ALCOHOLS, PHENOLS and ETHERS Methods of preparation preparation of ALCOHOLS From alkenes Acid catalsed hdration Reagents H2O/H+ Remarks Rearrangement Markonikof rule followed possible O!merc"ration#$emerc"ration Reagents i)Hg(OCOCH3)/H2Oii)NaH! Remarks No Rearrangement Markonikof rule followed possible Hdro%oration#O!idation Reagents i)H3ii)H 2O2/OH" Remarks No Rearrangement #ntiMarkonikof rule possible followed $rom redu%tion rea%tions & red"ction of aldehdes and ketones Reagents &d' NaH!'i#lH!' Ni Remarks #lde*des gi gi,e pr primar al al%o*ols an and ke ketones gi gi,e se se%ondar ar al%o*ols & red"ction of car%o!lic acids Reagents i#lH! Remarks i#lH! is e-pensi,e'alternati,el a%id is %on,erted into esters and redu%ed wit* %*eap &d/C From 'ri(nard rea(ents Reagents RMg. followed b H3O+ Remarks $ormalde*de gi,es 0al%o*ol #%etalde*de #%etalde*de gi,es 20al%o*ol ketone gi,es 30al%o*ol Methods of preparation of PHENOLS From Haloarenes Reagents C*loroben1ene an and N Na aOH * *e eated tto o *i *ig* te temp Remarks ows pro%ess From %en)ene s"lfonic acid Reagents en1ene sulfoni% a% a%id is fu fused wit* molten NaO NaOH H Remarks en1ene su sulfoni% a% a%id is is pr prepared fr from be ben1ene an and ol oleum From %en)ene dia)oni"m salt Reagents ben1ene dia1onium salt alt is warm armed wit* wate ater Remarks ben1ene di dia1oniu nium sal saltt is is pr prepare ared fr from an aniline an and NaN NaNO O2 and HCl at 0 0 C to 40C From C"mene*C"mene Hdropero!ide snthesis+
Reagents Remarks
Cumene+O2+$ree radi%al initiator+HCl Cumene is also %alled isopropl ben1ene w*i%* is made from ben1ene and isopropl %*loride and #lCl3#%etone is t*e bprodu%t
Methods of preparation of PHENOLS From dehdration of ethers Reagents 5*en al%o*ols are *eated wit* %on% H26O! at !37 de*dration between two mole%ules of al%o*ols takes pla%e and et*ers are formed Remarks #t abo,e !37 intramole%ular de*dration takes pla%e and et*ers are formed illiamson ether snthesis Reagents 6odium alko-ides are rea%ted wit* alkl *alides to gi,e et*ers Remarks 8t is better to keep alkl *alide primar8f tertiar *alide is used elimination to alkene take pla%e9inl *alides and arl *alides are unrea%ti,e Reactions of ALCOHOLS Acidic propertReagents 6odium metal Remarks #l%o*ols rea%t wit* Na to form sodium alko-ides&*enols %an be made sodium salt wit* NaOH:*e *ig*er a%idit of p*enols is be%ause of stabilit of p*eno-ide ion b resonan%e $ehdration Reagents Con% H26O!' H3&O!' an* ;nCl2'#lumina et% Remarks Rea%ti,it of di
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