Alcatel-Lucent 9955 RNP: Installation Guide V7.1.0

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Alcatel-Lucent 9955 RNP Installation Guide V7.1.0

3DF 01955 7181 RJZZA Ed. 01





Change Note

Short Title  9955 RNP Installation Guide   All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without written authorization from AlcatelLucent


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Contents Preface ................................................. ....................................................................... ........................ .. 6  1 

Introduction ................................................... ............................................................. .......... 8 

Requirements Requireme nts ................................................. ........................................................... .......... 9  2.1 

2.2  2.3 

2.4  2.5  2.6 



3.5  3.6  3.7  3.8  3.9  3.10  3.11  3.12  3.13  Ed. 01

2.1.2  Peripheral Peripher al Devices .............................. ..............................10 10  2.1.3  Protection Key for 9955 ........................ ........................10 10  Disk Space Space Requirements Requirements ................................... ...................................12 12  Software Requirements Requirements ..................................... .....................................14 14  2.3.1  Operating System ............................... ...............................14 14  2.3.2  Licensing Software .............................. ..............................15 15  2.3.3  Other Software ..................................15 ..................................15   Access-Rights Access-Righ ts Requirements................................ Requirements................................17 17  Network Requirements Requirements...................... ......................................17 ................17   Licenses .................................................. ....................................................... .....17 17  2.6.1  General 9955 Tool License License.....................17 .....................17  2.6.2  Alcatel-Lucent AFP License....................18   


2.6.3 2.6.4  2.6.5  2.6.6  2.6.7 

PRC-Gene PRC-Generator License.................... License .....19 19  RNP2OMC rator for LTE Licen......................... License se......................19 ......................19 WinProp (ProMan (ProMan and WallMan) WallMan) License .....19 ..... 19  Ordering and Updating the the 9955 License License .... ....20 20  Upgrading Modules .............................. ..............................21 21 

Detailed Knowledge Knowledge .............................................. ................................................... .....22 22  3.1  3.2 

3DF 01955 7181 RJZZA

Hardware Requirements Requirements ..................................... ..................................... 9  2.1.1  Workstatio Works tation n and Server Server .......... ............... ......... ......... ....... 9 

Directory Overview ..........................................23 ..........................................23  Files in the the Program Directory ............................. .............................24 24  3.2.1  Program Files ....................................24 ....................................24   3.2.2  Help Files.........................................24  3.2.3  Application Icon .................................24 .................................24   Addins Directory .............................................25 .............................................25   

Modules Directory....................................... Directory............................................ .....25 25  3.4.1 9955 RNP GSM GSM Modules and Add-ins ..........25   3.4.2  9955 RNP2OMC for LTE Module................ Module................26 26  3.4.3  The ProMan Urban Propagation Module......26  3.4.4  The WallMan Module Module....................... ............................ .....26 26  Project Templates ...........................................27 ...........................................27  Coordinate Systems.......................................... Systems..........................................27 27  PRC-Gen Directory ...........................................28 ...........................................28  AntennaSets Directory ......................................28 ......................................28   Addins Directory .............................................28 .............................................28  Documents Directory ........................................28 ........................................28  Registry Entries..................................... Entries............................................... ..........29 29  Calculation Server ...........................................30 ...........................................30  Dongle Driver .................................................30 .................................................30  3/60 



3.14  3.15  4 

Normal Installation of 9955 V7.1.0..................................32 V7.1.0..................................32  4.1  4.2 


Differences between 9955 V6.9.1 and 9955 V7.1.0 Differences V7.1.0 .....43 ..... 43  7.1.1  Format of ATL-Files.............................43  7.1.2  Format of 9955 RNP Databases................ Databases................43 43  7.1.3  Keeping two 9955 RNP Versions in Parallel..44  Migrating a Project ..........................................45 ..........................................45  7.2.1  Migrating Unconnected Unconnected ATL documents...... documents......45 45  From old ATLs ATLs to V7.1.0 ....................................45 ....................................45   7.2.2  Migrating ATLs that are connected to a Database 46 

Checklists...................... Checklists ................................................. .........................................47 ..............47   8.1  8.2  8.3  8.4 

File Types ................................................ ..................................................... .....41 41  Project Templates ...........................................42 ...........................................42 

Migration from from previous previous versions of of 9955 RNP ....................43  7.1 

Several Versions in Parallel................................. Parallel.................................37 37  Multi-Userr Installation.......................................38 Multi-Use Installation.......................................38   Patches and Updates ........................................38 ........................................38   Maintenance Maintenan ce and Un-installation ..........................39 

Configuration of 9955 RNP V7.1.0...................................41  6.1  6.2 

Installation Procedure....................................... Procedure.......................................32 32  Icons and Shortcuts ..........................................36 ..........................................36 

Special Installation of 9955 RNP.....................................37  5.1  5.2  5.3  5.4 

Icons and Shortcuts ..........................................31 ..........................................31  Software Development Development Kit..................... Kit .................................. .............31 31 

Install 9955 RNP RNP V7.1.0 for the the First Time ...............47  Install a Patch Patch or Update Update Modules Modules for 9955 RNP ........48 ........ 48  Migrating an an Unconnected Unconnected ATL from from 9955 RNP V6.9.1 . 49  Migrating a Connected Project Project from from 9955 RNP V6.9.1 . 50 

Troubleshooting........................................................51  9.1  9.2 

Messages.......................................................51  Support .......................................... ........................................................ ..............53 53 

Abbreviations.................... Abbreviations .............................................. .............................................55 ...................55  Glossary ................................................ .......................................................................57 .......................57  Index...........................................................................59 


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Change History Edition



Draft 01

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Change Note


First document creation for 9955 RNP V7.1.0





Preface Scope This document gives all necessary information to install and

configure the 9955 RNP V7.1.0 on a target PC. It gives enough background information to solve minor problems during the installation.

Readership Profile This document has been written for the users of 9955 RNP who

need to install this application on their PC. If you are new to 9955 RNP and have not yet received the appropriate training, please contact the 9955 RNP RadioTools Support (details in chapter 9.2) to get assistance.

Alcatel-Lucent's 9955 RNP tool 9955 Content Summary This document describes how Alcatel-Lucent's V7.1.0 (for GSM, UMTS, LTE) is installed and configured.

Reference Documents

[1] 9955 RNP V7.1 User Manual,

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[2] 9955 V7.1 Release Notes - Main Application, 3DF 01955 7180 TQZZA [3] Coordinate Systems and Geographical Projections in 9955 V7, 3DF 01955 7183 RKZZA   [4] 9955 RNP PRC-Generator V 3.10: Release Notes, 3DF 01955 7181 TQZZA   [5] 9955 RNP V7.1 Engineering Rules,

3DF 01955 7170 PGZZA  

Conventions Service None Information None Restrictions Installation of the 9955 RNP V7.1 is restricted to Windows Server

2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP and Windows 7. However it can be installed on Windows Vista, but it is definitely not recommended as it was not tested on this Operating System!


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Last Minute Changes Pre-conditions for For using the 9955 RNP V7.1.0 a computer fulfilling the hardware Use requirements (chapter 2.1) and a valid tool license are mandatory.

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1  Introduction Thank you for ordering the 9955 RNP and thank you for taking some time to read these instructions. This document will help you making your task easier. Let us first have a look at the contents of this paper: ■ 

■  ■  ■ 


■  ■  ■ 


Chapter 2 will guide you through the site preparation and lists the different requirements. All items in this chapter can be checked before the installation is started Chapter 3 gives more background information, which might be useful to understand the installation principles. Chapter 4 guides you through a typical installation of 9955 RNP. Chapter 5 tells you about special installations of 9955 RNP, such as having several installations in parallel or the clientserver (multi-user) installation as well as about the uninstallation. Chapter 6 deals with the configuration of 9955 RNP. Chapter 7 explains what you need to do if you already have a previous version of 9955 RNP on your computer. Chapter 8 contains some checklists for those who want to be sure not to miss a step. Chapter 9 lists the t he most common problems that may occur during the installation, but it also gives the solutions to these problems.

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2  Requirements This chapter summarizes the requirements in order to install and use the 9955 RNP V7.1.0. Please check whether you meet all requirements before trying to install the 9955 RNP. This chapter is divided into the following sections: ■ 

Hardware Requirements ■  Software Requirements Requirements

■  ■ 

Access Requirements Network Requirements


Hardware Requirements


Workstation and Server

Requirements The following table lists the recommended minimum hardware requirements for a workstation PC (for any configuration) and for a server PC (for standard and large multi-user configurations). configurations).

Table 1: Recommended hardware configuration for 9955 RNP V7.1.0  Workstation  Works tation


CPU RAM Graphics adapter

Dual-core or better 2 GB or more 1280 x 1024 pixels, True or High Colors

Screen Hard Disk

Optical drive

19 inch 19 inch (Optional) 20 GB for Operating System, plus at least 10 GB (depending on local geographic data and local path loss matrices, if any) for RNP data. (refer to Error! Reference source not found.) DVD writer

Interface for dongle


Network adapter


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4 GB or more




Initial The 9955 RNP has very low initial requirements, so it will run on Requirements nearly any PC, although with low speed. In order to achieve reasonable calculation times, it is recommended to go for the recommended configuration.


CPU is more important than RAM When doing calculations, the 9955 RNP uses the full performance of the CPU, but not all the available RAM. This can be verified with the Windows Task Manager. When trying to accelerate the calculations of the 9955 RNP, normally not more RAM is the solution, but a faster CPU.


Peripheral Devices The following devices are recommended, although not strictly mandatory: ►  ►  ► 


Ink or laser color printer, connected through LAN (RJ45) A0 plotter, connected through LAN (RJ45) DVD writer or other backup device for server

Protection Key for 9955

Dongle Required The 9955 RNP is licensed with a hardware protection key (HWPK, dongle). You definitely need such a key in order to run the 9955 RNP.

How to Get the Ask the 9955 RNP RadioTools Support how to get the dongle. The Dongle dongle will contain information about the licensed modules as well as for the license period (temporary or standard).

Dongle Options Dongles can be connected to the USB port of a computer. They can either act for as this individual dongle for this computer network dongle and other computers on the t he network.or as So there are two different dongle options:




individual dongle


network dongle

Specify the dongle type you need As these dongles are different, it is necessary to state exactly the required option when ordering the 9955 RNP V7.1.0.

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How Dongles Work The 9955 RNP uses this device as licensing key as it checks its

presence during the launch of the tool and in irregular intervals during the operation.

Conditions for USB dongles


In order to use a USB dongle, you need an USB port and an USB driver. Please check carefully before ordering a USB dongle.

Commercial Please note that there are commercial and technical conditions Conditions involved for network dongles. A network dongle will only be delivered for five or more licenses  of a customer. It is not allowed to use the network dongle if the license server and the license client are located in different countries.

Latency times on IP network


The network dongle requires an IP network with suitable response times. Latency can cause the license server not to work properly. More information about dongle handling can be found in chapter 3.13.

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Disk Space Requirements Refer to 9955 RNP V7.1 Engineering Rules [5] for more details on disk space calculation.

Do some Maths before!

The amount of disk space required for data obviously depends on the project, mostly on planning area, pixels size and number of cells. In networks with few cells, the planning area is driving the required amount of disk space, in networks with many cells, the number of cells is more important. Pixel size is a factor in any case.

Raster Files for The file size for raster maps (height, clutter, traffic density, Planning Area images) and network-wide prediction results does not depend on the number of cells, only on the size of the planning area in pixels. Please note the following:  ► 

Clutter maps take 1 or 2 bytes per pixel


Background images take 1 or 2 bytes per pixels

Traffic maps take 1 or 2 bytes per pixels ►  Height maps take 2 bytes per pixel ►  ► 

9955 predictions take 2 bytes per pixel

So if you go for one clutter map, one height map, one traffic map, one background image and seven prediction results, you must estimate 19 to 22 bytes per pixel.

Cell-specific The more cells there are in the network, the more important is to Results take into account the disk space required by the cell-specific

propagation predictions. Here again, cell area and pixel size is important. Cell-specific Cell-specific results take 2 bytes per pixel.

Database Tables The ATL file keeps the database tables as well as numerical results. empty ATL between file will 1 have less than 100 additionalAnsite will need KB and 2 KB more in KB. the Each ATLfile, which is negligible compared to the size of the propagation result in the order of 2 MB.

Example Question A network for a city has to be planned. The planning area is

30x30 km, the pixel size (map resolution, also used for prediction) is 20 m. How much disk space should be planned for 100 sites?

Example Answer The planning area has 1500 x1500 pixels (30000 m / 20 m),

resulting in 22.5 MPixels. Taking 22 bytes per pixel, you must estimate around 50 MB for maps and network-wide predictions. In a city, a calculation range of 10 km should be sufficient, resulting in cell areas of 20x20 km, meaning 1 MPixel or 2 MB per cell. 100 sites are about 300 cells, so you must add 600 MB for the cellspecific results. Database tables, numerical results, simulation


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results and the like can be neglected compared to this. You should make sure s ure that you y ou have at least le ast 700 MB free on your partition.

Maps can be on other partitions


Please note that network-wide prediction results are stored in the ATL-file and that cell-specific propagation results are stored either in the ATL-file or separately in the LOSSES-folder. These space-consuming files have to be on the same partition. Maps, however, can be linked from files that may be on different partitions, different drives or even different computers. So you may distribute your disk space requirements.

Rule of Thumb As a first guess, you may estimate the required disk space for a project by adding ► 

25 bytes per pixel of the planning area


2 MB per cell (equivalent to 6 MB per 3-sector site)

Certainly, you should do more precise calculation, in case you are just at the limit of your hard disk or if you have special requirements in terms of pixel size or calculation range.

Keep some space for alternatives


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Please don't forget to reserve some space for the calculation of alternative network designs. This will require disk space for the calculation results (cell-specific and network-wide), but not for the maps if they are linked instead of being embedded in the ATL-file.

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2.3  2.3.1 

Software Requirements Operating System

Supported OS The 9955 V7.1.0 runs on the following Microsoft operating systems:

Windows Server 2003  ►  Windows Server 2008 



Windows XP (32 / 64 bits - SP3 recommended)


Windows 7 (32 / 64 bits) 

A full OS installation is recommended in order to have all components (like Wingdings3 fonts) available. The 9955 setup will install the application under Windows Vista (32 /64 bits) too although it is not recommended to use it on this OS. The 9955 was not tested on Windows Vista, thus no support is guaranteed. In case of issues with 64 bits installation please firstly install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package for 64 bits (vcredist_x64, available in the 9955 RNP installation CD at the .\Misc\Utilities\vcredist\ folder or at Microsoft )

MDAC version If the MDAC version on your PC is lower than 2.7, you should

install a newer version (available in the 9955 RNP installation CD at the .\Misc\Utilities\MDAC\  folder or at Microsoft) in order to allow communications with databases.

Regional Settings

The regional settings should use Latin character fonts; other settings might work, but there can be no hotline support guaranteed for them. Most of the 9955 RNP modules need the Microsoft .NET framework

MS.NET (Version 2.0) installed. If not already installed on the system, framework MS.NET framework will be installed together with 9955 RNP application. In case of problems, you may also get it from Microsoft e.g. at:

or ask the RadioTools Ra dioTools Support (see chapter 9.2).


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Not supported OSs

The following Microsoft operating systems are not supported: ► 

Windows 95


Windows 98


Windows ME


Windows NT 4.0

The 9955 RNP setup will not install the application under these OSs.


Licensing Software The licensing software that drives the communication between 9955 RNP and the dongle depends on whether you use an individual dongle or a network dongle.

Individual Dongle For dongles on your workstation, the Sentinel software from

Rainbow Technologies Inc. is used. This software is installed during the installation of 9955 RNP and will be activated after a reboot of your PC. 

Network Dongle

For dongles on a license server in the network, the HASP Software from Aladdin is used. You can find it on the installation CD-ROM in the subdirectory .\Misc\Utilities\NetHASP; read the readme.txt  files provided with the HASP license manager and HASP driver for detailed information on how to install and configure the license server. Concerning license utilities for retrieving information in order to order a new or extended license for 9955 RNP or one of its modules, please refer to chapter 2.6.


Other Software

Recommended It is recommended to have the following software available in additional SW addition to the 9955 RNP: ► 

MS Excel  might be useful for import and export of tabular


MS Access  in order to modify the project templates, if


Acrobat Reader (is available in the Misc\AcrobatReader folder on the installation CD-ROM)  to display the electronic version

data. required. For PRC-Generator MS Access 2003 is required.

of the user documentation. 

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Image processing software  to cut out and post-process


E-Mail client  in order to get into contact with the 9955 support. 

screen shots. 



Requirements ► 

RDBMS if you want to install a multi-user environment. The

following relational database management systems are currently supported (via ODBC): ● 

MS Access (recommended)


MS SQL Server





Conflicting SW Any other additional SW installed on a 9955 RNP work station may occupy resources that affect the performance of 9955. This especially holds for services that are running on networked computers.

Such additional SW’s impact should in general not exceed 3% consumption of the CPU, RAM, and disk space resources of the planning PC in order not to harm the RNP process.

Be careful with For example the implementation of an SNMP agent  should be SNMP carefully evaluated. Corresponding installation as well as integration / inter-working tests with the 9955 RNP application are under the responsibility of the customer and not in the scope of the 9955 RNP support.


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Access-Rights Requirements

Administrator Administrator permissions are required for the installation of the dongl e driver and maybe may be Permissions 9955 RNP, in order to install the dongle calculation server. Also for the login after the necessary reboot you need administrator rights in order to complete the installation with libraries that were in use during the first

installation step. Your permissions on your PC are coupled to your account. Please contact your local IT support if in doubt. upg rades of 9955 99 55 RNP do not require Only First Time Later updates and upgrades

administrator permissions, unless a new dongle driver version has to be installed.


Network Requirements Stand-alone For a standalone installation of 9955, no network is required, Installation obviously. In a multi-user environment, all users must have read-write access to a common directory on the network.

Multi-User Installation Network Dongle If a network dongle is used, you need to have an IP connection to the machine which runs the license server . 


Licenses For using the 9955 RNP and its components, the licensing is mandatory. In general you will need a tool license for running the 9955 RNP (this license also includes the one for the “9955 RNP AFP” module) and additional optional licenses for the modules like ProMan, WallMan (the Urban Propagation Model), PRC-Generator and RNP2OMC for LTE.


General 9955 Tool License There are two possibilities to manage 9955 tool licenses:

Dongle License One is based on one fixed dongle (hardware protection key, HWK) per license, where you have to plug a dongle at each client you are working on (see chapter 2.1.3)

Floating License The other possibility is to use a floating license manager, where is plugged one dongle on a license server with a pool of licenses, a list of IP addresses (or a restricted IP address room) of clients that may use(HASP them,license and a special software managing the license assignment manager, see chapter 2.3.2). In the 3DF 01955 7181 RJZZA

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dongle plugged on the license server all the information about number of general licenses and the number of licenses for a certain module are saved. Anyway you need a license and you should ask the 9955 RNP RadioTools Support for that, specifying what kind of license you need and which kind of dongle you prefer. On the client side a plugged dongle is always taken into account first. If no dongle is found, 9955 makes either a broadcast on the LAN/WAN or directly accesses one specific server specified in a configuration file. Independent of the number of kind of license mechanism, only one license is consumed per client, even if more instances of 9955 are running there. Fixed licenses should be used if there is a small number of users (≤ 5) and in case of foreseen mobility of users (laptop outside the LAN). Floating licenses should be used if there is a big number of users (≥  5), if there is a high fluctuation on hired staff (no risk of dongle drain), and if there are more potential users than bought licenses. Please note that a total of five licenses are the minimum for floating licenses whilst there is no explicit upper limit.

Mixed Approach It is also possible to use a fixed/floating approach, where for

example 5 fixed licenses and 20 floating license are used in a project.

License Check In the Program Directory you will find a utility program Lic.exe. Status This program will give you details about the dongle on your PC

like: dongle number, dongle type, remaining time till new activation and the available modules. In the "Current Profile Summary" window you have the following information: the "M:"-Field will show the licensed modules code "[3b.0.0.0]", the T: field will show the next expiry date, and the "R:" field campaigns. will show the duration between two consecutive activation Using the Load button you may search for the ALIC license file you received for updating a license. Just double clicking on the *.alic file in Windows Explorer should do the update automatically.


Alcatel-Lucent AFP License Alcatel-Lucent’s Automatic Frequency Planning module for 9955

9955 AFP License RNP (9955 RNP AFP) is available since version 6.5. It supports all included Alcatel-Lucent cell-types, frequency groups and hopping networks. If you ordered 9955 RNP, the  9955 AFP license is automatically included in the general 9955 RNP license,  and there is no additional fee for licensing this module. 18/60 

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Modules Together with the 9955 RNP AFP module there also come some

add-ins co/adjacent channel evaluation, graphical frequency distribution visualization and power handling that are also included in the 9955 RNP AFP license.


PRC-Generator License The PRC Generator module is the data bridge between the 9955

PRC-Generator License

Radio Network Planning tool and the Alcatel-Lucent GSM OMC-R. Starting with version V3.6, PRC Generator requires a license in order to be used. The user must send a key generated by the tool, to the support team (see chapter 9.2), and based on that key a license is generated and resend back to the user. The key is hardware linked and cannot be reused among machines. The license is generated for a specific number of days. Using that license, the user can start and use the tool.


RNP2OMC for LTE License The RNP2OMC for LTE

module is designed by Alcatel-Lucent to exchange data configuration between 9955 Radio Network Planning tool and XMS.

RNP2OMC for LTE The RNP2OMC for LTE requires a license in order to be used. License The user must send a key generated by the tool, to the support team (see chapter 9.2), and based on that key a license is generated and resend back to the user. The license (xml file) has to be loaded into the tool to be activated. The key is hardware linked and cannot be reused among machines. The license is generated for a specific number of days. Using that license, the user can start and use the tool.


WinProp (ProMan and WallMan) License The WinProp module is needed if you intend to perform empirical or deterministic Macro-, Mini-, and Micro-cell predictions using a building database. It provides e.g. COST 231 Walfish-Ikegami, 2x2D ray-tracing, 3D ray-tracing and UDP algorithms.

WinProp License Here licensing is a bit different: you order the license at Alcatel-

Lucent (e.g. via the 9955 RNP RadioTools Support – see chapter 9.2) and you will get a license file dedicated to the network adapter (MAC address) of your planning computer - that means you cannot just transfer it from one PC to another – think about on which computer you are going to use it before applying for the WinProp license.

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After the installation, in the .\Modules\ProMan  folder there is a utility called LicenseCustomer.exe  which is needed for retrieving the information necessary for ordering a WinProp (ProMan and WallMan) License . For ordering and setting up the ProMan license, please apply the following procedure: 1.  Run LicenseCustomer.exe  (you can find this utility in the Program directory) and a binary file License.DAT. 

is created. 2.  Send the DAT-file to the 9955 RNP RadioTools Support. 3.  After receiving the ‘License.AWE’  license file store it on the

target computer. Although by default, ProMan expects this file to be located in the C:\ProMan  folder, you may use any directory of your choice, provided that you also set the WINPROP_LICENSE_FILE environment variable, as described in the following step.

4.  In ‘System Properties’ tab, set the System (for all users)

and/or User (for the current user only) variable WINPROP_LICENSE_FILE according to the path where the license file is located. By default, ProMan installation will

set this variable to C:\ProMan , which is the default location for the ‘License.AWE’ file, in order to ensure that it is not dependent of the Program Directory.


Ordering and Updating the 9955 License Ordering You need to order a tool license if you get 9955 RNP for the first

time; please contact the 9955 RNP RadioTools Support (see chapter 9.2).

Main License There are standard and temporary 9955 RNP licenses available,

but please note that even for a standard license there will be th


periodic expiry dates a year (typically 5 the   of update April and 5   of October), and youtwice will get automatically codes from the 9955 support some time in advance.

Module Licenses The license dates for 9955 RNP AFP module are automatically

harmonized with the core application license whilst the WinProp (ProMan and WallMan)  license might be independent from and currently needs an update every two years.


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Table 2: 9955 V7.1.0 Licenses Licenses overview V7.1.0 Module

License options Standard (regularly updated) Temporary (3, 6 or 12 months)

Main 9955 RNP application 9955 RNP AFP and Alcatel-



USB dongle





included in main 9955 license, and yearly update cycle harmonized

Lucent add-ins PRC Generator


WinProp (ProMan and WallMan)



Standard (updated regularly) Hardware Key license generated by linked the tool Standard (updated regularly) Hardware Key license generated by linked the tool Standard (updated regularly Linked to MACat 2 years) included in main address 9955 license





Upgrading Modules If you get an upgrade of a 9955 RNP V7.1.0 module only (any of the 9955 RNP modules) without a new 9955 RNP release, you have to: For WinProp (ProMan and WallMan): unregister the old DLLs, copy the new DLLs concerned to the 9955 RNP modules folder (see chapter), overwriting the old ones and register them. To register/unregister WinProp DLLs you have to open a Command Prompt, go to the WinProp folder (ProMan folder and WallMan folder) and run: WinpropUrbanIRT.dll 󰀭  to uninstall WinProp: regsvr32 /u WinpropUrbanIRT.dll 󰀭  to install WinProp:

regsvr32 /u WinpropUrban.dll WinpropUrban.dll regsvr32 WinpropUrbanIRT.dll WinpropUrbanIRT.dll regsvr32 WinpropUrban.dll WinpropUrban.dll

For AFP, RMS, PowerHandling, RNP2OMCforLTE modules you have to unregister the old DLLs files by running the uninstall_addins.bat file located in Modules folder. After this copy the new DLLs in the corresponding folder (AFP, RMS, PowerHandling, RNP2OMCforLTE) and register them by running the install_addin.bat install_addin.bat file located in Modules folder.

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Detailed Knowledge

3  Detailed Knowledge This chapter gives some additional, detailed information about the structure of 9955 RNP V7.1.0. The knowledge presented in this chapter is not required for the successful installation and configuration of 9955 RNP. However, if you want to understand the background, and if you would like to fix some problems yourself, the contents of this chapter may turn out to be extremely useful for you. The following items are handled in this chapter: ■ 

Directories and files ■  Registry entries ■  Dongle drivers ■  Coordinate Systems


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Directory Overview

Program Directory During the installation process, you will be asked only for one

installation directory, which is called the “Program Directory”. All other directories are either relative to the Program Directory or have fixed locations. In the following table, we present you an overview about the directories directories where files are installed.

Table 3: Directories Name

Location (relative to Program Directory)

Program Directory

Specified during installation .\Addins  .\Modules .\Templates .\CoordSys .\PRC-Gen .\AntennaSets .\Documents (OS registry) .\Sentinel

Addins Directory Modules Directory Project Templates Directory Coordinate System Directory PRC-Generator PRC-Gener ator Directory AntennaSets directory Documents Directory Registry Entries Dongle Driver Directory Di rectory Windows Directory Profile Directory Directory for the Application A pplication Programming Programm ing Interface

$Windows\System32  $Windows\Profiles  .\API 

Details in chapter 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.10 3.11 3.13 Error! Reference source not found. 

3.14 3.15 3.15

Project Directory The 9955 RNP does not require a specific location for its data.

You are free to create a new directory for your planning purposes and to have your own icons using this as the working directory in the shortcut properties at the “Start in” field.

This folder is used for getting the User Configuration file (default: “atoll.cfg”) and for writing the log file (if specified as an option “ log ” in the “target” field of the shortcut properties), see also chapter 4.2. The starting search path when opening or saving a document is taken from the history as the last accessed folder.

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Detailed Knowledge

3.2  3.2.1 

Files in the Program Directory Program Files File Types There are several executable files, dynamic linked libraries and application-specific files in the Program Directory. These are of the types EXE, OCX, MANIFEST, CHM, ATX, CNT, DLL, and GID. 


Help Files On-line help for 9955 RNP is provided by a few help files in the Program Directory. They are of type HLP, CNT and CHM and follow the usual Windows specifications. 


Application Icon The icon used for the application is held in a file 9955.ico in the Program Directory. 


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Addins Directory This folder, located in the Program Directory, contains two additional add-ins supplied with 9955 RNP: ►  ► 


The .\Addins\GoogleEarth  folder contains the Google Earth Addin and documentation. The  folder contains the Best Signal Level Addin.\Addins\SignalExport and documentation.

Modules Directory This folder, located in the Program Directory, contains additional Alcatel-Lucent Alcatel-Luc ent modules and add-ins supplied with 9955 RNP. R NP. They are grouped in several subfolders, according to the category they belong to, as follows:



The .\Modules\AFP folder contains the AFP module specifically for GSM projects.


The .\Modules\PowerHandling  folder contains PowerHandling module designed specifically for projects.


The .\Modules\RMS  folder contains the RMS module designed specificallyy for GSM projects. specificall




The .\Modules\ProMan  folder contains the files belonging to AWE’s ProMan propagation module.


The .\Modules\WallMan  folder contains the files belonging to AWE’s WallMan module.


The .\Modules\Procalis folder contains the Procalis module designed specifically for WCDMA projects.


The .\Modules\FreqDistAddin folder contains the Frequency Distribution Addin which displays a frequency histogram.


The .\Modules\PRC-Gen folder contains the PRC-Generator module designed for GSM projects.

the GSM

folder contains the .\Modules\RNP2OMCforLTE  RNP2OMCforLTE module designed specifically for LTE projects.

9955 RNP GSM Modules and Add-ins

Module DLLs The .\Modules\AFP  folder contains the AFP.dll and some supporting files, Alcatel-Lucent’s Automatic Frequency Planning Module. .\Modules\FreqDistAddin The folder FreqDistAddin.dll FreqDistAddin .dll and some supporting files. 3DF 01955 7181 RJZZA

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the 25/60 


Detailed Knowledge

The .\Modules\PowerHandling  folder contains the PowerHandlingAddin.dll and some supporting files, AlcatelLucent’s Power Handling Module. The .\Modules\RMS  folder contains the RMSAddin.dll and some supporting files, Alcatel-Lucent’s RMS module with three main functions: Dummy neighbors creation, Interference matrix management and Neighbor management


9955 RNP2OMC for LTE Module

Module DLLs The


folder contains RNP2OMC4LTEAddIn.dll, Alcatel-Lucent’s RNP2OMC for Module (and some supporting files).

the LTE

Usually, the user doesn’t need to touch these files. They are created during installation, modified by patches and (except some module DLLs) deleted by the un-installation routine.


The ProMan Urban Propagation Module The ProMan urban propagation module from AWE will be installed by the 9955 RNP setup in the .\Modules\ProMan folder. This folder contains the 9955 propagation plug-in. Normally, the files in this folder are managed by the 9955 RNP installer, so the user should not make any changes to them.


The WallMan Module The WallMan module from AWE will be installed by the 9955 RNP setup in the .\Modules\WalMan  folder. This folder contains the WallMan.exe utility used for building database preprocessing. Normally, the files in this folder are managed by the 9955 RNP installer, so the user should not make any changes to them.


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Project Templates When starting a new project with the menu option “File > New” in 9955 RNP, you will have to select one of several project types. Each of these options refers to one project template file that is stored in the subdirectory Templates of the Program Directory. The pre-installed templates are for “GSM GPRS EDGE”, “UMTS ALU”, “CDMA2000 1xRTT 1xEV-DO”, “Microwave Radio Links” and “LTE” planning projects. These files are of type MDB and contain, in MS Access format, the structure, the initial contents and the default values of 9955 RNP’s tables as well as their relations.  For an experienced Access user it is no problem to modify these templates or to create new ones based on the existing ones using Microsoft Access 2003 and 2007.

Database Structure


The 9955 RNP relies on a certain database structure with mandatory columns and primary keys. Do NOT modify the structure of the tables. You are safe to add new columns in a table, but do not modify existing columns.


Coordinate Systems Supported The 9955 RNP supports hundreds of different coordinate systems. Systems Information about these systems is held in ASCII files of type CS in the subdirectory CoordSystems,  which is located in the Program Directory. 

this directory contains information on one folder for Coordinate Each file in systems . It should not be necessary to modify the System Folders coordinate systems. contents of this directory.

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Detailed Knowledge

If you need a new coordinate system, which is not contained in the list of available systems, please contact the 9955 RNP RadioTools Support. There is also a related application note document available, too: the “Coordinate Systems and Geographical Projections in 9955 V7” [3]. This document can be found in the Documents\AppNotes  folder of the Program Directory or you may request it from 9955 RNP RadioTools Support.


PRC-Gen Directory If the “Copy PRC-Generator Setup” option is selected during installation (see chapter 4.1), the PRC-Generator setup executable executabl e is just copied to the PRC-Gen subfolder of the Program directory, but not installed. The PRC-Generator module available supports all BSS releases B9 MR1, B9 MR4, B9 MR7, B10 MR1, B10 MR2, B11 MR1 and B11 MR3.


AntennaSets Directory   The  AntennaSets folder of Program Directory includes sets of antenna patterns for Alcatel-Lucent default antennas grouped into sets for GSM 900, GSM 1800, UMTS, LTE, Multiband and WiMax.


Addins Directory   The  Adding folder of Program Directory includes the Google Earth and Best Signal Level Addins, with their user documentation.

3.10  Documents Directory

The Documents folder of Program Directory includes all documents documents related to 9955 RNP. These documents are in PDF format that can be viewed with the Acrobat Reader. ► 



General : This folder contains general 9955 RNP User

Documentation like User Manual (it’s a compilation of the online help), Technical Reference Guide, Installation Guide (the document you are currently reading) and Release Notes (describing bug fixes and known problems). PRC-Gen:

This folder with PRC-Generator module documentation is only there, if the option “PRC-Generator Setup” was selected for installation.

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AFP: This folder contains all the documents related with the

Frequency Planning module like: Application Note, Release Notes. Also it contains some information about FreqDistAddin. ► 

RMS: This folder contains all the documents related with the RMS module like: Application Note, Release Notes. 


PowerHandling: This folder contains all the documents

related with the Power Handling module like: Application Note, Release Notes.  ► 

RNP2OMCforLTE: This folder contains all the documents

related with the RNP2OMC for LTE module like: Application Note, Release Notes.  ► 

Procalis: This folder with Procalis module documentation is

only there, if the option “Procalis Setup” was selected for installation. It contains all the documents related with the Procalis module for CDMA like: Application Note, Release Notes, Technical Reference Guide.  ► 


ProMan and WallMan: This folder contains all the documents

related with the ProMan and WallMan module like: User Manual, Reference Manual, 9955 Building Database format. Antennas. This folder contains some helpful information on

Antenna types and patterns.

3.11  Registry Entries If installed correctly, the 9955 RNP will write new entries into the Windows registry. They are important for the correct functioning of the tool, so don’t modify or delete them. All registry keys that are created by the 9955 RNP will be deleted during the uninstallation.

Registry Branches Registry entries will be written into the following branches:

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HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Instal ler











Detailed Knowledge

If you should receive an update of an 9955 RNP module like ProMan, WallMan, AFP, RMS, PowerHandling, RNP2OMCforLTE or of an add-in (like FreqDistAddin), in addition to replacing the old DLL you also have to t o register them (see chapter 2.6.7).

3.12  Calculation Server The calculation server is a service running on your local machine and providing calculation resources for other 9955 RNP users for remote calculation of path-loss matrices.

Default settings If you should have the calculation server installed, it will may not work normally automatically run under a local user account and may not have sufficient access rights for reading Geo data or writing path-loss results to a shared network drive.

Therefore it is recommended to do some manual system editing for customization:

Edit the service Use the START menu of your Windows operation system to reach administration: properties the services administration: Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services > Services (local) > 9955 Calculation Server  > Right mouse properties In the log-on tab you enter the account data you are normally using when working and having access to the common network.

3.13  Dongle Driver Automatic The sentinel driver for the hardware protection key (dongle) is Installation automatically installed during the (typical) installation of 9955 RNP. You will need administrator permissions permissions for this. t his.

Manual If the dongle driver is not recognized anymore, a manual Installation installation could fix the problem. The driver exe file can be Automatic Upgrade

found in the 9955 RNP installation folder, folder, Sentinel folder. When you install newer versions of 9955 RNP, a new driver will only be installed when required, that is if a newer version of the driver is available.

Reboot After you install the dongle driver (first installation of 9955 RNP

or update of the driver) you need to reboot your PC before you start working with 9955 RNP. The installation procedure will give you the choice to reboot your PC immediately or to reboot it at a later time.

License Manager Please note that there is the possibility to handle the licensing by

a license manager with a network dongle. This has the advantage that your USB port is kept free. The disadvantage is that you will not be able to run 9955 RNP disconnected disconnect ed from the network. n etwork.


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Please contact the 9955 RNP RadioTools Support for more information.

3.14  Icons and Shortcuts In Profiles New 9955 RNP icons and shortcuts will be placed in the Desktop  Directory directory of the installing user’s home directory. It is recommended to move these links to the All Users directory and to supply start directories. See chapter 4.2 for details.

3.15  Software Development Kit Optional SDK The Software Development Kit is an optional module of 9955 RNP Module that enables the advanced user to program his own modules for 9955 RNP. No special permission is programming experience is recommended.



API Directory For every installation type files and subdirectories will be copied into a subdirectory called API, under the Program Directory. 

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Normal Installation of 9955 V7.1.0

4  Normal Installation of 9955 V7.1.0 4.1 

Installation Procedure Installation In most cases you will have an installation CD. In some cases, the Medium installation files may be on a network server. If you should have a zip archive containing the installation package, please extract it

to an just empty folder preservingthat the contains folder structure. In any case, open the while main directory the installation files.

Installation To launch the installation program, double-click on Program 9955Setup.exe. The Welcome to InstallShield Wizard window Installation appears. Components The installation consists of several components, which are partly mandatory, partly recommended and partly optional. The following list describes the available components: ► 

Program Files:  These files are mandatory for 9955 RNP and


ProMan: This module provides the Urban Propagation Model

will be always installed also if checking the dongle driver or calculation server option in the custom case.   ►  Modules: The modules developed by Alcatel-Lucent are always installed. Every module has its own folder as explained in chapter 3.4. The information related with the licenses for these modules can be found in chapter 2.6.


by AWE as a plug-in to 9955 RNP. It supports empirical (COST 231…), deterministic (ray-tracing), and hybrid predictions based on a building database for Macro-, Mini-, and Microcells. The corresponding DLL  files are copied to the Program directory. An extra license is required and has to be ordered at Alcatel-Lucent (see chapter 2.6.5).

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WallMan:   This module provides preprocessed databases as


User Documentation:  There are several PDF-files that hold


Development Kit:  This component will be located in a subdirectory called API. The installation is only recommended

inputs for the ProMan Module. An extra license is required and has to be ordered at Alcatel-Lucent (see chapter 2.6.5). the user documentation. documentation. These files are not necessary for the operation of 9955 RNP, but may be useful. They are installed in the typical installation, but not in the compact one.

if you want to program your own propagation models, which requires certain skills. You may safely decide not to install it. In case you really need it at a later time, it can be installed at any time.


Calculation Server: The calculation server provides a service

that can be used by other 9955 RNP users for remote calculation calculatio n of path-loss matrices. A manual adaptation of the service properties will probably be necessary for proper working (see chapter 3.12). ► 

Sentinel:  You will need the dongle driver software (see


Copy PRC-Generator Setup: If this option is selected during

chapter 3.13) if you install the 9955 RNP for the first time. installation (see chapter 3.7), the PRC-Generator setup executable is just copied to the PRC-Gen  subfolder of the Program directory, but not installed. In case of any issue, please contact the 9955 RNP RadioTools Support team (see chapter 9.2).


Antenna Sets: If the “Antenna sets” option is selected, there


Procalis Module:  If the Procalis Module is selected during a

will be sets of patterns for Alcatel-Lucent default antennas copied to the AntennaSets folder. There are sets for GSM 900, GSM 1800, UMTS, Multiband, Wimax and LTE. Custom





Studies) new propagation along prediction with the possibilitybrings to calibrate these models,models and perform studies.

.NET Installation For some of the 9955 RNP modules, the installation of Microsoft

.NET framework is needed. If version 2.0 of the .NET framework is not present on your system, the setup will ask you to confirm the installation, but you may also refuse it, if you have a previous version, or like to postpone the installation for a later time. If you agree, .NET installation may take some time to finish, or there may appear some error messages in case of conflicts with a previous installation. In the latter case, just confirm the error and continue with the rest of the 9955 RNP installation. You may

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Normal Installation of 9955 V7.1.0

ask the 9955 RNP RadioTools Support (chapter 9.2) for help on the topic. In case of a successful .NET installation, you will get a message box and the 9955 RNP installation will continue after you confirm. The 9955 RNP setup may reboot the system at this phase, and then resume the setup process automatically after the reboot completes.

Setup Type The next dialog will ask you for the setup type and will offer you three choices (the program files are installed in any case): ►  Typical. This will install, besides the main application, the Antenna Sets, the following modules and addins developed by Alcatel-Lucent: AFP, RMS, RNP2OMC for LTE, PowerHandling, Frequency Distribution Addin;  WinProp plug-ins and the dongle driver. The installations of the Development Kit, Calculation Server, Procalis, PRC-Generator, PRC-Generator, Google Earth and Best Signal Level Addins will be left out. ► 

Compact. This option will install only the Dongle Driver and


Custom. Here you can select which 9955 RNP components

no other modules, thus saving disk space. If needed later, any additional component can be installed separately via the custom installation. you want to have installed, besides the main application.

Each component will be installed with its corresponding user documentation. The following table summarizes the components of the three installation options: Table 4:

Installation of Components


9955 Core in Program Files AFP FreqDistAddin ProMan Module WallMan Module RMS RNP2OMCforLTE RNP2OMCforL TE PowerHandlingg PowerHandlin ProCalis Development Kit Calculation Calculatio n Server Sentinel PRC-Generatorr Setup PRC-Generato Antenna Sets Google Earth Addin Best Signal Level Addin




Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes No No

Yes Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

Installation The next dialog is used to select the directory in which 9955 RNP Directory shall be installed. Use the “Browse” button to change directories or drives. If the directory doesn’t exist yet, 9955 RNP will create


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it for you. If this directory already exists and already holds 9955 RNP installation files, the existing files will be overwritten by the files from CD (even if they are marked read-only). Other files will not be touched. The installation directory is for program files only. Data files can be placed anywhere on your disk. Select a directory of your choice and then click on “Next”.

Custom If you select the Custom Installation, another screen will appear Installation that gives you the possibility to define whether or not the optional components shall be installed. The “Program Files” option cannot be disabled and will be installed in any case. The User documentation will only be copied to disk for the selected modules.

This screen will not appear if you select the Typical or the Compact Installation. I nstallation.

Installation After choosing the Setup Type (and the desired components in Summary case of Custom Installation) the Installation Summary dialog will appear, displaying a list with the installation settings and the components that are about to be installed.

At this time, you may still change any of the installation options, by pressing the “Back” button. By pressing “Next” you confirm the settings, and the 9955 setup will begin the installation process.

Copying Files Now, after it is defined which components are to be installed

(either explicitly in the Custom Installation or implicitly in the Compact or Typical Installation), the installation procedure will copy the required files into the selected directory. This should take only a few seconds, depending on the speed of your installation environment environment (file, network or CD).

Module AFP, RMS, RNP2OMC for LTE, Power Handling, Frequency Registration Distribution Addin modules will be automatically registered during installation.

Reboot If you have installed 9955 RNP on your PC, you will be asked to

reboot your system in order to activate the dongle driver, and finalize the installation.

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Normal Installation of 9955 V7.1.0


Icons and Shortcuts Icons The installation procedure will create a 9955 RNP icon on your desktop so that you can launch the tool by double-click.

Figure 1: 9955 RNP Logo on Your Desktop

Shortcuts The installation menu will create two new shortcuts in your

“Start” menu. In the “Alcatel-Lucent” folder you will find one entry for 9955 RNP and one for the 9955 RNP Help to access the on-line help.

Add log file To add a location for log file, edit the shortcut on your desktop. location For this: 1. 

Click on the icon (not double-click) double-click)


Open the right mouse button menu


Click on “Properties” “Properties”


Click on the “General” tab for editing the shortcut name 5.  Select the “Shortcut” tab for editing the starting options: Specify in the “Target” field the location of a log file to be written as an option “-log ”. Using quotes for the path is recommended, especially if there are blanks in the path.

Shortcut Key It is possible to assign a shortcut key to the icon or to the

shortcut. This is done in the same dialog. This shortcut key must be used together with the  Ctrl and the Alt Key.

Sharing The icon and the shortcuts will be written into your profile

directory and will be available whenever you are logged in. In

order to share the icons and the shortcuts with other users of the PC, you must move them from your personal profile directory to the All Users directory. You need administrator rights to do this.


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5  Special Installation of 9955 RNP 5.1 

Several Versions in Parallel Parallel It is possible to have several versions of 9955 RNP in parallel. Installation Each of them will have its own Program Directory. This is called “parallel installation”. 

Installation Due to upgrades in the application setup, if you launch the setup Procedure a second time after installing the product, it will start in

maintenance mode for the corresponding installation of 9955(see chapter 5.4).

Version house- If you should have other previous version installed that you don’t keeping need any more, please uninstall them before (!) you run a new installation of 9955 RNP V7.1.0.

Running Several If you install several program directories in parallel, each of them Versions can be handled individually. You can launch 9955 RNP from any

Program Directory by double-clicking on the file Atoll.exe that will launch the respective version of 9955 RNP. You even launch several instances of 9955 RNP in parallel, regardless of their versions.

If you already have installed 9955 RNP versions previous to V6.7 B2922, then the new installed and registered modules (cf. chapter 2.6.7) will be available in old installations, too. If you already have installed newer versions than V6.7 B2922, then the new installed and registered modules will be available only in the current installation, without overwriting previous installations of the modules. This way, parallel installations of modules will be available.

Only One Version When double-clicking on an ATL-file, Windows will automatically for Double-Click launch the corresponding application and load the file. Obviously, there can be only one version of 9955 RNP linked to this action. This will be the last installed version, but you are able to redefine this via the file types option of the Windows explorer e.g. (Menu Tools > Folder options > File types).

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Special Installation of 9955 RNP

If 9955 RNP is already running, a double-click on an ATL-file will open the selected file in the running 9955 RNP instance and will not open a second instance.

Compatibility As a principle, newer versions of 9955 RNP will normally be able

to read older projects or at least there will be an easy converting utility supplied. Newer versions will always save the ATL documents in their own format, and older versions may not always be able to read later formats.


Multi-User Installation

Already Available 9955 is able to provide a multi-user environment where several

planners work on the same project. This feature is included in the basic installation of 9955 RNP, so no special option has to be selected.

Conditions for Use In order to work on a project on several computers in parallel, the following conditions must be met: ► 

9955 RNP must be installed on two or more computers.


The same version of 9955 RNP must be installed.

The computers must be networked. ►  They must share a network drive and provide sufficient access. ► 

For more information, please refer to the 9955 RNP User Manual [1].


Patches and Updates Patch Files Alcatel-Lucent will provide patches or module updates with bug fixes or improved functionality from time to time. These patches will be delivered to you on a CD-ROM or electronically via e-mail or FTP.

Documentation Along with the patch file you will receive detailed instructions on how to install the patch and the modifications that have been done.

Check the Version


After you have installed the patch you should launch 9955 RNP and check the version from the Help menu item- >About 9955. A window will open showing the component list with the software build number. The build number must match the one described in the installation documentation of the patch.

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Upgrading the same version with an older build number


The setup automatically detects and removes older builds of the same 9955 RNP version even you install this new build on another folder. If there will be more builds for V7.1.0 the same behavior will be encountered. encountered. Although the setup is prepared for this case, normally you should not encounter it, as only one build of a certain 9955 version is delivered to our customers.

Maintenance and Un-installation  Control Panel The 9955 RNP V7.1.0 installation can be changed or uninstalled from Control Panel of Windows OS. Just click on “Add/Remove Programs” or “Programs and Features” as for any other software application.

Maintenance The maintenance procedure of 9955 RNP offers three methods: Methods “Modify”, “Repair” and “Remove”. Modify  The “Modify” option will let you install new components and/or

Installation remove existing components from the current 9955 RNP V7.1.0 installation. By selecting this option and pressing “Next” the user will in fact go through the Custom Installation phase of the setup, which allows him or her to check additional features that will be installed or un-check the features that will be removed from the current 9955 RNP installation (see chapter 4.1). 4 .1). If you uninstall 9955 RNP or the 9955 RNP modules you should note that older 9955 RNP installations may not find these modules at start-up. In order to correct this, you should perform a manual registration of the modules from the older installation folder, as specified in chapter 4.1.

Repair  The “Repair” option will reinstall all the product features which have been by incomplete previous setup operations. Its main Installation purpose is toinstalled repair an or damaged installation of 9955 RNP V7.1.0, in the unlikely case that such problems occur. This maintenance option should be used if you have experienced hard-drive problems or deleted installation files by mistake, which prevent 9955 RNP V7.1.0 from working properly. In normal cases, this option should not need to be used.

Remove  The automatic removal will delete all files, directories, registry

Installation keys and shortcuts that were created during the installation and

subsequent maintenance operations. This method is recommended if you have done no manual changes to the installations.

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By 9955 RNPand V7.1.0, the installed and modules willremoving be unregistered deleted from theadd-ins installation folder. Therefore, if previous versions of 9955 RNP are installed on the 39/60 


Special Installation of 9955 RNP

system, they will not load these modules and add-ins at startup, although their files may still exist in the older installation folders. To make the modules and add-ins available for these versions, you need to do a manual registration of these modules from their older location, by running the install_addins.bat file, located in the Modules folder.

Parallel If you are using several installations in parallel, and you want to Installation uninstall a specific old installation (V6.9.1 or older) it is recommended to uninstall it, not to delete the installation folder. The same procedure as mentioned before is necessary for the add-ins and modules from the remaining installations to keep working. For each of them identify the install_addins.bat file and run it. 

Be careful If you lose the dongle driver registration for the recent 9955 RNP

version when uninstalling a former version, then a reinstallation of the dongle driver is recommended.


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6  Configuration of 9955 RNP V7.1.0 6.1 

File Types 9955 RNP works with the following file types: 


Files of this type contain a complete planning project, including numerical results, simulations and network-wide predictions. Geo data and cell-specific propagation predictions can be embedded optionally. ATL-files can only be read by 9955 RNP. Doubleclicking on an ATL-file in the Windows Explorer will launch 9955 RNP and load this file. 


These are binary files that contain cell-specific propagation predictions. They are stored in the LOSSES folder and appear always together with a Pathloss.DBF file.


This Dbase database file contains prediction parameters and validity information that were used when creating the associated LOS-file. It can be easily read using MS-Access. 


Information about coordinate systems is stored in files of type CS  in the CoordSystems subdirectory. Each file represents a group of coordinate systems and each line in the file represents one coordinate system.  For details about coordinate systems, please see the Coordinate Systems and Geographical Projections in 9955 V7 [3]. 

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Configuration of 9955 RNP V7.1.0


Project Templates

Template Files When creating a new project in 9955 RNP, you have the choice of several document templates. 9955 RNP will propose any of the templates being stored in the subdirectory Templates  of the Program Directory.

MS Access



It is very easy via MS Access 2003 or 2007 to modify these *.MDB  templates or to create new ones based on the existing ones.

Please be careful when changing/modifying the Templates (MDB files). This can corrupt the default templates delivered with the installation.

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7  Migration from previous versions of 9955 RNP Some of you may already have installed a prior version of 9955 on your computer. This chapter will tell you the main differences between the two versions and what you need to do in order to install 9955 V7.1.0 and open your old project documents (ATLs).


Differences between 9955 V6.9.1 and 9955 V7.1.0 There had been some changes from version 6.9.1 to version 7.1.0


Format of ATL-Files Both 9955 RNP V6.9.1 and 9955 RNP V7.1.0 store project data in ATL files and optionally also in a database. The format for these two versions is however different, which requires a format conversion when old-format data shall be reused in 9955 V7.1.0. For ATL files that are not connected to a database this is done automatically by 9955 RNP V7.1.0 when opening an V6.9.1 ATL file while for projects using a common database there is some more effort needed. Please, see chapter 7.2 for details.


Format of 9955 RNP Databases The database format (preferably MS-Access) MS-Access) is used as well in the project template files as when exporting data to a database for sharing with other ATLs. Compared to V6.9.1 the number of fields increased due to new features introduced. The adaptation could be done manually, via SQL-scripts or by disconnecting the V6.9.1 ATL followed by opening with V7.1.0 and exporting to a new V7.1.0 database (see chapter 7.2.2). In addition to the database structure changes there have been some changes of default values in the project templates (UMTS GSM/EGPRS, LTE). Those changes can be tracked when opening a template MDB file with MS-Access (2003 or 2007) and viewing the

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Migration from previous versions of 9955 RNP

“Comments” table. If you change to 7.1.0 you should be aware that for old V6.9.1 projects the former template settings are still taken for tables and fields that already existed when the project was initially created. Only for new created projects you are using all new settings of the new V7.1.0 templates. Thus it is recommended to check project-critical settings.


Keeping two 9955 RNP Versions in Parallel Certainly, it is possible to keep 9955 RNP V6.9.1 installed on your computer. The new version V7.1.0 will not overwrite it, unless you install it into the same directory, which is not recommended. Please refer to chapter 5.1 for more information of parallel installation.


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Migrating a Project Keep a copy of old ATL / DB when upgrading to 9955 RNP V7.1.0.


When migrating any ATL or database from a prior version of 9955 RNP (V6.7, V6.8, V6.9) to V7.1.0 you should keep a copy of the old files, because after saving in V7.1.0 it will be no more possible to open it with the old tool version.



Check the connection status of your ATLs before migration. The migration procedure of an ATL or Database depends on the connection status of the ATLs in the prior version of 9955 RNP. Open the ATL and go to menu “File > Database > Connection properties”. ATLs that are not connected to a database can be easily migrated by opening with V7.1.0, whilst connected ones need some more care.

Migrating Unconnected ATL documents As already stated, the 9955 RNP V7.1.0 can normally read unconnected 9955 995 5 RNP V6.9.1 ATL project documents, but not the other way round. If when checking your ATL turns out to be connect to a database, but you know this connection is out of date and of no more relevance, just disconnect the ATL from the database and proceed with the migration for unconnected unconnected ATLs. Conversion is done automatically when opening a V6.9.1 ATL with 9955 RNP V7.1.0; for that the project templates from the template folder (see chapter 3.5) are used.

From old ATLs to V7.1.0 If you have some old 9955 RNP ATL files that you would like to open in 9955 RNP V7.1.0, you have to open and save them in all intermediate release before. For example, if you have a project done in V6.7 and you want to open it in V7.1.0 you have to open and save it in V6.8, and in V6.9, and in V6.9.1 before V7.1.0. This way all the updates are correctly done. If you are in doubt or meet problems, please don’t hesitate to contact our 9955 RNP RadioTools Support (see chapter 9.2) by exactly specifying your needs. 3DF 01955 7181 RJZZA

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Migration from previous versions of 9955 RNP


Migrating ATLs that are connected to a Database Due to the DB format changes from V6.9.1 to V7.1.0 you cannot just open the V6.9.1 ATLs connected to a V6.9.1 DB with the new tool version V7.1.0.

Edit the database The most general method for migrating a DB based project is to externally (with MS-Access) change the database structure from V6.9.1 to V7.1.0 and only then to open the connected ATL

documents with 9955 RNP V7.1.0. The DB migration could be performed manually or via an SQL script. If you should decide for this proceeding, please contact the 9955 RNP RadioTools Support for help (see chapter 9.2).

Or disconnect one Another easier possibility would be to use the automatic ATL migration for one of the connected ATL documents after disconnecting disconnec ting it: i t: 1. 

Archive in V6.9.1 all ATLs connected to the DB of interest.


Save all ATLs and make backup copies of the resulting V6.9.1 ATL documents and the common V6.9.1 database!


In V6.9.1 disconnect one of those connected ATLs.

4.  5. 

Make sure you already installed 9955 RNP V7.1.0. In V7.1.0 open this disconnected ATL document for an automatic migration.


After successful migration save the disconnected ATL (now as V7.1.0 ATL)


Export from the one migrated ATL to the original database (thus overwriting but providing the name) and save.


Open the other still connected ATLs. They will be migrated then to V7.1.0 too.


Save the migrated ATLs.

10. If

they are now all connected to the migrated V7.1.0

database, them “File / window Database“Cancel / Refresh” menu and refresh choose in the using next warning your changes and reload database”. 11. Perform

some checks if the result of the procedure is reasonable and finally save, if this is the case.


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8  Checklists 8.1 

Install 9955 RNP V7.1.0 for the First Time


Details in   chapter

Make sure your PC meets the hardware requirements. Make sure you have a dongle (with valid license) plugged into your PC or that you have access to a network dongle. Make sure that the PC has the right operating system: Windows 2003, 2008, XP or 7, not Windows 95, 98, ME or WinNT. Make sure you have administrator administra tor rights. Make sure you have an installation CD or access to a file system where the installation files are stored. Open the directory with the installation files and launch 9955Setup.exe.  Select the installation installat ion directory. Select, whether you want a “typical”, a “compact” “compact” or a “custom” installation. In case of “custom” installation: select the components that you want to install. Finish the installation.  Reboot your PC in order to activate the dongle driver. Optional: define start directory for icon on desktop. Optional: define start directory for entry in start menu. Optional: move icons and shortcuts into All Users folder in profile directory. Launch 9955 RNP V7.1.0 and perform brief test. Send a success message (or problem description) to the 9955 RNP RadioTools Support team.

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2.1.1 2.6 2.3.1 2.4 −  4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.2   9.2 −





Install a Patch or Update Modules for 9955 RNP

The following list assumes that 9955 RNP V7.1.0 has been installed correctly on the target PC. Action

Make sure you have the patch/update files on CD or hard drive. Read the associated text file or other instructions that came with the patch or update. Follow the instruction instructio n of the text file. Launch 9955 RNP V7.1.0 Check the version of the tool and compare to the instructions Quit 9955 RNP. Send a success message (or problem description) to the 9955 RNP RadioTools Support team.


Details in chapter



  −  5.3 5.3 5.3   9.2 −

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8.3  Migrating an Unconnected ATL from 9955 RNP V6.9.1 The following table summarizes the actions that are required to migrate a project (ATL document) that is not connected to a database from 9955 RNP V6.9.1 to V7.1.0. These actions (except the first and second one) have to be performed once for each project. Action

Read chapter 7.2 of this Installation Guide. Check in V6.9.1 if your ATL is really unconnected. unconnected. Make sure you already installed 9955 RNP V7.1.0. Make a safety copy of the original 9955 RNP V6.9.1 ATL document. Launch 9955 RNP load the ATL file and save it in this new version. Perform brief tests. Send success message (or problem description) to 9955 RNP RadioTools Support team.

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Details in chapter



7.2 7 4 & 5.1 5.0.5   9.2 −




8.4  Migrating a Connected Project from 9955 RNP V6.9.1 The following table summarizes the actions that are required to migrate a project (ATL document connected co nnected to an Access Acc ess database) databa se) from 9955 RNP V6.9.1 V6.9. 1 to V7.1.0. These actions (except the first and second one) have to be performed once for each project. Action

Read chapter 7.2 of this installation guide. Check in V6.9.1 if your ATL is really connected. Archive in V6.9.1 all ATLs connected to the DB of interest. Make a safety copy of the original 9955 RNP V6.9.1 ATLs and DB. Open in V6.9.1 one ATL, refresh it in order to retrieve all updates and afterwards, disconnect and save it. Make sure you already installed 9955 V7.1.0. In V7.1.0 open one ATL document for an automatic migration. After successful migration save the disconnected ATL. Export from the one migrated ATL to the original database Open the other still connected ATLs for migration with V7.1.0. Save the migrated ATLs. Refresh the ATLs using the “File / Database / Refresh” Choose “Cancel your changes and reload database” Perform some checks if the result of the procedure is reasonable and finally save, if this is the case. Send success message (or problem description) to 9955 RNP RadioTools Support team.


Details in chapter



7.2 7.1 7.2.2 7.1 7.2.2 4 & 5.1 7.2.2 7.2.2 7.2.2 7.2.2 7.2.2 7.2.2 7.2.2 −  9.2

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9  Troubleshooting 9.1 


"Invalid directory name specified":

You have no access permissions to the directory you specified or it does not exist.   "Protection Error":the hardware protection key software or you have not rebooted You have notKey installed

your system afterwards or your dongle is not plugged in. Do so and launch 9955 RNP again. If 9955 still doesn't work, your dongle may be damaged. Please contact the 9955 RNP RadioTools Support to discuss a replacement. In case you are working with the floating license please check to have a single nethasp.ini file placed in C:\Windows\System32. C:\Windows\System32. It should contain the proper IP address of the server. "Temporary license has expired":

You want to use 9955 RNP with a dongle that contains a temporary license that has expired. Contact the 9955 RNP RadioTools Support to extend your license. "Failed to open document":

When getting this warning, you probably tried to open an ATL, that had been created in an earlier version or with an inconsistent template. Please provide the zipped ATL to the support – in case of big files FTP is recommended. recommended. "There was a problem sending the command to the program":

This Error message maybe due to the same problem as the previous one, but when trying to open the ATL from the Windows explorer instead from the running application.   "The docfile has been corrupted":

This looks bad. Hopefully you have a current backup or a D DB B export available. If not, you can send your ATL file to the t he 9955 support (zipped via e-mail or – if too large – via FTP) hoping that it can be recovered.  

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"Invalid pointer":

This warning can have many reasons – probably there is a bug involved. Please, send a description of the circumstances and your actions performed to the 9955 RNP RadioTools Support, if this problem is blocking your work. Installing 9955 on Lenovo laptops

If your computer is Lenovo, please follow the below steps: 1. Install first the Security Policy Fix from the site: http://navigator.web.luce rity_Policy_Fix.htm ix.htm 2. Install the two files: FixCPTLaptop.exe and ImpersonatePolicyFixer.exe ImpersonatePolicyFixer.exe –request them from [email protected] 3. Restart the computer 4. Install all the critical updates from ‘Microsoft update’ website, then restart and reinstall 9955 RNP. Installing 9955 RNP on X64 laptops

If your computer has an x64 bits processor and if the 9955 RNP installation install ation is blocked at the VCRedist installation then please follow the below steps: 1. Stop the t he current installation. 2. Install the VC Redist for x64 PCs. This exe file can be found in the installation kit, misc/Utilities/VCRedistx64 misc/Utilities/VCRedistx64 folder. folder. 3. Install the 9955 RNP tool.  "LAN card not found/installed or card is not active!"

This is a ProMan error message. If it’s not possible to generate the ProMan file license.dat with the utility LicenseCustomer.exe or to run the ProMan module, the reason might be that the network is disconnecting and the LAN card is disabled due to not being detected by the Windows MediaSense. Either provide a network connection with the LAN card or disable the MediaSense service.


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Support This document has been set up by the Alcatel-Lucent 9955 RNP Support team. If there are problems, and you fail to solve them by carefully reading of the manuals, don't hesitate to contact the 9955 RNP support: 9955 RNP Support Tel: +40 256 303 135 Fax: +40 256 303 413 Mail to: [email protected]

Telephone Telephone support is provided from 09:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Romanian time on Romanian business days. Outside these hours, a voice box will take your message. Do not forget to leave your


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name and phone number. When contacting us via e-mail, which is the recommended procedure, please help us helping you by being as specific as possible.






Microsoft .NET framework environment, used by some modules Large paper format (with an area of one square meter) lcatel-Lucent's cent's radio network planning tool (version 6.2ff. for GSM and Alcatel-Lu UMTS) lcatel-Lucent's cent's 9955 Radio Network Planning tool (starting with 6.9) Alcatel-Lu Alcatel-Lu lcatel-Lucent's cent's former radio network planning tool (until versions 5.3 and 6.1.1) Alcatel-Lucent’s Automatic Frequency Planning module (plug-in to 9955) Adaptable Programming Interface File extension of an 9955 document File extension of some 9955 plug-in eXtensions Base Station Identification Code (NCC+BCC) ead Only Memory Compact Disk – R ead File extension of some executables belonging to the application Central Processing Unit File extension of Coordinate System files Extension for the pathloss.DBase Files (pathloss parameters & validity info) File extension of Dynamic Link Libraries Extended Three Letter Acronym


File extension of EXEcutable files Fast Frequency Evaluation (frequency-visualization (frequency-visualization add-in to 9955) File extension of some executables executables belonging to the application adio Service General Packet R adio Global System for Mobile communication File extension of the 9955 HeLP files ey (dongle) HardWare Protection K ey File extension of an ICOn file File extension of binary files containing cell-spec. propagation propagatio n predictions File extension of Microsoft Access DataBase files Open DataBase Connectivity Operating System former (V6.1.1) File extension of PAR ameter ameter files belonging to LOS files File extension for Portable Document Format (read by Acrobat Reader) Personal Computer

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adio Configuration (interface to Alcatel-Lucent OMC) Provisioning R adio R andom andom Access Memory (physical working memory of the computer) elational DataBase Management System R elational adio Measurement Statistics R adio R adio adio Network Planning (tool) Software Development K iitt Service Pack (patches for an operating system) Three-Letter Acronym


U obileBTus elecommunications Universal niversal M Serial (computer port) System Universal Transverse Mercator (geographical projection) Long Term Evolution


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Glossary AFP

Alcatel-Lucent’s Alcatel-Lucent’s Automatic Frequency Planning plug-in to 9955 RNP


The executable file of 9955 RNP is called Atoll.exe.

Cartographic Coordinates Coordinates

Coordinates Coordinates that express express the the position as x-value and y-value, y-value, which are both given in meters.

Coordinate System

System that defines the relation between geographical coordinates and cartographic coordinates.

Geographic Geograph ic Coordinates

Coordinates Coordinates that express the geographic latitude (angle from the equator) and longitude (angle from Greenwich meridian). meridian). Values are given in degrees, minutes and seconds, but sometimes values are also expressed in decimal degrees.


Hardware protection key, which must be plugged into the parallel or USB port of your PC to run 9955 RNP.


Exchange Data Information Informati on between 9955 RNP and WPS Access.


Name of the Frequency Distribution add-in DLL for histogram display of used frequencies. As well 9955 RNP as the plug-in modules AFP and WinProp (ProMan and WallMan) can only be used if a valid license permission (on the dongle or as license file in case of WinProp) is available.



Microsoft Data Access Components – contains database drivers for accessing servers such as Microsoft SQL Server.


License server software by Aladdin


Patches consist of one or a few files that need to be replaced in the current software installation.

Parallel Installation

Having simultaneously simultaneously several versions of 9955 RNP on your

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computer. Only one program can be launched by doubleclicking on an ATL-file. The other versions can be launched from their program directories.  57/60 

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PRC-Generator Module

Provisioning Radio Configuration Config uration Module of 9955 RNP for interfacing to the OMC-R

Power Handling

Module designed by Alcatel-Lucent Alcatel-Luce nt to compute the output power in GSM technology

Program Directory

The directory that contains the main application file as well as some required subdirectories.


Administrative database of the Windows operating system.


Name of the RMS module DLL for using RMS measurement with the 9955 RNP AFP frequency assignment.


Radio Network Planning to Operation and Maintenance Center. The RNP2OMC for LTE is a module designed by Alcatel-Lucent to exchange data configuration between 9955 Radio Network Planning tool and XMS/SAM


MS Access database that holds the structure and default values for a new (GSM-EGPRS or UMTS) project within 9955 RNP.


Updates are major changes in 9955 RNP that go along with a change in the version number.


Upgrades are major changes in 9955 RNP that go along with a change in the database structure or major modifications.


9955 RNP module for building-DB based urban propagation propagatio n predictions.


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Index .NET Installation, 34 9955 support, 56 9955.ico, 24 9955Setup.exe, 33 Access. See MS Access access requirements, 17 Acrobat Reader, 15 add-in, 30 antennas, 30 AntennaSets directory, 29 Api, 32 ATL-files, 42, 44 ATX-files, 24 Calculation Server, 30, 34 CNT-files, 24 compatibility, 39 components, 33, 35 contact numbers, 56 coordinate systems, 28 CoordSystems, 28, 42 CPU, 9 CS-files, 28, 42 custom installation, 36 deinstallation. deinstallati on. See un-installation un-installation development kit, 32 Development Kit, 34 disk space, 12, 35 DLL-files, 24 Documents Directory, 29 dongle, 59 driver, 31 individual, 15 network, 10, 15, 17 parallel, 15 USB, 10, 15 dongles interface, 9 DVD writer, 9 E-Mail, 15 error messages, 54 Excel. See MS Excel file type ATL, 42, 44

upgradingdirectory, the same 36 version, 40 installation Installation Installati on Guide, 29 lic.exe, 24 license 9955 tool, 17  Alcatel AFP, 18 floating , 17  WinProp, 19, 26, 27 License Dongle, HWPK, 10 Licensing Software, 15 licenses, 17 LOS, 42 maps, 12 MDB-files, 28 messages, 54 migration, 44 project, 46, 47 modules, 33 directory, 25

ATX,, 24 CNT CNT, 24 CS, 28, 42 DLL, 24 3DF 01955 7181 RJZZA

GID, 24 HLP, 24 ICO, 24 list, 42 MDB, 28 PAR, 42 file types LOS, 42 Format of 9955 MDB database, 44 FreqDistAddin.dll, FreqDistAddin .dll, 25 GID-files, 24 hard disk, 9 hardware requirements, 9 help files, 24 HLP-files, 24 HWPK. See dongle ICO-files, 24 icon, 24, 37 image processing software, 15 installation maintenance, 40 modifying, 40 multi-user.  See multi-user installation removing, 41 repairing, 40

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Index upgrading, 20  WinProp, 26, 27 MS Access, 15, 43 MS Excel, 15 multi-user installation, installation, 39 network LAN, 9 network dongle. See dongle - network network requirements, 17 operating system, 14 parallel installation, installation, 38, 45, 60

access, 17 disk space, 12 network, 17 software, 14 RMSDummyMgmt.dll, RMSDummyMgm t.dll, 25 RNP2OMCforLTE, 26 screen, 9 Sentinel, 15 server hardware requirements, 9 shortcut key, 37

PAR-files, patch, 59 42 PRC-Generator directory, 29 documentation, 29 PRC-Generatorr setup, 34 PRC-Generato Program Directory contents, 24 definition, 23, 60 launching 9955, 38 parallel installation, 38 patching, 39 program files, 33 project directory, 23 project templates. See templates protection key. See dongle Rainbow Technologies, 15 RAM, 9 RDBMS, 16 reboot, 37 registry, 30 Release Notes, 29 requirements

shortcuts, 37 software development kit, 32 software requirements, 14 support, 56 system files, 31 system reboot, 35, 37 templates, 28, 43, 60 troubleshooting, 54 un-installation, 40 update, 60 upgrade, 60 USB dongle. See dongle:USB port user manual, 34 User Manual, 29 user support, 56 Windows 2000, 14 Windows XP, 14 WinProp, 33, 34 documentation, 30 workstation hardware requirements, 9 WorstInterfAddin.dll, 26



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