An important portion of this course is the recognition of organic chemistry functional groups. These are parts of a mole...
ALCOHOLS & PHENOLS An important portion of this corse is the reco!nition of or!anic chemistry fnctional !rops" #hese are parts of a molecle$ %ith %ith a specific strctre strctre that fnctions in a certain %ay" Not only are yo to learn to reco!nie the fnctional !rops (a listin! can 'e fond in yor tet'oo or on the 'ac co*er of this la'oratory manal)$ 't yo are also to learn the physical and chemical properties of each of the fnctional !rops stdied in the corse" #his la'oratory eercise %ill introdce yo to t%o of these fnctional !rops$ alcohols and phenols$ as %ell as some of their physical and chemical properties" Alcohols
Altho!h yo may 'e familiar %ith +alcohol, as a 'e*era!e$ the %ord actally represents an entire entire classificat classification ion of or!anic molecles molecles and not st st one s'stance" s'stance" Alcohols Alcohols contain contain the fnctional !rop attached to a satrated car'on" Notice that %e did not call call this −OH (hydroyl) fnctional the hydroide ion$ 'ecase this !rop does not act act as an ionic s'stance" Alcohols are classified into three cate!ories. primary (/0)$ secondary (20) and tertiary (10)" #his classi classific ficati ation on is 'ased 'ased on the nm'er nm'er of car'oncar'on-cont contain ainin! in! !rops !rops ( − for an alyl or an aromatic !rop) attached to the car'on 'earin! the hydroyl !rop" 3f the car'on 'earin! the −OH has one − !rop$ the molecle is a primary alcohol" 3f t%o − !rops are attached$ it is a secondary alcohol" 3f three − !rops are attached$ the alcohol is tertiary" CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3
ethanol (primary)
2-propanol (secondary)
2-methyl-2-propanol (tertiary)
3" Physi Physica call Prope Propert rtie iess of Alcoh Alcohol olss R
#he hydroyl hydroyl !rop present present in all alcohol alcoholss is a polar polar fncti fnctional onal !rop" !rop" #he polari polarity ty of this !rop !rop allo%s allo%s alcohols alcohols to form hydro!en hydro!en 'onds" Small Small chain alcohols alcohols are a'le to mi %ith %ater 'ecase of the hydro!en 'ondin! interactions that %ill occr 'et%een the hydroyl fnctional !rop and the %ater" 3f the -!rop of the alcohol 'ecomes too lar!e ho%e*er$ the sol'ility of the alcohol %ill decrease"
. Hydrogen bonding . . O H
/" Place Place /5 drops of each each alcoho alcoholl (ethan (ethanol$ ol$ /-'tanol /-'tanol$$ 2-'ta 2-'tanol nol$$ 2-meth 2-methyl yl-2-p -2-prop ropanol anol and /-octanol) into its o%n test t'e" Add /-2 ml ml of %ater to each t'e" ecord yor o'ser*ations on the data sheet" 2" Place another another /5 drops drops of each of the a'o*e a'o*e alcohols alcohols into its o%n o%n test test t'e" t'e" Add /-2 /-2 ml of dichloromethane" dichloromethane" ecord yor o'ser*ations on the data sheet" sheet"
33" Chemica Chemicall Propert Properties ies of Alcoho Alcohols ls #he classification of an alcohol as primary$ secondary or tertiary (see a'o*e) affects the chemical properties of the alcohols" #his difference in chemical properties can 'e sed as a means of identi identific ficati ation" on" #he Lcas test test and the chromic chromic acid test are t%o common common methods methods sed sed to distin!ish amon! primary$ secondary and tertiary alcohols" A" Lca Lcass #es #est. t. #he Lcas rea!ent contains inc chloride and hydrochloric acid" =hen the Lcas rea!ent is allo%ed to react %ith an alcohol$ an alyl halide is formed" #his alyl halide %ill not 'e sol'le in %ater$ ths clodiness or a second layer of droplets %ill form if the test is positi*e" =ith this rea!ent$ tertiary alcohols react immediately$ secondary alcohols in 1 to /5 mintes$ and primary alcohols may tae an hor or lon!er$ or may ne*er react"
-Cl (insol'le)
1" Place 2 mL mL of the Lcas Lcas rea!ent rea!ent in a test test t'e" t'e" Add B drops drops of ethanol ethanol"" Shae the the t'e to mi the materials and note the time reired for the mitre to 'ecome clody or to separate into t%o layers" ecord yor o'ser*ations" epeat this procedre for / 'tanol$ 2-'tanol$ and 2-methyl-2-propanol"
66CA 66CA7# 7#3O 3ON6 N666
Hydr Hydroch ochlo lori ricc acid acid is *ery *ery corr corros osi* i*e" e" Any Any spil spilll shol shold d 'e imme immedi diat atel ely y flshed %ith %ater" =ear safety !lasses in the la'oratory at all times"
;" Chro Chromi micc Acid Acid #est #est.. Chromic acid (acidified dichromate$ an oidiin! a!ent) can also 'e sed to distin!ish 'et%een types of alcohols 'y oidiin! the alcohol" Primary alcohols are oidied to car'oylic acidsD secondary alcohols are oidied to etonesD and tertiary alcohols are not oidied" oidied" 8rin! 8rin! the oidation$ the oran!e-red oran!e-red color of the chromic acid chan!es to a 'le!reen soltion" O
B" Place Place /5 drops drops of aceto acetone ne in a test test t'e t'e"" Add F drop dropss of ethano ethanoll and 2 drop dropss of chromic chromic acid to the t'e" Note and record the color of the soltion soltion on the data sheet" epeat this procedre for /-'tanol$ 2-'tanol$ and 2-methyl-2-propanol"
66CA 66CA7# 7#3O 3ON6 N666
Chro Chromi micc aci acid d is is *er *ery y cor corro rosi si*e *e"" Any Any spil spilll sho shol ld d 'e 'e imm immed edia iate tely ly flshed %ith %ater" =ear safety !lasses in the la'oratory at all times"
Phenols are closely related to alcohols 'ecase of the presence of the hydroyl (−OH) !rop" 3n phenols$ ho%e*er$ the hydroyl !rop is directly 'onded to an aromatic !rop$ sch as 'enene" Phenol componds often ha*e crios 't sefl properties" Some are fond in preser*ati*es or medications. medications. #he chemistry of phenols is different than that of alcohols" Concentrated soltions of the compond phenol are ite toic and can case se*ere 'rns" In this experiment, we are using an aqueous solution of phenol.
66CA 66CA7# 7#3O 3ON6 N666
Pheno Phenoll is toi toicc and and %ill %ill cas casee 'rns 'rns to sin sin"" E*en E*en tho! tho!h h %e are are sin sin! ! an aeos soltion of phenol$ any contact shold 'e thoro!hly %ashed %ith lar!e antities of %ater" =ear safety !lasses at all times in in the la'oratory" eport all accidents to the instrctor" instrctor"
333" Physical Physical Properties Properties of Phenols Procedure:
F" Place Place /5 drops drops of phenol phenol solti soltion on into into a test t'e" t'e" Add /-2 /-2 ml of dichlo dichlorom rometh ethane ane"" ecord the o'ser*ations for sol'ility on the data sheet"
3?" Chemical Chemical Properties Properties of Phenols Phenols Phenols Phenols react differentl differently y than alcohols" #his is %hy they are !i*en their o%n fnctional fnctional !rop and are not technically technically Galcohols", Galcohols", =e %ill see this this difference difference in the chromic acid acid test and the ferric chloride test" A" Chro Chromi micc Acid Acid #est #est Phenols can 'e oidied %ith chromic acid$ 't they !i*e different types of prodcts than those formed from alcohols" #he chromic acid test is descri'ed a'o*e$ and the same reslts are epected for a positi*e test (a 'le-!reen soltion is formed)" Procedure:
" Place /5 drops of acetone in a test t'e" Add F drops of phenol and 2 drops of chromic acid to the t'e" Note and record the color of the soltion on the data sheet"
Note Note..
3n the the inte intere rest st of time time$$ this this pheno phenoll eper eperim imen entt can can 'e carr carrie ied d ot at the the same same time as the alcohol eperiments" eperiments" Conslt instrctor if there is a pro'lem"
66CA 66CA7# 7#3O 3ON6 N666
Chro Chromi micc aci acid d is is *er *ery y cor corro rosi si*e *e"" Any Any spil spilll sho shol ld d 'e 'e imm immed edia iate tely ly flshed %ith %ater" =ear safety !lasses in the la'oratory at all times"
;" :err :erric ic Chlo Chlori ride de test test Addition of aeos ferric ferric chloride to a phenol creates a colored soltion" 8ependin! pon the strctre of the phenol$ the color can *ary from !reen to prple" Procedure:
I" Place 25 25 drops drops of the ferric ferric chloride chloride soltion soltion into a test t'e" Add F drops of phenol phenol soltion" Note and record any o'ser*ations on the data sheet" 3t is clear that some some of the procedres procedres %ill reire reire some time time to o'ser*e o'ser*e the reslts" reslts" #he %ell prepared stdent$ %ho has read the la'oratory eercise in ad*ance$ may realie that the phenol tests tests can 'e carried ot at the same same time some of the other other tests are are 'ein! done" #hese items items need not 'e tested seentially" seentially" As the instrctor if if yo need help"
O'tain an nno%n sample %hich is one of the follo%in!. /-'tanol$ 2-'tanol$ 2-methyl-2 propanol or aeos phenol" 7sin! the information and no%led!e !ained drin! this la'oratory$ and 'y tiliin! yor critical thinin! sills$ determine the identity of this nno%n" >o can assme that if a test %as not performed on a s'stance$ the s'stance did not react %ith the rea!ent" >or report mst inclde completion of the second data sheet %hich otlines the procedre for dete determ rmin inin in! ! the the nn nno% o%n" n" >o shold shold mae mae a hypot hypothe hesi siss and and then then desi! desi!n n or sele select ct an eperiment eperiment %hich %ill %ill spport or in*alidate in*alidate yor hypothesis" hypothesis" #o *erify the conclsion conclsion of yor nno%n nno%n$$ yo mst mst ha*e ha*e at least least three three eperi eperimen ments ts desi!n desi!ned ed to chec chec andJor andJor *erify *erify yor yor hypotheses" Please 'e 'rief 't clear and complete %ith yor hypotheses$ planned in*esti!ations$ in*esti!ations$ and conclsion" :or the conclsion$ se se complete sentences$ proper !rammar$ etc" etc"
Ans%er the follo%in! estions. /" 9y 7nno%n (KKKKKK) %as. (circle all that apply) /-;7#ANOL
2-;7#ANOL 2-;7#ANOL
2" Salicy Salicylic lic acid$ acid$ sho%n sho%n 'elo%$ 'elo%$ cold cold 'e ('t$ ('t$ it %asnMt) %asnMt) sed sed as an nno%n nno%n"" 8escri 8escri'e 'e %hat %hat yo %old %old seeJle seeJlearn arn as yo Ganalyed, Ganalyed, this s'stanc s'stancee if it %ere %ere yor yor nno%n nno%n in the follo%in!.
Sol'ility in %ater.
:eCl1 #est.
OH salicylic acid 1" =hat reslts reslts %old %old yo epect epect from from the reaction reaction of /-propano /-propanoll %ith each each of the follo%i follo%in! n! Lcas rea!ent.
Chromic acid rea!ent.
B" Alcohols Alcohols are more sol'le sol'le in in %ater %ater than than hydrocar hydrocar'ons 'ons are are in in %ater" %ater" =hy
F" =hy does the the rle for for sol'ilit sol'ility y for alcohols alcohols depend depend pon their their moleclar moleclar sie sie
" 9ost 9ost peop people le find find$$ in this this epe eperi rime ment nt$$ that that the the res reslt lt for for the the sol sol'i 'ili lity ty of phen phenol ol in dichloromet dichloromethane hane is that it is insol'le" insol'le" #his does not seem to mae sense sense to s$ as 'oth are or!anic or!anic and it shold 'e sol'le" sol'le" (e*ie% (e*ie% yor reslts reslts for alcohols in dichloromet dichloromethane") hane") Eplain %hy it appears to 'e insol'le"
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