equipment that can be replaced. Not all the units are included into a group. In this case, the field will result empty and the part which can be replaced will correspond to the unit itself.
Serial Number. The serial number of the group that contains the unit. If the unit is not contained into a group (Parent Part Num field is empty), the Serial Number refers to the unit.
The Alarm Status area points out the status of the unit alarm. The box of colour: •
green, inactive alarm.
red, orange, yellow or light blue, active alarm with severity respectively Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
3. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command.
Ethernet The push-button Ethernet in the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30) allows managing the general configuration of the Ethernet interface. In detail, it is possible: •
To verify the status of the ports of the Ethernet switch (pag. 174).
To verify the Ethernet capacity of port A (pag. 176).
To verify/modify the general parameters of the Ethernet switch (pag. 176).
To verify/modify the parameters of the Ethernet external ports (pag. 181).
To verify/modify the parameters of the internal port (pag. 205).
To verify/modify the Lan per Port management (pag. 215).
To verify/modify the configuration of the virtual LAN’s (pag. 216).
To verify/modify the configuration of OAM (Operation, Administration and Maintenance) (pag. 224).
To verify/reset the counters of packets/bytes in input/output from the Ethernet ports (pag. 243).
To verify/modify the operating parameters of Spanning Tree protocol (pag. 245).
To verify the status of the ports of Ethernet switch 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window is displayed (Fig.32).
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Fig.32 Ethernet window Logic address
Physical address
Status and parameters of the port (1)
Push-button to display the Ethernet capacity of the internal port (5)
Enabling status of the function of performance monitoring (2)
Double click on this push-button to enable/disable the performance monitoring (2)
Push-buttons (3)
Push-button to display the counters of the ports of the switch (4)
Notes of Fig.32 (1)
The first row below the box of the LAN port points out the transmission speed of the port data (Speed) (pag.185). The second row below the box of the LAN port points out the transmission modality of the port (Duplex) (pag.185). The third row below the box of the LAN port points out the role of the port in the line synchronism (Role) (pag.183). Every port of the Ethernet switch is represented by a box displaying the name of the port itself. A double click on the box displays the window for the configuration of the operating parameters of the port (pag.181). The use status of the port is pointed out by the box colour: •
White, the port is not active.
Green, the port is active.
The colour of the led in the box points out the summary alarm status of the ports: •
Green, no alarm is active.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue, at least an alarm is active and the active alarm with highest severity has level respectively Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
If the window refers to a virtual equipment, the summary status of the alarms is not meaningful (the colour of the led is white).
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The push-button RMon displays the enabling status of the monitoring of the performance on the ports of the Ethernet switch. The wording: •
Inactive, points out that the performance monitoring is disabled
Active, points out that the performance monitoring is enabled.
The information relevant to the enabling/disabling status of the RMON functionality is automatically updated by the system. A double click on the push-button displays the RMon History View window, where the operator can enable/disable the monitoring of the performance. For the detailed description of the window and of the procedures referred to it, refer to the manual of the supervision system NMS5UX. (3)
Push-buttons: •
Port A. Double click to display the window for the management of the operating parameters of the internal port of Ethernet switch (pag. 205).
Spanning Tree. Double click to configure the operating parameters of the Spannig Tree protocol (pag. 245).
Lan per Port. Double click to verify/modify the enabling status of the transit of the packets of the ports of the local Ethernet switch (pag.215).
Ethernet Switch. Double click to configure the operating parameters of the Ethernet switch (pag. 176).
VLAN Management. Double click to display the window for the management of the virtual LANs (pag. 216).
OAM. Double click to configure the operating parameters of the Ethernet functionality OAMFM (pag. 224).
Domain. Double click to manage the OAM-FM Domain (pag. 221).
The push-button next to the label Lan Statistics, if pressed, opens a cascade menu which allows selecting one of the ports (LAN 1, LAN 2, LAN 3, LAN 4 or Port A) of the Ethernet switch for the display of the performance counters (pag. 243).
Press the push-button EC in the Ethernet Capacity area to display the window reporting the capacity reserved to the Ethernet traffic for every profile of the adaptive modualtion (pag. 176).
To verify the Ethernet capacity of the internal port (Port A) 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window is displayed in Fig.32. 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the EC push-button in Ethernet Capacity area. The system displays the ETHERNET Capacity window reporting, for every profile of adaptive modulation, the capacity (in kbit/s) reserved to the Ethernet flow on the internal port. 4. Press Refresh to update the data in the window.
Ethernet Switch The push-button Ethernet Switch in the ALCplus2: Subrack - ETHERNET window (Fig.32) allows configuring the operating parameters of the Ethernet switch. In detail, it is possible: •
To verify/modify the aging time of the MAC addresses stored in the specific table (pag. 177).
To verify/modify the maximum size of the accepted packet (pag. 177).
To verify/modify the time interval (hysteresis) after which the Link Loss Forwarding modality is activated (pag. 177).
To verify/modify the value of QinQ in Service Tag field (pag. 178).
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To verify/modify the “emptying algorithm” of the packets present in the output queue (pag. 178).
To verify/assign the output queue to a packet, in input to any Ethernet port, according to its priority Tag 802.1p (pag. 179).
To verify/assign which output queue a packet, in input from the Ethernet ports, must be assigned to depending on its PTOS/DSCP field (level 3) (pag. 180).
To verify/modify the aging time of the MAC addresses stored in the specific table 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Press the Ethernet push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window is displayed in Fig.32. 3. Double click on the Ethernet Switch push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Unit - ETH SWITCH window with the General tab active. The MAC Addr. Aging Time parameter points out the validity period of the MAC addresses, dynamically acquired and stored in the specific table of the Ethernet switch (range: 15 .. 3825 seconds). 4. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To change a parameter: a. Move the cursor on the wished value. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the maximum size of the accepted packet When the in-band supervision is active and the Double Tag function is enabled (pag.189), for the correct transit of the supervision packets it is suggested to set the value 2048 as maximum packet size. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Press the Ethernet push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window is displayed in Fig.32. 3. Double click on the Ethernet Switch push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Unit - ETH SWITCH window with the General tab active. The Max Packet Size parameter points the maximum size (in bytes) of the accepted packet: •
10240 (jumbo), maximum dimension of the packet extendable up to 10240 (Jumbo).
1522, maximum size for standard Ethernet (IEEE Tagged Frames).
2048, maximum dimension of the packet extendable up to 2048.
4. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the time interval (Hysteresis) after which the Link Loss Forwarding modality is activated 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area.
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The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Press the Ethernet push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window is displayed in Fig.32. 3. Double click on the Ethernet Switch push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Unit - ETH SWITCH window with the General tab active. The LLF Hysteresis (sec.) parameter displays the setting of the hysteresis of the Link Loss Forwarding modality (range 0 .. 10 seconds). 4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To change a parameter: a. Move the cursor on the wished value. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. Link Loss Forwarding (LLF) is a feature allowing an equipment automatically receiving a notification when a problem is detected on the remote equipment or when the link between the two equipment is lost. At the reception of the LLF signal, the equipment switches off the faulted ports and sends the notification to the supervision system.
To verify/modify the value of QinQ in Service Tag field 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Press the Ethernet push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window is displayed in Fig.32. 3. Double click on the Ethernet Switch push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Unit - ETH SWITCH window with the General tab active. The parameter QinQ Eth Type points out the value of Eth Type in the S_Tag (Service Tag) QinQ field. 4. To change a parameter: a. Type the new value in the corresponding fields. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the emptying algorithm of the packets present in the output queue 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Press the Ethernet push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window is displayed in Fig.32. 3. Double click on the Ethernet Switch push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Unit - ETH SWITCH window with the General tab active. 4. Select the Priority tab. The Priority Weight parameter points out the emptying algorithm of the output queues: •
strict3and2, the high priority queue 3 and the high priority queue 2 are completely emptied. The other queues (1, 0) are managed with a WRR 421 mechanism.
strict3, the high priority queue 3 is completely emptied (sending of all the messages). The other queues (2, 1, 0) are managed with a WRR 421 mechanism.
strict Priority, the queue with highest priority is completely emptied (sending of all the messages) before sending a message of the queue with lower priority.
WRR 8421, a part (8 messages) of the queue with highest priority is emptied, then a part of the queue with lower priority (4 messages), then a part of the queue with further lower pri-
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ority (2 messages), then a part of the queue with lowest priority (1 message) and so on restarting from the queue with highest priority. 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/assign the output queue to a packet, in input to any Ethernet port, according to its priority Tag 802.1p 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Press the Ethernet push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window is displayed in Fig.32. 3. Double click on the Ethernet Switch push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Unit - ETH SWITCH window with the General tab active. 4. Select the Priority tab. In the 802.1 Priority Management area, the current setting “output queues- Tag 802.1p” is displayed (Fig.33). 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Activate the option push-button corresponding to the wished combination “output queue - Tag 802.1p”. For the same value of Tag 802.1p, the user can activate the option push-button of only one queue at a time. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. Fig.33 802.1p Priority Management table Output queues (2) available in the equipment (3)
Value of Tag 802.1p of the packet in input to a port of the equipment (3)
This area shows which output queue a packet must be assigned to depending on its tag of priority 802.1p (1)
Notes of Fig.33 (1)
A packet in input from any Ethernet port of the equipment, having a valid value of priority Tag 802.1p, is automatically assigned to one of the four queues of the output port, according to what reported in the 802.1p Priority management table. For example, with reference to the figures, the packets in input with Tag 802.1p equal to 0 or 1 will be assigned to the queue with lower priority (Queue 0), while the packets with Tag 802.1p equal to 6 or 7, to the output queue with highest priority (Queue 3).
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What reported above is valid only if the analysis of the priority at level 3 - field TOS/DSCP is not active and prioritary. The equipment allows analysing the priority at level 2, according the standard 802.1p (values 0… 7), or at level 3, through the analysis of the PTOS/DSCP field present in the header of the IP packets (values 0… 63). The choice of which priority standard must be used can be modified by the user and can be different for each port (internal and external) of the equipment. (2)
Each Ethernet port of the equipment has four output queue, which the packets in input from other ports are sent to. The wording: •
Queue 0, indicates the queue with 0 priority (lowest priority)
Queue 1, indicates the queue with 1 priority
Queue 2, indicates the queue with 2 priority
Queue 3, indicates the queue with 3 priority (highest priority)
The active push-button indicates which output queue (Queue…) the packet in input is associated to, whose value of priority Tag (802.1p) corresponds to the value 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7. The 802.1p Priority Management table is COMMON to all the Ethernet port of the equipment.
To verify/assign which output queue a packet, in input from the Ethernet ports, must be assigned to depending on its PTOS/DSCP field (level 3) The setting of the parameter is common to all the Ethernet ports of the equipment. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Press the Ethernet push-button. The ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window is displayed in Fig.32. 3. Double click on the Ethernet Switch push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Unit - ETH SWITCH window with the General tab active. 4. Select the PTOS tab. The Queue Pri column points out, for each PTOS/DSCP value, the relevant output queue (Fig.34). 5. To modify the output queue which a value is associated to, select, in the area below the table, the option push-button relevant to the IP format which the DSCP field refers to: •
IP v4 DSCP. The DSCP field is meaningful for traffic in IPv4 format entering the switch.
IPv6 DSCP. The DSCP field is meaningful for traffic in IPv6 format entering the switch.
6. Select the output queue which the PTOS/DSCP value is associated to, clicking on the corresponding option push-button: •
Queue 0, to assign the value of the output queue with priority 0 (lowest priority).
Queue 1, to assign the value of the output queue with priority 1.
Queue 2, to assign the value of the output queue with priority 2.
Queue 3, to assign the value of the output queue with priority 3 (highest priority).
7. Repeat the previous step to modify the output queue of all the wished values. 8. Press Set Update e confermare.
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Fig.34 PTOS/DSCP Config table (1)
Press this push-button to update the data in the window
Press this push-button to apply the changes
Notes of Fig.34 (1)
For each value, the column: •
Value, points out the value expressed in binary digits.
Precedence, Delay, Throug., Reliab., DSCP. For the description of the content of these columns, refe to the RFC 2474, 2597 and 2598 (Request For Comments).
Queue Pri, points out the queue which the packet, in input from the specific port, is assigned to, whose PTOS/DSCP field has the value pointed out in the row: •
Queue 0. Output queue with priority 0 (lowest priority).
Queue 1. Output queue with priority 1.
Queue 2. Output queue with priority 2.
Queue 3. Output queue with priority 3 (highest priority).
The output queue, which a value is assigned to, can be modified by the user. (2)
If the selected option push-button is: •
IPv4 DSCP, the DSCP column is meaningful for the traffic entering the switch in IPv4 format.
IPv6 DSCP, the DSCP column is meaningful for the traffic entering the switch in IPv6 format.
LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4 The push-button LAN in the ALCplus2: Subrack - ETHERNET window (Fig.32) allows configuring the operating parameters of the corresponding external port. In detail, it is possible: Status and communication parameters •
To verify/modify the interface type of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN 3, LAN 4) (pag. 183).
To verify/modify the enabling status of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (pag. 183).
To verify/modify the enabling status of the flow control of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (pag. 184).
To verify/modify the enabling status of the auto negotiation and, if the auto negotiation is inactive, the operation modality and the transmission speed used by an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (pag. 185).
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To restart the autonegotiation procedure for an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (pag. 185).
To verify/modify the enabling status of the automatic learning of MAC Address in the specific table (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (pag. 186).
To verify/modify the operating modality of the line synchronism (role) (LAN1, LAN2 and LAN3, LAN4 with electrical interface) (pag. 187).
To verify/modify the activation status of the autonegotiation between the roles of the line synchronism (LAN1, LAN2 and LAN3, LAN4 with electrical interface) (pag. 186).
To verify/modify the inversion status of the Tx and Rx lines of an external port (LAN1, LAN2 and LAN3, LAN4 with electrical interface) (pag. 187).
To verify/modify the enabling status of the Link Loss Forwarding modality of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (pag. 188).
Virtual Lan parameters •
To enable/disable the ports through which the packets in input from an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) can pass (pag. 188).
To verify/modify the control of Tag Vlan Id on the messages in input from an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (pag. 189).
To verify/modify the behaviour of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) towards the packets in output (pag. 189).
To verify/modify the default Vid of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (pag. 190).
To force the value of Vid of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) to the default value (pag. 191).
802.1p priority parameters •
To verify/modify the priority criterion used to associate the packets in input from an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) to the output queues (pag. 191).
To verify/modify the value to insert in the field 802.1p of the packets in input from an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) which, in output, the Tag is added to (pag. 192).
To verify/modify the mapping of the priority (802.1p) in the Tag VLan (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (pag. 192).
Spanning Tree •
To enable/disable the Spanning Tree protocol for the external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (pag. 192).
To verify/modify the status of the external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) in the Spanning Tree protocol (pag. 193).
To verify/modify the priority of the external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (Spanning Tree) (pag. 194).
To verify/modify the type of external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (Spanning Tree) (pag. 195).
To verify/modify the connection cost of the external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (Spanning Tree) (pag. 195).
Ethernet Line Protection (ELP) •
To enable/disable the Ethernet line protection on an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (pag. 196).
To verify/modify the priority of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (STP/ELP) (pag. 194).
To verify/modify the connection cost of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (STP/ELP) (pag. 195).
Trunking mode parameters •
To verify the status of the external port in relation to the Trunking mode (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (pag. 196).
To enable/disable the Trunking mode for the external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (pag. 197).
To activate/deactivate the loop on line side of a LAN port (pag. 198).
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Laser interface parameters The following operations are available only for ports LAN3 and LAN 4 when configured with optical interfaces. •
To verify the equipped optical module (pag. 198).
To verify the operating status of the laser (pag. 199).
To verify/modify the enabling status of the laser (pag. 199).
To verify/modify the laser transmission modality (pag. 199).
To enable manually the laser transmission (pag. 200).
To execute the test on the laser operating status (pag. 201).
To execute the manual restart of the laser (pag. 201).
For more information about the: •
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) go to pag. 201.
Ethernet Line Protection (ELP) go to pag. 202.
Trunking mode go to pag. 205.
To verify/modify the interface type of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. The following parameters are listed: •
Interface Type, points out the type of interface of the external port: •
Electrical. The external port is configured with the electrical interface.
Optical. The external port is configured with the optical interface.
The external ports LAN 1 and LAN 2 can be only of electrical type. •
Port Role, points out the operating mode of the line synchronism (role) of the external port: •
Master. The line synchronism is generated starting from the internal clock.
Slave. The line synchronism is generated by the clock retrieved from the line (Loop Time).
Speed Status, points out the speed of data transmission on the port.
Duplex Status, points out the type of data transmission: •
Full Duplex, the type of transmission of the port is Full Duplex.
Half Duplex, the type of transmission of the port is Half Duplex
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. Only for the ports LAN 3 and LAN 4, to change the interface type: a. Select the box Interface Type. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the enabling status of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30).
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2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Interface tab. The Rate Control parameter displays the enabling status of the port: •
Disable, the external port is not enabled to the use.
Full rate, the external port is enabled to the use of the maximum bit rate relevant to the port.
, the external port is enabled to the use with bit rate limited to the specific value.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the enabling status of the flow control of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Interface tab. The Flow Ctrl (Full D.)/Back Press. (Half D.) parameter points out the activation status of the flow control of the selected LAN port. •
Enable, points out that the flow control is forced active
Disable, points out that the flow control is forced inactive
Auto-flowcontrol, points out that the flow control is automatic (automatically activated or deactivated by the auto negotiation procedure). The option Auto is available only if the autonegotiation is active for the port (box Speed Duplex - option Auto). If the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and it is interconnected to other elements of the node by nodal Bus Ethernet, the flow control must be DISABLED. If it was enabled, at the opening of the window a message is displayed asking to disable the parameter. If already disabled, the setting cannot be changed.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. In Full-Duplex modality, the flow control is regulated according to the 802.3x normative. In Half-Duplex modality, the flow control is regulated according to the Back Pressure technique.
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To verify/modify the enabling status of the auto negotiation and, if the auto negotiation is inactive, the operation modality and the transmission speed used by an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Interface tab. The Speed Duplex parameter displays the enabling status of the auto negotiation and, if the auto negotiation is inactive, the operation modality and the transmission speed used by the external port. For LAN 1, LAN 2 and LAN 3, LAN 4 configured with electrical interface, the available values are: •
Full Duplex 10M. The auto negotiation is disabled, the transmission type is Full Duplex and the data transmission speed through the external port is 10Mbit/s.
Half Duplex 10M. The auto negotiation is disabled, the transmission type is Half Duplex and the data transmission speed through the external port is 10Mbit/s.
Full Duplex 100M. The auto negotiation is disabled, the transmission type is Full Duplex and the data transmission speed through the external port is 100Mbit/s.
Half Duplex 100M. The auto negotiation is disabled, the transmission type is Half Duplex and the data transmission speed through the external port is 100Mbit/s.
Auto. The auto negotiation is enabled.
For LAN 3, LAN 4 configured with optical interface, the available values are: •
Full Duplex 100M. The auto negotiation is disabled, the transmission type is Full Duplex and the data transmission speed through the external port is 100Mbit/s.
Full Duplex 1G. The auto negotiation is disabled, the transmission type is Full Duplex and the data transmission speed through the external port is 1GMbit/s.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To restart the autonegotiation procedure for an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Interface tab. 5. Press the Send Request push-button next to the Restart Autoneg. parameter. The push-button is available only if the auto negotiation is enabled (Speed Duplex and/or Flow Control - Auto).
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To verify/modify the enabling status of the automatic learning of MAC Address in the specific table (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) The MAC-based routing functionality in the Ethernet switch is available only if this function is enabled. If the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and it is interconnected to other elements of the node by Ethernet nodal Bus, the automatic learning of MAC Address is enabled. The setting cannot be changed. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Interface tab. The Addr. Learning Enable parameter points out the enabling status of the automatic learning of the MAC Address in the specific table (MAC Table). The value: •
Enable, points out that the automatic learning of the MAC Address is enabled.
Disable, points out that the automatic learning of the MAC Address is disabled.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the activation status of the autonegotiation between the roles of the line synchronism (LAN1, LAN2 and LAN3, LAN4 with electrical interface) Operation available and meaningful only for port with electrical interface, for which the autonegotiation is active (pag.185). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Interface tab. The parameter M/S Auto Negotiation points out the status of the autonegotiation between the roles of the line synchronism of the external port: •
Enable. The autonegotiation between the Master and Slave roles of the line synchronism is automatic.
Disable. The autonegotiation between the Master and Slave roles of the line synchronism is forced. In this case, the role defined in the Master/Slave Role box is used.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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To verify/modify the operating modality of the line synchronism (role) (LAN1, LAN2 and LAN3, LAN4 with electrical interface) Operation available and meaningful only for port with electrical interface, for which the autonegotiation is active (pag.185). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Interface tab. The parameter Master/Slave points out the operation modality of the line synchronism (role) of the external port: •
Master. The line synchronism is generated starting from the local clock.
Slave. The line synchronism is generated starting from the clock retrieved from the line (Loop Time).
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the inversion status of the Tx and Rx lines of an external port (LAN1, LAN2 and LAN3, LAN4 with electrical interface) Operation available and meaningful only for port with electrical interface for which the external port is enabled (pag.183). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Interface tab. The Cable Crossover parameter displays the inversion status of the Tx and Rx lines: •
MDI (NIC), the inversion of the Tx and Rx lines (Network Interface Card modality) is not active
MDI X (switch), the inversion of the Tx and Rx lines (Switch modality) is active
The Cable crossover parameter is available and meaningful only if the LAN port is enabled to the use (Port-Enable). 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands - Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands - Send SET Request command.
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To verify/modify the enabling status of the Link Loss Forwarding modality of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the LLF tab. The LLF parameter displays the enabling status of the Link Loss Forwarding modality: •
Disable, the LLF modality is disabled.
Local, the LLF modality is enabled: the port is disabled in presence of radio alarms.
Only if the Local value is active, the activation of the check-box: •
Rem. LAN-1, points out that the port is disabled even in presence of a LOS alarm on the remote LAN-1 port associated to it.
Rem. LAN-2, points out that the port is disabled even in presence of a LOS alarm on the remote LAN-2 port associated to it.
Rem. LAN-3, points out that the port is disabled even in presence of a LOS alarm on the remote LAN-3 port associated to it.
Rem. LAN-4, points out that the port is disabled even in presence of a LOS alarm on the remote LAN-4 port associated to it.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the option push-button corresponding to the wished enabling status (Disable or Local). Only if the Local value is selected, the user can activate one or more of the following options: Rem LAN-1, Rem LAN-2, Rem LAN-3 and Rem LAN-4. b. Select the check-boxes relevant to the remote ports for which you wish to assume the LOS alarm as criterion for the switching of the local port. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To enable/disable the ports through which the packets in input from an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) can pass 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the VLAN (802.1Q) tab. The Port Based Vlan parameter points out the enabling status of the ports through which can transit the messages in input from the considered LAN port. For each single Ethernet port, if the active option push-button is: •
Disable, the packets, in input from the external port which the window refers to, are not enabled to transit through the specific internal or external port.
Enable, the packets, in input from the external port which the window refers to, are enabled to transit through the specific internal or external port.
In the VLAN Table the option push-button LAN, relevant to the LAN port which the window refers to, is not available (greyed out).
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5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the wished option push-buttons. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the control of Tag Vlan Id on the messages in input from an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the VLAN (802.1Q) tab. The Ingress Filtering Check parameter displays, if active, the control of Tag Vlan Id on the messages in input from the port: •
Disable 802-1Q: the external port does not analyse the Tag (802.1Q) of the packets in input. They will be sent only to the ports indicated in the Lan per Port area.
Fallback: the external port uses both the following modalities:
If the Tag 802.1Q is present in the list of VLAN, the packet is sent to the other ports enabled in the list for the same Tag.
If the Tag 802.1Q is not present in the list of VLAN or if no Tag is present, the packet will be sent to the port listed in the Lan per Port area.
Secure: the external port discards the packets which have not, in their Tag, a known VLAN identifier, that is present in the list of VLAN; furthermore it discards the packets if the port does not belong to the VLAN itself. Tag: 4 byte optional field, containing the priority and the Vlan identifier. List of VLan: List of Vlan created by the user.
For each configuration (selection of the value Disable 802-1Q, Fallback and Secure) the table of Vlan per Port (pag. 188) must be ALWAYS configured even if the traffic management is executed only on Tag base. 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command If you wish to obtain a bidirectional traffic routed according the Vlan table, the control of the Tag 802.1Q (Fallback or Secure) must be activated on all the ports.
To verify/modify the behaviour of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) towards the packets in output 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32).
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3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the VLAN (802.1Q) tab. The Frame Egress Mode parameter displays the behaviour of the external port towards the packets in output: •
Unmodified: the Tag 802.1Q (priority and VLAN identifier) is not added nor removed to the packets in output from the port;
Untagged: the packets in output from port are deprived of the Tag 802.1Q (priority information and VLAN identifier);
Tagged: the VLAN identifier, if not present, is added to the packets in output from the port: the identifier is that indicated in the Default Vid box;
Add Double Tag: points out that the packets in output from the port are always tagged. If the packet is already tagged, a second Tag is added. If the packet is not tagged, the Tag is added. The added Tag is composed by: •
The Vlan identifier set in the Default Vid box of the port from which the message entered in the equipment.
The default priority of the port, which the packet is entered from, if the priority 802.1p is disabled on this port. Otherwise by the native priority of the incoming packet if the option 802.1p is enabled on this port.
When the Add Double Tag value is set, besides the insertion of a Tag (Provider Tag) on the packets in output from the considered port, the Provider Tag is always removed on the packets in input to the same port. The Provider Tag added by the Double Tag function has an identifier (Ethernet Type) which can be configured by the parameter QinQ ETH type. 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the default Vid of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the VLAN (802.1Q) tab. The Default Vid parameter points out the value of the default tag of the LAN port. The default Vid of a port is used as Vid in the field 802.1Q of the packets came from the port in subject without Tag and destined to exit with Tag from any port of the switch. 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Move the cursor to the wished value (range: 1 - 4095). b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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To force the value of Vid of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) to the default value 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the VLAN (802.1Q) tab. The Force Default VID parameter points out if the forcing of the Vid value of the LAN port to the default value is active: •
Disable, forcing disabled.
Enable, forcing enabled.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the priority criterion used to associate the packets in input from an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) to the output queues 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Priority (802.1P) tab. The Priority parameter displays the priority criterion used to associated the packets, in input to the external port, to the output queues. Possible values: •
Disable, disables the priority management;
802.1 P, analyses the value of 802.1p priority (level 2);
IpTOS, analyses the value of TOS (Type Of Service) (level 3);
802.1 P IpTOS, analyses the value of 802.1p and, if without value, the value of TOS;
IpTOS 802.1 P, analyses the value of TOS and, if without value, the value of 802.1p priority.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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To verify/modify the value to insert in the field 802.1p of the packets in input from an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) which, in output, the Tag is added to 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Priority (802.1P) tab. The Default Priority parameter points out the value to insert in the field 802.1p of the packets in input from the external port which, in output, the Tag is added to: •
0, lowest priority
7, highest priority.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Move the cursor to the wished value. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the mapping of the priority (802.1p) in the Tag VLan (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) Operation available and meaningful only if the analysis of the value of the priority 802.1p is active (parameter Priority set to the value 802.1P, 802.1P-IpTOS or IpTOS-802.1P - pag.210). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Priority (802.1P) tab. If the analysis of the value of priority 802.1p is active, the table points out the mapping of the priority in the Tag VLan. 5. To modify a value select, in the Ieee Priority Remap table, the option push-button corresponding to the wished combination “values of Tag 802.1p in input to the port - value of Tag 802.1p in output from the Switch”. For each selection, the option push-button changes from the current status to the complementary one: •
, mapping combination selected.
, mapping combination not selected.
6. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To enable/disable the Spanning Tree protocol for the external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) If the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and it is interconnected to other elements of the node by Ethernet nodal Bus, this operation is not available for the external ports LAN 1 and LAN 2.
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The Spanning Tree protocol cannot be enabled when the Trunking mode is enabled (pag.196). In order to enable the STP protocol, it is first necessary to disable the use of the Trunking mode. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the STP/ELP/Trunking tab. The STP/ELP parameter points out the enabling status of the Spanning Tree protocol for the selected port. Possible values: •
Disable. Spanning Tree protocol disabled.
Enable Bridge 1. Spanning Tree protocol enabled (the port belongs to Bridge 1).
Enable Bridge 2. Spanning Tree protocol enabled (the port belongs to Bridge 2).
Enable Protection 1, Enable Protection 2. Spanning Tree protocol disabled. Ethernet line protection enabled (pag. 196).
Enable Node Protection 1, Enable Node Protection 2, Enable Node Protection 3, Enable Node Protection 4. Spanning Tree protocol disabled. Ethernet line protection of node enabled (pag. 196).
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the operating status of the external port in the Spanning Tree protocol (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) If the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and it is interconnected to other elements of the node through Ethernet nodal Bus, this operation is not available for the external ports LAN 1 and LAN 2. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the STP/ELP/Trunking tab. The status of the external port is defined by the value of the following parameters (meaningful and available only if the Spanning Tree protocol is enabled on the port): •
Role. Role assigned by the Spanning Tree protocol to each port of a bridge/switch. The role defines the behaviour of the port: •
Root. This port offers the best path (lowest cost) towards the chosen bridge. Each bridge can have only one root port. When the Spanning Tree algorithm is at steady state, each root port is in Forwarding status (the port receives/re-transmits frames and receives/processes BPDU packets).
Alternate. This port is alternative to the root port, to use in case of fault, as it offers an alternative path in direction of the Bridge Root. Normally the Alternate port is in Blocking status (the port receives frames but does not re-transmit them and receives/ processes BPDU packets).
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Designated. This port transmits the frames (traffic) and BPDU packets in the direction from the root bridge to the terminal bridges. When the Spanning Tree algorithm is at steady state, each Designated port is in Forwarding status (the port receives/retransmits frames and receives/processes BPDU packets).
Backup. This port begins to operate after the fault of the Designated port. In the same bridge, the Backup port is present only if two or more ports connect the same PORT. In this case, in the bridge will be present a port with Designated role and the others with Backup role. Generally, the Backup port is in Blocking status (the port receives frames but does not re-transmit and receive/process the BPDU packets).
Status. Status of the port:
Blocking. The port receives frames (traffic) but does not forward them. It does not update the routing table. It receives and processes BPDU (Bridge Protocol Data Unit) packets.
Learning. The port receives frames (traffic) but does not forward them. It updates the routing table. It receives, processes and re-transmits BPDU packets.
Forwarding. The port receives and forwards frames (traffic). It updates the routing table. It receives, processes and re-transmits BPDU packets, except for the Root ports for which it does not re-transmit the BPDU packets.
Disable. The port is not operating: it does not transmit nor receive any type of frames (traffic, BPDU).
Version. Version of the Spanning Tree protocol.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the value of the parameters: a. Select the box corresponding to the interested parameter. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the priority of the external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (STP/ ELP) If the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and it is interconnected to other elements of the node through Ethernet nodal Bus, this operation is not available for the external ports LAN 1 and LAN 2. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the STP/ELP/Trunking tab. The Priority parameter points out the priority of the external port (0: highest priority, 15: lowest priority). This priority determines, cost being equal among two or more redundant connections, the preference of a port with respect to the others. If the costs of the ports are different, the priority is not considered in the choice of the connection. 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Move the cursor to the wished value. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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To verify/modify the type of external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) in Spanning Tree protocol If the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and it is interconnected to other elements of the node through Ethernet nodal Bus, this operation is not available for the external ports LAN 1 and LAN 2. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the STP/ELP tab. The Type parameter points out the position of the port within the network (meaningful and available only if the Spanning Tree protocol is enabled on the port). Possible values: •
Edge, the port is of terminal type. This means that the port is on the edge of the network. The Edge ports are always active (they do not belong to the domain of Spanning Tree).
No Edge, the port is not of terminal type. Its status is managed by the Spanning Tree protocol.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the connection cost of the external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) (STP/ELP) If the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and it is interconnected to other elements of the node through Ethernet nodal Bus, this operation is not available for the external ports LAN 1 and LAN 2. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface tab active. 4. Select the STP/ELP tab. The Path Cost parameter points out the cost of the network part directly connected to the external port. This cost must be inversely proportional to the bit rate of the port. 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Type the new value in the box. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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To enable/disable the Ethernet Line protection on an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) If the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and it is interconnected to other elements of the node through Ethernet nodal Bus, this operation is not available for the external ports LAN 1 and LAN 2. The line Ethernet protection cannot be enabled when the Trunking modality is enabled (see pag.196). In order to enable the line Ethernet protection, it is first necessary to disable the use of the Trunking modality. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the STP/ELP tab. The Status parameter points out the enabling status of the Ethernet Line Protection for the selected port. Possible values: •
Disable. Ethernet Line Protection disabled.
Enable Bridge 1, Enable Bridge 2. Ethernet Line Protection disabled. Spanning Tree protocol enabled (see pag. 192).
Enable Protection 1. Spanning Tree protocol disabled. The line protection (proprietary) is enabled between the internal port and the other external port whose parameter value is Enable Protection 1 (see pag. 202).
Enable Protection 2. Spanning Tree protocol disabled. The line protection (proprietary) is enabled between the internal port and the other external port whose parameter value is Enable Protection 2.
Enable Node Protection 1. The Ethernet line protection of the node (see pag. 203) is enabled between the considered external port and the other external ports of the node elements whose value of the considered parameter is Enable Node Protection 1.
Enable Node Protection 2. The Ethernet line protection of the node is enabled between the considered external port and the other external ports of the node elements whose value of the considered parameter is Enable Node Protection 2.
Enable Node Protection 3. The Ethernet line protection of the node is enabled between the considered external port and the other external ports of the node elements whose value of the considered parameter is Enable Node Protection 3.
Enable Node Protection 4. The Ethernet line protection of the node is enabled between the considered external port and the other external ports of the node elements whose value of the considered parameter is Enable Node Protection 4.
The values Enable Node Protection 1, Enable Node Protection 2, Enable Node Protection 3 and Enable Node Protection 4 are available and meaningful only if the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and it is interconnected to other node elements through the nodal Bus Ethernet. 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify the status of the external port in relation to the Trunking mode (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) If the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and it is interconnected to other elements of the node through Ethernet nodal Bus, this operation is not available for the external ports LAN 1 and LAN 2.
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1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Trunk/LACP tab. The read-only parameters displayed in the Trunk/LACP area are: •
Status. Status of the port in relation to LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol): •
Up. Protocol active.
Down. Protocol inactive.
Partner Id. MAC Address of the remote equipment located at the other end of the Ethernet connection (remote switch).
Tx Pck Cnt. LACP packets transmitted to the remote switch.
Rx Pck Cnt. LACP packets received from the remote switch.
To enable/disable the Trunking mode for the external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) If the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and it is interconnected to other elements of the node through Ethernet nodal Bus, this operation is not available for the external ports LAN 1 and LAN 2. The Trunking mode cannot be enabled when the Spanning Tree protocol or the Ethernet Line Protection is enabled (see pag. 192/pag. 196). To enable the Trunking, it is first necessary to disable the use of the Spanning Tree protocol or of the Ethernet line protection. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Trunk/LACP tab. The Trunk parameter points out the enabling status of the Trunking mode for the selected port: •
Disable. Modalità Trunking disabilitata.
enable-trunk1. Modalità Trunking abilitata. La porta LAN in esame è aggregata alle porte LAN dell’apparato il cui valore del parametro in oggetto è enable-trunk1.
enable-trunk2. Modalità Trunking abilitata. La porta LAN in esame è aggregata alle porte LAN dell’apparato il cui valore del parametro in oggetto è enable-trunk2.
enable-trunk3. Modalità Trunking abilitata. La porta LAN in esame è aggregata alle porte LAN dell’apparato il cui valore del parametro in oggetto è enable-trunk3.
enable-trunk4. Modalità Trunking abilitata. La porta LAN in esame è aggregata alle porte LAN dell’apparato il cui valore del parametro in oggetto è enable-trunk4.
It is possible to aggregate up to 4 LAN ports for each group (Trunk). 5. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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To activate/deactivate the loop on line side of an external port (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) Maintenance operation (MAN. OP.). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Line Loop tab. The Line Loop box points out the status of the loop on line side of the port. The value: •
Enable, points out loop on line side active
Disable, points out loop on line side inactive.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. Only if you are activating the loop, a message is displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of timeout. The activation of a loop activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and, then, switched on, the loop is inactive, independently from the previous setting.
To verify the laser module equipped on an external port (LAN3, LAN4 with optical interface) 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Laser tab. The Module Type parameter points out the type of optical module equipped on the port LAN 2. Depending on the inserted laser module, the following values are displayed: •
100 Base FX. Laser module of type 100 Base FX (Fiber).
1000 Base SX. Laser module of type 1000 Base SX (Short WaveLength).
1000 Base LX. Laser module of type1000 Base LX (Long WaveLength).
Unknown. The laser module is not one of those listed above (possible anomaly of the laser module).
For more information about the laser modules, refer to standard IEEE 802.3. 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command.
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To verify the operating status of the laser an external port (LAN3, LAN4 with optical interface) 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Laser Control tab. The Laser Status parameter points out the operating status of the laser module: •
On, the laser module is operating
Off, the laser module is off
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command.
To verify/modify the enabling status of the laser an external port (LAN3, LAN4 with optical interface) Maintenance operation (MAN. OP.). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Laser Control tab. The Transmitter Control parameter points out the current enabling status of the laser beam: •
Laser On, the laser is enabled to transmit.
Laser Off, the laser is not enabled to transmit.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the laser transmission modality on an external port (LAN3, LAN4 with optical interface) Maintenance operation (MAN. OP.). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32).
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3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Laser Control tab. The Automatic Shutdown parameter points out the current transmission modality of the laser: •
Disable, the laser transmission is affected only by its enabling status (values On and Off of Transmitter Control parameter) and not by the real presence of the optical signal.
Auto, the transmission of the laser is affected by the presence of the optical signal: when the signal is present, the laser transmits, when the signal is not present, the laser does not transmit. In this last condition, the controller automatically turns on the laser for 3 seconds every “x” seconds to activate the remote transmitter: if the signal at reception is present, the laser will continue to transmit, while if it is not present, after “x” seconds, the laser will be turned on again for 3 seconds and so on. To modify the Auto Restart Time interval set, in the relevant box, a value between 60 and 300 sec. (default 120 sec.). Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
Manual, the laser transmission is manually enabled by the operator.
Test, the laser transmits for “x” seconds (configurable in Test Time box) (operation of test “laser operation status”).
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. Only if you are setting Disable, Manual or Test as transmission modality for the laser, a message is displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of the timeout. 7. Press the push button to continue the operation. The selection of a modality different from Auto activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the user turns off the equipment and then turns it on again, without considering the previous setting, the transmission mode of the laser is Auto.
To enable manually the laser transmission on an external port (LAN3, LAN4 with optical interface) Maintenance operation (MAN. OP.). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Laser Control tab. 5. Press the Send Request push-button in correspondence of the parameter Restart and confirm. A message is displayed, warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of timeout. 6. Confirm the operation. The setting of the Manual modality activates the MAN. OP alarm. 7. Press Restart and confirm. The laser transmits for 2 seconds and then stops.
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To execute the test on the laser operating status on an external port (LAN3, LAN4 with optical interface) Maintenance operation (MAN. OP.). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Laser Control tab. 5. Set the number of seconds during which the laser must be on, moving the cursor Test Time to the wished value and pressing the push-button Set or selecting Commands > Send SET Request.. 6. In the Automatic Shutdown box, press the push-button Enable Test. 7. Press the push-button Set or select Commands > Send SET Request. A message is displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of timeout. 8. Confirm the operation. The setting of the Enable Test mode activates the MAN. OP. alarm. 9. In Manual Restart box, select active and confirm. The laser transmits for the number of seconds set in the Test Time box and then switches off.
To execute the manual restart of the laser on an external port (LAN3, LAN4 with optical interface) Maintenance operation (MAN. OP.). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the wished external port: LAN3, LAN4. The ALCplus2: Unit - LAN window is displayed with the Interface Type tab active. 4. Select the Laser Control tab. 5. Press the Send push-button in the Restart box.
Spanning Tree protocol (more information) Spanning Tree is a protocol for the management of the connections, which supports the redundancy of the path avoiding the creation of unwished loops in the network. In order that an Ethernet network operates correctly, only an active path must exist between two stations. Multiple active paths cause loops in the network and, as consequence, the possible endless replication of the messages. The Spanning Tree protocol creates a tree logic network which pass through all the bridges into a complex physical network forcing the possible duplicated paths (possible loops) to a stand-by status (Blocked). If a network segment becomes unreachable or if the cost of a path changes, the Spanning Tree algorithm reconfigures the topology of the network activating an alternative path. For more information, refer to the standard IEEE:
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802.1d (Spanning Tree Protocol).
802.1w (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol).
The use of the Spanning Tree protocol must be enabled at level of single port (LAN 1, LAN 2, LAN 3, LAN 4, Port A). The use of the Spanning Tree protocol for the external ports (LAN) is alternative to the use of the line Ethernet protection or of the Trunking mode. If the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and it is interconnected to other node elements through the Ethernet nodal Bus, the use of the Spanning Tree protocol can be enabled/disabled for the Ethernet traffic ports (LAN 3, LAN 4 and Port A). The management of the Ethernet nodal interconnection ports (LAN 1 and LAN 2) is responsibility of the system which ensures that no data loop is created. Even in this case, the use of the Spanning Tree protocol for the ports LAN 3, LAN 4 and Port A is alternative to the use of the line Ethernet protection (only external ports) or of the Trunking mode.
Ethernet Line Protection (more information) The Ethernet Line Protection (ELP) is a function which allows implementing a protection at physical level (Level 2) between two or more LAN external ports. When the user enables the Ethernet line protection, even the management of the ELP switch is enabled. The switch operates in automatic mode: the equipment executes the switch when the LOS alarm is present on the LAN port in service. When the alarm clears, the controller does not execute the switch again. The Ethernet line protection is implemented by means of proprietary protocol. As consequence, the ELP switch is managed without considering alarms or settings executed on the equipment on the other side of the LAN connection. In ALCplus2 equipment, the line Ethernet protection can be enabled at equipment level (equipment ELP see pag.202) or at node level (node ELP - see pag.221). This last chance is available and meaningful only for the equipment belonging to an ALCplus2 node and which are interconnected to other node elements through the Ethernet nodal Bus.
Ethernet Line Protection of equipment (ELP equipment) The Ethernet line protection of the equipment allows setting in mutual protection more LAN ports of the same equipment. The functionality manages up to two different protection groups: Protection 1 and Protection 2. In this way, it is possible to setting in mutual protection two, three or four LANs or setting in protection the LANs in pairs of two. In detail, in the first case the same protection group (Protection1) will be enable for two, three or four LANs. In the second case, a protection group (Protection1) will be enable for two LANs and the other protection group (Protection2) for the remnant two. The parameters, which determine which LAN ports among those in protection must be set as operating, are the port parameters foreseen for the management of the Rapid Spanning Tree protocol. 1. Cost. A connection cost can be assigned to every port. When the ELP equipment function is enabled for two or more external ports, the port currently active for the transport will be the enabled port with valid signal and lowest cost. Example. For the ports LAN 1, LAN 2 and LAN 3 the ELP equipment function is enabled. The port LAN 1 is enabled, has a valid signal and cost 200.000, the port LAN 2 is enabled, has a valid signal and cost 250.000, the port LAN 3 is enabled, has a valid signal and cost 300.000. The port LAN 1 is used for the transport. 2. Priority. A priority value between 1 and 9 can be assigned to every port. When the ELP equipment function is enabled for two or more external ports and the ports have the same cost, the port currently active for the transport will be the enabled port with valid signal and lowest priority value.
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Example. For the ports LAN 1, LAN 2 and LAN 3 the ELP equipment function is enabled. The ports are all enabled, have a valid signal and cost 200.000. The port LAN 1 has priority 1, the port LAN 2 has priority 2, the port LAN 3 has priority 3. The port LAN 1 is used for the transport. Only if the ELP function is enabled for one port when more ports are operating (status Designated), cost and priority being equal, the port with the lower physical position is kep active. The values of Role and Port Status foreseen for the management of the Rapid Spanning Tree protocol have been used to represent the status of the ports involved in the ELP switch: Port
Port status
The user can manage the criteria for the choice of the operating/reserve port executing the following operations: •
To enable/disable the use of the LAN ports (parameter Rate Control - pag.183)
To enable/disable the ELP equipment functionality on the LANs you wish to protect (parameter STP/ ELP, Enable-Protection1 or Enable-Protection2 value - pag.196).
To set the port priority (parameter Priority - pag.194)
To set the port cost (parameter Path Cost - pag.195)
The use of the equipment ELP functionality for each LAN port is alternative to the use of Spanning Tree or of the Trunking mode. If the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and is interconnected to other node elements through the Ethernet nodal Bus, the use of the equipment ELP functionality can be enabled/disabled only for the Ethernet traffic ports (LAN 3 and LAN 4). In this case, the use of the equipment ELP functionality (besides the use of the Spanning Tree protocol or of the Trunking mode) is alternative to the use of the node ELP functionality.
Ethernet Line Protection of the node (ELP node) Only if the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and is interconnected to other node elements through Ethernet nodal Bus, it is possible to enable the line Ethernet protection at node level (node ELP). This ELP functionality, in fact, allows setting in mutual protection the Ethernet traffic ports (LAN 3 and LAN 4) of the equipment belonging to the node and interconnected by the Ethernet nodal Bus. Up to 4 different protection groups can be created: Node Protection1, Node Protection2, Node Protection3 and Node Protection4. For example, with reference to Fig.35, if you wish to set in mutual protection the ports LAN 3 of A.1, of A.2 and of A.3, you must enable the node ELP functionality (Node Protection1) for all the three ports. At the same time, if you wish to set in mutual protection the ports LAN 4 of A.1, of A.2 and of A.3, you must enable the node ELP functionality for all the above mentioned ports but not using the protection group Node Protection1, which would insert the LAN 4 ports in the same protection group of the LAN 3 ports, but using instead the group Node Protection2. In this way, a second node protection group is created, independent from the first one. The parameters, which determine which LAN port among those in protection must be set as operating, are the port parameters foreseen for the management of the Rapid Spanning Tree protocol: 1. Cost. A connection cost can be assigned to every port. When the ELP node function is enabled for two or more external ports, the port currently active for the transport will be the enabled port with valid signal and lowest cost. Example. With reference to Fig.35. For the LAN 3 port of the equipment A.1 and for the LAN 4 port of the equipment A.2, the node ELP function is enabled. The LAN 3 port of A.1 is enabled to the use, has valid signal and has cost 200.000, the LAN 4 port of A.2 is enabled to the use, has valid signal and cost 250.000. For the transport, the port LAN 3 of A.1 is used. 2. Priority. A priority value between 1 and 9 can be assigned to every port.
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When the ELP node function is enabled for two or more external ports and the ports have the same cost, the port currently active for the transport will be the enabled port with valid signal and lowest priority value. Example. With reference to Fig.35. For the LAN 3 port of A.1 and the LAN 4 port of A.2 the node ELP function is enabled. The ports are all enabled to use, have valid signal and cost 200.000. The LAN 3 port of A.1 has priority 1, the LAN 4 port of A.2 has priority 2. For the transport, the LAN 3 port of A.1 is used. Only if the ELP function is enabled for one port when more ports have the node ELP function enabled and are operating (status Designated), cost and priority being equal, the port with the lower physical position is kep active. The physical position of the traffic external ports of a node is the following: •
LAN 3 of the first element of the node (lowest logic position)
LAN 4 of the first element of the node
LAN 3 of the second element of the node
LAN 4 of the second element of the node ... and so on.
The values of Role and Port Status foreseen for the management of the Rapid Spanning Tree protocol have been used to represent the status of the ports involved in the ELP switch: Port
Port status
The user can manage the criteria for the choice of the operating/reserve port executing the following operations: •
To enable/disable the use of the LAN ports (parameter Rate Control - pag.183).
To enable/disable the ELP node functionality on the LANs you wish to protect (parameter STP/ELP, Enable-Node-Prot1, Enable-Node-Prot2, Enable-Node-Prot3 or Enable-Node-Prot4 value pag.196).
To set the port priority (parameter Priority - pag.194).
To set the port cost (parameter Path Cost - pag.195).
The use of the node ELP function for the LAN 3 and LAN 4 ports is alternative to the use of the equipment ELP functionality, of the Spanning Tree protocol or of the Trunking mode. Fig.35 ELP of node (example)
Node A Lan 3 Lan 4 Lan 3 Lan 4
Ethernet traffic Lan 3 Lan 4 Lan 3 Lan 4
Lan 1 and Lan 2 (Ethernet nodal interconnection)
Notes of Fig.35 (1)
A.1, A.2, A.3 and A.4. Respectively first, second, third and fourth equipment of the node interconnected to the Ethernet nodal Bus.
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Trunking mode (more information) The Trunking mode is a functionality which allows aggregating two or more Ethernet ports. In this way, the ports belonging to the same group (Trunk) will be considered as a single entity. In ALCplus2 equipment, it is possible to enable the Trunking mode for the external LAN ports (Trunking Ethernet - see pag.205) and for the internal port Port A (Trunking radio - see pag.205). This possibility is available only for the equipment belonging to an ALCplus2 node and interconnected by the Ethernet nodal Bus.
Ethernet Trunking mode (LAN ports) The Ethernet Trunking mode allows aggregating two or more physical ports (LAN) of the same equipment to achieve a single logic channel. The functionality manages up to 4 different aggregation groups (Trunk): Enable-Trunk1, Enable-Trunk2, Enable-Trunk3 and Enable-Trunk4. In this way, it is possible to aggregate two, three or four LANs or to aggregate the LANs at pair of two. In the first case, the same aggregation group (Enable-Trunk1) will enable for the two, three or four LANs of the switch. In the second case, an aggregation group (Enable-Trunk1) will enable for the two LANs and the other aggregation group (Enable-Trunk2) for the remnant two. Up to 4 LAN ports for each Trunk can be aggregated. The enabling of the Ethernet Trunking mode is in compliance with the standard LAG (Link Aggregation Group) and the relevant LACP protocol (Link Aggregation Control Protocol). For more information, refer to the standard IEEE 802.3ad (Link Aggregation). The use of the Trunking Ethernet mode must be enabled at level of single external port (LAN 1, LAN 2, LAN 3, LAN 4) and is in alternative to the use of the line Ethernet protection or of the Spanning Tree protocol. If the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and is interconnected to other node elements through Ethernet nodal Bus, the use of the Trunking mode can be enabled/disabled only for the external Ethernet trafficports (LAN 3, LAN 4). Even in this case, the use of the Trunking mode is alternative to the use of the line Ethernet protection or of the Spanning Tree protocol.
Radio Trunking mode (internal port - Port A) This mode is available only for equipment belonging to an ALCplus2 node and interconnected by Ethernet nodal Bus. The radio Trunking mode allows aggregating more radio of a nodal system. The functionality manages an aggregation group (Trunk): Enable-Trunk1. To insert a radio port of a switch in the Trunk, it is necessary to enable the radio Trunking mode for this port (Enable-Trunk1). In this mode, up to 8 radio ports can be aggregated. The use of the radio Trunking mode is alternative to the use of the Spanning Tree protocol.
Port A The push-button Port A in the ALCplus2: Subrack - ETHERNET window (Fig.32) allows configuring the operating parameters of the internal port. In detail, it is possible: Status and communication parameters •
To verify/modify the enabling status of the internal port (Port A) (pag. 206).
To verify/modify the enabling status of the automatic learning of MAC Address in the specific table (Port A) (pag. 207).
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Virtual Lan parameters •
To enable/disable the ports through which can pass the messages in input from the internal port (Port A) (pag. 207).
To verify/modify the control of Tag Vlan Id on the messages in input from the internal port (Port A) (pag. 208).
To verify/modify the behaviour of the internal port (Port A) towards the packets in output (pag. 208).
To verify/modify the default Vid value of the internal port (Port A) (pag. 209).
To force the Vid value of the internal port (Port A) to default value (pag. 209).
802.1p priority parameters •
To verify/modify the priority criterion used to associate the packets in input from the internal port (Port A) to the output queues (pag. 210).
To verify/modify the value to insert in the field 802.1p of the packets in input from the internal port (Port A) which, in output, the Tag is added to (pag. 210).
To verify/modify the mapping of the priority (802.1p) in the Tag VLan (Port A) (pag. 211).
Spanning Tree parameters •
To verify the status of the internal port (Port A) in the Spanning Tree protocol (pag. 211).
To enable/disable the Spanning Tree protocol for the internal port (Port A) (pag. 212).
To verify/modify the priority of the internal port (Port A) (Spanning Tree) (pag. 212).
To verify/modify the type of internal port (Port A) (Spanning Tree) (pag. 213).
To verify/modify the connection cost of the internal port (Port A) (Spanning Tree) (pag. 213).
Trunking mode parameters •
To verify the status of the internal port (Port A) in relation to the Trunking mode (pag. 214)
To enable/disable the Trunking mode for the internal port (Port A) (pag. 214)
Operations available only if the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and interconnected to other node elements through the Ethernet nodal Bus. For more information about the: •
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), go to pag. 201.
Trunking mode, go to pag. 205.
To verify/modify the enabling status of the internal port (Port A) 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the internal port Port A. The ALCplus2: Unit - Port A window is displayed with the Interface tab active. The Status parameter displays the enabling status of the port: •
Disable, the internal port is not enabled to the use
Enable, the internal port is enabled to the use
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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To verify/modify the enabling status of the automatic learning of MAC Address in the specific table (Port A) The MAC-based routing functionality in the Ethernet switch is available only if this function is enabled. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the internal port Port A. The ALCplus2: Unit - Port A window is displayed with the Interface tab active. The Addr. Learning Enable parameter points out the enabling status of the automatic learning of the MAC Address in the specific table (MAC Table). The value: •
Enable, points out that the automatic learning of the MAC Address is enabled.
Disable, points out that the automatic learning of the MAC Address is disabled.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To enable/disable the ports through which the packets in input from the internal port (Port A) can transit 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the internal port Port A. The ALCplus2: Unit - Port A window is displayed with the Interface tab active. 4. Select the VLAN (802.1Q)/Lan per Port tab. The Port Based Vlan parameter points out the enabling status of the ports through which can transit the messages in input from the considered internal port. For each single Ethernet port, if the active option push-button is: •
Disable, the packets, in input from the internal port which the window refers to, are not enabled to transit through the Ethernet port relevant to the selected push-button.
Enable, the packets, in input from the internal port which the window refers to, are enabled to transit through the Ethernet port relevant to the selected push-button.
The option push-button Port-A relevant to the internal port, which the window refers to, is not available. 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the option push-buttons corresponding to the wished LAN ports. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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To verify/modify the control of Tag Vlan Id on the messages in input from the internal port (Port A) 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the internal port Port A. The ALCplus2: Unit - Port A window is displayed with the Interface tab active. 4. Select the VLAN (802.1Q)/Filtering tab. The Ingress Filtering Check parameter displays, if active, the control of Tag Vlan Id on the messages in input from the port. Possible values: •
Disable 802-1Q, the internal port does not analyse the Tag (802.1Q) of the packets in input. They will be sent only to the ports indicated in the Lan per Port area.
Fallback, the internal port uses both the following modalities:
If the Tag 802.1Q is present in the list of VLAN, the packet is sent to the other ports enabled in the list for the same Tag.
If the Tag 802.1Q is not present in the list of VLAN or if no Tag is present, the packet will be sent to the port listed in the Lan per Port area.
Secure, the internal port discards the packets which have not, in their Tag, a known VLAN identifier, that is present in the list of VLAN; furthermore it discards the packets if the port does not belong to the VLAN itself. Tag: 4 byte optional field, containing the priority and the Vlan identifier. List of VLan: List of Vlan created by the user.
For each configuration (selection of the value Disable 802-1Q, Fallback and Secure) the table of the Vlan per Port (pag. 207) must be ALWAYS considered even if the traffic management is executed only on Tag basis. 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. If you wish to obtain a bidirectional traffic routed according to the Vlan table, the control of Tag 802.1Q (Fallback or Secure) must be activated in all the ports.
To verify/modify the behaviour of the internal port (Port A) towards the packets in output 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the internal port Port A. The ALCplus2: Unit - Port A window is displayed with the Interface tab active. 4. Select the VLAN (802.1Q)/Filtering tab. The Frame Egress Mode parameter displays the behaviour of the internal port towards the packets in output. •
Unmodified, the Tag 802.1Q (priority and VLAN identifier) is not added nor removed to the packets in output from the port;
Untagged, the packets in output from port are deprived of the Tag 802.1Q (priority information and VLAN identifier);
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Tagged, the VLAN identifier, if not present, is added to the packets in output from the port: the identifier is that indicated in the Default Vid box;
Add Double Tag, points out that the packets in output from the port are always tagged. If the packet is already tagged, a second Tag is added. If the packet is not tagged, the Tag is added. The added Tag is composed by: •
The Vlan identifier set in the Default Vid box of the port from which the message entered in the equipment.
The default priority of the port, which the packet is entered from, if the priority 802.1p is disabled on this port. Otherwise by the native priority of the incoming packet if the option 802.1p is enabled on this port.
When the Add Double Tag value is active, besides the insertion of a Tag (Provider Tag) on the packets in output from the considered port, the Provider Tag is always removed on the packets incoming from the same port. The Provider Tag added by the Double Tag function has an identifier (Ethernet Type) which can be configured by the parameter QinQ ETH type. 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Move the cursor corresponding to the parameter Default Vid to to the wished value (range: 1 4095). b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the default Vid value of the internal port (Port A) 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the internal port Port A. The ALCplus2: Unit - Port A window is displayed with the Interface tab active. 4. Select the VLAN (802.1Q)/Filtering tab. The Default Vid parameter indicates the default Vid value of the port. The default Vid of a port is used as Vid in the field 802.1p of the packets came from the port in subject without Tag and destined to exit with Tag from any port of the switch. 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Type a numeric value into the box. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To force the Vid value of the internal port (Port A) to default value 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the internal port Port A. The ALCplus2: Unit - Port A window is displayed with the Interface tab active. 4. Select the VLAN (802.1Q)/Filtering tab.
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The Force Default Vid parameter points out if the forcing of the Vid value of the PORT port to the default value is active: •
Disable, forcing disabled.
Enable, forcing enabled.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the priority criterion used to associate the packets in input from the internal port (Port A) to the output queues 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the internal port Port A. The ALCplus2: Unit - Port A window is displayed with the Interface tab active. 4. Select the Priority (802.1P) tab. The Priority parameter displays the priority criterion used to associated the packets, in input to the internal port, to the output: •
Disable, disables the priority management;
802.1 P, analyses the value of 802.1p priority (level 2);
IpTOS, analyses the value of TOS (Type Of Service) (level 3);
802.1 P IpTOS, analyses the value of 802.1p and, if not evaluated, the value of TOS;
IpTOS 802.1 P, analyses the value of TOS and, if not evaluated, the value of 802.1p priority.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the value to insert in the field 802.1p of the packets in input from the internal port (Port A) which, in output, the Tag is added to 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the internal port Port A. The ALCplus2: Unit - Port A window is displayed with the Interface tab active. 4. Select the Priority (802.1P) tab. The Default Priority parameter points out the value to insert in the field 802.1p of the packets in input from the internal port which, in output, the Tag is added to: •
0, lowest priority
7, highest priority.
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5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Move the cursor to the wished value. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the mapping of the priority (802.1p) in the Tag VLan (Port A) Operation available and meaninghful only if the analysis of the value of priority 802.1p (parameter Priority set to value 802.1P, 802.1P-IpTOS or IpTOS-802.1P) is active. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the internal port Port A. The ALCplus2: Unit - Port A window is displayed with the Interface tab active. 4. Select the Priority (802.1P) tab. If the analysis of the value of priority 802.1p is active, the table points out the mapping of the priority in the Tag VLan. 5. To modify a value select, in the Ieee Priority Remap table, the option push-button corresponding to the wished combination “values of Tag 802.1p in input to the port - value of Tag 802.1p in output from the Switch”. For each selection, the option push-button changes from the current status to the complementary one: •
, mapping combination selected.
, mapping combination not selected.
6. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify the status of the internal port (Port A) in the Spanning Tree protocol 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the internal port Port A. The ALCplus2: Unit - Port A window is displayed with the Interface tab active. 4. Select the STP/Trunking tab. The tab points out the status of the port in relation to the Spanning Tree protocol or to the Trunking mode (only for equipment belonging to an ALCplus2 node). The status of the external port is defined by the value of the following parameters: •
Role. Role assigned by the Spanning Tree protocol to each port of a bridge/switch. The role defines the behaviour of the port: •
Root. This port offers the best path (lowest cost) towards the chosen bridge. Each bridge can have only one root port. When the Spanning Tree algorithm is at steady state, each root port is in Forwarding status (the port receives/re-transmits frames and receives/processes BPDU packets).
Alternate. This port is alternative to the root port, to use in case of fault, as it offers an alternative path in direction of the Bridge Root. Normally the Alternate port is in Blocking status (the port receives frames but does not re-transmit them and receives/ processes BPDU packets).
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Designated. This port transmits the frames (traffic) and BPDU packets in the direction from the root bridge to the terminal bridges. When the Spanning Tree algorithm is at steady state, each Designated port is in Forwarding status (the port receives/retransmits frames and receives/processes BPDU packets).
Backup. This port begins to operate after the fault of the Designated port. In the same bridge, the Backup port is present only if two or more ports connect the same PORT. In this case, in the bridge will be present a port with Designated role and the others with Backup role. Generally, the Backup port is in Blocking status (the port receives frames but does not re-transmit and receive/process the BPDU packets).
Status. Status of the port:
Blocking. The port receives frames (traffic) but does not forward them. It does not update the routing table. It receives and processes BPDU (Bridge Protocol Data Unit) packets.
Learning. The port receives frames (traffic) but does not forward them. It updates the routing table. It receives, processes and re-transmits BPDU packets.
Forwarding. The port receives and forwards frames (traffic). It updates the routing table. It receives, processes and re-transmits BPDU packets, except for the Root ports for which it does not re-transmit the BPDU packets.
Disable. The port is not operating: it does not transmit nor receive any type of frames (traffic, BPDU).
Version. Version of the Spanning Tree protocol.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command.
To enable/disable the Spanning Tree protocol for the internal port (Port A) The Spanning Tree protocol cannot be enabled when the Trunking mode is enabled (see pag.214). To enable the STP protocol, it is first necessary to disable the use of the Trunking mode. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the internal port Port A. The ALCplus2: Unit - Port A window is displayed with the Interface tab active. 4. Select the STP/Trunking tab. The Enable parameter points out the enabling status of the Spanning Tree protocol for the selected port. Possible values: •
Disable. Spanning Tree protocol disabled
Enable Bridge 1. Spanning Tree protocol enabled (the port belongs to Bridge 1).
Enable Bridge 2. Spanning Tree protocol enabled (the port belongs to Bridge 2).
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the priority of the internal port (Port A) (Spanning Tree) 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30).
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2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the internal port Port A. The ALCplus2: Unit - Port A window is displayed with the Interface tab active. 4. Select the STP/Trunking tab. The Priority parameter points out the priority of the internal port (0: highest priority, 15: lowest priority). 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Move the cursor to the wished value. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the type of internal port (Port A) (Spanning Tree) 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the internal port Port A. The ALCplus2: Unit - Port A window is displayed with the Interface tab active. 4. Select the STP/Trunking tab. The Type parameter points out the position of the port within the network. Possible values: •
Edge, the port is of terminal type. This means that the port is on the edge of the network. The Edge ports are always active (they do not belong to the domain of Spanning Tree).
No Edge, the port is not of terminal type. Its status is managed by the Spanning Tree protocol.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the connection cost of the internal port (Port A) in the Spanning Tree protocol 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the internal port Port A. The ALCplus2: Unit - Port A window is displayed with the Interface tab active. 4. Select the Spanning Tree tab. The Path Cost parameter points out the cost of the network part directly connected to the external port. This cost must be inversely proportional to the bit rate of the port. 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command.
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6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Type the new value in the box. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify the status of the internal port (Port A) in relation to the Trunking mode The Trunking mode cannot be enabled when the Spanning Tree protocol is enabled (see pag.214). To enable the Trunking mode, it is first necessary to disable the Spanning Tree protocol. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the internal port Port A. The ALCplus2: Unit - Port A window is displayed with the Interface tab active. 4. Select the STP/Trunking tab. The status of the port in relation to the Trunking mode is defined by the value of the read-only parameters displayed in Trunk/LACP area: •
Status. Status of the port in relation to LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol): •
Up. Protocol active.
Down. Protocol inactive.
Partner Id. MAC Address of the remote equipment located at the other end of the Ethernet connection (remote switch).
Tx Pck Cnt. LACP packets transmitted to the remote switch.
Rx Pck Cnt. LACP packets received from the remote switch.
To enable/disable the Trunking mode for the internal port (Port A) The Trunking mode cannot be enabled when the Spanning Tree protocol is enabled (see pag.214). To enable the Trunking mode, it is first necessary to disable the Spanning Tree protocol. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the block relevant to the internal port Port A. The ALCplus2: Unit - Port A window is displayed with the Interface tab active. 4. Select the STP/Trunking tab. The Trunk parameter points out the enabling status of the Trunking mode for the internal port: •
Disable. Trunking mode disabled.
enable-trunk1. Trunking mode enabled at level of radio port.
5. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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LAN per Port The push-button Lan per Port in the ALCplus2: Subrack - ETHERNET window (Fig.32) allows: •
To verify/modify the enabling status of the transit of the packets through the ports of the local Ethernet switch (pag. 215).
To verify/modify the enabling status of the transit of the packets through the ports of the local Ethernet switch 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the button Lan per Port. The Lan per Port window is displayed (Fig.36). The displayed table reports the enabling status of the transit of the packets through the ports of the local Ethernet switch. The table resumes the settings present on every single port of the Ethernet switch (parameter Port Based VLAN, tab VLan(802.1Q), pag.188 and pag.207). The tab is available only if a value different from 0 is set for the option Number of Ethernet Elements in the NODAL CONFIGURATOR window (Fig.15), and the value of the option Node ID is a number lower than or equal to the number set for the option Number of Ethernet Elements. 4. To modify the enabling status of a port: a. Select in the table the button corresponding to the combination “port of local Ethernet switch” - “port of Ethernet switch of node element”. b. In the displayed menu, select the option: •
Disabled, the traffic between the two ports is not allowed.
Bidirectional, the traffic between the two ports is allowed in both directions.
Monodirectional, the traffic between the two ports is allowed in only one direction.
The transit of the packets of the ports LAN 1 and LAN 2 of the local Ethernet switch from/to the ports of the Ethernet switch of the specific node element is automatically enabled by the system as pointed out in Fig.36. If you set to disable one of this button, the message “Changing these settings may result in loss of ethernet traffic through the node. Continue?” is displayed, warning that the change of the setting can cause the loss of traffic of the nodal Bus Ethernet. 4. Press Apply.
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Fig.36 Lan per Port window Button to enable/disable the traffic between the ports (2)
File menu (1)
Press this button to apply the changes and close the window
Press this button to update the data displayed in the window
Notes of Fig.37 (1)
The menu File contains the commands: •
File > Close, closes the Lan per Port window.
File > Exit, closes the Lan per Port window and the equipment interface.
The push-button displays the current setting of the passage of traffic of packets betweenthe ports of the local Ethernet switch and the ports of the Ethernet switch of the first element of the ALCplus2 node interconnected by the Ethernet nodal Bus. •
Disabled, the traffic between the two ports is not allowed.
Bidirectional, the traffic between the two ports is allowed in both directions.
Monodirectional, the traffic between the two ports is allowed in both directions.
The symbol next to the button points out if the packets are enabled (green) or disabled (grey) to transit between the corresponding ports.
VLAN Management •
Verify the existing virtual Lan’s (pag. 216).
Create a virtual Lan (pag. 218).
Modify a virtual Lan (pag. 220).
Delete a virtual Lan (pag. 220).
To verify the existing virtual Lan’s 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the VLAN Management push-button. The VLAN Configuration window (Fig.37) is displayed.
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Fig.37 VLan Configuration window Menus allowing the configuration of the virtual Lan’s (1)
Area containing the list of the virtual Lan’s (2)
Default VLAN identifiers of the ports (3)
Notes of Fig.37 (1)
In detail, the menu: •
File > Refresh, updates the data present in the window.
File > Close, closes the VLAN Configuration window.
File > Exit, closes the ALCplus2 Manager window.
Options > Add, creates a new virtual Lan (pag. 218)
Options > Modify, modifies a virtual Lan (pag. 220)
Options > Delete, deletes one or all the virtual Lan's (pag. 220)
View > Filter, filters the information present in the table (pag. 220).
For each virtual Lan, the columns indicate: •
VLan ID, identifier assigned to the virtual Lan by the user during its creation.
Def. VID, the wording: •
Used, points out that the ID of the virtual Lan is used even as default Vlan ID from the specific external or internal port.
-, points out that the ID of the virtual Lan is not used even as default Vlan ID from the specific external or internal port.
Label, name assigned to the virtual Lan by the user during its creation.
Lan 1, enabling of the external port 1 to the transit of packets with VLan ID equal to that of the virtual LAN: •
- , the port is not enabled to the transit of the packets with VLan ID equal to that of the virtual Lan.
Untagged, the port allows the transit of the packets with VLan ID equal to that of the virtual Lan. The tag 802.1Q (information of priority and VLAN identifier) is removed to the packets in output from the port.
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Tagged, the port is enabled to the transit of the packets with VLan ID equal to that of the virtual Lan. To the packets without Tag, in output from this port, is automatically added the Tag composed by the information: •
Of priority: the value is defined in the box Default Priority of the origin port of the packet itself.
Of Vlan ID, which corresponds to the default Vlan ID (Default Vid box) of the origin port of the packet.
The Vlan Table can be used, in case of traffic without Tag, only if the default Vlan ID of the input port is contained as routing row in the table itself. If this condition is not satisfied, the Vlan Table is not meaningful for all the traffic without Tag. •
Unchanged, the port is enabled to the transit of the packets with VLan ID equal to that of the virtual Lan. The tag 802.1Q (priority and VLAN identifier) are not removed nor added to the packets in output from the port.
Lan 2, enabling of the external port 2 to the transit of packets with VLan ID equal to that of the virtual LAN. For the description of the wordings, refer to the previous note (Lan 1).
Lan 3, enabling of the external port 3 to the transit of packets with VLan ID equal to that of the virtual LAN. For the description of the wordings, refer to the previous note (Lan 1).
Lan 4, enabling of the external port 4 to the transit of packets with VLan ID equal to that of the virtual LAN. For the description of the wordings, refer to the previous note (Lan 1).
Port A, enabling of the internal port to the transit of packets with VLan ID equal to that of the virtual LAN. For the description of the wordings, refer to the previous note (Lan 1).
The value of the parameter Default VLan ID of a port is used as Vid in the field 802.1p of the packets entered from the considered port without Tag and destined to exit with Tag from any other port of the switch.
To create a virtual Lan 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the VLAN Management push-button. The VLAN Configuration window (Fig.37) is displayed. 4. Select the Options > Add command. The system displays the Add VLAN window (Fig.38). 5. Type, into the Vid box, the identifier (within 1 and 4095) you wish to assign to the virtual LAN. 6. Type, into the Label box, the name (alphanumeric string up to 20 characters) you wish to assign to the virtual LAN. 7. In the boxes relevant to ports of the Ethernet switch, select the value: •
Disable, to disable the port for the transit of the packets with the specific VLan ID identifier.
Ena. Untagged, to enable the port to the transit of the packets with the specific VLan ID. The tag 802.1Q (information of priority and VLAN identifier) is removed to the packets in output from the port.
Ena. Tagged, to enable the port to the transit of the packets with specific VLan ID. To the packets without Tag, in output from this port, is automatically added the Tag composed by the information: •
of priority: the value is defined in the box Default Priority of the origin port of the packet itself.
of Vlan ID, which corresponds to the default Vlan ID (Default Vid box) of the origin port of the packet.
The Vlan Table can be used, in case of traffic without Tag, only if the default Vlan ID of the input port is contained as routing row in the table itself. If this condition is not satisfied, the Vlan Table is not meaningful for all the traffic without Tag.
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Ena. Unchanged, the port is enabled to the transit of the packets with VLan ID equal to that of the virtual Lan. The tag 802.1Q (priority and VLAN identifier) are not removed nor added to the packets in output from the port.
The available ports depend on the equipped Ethernet switch and on the equipment configuration. 8. Press the Apply push-button. The VLAN Configuration window displays the row related to the new virtual Lan. Fig.38 Add VLAN window
VLAN identifier (1)
VLAN label (2)
Management of the port enabling for the considered VLAN (3)
Notes of Fig.38 (1)
The field Vid must contain the numeric identifier of the virtual LAN. The value must be unambiguous and between 1 and 4095.
The field LABEL must contain the label (alphanumeric string) identifying the virtual LAN.
For every available port of the Ethernet switch, the operator must configure the enabling to the transit of the packets characterized by an identifier of virtual LAN equal to that of the considered LAN. The ports unavailable for the considered Ethernet switch are greyed out. The possible options are: •
Disable, to disable the port for the transit of the packets with the specific VLan ID identifier.
Ena. Untagged, to enable the port to the transit of the packets with the specific VLan ID. The tag 802.1Q (information of priority and VLAN identifier) is removed to the packets in output from the port.
Ena. Tagged, to enable the port to the transit of the packets with specific VLan ID. To the packets without Tag, in output from this port, is automatically added the Tag composed by the information:
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of priority: the value is defined in the box Default Priority of the origin port of the packet itself.
of Vlan ID, which corresponds to the default Vlan ID (Default Vid box) of the origin port of the packet.
The Vlan Table can be used, in case of traffic without Tag, only if the default Vlan ID of the input port is contained as routing row in the table itself. If this condition is not satisfied, the Vlan Table is not meaningful for all the traffic without Tag. •
Ena. Unchanged, the port is enabled to the transit of the packets with VLan ID equal to that of the virtual Lan. The tag 802.1Q (priority and VLAN identifier) are not removed nor added to the packets in output from the port.
To modify a virtual Lan 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the VLAN Management push-button. The VLAN Configuration window (Fig.37) is displayed. 4. Do one of the following actions: •
double click with the left button of the mouse on the row relevant to the wished Vlan
select the wished Vlan and then the Options > Modify command.
The system displays the Modify VLAN window. 5. Modify the parameters. The description of the parameters is reported in Fig.38. 6. Press the Apply push-button. The VLAN Configuration window displays the row related to the changed virtual Lan.
To delete a virtual Lan It is possible to delete more virtual LANs at the same time. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the VLAN Management push-button. The VLAN Configuration window (Fig.37) is displayed. 4. Select the virtual Lan’s you wish to delete. 5. Select the Options > Delete command and confirm.
To filter the list of virtual LANs 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the VLAN Management push-button.
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The VLAN Configuration window (Fig.37) is displayed. 4. Select the command View > Filter. The VLAN Filter window is displayed (Fig.39) with all the filtering criteria unselected. 5. Select one or more filter criteria for the display of the virtual LANs. If the selected criterion is: •
Match VID, a field is displayed allowing editing the VID of the virtual LAN which must be displayed in the VLAN Configuration window;
Match Label, a field is displayed allowing editing the label of the virtual LAN which must be displayed in the VLAN Configuration window;
Match VLAN Table, an area is displayed where the user can select which ports of the Ethernet switch are enabled for the virtual LANs to display. The Ethernet ports available in this area changes depending on the equipped Ethernet switch and on the equipment configuration.
6. Press OK. The VLAN Configuration window displays the list of the virtual LANs matching AT LEAST ONE of the selected filter criteria. Fig.39 VLAN Filter window
Filter criteria (1)
Push-buttons (2)
Notes of Fig.39 (1)
The filter criteria available to the operator are: •
Match VID, if selected, displays a field allowing editing the VID of the virtual LAN which must be displayed in the VLAN Configuration window;
Match Label, if selected, displays a field allowing editing the label of the virtual LAN which must be displayed in the VLAN Configuration window;
Match VLAN Table, if selected, displays an area where the user can select which ports of the Ethernet switch are enabled for the virtual LANs to display. The Ethernet ports available in this area changes depending on the equipped Ethernet switch and on the equipment configuration.
The window contains the following push-buttons: •
OK, if pressed, applies the changes made by the operator and closes the window.
Apply, if pressed, applies the changes made by the operator without closing the window.
Clear, if pressed, unselects all the possibly selected filter criteria.
Cancel, if pressed, closes the window without applying the changes made by the operator.
Domain The description of the OAM-FM Ethernet functionality implemented on ALCplus2 IDU equipment is described at pag236. The push-button Domain allows managing the OAM-FM Domain of an equipment. In detail, it is possible:
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To verify the characteristics of the OAM-FM of an equipment (pag. 222)
To define an OAM-FM Domain for an equipment (pag. 223)
To remove the OAM-FM Domain for an equipment (pag. 224)
ALCplus2 equipment manages only a single Dominio. The name or the level of an OAM-FM Domain associated to an equipment cannot be changed. In order to modify one or both the parameters, it is necessary to remove the current Domain and to create a new one.
To verify the characteristics of the OAM-FM of an equipment 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Domain push-button. The OAM Manager window (Fig.40) is displayed.
Fig.40 OAM Manager window Equipment display area (6)
Menu bar (1)
Filter on equipment (2)
Filter on domain status (3)
Domain creation area (4)
Domain deletion buttons (5) Messages area (7)
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Notes of Fig.40 (1)
Commands of the menu bar: •
File > Close, closes the OAM Manager window.
Action > Refresh info..., aggiorna the data displayed in the window.
Help, apre il manuale utente relativo all’apparato ALCplus2 IDU.
The View area allows selecting which equipment listing in the equipment display area. The Equipment box points out the name of the considered ALCplus2 equipment. Selecting the option push-button:
All Equipment, the equipment display area shows the considered equipment.
Selected Equipment, the equipment display area shows the considered equipment only if this has been selected in the Equipment box.
The Status Filter area allows filtering the display of the equipment depending on their association to an OAM-FM Domain. In detail, if the operator selects the check-box: •
Absent, the equipment display area shows the considered equipment only if this is not associated to any OAM-FM Domain.
Present, the equipment display area shows the considered equipment only if this is associated to an OAM-FM Domain.
The area Domain/Level Setting allows associating an OAM-FM Domain to the equipment selected/ displayed in the equipment display area. In detail: •
the field Domain is used to enter the name of the OAM-FM Domain which must be associated. If, in the equipment display area, the equipment has been already associated to an OAM-FM domain, this field points out the name of the OAM-FM Domain.
the combo-box Level is used to select the level (0-7) to assign to the OAM-FM Domain (value 0: level with lowest priority, 7: level with highest priority).
the button Create Filtered associates the OAM-FM Domain with the above mentioned characteristics to the equipment present in the equipment display area.
the button Create Selected associates the OAM-FM Domain with the above mentioned characteristics to the equipment selected in the equipment display area.
Push-buttons: •
Delete Filtered removes the OAM-FM Domain from the equipment present in the equipment dipslay area.
Delete Selected removes the OAM-FM Domain from the equipment present in the equipment dipslay area only if this has been selected.
This area points out the following information: •
column Logical Addr, logical address (name) of the equipment.
column Domain, OAM-FM Domain which the equipment is associated to. The symbol - means that the equipment is not associated to any OAM-FM Domain.
column Level, level of the OAM-FM Domain. The symbol - means that the equipment is not associated to any OAM-FM Domain.
column Status, status of association of the equipment to a given OAM-FM Domain. The wording: •
Absent, points out that the equipment is not associated to any OAM-FM Domain.
Present, points out that the equipment is associated to an OAM-FM Domain.
To define an OAM-FM Domain for an equipment An OAM-FM Domain can be associated to an equipmenty only if the equipment has no Domain associated. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30).
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2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Domain push-button. The OAM Manager window (Fig.40) is displayed. 4. Select the row relevant to the equipment in the box Equipment or the option push-button All Equipment. 5. If the filed Domain is empty, type the name of the Domain you wish to associate to the equipment (alphanumerical string with minimum length of 1 character and maximum length of 45 characters). 6. Select, in the combo-box Level, the level of the Domain you wish to associate to the equipment (value 0: level with lowest priority, 7: level with highest priority). 7. Press: •
the push-button Create Filtered to associate the OAM-FM Domain with the above mentioned characteristics to the equipment present in the equipment display area.
the push-button Create Filtered to associate the OAM-FM Domain with the above mentioned characteristics to the equipment present in the equipment display area (only if the equipment is selected).
To remove the OAM-FM Domain for an equipment It is not possible to remove an OAM-FM Domain containing at least one MA. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Domain push-button. The OAM Manager window (Fig.40) is displayed. 4. Select the row relevant to the equipment in the box Equipment or the option push-button All Equipment. 5. Select the push-button Delete Selected.
OAM The description of OAM-FM Ethernet functionality implemented in ALCplus2 IDU equipment is described at pag.235. The push-button OAM opens the window which allows managing the maintenance points of the OAM-FM Domain, which the equipment belongs to, and monitoring the path of a service instance (VLAN) by using the Continuity Control messages (CCM), the LoopBack messages (LBM) and the Link Trace messages (LTM). In detail, it is possible: •
To verify the status of the VLANs in relation to OAM-FM Ethernet functionality (pag.225)
To associate a MA to a VLAN (pag.227)
To associate a MEP to a VLAN (pag.228)
To remove a MA/MEP from a VLAN (pag.229)
To enable/disable the sending of CCM messages for a MEP (pag.229)
To verify the table of the remote MEPs (RMep table) (pag.229)
To insert a remote MEP in the RMep table (pag.231)
To enable a remote MEP of the RMep table (pag.231)
To disable a remote MEP of the RMep table (pag.232)
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To delete a remote MEP from the RMep table (pag.232)
To send one or more LoopBack messages (LBM) to a remote MEP/MIP (pag.233)
To trace the path between locel MEP and remote MEP of the same VLAN by means of the LTM messages (pag.234)
The push-button OAM is available only if an OAM-FM Domain has been defined for the equipment (see Fig.40). The definition of a MIP takes place after the definition of the MA: in fact, the definition of a MA in a VLAN, which a MEP is not defined for, corresponds to the automatic definition of a MIP for each port of the Switch which the specific VLAN is enabled for.
To verify the status of the VLANs in relation to OAM-FM Ethernet functionality 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the OAM push-button. The OAM window (Fig.41) is displayed. Fig.41 OAM window
File menu (1)
VLAN list (2)
Notes of Fig.41 (1)
File menu contains the command Close which closes the OAM window.
Every VLAN is represented by a rectangle. The VLAN characteristics are described here below.
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VLAN which a MA and a MEP are associated to (b)
VLAN which a MA is associated to (a)
a. VLAN identifier. b. VLAN name. c. Port of the Ethernet Switch. If the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and is interconnected to other node elements via Ethernet nodal Bus, the external ports LAN 1 and LAN 2 are not displayed because not available for the OAM-FM Ethernet functionality. d. Status of the port in relation to the transit of packets with with VLan ID equal to that of the VLAN: •
----, the port is not enabled to the transit of packets with VLan ID equal to that of the virtual Lan.
Tagged, the port is enabled to the transit of the packets with VLan ID equal to that of the virtual Lan. To the packets without Tag, in output from this port, is automatically added the Tag composed by the information:
of priority: the value is defined in the box Priority of the port source of the packet itself.
of Vlan ID, which corresponds to the default Vlan ID (Default Vid box) of the origin port of the packet.
Unmodif, the port is enabled to the transit of the packets with VLan ID equal to that of the virtual Lan. The tag 802.1Q (priority and VLAN identifier) are not removed nor added to the packets in output from the port.
e. This field, meaningful only for the Ethernet ports where a MEP is mapped (see note f.), points out the direction where the CCM messages are sent (pag.240): •
Direction UP ( ). The CCM messages are sent as they were in input from the considered port towards the other Switch ports interested by the considered VLAN.
Direction DOWN ( sidered port.
). The CCM messages are sent as they were in output from the con-
This field is empty for the ports which no MEP is associated to. f. This area points out if a MEP is associated to the VLAN. In detail, the presence of the wording: •
MEP + NO Association (grey) points out that no MEP is associated to the VLAN (pag.237) (VLAN which the control of the service instance is not active for)
MEP + points out that a MEP is associated to the VLAN (pag.237) and displays its identifier and name (VLAN which the control of the service instance - maintenance end point is active for).
g. Boxes which signal the status of the remote MEPs present in the RMep table of the specific local MEP. In detail, the box: •
Fail of colour:
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Green, points out that all the remote MEPs are in status Conn. or that the RMep table is empty.
Red, points out that at least one of the remote MEPs is in status Start or Failed. This condition is signalled even by the activation of the alarm OAM-FM MA: MEP Id: Fail Alarm.
Mismatch of colour: •
Green, points out that all the remote MEPs have the same configuration data (Domain name, MA name, CCM interval) set for the local MEP.
Red, points out that at least one of the remote MEP has sent a CCM message reporting configuration data different from those set for the local MEP. This condition is signalled even by the activation of the alarm OAM-FM MA: MEP Id: Config Mismatch Alarm.
h. Push-buttons: •
Bind MA. Displays the window for the creation of a MA (pag.227).
Bind MEP. Displays the window for the creation of a MEP (pag.228).
Unbind. Removes the MA and/or the MEP associated to the VLAN (pag.229).
LBM. Displays the window for the management of the LoopBack messages (LBM (pag.241)).
LTM. Displays the window for the management of the Link Trace messages (LTM pag.242).
Rmep. Displays the table of remote MEPs (pag.238) (RMep table).
The availability of the push-buttons depends on the status of the selected VLAN. If a MA or a MEP is associated to the VLAN, only the push-button Unbind is available, while if no MA or MEP is associated to the VLAN the push-buttons Bind MA and Bind MEP will be available. i.
Status and interval for the sending of the CCM messages (pag.240). The status is pointed out by the box next to the wording CCM. Box: •
Active (
Inactive (
). The sending of the CCM messages is enabled. ). The sending of CCM messages is not enabled.
The sending interval is pointed out next to the box. Wording: •
1 sec. 1 second.
10 sec. 10 seconds (default value).
1 min. 1 minute.
10 min. 10 minutes.
To associate a MA to a VLAN ALCplus2 equipment manages one MA for every single VLAN. It is possible to associate a MA to a VLAN even during the definition of a MEP (see pag.228). The definition of a MA for a VLAN, which a MEP is not defined for, corresponds to the automatic definition of a MIP for every single port of the Switch for which the specific VLAN is enabled. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the OAM push-button. The OAM window (Fig.41) is displayed. 4. Press Bind MA in the area of the VLAN which you wish to associate the MA to. The Create OAM window is displayed. 5. Type, in the field MA Name, the name you wish to assign to the Maintenance Association (alphanumeric string of minimum 10 and maximum 20 characters).
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The system suggests, in the box, the name of the VLAN which you are assigning the MA to. This name can be changed as you wish. 6. Select, in the push-button CCM Interval, the time interval used for the transmission of the continuity control messages (CCM - pag.240): •
1 sec. 1 second.
10 sec. 10 seconds (default value).
1 min. 1 minute.
10 min. 10 minutes.
Remember that, for a correct operation of the continuity control, the CCM must be set to the same value for the MA and for all the MEPs of the same VLAN. 7. Press Create.
To associate a MEP to a VLAN ALCplus2 equipment manages a single MEP for MA/VLAN and the maximum number of MEP is 32. 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the OAM push-button. The OAM window (Fig.41) is displayed. 4. Press Bind MEP in the area of the VLAN which you wish to associate the MEP to. The Create OAM window is displayed. 5. Set, in the box MEP ID, the identifying number you wish to assign to the MEP (value bewteen 1 and 8191). The system suggests, in the box, the identifier number of the VLAN which you are assigning the MEP. This value can be changed as you wish. The identifying number of the MEP must be unique in the network for every specific VLAN. 6. Set, in the box MA Name, the name you wish to assign to the MA (pag.227) which the MEP belongs to (alphanumerical string of minimum 1 and maximum 20 characters). The system suggests, in the box, the name of the VLAN which you are assigning the MEP to. This name can be changed as you wish. If a MA is already assigned to the VLAN (see pag.237), the parameter will be already set and cannot be changed. 7. Set, in the CCM Interval box, the time interval used for the transmission of the continuity control messages (CCM - pag.240): •
1 sec. 1 second.
10 sec. 10 seconds (default value).
1 min. 1 minute.
10 min. 10 minutes.
Remember that, for a correct operation of the continuity control, the set CCM interval must be the samefor all the MEPs of the same VLAN. 8. In the lower part of the window, select the Ethernet port where you wish to map the MEP and the direction where you wish to send the CCM messages. The format used to represent the ports is the same described in Fig.41. When a port is selected, the box representing the port shows the sending direction of the messages: •
Direction UP ( ). The CCM messages are sent as they were in input from the considered port towards the other ports of the Switch interested by the considered VLAN.
Direction DOWN ( port.
). The CCM messages are sent as they were in output from the considered
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To modify the transmission direction of the messages, select the arrow. At every selection, the arrow changes direction. The ports of the Ethernet Switch, not enabled to the transit of the packets with VLan ID equal to that of the specific VLAN, cannot be selected. If the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and is connected to other node elements via Ethernet nodal Bus, the external ports LAN 1 and LAN 2, even if enabled to the transit of the packets, cannot be selected because not available for the OAM-FM Ethernet functionality. 9. Press Create.
To remove a MA/MEP from a VLAN 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the OAM push-button. The OAM window (Fig.41) is displayed. 4. Press Unbind in the row of the VLAN which you wish to remove the MA/MEP from.
To enable/disable the transmission of CCM messages for a MEP Operation available only if a MEP is associated to the VLAN (Fig.41). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the OAM push-button. The OAM window (Fig.41) is displayed. In the row of the VLAN which the MEP is associated to, the status of the CCM (pag.240) is pointed out by the check-box CCM: •
Check-box active (
Check-box inactive (
). The transmission of the CCM messages is enabled. ). The transmission of CCM messages is not enabled.
4. To modify the status, select the check-box CCM. At each selection, the check-box assumes the status complementary to the previous one (if the check sign is present, it is removed and vice versa).
To verify the table of the remote MEPs (RMep table) Operation available only if a MEP is associated to the VLAN (Fig.41). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the OAM push-button. The OAM window (Fig.41) is displayed.
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4. In the row relevant to the VLAN including the MEP, whose list of Remote MEPs you wish to display, press the push-button Rmep (pag.238). The Rmep window is displayed (Fig.42), containing the table of the remote MEPs for the selected MEP. Fig.42 Rmep window
Data of the local MEP (1)
Remote MEP selected (2)
Remote MEP not selected
Push-buttons (4)
Notes of Fig.42 (1)
Data identifying the local MEP selected in the format: •
Each row represents a remote MEP. Meaning of the columns: •
Select. Check-box to select/deselect a MEP: •
Check-box active (
Check-box inactive (
). The transmission of the CCM messages is enabled. ). The transmission of CCM messages is not enabled.
MEP ID. Identifer of the remote MEP.
MAC Address. MAC Address (Media Access Control) of the equipment where the remote MEP is present. If the field has value zero, this means that the remote MEP has been manually inserted by the operator and the local MEP has not received yet a CCM message from the specific remote MEP (see Fig.46).
MEP State. Status of the remote MEP: •
Start. Initial status of the remote MEP just after its (automatic or manual) insertion in the table or status assumed by the remote MEP after having been disabled.
Conn. Status reached by the remote MEP after an enabling command or after the first CCM message sent by the specific remote MEP.
Failed. Status reached by the remote MEP when the local MEP does not receive (for a period equal to 2,5 times the CCM interval) a message from the specific remote MEP.
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The operations the user can execute when a remote MEP is in status Start, Conn. or Failed and the conditions determining the passage of the remote MEP from a status to another one are depicted in Fig.42. •
RDI State. Alarm status of the remote MEP derived from the field RDI (Remote Defect Indicator) present in the CCM messages (pag.240). This field is meaningful for the remote MEP in status Conn. In detail, the value:
Active. The remote MEP is alarmed.
Not active. The remote MEP is not alarmed.
Push-buttons: •
Add MEP. Adds a remote MEP in the table (pag.231).
Cross Check. Enables a remote MEP.
Remove. Removes a remote MEP from the table.
Refresh. Updates the information present in the table.
Cancel. Closes the window without saving the changes.
To insert a remote MEP in the RMep table Operation available only if a MEP is associated to the VLAN (Fig.41). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the OAM push-button. The OAM window (Fig.41) is displayed. 4. In the row relevant to the VLAN including the MEP, whose list of Remote MEPs you wish to display, press the push-button Rmep (pag.238). The Rmep window is displayed (Fig.42), containing the table of the remote MEPs for the selected MEP. 5. Press Add MEP. The Add MEP window is displayed. 6. Set, in the box, the identifying number you wish to assign to the remote MEP (value between 1 and 8191). The MEP identifying number must be univocal in the network for each specific VLAN. 7. Press Create. A row with the new remote MEP is inserted in the RMep table with the new remote MEP in status Start. The operations the user can execute when a remote MEP is in status Start and the conditions determining the passage of the remote MEP from a status to another one are depicted in Fig.46. The MAC Address of the remote MEPs inserted by the operator is set to value zero.
To enable a remote MEP of the RMep table Operation available only if a MEP is associated to the VLAN (Fig.41). Operation meaningful only for the remote MEPs which have been manually inserted in the RMep table (see Fig.46). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button.
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The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the OAM push-button. The OAM window (Fig.41) is displayed. 4. In the row relevant to the VLAN, including the MEP whose list of Remote MEPs you wish to display, press the push-button Rmep (pag.238). The Rmep window is displayed (Fig.42), containing the table of the remote MEPs for the selected MEP. 5. Select (
) the remote MEPs in status Start you wish to enable.
6. Press Cross Check. The status of the remote MEPs changes from Start to Conn. If the operation is not executed (the status of the remote MEP continues to be Start) and the alarm OAM-FM MA: MEP Id: Config. Mismatch Alarm is active, this means that the considered remote MEP has raised or contributed to raise the alarm, as one of its configuration parameters (Domain name, MA name or CCM interval) is different from the corresponding parameter set for the local MEP. Align the configuration of the remote MEP with that of the local MEP and repeat this procedure to enable the remote MEP.
To disable a remote MEP of the RMep table Operation available only if a MEP is associated to the VLAN (Fig.41). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the OAM push-button. The OAM window (Fig.41) is displayed. 4. In the row relevant to the VLAN, including the MEP whose list of Remote MEPs you wish to display, press the push-button Rmep (pag.238). The Rmep window is displayed (Fig.42), containing the table of the remote MEPs for the selected MEP. 5. Select (
) the remote MEPs in status Conn. you wish to disable.
The status of the selected remote MEPs changes from Conn. to Start.
To delete a remote MEP from the RMep table Operation available only if a MEP is associated to the VLAN (Fig.41). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the OAM push-button. The OAM window (Fig.41) is displayed. 4. In the row relevant to the VLAN including the MEP, whose list of Remote MEPs you wish to display, press the push-button Rmep (pag.238). The Rmep window is displayed (Fig.42), containing the table of the remote MEPs for the selected MEP. 5. Select (
) the remote MEPs in status Failed or Start (see fig46) you wish to delete.
6. Press Remove. The selected remote MEPs are removed from the Rmep table.
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To send one or more LoopBack messages (LBM) to a remote MEP/MIP Operation available only if a MEP is associated to the VLAN (Fig.41). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the OAM push-button. The OAM window (Fig.41) is displayed. 4. In the row relevant to the VLAN, including the MEP from which you wish to send the LBM message, press the push-button LBM (pag.241). The LBM Test - (VLAN: MEP:) window is displayed (Fig.43). 5. Set the maintenance point, which you wish to send the LBM message to, in one of the following ways: •
Select the option push-button Use Found MEP. Select, from the list Remote MEP/MIP Selection, the remote MEP which you wish to send the LBM message to.
Select the option push-button Use MAC address. Set, in the box MAC Address, the physical address of the equipment where is present the remote MEP or the MIP which you wish to sen the LoopBack message to.
6. Set, in the Message Number box, the number of Loopback message you wish to send (value between 1 and 5). 7. Press Run Test. During the operation in the box: •
Test Status, the wording Running is present.
Sent messages, the progression of the number of sent messages is displayed (meaningful if a value different from 1 is set in the box Messages to send).
At the end of the operation, in the box/area: •
Statistics, the statistics of the LBRs messages (LoopBack Replies - LBM messages received from the maintenance point as reply to the sent LBM messages) is pointed out (see Fig.43).
Test Status, the result of the test is pointed out (see Fig.43). Fig.43 LBM Test window
Table of remote MEP /MIP (1)
LBM messages to send LBM messages received from remote MEP/MIP as reply to the sent LBM messages (3) Test status (4)
Notes of Fig.43 (1)
Each row represents a remote MEP. Meaning of the columns: •
ID. Identifier of the remote MEP.
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State. Status of the remote MEP. The description of the status of the remote MEP is the same reported in Fig.42.
Logical Address. Name of the equipment where the remote MEP is present.
MAC Address. MAC address of the equipment where the remote MEP is present.
The table Remote MEP/MIP selection is available only when the option Use Found MEP/MIP is selected. The push-button Refresh updates the information in the table. (2)
In these fields the user can specify the physical address of the equipment where is present the remote MEP which you wish to send the LoopBack messages. The fields are available when the option Use MAC Address is selected.
Parameter: •
Messages sent. Number of sent LBM messages.
Valid. Number of valid received packets.
Out Of Order. Number of out-of-sequence received packets.
Bad Msdu. Number of packets received with unknown format.
Box with color/wording: •
Yellow - Running. Test in progress.
Green - OK. Test ended with positive result: the maintenance point has correctly replied to the LBM messages (OAM-FM packets) sent by the local MEP.
Red - Failed. Test ended with negative result: the maintenance point has not correctly replied to the LBM messages (OAM-FM packets) sent by the local MEP.
Push-button: •
Run Test. Starts sending the LBM messages.
Clear. Undoes the settings made in the window and sets the default values.
Cancel. Closes the window without executing other operations.
To trace the path between locel MEP and remote MEP of the same VLAN by means of the LTM messages Operation available only if a MEP is associated to the VLAN (Fig.41). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the OAM push-button. The OAM window (Fig.41) is displayed. 4. In the row relevant to the VLAN including the MEP, from which you wish to send the LTM message, press the push-button LTM (pag.242). The LTM Test - (VLAN: MEP:) window is displayed (Fig.44). 5. Set the remote MEP, which you wish to send the messages to, in one of the following: •
Select the option push-button Use Found MEP. Select, from the list Remote MEP/MIP Selection, the remote MEP in Conn. status which you wish to send the LTM messages to.
Select the option push-button Use MAC address. Set, in the box MAC Address, the physical address of the equipment where is present the remote MEP which you wish to sen the Trace Link message to.
6. Press Run Test. At the end of the operation, the area Test Result points out the list of the equipment (Logical Name and MAC Address) crossed by the LTM messages to reach the remote MEP with the indication of the distance in hops from the source MEP.
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Fig.44 LTM Test window
Table of remote MEP (1)
Maintenance points presenti between the local MEP and the set remote MEP (3)
Notes of Fig.44 (1)
Each row represents a remote MEP. Meaning of the columns: •
ID. Identifier of the remote MEP.
State. Status of the remote MEP.
Logical Address. Name of the equipment where the remote MEP is present.
MAC Address. MAC address of the equipment where the remote MEP is present.
The description of the status of the remote MEP is the same reported in Fig.42.
The table Remote MEP/MIP selection is available only when the option Use Found MEP/MIP is selected. The push-button Refresh updates the information in the table. (2)
In these fields the user can specify the physical address of the equipment where is present the remote MEP which you wish to send the Link Trace messages. The fields are available when the option Use MAC Address is selected.
Parameter: •
Hops. Distance from the specific maintenance point with respect to the local MEP: •
1. First maintenance point after the local MEP.
2. Second maintenance point after the local MEP.
3. Third maintenance point after the local MEP and so on.
Logical Address. Logical address (name) of the equipment where is present the maintenance point.
MAC Address. Physical address of the equipment where is present the maintenance point.
Push-button: •
Run Test. Starts sending the LTM messages.
Clear. Undoes the settings made in the window and sets the default values.
Cancel. Closes the window without executing other operations.
OAM-FM Ethernet functionality implemented in the equipment managed by NMS5UX-NMS5LX The OAM (Operations, Administration and Maintenance) Ethernet functionality represents the set of processes, activities, rules, etc. which allow managing the operation, the monitoring and the fixing of troubles in the Ethernet network.
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These services are defined by the following reference specifications, which you must refer to for the detailed description of the OAM Ethernet functionality: •
Recommendation ITU-T Y.1731 - OAM Functions and Mechanisms for Ethernet based Networks.
Standard IEEE 802.1ag - IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks – Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks – Amendment 5: Connectivity Fault Management.
Among the above mentioned specifications, ALCplus2 equipment implement the functionality relevant to Connectivity Fault Management (CFM). This functionality has the purpose to monitor, in a Layer-2 Ethernet network, the end to end availability of a service (implemented by a VLAN) and to monitor, in case of out-of-service, tools (LoopBack and Link Trace) helping the operator in the analysis of the trouble. In detail, through NMS5UX application, it is possible: •
To define the network segment to monitor: •
To define the OAM-FM Domain (pag.236) of maintenance (name and level).
To define, for each VLAN (service) configured on the equipment, the maintenance points necessary to diagnostic the connection troubles within a maintenance Domain: •
To define, for every service (VLAN), a Maintenance Association (MA - pag.237) to monitor.
To define the end points to monitor the maintenance area (MEP - pag.237).
To define the intermediate monitoring points of the maintenance area (MIP - pag.238).
To manage, for every local MEP, the relevant table of Remote MEPs (pag.238) (RMep table).
To manage the Continuity Check messages (CCM - pag.240) which allow monitoring end-to-end a service instance (VLAN) pointing out any interruption.
To manage the LoopBack messages (LBM - pag.242) which, after the detection of a fault, allow isolating the point where the fault occurred.
To manage the Link Trace messages (LTM - pag.242) which allow tracing the path followed by an OAM-FM packet between two different MEPs within the same VLAN.
Here below a brief description of the above mentioned OAM-FM elements is reported together with their management in ALCplus2 equipment. Moreover, an example of configuration of an OAM-FM maintenance Domain for a set of ALCplus2 equipment is reported (VLAN creation, Domain, maintenance points, etc.) (see pag.242).
OAM-FM Domain The term OAM-FM Domain defines a network or a part of a network owned and managed by a single entity (operator) and where the connection troubles can be managed. The OAM-FM Domain is characterized by a name and a layer. The name identifies the Domain. The layer is used to define the hierarchical relationship among domains. Greatest is the Domain, highest will be the layer. In fact, the layer corresponds to a value from 0 to 7, where 0 represents the lowest layer (lowest priority) and 7 the highest layer (higher priority). All the other entities defined by OAM refer to the Domain: MA (MIP) (pag.237/pag.238) and MEP (pag.237). ALCplus2 equipment manages a single OAM-FM Domain. The OAM-FM Domain must be defined in any ALCplus2 equipment you wish to belong to the same OAMFM maintenance segment (see pag.236). Once an OAM-FM Domain has been defined, its name or layer cannot be changed. To do this, the Domain must be removed and a new one must be created with the new values. An OAM-FM Domain cannot be removed if at least one VLAN exists, which one MA has been defined for. This Domain is transparent as regards the OAM-FM messages with higher priority (messages to/from the higher domains), while stops all the messages with lower priority (messages to/from lower domains).
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MA The term MA (Maintenance Association) identifies the service (VLAN) you wish to monitor. A Maintenance Association is associated to an user-defined VLAN. Creating a MA means enabling the control of the specified VLAN. Within a specific OAM-FM Domain, there are as many MAs as the VLANs the user wishes to monitor. ALCplus2 equipment manages one MA per each single VLAN. On an equipment the definition of a MA can be executed: •
by the user through a specific command (see pag.227) or
automatically by the system, after that the user has defined a MEP (see pag.228).
The definition of a MA in a VLAN, which a MEP is not defined for, corresponds to the automatic definition of a MIP (pag.238) per every single port of the Switch which the specific VLAN is enabled for. Once a MA has been defined, its name cannot be changed. To do this, the MA must be removed from the VLAN and a new MA must be created with the new values. The removal of a MA involves even the automatic removal of the MEP, if present, from the VLAN.
MEP The term MEP (Maintenance End Point) defines the entity, associated to a specific service instance (VLAN), representing the end point of a MA (pag.237). Fig.45 shows an example. Il MEP è in grado di generare e terminare messaggi OAM-FM per la gestione dei guasti e il monitoring delle performance. MEP can generate and terminate OAM-FM messages regarding the fault management and the performance monitoring. MEP is the entity intended for the control of the service (VLAN) as, within the OAM-FM maintenance segment, the set of MEPs created in the end points of a VLAN allows controlling the correct end to end operation of the VLANs. The control is achieved by means of the periodic transmission, by each MEP, of the CCM messages (pag.240) and of the control of the reception of the same messages by the remote MEPs (pag.238). ALCplus2 equipment manages a single MEP per each MA (VLAN) and a maximum of 32 MEPs (32 MA/ VLAN). MEP must be defined only in ALCplus2 equipment acting as end points of the same VLAN (see pag.228). The definition of a MEP for a VLAN involves even the automatic definition of the MA, if this has not been already done. The definition of a MEP requires the setting of: •
A numeric identifier, which must be univocal within the network for the specific VLAN.
The name of the relevant MA (only if not already defined).
The time interval used for the transmission of the continuity check messages (CCM). Once MEP has been created, the transmission of the CCM messages is disabled. They must be enabled by the user (see pag.229).
The port of the Ethernet Switch, where you wish to map the MEP, and the direction to which you wish to send the CCMs. Possible directions: •
Direction UP ( ). The CCM messages are sent as they were in input from the considered port to the other ports of the Switch interested by the considered VLAN.
Direction DOWN (
). The CCM messages are sent in output from the selected port.
Once a MEP has been defined, its configuration cannot be changed. To do this, remove the MEP from the VLAN and create a new one with the new configuration. The removal of a MEP involves event the automatic removal of the relevant MA from the VLAN.
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ALCplus2 equipment, for every single MEP, manages the following alarms: •
MEP Fail - OAM-FM MA: MEP Id: Fail Alarm The alarm becomes active when at least one of the remote MEPs present in the RMep table of the specific local MEP is in status Start or Failed (Fig.41).
MEP Configuration Mismatch - OAM-FM MA: MEP Id: Config. Mismatch Alarm. The alarm becomes active when the local MEP receives at least one CCM message, containing configuration data different from those set for the local MEP itself, from one of the remote MEPs. With configuration data we mean: Domain name, MA name, CCM interval. When this alarm is active, the remote MEP, which has raised the alarm, cannot be enabled in the RMep table. Fig.45 OAM-FM functionality - Maintenance points Domain: Test A.1
MEP 10
Switch 1 A 2 3 4
Switch VLAN Id: 20 MA: Vlan 20
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Switch A
A.4 Switch
1 A 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
MEP 11
1 A 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
MEP 12
MIP The term MIP (Maintenance Intermediate Point) defines a passive entity, associated to a specific service instance (VLAN). MIPs are defined on transit equipment for the monitored VLAN, intermediate among the MEPs (pag.237). Fig.45 shows an example. MIP can reply to the LoopBack messages (LBM - pag.241), sent in unicast by a MEP (MAC Address), and to the Link Trace messages (LTM - pag.242), sent by a MEP, but it cannot generate requests of LoopBack and Link Trace towards other MIP or MEP. MIP is defined by the operator in ALCplus2 equipment which acts as intermediate points of the same VLAN and the same OAM-FM maintenance segment. The definition of a MIP takes place after the definition of the MA (see pag.237). The definition of a MA, within a VLAN for which a MEP is not defined, corresponds to the automatic definition of a MIP for every single port of the Switch for which the specific VLAN is enabled. Once a MA/MIP has been defined, its name cannot be changed. To do this, remove the MA/MIP from the VLAN and create a new one with the new name.
Remote MEPs The term Remote MEP (Maintenance End Point) defines entities which represent the other end points (remote points) of a VLAN with respect to the local MEP.
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Example With reference to Fig.45, if you are connected by the supervision system to the equipment A.1, the local MEP will be MEP 10 while the remote MEPs will be MEP 11 and MEP 12. Otherwise, if you are connected by the supervision system to the equipment A.4, the local MEP will be MEP 11 while the remote MEPs will be MEP 10 and MEP 12. A table of the remote MEPs (RMep table) is associated to every local MEP (then to every MA/VLAN). This table records the remote MEPs from which the local MEP is waiting for a CCM message (pag.240). If the CCM message does not arrive within a timeout period equal to 2,5 CCM interval set for the local MEP, the remote MEP is set to status Failed and the relevant alarm is activated (OAM-FM MA:... MEP Id:... Fail Alarm). Example With reference to Fig.45, if you are connected by the supervision system to the equipment A.1, MEP 11 and MEP 12 will be recorded in the RMep table (relevant to MEP 10). The transmission of CCM messages is enabled at intervals of 10 sec between a transmission and the next one. If, after 25 sec. (2,5 times the CCM interval), MEP 10 does not receive a CCM message, for example from MEP 11, in the RMep table MEP 11 will be set to status Failed and the alarm OAM-FM MA: Vlan 20 MEP Id: 10 Fail Alarm will be activated, pointing out that a Remote Mep in Failed is present in the RMep tabel of the local MEP 10. The remote MEP remains in status Failed until the local MEP receives a valid CCM message from the remote MEP or the user removes the remote MEP from the table. The recording of remote MEPs in the RMep table consists of two parts: the entry in the table and the enabling of the remote MEP (operation necessary so that the remote MEPs are acknowledged as valid end points by the local MEP). The entry of MEP in the table takes place: a. AUTOMATICALLY, after the reception of the first CCM sent by a remote MEP. For these remote MEPs, the table points out the identifier of the remote MEP and the MAC Address of the equipment which the remote MEP belongs to. The enabling for this type of remote MEPs must be executed manually by the operator (see Fig.46). b. MANUALLY, after a command of the operator, who adds the remote MEP. For these remote MEPs, the table points out the identifier of the remote MEP (provided by the operator) while the MAC Address is set to zero. The enabling for this type of MEP takes place automatically when the equipment receives the first CCM message sent by the specific remote MEP. When the first CCM is received, the field MAC Address gets the value of the MAC Address of the remote equipment, source of CCM. The status of a remote MEP is pointed out in the table by the parameter MEP State and can be: •
Start. Initial status of the remote MEP after its (automatic or manual) insertion in the table or status assumed by remote MEP after it has been disabled. The operations a user can execute when a remote MEP is in status Start and the conditions which cause the passage of the remote MEP from a status to another one change depending on the type of insertion of the MEP in the RMep table (automatic or manual) as depicted in Fig.46.
Conn. Status the remote MEP reaches from the status Start after an enabling command or at the reception of the first CCM message sent by the specific remote MEP, if previously recorded by the operator (see Fig.46). The operations a user can execute when a remote MEP is in status Conn and the conditions which cause the passage of the remote MEP from a status to another one are depicted in Fig.46.
Failed. Status the remote MEP reaches when the local MEP does not receive (for a period of 2,5 times the CCM interval) a CCM message from the specific remote MEP, as described at the beginning of the chapter. The operations a user can execute when a remote MEP is in status Failed and the conditions which cause the passage of the remote MEP from a status to another one are depicted in Fig.46.
After the (automatic or manual) insertion of a remote MEP in the table, it can be removed only manually by the operator. In NMS5UX/LX, the RMep table of a local MEP can be displayed only after the local MEP has been associated to a VLAN (see pag.228).
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Fig.46 OAM-FM - Management of the status of the Remote MEPs in the RMep table
The remote MEP is automatically inserted in RMep table when the local MEP receives the first CCM message sent by remote MEP
The remote MEP is manually inserted in the RMep table by the operator (1)
Remote MEP status
Remote MEP status
The user disables the remote MEP (2)
The user disables the remote MEP (3)
The local MEP receives the first CCM sent by the remote MEP
The user disables the remote MEP (3)
Remote MEP status
Remote MEP status
Local MEP does not receive the CCMs from remote MEP anymore
Local MEP receives again the CCMs from remote MEP
Local MEP does not receive the CCMs from remote MEP anymore
Local MEP receives again the CCMs from remote MEP
Remote MEP status
Remote MEP status
The user deletes the remote MEP (4)
The user deletes the remote MEP (4)
The user deletes the remote MEP (4)
Removal of remote MEP from RMep table
Removal of remote MEP from RMep table
Notes of Fig.46 (1)
To insert a remote MEP in the RMep table (pag.231)
To enable a remote MEP in the RMep table (pag.231)
To disable a remote MEP of the RMep table (pag.232)
To delete a remote MEP from the RMep table (pag.232)
CCM The term CCM (Continuity Check Message) defines the messages which constantly monitor the path of the service instance pointing out the connection troubles. CCMs are multicast messages sent by a MEP entity to the other MEP entities belonging to the same MA (MEP Remoti - pag.238), are unidirectional messages (do not need a reply) and are periodically sent. Within a MA which n MEPs belongs to, every MEP periodically sends a CCM in multicast; every MEP waits to periodically receive n-1 CCMs. The missed reception of a CCM by a MEP means the presence of a fault in the path of the service instance (VLAN). When a MEP does not receive a CCM message, it goes to status Failed: this status is notified to the other MEPs setting the field RDI (Remote Defect Indicator) present in the sent CCM message. In this way, all the MEP entities know the existence of a fault along their own path. The remote MEP is automatically inserted in the RMep table when the local MEP receives the first CCM message sent by the remote MEP. The CCM management in ALCplus2 equipment is strictly bound to the MEP management.
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In fact, the configuration parameters of the CCM messages must be set when MEP is created. In detail, the user is required to define: •
The time interval used for the transmission of CCMs (CCM interval). For a correct operation of the CCM messages, the CCM interval must be the same for all the MEPs of the same VLAN.
The direction you wish to send the CCM messages to.
Once the MEP has been defined, the enabling of the transmission of CCMs is required. Then, the user can disable and enable again the transmission of the CCM messages at his wish (see pag.229). The configuration parameters of the relevant CCMs (interval and direction) cannot be modified. To do this, remove the MEP from the VLAN and create a new one with the new values. In ALCplus2 equipment, the CCM messages (OAM-FM packets) are routed on the VLANs only if the control of Tag VLan Id is active (parameter Ingress Filtering Check - set value Fallback or Secure - see pag.208/ pag.189). In the CCM messages sent in multicast (OAM-FM packets) is used as: •
Destination address (Destination MAC address): 01-80-C2-00-00-3x with x from 0 to 7 according to the layer of OAM-FM Domain.
Source address (Source MAC address): physical address of the equipment which has generated the CCM message (MAC Address associated to the management LAN port of the controller).
LBM The term LBM (LoopBack Message) defines the LoopBack messages which, once a fault has been detected through the CCM messages (pag.240), allow isolating the point where the fault has occurred. The operation modality of OAM-FM LoopBack is similar to IP ping. From a MEP an OAM-FM packet is sent in unicast with a request of Echo Request (LoopBack Message) to a MIP or MEP belonging to the same MA. The MEP waits for the relevant reply Echo Reply (Loopback Replies) sent in unicast from the remote maintenance point. The missing reply to a LBM message points out the presence of a fault between the MEP which has sent the message and the maintenance point which has not replied to the message. The LBM messages are sent after a command from operator (see pag.233). The transmission of LoopBack messages requires the setting of: •
The local MEP, which you wish to send the messages from.
The remote maintenance point, belonging to the same Domain and the same MA of the local MEP, which you wish to send the messages to. The setting of a:
MEP can be done choosing the MEP in the RMep table or setting the MAC Address of the equipment where the remote MEP is defined.
MIP can be done setting the MAC Address of the equipment where MIP is defined.
Number of messages (OAM-FM packets - Echo Request) you wish to send in sequence with a single sending confirmation (minimum 1 maximum 5).
At the end of the operation, a statistics is available with the number of sent packets (Sent messages), the number of received correct packets (Valid), the number of packets received out of sequence (Out Of Order) and the number of packets received with unknown format (Bad Msdu) (see Fig.43). ALCplus2 equipment, in the LBM messages sent in unicast, uses as: •
Destination address (Destination MAC address): physical address of the addressee of the LoopBack message.
Source address (Source MAC address): physical address of the equipment which has generated the LoopBack message.
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LTM The term LTM (Link Trace Message) defines the Link Trace messages which allow determining the path covered by an OAM-FM packet between the end-points of a service instance (VLAN). The operating modality of OAM-FM Link Trace is similar to TraceRoute IP. A Link Trace message is sent in multicast from a MEP (local) to a remote MEP, whose physical address must be known. In the Link Trace messages, the TTL (Time To Live) field, which points out the number of equipment of the specific OAM-FM Domain the packet can pass through before being declared expired, is properly configured. The LTM messages are captured by all the MEPs-MIPs (defined on the same VLAN) present on the equipment crossed to reach the destination MEP. Every MEP-MIP, once the message has been intercepted, decreases the TTL field, replies to the source MEP with an unicast message and forwards the LTM message to the destination MEP. This operation is repeated until the packet arrives to the addressee remote MEP. At the end of the operation, the local MEP has acquired the list of the physical addresses (MAC Address) of the equipment where the Link Trace messages have passed. The LTM messages, to trace the path between two different MEPs of the same VLAN, are sent after a command by operator (see pag.234). To trace a path, the operator must set the two path ends: •
Local MEP.
Remote MEP. This setting can be done choosing the MEP from the RMep table or setting the MAC Address of the equipment whose remote MEP has been defined.
The remote MEP, to make the operation being successful, must be in status Conn. (see Fig.46). Then the operator must send the LTM message (Run Test). At the end of the operation, the Test Result area (see Fig.44) will contain the list of the MAC Addresses of the MIPs-MEPs crossed to reach the remote MEP with the indication of the distance in Hops from the source MEP. The LTM messages are sent in multicast (OAM-FM packets), use as: •
Destination address (Destination MAC address): 01-80-C2-00-00-3y with y from 8...0xF according to the layer of the OAM-FM Domain.
Source address (Source MAC address): physical address of the equipment which has generated the Link Trace message.
Example of configuration of a OAM-FM maintenance Domain for a set of ALCplus2 equipment Fig.47 shows an example of configuration of a maintenance OAM-FM area including four ALCplus2 equipment (A.1, A.2, A.3 and A.4). This area is used to monitor the end to end availability of VLAN 20. Fig.47 OAM-FM - Example of configuration of a maintenance area Domain: Test A.1
MEP 10
Switch 1 A 2 3 4
VLAN Id: 20 MA: Test 20
1 2 3 4
Switch 1 A 2 3 4
MEP 11
A.4 Switch 1 2 3 4
The steps to execute, through the NMS5UX application on every single equipment, are the following:
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1. Configure the VLAN with identifier 20 on the 4 equipment (see pag.218). The VLAN must be operating so, besides creating it, it is necessary: •
To execute the proper physical connections.
To activate the Ethernet ports interested by the VLAN (see pag.183 - parameter Rate Control).
To configure properly the transit of the messages in input from the Ethernet port (see pag.188 - parameter Port Based VLAN).
To activate the control of Tag VLan Id (see pag.208/pag.189 - parameter Ingress Filtering Check).
2. Define the OAM-FM Domain (pag.236) with name Test (see pag.223) and level 5. The OAM-FM Domain must be defined in every equipment of the Domain Test. The name and the level of the Domain must be the same for all the equipment. 3. Associate the MA (pag.237) with name Test (see pag.227) to the VLAN. The MA must be associated to VLAN 20 in every equipment of Domain Test. The name of MA must be the same for all the equipment. 4. Define the MEPs (pag.237) (see pag.228) in the following way: •
Only for equipment A.1, associate a MEP with the following characteristics to VLAN 20: •
Identifier: 10
CCM interval: 10 sec.
Ethernet port: LAN 3
Direction of CCMs: Down ( LAN 3.
) - The CCM messages (pag.240) are sent in output from
Only for equipment A.4, associate a MEP with the following characteristics to VLAN 20: •
Identifier: 11
CCM interval: 10 sec.
Ethernet port: LAN 1
Direction of CCMs: Down (
) - The CCM messages are sent in output from LAN 1.
5. Enable the transmission of CCM messages for the MEPs created in the previous step (see pag.229). After some seconds, the RMep table (see Remote MEPs - pag.238) relevant to MEP 10 (equipment A.1) records the MEP 11 in status Start and the alarm OAM-FM MA: Test 20 MEP Id: 10 Fail Alarm becomes active. At the same time, the RMep table relevant to MEP 11 (equipment A.4) records the MEP 10 in status Start and the alarm OAM-FM MA: Test 20 MEP Id: 11 Fail Alarm becomes active. 6. In RMep tables, enable the remote MEPs (see pag.231). In the RMep table relevant to MEP 10 (equipment A.1), the remote MEP 11 changes to status Conn and the OAM-FM MA: Test 20 MEP Id: 10 Fail Alarm alarm becomes inactive. In similar mode, in the RMep table relevant to MEP 11 (equipment A.4), the remote MEP 10 changes to status Conn and the OAM-FM MA: Test 20 MEP Id: 11 Fail Alarm alarm becomes inactive. The configuration of the maintenance area depicted in Fig.47 is completed and the end to end monitoring of VLAN 20 is active. At this point: •
When a fault is detected (activation of the alarm OAM-FM... Fail Alarm) or in order to execute checks on the OAM-FM path, the operator can use the LTM messages (pag.242) to verify the path of the VLAN.
When the Fail alarm is detected, the operator can use the LBM messages (pag.241) to detect the interruption point of the VLAN.
LAN Statistics •
Verify the counters of the packets/bytes in input/output from the Ethernet port (pag. 244)
Reset the counters' results (pag. 245).
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To verify the counters of the packets/bytes in input/output from the Ethernet port 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. In the Lan Statistics box, select the option relevant to the external (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4) or internal (Port A) port for which you wish to verify the counters. The Lan Statistics window is displayed. Notes about the counters. The depth of the events stored by every single counter is 2E32. The counters are in compliance with the standard RFC 2819. The counter Total Bytes Received, differently from what specified in RFC 2819, does not include the bytes belonging to packets whose size exceeds Max Packet Size. The counter: •
Dropped Frames, points out the total number of events (frames) in which packets were dropped by the probe due to lack of resources. This value is not necessarily the absolute number of discarded packets, as it represents only the number of times that this condition occurred after the exhaustion of the memory resources; the packets can be discarded also for other causes.
Total Bytes Received, points out the total number of octets of data (including those in bad packets) received on the network. This value includes four FCS octets.
Total Frames Received, points out the total number of packets. This value includes bad packets, broadcast packets and multicast packets.
Broadcast Frames Received, points out the total number of good packets received that were directed to the broadcast addresses. This value does not include packets directed to multicast addresses.
Multicast Frames Received, points out the total number of good packets received that were directed to a multicast address. This number does not include packets directed to the broadcast address.
CRC Align Errors, points out the total number of packets received that had a length of between 64 and n (parameter Max Packet Size, which can be set to 1522 or 2048) octets with bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) and an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error).
Undersize Frames, points out the total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets long and were otherwise well formed.
Oversize Frames, points out the total number of packets received that were longer than n (parameter Max Packet Size, which can be set to 1522 or 2048) octets and were otherwise well formed.
Fragments, points out the total number of received packets with a length lower than 64 octets. This value includes packets with a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error).
Jabbers, points out the total number of packets received that were longer than n (parameter Max Packet Size, which can be set to 1522 or 2048) octets with a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error).
Collisions, points out the best estimate of the total number of collisions on this EthLannet segment.
Frames Octects (Sent+Received) 1-64, points out the total number of packets (including bad packets) received and transmitted that were 64 octets in length.
Frames Octects (Sent+Received) 65-127, points out the total number of packets (including bad packets) received and transmitted that were between 65 and 127 octets in length inclusive.
Frames Octects (Sent+Received) 128-255, points out the total number of packets (including bad packets) received and transmitted that were between 128 and 255 octets in length inclusive.
Frames Octects (Sent+Received) 256-511, points out the total number of packets (including bad packets) received and transmitted that were between 256 and 511 octets in length inclusive.
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Frames Octects (Sent+Received) 512-1023, points out the total number of packets (including bad packets) received and transmitted that were between 512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive.
Frames Octects (Sent+Received) 1024 to max pck size, points out the total number of packets (including bad packets) received and transmitted that were between 1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive.
Late Collisions, points out the evaluation related to the total number of collisions detected in this EthLannet segment, after the transmission of more than 512 bits from the beginning of TXEnable.
Valid Bytes Received, points out the total number of received bytes relevant to correct packets. This counter is increased once for every data octet of good packets (Unicast + Multicast + Broadcast) received.
Bytes Sent, points out the number of transmitted bytes. This counter is increased once for every data octet of a transmitted good packet.
Valid Frames Received, points out the number of received correct frames. This counter is increased once for every good packet (Unicast + Multicast + Broadcast) received.
Frames Sent, points out the number of transmitted frames. This counter is increased once for every transmitted good packet.
Out Multicast Frames, points out the number of Multicast frames sent. This counter does not include Broadcast packets.
Out Broadcast Frames, points out the number of Broadcast frames sent.
Out Unicast Frames, points out the number of Unicast frames sent. This is given by: Frames Sent, Out Multicast Frames, Out Broadcast Frames.
In Pause Frames, points out the number of good Flow Control frames received.
Out Pause Frames, points out the number of Flow Control frames sent.
4. Press Refresh to update the data.
To reset the counters’ results 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. In the Lan Statistics box, select the option relevant to the port for which you wish to verify the counters. 4. Press the Reset push-button. The counters are reset.
Spanning Tree The change of the default values of the configuration (Hello Time, Forward Delay, Max Age) of the Spanning Tree protocol could damage the correct operation of the Spanning Tree protocol itself. In detail, it is possible: •
To verify the status of the Ethernet ports in relation to the Spanning Tree protocol (pag. 246).
To verify/modify the version of the Spanning Tree protocol (pag. 247).
To verify/modify the transmission interval of the BPDU packets (pag. 247).
To verify/modify the Forward Delay interval (pag. 248).
To verify/modify the maximum lifetime of the BPDU packets (pag. 248).
To verify the MAC Address of a bridge (pag. 249).
To verify/modify the priority of a bridge (pag. 249).
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Moreover, if for one or more external ports (LAN 1, LAN 2, LAN 3, LAN 4) the Spanning Tree protocol is not active, but the Ethernet line protection is active, by means of the Spanning Tree command, it is possible: •
To verify the status of the external ports in relation to the Ethernet line protection (pag. 249).
For more information about: •
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), go to pag. 201.
Ethernet Line Protection (ELP), go to pag. 202.
To verify the status of the Ethernet ports in relation to the Spanning Tree protocol 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Spanning Tree push-button. The Spanning Tree window is displayed (Fig.48). Fig.48 Spanning Tree window Double click on this push-button to open the window for the configuration of the general parameters of Spanning Tree protocol
Status of the Ethernet ports in relation to the Spanning Tree protocol (1)
Notes of Fig.48 (1)
Parameter: •
LAN - , PORT A. Enabling status of the Spanning Tree protocol of the specific port: •
Disable. Protocol disabled.
Bridge 1. Protocol enabled (the port belongs to Bridge 1).
Bridge 2. Protocol enabled (the port belongs to Bridge 2).
Role. Role assigned by the Spanning Tree protocol to each port of a bridge/switch. The role defines the behaviour of the port depending on the status of the bridge in the network: •
Root. This port offers the best path (lowest cost) towards the bridge selected as root. Each bridge can have only one root port. When the Spanning Tree algorithm is at steady state, each root port is in Forwarding status.
Alternate. This port is alternative to the root port, to use in case of fault, as it offers an alternative path in direction of the Bridge Root. Normally the Alternate port is in Blocking status.
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Designated. This port does not offer paths towards the Bridge Root and is used to propagate information of the Bridge Root to other bridges. Each Designated port is in Forwarding status.
Backup. This port is physically connected to a Lan where a Designated port of the same bridge is connected to. The Backup port is in Blocking status.
Status. Status of the port: Status of the port
Receives traffic
Forwards traffic
Update the routing table
Receives/proc- Retransmits esses BPDU BPDU
Version. Version of the Spanning Tree protocol. •
RAPID STP 802 1W. Rapid Spanning Tree protocol standard IEEE 802.1w. Protocol characterized by higher speed (lower convergence time).
STP 802 1D. Spanning Tree protocol standard IEEE 802.1d.
To verify/modify the version of the Spanning Tree protocol 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Spanning Tree push-button. The Spanning Tree window is displayed (Fig.48). 4. In the Spanning Tree window, double click with the left button of the mouse on the Spanning Tree push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - SPANNING TREE window is displayed with the Settings tab active. The Force Version parameter points out the version of the Spanning Tree protocol to use. The possible values are: •
RAPID STP 802 1W. Spanning Tree protocol characterized by higher speed (lower convergence time).
STP 802 1D. Standard protocol.
5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the transmission interval of the BPDU packets 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Spanning Tree push-button. The Spanning Tree window is displayed (Fig.48).
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4. In the Spanning Tree window, double click with the left button of the mouse on the Spanning Tree push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - SPANNING TREE window is displayed with the Settings tab active. The Hello Time parameter points out the time interval that passes between two consecutive transmissions of the BPDU (Bridge Protocol Data Unit) packet from the Ethernet ports with the Spanning Tree function enabled (range: 1..10 sec.). 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter, move the cursor to the wished value. 7. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the Forward Delay interval 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Spanning Tree push-button. The Spanning Tree window is displayed (Fig.48). 4. In the Spanning Tree window, double click with the left button of the mouse on the Spanning Tree push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - SPANNING TREE window is displayed with the Settings tab active. The Forward Delay parameter points out the time interval which passes between the passage between the Blocking status and the Learning status and between the Learning status and the Forwarding status of the port (range: 4..30 sec.). 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter, move the cursor to the wished value. 7. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the maximum lifetime of the BPDU packets 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Spanning Tree push-button. The Spanning Tree window is displayed (Fig.48). 4. In the Spanning Tree window, double click with the left button of the mouse on the Spanning Tree push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - SPANNING TREE window is displayed with the Settings tab active. The Max Age parameter points out the maximum number of switches which the packet can pass through before expiring (range: 6..40 sec.). 5. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 6. To change the parameter, move the cursor to the wished value. 7. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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To verify the MAC Address of a bridge 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Spanning Tree push-button. The Spanning Tree window is displayed (Fig.48). 4. In the Spanning Tree window, double click with the left button of the mouse on the Spanning Tree push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - SPANNING TREE window is displayed with the Settings tab active. 5. Select the Bridge tab relevant to the wished bridge (Bridge 1 or Bridge 2). The MAC Address parameter points out the physical address of the specific bridge.
To verify/modify the priority of a bridge 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Spanning Tree push-button. The Spanning Tree window is displayed (Fig.48). 4. In the Spanning Tree window, double click with the left button of the mouse on the Spanning Tree push-button. The ALCplus2: Unit - SPANNING TREE window is displayed with the Settings tab active. 5. Select the Bridge tab relevant to the wished bridge (Bridge 1 or Bridge 2). The Priority parameter points out the priority of the bridge to use in the autonegotiation of the root. If two bridges have the same priority, the bridge with lower MAC Address is chosen as root. 6. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 7. To change the parameter, move the cursor in correspondence of the wished value (0: maximum priority, 15: minimum priority). 8. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify the status of the external ports in relation to the Ethernet line protection 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Ethernet push-button. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - Ethernet window (Fig.32). 3. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the Spanning Tree push-button. The Spanning Tree window is displayed (Fig.48).
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Fig.49 Spanning Tree window (Ethernet Lan Protection)
Status of the Ethernet ports in relation to the Ethernet Line Protection (1)
Notes of Fig.49 (1)
Parameter: •
LAN - . Enabling status of the Ethernet Lan Protection of the specific port: •
Disable. Ethernet Lan Protection disabled.
Prot 1. Ethernet Lan Protection enabled (Protection1).
Prot 2. Ethernet Lan Protection enabled (Protection2).
Enable Node Protection 1. The Ethernet line protection of the node (see pag. 203) is enabled between the considered external port and the other external ports of the node elements whose value of the considered parameter is Enable Node Protection 1.
Enable Node Protection 2. The Ethernet line protection of the node is enabled between the considered external port and the other external ports of the node elements whose value of the considered parameter is Enable Node Protection 2.
Enable Node Protection 3. The Ethernet line protection of the node is enabled between the considered external port and the other external ports of the node elements whose value of the considered parameter is Enable Node Protection 3.
Enable Node Protection 4. The Ethernet line protection of the node is enabled between the considered external port and the other external ports of the node elements whose value of the considered parameter is Enable Node Protection 4.
The values Enable Node Protection 1, Enable Node Protection 2, Enable Node Protection 3 and Enable Node Protection 4 are available and meaningful only if the equipment belongs to an ALCplus2 node and it is interconnected to other node elements through the Ethernet nodal Bus. If the Trunking mode is enabled (see pag. 205), the value Disable is automatically forced for the parameter STP/ELP. In order to change the value, it is first necessary to disable the use of the Trunking mode. •
Role. Role assigned by the Ethernet Lan Protection to each port. The role defines the behaviour of the port: •
Alternate. Port in stand-by status, as it offers an alternate path with cost higher than that of the Designated port. Normally the Alternate port is in Blocking status.
Designated. Active port. Each Designated port is in Forwarding status.
Status. Status of the port:
Status of the port
Receives traffic
Forwards Updates Receives/proc- Retransmits traffic forwarding table esses BPDU BPDU
Version. Parameter not meaningful in this condition.
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E1 tributaries In relation to the E1 tributaries, the ALCPLUS2 contextual area allows: •
To verify/modify the enabling status of the E1 tributaries (pag. 251).
To verify/modify the use of an E1 tributary (pag. 253).
To activate/deactivate the LOS Inversion criterion on an E1 tributary (pag. 253).
To verify/modify the label of an E1 tributary (pag. 254).
To verify/modify the status of the loop on an E1 (line and/or radio) tributary (pag. 254).
To specialize the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation (pag. 255).
To verify/modify the enabling status of the E1 tributaries 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the: •
E1 A-B push-button, to verify/modify the enabling status of the E1 base tributaries. The ALCplus2: Subrack - E1 A-B window is displayed (Fig.50).
E1 Exp. push-button, to verify/modify the enabling status of the E1 expansion tributaries. The ALCplus2: Subrack - E1 Exp. window is displayed (Fig.51).
3. Press the push-button: •
ENABLE ALL E1, to enable all the E1 tributaries with a single command.
DISABLE ALL E1, to disable all the E1 tributaries with a single command.
DISABLE ALL E1 (LOS INVERSION), to disable all the E1 tributaries with a single command (activating the LOS inversion criterion). Fig.50 ALCplus2 Subrack - E1 A-B window Usage status of the tributary (2)
Loop status (1)
Push-buttons to enable/disable the tributaries (3)
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Fig.51 ALCplus2 Subrack - E1 Exp. window Usage status of the tributary (2)
Loop status (1)
Push-buttons to enable/disable the tributaries (3)
Notes of Fig.50 and Fig.51 (1)
The symbol: •
, points out that the loop on line side is active.
, points out that the loop on radio side is active.
, points out that the loop on line side and the loop on radio side are both active.
, points out that both the loops are inactive.
The use status of the tributary is pointed out by the colour of the led: •
White/Disable, the tributary is not active (tributary not used). In this case, the alarms are inhibited and LOS alarm becomes active if, with tributary disabled, the 2Mbit/s signal is however connected.
Green/Enable, the tributary is active (tributary used). In this case, the controller does not inhibit the alarms.
If the symbol relevant to tributary A and/or B is not available (grey symbol), this means that the tributary is not available for the traffic as already used as synchronism in input and/or output (pag.141). (3)
The operator can select the push-button: •
ENABLE ALL E1, to enable all the E1 tributaries with a single command.
DISABLE ALL E1, to disable all the E1 tributaries with a single command.
DISABLE ALL E1 (LOS INVERSION), to disable all the E1 tributaries with a single command (activating the LOS inversion criterion).
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If the LOS inversion criterion is: •
enabled, the LOS alarm is NOT raised if, with tributary disabled, the signal is however connected.
disabled, the LOS alarm is raised if, with tributary disabled, the signal is however connected.
To enable/disable the use of an E1 tributary 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the: •
E1 A-B push-button, to enable/disable the use of the E1 base tributaries. The ALCplus2: Subrack - E1 A-B window is displayed (Fig.50).
E1 Exp. push-button, to enable/disable the use of the E1 expansion tributaries. The ALCplus2: Subrack - E1 Exp. window is displayed (Fig.51).
3. In the E1 MANAGEMENT area, double click on the wished E1 tributary. The ALCplus2: Unit - E1 window is displayed with the Settings tab active. The enable box shows the use status of the tributary: •
Disable, the tributary is not active (tributary not used).
Enable, the tributary is active (tributary used).
If the symbol relevant to tributary A and/or B is not available (grey symbol), this means that the tributary is not available for the traffic as already used as synchronism in input and/or output (pag.141). The status of the Disable Mode parameter IS MEANINGFUL ONLY if the tributary is not used. When the tributary is disabled, the management status of LOS alarm can be modified (pag. 253). 4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To activate/deactivate the LOS Inversion criterion on an E1 tributary 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the: •
E1 A-B push-button, to manage the LOS Inversion criterion on the E1 base tributaries. The ALCplus2: Subrack - E1 A-B window is displayed (Fig.50).
E1 Exp. push-button, to manage the LOS Inversion criterion on the E1 expansion tributaries. The ALCplus2: Subrack - E1 Exp. window is displayed (Fig.51).
3. In the E1 MANAGEMENT area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the wished E1 tributary. The ALCplus2: Unit - E1 window is displayed with the Settings tab active. The Disable Mode box points out the activation status of the LOS Inversion criterion for the deactivation mode of the considered E1 tributary: •
No LOS Inversion, the tributary is not active and the LOS inversion criterion is not enabled.
LOS Inversion, the tributary is not active and the LOS inversion criterion is enabled
The status of the Disable Mode parameter IS MEANINGFUL ONLY if the tributary is not used. 4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command.
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5. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is pointed out. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the label of an E1 tributary 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the: •
E1 A-B push-button, to verify/modify the label of the E1 base tributaries. The ALCplus2: Subrack - E1 A-B window is displayed (Fig.50).
E1 Exp. push-button, to verify/modify the label of the LOS Inversion criterion on the E1 expansion tributaries. The ALCplus2: Subrack - E1 Exp. window is displayed (Fig.51).
3. In the E1 MANAGEMENT area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the wished E1 tributary. The ALCplus2: Unit - E1 window is displayed with the Settings tab active. The Label box displays the label assigned to the tributary. 4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To change the parameter: a. Select the box where the label is pointed out. b. Type the new label. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify/modify the status of the loop on an E1 (line and/or radio) tributary Maintenance operation (MAN.OP.). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the: •
E1 A-B push-button, to manage the loops on the E1 base tributaries. The ALCplus2: Subrack - E1 A-B window is displayed (Fig.50).
E1 Exp. push-button, to manage the loops on the E1 expansion tributaries. The ALCplus2: Subrack - E1 Exp. window is displayed (Fig.51).
3. In the E1 MANAGEMENT area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the wished E1 tributary. The ALCplus2: Unit - E1 window is displayed with the Settings tab active. The Line Loop and Internal Loop boxes respectively point out the status of the loop on line side and on radio side. The symbol: •
Loop Off, the loop is disabled,
Loop On, the loop is inactive.
4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To change the parameter: a. Select the loop to activate (or deactivate). b. Select the wished action. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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Only if you are activating at least a loop a message is displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of timeout. The activation of a loop activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and, then, switched on, the loop is inactive, independently from the previous setting.
To specialize the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the: •
E1 A-B push-button, to manage the LOS Inversion criterion on the E1 base tributaries. The ALCplus2: Subrack - E1 A-B window is displayed (Fig.50).
E1 Exp. push-button, to manage the LOS Inversion criterion on the E1 expansion tributaries. The ALCplus2: Subrack - E1 Exp. window is displayed (Fig.51).
3. In the E1 MANAGEMENT area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the wished E1 tributary. The ALCplus2: Unit - E1 window is displayed with the Settings tab active. The E1 Synch Enable box points out the enabling status of the considered E1 tributary as regards the synchronisation: •
Enable, the E1 tributary is enabled for synchronisation.
Disable, the E1 tributary is not enabled for synchronisation.
This functionality allows specializing the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation, to increase the requirements of jitter and wander even in case of operation with adaptive modulation (ACM). 4. To check the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To change the parameter: a. Select the box E1 Synch Enable. b. Choose the wished value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
To verify the alarm status of LIM unit 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the LIM RADIO BRANCH unit. The ALCplus2: Unit - LIM RADIO BRANCH window is displayed, pointing out the status of the alarms relevant to the selected unit. If the colour of the box is: •
Green, the corresponding alarm is not active.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue, the corresponding alarm is active with severity respectively Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
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To verify the alarm status of RIM unit 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the ALCPLUS2 area. The system displays the ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 window (Fig.30). 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the RADIO BRANCH INDOOR UNIT unit. The ALCplus2: Unit - RADIO BRANCH IDU window is displayed, pointing out the status of the alarms relevant to the selected unit. If the colour of the box is: •
Green, the corresponding alarm is not active.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue, the corresponding alarm is active with severity respectively Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
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The RT contextual area is available only for equipment provided with radio (pag. 71). The RT contextual area allows: •
To display the functional scheme of the equipment (pag. 257).
To verify/modify the radio parameters (pag. 257).
To verify the configuration parameters of radio units (pag. 262).
To display the functional diagram of the equipment 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT-x unit. The ALCplus2: Subrack Type RT window. The description of the elements (menus, options, push-buttons) present into the ALCplus2: Subrack window is reported in Fig.4.
To verify/modify the radio parameters As regards the radio parameters, the RT contextual area allows: •
To verify/modify the RF channel which the equipment transmitter is tuned on (Channel) (pag. 257).
To verify/modify the operation of the transmitter (Tx Transmitter) (pag. 258).
To verify/modify the operation of the RT power supply (Rt PSU) (pag. 259).
To verify/modify the modulation status of the RF carrier (Carrier Only) (pag. 259).
To verify/modify the operating status of ATPC (Ptx Control) (pag. 260).
To verify/modify the maximum output power value at the transmitter (Tx Power Setpoint) (pag. 260).
To verify/modify the intervention threshold (High/Low) of ATPC device (ATPC Threshold on local Prx) (pag. 261).
To verify/modify the value of maximum attenuation for ATPC function (pag. 261).
To verify the table summarizing the minimum/maximum power in transmission/reception for every ACM profile (pag. 262).
To verify/modify the RF channel of the equipment 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT unit. The ALCplus2: Subrack Type RT window is displayed. 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT block relevant to the wished radio branch. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Branch ODU radio branch window is displayed with the Frequencies tab active.
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The Channel Number (High) cursor points out the RF working channel expressed as channel number and relevant frequency. 3. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 4. To modify the parameter: a. Move the cursor to the new value. The frequency values change according to the equipment connected with the program. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. The confirm window is displayed. c. Press Ok. This setting does NOT automatically modify even the RF channel of the remote equipment. In equipment in 1+1 Hot Standby system configuration, the changes made on a branch are automatically set also on the other branch.
To verify/modify the operation of the transmitter Maintenance operation (MAN. OP.). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT unit. The ALCplus2: Subrack Type RT window is displayed. 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT block relevant to the wished radio branch. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Branch ODU radio branch window is displayed with the Frequencies tab active. 3. Select the Settings tab. The Tx Transmitter parameter points out the operation of the transmitter: •
On, the transmitter is turned on.
Off, the transmitter is turned off.
4. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To modify the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. A confirmation window is displayed. Only if you are switching off the transmitter (selection of the Off push-button) a message is displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of timeout. d. Press the Ok push-button. Turning off the transmitter activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and then switched on, the transmitter is on, independently from the previous setting. For each ALCplus2 equipment, the user can set a timeout. At the end of timeout, the system automatically deactivates the relevant manual operation. The value of Timeout 0 sec. points out that the timeout is disabled; this means that the manual operation remains active until the user deactivates it.
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To verify/modify the operation of the RT power supply Maintenance operation (MAN. OP.). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT unit. The ALCplus2: Subrack Type RT window is displayed. 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT block relevant to the wished radio branch. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Branch ODU radio branch window is displayed with the Frequencies tab active. 3. Select the Settings tab. The Rt PSU parameter points out the operation of the RT power supply: •
On, the RT power supply is on.
Off, the RT power supply is off.
4. To verify the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To modify the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. A confirmation window is displayed. Only if you are switching off the transmitter (selection of the Off push-button) a message is displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of timeout. d. Press the Ok push-button. The deactivation of the RT power supply activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and, then, switched on, the RT power supply is active, independently from the previous setting. For each ALCplus2 equipment, the user can set a timeout. At the end of timeout, the system automatically deactivates the relevant manual operation. The value of Timeout 0 sec. points out that the timeout is disabled; this means that the manual operation remains active until the user deactivates it.
To verify/modify the modulation status of the RF carrier Maintenance operation (MAN. OP.). 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT unit. The ALCplus2: Subrack Type RT window is displayed. 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT block relevant to the wished radio branch. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Branch ODU radio branch window is displayed with the Frequencies tab active. 3. Select the Settings tab. The Carrier Only parameter points out the modulation status of the RF carrier: •
On, the carrier is not modulated.
Off, the carrier is not modulated.
4. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To modify the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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A confirmation window is displayed. Only if you are deactivating the modulation (selection of the On push-button) a message is displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of timeout. d. Press the Ok push-button. The modulation deactivation of the carrier activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and, then, switched on, the modulation is active independently from the previous setting. For each ALCplus2 equipment, the user can set a timeout. At the end of timeout, the system automatically deactivates the relevant manual operation. The value of Timeout 0 sec. points out that the timeout is disabled; this means that the manual operation remains active until the user deactivates it.
To verify/modify the operating status of ATPC 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT unit. The ALCplus2: Subrack Type RT window is displayed. 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT block relevant to the wished radio branch. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Branch ODU radio branch window is displayed with the Frequencies tab active. 3. Select the Powers tab. The Tx Power Control parameter displays the operating status of ATPC: •
Manual, the ATPC device is in manual operation mode (ATPC function disable). In this condition, the output power can be set (Tx Power Setpoint cursor).
Automatic, the ATPC device is in automatic operation mode. In this condition, the transmitted power is automatically adjusted according to the level of the signal in reception. The intervention thresholds of the ATPC device can be configured (pag. 261). Then, the maximum output power can be set (pag. 260).
4. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To modify the parameter: a. Select the box where the value is displayed. b. Choose the new value from the list. c. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. A confirmation window is displayed. d. Press the Ok push-button. Device for the automatic control of the transmitted power (ATPC - Automatic Transmit Power Control).
To verify/modify the output power value at the transmitter 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT unit. The ALCplus2: Subrack Type RT window is displayed. 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT block relevant to the wished radio branch. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Branch ODU radio branch window is displayed with the Frequencies tab active. 3. Select the Powers tab. The Max PTx Value cursor displays the output power value at the transmitter (Ptx nominal value). 4. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command.
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5. To modify the parameter: a. Move the cursor on the new value. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. A confirmation window is displayed. c. Press the Ok push-button. In 1+1 Hot Stand-by system configuration the change is automatically set also on the other radio branch.
To verify/modify the intervention thresholds (High/Low) of the ATPC device 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT unit. The ALCplus2: Subrack Type RT window is displayed. 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT block relevant to the wished radio branch. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Branch ODU radio branch window is displayed with the Frequencies tab active. 3. Select the Powers tab. The cursor: •
ATPC Threshold on local Prx - High, points out the intervention threshold of the ATPC device to decrease the transmitted power when the field received by the local equipment is equal to or higher than the set threshold value.
ATPC Threshold on local Prx - Low, points out the intervention threshold of the ATPC device to increase the transmitted power when the field received by the local equipment is equal to or lower than the set threshold value.
4. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To modify the parameter: a. Move the …High and/or …Low cursor to the wished value. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command. c. Press the Ok push-button. In 1+1 Hot Stand-by system configuration the change is automatically done also on the other branch. In 1+1 Freq. Div. system configuration the changes, to be active, must be set in both branches.
To verify/modify the value of maximum attenuation for ATPC function 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT unit. The ALCplus2: Subrack Type RT window is displayed. 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT block relevant to the wished radio branch. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Branch ODU radio branch window is displayed with the Frequencies tab active. 3. Select the Powers tab. The ATPC Range parameter points out the range of values which the transmission power can assume. 4. To verify the value currently set in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command. 5. To modify the parameter: a. Type the wished value in the field. b. Press the Set push-button or select the Commands > Send SET Request command.
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To verify the table summarizing the minimum/maximum power in transmission/reception for every ACM profile 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT unit. The ALCplus2: Subrack Type RT window is displayed. 2. Double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT block relevant to the wished radio branch. The ALCplus2: Unit - Radio Branch ODU radio branch window is displayed with the Frequencies tab active. 3. Select the Powers tab. 4. Press the ATPC push-button. A table is displayed which shows the table summarizing the power in transmission/reception for every ACM profile. In detail, the column: •
Active Modulation, points out the ACM profile.
Tx Power, points out the minimum power (Min) and the maximum power (Max) in output to the transmitter.
RX Power, points out the minimum power (Min) and the maximum power (Max) in input to the receiver.
To verify the configuration parameters of the radio units 1. In the equipment view area, double click with the left button of the mouse on the RT unit. The ALCplus2: Subrack Type RT window is displayed. 2. In the Unit List area, select the wished unit. The ALCplus2: Unit - window is displayed. The meaning of the displayed parameters is the following: •
Expected Type. Expected unit type. A difference between the really present unit (Real Type parameter) and the expected one activates an alarm (Unit Hw Mismatch Alarm). The Unequipped wording points out that the unit is not equipped.
Real Type. Unit type really present into the equipment. The Unequipped wording points out that the unit is not physically present into the equipment.
Hardware Edition. Unit version.
Part Number. Unit Part Number.
Parent Part Number. Part number of the group that contains the unit. Usually the group represents the part of the equipment that can be replaced. Not all the units are included into a group. In this case, the field will result empty and the part which can be replaced will correspond to the unit itself.
Serial Number. The serial number of the group that contains the unit. If the unit is not contained into a group (the Parent Part Num field is empty), the Serial Number refers to the unit.
The Alarm Status area points out the status of the unit alarm. The box of colour: •
Green, inactive alarm.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue, active alarm with severity respectively Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
3. To verify the currently set value in the equipment, double click on the parameter name and press the Get push-button or select the Commands > Send GET Request command.
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The availability of the commands/push-buttons of the ALCplus2: Equipment window is affected by: •
Connection status of the equipment to the supervisory system: •
Connected (Con)
Disconnected (Discon)
Unreachable (Unreac)
The connection status is pointed out into the equipment status area (pag. 23) of the ALCplus2: Equipment window. The disconnected status does not refer to the equipment status after the creation of the relevant NE object, but to the status taken after a disconnection command. In fact, the ALCplus2: Equipment window can be opened only if the relevant equipment has been connected at least once. •
Connection status of the LCT program (pag. 270), to the equipment: •
Not connected (Not Con)
Connected in Configuration mode (Config)
Connected in Monitoring mode (Monitor)
The connection status of the LCT is pointed out into the status bar (pag. 19). When the equipment is in disconnected or unreachable status, the system points out the last configuration get by the equipment. In these statuses, the system does not allow executing get and/or set operations. •
Profile of the NMS5UX user who has opened the ALCplus2: Equipment window: •
Entry (E)
Normal (N)
Advanced (A)
Privileged (P)
Superuser (S).
If the choice of the menu, of the command or of the push-button opens a window where there are some parameters, the system specifies also the operation type that can be executed. The Get label points out the possibility to check the parameters. The Get/Set label points out the possibility to check the parameters and even to set or to change them. When nothing is pointed out, the user can execute both Get and Set operations. Tab.7 points out the menus/commands, the push-buttons and the context where they can be used.
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Tab.7 - Availability of the commands/push-buttons Menu - Command, Button
Equipment status
LCT presence
User profile
File - Close
Con, Discon, Unreac
Not Con, Config, Monitor
File - Exit
Con, Discon, Unreac
Not Con, Config, Monitor
Command - Reset Equipment ConCon, Discon, Unreac troller
Not Con, Config, Monitor
Command - Line Test
Con, Discon, Unreac
Not Con, Config, Monitor
Command - Alarm Re-Alignment
Not Con, Monitor
Command - View/Modify P.M. StaCon tus
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Command - Configuration Download
Con, Discon, Unreac
Not Con, Config, Monitor
Command - NE Sw/Fw Release
Con, Discon ***, Unreac ***
Not Con, Config ***, Monitor
Command - Modify LCT ConfiguraCon tion Mode - Enable/Disable
Not Con, Monitor
Alarm - Current Alarms
Con, Unreac
Not Con, Config, Monitor
Alarm - Alarm History
Con, Discon, Unreac
Not Con, Config, Monitor
Get - E N Get/Set ** - A P S
Alarm - Equipment Severity Code
Not Con, Monitor
Option - LCT Equipment Users
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Option - LCT Logged Users
Not Con, Config, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
Option - View Acknowledge Status Con, Unreac
Not Con, Config, Monitor
Option - View Active Manual OpeCon ration
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
Cross Connect - Matrix
Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
Cross Connect - List
Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
Maintenance - Radio Switch A
Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
Maintenance - Radio Branch Loop
Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
Maintenance - Nodal Switch…
Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
Maintenance - Switch STM1 LIM A Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
Direction Label - Direction Label
Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
Configurator - Configurator
Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
Radio Equipment
Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
User Input
Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
User Output
Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
Performance Monitoring
Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
Synchronization Information
Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
Tab.7 - Availability of the commands/push-buttons RIM
Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
Con, Discon *, Unreac *
Get - Config Get/Set - Not Con, Monitor
Get - E Get/Set - N A P S
* In this condition, the user can only schedule the update of the equipment sw/fw. More detailed information are reported into the supervision system user manual. ** Deletion of the records into the Alarm History Browser window. *** When the equipment is in disconnected or unreachable status, the last acquired configuration is pointed out. In these statuses, get and/or set operations are not allowed.
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
The following table contains the list of the alarms of the ALCplus2 equipment. The alarms are not listed in alphabetical order, but grouped according to the functional area they belong. For each alarm, the table reports the short name, displayed in ALCplus2: Unit windows, and the long name, displayed in the Current Alarms Browser window (pag. 38) and Alarm History Browser window (pag. 39). In the long name denomination, the italic characters between the symbols < > point out a variable. Tab.8 Alarm List Short name
Long name
User Input User In
User Input - Alarm Status
Unit Fail
Unit Fail Alarm
Unit Missing Alarm
Not Resp
Unit Not Responding Alarm
Hw Mism
Unit Hw Mismatch Alarm
Sw Mism
Unit Sw Mismatch Alarm
Common -
LOM Connected Monitor
Equip Manual Operation
MNGT/1 cable Fail MNGT/2 cable Fail
OAM Fail
OAM-FM MA: MEP Id: Fail Alarm
OAM Conf. Mism.
OAM-FM MA: MEP Id: Config. Mismatch Alarm
Radio Equipment Fan
Fan Alarm
Term. Mism.
RADIO [] Local-Remote Terminal Setup Mismatch Alarm
RADIO [] Rescue Setup Active Alarm
Lim Temp
IDU Board LIM Temperature
RADIO () Transmitter Switch on Remote Terminal BER
Lan Port Link Loss
IDU Loss of Signal Alarm
IDU Physical Coding Sublayer Sync Alarm
Auto Neg.
IDU Unresolved Autonegotiation Alarm
Link Loss Fw
IDU Link Loss Forwarding Alarm
IDU Master-Slave Configuration fault Alarm
IDU Link Aggregation LACP protocol down
LIM Dem Fail
LIM BRANCH- () Demodulator Fail Alarm
Mod Fail
LIM BRANCH- () Modulator Fail Alarm
O-I Comm
LIM BRANCH- () ODU-IDU Communication fail Alarm
REMOTE LIM Radio [] Alarm Synthesis
E1 Los
IDU Board Trib.- - [] - Signal loss Alarm
IDU Board Trib.- - [] - Rx AIS Alarm
IDU Board Trib.- - [] - Re-Timing Alarm
Node Link Los
Node Signal loss Alarm
Node Loss of frame Alarm
Ms Ais
Node MS AIS Alarm
Check Conn
Node Check identifier Alarm
Nod. Mism.
Ethernet Nodal Configuration Mismatch
G828 Performance Monitoring
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
Short name
Long name
15M ES
P.M. G.828- 15Mcounter ES threshold cross Alarm
P.M. G.828- 15Mcounter SES threshold cross Alarm
24H ES
P.M. G.828- 24Hcounter ES threshold cross Alarm
P.M. G.828- 24Hcounter SES threshold cross Alarm
P.M. G.828- UAS Alarm
P.M. G.828- 15Mcounter SEP threshold cross Alarm
P.M. G.828- 24Hcounter SEP threshold cross Alarm
UAS 16Qam
P.M. G.828- UAS 16QAM Alarm (Adaptive Modulation)
G829 B1 Performance Monitoring 15M ES
P.M: G829-B1 15M cnt ES thr. cross Alarm
P.M: G829-B1 15M cnt SES thr. cross Alarm
24H ES
P.M: G829-B1 24H cnt ES thr. cross Alarm
P.M: G829-B1 24H cnt SES thr. cross Alarm
P.M: G829-B1 UAS Alarm
P.M: G829-B1 15M cnt SEP thr. cross Alarm
P.M: G829-B1 24H cnt SEP thr. cross Alarm
G829 B2-M1 Performance Monitoring 15M ES
P.M: G829-B2&M1 15M cnt ES thr. cross Alarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 15M cnt SES thr. cross Alarm
24H ES
P.M: G829-B2&M1 24H cnt ES thr. cross Alarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 24H cnt SES thr. cross Alarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 UAS Alarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 15M cnt ES-FE thr. cross Alarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 15M cnt SES-FE thr. cross Alarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 24H cnt ES-FE thr. cross Alarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 24H cnt SES-FE thr. cross Alarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 UAS-FE Alarm
UAS Bidi
P.M: G829-B2&M1 UAS-BIDI Alarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 15M cnt SEP thr. cross Alarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 24H cnt SEP thr. cross Alarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 15M cnt SEP-FE thr. cross Alarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 24H cnt SEP-FE thr. cross Alarm
Rx Power PerformanceMonitoring 15M Rlts1
P.M. RT- RxPower 15Mcounter Rlts1 threshold cross Alarm
15M Rlts2
P.M. RT- RxPower 15Mcounter Rlts2 threshold cross Alarm
15M Rlts3
P.M. RT- RxPower 15Mcounter Rlts3 threshold cross Alarm
15M Rlts4
P.M. RT- RxPower 15Mcounter Rlts4 threshold cross Alarm
24H Rlts1
P.M. RT- RxPower 24Hcounter Rlts1 threshold cross Alarm
24H Rlts2
P.M. RT- RxPower 24Hcounter Rlts2 threshold cross Alarm
24H Rlts3
P.M. RT- RxPower 24Hcounter Rlts3 threshold cross Alarm
24H Rlts4
P.M. RT- RxPower 24Hcounter Rlts4 threshold cross Alarm
15M Rlts5
P.M. RT- RxPower 15Mcounter Rlts5 threshold cross Alarm
24H Rlts5
P.M. RT- RxPower 24Hcounter Rlts5 threshold cross Alarm
Tx Power Performance Monitoring 15M Tlts1
P.M. RT- TxPower 15Mcounter Tlts1 threshold cross Alarm
15M Tlts2
P.M. RT- TxPower 15Mcounter Tlts2 threshold cross Alarm
15M Tlts3
P.M. RT- TxPower 15Mcounter Tlts3 threshold cross Alarm
15M Tlts4
P.M. RT- TxPower 15Mcounter Tlts4 threshold cross Alarm
24H Tlts1
P.M. RT- TxPower 24Hcounter Tlts1 threshold cross Alarm
24H Tlts2
P.M. RT- TxPower 24Hcounter Tlts2 threshold cross Alarm
24H Tlts3
P.M. RT- TxPower 24Hcounter Tlts3 threshold cross Alarm
24H Tlts4
P.M. RT- TxPower 24Hcounter Tlts4 threshold cross Alarm
VC-12 G828 Performance Monitoring 15M ES
P.M: VC12- G.828 15M cnt ES thr. cross Alarm
P.M: VC12- G.828 15M cnt SES thr. cross Alarm
24H ES
P.M: VC12- G.828 24H cnt ES thr. cross Alarm
P.M: VC12- G.828 24H cnt SES thr. cross Alarm
P.M: VC12- G.828 UAS Alarm
15M EsFE
P.M: VC12- G.828 15M cnt ES-FE thr. cross Alarm
15M SesFE
P.M: VC12- G.828 15M cnt SES-FE thr. cross Alarm
24H EsFE
P.M: VC12- G.828 24H cnt ES-FE thr. cross Alarm
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
Short name
Long name
24H SesFE
P.M: VC12- G.828 24H cnt SES-FE thr. cross Alarm
P.M: VC12- G.828 UAS-FE Alarm
24H UAS Bidi
P.M: VC12- G.828 UAS-BIDI Alarm
P.M: VC12- G.828 15M cnt SEP thr. cross Alarm
P.M: VC12- G.828 24H cnt SEP thr. cross Alarm
P.M: VC12- G.828 15M cnt SEP-FE thr. cross Alarm
P.M: VC12- G.828 24H cnt SEP-FE thr. cross Alarm
Adaptive Modulation Performance Monitoring 15M 4QAM Str
P.M. ACM- 15M counter 4QAM Strong threshold cross Alarm
15M 4QAM
P.M. ACM- 15M counter 4QAM threshold cross Alarm
15M 8PSK
P.M. ACM- 15M counter 8PSK threshold cross Alarm
15M 16QAM
P.M. ACM- 15M counter 16QAM threshold cross Alarm
15M 32QAM
P.M. ACM- 15M counter 32QAM threshold cross Alarm
15M 64QAM
P.M. ACM- 15M counter 64QAM threshold cross Alarm
15M 128QAM
P.M. ACM- 15M counter 128QAM threshold cross Alarm
15M 256QAM
P.M. ACM- 15M counter 256QAM threshold cross Alarm
24H 4QAM Str
P.M. ACM- 24H counter 4QAM Strong threshold cross Alarm
24H 4QAM
P.M. ACM- 24H counter 4QAM threshold cross Alarm
24H 8PSK
P.M. ACM- 24H counter 8PSK threshold cross Alarm
24H 16QAM
P.M. ACM- 24H counter 16QAM threshold cross Alarm
24H 32QAM
P.M. ACM- 24H counter 32QAM threshold cross Alarm
24H 64QAM
P.M. ACM- 24H counter 64QAM threshold cross Alarm
24H 128QAM
P.M. ACM- 24H counter 128QAM threshold cross Alarm
24H 256QAM
P.M. ACM- 24H counter 256QAM threshold cross Alarm
Radio 2Mb EOC Fail
Communication 2Mb/s EOC Data Link Alarm
Line A AIS
[] E1- G.704 Line side AIS Alarm
Line A Fail
[] E1- G.704 Line side Fail Alarm
Radio A AIS
[] E1- G.704 Radio side AIS Alarm
Radio A Fail
[] E1- G.704 Radio side Fail Alarm
EOC Link
RADIO () Communication Radio EOC Data Link Alarm
Link Los Fail
PRBS Fail Alarm
Mod. Red.
RADIO () Adaptive Modulation Reduced Capacity Notification
Link Id
RADIO () Link Id. Alarm
Link Tel
RADIO () Link Telemetry Fail Alarm
Rev Alr
RADIO SWITCH () Reserve Radio Branch Selected in Revertive Mode
RIM Rim Psu
BRANCH- [] RIM Power Supply Alarm
BRANCH- [] REMOTE RIM Alarm Synthesis
BRANCH- [] LOCAL RIM Alarm Synthesis
Cab Op
BRANCH- [] IDU-ODU Cable Open Alarm
Cab Sh
BRANCH- [] IDU-ODU Cable Short Alarm
RT I-O Comm
BRANCH- [] RT IDU-ODU Communication fail Alarm
Rt Vco
BRANCH- [] RT Rt Vco Fail Alarm
Rt If
BRANCH- [] RT If Fail Alarm
Rx Pwr Low
BRANCH- [] RT Rx Power Low Alarm
Tx Pwr Low
BRANCH- [] RT Tx Power Low Alarm
Rt If Out
BRANCH- [] RT If Out Alarm
RX Quality Low
BRANCH- [] RX Quality Low Alarm
RX Quality Warn
BRANCH- [] RX Quality Low Warning
BRANCH- [] RT LOCAL ODU Alarm Synthesis
BRANCH- [] RT REMOTE ODU Alarm Synthesis
BRANCH- [] Prx change
BRANCH- [] Ptx change
SETS T0 BASE BAND Sets T0 Fail Alarm Free Running
IDU Sets Free Running Status
IDU Sets Holdover Status
IDU Sets LTI Alarm
IDU Sets Drift Alarm
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
Short name
Long name
IDU Sets Active Status
Laser Module
IDU Board Plug-in module Fail Alarm
IDU Board Plug-in module Loss of Signal Alarm
HW Mismatch
IDU Board Plug-in module Mismatch Alarm
STM1 Los
IDU Stm1- Loss of Signal Alarm
IDU Stm1- Loss of Frame Alarm
B2 Exc BER
IDU Stm1- B2 Excessive Ber Alarm
B2 Sig Deg
IDU Stm1- B2 Signal Degrade Alarm
IDU Stm1- J0 Trace Identifier Mismatch Alarm
Ms Ais
IDU Stm1- Ms Ais Alarm
Ms Rdi
IDU Stm1- Ms Rdi Alarm
IDU VC4-Stm1- VC4 J1 Trace Identifier Mismatch Alarm
IDU VC4-Stm1- VC4 Signal Label Mismatch Alarm
B3 Exc BER
IDU VC4-Stm1- VC4 B3 Excessive Ber Alarm
B3 Sig Deg
IDU VC4-Stm1- VC4 B3 Signal Degrade Alarm
Vc4 Ais
IDU VC4-Stm1- AU4 AIS Alarm
Vc4 Rdi
IDU VC4-Stm1- VC4 RDI Alarm
IDU VC4-Stm1- VC4 Unequipped Alarm
Au4 Lop
IDU VC4-Stm1- VC4 AU-4 Loss of Pointer Alarm IDU VC4-Stm1- Loss Of Multiframe Alarm
VC12 VC12 Ber
STM-1 - VC-12 - Vc12 Excessive BER Alarm
VC12 Sd
STM-1 - VC-12 - Vc12 Signal Degrade Alarm
Tu Lop
STM-1 - VC-12 - Vc12 TU LOP Alarm
Tu Path AIS
STM-1 - VC-12 - Vc12 TU Path AIS Alarm
STM-1 - VC-12 - Vc12 RDI Alarm
STM-1 - VC-12 - Vc12 Signal Label Mismatch Alarm
STM-1 - VC-12 - Vc12 Trace Identifier Mismatch Alarm
STM-1 - VC-12 - Vc12 Unequipped Alarm
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
The supervisory and the management of the equipment ALCplus2 IDU can be remotely executed by means of the NMS5UX system and even locally by means of a program, directly installed on the PC, called LCT (Local Craft Terminal). In this manual the word LCT or LCT program identifies the local supervision system SCT/LCT or WEB LCT. The operation that can be executed, by means of the LCT program, are mainly the ones that can be executed with the NMS5UX system. More detailed information concerning the use of the LCT program are reported into the relevant user manual/help online. Here below, there are only some indications concerning the relations between the LCT program and the NMS5UX system.
Types of LCT-Equipment connection (Monitoring, Configuration) The local user can activate the connection between the LCT program and the equipment in two different modes: Monitoring or Configuration. In Monitoring mode, the user can check the configuration and the equipment parameters, but he cannot execute any changes or operation. On the contrary, in Configuration mode, the user can check and change the configuration and the parameters of the connected equipment. The local activation of the LCT-equipment connection, in Monitoring mode, does not affect the acquisition of the alarms or the forwarding of the commands executed by the system: the NMS5UX user can open the ALCplus2: Equipment window and, he can also as check the configuration of the equipment (get operations) as change parameters and forward commands (set operations). On the contrary, when the operator activates locally the LCT-equipment connection in Configuration mode, the NMS5UX user can open the ALCplus2: Equipment window, check the equipment configuration (get operations) but he can not change the parameters or forward commands (set operations) with the exception of the ones listed here below: •
To execute the software reset (pag. 35) of the equipment.
To forward the Line Test (pag. 35) command.
To transfer the equipment configuration (pag. 36) (stored into the database of the supervisory system) to another equipment (real or virtual one) of the same type.
To program the updating of the equipment software/firmware (pag. 37).
To force the disconnection (logout) of an user (pag. 40).
While the connection is active in Configuration mode, no change relevant to the alarms is signalled to the supervisory system. When the local connection between the LCT and the equipment has been deactivated, the NMS5UX system automatically executes a reset procedure of the configuration (forwarding of the Configuration Upload command) to take into account the possible changes executed by the local user and to get all the current alarm signals. This operation involves the automatic closing and opening of the ALCplus2: Equipment window. As in Monitoring mode as in Configuration one, the equipment spontaneously communicates, to the NMS5UX system, the activation and the deactivation of the local connection, and it signals them to the user into the ALCplus2: Equipment window (Fig.1). The activation/deactivation of the LCT program is pointed out also on the NMS5UX graphical interface at general level. For more detailed information refer to the supervision system user manual.
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
Fig.1 ALCplus2: Equipment window........................................................................................... 17 Fig.2 Status bar (ALCplus2: Equipment window)......................................................................... 20 Fig.3 Equipment view area (ALCplus2: Equipment window) .......................................................... 21 Fig.4 ALCplus2: Subrack window .............................................................................................. 24 Fig.5 ALCplu2s: Unit window.................................................................................................... 26 Fig.6 NE object of ALS type with ALCplus2 IDU........................................................................... 30 Fig.7 Acknowledge Status window ............................................................................................ 41 Fig.8 Active Manual Operations window ..................................................................................... 42 Fig.9 Radio Branch Loop window .............................................................................................. 48 Fig.10 Radio Branch - RF Loop Limited window .................................................... 50 Fig.11 Cross Connection Matrix window ..................................................................................... 59 Fig.12 Cross Connection Matrix window (View area) .................................................................... 61 Fig.13 Cross Connection Matrix window (connection label) ........................................................... 62 Fig.14 Cross Connection List window......................................................................................... 65 Fig.15 NODAL CONFIGURATOR window ..................................................................................... 73 Fig.16 Priority Management window.......................................................................................... 85 Fig.17 ACM Table window (Current Configuration)....................................................................... 87 Fig.18 ACM Table window ........................................................................................................ 91 Fig.19 PRBS window ............................................................................................................... 96 Fig.20 User Input window ....................................................................................................... 100 Fig.21 User Output window..................................................................................................... 104 Fig.22 User Output Properties window ...................................................................................... 106 Fig.23 Performance Monitoring window..................................................................................... 113 Fig.24 ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window ........................................................................................ 115 Fig.25 ALCplus2: STM1 P.M. window (STM-1 structure) .............................................................. 117 Fig.26 ALCplus2: Subrack - G828 E1 P.M. window ..................................................................... 118 Fig.27 Synchronization Information window .............................................................................. 142 Fig.28 Example of re-timing of tributary A (synchronisation) ....................................................... 154 Fig.29 Example of re-timing of tributary 1 (synchronisation) ....................................................... 154 Fig.30 ALCPLUS2 window ....................................................................................................... 157 Fig.31 ALCplus2: Subrack - ALCPLUS2 STM1 window ................................................................. 159 Fig.32 Ethernet window.......................................................................................................... 175 Fig.33 802.1p Priority Management table.................................................................................. 179 Fig.34 PTOS/DSCP Config table ............................................................................................... 181 Fig.35 ELP of node (example) ................................................................................................. 204 Fig.36 Lan per Port window..................................................................................................... 216 Fig.37 VLan Configuration window ........................................................................................... 217
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
Fig.38 Add VLAN window ........................................................................................................ 219 Fig.39 VLAN Filter window ...................................................................................................... 221 Fig.40 OAM Manager window .................................................................................................. 222 Fig.41 OAM window ............................................................................................................... 225 Fig.42 Rmep window.............................................................................................................. 230 Fig.43 LBM Test window ......................................................................................................... 233 Fig.44 LTM Test window ......................................................................................................... 235 Fig.45 OAM-FM functionality - Maintenance points ..................................................................... 238 Fig.46 OAM-FM - Management of the status of the Remote MEPs in the RMep table ........................ 240 Fig.47 OAM-FM - Example of configuration of a maintenance area................................................ 242 Fig.48 Spanning Tree window ................................................................................................. 246 Fig.49 Spanning Tree window (Ethernet Lan Protection) ............................................................. 250 Fig.50 ALCplus2 Subrack - E1 A-B window ................................................................................ 251 Fig.51 ALCplus2 Subrack - E1 Exp. window ............................................................................... 252
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
Tab.1 Summarized alarm status of the equipment ....................................................................... 23 Tab.2 Ports of the cross-connection matrix ................................................................................. 68 Tab.3 NBUS ports of the cross-connection matrix ........................................................................ 69 Tab.4 Synchronism sources .....................................................................................................151 Tab.5 Availability of sources in input (ALCplus2 with IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1) .................152 Tab.6 Synchronism in output (T12)...........................................................................................153 Tab.7 - Availability of the commands/push-buttons .....................................................................264 Tab.8 Alarm List.....................................................................................................................266
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
Numerics 2Mbit/s tributary Specialize for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation ...................................255 Verify/modify the enabling status ........................................................................................251 Verify/modify the status of the loop on line side and/or radio side ............................................254
A Acknowledge status of the alarms, LCT presence and Configuration Upload failed (Verify) ................. 41 Adaptive modulation Intermediate profile (enable/disable) .................................................................................... 90 Lower threshold (verify/modify) ........................................................................................... 89 Number of E1 streams assigned to an ACM profile (verify/modify) ............................................. 92 Number of E1 streams permanently allocated (verify/modify) ................................................... 89 Operating status (verify/modify) ........................................................................................... 87 Power profile of the transmitter (verify the status) .................................................................. 88 Power profile of the transmitter (verify/modify) ...................................................................... 88 Reference band/modulation (verify/modify) ........................................................................... 89 Upper threshold (verify/modify) ........................................................................................... 89 Alarm History Copy the list of signals to a text editor .................................................................................. 39 Delete/mark the signals ...................................................................................................... 39 Display the list of the NE alarm signals .................................................................................. 39 Display the signals .............................................................................................................. 39 Display the time between two different signals ....................................................................... 39 Filter the list of signals ........................................................................................................ 39 Highlight the NE symbol in the map window ........................................................................... 39 Open the Equipment Info window of the NE ........................................................................... 39 Save/print the signals list .................................................................................................... 39 Alarm threshold of the signal in reception (verify/modify) ............................................................. 79 ALCplus2 node Identifier of the equipment in the node (verify/modify) ............................................................ 75 Number of elements interconnected by Ethernet nodal Bus (verify/modify) ................................ 74 Number of elements interconnected by TDM nodal Bus (verify/modify) ...................................... 75 Protection of TDM nodal Bus in the node (verify/modify) .......................................................... 76 Spanning Tree protocol at level of node (enable/disable) ......................................................... 76
B Belonging of the equipment to a node (verify/modify) .................................................................. 72 Block diagram of the equipment (display) ..................................................................................156
C Change the local severity level associated to the alarm signal ........................................................ 39 Close the ALCplus2 Equipment window ....................................................................................... 32 Configure an ALC IDU plus 2 virtual equipment ........................................................................... 33 Cross Connection Delete one or more connections ...................................................................................... 64, 66 Disable the auto loop .......................................................................................................... 64 Display the equipment connections ....................................................................................... 58
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
Display the list of the connections ......................................................................................... 65 Enable the auto loop of a channel ......................................................................................... 64 Label (verify/modify) .......................................................................................................... 64 Save the list of the connections ............................................................................................ 66 Tributary-radio connection (execute) ..................................................................................... 62 Tributary-tributary connection (execute) ............................................................................... 63 Current Alarms Mark the signals so that the system memorizes the user has acknowledged the signals ............... 38 Open the Equipment Info window of the NE ........................................................................... 38 To filter the list of the alarm/event/status signals active in the equipment .................................. 38 To filter the list of the signals ............................................................................................... 38 To freeze the window to avoid its dynamic update .................................................................. 38 To point out the NE symbol in the map window ...................................................................... 38 To save/print the list of signals ............................................................................................. 38 To verify the time between two different signals ..................................................................... 38
D Disable the alarms ................................................................................................................... 39 Disable the traps forwarding from the NE to the system ............................................................... 39
E E1 Sync Enable ......................................................................................................................149 E1 tributary Enable/disable the use .......................................................................................................253 LOS Inversion (activate/deactivate the criterion) ...................................................................253 Verify/modify the label .......................................................................................................254 Enable the alarms and the traps forwarding from the NE to the system .......................................... 39 Enabling status of the transit of the packets through the ports of the local Ethernet switch (verify/modify) 215 Equipment Severity Code Filter the list of alarm signals ............................................................................................... 39 Ethernet Internal Port Spanning Tree Connection cost of the external port (verify/modify) ..................................................... 213 Priority of the external port (verify/modify) ................................................................. 212 Protocol (enable/disable) .......................................................................................... 212 Status of the port (verify) ......................................................................................... 211 Type of the external port (verify/modify) .................................................................... 213 Trunking Status of the port (verify) ......................................................................................... 214 Trunking modality (enable/disable) ............................................................................ 214 Internal port Automatic learning of MAC Address (verify/modify the enabling status) ................................207 Behaviour of the internal port towards the packets in output (verify/modify) ........................208 Control of Tag Vlan Id on the messages in input from the internal port (verify/modify) ..........208 Enabling status of the internal port (verify/modify) ...........................................................206 Force the Vid value of the internal port to the default value ................................................209 Mapping of the priority 802.1p in the Tag VLan (verify/modify) ...........................................211 Ports through which the packets in input from the internal port can transit (enable/disable) ...207 Priority criterion used to associate the packets in input from the internal port to the output queue (verify/modify) .............................................................................................................210 Value to insert in the field 802.1p of the packets in input from the internal port which, in output, the Tag is added to (verify/modify) .................................................................................210 Vid of the internal port (verify the default value) ...............................................................209 LAN Automatic learning of MAC Address (verify/modify the enabling status) ................................186 Autonegotiation between roles in the line synchronism (verify/modify the activation) .............186 Autonegotiation procedure for the port (restart) ...............................................................185 Behaviour of the port towards the packets in output (verify/modify) ....................................189 Enabling status of Link Loss Forwarding modality of the port (verify/modify) ........................188 Enabling status of the autonegotiation of the port (verify/modify) .......................................185
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
Enabling status of the flow control of the port (verify/modify) .............................................184 Enabling status of the laser on the port (verify/modify) .....................................................199 Enabling status of the port (verify/modify) .......................................................................183 Ethernet Line Protection Connection cost of the external port (verify/modify) ..................................................... 195 Priority of the external port (verify/modify) ................................................................. 194 Ethernet Line Protection (enable/disable) .........................................................................196 Inversion status of Tx and Rx lines (verify/modify) ............................................................187 Laser (execute the manual restart of the laser interface) ...................................................201 Laser module equipped on port (verify) ...........................................................................198 Laser operating status on the port (execute the test) ........................................................201 Laser transmission on the port (enable manually) .............................................................200 Laser transmission on the port (modify/verify) .................................................................199 Line synchronism (verify/modify the operating modality) ...................................................187 Loop on line side of the port (activate/deactivate) .............................................................198 Mapping of the priority 802.1p in the Tag VLan (verify/modify) ...........................................192 Modality and transmission speed of the port (verify/modify) ...............................................185 Operating status of the laser on the port (verify) ..............................................................199 Ports through which the packets in input from the port can pass (enable/disable) ..................188 Priority criterion used to associate the packets in input from the considered port to the output queue (verify/modify) .............................................................................................................191 Spanning Tree Connection cost of the external port (verify/modify) ..................................................... 195 Priority of the external port (verify/modify) ................................................................. 194 Protocol (enable/disable) .......................................................................................... 192 Status of the port (verify/modify the operating status) ................................................. 193 Type of the external port (verify/modify) .................................................................... 195 Trunking (enable/disable) ..............................................................................................197 Trunking (verify the operating status) .............................................................................196 Type of port interface (verify/modify) ..............................................................................183 Value to insert in the field 802.1p of the packets in input from the considered port which, in output, the Tag is added to (verify/modify) .................................................................................192 Vid of the port (force to the default value) .......................................................................191 Vid of the port (verify/modify the default value) ...............................................................190 Reset the counters ............................................................................................................244 Switch Aging time of MAC addresses (verify/modify) ...................................................................177 Algorithm to empty the packets present in the output queues (verify/modify) .......................178 Hysteresis of Link Loss Forwarding modality (verify/modfify) ..............................................177 Maximum accepted size of the packet (verify/modify) ........................................................177 Output queue (verify/assign to a packet, in input to any Ethernet port, according to its Tag 802.1p) 179 QinQ Eth Type (verify/modify) ........................................................................................178 Verify the counters of the packets/bytes in input/output from the Ethernet port .........................244 Verify the status of the ports of the switch ............................................................................174 Verify/modify the control of Tag Vlan Id on the messages in input from a LAN port ....................189 Ethernet Lan Protection External ports (verify the status) .........................................................................................249 Ethernet switch Capacity of port A (verify) ..................................................................................................176 Execute the reset of equipment software .................................................................................... 35
F Force the equipment to forward the current alarms ...................................................................... 36
H HBER alarm (enable/disable the use as criterion of switch/AIS insertion in reception) ....................... 82
I IDU (verify the inventory data) ................................................................................................173
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
Internal Port Addr. Learning Enable ........................................................................................................207
L LAN Addr. Learning Enable ........................................................................................................186 LCT user Add a new user to the list .................................................................................................... 40 Disable the connection to the equipment by means of LCT in Configuration mode ........................ 37 Enable the connection to the equipment by means of LCT in Configuration mode ........................ 37 Force the disconnection ....................................................................................................... 40 Remove from the list .......................................................................................................... 40 To change the characteristics ............................................................................................... 40 LCT user list of the NE (Verify) .................................................................................................. 40 LIM (verify the alarm status) ...................................................................................................255 Link identification number (verify/modify) .................................................................................. 86 Local/remote synchronisation protocol (verify/modify the status) ................................................... 72 Loop (verify the status) ............................................................................................................ 47
M Manual operations Verify ............................................................................................................................... 42 Manual operations Set the timeout ............................................................................................ 43 Minimum/maximum power in transmission/reception for every ACM profile (verify) .........................262 MSP protection (verify/modify) .................................................................................................. 54
N Nodal connection (verify the alarm status) .................................................................................. 94 Nodal Switch Force the switch to the preferential NBUS without waiting for the expiry of Wait Time period ........ 52 Wait Time To Restore (verify/modify) .................................................................................... 52 Nodal switch (verify/modify the management) ............................................................................ 52
O OAM OAM-FM Domain (define) ...................................................................................................223 OAM-FM Domain (remove) .................................................................................................224 OAM-FM Domain (verify the characteristics) ..........................................................................222 OAM-FM Associate a MA to a VLAN ...................................................................................................227 Delete a remote MEP from the RMep table ............................................................................232 Disable a remote MEP of the RMep table ...............................................................................232 Enable a remote MEP of the RMep table ................................................................................231 Enable/disable the CCM messages for a MEP .........................................................................229 Insert a remote MEP in the RMep table .................................................................................231 Remove a MA/MEP from a VLAN ..........................................................................................229 Send one or more Loop Back messages (LBM) to a remote MEP/MIP ........................................233 Trace the path, through the LTM messages, local MEP and a remote MEP of the same VLAN ........234 Verify the status of the VLANs in relation to the OAM-FM Ethernet functionality ..........................225 Verify the table of the remote MEPs (RMep table) ..................................................................229 Open the ALCplus2 Equipment window ....................................................................................... 29
P Performance Monitoring
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
Activate a PM measure .......................................................................................................119 Activate the measure .......................................................................................................... 36 Deactivate the measure ...................................................................................................... 36 Dectivate a PM measure .....................................................................................................122 List the measures ............................................................................................................... 36 Reset the threshold exceeding alarmsì ..................................................................................134 Reset the values of the control parameters ...........................................................................137 Verify the status of the PM measures and of the relevant threshold exceeding alarms .................112 Verify/modify the alarm intervention thresholds .....................................................................126 PRBS Activate/reset the measure .................................................................................................. 97 Deactivate the measure ...................................................................................................... 97 Signal used for the measure (enmable/disable) ...................................................................... 97 Verify the status of the measure ........................................................................................... 95 Verify/modify the pattern used for the measure ...................................................................... 98 Preferential radio branch (force the use before the expiry of WTR) ................................................. 45 Preferential radio branch (verify/modify the management in trasmission) ....................................... 46 Primary service stream (verify) ................................................................................................. 54 Priority of the dynamic E1 streams (verify/modify) ...................................................................... 84
R Radio configuration (verify/modify) ............................................................................................ 71 Radio direction (verify/modify the label) ..................................................................................... 70 Radio transport summary table (display) .................................................................................... 86 Received power (verify/modify the resolution) ............................................................................. 80 Reset the equipment software ................................................................................................... 35 Restore the switch to the primary STM-1 without waiting for the expiry of Wtr time ......................... 55 RF Loop for ODU ASN (execute) ................................................................................................ 49 RIM (verify the alarm status) ...................................................................................................256 RT Attenuation for ATPC function (verify/modify the maximum value) ...........................................261 RT unit Display the block diagram of the equipment ..........................................................................257 RF channel of the equipment (verify/modify) .........................................................................257 Verify the configuration parameters of the radio units ............................................................262 Verify/modify the intervention thresholds (High/Low) of the ATPC device ..................................261 Verify/modify the modulation status of the RF carrier .............................................................259 Verify/modify the operating status of ATPC ...........................................................................260 Verify/modify the operation of the power supply ....................................................................259 Verify/modify the operation of the transmitter .......................................................................258 Verify/modify the output power at the transmitter .................................................................260
S Spanning Tree Ethernet ports (verify the status) .........................................................................................246 Forward Delay interval (verify/modify) .................................................................................248 MAC Address of a bridge (verify) .........................................................................................249 Maximum lifetime of the BPDU packets (verify/modify) ...........................................................248 Priority of a bridge (verify/modify) .......................................................................................249 Transmission interval of BPDU packets (verify/modify) ...........................................................247 Version (verify/modify) ......................................................................................................247 STM-1 Enable manually the transmission of the laser .......................................................................165 Execute the manual restart of the laser interface ...................................................................167 Execute the test on the operating status of the laser ..............................................................166 Verify the current status of the laser ....................................................................................163 Verify the transmission modality of the laser interface ............................................................165 Verify the type of interface .................................................................................................160 Verify the type of laser module ............................................................................................164 Verify/modify the control status of the J0 Trace Identifier byte ................................................160
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
Verify/modify Verify/modify Verify/modify Verify/modify Verify/modify Verify/modify Verify/modify
the the the the the the the
current status of the laser (line side) ...........................................................163 enabling status of the laser ........................................................................164 enabling status of the loop (internal side) ....................................................162 enabling status of the loop (line side) ..........................................................161 intervention threshold of the B2 Signal Degraded alarm ......................... 162, 163 sequence of characters transmitted and/or received as J0 Trace Identifier ........161 status of the stream .................................................................................158
STM-1 streams (verify/modify the management) ......................................................................... 72 Switch in reception (verify/modify the management) ................................................................... 45 Switch in transmission (verify/modify the enabling status) ............................................................ 80 Switch in transmission (verify/modify the management) ............................................................... 45 Switch STM-1 Matrix Protection mode (verify/modify) ........................................................................................... 54 STM-1 stream (verify/modify the direction) ............................................................................ 55 STM-1 switch (verify the status) ........................................................................................... 56 Wait Time period (verify/modify) .......................................................................................... 55 Switch the operation of the memory banks of the main controller .................................................. 37 Synchronisation Alarms of T0 synchronism (verify the status) ........................................................................148 Manage the output of synchronism of tributary A and/or B ......................................................148 Priority of use of a synchronism source in input (verify/modify) ...............................................144 Re-time the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation ......................149 Source used as synchronism source in input for STM-1/NODAL A (T0) or STM-1/NODAL B (T0) (set the type) ...............................................................................................................................146 Sources in input (verify the status) ......................................................................................141 Synchronism source in input (force the use) ..........................................................................144 Synchronism source in input (set as preferential) ...................................................................145 T0 synchronization (force the status) ...................................................................................147 Use of a synchronism source in input (enable/disable) ............................................................143 Synchronism Alarms of a synchronism source in input (verify the status) .....................................................147 Synchroniszation E1 tributary used as synchronism source T2/T3 2 (select) .......................................................146 Synchronization Tributary A used as synchronism source in input for T2/T3 1 verify the type of interface) ............145
T T and N parameters (verify/modify) ........................................................................................... 81 Transfer the configuration of the considered equipment to one or more real NEs .............................. 36 Transfer the configuration of the equipment under examination to one or more virtual NEs ............... 36 Transmitted power (verify/modify the resolution) ........................................................................ 80 Tributary used for the PM measures (verify/modify) ..................................................................... 92
U Update the equipment software/firmware ................................................................................... 37 User Input Define the severity level of a local/remote user input .............................................................101 Enable/disable the (local/remote) UI alarm or the forwarding of the trap to the supervisory system ... 101 Verify the active condition of the local user input ...................................................................101 Verify the status of the local/remote user inputs ..................................................................... 99 Verify/modify the name of the local/remote user inputs ..........................................................100 User Output Associate an alarm signal or an user input ............................................................................105 Enable the forced activation of the relays contacts from operator .............................................107 Force the activation of the relay contacts ..............................................................................107 Remove the forced activation of the relay contacts .................................................................108 Verify the status ................................................................................................................103 Verify/modify the name ......................................................................................................104 Verify/modify the operating mode of the relay contacts ..........................................................105
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
V VC-12 Verify/modify Verify/modify Verify/modify Verify/modify Verify/modify
the the the the the
enabling status of the byte J2 Trace Identifier ..............................................171 intervention threshold of the VC12 Excessive BER alarm ................................173 intervention threshold of the VC12 Signal Degraded alarm .............................172 sequence of characters transmitted and/or received as J2 Trace Identifier ........171 sequence of characters transmitted and/or received as Signal Label ................172
VC-4 Verify/modify Verify/modify Verify/modify Verify/modify Verify/modify Verify/modify
the the the the the the
configuration of TUG-3’s ............................................................................168 enabling status of the byte J1 Trace Identifier ..............................................167 intervention threshold of the B3 Excessive BER threshold ...............................169 intervention threshold of the B3 Signal Degraded alarm .................................169 sequence of characters transmitted and/or received as J1 Trace Identifier ........168 sequence of characters transmitted and/or received as Signal Label ................170
Verify the reachability of the equipment ..................................................................................... 36 Version of the equipment software/firmware (verify) .................................................................... 37 VLAN Create a virtual Lan ...........................................................................................................218 Delete a virtual Lan ...........................................................................................................220 Filter the list of VLANs ........................................................................................................220 Modify a virtual Lan ...........................................................................................................220 Verify the list of the virtual LAN’s .........................................................................................216
W WTR for the radio switch (verify/modify) .................................................................................... 44
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
Priority Weight ....................................178 QinQ ETH Type ....................................178
ACM Engine .............................................. 87
Extra TDM Capacity .............................. 91, 92
Active Modulation ...................................... 87 Alarm Threshold ........................................ 81
ATPC Threshold on local Prx - High .............261 ATPC Threshold on local Prx - Low ..............261
Global Capacity ......................................... 87
Automatic Shutdown .................................165
B B2 Excessive BER .....................................163 B2 Signal Degraded Threshold ...................162 B3 Excessive BER .....................................169 B3 Signal Degraded Threshold ...................169 Bandwidth and Modulation .......................... 89
C Carrier Only .............................................259 Channel Number ......................................258 Check Period ............................................ 81
Internal Port Default Vid .........................................209 Enable ...............................................212 Frame Egress Mode .............................208 Ingress Filtering Check .........................208 Path Cost ...........................................213 Port Based Vlan ...................................207 Priority ...............................................210 Role ...................................................211 Status ........................................ 206, 212 Type ..................................................213 Version ..............................................212 Internal port Default Priority ....................................210 Force Default Vid .................................210 Priority ...............................................213
Duplex Status ..........................................183
J0 Trace Identifier Expected .......................161 J0 Trace Identifier Received .......................161
J0 Trace Identifier Sent .............................161 J0 Trace Identifier Type .............................160
E1 Disable Mode ......................................253 E1 Synch Enable .................................255 enable ...............................................253 Internal Loop ......................................254 Label .................................................254 Line Loop ...........................................254
J1 Trace Identifier Expected .......................168 J1 Trace Identifier Received .......................168 J1 Trace Identifier Sent .............................168 J1 Trace Identifier Type .............................168 J2 Path Trace Received .............................171
E1 Framer ................................................ 92
J2 Trace Identifier Status ..........................171
Eq RadioA Mode ........................................ 71
J2 Trace Identifier Trace Expected ..............171
Ethernet Capacity ...................................... 87
J2 Trace Identifier Trace Sent ....................171
Ethernet Line Protection LAN- ..................................................250 Role ..................................................250 Status ................................................250
Ethernet switch 802.1 Priority Management ...................179 LLF Wait Time .....................................178 MAC Addr. Aging Time .........................177 Max Packet Size ..................................177
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
LAN Automatic Shutdown ............................200 Cable crossover ...................................187 Default Priority ....................................192 Default Vid .........................................190
Flow Ctrl (Full D.)/Back Press. (Half D.) ..184 Force VLan Def.Tag .............................191 Frame Egress Mode .............................190 Ingress Filtering Check .........................189 Interface Type ....................................183 Laser Status .......................................199 Line Loop ...........................................198 LLF ....................................................188 M/S Auto Negotioation .........................186 Master/Slave ......................................187 Module Type .......................................198 Path Cost ...........................................195 Port Based Vlan ...................................188 Priority ....................................... 191, 194 Rate Control .......................................184 Role ..................................................193 Speed Duplex .....................................185 Status ........................................ 194, 196 STP/ELP .............................................193 Transmitter Control .............................199 Type ..................................................195 Version ..............................................194 Lan Statistics Broadcast Frames Received ..................244 Bytes Sent .........................................245 Collisions ............................................244 CRC Align Errors ..................................244 Dropped Frames ..................................244 Fragments ..........................................244 Frames Octects (Sent+Received) 1024 to max pck size .............................................245 Frames Octects (Sent+Received) 128-255 ... 244 Frames Octects (Sent+Received) 1-64 ...244 Frames Octects (Sent+Received) 256-511 ... 244 Frames Octects (Sent+Received) 512-1023 . 245 Frames Octects (Sent+Received) 65-127 244 Frames Sent .......................................245 In Pause Frames .................................245 Jabbers ..............................................244 Late Collisions .....................................245 Multicast Frames Received ....................244 Out Broadcast Frames ..........................245 Out Multicast Frames ...........................245 Out Pause Frame .................................245 Out Unicast Frames .............................245 Oversize Frames .................................244 Total Bytes Received ............................244 Total Frames Received .........................244 Undersize Frames ................................244 Valid Bytes Received ............................245 Valid Frames Received .........................245 Laser Control ...........................................164
Max TDM Cap ........................................... 91 MSP Protection .......................................... 54
N Nodal Switch Forced Switch ...................................... 52 Node Id ................................................... 75 Node Type ................................................ 72 Number of Ethernet elements ..................... 74 Number of TDM elements ........................... 75
O OAM-FM ..................................................235 Continuity Check Message - CCM ...........240 Link Trace Message - LTM .....................242 Loop Back Message - LBM .....................241 Maintenance Association - MA ...............237 Maintenance End Point - MEP ................237 Maintenance Intermediate Point - MIP ....238 Remote MEP (RMep) ............................238 RMep table .........................................239
P Partner Id ....................................... 197, 214 Permanent TDM Capacity ............................ 90 Permanent TDM Traffic ............................... 91 Port Role .................................................183 PRBS E1 Signal ............................................. 97 P.R.B.S. Start ...................................... 95 Test Pattern ......................................... 98 Preferential WTR ....................................... 44 Profile ...................................................... 91 Prx Measurement Resolution ....................... 80
R Radio Branch Label .................................... 70 Rt PSU ....................................................259 Rx Forced Switch ....................................... 45 Rx Pck Cnt ...................................... 197, 214 Rx Signal Level Alarm Thresh ...................... 79
Laser Module Type ...................................164 Laser Status ............................................163 Link ID .................................................... 86
Loop ........................................................ 47
Signal Label Expected ...............................170
Lower Modulation ................................. 89, 91
Signal Label Received ...............................170 Signal Label Sent .....................................170
Signal Label Trace Expected .......................172
Max PTx Value .........................................260
Signal Label Trace Sent .............................172
Signal Label Trace Received .......................172 Spanning Tree
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
Force Version ......................................247 Forward Delay ....................................248 Hello Time ..........................................248 LAN- ..................................................246 MAC Address ......................................249 Max Age .............................................248 PORT A ..............................................246 Priority ...............................................249 Role ..................................................246 Status ................................................247 Version ..............................................247 Speed Status ...........................................183 Status ....................................... 80, 197, 214 STM-1 Enable/Disable ....................................158 SDH Physical Interface Type .................160 STM1 Internal Loop ..................................162 STM1 Line Loop ........................................161 STM-1 Mode ............................................. 72 STP Mode ................................................. 76 Switch STM-1 Matrix Protection Mode ................................... Status ................................................. Stm1 Direction ..................................... Wtr Time (min.) ...................................
54 56 55 55
Synchronisation Forced Switch .....................................144 Internal Source ...................................142 Manual Switch (Preferential) .................145 Priority ...............................................144 RADIO (T0) ........................................142 Source ...............................................147 STM-1/NODAL A (T0) ...........................142 STM-1/NODAL B (T0) ...........................142 T0 Status Control ................................147 T2/T3 1 ..............................................142 T2/T3 2 ..............................................142 TE LAN-3 ............................................142 TE LAN-4 ............................................142 Trib. A ...............................................148 Trib. B ...............................................148 Type ..................................................146 Unit ...................................................146
Tx Pwr Constant Peak Mode ........................ 88 Tx Transmitter .........................................258
U Unit ........................................................146 Upper Modulation ................................. 89, 91 User Input Active State ........................................101 Label .................................................100 Severity Code .....................................101 User Output Active State ........................................105 Forced Operator Status ........................107 Internal Status ....................................105 Label .................................................105
V VC12 Excessive BER .................................173 VC12 Signal Degraded Threshold ................172 VLan Def. VID .............................................217 Default VLan ID ...................................218 Label .................................................217 Lan1 ..................................................217 Lan2 ..................................................218 Lan3 ..................................................218 Lan4 ..................................................218 Match Label ........................................221 Match VID ..........................................221 Match VLAN Table ................................221 PortA .................................................218 VLan ID .............................................217
W Wait To Restore Clear ................................ 52
Synchronisation Enable .............................. 72
T TDM Bus Protection ................................... 76 TDM Capacity - High Priority ....................... 87 TDM Capacity - Low Priority ........................ 87 Trunking Partner Id .................................. Rx Pck Cnt .................................. Status ........................................ Tx Pck Cnt ..................................
197, 197, 197, 197,
214 214 214 214
Tx Forced Switch ....................................... 45 Tx Pck Cnt ....................................... 197, 214 Tx Power .................................................. 87 Tx Power Control ......................................260 Tx Power Status ........................................ 88 Tx Preferential .......................................... 46
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
For more information, refer to the section relevant to the technical support on the Internet site of the company manufacturing the product.
ALCplus2 IDU Manager - MN.00223.E - 004
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